The program of additional education personnel management. Personnel Management

methodological advice

GOU YAO TsPOiPP "Resurs"

A protocol of a meeting

No. 3 dated 01.01.01


methodological council



GOU YAO TsPOiPP "Resurs"

__________ "___" _______2008

Additional professional education program

"Selection and personnel management"

Explanatory note

Training period: 72 - 100 hours.

Target groups for which program: vocational consultants, inspectors of departments of career guidance, employment, vocational training, work with employers and other specialists of the employment service; personnel managers, psychologists, personnel specialists, heads of personnel management departments of enterprises, organizations and institutions; specialists recruitment agencies, other categories of specialists and managers involved in the management and development of human resources.

Relevance of the program due to the importance of mastering modern forms and methods of personnel management and development by specialists, ensuring employment of the population, the need for social and professional support for young people, employees of enterprises and organizations, the unemployed, persons job seekers, in resolving issues of life and professional self-determination in accordance with the current socio-economic situation, requests modern market labor, the requirements of employers.

The program is built on the basis of generalization of the advanced domestic and foreign experience work with personnel, analysis and systematization of the organization's own practice of hiring and managing personnel in the framework of contractual activities with enterprises and organizations in the territory.

aim The implementation of the program is the development by specialists of modern approaches, forms and methods of work in solving issues of selection and personnel management.

Program objectives:

Mastering by specialists of the main approaches and methodological foundations of work on the selection of personnel in accordance with the requirements of the modern labor market, the requests of employers;

Mastering by specialists of the main means and methods of recruitment (analysis of the applicant's biographical data, interviewing, expert survey, testing, meta-program interview, the "assessment center" method, etc.).

Analysis of the practice of specialists in the selection and management of personnel.

To achieve the set goals and objectives, it is planned to conduct lectures, business games, discussions, technical analysis of practical cases, individual consultations and independent work for students in accordance with the selected thematic blocks.

Expected results:

Students will acquire knowledge on key aspects of working with personnel, will be able to master various forms and methods of work in this area in accordance with the planned goals of the program.

Forms of control:

Self-report of students on the results of the implementation of theoretical and practical classes of the program;

Final interview or written test work.

Educational and thematic plan of the program of additional vocational education"Selection and personnel management"

No. p / p




Training sessions

Approaches and methodological foundations of work on the selection of personnel in accordance with the requirements of the modern labor market, the requests of employers. The main tasks of personnel selection. Search and selection of personnel.

Corporate culture of the organization (indicators, elements, types of organizations, etc.). The role of HR in recruitment.

Means and methods of recruitment (analysis of applicant's biographical data, interviewing, expert survey, interview, testing, meta-program interview, "assessment center" method, etc.).

4. Certification of the personnel of the enterprise. Preparation of a psychological portrait of an employee.

Motivation of the work of employees of the enterprise and ways to improve it.

The study of job satisfaction of staff, social and psychological potential of employees of the enterprise. Staff adaptation.

56. Special programs for retraining and employment in Germany // Man and Labor, 1994. No. 4.

57. Tarasov - technology: selection and training of managers. L., 1989.

58. Theory and practice of vocational guidance and vocational counseling. Issue. 1. Kaluga, 1994.

59. Management consulting: in 2 vols. T. 1 .: Per. from English. M.: SP "Interexpert", 19p.

60. Management consulting: in 2 vols. T. 2 .: Per. from English. M.: SP "Interexpert", 19p.

61. Chebyshev training steelworkers to deal with malfunctions in the operation of open-hearth furnaces. - History of the Soviet psychology of work. Texts / Ed. , M., 1983. p. 181-187.

62. Chernyshev VN, Dvinin and personnel in management. St. Petersburg: Energoatomizdat, 19 p.

63. Shadrikov activities and human abilities: tutorial. 2nd ed., M.: Logos Publishing Corporation, 19p.

64. Shekshne staff modern organization// Personnel management, 1998. No. 12. P. 86-101.

65. Spiegel steelworkers. Systematization of the experience of open-hearth workers-practitioners for the purposes of training and instruction. - History of the Soviet psychology of work. Texts / Ed. , M., 1983. p. 172-178.

66. Shushakov driving during the test of qualification of locomotive drivers in the psychotechnical station of the Perm railway.



"Training center "Asclepius"

Educational program

additional professional education

professional retraining

Vladivostok - 2016

1.1. Introduction

1.2. Regulations, which are the basis for OOP

1.3. General characteristics of the educational program of additional professional education.

1.3.1. Purpose of OOP

1.3.2. The term of development of the OOP

1.3.3. Requirements for students

1.3.5. Document issued at the end of training

2. Feature professional activity

2.1. Types of professional activity

2.2. Requirements for the results of mastering the program

3.1. Curriculum for distance learning

3.1. 1. Educational and thematic plan for part-time education

4.0. Conditions for the implementation of the program.

4.1. Material and technical conditions for the implementation of the program

4.2. Educational and methodological support of the program

4.3. Information about the teaching staff

4.4. Attestation Forms, Evaluation Materials and Other Components

4.5. Program compilers

5.0 Section work programs

  1. General provisions

    1. Introduction
Educational program (EP) of additional professional education of professional retraining of additional professional education "Human Resources Specialist" is a set of documents developed and approved in the CHOUDPPO "Training Center" Asclepius ", which is presented in the form of a curriculum, curriculum and thematic plan, work programs of training modules, as well as assessment and teaching materials, taking into account the improvement and acquisition of new competencies necessary to perform a new type of professional activity, the acquisition of a new qualification. The program complies with the requirements of the professional standard "Human Resource Management Specialist", approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated 06.10.2015. No. 691n.
Educational program (EP) for professional retraining of additional professional education "Human Resources Specialist" is a set of documents developed and approved in the PEUDPO "Training Center" Asclepius ", which is presented in the form of a curriculum, educational and thematic plan, work programs of training modules, as well as assessment and methodological materials, taking into account the improvement and acquisition of new competencies necessary for performing a new type of professional activity, acquiring a new qualification. The program was developed in accordance with the professional standard "Specialist in personnel management", approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of 06.10.2015. No. 691n, FSES VPO 38.03.03 Personnel management, Methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated April 22, 2015 No. VK-1032/06.
1.2. Regulatory documents that are the basis for the EP

The regulatory framework for the development of the OP is the Federal Law Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 1, 2013 No. 499 “On Approval of the Procedure for Organization and Implementation of Educational Activities for Additional Professional Programs”, Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education 38.03.03 Personnel Management, professional standard "Specialist in personnel management", approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of 06.10.2015. No. 691n, OK 010-2014 All-Russian classifier classes (OKZ), provisions of the PEI DPO "Training Center" Asclepius ".
1.3. General characteristics of the educational program of additional professional education.
1.3.1 Purpose of OOP - Formation of the students' competencies necessary for professional activities in the field of personnel management - the formation of systemic and professional knowledge about personnel planning and marketing of personnel, adaptation and certification of personnel; management of organizational culture and conflicts; employment management; organization, regulation, regulation, safety, conditions and labor discipline; motivation and stimulation of personnel; its social development; personnel, regulatory and methodological, office work, legal and information support personnel management systems.

The program is successive to the main educational program of higher education in the direction of training 38.03.03 - Personnel management, profile Audit and personnel control, qualification (degree) - bachelor.
1.3.2. Development period programs of additional professional education for advanced training is ----- workers days for full-time education and -working days for part-time education. In any form of education, the teaching load is set to no more than 40 hours per week, including all types of classroom and extracurricular (independent) study work of the student.

1.3.3. Requirements for students: Persons with secondary vocational and (or) higher education; persons receiving secondary vocational and (or) higher education .

1.3.5. Document issued upon completion of training: With the successful development of this program and a positive final certification, students receive a diploma of the established form on professional retraining, which certifies the right of a specialist to conduct professional activities in management and recruitment.

  1. Characteristics of the professional activity of those who have mastered the professional retraining program "Specialist in personnel management" Characteristics of a new type of professional activity, new qualification.
The main goal of the type of professional activity: ensuring the effective functioning of the personnel management system to achieve the goals of the organization.

2.1. Types of professional activity

The field of professional activity of a trainee who has completed training under the program of professional retraining to perform a new type of professional activity "Human Resource Management Specialist" includes the following generalized and labor functions and requirements for their qualifications.

Generalized labor functions

Labor functions


skill level


level (sublevel) of qualification

Documentation support for work with personnel

Maintaining organizational and administrative documentation for personnel

Maintaining records and personnel records

Administration of processes and workflow for accounting and movement of personnel, submission of documents on personnel to government bodies

Staffing activities

Gathering information about the organization's staffing needs

Search, attraction, selection and selection


Administration of staffing processes and workflow

Activities for the assessment and certification of personnel

Organization and conduct of personnel assessment

Organization and conduct of personnel certification

Administration of processes and workflow during the assessment and certification of personnel

Personnel development activities

Organization and holding of events for the development and construction professional career personnel

Organization of staff training

Organization of adaptation and training of personnel

Administration of processes and workflow for the development and professional career, training, adaptation and training of personnel

Activities for the organization of labor and remuneration of personnel

Organization of personnel work

Organization of staff remuneration

Administration of processes and workflow on the organization of labor and remuneration of personnel

Activities for the organization of corporate social policy

Development of corporate social policy

Implementation of corporate social policy

Administration of processes and workflow on issues of corporate social policy

Operational management of personnel and organizational unit

Development of an operational personnel management system and the work of a structural unit

Implementation of operational personnel management and the work of a structural unit

Process and workflow administration operational management personnel and work of the structural unit

Strategic personnel management of the organization

Development of a system of strategic personnel management of the organization

Implementation of the strategic personnel management system of the organization

Process and workflow administration strategic management organization staff

- The objects of professional activity is the organization personnel work, hiring work force and recruitment.
2.2. Requirements for the results of mastering the program

As a result of mastering this program, students should have the following competencies:
a) professional:


The procedure for registration, maintenance and storage of personnel documents

The procedure for accounting for the movement of personnel and compiling established reporting

Fundamentals of workflow and documentation support

The procedure for calculating the length of service, benefits, compensation, registration of pensions for employees

Organization structure

Labor law and other acts containing norms labor law

Fundamentals of archival legislation and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, in terms of maintaining documentation on personnel

Legislation of the Russian Federation on personal data

Local regulations organizations regulating the procedure for issuing administrative and organizational documents for personnel

ethics and business communication

Basics informatics, structural construction of information systems and features of working with them

Normative legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating the rights and obligations of state bodies, trade unions and other representative bodies of employees to provide accounting documentation

The procedure for determining the prospective and current staffing needs

Sources of staffing the organization

Organization of work in various areas of production, organization, industry

General trends in the labor market and in a particular industry, a specific profession (position, specialty)

Fundamentals of psychology and sociology of labor

Technologies and methods of search, attraction, selection and selection of personnel

Technologies and methods for the formation and control of budgets

Fundamentals of economics, labor organization and personnel management

Fundamentals of the tax legislation of the Russian Federation

The procedure for documentary support of the candidate's exit to work and the movement of personnel

The procedure for processing documents on the provision of human resources necessary for submission to state bodies, trade unions and other representative bodies of employees

How to work with information systems and databases on staffing, search and registration of candidates for vacant positions(professions, specialties)

The procedure for conducting business correspondence

The procedure for registration, maintenance and storage of documentation related to the search, attraction, selection and selection of personnel for vacant positions

The procedure for the formation, maintenance of a data bank on the personnel of the organization and reporting

The procedure for holding tenders and preparing tender documentation

The procedure for conducting procurement procedures and issuing related documentation for the conclusion of an agreement

Order of conclusion employment contracts(contracts)

Technologies and methods of assessment personal qualities and characteristics

Systems, methods and forms of material and non-material stimulation of personnel labor

Technologies, methods and techniques for analyzing and systematizing documents and information

Basics production activities organizations

The procedure and technology for certification

Technologies and methods for determining and evaluating professional knowledge, skills and competencies

The procedure for processing documents submitted to state bodies, trade unions and other representative bodies of employees

Systems, methods, methods, tools for building a professional career

Methods for determining and evaluating personal and professional competencies

Fundamentals of Career Guidance

The structure of the organization and vacant positions (professions, specialties)

Methods, tools for researching the need for staff training

Teaching methodology

Technology, methods and techniques for analyzing and systematizing documents and information

The procedure for developing plans for training, retraining and advanced training of personnel

Fundamentals of the legislation on education of the Russian Federation

Local regulations of the organization governing staff training

Methods of adaptation and internships

The procedure for developing plans for the adaptation of personnel in new jobs, training, retraining and advanced training of personnel and organizing internships

The procedure for compiling cost estimates for the adaptation and training of personnel

The procedure for keeping records and reporting on adaptation and training of personnel

Methods of accounting and analysis of indicators on labor and wages

Methods for determining, evaluating and comparing production intensity and labor intensity

Labor rationing methods

Intersectoral and sectoral standards of labor costs

Modern forms, systems of payment and accounting of personnel productivity

personnel policy and organization strategy

labor economics

Methods for determining the number of employees

Tariff and qualification reference books of works and professions of workers and qualification characteristics civil servant positions

Methods of accounting and analysis of indicators on labor and wages

Management Issues social development organizations

Methods for analyzing the implementation of corporate social programs and determining them economic efficiency

Methods, ways and tools of personnel management

Goals, development strategies and business plan of the organization

The organization's personnel management policy

Methods for analyzing the quantitative and qualitative composition of personnel

Systems of standards for business processes, professions, labor standards

Fundamentals of the migration legislation of the Russian Federation, in terms of attracting and employing foreign citizens and stateless persons

Basics of administrative legislation in the field of personnel management and responsibility officials

Theories of personnel management and its motivation

Methods for analyzing the implementation of plans and tasks, determining their economic efficiency

Forms and methods for assessing personnel and the results of their work

Technology operational management organization staff

Personnel management policy and social policy of the organization

Methodology for planning and forecasting the need for personnel

Settlement procedure labor disputes

Requirements and rules for conducting an audit of work with personnel

Forms social partnership and interactions with trade unions and other representative bodies of employees, and other organizations

Registration procedure personnel documents and giving them legal force

Job evaluation methods structural divisions, staff performance

Methods for auditing and controlling operational management processes

Methods for managing the development and efficiency of the organization, analysis of the implementation of plans and programs, determining their economic efficiency

Methods of evaluation, results and labor efficiency

Methods for implementing a personnel management system

Fundamentals of career guidance

Theories and methods of building an organization's brand

Corporate culture, social policy, system of motivation and effectiveness of personnel management

Methods for conducting an audit, monitoring operational management processes, sociological research

organizational design

Systems of standards for business processes, professions (specialties), labor standards

To start training in the educational program for advanced training "Personnel management of institutions of higher and additional professional education", volume of curriculum 72 hours(a form of distance learning) with the issuance of a certificate of advanced training.

Leave a request for training or download an application for advanced training.

After filling out the application, you will receive a contract for the provision educational services, invoice or receipt for payment

If you do not have time or conditions do not allow you to fill out an application, leave your details and we will contact you!

Training in accordance with professional standards, mandatory for use!
(For violation of the requirements of the professional standard, a fine of 1,000 - 5,000 rubles per employee and / or 30,000 - 50,000 rubles from the employer is provided)

Purpose: advanced training of educators in accordance with the current legislation on the basis of professional standards

Training requirements: for classes you need a computer, Internet access and your desire

Duration of training: 1-2 months depending on the pace of learning and the student's time capabilities.

Accelerated training is possible without increasing the cost (as agreed)

Volume of curriculum hours: 72 hours

Start date: from the moment of execution of the contract for the provision of educational services and the payment (transfer of funds), you will be assigned a login and password to enter the system distance learning FGBOU DPO "IRDPO", as well as a personal tutor has been appointed who will accompany you during the entire training period and help resolve emerging issues

One of the most affordable prices for advanced training in the educational services market

Cost for the entire period of study: 8 900 rub. VAT is not charged (subparagraph 14 of paragraph 2 of Article 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation)

Refund of funds spent on training: you can specify the conditions for a refund when processing documents (tax deduction)

Final document: Certificate of advanced training from a prestigious university (in accordance with paragraph 12 of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for additional professional programs, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 1, 2013 N 499 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on August 20, 2013, registration N 29444), as well as in accordance with part 15 of Article 76 federal law N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" to persons who have successfully mastered the relevant additional professional program and passed the final certification, a certificate of advanced training is issued)

Additionally: after training, active students are issued letter of recommendation(at the request of the student and agreement with the teacher and tutor)

The form of study is not indicated in the study document: distance learning (on-the-job distance learning using distance learning technologies is carried out from anywhere in the world with Internet access 24 hours / 7 days).

Special conditions: it is allowed to master several programs at the same time with the assignment of several qualifications (tuition fees for the second and subsequent programs are significantly reduced)

Refresher Course Topics

"Personnel management of institutions of higher and additional professional education"

The volume of the curriculum is 72 academic hours
(program content)

1. Personnel management in the system of modern management
2. Personnel service educational institution
3. Methods for the formation of personnel
4. Methods for maintaining the efficiency of personnel
5. Documentation labor relations and staff accounting
6. Evaluation of the effectiveness of personnel management
Final testing for the course

The advanced training course "Personnel Management of Institutions of Higher and Additional Professional Education" fully complies with the requirements of the professional standard and is aimed at obtaining new competencies for students required for certification teaching staff.

After successfully mastering the course and defending the final work and / or passing the test, students receive a certificate of advanced training (in accordance with paragraph 12 of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for additional professional programs, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 1, 2013 N 499 (registered Ministry of Justice of Russia on August 20, 2013, registration N 29444), as well as in accordance with part 15 of article 76 of the Federal Law N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, persons who have successfully mastered the corresponding additional professional program and passed the final certification are issued a certificate of advanced training).

We invite you to study at FGBOU DPO "IRDPO" (license for the right to conduct educational activities in the field of vocational education No. 1890 dated September 27, 2011, issued Federal Service on Supervision in the Sphere of Education and Science)

You can start training on the advanced training course "Personnel Management of Institutions of Higher and Additional Professional Education", the volume of the curriculum is 72 hours (distance learning form) with the issuance of a certificate of advanced training.

The cost of training for the advanced training course is 8,900 rubles. VAT is not charged (subparagraph 14 of paragraph 2 of Article 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation)

After completing the documents and paying, start studying (the form of mastering the program is remote - you can study at any convenient time 24/7 and anywhere).

If you have any questions, write to us

Application for training from a legal entity

Application for training from an individual

Application for advanced training

payment from an individual

I consent to the processing of personal data

First name, last name, patronymic (in full):*


Phone number with code:*

Passport data (series, number, by whom and when issued): *

Registration address (with zip code):*

To which postal address (zip code, address, full name) documents should be sent: *

Which course of study did you choose?*:
---choose an advanced training course--- 001PK-Teacher of higher education and teacher of additional professional education (144 hours) - 14.9 thousand rubles. 002PK-Information and communication technologies in pedagogical activity (72 hours) - 9.9 thousand rubles. 003PK-Implementation of the educational process based on modern educational technologies (72 hours) - 9.9 thousand rubles. 004PC-Implementation modular technologies in higher, secondary and additional professional education (72 hours) - 9.9 thousand rubles. 005PK-Competence-oriented training in higher education (72 hours) - 9.9 thousand rubles. 006PK-Modern psychological and pedagogical technologies (72 hours) - 9.9 thousand rubles. 007PK-Psychological and pedagogical technologies of targeted work with socially vulnerable children and children in difficult life situations(72 hours) - 9.9 thousand rubles. 008PK-Motivation and cognitive activity of students (72 hours) - 9.9 thousand rubles. 009PK-Fundamentals of developmental psychology (72 hours) - 9 thousand rubles. 010PK-Psychological counseling based on the methods of musical-integral therapy (72 hours) - 9 thousand rubles. 011PK-Peculiarities of psychological and pedagogical work with hyperactive children (72 hours) - 9.9 thousand rubles. 012PK-Mediation in an educational organization (72 hours) - 9.5 thousand rubles. 013PK-Communication strategies and ways to resolve conflicts in an educational organization (72 hours) - 9.5 thousand rubles. 014PK-Economic efficiency of management educational institution additional professional education (72 hours) - 12.9 thousand rubles. 015PK-Personnel management of institutions of higher and additional professional education (72 hours) - 8.9 thousand rubles. 016PK-Pedagogy and psychology of higher education (72 hours) - 9 thousand rubles. 017PK-Models and learning technologies: implementation and adaptation in education (72 hours) - 9.9 thousand rubles. 018PK-Models and learning technologies: implementation and adaptation in education (16 hours) - 5.0 thousand rubles. 019PK-Occupational safety of subject teachers of educational organizations (16 hours) - 5.0 thousand rubles. 020PK-Labor protection in educational organizations for executives (16 hours) - 5.0 thousand rubles. 021PK-Labor protection in preschool educational organizations (16 hours) - 5.0 thousand rubles. 022PK-Labor protection in physical education and sports in educational institutions (16 hours) - 5.0 thousand rubles.

Attention! Federal Law N 122-FZ dated May 2, 2015, signed by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin entered into force.

From July 1, 2016, for all employees and employers, it became mandatory application professional standards (Federal Law of May 2, 2015 N 122-FZ “On Amending the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Articles 11 and 73 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”).

Professional Standards These are the requirements for the qualifications of workers. In accordance with them, an employee who performs certain labor functions must have the appropriate qualifications. The level of qualification is determined by the availability of special education and work experience. Compliance with professional standards is confirmed by a document on advanced training and / or a document on professional retraining.

Such documents in accordance with paragraph 12 of the Procedure for the organization and implementation of educational activities for additional professional programs, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 1, 2013 N 499 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on August 20, 2013, registration N 29444), as well as in accordance with Part 15 of Article 76 of the Federal Law N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, persons who have successfully mastered the relevant additional professional program and passed the final certification are given a certificate of advanced training (the volume of the curriculum is from 16 to 250 academic hours) and / or a diploma on professional retraining (the volume of the curriculum is over 250 academic hours).

Federal Law No. 122-FZ of May 2, 2015 “On Amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Articles 11 and 73 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”

Section IX's changes Labor Code RF

Section IX. Qualification of an employee, professional standard, training and additional professional education of employees is supplemented by Article 195(3). The procedure for applying professional standards

If this Code, other federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation establish qualification requirements, necessary for the employee in order to perform a certain labor function, professional standards in terms of these requirements are mandatory for employers to apply.
Qualification characteristics contained in professional standards and the obligatory application of which is not established in accordance with part one of this article are used by employers as the basis for determining the requirements for qualifications of employees, taking into account the characteristics of the labor functions performed by employees, due to the technologies used and the adopted organization of production and labor .
federal body executive power, which performs the functions of generating public policy and legal regulation in the field of labor, has the right to provide clarifications on the application of professional standards

Amendments to Federal Law No. 273 dated December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation”

Part 8 of Article 73 shall be stated as follows:

"8. Duration vocational training determined by a specific vocational training program developed and approved on the basis of professional standards (if any) or established qualification requirements organization carrying out educational activities, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 4. Clause 2 N 122-FZ "On Amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation" and Articles 11 and 73 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation"

art.4.p.2. Federal state educational standards vocational education, approved before the date of entry into force of this Federal Law, are subject to compliance with the requirements established by Part 7 of Article 11 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (as amended by this Federal Law) within one year from the date of entry into force of this Federal Law.

For non-compliance with professional standards personnel (lack of a certificate of advanced training or a diploma of professional retraining) there is a fine in the amount of 1,000 - 5,000 rubles. employee and 30,000 - 50,000 rubles. employer (Part 1, Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation)

The profession of an HR manager or a specialist in human resource management is one of the most significant for modern business. Today, top managers are increasingly looking for not just a "HR", but an HR partner who can effectively solve strategic objective sustainable provision of the company with prepared, interested and loyal employees. At the same time, we have to state that many HR managers do not have special training, are trained directly at the workplace and are ready to solve a very limited range professional tasks. The most trained of them, as a rule, have a certain amount of theoretical knowledge that does not agree well with their actual practical activities.

The program is designed for employees of personnel departments and personnel management services who want to expand their professional capabilities and reach a qualitatively new level in their work. As well as psychologists and other professionals with higher education who decided to master the demanded profession of a specialist in human resource management of an organization.

The main advantages of the program

  • Program instructors are current HR directors or HR professionals with extensive hands-on experience.
  • The program involves the practical development of effective HR technologies that allow you to exhaustively solve the entire range of tasks facing the personnel service of a modern organization (hiring, adaptation, assessment, motivation, training, mentoring, formation personnel reserve, loyalty management and corporate culture, organization corporate holidays, accompaniment organizational change and etc.).
  • Active forms of education are used with an emphasis on independent work students - workshops, trainings, group work in the process of full-time and distance seminars, mutual review of works, competitions of student cases, collective preparation of attestation projects, tutoring. This contributes to the development and development of key competencies that are important in the activities of an HR specialist:
    • ability to analyze and problem solving,
    • information skills,
    • managerial skills,
    • ability to effective communications,
    • skills of self-organization and self-development,
    • collaboration skills,
    • professional ethics.
  • The program includes a distance learning block, which allows students to master modern instruments remote work HR specialist (webinars, web conferences, distance education platforms).

Institute graduates become graduates and get the right to conduct a new type of professional activity in the field of personnel management.

The program is designed for part-time education for one year. The volume of the program is 605 hours (of which 450 hours are classroom lessons, a third of which takes place in the format of webinars). The program consists of four sessions. Three face-to-face sessions lasting 13 days each are held at the Institute. Every day students study from 10:00 to 18:00. One of the sessions is remote and takes place in the format of webinars. This will allow students from other cities to significantly reduce the cost of education by saving on travel and accommodation costs. After each session, students perform individual and group practical tasks pass exams, which is the basis for transfer to the next level of education.

IN syllabus program "Human Resources Management. Professional training HR-specialists"" included the following educational and practical seminars, trainings, workshops, webinars and lecture courses:

I block. Strategic aspects of personnel management:

  • Organizational and conceptual issues of personnel management(organizational structure enterprises, stages of company development, personnel management at different stages of development, strategic planning personnel, etc.).
  • Human Resources Management(service structure, performance indicators, distribution of functions, job competencies).
  • HR as a business partner(the impact of an HR specialist on business results, the dependence of HR service motivation on business results, consulting top officials, the possibility of self-sufficiency of the HR department).
  • HR basics(implementation of HR processes in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, conclusion of employment contracts with different categories workers, probation as a useful management tool, certification in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, dismissal without litigation risks).

II block. The main technologies of personnel management:

  • recruiting(sources of personnel recruitment, resume analysis, types and algorithms of interviews, primary and secondary selection, in-depth research methods, probationary period as the last stage of selection).
  • Staff adaptation(trial period and adaptation period, stages and tools of adaptation, development of programs and evaluation of the results of adaptation).
  • Building a mentoring system(goals of mentoring, selection, training and motivation of mentors, evaluation of the effectiveness of the mentoring system).
  • Talent management(a tribute to fashion or a necessity? who are high-potential employees? a personnel reserve taking into account the specifics of the business, risks and limitations in creating a personnel reserve, performance criteria, career development as a way to retain valuable employees).
  • material motivation(monitoring of the wage market, wage systems, structure wages, salary and allowances, benefits and social package, staff satisfaction monitoring).
  • Non-material motivation(types of non-material motivation, identification of demotivation factors, selection of adequate incentives, training of managers in the management of non-material motivation of personnel).
  • Personnel training and development(planning and budgeting of training, determination of training needs, selection of optimal forms and methods, evaluation of the effectiveness of the training system).
  • Personel assessment(personnel assessment technologies: 360 degrees, assessment by goals, assessment, etc.; algorithms of work, reliability and validity of methods, ways to increase the objectivity of the assessment, conclusion on the results of the assessment, development of individual development plans).
  • Organizational culture management(structure and types organizational culture, culture and ideology, ways of changing organizational culture).
  • Communications management and corporate PR(business document flow, conflict resolution, holding meetings, strengthening horizontal links between departments, corporate media).
  • Release of staff(layout policy, reasons for leaving, ways to release staff, exit interview options, confidentiality agreement, layoff statistics).

III block. Special issues of personnel management:

  • Development of competencies.
  • HR project management.
  • HR audit of business processes.
  • Management coaching.
  • Accompanying organizational changes in the company, working with opinion leaders.
  • Formation of commitment and loyalty of staff.
  • Management of cross-cultural communications in international companies.
  • Event management.
  • Work in the field of social partnership.

Beginning of classes under the program "Personnel management. Professional training of HR-specialists" — November 17, 2014

For admission to training, you must submit documents in the period from June 1 to October 31, 2014.

Copied from the site ""

Additional professional education program

Personnel Management.
Professional training of HR-specialists

The program is designed for employees of personnel departments and personnel management services who want to expand their professional capabilities and reach a qualitatively new level in their work. And also for psychologists and other specialists with higher education who decide to master the sought-after profession of a specialist in human resource management of an organization.

Institute graduates become graduates and get the right to conduct a new type of professional activity in the field of personnel management.

The program is designed for part-time education for one year. The volume of the program is 605 hours (of which 450 hours are classroom lessons, a third of which takes place in the format of webinars). The program consists of four sessions. Three face-to-face sessions lasting 13 days each are held at the institute. Every day students study from 10.00 to 18.00. One of the sessions is remote and takes place in the format of webinars. This will allow students from other cities to significantly reduce the cost of education by saving on travel and accommodation costs. After each session, students perform individual and group practical tasks, take exams, which is the basis for transferring to the next level of education.

Dates of face-to-face sessions of the new recruitment:

  • 1 session: -
  • 2 session: -
  • 3 session: -
  • 4 session: -

The cost of training for one session is Rs. It is possible to increase the cost of education, taking into account the level of inflation provided for by the main characteristics of the federal budget for the next financial year and planning period (based on Part 3 of Article 54 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation")

The main advantages of the program:

  • Program instructors are current HR directors or HR professionals with extensive hands-on experience.
  • The program involves the practical development of effective HR technologies that allow you to exhaustively solve the entire range of tasks facing the personnel service of a modern organization (hiring, adaptation, assessment, motivation, training, mentoring, formation of a personnel reserve, loyalty and corporate culture management, organization of corporate holidays, support organizational changes, etc.).
  • Active forms of education are used with an emphasis on independent work of students - workshops, trainings, group work in the process of full-time and distance seminars, mutual review of works, competitions of student cases, collective preparation of attestation projects, tutoring. This contributes to the development and development of key competencies that are important in the activities of an HR specialist:
    • ability to analyze and solve problems,
    • information skills,
    • managerial skills,
    • ability to communicate effectively,
    • skills of self-organization and self-development,
    • collaboration skills,
    • professional ethics.
  • The program includes a distance learning block, which allows students to master modern tools for remote work of an HR specialist (webinars, web conferences, distance education platforms).

Program Manager -Maria Olegovna Olekhnovich , candidate of psychological sciences, business coach since 1996, consultant in personnel management since 1997, teacher of the discipline "Management human resources for Executives” at corporate universities, an employee of the business schools “IMISP” (St. Petersburg), “AMIR” (Moscow).

Main teaching staff

Anastasia Evgenievna Biryukova , certified business coach of the Sydney Academy of Management, head of the Corporate training center"M-Style" (2002-2010), business coach and consultant of the training company "Golden Pegasus".

Sergey Alekseevich Vasiliev , a graduate of the British Open School of Business open university, HR director of foreign companies in Russia Gillette, SCA Hygiene Products, Elopak (1992-2013), HR consultant.

Julia Lvovna Gradova , certified business coach of the Sydney Academy of Management, head of the development and training department of the MT Group company (2005-2011), director of the International Institute for Developmental Transactional Analysis, employee of the consulting companies Berner & Stafford and Professional Manager.

Elena Nikolaevna Dericheva , Head of the Human Resources Administration Department of the Human Resources Department of Gazpromneft-Khantos LLC (since 2012), Leading Specialist of the Human Resources Department in the area of ​​“Personnel Assessment and Development” of Slavneft-Megionneftegaz (2006-2012), Production Specialist personnel management processes.

Nikolai Alexandrovich Kostitsyn , Candidate of Economic Sciences, organizational consultant, teacher of the discipline "Management" at corporate universities, employee of the business school "AMIR" (Moscow), director of the School of Personnel Development "NikoMaha".

Elena Nikolaevna Morozova , Head of the Department of Professional Training of Business Coaches of the Institute of Practical Psychology "Imaton", business coach, member of the Interregional public organization trainers and consultants, management consultant and HR audit, managing partner consulting company– 4 years, author and presenter of business seminars and trainings since 1995.

Tatyana Gennadievna Nazarova , Director of Human Resources, experience in HR in various positions since 2003 (Empire Furniture, 21st Century companies), PMP (certified project management professional), member international organization"Project Management Institute" (PMI), certified trainer of the international program "Retiming" (team building).

Irina Yurievna Khitrina , Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, member of the Department of Management and Modeling in Socio-Economic Systems of St. Petersburg State University of Technology, experience in the field of personnel management as an internal (1992-1996) and external specialist (since 1996), participated in the implementation of the Presidential Training Program for Small Business Managers .

In the curriculum of the program “Personnel Management. Professional training of HR-specialists” includes the following educational and practical seminars, trainings, workshops, webinars and lecture courses:

I block. Strategic aspects of personnel management:

  • Organizational and conceptual issues of personnel management (organizational structure of the enterprise, stages of development of the company, personnel management at different stages of development, strategic personnel planning, etc.)
  • Personnel service management (service structure, performance indicators, distribution of functions, position competencies).
  • HR as a business partner (the impact of an HR specialist on business results, the dependence of HR service motivation on business results, consulting top officials, the possibility of self-sufficiency of the HR department).
  • Basics of personnel records management (implementation of HR processes in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, conclusion of employment contracts with different categories of employees, probationary period as a useful management tool, certification in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, dismissal without litigation risks).

II block. The main technologies of personnel management:

  • Recruiting (sources of recruiting personnel, resume analysis, types and algorithms of interviews, primary and secondary selection, methods of in-depth research, probationary period as the last stage of selection).
  • Adaptation of personnel (trial period and adaptation period, stages and tools of adaptation, development of programs and evaluation of the results of adaptation).
  • Building a mentoring system (goals of mentoring, selection, training and motivation of mentors, evaluation of the effectiveness of the mentoring system).
  • Talent pool management (a tribute to fashion or a necessity? Who are high-potential employees? Talent pool, taking into account the specifics of the business, risks and limitations in creating a personnel reserve, performance criteria, career development as a way to retain valuable employees).
  • Material motivation (monitoring the wage market, wage systems, wage structure, salary and allowances, benefits and social package, monitoring staff satisfaction).
  • Non-material motivation (types of non-material motivation, identification of demotivation factors, selection of adequate incentives, training of managers in the management of non-material motivation of personnel).
  • Personnel training and development (training planning and budgeting, determination of training needs, selection of optimal forms and methods, assessment of the effectiveness of the training system).
  • Personnel assessment (personnel assessment technologies: 360 degrees, assessment by goals, assessment, etc.; algorithms of work, reliability and validity of methods, ways to increase the objectivity of assessment, conclusion on the results of assessment, development of individual development plans).
  • Management of organizational culture (structure and types of organizational culture, culture and ideology, ways of changing organizational culture).
  • Communications management and corporate PR (business document flow, conflict resolution, meetings, strengthening horizontal links between departments, corporate media).
  • Release of staff (layout policy, reasons for leaving, ways to release staff, exit interview options, confidentiality agreement, layoff statistics).