Additional contract for the provision of services. Standard contract for the provision of services: conditions, form, sample

The range of services that the contractor can provide to the customer according to the standard form of a service agreement is extremely wide, thanks to a variety of actions to meet the needs in the civil law sphere.

The development of the economy and the growth of information (knowledge) in the intellectual field contributed to the emergence a large number new services, the implementation of which is carried out on the basis of the conclusion contractual relations for the provision of consulting, information and other services, including training services.

We have forms of contracts that are appropriate to conclude when providing the following services:

  • general;
  • legal;
  • accounting;
  • information;
  • consulting;
  • audit;
  • tourist;
  • communications;
  • marketing;
  • security;
  • advertising;
  • real estate;
  • transport.

What kind of services you or your client need is decided individually in each individual case, in our service you can find all these service agreements with the necessary annexes.

Legal regulation of contracts

The legal regulation of these agreements is carried out by the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In particular, Chapter 39 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation ("Paid services"). The rules of the chapter apply to contracts for the provision of medical, auditing, information, consulting, veterinary, training and some other services.

And Article 783 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation states that this agreement may be subject to general provisions on the contract, if this does not contradict the subject of the agreement. It is worth remembering that these documents have a significant difference between them: in one case, services are provided to the customer, in the other, work is performed. It is quite difficult to distinguish between documents due to the lack of definitions of the concepts “work” and “service” in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

However, these concepts are defined in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Work is an activity, the results of which have a material expression. Services are considered to be activities, the results of which do not have a material expression, and are consumed in the process of carrying out this activity. Thus, when concluding a contract for the provision of services, the customer does not pay for the result of the work, but directly for the process of providing certain services.

The process of "providing a service" refers to the commercial (entrepreneurial) activity of an individual, legal entity or individual entrepreneur aimed at meeting the needs of others. Services, most often, are provided on the basis of an appropriate form of an agreement for the provision of services concluded between the contractor and the customer.

The concept of a service contract

According to the service agreement, the contractor undertakes, on the instructions of the customer, to provide some service / services (perform certain actions or carry out certain activities), and the customer undertakes to pay for these services.

According to the above definition, a contract for the provision of services, or a sample thereof, is consensual, reimbursable and bilateral.

Contracts for the provision of services: features of the conclusion

The following rules apply to contracts concluded when providing any services in 2019:

  • According to Article 780 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the contractor is obliged to provide services personally, unless otherwise provided by the concluded document. However, this does not deprive the contractor of the right to include in the sample agreement for the provision of services a condition on the involvement of co-executors, after agreeing on the conditions with the customer.
  • Some activities require a license.
  • A written task is the basis for a competent definition of the subject in a sample of such a contract for the provision of services. The formulation of the task is one of the main responsibilities of the customer, along with payment for the services performed on time and in the manner specified in the contract.
  • If the possibility of early provision of a particular service is not provided for by the agreement, the customer has the right not to pay for the services performed ahead of schedule.
  • In case of impossibility to fulfill obligations that arose due to the fault of the customer, he is obliged to pay for the services in full, unless otherwise provided by the contract or legislation.
  • In the event that it is impossible to fulfill obligations arising from circumstances beyond the control of the parties, the customer is obliged to reimburse the contractor for the expenses actually incurred by him, unless otherwise provided in the contract or legislation.
  • The customer has the right to terminate the contract for the provision of services, subject to payment to the contractor of the expenses actually incurred by him.
  • The contractor has the right to terminate the contract only on condition of full reimbursement of expenses to the customer.

Causes of disputes under the contract for the provision of services

  • Most often, disputes arise due to an insufficiently clearly formulated task, the absence of deadlines and other specific indicators in the contract.
  • A common cause of disputes is the insolvency of the customer, as well as the lack of mechanisms to ensure fulfilled obligations.

How to ensure the fulfillment of contractual conditions?

The fulfillment of obligations under the contract for the provision of any services is ensured in the following ways:

  • forfeit (in the form of fines);
  • bank guarantee;
  • retention of the debtor's property;
  • surety;
  • contract insurance;
  • deposit and some other ways provided by the agreement or legislation.

It is also advisable to apply insurance of concluded contracts. Such measures will help to eliminate or minimize property losses when concluding a sample contract for the provision of services, which you can download in our service.

Essential terms of the service agreement

By treaty paid provision services the contractor undertakes, on the instructions of the customer, to provide services (perform certain actions or carry out certain activities), and the customer undertakes to pay for these services(Clause 1 of Article 779 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The contract for the provision of services is concluded for:

This list is not exhaustive.

The relations of the parties under the contract for the provision of services for a fee are regulated by Chapter 39 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. According to Article 783 of the Civil Code, the general provisions on the contract (Articles 702 - 729 of the Civil Code) and the provisions on domestic contracting (Articles 730 - 739 of the Civil Code) apply to the contract for the provision of services for a fee, if this does not contradict the special rules on this contract (Articles 779 - 782 of the Civil Code) , as well as the features of the subject of the contract for the provision of services for compensation.

When providing certain types of services, the parties to the contract, in addition to the Civil Code, are also required to be guided by the norms of special legislation. For example, the provision of communication services is regulated by the Law "On Communications" and the Rules for the Provision of Communication Services, which define both the essential conditions for the provision of mobile communication services, and other mandatory conditions for the provision of this type of service to be included in the contract.

In some cases, the contract for the provision of services is public, therefore, the Law of the Russian Federation "" applies to the relations of the parties under such an agreement.

Below is type form service contracts. Of course, one must understand that each contract is unique and its terms depend on the characteristics of a number of conditions and the will of the parties. Nevertheless, there are conditions (they are called) that any service agreement must contain and without which the agreement is considered not concluded. The essential terms of the service agreement include the conditions that determine the specific type of service provided (clause 1 of article 779 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), i.e.:

    General provisions on (Article 702 - 729 of the Civil Code) and provisions on domestic contracting (Article 730 - 739 of the Civil Code) apply to the contract, if this does not contradict the norms of Ch. 39 of the Civil Code, as well as the features of the subject of the contract for the provision of services for compensation (Article 783 of the Civil Code).

    Because the:

    • the result obtained from the service cannot be seen and felt;

      the service itself is consumed at the time of rendering to the customer;

      the service is considered rendered after the signing of the certificate of acceptance of services rendered services;

      for accounting and tax accounting it is necessary to prove the fact of the provision of services,

    Therefore, the execution of primary documents is important for both the customer and the contractor.

    To reflect the services, the main documents are:

    Service agreement;

    Account (invoice) of the service provider;

Standard form of a service agreement

G. ____________________ "__" ________ 201__

Romashka LLC, hereinafter referred to as the "Customer", represented by General Director ____________________, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and Odnodnevka LLC, hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", represented by Director ____________________, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the other hand, have entered into this Agreement as follows:

What mistakes are made most often in the preamble of the contract

1. The Subject of the Agreement

1.1. The Contractor undertakes to provide the Customer with the services (hereinafter referred to as the Services) named in the List of Services Provided, which is an integral part of the Agreement (Appendix No. 1), and the Customer undertakes to pay for these Services.

1.2. The Contractor undertakes to provide the Services personally.

1.3. The terms for the provision of the Services are determined in the List of Services Provided (Appendix No. 1).

What mistakes are made most often in the subject of the contract

2. Order of delivery and acceptance of services

2.1. Upon the provision of the Services, the Contractor submits to the Customer for signing (Appendix No. 2) in two copies.

2.2. Within 7 days after receiving the Acceptance Certificate for the Services Rendered, the Customer is obliged to sign it and send one copy to the Contractor, or, if there are defects, provide the Contractor with a reasoned refusal to sign it.

2.3. If there are deficiencies, the Contractor undertakes to eliminate them within 14 days from the date of receipt of the relevant claims of the Customer.

2.4. Services are considered rendered from the moment the Parties sign the Certificate of Acceptance and Delivery of Services Rendered.

3. Contract price and settlement procedure

3.1. The total cost of the Services is ____ (___________________) rubles, including VAT _____ (__________) rubles.

3.2. The Customer pays for the Services in the following order (select the required one / it is possible to establish a different payment procedure): part of the cost of the Services in the amount of _____ (__________) rubles, including VAT _____ (__________) rubles, the Customer pays before the start of the provision of services by the Contractor (prepayment ), the remaining part of the cost of the Services in the amount of _____ (__________) rubles, including VAT _____ (__________) rubles, the Customer pays within _____ days after the Parties sign the Certificate of Acceptance and Delivery of the Services Rendered.

6.4. Any changes and additions to this agreement are valid only if they are made in writing and signed by authorized representatives of the parties. Annexes to this agreement form its integral part.

6.5. This Agreement is made in two copies in Russian. Both copies are identical and have the same power. Each party has one copy of this agreement.

6.6. Attached to the agreement:

6.6.1. List of rendered services

6.6.2. Service Acceptance Certificate


current account No. __________________________ in the Bank _______________

Contractor: _______________________________ (location address)

current account No. __________________________ in the Bank _______________


How to draw up an act of acceptance of services rendered

Application No. 2
to the Compensation Agreement
provision of services No. ____ dated "___" ___________ _____

Certificate of acceptance of services rendered

G. ____________________ "__" ________ 201__

Romashka LLC, hereinafter referred to as the "Customer", represented by General Director ____________________, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and Odnodnevka LLC, hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", represented by Director ____________________, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the other hand, they have drawn up this Certificate of acceptance and delivery of services rendered (hereinafter referred to as the Certificate) under the Contract for the Provision of Services for Compensation No. ___ dated "___" ___________ _____ (hereinafter referred to as the Contract) as follows.

    In pursuance of clause 1.1 of the Agreement, the Contractor, in the period from "__" _______ ___ to "__" _______ ___, fulfilled its obligations to provide services, namely, provided the following services to the Customer:

    • ________________________________________


    The above services were completed in full and on time. The customer has no claims regarding the volume, quality and timing of the provision of services.

    According to the Agreement, the total cost of the services rendered is ______ (__________) rubles, including VAT __% in the amount of _______ (__________) rubles.

    total amount of the transferred advance amounted to ______ (__________) rubles, including VAT __% in the amount of _______ (__________) rubles.
    Under this Act, _____ (__________) rubles are due to be received, including VAT ___% in the amount of _____ (__________) rubles.

    This Act is made in two copies, one for the Contractor and the Customer.

By customer:
LLC "Romashka"

Surname I.O.

From the Artist:
Odnodnevka LLC

Provision of services compared to other types entrepreneurial activity, has the essential difference that after the fulfillment of all obligations of the parties there is no material result.

Therefore, firstly, a mandatory written confirmation of the transaction is necessary, and secondly, the contract for the provision of services must contain an extremely detailed description of the subject of the contract.

That is, such an agreement is concluded in cases where one of the parties assumes obligations to fulfill certain work in the agreed volume and within the specified time, as a rule, on a paid basis. Although this type of contract is possible with non-profit organization free of charge.

Legislative regulation

The procedure for registration and execution is regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Chapter 39), as well as regulations corresponding to a specific type of activity.

Design rules

The contract is drawn up in simple writing, however, if the transaction amount is less than 10, it is permissible to conclude an oral contract and not draw it up in paper form. The number of copies is made according to the number of parties to the contract, that is, as a rule, two.

Shelf life of the contract is the period of its validity plus the limitation period, unless other storage conditions are provided for by the internal regulations of the organization's document flow.

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Contract structure

The standard form implies the presence mandatory items agreements, such as:

  • Parties - in this case, the contractor and the customer;
  • Subject of the contract – description of the service;
  • Amount and method of payment;
  • Validity period, terms of the service;
  • Rights and obligations of the parties;
  • Responsibility of the parties;
  • Settlement of disputes;
  • Termination conditions and .

Additionally, it should be noted that this type of contract is personal, that is, the service must be provided by the person who acts as the contractor under the contract. If it is planned to delegate all or part of the work to third parties, this fact must be specified in the contract separately.

Also requires special attention financial side question, namely, the presence of an advance payment, the timing of its payment, the method of payment, details for the transfer. If the service will be provided for cash, it is necessary to think in advance how to confirm the transfer of funds.

One of the most important terms of the contract is description of the end result of the work and criteria for the quality of its implementation, as well as a way for the customer to confirm acceptance of the work.

If, after signing the contract, new circumstances arise that require additional conditions to be reflected in the contract, this can be done by signing in the same form as the main contract.

Essential terms of the contract

In order for this document to have legal force, its text must contain essential terms for this type of contract. Conditions are considered essential, the presence of which is mandatory in a contract of any kind.

For the provision of services, this condition is subject of the contract. Since, in addition to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation certain types services are additionally regulated by regulatory legal acts and federal laws, they may also contain requirements for the availability of additional essential conditions Therefore, for each type of activity, this item must be clarified separately.

Features of the conclusion of these types of contracts

The legislation does not prohibit individuals from providing paid services, including through the conclusion of a written contract. The legal status of the contractor does not affect the specific terms of the contract, however, it must be remembered that when making a profit from the provision of services, an obligation arises to pay, which the contractor himself must calculate, include in and pay to the budget.

In the text of the agreement in this case must be contained clause "Acts as individual". This postscript is made after the name of the performer in the place where the basis of the activity should be indicated.

In cases where an individual is a customer, the service will be considered household. Then, in addition to the general regulatory framework, the contract will also be regulated by the Law on Consumer Rights Protection and the Rules for Consumer Services.

The need to draw up an Act on the provision of services is described in the following video tutorial:

Types of services provided under the contract

With the obligatory presence of the above standard clauses and conditions, contracts for specific types of services also have their own distinctive features.

Transport services usually imply on behalf of the customer at his expense. Since the customer transfers the property for transportation, the contract must contain clause on the responsibility of the carrier for the safety of the entrusted property. When transporting large quantities or especially valuable goods, the contract may contain a condition on compulsory insurance. Execution confirmation is .

Rendering advertising services additionally regulated federal law“On Advertising”, therefore, the contract usually contains a clause stating that the contractor undertakes to issue all the necessary permits in government bodies, and also assumes control over compliance with the requirements of the legislation established for this type of service.

Rendering medical services has a direct impact on the health and physical condition of the customer, so the liability of the contractor for causing harm to life and health should be spelled out in particular detail. Among other things, the contractor is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of information about the customer's health, which must also be stated in the contract. Conditions for providing confidential information to third parties are negotiated separately.

Since the diagnostic and treatment procedures are individual and highly specialized, the course of treatment cannot be fully prescribed in the contract. Therefore, the procedure or reference to the regulation may be contained in the contract as an annex.

Treaty rendering should additionally contain the scope of work and deadlines. Since it is not uncommon for the contractor to be granted access to the residential and commercial premises of the customer, often in his absence, it is necessary to additionally provide for responsibility for the safety of property and valuables.

Legal services imply the performance of actions on behalf of the customer in his interests. When concluding a contract for the provision legal services it must be borne in mind that one of the parties to the agreement will be a professional lawyer, who, in most cases, is involved in the preparation of this agreement. With a high degree of probability, it can be assumed that the interests of a lawyer under the contract will be protected as much as possible, so the customer must pay attention to the observance of his rights and legitimate interests. In many cases, when concluding a contract, a power of attorney is required to conduct business on behalf of the customer, receive property and funds.

Agreement for provision of educational services can be two- and three-sided, that is, between the performer and the customer or between the performer, the customer and the student. If the service is provided for a fee, you must specify the duration of training and the periods for which payment is made. In most cases, the cost of one training period is not fixed and can be increased or decreased depending on the terms of the contract. Since tuition costs are the basis for receiving, the contract must initially be concluded with the person who intends to receive a tax refund. A mandatory annex to the contract must be academic plan or a list of subjects to be studied.

Providing hotel services often involves the involvement of third parties, and since initially a standard contract is personal, the fact of involving third-party employees must be reflected in the contract. In addition, before concluding an agreement, the hotel provides for approval a list of services provided and living conditions, including the time of check-in and check-out, as well as the availability of additional services. The contract is signed after agreeing on the proposed list.

Consulting services are the most difficult to regulate type for drawing up a contract, since the result is expressed exclusively in an intellectual product (advice, expert opinions, analysis of activities, etc.). In this case, it is especially important to specify in detail the requirements for the contractor and final result activities.

The emergence of disputes

Since the services provided under this type of contract do not have a materially expressed and measurable result, often disputes arise between the parties due to differences of opinion on what constitutes work performed. Such precedents are possible in cases where the subject of the contract is described in the text in vague terms without specifying specific quality criteria and signs of completion of the work. And also if there are no methods for accepting the rendered service in the form of an act or other supporting document, which gives the customer the opportunity to deny receiving the service and refuse to pay under the contract.

the best resolution method such conflicts is to prevent them. This is easy to do if the contract was originally drawn up with the maximum detailed description expected result and method of confirmation.

The features and rules for drawing up contracts for the provision of services are described in this video:

The provision of services in the vast majority of cases is carried out on the basis of a standard contract. The conditions of such an agreement are simple, as well as its form. But nevertheless, special requirements from the legislation apply to such documents. Consider how a standard service contract is drawn up.

Legal regulation of the contract for the provision of services

Regulation of the procedure for the provision of services and the conclusion of relevant contracts is ensured by the provisions of Chapter 39 Civil Code RF. At the same time, the interpretation of the standards for concluding service contracts looks as simple as possible. So, in accordance with such an agreement, the customer undertakes to pay a fee, and the contractor undertakes to perform the appropriate actions on such an order within a certain time frame.

A distinction should be made between a service contract and a subcontract. Firstly, in the case of the provision of services, objects of material value do not arise, and secondly, the execution of the services specified in the terms of the contract is assigned directly to the contractor and it is not allowed to transfer such obligations to third parties, unless such possibility is separately stipulated in the provisions of the contract.

Standard service agreement - form, drafting procedure, sample

In general, there is no form established at the federal or regional levels for a standard service agreement. However, for its recognition as valid, it is necessary that in this document in without fail the following information was provided:

  • Data about the customer and the contractor, which can be both physical and legal entities or individual entrepreneurs;
  • Definition of services provided;
  • The cost of providing such services;
  • Certain timeframes for the provision of services.

The contract is drawn up in writing and signed by two parties in two copies, and if necessary, the contract is stamped by the subject or subjects of entrepreneurial activity. In addition, this agreement can be certified by a notary, however, such actions are not necessary and do not provide any additional advantages in comparison with the execution of the agreement without a notary.

Regarding services, the cost of which does not exceed 10 thousand rubles, the contract can be concluded orally, however, in order to confirm it in case of disagreement, serious evidence will be required.

for conducting repair work in a person acting on the basis of , hereinafter referred to as " Customer”, on the one hand, and in the person acting on the basis of , hereinafter referred to as “ Executor”, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”, have concluded this agreement, hereinafter “ Treaty" about the following:


1.1. Under the terms of this Agreement, the Contractor undertakes to at the address (hereinafter referred to as ) and the Customer undertakes to accept its result and pay for it set price. Address of delivery of goods, materials, performance of works (rendering of services).


2.1. The customer is obliged:

2.1.1. Timely conclude an agreement with the Contractor;

2.1.2. Make timely payment for the terms of Chapter 4 of this Agreement;

2.2. The customer has the right:

2.2.1. To carry out at any time control and supervision over compliance with the deadlines for the fulfillment of the terms of the Agreement (schedule) by the Contractor;

2.2.2. Require the Contractor to properly fulfill its obligations under this Agreement.

2.3. The contractor is obliged:

2.3.1. To fulfill the terms of this Agreement in a timely manner and in due quality.

2.3.2. If there are reasons for the untimely execution of the contract, timely, in writing, notify the Customer about this.

2.4. The Contractor has the right:

2.4.1. Timely and on time to receive the payment provided for by this Agreement for the fulfillment of the terms of the Agreement;

2.5. The rights and obligations of the Parties provided for in this Section are not exhaustive. The parties, in addition, have the rights and bear the obligations provided for by the current legislation Russian Federation.


3.1. Compliance with the terms of the contract is confirmed by: an invoice for the supply of goods and materials, an acceptance certificate for the work performed (services rendered) signed by the parties.

3.2. From clause 3.3 to clause 3.9 when performing work (rendering services) under the concluded Contracts.

3.3. If the Contractor discovers in the course of the work additional work not taken into account in the design and estimate documentation, the Contractor is obliged to immediately inform the Customer about this.

3.4. Changes in the design and estimate documentation that require additional costs for the Contractor are carried out at the expense of the Customer on the basis of an additional estimate agreed by the Parties with an adjustment in the timing of the work.

3.5. The Customer, by appointing authorized representatives, has the right to exercise control and supervision over the progress and quality of work performed, compliance with the deadlines for their implementation (schedule), the quality of materials provided by the Contractor, without interfering in the operational and economic activities of the Contractor.

3.6. In the event that the Customer discovers, when exercising control and supervision over the performance of work, a deviation from the terms of the Contract that may worsen the quality of work, or other shortcomings in it, he is obliged to notify the Contractor in writing within days. In the absence of such a statement, the Customer loses the right to refer to the shortcomings discovered by him in the future.

3.7. The Contractor is obliged to fulfill the instructions of the Customer received during the performance of work, if such instructions do not contradict the terms of this Agreement and do not constitute interference in the operational and economic activities of the Contractor.

3.8. The delivery of the results of work by the Contractor and their acceptance by the Customer is formalized by the Certificate of acceptance and transfer of work performed (hereinafter referred to as the "Act") signed by the Parties. If one of the Parties refuses to sign the Act, it must indicate the reason for the refusal.

3.9. If any shortcomings are found during acceptance, they must be indicated in the Act. In the event of a reasoned refusal of the Customer to accept the Works, the parties, within banking days from the moment the Contractor receives a reasoned refusal, draw up a bilateral defective act indicating the list of necessary improvements and the timing of their elimination.


4.1. The total cost of the Contract is: rubles.

4.2. The cost of work under this Agreement is fixed and is not subject to adjustment in the process of fulfilling the terms of the Agreement.

4.3. Payment under the Agreement is made by the Customer by bank transfer in the following order: after the delivery of goods and materials, performance of work (rendering of services).


5.1. The Contractor guarantees the fulfillment of the conditions for the implementation of the Agreement, within the time limits stipulated by the agreement and the quality prescribed in the specifications, as well as guarantees for quality from the date of fulfillment of the terms of the Agreement from the moment of payment under the Agreement.

5.2. The Contractor shall be liable for deficiencies found within the warranty period, unless he proves that they arose as a result of normal wear and tear of the object or its parts, its improper operation or incorrect instructions for its operation developed by the Customer himself or third parties involved by him, improper repair of the object, produced by the Customer himself or by third parties involved by him.

5.3. During the warranty period under the terms of the Agreement, the Contractor, in the event of warranty case, is obliged to replace the supplied goods and materials (when performing work (rendering services), eliminate the identified shortcomings and defects within the period specified in the defective act).

5.4. During the warranty period under the terms of the Contract, if a warranty case is identified, the Contractor is obliged to send his representative to draw up a defective Act within a period of no more than calendar days from receipt written notice about the occurrence of a warranty case.


6.1. The Contractor has the right, without agreement with the Customer, to involve other persons (subcontractors) in the execution of this Agreement. In this case, the Contractor acts before the Customer as the General Contractor, and before the subcontractor as the Customer.

6.2. The General Contractor shall be liable to the subcontractor for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations by the Customer, and to the Customer - liability for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations by the subcontractor.

6.3. The Customer and the Subcontractor are not entitled to present claims to each other related to their violation of agreements with the General Contractor.

6.4. With the consent of the General Contractor, the Customer has the right to conclude a contract for the performance individual works with third parties. In this case, the third party is liable for non-performance or improper performance of the work directly to the Customer.


7.1. The total term for fulfilling the terms of the Agreement.


8.1. For non-fulfillment, or untimely fulfillment of the terms of the Agreement, the Parties shall be liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.2. For non-fulfillment, or untimely fulfillment of the terms of the Agreement, the Contractor shall pay to the Customer a penalty in the amount of% of the Contractual price, for each day of delay.

8.3. For delay in payment of payments, the Customer shall pay to the Contractor a penalty in the amount of % of the amount of the overdue payment, for each day of delay.

8.4. The payment of penalties and the application of other penalties in accordance with the law does not relieve the guilty Party from the proper performance of its obligations under this Agreement.

8.5. The Contractor is responsible for the safety of the work performed, as well as for deviations from the requirements stipulated by this Agreement, the project, estimates and building codes and regulations binding on the parties (when performing work (rendering services)).

8.6. The Parties are released from liability for full or partial non-fulfillment of their obligations under this Agreement, if such non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment was the result of extraordinary circumstances that the Party could not prevent by reasonable measures (force majeure), namely: fire, flood, earthquake, hostilities, blockades, coup d'état, strikes, as well as other circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Parties.

8.7. The party affected by force majeure undertakes to notify the other party within days. Any period of time during which the Party, in accordance with this Agreement, had to carry out certain actions, is extended for the period of force majeure.


9.1. This Agreement shall enter into force from the moment of its signing and shall be valid until the Parties fully fulfill all obligations under this Agreement.

9.2. All warnings and notices of violation of the terms of this Agreement to any of its Parties must be in writing and sent by registered mail with receipt of a registered notice, or delivered by courier under the signature of the authorized representative of the Party.

9.3. This Agreement is made in 2 copies, in Russian, having the same legal force, one copy for each of the Parties.

9.4. Any disputes arising from this Agreement that cannot be resolved through negotiations shall be resolved by the court of the Russian Federation. The legislation of the Russian Federation shall apply to this Agreement.

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Please note that the service agreement is drawn up and verified by lawyers and is exemplary; it can be finalized taking into account the specific terms of the transaction. The Site Administration is not responsible for the validity of this agreement, as well as for its compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.