Butcher shop business plan. Opening a butcher shop

Opening your own butcher shop has many advantages over other destinations in the world. retail for small businesses, however, of course, there are quite big disadvantages. In the introductory, we have considered most of the general aspects today we will make exemplary business butcher shop plan, because it is these calculations that are required before opening or organizing your own business.

To begin with, it is worth noting one feature of the meat retail trade, namely, the rather complex structure of the cost of the initial product. In fact, in other areas of trade, everything is quite simple, there is an initial product with a certain cost, to which we add shipping and already add our trade margin on top. It seems that everything is quite clear and understandable, because in a small business there are no big expenses that are not directly related to the trade itself, such expenses are the pregarative of large retail chains (for example, the cost of maintaining CEO and his state, etc.). At the same time, it is precisely at the expense of the margin that all expenses for the maintenance of the outlet, markdowns, losses, and so on are covered. A completely different situation is in a butcher shop, where carcasses or half-carcasses of animals (it doesn’t matter if we talk about cows, pigs or sheep) serve as the initial product, which are subsequently subjected to primary processing, that is, deboning and, of course, trimming, and de facto enters the store counter. already meat in the form of fresh semi-finished products. Meat semi-finished products should not be understood exclusively as products of deep processing into or, in fact, pork tenderloin is also a semi-finished product, like the actual bacon for pickling (lard) and so on. That is, everything that we see on store shelves in the form of cut meat, bones, bacon is already semi-finished meat products, only shallow processing. As a result, the process of controlling the output of individuals and, as a result, assessing the profitability of trading becomes much more complicated. Of course, if you yourself carry out the cutting, trimming and sale, then there are no problems, but by attracting wage labor, the owner of a butcher shop is faced with problems, how to control the process and how to actually calculate how much you can earn on it.

Actually, there is nothing complicated or incredible in calculating such a cost. Today, there are a number of methods and even GOSTs describing the processes of deboning and trimming with a clear definition of the yield standards for each type of meat, lard and bones. It should be noted that such standards are applied taking into account the fat content, weight and type of half carcasses or carcasses. For our business plan, we will analyze the components of a pork half carcass with a weight of 40 kg.

The yield of meat after the process of deboning and trimming of a pork carcass, standard calculations are given in the article "Deboning and trimming of meat"

Meat trimmed

on the bones boneless
Hip cut on the bone with a shank, incl.
Hip cut on the bone without shank, incl.




Medium cut
thoracocostal part with flank, incl.
chest cut with flank incl.

chest cut

rib cut

Front cut with shank

including shank

Front cut without shank, incl.

cervicoscapular cut

shoulder cut

Internipple part
Back and side fat

After deboning and trimming the half carcass, we get approximately 25 kg. meat, 10 kg. bacon (lard) and about 5 kg. bones. At the same time, the real cost of one kilogram of each of the cuts has its own price, and even more, the cost of individual types of meat within individual cuts differs. Slightly combining prices for different types, we obtain the following average selling prices for pork meat .

Average prices in a butcher shop for pork meat.

Meat trimmed

Medium cut incl.
chest cut

dorsal and lumbar cut (loin 5 cm.)

cervicoscapular cut

shoulder cut

Internipple part
Back and side fat

Based on the estimated prices, we carry out calculations on the gross proceeds from the sale of half carcasses for the butcher shop business plan

Meat trimmed

Hip cut on the bone with a shank, incl.
Leg cut on the bone without shank
Medium cut incl.
chest cut

dorsal and lumbar cut (loin 5 cm.)

Front cut with shank incl.

cervicoscapular cut

shoulder cut

Internipple part
Back and side fat

Now let's calculate how much we will earn from the sale of a pork half carcass weighing 40 kg.

A markup of 50-60% is the norm for this business and today it is higher than the average markup in food retail, but lower than in industrial. segment. In the future, we will use an average markup of 50% for calculations. Based on the practice of doing business in small specialized butcher shops located in residential areas, the sales volume is.

Daily turnover of a small butcher's shop.

Sales volume (kg)

Purchase price (rub.)

Gross expenses (rub.)

Average selling price (RUB)

Revenue (rub.)

Pork half carcass

beef half carcass


Chicken (box)

And so, on average, a small butcher shop sells about 250 kg of meat, bacon and bones per day, while its estimated revenue is 52 thousand rubles. When working seven days a week, the gross revenue of your meat and semi-finished products store will be about 1.5 million rubles, but revenue does not mean profit anyway, how much do you earn in a butcher shop?

Calculation of the profit of a butcher shop (rub.)

Gross revenue
Cost price
Salary (10%)
Point of sale taxes (approximate)
Transport and other expenses
Total expenses

According to explanatory dictionary Ushakov, shop is a small trading establishment.

Meat is one of those products that are in constant demand, even in times of crisis. But like any other kind entrepreneurial activity, trade in it and its products requires knowledge of the various subtleties that a novice meat business owner faces in the process of starting his own business.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a butcher shop

Study your future competitors

Study their reasons for failure or success, location accuracy, customer flow, prices, and so on. Read online reviews of them, if available.

Research Meat Suppliers

You should be interested in the range, prices, delivery times, volumes, as well as the reliability of the supplier.

Some stores additionally purchase meat from private farmers.

Write a business plan

It is necessary to justify the current and advanced planning business development. A business plan can be drawn up for a period of 3-5 years: for the first (current) year with detailed consideration trading activities butcher shop in the next 12 months and more for the next period.

The plan should contain a description of the outlet, its potential, an assessment of the internal and external environment in business and time, specific data on the marketing strategy. It is desirable to indicate possible risks, i.e. it is shown that their existence is taken into account and measures are planned to reduce them.

You can download an example for a butcher shop at the bottom of the page, or create it yourself thanks to.

Register a business

Before concluding a lease agreement, purchasing equipment and starting work, you must first register legal entity- , or equivalent in your country. You need to go through the standard workflow for the implementation state registration.

For a butcher shop, it is enough to register as individual entrepreneur and carry out activities with the use of preferential taxation, but if you wish, you can establish a company with limited liability. If you do not know what their difference is, then read about it.

When registering, you can specify the following codes OKVED:

If you decide to trade additionally via the Internet, you will need to specify the code:

  • 47.91.2. Retail trade carried out directly with the help of the Internet information and communication network.

Choose a premise or place for trading

The profit brought by the store directly depends on the correctly chosen place. Therefore, often for many entrepreneurs, preparation for opening begins precisely with the selection of premises. It is necessary to consider not only options for locating a store in a separate room, but also options for installing a shopping island in grocery store, which does not have its own full-fledged meat department. In any case, the main requirement for the location of the store is the high traffic of potential buyers and the proximity of a vast residential area, whose residents regularly shop for products.

When looking for premises, it is not worth chasing large retail areas. Surplus space will significantly increase the rent, and the money saved on rent can be invested in the purchase of goods. The minimum area on which you can place a full-fledged trade in a shop is from 10m 2. If you found only larger premises in the proposed area or you were offered very favorable conditions for renting a store large area, then in addition to expanding own assortment(by adding sausages, semi-finished products, smoked and dried meat products), think about opening other departments (bakery, fish, dairy, confectionery, etc.). Additional product categories will attract a wider range of customers who did not originally plan to buy meat, and will help maintain the store's profitability in the event of temporary drops in demand for meat products.

Submit permits

List of documents:

  • Certificate of registration with the tax service;
  • Lease agreement or documents confirming ownership;
  • Permission from the SES and the Fire Inspectorate;
  • Agreement on the export and disposal of waste;
  • Agreements on preventive measures of disinsection, disinfection and deratization;
  • Contract for disinfection of ventilation in the store and air conditioning systems;
  • Sanitary books of employees;
  • Certificates for products (Veterinary Form No. 4 in the Russian Federation) (issued by suppliers);
  • Notification to Rospotrebnadzor.

The location you choose for the store must be approved by the Fire Inspectorate. Further, your road lies in SES and Rospotrebnadzor. In the latter, you must be issued a sanitary certificate authorizing the processing of meat for the production of semi-finished products.

For trade in the market or in a grocery store, documents for the maintenance of the premises and permissions from the Fire Inspectorate are not needed. All you need is a lease agreement.

Meat purchased from suppliers must have a veterinary certificate that confirms the absence of diseases in animals.

All employees are required to have an up-to-date sanitary book and periodically undergo a medical examination to extend it.

Buy equipment

At the first stage of the butcher shop operation, a relatively small set of equipment will be required. To wash meat, you will need a washing bath. For storage refrigerators, freezers, it should be displayed inside a refrigerated display case. You will need scales for weighing outgoing goods, weighing in the production of semi-finished products, as well as scales for acceptance. To cut carcasses, you will need a deck and axes, and to cut and butcher meat, you will need a set of knives.

To make minced meat, you will need a good meat grinder, and for settlements with customers you will need cash register.

At the first stage, this set will be enough, all other equipment will be purchased as the store develops.

Hire a working staff

If you do not plan to stand at the counter yourself, then you will need a seller. It is desirable that your seller has experience in this field. In this case, he will not only lay out the product beautifully and turn the pieces of meat to the right side, but also advise the buyer on the right meat part for preparing the dish chosen by the client. Good seller will not let the product stay on the counter and will help you increase the turnover of the store. Interest him with a bonus for good sales and do not forget to take care of the uniform for the employee.

The next important employee for a butcher shop is a cutter. You need to trust the cutting of carcasses to a professional with experience in this field. Errors in carcass cutting lead to the appearance of 10-15 kilograms of hard-to-sell pieces of meat with a non-marketable appearance or big amount bones. It is very difficult to sell such pieces at a profit, and you are unlikely to want to trade at a loss. If you could not find a suitable butcher, try to negotiate with suppliers about the delivery of carcasses already cut into portions.

The production of semi-finished products should be managed by an intelligent chef, but if at the initial stage you only sell meat and minced meat, then for now you can do without a chef. Cleaning and accounting can be outsourced or involve part-time workers. All administrative work, including purchasing, usually falls on the shoulders of the store owner at the beginning of the activity and only later is transferred to a specially hired manager.

Buy Meat

Success depends on the choice of suppliers. As a butcher shop owner you carry full responsibility for the quality of the products sold. If customers are not sure about the freshness of your product, you will lose the trust of the clientele, and the store will suffer losses.

When receiving meat from suppliers, always check the presence of the brand on the carcasses and make sure that there is veterinary certificate. At the initial stage of work, it is enough for you to find two or three private or farms who will be able to supply you with products on a regular basis with a frequency of 1-2 times a week. Purchasing large quantities of goods may seem more profitable in terms of a kilogram, but do not forget that chilled meat retains its presentation for only 3-4 days. During this time, you need to sell the goods, otherwise it will wind up and dry out, which means it will go into the category of unsold goods and your losses.

At first, the assortment of meat products in your store is unlikely to exceed 25-20 positions. Choose the most popular varieties (beef, pork, lamb, sometimes rabbit meat) and poultry (chicken, goose, turkey).

Be guided by the structure of consumption of meat food: the largest specific gravity occupied by poultry - 40%, pork (35%) and beef (20%). The share of rare species (rabbit, mutton, horse meat, etc.) accounts for about 5%, but these figures can vary significantly from region to region.

Complete the assortment of the store with a "gentleman's" set of semi-finished products (minced meat, chops, barbecue, soup sets, sausages for frying). Over time, you can gradually expand the range of meat offered to customers, for example, start selling smoked meats.

Might be a great choice for you.

In big cities, you can try to trade in nutria meat, exotics in the form of horse meat or ostrich. Exotic will not lead to a significant increase in sales, but will create a reputation for your store as a place where you can buy absolutely any meat. Even at the initial stage of work, you can pre-negotiate with suppliers on the purchase of exotic products in the future, in order to be fully equipped when the time comes to expand the range.

Start advertising

Residents of houses in the neighborhood should be notified about the store by posting or posting leaflets in mailboxes. Advertising in elevators, especially with discounts or promotions, can give a good effect to a shop.

Grow your business and consider selling meat online

Additionally, you can engage in small-scale wholesale trade of quality products for nearby cafes and restaurants. Talk to their owners, make contact with the chefs.

To increase income, it is worth considering the idea of ​​opening additional outlets and combining them into your own meat chain.

If you decide to trade in a premium product or expand your range to it, then . It has become very popular in recent years. For examples successful business We recommend that you look at the sites from this list that sell products of the PRIMEBEEF brand.

Butcher shop business plan + useful video

Below is an example of a project to create a new commercial enterprise for the sale of meat gastronomy products. It contains an assessment of the external and internal marketing environment, the competitiveness of the facility being designed, the state of supply and demand in the market, as well as the financial calculations of the project.

// Expert-analytical center of agribusiness "AB-Center"

Attention! The free business plan provided for download below is an example. Business plan, the best way corresponding to the conditions of your business, you need to create with the help of specialists.

Kirill Nabokov, an entrepreneur from the Voronezh region, is the owner of a small butcher's shop. Kirill opened a popular and profitable butcher shop on a 20 m² rental area. At the moment, having about 300 regular customers and several exclusive suppliers.

Business idea and business plan for selling meat


It all started with the fact that I was tired of traveling far for good and fresh meat, I am constantly indignant at the lack good shop not only in our area, but also a meager choice in the city as a whole.

I had to go to the neighboring village and stock up there constantly. I took it not only for myself, but for friends, relatives and colleagues, and it was cheaper in bulk.

Once I saw in the grocery department shopping center rental advertisement retail space. Here, you know, as it happens, the light bulb lit up.

In general, I phoned the owner, found out everything. I thought tomorrow I will bring the meat and start selling it. But I decided to call a friend who owns a chain of confectionery stores, and then he cooled my ardor with such a thing as a business plan.

Opening a butcher shop, the meat business in general is serious

It's simple, but really serious

At the meeting, he praised my idea and said that he would be happy to be the first and regular customer in my butcher shop. Also told about various papers, permissions, registrations, and, of course, about the most important thing - BP.

It was then that I realized that without him I would do business like a blind man, if at all possible!

Agree, it's not realistic to open own business without knowing such simple but fundamental things:

  • how much finance is needed to open a butcher shop;
  • what equipment is required;
  • commodity stock;
  • pricing (so as not to sell at a loss);
  • legal registration;
  • what kind of staff is needed.

In general, the conversation was productive, I got the contact of a professional who will gladly draw up a business plan for 35-40 thousand rubles. Here I had a hitch, because these are additional costs, and my budget is very limited.

Trying, searching, desperation...

After all, I am an optimist in life, so I decided to make a BP myself. I started with the simplest collection and recording of data: I knew the cost of rent (not bad), then equipment rental, registration cost, etc.

In general, I learned everything from A to Z. But I couldn’t figure out where to write it and how to count it, and I often confused the numbers. Then Google and free BP, and there is either incompetence, or data from the time of my student life.

And paid options were in the range of 30-50 thousand rubles. After a whole day of fruitless searching and independent calculations, the mood completely disappeared.

There is always a way out!

It's good that my younger brother called me then and started talking about his student adventures. And I, as it were, by the way, told about my affairs.

He immediately gave me a tip on this resource, and I decided to check, nevertheless, a student of the Faculty of Economics advised me. To my surprise, there was a ready-made BP template for a butcher shop.

And the price of 550 rubles is very pleased. I downloaded it, got acquainted, studied it carefully and realized that everything is ready here: take it and substitute your data and values!

I decided not to tempt fate and entrust the calculation according to the template to a professional (an economics teacher at my brother's university) for a symbolic 3,500 rubles. As a result, I got absolutely ready business plan for 4050 rubles.

So there is always a way! In my case, this is the given resource. And with the money saved, instead of renting, I bought refrigeration equipment.

Having made a decision open butcher shop, business plan you need to give the main place, because it is on the correctness of the calculations performed and taking into account all the details that the success of the entire event and the level of profit will depend. The direction is very relevant and promising, with the right organization and implementation of the idea, the project can turn into a serious business that brings good passive income.

Food trade is always profitable, because, despite the crisis and various shocks, people buy them all the time. This statement is especially true for the main items - bread, meat, dairy products, fish, cheese, vegetables, fruits, etc.

Today major retail chains and supermarkets to a certain extent pushed the butcher shop as a business, because there you can buy any packaged products, fresh and beautiful. But despite this, many still prefer to buy meat in small specialized outlets where you can be sure of the freshness and the absence of chemicals in the product, choose any piece, ask the seller to cut it in half or give this particular cut, etc.

You can open a butcher shop with relatively small investment . An amount of 200,000-300,000 rubles is enough to open one point, which will bring about 100,000 profits per month. Experienced businessmen advise, if possible, to open several points at once: it will take not much more time and effort to control and maintain four shops than one, and profits will grow four times, respectively.

Registration and room selection

The choice of premises for the store and registration should be carried out in parallel. After all, in the process of registration, you will have to issue permits for the place of trade, and profitability and prospects largely depend on the place itself. The premises for opening a butcher shop should not be large - the cost of renting considerable space will increase the costs in the business plan, but will not attract more customers than the point can potentially.

enough for a shop area in 10 square meters to fill the showcases with meat products and ensure the comfort of customers. If it becomes possible to profitably rent a larger space, and it is difficult to fill it, you can think about selling related products - by-products, dairy products, bread, etc. They can be charged a slightly higher markup and offset declining revenues from the mainstream during periods of seasonal downturns in the meat trade.

Indoors you will need make repairs using hygienic and easy to clean materials. The interior should be simple and concise, because we are talking about opening a business selling quality meat products, and not about an elite one, where the decor should be attractive and not cheap.

To conclude a lease agreement and prepare for opening a business, you need it register. You can choose one of two options - opening an IP or registering an LLC. The first option is simpler, faster and cheaper, the second gives more options and is suitable for those who plan to seriously expand and create a network in the future.

Registration stage permits includes obtaining the conclusion of the fire service, sanitary and epidemiological service. All employees must have medical books. In the process of meat trade, it will be necessary to regularly obtain a sanitary certificate for the production of semi-finished products. You will also have to communicate with the veterinary service. In order for everything to be in order, it is necessary to require certificates from all suppliers to confirm the health of animals.

Equipment selection and personnel selection

Equipment costs must be included in the butcher shop business plan with calculations. For normal operation the store will need special devices and appliances, showcases, as well as a set of furniture, utensils for the comfortable work of sellers.

What you need to buy for the store:

  • Freezers and refrigerators for product storage
  • Refrigerated showcase for laying out meat and semi-finished products
  • Scales for production and trade scales
  • Set of axes, chopper deck for butchering carcasses
  • Electric minced meat grinder
  • Cash register
  • Containers, packaging, knives, price tags, trays
  • Boiler for heating water
  • Everything you need for a bathroom
  • Additional equipment if it is planned to produce other types of semi-finished products

Recruitment for business, it has its own characteristics - for a small point, a specialist is enough for cutting, a seller (or two working in shifts) and a cleaner (or the seller can do this work for an additional fee). Accounting can be maintained by an out-of-state specialist.

You need to choose a seller very carefully. After all, the level of sales will directly depend on how correctly and beautifully he will lay out the goods in the window, how friendly he will be with customers and will be able to understand and satisfy their claims. It is very important that the cutting of carcasses is done by a professional who knows all the nuances and subtleties.

An incorrectly chopped carcass can produce up to 15 kilograms of "marriage" - these are pieces of meat that have a non-marketable appearance or an incorrect ratio of bone tissue and pulp. Such a product will not “leave” for free, but the price will be significantly reduced and, in general, this can significantly reduce income. The chopper can also make semi-finished products.

If you have not yet been able to find a good butcher, it is easier to negotiate with the supplier about the delivery of already cut meat, and hire a cook for semi-finished products. All employees will need to purchase uniforms.

Supplier selection and advertising

Purchasing meat is one of the most important points business plan. You can do everything right and open a business, but if the meat is of poor quality, tasteless or stale, customers are unlikely to enter the store more than once. When purchasing, you need to check the presence of a veterinary certificate, a stamp on the carcasses.

For a small store, it is enough to agree on small parties deliveries 1-2 times a week. It is not worth buying large batches, since chilled meat is stored for no more than 3 days, then it loses its presentation. It is better to first buy in small batches, and then, as you analyze demand and sales, adjust purchases.

The range should include:

  • Direct meat - beef, pork, lamb
  • Semi-finished products - minced meat, barbecue, soup sets, chops
  • Offal - heart, liver
  • Exotic products - ostrich meat, horse meat (small batches)
  • Dietary meat - turkey, rabbit meat

At first, 20-30 positions are enough, then they can be adjusted. A butcher shop is a great business idea for beginners, as organizing everything is quite simple. Advertising includes a bright sign, installation of billboards and banners, advertisements in local free media, distribution of leaflets in person on the streets and in mailboxes. Other advertising channels are not effective, as this is a local store that needs to be notified to residents of nearby houses.

Calculation of expenses and profits

The meat business is quite profitable, it’s not for nothing that you can often find ads on the Internet like “buy a shop”. In this case, you do not have to do anything on your own and organize, but you can immediately get ready for work outlet. As for savings, this option is simpler, but also more costly.

Initial investment:

  • Equipment - 200000
  • Renovation of the premises - 50000

Monthly costs:

  • Employee salary - 50000
  • Purchasing meat - 50,000
  • Current expenses - 10000
  • Point rent - 20000

The initial investment will be about 205,000 and depends on what equipment is purchased. Monthly expenses are 130,000, profits can reach 200,000 or more, giving a good net income. The business pays off pretty quickly.

Reading time: 4 minutes

Meat products will always be in demand, so selling meat as a business is a profitable business. There are several options for selling meat, and by choosing one of them, you can open a profitable business.

Meat sales as a business from home

Starting capital: 10 - 20 thousand rubles;

Payback: 1 - 4 months.

It is not difficult to open and advertise such a business both in cities and in villages. Selling meat from an apartment in high-rise buildings is not very convenient, so it’s better to have your own private house. You can sell both from home and by equipping a small stall for selling meat. It is always necessary to be in this stall only if the flow of customers is constant. Otherwise, it is enough to put a call or leave a phone number and, upon the arrival of the client, go out and sell meat. It would be ideal to equip one room in the house with a shop and make a separate entrance, which will simplify the work between you and customers. Similar business at home you will have to register if you are doing this professionally. Consider spending on freezers and the first purchase of meat.

  • Read the article Do I need to register an IP in a home business?

Selling meat as a business in the central part of the city

Starting capital: 15 - 60 thousand rubles;

Monthly profit: 5 - 20 thousand rubles;

Payback: 1 - 6 months.

If you are in a large city and selling meat from home may not be very profitable, then you can sell meat at meat markets. It is worth considering the high competition, which will be difficult to overcome, except for the location of your meat point that is convenient for customers. Plus to it politeness and sociability. You can even create business cards.

By choosing this method of sale, you will definitely have to pay taxes, rent and constantly be at your point of sale of meat.

Resale of meat as a business

Starting capital: 10 thousand rubles;

Monthly profit: 10 - 40 thousand rubles;

Payback: 1 month.

If the market allows you to do this business, then the idea may not be bad for making money. good money. You will need a car to transport large quantities of meat. Here the scheme is simple, it is only important to develop it: look for suppliers in the villages and buyers in the cities. Buy low, sell high. Consider the cost of gasoline. Everything above is yours.

Looking for meat to sell

With the latest option of selling meat as a business, it's clear where you can get your meat from. For the first and second options, there are also 2 ways to purchase goods:

We buy meat in bulk. Look for suppliers, but it is not always necessary to pick up the meat yourself. Often the sellers of large quantities of meat themselves are ready to bring it to you. Wholesale purchase is always an order of magnitude lower in cost than retail sales.

Own farm. The word "farm" only sounds loud, in fact, it is not difficult to do this in the village, and outside the cities they are often engaged in such activities. Keeping a certain amount of cattle, pigs, poultry to constantly replenish your butcher shops is enough. The calculation can be made according to the number of clients. The more customers, the more meat. The more meat, the more animals you need to breed. On the farm, you will have to take care of livestock, buy feed and remove manure, permanent vaccinations, etc. But this way you can get meat cheaper, albeit with a great loss of time and effort. In addition, there are different types of state aid. agriculture which you will need to know about.

  • Read the article Home Based Poultry Business Idea

Business advertising

A homemade meat counter needs to be constantly advertised at least