Corporate for teachers - script, contests, games. How to spend a corporate holiday on Teacher's Day Cool corporate party for Teacher's Day

scenarios corporate scenario CorporateCorporate on Teacher's Day Screenplay Corporate Light dance music sounds.

The presenters meet teachers at the entrance, congratulate them on the holiday and give flowers to everyone.

Guests teachers are seated at tables.

Presenter 1: Good evening, dear teachers!

Presenter 2: Happy holiday to you, dear friends!

Presenter 1: Today on this wonderful evening we are met by a cheerful musical tavern "Thirteen Chairs".

Presenter 2: You have the right to ask, dear guests, why 13?

Presenter 1: Teachers - love progressive, always bring the light of knowledge to the masses and oppose obscurantism. And today we will try to prove that 13 is a lucky number! Happiness to you, good luck today and always!

Presenter 2: I propose to start our festive evening with a friendly song for everyone (the text of the song is on the tables).

Presenter 1: So, the zucchini opens and the holiday begins!

The soundtrack (backing track) of the song "It's time to go, the road" from the movie "Heavenly slug" sounds

All: "Tonight, festive evening, evening

To all teachers, frankly, there is nothing to do!

We all gathered around the table

Talk about this and that

And let's sing this song together.

It's time to celebrate the holiday

Everyone have fun, relax

And forget the word "lesson"

And the ugly schoolboy

Let our notations have plenty of rest!

During the performance of the song by the teachers, the presenters and their assistants put 13 school chairs in a row on the staged platform. Tips are laid out for each of them (except for the last - the thirteenth)

Presenter 1: The 13 Chairs Zucchini is open! And here they are - the symbols of our festive evening - school chairs. There are exactly 13 of them!

Presenter 2: Our esteemed director of the school is invited to the first honorary chair.

The director approaches the chair and reads the clue from the first chair.

Let the volleys of colorful fireworks

Our long-awaited holiday will open!

It's a pity the school can't afford fireworks...

No worse than the Champagne fireworks with us!!!

Presenter 1: Dear male teachers! Let's open the Champagne together.

Attention! Get ready for the "cork salute" in honor of Teacher's Day! Three, two, one... Volley!!!

Glasses are being filled. The school principal congratulates his colleagues on their professional holiday!

Presenter 2: To continue the holiday

We need to take a hint.

From what chair?

Of course, the second!

Host 1: Amazing teachers people!

After a glass of champagne

They even remember the order!

Presenter 2: Attention, teachers! "Five" for the answers I put! (reads hint)

Do you love your school?

Everyone knows, of course:

In which direction do the lobby doors open?

How many chairs did I see in the secretary's office?

What color are the director's eyes when a thunderstorm rumbles outside the windows?

What did (I.O.) put on last New Year's ball?

Presenter 1: Let's raise a glass for attention, for creativity and for vocation!

Presenter 2: Here is the third chair,

And here is the question:

"What's important?"

Clothing? Growth?

Ability to communicate?

Smiling kids?

(sing a song of their choice)

Presenter 2: What a good singer!

And our soul sings!

Here is the fourth chair - surprise!

Let's raffle off a surprise prize

For friendly singing

And beautiful performance!

Competition "The song goes in a circle" (teachers at one table begin to sing a song, and the other table should continue it. So in a circle, one after another)

Table - the winner says a toast!

Presenter 1: Let there be laughter and a joke, and a dance minute in the hall!

(takes a hint with a treble clef from the fifth chair). We continue

Presenter 2: We have fun,

We invite everyone to dance!

Host 1: (when everyone is back at the tables)

The next chair has a surprise!

There is a great prize for the best dancers!

(a symbolic prize is awarded to the most active dancer)

Host 2: Attention, gentlemen!

Here lies the game for you! (6 chair)

"It's time for the blondes to play"

Presenter 1: You blondes come out and amaze us with your mind!

(any competition, you can guess riddles, etc.)

Presenter 2: Blondes are smart!

They keep the world going!

And we will give each of them a souvenir!

(symbolic souvenirs from chair 7)

A toast from the participants.

Host 1: The Sound of Music Again

They invite you to dance!

(treble clef with 8 chairs)

During the dance, the presenters invite those who wish to prepare for the next number. Participants dress up in Russian folk costumes and take words with ditties. It is possible that men wear women's clothes, and women dress men's)

Host 2: Open the door soon!

Guests are freezing at the door!

(Participants of the number go out and take the balalaika from chair 9)

Artists: We came to visit you

And ditties brought!

(sing ditties about school)

Presenter 1: Teachers are all artists!

We are ready to tell everyone.

With your help today

We can show you the story!

The facilitators choose the participants in the “Fairy Tale” number from the teachers and give them cards on which the role is defined. You can choose any fairy tale, for example, “The Stolen Sun” by K.I. Chukovsky.

Roles on cards: sun, crocodile, cloud, two rams, etc.

The host reads a fairy tale (excerpt), and the participants depict as best they can.

The role of the sun is best given to the headmaster.

In conclusion, presenter 2: We have one sun! (points to director)

Let it shine for us!

Let the salary increase!

Teachers do not offend!

The host invites the director to take a hint from chair 10.

Director: The award is not fun for you!

I wish you all creativity and success!

(if there is an award for Teacher's Day, it's time to present it)

Presenter 1: (takes the treble clef from chair 11)

To become slimmer for all of us

Everyone needs to dance!

Men don't sit

Invite ladies to dance!

Presenter 2: To show dexterity

We must play together!

We will put chairs in a circle,

Let's dance around!

The game "One Extra" is played with twelve chairs.

Presenter 2: Here is the last thirteenth chair.

About the fate of twelve chairs, if anyone has forgotten, you can ask Ostap Bendar. And today we will follow his path. It's a festive evening and we can be a little adventurous! Bring in the magic bag! (chips in a bag, number 13 on one of them)

Host 1: Each of you can take only one chip. The lucky one who came across a chip with a lucky number 13, please come to the coveted chair!

The presenter puts on a ribbon with the inscription “Teacher is a Millionaire” on the lucky one to the solemn music and sits him on the 13th chair and lets him read the hint.

Millionaire: And where is my prize - a million? Did he get lost?

Presenter 2: Only our generous teacher

I dumped a million in a bag (a)

And I bought gifts!

The facilitators bring gifts for all teachers.

Presenter 1: It's time to end the holiday.

To teachers all "Hurrah!"

Facilitator 2: Let the students and their parents

You are respected!

Colleagues let them appreciate and adore!

Presenter 1: May the noble work of the teacher

Rising higher year after year!

Dance music plays. *********

Large collection of scripts and scenes!!!
lists of all scenarios
categories of all scenarios: New Year Christmas St. Valentine February 23 March 8 Easter Maslenitsa April 1 May 9 evening of high school students Last call Prom September 1 School Teacher's Day Birthday Children's holiday Anniversary KVN Students Wedding Orthodox Halloween For adults Various

In addition to joint calendar holidays, each team hosts corporate events on the occasion of the company's birthday, professional holiday, especially a successful contract, etc. Typically, such events are organized in the form of a buffet with congratulations from the management and performances by invited creative teams.

But if you want to have an evening with game program and honoring employees, then this scenario corporate party"Let's compliment each other" would be very appropriate. The scenario contains entertainment, team games that unite the whole team and create high spirits for everyone.

Scenario of a corporate party.

The evening begins with B. Okudzhava's song "Let's compliment each other"

Leading: Good evening gentlemen! Isn't it wonderful words! And they, as well as possible, fit our evening, and you, of course, know that they belong to the pen of Bulat Okudzhava. This wonderful poet did not even imagine that the relevance of his words would only increase every year. After all, in our age high speeds and crazy technologies, completely simple human concepts go into the background: communication with colleagues, intimate conversations with girlfriends, meetings around the fire with friends - they are being replaced by virtual and mobile communications. We live with a constant lack of warmth, attention and ordinary human participation. However, everything is in our hands! And we have gathered here not to be sad, but to give each other this deficit and recharge with its positive energy for the future!

Game for acquaintance and rallying of guests "Truth in the ball"

(you can watch the game or choose another option more suitable for the company at)

A toast for rapprochement and acquaintance.

Presentation of comic nominations to employees.

Leading: Based on the results of this survey and the questionnaire that was conducted in advance, I am pleased to announce that this year each of you has received the following nominations (watchOption 2 )…..

(diplomas or medals are awarded)

Leading: Well, as they say, "the awards have found their heroes." And tell me, what, in addition to thunderous applause and solemn fanfare, is usually accompanied by any celebration?

The players are in charge.

Leading: Of course, the presentation of beautiful and unusual bouquets was not prepared, then we will collect it right here.

Team game "Bouquet-song collage"

This game is suitable for mass coverage of guests, since here we will "collect" bouquets. To begin with, we call five or six of the most active guests and invite them to collect a bunch of “flowers”, that is, to recruit colleagues dressed in a certain color of clothes: yellow, red, blue, orange, etc. into a team. teams can turn out to be unequal in number - it's not scary. What matters is how they show their talents. But first, let the facilitator briefly tell you what each of the colors means. For example, green is the color of health, optimism and hope. You can ask the Green team how they are doing with hope and health, etc. then the teams receive one paper daisy, on the petals of which with reverse side lines from poems and songs are written, where flowers or colors are mentioned, as well as the names of excerpts for the team "color" dance. The teams decide for themselves who reads the verse, who sings, but the dance to the song, where their color is mentioned, they perform all together (the music is put on by a DJ). Thus, each team gives its own little concert. The winners are determined by applause.

Game with the audience "Let's say compliments"

Host: As we can see, flowers are indeed a unique gift. Only compliments can compare with them. Shall we exchange?

Men say adjectives that characterize women with the letter "F", and women praise men with the letter "M". The last one to answer wins.

Leading: You noticed that men were still a little more inventive, apparently they have more experience, and maybe fantasies, After all, when a man seeks favor with a lady he likes, he is sometimes magically inventive. I would like to ask: men, what properties do you give to the ideal woman in your fantasies?

Answers follow, among which the host literally grabs the word “weak”.

Leading: Well, if a woman is weak, then a real man, in my opinion, the one with whom she can afford this quality. Let's fantasize! You strong men, what wish of a weak beloved woman would you fulfill if God gave you the power to create magic?!

Of course, men are accepted to fantasize. In this case, the host should work not just as a commentator, but to make sure that the ladies present also express their opinion about male fantasies.

Song compliments between the male and female half of the team.

Leading: How beautiful men are as wizards, aren't they, ladies! Let's reward their good intentions with at least applause! Of course, if the ladies wish, you can kiss on the cheek! However, I would like to remind you that the main objective of our “compliment each other” evening! So I'm announcing a "Compliment Auction"! I will ask you to remember all the poems and songs where a man or woman declares their love.

For example, song compliments. The female half of the hall suggests: "Oh, what a man was, a real colonel." And the male replies: "Oh, this girl drove me crazy, broke my heart ..."

If the hall is ready to exchange poetic compliments, then hold this option:

Men:"I loved you silently, hopelessly ...". The ladies do not remain in debt and quotes Tsvetaeva: “Thank you with my heart and hand for the fact that you are me - without knowing yourself! - so love! ... ". The one who gives the last compliment wins.

Here you should not rush people, on the contrary, stock up on tips and stimulate guests as much as possible. large quantity quotes. Those who remembered the most beautiful or witty quotes can be presented with small presents.

Leading: Isn't it true that poetry sets our souls in a special way! However, music has a similar effect on us. No wonder these two manifestations of human sensitivity coexist so well with each other and give birth to a song.

Concert number - a song about love sounds.

Corporate drinking chant "Let's be happy?! Hurrah!"

Leading: Mutual compliments have already brought us many pleasant moments, haven't they? Perhaps someone already wanted to scream with happiness ?! I propose to do it according to the rules corporate ethics: friendly and enthusiastic. I read out a quatrain, and after my words "We will be happy" you all shout loudly: "Hurrah!"

Leading: Let them accompany you everywhere

We have fair winds!

May love keep us warm

Let's be happy...

All guests: "Hooray!"

Leading: Let us this evening

There will be kind words!

We don't mind, glad to meet you

Let's be happy...

All guests: "Hooray!"

Leading: Let time run, rejoicing,

After all, now is the time!

Games, dances, kisses.

Let's be happy...

All guests: "Hooray!"

Leading: We all want to have fun

Until the very morning!

May the holiday last forever

Let's be happy...

All guests: "Hooray!"

Funny photo shoot "Share your smile."

Leading: How much you smiled now and this is the best result that I could count on as a presenter. And let's hold a "Smiling Contest"! conditions are simple: you need to smile! First, let's compete in the breadth of a smile! Even wider! Now show me a smile from the bottom of your heart! Even more soulful! Class! Some even had tears in their eyes, but these are tears of happiness!

It was only a rehearsal, the real competition will start only now. And it will be an express photo contest for the most charming smile itself.

(For the competition you will need: a camera, pre-copied children's photos with funny facial expressions - different one for each participant, a projector or monitor. The participant is given a photo of the child, his task is to repeat facial expressions in front of the camera. Then a slide is quickly made from all the photos and shown to everyone The audience chooses the best.)

Scene for a corporate party in IT - the company "Dialogue at the monitor"

Corporate script for teachers on Teacher's Day

Autumn is the beginning of the school year and autumn is a series of holidays. One of the first holidays of autumn is Teacher's Day. We have prepared funny scenario corporate party for teachers on teacher's day. Each teacher at such a corporate party will take a break from his work, from his students and have a great time.

For starters, not a big game in the form of a question and answer. This is something like an exam for teachers, but only in a comic form and according to different rules. First, the teachers draw a ticket with a question, and then they pull a ticket with an answer. It will be funny and interesting.

1. Do you visit a psychiatrist after school?
2. Do you take tranquilizers?
3. If it is clear that the student was preparing, but could not answer, would you give him at least a three?
4. Favorites in the class, do you have them?
5. Do you close your eyes during class to relax?
6. Is a pointer a school subject or a means to calm students down?
7. To calm down, do you print out photos of students and throw darts at them?
8. Do you use the Internet in class to chat with your classmates?
9. If you are late for the lesson, will you explain to the students the reason for your being late?
10. Do you take chalk home?

1. It happens, but just let it stay between us.
2. Is it so noticeable for me?
3. Let's not talk about it out loud.
4. You know, I just have my own view on all this.
5. Only if I feel good.
6. These are provocative questions and contribute to the fact that we are biased towards others.
7. And it happened.
8. Damn, I knew there were hidden cameras at school.
9. Let this be a question without an answer, otherwise I have already blabbed too much already.
10. But you can look at it from a different angle.

Then you can arrange small scenes in the form of improvisations. Let each subject teacher show the most famous person in this area, and other teachers will guess him. For example, in physics they are scientists, in literature they are writers, in mathematics they are mathematicians, and so on.
For the next competition, you will need either a projector or paintings famous people with beard. As well as several paintings or photographs of teachers with a beard. If the teachers do not have a beard, then it can be done in Photoshop. The essence of the competition is to guess whose beard it is. You first show only part of the beard, if there are no options, then open it more and more until you hear the correct answer.

Competition for ingenuity. You need cards with the letters of the Russian alphabet. Teachers take turns taking a card and see a letter on it. Their task is to instantly come up with a sentence on a school topic that begins with this letter within three seconds.

For example:
Letter B - left the class!
Letter C - Boots, again not ready for the lesson ?!
The letter I - I will go out, and when I come in, so that everyone has already written everything!
And so on.

Another contest called - guess the book.
In this competition, the presenter reads out an excerpt from a book, textbook or fairy tale, and other teachers guess the name. Of course, you need to make sure that no one sees the cover of the book.

Key tags:

We offer a scenario for a corporate party for Teacher's Day, which is celebrated on October 5, 2019. It can organize funny contests for teachers on Teacher's Day, perform ditties, play skits.

These numbers will help you to have an interesting time and create a relaxed atmosphere at the holiday.

What can be a corporate party for teachers on Teacher's Day?

The script for a corporate evening on Teacher's Day can begin with the performance of the presenters, who congratulate everyone on the holiday and offer to sing a song together (to the motive of the song "It's time to go, the road" from the movie "Heavenly slug"):

- Tonight, tonight, tonight
To all teachers, frankly, there is nothing to do!
We will gather around the table
Talk about this and that
And let's sing this song together.

Then, according to the scenario of the corporate party for Teacher's Day, several of its participants can perform ditties:

- Congratulations on Teacher's Day
We want you today
With a positive attitude
A year to pass with us!

- The school year has begun
The clock ticked
And the question bugs me:
Are holidays coming soon?

Festive corporate evening, dedicated to the day According to the scenario, the teacher will continue the presenter, who addresses the guests:

- Our team is very friendly.
Every employee is needed.
We have valuable personnel,
In the case you will be shown "class"!

Competitions for teachers on Teacher's Day

Then the corporate event on Teacher's Day will continue with competitions for teachers. In the first of them, participants are given several sheets of paper with texts written on them. At the signal of the leader, the teachers begin the “check”.

Each participant must draw a flower on one side of the sheet, and a cheerful “smiley” on the other side and put a signature. The teacher who completes the task faster than the others is the winner.

In the second competition, participants are divided into teams. Each team is given a newspaper and scotch tape, with which you need to make a pointer. The team with the longest and thinnest pointer wins.

In the third competition, teachers need to say the phrase "Sidorov, go to the blackboard!" with different intonations in his voice: gently, affectionately, with a share of threat, surprised, mysterious, cheerful, sad, indifferent. According to the results of the competition, the audience award is awarded.

The script for a corporate party for Teacher's Day may include funny mini-skits.

The teacher is asked:
Name three reasons why you love your job.
- June July August…

The next scene involves the director and a young teacher who came to get a job at the school. The director asks:
Do you have references from your previous job?
Yes, I was advised to look for another school.

What else can be organized at a corporate holiday dedicated to Teacher's Day? Give the teachers a comic honorary diploma.

Prepare separate forms in advance and indicate in each “honorary title” of the teacher: “The coolest mother”, “Soul specialist and child lover”, “One of a kind”, “Master of experiments”, etc.

Cheerful script for a corporate party

3 | Voted: 25

A fun scenario for a corporate party is the key to a bright holiday with colleagues. After all, far from salads on the table and beautiful outfits create a mood. We present an original and fun scenario for a corporate party, which is suitable for any party in the office.

This entertainment can easily be interpreted to celebrate the birthday of the company or the New Year. Just add the appropriate congratulations. If you want to run more contests, a selection fun games and fun here.


Hello colleagues!

For a cool corporate party

Gathered a friendly team.

Everyone forgot about the dress code

About reports and work.

We'll dance until the morning

Songs to sing and light!


Are you ready to have a good rest? To get back to work on Monday? Then let's start our corporate party! You - single team and that is what makes a company successful. I propose to test your ability to act together in the next competition.

Contest "Catch the Ball"

For the competition, those present are divided into two teams. Each of them chooses a captain. The captains stand in front of the team, at a distance of 2-3 meters (marked with a line), they are given large baskets. Near each team there are many balloons and a line they must not cross. The task is to throw as many balls as possible into your captain's basket. Those, in turn, should help, but not step over the line. Captains are also prohibited from touching the balls with their hands. It takes 3-5 minutes to complete the task, the team wins, in the basket of the captain of which there will be more balls.

At this stage of the corporate party, you can invite everyone to the table. But, the fun doesn't stop. After the guests have a little refreshment, you can continue the entertainment.


I know your boss is perfect. Understanding, generous, positive. And all employees without problems find a common language with him, understand each other perfectly. This will be confirmed by the next game!

Silent dialogue game

The leader and the subordinate are invited. The boss puts on headphones, and the subordinate asks the boss questions.

For example:

  • Can I take a day off tomorrow?
  • When will the salary increase be?
  • Why am I going on a business trip, and not Ivanov?

The chief, of course, does not hear questions. He can understand what he is being asked about only by the movement of his lips and facial expressions. However, the boss must answer. As a rule, the answers are “off topic”, and the dialogue is very funny.

Then the subordinate puts on the headphones, and the boss asks questions. For example:

  • When will the report be?
  • Why don't you come to work on Saturday?
  • Why are you late again?

Then a new subordinate comes out and the fun is repeated, only with different questions.

There are no winners and losers here, however, small prizes can be awarded for the coolest answers.


You are a close-knit team, almost like a family. Let's see how well you know each other.

Game "Who are you?"

The driver is blindfolded. One of his colleagues sits in a chair in front of him. The task of the driver is to guess who it is by feeling only his head. To complicate the task, you can use glasses, wigs, earrings, scarves. Then the one who guessed becomes the driver. This is not a competition, so there are no winners. But everyone will have a great time!

Fanta game

This is a traditional entertainment for the holidays, and we could not help but include it in our fun scenario for a corporate party. The rules are simple: the guests, sitting at the table, pass each other a small ball or some round fruit to the music. Suddenly, the music stops and the one who has the ball pulls a phantom out of the box and completes the task.

Forfeits with tasks need to be prepared in advance. For example:

  • To say a tost;
  • Sing;
  • Dance, etc.

It all depends on the company and imagination, however, observe subordination.


You know how to work well and have fun! I invite everyone to the dance floor.

During the disco you can spend dance competition to keep the atmosphere festive.

Competition "Dance like..."

For the game, you need to prepare in advance cards with a description of objects or phenomena of the same subject. For example, for a corporate party in winter, they are suitable: a snowflake, a snowman, a blizzard, a sled. All leaflets with inscriptions are folded into a box. Each participant pulls out one card and dances like ... a snowflake, a sled, a snowman. Then you can determine the most original performer and give him some kind of prize.

During the dance block, you can play a team game.

Competition "Treasure of the company"

The players are divided into two teams. From the props you will need cocktail straws for each participant, two bracelets, a couple of chairs. The first player takes a straw in his mouth and puts a bracelet on it. Then, at the signal of the leader, the participants run to their chairs (they are at a distance of 4-6 meters), run around them and come back. Pass the bracelet to the next player - hands free! The winner is the team that will quickly pass their decoration from the first to the last participant and not drop it.


We have a very cheerful and bright corporate party, right? But how can there be a holiday without gifts? Let's play the lottery and no one will be left without a present!

The host invites everyone to take turns pulling a ball from the drum with a number that matches the gift. Presentations must be prepared in advance and numbered. It is important that they be universal, in each souvenir the presenter suggests finding a hidden meaning.

For example:

  • Notepad - career growth;
  • Candlestick house - buying a summer house or a house;
  • magnet with beautiful scenery- travel;
  • Keychain - buying a new car, etc.

This is the end of our fun corporate party. I wish the success and prosperity of the company, the achievement of your goals and inspiration - to each of you.

We hope you enjoyed our fun corporate script. We wish you a bright party!