Hydroponics for cucumbers as a business idea. Hydroponics as a business - new technologies for progressive plant cultivation

    • Strawberries in hydroponics
  • Step by step opening plan
  • How much can you earn
  • Which equipment to choose
    • findings

Strawberries are a popular berry that is loved not only in our country, but all over the world. Strawberries are consumed both fresh and used in processing, to obtain jam, jam, juices, etc. With the advent of the first harvests in the spring, the berries are sold out literally in flight. And sometimes it doesn't matter what the price tag is. And a kilogram of early strawberries in large cities costs at least 250 rubles ...

You can start your mini-business growing strawberries even from a summer cottage. For the sale of the first batches of berries, no documents are needed, since the products are sold from personal subsidiary plots. Registration of individual entrepreneurs, tax deductions, all this later, when industrial scale appears. At first, the sale of berries can be carried out through fruit shops and kiosks, as well as by handing over berries in small wholesale lots to resellers. Do you want to learn more about the business and earn consistently? We offer you new free marathon about passive income and smart money investment. By choosing the method you are interested in, you can get a good income by doing something understandable.

Growing strawberries in open ground

Growing strawberries outdoors is the most common way. There are a number of objective reasons for this:

  1. Low investment. No buildings, in the form of greenhouses (read more about growing in a greenhouse) and no hydroponic setup is required. You can even start with your own garden, and then, as needed, either rent a plot or buy it out. Main investments: fertilizers, planting material and drip irrigation (excluding land).
  2. The technology is simple and clear. A little literature - and you can get a good harvest.
  3. Strawberries grown outdoors are juicy, sweet and more "natural". It is much easier to sell such a product.

In open ground, strawberries are planted in rows, at a distance of 35 - 40 cm from each other. The soil must be covered with spunbond-based agrofibre. This material protects the plant from direct sunlight, while retaining moisture, allows air to pass through and accumulates heat. The most common varieties for open ground: Gigantella, Elizabeth II, Albion, Honey. The fruits of these varieties are large and appetizing. So, the fruits of the Gigantella variety grow up to 100 grams. Only 10 berries - we get a kilogram of marketable strawberries.

The disadvantages of open ground are obvious:

  1. Seasonality. Depending on the climatic conditions of the region, strawberries can only be grown between May and September.
  2. Weather dependent. Drought, frost, etc., and you can lose almost the entire crop.
  3. Diseases, pests, weeds, which are abundant in the open field, will haunt the farmer.
  4. Harvesting - you have to pick the berries, literally crawling on the ground, which is extremely inconvenient. This results in higher costs for labor force during the harvest period.

With all its pros and cons, outdoor cultivation is the surest way to start a strawberry business. First, it is cheaper and therefore less risky. Secondly, one does not need to have any serious knowledge in order to plant a field and harvest the first crop. Finally, it will allow you to try to sell the berry. And sales in this business, as practice shows, is the most difficult stage. Having learned to sell, you can think about how to increase production volumes. In this regard, there are other, more expensive, but also more effective ways to grow strawberries.

Video about a successful farm for growing strawberries in the open field:

Strawberries in hydroponics

Hydroponics is a very popular way of growing plants indoors. So, in Israel, hydroponics is used by more than 80% farms. This method involves planting plants in a thin layer of organic substrate (peat, for example), laid on a grid and placed in a tray with a nutrient solution. talking in simple words, in hydroponics, the plant does not feed on the soil, but on the mineral solution, the composition of which is formed depending on the type of plant. Strawberries are also actively grown in hydroponics, although there are few such farms in our country. What are the benefits of hydroponics:

  1. The plant always receives the right amount of nutrients, much more than from solid soil. Hence the faster growth and faster harvest.
  2. There is no need for daily watering.
  3. Pests and diseases that are common when grown in the soil (bearworm, fungal diseases, nematodes) are completely absent.
  4. There is no need to purchase soil for transplanting strawberries and spend on its delivery.
  5. It is much easier to transplant a plant without injuring the roots.
  6. The berry at the output is environmentally friendly, since pesticides and pesticides are not used in the growing process.

Particularly successful farmers manage to get up to 45 kg of strawberries per 1 sq. m., or 450 tons from 1 ha! The hydroponics method is extremely popular among homeowners who grow berries as a hobby. People plant strawberries in this way not only in greenhouses, but also on windowsills. And a fresh berry, when choosing the appropriate varieties, grows all year round. Ready-made hydroponic installations and systems can be purchased from specialized companies. You can also construct a hydroponic installation with your own hands, since there are a lot of videos on the Internet about this. For example, this:

As a basis for the installation, you can use ordinary plastic containers located on racks. If we talk about large landing areas, then the obvious disadvantages of the system include the high cost of structures and heavy expenses on electricity, because the growth of plants requires a continuous supply of oxygen to the solution. Moreover, if the entrepreneur decides to grow strawberries in this way on an industrial scale, the construction of greenhouses will be required, which makes the project very expensive. Withdrawal costs. A hydroponic installation for 30 seats will cost about 10,000 rubles, for 3,000 bushes - 1,000,000 rubles. In terms of area, so many installations will occupy about 50 square meters. m. A fully equipped greenhouse of this size will cost about 150,000 rubles. In total, the total cost of the project exceeds one million, excluding the cost of planting material and substrate.

Trucars - growing strawberries vertically

An interesting device called "Trukar" was invented by Alexander Naseychuk from the Leningrad Region. Trukar is a tube with pockets, installed vertically. A strawberry bush is sown in each pocket, which is connected to a drip irrigation system. What are the benefits of a Trucar? Firstly, the greenhouse area is significantly saved (by about 300%). One trukar occupies only 0.5 square meters. m. and holds 90 strawberry bushes. That's just 1 sq. m. we can place 180 strawberry bushes, thereby increasing the profitability of the entire greenhouse. Secondly, trukara is very convenient in terms of planting and subsequent care of them. You can see more about growing strawberries in trukars in the following video:

During the season (2-2.5 months) up to 12 kg of strawberries are collected from one trukara. Accordingly, with 500 trukars (500 sq.m.) you can get 6 tons of strawberries. In monetary terms, this is approximately 1.2 million rubles. revenue if strawberries are sold at an average of 200 rubles / kg. This is if we take into account the usual varieties. With remontant varieties, the yield and income, respectively, can be slightly higher.

Growing strawberries in bags using Dutch technology

A variation of the vertical method is the cultivation of strawberries in plastic bags according to the so-called Dutch technology. The essence of this technology lies in the fact that seedlings are planted at a certain interval, after 2-3 months. This allows you to harvest constantly, without using remontant varieties for this. In order for strawberries to begin to bear fruit, regardless of the time of year, it must be preserved, that is, sent to hibernation, as it happens in natural conditions. To do this, well-developed strawberry bushes are cut in the fall and stored in a chilled place. For these purposes, a conventional refrigerator is suitable. The result is seedlings, which are called "Frigo" (frigo). Such seedlings can be "awakened" at any time by planting them in closed ground in a greenhouse (We recommend reading greenhouse business plan). And it doesn't matter when you do it, in January or May. The main thing is that the greenhouse is ready for planting the plant. A couple of months after planting, strawberries will bring their first harvest.

The best varieties for Dutch technology are Elsanta, Darselect, Maria, Sonata, Gloom, Polka, Tristar and, of course, Albion (the most popular greenhouse strawberry variety). Strawberries are seated in bags welded from a white plastic film. The bag is 2 meters long and 16 cm in diameter. The bag is filled with a substrate, including soil and fertilizer. Further in the bag, in a checkerboard pattern, holes of 7 cm are made in four rows, at a distance of 25 cm from each other. Then the bags are hung on special supports, 2-3 bags per square meter. You can do it a little differently by placing the bags in a horizontal position on ordinary racks. In this way, you can make several tiers. Plant nutrition is carried out using droppers, which are supplied in three parts of the bag every 50 cm. Strawberries are pollinated by hand, with a soft brush or with a fan.

Step by step opening plan

Having a certain amount of money to start, you need to decide which method of growing strawberries is right for you. Based on this, choose: · A place (or room) for planting strawberries; · Equipment for growing berries; · Planting material - a grade which is most favorable at the given method of cultivation; · Product sales plan

How much can you earn

When grown outdoors in the second year, 10 acres provide both seedlings and enough berries - 700-800 kg. At the same time, all costs of the first year are covered: planting material, drip irrigation system, film or agrofibre. You can expand the landing area. But the third year already gives a clean and good income. Approximately 5 thousand strawberry bushes guarantee up to 2 tons of excellent berries. The profitability of growing strawberries in a greenhouse exceeds 100%, and the payback is usually predictable in the first season. But, starting investments for the organization and equipment of greenhouses is 30-50% higher than for agricultural production in the open field. When grown in the Dutch way (in bags) from one square meter you can get up to 30 kg. garden strawberries. When selling berries in the summer, at an average price of 70 rubles. per kilogram, from one square meter you can earn more than 2 thousand rubles. And in the cold season, the price of a “vitamin product” will be on average about 200 rubles / kilo, the benefit, respectively, will be up to 6 thousand rubles. With a yield of berries from 50 sq.m and taking into account expenses, the profit will be under 300 thousand rubles.

How much money do you need to start a business

On average, to build a greenhouse with a plot for planting 1 hectare, it will take 1300-1450 thousand rubles. To equip 1 square meter of premises for the production of berries in bags, you will need about 300 rubles (including planting material). If you have problems with starting capital, offer an opportunity to earn at least some of the money. For this purpose, our proposed set of 50 ways. From it you can choose starting options without investments.

Which equipment to choose

Growing equipment: · in open ground - drip irrigation (pipes, fittings and filters, drip tape), mulching film or agrofibre; · in the Dutch way - a room (shed, garage, etc.), plastic bags 200-220 cm long, 15-16 cm in diameter. Each bag has 3 irrigation pipes and a mixture of peat and perlite; · for hydroponics - trays, pumps, tubes and nutrient substrate; · for the trukar method - a pipe with pockets, a substrate, an irrigation system.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business

Code 01 is responsible for the agricultural production of strawberries. Agriculture, hunting services in these industries, namely 01.1. Plant growing. And its clarifying subparagraph 01.13.21. Cultivation of fruit and berry crops.

What documents are needed to open a business

Registration of peasant farming(KFH) is necessary when there are sufficiently voluminous works and areas of processing (more than 1 ha). Otherwise, it is allowed to conduct subsidiary farming on a personal farmstead without any taxes.

Professional business plans on the topic:

  • Farm business plan (14 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇


We looked at 4 of the most famous ways to grow strawberries on an “industrial scale”. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages and requires careful study before use. Which method is better to choose is up to you, because a lot depends not only on the growing conditions, but also on the available financial resources for the implementation of the project. Also, you can consider the option of raspberry business.

We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with articles about TOP 5 business and ways of investing, which the author of this blog Andrey Merkulov tested on himself. There you will also find valuable tips based on the experience of an entrepreneur.

Hydroponics - perspective view business. Modern technology for growing crops with minimal labor and material costs. A great opportunity to get a stable income. With low production costs, the yield efficiency is 3-5 times higher than with traditional cultivation of crops in the soil.

Hydroponics is a method that allows you to grow an agricultural crop without the use of soil. The plant receives nutrients from a special liquid solution containing all the necessary elements.

Key advantages of hydroponics over traditional cultivation:

  • the process of delivering nutrients to the plant is much faster, due to additional oxygen, which activates the development of the roots.
  • economical water consumption.
  • The energy saved in the search for nutrients, the plant uses for growth.

The hydroponics method acts on the root of the plant. The upper part is influenced by environmental factors: lighting, temperature, daylight hours, genetic characteristics of the culture.

Business planning

To found profitable business all the details of production should be carefully considered, financial investments, calculate possible risks. You should adequately assess your abilities, skills and knowledge in this field of activity.

Organizing a business starts with planning. We draw up a business plan:

  • Business registration.
  • Market analysis.
  • Production.
  • Expenses and income.

Cultivation of plants is provided thanks to a competent infrastructure - lighting, heating, watering. When buying equipment, you should consider the possibilities of the premises and the choice of the cultivated crop.

Business registration procedure

Any production needs to be registered at the official level. The organization of a small business on its own site requires registration of IP ( individual entrepreneur). Registration is carried out at the place of residence. Profits from the agricultural business are subject to a 3% tax.

IP advantage:

Products grown on their site do not require a quality certificate.

Sales of products

Before starting production, you should carefully study the sales market, competition, pricing policy. For a successful hydroponics business to flourish, it is necessary to be able to sell the grown products at a bargain price.

Sales channels.

Carefully study the requirements of customers, the work of competitors. When choosing a plant, you should be based on your knowledge of the crop being grown. Overestimating your skills can lead to failure.

What? Where? How to grow?

The choice of cultivated crop is an important task that a businessman needs to solve. Hydroponic technology makes it possible to grow plants all year round. In order to pay off the invested costs of production, a constant demand for products is necessary.

Choose the plant most suitable for growing in your climate. Priority crops:

  • berries: strawberries, wild strawberries;
  • greens: onion, dill;
  • spicy herbs: lemon balm, mint, basil;
  • flowers: roses, indoor plants.

The main advantage of growing these crops is the lack of mass domestic production. An excellent prospect for the development of your enterprise in the future.

Choosing a room or site

Having decided on the culture, the next step is to choose a place. As a room, you can use any building available to you. For production, you can adapt: ​​an attic, a garage, a hangar, or an attic.

The lack of natural light is compensated by installing additional lighting. The use of modern lighting systems leads to additional energy costs. It would be advisable to insulate the room, with high-quality insulation, heating costs will be reduced several times.

If there is a plot, the best option is to build a greenhouse, a greenhouse. The greenhouse structure consists of a frame and a material that transmits light. The most affordable coating material is polyethylene film. Disadvantage: short service life.

Glass and polycarbonate are popular and durable materials for covering greenhouses. Glass transmits sunlight well, resistant to moisture. Distinctive properties of polycarbonate - high thermal insulation. Weak light transmission helps protect plants from burns. The high price for glass and polycarbonate is offset by a reduction in lighting and heating costs.

Creation of infrastructure

A very important factor is the layout of the hydroponics system. The equipment is located in such a way that all the necessary conditions for plant growth.

The result is affected by the correct organization of irrigation. The modern variety of hydroponics systems is divided into two main types:

  • drip;
  • flowing.

Drip system - the nutrient fluid enters the root region of the plant in the form of drops, with a certain time interval. This hydroponics system is suitable for growing all kinds of vegetable seedlings.

The flow system is a liquid delivered to the roots of the plant through flow distribution tubes. Suitable crops for growing: onions, salad greens, herbs.

There is also a third, hybrid system. This method combines drip and flow irrigation. Cultivated crops: wild strawberries and strawberries.

When buying a hydroponic system, you should consider all the advantages and disadvantages.

Useful video

Profitability calculation

Competent planning is based on the accounting of expenses and incomes. Entrepreneurs who decide to open a hydroponics crop production are interested in the question: “How much to invest Money to make a good profit? The amount of capital investment depends on the scale of production.

Business plan.

2. Resume

work in the field
it's work
hydroponics is
Business on
plant vv such
crop production. Plant
soil - it
without soil
grows without
develops and grows
system is developing
essential nutritional
all necessary
gets everything
aqueous solution,
from a special
special water
substances from
all necessary
full of all


pluses for
main advantages
highlight the main
can be identified
By efficiency
efficiency can
similar area:
production of a similar
types of production
other types
ss others
used space
1.More rationally used
1. More rational
like in the ground.
spread like this
not necessary
No roots
on limited
meals on
everything required
required nutrition
get everything
may receive
Plants can

between themselves.
struggle between
not joining
entering the competitive
area, not
ground. So
than in the ground.
friend than
to each other,
closer friend
can stand
stand closer
they can
as a result they
method is achieved
this method
greenery." At
"sea of ​​green"
you can get it
get "sea
per square
pieces per
up to 60–70
60–70 pieces
plants - up to
it is better
for this
this method;
suitable for
exceptionally suitable
drag the ground
2. Not
Not necessary
need to drag
you live in
but if
if you live
worries, but
a little worried
home, this
it is not enough
When you live
you live in the house
not really
very practical.
is not
earth is
earth bags
carry bags
apartment u wear
waste-free AI
almost waste-free
hydroponics almost
hassle. Hydroponics
a lot of trouble.
All this causes a lot
harvest. So
every harvest.
after each
updates after
big updates
does not require
requires more
cc technology
the way
limited space;
small limited
3. Regulation
Power regulation
or pepper
pepper, as well
like tomatoes
tomatoes or
from plants
plants like
BB difference
are growing, uh
at the same time they grow
which at the same time
many others
others who
plants ss pronounced
there is a category
plant category
are reproduced,
expressed stages
followed by the expressed
behind which
stage, for
vegetative stage,
On the
at the expense
reach for
can be achieved
completely different diet.

Growing vegetables and herbs in greenhouses

In the ground it is possible
repeated watering
through multiple
losses through
certain losses
that's all
hydroponics it
water. VV hydroponics
the amount of water.
huge amount
excess vegetative
Of course, excess
fill the tank."
tank". Certainly,
tank - fill
"empty the tank
or garden
homemade or
watered home
They are watered
are not thrown away.
are thrown away. Imi
solution is not
Probably cardinal.
sewerage. Probably,
drain into the sewer.
but not
do not drain
plants, but
of the reasons
one of
this one
solution is
nutrient solution
line-up changes
on the
growing on
when growing
accelerate at
fruiting accelerate
why bloom
flowering and fruiting
signal about that
convincing signal
get a convincing
Plants receive
hydroponics. Plants
all necessary
everyone gets
time receive
it's time
has come
for this
this elements;


nutrition gives
nitrogen nutrition
rich in nitrogen
plant ss rich
hydroponic plant
even consider
consider him
Some even
growth. Some
green growth.
lush green
constantly produce
you need
need constantly
if you
but if
excessive, but
will not replace
will replace
there is nothing
nothing is not
then here
cuttings, then
number of cuttings
a large number of
on effective
efficient hydroponic
plant on
mother plant
used in
widely used
This circumstance
circumstance widely
system. This is
distribution of many
for dissemination
industry for
horticultural industry
Again these
quantities. Again
large quantities.
plant species
plants vv large
so ii vv
like hydroponic,
hydroponic, yes
grown like
clones can
can be grown
special advantage;
will receive a special
Where are they
they will get
ground, where
Not needed
5. Herbicides
Herbicides are not
or gutters
trays or
In plastic
plastic trays
It is obvious.
obviously. AT
This is
that vv
circumstances: so what
Both circumstances:
grow. Both
nowhere to grow.
weeds nowhere
pests can
what pests
needs, and what
no need,
no herbicides
ways, do
in radical ways
less radical
destroy less
clean technology;
very clean
hydroponics highly
6. Savings
Water saving
the plant should
plant growth
healthy growth
For supporting
maintaining a healthy
amount of water.
a certain amount of
transpire a certain
place in hydroponics,
taking place
growth that has
magnificent growth,
Fast fluffy
amount of water.
a large number
large consumption
implies consumption
all spent
transpires all
plant transpires
However, the plant
during evaporation.
or when
soil or
disappears into the soil
does not disappear
water. Nothing
Nothing is not
growing centuries
plants growing
compared with plants
water, by
water saving,
impressive. Recent
very impressive.
soil, very
from watering
transfer from
irrigation - transition
plants ––
plant base
water vv base
water delivery
the whole field
fields qk delivery
water consumption
spending efficiency
increased efficiency
significantly increased
this regard
hydroponics in this
However, hydroponics
gardening. However
in gardening.
more efficient;
equals much
much more efficient;

5. Provision of resources.

should be highlighted:
resources should
In providing
providing resources

English RussianRules

Progress does not stand still, and if quite recently a completely automated drip irrigation of plants seemed an amazing novelty for Russian farmers, today an even more interesting technology has appeared - hydroponics.

Hydroponics is a new method of growing crops in which a special nutrient solution is used instead of the usual soil. The roots of plants are immersed in it, which, thus, receive all the substances necessary for normal development.

This technology has a lot of advantages, but from the point of view of organizing your own business, one fate is enough, the main thing is Hydroponics as a business is characterized by low costs and high profits.

Choice of crops to grow

The first task that all future farmers have to solve is the choice of crops for cultivation, their range and production volumes. Hydroponics is no exception in this regard. Moreover, the possibilities of technology allow breeding the same traditional crops:

  • Vegetables, mainly tomatoes and cucumbers;
  • Berries, preference should be given to low-growing varieties, which will allow you to optimally distribute the beds in the room;
  • Greens are the simplest, but very profitable option. Greens mean leafy salads, dill, parsley, cilantro, etc.;
  • Flowers;
  • Medicinal herbs, which can then be wholesaled to special procurement offices. With significant production volumes, there is an opportunity to make good profits;
  • Seedling. Also a very interesting option. Its advantage is that plants are grown only up to a certain stage of development. The downside is a high dependence on the seasonality of demand for seedlings, which occurs mainly in the spring.

When starting hydroponics as a business, keep in mind that experienced farmers do not recommend novice businessmen to try to grow different crops together such as vegetables and flowers. This not only adds to the cost end products, but also creates additional difficulties, as a result, the likelihood of unnecessary loss of products, damage to goods, etc. increases. Therefore, it is better to focus on one thing to begin with.

The final choice depends on many factors.

Hydroponics business plan: an effective and low-cost business

So, it is necessary to take into account the seasonality of demand, the peculiarities of the local climate, geographic localization and the consumer map of the region. Only with such a balanced approach can you get the most out of hydroponic agriculture.

Creating the necessary conditions

Organization hydroponics as a business associated with the creation of the necessary infrastructure, which includes four main components: premises, heating, lighting and irrigation system. The hydroponics irrigation system is the center of the whole business scheme, so we will return to it a little later, but for now, we will briefly touch on the first three aspects.

Any building can be used as a room, even an attic, an attic or an empty garage. But in this case, the need for additional lighting inevitably arises, and these are high costs, and not only one-time costs for the purchase and installation of equipment, but also regular operating costs for electricity, lamp replacement, etc.

More cost-effective is the option with a greenhouse. The need for lighting disappears by itself, and the construction of such structures takes a few days and is relatively inexpensive.

The problem of creating an optimal temperature regime can be solved in two ways - by thermal insulation of the greenhouse or by installing an autonomous heating system. As practice shows, the cost of effective thermal insulation allows you to reduce heating costs by an average of 30-35%, so this path should be recognized as more promising and profitable from a financial point of view.

Irrigation system

Final result hydroponics as a business for growing crops depends on the correct organization of irrigation. Irrigation systems are of three types:

  • Drip - a nutrient solution with a certain intensity is supplied directly to the root system of the plant in the form of drops. This method is ideal for vegetable crops such as tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant and bell peppers;
  • The flowing solution circulates through special channels into which the roots are immersed. This is the best option for growing greens;
  • Drip-flow. A combined system in which the two methods described above are combined. The complexity of the device is more than offset by the results obtained. With the help of drip-flow irrigation, even such capricious crops as strawberries and strawberries can be grown.

Creation of a complete system

Of great importance is the correct layout of all elements of the system hydroponics as a business. To obtain high-quality plants that give a stable good harvest, it is necessary to correctly place the racks, bring an irrigation system to them, create optimal system heating with the use of insulation and additional heat sources.

It is simply impossible to solve all these problems without the appropriate qualifications; mistakes in such matters cost businessmen dearly - the yield decreases in the range of 30 to 50% of the potential harvest. So beginners are advised to seek the services of professionals, who, for a moderate fee, will develop an optimal scheme for placing equipment and carry out its competent installation.

Practice shows that when using hydroponics as a business even the most expensive projects reach the payback point very quickly. As a rule, one season is enough to return the investment and start making solid profits. However, do not forget that, as in any business, success depends solely on the dedication of the entrepreneur.

1. Business plan. Hydroponics.

Business plan.

2. Resume

work in the field
it's work
hydroponics is
Business on
plant vv such
crop production. Plant
intensive crop production.
soil - it
without soil
grows without
develops and grows
system is developing
essential nutritional
all necessary
gets everything
aqueous solution,
from a special
special water
substances from
all necessary
full of all


pluses for
main advantages
highlight the main
can be identified
By efficiency
efficiency can
similar area:
production of a similar
types of production
other types
ss others
used space
1.More rationally used
1. More rational
like in the ground.
spread like this
not necessary
need to spread
No roots
on limited
meals on
everything required
required nutrition
get everything
may receive
Plants can
yourself. BB
between themselves.
struggle between
not joining
entering the competitive
area, not
ground. So
than in the ground.
friend than
to each other,
closer friend
can stand
stand closer
they can
as a result they
method is achieved
this method
greenery." At
"sea of ​​green"
you can get it
get "sea
per square
pieces per
up to 60–70
60–70 pieces
plants - up to
incredible plant density
meter. Under artificial lighting it is better to grow a lot
it is better
small plants than a few large ones. Hydroponics
for this
this method;
suitable for
exceptionally suitable
drag the ground
2. Not
Not necessary
need to drag
you live in
but if
if you live
worries, but
a little worried
home, this
it is not enough
When you live
you live in the house
not really
very practical.
is not
earth is
earth bags
carry bags
apartment u wear
waste-free AI
almost waste-free
hydroponics almost
hassle. Hydroponics
a lot of trouble.
All this causes a lot
harvest. So
every harvest.
after each
updates after
big updates
does not require
requires more
cc technology
Thus, hydroponics becomes the ideal technology
the way
limited space;
small limited
3. Regulation
Power regulation
or pepper
pepper, as well
like tomatoes
tomatoes or
from plants
plants like
BB difference
are growing, uh
at the same time they grow
which at the same time
many others
others who
plants ss pronounced
there is a category
plant category
are reproduced,
expressed stages
followed by the expressed
behind which
stage, for
vegetative stage,
flowering and fruiting. At these stages, these plants require
On the
at the expense
reach for
can be achieved
completely different diet. In the ground it is possible
repeated watering
through multiple
losses through
certain losses
that's all
hydroponics it
water. VV hydroponics
the amount of water.
huge amount
excess vegetative
Of course, excess
fill the tank."
tank". Certainly,
tank - fill
"empty the tank
or garden
homemade or
watered home
They are watered
are not thrown away.
are thrown away. Imi
solution is not
Probably cardinal.
sewerage. Probably,
drain into the sewer.
but not
do not drain
plants, but
of the reasons
one of
this one
solution is
nutrient solution
line-up changes
on the
growing on
when growing
accelerate at
fruiting accelerate
why bloom
flowering and fruiting
signal about that
convincing signal
get a convincing
Plants receive
hydroponics. Plants
all necessary
everyone gets
time receive
the time has come for flowering, and at the same time
it's time
has come
for this
this elements;


4. Rapid growth of the mother plant
Rapid growth of the mother plant
nutrition gives
nitrogen nutrition
rich in nitrogen
plant ss rich
hydroponic plant
even consider
consider him
Some even
growth. Some
green growth.
lush green
constantly produce
you need
need constantly
if you
but if
excessive, but
will not replace
will replace
there is nothing
nothing is not
then here
cuttings, then
number of cuttings
a large number of
on effective
efficient hydroponic
plant on
mother plant
used in
widely used
This circumstance
circumstance widely
system. This is
distribution of many
for dissemination
industry for
horticultural industry
Again these
quantities. Again
large quantities.
plant species
plants vv large
so ii vv
like hydroponic,
hydroponic, yes
grown like
clones can
can be grown
special advantage;
will receive a special
Where are they
they will get
ground, where
Not needed
5. Herbicides
Herbicides are not
or gutters
trays or
In plastic
plastic trays
It is obvious.
obviously. AT
This is
that vv
circumstances: so what
Both circumstances:
grow. Both
nowhere to grow.
weeds nowhere
pests can
what pests
needs, and what
no need,
no herbicides
ways, do
in radical ways
less radical
destroy less
clean technology;
very clean
hydroponics highly
6. Savings
Water saving
the plant should
plant growth
healthy growth
For supporting
maintaining a healthy
amount of water.
a certain amount of
transpire a certain
place in hydroponics,
taking place
growth that has
magnificent growth,
Fast fluffy
amount of water.
a large number
large consumption
implies consumption
all spent
transpires all
plant transpires
However, the plant
during evaporation.
or when
soil or
disappears into the soil
does not disappear

commercial hydroponics

Nothing is not
growing centuries
plants growing
compared with plants
water, by
water saving,
impressive. Recent
very impressive.
soil, very
from watering
transfer from
irrigation - transition
improvements in irrigation
plants ––
plant base
water vv base
water delivery
the whole field
fields qk delivery
water consumption
spending efficiency
increased efficiency
significantly increased
this regard
hydroponics in this
However, hydroponics
gardening. However
in gardening.
more efficient;
equals much
much more efficient;

5. Provision of resources.

should be highlighted:
resources should
In providing
providing resources

English RussianRules

Growing greens at home with a hydroponic plant home garden» Project leader: Ismailova Tamara Mikhailovna Completed by: Alexander Savelyev, student of grade 5 "D"

Objective: to identify the benefits of growing food greens using hydroponics in a school setting

Hypothesis: Growing edible greens hydroponically has a number of advantages over the soil method

Relevance Currently, we have the opportunity to see a wide range of products on the shelves, including salads and herbs. But, unfortunately, the greens and salads bought in the store lose their freshness the very next day, and in a day, most often, they can already be thrown away. Well, if it's ordinary parsley or dill, but if it's basil, thyme or mint for tea? Finding them in good condition in the store is not easy, and they are not cheap. In addition, these types of greens are used little by little, and you have to buy packages, the rest of the contents of which, as a result, are simply thrown away. By growing these greens on our own, and even in hydroponic installations, we can cut them as they are consumed, without harming either the quality of the product or the plant itself.

Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without soil, in which the plant receives all the necessary nutrients from the solution in the right quantities and in exact proportions (which is almost impossible to do with soil growing). You can use a bucket or flower pot filled with substrate and irrigate with a hydroponic solution.

How to make money with hydroponics

A sheet of styrofoam with holes in which the pots are inserted floats on the surface of the water in a bath of aerated solution - also hydroponics and this system is very popular for simple educational school projects. But, thanks to the "Kurchatov project", we were able to use a special hydroponic installation "Home Garden".

In order to carry out the practical part of the project, we studied a lot of information from various sites on the Internet, in which people who were passionate about the hydroponics method shared their experience and gave recommendations. Of course, literary sources were selected. Especially we had to study specifically the installation "Home Garden"

We assembled the "Home Garden" installations in advance, according to the available instructions. EQUIPMENT Sterile substrate (perlite) for one growing cycle Lettuce seeds A set of fertilizers for infertile plants. Devices for seeds (pots) Transparent plastic caps, to create a greenhouse effect during the germination of seeds Growth lamp

Each pot was filled with perlite (the white granules that come with the plant).

To compare and identify the benefits of plants grown using hydroponics, we organized the sowing of the seeds of the same plants in the ground, in a plastic pot. To organize the same conditions in all respects, except for the presence of soil, we put this pot in the “Home Garden” device, replacing the bowl with water with a pot of soil.

We closed the seeds with mini-greenhouse lids and did not remove them until the seeds germinated. This will create a greenhouse effect for the seed germination period. We set the desired mode of operation of the units on the panel: “Salad”. All plants (experimental and control groups) were placed in same conditions: in the laboratory laboratory of the biology school.

After three days, the seeds began to germinate. When sprouts appear, mini-greenhouses must be removed and stored until the next seed germination (they are reusable).

Three weeks later we received our harvest.

Conclusions Lettuce in the "Home Garden" plant grows several times faster. Rapid growth is due to compliance with growing technology. With hydroponic growing, plants do not have to compete for nutrients as they do in soil growing, they get everything they need from the nutrient solution.

Conclusion By observing the growth and development of the project plants, we were convinced that hydroponics, as a method, is very promising. Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without soil, which allows saving the planet's much-needed resources: water and soil. We are ready to continue our research and grow various types of food greens, vegetables and flowering plants.

Hydroponics is one of the most promising and effective ways to grow plants, food and even ornamental. The medieval horror of many regarding hydroponics is "it's all chemistry!" has no basis whatsoever. All the plants in the world (and even the potatoes in your organic garden) grow "hydroponically". Because plants are able to absorb only gases and solutions. Solids in their natural form are not available to them. In order for the plant to “eat” it, it must be dissolved. You apply fertilizer (the most environmentally friendly) to the soil and water it. What for? It is then that would dissolve these fertilizers. Only then does the plant have a chance to get it. At the same time, 90% of the solution simply seeps uselessly down into the groundwater.

In a hydroponic system, nothing goes anywhere, because everything spins in a closed space. This allows you to significantly reduce the concentration of fertilizers in the solution and select its optimal composition. And on grandmother's advertising slogans “From your garden!

Growing strawberries hydroponically

Take it! I already want to ask: “But didn’t you have radioactive or acid rains? Is there a cattle cemetery nearby? And in general, what was the disease of that cow, with the manure that you fertilized all this?

If the plant “survives” in the soil and everything depends on the composition of the soil and the presence of all the necessary substances in it, then in a hydroponic installation they grow, realizing all their potentials. If you have a choice, what would you prefer, to live in a communal apartment and "paycheck to paycheck" (from watering to watering). Or in the subtropics, in a sanatorium the highest category with 7 meals a day and "all inclusive". The answer is obvious...

Unfortunately, hydroponics is covered with a certain halo of mystery and seems to be something complicated, expensive and inaccessible to the common man. Solutions, devices, preparations, chemicals, devices... I want to dispel these myths and prove that even a primary school student and a pensioner can do hydroponics. Now you will see for yourself. You can assemble a real hydroponic installation in just 10 minutes. Of course, you will need to prepare some things.

To assemble a hydroponic installation, we need:

Bucket with lid. Capacity 7-15 liters. (~ 100 rubles)

The pot is about half the size. than a bucket. (~ 50 rubles)

Any aquarium pump. It can be bought at pet stores. A pump for a garden fountain is also suitable (~ 300-400 rubles). Both of them work silently.

A piece of plastic tube for the pump and a piece of plastic tube for overflow (~ 30 rubles).

Expanded clay in a volume equal to the used pot. Sold as "Drainage" in the horticultural departments of stores (~ 60 rubles). It is better to buy a larger expanded clay.

An electromechanical daily timer for turning the pump on and off (~ 120 rubles) (2 timers can be used, one controls the pump, the other controls the lighting if backlight is used).

Hydroponic installations are various kinds. They differ in the way the nutrient solution is supplied to the roots of the plant. It can be drip irrigation, aeroponics, etc. The easiest way to implement a hydroponic installation is the so-called. "periodic flooding". The roots of plants must, as you know, have access not only to the solution, but also to the air. Therefore, it is impossible to keep the roots in the solution all the time, they will suffocate. And you need to periodically “extract” them from the solution and let them breathe. But don't let it dry out. This is fully implemented by the installation of periodic flooding. She then “immerses” the roots in the solution, then drains it, giving the roots access to air.

This is realized by periodically turning on the pump (pump), which pumps the solution into the pot. After turning off the pump, the solution flows back into the storage tank. That's actually the whole "secret" of hydroponics. Give the plant both food and the ability to breathe. This simple process replaces watering, fertilizing and loosening. But at the same time, we have no weeds, no pests, no drought, and no other work.

So, let's start making a hydroponic installation of periodic flooding.

In the lid of the bucket (or container), we cut a hole into which the pot fits tightly.

Two holes are made in the bottom of the pot. One for the pump hose through which the solution is supplied and flows back. The second is for the overflow tube. The pump does not monitor the level of the solution in the pot, so that it does not overflow, it is necessary to make an overflow. Its level is 3-4 centimeters below the edge of the pot. During operation, the solution will flow back into the bucket and be aerated at the same time.

Now it remains for us to install everything in place (the pump in the bucket, the pot on the bucket lid) and test everything. If everything is fine, then it remains to fill the pot with expanded clay (it is better to rinse it from dust). Pour the nutrient solution into the bucket, and the seedlings of our plant can be planted in the pot.

Nutrient solution for hydroponics you can buy ready-made, but it is unreasonably expensive. And you can make it yourself. Enough in a simple way. Where does the plant take the substances for its growth in the traditional version? From the surrounding soil and fertilizers applied to it. Therefore, to prepare a nutrient solution, it is essentially enough for us to make a water extract from this soil and add a little complex fertilizer to it. I usually take a few liters of compost and fill it with a bucket of hot water. I leave it all for 1-2 days, after that I filter the solution (brown) and pour the compost again. I add complex fertilizer (for example, Kemira) to the solution at the rate of 30-50 grams (1-2 tablespoons) of fertilizer per 10 liters. The degree of mineralization (salt content per 1 liter) is 0.3 - 0.5%. (This, by the way, is less than in many "mineral waters", here you have "solid chemistry").

In the future, as the solution evaporates and is consumed by the plant, we add the same solution, but diluted by about 5-10 times. We add minerals to the solution, depending on the growing season. At the beginning we use more phosphorus-containing and potassium additives, then nitrogen and potassium, and at the end of the growing season - phosphorus. The temperature of the solution should be 25-30 degrees.

The pump is controlled by an electromechanical (or other timer). The mode can be as follows - 15 minutes of pump operation - 15-30-45 minutes of "air baths".

Expanded clay retains moisture well and the roots do not dry out. The space between expanded clay granules is quite large and gradually overgrown with plant roots.

If there is a second timer, it can control the lighting, including the backlight for 14-15 hours a day.

What can be grown in such an installation and in general, using the hydroponics method?

The greatest effect when grown in hydroponics is given by plants that love a lot of moisture or do not tolerate its long absence. These are, first of all, cucumbers and various salads, greens. Products can be obtained literally a month and a half after planting. Of the decorative - all sorts of marsh and water. It is in our power to change the mode of "watering and nutrition" at our discretion and choose the optimal one.

The only thing that should not be grown in such an installation is root crops and hemp. Since expanded clay for root crops is not the best soil option. And for hemp, you can simply "respond according to the law."

Now you are convinced that there is nothing terrible in hydroponics and almost anyone can master it. A small ("bucket") installation can provide fresh herbs, cucumbers and tomatoes for the whole family and all year round, taking up space somewhere in the corner on a stool. Last season I was in old cans and even in plastic bottles and with excellent results. Using hydroponic technology, even those who do not have a garden plot or even a balcony can grow fresh organic vegetables for themselves. Half a square meter you have fresh greens on your table, your own cucumbers and tomatoes.

You can discuss questions on hydroponics on the forum in the topic

Konstantin Timoshenko © 28.01.2012

Hydroponic installation - sale, delivery, individual order

Hydroponic systems are becoming increasingly popular these days. Which is completely natural and is explained not only by convenience this method, but also end results. As you know, most plants consist of 70-80% water.

Strawberry business - 4 ways to grow strawberries profitably

And although flora naturally grows from the ground, hydroponics or aeroponics are a more efficient method and a favorable environment for crop production. Indeed, in order to draw moisture from the soil, the plant spends its resource, which, with the new method, is saved for the accumulation of forces and juices in the culture itself. Therefore, it is no secret that a vegetable grown in a greenhouse on hydroponic systems is tastier and no less useful than a crop from the garden.

The ever-increasing demand is prompting growers and retailers to create a variety of ready-made solutions for those who have made their choice in favor of hydroponics.

A hydroponic installation, which today can be bought in a store, and even through a private ad, as well as do-it-yourself, is best ordered via the Internet. This will save money and purchase a certified product. The main thing is to choose the right supplier, that is, an online store.

Everything for home hydroponic installation you will find in our online store

There are a ton of brands on the market today, and our hydroponics store stocks the best of them. You can order automatic irrigation systems from us (in particular Azud drip irrigation). In addition to irrigation in hydroponics and aeroponics, it is necessary to think over the lighting system, and you will always find the answer to your question in the "lighting" section.

We suggest paying attention to hydroponic installations:

  • GHE Hydroponics is a leader widely known around the world for its innovative and quality offerings. In our catalog you can find everything for hydroponics and aeroponics with the GHE quality mark
  • AquaPot Hydroponics - Specializes exclusively in the hydroponics format and offers high results in soilless cultivation of crops at home. Try to buy such a hydroponic installation in our online store, and you will be able to appreciate the advantage of this brand, impeccable delivery service and our loyal prices.

The undoubted advantages of growing crops using hydroponics and aeroponics systems are already being enjoyed around the world. Exactly hydroponic systems allow you to achieve excellent results - to get an environmentally friendly and rich harvest on relatively small areas all year round.

Nowadays, a lot of people want to earn and increase their income. An excellent solution in the field of earnings is hydroponics.

What is hydroponics

This is know-how in the field of crop production - an industry in which the cultivation of plants is carried out without soil. The plant receives all the nutrients not from the soil, but from an aqueous solution specially created for this purpose. To get started, you need some experience in growing plants. Have you ever grown seedlings, you know how to do it - then the start is given, it is important to acquire only certain knowledge in business and you are a novice businessman.

Large plots of land are not necessary for you, experience in crop production and knowledge of how and what to grow is much more important.

Business plan development

First of all, you need to decide on the following questions:

- the type of plant that you will grow and sell;
- markets for your products;
- growing conditions;
- the number of plants grown;
- competitor analysis.

Farming and Hydroponics: Features and Differences

If we take agriculture, then where can we get a large number of properties to grow, say, several dozen tomato bushes? With hydroponics, everything is simple - in the presence of a small area, we achieve maximum yield.

Benefits of hydroponics

Due to the fact that a businessman has a lot of time before the start of the season, he will be able to sell the harvest before the start of the sowing season;
- the grown crop is stored for a long time, besides it is natural, the cultures do not contain chemicals;
- minimum costs– water and fertilizers go to a minimum;
- adequate nutrition of the roots;
- plants are not susceptible to diseases;
- lettuce and strawberries can be brought to the level of productivity you need in the shortest possible time;
- fruiting in some plants is higher when grown using hydroponics technology;
- the absence of weeds or their minimum presence.

Artificial lighting system

A high level of uniformity of light hitting the plant is achieved;
- increase in productivity due to the increase in lighting;
- reduction of the vegetation period;
- the equipment pays off quickly.

Choice of cultivation technology

If you have the knowledge, the appropriate equipment, and the desire to earn money, you can grow plants using the hydroponics technology that is convenient for you:

1. Rack growing method:

- with this method of cultivation, the greenhouse is used in the most efficient way;
- microclimatic conditions are at the optimum level;
- minimal labor costs;
- high performance.

2. Watering mode "high-low tide":

- in this mode, uniform nutrition of crops is observed;
- manual labor not used;
- automation of labor and control of irrigation;
- multiple use of nutrient solution;
- applicable to all cultures.

Search for a sales market for products

To get started, study the market, ask competitors about the prices of seedlings and products, you can open your own store and sell vegetables, or you can arrange direct deliveries of vegetable crops to restaurants and places. Catering. The main thing is that you sell the harvest on time, and the buyer knows how much and when he buys from you. Calculate everything, because you don’t need to work at a loss either.

Choosing a crop for growing hydroponically

We choose a culture according to our strength, evaluate ourselves and our experience in growing adequately, because lack of awareness is the collapse of your business idea.

You will not be able to control the entire process of plant development, hydroponics is your assistant in strengthening the roots of the plant, and you need to create conditions for the maturation and development of the plant:

- temperature regime;
- lighting level;
- the duration of the light in the room and its brightness;
- consideration of plant genetics.

You can’t do business from scratch, the area in which you will realize your plans will contribute to the success of your business:

- climatic conditions, it is possible that greenhouses will have to be insulated;
- provision of water supply;
- provision of equipment, in particular, you may need a hydroponic installation.

Our company manufactures turnkey hydroponic systems, just send us a request and we will offer a set of optimal equipment for doing business using modern plant growing technology - hydroponics.

If you want to start an agricultural business, but do not have a large plot, then consider growing in hydroponics . This method allows you to grow greens and vegetables outside the ground in several tiers, saving free space and achieving high yields. In this article, we will look at what hydroponics is, what are its advantages and disadvantages, and also give calculations of the effectiveness of such a business.


Traditionally, greens and vegetables are grown in the ground in the garden, in the field or in special boxes. Seeds are buried in the ground and moistened, after which they germinate under the influence of heat and light. Nutrients for sprouts are obtained from the soil as a result of regular watering. Hydroponics is an innovative way of growing seedlings and crops, in which soil is not used at all. Plants receive the micro/macro elements they need for growth from the nutrient solution that bathes the roots.At the same time, they do not need to be planted in the ground and use the soil, which significantly reduces labor costs and investments in the purchase of soil.

Hydroponics - a method of growing crops without substrate

To organize small business for growing greens or vegetables, you will need a minimum investment. You don’t even need a plot for this: you can adapt a separate room in an apartment or a private house for a “farm”, but if you want to do this seriously, then you need to think about building a full-fledged greenhouse with an area of ​​at least 60m2. Accordingly, in order to extend the season for vegetables and herbs, it needs to be heated. The easiest way to organize air heating is with the help of modern solid fuel stoves, but in fact it all depends on the region in which you live. Let's take a look at the advantages of this technology:

  1. There is no need for a large area. 10 acres is enough to organize a full-fledged farm.
  2. The risks of growing in hydroponics are practically reduced to zero (you will get a crop in any case if you do not violate the technical process). With classical cultivation, the risks are much greater.
  3. Plants will not die from drought, even during hot periods, because they are in a nutrient solution.
  4. No need to use fertilizers and products like roundup, which kill living plants.
  5. Your crop will not be killed by pests, as they usually live in the soil. With such cultivation, there is no soil.
  6. Yields will be higher and more stable than with classical cultivation.
  7. Greens grown using hydroponics are stored 30-50% longer than classic ones.
  8. Ability to organize vertical farms on several shelves to save space.
  9. No seasonality. If you have heating, you will receive stable crops all year round.
  10. High income through low costs and high productivity growth.

How to register

If you decide to seriously engage in business, then you need to register as self employed or LLC. This will allow you to enter into contracts for the supply of greens and vegetables with shops, supermarkets, restaurants and other outlets. If you do not plan to work on a grand scale, then at first you can do without registration. This will save you a few hundred rubles and simplify the process, but remember that the government and tax authorities are gradually catching self-employed persons, imposing sanctions, fines and lowering their rights.

Since our hydroponics business plan is designed for a serious approach, then we will consider the option of registering. To do this, you need to visit the local tax office, write an appropriate application and pay state duty. There is an option to register as self-employed: in 2019, such an opportunity appeared. You don't even need to visit to register. tax office: Simply use your smartphone. Growing greens does not require licenses, certificates or other permits, so you just need to register by selecting the appropriate activity codes (KVED 01.12.1).

Hydroponics allows you to organize modern greenhouses

How exactly to register: as an individual entrepreneur or LLC? Since you need to simplify reporting and reduce costs as much as possible, choose the option with individual entrepreneurship. It is quite enough for full-fledged work with contractors. It is recommended to choose options with an LLC only when you are organizing a business with someone and want to officially share the investments, or in the future you plan to sell the business / develop it into something more. The easiest way to work is on the Unified Agricultural Tax, that is, on a single agricultural tax, which implies taxation in the amount of 6 percent of net profit.

What equipment is needed

Considering hydroponics as a business, you need to figure out what kind of equipment you will have to purchase and how the process works. Let's start with the equipment. First, you will need a room or greenhouse to house them. Secondly, you will need lighting, heating and watering. If you do this in a house or apartment, then you also need good ventilation with recovery to remove excess moisture and so that the walls do not get damp. The equipment itself is divided into two large classes:

  1. Flowing, which is powered by a special engine. The engine supplies a stream of water that runs and washes the roots of plants.
  2. Drip, which supplies the solution under the base of the stem.

Attention:there are also mixed systems operating simultaneously on the drip and flow principle. They are used for growing berries and other crops demanding moisture.

The classic flow system is used for growing greens and those crops that do not consume a lot of moisture (with a low stem). Drip is great for tall plants and vegetables. It is used for growing eggplants, tomatoes, etc. mixed systems used in cases where one or another method is not suitable in its pure form and does not provide good nutrition. In any case, whichever option you choose, you will need:

  1. Racks with 2-4 shelves to accommodate the system. The number of shelves depends on the height of the plants: for radishes or low-growing dill, you can put 3-4 shelves, and for tomatoes 1-2.
  2. Room heating system. Need to support constant temperature so that the seedlings grow with maximum efficiency.
  3. Filter for water purification from mechanical particles. It is selected depending on the total volume of water passing through the system.
  4. Lighting system. For plants, it is necessary to provide a full daylight hours. It is recommended to use not ordinary incandescent lamps, but special phytolamps operating in the desired spectrum. Because of them, plants grow many times faster, becoming more voluminous.

In addition to the above, you will need special equipment for packing products, cold rooms for storing them, as well as an electric generator in case the electricity goes out for 12 or more hours. If we talk about consumables, then you will need to purchase the substrate and seeds of the crops that you plan to grow. Also think about how you will package finished products. It can be sold simply by weight or packaged in a convenient container.

Quality lighting increases productivity

What to grow

What kind of crops can be grown using this technology? Practice shows that there are practically no restrictions. But in general, beginners are advised to focus on cultures that they are familiar with and that are popular in your area so that you can establish a constant market for them. You must understand that it is better for you to sell the goods not in small batches at retail, but in bulk, handing it over big stores, networks, resellers, etc., because working with retail in itself takes a lot of time and requires extra costs. Therefore, focus on wholesalers. To choose what exactly you will grow, focus on the following indicators:

  1. What temperature can you maintain.
  2. Can you install modern lighting systems.
  3. What humidity will the room withstand (in residential premises it is impossible to keep the humidity at 98–100%, since they will quickly collapse and acquire mold / fungus).

Attention:no need to focus on exotic plants. Of course, you can grow pineapples, but in most cases, the costs will not be comparable to the income.

It is necessary to focus on the mass character, and not on high prices. Although you can keep the cost of your products a little higher than the market, justifying this by offering people organic products that grow without chemicals and nitrates.What exactly to grow? You can focus specifically on greens, supplying customers with green onions, parsley, lettuce, dill, basil and other popular plants. You can grow strawberries, strawberries and other berries. Radishes, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants and peppers grow well in hydroponics. In a word, you can grow almost everything that is grown in conventional greenhouses. The main thing is that you can sell everything that you have grown, and at the same time automate the process as much as possible.

Where to sell

Above, we have already considered sales options and said that it is better to rent everything in bulk than to build a retail hydroponics business. Business plan should be built solely on these considerations: you will not be able to sell greens and vegetables on your own. To do this, you will need to hire a seller and bring him to the market, and his sales will be meager. In principle, you can sell products on your site, but this will be more like an addition than a full-fledged sale. Look for contacts of wholesalers, which are:

  1. Local vegetable bases and markets. You do not need to sell the products yourself, just sell them in bulk at the purchase price.
  2. Wholesale warehouses. The best option, but not always you will be able to conclude an agreement with wholesalers. The fact is that they need stable and large deliveries, and if you do not have a name and recommendations, then no one will really want to work with you. Unless it turns out to conclude temporary contracts, and if everything goes as it should, then the wholesalers will conclude permanent contracts with you.
  3. Restaurants and cafes. Many greenhouses ignore these establishments, and in vain. You can organize delivery to several points: they will take several kilograms of fresh products every day.
  4. Shops and outlets. Not a bad option, especially if the store is located in a crowded area. It is also required to independently deliver goods at the request of the owners.

Try to wholesale your products

Profitability of the idea

So, let's look at how profitable this idea is and how much you need to spend to get the first income. It is impossible to give exact numbers, since it all depends on many factors: the chosen hydroponics, whether you have a plot or a greenhouse, crops grown, volume and number of sales. Therefore, we consider the average values, which have been repeatedly confirmed in practice.

  1. Purchase of hydroponics (drip or flow) - 20 thousand rubles for a room with a volume of 25–30 m2.
  2. Water filters and tests - 10 thousand rubles.
  3. Purchase of seeds and other consumables - 15 thousand.
  4. Purchase of racks - 10,000 rubles.
  5. Organization of lighting, ventilation and heating - 50,000 rubles.

If it is necessary to build a greenhouse, then another 50 thousand rubles (polycarbonate option) or 20 thousand (film) should be added to the expenditure side. But it is better to choose polycarbonate, because it keeps heat better and lasts at least 10 years, while the film has to be changed almost every year. In total, your total expenses will be approximately 160 thousand rubles, but this amount can be reduced by almost three times if you start a business in a private house or apartment (there are no costs for a greenhouse and heating, but ventilation costs are added).How much can you earn? On average, from 30 m2 you will receive approximately 30 thousand rubles of profit every month. Thus, all investments will pay off in about 5-6 months: the main thing is to organize the process correctly so that you do not have failures with the harvest, and you can harvest it continuously.

In contact with