What professions are related to technology. Psychological types of professions

Profession type "MAN - TECHNOLOGY"

Subject of work: technical systems, machines, mechanisms, aggregates.

Physical and psychological endurance; stable performance; equilibrium; physical strength; good auditory, visual and muscular perception; distributed attention;

fairly high intellectual development.

Labor goals: recognize, distinguish, evaluate, understand, organize, influence, move, invent, find.

Tools: manual, machine, automatic.

Working conditions: indoors with a normal microclimate, indoors with a sharp change in the microclimate, at a height, in the open air.

Profession examples: adjuster, car mechanic, driver, radio installer, design engineer, seamstress-minder.

Profession type "MAN-SIGN SYSTEM"

Subject of Labor:

General requirements for employees: discipline, punctuality, persistent performance, accuracy, RAM, stand--, -

chivoe concentrated attention, the ability to operate with ideas.

Labor Goals:



Profession examples:

Type of profession "PERSON-ARTISTIC IMAGE"

Subject of Labor: artistic images, patterns of creation and perception of artistic images.

General Requirements for employees: impressionability, emotionality, ability to work, operating with means of aesthetic influence, artistic abilities.

Labor Goals: transform, organize, influence, influence, find new ways and options.

gunsLabor: manual, human functional means, mechanized equipment.

termsLabor: increased moral responsibility, domestic microclimate, unusual conditions, outdoors.

Profession examples: artist, sculptor, journalist, fashion designer, writer, choreographer, composer, hairdresser, cutter-tailor, designer, jeweler, actor, engraver, restorer, florist-decorator, porcelain painter, stone grinder.

Profession type "MAN-NATURE"

Subject of work: earth, water, atmosphere, minerals, various living organisms and biological processes.

General requirements for employees: love for animals and plants;

physical endurance; high efficiency; tolerance; initiative; the ability to anticipate and evaluate changing natural factors; good imagination; operational visual-figurative thinking.

Purpose of work: acquire, invent, find new options and samples, design, recognize, distinguish, evaluate, understand, check, transform, process, influence, move.

gunsLabor: manual, mechanical and automated equipment.

termsLabor: outdoors, in unusual conditions, in rooms with a domestic microclimate, as well as in conditions requiring increased moral responsibility.

Profession examples: agronomist, agrochemist, livestock specialist, florist, veterinarian, biologist, microbiologist, ecologist, gardener, vegetable grower, poultry breeder.

Type of profession "MAN-MAN"

Subject of work: person, groups of people, teams (team, class, choir, etc.).

General requirements for employees: high moral qualities, benevolence, politeness, psychological restraint, good breeding, endurance.

Labor Goals: recognize, understand, test, organize, influence, invent, invent, find new options.

termsLabor: increased moral responsibility, microclimate household premises, outdoors.

Profession examples: teacher, educator, coach, doctor, nurse, lawyer, investigator, soldier, manager, waiter, salesman, conductor, stewardess, librarian, tour guide.

What else to keep in mind?

Remember: the most "necessary" university will not help you succeed if you do not have the slightest interest in the chosen specialty. Therefore, first of all, it is worth considering your own interests and inclinations.

Before applying anywhere, try to talk to as many people as possible already working in your chosen specialty. Most professions have their professionally important qualities. For example, if you do not own the word, you should not study to be a lawyer. And if by nature you are a fidget and do not like to do the same thing for a long time, you will never make a good accountant.

Some now popular and well-paid specialties do not require higher education. Much more important to get practical experience(for example, a sales manager, fashion model).

Leaves in hand

The Buddha was already very old and knew that he would soon have to leave. One day, when he was sitting under a tree in autumn forest Ananda came to him and asked:

Tell me, how much have we learned from what you know?

Buddha took some dry leaves in his hand and asked:

How many leaves do you think I have in my hand compared to all the leaves in this forest?

Ananda looked at the swirling and rustling leaves underfoot and said:

Of course, Teacher, there are incomparably more leaves in the forest than in your hand.

What I managed to announce to you is only a few leaves in my hand, said the Buddha. “The rest is up to you to discover, my dear!”

Why didn't you say the rest? Ananda asked sadly.

Because it would do you no good,” said the Buddha. “Knowledge comes through living, through existence. You must live life. And words are nothing more than the rustle and noise of rustling leaves.

Be your own light

The Buddha was dying. For forty years he walked, and thousands followed him. Now he was dying. He said, “This is my last day. If you have something to ask, ask.

The hour has come when everyone must go his own way. Endless darkness enveloped the disciples of the Buddha. Ananda, the beloved disciple, wept like a child. From his eyes

tears rolled down. He thumped his chest, almost going crazy.

What are you doing, Ananda? asked the Buddha.

What do we do now? Ananda replied. “You were here, we walked in your light. Everything was safe and good. We have completely forgotten that there is darkness. In following you, everything was light. Now you're leaving. What should we do?

And he began to cry and wail again.

Listen, said the Buddha. “For forty years you have walked in my light and you have not been able to achieve yours. Do you think that if I had lived another forty years, you would have reached your light? The longer you walk in the borrowed light, the more you imitate, the more you lose. I'd better leave.

Be your own light.

Morality and Material Interest

Morality and Material Interest met on a narrow bridge, where two cannot pass each other.

Spread out before me, low creature! - menacingly ordered Morality. And I'll get over you!

Material Interest didn't say anything, only looked into her eyes.

Well… uh… okay,” Morality said uncertainly. - Let's draw lots, who will miss whom.

Material Interest remained silent and did not look away.

To avoid unwanted conflict, said

then Morality is not without spiritual anguish - I myself will spread myself - and you will be able to pass over me.

Here only Material Interest opened his mouth.

It will hardly be comfortable for my feet to walk on you, ”he objected. - I'm very sensitive on my feet. Better get off the bridge and into the water.

That is how the matter ended.

Parable about opportunities and abilities

One person once came to the village. And suddenly I saw an eaglet in the chicken coop. He, like a rooster or a chicken, waddled and pecked at grains. Sometimes, like a chicken, older roosters pecked him with their beaks, fearing nothing.

The man decided to conduct an experiment. He took the eagle in his arms and said:

But the eaglet jumped off his hands and hobbled back into the chicken coop, pecking at the grain.

The next day, the man again took the eaglet, carried it to the attic, and again said:

You are an eagle! Your place is in the sky, you must fly!

And then he pushed the eaglet down. He flew a couple of meters, but, once in the yard, again trotted into the chicken coop.

On the third day, the man took the eaglet with him to the mountains. Climbed to the highest peak and said:

You are an eagle! Your place is in the sky, you must fly!

This time he tried to throw the eaglet higher. He was frightened, because there was an abyss below. The young eagle had to spread its wings and fly. He climbed higher and higher. Far below, both the man and the mountain remained,

a village, and a chicken coop, and the roosters and hens that lived there. Just for a second, the eagle regretted that he still learned to fly, and again he wanted to go back to the cozy chicken coop. But then he was pierced by the thought that his place is really in the sky. And then he realized that he would always remember his chicken coop, and the village, and this man. But he will never come back to them...

Four types of people

In their travels through Latin America German biologist Alexander Humboldt met with a wise man who explained to him his theory of four types of people.

1. Those who know something and know that they know. These are educated people.

2. Those who know something, but do not know about it. These people are asleep. They need to be awakened.

3. Those who do not know anything, but they know about it. Such people need help.

4. Those who know nothing and who do not know that they know nothing. They are stupid, you can't help them.

About the hidden pearl

Someone came to the house of a close friend and lay down there, drunk. Meanwhile, his close friend had to go about his business. He attached a priceless pearl to the guest's lining as a gift, and left. And this man lay unconscious, did not feel anything and did not understand anything.

When he got up, he went to a foreign country, got clothes and food. hard work and was in great need. If he managed to get a little, he already considered himself satisfied.

Later it happened that a friend met him and

Hey worthy husband! Why do you endure such torment for the sake of clothes and food? Long ago, wishing you peace and satisfaction of the five desires, I attached a priceless pearl to the lining of your clothes, it is still in the same place, but you, not knowing about it, work and suffer to ensure your existence. This is stupid!

Fashion and rules

One day, following fashion trends, a teenage girl expressed a desire to wear a dress that opened her shoulders.

But the mother felt that her daughter was not yet old enough for this. The heated debate did not stop for several days.

When the father was finally informed, he said:

Let her try on the dress. If it stays on her, then she's old enough to wear it.

Spider in the keyhole

Having examined the whole house inside and out, the spider has chosen a place for itself in the keyhole.

What a comfortable and safe haven! No one can find a spider here. And he, leaning out of the shelter, will calmly observe everything that happens, without exposing himself to any risk.

At the stone threshold I will stretch a web for flies, - the satisfied spider began to argue. - On the steps of the stairs there will be another, stronger one - for fat caterpillars, and between the door leaves I will arrange a cunning trap for mosquitoes ...

The spider was beside himself with happiness and bright hopes. The keyhole, all upholstered in iron, seemed to him an impregnable fortress, and he had never seen a safer haven in his life.

While the spider indulged in dreams and made tempting plans for the future, his delicate ear picked up the sound of approaching footsteps. Being cautious by nature, he immediately crawled into the depths of his shelter. The owner, who returned home, jingled a bunch of keys, inserted one of them into the keyhole and ... crushed the dreamer.


Sticking to the leaf, the caterpillar watched with interest as the insects sang, jumped, galloped, raced, flew... Everything around was in constant motion. And only she, poor thing, was denied her voice and was not allowed to run or fly. With great difficulty, she could only crawl. And while the caterpillar clumsily moved from one leaf to another, it seemed to her that she was making a trip around the world.

And yet she did not complain about fate and did not envy anyone, realizing that everyone should mind their own business. So she, the caterpillar, had to learn how to weave thin silk threads in order to weave a strong cocoon house out of them.

Without further ado, the caterpillar diligently set to work and by the right time was wrapped from head to toe in a warm cocoon.

Everything has its turn! - she heard in response. Have a little patience and you'll see.

When the time came, and she woke up, she was no longer the former clumsy caterpillar. Having deftly freed herself from the cocoon, she was surprised to notice that she had grown light wings, generously painted in bright colors. Cheerfully waving them, she, like fluff, fluttered from the leaf and flew in the haze.

The secret of life

A long time ago …. in time immemorial, God asked the angels: "Where is the haze to hide the Secret of life?"

One angel offered to hide the Secret in the depths of the seas.

God said, "That would be too easy.... The day will come when they will reach the deepest ocean and swim across all the seas."

Then the angels offered to…bury the Secret of life…in Mother Earth.

God said, "And that would be too easy... One day they'll go around the world and dig up the whole earth."

After a moment of silence, the angels offered to hide her on top of the highest mountain.

God said, "The day will come when they will climb all the mountains of the world."

If the Secret of life could not be hidden in the sea…. neither in Mother Earth, nor in the mountains, where then can you hide it? Maybe on a star?

After a short silence, God said: "People will get to the 4 parts of the world, to the deepest seas and the highest mountains, and even to the stars before they know themselves, so the Secret of life must be hidden in themselves."

About cricket

One American was walking with his Indian friend along a crowded street in New York City. The Indian suddenly exclaimed:
- I hear a cricket.
- You're crazy, - answered the American, glancing at him, dissolving into blue

crowded with people at rush hour the central street of the city.
Cars were scurrying everywhere, builders were working, planes were flying overhead.
“But I do hear a cricket,” insisted the Indian, moving towards a flower bed set up in front of a quaint office building.
Then he bent down, parted the leaves of the plants, and showed his friend a cricket, chirping nonchalantly and rejoicing in life.
“Amazing,” said a friend. You must have fantastic hearing.
- Well no. It all depends on what you're up to," he explained.
"I find it hard to believe," said the American.
“Well, look,” he said, and scattered a handful of coins along the sidewalk.
Immediately, passers-by turned their heads and reached into their pockets to check if they had any money.
- You see, - the eyes of the Indian flashed, - it all depends on what you're in the mood for.

coffee cups

A group of graduates of a prestigious university, successful, having made a wonderful career, came to visit their old professor. During the visit, the conversation turned to work: graduates complained about numerous difficulties and life problems. Having offered coffee to his guests, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a coffee pot and a tray filled with a variety of cups: porcelain, glass, plastic, crystal. Some were simple, others expensive.

When the graduates took apart the cups, the professor said:

Please note that all the beautiful cups were dismantled, while the simple and cheap ones remained. And although it is normal for you to want only the best for yourself, but this is the source of your problems and stress. Realize that the cup alone does not make the coffee better. Most often, it is simply more expensive, but sometimes it even hides what we drink. In reality, all you wanted was just coffee, not a cup. But you deliberately chose the best cups, and then looked at who got which cup.

Now think: life is coffee, and work, money, position, society are cups. They are just tools for maintaining and maintaining Life. What cup we have does not determine or change the quality of our Life. Sometimes, concentrating only on the cup, we forget to enjoy the taste of the coffee itself.

Most happy people- these are not those who have all the best, but those who extract all the best from what they have.

wish fulfillment tree

One man was traveling and unexpectedly went to heaven. He wandered, enjoyed the surroundings, got tired and went to bed under the wishing tree. It granted any desire, and there was no gap between desire and fulfillment. When he woke up, he felt a strong hunger and thought:
- I feel hungry. I'd like to get some food out of trouble somewhere.
And immediately food appears out of nowhere. Just floated through the air, very tasty food. He was so hungry that he didn't think about where she came from. He immediately began to eat, and the food was so delicious ...
Then, when his hunger had passed, he looked around. Now he felt satisfied. He had another thought:
"If only I could have something to drink..."
There are no taboos in paradise, fine wine appeared immediately.
Lying in the shade of a tree and calmly drinking wine, blown by the cool breeze of paradise, he began to wonder:
- What's going on? What's happening? Maybe I'm sleeping? Or are there some ghosts here playing tricks on me?
And the ghosts appeared. They were terrible, cruel and disgusting - exactly as he imagined them to be.
He trembled and thought:
"Now they're going to kill me for sure."
And they killed him.

This story is full of great meaning. Your mind is a wish fulfillment tree, and whatever you think will come true sooner or later. Sometimes the time span is such that you completely forget that you wanted it and can't find the source of what started it. But if you look deeper, you will find that your thoughts create you and your life. They create your heaven, they create your hell. They create your suffering, they create your joy. They create bad, they create good... Everyone here is a Magician, everyone is the Creator of his life. Everyone spins and weaves a magical world around them... and then gets tied up. The spider itself is caught in its own own network. No one torments you but yourself. And once that is realized, things start to change. Then you can turn everything around, you can turn your hell into heaven. Everything is your responsibility.

Type of profession "MAN-SIGN SYSTEM"

Subject of Labor: conventions, ciphers, codes, languages, formulas, speech, writing, symbols, diagrams, graphs, notes.

General requirements for employees: discipline, punctuality, stable performance, accuracy, working memory, stable concentrated attention, the ability to operate with ideas.

Labor Goals: understand, check, process, influence, transform, invent, invent, find new options and patterns.

Tools: manual, automated) and mechanical equipment, human functional means.

termsLabor: microclimate of the domestic premises, increased moral responsibility.

Profession examples: technical editor, proofreader, typist, clerk, translator, programmer, PC user, economist, cashier, linguist, designer, draftsman, navigator, cutter, radio operator, stenographer, telephonist.

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Profession like "Human-Technology" and "Human-Nature"

What idea arises in your creation at the word "technique"? Most often, some kind of metal device appears. The word "technique" (from the Greek "techne" - art, skill) is used in Russian at least in two meanings. Technique is a set of techniques, methods, skills of activity. For example, they talk about good (virtuoso) or bad technique of a musician, athlete, actor, tower crane operator, surgeon, etc. Technique is also called material objects - tools, tools, devices, etc. In this case, most often they mean mechanical tools, machines. Equipment includes a computer, telephone, television, refrigerator.

Works like "Man Technique" arise in the course of the development of society due to the fact that the technical systems used in certain areas of the economy become so complex that servicing them, maintaining them normal operation should be handled by specially trained people specialists in different types technology.

The group of works "Man-Technology" includes certain types of practical work.

Practical activity should not be opposed to mental activity.

Adjuster activity obviously practical and at the same time mental, connected with active work practical mind. It is generally accepted that creative activity in the field of technology is the work of a designer, an inventor. Yes, this is one of the types of creative work (although one should not forget that creativity is not inherent in the position of the designer itself, but in the person, the position does not yet make a person a creator). However, the work of maintaining the normal functioning of complex technical systems(work related to solving unexpected practical problems) also one of the types of creative work.

In the group of professions such as "Man Technique ”there are also many types of activities, works, where basically not creativity (in the sense of creating something new) is presented, but the reproduction of either given specific samples, actions (working on a machine tool, sewing machine, conveyor), or given conditions and results not for specific samples, but for known ones, general rules(work of a transport driver, chemist, operator, etc.). All this can be very interesting, bring satisfaction to a person, a sense of his usefulness, and hence his own dignity. No one has made the corresponding calculations, but such professions are probably the majority. It's quite understandable the most important task of people is to reproduce the means of subsistence, elements, objects of the artificial habitat (food, clothing, housing, means of transport, communications, cultural, household items, etc.), which are required in a continuously increasing amount. In the field of practical work, it is appropriate to single out gnostic (diagnostic) professions, where the main content is to recognize signals, the quality of an object (tasters, controllers) or to assess the state of complex, almost boundless systems (adjusters of complex radio equipment, workers of various test benches).

Below we provide some information about the ways of acquiring professions such as "Human - Technique" and "Man - Nature".

1. Vocational schools prepare workers highly qualified in various specialties. These schools accept graduates of grade 9 and full high school who wished to master working skills and did not have contraindications for health reasons. At present, many vocational schools provide not only vocational training but also general secondary education.

Vocational training consists of the following cycles:

a) theoretical training in specially equipped classrooms and classrooms;

b) production (practical) training in special educational workshops, workshops, on the production base of enterprises;

c) general education and physical training.

After graduation, a certain qualifying category and a document is issued giving the right to work in the specialty.

2. Colleges educational institutions that train specialists with secondary education.

Vocational training consists of three cycles:

a) general education (literature, mathematics, history, physics, chemistry, foreign language, social science);

b) general technical (for example, drawing, technical mechanics, metal technology, electrical engineering, etc.);

c) special (subjects that determine the profile of the trained specialist). Much attention is paid to industrial training aimed at acquiring qualifications.

Higher technical educational institutions - institutes, universities, higher technical military educational institutions prepare engineers of various specialties.

Table of contents
General socio-psychological characteristics of labor.
Division of labor
A Brief History of the Division of Labor in Society
Specialty and profession
Classification of specialties - a map for orientation in the world of professions
The subject of labor is the first classification feature of the profession
Comparative characteristics of professions, different in the subject of labor
The concept of types of professions
The purpose of labor is the second classification feature. Occupation classes
Tools of labor - the third classification feature of the profession. Professions departments
Working conditions - the fourth classification feature of the profession. Occupation groups
Profession type "Man - Man"
Profession like "Human-Technology" and "Human-Nature"

Subtypes of professions "Man - technology" Processing, mining of rocks; driving vehicles Processing, use of industrial materials, semi-finished products mechanical assembly, installation of equipment; installation, repair of buildings Processing of products Agriculture Assembly, installation of electrical and radio equipment

The content of labor. - Designs, constructs, monitors the condition of equipment, observes safety precautions Must know - drawing, theoretical mechanics, theory of machines and mechanisms, computer technology, economy Professional quality:- constructive, logical thinking, ability to make decisions, organizational skills. Medical contraindications: dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system, nervous diseases, poor eyesight and hearing.

The content of labor - manages construction work, controls the quality of building materials, develops projects for the organization of construction, and is engaged in budgeting. Must know - descriptive geometry and drawing resistance of materials, technology construction industry, methods of calculation and quality control of building structures, the basics of budgeting. Professional qualities - Broad outlook in the field of construction, Integrity, good eye, high level of spatial Representations Medical contraindications - diseases associated with loss of consciousness, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, poor eyesight, nervous and mental diseases.

Content of work Develops and implements technological processes, establishes the order of work performance, determines the main methods of quality control, conducts technical documentation, participates in carrying out experimental work, organizational and technical measures to improve production efficiency. Should know: Normative materials on technological preparation of production, production technology, economic indicators the best domestic and foreign analog technologies, fundamentals of physics, chemistry, technical mechanics, etc., psychology, sociology, labor law. : Professional qualities - logic, analytics, organizational and communication skills Medical contraindications - Hypertension, mental illness

Popularity and demand for professions "lawyer" 31% "economist" 22% "manager" 11% "programmer" 6% "actor" 5% "businessman" 4% "accountant" 4% "designer" 3% "artist" 2% "doctor" 2% "translator" 2% "journalist" 1% less than 1%* 7% To the question: "I think that the most popular profession today is ..." : To the question: "I think that the most popular profession today is..." high school students answered as follows: To the question: "I think that the most popular profession today is..." high school students answered as follows

Educational establishments, teaching professions "Engineer": Educational institutions teaching professions "Engineer": Educational institutions teaching professions "Engineer": Moscow State University Instrumentation and Informatics (MGUPI), Moscow, m. Sokolniki / Preobrazhenskaya Square, st. Stromynka, d. 20; * Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics (MGUPI), Moscow, m. Sokolniki / Preobrazhenskaya Square, st. Stromynka, 20; * Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation (MGTU GA), Moscow, metro station Vodny Stadion, Kronstadtsky Boulevard, 20; Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation (MGTU GA), Moscow, m. Vodny stadium, Kronstadtsky Boulevard, 20; Moscow State Mining University (MGGU), Moscow, m. Oktyabrskaya, Leninsky Prospekt, d. 6; * Moscow State Mining University (MGGU), Moscow, metro station Oktyabrskaya, Leninsky Prospekt, 6; * Moscow State Regional Social and Humanitarian Institute (MGOSGI), Moscow Region, Kolomna, st. Green, 30; * Moscow State Regional Social and Humanitarian Institute (MGOSGI), Moscow Region, Kolomna, st. Green, 30; * Moscow State Forest University (MGUL) Moscow region, Mytishchi, st. 1st Institutskaya, 1; * Moscow State Forest University (MGUL) Moscow region, Mytishchi, st. 1st Institutskaya, 1; * Moscow State Academy of Water Transport (MGAVT), Moscow, Tulskaya metro station, Novodanilovskaya nab., 2, building 1; Moscow State Academy of Water Transport (MGAVT), Moscow, Tulskaya metro station, Novodanilovskaya nab., 2, building 1; MSTU named after E.N. Bauman Moscow, st. Baumanskaya 2nd, 5 MSTU named after E.N. Bauman Moscow, st. Baumanskaya 2nd, 5Moscow, st. Baumanskaya 2nd, 5Moscow, st. Baumanskaya 2nd, 5

The project was completed by Markarova Margarita Borisovna, teacher of drawing, Lyceum 1568, North-Eastern Administrative Okrug, Moscow My page on the all-Russian site About school. ru/Margarita1568/folder/

: typology E.A. Klimov, which classifies professions according to and the Dutch typology of professions, which connects the type of personality and the type of professional environment chosen by a person.

Typology of professions E.A. Klimov

Klimov identified five objects of labor: , technique, sign, nature. In the first part of the name of the type of profession, the subject of labor is indicated, which is always a person.

Man is man- all professions related to the upbringing, service, training of people, communication with them. This group includes all teaching and medical professions, professions in the service sector and others.

Man is technology- all professions related to the creation, maintenance and operation of equipment. These are such professions as: design engineer, car mechanic, System Administrator and others.

Man is a work of art- all professions related to the creation, copying, reproduction and study of artistic images. This group includes such professions as: artist, actor, singer, restorer, art critic and others.

Man is nature- all professions related to the study, protection and transformation of nature. This group includes such professions as: veterinarian, gardener, agronomist, ecologist and others.

Man is a sign- all professions related to the creation and use of sign systems (digital, alphabetic, musical). This group includes translators of artistic and technical texts, analysts, financiers and others.

The peculiarity of the application of this classification in our time is that simple professions with one object of labor are becoming a thing of the past and they are being replaced by professions with several objects of labor, or with a complex object of labor. For example, the profession of a landscape designer simultaneously belongs to the type of man-nature and to the type of man-artistic image.

Typology of professions by J. L. Holland

Holland proceeded in his classification from the fact that a person's choice of professional space is an expression of his personality. A person's achievements in one or another type of career depend on the correspondence between the characteristics of the individual and the characteristics of the professional environment.

He singled out six personality types and six types of professional environment.


Personality type

Type of professional environment


People who are action oriented, decision making, unemotional, athletic or mechanical, love technique, take risks

Activities related to the manipulation of tools, with technology. As well as most of the "male" professions.


People who are focused on cognitive activity, who love to observe, analyze, explore, decide.

Research work. Experts in various areas, analytics.


People who are focused on self-expression and the attention of others, creative, expressive, original, prone to non-conformity, have rich intuition and imagination, are informal.

The sphere of art, professions associated with attracting attention, presenting something.


People who are focused on communication, on relationships with other people, vulnerable, sensitive, prone to altruism, do not like systematic activity, love the collective nature of work, and have communication skills.

Most professions aimed at working with people are social activities.


People who are ambitious, impact-oriented, create and implement own ideas, management, search for solutions, high social activity.

Business, politics, lawyer services, etc.


People focused on the systematization and reproduction of information, data manipulation. Little emotional, accurate, punctual, pedantic, executive.

Work on systematization of storage and reproduction of any information. A job that requires a lot of perseverance and precision. Work in areas such as accounting, finance, archives, libraries, etc.

There are certain patterns of combination of personality type and environment type

Personality type

Medium type







  • "+" - favorable
  • "++" - very favorable
  • "-" - not favorable
  • "- -" - very unfavorable

"man - man", "man - technology", "man - nature", "man - sign system", "man - artistic image"

The first feature of professions type "Man - man" is that the main content of labor here is reduced to the interaction between people. If this interaction does not go well, then the work does not go well either. For example, if a leader, propagandist, educator does not establish good relationships with those people whom he leads, convinces of something, whom he must educate, then the most important thing in work is missing. Success is not possible here. So, strictly speaking, there is no genuine work.

The second feature of professions of this type is that each of them requires a kind of double preparation from a person:
a) you need to learn, be able to establish and maintain contacts with people, understand people, understand their characteristics;
b) you need to be trained in a particular field of production, science, technology, art, etc.
If the organizer manages a group of working people, then he must know well the essence of the work they perform. Without this, he will not be able to correctly understand the actions, behavior, thoughts and intentions of his subordinates. This does not mean that he should know and be able to do everything better than any of the subordinates. Often this is not possible or necessary. The director of the theater should not dance better than the prima ballerina, the director of the factory should not be the best toolmaker, the director of the school cannot know everything academic subjects as thoroughly as each of the subject teachers knows his business. But many features of the work of subordinates, the leader, nevertheless, must clearly imagine.

The service worker also deals not only with people, but also with the values ​​that he conveys to consumers. Values ​​can be material or spiritual. Material - food, clothing, household items. Spiritual - useful information, works of science, art. It is clear that you need to deeply understand what you are trying to convey to people.

In the field of professions of the type "Man - man", we distinguish several subtypes:
1. Professions related to production management, management of people, teams.
2. Professions related to the education and upbringing of people, the organization of children's groups, professional training.
3. Professions related to material and household, trade service of people.
4. Professions related to information service of people.
5. Professions related to the information and artistic service of people and the leadership of art groups.
6. Professions related to medical care of people.

"Man - technology". In professions of this type, such subjects as physics, chemistry, mathematics, and drawing help to navigate. It should be noted that for the area technical objects include not only "pieces of iron", but also all kinds of non-metallic materials - fabrics, plastics, food raw materials, semi-finished products. The field of technology must be understood broadly.

This is the largest (in terms of the number of professions and specialties) type of professions. The work of professionals here is directed, of course, not only to technology. So, a radio equipment installer takes care, in particular, about the beauty of installation, a trolley bus driver communicates with people in the course of work, an operator or a mechanic can calculate something, calculate, and a crane driver can be busy loading cages, say, with zoo inhabitants sent on tour. But, nevertheless, the main subject of professional attention and concern of workers in this case is the area of ​​technical objects and their properties. Still, the crane operator (crane operator) is a specialist in managing a crane, a mechanic is a metalworker.
Professions type "Man - technology" so many that we have to distinguish several subtypes:
1. Professions related to the processing, extraction of soil, rocks.
2. Professions in the processing and use of non-metallic industrial materials, products, semi-finished products.
3. Professions in the production and processing of metal, mechanical assembly, installation of machines, instruments, equipment.
4. Professions for the repair, adjustment, maintenance of mechanical equipment, technological machines, installations, Vehicle.
5. Professions in the installation, repair of buildings, structures, structures.
6. Professions in the assembly, installation of electrical and radio equipment, instruments, devices.
7. Professions for the repair, adjustment, maintenance of electrical equipment, instruments, apparatus.
8. Professions related to the use of lifting, transport vehicles, their management.
9. Professions in the processing of agricultural products.

Along with a creative approach to business in the field of technology, a high performance discipline is expected and required from a person. Discipline is everywhere, of course, needed. But technology, with its precision, is especially sensitive to this quality of workers.

"Man is nature". At the same time, we mean precisely wildlife, in which biological subjects and sciences (botany, zoology, anatomy, physiology, general biology) help to navigate. The work of a person in the field of professions of the type "Man - nature" is directed only to the objects mentioned above. So, for example, plant breeders use various and complex techniques in their practice. Working in a team, they, in particular, are busy building interpersonal relationships. They also have to deal with accounting issues, economic evaluation of his labor. There are even such professions of this type that necessarily require artistic inclinations (along with inclinations for biology, botany). For example, there are flower growers-decorators, green building technicians (specialists in landscaping cities, populated areas). But, nevertheless, the main subject of attention and concern of workers in this case is plants and their environment.

The same is true of the animal husbandry professions. Animal husbandry today is increasingly transferred to an industrial basis, equipped with machinery. The livestock breeder is also a machine operator. But if he does not have a special relationship, special inclinations to work specifically with animals (and there is only an interest in technology), then animal husbandry is in trouble.

The microbiologist is surrounded on all sides by laboratory equipment, and the biological object itself is not even visible to the naked eye. But here, too, the main thing is the interest in the phenomena of living life. And technology is a means, but not the main subject of labor.

When choosing a profession such as "Man - nature" it is very important to take into account the following. For many people, nature acts as an attractive environment associated with recreation. Residents of the city tend to go to nature after work or during vacations, the guys go to pioneer camps, etc. But this is not the love for nature that is expected from a professional in the field of "Man - nature." It is very important for you to figure out exactly how you love nature: as a workshop in which you are going to give all your strength to the production of this or that product, or maybe you just like to take a walk in the forest, breathe, lie on the lawn? You need to test your love for nature for strength in practical socially useful work.

If you are going to think seriously about choosing a profession like "Human - Nature", it is important to consider the following as well. The peculiarity of biological objects of labor is that they are complex, changeable, non-standard. They change according to their own internal laws. And plants, and animals, and microorganisms live, grow, develop (and also get sick, die) without any days off. The worker needs not only to “keep in mind” a lot, but also mentally foresee changes in the objects of labor.

The employee is required to take initiative and independence in solving specific labor tasks. Such qualities as caring and foresight are important. Indeed, many changes in animal and plant organisms may turn out to be irreversible (plants may wither, die from pests, epidemic diseases of livestock may begin, etc.). Changing working conditions require the employee to creatively solve emerging problems.

"Man is a sign"(or "Man - sign system"). A test of strength for you in this area in the past could be doing written work on various subjects, keeping records, diaries, orderly accumulation and storage of various kinds of information (cuttings, extracts, file cabinets), translation from one language to another, performing calculations, calculations, drawings, diagrams. Even N.V. Gogol once noticed that one can have an inclination in such a special reality as letters, signs. His hero is engaged in an important business for that time - he rewrites business papers (there were no typewriters then): “It was hardly possible to find a person who would live like that in his position. It is not enough to say that he served zealously—no, he served with love. There, in this rewriting, he saw his own diverse and pleasant world. Pleasure was expressed on his face; some letters he had favorites, to which, if he got to, he was not himself: he laughed, and winked, and helped with his lips, so that in his face, it seemed, one could read every letter that his pen drew.

Yes, you can love signs, sign systems. And this is no worse and no less important than loving machines or, say, plant crops as objects of labor. A modern person is immersed in the world of signs and sign systems: drawings, diagrams, topographic and geographical maps, numerical data, tables, formulas, signatures, inscriptions, texts, road signs, various kinds of conventional signals - all these are integral features of the manifestation of modern civilization, culture. This means that appropriate specialists are also needed.

Professions type "Man is a sign" so diverse that it's time to talk about their varieties, subtypes.
1. Professions in which work is aimed at the creation and execution of documents (in native or foreign language), office work, text analysis or their transformation, transcoding.
2. Professions in which labor is directed to numbers, quantitative ratios.
3. Professions in which work is directed to systems of conventional signs, schematic representations of objects.

In conditions modern culture big role play signs that do not have a pictorial resemblance to the designated object (words do not look like the objects in question, notes do not look like music, money does not look like goods, mathematical formulas that describe and allow determining the course of an aircraft do not look like an airplane, not on the trajectory of its flight, etc.). Therefore, in order to work successfully in any of the professions of this type, one needs special inclinations to mentally immerse himself in the world of seemingly dry designations, to be distracted from the actual objective properties of the surrounding world and to focus on the information that certain signs carry with them. When working with signs, as well as when working with other realities, there are tasks of control, verification, accounting, processing of information, as well as tasks of inventing new signs, sign systems. In other words, in this area of ​​labor, as in any other, there are unique opportunities for creativity.

You more often choose professions in which work is aimed at art objects or the conditions for their creation. These are specialties, professions such as "Man is a work of art."
The whole field of professions of the "Man - an artistic image" type can be divided into subtypes in accordance with the historically isolated types of artistic representation of reality.
1. Professions related to fine arts.
2. Professions related to musical activity.
3. Professions related to literary and artistic activities.
4. Professions related to acting and stage activities.
The first manifestations and forms of art in the history of mankind (image, song, dance) have always been by no means idle, but the most important public matter, not the work of individuals, but of the collective. The song organized the rhythm of joint work or created the necessary mood (mournful, joyful or fighting). A drawing or dance defined and clarified intentions, goals, plans, served as a kind of preparation, for example, for hunting, combat, etc. Art was associated with the life support of society, with labor.
In the process of human development, the separation and isolation of the production of artistic values ​​from the production of material values ​​gradually took place. Artists have emerged. They satisfy their material needs at the expense of those who work in the field of agriculture, the production of industrial products, and in return for this they bring aesthetic values ​​​​to the common cause. There is a natural exchange of products of labor.
One of the features of professions of this type is that a significant proportion of the worker's labor costs remain hidden from an outside observer. Moreover, special efforts are often made to create the effect of lightness, ease of the final effect of labor. So, the performance of the artist can last in public for several minutes. But for its implementation, the artist daily and for many hours works to improve and maintain his skills at the required level, strictly observes special mode etc.

By choosing the appropriate professional path, it is important to think about this implicit side of labor, which may turn out to be an unbearable price for success. In order for work to bring satisfaction, it is important to cultivate a realistic level of claims to public acceptance(do not claim more recognition than what you deserve based on the real results of your activities). However, this is not easy to achieve if someone has already managed to praise a person. A person with an unrealistic level of ambition repels the idea that the true reason for the lack of resounding success is in himself. He is inclined to see these reasons in the actions of other people (“they interfered”, “they don’t let me go”, “envy”, “slow down”, etc.). Beware of being in this position.