Personal goal of the director of logistics. Job description of the director of logistics

In the current situation, it is particularly acute for logistics companies there is a question of attracting competent managers who understand the specifics of the market and have experience in solving problems in this area.

And today there is an acute shortage of such specialists in the labor market. experience recruiting agencies shows that of the number of applicants invited for an interview for a position related to logistics, only about 15-20% of applicants can be recognized as possessing necessary qualifications. An even smaller number of these specialists can not only independently solve complex logistics problems, but also create effective logistics services at enterprises. And a few have the necessary level of business connections, the ability to defend the interests of the enterprise in relations with the external environment of the company. Below we will consider the requirements that employers put forward for such a position as "logistics director".

Depending on the level of his responsibility and functional duties in different companies, this position may be called differently: director of supply management; Director of Logistics and Purchasing; Deputy General Director for Transport and Logistics; operational/executive director; director of marketing and logistics; director of the logistics department.

Responsibility levels

The role and place in the company of a top logistics manager largely depends on the strategic goals of the enterprise development. In different organizations, the director of logistics may have one of four levels of responsibility:

1st - includes traditional duties: management of transportation and warehouses;

2nd - involves the management of complex schemes of cargo flows: reloading, multimodal transportation

kami using distribution centers, involving subcontractors;

3rd - covers the entire supply chain: procurement, customs, warehouse, transportation, production logistics, planning and distribution;

4th - combines all the above levels of responsibility, while it assumes a complex organization of the logistics service, which includes the manager

company and regional divisions.

In addition to the main goal production activities Director of Logistics, this specialist may also be assigned additional tasks:

  • crisis management;
  • integration of business processes of the company;
  • marketing optimization.

Addiction Factors

The intended functions of the director of logistics depend on the following factors:

  • the level of responsibility of the director in a particular company;
  • the desire of the enterprise to build its own logistics system or outsource a significant part of it;
  • areas of activity of the organization;
  • the degree of implementation of logistics in the management of material, information, financial flows, its role in combining all the processes of production, transportation, procurement and inventory management, warehousing, cargo handling, packaging, etc.

Functional responsibilities

The functional responsibilities of the logistics director can be distributed in the following areas:

1. Management of warehouse logistics and cargo handling - organization of planning, use, optimization warehouse systems and space, as well as equipment.

2. Management of transport logistics - organization of transportation (intracity, intercity, international) various types transport (railway, sea, river, air and road transport, as well as multimodal); it is also often necessary to manage the company's own fleet of vehicles.

3. Management of production logistics - optimization of the processes of processing raw materials and manufacturing products; control of the quantity of goods, production time; formation of insurance stocks.

4. Management foreign economic activity– planning, organization of activities related to the import and export of goods, organization and implementation of actions related to the implementation of legislation Russian Federation on customs issues, interaction with customs authorities, minimization of customs risks, interaction and contacts with foreign economic activity participants, control over work with the main transport documents international sample (TIR, CMR, bill of lading, etc.).

5. Management of logistics processes in procurement and distribution - organization of procurement activities and delivery of raw materials.

6. Coordination of work with clients - optimization of financial and time costs, diagnostics of customer needs, work with claims.

7. Information technology support for logistics - planning, organization, control of implementation at the enterprise automated systems accounting and logistics management.

8. Administration of the logistics system: interaction with economic, legal, accounting, information and other departments

companies; development and optimization of the logistics system; its planning, budgeting and control; coordination of integration projects of the company; system building management accounting; organization of a complex of financial and economic reporting; organization of interaction between regional structures of logistics and management company; coordination of internal and external document flow; building a system of employee motivation based on performance indicators.

9. Risk management: control of transport conditions of contracts concluded by the company; analysis, forecasting and planning of logistics operations; minimizing the consequences of risks; solution of insurance and cargo security issues.

The above functions must be reflected in the job description.


For the most effective solution of logistics tasks at a strategic level, the logistics director must have optimal freedom of action in

the following areas:

  • be able to quickly and effectively access all types and levels of information;
  • to have officially assigned powers of his position in the enterprise management hierarchy, which will allow him to make decisions, including personnel;
  • report directly to the head of the enterprise or one of the deputies of the general director.


The list of functional duties of the logistics director in each company is determined individually. Also, the requirements for applicants for the position of director of logistics may vary, as well as the functions of this manager. The main factors influencing the list of requirements for the candidate are:

  • scale of the enterprise;
  • organizational structure of the enterprise;
  • expectations of management (owners) from the new director of logistics.

Experience with remote branches, warehouses becomes especially important for companies with structures in the regions or intending to develop geographically. Profitability in branches is always lower than in the center. Understanding the scope of the assortment, understanding ways to reduce costs, experience in interacting with other departments of the enterprise (commercial department, marketing department, etc.) - these skills of an applicant for the position of director of logistics are very important for organizations expanding to the regions .

Experience in a similar business

In some cases, this requirement for the applicant for the position of director of logistics matters - for example, if the candidate in question worked in procurement logistics (for example, as a director of procurement), and at a new place of work, the scope of the director of logistics is transport logistics, then doubts about whether he will be able to "switch" are justified. At the same time, if the share of logistics activities of a certain direction in the company is small, or it is outsourced, then most likely the lack of experience in a business of a similar format will not be critical for this candidate.

1. The director of logistics belongs to the category of managers.

2. A person who has higher education At least 3 years of logistics management experience

3. Appointment to the position of the Director of Logistics and dismissal from it is carried out by order of the Director of the enterprise on the proposal of the executive director.

4. The logistics director must know:

4.1. Federal laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating the implementation commercial activities.

4.2. Principles of forecasting in logistics and logistics planning.

4.3. Design Basics logistics systems.

4.4. Principles of design and construction of logistics systems, the formation of logistics links.

4.5. Logistics Information Systems and their functions.

4.6. Fundamentals of management, marketing, production organization, modern business technologies, financial management.

4.7. Principles of production planning.

4.8. Economics and organization of cargo transportation by all modes of transport.

4.9. Methods and order of inventory planning and management.

4.10. Principles of organizing warehouse management.

4.11. Market conditions, methods for studying the demand for products.

4.12. Principles of product distribution.

4.13. The order of development of business plans, agreements, agreements, contracts.

4.14. Requirements for registration of supply, transport, warehouse, marketing and financial documentation.

4.15. Enterprise management structure.

4.16. Ethics of business communication.

4.17. Fundamentals of sociology, psychology and labor motivation.

5. The director of logistics manages the employees of the logistics service of the enterprise.

6. During the absence of the Logistics Director (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a duly appointed person. This person acquires the appropriate rights and bears responsibility for the improper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Job responsibilities

Director of logistics:

1. Manages logistics (provides the preparation of logistics forecasts and plans; coordinates the work on the design of logistics systems and their implementation in the enterprise; calculates the costs of logistics, develops a budget for logistics and ensures its compliance; organizes work on the creation and implementation of logistics information systems.

2. Manages logistics and procurement (develops procurement plans; coordinates the search for suppliers; manages the analysis of the terms of supply contracts and reliability of supplies; ensures the preparation and timely placement of orders with suppliers; coordinates the conclusion of contracts with suppliers; takes part in determining the types and terms of payments on concluded contracts; organizes interaction with suppliers; ensures the preparation of reports; analyzes the fulfillment of orders and the results of deliveries.

3. Manages stocks (analyzes production plans and reports on their implementation; plans the volume of stocks required for continuous production with reference to the cost base for storage and maintenance of stocks; coordinates work on calculating the costs of forming and storing stocks, acquisition costs, operating costs storage places (rent, payments for energy supply, etc.), ongoing maintenance(storage, inventory, internal movement), insurance; evaluates costs and inventory costs; designs and applies inventory management systems; models stock management schemes; develops methods for accounting, evaluation and modeling of reserves; coordinating the stock count; controls the status of stocks.

4. Organizes warehouse activities (determines the types, location and size of warehouses necessary for the storage of material and technical resources and finished products; determines the types of warehouse equipment and calculates its optimal quantity; calculates the costs of warehouse activities; coordinates warehouse technological process(receipt of material and technical resources and products to warehouses, carrying out loading and unloading operations, acceptance and transfer of resources and products to warehouses, ensuring the necessary modes and conditions for their storage in warehouses); optimizes the processes of moving resources and products within the enterprise; develops guidelines for the organization of warehouse accounting.

5. Controls the management of the transportation of goods from other regions of the Russian Federation, determines the carrier of goods, based on the most efficient schemes of work of transport organizations and the most optimal modes of transport (in accordance with the standards for transportation conditions certain types cargo), transport tariffs, technical and operational, economic and cost indicators of transportation; determines methods and schemes for optimizing transport and technological schemes for the delivery of goods; ensures the conclusion of contracts for transportation, forwarding and other services related to the transportation of goods; develops transportation plans; organizes the technological process of transportation (transfer of goods to carriers, control over the delivery of goods to consignees, coordination of loading and unloading operations); provides document circulation of the transport and technological process; analyzes the quality of transportation and the timeliness of delivery of goods.

6. Manages logistics personnel (organizes the selection and training of personnel; introduces personnel to the basics of logistics; sets tasks for personnel in certain areas; evaluates the work of personnel.

3. Rights

The Logistics Director has the right to:

1. Act on behalf of the enterprise, represent the interests of the enterprise in relations with contractors, authorities state power and local government for commercial matters.

2. Request and receive from managers structural divisions enterprises and professionals the necessary information and documents.

3. Check the activities of logistics and other departments of the enterprise within the framework of logistics control and give instructions that are mandatory for execution to correct existing shortcomings.

4. Participate in the preparation of draft orders, instructions, other documents related to the financial and economic activities of the enterprise.

5. Within the limits of his competence, sign and endorse documents, issue orders for the enterprise on logistics management issues under his signature.

6. Independently conduct correspondence with the structural divisions of the enterprise, as well as other organizations on issues within its competence.

7. Submit for consideration by the head of the enterprise:

7.1. Representations about the appointment, transfer and dismissal of subordinate employees.

7.2. Suggestions: to encourage distinguished employees, to bring to material and disciplinary responsibility violators of industrial and labor discipline.

4. Responsibility

The Logistics Director is responsible for:

1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description, H within the limits established by the current labor law Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities, H within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage to the enterprise Ch within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

HR Director E.E. Khromova


We always have a large number of fresh current vacancies on our website. Use filters to quickly search by parameters.

For successful employment It is desirable to have a specialized education, as well as to possess the necessary qualities and work skills. First of all, you need to carefully study the requirements of employers in the chosen specialty, then start writing a resume.

You should not send your resume to all companies at the same time. Choose suitable vacancies, focusing on your qualifications and work experience. We list the most significant skills for employers that you need to successfully work as a logistics director in Moscow:

Top 7 Key Skills You Need to Get a Job

Also quite often in vacancies there are the following requirements: organizational skills, optimization of business processes and team management.

When preparing for an interview, use this information as a checklist. This will help you not only to please the recruiter, but also to get the desired job!

Analysis of vacancies in Moscow

According to the results of the analysis of vacancies published on our website, the indicated starting salary, on average, is - 144,875. Keep in mind that these figures are statistics. The actual salary during employment can vary greatly depending on many factors:
  • Your previous work experience, education
  • Type of employment, work schedule
  • Company size, industry, brand, etc.

Salary depending on the experience of the applicant

Alexey Kiselev | CEO. Farvater-M LLC

What questions will you find answered in this article?

What is the status of the logistics director in the company

Key Responsibilities of a Logistics Manager

How the specifics of the company's activities affect the requirements for logistics

Why you should take a logistician with at least three years of experience

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Why the CEO of Nidan Juices was looking for a “restless” person for the position of director of logistics
What requirements does the president of the Ledovo group of companies impose on the logistics director?
Logistics director status

At the General Managers manufacturing enterprises, as well as companies that work closely with suppliers, the question of finding a logistics director arises almost from the very birth of a commercial structure. In some firms, the logistician performs the functions of only a coordinator of traffic flows, while in others he becomes a key figure, since when solving issues related to the movement of goods, he uses various tools to reduce logistics costs, including customs duties.

Before proceeding with the search for a candidate, the General Manager must determine for himself the status of the director of logistics in the company. In no case should this leader be made “equal among equals”. In the hands of the logistics director, not only data on all shipments of goods are concentrated, but also complete information about customers. He possesses commercial and often highly confidential information (especially for manufacturing and distribution companies) (See also the article "How to protect commercial and official secrets").

The logistics director is obliged to make decisions that both his subordinates and sales managers must reckon with. At the same time, in accordance with his authority, he bears the entire burden of responsibility for the result. That is why it is necessary that the logistics director be equated in status with the deputy General Director.

How logistics functions depend on the size of the company

The logistics director must be able to delegate part of his functions to deputies (subordinates). The larger the company, the more attention he has to pay to coordinating work.

In a large company, the role of logistics director should be selected by a charismatic person who is able to organize work a large number people, distribute tasks, clearly outlining the scope of responsibility.

In the average company, the logistics director typically recruits a department of employees who are assigned to perform well-defined tasks. In such a department, subordination is rigidly fixed, and the delegation of managerial functions to subordinates is insignificant.

AT small firm one logistician and, if necessary, an assistant responsible for routine functions are enough.

It is also important that the company's employees do not perceive the logistician as a person trying to take away their profits or additional earnings. So, the task of the General Director is to convey to each employee the following:
the logistician reports directly to the General Director;
the logistician must help managers technologically simplify their work.

Responsibilities of the Logistics Director

The Logistics Director is responsible for the following main functions:
Coordination of the work of the logistics department. The logistics director must be able to describe key business processes, unify the work of staff, and develop job descriptions for subordinates. All this will allow new employees to quickly get involved in the work of the company and have a clear idea of ​​"what we are doing here."

Also, the logistician should partially transfer his functions to subordinate managers and coordinate their work. To do this, employees need to be provided with the necessary software and information support. For example, while working as a Logistics Director for a tire company, I developed a program with which the order manager could ensure that containers and machines were fully loaded on order (see How the functions of a logistician depend on the size of the company).

CEO speaking
OAO Nidan Juices is one of the three largest Russian manufacturers juice products. According to Business Analytics, JSC Nidan Juices owns 17.9% Russian market juices and more than 46% of the juice market in the Siberian region. The company produces juice products under the trademarks Caprice, Caprice Tea, Moya Semya, Sokos, Champion, drinks based on Da! juice.
Andrey Yanovsky | General Director of OAO Nidan Juices, Moscow

When choosing a logistics director, I was looking for a "restless" person. It often happens that the logistician does not offer any, even obvious and simple changes in business processes and procedures. With this approach, there is no need to talk about cost savings. For example, the choice of the optimal service provider (for example, auto or independent rail carriers) should be regulated: one of the options is to hold a tender every three months for their services.

My task is to formulate ambitious but achievable goals. The task of a logistician is to show personal interest in the goals set and to bring them to life. For this place, you need to find a purposeful and proactive person who likes his work.

Establishing personal contacts with directors of transport companies. The logistics director should know by sight all the directors of the transport companies with which your company works. This will find some original schemes joint work, to come to a compromise in difficult situations, to prevent the actions of employees of the logistics department that harm the company (kickbacks, etc.).

CEO speaking
Ledovo Group operates in three adjacent segments of the frozen food market: seafood, mushrooms and rice-containing mixtures. Produces products under own brands"Salmon", "Snezhana" and Bon Appetit. General annual turnover group is $25 million. The group of companies is a member of the Rusbrand Association, which brings together Russian and foreign companies to combat fakes and gray imports and develop common rules for the game in the market.

The logistics director needs to be able to communicate and be persuasive. For a clear organization of the internal work of the unit, he must have good organizational and analytical skills.

Forecasting. Ability to assess the market situation transport services(including the cost of services, changing rates for transportation by one or another transport) is one of the most important skills for a logistics director. Without forecasting, it is impossible to take into account the transport component in the cost of goods, and therefore, to correctly set the final price of the goods.
Work with customs, specific cargoes. A number of functions of the head of the logistics department may depend on the specifics of the company's activities. For example, if your company works with Russian Railways, then you need a specialist who represents in detail the specifics of interaction with those stations railway where goods are shipped or received. The logistician must also know the cost and timing of certain works.

If your company is engaged in foreign economic activity, questions will inevitably arise regarding the customs clearance of cargo, the choice of an international forwarder. In this situation, the requirements for the logistics director increase, since any mistake can result in downtime at the border, fines for improper execution of international documents.

The specifics of your cargo, which implies special conditions of transportation, may also affect the functions of the logistics department. In this case, the task of the logistics director is to organize the work of the department in such a way that each employee knows exactly the conditions for the transportation of goods and chooses the right vehicle(see Functions of a logistician depending on the type of activity of the company).

Practitioner tells
LLC "Granit" provides services, among which - the organization of road transport, sale professional equipment for extinguishing fires, supply of components and spare parts for restaurant equipment. The company is a pool dealer construction companies Moscow.
Sergey Klimenkov | Director for Innovative Projects, Granit LLC, Moscow

One of the very specific types of logistics is logistics in the restaurant business. Delivery times are very important here. The absence of certain goods at the right time can complicate and often paralyze the work of the entire restaurant complex. For example, you suddenly run out of detergents and it will not be possible to quickly purchase and deliver them. As a result, the sanitary and epidemiological station may impose such fines that you will lose all profits and be forced to close the restaurant. All this should be taken into account when formulating the requirements for the applicant for the position of logistician.

We need a very punctual, executive person who knows how to professionally work with perishable goods, food, alcohol. The applicant for this position must know the city in which the restaurant complex is located, since the logistician determines the route of the car from one warehouse to another. When working with suppliers who organize the delivery themselves, he must carefully control the range and timing of orders.

Given the described specifics, I would prefer a candidate who, in addition to professional skills, will have the ability to make decisions quickly and take responsibility (in some situations, he will have to change routes very quickly, there will be no time to think and there will be no opportunity to consult).

How to select candidates: advice to the CEO
Functions of a logistician depending on the type of activity of the company

Manufacturing enterprise. The leaders of such companies will need a director of logistics who:
understands the conditions of cargo transportation with which your company works;
has experience working with railway stations;
can formulate necessary requirements for a forwarding company;
is able to draw up a package of shipping documents;
freely orientated in the market of transport services;
knows how to choose the best routes and modes of transport offered by forwarding companies;
freely operates with professional terms;
can calculate the loading rate of the rolling stock selected for a particular route.
The applicant for the position will not interfere with stable ties in logistics circles.

Transport company. The head of a transport company needs to select a logistician with knowledge of:
document flow of the transport company;
specifics of certain types of transportation and rolling stock.
In addition, this person must have stable connections among agents of transport companies, specialists in customs clearance and be able to convince potential clients in the correct choice of this transport company.

Distribution company. The criteria for selecting a logistician in this field of activity are very similar to the conditions for a manufacturing company. However, there is an additional specificity: often the distributor delivers to a certain city and (or) region, and the applicant simply needs to be able to route traffic flows given the large number of addresses. Naturally, the logistician must know the workflow and special terms.

Based on materials provided by the author of the article

Looking for a generalist. A person who has worked in transport companies, and in production, it is much easier to find a common language both with the client and with his subordinate (agent).

Pay attention to education. Often in vacancies there is a phrase: "Education is not important, the main thing is work experience." I think this is fundamentally the wrong question. The traditions of higher education have not yet been canceled. The ability to quickly master practical skills, the possibility of self-learning in the process of work are very helpful to the logistician, they allow them to assess the situation in time, make a competent forecast, and find a common language with partners. However, higher education is expensive and pays off handsomely (see Are there specialists with specialized education).

CEO speaking
Nadezhda Kopytina | President of Ledovo group of companies, Moscow

The logistics director is responsible for reducing the cost of storing goods, for optimizing its cost. He must have experience in automating the logistics service. His job responsibilities span the entire supply chain from transportation, handling, packaging, distribution, warehousing and delivery to order and purchasing management. It should also represent the specifics of working with all types of transport services and customs. Therefore, highly professional, educated specialists with experience in a company in the same business area or in enterprises with similar principles of industry logistics are looking for this position. Besides, required condition- possession foreign language, mostly in English.

Looking for someone with at least 3 years experience. During this period, a person manages to visit different situations, faces a number of problems and gains experience in solving them. Even the mistakes he made meaningful experience(“what not to do”). For three years, a person also earns the most valuable thing - business connections. It is almost impossible to achieve this in a year or two.

Interview key candidates in person. It is desirable that the interview with the applicant for the position of Director of Logistics be conducted by the General Director. A personnel officer can be entrusted with the primary screening according to the criteria you set: age, education, work experience in a particular business area. You should be included in the selection when there are several candidates for the position and you need to make a final choice.

Apply testing.
General The director can check the suitability of the candidate for the position by asking questions on the following topics:
cargo delivery scheme in a certain direction;
approximate cost of transportation;
conditions of transportation of a particular cargo;
cost optimization;
necessary shipping documents;
delivery terms;
a list of forwarders capable of working in this direction.

Seek references from previous employers. Instruct the personnel officer to call the applicant’s previous place of work and find out the reason for leaving. In this way, it will be possible to fill in the blank spots in the candidate's biography.

Logisticians manage money
Ifservice LLC is the logistics division of the Eksmo Publishing House holding. It is the central distribution warehouse of the publishing house, serving both customers and a network of regional warehouses.
Andrey Klimenko | Deputy General Director for Technology, Ifservice LLC, Moscow

In recent years, I have regularly had the need to search for and evaluate applicants for the positions of director of logistics, head of the purchasing department, purchasing managers, analysts, etc. At the interview, I give candidates the same tasks, which I ask them to solve during the conversation. All these tasks are related to money and contain many aspects that, in my opinion, all logisticians should understand.

I will list the main ones:
What is a founder and what is an employee.
What is a business, how does it work, where does the profit come from, where and for what does it go.
What is working capital.
Who, how and on the basis of what decides to change the amount of working capital.
Who manages the use of working capital.
What are the principles of purchasing logistics.
How is procurement budgeted?
What are the methods of working with customers and suppliers and what problems arise when interacting with them.
Are there specialists with specialized education

When selecting candidates for a logistics position, keep in mind that the first training programs in the specialty "logistics" appeared only in 2000.

At that time, only six Russian universities received permission from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation to introduce a new specialty "logistics" on an experimental basis: State University - graduate School Economics, Russian Academy of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov, State University of Management, St. Petersburg State University Economics and Finance, St. Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics and Rostov State University of Economics. In 2002, they were joined by the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman. Thus, for quite objective reasons, there are currently very few logisticians who have received a specialized basic education. Therefore, you can pay attention to candidates with higher non-core education - economic or technical, as well as candidates who have received additional education majoring in logistics.

According to the article: Friday V. Instructions for finding a logistician // Personnel business. 2005. No. 9. September

And here is an example of one of the simple, at first glance, tasks. Condition: “I trade apples in the market and make money on reselling. I bought from a wholesaler of apples for 100 rubles. Made a markup - 30%. By the end of the day, I sold everything and received 130 rubles in my hands. Question: “For what amount should I buy the next batch of apples from the same wholesaler?” According to my observations, most often candidates react to this task in the following way:
a complete stupor, and on the face of a person it is written that he is looking for a hidden catch;
answer: "For 130 rubles, of course ...".

After receiving the second answer, I usually wonder how then I (the merchant) will pay the rent for a place in the market, pay taxes and how I can buy something for dinner in the evening. The mystery is that few of the performers and managers understand the simple rule of procurement: “If the business is stable and there is no serious expansion or curtailment of activities ahead, then you need to buy (by amount) as much as you sell.”

My answer is this: “First you need to determine what the inventory should be(per week of sales, per month, per year). Then decide if I want to increase my investment in the business or if I intend to make a profit from a one-time investment. If it is supposed to increase investments, I can buy apples for any amount that I want to invest and can find. If I intend to fix investments, then on this and all subsequent days I must buy goods for 100 rubles. And every day put aside your earnings in your pocket - the next 30 rubles of profit.

I approve
_____________________________ (Surname, initials)
(name of organization, its ________________________________
organizational - legal form) (director; other person authorized
approve job description)
(name of institution)
00.00.201_ #00
I. General provisions
1.1. This job description establishes the rights, responsibilities and duties of the Logistics Director _____________________________ (hereinafter referred to as the "enterprise").
Institution name
1.2. The logistics director belongs to the category of managers.
1.3. A person appointed to the position of Director of Logistics must have a higher education with at least 3 years of experience in logistics management.
1.4. Appointment to the position of director of logistics and dismissal from it is carried out on the basis of the order of the director of the enterprise on the proposal of the executive director.
1.5. The logistics director manages the employees of the logistics service of the enterprise.
1.6. If the director of logistics is absent, then temporarily his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner, who is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.
1.7. The Logistics Director must know:
- basics of designing logistics systems;
— logistics information systems and their functions;
— principles of production planning;
— principles of forecasting in logistics and logistics planning;
— principles of design and construction of logistics systems, the formation of logistics links;
— principles of organization of storage facilities;
— principles of product distribution;
— requirements for registration of supply, transport, warehouse, marketing and financial documentation;
– the procedure for developing business plans, contracts, agreements, contracts;
— structure of enterprise management;
- market conditions, methods for studying the demand for products;
— Methods and procedures for inventory planning and management;
federal laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating the implementation of commercial activities;
— basics of management, marketing, organization of production, modern business technologies, financial management;
– economics and organization of cargo transportation by all modes of transport;
— the foundations of sociology, psychology and labor motivation, as well as the ethics of business communication.

II. Job Responsibilities
The Logistics Director performs the following job responsibilities:
2.1. Carries out the organization of warehouse activities, namely:
- determines the types, location and size of warehouses that are necessary for the storage of material and technical resources and finished products;
– determines the types of warehouse equipment, as well as calculates its optimal quantity;
- calculates the cost of warehouse activities;
– coordinates the warehouse technological process (receipt of material and technical resources and products to warehouses, carrying out loading and unloading operations, acceptance and transfer of resources and products to warehouses, ensuring the necessary modes and conditions for their storage in warehouses);
- optimizes the processes of moving resources and products within the enterprise;
— is engaged in the development of guidelines for the organization of warehouse accounting.
2.2. Manages logistics, namely:
– ensures the preparation of logistics forecasts and plans;
– coordinates the work on the design of logistics systems and their implementation at the enterprise;
- makes calculations of logistics costs;
- develops the budget for logistics and ensures its compliance;
— organizes work on the creation and implementation of logistics information systems.
2.3. Manages logistics personnel, namely:
- organizes the recruitment and training of personnel;
- introduces staff to the basics of logistics;
- sets tasks for the staff in certain areas;
- evaluates the work of the staff.
2.4. Carries out management of material and technical supply and purchases, namely:
- develops procurement plans;
– coordinates the search for suppliers, as well as coordinates the conclusion of contracts with suppliers;
— manages the analysis of the terms of supply contracts and the reliability of supplies;
- ensures the preparation and timely placement of orders with suppliers;
– participates in determining the types and terms of payments under concluded agreements;
- organizes interaction with suppliers;
- ensures the preparation of reports;
- analyzes the fulfillment of orders and the results of deliveries.
2.5. Carries out inventory management, namely:
- analyzes production plans and reports on their implementation;
- plans the volume of stocks required for continuous production, linked to the cost base for storage and maintenance of stocks;
– coordinates the work on calculating the costs of forming and storing stocks, the costs of acquiring, operating storage sites (rent, payments for energy supply, etc.), current maintenance (storage, inventory, internal movement), insurance;
- gives an estimate of the costs and costs of inventory;
— is engaged in the design and application of inventory management systems;
- models inventory management schemes;
– develops methods for accounting, evaluation and modeling of reserves;
- coordinating the inventory of stocks;
- monitors the status of stocks.
2.6. Controls the management of the transportation of goods from other regions of the Russian Federation, namely;
- determines the carrier of goods, guided by the most efficient schemes the work of transport organizations and the most optimal modes of transport (in accordance with the standards for the conditions of transportation of certain types of goods), transport tariffs, technical and operational, economic and cost indicators of transportation;
– determines methods and schemes for optimizing transport and technological schemes for the delivery of goods;
– ensures the conclusion of contracts for transportation, forwarding and other services related to the transportation of goods;
- develops transportation plans;
– organizes the technological process of transportation (transfer of goods to carriers, control over the delivery of goods to consignees, coordination of loading and unloading operations);
– provides document flow of the transport and technological process;
– analyzes the quality of transportation and the timeliness of delivery of goods.

III. Rights
The Logistics Director has the right to:
3.1. Contact the head of the enterprise:
- with ideas about the appointment, transfer and dismissal of subordinate employees from their positions;
- with proposals to encourage distinguished employees, to bring to material and disciplinary responsibility violators of industrial and labor discipline.
3.2. Participate in the preparation of draft orders, instructions, other documents related to the financial and economic activities of the enterprise.
3.3. Within the scope of its competence, sign and endorse documents.
3.4. Publish orders for the enterprise on logistics management issues under his signature.
3.5. Independently conduct correspondence with the structural divisions of the enterprise, as well as other organizations on issues within its competence.
3.6. To carry out an audit of the activities of logistics and other divisions of the enterprise within the framework of logistics control and give binding instructions for correcting existing shortcomings.
3.7. Contact the heads of structural divisions of the enterprise with requests for information and documents necessary for the performance of their duties.
3.8. Act on behalf of the enterprise, represent the interests of the enterprise in relations with contractors, state authorities and local governments on commercial issues.

IV. Responsibility
The Logistics Director is responsible for:
4.1. In case of causing material damage within the limits determined by the civil and labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. In the event of the commission of offenses in the course of carrying out its activities within the limits determined by the criminal, administrative and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.3. In case of improper performance or non-performance of their official duties, which are provided for by this job description, within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
Head of the structural unit: _____________ __________________

Acquainted with the instructions
one copy received: _____________ __________________
(signature) (surname, initials)