Microsoft computer courses. Microsoft Office Courses

Among the Microsoft courses offered by our training center, there are both designed for novice PC users and those designed for professionals with many years of experience. Whether you want to learn basic handling skills software products this company or are preparing for certification, among our selection you will find what you need.

Why Get Microsoft Training

Microsoft Corporation develops software for a variety of areas of computer technology. Most of these programs are easy to learn and use, as well as provided with detailed technical manuals, which allows you to master the basics of working with them without any problems. However, the knowledge gained in this way is not enough to use their full functionality, and numerous free materials on this topic are superficial and often poorly take into account the differences between different versions of the same programs.

As a result, many users work with Microsoft products for years, using at best a tenth of their capabilities, without even suspecting that many of the operations that take them so much time and effort can be easily performed in a few mouse clicks - if you know how to do it. .

What MS Courses do we offer

The tutorials we offer cover all major Microsoft products:

  • Windows 7, 8, 10 are the most popular operating systems for personal computers, the vast majority of companies still prefer them. In these courses, you will acquire the skills to install, configure and troubleshoot them;
  • Windows Server - occupy over half of the server market operating systems, overtaking solutions based on Linux / Unix and are especially popular in Russia;
  • SQL Server is one of the most common database management systems in a corporate environment;
  • Exchange Server is the most common solution for organizing corporate workflow (65% of organizations use it);
  • SharePoint is a set of products for creating web portals, organizations joint work and automation of business processes;
  • Azure is one of the most popular cloud technologies today;
  • Skype for Business (Lync Server) - a solution for creating a company's communication infrastructure;
  • System Center - a set of programs for managing a corporate IT environment;
  • The products included in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) are a widely used office suite.

As you can see from this list, the Microsoft courses we offer deal with software that is ubiquitous in the business environment. After passing any of them, you will receive skills that are in demand in the job market, which will significantly increase your value as an employee. If you have any questions, please contact us using one of the methods indicated on the "Contacts" page - we will be happy to answer them.

Learn all the core Microsoft Office programs: Word, Excel, Outlook, Access, and PowerPoint, and take your knowledge to the next level with extra elective classes that you can choose from.

Microsoft Excel- This is one of the most famous spreadsheet programs in the world. This course is suitable for beginner to intermediate levels. Through 10 free-scheduled lessons, you'll learn how to style a spreadsheet to better present information, how to handle simple and complex formulas, how to insert charts, how to use functions like IFERROR, and more.

Our Excel Expert course will provide the knowledge and skills to use this spreadsheet program at an advanced level. You can choose to study the 2013 or 2010 version, and learn how to perform conditional formatting, write and use macros, work with pivot tables, and use aggregate functions.

In the process of studying this course of 3 modules on Microsoft Office 2010, you will master the new interface and features of Word, Excel and PowerPoint 2010; working with latest version Microsoft Office, you will take your existing skills to the next level and update your knowledge.

As the name suggests, this short course for those who already have experience using Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint in versions 2010 and 2013 and wish to upgrade their knowledge of the software to version 2016. You will learn how to navigate through the updated interface of each program and will be able to navigate the new features of the latest release of this globally recognized application package.

During this seminar, you will learn how to work in Microsoft Project, how to create, implement, manage and complete projects of any size. You will receive simple tips and tasks that will help you optimize your time spent on the project. The seminar takes place in the form of a one-day course under the guidance of a teacher.

This one-day instructor-led workshop will teach you how to use Microsoft PowerPoint to create impressive and interesting presentations. Passing a number practical tasks, You will gain skills in the Microsoft program that you can immediately apply to your work.

The Level 2 Workshop builds on the knowledge presented in the Level 1 Workshop and aims to take your presentation skills to the next level. When you complete tasks such as working with media files, working with presentations, and so on, you will feel confident that you can create a truly impressive presentation.

This one-day workshop will help you learn how to create and modify databases using Microsoft Access. You will learn how to work with data, how to mine it, and how to report on it. This is a hands-on activity suitable for beginners in Access. This way you will get real skills.

This Level 2 workshop builds on the skills already acquired in the program and is designed to take them to the next level. The lesson is conducted under the guidance of a teacher. Thanks to its practical orientation, you will get real work skills.

A one-day seminar led by qualified teachers to learn Microsoft Outlook. This workshop has a practical focus. You will be given a series of exercises on how best to use the general purpose program - mail organization, contact management, calendar management, tasks and records.

The Microsoft Excel Level 1 Workshop is a hands-on, instructor-led training session. It is suitable for beginners and will teach you how to create, manage and work with spreadsheets. The seminar is held in various training centers in the UK. Detailed information You can find out about upcoming classes at the nearest center.

Excel Level 2 Workshop is suitable for those who already have experience with this popular spreadsheet editor. During the one-day seminar, you will master topics such as advanced formulas, creating and modifying tables, representing data using charts, working with graphic objects, and more.

The Excel Level 3 Workshop is a 1-day instructor-led workshop. The seminar has a practical focus. You'll learn how to use the advanced features of Microsoft Excel - streamline workflows, secure and interact with other users in your workbook, and validate worksheets.

This one-day instructor-led workshop will help you quickly master Microsoft Word, the world-famous word processing program. According to your requirements, we can provide training with 2013 and 2010 versions. This workshop is suitable for beginners. You'll start from scratch and learn how to create, navigate, and save documents. Then you'll learn document formatting, working with lists and tables, and more!

A one-day intermediate-level seminar for learning Microsoft Word Level. Level 2 is instructor-led and builds on your existing knowledge of the popular Word Processing program. You will gain in-depth knowledge of features such as applying styles and themes, working with tables and charts, merging, and macros.

This advanced Microsoft Word workshop will help you become an expert in Word. You will learn topics such as working with footnotes, links, notes, indexes and tables of contents, setting document security and working with forms; we are confident that this one-day instructor-led seminar will bring you new knowledge and skills in working with the Microsoft Office program.

Microsoft Learn is a Microsoft project for training IT professionals. Passage is free, in all courses the bias goes to the company's technology. You can choose one of three paths:

Learning schemes. Choose a role and go through your learning path specifically for this purpose. At the end, you can get certified. Role examples: Windows Developer, Business Analyst, Azure Solution Architect.

Practical training. Along the way, you will be offered step-by-step interactive instructions for solving applied problems. You can spend from 15 minutes on the module. Example: Create a chatbot with the Azure Bot Service.

Product. Choose a specific Microsoft product and go through the modules to learn how to work with it. Example: Windows development.

All modules give virtual points for completion so that you can track your progress in a playful way. Many lessons are interactive - not just text or video, but also practical tasks, questions to test the acquired knowledge. It is possible to get certified or continue training in more advanced programs under the guidance of an instructor.

Now let's look at specific courses and show how they can be useful in your work.

Understanding Azure

This is a whole training scheme, consisting of several modules. You will be told what the Azure cloud platform is in general, about the basic principles of cloud computing, data storage and security system.

You have not worked with cloud services before; at the same time you will find out when they are really more convenient than classic solutions. Or you want to learn how to solve problems using Azure - suddenly you already have a subscription or there is a convenient integration with Azure for your solutions.

And in principle, this knowledge is useful for getting a job and increasing salaries. If somewhere in the company they are already using Azure, it will be a plus for you to level up in this topic.

Develop effective solutions in Azure

This is also a learning scheme from different modules. If you're new to the platform, it's best to go through the Azure Basics first, and then move on to this one. They will talk about how to develop the right architecture when working with the cloud, build scalable, fast and reliable solutions.

The diagram may be useful if you plan to develop serious projects on the Azure platform or in general on cloud technologies. Again, this is a useful skill when applying for a job.

Create a chatbot with Azure Bot Service

This module is good example training on a practical task. In 8 lessons, you will be told step by step how to create a bot, set up continuous deployment, local debugging and connect the knowledge base.

You have a specific task to develop a bot for, for example, Telegram. It makes little sense to write everything from scratch if there are ready-made development tools. Then it is convenient to quickly connect such a bot to other instant messengers and social networks.

Deep Interactive Learning with Jupyter, Docker, and PyTorch on a Data Science Virtual Machine

This module will help you deploy your first Azure CLI-based virtual machine in a sandbox, as well as run a Jupyter Notebook server directly on it. They will tell you why Docker is needed in the context of deep learning, and will teach you how to set up a virtual environment on it with the selected OS. Finally, they will let you experiment with the image classifier from the PyTorch image.

The module can be useful if you have a task that requires machine learning. To do this, MS offers ready-made tools and step-by-step lessons with instructions.

Dynamics 365 Online Program

Another interesting direction of learning on Microsoft Learn. It teaches you how to create the new business applications you need, as well as supplement or customize those already used on the Microsoft platform. The tools have real practical use - for example, Power BI automatically collects a bunch of disparate data for analysis in one interface.

Kirilina Marina Nikolaevna
Head of the project office, Head of the corporate training center, Head of the portfolio (programs) of projects. Experienced Lecturer in Project Management. Holder of the prestigious international certificate of the AFW Academy (Germany). Master of Business Administration (MBA), Member of the Project Management Institute (PMI)®. Services for corporate training of employees in project management methodology and description of business processes in order to optimize them as a business consultant.

Cooperation with SPS-Group (St. Petersburg), Microsoft Corporation, Spetsstroymontazh, etc.

Has experience of cooperation as an independent expert in project management with various organizations, including the center innovative development Moscow, KEMS company, Graviongroup personal consultations of top managers in order to optimize the BP, training top managers in the basics project management.

Specialization: project management methodology, project management software (Project, Mindjet), organization of presentations, presentation software (PowerPoint). Several author's courses have been developed: "The Business Game "Team to Take Off", "Project Management Based on GOST", "Building Mindjet Manager Mind Maps", "How to Understand Art", "Festival Management".

Has publications: "Journal of Program and Project Management" ID Grebennikova, I keep a regular column "Business World" Internet magazine.

Conducting an audit of the current activities of the organization, organizational structure and current regulatory framework. Identification of existing projects and processes of the organization.

Formalization of project-oriented processes. Building a corporate project management system based on MS Project Server 2016/2013/2010, Lotus Domino. Development of standards and regulations for project management, instructions and teaching aids. Optimization of the company's project workflow.

Teaching leading managers of the organization the basics of project management. Organization of the educational process on a turnkey basis: administration, development of a line of courses, marketing activities, promotion strategies. Development of author's teaching methods, taking into account business needs.

Project management. Coordination of goals, deadlines, budget. Planning and control of work execution. Managing requirements and requirements changes. Variance and risk management. Work with primary accounting documentation, personnel. Selection and optimization of project teams, development of KPI.

Marina Nikolaevna constantly improves her professional level. Implemented over 15 major projects. She knows how to convey the material to everyone, answers in detail all questions on the topic of the classes, shares with the audience her vast experience gained in practical work.

Huge selection of courses and a guaranteed schedule for the year ahead

"Specialist" at MSTU im. N.E. Bauman - Russia's largest authorized The educational center Microsoft- offers you about 140 authorized courses on more than 15 products. Thanks to a flexible schedule, you can plan your studies for the year ahead and choose the time of classes that is convenient for you: morning, afternoon, evening, weekdays or weekends.

Learn at your convenience

You can choose not only a convenient class schedule, but also a suitable form of training.

  • Full-time: We have 5 educational complexes in Moscow, where there are 67 equipped classrooms.
  • Online: For students, online training is available (using distance education technology) in a virtual classroom. You can communicate with the teacher in real time in the format of a live lesson.

Microsoft Course Guides

Only with us - a bonus to training: free access to the Microsoft corporate simulator

Our Center is a member of the Association of Leading European Training Centers (LLPA), and only we offer for free according to the program Microsoft Plus take a six-month training on the MeasureUp platform. Measure Up is a training test that combines theory and practice and can be taken at any time convenient for you. They allow you to update the knowledge gained during training. If something is forgotten, then during the test you will definitely remember it. You will be able to gain additional, solid and up-to-date knowledge. Memorability of the studied material increases from 20 to 90%.

Winner of the Microsoft Partner Awards 2019

In 2019, our center once again won an award from Microsoft. We won the competition in the "Training" category by introducing new Information Technology Microsoft's educational process. The key selection criteria are the innovativeness of the solution, its value to the client, the possibility of scaling and the company's creative approach to promoting this solution on the market.

Certified Practitioner Teachers

Training is conducted by certified Microsoft trainers with great experience teaching and implementing Microsoft products in Russian and foreign companies. During training trainers pay special attention to the practice of solving complex problems.

The teaching staff of the Center has more than 40 Microsoft statuses. Coaches of the Specialist Center take part in all the most important Microsoft events (World Partner Conference (USA), Platform, Polygon, etc.) and are the first in Russia to share their unique knowledge and experience.

Official Education Documents for Authorized Microsoft Programs

You can receive not only a certificate (certificate) of completing training in an authorized Microsoft course, but also, in accordance with the provisions federal law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On the formation of the Russian Federation", official diploma of professional retraining (study program from 250 academic hours) or certificate of advanced training (from 16 academic hours).

The Center's own courses, which are certified and authorized for Microsoft itself

Center "Specialist" at MSTU. N. E. Bauman - official partner and developer curricula for Microsoft. For more than a quarter of a century we have been vocational education in IT. Our experience has allowed us to develop and implement training courses for Microsoft on some of its products.

Free Software Assurance Training

Software Assurance Enterprise customers can use SATV (Software Assurance Training Vouchers) to complete any authorized course for free.

Get up-to-date knowledge of the international standard!

Come to study at the training center "Specialist" at the Moscow State Technical University. N. E. Bauman!