Resume sample key skills. Professional Skills on a Resume - Examples of Skill Descriptions

What skills and abilities should be included in a resume?

Choose 5-7 core skills and abilities required for the position you are applying for.

Key skills on a resume might include:

  • Expert knowledge in your professional field
  • Knowledge of the law
  • Knowledge of special programs
  • Understanding the specifics of your industry, knowledge of the main players
  • Team management

It is important not to confuse skills and achievements. Skills are what you are good at and know. Achievement is how you succeed with your skills and knowledge.

Examples of resume skills

  • Active sales, expansion of the client base;
  • Work with key clients, elimination of arising disagreements;
  • Department management (5 people).

Achievement examples

  • Brought 7 key clients to the company (up to 50% of orders in total);
  • Created a sales department from "0". Subsequently, the department (5 people) under my leadership regularly carried out the plan to attract new customers and sales;
  • Developed and implemented in the company technology of sales of technically complex equipment.

Computer skills in the resume are indicated in the "Additional Information" section

  1. Specify the level of PC proficiency in accordance with the classification: User - Confident User - Advanced User-Programmer.
  2. List the programs you own. Be sure to specify the versions of the programs. This might be important. For example, you should specify not only 1 C, but also version 8.2.
  3. You can also specify the degree of ownership of the org. technique if that skill is important for the job you are applying for.

Key skills in a resume are usually a separate block in a resume. It indicates what is not included in the description official duties in work experience, but important for a future employer. We are talking about professional skills, i.e. important to fulfill professional duties skills. In another way, they can be called competencies. Competence is a kind of skill that you may not have used, but which you can update at the right time.

Types of Key Skills

The skills show what do you know not what kind of person you are. It is important to distinguish between key skills and personality traits. A common mistake is to mix skills with personal qualities and indicate, for example, along with negotiating skills, stress resistance, responsibility, etc.

Key skills in a resume can be divided into groups:

  • Communication skills, negotiation skills, business communication;
  • Organizational skills, planning skills, resource allocation, project management;
  • Leadership qualities, people management skills;
  • Analytical skills, idea generation, strategic thinking;
  • applied skills; Skills specific to a particular occupation.

Key skills on a resume

Communication skills:

  • Ability to negotiate
  • Dispute resolution skills
  • Conflict resolution skills
  • Dealing with clients, dealing with objections
  • Public Speaking Skills
  • The ability to convince
  • Correct oral and written language

Organizational skills:

  • Project management
  • Ability to multitask
  • Strategic planning
  • Budgeting

Leadership Skills:

  • People leadership
  • Employee motivation

Applied Skills:

  • Experienced PC user, knowledge of MS Office
  • Business correspondence
  • Office work, personnel office work
  • Foreign language skills
  • Knowledge of legislation, ability to work with legal bases
  • Knowledge of GOSTs, SNIPs
  • "Blind" printing (Russian, English)

As in general with, when indicating key skills in a resume, you must adhere to the principle relevance. Key skills should match the purpose of the resume. You do not need to list all your skills, regardless of the position you are applying for. Indicate only the skills that are professionally significant for a particular vacancy.

Use the wording from the job description. This is necessary in order for your resume to be searched well by the recruiter by filters.

Organize skills into an easy-to-read list. Don't go overboard with listing a large list of skills. This may give the impression of a formal approach to writing a resume and speak of your inability to isolate the main thing.

Key Skills on a Resume: Examples

Below are examples of specifying key skills from the resume of applicants, indicating the position:

Project manager

  • Project management
  • Organization of events
  • Teamwork skills
  • Working with a large amount of information
  • Budgeting
  • Negotiation
  • Multitasking
  • Experience of international contacts

Head of Sales Department

  • Sales management
  • Personnel Management
  • Finding and attracting customers, active sales
  • Sales Skills
  • Negotiation
  • Sales Analytics
  • Organizational skills

Director of logistics

  • Personnel management, motivation, certification
  • Organizational skills
  • Warehouse, transport logistics, responsible storage
  • Cost management
  • Experience in dealing with regulatory authorities
  • Experience of interacting with government regulatory authorities
  • Project management

Shop assistant

  • Sales Skills
  • Knowledge of cash discipline
  • Merchandising
  • Teamwork
  • Ability to teach others
  • Experienced PC user

Chief Accountant

  • Experience in managing multiple legal entities simultaneously;
  • Accounting and tax accounting, reporting
  • Currency operations
  • Knowledge of accounting, tax, labor laws
  • Experience in passing inspections (desk, on-site, counter)
  • Accounting recovery experience

Foreign Trade Specialist

  • Negotiation
  • Preparing and conducting presentations
  • Drafting and conclusion of contracts
  • Work with customs authorities
  • contract law
  • Currency control


  • Accident-free driving experience 10 years
  • Experience in luxury vehicles
  • Excellent knowledge of the routes of St. Petersburg and the region
  • Excellent vehicle knowledge
  • Working with travel documents
  • English - Intermediate

The process of finding a new job can be accelerated if. In this case, it is necessary to take into account various nuances - up to the style of writing and the volume of the text itself. Previously acquired professional skills should also be indicated, as this will allow the employer to better assess the applicant's qualifications.

During the preparation of the document, it is worth making an amendment to a specific position. It is important to take into account the specifics of future work and the requirements set by the recruiters of the organization.

What are professional skills?

Professional skills- this is previously acquired knowledge and skills that allow you to complete the task assigned to the employee by the employer. To write them, you can use three rules:

  1. Compliance with job requirements.
  2. Conciseness.
  3. Presentability.

Must match the desired position. When compiling a document, it is necessary to adapt the writing style to a specific vacancy. Sometimes recruiters show more creativity - especially often vacancies with a non-standard description can be found in IT companies. In this case, the resume itself and it is desirable to rewrite it (for example, replace the word “programming” with “coding”). A non-standard approach will create the desired image of the applicant in the eyesHR manager.

You need to write professional skills concisely and succinctly. It is advisable to indicate no more than 5-6 positions suitable for a specific position. It is not recommended to compose a voluminous text for a number of reasons:

  1. It's difficult to read.
  2. It may give the impression of boastfulness.
  3. There is a risk of falling under the “over-qualified” filter.

The third point should be discussed separately. This term appeared in the vocabulary of domestic personnel officers recently. Some companies simply do not like specialists with a lot of knowledge. For example, the position of a secretary requires an employee with at least 1 year of work experience and the ability to plan the manager's working day. In this case, a resume, where professional skills will indicate several higher education and an internship as an assistant manager will raise a lot of questions. There will be an impression that the applicant simply could not find a vacancy suitable for his qualifications and will leave at any time as soon as the desired position appears.

Prof. skills on a resume should sound strong. This is what is hidden under the term "presentability". For example, instead of the phrase "sales experience" it is better to write "sales experience: 2 years in retail and 4 in the wholesale department." Each of these skills must be specified.

Important: it is not enough to acquire knowledge and skills, they need to be documented (for example, by providing a certificate of completion of advanced training courses).

Often in downloaded on the Internet, you can see skills such as communication skills, dedication, learning and the like. They do not belong to professional skills! These are purely personal qualities.

Professional skills and abilities in a resume - examples

Easier to show professional skills on concrete examples. In particular, for an accountant's resume, you must specify:

  1. Seniority.
  2. Experience in audit and tax audits.
  3. Knowledge of tax laws.
  4. Preparation of reports (IFRS and RAS).
  5. Knowledge of programs (MS Office, 1C and similar).
  6. Education and refresher courses.

Everything is extremely clear and concise. The recruiter will immediately become clear strengths applicant and his suitability for the vacant position.

Driver skills include:

  1. Rights category.
  2. Driving experience.
  3. Experience in car repair.
  4. Knowledge of the city.

The quality of the compilation of this part of the resume depends on the likelihood of a response from the HR specialist and a possible invitation to an interview.

Summing up

A lot has been said about what to write in skills and abilities in a resume. However, applicants continue to make the same mistakes, often confusing personal and professional quality.

Sometimes HR managers require you to indicate negative character traits for your resume. It is difficult to criticize yourself, so in such a question you can go the “standard way”, writing about an excessive tendency to formalism or a love of shopping.

The summary consists of several paragraphs. The main components are a description of work experience and an indication of professional skills. What to write in a resume, what skills and abilities to indicate, our article will tell you.

Key phrases are given a separate place in the resume. This section describes the professional skills and qualities of the employee. Usually, here you need to indicate your abilities that a person is ready to apply during work.

Do not confuse skills with your personal qualities. Conventionally, key skills are divided into:

  1. Communications. The ability of a person to establish contacts with potential partners;
  2. Organizations. These skills help organize the workflow and get the most out of work;
  3. Non-standard thinking. This type refers to employees who can implement original ideas in the workflow.

When compiling a resume, you must adhere to minimalism. Do not immediately describe all your best qualities, skills and abilities. For each profession, certain skills are important, which should be indicated in the resume.

General skills and abilities

A well-written resume is the key to getting a job. It is important to indicate all your professional qualities that will maximally reveal a person as an experienced employee.

Skills and abilities are indicated in the resume as a separate item. You must clearly describe your qualities and professional skills.

When a resume is written for the first time, and there are no professional skills, but only education. Then the university and the year of its graduation are indicated. In the skills section, it is worth indicating those qualities that are most characteristic of the applicant.

After graduation, characteristic skills and abilities are acquired, which can be indicated in the resume. It won't be a mistake. The main thing is to correctly present your capabilities so that the employer can see a potential employee of his company.

Do not confuse the description of your abilities and personality traits

It is important to understand that professional abilities and personality traits These are two different parts of a resume.

The ability of the applicant is certain qualities that he possesses for work efficiency. In the resume, you need to divide and write about your abilities and personal qualities.

In abilities, it is worth indicating what a person has acquired during his work. Perhaps there are skills in organizing the workflow. Out-of-the-box thinking helps in solving many controversial issues in the work. The ability to resolve conflict situations and find an approach to the client also refers to abilities.

Personal character traits are what characterizes a person as a person. Stress resistance, purposefulness, endurance - all this refers to personality traits.

By clearly understanding the differences between these two components, you can write a correct and noteworthy resume.

What to write in a resume for a manager

If you are going to get a job as a manager, you need to draw up correct resume. First you need to describe your work experience. The more experience you had, the better.

To get a managerial position, the resume must look decent and contain the information that shows that the applicant is worthy of holding this position. The resume should reveal the skills of personnel management.

success in writing good resume depends on its informativeness: the information should be brief and useful, not contain introductory words.

It is important to include examples of solutions in the resume conflict situations. Especially if it concerns a specific enterprise for which a resume is submitted. So, the candidate will show his skills and abilities.

Information about your achievements in work will be appropriate. Perhaps the applicant has experience in optimizing work or participating in taking the company out of the crisis. This will be an advantage when considering job applicants.

What to write in a resume for salespeople, consultants, secretaries, bank employees

One of the most popular professions are salespeople and consultants, secretaries and bank employees. There are a lot of vacancies in this field on job search portals. But this does not mean at all that anyone can take on this profession.

In order to get a job that involves sales, you need to create a resume that sells itself. If the candidate was able to write a decent resume, the employer will not leave him unattended. Good "salespeople" are a guarantee effective work businesses and maximize profits.

It is important for the employer that the candidate knows what the company does and can adequately present this product on the market. Therefore, those who have experience in this field are more likely.

In this field of activity, stress resistance and the ability to communicate with people are important. In personal qualities, you need to describe your communication skills. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​will also be a plus.

For secretaries and bank employees, a neat appearance is considered fundamental. appearance, communication skills, ability to work with office programs, quick learner, knowledge of foreign languages. All this must be indicated in the skills and personal qualities.

Skills and abilities for teachers leading seminars and trainings

Teachers play a leading role in the life of every person. This profession requires responsibility and endurance. Not everyone can adequately cope with this calling.

To qualify as a teacher, you must have the appropriate education. Getting a job at a school in your specialty is not so difficult. It is enough to indicate in your resume Teacher Education. The teacher's salary depends on the length of service and skills. The more work experience, the more wage. In the resume, you must write about your communicative qualities, love for children and the ability to find a way out of any conflict situations.

To get the position of a leader at seminars or trainings, you must have experience in this field. Your resume should include your education and previous work experience. The main thing in choosing a candidate is the presence of organizational skills and the ability to present the material.

Oratory skills are equally important. For the profession of a seminar leader, it is important to interest the listener and present useful information. At the trainings, it is necessary to share experience that will be useful to the listener.

For these professions, the main skill that is indicated on the resume is education and the ability to interest the audience so that there is a desire to go to classes.

For technical specialists: programmers, system administrators

Currently, the profession of programmers is widespread and in demand. Computers occupy a large part of human life. A lot of programs and games appear, for the development of which a large number of of people.

To become a programmer, it is not necessary to have the appropriate education. It is enough to be a confident PC user and complete programming courses. The main skill worth noting in the resume is knowledge of foreign languages. And you need to know them at a high level. English is considered the main programming language, but knowledge of additional languages ​​will be a plus for the candidate. In addition, if there are problems with foreign languages, but the applicant is at the stage of study, then this must be written in the resume.

If the applicant has examples of his work, for example, creating a website, writing his own program, interesting developments, then this is indicated in the resume.

Skills and abilities for accountants, auditors

An indication of the skills that are characteristic of the profession of accountant and auditor is the main component of the resume. Skills in this field of activity are considered as the ability to put into practice knowledge in the accounting field.

In the resume, you must write the length of service in a similar position and list the skills that were used in the previous job. The maximum disclosure of skills in the resume is considered the main thing when choosing a candidate. The key to success in this business depends on the correct presentation of information. No need to write too long and abstruse phrases. Everything should be concise and competent. The foregoing should convey the skills and experience of a specialist in this field.

In order for the resume to give an effective result, it is necessary to describe not general skills, but those that are typical for the applicant and he used them at his last job.

  • Making tax calculations for foreigners;
  • Execution of currency transactions, their control and making payments.

The skills and abilities of an accountant and auditor depend directly on the acquired knowledge in the process of working at the previous place. If there is no work experience, it is necessary to focus on quick learning and acquired knowledge at the university.

Skills and abilities for lawyers

Working as a lawyer is a difficult profession that requires constant study of the material and deepening into the legislative framework.

To qualify for this position, you must have the following qualities:

  1. Stress tolerance
  2. Ability to think logically;
  3. Ability to find an approach to the client;
  4. Ability to find ways out of difficult situations;
  5. Ability to properly organize your working day;
  6. Ability to interact with many professionals.

The summary should indicate all these basic qualities, as well as write the skills that were acquired in the process.

A good lawyer should be able to speak correctly and beautifully. A clear, competent and persuasive speech attracts not only the client, but also other specialists with whom it is necessary to work.

Writing is considered the most important skill for a lawyer. Right side This profession is so incomprehensible to ordinary people that the task of a lawyer becomes a written presentation in a more understandable form of complex legal terminology.

In this field of activity, the ability to think analytically is considered the main one. Sometimes the case is so complex and confusing that logical thinking is indispensable. This is a complex skill that takes years to develop.

Memory for lawyers is the main tool in the work. It is necessary to study a large amount of the legislative and legal framework not only of your own country, but also of other states.

For in legal field, it is necessary to list all the skills and abilities that were acquired at previous jobs, and indicate professional qualities that are not characteristic of others.

An example of skills and abilities in a resume

A resume is characterized by both general and specific skills. For a particular profession, they are individual. So, all specialists can have common skills.

General skills include:

  • performance;
  • stress tolerance;
  • fast learner;
  • Foreign language skills;
  • the ability to establish contact with the client;
  • work with computer;
  • grammatically correct speech.

Each profession is characterized by certain skills and abilities. So, for an accountant it is necessary:

  • have analytical thinking;
  • be able to organize the workflow;
  • respond quickly to situations that occur during the day;
  • attentiveness;
  • ability to analyze own work;
  • ability to use accounting software;
  • Ability to write audit reports.

Learn about the key skills of a leader in this video:

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Filling in the column of skills and abilities - people often indicate standard, template data about their abilities, because they do not know how to properly present themselves in a favorable light and do not pay attention to the position of the employer. Usually it is purposefulness, sociability, etc. Let's take a closer look at this issue and learn how to correctly write your skills in a resume!

This is the experience gained, knowledge gained in the process of working in the specialty, or in your life you often had to deal with certain situations and you have learned to bend circumstances to suit your needs. For example:

  1. In progress- You were instructed to check the documentation, recalculate the estimate, fill out tax returns or invoices .... It follows that you are an attentive person, scrupulous and you can safely consider this your skill.
  2. In the process of life- for what you were praised, or given diplomas? In this area you have superiority and possess certain skills. Remember what your friends ask for help with, with what problems - this is the area of ​​​​competence that needs to be indicated in the resume

Common Mistake

Everyone confuses two different things to write on a resume: skills and qualities. If a professional skill is the ability to work with document management, then quality is a personal characteristic - scrupulousness, attentiveness. Such data is required to be entered in the column:.

Rules for writing a section

  1. Honesty is the key.
  2. You must meet the requirements specified in the vacancy (see below).
  3. Specifically understand what you know and can do.
  4. Have experience in the specified skills
  5. Ability to apply acquired knowledge and experience

Give detailed information on important details, for example:

Sales Skill– 8 years in sales, including 5 years as head of sales department.

If you have no experience in any duties, write about your theoretical knowledge, for example:

Basic knowledge of negotiation- Took special courses.

This column is placed after the specified one, thereby confirming what skills have been acquired. But for a more successful outcome, it should be placed at the very beginning - so the recruiting manager will immediately see your qualifications and accept a resume for further consideration, for example:

What knowledge and competencies are important for an employer

The right employee is the most suitable for the duties assigned to him. And in order to comply with the idea of ​​​​the authorities about the candidate for the position you have chosen, it is enough to carefully study the vacancy and submit the skills and abilities for a resume corresponding to the requests in the ad.

An example of a vacancy for a managerial position:

Your key skills and abilities should imperceptibly repeat the requirements specified by the employer, relinquishing responsibilities that will need to be performed. For example like this:

  • Ability to organize and optimize the work process.
  • Knowledge and ability to work with “any” types of documentation.
  • Investment capital management skills.
  • Skills to create a flow of customers in new industries.

Expert opinion

Natalia Molchanova

HR manager

In fact, all you need to do to fill in the column is to paraphrase the employer, of course, taking into account your own abilities.

Related video:

Correspondence of knowledge to the desired position

Depending on the profession – suitable competencies differ from each other! Filling this section- be aware of the importance of the vacancy, because professional skills and abilities suitable for a lawyer are not suitable for a salesperson.

It is necessary to rewrite the graph every time you change the direction of activity.

Skills and abilities for managers (leadership)

  • Ability to manage your time (time management).
  • Personnel recruitment and management skills.
  • Business communication skills.
  • Negotiation skills.
  • Strategic planning skill.
  • Salesmanship.
  • Ability to organize workflow.
  • Staff motivation skills.

Skills and abilities for sellers (communicative)

  • The ability to convince.
  • Direct telephone sales skills.
  • Effective communication skills.
  • Teamwork skills.
  • Objection handling skills.
  • Ability to write commercial proposals.

Skills and abilities for specialists (technical)

Knowledge in this area is purely individual for different professions, indicate skills based on experience and requirements in the vacancy, but there are several factors that unite technicians

  • Ability to get the job done.
  • Ability to work with required equipment.
  • Knowledge of required software.
  • Data processing skills.

Skills and abilities for lawyers (law, document management)

  • Documentation skills.
  • Ability to solve complex problems.
  • Ability to work with regulatory authorities.
  • Knowledge of the legal framework.
  • Ability to take a stand.

Other skills and abilities

  • Ability to manage a budget;
  • bookkeeping skills. accounting;
  • commercial writing skills;
  • customer base management skills;
  • planning skills;
  • analytical skills;
  • certification skills;
  • skills;
  • programming skills;
  • skills in working with office equipment;
  • document management skills;
  • contract drafting skills tax returns, claims, complaints;
  • conducting skills promotional activities, banquets;
  • equipment diagnostic skills;
  • systems monitoring skills;
  • the skill of organizing work processes;
  • skills to work with a large amount of information;
  • the ability to prioritize;
  • skills in working with electronic databases;
  • Computer skills;
  • communication skills;
  • ability to work in different fields of activity;
  • multitasking skill;
  • the ability to adapt;
  • ability to work with suppliers, purchases, goods;
  • inventory knowledge.

Skills and abilities for a resume, a real example