Sociological concepts of success. Social project "steps of success" Individual project success as a social phenomenon


The variety of social practices of modern Russian society, occurring in recent decades in social transformations, require awareness, explanation and evaluation of sociologists. Among the problems requiring a detailed analysis, the following can be distinguished: the deepening of the demographic crisis, the problem of criminalization of certain spheres of public life and institutions of power, the strengthening of social differentiation of the population, reaching critical indicators in some regions, the problem information security, information wars, social consequences of the increasing informatization of society.

Main Directions and Methodology for Analyzing the Phenomenon of Social Success

In our opinion, the following process, which characterizes the social reality of modern Russia, is no less significant and requires its own research - the widespread dissemination of the idea of ​​social success, the affirmation of the special value of individual success. No less relevant for modern Russian society than Bukharin's famous "Get rich!" at the end of the 20s, the maxim "Become successful!" becomes.

It is possible to speak with a certain degree of confidence about the formation of the ideology of social success in modern Russian society, about the establishment of the doctrine of social success in the public mind. Aiming for success, the desire to achieve success in various spheres of public life, following certain standards of success, demonstrating the symbols of social success becomes a factor that largely structures social reality and determines the behavior of social actors.

It is important to note that the authors involved in the study of the phenomenon of social success, the process of the growing role of the desire for success in the system of life values ​​of the individual and the determinants of social behavior, interpret the processes taking place in modern Russian society ambiguously. Some researchers pay attention to the hypertrophy of the idea of ​​personal success and consider this fact as one of the reasons for the disintegration of Russian society. Others, on the contrary, emphasize the underdevelopment and unacceptability of achievement strategies in the Russian society, explaining by this fact the low efficiency of the social system as a whole and the slow pace of social transformations.

At the same time, most of them agree that in modern society one model of success in life dominates, which can be conditionally designated as the monetary model of success, where the main criterion for success is its monetary dimension, the same ways of achieving and representing success are offered without taking into account the specifics of the spheres of public life. in which social actors realize themselves.

It can be concluded that there is a contradiction between the diversity, pluralization of social practices of modern society and the universalization of the content and methods of achieving social success, which are included in the doctrine of success proposed to society. It is not taken into account that success is multidimensional, individual, situational, intersubjective, relative, has both objective and subjective sides, and also involves multivariate ways to achieve it.

This situation is largely due to the fact that the very concepts of "success", "social success", "success in life" are not clearly defined and developed in the social sciences. As A.Yu. Sogomonov: “Among the rich arsenal of “oppositions” operational in modern cultural analysis, there is one binary pair, which surprisingly remains little noticeable both in “pure” social theory and in folklore, ethnology, anthropology, and, more broadly, in semiological analysis.

But it is this pair that seems to describe the fundamental confrontation between conceptually different areas of Human life philosophy, namely the confrontation of two macrostrategies in the design of life achievements - the Separation and Non-isolation of the social actor in his living environment, de-objectified in the language of everyday communication by the opposition of Success-and- Failures - life and professional, personal and collective, noisy and modest, etc.”

Of course, such a phenomenon as success is quite often the subject of scientific analysis, but most often this analysis is carried out not in relation to the problem of the social existence of a social subject as a whole, not as a concept that describes and structures the living space of both an individual and a group social subject, not as indicator of the effectiveness of the social system as a whole.

More often, success is considered in a narrower sense: as the success of a specific action, the success of an activity, usually industrial or educational. A wide range of works is devoted to the consideration of success in the context of various ethical problems; there are a number of works devoted to the problems of political success. However, it seems necessary to conduct a comprehensive and comprehensive study of such a phenomenon as social success within the framework and means of sociological science.

It is necessary to analyze success at various levels of its manifestation: individual-personal, corporate, societal, to characterize the mobilizing role and functions of striving for success, criteria for success in various types public systems. One of the areas of analysis can be the study social factors that led to the activation of achievement strategies and the formation of the ideology of social success, the identification of the social stratum that acted as the customer of this ideology.

The methodological basis for such an analysis can be the ideas of K. Mannheim, who studied the phenomenon of social success in the context of the individual's economic ambitions, revealing the relationship between the economic system of society and the social behavior of the individual. As a mechanism of action economic system K. Mannheim proposes to consider the desire for success on the personality, pointing out that "its influence is carried out through the mental mechanism of ambition, the desire for success." At the same time, an analysis is made of subjective and objective success, unstable and relatively stable forms of success, and the relationship between the possibility of achieving success and various types of society is revealed.

The method of "life path" as a tool for studying modern Russian society

In modern Russian sociology, methodological pluralism has been established, allowing the use of a variety of qualitative and quantitative methods in the study of social reality. So in recent years there has been an understanding of the effectiveness of applying such a specialized sociological method as the "life path" method. According to Western sociologists, this method allows us to consider the life strategy of the individual and the trajectory of his social movement in a transforming society as interdependent phenomena.

The purpose of our study is to analyze the life path as the basis of the social reality that sociologists interpret as an individualized society. In theoretical terms, these problems are connected, first of all, with the importance of the influence of transforming societies on the development of human life. At the same time, special importance is attached to the influence of state regulation on an individual biography, which is especially important for Russia.

The specificity of the life path method is that it explains social change, given the fact that social structures and institutions are directly related to the level of individual action. An individual biography is analyzed as a link between various intra- and inter-individual levels, which allows for dynamic, multi-dimensional and multi-level modeling of social development.

The "life path" method allows you to present the experiences and behavior of one person, one group or one organization in the form in which this person, group or organization interprets these experiences and behavior. Life history materials can include any records or documents that shed light on the subjective behavior of individuals and groups. At the same time, the life path, as an individualized social reality, can be considered and interpreted from the standpoint of several methodological approaches.

Firstly, the life path of an individual can be considered as the result of his desire, under certain given situational conditions, to realize the optimal variant of life according to his subjective standards, using the resources at his disposal and being guided by individual goals and preferences. If in the past the individual himself, in his plans and actions, was exposed to public structures, then subsequently he and the people around him consciously or unwittingly contribute to the change of these structures in the present and future.

Secondly, the life path can be considered as a multilevel phenomenon, traceable from the level of structural processes through social institutions and organizations to the level of social trajectories of individuals and the processes of their development.

Thirdly, a person's life path can be considered as a multidimensional process taking place in several interconnected life spheres. In this regard, each life sphere can be considered as a process that is part of the life path as a whole.

Fourth, the life path of people can be interpreted as a non-linear, highly complex process, and the main sources of this non-linearity can be self-reference, spatio-temporal interdependence of life spheres and vertical interdependence between different levels of social processes.

The life path of a person is included in highly differentiated multilevel social processes. In particular, it proceeds under the structuring influence of the following factors:

1) the life paths of other people with whom a person has a more or less close relationship of interaction: parents, partners, children, friends, etc.;

2) public institutions and organizations (intermediate instances, state institutions, labor organizations);

3) living conditions in social and regional contexts in which the life of an individual takes place or which alternate in time;

4) established and changing social structures and historical events, which are socio-structural, political, legal, cultural and economic conditions organization of life.

Structural characteristics and conditions for planning and organizing life can be more accurately described as follows: the path of an individual in a certain life sphere is a self-referential process - a person acts on the basis of the material, social and cultural resources and life experience accumulated by him in the corresponding life sphere. Thus, “preformative” (teaching) experiences and decisions in relevant areas of life that in some way limit or expand the range of possible choices in future decisions and thereby direct the life path in a certain direction are the first important source of life path contingency.

Each life area can be viewed as a process that is part of the life path as a whole. Various spheres of human life, as a rule, are not autonomous, but are interconnected and interdependent. The contingency of the life path just arises from the interdependence of various life spheres. At the same time, individual measurements of the life path in different life situations and depending on age may have different significance for life arrangement.

Method of secondary data analysis for the analysis of social security factors

To study the subject and object of the study, a set of sociological methods for collecting empirical information was used, including a secondary analysis of the empirical data of sociological studies conducted in Moscow during 1993-2009 and, to one degree or another, affecting the subject of the author's dissertation "Migration as a factor in the social security of the metropolitan metropolis". ".

Taking into account the fragmented nature of these studies, the variety of sample sets on which they are based, the lack of monitoring on safety issues, the author, at the suggestion of Professor G.G. Sillaste, was developed as a tool for systematizing the empirical data of the so-called. "integrative secondary questionnaire" for the collection and comparative analysis of sociological indicators measuring the characteristics of the social security of the metropolis and its spheres of life.

This is a kind of codifier of various social indicators analyzed on the basis of previously collected empirical information. Empirical data of sociological researches from 1993 to 2007 are systematized on the basis of the developed secondary tools. At the same time, the author gives a rationale for the sociological indicators of measuring the state of social security (with the allocation of the migration factor) as indicators for measuring the process of its evolution.

The essence of the method of secondary data analysis. Distinguish between the concepts of "secondary analysis" and "secondary research".

The most common method of collecting information in a sociological study is a handout survey in the form of a questionnaire.

At the same time, the sociological indicators of measuring social security in a sociological study are the research objectives formulated in the form of questions and the magnitude of the population's self-assessment of their security, assessments of social stability and threats, dangers in the metropolitan metropolis. The role of the researcher is to correctly understand the goals and objectives of the study and present questions and proposed answers to the respondent in order to test the hypotheses put forward.

A number of factors influence the social security of an individual, society, state. The factors of personal security, motivation, as well as the conditions for the existence of a metropolis, as a socio-territorial community, are subjected to research. To implement these tasks, questions and answers are formed based on the hypotheses put forward.

Sociological research implies the necessary tools with the help of which data are “removed”. The main instrument of the study was an integrative secondary questionnaire specially developed by the author.

The content of the questions in the questionnaire should be related to the objectives of the study. Based on the conducted factorial operationalization, a group of indicators is compiled that should be investigated. These indicators are included in the scope of questions asked to respondents. At the same time, they can be closed, which offer the respondent a choice of several answers, semi-closed, when several answers are offered, but the respondent has the opportunity to add his point of view, and open, when no possible answers are offered to the respondent in the questionnaire.

At the same time, the answers received during the survey from respondents will be indicators of those indicators that are developed in accordance with the survey methodology. Indicators reflect the subjective position, the opinion of the individual about the problem under study. The results obtained allow us to confirm or refute the theoretical hypotheses of the study, put forward in accordance with the purpose of the study.

An indicator is a “observable and measurable characteristic of the object under study, which makes it possible to judge its other characteristics that are inaccessible to direct research”. Social indicator - "an indicator that characterizes social objects, reflecting the state and processes of their functioning and development, which is a comparison tool."

Indicators for measuring the social security of the population are indicators of respondents' assessments of their opinion on this issue on the basis of a specially designed questionnaire for secondary research, obtained as a result of regular mass (all-Russian) surveys conducted by specialized sociological centers and institutions.


In our opinion, these ideas can be used in the study of modern Russian society, the analysis of the factors that determine the behavior of social actors, one of which is the desire for success.

The peculiarity of the application of the life path method in Russia is related to the fact that changes in biographies must have a direct correspondence in the historical transformation of society. Russian society is chronically in this state. The researcher should proceed from the relatively stable and long-term significance social inequality and socio-structural differentiation for the opportunities for the life arrangement of individual individuals.

For Russia, this has always been characteristic, even in the USSR there was inequality in access to resources. At the same time, special importance is attached to the influence of state regulation on an individual biography. Thus, the conducted secondary analysis of sociological research allowed us to solve the methodological problem and develop a systematization of empirical data through the so-called. "integrative secondary questionnaire" for the collection and comparative analysis of sociological indicators.


1. Mannheim K. Essays on the sociology of knowledge: The problem of generations - competitiveness - economic ambitions / RAS INION; Per. from English. E.Ya. Dodin; Rep. ed. L.V. Skvortsov. – M.: INION, 2008.

2. Sogomonov A.Yu. Genealogy of success and failure. – M.: OOO Solteks, 2008.

3. Blossfeld J.-P., Huynink I. (2008) Study of life paths in the social sciences: themes, concepts, methods and problems // Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology. 2008. Vol. IX. No. 1.

5. Ezhov O.N. (2007) Life Path Paradigm in Foreign Sociology // Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology. 2007. Vol. VIII. No. 3.

6. Alkhasov M.M. Some problems of secondary analysis of data from mass surveys // Comparative analysis and quality of empirical sociological data, M. 2007.

7. State regulation economy and social problems of modernization. Part II. Proceedings of the ISA RAS. Moscow: URSS, 2007.

8. Kuznetsov V.N. Sociology of security. M., 2008.

9. Petrov V.V. Ethnic migrants in the host society. Part 1. Methodology and theory of the study of tolerance and migrant phobia. Krasnodar, 2008.

10. Sycheva V.S. Secondary analysis as a method. M.: SOCIS, 2005, N 11.

480 rub. | 150 UAH | $7.5 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR, "#FFFFCC",BGCOLOR, "#393939");" onMouseOut="return nd();"> Thesis - 480 rubles, shipping 10 minutes 24 hours a day, seven days a week and holidays

Karakhanyan Ekaterina Vladimirovna. The socio-philosophical concept of success: dissertation ... candidate of philosophical sciences: 09.00.11 / Karakhanyan Ekaterina Vladimirovna; [Place of defense: GOUVPO "Bashkir State University"]. - Ufa, 2010. - 135 p.: ill.



1. Success: the many faces of the problem 14

2. Sociocultural conditions for the formation of the concept of "success" 45

3. Success as a social phenomenon 66


1. Aspects and facets of success in modern Russian society 77

2. Main models of success 90

3. Tender measurement of success: " successful men» and «successful women» 103



Introduction to work

Relevance of the research topic. Socio-political transformations that have changed Russian society beyond recognition over the past twenty years and continue to change our lives have actualized phenomena and processes, and with them: - and the corresponding fields of concepts that were not previously characteristic of domestic

culture or completely forgotten. One of these concepts

is the concept of "success", "success", reanimated and introduced by the liberal democratic ideology and market economy, based on the idea of ​​competition and the principle of private property, and oriented towards achieving a high social status and gaining material well-being.

The emergence in our society of "successful" politicians, "successful"
entrepreneurs, "successful" artists and athletes
demonstrated that the arena of social reality is not
representatives of new professions have just come out, such as
entrepreneur or politician, but there have been "shifts in understanding
content of the old. The market economy has brought new criteria to
assessment of the success and significance of certain people. Those qualities that
considered important and highly valued during the Soviet era
(responsibility, adherence to principles, loyalty to the regime, ideological
stability), ceased to satisfy modern requirements
success. The characteristics that play

a significant role in economic and legal, rather than political and ideological activities: the ability to predict or form market demand, "play" on the weaknesses of the legislation, achieve results, regardless of the circumstances, etc. Therefore, a whole generation of those who failed to adapt to the post-perestroika circumstances of the former

The “rulers of thoughts”, who gained social weight due not only to nomenclature qualities, but also to their contribution to spiritual culture, were pushed aside by those whose life credo meets the requirements of our days.

The social transformation of modern Russia gives weight and prestige to certain types of occupation (entrepreneur, manager, etc.) and demonstrates the failure and unpopularity of others. This does not mean that professions that are less inscribed in the market (scientist, doctor, teacher, etc.) are less significant for society. But activities within their framework, as a rule, do not bring immediate results, being aimed at distant perspective, in contrast to the "market" professions, focused on "quick turnover" and - instant response to changes in society. The prestige of the profession (reinforced by the relevant socio-cultural parameters, the so-called stratification criteria) is a fairly clear indicator of a person's success or, at least, a good launching pad for successful activity.

The above circumstances show that the concept of success is ambiguous: different social conditions dictate a different understanding of success. Obviously, such a difference in understanding is due to the criteria that are developed within a particular social system. But is there a certain system of criteria that would index success regardless of social conditions? What are the general sociocultural conditions that lead to the emergence of the phenomenon of success? Are these conditions characteristic of any type of society, or are they hallmark certain type of social system? Our study is devoted to clarifying this.

The degree of development of the problem. Works devoted to the study of success can be divided into several groups. The most common studies of the practical-psychological "aspects of success, offering methods and technologies for achieving it. This category includes the works of such foreign and domestic authors as L. Brown, F. Davis, D. Carnegie, F. McGraw, K. Turner, N Hill, M. Hall, A. S. Belkin, N. Vladislavova, S. Y. Klyuchnikov, N. I. Kozlov, M. K. Kiyanova, and E. V. Ksenchuk 1 .

A number of modern foreign researchers consider the factors of success formation. In particular, the reflections of W. Beck, P. Berger, T. Veblen, E. Giddens, T. Luckman, J. Mead, A. Schutz 2 are devoted to this.

Brown L. Image - the path to success. - St. Petersburg: Peter-press, 1996; Davis F. Create an image for yourself: How to radiate success with your whole appearance. - Minsk: Potpourri, 1998; Carnegie D. Can religion contribute to success in life? // SOCIS. - 1990. - No. 2. - S. 108-116; McGraw F. Strategies of life. Technologies of personal effectiveness. - M., 2002; Turner K. We are born to succeed. - M.: Fair, Grand, 1998; Hill N. The law of success. Think and get rich. - Yekaterinburg: Litur, 2000; Hall M. NLP Master: A Complete Certification Course. The highest magic of NLP. - St. Petersburg: Prime-EURO-SIGN, 2007; Belkin A.S. Success situation: how to create it. - M., 1991; Vladislavova N. Russian NLP. Full course NLP Practitioner. - M.: LLC Publishing house "Sofia", 2009; Klyuchnikov S.Yu. success factor. New psychology of self-development. - M., 2002; Kozlov N.I. The formula for success, or the philosophy of life of an effective person. - M.: Astrel, 2008; Ksenchuk E.V., Kiyanova M.K. Technology of success: A book for everyone who sets goals and strives to achieve them by interacting with other people. -M.: Delo, 1993 etc.

2 Beck W. Risk society: on the way to another modernity. - M.: Progress-Tradition, 2000; Berger P., Lukman T. Social construction of reality. Treatise on the sociology of knowledge. - M.: "Medium", 1995; Giddens E. Organization of society: Essay on the theory of structuration. - M., 2003; Mid J. Internalized Others and the Self // American Sociological Thought. - M.: Publishing house of Moscow State University, 1994; Shuts A.

Representatives of humanistic psychology - A. Maslow, K. Rogers, B.P. Nikitin, N.E. Kharlamenkova 1 - they see the root of success in the self-realization of the individual. Also, the psychological approach to success is implemented in the works of W. Atkinson, O.N. Arestova, L.V. Borodina, A.V. Glukhareva, L.M. Golovina, W. James, T. Dembo, K. Levin, O.N. Rodina, G.V. Turetskaya, X. Heckhausen, F. Hoppe, M. Horner 2 . These researchers focus on studying the psychological essence of success (the level of aspirations, the motivation to achieve/avoid success, the determination of human behavior by this motivation).

The cultural-anthropological approach to the interpretation of success is typical for the following authors: R. Benedict, F. Boas, K. Girtz, B.

Favorites: A world glowing with meaning. - M .: "Russian Political Encyclopedia", (ROSSPEN), 2004, etc.

1 Maslow A. Theory of human motivation // Maslow A. Motivation and personality. -
St. Petersburg: Eurasia, 1999; Rogers K. A look at psychotherapy. The formation of man. -

M.: "Progress", 1994; Nikitin B.P., Kharlamenkova N.E. The phenomenon of human self-affirmation. - St. Petersburg: Aletheya, 2000, etc.

2 Atkinson W. The law of attraction and the power of thought. - M.: "Sofia", 2008; Arestova O.N.,
Glukhareva A.V. Individual characteristics behavior in situations of chronic
failure when working with a computer // Bulletin of Moscow State University. - Ser. 14. - 1996. - No. 1;
Borodina L.V. The study of the level of claims. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1986; Golovin
L.M. Studying the process of goal formation in an experimental situation of choice
tasks after success/failure // Psychological studies of the intellectual
activities. - M., 1979; James W. Pragmatism. New name for some
old ways of thinking. Popular Lectures on Philosophy // James W." The Will to
faith: Per. from English. - M. Republic, 1997; Levin K. Field theory in social sciences.
- St. Petersburg: Sensor, 2000; Rodina O.N. On the concept of "success" of labor activity //
Bulletin of Moscow state university. - Ser. 14. - 1996. - No. 3;
Turkish G.V. Fear of Success: Psychological Studies of the Phenomenon //
Psychological journal. - 1998. - No. 1; Heckhausen X. Psychology of motivation
achievements. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2001 etc.

Malinovsky, W. Turner, D. Schneider 1 . These researchers analyze the problem of cultural determination of success, its socio-cultural models. The general line inherent in this approach is that success is understood as a strategy of the individual, built according to the cultural pattern and ideal of the type of society under consideration.

Thinkers who can be attributed to the philosophical line of studying success - T. Mor, F. Bacon, T. Hobbes, R. Descartes, J.-J.; Rousseau, I. Kant, S. Kierkegaard, F. Nietzsche, L.N. Kogan, E.V. Soil - consider success as a solution to the problem of the meaning of life, and the meaning of life as an expression of ideas about success.

Some studies focus on the problem of values ​​(their nature, essence, functions, classification, transformation) in the analysis of success: G. Rickert, T. Parsons, S.F. Anisimova, V. Bozhik, V.L. Vasilenko, V.V. Gavrilyuk and N.A. Trikoz, G.Ya. Golovinykh, A.V. Gulyga, V.D. Didenko, O.G. Drobnitsky, D.A. Leontiev,

1 Benedict R. The Chrysanthemum and the Sword: Models of Japanese Culture. - M.: ROSSPEN, 2004;
Benedict R. Psychological types in cultures of the US Southwest // Anthology
cultural studies. - M.: University book, 1997. - T. 1; Boas F. Evolution
or diffusion? / Per. Yu.S. Terentyeva // Anthology of Cultural Studies. - St. Petersburg:
University book, 1997. - V.1; Girtz K. Interpretation of cultures. - M.:
ROSSPEN, 2004; Malinowski, Bronislaw Selected: Dynamics of culture. - M.:
ROSSPEN, 2004 and others.

2 Bacon F. Works: In 3 volumes - M., 1978; Hobbes T. Works. In 2 volumes - M., 1991;
Descartes R. Reasoning about the method // Descartes R. The search for truth. - St. Petersburg: Alphabet,
2000; Kant I. Works: In 6 volumes - M., 1963-1966; Kierkegaard S. Fear and Trembling. -
M., 1993; Kogan L.N. Purpose and meaning of human life. - M.: Thought, 1984; Nietzsche F.
Works: In 2 volumes - M., 1990, etc.

B.V. Orlov, N.K. Eingorn, YAL. Rozin, W. Thomas and F. Znanetsky, V.P. Tugarinov 1 .

The tender aspect of success is being developed by a number of domestic researchers, in particular, N. Azhgikhina, S. Aivazova, L.V. Babaeva, P.M. Kanapyanova, L.L. Rybtseva, G.G. Sillaste, SV. Skutneva, V.A. Sukovataya, I.O. Tyurina, A.E. Chirikova, K. Horney, A.G. Steinberg, E.A. Jankova 2 .

Rickert G. Philosophy of life. - Kyiv: Nika-center, Vist-S, 1998; Parsons T. Coordinate system of action and general theory systems of action: culture, personality and place social systems// American sociological thought. - M.: Publishing house of Moscow State University, 1994; Gavrilyuk V.V., Trikoz N.A. Dynamics of value orientations in the period of social transformations (generational period).//Sotsis. - 2002. - No. 1; Golovinykh G.Ya. Value Orientations and the Restructuring of Public Consciousness // Philosophical Sciences. - 1989. - No. 6; Gulyga A.V. German classical philosophy. - M., 1986; Leontiev A.N. Activity, consciousness, personality. - M, 1975; Orlov B.V., Eingorn N.K. Spiritual values: the problem of alienation. - Ekaterinburg: USU Publishing House, 1993; Rozin Ya.A. On the question of the nature of value phenomena // Philosophical sciences. - 1989. - No. 6; Rozov M.A. Reflective systems, values ​​and goals // Ideal, utopia and critical reflection. - M., 1996; Tugarinov V.P. The theory of values ​​in Marxism. - L-., 1968 etc. 2 Azhgikhina N. When will Margaret Thatcher rule Russia? A few strokes to the portrait of a female politician in Russian information space and about the media space itself // Tender Research. - 2007. - No. 16; Aivazova S. Gender and Russian Politics: Conflict of Macro- and Micro-Level Power // Tender Research. - 2004. - No. 10; Babaeva L.V. Women Russia in the conditions of social change: work, politics, everyday life // Russian public scientific fund. Scientific reports 34. - M., 1996; Kanapyanova PM Women in power structures // Sotsis. - 2007. - No. 2; Rybtseva L.L. . Life values women // Socis. - 1997. - No. 10; Sillaste G.G. Socio-gender relations during the period of social transformations in Russia // Sotsis. - 1994. - No. 3; Skutneva SV. Gender aspects of life self-determination of youth // Sotsis. - 2003. - No. 11; Sukovataya V.A. Business lady: myths and reality // Socis. - 2002. - No. 11; Tyurin

At the same time, there are no studies devoted to a holistic socio-philosophical analysis of success yet. The vast majority of research is practical in nature and addresses psychological aspects success, which clearly narrows its understanding, leaving the socio-cultural context and content undisclosed. In addition, there are practically no works devoted to the consideration of changing ideas about success in the historical process and the reasons for these changes, as well as understanding success in modern society. The above makes it necessary to address the socio-philosophical aspects of this concept and phenomenon.

The object of the dissertationresearch is an

dynamic interconnection of success, sociality and social subjects.

As subject of study the socio-philosophical dimension of success as a concept, phenomenon and ideology emerges on the example of modern Russia.

Target this study is to develop the foundations of the socio-philosophical concept of success, which can be achieved through the solution of a number of research tasks:

Analysis of various approaches to the concept of "success", identifying the relationship of this concept with other philosophical concepts and categories;

AND ABOUT. Tender aspects of employment and management // Socis. - 2002. - No. 11; Chirikova A.E. Personal prerequisites for success Russian entrepreneurs// Psychological journal. - M., 1999. - T. 20. - No. 3; Horney K. Women's psychology. - St. Petersburg, 1993; Steinberg A.G. Male character of female management // Sotsis. - 2002. - No. 11; Yankova E.A. Soviet woman (social portrait). - M.: Politizdat, 1978, etc.

consideration of the transformation of ideas about success in the course of the cultural and historical process and the identification of socio-cultural conditions for the formation of the concept of "success";

defining social markers of success and criteria for success as a social phenomenon;

research on the features of achieving success in modern Russian society;

analysis of the tender aspects of successful activity, namely the understanding of the tender component of success.

As methodological basis works are social constructivist concepts embodied in the theories of modern Western and domestic researchers: N. Elias, P. Berger and T. Lukman, P. Bourdieu, V.E. Kemerovo. These concepts are anti-reductionist, i.e. seek to avoid emphasis, either on the individual or on the social. On the contrary, they affirm their inextricable relationship in the course of self-realization of an individual in the process of interaction with other social subjects. We see the experience of their productive use in the analysis of procedural sociality, in particular, in the works of I.V. Frolova. The complexity of the concept of "success" requires a similar dynamic space-time integrity, without taking into account which it is impossible to adequately formulate this concept and reveal its social essence.

The study used a number of approaches. Systems approach allowed to reveal the integrity of the phenomenon of success, to identify the relationship between its structural components, to consider success as part of the socio-cultural environment. The comparative-historical approach was aimed at identifying changes in ideas about success in the course of the development of society. The psychological approach helped to analyze

connection of success with motivation and emotional sphere of personality. Traditional general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, generalization, abstraction, analogy were also used.

The novelty of the work consists in building the foundations of the socio-philosophical concept of success as a concept, phenomenon and ideology. These fundamentals are detailed in the following provisions:

Proven insufficiency existing approaches to understanding the phenomenon of success and the need to develop and apply an integral socio-philosophical approach based on understanding the complex social and procedural nature of success.

The author's understanding of success as the ability of a social subject to influence social reality, that is, to change social relations and social space in the course of its activity, is substantiated. and time, create the foundations for further social advancement.

The main socio-cultural aspects of success are determined: 1) effective performance of activities carried out in accordance with the socio-cultural norms of society; 2) the presence of significant positive vertical mobility, as a result of which the existing social statuses of the subject improve and new ones appear; 3) a positive assessment, approval from the social environment; 4) restructuring of the social chronotope, changing social reality through the intensification and concentration of social interaction and the creation

Promising and competitive symbolic resource.

The reasons for the specific understanding of success in
modern Russian society, on the basis of which -
underdevelopment of liberal-democratic traditions; conditioning
Orthodox religious tradition, affirming the "priority of the spiritual
over the material; catholicity, communality of the Russian mentality.

1. Success is luck resulting from a favorable confluence

circumstances where it is difficult to determine the factor that led to success, or there is simply no such factor.

2. Success-assistance, possible as a result of collective efforts, when
the individual achieves the result, having the support of the social

environment, social group.

3. Success is overcoming achievable through personal effort
personality, its outstanding abilities in spite of unfavorable
circumstances that make it difficult to achieve the intended goals.

The tender component of success has been identified, namely, the
the difference in success between men and women,
expressed in the fact that in those considered traditionally "male"
spheres of activity a woman can achieve success only
demonstrating a "masculine" type of behavior and overcoming
resistance to gender stereotypes; justified the need
leveling the difference between "male" and "female"
strategies and models for success.

Theoretical and practical significance research consists in a socio-philosophical analysis of success, carried out both in synchronic and diachronic plans. The socio-cultural prerequisites and conditions for the emergence of the concept of "success", as well as the transformation of ideas about success depending on the historical era and cultural type, are identified, social markers of success are identified. The specifics of understanding success in modern Russian society, the gender aspects of success are analyzed, the basis of the socio-philosophical concept of success is created.

In practice, understanding the essence and factors of success will contribute to an adequate assessment of the activities of social actors of various sizes and levels, building tactics and strategies of life, setting priorities and building a hierarchy of values ​​based on the socio-cultural specifics of the era. The socio-philosophical concept of success will allow you to see changes in social structure, as well as to identify the degree of responsibility of the individual for the results of their activities. Research materials can be used as component when developing educational programs in social philosophy.

Approbation of work. The ideas presented in the dissertation were voiced in a number of articles and speeches at conferences of the interregional and all-Russian level. In addition, the intermediate results of the study were used during lectures on psychology to students of the Ufa branch of the ChGAKI, were reported at a methodological seminar on social philosophy at the Department of Ontology and Theory of Knowledge of the Bashkir State University (November 2008).

The materials of the dissertation are reflected in 4 scientific publications of the author with a total volume of 1.6 pp.

Dissertation structure. The work consists of an introduction, two chapters of three paragraphs each, a conclusion and a list of references, consisting of 247 titles. The total volume of the dissertation is 135 pages.

Success: the many faces of the problem

The word "success" is of Russian origin, but this concept in our society bears the imprint of the Western worldview. The very word success, if we turn to its etymology, is associated with the concept of "in time". “Successful” means successful, “progressive” means doing everything on time, able to coordinate their plans and aspirations with the real coordinates of life time, correlate subjective programs with objective reality. A successful person is a person who sets himself long-term goals and knows how to competently achieve them: in a timely manner, with minimal cost energy, in harmony with life and circumstances. If a person achieves his goals with great difficulty, he can be called successful, but with certain reservations and amendments. The price paid for such success is sometimes too high: spiritual energy is spent, the nervous system fails, strength and health are wasted. Success won at too high a price is not complete and one hundred percent.

On the other hand, successful people are not "fate's minions" to whom everything floats into their own hands, but people who are able to achieve the greatest results with the least emotional and energy costs. Their success is connected precisely with the ability to always be in time and implement their plans on time, not to be late, with the ability to feel the situation, to use means that are adequate to the task, and not contradictory to it. Each step leading to the set goal is achieved in a timely manner, and this brings a feeling of deep satisfaction. Success is a state of “ripeness”, maturity in every sense. ! But, if we consider the etymology further, the word "success" clearly correlates with the words "hurry", "hurry". A “U-hurried” person is a person who is not in a hurry, not in a hurry. The instantaneous achievement of the result can hardly be considered a success. It has more to do with luck. happy fate than to success. In the Russian mentality, there is a very definite view of haste, which is well expressed by Russian proverbs and sayings: “if you hurry, you will make people laugh”, “hurry, slowly”, etc. All of them express distrust of hasty decisions and ill-considered actions that give rise to haste. Domestic philologist V.V. Vinogradov notes that the word “success” comes from the same-root word “speh”, which had the following set of meanings in the Old Russian language: 1) haste, speed; 2) aspiration, diligence, jealousy; 3) achievement of the goal, success, luck, happiness. Later - in the XVI-XVII centuries - in the book vocabulary in the word "successful" the meaning of haste was smoothed out, but it remained as the main meaning "good luck, successful movement towards the goal", "public approval of something, attention from society", etc. ., while in folk speech the semantics of haste persist for a long time.

Besides, Russian word“success” is related to the word “assumption”, which means “sleep”, “leaving for another world”, “peace”. Interestingly, there is a parallel here with the Platonic doctrine of the soul. According to Plato, the existence of the soul in the body is the oblivion of the fullness of the true, ideal existence, it is a metaphorical dream of material life. At the same time, such a connotation also highlights the eastern basis of the Russian mentality. It has become commonplace to believe that Russians historically combine in their worldview components inherent in both Western and Eastern cultural traditions. Orthodoxy is the eastern branch of Christianity, and Protestantism is one of the incarnations of the western, which largely determines their ideological diversity.

Success as a social phenomenon

After analyzing how ideas about success were determined by sociocultural conditions and how changing these conditions led to the emergence of the concept of "success" and to a change in its content, we need to highlight the commonality that unites different approaches to understanding success from the point of view of social philosophy, as well as on based on this general formulate the socio-philosophical concept of success.

We have seen above that the idea of ​​success is characteristic of almost all epochs and types of society, with the exception of those where vertical mobility is practically close to zero (primitive society) or is absent due to the impermeability of the boundaries between social strata (Indian castes). The modification of ideas about success was accompanied by the transformation of socio-cultural conditions and, as a result, the transformation of social reality. Thus, the understanding by one or another era, one or another type of society of success is closely connected with the nature and nature of sociality.

Of the existing concepts of sociality, we support those concepts that seek to smooth out the confrontation between the subjectivist and objectivist approaches to society. These concepts represent a structural-constructivist approach that seeks to organically combine the objectivity of social structures with the dependence of these structures on the activity of the individuals that make up society. Among the concepts of this kind, the most famous are the concept of social construction of reality by P. Berger and T. Luckman1, genetic structuralism by P. Bourdieu2, the theory of structure structuring by E. Giddens, the theory of autopoietic systems by N. Luhmann4, the concept of polysubjective sociality by V.E. Kemerovo. For example, PBerger and T. Luckman understand social reality as follows: “... The social reality of everyday life can be understood in a continuum of typifications, the anonymity of which increases as they move away from the “here and now” of the face-to-face situation. At one end of the continuum are those others with whom I interact frequently and intensely in face-to-face situations. This is, so to speak, "my circle". At the other extreme are highly anonymous abstractions that, by their very nature, can never be made available for face-to-face interaction. Social structure is the sum total of typing and the repetitive patterns of interaction created with it. As such, social structure is an essential element of the reality of everyday life. This continuum of typing is a unity of the subjective ("here-and-now" face-to-face situations) and the objective ("highly anonymous abstractions").

For us, in principle, what is important is not so much a specific definition of social reality, sociality, as a methodological strategy in its understanding1. In this regard, the modern understanding of society and man requires an anti-reductionist approach, representing sociality "not within a certain framework of space and not as a boundary drawn in space, but as a transition through such a boundary as a becoming or reproducing connection of different spaces of people's being" . This understanding of sociality is based on a dynamic social ontology, within which it is difficult to speak of an unambiguous predestination. social forms social action, since the existence of social forms depends on the social activity of more than one individual, and there is no guarantee that this activity will be automatically supported by other subjects of relations. For example, traffic rules prohibit crossing the street at a red traffic light. But if absolutely everyone ignores this rule, it will cease to exist. The existential principle of human abandonment leads to the fact that “we will take into account only what depends on our will, or the sum of probabilities that make our action possible ... but rely on the possibility

Aspects and facets of success in modern Russian society

The reform of Russian society and its modernization presuppose an increase in the dynamics of society and social mobility. In turn, the dynamization of society increases personal freedom and responsibility.

As: we have already noted above, the ability to achieve success depends on what place this concept occupies in the worldview system of both the individual and in the worldview system of the social community. Of course, achieving success is, in principle, a difficult matter, but there are situations that turn achieving it into a big problem. For example, it is obvious that achieving success will be difficult when a person operates in a system where the understanding of success or its value significance will be contrary to its personal understanding and significance. As an example, it is easy to cite the fate of many of our compatriots who were brought up by the Soviet ideology, which harbored hostility towards truly free, independent behavior of the individual and personal achievements, which was expressed in the preference for public goals to individual ones. As a result, after the collapse of the old political and economic system, a significant part of the population was unable to rebuild their worldview system and style of behavior and ceased to correspond to new value orientations that required different qualities and abilities. Many of these people were quite successful "in the coordinates" of the old worldview system, but turned out to be "losers" in the new one. Political and economic reforms in the country led to the actualization of completely different qualities than those that were in demand in the Soviet era. The construction of a market economy based on the principle of competition, as well as the priority of commodity-money relations, has made such a quality as professionalism relevant. “A quality product professional, volens-nolens, works for other people, satisfying their needs with his products, not his own. Satisfaction of his own needs becomes directly dependent on his ability to qualitatively satisfy the needs of as many other people as possible. The value of the individual is shifted to the sphere of his professional qualities and skills.”1 That is, the probability of achieving success, understood as the satisfaction of one's own needs, depends on the ability to satisfy the demand for one's own skills and talents. Certainly, market economy shows an increased demand for some skills (initiative, entrepreneurial spirit, ability to take risks, etc.) and much less need for a number of others, in contrast to the Soviet period, when work for the benefit of others was proclaimed the norm, but the criteria for success were ideological in nature, and not economic.

The Russian mentality, based largely on the Orthodox ideology, which partially met the needs of the socialist state and was so actively revived in the post-Soviet period, highlights spiritual qualities and a universal human component in the individual. The significance of religious beliefs in the formation of the social ideal of success allows us to draw some conclusions. These conclusions are as follows. The dominance of one of the facets of the worldview structure makes the concept of success one-sided, covering important aspects of human life. For example, the development of professional qualities by a modern person in conditions narrow specialization leads to spiritual reduction. On the other hand, the conciliar aspiration of the subject of the worldview reduces the social mobility and adaptability of the individual in an extreme situation. But man is a multifaceted being, and sacrificing one of the facets can be disastrous for him. The “Pyramid of Needs” formulated by A. Maslow1 assumes not only the indispensability of material, biological needs by spiritual ones and vice versa, but also their interdependence.

Another important feature of the issue of success in Russia is that in our society there are factors that prevent or complicate the process of entering the information civilization, the formation of which is in full swing in developed countries2. The fact that we are forced to take a "crash course" of informatization almost simultaneously with the processes that took place in Western countries a hundred or two hundred years ago, in the era of the formation of a market economy, partly explains that special point of view on the nature of success, which is characteristic of our socio-cultural reality. For example, at a time when in the Western cultural paradigm material well-being has long won a strong place among the basic values, and now it is simply equalized in importance with other criteria: self-sufficiency, uniqueness, various kinds of freedoms, in particular, freedom of speech and access to information , - in our society, even about material values, there are disputes and there is no one system views.

The very concept of success, filled with its modern content, appears as a result of certain socio-cultural conditions. Criteria, "indicators" of the realization of the efforts of the individual, markers of the significance of the results achieved along the way are required. The criteria for success can be spoken of as stratification criteria or factors that determine the inequality of people in society. M. Weber considered wealth, power and social prestige as factors of social inequality. P. Bourdieu attributed to them the symbolic, economic, cultural and social views capital. Interrelated indicators of success in the modern Western world include the material standard of living of a person, the amount of his property, the degree of his political and cultural influence, the level of education, professional competence and the prestige of the profession.

However, the civilizational approach to the problem of success makes it possible to take into account other types of value orientations. In particular, P.A. Sorokin distinguishes ideational (religious), sensual (materialistic) and idealistic (combined) sociocultural types. Naturally, the understanding of success in a religious socio-cultural system will differ from its interpretation in a materialistic and combined system.

An even broader picture is provided by stage approach (R. Aron). The selection based on a number of parameters of a primitive, traditional, industrial and post-industrial society allows us to identify the dynamics of the formation of ideas about success. primitive society was deprived of ideas of success, since the social structure was still at the very beginning of its formation and had a tribal form, and the person was the bearer of not an individual, but a social "I". IN traditional society social ties are dynamized, a mechanism appears public recognition the personality structure changes. One gets the idea that thanks to the outstanding personal qualities a person can change social reality and achieve success, which, however, did not belong to the main social values. The concept of success, more or less close to modern, arises in the post-traditional era - the era industrial society, which is characterized by a surge of individualism, the formation of a liberal ideology, the rapid development of the capitalist type of economy and tendencies towards the democratization of the political structure of society. The change in the economic situation has led to increased vertical mobility due to the destruction of the estate hierarchy and its transformation into a class hierarchy. In this case, the indicator of success is not just vertical mobility, but significant vertical mobility. Success is facilitated by the fact that the existing differences between economic status in an industrial society are distributed along the scale of inequality more evenly and smoothly in comparison with traditional society. At the same time, in an industrial society, success is determined rather by external parameters, leveling the internal, psychological factor activities In the ethical aspect, the good, by which success is measured, is identified with utilitarian suitability and usefulness. Commodity-money relations penetrate into all spheres, putting economic factor At the forefront, the concept of success arises, and success, understood as maximum productivity and, as a result, maximum “marketability”, becomes one of the main values ​​of industrial society.

IN post-industrial (information society) a characteristic of success is an increase in the value of such a stratification factor as symbolic capital meaning the possession of information and the ability to use it. The importance of initiative, the ability to take responsibility and adapt to rapidly changing social realities is increasing. Success in the post-industrial era differs from success in modern society, partly reminiscent of the notions of success characteristic of the heyday of ancient democracy, but complicated modern processes informatization, globalization, intensification of innovation activity

According to the above definition, success in its content is a universal phenomenon. Its universality is manifested in its space-time invariance. This phenomenon exists regardless of specific historical conditions; only the forms of its manifestation are modified.

It should be noted that the theme of success is invariably present in works on social mobility, social values, social psychology of personality, and the psychology of motivation. Almost always, the topic of success is a topic of study in studies that reflect the interaction of culture and social structure.

Success can be viewed both by objective criteria and by subjective indicators. Success as an objective criterion is, first of all, social success, measured in terms of public recognition of the corresponding results. Success in the subjective dimension- this is a personal, individual success, which is manifested in the sensory experience of the subject of success. These two dimensions can coexist both separately and in an integrated position.

An analysis of the scientific literature has shown that there are objective markers of social success. These, first of all, include professional status, the availability of high-quality (prestigious) education and material well-being. Analyzing these criteria, we proceed from what social position a person occupies in the social space. In this case, the concept of success is identified to a certain extent with the social and status position of the individual in society.

But there are several other criteria for assessing social success. Each individual either integrates into society or not. The integration of the individual into society is largely associated with the process adaptation. The essence of adaptation, as established by numerous studies, is the mutual adaptation of the individual, his norms, values, ideas, standards of behavior with other members of society, their norms, values, ideas, standards of behavior. Adaptation can be considered complete when a stable balance of these indicators of the individual and society is found. Social success is a successful adaptation in society, achieved through the activity shown by the individual.

Social success in its content presupposes public recognition of the individual's personal merits. Therefore, one of the necessary conditions for social success is the presence of a certain amount of social interactions, which act as a criterion for public recognition. It is clear that there is a direct connection between these two categories: the more socially significant contacts, the higher the degree of social success of the individual. This is the mechanism for the formation of social recognition: through a certain number of social connections, a socially successful person influences others, who, due to the significance of this influence, define the person as socially successful.

The next equally important criterion for social success is the degree of influence of a socially successful person on society. In this case, a freer person gains advantages over a less free individual, whose behavior is predictable and determined by social norms. A freer personality expands the number of social interactions, thereby expanding the area of ​​influence on others. The number of social connections implies a qualitative aspect of success - the assessment of a person as socially successful in a particular social group. Non-compliance with the criterion of success leads to marginalization (partial or complete), that is, intermediate, "boundary" position of a person between any social groups.

Success is impossible without a change by the subject in the course of the activity of social relations, social space and time. Modern concepts of sociality show that in order to change the world, it is necessary to change the ways in which it is formed, that is, the vision of the world and the practical operations through which groups are constructed and reproduced. This requires symbolic power, which allows the subject to influence the social space, changing its structure. A “successful” subject of social relations changes social reality both by moving up the hierarchical ladder, raising his status or acquiring new ones, thus setting a new network of interactions and social connections relative to his place in the system of society, and by creating a space of social coordinates according to their own needs in order to satisfy them and achieve the desired goal.

Besides, successful man must be able to create alternatives to the existing reality, to carry out deviation within “reasonable limits”, since vertical mobility implies the inevitable marginalization of the subject, going beyond the boundaries of his stratum to enter a higher one. Therefore, the scope of the concept of "success", in addition to the characteristics listed above, should also include creating prospects for further growth. In social terms, this means the actualization of one's ability to influence social reality, including the creation of new social ties, alternative symbolic universes. A successful person becomes a kind of "significant other" for a number of social subjects, forming for them a new reality that attracts them, concentrating on himself the vectors of social orientation and setting a new configuration of social space.

The current situation of success is also due to a dynamic social reality that involves constant formation, reproduction and design. In this regard, success is presented not only as obtaining the maximum result with lowest cost energy, time and strength, which meets the inner deepest needs of a person and is accompanied by an experience of satisfaction, since the activity does not end with the achievement or non-achievement of the goal, and, accordingly, success cannot be complete and final. Nor can success be imagined simply as substantial upward mobility, the importance of which has been greatly diminished in post-industrial society. Today, the material standard of living in economically developed countries is so high that it reduces the importance of the material incentive for development, comparing other factors in importance with it, in particular, the search for meaning. The latter signals the growing role of symbolic power, the symbolic criterion of success.

attitude towards success and successful people in Russia and in the West is very different. A distinctive feature of the collectivist society, which accompanied most of the Russian history, is the subordination of personal interests to a common idea, the striving for an ideal, perfect state, the application of the efforts of all members of society to achieve this goal. In a collectivist society, the improvement of the individual depends on the perfection of society. Accordingly, the success of the first depends on the degree of implementation common purpose second.

Signs of success are the acquisition of material wealth, fame or fame, achieved social status. But if for a capitalist society the presence of these markers indexed personal significance, then in the Soviet Union, for example, these signs spoke of involvement in the common cause of building a just society of the future, of involvement in the main values. These "signs" marked the "dissolution" of a successful person in the future, which was created by common efforts.

Other sociocultural conditions of a specific attitude to success in modern Russia are both the rudiments of the Orthodox tradition and the lack of respect for work, historically conditioned by the servitude of the bulk of the population. After the beginning of perestroika reforms, which directed the country towards the formation of a market economy of the Western type, the consequences of the rootedness of the collectivist consciousness became obvious. external source success. Such a strategy for achieving the goal can be called "relying on luck."

Modern Russians do not have unity in understanding success. For one group of the population, success is only spiritual aspirations and the denial of the worldly, for others, the worldly beginning is also important, but they are unsuccessful, and this is the source of their protest against success as such. Still others have achieved success, but in unrighteous ways, completely not thinking about the welfare of other people and demonstrating their own wealth.

After the collapse of the old political and economic system, a significant part of the population did not meet the new value orientations that required different qualities and abilities. Many of these people were quite successful "in the coordinates" of the old system, but turned out to be "losers" in the new one. The construction of a market economy based on the principle of competition and the priority of commodity-money relations has made such a quality as professionalism relevant. At the same time, the market economy shows an increased demand for certain skills (initiative, entrepreneurial spirit, ability to take risks, etc.) and much less need for a number of others.

Within the framework of "market" values, a person whose success is measured by the size of a bank account and the number of luxury goods arouses both the desire to imitate and the feeling of envy, based on the prejudice of the unrighteousness of the ways to achieve this status. But this stereotype of success is already losing its relevance. The information society puts forward a new image of a successful person, associated with the depth and practicality of knowledge, the ability to extract, analyze and implement information, transform it into new knowledge and technologies.

How to evaluate your abilities and capabilities? What can and should a student do to achieve success in life and become a successful person, and how can a school, class, professionals help him or her? How to make life beautiful and creative? How to find the key to a happy future?

The bulk of young people are not aware of youth, creative, creative communities, movements, organizations. Young people are not familiar with the possible “scheme” for achieving success and need qualified support and help from specialists.



Department general education Administration of the Tomsk region

MBOU DO "Center additional education children"

IMC "Trajectory" Pervomaisky district of the Tomsk region

MU Department of Education of the Zyryansky District Administration

Section "Development of citizenship and patriotism"

Development of the volunteer movement to create a situation of success


"School of Social Success"

teacher of Russian language and literature

Tsyganovsky branch of MBOU "Zyryanskaya

Secondary school "Zyryansky district, Tomsk region

The address : 636865 Tomsk region, Zyryansky

District, Tsyganovo village, Shkolnaya st., 17;

tel: (8-243)42423; (8-243)42447;

e-mail : [email protected] ; [email protected]


  1. Introduction 3
  2. Relevance of the project, purpose and tasks 3-4
  3. Sample work plan for project implementation 5-8
  4. Effectiveness of solutions proposed in the project 8-10
  5. Support for partner organizations, residents, sponsors 10-11
  6. Project estimate 11
  7. Literature 12
  8. Apps 13
  • Letters of support
  • Newspaper notes
  • Achievements


Today, Russia urgently needs well-educated, energetic people who can make bright, interesting decisions. Both the personal professional achievements of young men and women and the confident future of Russia largely depend on the activity of the representatives of the younger generation, their sincere desire to benefit their Fatherland. The 21st century is the age of space speeds and computer technologies.
The youth has always been in Russian history a hope for the future and a real support of the state in its most difficult and heroic deeds.
Youth organizations operate in our country public associations, initiative groups. Young activists take part in the social and political life of the country. The country hosts various youth and children's festivals, competitions, olympiads, reviews, promotions, sports holidays, health days. In our Zyryansk, the traditional action "Youth against drugs" has been held for many years in a row. And our age of the Internet and space flights should become the age of a healthy lifestyle. We are firmly convinced of one thing: no matter what heights humanity reaches, young people remain active. Still in fashion are such qualities as kindness, sympathy, hard work and love. In our century it is fashionable to be healthy and smart. Now, among the young, many have begun to seriously engage in sports, instead of discos they prefer sports activities, attend sports clubs.
Youth is the present and future of Russia.

Project relevance

Modern youth needs not only medical and psychological support, but also the search for ways of life that provide the joy of human communication, health, creativity, self-organization in a matter that is necessary for themselves, others and the world.

Society needs to urgently solve the problem of mass involvement of children and youth in various forms of social creativity as a condition, on the one hand, for active self-realization and self-affirmation, without which it is impossible to build a new civil society; on the other hand, employment and prevention of the whole variety of social diseases.

And only where the child is the organizer and chief designer of the expanding environment of his habitat, where he is the creator of his relationships with himself, others and the world around him, only there we receive a generation of Citizens, Citizens of our village, our city, our country.

The "School of Social Success" project is necessary to prepare young people for independent living and to educate moral values, to expand the circle of communication of participants, to learn how to interact with environment, get practical skills of living in conditions close to natural - natural.

Today, society needs not just educated individuals, but also active, enterprising people who can independently make decisions, are capable of cooperation, and have a sense of responsibility for the fate of the country. In order to help schoolchildren become prepared and active citizens of a civilized society, possessing a set of certain qualities, it is necessary to involve them in various forms of social practices, using, among other things, living in conditions summer camp.

At what age do you need to think about the questions: Why am I studying? What is success - sudden luck or well-planned actions? How to become a successful person? How do famous, well-known worthy people grow up from ordinary guys, about whom they say: “He succeeded!”? How not to make a mistake in choosing a profession? How to evaluate your abilities and capabilities? What can and should a student do to achieve success in life and become a successful person, and how can a school, class, professionals help him or her? How to make life beautiful and creative? How to find the key to a happy future?

The bulk of young people are not aware of youth, creative, creative communities, movements, organizations. Young people are not familiar with the possible “scheme” for achieving success and need qualified support and help from specialists.

Have you ever thought about what the word "CO-BEING" means? In our calendar, each event is a celebration of the creation of Life, where people together build an image of the Future, and in an atmosphere of mutual trust learn to correctly connect their dreams (projects) and agree on what and how they will do together. Each event ends with the coordination of a live flow of affairs, where everyone takes on only what is close to him. All events are interconnected, mutually complement each other, which means they have an unprecedented life-giving power. Thus, multifaceted multilevel projects arise that live and develop like a living organism. All these events flow into the general flow of collective creative actions that take place in the world and form the New Reality - the New World. Our project "The Call of Chulym" is one of the links in such a chain of affairs in the Zyryansk region. For more than ten years in a row, youth festivals have been held on the banks of the Chulym. The participants are children different ages. This activity is carried out by volunteer teachers.

The geography of this movement is wide. Stakeholders and representatives are located in any region, in any geographical subject of our country. The breadth, scope and direction of action are very extensive. These are youth forums, festivals, recreational and educational events. And there are many different events that are aimed at purifying the personality, reassessing one's attitude to life, self-organization and restoring harmony with oneself, with others and with the whole world. And the social status, age is not important at all. Desire is all that is needed.

The goal of the School of Social Success (SSU) project:

Creation of a comfortable environment conducive to the disclosure of the abilities of young people in various areas of volunteering.

  • Tasks:
  • Develop a program for the "School of Social Success": volunteer skills, social culture, healthy lifestyle, preventive technologies.
  • Conduct a School of Counselors to train volunteers to work with teenagers in a profile shift.
  • Conduct training seminars under the Program "Schools of Social Success".
  • To conduct a specialized session "School of Social Success" to train and develop skills in mastering various types of creative activity, promoting a healthy lifestyle among young people with the involvement of specialists from volunteer associations of Tomsk, Biysk and Novosibirsk.
  • The possibility of each student achieving success or a successful situation in any type of activity (scientific, creative, sports, etc.)

Scientific and methodological support of the project

An attempt at creative self-development of a personality has deep Russian roots and traditions. The theoretical basis of the project is taken from the provisions on the development of natural talent of the professor of the Siberian Humanitarian and Ecological Institute T.F. Akbashev, coordinator Siberian center Eurasian projects "Planet-3000" by N.G. Gocharova, master technologist of "Pedagogy of the evolution of the Mind", associate professor of the Siberian Humanitarian and Ecological Institute G.A. Misyurina, author of the theory of solving intellectual problems G.S. Altshuller and others. the results of personal self-development technologies are brought into the system and comprehended, which provide high results of work, which can be traced in the systematic holding of children's and youth festivals in the Urals, on Turgoyak Island, on Baikal, in the Zyryansk region.

Exemplary work plan for the implementation of the project "ShSU"

Stage 1: preparatory. Implementation period: October - January, 2015-2016. G.

Main activities preparatory phase





The letter contains brief information about the project, an invitation to cooperation, a questionnaire about the participants.

Informing target groups about the project. Clarification of the educational needs of the target groups of the project to develop the concept of the shift

2. Development of a program for preparing volunteers for the shift


The program of general, special and technological training of volunteers for the profile shift.

Schedule of classes.

3. Informational meetings with students of universities in Tomsk

Acquisition of volunteers from the number of socially oriented students for conducting a profile shift

All period

Acquiring the composition of counselors and leaders of the "ShSU"

Stage 2: training. Implementation period: February-July, 2016

Staffing: teachers of the Zyryansky House children's creativity, youth centers of the villages of the region, students of TSU and TSPU.

The concept of organizing student learning

The recruitment of the "School of Social Success" will be provided through a wide PR campaign, a series of presentation events in educational, social institutions, public youth organizations of the Zyryansky district and Tomsk, Novosibirsk.

The recruitment of a team of specialists involved in the training of volunteers is carried out within the framework of a two-day school of counselors in the form of an on-site seminar - training on the basis of the Krivoshapkins' educational center "Time of Changes" in the village of Zyryansky and in the city of Tomsk. The content of the seminar is the development of the concept of "ShSU", software and methodological support for the preparation process, curricula, schedules, familiarity with the methods of active learning. Within the framework of the seminar, the coaching staff, a team of teachers of the multidisciplinary “ShSU” will be prepared. Training of volunteers is carried out on the basis of TSU.

A basic level of includes the training of volunteers on general social issues: what is volunteering; the history of the volunteer movement in Russia and abroad; features of the volunteer movement present stage; federal and regional social and youth programs; technologies for conducting social actions.

Specialized levelinvolves in-depth training of volunteers in the following areas - profiles:

Promotion of healthy lifestyles;

Social theater;

Social design;

Game technologies of prevention;

Construction feature educational process training of volunteer counselors consists in a combination of its theoretical and practical components, in mastering the “peer-to-peer” technology.

Stage 3: profile change.Implementation period: August, 2016

Venue: the bank of the Chulym River in the vicinity of the Zyryansk region.

Members : schoolchildren, students, teachers, journalists, entrepreneurs, guests from Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Cherepanov, Yurga.

Staffing: members of the district youth council, a team of social technologists public organization area, volunteers,teachers of the Zyryansky House of Children's Creativity, youth centers of the villages of the region.

Accommodations:Camping. Nutrition on the principle of self-organization. The registration fee of the participant is 500 rubles.

In a programme: Acquaintance. Command presentation. Workshops. Trainings. Socio-educational games. Self-organization service. Project activity. Presentation of projects. Theatrical performances. Song circle around the campfire. Guitar. Self-reflection.

When conducting the School of Social Success, 3 components are taken into account:

  • wellness, focused on mastering by adolescents health-saving technologies, methods of rehabilitation, physical culture, monitoring their health;
  • educational,aimed at obtaining knowledge, ideas and developing skills for the prevention of the use of alcohol, tobacco, psychoactive substances in a teenager's environment using the "peer-to-peer" technology.
  • developing, aimed at personal self-development, the formation of the qualities of a leader, an organizer of volunteer practices, the organization of collective creative activity.

The program of the summer camp "ShSU" involves exploring the interaction between man and the river: order, fire pits, the state of the green zone. The study and comprehension of the elements of nature: water, air, fire, earth through sensations is a great tool of nature.

According to the principle of developing cooperation, they answered 4 questions to the point: Water. What's this? Where? Of what? What is it for me? As a result, poems, songs, drawings, dramatizations were born. In sports: comprehending the personality of the legendary Russian folk heroes. There were games “My secret friend”, “Circle of my friends”, “Acts of the circle of my friends”, “Road of my dreams”. Workshops worked. All activities are included in the program.

Artwork: Disclosure of the inner potential of a person through drawing and paint; Sound therapy.

Physical training: Outdoor games, tennis, swimming, gymnastics, massage, dance dancing.

Social Science: andrelationship building tool; technogames: "Secret Friend", "Way to Success", "Dream Road".

Labor training:actions "Clean banks of Chulym", "Bonfire with their own hands".

Social management: "Business card", presentation of self-organization services.

School of playing the guitar and flute.

The song circle as a tool for building relationships.

Philosophical theater:“It's great that we are all here today”, “Find yourself a friend”,"The path to a dream", "Let's fill the sky with kindness."

Self-organization:Self-organization services, socially useful work, school of legal culture, school of a young organizer.

Master classes: Floristry, "I am a man, I know myself", "I am the Owner", "7 steps to success","Young Hairdresser""Girls and boys".

Social and educational programs:"Circle of your friends", "Find yourself a friend."

School of Civic Culture.mastering the basics of social literacy: organizational, project, corporate.

According to the feelings of the lived, we draw a lot on paper one by one, two by two, collectively, observing the laws of silence: accept, support, understand; law of the star: to burn, setting others on fire. We listen, we contemplate the world. We sing songs by the fire. It is a daily ritual to reflect on the day. This work is carried out through circles at the beginning of the day, self-organization services, workshops, living and understanding the elements of nature, evening anchors and coordinating councils. All work is built through positive experience. According to the principle of complementarity and joint activity, the awareness of the elements and oneself deepens: if one accepts and supports, a feeling of joy and friendship arises when we need each other; creativity, fantasy, cooperation, interaction and empathy are born. An example of an activity with children can be the techno-game “Who? Who are we?”, the purpose of which is self-awareness, to learn to accept, understand, support another, complement him, help him.

The field of personal development and self-realization of the participants of the profile shift

During the shift, teenagers have the opportunity to:

  • realize individual interests, needs, abilities, acquire certain knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of promoting a healthy lifestyle among young people, preventing the use of alcohol, tobacco, and psychoactive substances among young people;
  • gain communication experience, gain knowledge and practical skills in organizing various events in the field of prevention, conflict resolution among peers;
  • realize their creative and artistic abilities by participating in the preparation and holding of mass leisure events;
  • realize leadership potential, gain organizational skills, get involved in the process of social design, learn how to develop social projects and create a team for their implementation;
  • gain effective communication skills, create a favorable psychological atmosphere for teamwork by participating in trainings, role-playing and productive games;
  • to get involved in the process of mutual assessment, mutual knowledge, interaction, mutual support in the course of the “ShSU” events;
  • relax, improve your health, using the possibilities of the surrounding nature, participating in sports and recreational work, choosing for yourself one of the proposed forms of active recreation;
  • increase the level of psychological culture by participating in psychological trainings, receiving advice from psychologists;
  • expand your social experience, acquire volunteering skills.

Stage 4: final . Implementation period: August-September, 2016

  1. Summing up the "School of Social Success"
  2. Presentation of certificates to participants.

In all the working processes of the Program, the awakening of the original giftedness in children was noted. The meaning of life appears, the desire to contact with others, the desire to creatively engage oneself, to realize, to constantly strive for something more and more new.

The program can include a variety of actions and involve the heads of organizations, clubs, farms, if the goal is to promote the achievements of this organization, get to know its people, etc. On this basis, long-term cooperation and mutual interest is possible.

The effectiveness of the solutions proposed in the project,

through the involvement of all project participants in the general educational process and the provision of ample opportunities for the realization of the creative potential of all project participants.

The main results to be achieved by the project.

This is the creation of youth teams capable of working in a project mode. Mastering the skills of communication and self-organization. Raising children to be leaders who will spread the ideas of cooperation in their schools.

Expected results - (in relation to children's health-improving and educational recreation):

Correction and strengthening of the psychosomatic state of children; reduction of stress (level), development of the mental and sensory sphere (emotional health). This is at least.

The program contains the use of technological games with reflection, which allows the participant to live and eliminate in a playful way personal and interpersonal psychostresses and barriers with oneself, with other people and in general with the world and in relations with one's future.

The program is associated with elementary social design based on TRK (technologies for developing cooperation), which allow for short term learn to form relationships with oneself, in a group, in a team, contributes to the formation and rallying of children, etc. detachments, especially those assembled temporarily.

All parts that contain a lot of different tools inside their subprograms are aimed at preventing and correcting social deviations, deviant behavior and awakening the moral foundations of life.

Innovation potential(replicability of project results, substantiation of prospects).

This is not just a vacation on the Chulym River (which is also good). The educational and health complex includes:

Mastering by the project participants the technologies of self-regulation, i.e. methods that,

Firstly, during the rest they can give a tangible (subjectively and objectively expertized result of improving the state of health);

Secondly, the use of these technologies independently in later life will allow people to increase their resistance to stress, both internal and external, to environmental pressure - social, informational, physical.

This means that in everyday, such a dynamic modern life, a person will be able to maintain a high level of activity, successful decision-making, build more constructive relationships with himself and with the world, make effective and accurate decisions.

Change your attitude towards yourself to a more positive, accepting one.

To master ways to overcome interpersonal conflicts (in the family, at school, in a team), to learn not only to resolve emerging conflicts effectively, without aggression and depression, but also to prevent possible conflicts by changing the nature and meaning of relationships with people.

Learn to better understand yourself, other people (spouses, children, employees, etc.), which means not to waste energy on unnecessary experiences, but to direct it to building your own life, relationships, business.

Learn to awaken high energies in yourself, and this is constant activity, cheerfulness, creativity, the joy of relationships.

Learn how to interact creatively with people, giving birth to new projects, new creative ideas, new meanings of life, relationships, business.

Learn to actively relax without waiting for someone to entertain.

Learn not to wait that happiness, health, success depends on someone or something - to create life with your own hands.

Learn to awaken your inexhaustible potential.

The forms of such education are not the hard work of sitting at desks, but living-play, where you can get amazing results.

A feature of the project is its transferability, i.e. replicability according to the principle: “I learned – teach another. One of the sections of the project is the training of instructors for children in the organization of collective creative activities, actions, and health creation.

The project "School of social success" after mastering the principles and methods of its organization can become a program of action for any educational institution, and not only educational, in terms of independent use.

Achieved personal results

  • A.Dudko (educational grant for a trip to Italy)
  • M. Tsygankov (cadets of the Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in St. Petersburg)
  • A. Anufriev (work at Roscosmos)
  • N. Krivoshapkina (international coach of "ShSU" programs)
  • P. Krivoshapkin (winner of the Business First Step project)
  • L. Mehovich (literary creativity)
  • E. Efremov (song project)
  • P.Slubskikh (designer creativity)
  • A. Ryzhkov (successful agricultural worker)
  • Y. Sitnikova (head of library projects)
  • A. Sitnikova (work under the program "Zemsky doctor"), etc.

Support for partner organizations, residents, sponsors (letters) in the implementation of activities.

In order for the project to be implemented, it is necessary to obtain support from the district leadership, since the financing of the project depends on this. The main partner is the Department of Education of the Zyryansky district in the person of the head, who sets the project in motion. A summer camp is living in a specially organized situation, which is the basis of a model of a pedagogical situation that requires solving life problems. It is important to involve organizers from among teachers who have already gained positive experience. Our partners are the Novosibirsk school of social organizers "Scarlet Sails" (Popov E.A.), Misyurina G.A., master technologist "Pedagogy of the evolution of the Mind", associate professor of the Siberian Humanitarian-Ecological Institute, Solonenko O.F., journalist, teacher TSPU for public relations, doctor of the city of Yurga, Kemerovo region Kozhevnikova GG. Their assistance has not only a theoretical, but also a practical orientation: they travel by invitation during the summer camp and provide real assistance. Their participation is spelled out in the program of activities of the SSU project.

The legal representative of the project and the organizer is the Department of Education of the Zyryansky District Administration. All organizational issues are resolved during the conclusion of the relevant agreements.

Real sponsorship was provided for the ShSU project:

  • RBM of the Zyryansky District Administration - 25 thousand rubles
  • Fund of the Head of the Zyryansky District Administration - 25 tr.
  • L.I. Ryzhova, entrepreneur - bakery products;
  • Yu.V.Maslov, entrepreneur - stationery;
  • L.A. Khrishchenko, chief physician of the Zyryansk Central District Hospital - medicines;
  • VG Pimenov, worker of PE "Omega" - mineral water "Omega";
  • G. M. Lashuk, director of a motor transport enterprise - transport;
  • S. and V. Kozadaev, confectionery entrepreneurs.

Presence of own contribution of the educational institution in the form of volunteer labor(students, teachers, parents, stakeholders).

  • A team of educators.
  • Workers of the local House of Culture.
  • Parents of students.
  • The youth of the village of Tsyganovo, on whose territory the events took place.

Implementation mechanisms:

  • Information in the regional media about the preparation and progress of the project.
  • Working meetings of the organizing committee.
  • Conclusion of agreements with administrators of villages on the implementation of the project.
  • Preparation of cost estimates.
  • Organization and holding of a summer camp
  • Analysis of the activities of the organizing committee based on the results of the preparation and conduct of the summer camp "School of Social Success".

Project estimate Stationery




Additional expenses

10 000


68 000-00

Taking into account the fact of the long-term implementation of the “ShSU”, the project is low-cost, because already have travel equipment. Meals are provided from the amount of the registration fee of the participants. Involved specialists receive a salary and travel expenses. As an incentive, master classes are paid for students.

The interest of the Department of Education of the Zyryansky District Administration in the effectiveness of this type of work can serve as a guarantee of financial support. Experience in conducting and financing a summer camp is available. The performance justifies the cost of the project.

The School of Social Success project is promising for a number of reasons:

  • students and young people acquire knowledge to unlock their creative potential;
  • students need new forms of organization of summer holidays;
  • teamwork increases the importance of each;
  • living in a summer camp contributes to the development of latent creative potential in a person. The camp is great life situation to achieve the set goals;
  • Simple, natural technologies of self-knowledge, self-determination, self-management, self-improvement, self-organization, i.e. creative self-development guarantee high quality life.

Results presentation form(new types of technologies, methods, documentation, monographs, articles, etc.):

  • according to the results of the project, a round table is held annually at the August conference;
  • throughout the year, master classes are held for teachers of the district at seminars in educational center"Time of change", subject MO;
  • the results of the work are summarized at all-Russian conferences, an article was published for the Institute of Social and Pedagogical Problems of the Rural School under Russian Academy education;
  • a more significant result is the practice with children of those techniques and methods of civic education that adults and children received at the summer camp.


  1. Akbashev T.F. Symbols of the transition period. Step five: "Dawn of Russia" (towards low-cost system solutions). - Kazan, 1993.
  2. Akbashev T.F. Path of Reason: Fundamentals of noospherology. - Ufa: Publishing company "Astarta", 2007.
  3. Gurianova M.P. Education of a viable personality. - M.: ISPS RAO, 2006.
  4. Dick, N.F. Family traditions in education. - Rostov n / D., 1993.
  5. Plotkin M.M. Rural family as an institution of education: Analytical report. - M.: ISPS RAO, 2007. - Series "Modernization of education and social development village." – Issue 63.-36s.


  • Educational program "School of social success"
  • Letters of support
  • Newspaper notes
  • Photo report "Happy moments of the festivals" Call of Chulym "
  • Achievements

Currently, in sociology, there are many different concepts devoted to the concept of "life success". However, with all the variety of approaches to the study of this issue, all concepts recognize that the life success of any person is determined by the social environment and his natural predisposition, i.e., the natural inclinations and inclinations of the individual to various types activities. The success or failure of an activity is fixed in society as the recognition or lack of achievements of an individual. On the one hand, success always depends on the activity of the individual to achieve what is most consistent with his nature, and on the other hand, on the effectiveness of the resistance of the individual to what is contrary to his activity.

The essence of the individual's social success is determined by her conscious or unconscious acceptance of the social group or community in which she intends to establish herself. The choice of a group is usually not accidental. It is carried out according to the similarity of personal and group values ​​and ideas about how to achieve success. Values ​​and standards of behavior are "a kind of cultural code" of life success models, on the basis of which the recognition or condemnation of the individual's achievements by a group or community takes place. The process of self-assertion of a person in a social group is predominantly one-sided, i.e. achieved in any one area of ​​her life. The choice by the individual of the sphere in which she intends to assert herself is due to what natural inclinations and abilities are more pronounced in her.

As a basis for the concept of success in life, researchers use objective and subjective factors, indicators of material well-being, the degree of rationality in choosing a way to achieve goals, the dynamics of activity, a social access code and other indicators.

The concept of success as conspicuous consumption (Veblen T. The Theory of the Leisure Class. - M.: Progress, 1984) is based on the material factor. T. Veblen highlights in the history of civilization a special public class, for which, in his opinion, occupation labor activity is a socially and ethically taboo area. This class has formed its own ideology of "achievement" and "rules of the game" - the norm of monetary rivalry and social attitudes towards monetary success, monetary standard of living, monetary canons of taste and fashion, i.e., conspicuous consumption.

In the concept of success as a rational choice, developed by D. Friedman and M. Hatcher (Ritzer J. Modern Sociological Theories: 5th ed. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002. - p. 318-319), the fundamental thesis is the assertion that the formation of goals for achieving success by a person is predetermined by her preferences. Researchers consider social action as the achievement of goals, limited, on the one hand, by the hierarchy of personal preferences, on the other hand, social institutions because they impose rules, laws, regulations and "rules of the game".

In the theory of exchange by J. Homans (Ibid. - pp. 321-328), the process of achieving success by a person is considered as an activity consisting of three phases: action, reward for the result of the action, repetition of the original action or action similar to it. He argues: the more often any action of a person leads to a reward, the more likely that a person will do the same again.

The concept of "success" is also considered in risk theory (3. Giddens, W. Beck). The basis of this theory is the idea that modernity is a transition from a classical industrial society to a risk society. Modernization, globalization, technology give rise to a new society, and hence a new environment, in which the main issue is the question of risks and their prevention. Consequently, we can talk about a new social environment, a new social structure, as well as new "rules of advancement" in this structure, mechanisms for achieving success. Therefore, a successful person in a risk society is a person who has mastered new patterns of behavior, and, therefore, who knows how to manage risks.

The basis of the symbolic concept of success is the position that interaction between people is carried out through the exchange of symbols developed in the course of social life. The fundamental premise of this concept is that “any objectivity, any state of affairs is or may appear in the mind of the individual as a certain semantic configuration. The researchers conclude that social reality is a phenomenon of consciousness of many subjects: the world is as it is in the mind of the individual. Therefore, reality is nothing more than the totality of its individual semantic structures, which are formed in the human mind as life experience comes in. The main issue here is the question of human interpretation of these symbols. Therefore, the key categories of analysis in this theory are a symbol (a certain social code) and the meaning of this symbol (an individual meaning within one code, which is the result of a person’s interpretation of this code). Thus, the basis of interaction between people is the exchange of individual semantic structures. Language is a tool for expressing individual meanings. Goal achievement is a product of the interaction of subjective factors (individual values ​​of success) and objective factors(symbols of success).

The concept of "life success" is defined precisely in the mind of the individual in the form of semantic structures, connections. A relatively holistic picture of the phenomenon of goal achievement, success in a particular community, in a particular society can be represented by a combination of individual meanings of the success of individuals.

Based on materials

socio-psychological research