Report on confirmation of the highest category of the paramedic of the school. Report on the work of the paramedic of the Andreevsky FAP - Zaripova S.V.

February 18, 2013

I, Zaripova Senera Vagitovna, graduated from the Yalutorovsk Medical School in 2008 with a degree in General Medicine. Awarded a certificate in the specialty of medical business dated 26.06.2008 protocol No. 95.

Since 2008 I have been working as a paramedic in the Andreevsky FAP, work experience is 4.5 years. On March 18, 2011, she was transferred to the position of head of the FAP, I work alone. I serve the entire population of the village of Andreevsky, total strength:

from 0 to 90 years - 1424.

children under one year - 31.

The service area is comprehensive school, the number of students is 212 people, the house of culture and recreation, the administration of the village of Andreevsky, sports complex"Batyr", Russian post office, 5 grocery stores.

I am directly subordinate to the head of the branch of the Borovsk hospital, the head nurse of the Borovsk hospital.

Characteristics of the building - modular building, centralized water supply, electric heating, artificial and natural lighting, ventilation supply and exhaust, radiator heating.

The total area of ​​the building is 150 sq.m.

I provide therapeutic and preventive and sanitary and preventive care, first emergency medical care in case of acute diseases and accidents. I diagnose typical cases of the most common diseases and prescribe treatment using modern methods treatment and prevention of diseases, write out prescriptions. I provide first aid. I carry out the appointments of local doctors. I carry out daily examination of men and women in the examination room. I carry out current sanitary supervision, organize and carry out anti-epidemic measures. Organize and conduct follow-up various groups of the population (children; adolescents; pregnant women; participants and invalids of wars; patients who have had acute illnesses; patients suffering from chronic diseases). I organize and carry out preventive vaccinations for children and adults. I carry out an examination of temporary disability. I ensure the storage, accounting and write-off of medicines, compliance with the rules for taking medicines by patients. I organize an in-depth examination of schoolchildren by all specialists, fill out health sheets for schoolchildren. I carry out a pre-trip medical examination of school drivers. I maintain medical records and reports. I carry out sanitary and educational work among patients and their relatives on health promotion and disease prevention, promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

Andreevsky FAP has the following offices:

Reception office of the adult population;

· Office of reception of the children's population;

· Treatment room;

· Vaccination room;

dressing room;

· Observation room;

· Sterilization room;

· Pharmacy;

Each office is equipped with the necessary furniture, inventory, medical devices and tools.

Adult Reception Office:

· Couch

Medical floor scales

· Height meter


· Rack for files

· Tonometer

· Phonendoscope

· Glucometer

· Ventilator

The device for registration of an ECG


· Thermometer


· Emergency bag for adults, children, pregnant women.

· Bag-set for normal childbirth at home.

· Capacity for processing of a phonendoscope with disinfectant solution.

· A container with a disinfectant solution for processing spatulas.

· Container with disinfectant solution for processing thermometers.

· Container with disinfectant for surface treatment.

· Container for clean rags.

Accounting and reporting documentation at the FAP:

  • Passport of Andreevsky FAP;
  • Regulation on FAP;
  • License to carry out medical activities;
  • Comprehensive work plan of the FAP for the year, approved by the head of the branch;
  • Journal of the monthly plan, approved by the head of the branch;
  • Journal of the daily work plan;
  • The plan for conducting fluorography, mammography, onco screening, cardio screening, measuring intraocular pressure, taking PSA in men, examining women in the examination room with a mandatory smear for oncocytology, was approved by the head of the branch.
  • Folder of regulatory documents (SANpins);
  • Outgoing documentation folder;
  • Incoming documentation folder;
  • Journal of receipt and issuance of disability certificates;
  • Journal of registration of emergency assistance to the population;
  • Journals of outpatient admission of adults and children;
  • Journals of assets and patronages of the adult and child population;
  • Journal of general cleaning;
  • Journal of registration of the operation of germicidal lamps;
  • Journal of Emergency Tetanus Prevention;
  • Journal of registration of patients with tick bites;
  • Logbook temperature regime refrigerators;
  • Registers and card file of preventive vaccinations for adults and children;
  • Journal of accounting and consumption of the vaccine;
  • Journal of registration "D" of patients, children and adults;
  • Control card "D" of patients;
  • family magazine
  • Journal of tonometry;
  • Journal of health education work;
  • Journal of accounting and consumption of ethyl alcohol, medicines, soft dressing equipment;
  • Journal of daily examination of men and women;
  • Journal of arrivals and departures;
  • Log of pre-trip inspection of drivers;
  • Pharmacy documentation;
  • Folders:

Action Plan for OOI;

For tuberculosis;

Waste disposal;

For safety;

According to the standards of medical care.

To comply with personal safety measures at the workplace, I work STRICTLY in overalls! (robe, changeable trousers, changeable shoes, cap, mask, gloves, goggles). Each security room is equipped with a first aid kit for the prevention of HIV infection and emergency kits.

The winner of the competition "Children's nurse of the year - 2010" in the nomination "Nurse of an educational institution" was Elena Anatolyevna Lomakova, senior nurse of the State Educational Institution "Kindergarten No. 824" in Moscow. We publish her report on professional activity submitted for the competition.

I. Organizational arrangements

1. Reconciliation of the lists of children enrolled in a preschool educational institution (hereinafter - preschool educational institution), and verification of the availability of the following medical documents:

  • Card of preventive vaccinations (form No. 063 / y);
  • The history of the development of the child (form No. 112 / y);
  • Medical record of the child (form No. 026 / y-2000).

2. Registration of the following reporting medical documents, journals that meet the established requirements:

  • cyclogram of work for a week;
  • the list and frequency of medical examinations, research and professional hygienic training;
  • journal for monitoring the sanitary condition of the preschool educational institution;
  • passing log medical examinations;
  • journal of general cleaning of the treatment room (isolation room);
  • register of biological accidents;
  • journal of registration and control of the operation of the bactericidal lamp;
  • log of registration of the temperature regime of refrigeration equipment;
  • dispensary journal;
  • journal of examinations for pediculosis;
  • record book of contacts with carriers of acute infectious diseases;
  • register of infectious diseases;
  • child observation log;
  • journal of anthropometric measurements;
  • register of movement of children;
  • vaccination waiver log;
  • deworming journal;
  • immunization planning journal;
  • register of preventive vaccinations;
  • register of children referred to a tuberculosis dispensary.

3. Analysis of the health of newly admitted children. compilation of child health sheets based on the results of examinations.

4. Preparation for preventive examinations of children:

  • preliminary screening examination;
  • survey of parents;
  • measurement of blood pressure;
  • carrying out anthropometry;
  • dynamometry;
  • plantography;
  • Kern-Jerasica test.

Data on acute morbidity and exacerbations of chronic diseases and functional disorders in children attending the State Educational Institution "Kindergarten No. 824" are given in appendices 1, 2.

5. Planning and drafting the following documents:

  • a comprehensive work plan for the year;
  • monthly work plan;
  • annual plan for preventive vaccinations;
  • vaccination planning table (when vaccinating, the written consent of the parents is required).

6. Sending the reporting documentation of the established form to the Children's City Polyclinic No. 130 (hereinafter - DGP No. 130).

7. Extract of funds necessary for the work of the medical office:

  • medicines;
  • dressing material;
  • drugs for emergency care.

II. Therapeutic and preventive work

1. Implementation of outpatient reception of pupils. 23 appeals were registered regarding the provision of primary medical care, including:

  • with symptoms of acute respiratory diseases;
  • nosebleeds.

2. Injury prevention:

  • educating children to recognize traumatic situations and avoid them;
  • elimination of unfavorable environmental conditions in which the child lives.

3. Carrying out examinations of children for pediculosis, entering the results of examinations in a special journal.

4. Implementation of anthropometry, including:

  • carrying out anthropometric measurements of pupils;
  • entering data into the log of anthropometric measurements;
  • preparation of recommendations for seating children according to height indicators in order to prevent posture disorders;
  • control over the correspondence of the sizes of tables and chairs to the growth of children.

5. Prevention of visual impairment in children:

  • conducting an annual eye examination of pupils;
  • entering data into medical records;
  • conversations with parents, referral to a specialist;
  • preparation of recommendations for seating children in a group.

Engagement of specialists from DGP No. 130:

  • neurologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • orthopedist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • dentist
  • surgeon
  • dermatologist;
  • allergist;

Laboratory tests of blood and urine;

Conducting electrocardiography.

7. Recording the results of examinations in the medical documents of pupils, drawing up a report. As a result of the examination of 120 people (present at the time of medical examination), children with chronic diseases were identified. Referrals were given for additional examinations of children at the place of residence, recommendations for their further improvement. Pupils with chronic diseases and frequently ill children (hereinafter - FIC) are taken to the dispensary.

Schemes of a complex of hardening procedures for CBD in summer and autumn-winter periods are given in appendices 3, 4.


Duration, min

Air temperature, °C

water, °C

Air baths

From 30 (limited by daily routine)

From +18-17 to +24-22

Solar air baths

From 2-3 to 20-35


From +20-18 to +34-32

Pouring from the shower

Not lower than +23

From +20-18 to +35-34

Pouring feet

From +18-16 to +32-30

Walking barefoot

Not lower than +18


(from +18-16 to +28-26) ed.

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5. Quarantine measures




Children's preschool institutions are intended for the public education of children aged 1.5 to 7 years. They contribute to the harmonious physical and neuropsychic development of children, the preservation and strengthening of their health, the inculcation of elementary practical skills and preparation for school. Children at the age of 1.5 to 3 years old are admitted to the nursery-garden; in kindergarten - from 3 to 7 years. The direct executors of all medical work in a preschool institution are a nurse.

According to the doctor's prescription, she organizes hardening of children and other recreational activities (daily routine, physical education, walks), carries out the prevention of injuries and poisoning. The nurse keeps records of children who are absent due to illness, isolates the sick, and fulfills the doctor's prescriptions. The duties of a nurse include morning reception, thermometry and other activities for children who came after an illness and were in contact with infectious patients, organizing ongoing disinfection, monitoring the daily intake of children by group educators.

In addition, she constantly monitors the quality of products, the correctness of their storage and compliance with the deadlines for implementation, catering and the quality of cooking, calculates the chemical composition and calorie content of the diet, and participates in the preparation of the menu layout.

1. Responsibilities of a nurse in a kindergarten

In accordance with Appendix N 2 of Order N 186/272, the list of functional duties of a paramedical worker of a preschool institution includes:

1. Organization of medical support for children

2. Primary prevention

2.1. Control over sanitary and hygienic conditions in educational institutions;

2.2. Control and provision of methodological assistance in the organization of the educational process.

3. Nutrition

3.1. Control over the state of actual nutrition and analysis of nutrition quality;

3.2. Control over the sanitary and hygienic condition of the catering unit;

3.3. Menu preparation;

3.4. Finished product scrapping;

3.5. Monitoring the implementation of natural norms.

4. Physical education 4.1. Implementation of control over the organization of physical education, tempering activities.

5. Hygienic education in the children's team 5.1. Formation of healthy lifestyle skills;

5.2. Control over hygiene education.

6. Immunoprophylaxis

6.1. Vaccination planning;

6.2. Vaccination;

6.3. Monitoring the state of health after vaccination, registration of local and general reactions to vaccination.

7. Measures to ensure adaptation in an educational institution

7.2. Control over the course of the adaptation period.

8. Record keeping

9. Medical examination

9.1. Conducting screening tests, assessing physical fitness;

The issuance of ready-made food is allowed only after taking a sample with a mandatory mark of taste, readiness of dishes and a corresponding entry in the finished dishes rejection log.

The date, the total number of eating children and separately children in the institution at a given time, as well as the number of eating employees are put down in the layout menu. Children receiving individual meals are highlighted in a separate column. A special column lists dishes for each meal and indicates the consumption of products for their preparation.

For each dish, the output (mass of a portion of the finished dish) is indicated in grams - per child. It is better to indicate the mass of products only in grams or only in kilograms.

The layout menu accurately indicates the full name of the product and its variety, category, type of processing (meat or poultry of the 1st or 2nd category, fish with heads or fillets, dairy products with fat content, etc.). The consumption of products of the same name is determined for each dish separately, and not for all meals.

The layout for the preparation of a particular dish should be constant. If the required quality of the dish is not achieved according to the accepted recipe, for example, with the indicated amount of cereal, the porridge turns out to be too thick or vice versa, then test cooking is carried out in the presence of a health worker.

When compiling a menu layout, you need to take into account the daily volume of food and the mass of each dish. The amount of food should be appropriate for the age of the child

The output of each dish is noted in the menu-layout and in the menu, which is posted for parents. Moreover, in the second courses, the output of meat or fish products, garnish, sauce and other products that complement it are separately indicated. Separately record the output of dishes for children of early and preschool age.

4. Calendar of preventive vaccinations

If earlier it was strictly forbidden to admit an unvaccinated child to a kindergarten, now there is no such provision in the law "On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases".

The nurse should be aware that when administering vaccinations to children, it is very important to: inform parents about the vaccination and obtain their written consent to conduct it; have a permit-permission for vaccination; comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements for the receipt, transportation, storage of the vaccine and vaccination (the latter only in the presence of a doctor); track the child's well-being and his reaction to the vaccine.

Paragraph 2 of Art. 11 of Law No. 157FZ "On Immunization of Infectious Diseases" states: "Prophylactic vaccinations are carried out with the consent of citizens, parents or other legal representatives of minors ...". It becomes clear that the doctor and nurse can only advise parents to vaccinate their child and give information about it. At the same time, the kindergarten nurse is obliged to inform the parents (legal representatives) about the vaccinations recommended by the "National Immunization Calendar", corresponding to the age of the child.

In addition, according to the Law "On the Protection of the Health of Citizens", parents of pupils have the right: to receive complete and objective information about the need for preventive vaccinations, the consequences of refusing them, post-vaccination complications; choice of institution where to get vaccinated (kindergarten or children's clinic); refusal of vaccinations, which must be in writing.

National calendar of preventive vaccinations

Child's age

Name of vaccination

Second vaccination against viral hepatitis B, first vaccination against diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio

4.5 months

Second vaccination against diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio

6 months

Third vaccination of viral hepatitis B, against diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, poliomyelitis

12 months

Fourth vaccination against viral hepatitis B (children at risk), vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps

18 months

First revaccination against diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, poliomyelitis

20 months

Second revaccination against polio

Revaccination against measles, rubella, mumps

Second revaccination against diphtheria, tetanus

Revaccination against tuberculosis (BCG)

From 1 year old, not sick, not vaccinated, vaccinated once against rubella

Rubella Immunization

All children attending preschool

Influenza vaccination

5. Quarantine measures

Quarantine is a system of measures that ensures the prevention of the spread of infectious diseases (by isolating patients, prohibiting entry and exit from the zone affected by the infection). Quarantine terms are established on the basis of data on the longest duration of the incubation period of the disease

At the morning reception, during quarantine for any disease of the child, parents are interviewed about the general condition of the child, the nature of the stool. If there are complaints and clinical symptoms characteristic of this disease, the child is isolated. The results of medical observation are reflected in outpatient cards, in the histories of the development of the child (in special observation sheets for contacts in the outbreak), in hospitals - in the case histories of contacts. A medical worker who monitors contacts systematically conducts hygienic training with them.

The staff of the children's institution, as well as parents, should be instructed in detail about the first symptoms of the disease and the need to immediately report to medical workers about all deviations in the child's condition.

During the observation period, the quarantine group of the children's institution should not take part in activities held in common premises with other groups; groups are separated during walks. For the quarantine group, the self-service system and cultural events are canceled.

According to epidemic indications, the contingent of the examined can be expanded, including the personnel of the groups and the catering unit.

The nurse of the children's institution instructs and trains nannies, educators, kitchen workers, laundry workers, etc. on the implementation of disinfection during the quarantine period, controls the completeness and proper quality of its implementation.


The nurse of the kindergarten carries out: control over compliance with the sanitary and anti-epidemic regime, the sanitary condition of the premises and the site of the kindergarten, prepares children for a medical examination and participates in it, conducts anthropometric measurements, preventive vaccinations.

The nurse makes requests for medicines, disinfectants, medical instruments and equipment. She conducts sanitation work among employees of the institution and parents, monitors the timely passage of medical examinations by employees of a preschool institution; maintains relevant medical records.

The nurse monitors the cooking technology, the compliance of the weight of portions with the menu layout, and also controls the correct selection and storage time of the daily sample.

Every day, the nurse draws up a menu-layout, which is a document for receiving products from the pantry and a work sheet for the cook on the consumption of food for dishes in separate meals.

The Nurse of the Nursery School is obliged to inform the parents about the vaccinations recommended by the "National Immunization Schedule" corresponding to the child's age.


1. Belyakov V.D., Degtyarev A.A., Quality and effectiveness of anti-epidemic measures. L., Medicine, 1991 - 72 p.

2. Kasatkin V.N. Handbook of a nurse kindergarten. Publisher: Linka-Press, 2004 - 42 p.

4. Organization of medical control over the development and health of preschoolers and schoolchildren on the basis of mass screening tests and their rehabilitation in a kindergarten, school. Method. manual edited by G.N. Serdyukovskaya "Medicine", 1996 - 32 p.

5. Practical skills of a pediatrician: a practical guide. Chichko M.V. etc. "Medicine", 2005 - 348 p.

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Annual report on the activities of the head nurse of kindergarten No. 22 "Eaglet"
January 14, 2012
I. Organizational events
II. Therapeutic and preventive work
III. Control of physical education of children
IV. Anti-epidemic work
V. Sanitary and educational work
VI. Training
I. Organizational arrangements
1. Reconciliation of the lists of children enrolled in a preschool educational institution (hereinafter - preschool educational institution), and verification of the availability of the following medical documents:
Card of preventive vaccinations (form No. 063 / y);
The history of the development of the child (form No. 112 / y);
Medical record of the child (form No. 026 / y-2000).
2. Registration of the following reporting medical documents, journals that meet the established requirements:

Cyclogram of work for a week;
the list and frequency of medical examinations, research and professional hygienic training;
journal for monitoring the sanitary condition of the preschool educational institution;
register of medical examinations;
journal of general cleaning of the treatment room (isolation room);
register of biological accidents;
journal of registration and control of the operation of the bactericidal lamp;
register of the temperature regime of refrigeration equipment;
dispensary journal;
journal of examinations for pediculosis;
book of records of contacts with carriers of acute infectious diseases;
register of infectious diseases;
child observation log;
journal of anthropometric measurements;
register of movement of children;
vaccination waiver log;
deworming journal;
immunization planning journal;
register of prophylactic vaccinations;
register of children referred to a tuberculosis dispensary.
3. Analysis of the health of newly admitted children. compilation of child health sheets based on the results of examinations.
4. Preparation for preventive examinations of children:
survey of parents;
measurement of blood pressure;
carrying out anthropometry;
Kern-Jerasica test.
Data on acute morbidity and exacerbations of chronic diseases and functional disorders in children attending MBDOU - kindergarten No. 22 "Eaglet" are given in appendices 1, 2.
5. Planning and drafting the following documents:
a comprehensive work plan for the year;
monthly work plan;
annual plan for preventive vaccinations;
vaccination planning table (when vaccinating, a written consent of the parents is required).
6. Sending the reporting documentation of the established form to the Children's City Polyclinic No. 1 (hereinafter - DGP No. 1).
7. Extract of funds necessary for the work of the medical office:
dressing material;
drugs for emergency care.

II. Therapeutic and preventive work
1. Implementation of outpatient reception of pupils. 45 applications were registered regarding the provision of primary medical care, including:
with symptoms of acute respiratory diseases;
2. Injury prevention:
educating children to recognize traumatic situations and avoid them;
elimination of adverse environmental conditions in which the child lives.
3. Carrying out examinations of children for pediculosis, entering the results of examinations in a special journal.
4. Implementation of anthropometry, including:
carrying out anthropometric measurements of pupils;
entering data into the log of anthropometric measurements;
preparation of recommendations for seating children according to height indicators in order to prevent posture disorders;
control over the correspondence of the sizes of tables and chairs to the growth of children.
5. Prevention of visual impairment in children:
conducting an annual eye examination of pupils;
entering data into medical records;
conversations with parents, referral to a specialist;
preparation of recommendations for seating children in a group.

6. Conducting scheduled preventive examinations of pupils:
– involvement of specialists from the SPD No. 1:

I. Organizational events

II. Therapeutic and preventive work

III. Control of physical education of children

VI. Training

I. Organizational arrangements

1. Reconciliation of the lists of children enrolled in a preschool educational institution (hereinafter - preschool educational institution), and verification of the availability of the following medical documents:

Card of preventive vaccinations (form No. 063 / y);

The history of the development of the child (form No. 112 / y);

Medical record of the child (form No. 026 / y-2000).

2. Registration of the following reporting medical documents, journals that meet the established requirements:

cyclogram of work for a week;

the list and frequency of medical examinations, research and professional hygienic training;

journal for monitoring the sanitary condition of the preschool educational institution;

register of medical examinations;

journal of general cleaning of the treatment room (isolation room);

register of biological accidents;

journal of registration and control of the operation of the bactericidal lamp;

log of registration of the temperature regime of refrigeration equipment;

dispensary journal;

journal of examinations for pediculosis;

book of records of contacts with carriers of acute infectious diseases;

register of infectious diseases;

child observation log;

journal of anthropometric measurements;

register of movement of children;

vaccination waiver log;

deworming journal;

immunization planning journal;

register of preventive vaccinations;

register of children referred to a tuberculosis dispensary.

3. Analysis of the health of newly admitted children. compilation of child health sheets based on the results of examinations.

4. Preparation for preventive examinations of children:

survey of parents;

measurement of blood pressure;

carrying out anthropometry;


Kern-Jerasica test.

Data on acute morbidity and exacerbations of chronic diseases and functional disorders in children attending MBDOU - kindergarten No. 22 "Orlyonok" are given in appendices 1, 2.

5. Planning and drafting the following documents:

a comprehensive work plan for the year;

monthly work plan;

annual plan for preventive vaccinations;

vaccination planning table (when vaccinating, the written consent of the parents is required).

6. Sending the reporting documentation of the established form to the Children's City Polyclinic No. 1 (hereinafter - DGP No. 1).

7. Extract of funds necessary for the work of the medical office:


dressing material;

drugs for emergency care.

II. Therapeutic and preventive work

1. Implementation of outpatient reception of pupils. 45 appeals were registered regarding the provision of primary medical care, including:

with symptoms of acute respiratory diseases;


2. Injury prevention:

educating children to recognize traumatic situations and avoid them;

elimination of adverse environmental conditions in which the child lives.

3. Carrying out examinations of children for pediculosis, entering the results of examinations in a special journal.

4. Implementation of anthropometry, including:

carrying out anthropometric measurements of pupils;

entering data into the log of anthropometric measurements;

control over the correspondence of the sizes of tables and chairs to the growth of children.

5. Prevention of visual impairment in children:

conducting an annual eye examination of pupils;

entering data into medical records;

conversations with parents, referral to a specialist;

6. Conducting scheduled preventive examinations of pupils:

– involvement of specialists from the SPD No. 1:








– laboratory tests of blood and urine;

- electrocardiography.

7. Recording the results of examinations in the medical documents of the pupils, drawing up a report.

As a result of examination of 116 people, children with chronic diseases were identified. Referrals were given for additional examinations of children at the place of residence, recommendations for their further improvement. Pupils with chronic diseases and frequently ill children (hereinafter referred to as FIC) were taken to the dispensary.

8. Dispensary observation of children with III health group according to the form No. 30 / y-04.

9. Organization of examination for helminths.

116 children were examined. The disease has not been identified.

10. Organization of vaccination work.

The basis of this work is the availability of complete and reliable information about the health of children attending preschool educational institutions. For the timely accounting of children subject to vaccination, a register of preventive vaccinations is kept. The magazine for the current year is planned in accordance with the national calendar of preventive vaccinations, approved. by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated January 31, 2011 No. 51n "On approval of the national calendar of preventive vaccinations and the calendar of preventive vaccinations according to epidemic indications".

Data on vaccination in 2011 are shown in the table.

Vaccination of pupils of MBDOU - kindergarten No. 22 "Eaglet" in 2011

11. Organization of tuberculin diagnostics of pupils with the identification of children at risk for tuberculosis, referral to a phthisiatrician for examination.

Results of work:

9 people were sent for examination;

9 people were examined;

Prophylactic treatment was provided to 5 people.

12. Monitoring compliance with regime moments:

study load;

duration of walks;


13. Carrying out the rehabilitation of children in a preschool educational institution:

vitamin therapy;

hardening procedures;

classes for the prevention of postural disorders.

III. Control of physical education of children

1. Implementation of control of physical education in the preschool educational institution.

2. The distribution of children in physical culture groups in accordance with the data of preventive examinations.

3. Formation of preparatory and special physical culture groups, exercise therapy groups.

4. Monitoring the state of health and development of children, the functional capabilities of the child's body.

5. Control of the sanitary and hygienic condition of the premises and the area where physical exercises are carried out with children.

6. Control of the sanitary and hygienic condition of sports and physical culture equipment and inventory, the condition of children's clothes and shoes.

7. Medical and pedagogical observations of the organization of the motor mode, the methodology for conducting various forms of classes exercise and their impact on the child's body.

8. Control of the implementation of hardening.

9. Control over the selection of children for participation in sports competitions.

10. Organization and holding of Health Days in the preschool educational institution.

IV. Anti-epidemic work

1. Prevention of infectious diseases:

familiarization with the sanitary and epidemiological rules "Organization of immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases. SP3.3.2367-08", approved. Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated 04.06.2008 No. 34;

disinfection of preschool educational institutions;

catering control;

organization of immunization;

carrying out quarantine measures in connection with diseases of scarlet fever, chicken pox, acute intestinal diseases

2. Prevention of tuberculosis:

familiarization with the sanitary and epidemiological rules "Prevention of tuberculosis. SP 3.1.1295-03", approved. Chief State Sanitary Doctor on April 18, 2003;

tuberculin diagnostics of pupils;

organization of examination of children at risk referred to a phthisiatrician;

conversations with parents.

3. Prevention of intestinal infections:

familiarization with the sanitary and epidemiological rules "Prevention of acute intestinal infections. SP", approved. Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on March 17, 2002;

control of compliance with the sanitary and epidemiological regime of a preschool educational institution, a food unit;

control of personal hygiene of pupils, staff, catering workers;

medical supervision of contact persons;

carrying out disinfection.

4. Prevention of pediculosis:

familiarization with the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated November 26, 1998 No. 342 "On strengthening measures for the prevention of epidemic typhus and the fight against pediculosis";

conducting a weekly examination of pupils in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the work regime in preschool organizations. SanPiN", approved by the decision of the Main State sanitary doctor RF dated July 22, 2010 No. 91.

5. Prevention of helminthiases:

examination of pupils;

sand processing in sandboxes;

sheltering sandboxes with lids from animals.

V. Sanitary and educational work

Organization of lectures, conversations with the staff of the preschool educational institution, pupils and their parents (legal representatives).

1. Topics of lectures for children:

"We are for a healthy lifestyle";

"Learn to eat right";

"Personal hygiene of a preschooler";

"Learning how to brush your teeth properly";

"Prevention of enterobiasis - clean hands";

2. Topics of lectures for catering workers:

"Prevention of intestinal infections";

"Personal hygiene of catering staff";

"Organization of the work of the catering unit during quarantine";

"Staphylococcal infection";


"Food poisoning";

3. Topics of lectures for the teaching staff:

"Injury prevention";

"Air-thermal regime";

"Report on the results of clinical examination and morbidity in children";

"Prevention of ARVI and influenza";

"Prevention of acute intestinal diseases";

"Prevention of enterobiasis";

"Providing first aid for fainting, heat and sunstroke";

"Scarlet fever";


"Rotovirus infection";

"Prevention of tuberculosis";

4. Topics of lectures for technical staff:

"Sanitary condition of group premises, observance of the disinfection regime";

"Personal hygiene of technical staff".

5. Topics of lectures for parents:

"How to detect pediculosis";

"What is a "button"";

"Prevention of tuberculosis";

"Prevention of colds";

"Hygiene of a preschooler";

"Prevention of flat feet and scoliosis at home";

"Vaccination in the life of a child";

"Prevention of rotovirus infection";

"Scarlet fever";



VI. Training

Forms of advanced training used in preschool educational institutions:

1. Passing cycles of specialization, improvement, professional retraining: training at the Ulnovsk Medical College No. 2 as part of the thematic improvement cycle "Children's and Adolescents' Health" in the amount of 144 hours (September 2010).

2. Attendance at lectures, seminars, briefings at Children's State Pedagogical School No. 1.

3. Study of regulatory documents.

4. Use of reference and methodological literature; professional magazines.

("Medical care and catering in the preschool educational institution", "Raising children healthy", "Physical and recreational work in the preschool educational institution", "All about hardening".)

Attachment 1

Acute morbidity in children

Annex 2

Exacerbations of chronic diseases

and functional disorders in children,

attending MBDOU - kindergarten No. 22 "Eaglet"

Annual activity report

senior nurse of kindergarten No. 40.

1. Organizational measures

2.Treatment and preventive work

3. Control of physical education of children

4. Anti-epidemic work

5. Sanitary and educational work

6. Professional development

1. Organizational measures

*Reconciliation of the lists of children enrolled in a preschool educational institution

d / s No. 40, and checking the availability of the following medical documents:

Card of preventive vaccinations (form No. 63 / y);

dispensary journal;

examination log for pediculosis;

register of infectious diseases;

child observation log;

journal of anthropometric measurements;

immunization planning journal;

register of preventive vaccinations;

register of children referred to a tuberculosis dispensary.

*Analysis of the health of newly admitted children. Compilation of child health sheets

based on inspection results.

*Preparation for preventive examinations of children:

carrying out anthropometry.

*Planning and drafting the following documents:

comprehensive work plan for the year;

annual plan for preventive vaccinations;

vaccination planning table (the presence of written parental consent).

*Sending reporting documentation of the established form to the Children's City

polyclinic no.

* Statement of funds necessary for the work of the medical office:


dressing material;

drugs for emergency care.

2.Treatment and preventive work

*Injury prevention:

educating children of the ability to recognize traumatic situations and avoid them;

elimination of unfavorable environmental conditions in which the child lives.

* Carrying out examinations of children for pediculosis, entering the results of examinations in

special magazine.

*Prevention of visual impairment in children:

conducting an annual eye examination of pupils;

entering data into medical records;

conversations with parents, referral to a specialist;

*conducting scheduled preventive examinations of pupils:

- involvement of specialists from Republic of Belarus No. 1.


Laboratory tests of blood and urine.

* entering the results of examinations in the medical documents of pupils,

compilation of a report.

As a result of examination of 35 people, children with chronic

diseases. Referrals for additional examinations of children were given. Recommendations for their further improvement. Pupils with chronic diseases and frequently ill children are taken to the dispensary.

*Organization of examination for helminths .

35 children were examined. The disease has not been identified.

* Vaccination of pupils of MBDOU-Kindergarten No. 40 in 2012

*Organization of tuberculino-diagnosis of pupils with the identification of children

risk groups for tuberculosis, referral for examination to

Results of work:

3 people were sent for examination;

3 people were examined;

*Monitoring compliance with regime moments :

study load;

duration of walks;


3. Control of physical education of children .

*Implementation of control of physical education in the preschool educational institution.

* Control of the sanitary and hygienic state of the sports and physical culture

equipment and inventory, the condition of clothing and footwear.

*Organization and holding of health days in the preschool educational institution.

4.Anti-epidemic work .

*Prevention of infectious diseases:

disinfection of preschool educational institutions;

catering control;

organization of immunization;

*Prevention of tuberculosis:

tuberculin diagnostics of pupils;

Conversations with parents.

* Prevention of intestinal infections:

monitoring compliance with the sanitary and epidemiological regime in preschool educational institutions;

control of personal hygiene of pupils, staff, workers;

*Prevention of pediculosis:

conducting a weekly examination of pupils in accordance with the sanitary

epidemiological rules and regulations.

5. Sanitary and educational work.

Organization of lectures, conversations with staff in preschool educational institutions, parents.

Lecture topics for children:

1. "We are for a healthy lifestyle."

2. "Learn to eat right."

3.”Personal hygiene of a preschooler”.

Topics of lectures for the teaching staff:

1. Injury prevention.

2. Air-thermal regime.

3. Prevention of SARS and influenza.

Lecture topics for parents:

1.How to detect pediculosis.

2. What is a "button".

3. Hygiene of a preschooler.

6. Professional development.

1. Attending lectures, seminars.

2.Study of regulatory documents.

(Organization of food in the preschool educational institution. We raise children healthy.)