Assignment of 1 gr on electrical safety. Which employees need electrical safety teams? Non-electrotechnical personnel are considered

Every subject entrepreneurial activity, which involves in the operation of the electrical installation, is obliged to carry out organizational arrangements with personnel. AT without fail control is carried out when working with electrical equipment:

  1. A work permit is issued, an order with a list of works that are assigned to specific employees during the current operation of electrical installations.
  2. Work permit issued.
  3. The process of work execution is supervised.
  4. The following processes are formalized: break, transfer of an employee to another workplace, completion of work.

Who has the right to assign 1 group?

Employees belonging to the category of electrical personnel have the right to assign 1 group to non-electrical personnel for electrical safety. At the same time, they must be assigned at least group 3 for electrical safety up to 1000V.

The first group can be assigned:

  • technical personnel who carry out cleaning in electrical rooms;
  • employees who work with power tools;
  • auxiliary workers who do not belong to the category of electrical personnel.

If a group is assigned by a person who has at least group 3 for electrical safety up to 1000V, then for this business entity there is no need to collect a commission, but an appropriate entry should be made in the register of group 1.

When assigning the first group to non-electrical personnel certificates are not issued. Such activities should be at least once a year.

It is worth noting that the heads of departments in which electrical equipment is used must have a group no lower than that of their subordinates. This is due to the fact that their position provides for the implementation of technical guidance and control over employees working with electrical installations.

Organization of plant operation

Each business entity by order appoints a person responsible for organizing the operation of electrical installations. He will be instructed to:

  1. Organize the document flow, which concerns all issues related to the operation of electrical equipment.
  2. Organize the process of personnel training, regular briefings and testing of acquired knowledge. Only then will they be granted access to independent work with electrical equipment.
  3. Monitor compliance with safety regulations both at local facilities of the organization, and during the sending of employees on business trips, as well as regarding employees who arrived from other enterprises.
  4. Ensure timely maintenance and repair of electrical installations.
  5. Monitor the consumption of electrical energy by equipment, take actions aimed at its rational use.
  6. To systematically monitor the use of funds by employees personal protection, the availability of tools and means for fire extinguishing at the facilities.
  7. Provide conditions for the admission of specialists to the facilities for connecting and adjusting new electrical equipment, as well as for the reconstruction and modernization of old installations.
  8. Respond in a timely manner and prevent the occurrence emergencies. If necessary, take measures to replace equipment that has become unusable.

Employees of commercial and government organizations are required to undergo an internship and receive the first group in the following cases:

  1. Until the moment when the head orders them to work independently.
  2. During a break in work for a period of 1 year.
  3. When moving to another facility or to another position, which is somehow connected with the operation of electrical installations.

The assignment of the first group to non-electrical personnel is carried out by the method of briefing, after which the knowledge gained by them is checked. For example, a survey is made or the skills acquired during the training are tested in practice.

Mandatory processing first aid for victims of electrical discharge. After conducting a knowledge test of non-electrical personnel, responsible persons draw up a protocol.

It should be noted that all professions and positions that need to be assigned to the first group are determined management of the organization. Also, by order of the chief, a person is appointed responsible for the assignment of the first group.

View of the main section

The main section of the journal has tabular form, which contains following columns:

  1. Serial number.
  2. Name of the employee.
  3. The name of the department in which he will perform professional duties.
  4. Occupied position or profession.
  5. Date of assignment of the first group (previous).
  6. The current date the first group was assigned.
  7. Signatures of the verifier and verifier.

The assignment log of the first group must in without fail be sealed. To do this, it is customary to use a pattern-breakable indicator seal (it is licensed and holographic).

In accordance with GOST 31282-2004, such a seal is intended for one-time use and is placed to detect the fact of unauthorized access to the accounting register. Before starting work with such a journal, the responsible person must fill out the title page and make a certification note.

It is mandatory to indicate the number of the seal in the corresponding column, since without this accounting register will not be considered sealed.

Registration procedure

The registration process for this account includes several stages:

  1. Head of commercial or state organization an order is issued. With this document, the head appoints the employee responsible for electrical safety. The order also indicates a list of professions and positions to which the first electrical safety group should be assigned. Without fail, the document reflects the program of the upcoming briefing and the rules for providing first aid to the victims.
  2. The responsible person draws up a journal for assigning the first group to non-electrical electrical safety personnel. All pages of the accounting register must be numbered and stitched. On the last page, the ends of the lacing must be sealed with a square of paper, on which the seal of the organization and the signature of the responsible person and manager are affixed.
  3. Once a year, the first group is assigned.

In the event that a business entity does not work in the field of production, and all its contact with electrical equipment is reduced to the presence of a switchboard, meter, lighting systems and portable electrical equipment with voltage up to 380V, then it does not need to appoint a responsible person.

In a private clinic, where a large number of employees work, everyone must receive appropriate training related to different aspects and maintenance of various parts of the building, offices and communications that are carried out in them. One of the main communications on which the successful operation of the building depends is the electrical network, and it should only be serviced by qualified specialists with the appropriate permit.

But the operation of the power grid is faced not only by professional electricians, but also by other employees. private clinic. To protect the safety of each employee and comply with necessary requirements of the law, all of them must be assigned the 1st electrical safety group. To whom exactly is the 1st electrical safety group assigned? What documents are required to assign such a group? What are the briefings that employees are required to undergo? Let's consider in more detail.

The first group of electrical safety - who is assigned

Private clinic personnel who are not directly involved in the maintenance of electrical installations, but have a certain risk of electric shock, qualify as non-electrotechnical, and after passing special detailed briefings all these employees are assigned the 1st electrical safety group. Assignment of the 1st electrical safety group is carried out at least once a year.

Non-electrical personnel include:

  • administrative employees who are not directly involved in the maintenance, repair or connection of electrical equipment and appliances;
  • doctors, nurses, paramedics and technical staff, as well as office workers who use electrical appliances or other types of equipment as part of their work.

When each employee from these two categories is assigned the 1st electrical safety group, this fact is recorded in a special separate Logbook for assigning the 1st electrical safety group to non-electrical personnel.

The assignment of group I for electrical safety is carried out by an employee from among the electrical personnel with an electrical safety group of at least III, appointed by order of the head of the organization.

What documents need to be prepared in the clinic for the assignment of the 1st electrical safety group

During the inspection of a private clinic, state regulatory authorities may require necessary documents, which will confirm that the clinic has established work on assigning the 1st group for electrical safety and that certain employees have been assigned a group and they have received appropriate training.

To do this, it is necessary to prepare and issue an order “On the assignment of group 1 for electrical safety to non-electrical personnel“. By order signed by the head physician of the clinic, it is necessary:

  • appoint a person responsible for conducting briefings and assigning group 1 personnel in electrical safety;
  • approve the List of positions related to non-electrotechnical personnel with group 1 for ES;
  • approve the Program for conducting briefings for non-electrotechnical personnel for group 1 in ES;
  • approve the form of the journal on the assignment of the first group on ES to non-electrotechnical personnel.

Sample order (fragment). The full version is available for download at the end of the article.

Model of the List of positions (fragment). The full version is available for download at the end of the article.

A sample program for conducting briefings (fragment). The full version is available for download at the end of the article.

The procedure for conducting briefings

In order to fulfill all the requirements of the law regarding the assignment of the first electrical safety group, the clinic staff will need to be instructed. During each briefing, specific topics can be discussed that contribute to ensuring safety in the operation of electrical appliances, office equipment and specialized equipment operating under voltage.

To assign 1 group for ES, the briefing must be completed:

  • checking the knowledge gained during the briefing on electrical safety. The check can be carried out both in the form of an oral conversation with the instructed employee, and during practical activities, for example, testing first aid skills in case of injury. electric shock;
  • entering information about the employee with whom the briefing was carried out and the knowledge of electrical safety was tested in the Journal approved by the order;
  • the signature of the responsible person who conducted the briefing and the signature of the employee being checked.

A sample of filling out a journal (fragment). The full version is available for download at the end of the article.

Attached files

  • A sample of filling out a journal_1 group.doc
  • Sample Job List_1 group.doc
  • Order_1 group.doc
  • Instruction program_1 group.doc

The need to assign Group I for electrical safety to employees is determined by the following documents:

  1. order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated July 24, 2013 No. 328n “On approval of the Rules for labor protection during the operation of electrical installations”;
  2. order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated January 13, 2003 No. 6 "On approval of the Rules technical operation consumer electrical installations.

Who needs this type of training

Group I on electrical safety is needed for non-electrotechnical personnel - those who do not have a special electrical training. Such workers usually do not interact directly with electrical installations, but they are at risk of electric shock.

If the employer considers that the employee is not at risk of electric shock, he may not assign him I group for electrical safety.

Where can you get training

As a rule, group I for electrical safety is assigned to personnel within the organization. To do this, the head determines the list of positions and professions that require the assignment of group I in electrical safety. An employee of the electrical personnel with an electrical safety group of at least III, for example, a person responsible for electrical equipment, conducts instruction and oral knowledge testing with these employees. You can also test first aid skills in case of electric shock. After that, the electrical safety group is considered assigned. Re-testing of knowledge should take place at least once a year.

The situation is complicated if the organization does not have electrical personnel. In organizations that do not production activities, the electrical facilities of which include only an input (input-distribution) device, lighting installations, portable electrical equipment with a rated voltage of not more than 380 V, it is possible not to appoint a person responsible for the electrical facilities. His duties are assumed by the head of the organization in agreement with Rostekhnadzor. In this case, the manager can learn and pass a knowledge test at the Rostekhnadzor commission to receive the III electrical safety group. Or conclude an agreement with a training center to conduct a briefing for group I on electrical safety of their employees.

What is included in the training program

Employees who are assigned Group I for electrical safety have enough elementary knowledge about electric current, safety measures when working with electrical equipment and about the rules for providing first aid to victims. Therefore, the briefing program usually includes the following topics:

  1. principle of action of electric current on a person.
  2. what is step voltage.
  3. measures to ensure electrical safety in production.
  4. personal electrical safety measures.
  5. first aid for electrical injuries.
  6. features of the operation of portable electrical receivers (household portable devices, electric lamps, power tools, etc.).

How is the fact of passing the training

The briefing ends with an oral knowledge test. The fact of assignment of group I for electrical safety is recorded in the Register of assignment of group I for electrical safety to non-electrotechnical personnel. In this case, it is not necessary to issue certificates to employees.

1 group on electrical safety applies to non-electrical personnel.

The list of professions, jobs that require training of personnel for 1 group is determined by the head of the organization.

The assignment of group 1 is carried out by conducting a briefing, checking the acquired knowledge in the form of an oral survey, if necessary, checking the acquired skills in safe ways of working or first aid in case of electric shock.

The briefing is carried out by an employee from among the electrical personnel who has the 3rd electrical safety group, appointed by order of the head of the organization.

The results of the check are recorded in a special journal of the established form, 1 electrical safety group is assigned. The certificate is not issued.

77. The presence of an employee of a certain electrical safety group is necessary condition, allowing him to obtain admission to independent maintenance of existing electrical installations. This requirement also applies to all persons of non-electrotechnical personnel working in electrical installations and not falling under the definition of "electrotechnical" or "electrotechnological".

The electrical personnel of an enterprise or organization is divided into the following categories:
- administrative and technical;
- repair;
- operational;
- operational repair;
- electrotechnological personnel of production units.

Administrative and technical personnel usually include specialists and managers responsible for organizing the operational and Maintenance, carrying out installation, repair and adjustment work in existing electrical installations.
Operational personnel are required to carry out operational maintenance of existing electrical installations (carrying out operational switching inspections, preparation of the place of work, admission to work and supervision during work on them).
Maintenance personnel carry out maintenance and different kinds repair of electrical equipment, as well as its installation, adjustment and testing.

Operational and repair personnel include specialists who have completed a course of special training in the maintenance of electrical equipment assigned to them.
The category of electrotechnological personnel includes employees involved in technological processes, the main component of which is electrical energy (electrolysis, electric welding, electric arc furnaces, etc.).

Representatives of electrical personnel of each of the listed categories, after passing a medical examination, a course of special training and passing examinations to test knowledge, are assigned an electrical safety group. The number of the assigned group (from II to V) depends on the length of service in the specialty, education received, theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

Persons from the category of non-electrotechnical personnel employed in jobs in which electric shock is possible are assigned group I. The list of professions and positions that must have electrical safety group I is compiled by the head of the organization.
Group I is assigned after an introductory briefing, which usually ends with a knowledge test conducted in the form of an oral survey, as well as a test of the acquired skills in safe working methods or first aid for victims of electric shock.

The 2nd electrical safety group can be assigned to an employee only after his special training in a 72-hour program. After completing the training course, an electrician must learn to practically use the acquired technical knowledge on the device of electrical equipment and know the basic principles of its operation.
In addition, he must clearly understand the possible consequences of an electric shock and master the basic methods of safe work on live parts of the equipment assigned to him.
The person passing the exam must, in addition, have practical skills in providing first aid to victims of electric shock.

Passing the exam for the III-th group of admission must have experience in their specialty in the previous group (from 1 to 3 months). To obtain the III group of admission, the employee must:
1. Have basic knowledge of electrical engineering.
2. Fully study the device and master the procedure for servicing electrical installations.
3. Know the general safety regulations, the rules for admission to work, as well as the list of special requirements for a number of jobs.
4. Master the methods of safe work and supervision of work with electrical equipment.
5. Master the basic methods of releasing victims from the effects of electric current and be able to practically provide first aid.

To obtain the IV group of admission, the person taking the exam must work with the previous group of admission for at least 3-6 months and must:
1. Know electrical engineering within the scope of the vocational school course.
2. Have a clear understanding of the dangers of working in electrical installations.
3. Know the basic provisions of the Rules for labor protection, rules for the operation of electrical installations, requirements fire safety and features of the device of the serviced equipment.
4. Study the wiring diagrams of the serviced area and know the procedure for carrying out technical measures to ensure the safety of work.
5. Learn to conduct all types of briefings and master the techniques of safe work, be able to supervise the members of the team during work.
6. Know how to free the victim from electric current and basic first aid techniques.
7. Master the technique of teaching personnel the basic provisions of safety regulations and practical skills in providing first aid.

In order to receive the V group of admission, it is necessary to work with the IV group for at least 3-24 months, as well as:
1. Know the diagrams of electrical installations, equipment and all technological production processes.
2. Study the rules for the technical operation of equipment and fire safety requirements in the scope of the position held.
3. Master the methods of safe organization of work and direct management of work in electrical installations.
4. Be able to correctly and clearly state the safety requirements when instructing workers.
5. Be able to train personnel in the basic provisions of safety, as well as practical skills in first aid.

Based on the results of checking the knowledge gained during the training, employees receive a certificate of the established form, which indicates the electrical safety group assigned to them.

Electrical personnel- Administrative-technical, operational, operational-repair, repair personnel organizing and carrying out installation, adjustment, maintenance, repair, control of the operating mode of electrical installations.

79. Requirements for personnel allowed to service electrical installations.

According to clause 1.4.1 of the PTEEP, the operation of electrical installations (EI) must be carried out by trained electrical personnel.
Maintenance of electrotechnological installations (electric welding, electrolysis, electrothermal, etc.), as well as complex energy-saturated production and technological equipment, the operation of which requires constant maintenance and adjustment of electrical equipment, electric drives, manual electric machines, portable and mobile power receivers, portable power tools , should be carried out by electrotechnological personnel. He must have sufficient skills and knowledge to safely perform the work and maintenance of the installation assigned to him.
Electrotechnological personnel production shops and sites that are not part of the Consumer's energy service, which operates electrical installations and has an electrical safety group II and above, in its rights and obligations is equated to electrical engineering.
Managers who are directly subordinate to electrotechnological personnel must have an electrical safety group no lower than that of subordinate personnel.
The list of positions and professions of electrotechnological personnel who need to have an appropriate electrical safety group is approved by the head of the Consumer.
Personnel admitted to the operation and maintenance of electrical installations must: - have professional training appropriate to the nature of the work. With absence vocational training such workers should be trained (prior to being allowed to work independently) in specialized centers staff training;
- undergo a medical examination. The state of health of electrical personnel servicing electrical installations is determined by a medical examination upon employment and then checked periodically within the time limits established by the health authorities. Workers from electrical personnel should not have injuries and illnesses in a stable form that interfere production work;
- prior to admission to independent work, undergo training in methods of releasing the victim from the action of electric current and providing first aid in case of accidents;
- undergo on-the-job training in the amount necessary for this profession (position). Prior to admission to independent work or upon transfer to another job (position), as well as during a break in work for more than one year, electrical personnel must undergo on-the-job training. The industrial training program is drawn up by the person responsible for the electrical facilities of the unit and approved by the person responsible for the electrical facilities of the enterprise;
- pass a knowledge test of the MPOT (PB) EEU, PTEEP and other regulatory and technical documents (rules and instructions for technical operation, fire safety, use protective equipment, electrical installations) within the limits of the requirements for the relevant position or profession. He must be assigned the appropriate electrical safety group and issued a certificate of the established form;
- Complete an internship at the workplace lasting at least 2 weeks. Admission to internships and independent work for engineers is issued by order for the organization, for workers - for the unit;
- get permission to work independently (in writing).

80. With regard to the danger of electric shock to people, there are:

1) premises without increased danger, in which there are no conditions that create an increased or special danger;

Non-hazardous areas include dry, dust-free rooms with normal air temperature, with insulating (for example, dry wooden) floors, in which there are no grounded objects or there are very few of them.

In production, such premises may include only some auxiliary premises (premises for cultural services, management and public organizations and etc.).

2) rooms with increased danger, characterized by the presence of one of the following conditions that create increased danger: dampness (relative humidity exceeds 75% for a long time) or conductive dust; conductive floors (metal, earthen, reinforced concrete, brick, etc.); high temperature (temperature exceeds constantly or periodically for more than 1 day + 35 ° C); the possibility of a person simultaneously touching the metal structures of buildings that are connected to the ground, technological devices, mechanisms, etc., on the one hand, and to metal cases electrical equipment (open conductive parts), on the other;

damp, in which, under normal conditions, the humidity can temporarily rise to saturation, such as with sudden changes in temperature or when a large amount of steam is released; dry, unheated, attic spaces, unheated stairwells and heated rooms, but with a short-term presence of moisture; rooms with conductive dust (coal mills, drawing shops and others like them); hot, i.e., rooms with temperatures above 30 ° C; rooms with conductive floors (earthen, concrete, wood in a damp state).

3) especially dangerous premises, characterized by the presence of one of the following conditions that create a special danger: special dampness (relative air humidity is close to 100% - the ceiling, walls, floor and objects in the room are covered with moisture); chemically active or organic environment (aggressive vapors, gases, liquids are constantly or for a long time, deposits or mold are formed that destroy insulation and current-carrying parts of electrical equipment); two or more conditions of increased danger at the same time;

- especially damp with relative air humidity close to 100%;

- with a chemically active or organic environment that destroys the insulation and current-carrying parts of electrical equipment (aggressive gases, vapors; mold deposits, etc.);

- having two or more features characteristic of premises with increased danger.

The territory of open electrical installations in relation to the danger of electric shock to people is equated to especially dangerous premises.

Particularly dangerous are: most industrial premises; underground workings; working area with an open underlying surface.

4) the territory of open electrical installations in relation to the danger of electric shock to people is equated to especially dangerous premises (clause 1.1.13. PUE)

Requirements for electrical protective equipment

2.1. General provisions

2.1.1. The insulating part of electrical protective equipment containing dielectric rods or handles should be limited by a ring or stop made of electrically insulating material from the side of the handle.

For electrical protective equipment for electrical installations above 1000 V, the height of the restrictive ring or stop must be at least 5 mm.

For electrical protective equipment for electrical installations up to 1000 V (except for insulated tools), the height of the restrictive ring or stop must be at least 3 mm.

When using electrical protective equipment, it is forbidden to touch their working part, as well as the insulating part behind the restrictive ring or stop.

2.1.2. The insulating parts of electrical protective equipment must be made of electrically insulating materials that do not absorb moisture, with stable dielectric and mechanical properties.

The surfaces of the insulating parts must be smooth, without cracks, delaminations and scratches.

The use of paper-bakelite tubes for the manufacture of insulating parts is not allowed.

2.1.3. The design of electrical protective equipment should prevent the ingress of dust and moisture or provide for the possibility of cleaning them.

2.1.4. The design of the working part of the insulating protective equipment (insulating rods, clamps, voltage indicators, etc.) should not allow the possibility of a phase-to-phase short circuit or a phase-to-ground short circuit.

2.1.5. In electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V, insulating rods, clamps and voltage indicators should be used with dielectric gloves.

85. 1.2.8. Before each use of protective equipment, personnel must check its serviceability, the absence of external damage and contamination, and also check the expiration date on the stamp.
It is not allowed to use protective equipment with expired validity.

86. Hazardous production factor - a negative impact on a person, which leads to injury or death.

Harmful factor- a negative impact on a person, which leads to a deterioration in well-being or illness.

A complete list of dangerous and harmful production factors given in GOST 12.0.003 - 83.

Harmful production factors are divided into: physical, chemical, biological and psychophysiological (Fig. 2).

87. Article 4. Purposes of a special assessment of working conditions A special assessment of working conditions is carried out in order to: identify and identify hazards in the workplace; assessing the compliance of working conditions at workplaces with labor protection requirements; monitoring of working conditions at workplaces with harmful and (or) hazardous conditions labor; establishment of guarantees and compensations for workers employed at workplaces with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, provided for labor law; exemption of employers from paying insurance premiums in Pension Fund Russian Federation at additional rates.

Federal Law No. 426-FZ "On special evaluation working conditions", which will come into force on 01.01.2014.

88. The results of a special assessment of working conditions can be used in economic activity in a number of areas. Among them:

· development and implementation of measures to improve working conditions, substantiation of appropriate funding;

· establishment of an additional rate of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of Russia, taking into account the class and subclass of working conditions at the workplace;

Calculation of discounts and surcharges to the insurance rate for compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases;

Establishment of restrictions, guarantees and compensations for employees provided for by the current labor legislation;

assessment of the levels of professional risks;

organization of mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations of employees, the types of medical support necessary for employees;

Establishing a system for providing personal and collective protection equipment;

· implementation of control and monitoring activities carried out within the framework of the labor protection complex;

consideration labor disputes related to safety in the workplace;

informing employees (about working conditions at the workplace, about the existing health risk, guarantees, compensations, etc.);

preparation of profile statistics.

The results of a special assessment of working conditions can be used to:
1) development and implementation of measures aimed at improving the working conditions of employees;
2) informing employees about working conditions in the workplace, about the existing risk of damage to their health, about measures to protect against the effects of harmful and (or) dangerous production factors and rely on employees working in jobs with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, guarantees and compensations;
3) providing employees with personal protective equipment, as well as equipping workplaces with collective protective equipment;
4) monitoring the state of working conditions in the workplace;
5) organizations, mandatory preliminary (when applying for a job) and periodic (during labor activity) medical examinations workers;
6) establishing for employees the stipulated Labor Code Russian Federation guarantees and compensations;
7) establishing an additional rate of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, taking into account the class (subclass) of working conditions at the workplace;
8) calculation of discounts (surcharges) to the insurance rate for compulsory social insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases;
9) substantiating the financing of measures to improve working conditions and labor protection, including at the expense of funds for the implementation of compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases;
10) preparation statistical reporting about working conditions;
11) addressing the issue of the relationship of diseases that have arisen among workers with the impact on workers at their workplaces of harmful and (or) dangerous production factors, as well as the investigation of accidents at work and occupational diseases;
12) consideration and settlement of disagreements related to ensuring safe working conditions between employees and the employer and (or) their representatives;
14) making a decision on the establishment of restrictions provided for by labor legislation for certain categories of employees;
15) assessment of the levels of professional risks.

89. Who conducts SOUT in the organization?

Who conducts SOUT?
SOUT is carried out jointly by the employer and the organization or organizations involved by the employer to perform work on the SOUT, on the basis of a civil law contract.
Organization conducting SOUT (hereinafter Organization) - entity, accredited as an organization providing services under the SATS and performing, on the basis of a civil law agreement with the employer, measurements and assessments, as well as an assessment of the compliance of working conditions with state regulatory requirements for labor protection, carried out in accordance with the "Methodology for conducting the SATS", registration and preparation report and conclusion on the SOUT.

90. Article 10. The procedure for preparing for a special assessment of working conditions 1. In order to organize and conduct a special assessment of working conditions, the employer creates a commission for conducting a special assessment of working conditions, and also determines the schedule for conducting work on a special assessment of working conditions. 2. The composition of the commission for conducting a special assessment of working conditions includes representatives of the employer, a labor protection specialist, representatives of the elected body of the primary trade union organization or other representative body of employees (if any), representatives of the organization that carries out a special assessment of working conditions. Managers may be included in the commission for a special assessment of working conditions as representatives of the employer. structural divisions employers, lawyers, human resources specialists, labor specialists and wages, the main specialists of the employer, medical workers and other workers. 3. When conducting a special assessment of working conditions in organizations classified in accordance with the current legislation as micro-enterprises and small businesses, the commission for conducting a special assessment of working conditions includes the employer (his representative), a representative of the organization that carries out a special assessment of working conditions, representatives of the elected body of the primary trade union organization or other representative body of employees (if any), a labor protection specialist (a person appointed responsible for organizing work on labor protection by order (instruction) of the employer) or representatives of the organization or a specialist engaged by the employer under a civil law contract to carry out functions of the labor protection service (specialist in labor protection). 4. As representatives of the organization that carries out a special assessment of working conditions, the commission includes experts certified in the manner prescribed by this federal law. 5. The commission for conducting a special assessment of working conditions is headed by a representative of the employer. 6. The composition of the commission for conducting a special assessment of working conditions, as well as the schedule for carrying out work on a special assessment of working conditions, are approved by order (instruction) of the employer. 7. The commission for conducting a special assessment of working conditions, before starting work on a special assessment of working conditions, draws up a list of jobs subject to a special assessment of working conditions, with the allocation of similar jobs.

91. 13. Assessment of the compliance of working conditions with state regulatory requirements for labor protection includes:

assessment of compliance of working conditions with hygienic standards;

assessment of the injury risk of workplaces;

assessment of the provision of employees with PPE;

comprehensive assessment working conditions in the workplace.


Labor activity at enterprises equipped with electrical equipment implies the presence of a certain category of electrical safety.

For employees whose work is not directly related to complex machines, installations and other elements of the production complex that are under high voltage, the presence of the initial first electrical safety group is provided.

The procedure for assigning the first group, the grounds, paperwork and other regulatory issues in this area are fully regulated by the norms of federal legislation, the rules and standards of labor protection of sectoral ministries and departments.

The presence of category 1 tolerance means that certain officials are empowered to work with electrical installations that are not life-threatening, but which, if used improperly, can lead to negative consequences.

At the same time, such specialists should have, albeit initial, but knowledge in the field of electrical engineering, knowledge of regulatory federal acts, as well as the degree of responsibility for the equipment with which they operate.

Also government bodies during the control measures, they can check the level of knowledge on electrical safety and training of this category of personnel, after which, in case of poor quality of this knowledge, impose administrative measures on the organization and responsible officials.

To whom is assigned in the enterprise?

The legislator provides for a wide range of positions and specialties, which can be assigned 1 electrical safety tolerance group, as well as, accordingly, the obligation to perform certain actions in the event of emergency situation or an emergency.

A striking example of the empowerment of such powers and certain knowledge is office personnel who, in their daily activities, encounter various electrical appliances, but do not perform maintenance, repair and preventive maintenance, but only carry out operation.

For office workers and assignment of 1 electrical safety group is provided.

At the same time, such specialists are responsible for the household electrical appliances of the organization, and may also exercise the authority to conduct briefings for the company.

Also, the terms of reference of these persons include ensuring the fire regime associated with the appearance of a short circuit or fire at the facility.

Carrying out labor protection measures by such citizens is carried out in the absence of the position of a full-time labor protection specialist.


The assignment of the first group occurs on the basis of production needs at the direction of the enterprise management.

In the case of carrying out labor activities with equipment (even household equipment), the failure of which can lead to a fire or ignition, in relation to such employees, 1 safety clearance group should be established.

Wherein an order (order) is issued on the organization indicating the necessary information and listing the positions and personal data of employees who are to receive category 1.

The first electrical safety group is assigned one-time. Subsequently, there is a need for scheduled briefings, since annual certification is not required for the lowest category.

In the event that electrical safety briefings are not carried out, professionals need to re-learn the security basics course and get the corresponding group. After that, confirmation of this status occurs by passing the briefing.

When it changes job duties and transfer to another security group, an unscheduled briefing may be carried out in relation to the worker.

Who can assign non-electrotechnical personnel?

By assigning 1 security group in the organization should be handled by a responsible occupational safety specialist.

Given executive appointed by order of management in accordance with their knowledge in the field of labor protection and production safety legislation.

In addition, this engineer must himself have the appropriate knowledge in the field of electrical safety and pass special education in training center or in educational organization, receive a certificate of conformity and a certificate of the established form.

So a specialist can be as the head of an organization or department, and a dedicated staff unit that carries out activities within the framework of a combination / part-time job or during a full working day in accordance with the provisions of federal law and its official duties.

At the same time, such a person is vested with the authority to assign 1 electrical safety group to non-electrical personnel and the right to fill out a register for such employees.

How is it arranged?

Assignment of any security group, including 1, without fail documented by the internal local regulatory act of the organization.

In this case an order must be issued for the enterprise, initiated by a responsible labor protection specialist, who, based on the results of the measures taken, applies for the issuance of an appropriate document.

The execution of the order must be carried out in accordance with the provisions and recommendations of the labor inspectorate, line ministries, taking into account the specifics of the activity, as well as in accordance with standards and GOST for document management.

The normative act is legally binding throughout the enterprise.

The issuance of the order is carried out as a result of the successful completion of several briefings by non-electrotechnical personnel, during which they explain the basics of labor protection legislation, primary precautions at work, first aid measures as a result of harm to health through contact with electricity, as well as the features of work with certain types of electrical appliances.

sample order

When issuing an order to assign category 1 electrical safety required data to be included:

Also, at the request of the management, other information may be included in the order in agreement with representatives of the trade union organization.

The procedure for obtaining category 1 and registration

The procedure for assigning 1 electrical safety group consists of several successive stages:

  1. The production need for workers with responsibility in accordance with the requirements for working with electrical appliances.
  2. Drawing up and issuing an order to send this category of citizens for instruction.
  3. Implementation of theoretical and practical activities in accordance with the plans of briefings by responsible specialists.
  4. Issuance of an appropriate order on the assignment of a certain category in relation to employees.

Information about the assigned groups is stored by a labor protection specialist and in the personnel divisions of the company in a special one.

Useful video

About the procedure for assigning 1 group electrical safety, detailed in this video:


Obtaining this status among non-electrotechnical personnel acts as an integral requirement of the legislator.

The direct obligation of the employer is to contribute to obtaining 1 group of admission for workers upon the manifestation of certain grounds.