List of professional standards in educational organizations. Implementation of professional standards in the organization

The Ministry of Labor has approved professional standards that employers must take into account when hiring employees to perform functions that require special qualifications established by the Labor Code or regulations. Professional standards have been developed for groups of related professions that are similar in basic competencies or psycho-physiological requirements.

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Professional standards of the Ministry of Labor

The professional standards of the Ministry of Labor are a requirement for the qualifications necessary to perform professional activity(Article 95 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In turn, the qualification determines the list of knowledge and skills, experience and professional skills necessary for high-quality work.

The register of professional standards of the Ministry of Labor contains:

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5 main misconceptions about professional standards.

  • detailed information system that defines the relevant qualification requirements for specific positions. It should be borne in mind that professional standards are developed for types of professional activity, and not for individual positions.
  • definitions linking the spheres vocational education, labor;
  • detailed descriptions that help to focus on the real professional experience of specialists, and not on educational programs.

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Professional standards of the Ministry of Labor will help the employer:

  • form the foundations personnel policy organizations;
  • install system wages;
  • determine the specific labor function of each employee;
  • correctly formulate the main responsibilities when concluding or changing employment contracts;
  • develop job descriptions;
  • conduct tariffing with the assignment of appropriate tariff categories to employees;
  • prepare for training and certification.

The official website for professional standards of the Ministry of Labor explains that when determining labor functions, conclusion or amendment of employment contracts in accordance with Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, prerequisite is an indication of labor functions. When establishing a position, it is worth using the names of the positions contained in the corresponding block of the third section of the professional standard.

Fundamentals of development approval, application professional standards carried out in accordance with the current rules established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Application of the register of professional standards of the Ministry of Labor

  • when developing the personnel policy of the enterprise;
  • organization of personnel training;
  • attestations;
  • billing.

Please note: you cannot do without professional standards, if their use is regulated by the Labor Code, Federal Laws, regulatory legal acts.

When evaluating the activities of specialists, it is rational to focus on professional standards. When raising employees, take into account the level of qualifications, professional skills and experience. The register of professional standards 2019 on the website of the Ministry of Labor will allow you to find an effective approach to the system for developing ways to adapt personnel.

This, in turn, will help to fully staff the enterprise with specialists of the required qualifications, create personnel reserve and reduce staff turnover. Reducing the cost of such events favorably affects the economic stability of the organization.

By downloading the register of professional standards 2019 of the Ministry of Labor, you can develop or adapt job descriptions to meet new requirements. The employer should prepare in advance for the transition to professional standards.

On July 1, 2016, the amendments made to the Labor Code came into force ( the federal law dated May 2, 2015 No. 122-FZ). Since then, professional standards have become mandatory for some types of labor activity(Article 195.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, from July 1, 2016).

Occupational standards approved by the Ministry of Labor 2019

The following types of organizations are required to apply approved professional standards:

  • state off-budget funds;
  • state and municipal institutions;
  • unitary enterprises;
  • corporations;
  • state companies and business companies located in state or municipal property.

Employers are required to take into account the national register of professional standards of the Ministry of Labor of Russia 2019 and apply all available methods for its application. Implementation is carried out in the manner prescribed by internal regulations. When hiring personnel, it is worth focusing on the level of education, qualifications, experience, knowledge and skills of the applicant.

When conducting a preliminary conversation, pay attention to these qualities. And only secondarily, take into account the remaining parameters necessary for high-quality and fruitful work.

It is much more difficult to apply the professional standards of the Ministry of Labor to specialists who have already been working in an organization for some time. For example, if this Chief Accountant, head of human resources, an account manager, or a worker serving a specific area. What to do in this case?

The employer has three options:

  1. provide opportunities to learn and improve skills;
  2. rename the current position to another one that is not specified in the professional standard;
  3. transfer an employee and entrust duties corresponding to the skill level.

Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the profession prescribed in the current employment contract must comply with classifiers and standards when establishing benefits, guarantees or restrictions. The professional standard website of the Ministry of Labor ru confirms these requirements.

The employer is obliged to take this into account when conducting the next certification of employees, carried out on the basis of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This will help avoid punishment during the check. But the main task of fulfilling the requirements is to ensure effective work organizations.

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Documents confirming the level of education will be crucial when hiring new specialists. Skills, abilities and experience can be obtained in the course of work. And to fill the lack of technical knowledge only through repeated training, for which the organization will have to spend additional budgetary funds.

The innovations that have come into force primarily serve to protect the employer, who is obliged to study all the information in order to avoid mistakes.

Register of professional standards of the Ministry of Labor of Russia 2017year includes about 966 documents that list the basic qualification requirements and labor functions of employees. About where to seeregister of professional standards by profession 2017 year, what it includes and how to download it, you will learn from the article.

Register of professional standards of the Ministry of Labor and a list of measures for their development, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation

On March 31, 2014, by order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 487-r, a comprehensive plan of measures related to the development of professional standards for 2014-2016 was approved. In accordance with this document, the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation issued Order No. 667n dated 29.09. 2014 on maintaining a register of professional standards.

The document indicates the resources on which information about the adopted standards will be updated as they are adopted, and also approved the form of the register of standards. In addition, the legislator designates the areas of activity for which professional standards should be developed. In total, 40 such areas are indicated in the order. The list of approved professional standards is included only after they are received from the Ministry of Justice of Russia within 10 days with information about state registration relevant orders of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation.

Where is the list of professional standards registered by the Ministry of Justice and approved by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation?

As mentioned above, the professional standard is developed and adopted by the relevant order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, after which, in order for the document to come into force, it must also go through the registration procedure with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. This is a mandatory rule to which there are no exceptions. This means that the list of professional standards registered with the Ministry of Justice is today the official register of professional standards adopted on the territory of the Russian Federation.

For reference: the draft standards that the Ministry of Labor places on the Internet for review and comments do not have legal force and are not binding until they are adopted by the relevant order and registered with the Ministry of Justice.

Since 2016, a list of professional standards can be found on the official resource of this ministry - This list is constantly updated - the register of professional standards of the Ministry of Labor for 2017 already has about 966 documents, while in 2016 their number was 809.

In order to facilitate the search necessary documents it uses a software package, which is called “Professional Standards” (work with it becomes available after registration). Available on the website of the software and hardware complex and the possibility of submitting a notification about the development of a professional standard (also available only to registered users).

In addition, the register of professional standards of the Ministry of Labor of Russia can be found on the website of the Research Institute of Labor and Social Insurance of the Ministry of Labor of Russia - To get acquainted, the user needs to go to the "Professional Standards" section and select the "Professional Standards Base" item there.

As of mid-2017, the register of professional standards includes about 966 documents. By the end of the year it is planned to adopt about 200-300 more standards.

On the list of approved professional standards by profession

The National Register of Professional Standards, which is part of the above-mentioned software and hardware complex "Professional Standards", includes 2 sub-registries: the register of professional standards and the register of advice on professional qualifications. When you select the first one, a list of accepted professional standards opens with a breakdown by type of professional activity. To view the document of interest, you need to select the appropriate type of activity from the list presented, click the item with the left mouse button and find the required professional standard in the list that opens.

Where can I download the list of professional standards for 2017?

The most up-to-date list of professional standards of 2017 on the official resource of the Ministry of Labor is, for which you need in the block " Useful Documents" (on the left side of the page) find the item "Register of professional standards" and click on it with the left mouse button. Then all that remains is to choose a location to save the document and click the "Download" or "Save file" button (depending on the browser you use).

It is noteworthy that the register of approved professional standards can be downloaded in two formats - XML ​​or CSV. Moreover, the system makes it possible to download to the computer not only the entire registry, but also any professional standard separately.

Note: the offer to download the register of professional standards of the Ministry of Labor of Russia in 2017 can also be found on many other sites, however, there you may encounter the fact that the database presented will not be relevant and the information contained in it will simply be outdated. On official resources, the register is updated and changed as new standards appear.

What professional standards are included in the mandatory application from July 1, 2016?

Despite the fact that the first professional standards were approved back in 2013-2015, from 07/01/2016 the legislator introduced the mandatory application of the provisions of documents for certain categories of professions.

To determine whether standards are mandatory for a particular organization, two articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation will help:

  • Art. 195.3, which states that the standard should be used in work when establishing requirements for the qualification of an employee by the legislator (as, for example, in the case of positions related to underground work);
  • Art. 57, which provides for the obligatory application of the professional standard for professions, work in which requires a set of benefits or restrictions imposed on the employee.

In other cases, the application of the provisions of professional standards is carried out exclusively at the request of the employer.

The implementation of professional standards in an organization is a multi-level process that begins with the study of the text of the standard in order to determine the scope of activity and, accordingly, the positions to which it is applicable. We will discuss how to implement professional standards and what the refusal to use their provisions may be fraught with in the article below.

How to implement a system of professional standards?

From 07/01/2016, a system of professional standards began to operate on the territory of the Russian Federation. After studying legislative framework on this topic (including articles 195.1-195.3 and 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) for many employers for whom the provisions of the standards are mandatory, a natural question arises: how is the implementation of professional standards in the enterprise?

At the level of regulations, there is no answer to this question, since neither the law nor the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation with an explanation of the procedure for introducing a professional standard into the company's activities has yet to be adopted. At the time of writing, there is only a draft order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation "On the approval of guidelines for the application of professional standards." This means that each head of the organization in this case needs to develop his own system for introducing the standard, taking into account the requirements of the law.

At the same time, only the provisions of the professional standard approved by the order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation can be used in activities. Draft orders that are posted on the Internet cannot be used, since they have no legal force (in such a situation, it is recommended to apply the provisions of the unified qualification reference books).

When should extra-budgetary funds and state enterprises switch to professional standards?

The legislator singles out non-budgetary funds and other organizations, the controlling stake of which is in the hands of the state, into a separate group in terms of introducing the provisions of professional standards into their activities. The authority to establish the fact that standards are mandatory for such companies has been transferred to the Government of the Russian Federation, while the opinion of the Tripartite Commission on Regulation must be taken into account. labor relations.

On June 27, 2016, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 584 was adopted, which establishes the features of the application of professional standards in terms of the requirements that are mandatory for application off-budget funds And state enterprises. In particular, he established a transitional period until 2020, during which enterprises must implement professional standards based on a pre-approved plan.

Measures to introduce professional standards

The set of measures for the introduction of professional standards includes the following:

  1. Issuance of an order on the creation of a commission for the introduction of professional standards in the company's activities.
  2. Conducting a meeting of the commission and drawing up a schedule for implementation.
  3. Determination of the labor functions of employees and the application of the necessary professional standards in accordance with them.
  4. Renaming positions in accordance with the texts of professional standards.
  5. Making changes to job descriptions.
  6. Changing the wage system.
  7. Carrying out activities for the retraining and training of employees.
  8. Carrying out appraisals of employees.
  9. Carrying out other organizational and staff activities related to the introduction of professional standards.

Step-by-step algorithm for the introduction of professional standards since 2016

Now let's talk about each of the stages of the implementation of professional standards in more detail.

  1. By his order, the head of the enterprise appoints a commission from among the employees, which will be responsible for the implementation of professional standards in the organization. In the order, in addition to indicating the members of the commission, it is necessary to prescribe the powers of each of them and the deadlines for completing the work. It is desirable to include in the working group employees of the personnel department, economists, lawyers and persons responsible for labor protection at work, that is, those employees who, one way or another, will continue to use professional standards in their activities.
  2. The first meeting of the commission is held, at which the scope of work is determined and a step by step plan on the introduction of professional standards in the enterprise. The legislator does not approve the form of the plan, so it can include any provisions that the commission deems necessary. This document reflects the intermediate tasks for the introduction of professional standards, indicates specific deadlines for the completion of work and appoints persons responsible for the implementation of the points of the plan (all of them must be familiar with the document under signature). After drawing up the plan, it is approved by the head of the organization.
  3. To correlate the texts of professional standards and labor functions specified in them with the positions that are available at the enterprise, the staffing table approved by the organization and sections of the corresponding 3 professional standards are compared. We remind you that not always the name of the profession in the standard may coincide with the name of the position in the schedule. For example, in staffing many enterprises have the position of an employee of the personnel department, and the professional standard indicates that a personnel management specialist is engaged in this type of activity.
  4. To bring the job titles into line with the texts of professional standards, if work in them is associated with the provision of benefits or the imposition of restrictions, the manager must exclude the old position from the staff list and introduce a new one. At the same time, an additional agreement is concluded with the employee to the labor contract on changing the name of the position. If for some reason the employee refuses to sign the document and insists on maintaining the previous title of the position, the employer has the right to take organizational and staffing measures to reduce this employee due to the fact that the position he held is excluded from the staff list.
  5. Making changes to the job description employee in connection with a change in his labor function, is made only with the consent of the employee to this. The legislator prohibits changing the duties of an employee unilaterally.
  6. A change in the wage system is necessary because the legislator establishes a rule according to which employees performing the same labor functions should receive equal pay for that. Thus, if the employer decides to make changes to the employee's job responsibilities or increase the level qualification requirements(for example, send him to take advanced training courses), then as the complexity of the work changes, the salary should also change accordingly.
  7. If the professional standard for a certain type of activity, with the obligatory application of it, establishes an employee's qualifications higher than what he has, the employer has the right to send him to advanced training courses or raise the issue of obtaining additional education. The question of at whose expense the training will be carried out is decided within the framework of negotiations between the parties to the labor relations or on the basis of the provisions of the local acts of the enterprise. As a rule, when it comes to paying for training by the employer, a student agreement is concluded with the employee, under the terms of which he is obliged to work for a certain time in the company after receiving education; otherwise, he will be charged tuition fees.
  8. Certification of employees is not necessary when introducing professional standards into the activities of the organization, but it is necessary for the employer to be able to determine the qualifications of employees and understand whether their knowledge and skills correspond to their positions. Based on the results of certification, an employee who has not passed her can be transferred to another position or fired.
  9. The issue of holding other organizational events is raised when they arise. For example, if an employee works in a certain position and his duties, according to the provisions of the professional standard, cover two groups of positions, the employer must increase the amount of work or expand the service area. If an employee in work time along with the main official duties performs additional according to the generalized labor function of another professional standard, then the latter are formalized as a combination of positions.

Professional standards implementation plan

Since there are no legislative requirements for the form and content of the plan, we can bring to your attention an approximate list of tasks reflected in the document:

  1. Clarification of the list of professional standards that need to be applied at the enterprise (this is done by correlating the labor functions specified in the standards with the types of activities that the company is engaged in). The list must be agreed with the head of the organization.
  2. Reconciliation of the positions of employees indicated in the staff list with the names of accepted standards. The result of these actions of the commission should be reflected in the minutes containing the decision to rename positions (if necessary).
  3. Verification of labor agreements of employees and local acts of the enterprise.
  4. Making changes to labor contracts and local documents and their subsequent transfer for approval to the head of the company.
  5. Drawing up lists of questions for certification in accordance with the provisions of the professional standard for each specific type of activity.
  6. Checking the compliance of employees with the requirements of standards.
  7. Drawing up a report on the implementation of the plan and submitting it for review to the head of the organization.

This is just an approximate version of the plan for the introduction of a professional standard. It may well be supplemented with other items at the discretion of the head of the organization and members of the commission.

Some questions from the practice of introducing professional standards at the enterprise

As practice has shown, when introducing professional standards at enterprises, there are often contentious issues. Let's consider some of them.

What to do if the name of the position in the professional standard differs from its name in the qualification reference books?

Only the Government of the Russian Federation can give clarifications on this issue, but so far there is no such document. You can solve the issue in 2 ways:

  1. Request information from the territorial division of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation.
  2. Use the provisions of the professional standard in the event that this does not contradict the law. For example, if we are talking about the issue of early retirement, then the competent authority will take into account reference books that establish qualifications. That is why the employer in such positions should study the regulatory framework for the appointment of early retirement. The main thing is not to forget at the same time that if occupying a certain position implies the presence of benefits or the introduction of restrictions, then its name should sound exactly as indicated in the professional standard.

Can an employer dismiss an employee if his qualifications do not meet the level specified in the professional standard?

In this case, it is possible to dismiss an employee only on the basis of the results of certification. Without this, only the following options are possible:

  1. Transfer to another position (for example, if there is not enough experience to occupy a position in accordance with the provisions of the standard).
  2. Referral of an employee for training or advanced training. In some cases, specified by regulatory enactments, the employer is obliged to conduct retraining or provide advanced training for certain categories of employees at his own expense. For example, as is the case with medical workers who must renew their qualifications every 5 years.

Note: an employee who does not have the necessary vocational education or who has not completed training in the profession (position, specialty), when required by the terms of the professional standard, may be assigned a higher level of qualification if the certification results confirm that he has the required level of knowledge and practical work experience .

If the employer does not introduce the provisions of the professional standard into the activities of the organization with the obligatory indication of this by the legislator, what responsibility will he bear?

The provisions of Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for this violation labor laws provide for:

  • for officials- from 1 to 5 thousand rubles;
  • for individual entrepreneurs - from 1 to 5 thousand rubles;
  • for organizations - from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.

True, in the case of a primary violation, it is possible simply to issue a warning.

Professional standards are necessary for the heads of organizations to systematize and standardize the work of each specialist. In Art. 195.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation presents methodological recommendations in accordance with which work should be organized at the enterprise. Employers have the right to draw up their own professional standards, however, there are mandatory requirements regarding the characteristics of professions and their application in work. In this article, we will consider which professional standards are mandatory for use in the current 2017, which organizations are required to apply them, and what level of responsibility exists for violating the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Mandatory requirements

1. In labor law there are special rules and requirements that relate to professional standards. In addition to recommendations for compiling a job description, there are mandatory professional standards that an employer must take into account when hiring and operating employees from July 1, 2016.

For example, Russian law obliges, when applying for a job, to indicate the title of the position and the qualification requirements for it clearly according to the characteristics in accordance with professional standards or qualification reference books in the following cases:

  • When the implementation of duties in a particular position is associated with benefits for an employee (teacher, miner, etc.).
  • When there are restrictions on the performance of functional duties in the position (railway transport employee). In this case, employers need to be as careful as possible, because. these professional standards will provide guarantees of the absence of administrative responsibility.

In addition, employers need to take into account the following norms of qualification reference books and professional standards in such cases:

  • When forming a motivation system in state and municipal organizations, in accordance with Part 5 of Art. 144 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  • If necessary, assign tariff categories employees (parts 8, 9 of article 143 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In other cases, the list of mandatory professional standards is not available in Labor Code Russian Federation. This means that organizations are not forced to clearly name the positions of employees according to the qualification handbook. A programmer, for example, can be called both a software engineer and a programmer-technician. You can do the same with managers, sellers, marketers.

It is worth noting that many lawyers assure that since July 2016, all listed in qualification handbook occupations, but the Ministry of Labor itself did not confirm this information. To refute the mythical guesses, the Ministry of Labor published a draft explanation on the use of professional standards, which clearly states that professional standards are not required in all cases, but only in the cases described above in our article. The employer has the right to prescribe functional responsibilities employee in the employment contract, focusing on the standards specified in the legislation.

Exclusive rights to the presented material belong to ConsultantPlus JSC.

The material was prepared using legal acts as of 07/04/2016.

There are more conditions under which it is mandatory to apply professional standards

If the employer does not apply the mandatory professional standards, he faces a fine

An independent assessment will determine whether the employee's qualifications meet the professional standard

Even if the professional standard is mandatory, you will not have to dismiss the employee for non-compliance

Professional standard for an accountant: no fundamental changes have taken place since July >>>

There are more conditions under which it is mandatory to apply professional standards

Even if the professional standard is mandatory, you will not have to dismiss the employee for non-compliance

It is necessary to apply mandatory professional standards, in particular, when hiring new employees. Like the Ministry of Labor, the entry into force of professional standards is not a reason to dismiss those who are already working.

Professional standard for an accountant: there have been no fundamental changes since July