Profession: hotel and tourism management. Theoretical foundations of management in the tourism industry New types of management in tourism

Tourism as an object of management has a number of features inherent only to it, which are largely due to the specifics of the industry. The task of management is to identify such features and take them into account in the future when managing tourism enterprises and organizations.

The first feature of tourism in terms of management is the large scale of the tourism industry and the complexity of the relationship between its components.

The second feature of tourism as an object of management can be considered fuzzy and complex definition of the objectives of management impact. At first glance, it may seem that for private tourism enterprises, the goals are quite clear - the accumulation of values, making a profit. However, travel agencies often focus on the stated rather than the actual needs of tourists. To identify the latter, the manager must make every effort, because the inefficiency of his activities can provoke consumer dissatisfaction.

It is rather difficult to define clear goals and criteria for tourism organizations at the national, regional, local (city, district) levels, which makes it difficult to objectively assess their contribution to the development of tourism, forecast and plan the activities of such organizations.

More complex are the development goals of individual tourist destinations, areas, regions. It is not easy to accurately predict all the phenomena and processes that occur in tourism (changes in the political situation, deterioration of climatic conditions, changes in the taxation system, etc.), therefore, it can often only be about the probabilistic nature of forecasts and plans. Thus, tourism is a phenomenon that is difficult to predict and measure.

One of the most important features of tourism as an object of management is the specificity of tourism services and tourism products. they must be taken into account when developing a management system for a tourist enterprise, organization, territory, when setting service standards, and training personnel.

Special requirements for tourism management are also put forward by the specifics of tourist demand, which is massively heterogeneous in nature and differs from other reasons:

Intangibility and non-preservation of the tourist product;

Variety of consumer preferences;

The high importance of social factors.

The management of the tourism sector is also affected by such a feature as receiving services in the complex during the stay of a tourist on vacation. It is this complex that forms the basis of tourist demand. Depending on the clients, one or another service may come to the fore. The tourist product is created by the efforts of many organizations dependent on each other. As a result, the importance of cooperation both horizontally and vertically increases, which facilitates the decline in services in the complex.

Under the influence of a number of objective and subjective factors: natural and climatic, economic, social (availability of free time), demographic, psychological (traditions, fashion), logistical (development of a network of institutions located, food, transport, etc.), the seasonality of tourist demand is formed and suggestions. All these factors, especially natural and climatic conditions, determine the seasonal uneven demand for tourist services. taking them into account is necessary for the travel agency manager to develop proposals and take measures to reduce the uneven demand for travel services.

Another feature of tourism is that its development is influenced significantly large quantity stakeholders than in any other human activity. Implementation environment tourism activities covers customers, supplier companies, producers of individual tourism and non-tourism services, authorities, authorities and institutions, local authorities authorities, social funds, public and other organizations, etc. that influence or may influence it. Tourism organizations cannot expect market participants to all behave in the same way. For example, there are certain contradictions between hotel owners, local residents and tourists. In addition, interested organizations can be divided into several interest groups: hotels in a ski resort are likely to benefit from a reduction in one-day tourism, while lift owners, on the contrary, benefit from an increase in the flow of tourists. Even within one group (for example, among representatives of hotel complexes) there are different interests. Thus, large hotels are usually less interested in offering resort services, since they have everything necessary for accommodating and organizing guests' recreation, while small hotels are interested in the travel agency improving the resort offer and organizing the appropriate measures themselves. An important component is the relationship between vacationers and local residents. Differences can be reduced and the interests of different groups can be balanced through balanced planning and coordination of tourism development with the participation of stakeholders, guided by generally accepted norms and values.

The externalities of the tourism product can also be thought of as specific to the tourism industry. Tourism has a significant impact on such areas as the economy, ecology, politics, social life, which, accordingly, also affect tourism. Profit from tourism participates in the local economic cycle and creates an additional (multiplier) effect. Due to tourism, employment of the population is provided, infrastructure is being created, new cultural and recreation facilities are being built. At the same time, tourists create a burden on the infrastructure, natural environment, cultural and recreational facilities, which can cause dissatisfaction among local residents. If these negative effects are not taken into account and ways to overcome them are not determined, tourism will not be able to play the role of an activator of the economy. In this regard, it is necessary to plan and form the tourism infrastructure with the participation of all interested parties and organizations.

In addition, there is a certain specificity of communication between a tourist and others. The daily life of a tourist reflects the features of housing, work, free time, and the like. Holidays spent in travel are meetings with other travelers and locals. The attitude of the traveler to them and his motives are determined by how a person is used to living, working, which she has the opportunity to organize her free time. Typically, the more Everyday life a person feels the limitation of natural resources, the more she is obliged to comply with certain norms of behavior, the more she has a desire to choose an unknown country for recreation. Research results show that the behavior of a tourist affects the attitude of local residents and other travelers towards him. So, if tourists arrange noisy parties, engage in recreational activities that negatively affect nature, then this causes a negative attitude of local residents towards them and can ruin their vacation.

Finally, tourism management activities are specific and differ significantly from the activities of workers in other industries, although at first glance it may seem that the management of a tourist region and a travel agency is based on the same base as the management of any enterprise of the "man - man" system.

The essential tasks of tourism managers are:

In determining the type of client and identifying his real needs;

Comparison of the data obtained with the resource capabilities of the travel agency, that is, finding out the possibility of meeting these needs with the help of available tours and routes;

Determination of general trends and patterns of demand development, as well as its specific features.

An analysis of the features of tourism as an object of management shows that this industry is completely different from others and therefore mechanically transfer developments and management models from other areas labor activity tourism is not possible.

Control questions and tasks

1. What are the main objectives of the activities of tourism enterprises and firms?

2. What contradictions can arise between business entities that work in the tourism sector?

3. Which organs government controlled and how do they affect the activities of travel companies?

4. What problems for local residents can tourists create in holiday destinations?

5. What is the essence of taking into account the peculiarities of tourism in management?

6. How do the main tasks of tourism managers take into account the characteristics management activities in this domain?

The necessary conditions for the successful development of the regional tourism complex are guarantees of maintaining a state of stability in the future. At present, the successful development of the tourist region, as well as society as a whole, is impossible without effective methods, functions and management principles that contribute to the development of the regional tourism complex.

Management methods are a set of ways and methods of influence of the subject of management on the managed object in order to ensure the development of everything production process.

In terms of management tourist complex is a system consisting of technical, economic and social, organizationally interconnected elements, and is divided into two large subsystems - controlled (object of control) and manager (subject of control), which are connected by information channels. The managed subsystem is the internal structure of the tourism industry, which in turn is a unity of technical, technological, organizational, economic elements and the links between them. At the same time, each object is controlled, but only in the unity and in the interconnection of all the components of this object. The control subsystem in the tourist complex is already a set of factors affecting the control object, and consists of controls and office equipment that provides them.

Management methods, being levers of influence on the object of management, should always be chosen appropriately in accordance with the tasks set, the characteristics of the object and the subject of management.

The effectiveness and efficiency of the use of management methods for the sustainable functioning and development of the tourism sector in the region, including effective use tourism potential, ensuring the satisfaction of the needs of tourists, the implementation of the goals of the socio-economic development of the region as a whole, are largely determined by the complexity and systematic nature of their use. The complexity of the use of management methods means that they must be used in their entirety, simultaneously, although, naturally, in different proportions and ratios. Consistency means that management methods should be used in all elements and at all levels of a large system, throughout the hierarchy. Only under these conditions can we count on the effectiveness and efficiency of management methods.

Known management methods (program-targeted, analytical, modeling, factor analysis, expert assessments, incentives, combined methods and others) should be applied comprehensively both to each individual element and to the tourism sector as a whole. For example, in organizing the construction of a tourist complex that forms a destination, not only economic methods of investment are used, but also administrative ones. However, not constraint imperatives administrative methods, and incentive incentives come first (allocation of land for development, tax incentives, possible guarantees to investors). At the same time, a significant role belongs to the inhabitants of this region, representatives of local authorities in deciding on the construction of this complex.

With the help of organizational methods, the management structure of enterprises and organizations is determined, the rights and obligations of each employee are established, and the functions for implementing the management process are regulated. The management system requires constant improvement of organizational methods, since they are primarily aimed at the process of production, distribution and consumption of tourism services, designed to bring the resulting tourist impression as close as possible (and even surpass) the tourist interest, i.e. ensure that the dynamically changing needs of tourists are met with the required level of quality.

In the process of achieving dynamically changing goals, the tourism management system in the region should solve problems in the most effective way using appropriate principles and methods by implementing management functions. Management functions consist of logically sequential operations: collecting information about the situation on the market; processing of this information, storage and transfer to the subject of management, which generates optimal strategy for the enterprise and transmits the decision in the form of a command to the control object, where the production program is adjusted accordingly.

Thus, tourists can act as an element of the subject of management. On the other hand, having paid money for services (tours), tourists become the object of management - they are "led" along the routes, prescribing certain actions, prohibiting others. For example, the need to follow the route clearly, to comply with the norms and rules (laws) of the host country, the daily routine - the whole process of providing tourist services is regulated. The subjects of management - primarily local and regional authorities - do not actually manage tourists in the generally accepted sense of the word, but create favorable conditions, indirectly influencing the development of the tourism sector (for example, allocating land for the development of destinations, improving legislation in the field of tourism regulation on its territory, etc.). From the dual nature of tourists, who carry elements of the subject and object of management, it follows that it is necessary to manage not only objects (for example, attractors), but factors, processes, phenomena, relationships that affect the object (quality of service for tourists, technological process cooking, properties of attractors, etc.). This implies an important conclusion that the subject of management must first of all create best conditions to meet the needs of tourists and the normal functioning of management facilities.

Usually, management functions are understood as special types of specialized management activities that emerged in the process of division of managerial labor. Control functions characterize this or that activity of interaction between the object and the subject of control (mainly the impact of the subject on the object). For effective, holistic management, they must be applied comprehensively and across the entire spectrum of managerial action. There are no rigid, unambiguous boundaries between management functions. One and the same type of management activity can reveal signs of two or more management functions, their close interpenetration.

Therefore, increasing the efficiency of management activities largely depends on the correct understanding and application of management functions. The subject- and object-defined functions of tourism management in the region can include functions arising from the very nature of relations and processes; management functions at the level of primary organizations (travel agencies, accommodation, catering, transport companies, trade, etc.), functions of regional management of the tourism sector, among which can be distinguished: integrated development of tourism infrastructure in the region; coordination of actions of tourism management bodies with regional authorities regarding the use of resources, legal support, and more.

The implementation of the selected functions will allow, using appropriate principles and methods, to ensure the flow of integration processes, to identify and effectively use the potentials of the region, including synthesized ones (diversification, connectivity, organizations, etc.), to respond flexibly to changes in the processes occurring in the system.

For the successful implementation of each function, it is necessary to apply a full set of functions for forecasting, planning, regulation, organization, control, accounting and analysis, stimulation.

The forecasting function is aimed at determining the likely goals of sustainable functioning and development of the tourism sector in the region and probabilistic ways to achieve them. As a rule, forecasting is carried out before planning when creating new destinations, but can also be carried out after it if the process has a prehistory or simultaneously with it when forecasting the flow of tourists and planning transportation. The forecasting methods can be divided into two groups. These are heuristic methods that are based on the predominance of intuition, that is, subjective principles. Another group is formed by economic and mathematical methods, in which objective principles prevail. These include statistical methods. A significant number of methods to some extent combine elements of both groups.

The planning function is expressed in the development of programs and plans for the sustainable development of the tourism sector, taking into account the programs and plans for the socio-economic development of the region, the regulatory framework, marketing strategy and advertising campaign, the formation of a favorable investment policy, etc. The use of the planning function must be constantly evolving, complex and systemic. The complexity of planning means that an increasing number of factors of an objective and subjective nature must be taken into account when determining the goals of sustainable functioning and development of the tourism system. An increasing number of ways and means must be envisaged with full regard for regional conditions. Consistency, on the other hand, means the need to take into account all objective connections along the vertical - from the international level to the level of an enterprise and an individual.

The regulation function is aimed at eliminating emerging and potential deviations from a given program. The function of regulation is especially evident in the current management of the tourism sector in the region. The fact is that the processes of production and provision of tourist services practically coincide in time, and the volume of services and their quality must correspond to demand at a particular point in time. Thus, the tourist complex must satisfy the needs of tourists with a given quality and in the required volume.

The function of the organization provides for the substantiation and selection of elements of the managed and managing subsystems, as well as the establishment of spatio-temporal and causal relationships between them (for example, the organization of jobs, the choice of technology for promoting and stimulating sales of tourism services, the creation of management structures, professional training of personnel, etc. ).

The control function includes determining the degree of compliance of the process with planned indicators. The effectiveness of control depends on the accepted theoretical and methodological approaches to control as a control function, the consistency and complexity of the implementation of the control function, the instrumental basis and the completeness of the analysis of the identified causes of deviations. Control is carried out by comparing at a given time the actual results of the work of structural units and stakeholders with the information contained in the legal documents, as well as the existing standards for the use of tourism resources.

The functions of accounting and analysis serve for an objective assessment, managed and control systems in order to develop measures to improve management efficiency. Based on the accounting data of the implemented activities, the actual results are compared with the planned ones. The study of deviations (analysis of the results) makes it possible to reveal the underutilized potentials of the region (reserves) that can be used for tourism purposes; negative and positive factors; to substantiate such managerial influences that, on the one hand, will increase the influence of positive factors, and on the other hand, reduce or eliminate the effect of negative factors; study the trends in the development of tourism in the region; structure the problems of development of the control object.

Thus, the control function chain is closed. The closure of the system ensures its self-regulation and development. Thanks to feedback, in a particular situation, these functions are refined, detailed, the peculiarity of a particular tourism infrastructure enterprise and the dynamically changing and growing needs of tourists are taken into account.

The principles of management in tourism should be divided into two groups: general and private.

General management principles include:

Applicability principle - development normative documents regulating the activities of all employees working in the company.

The principle of consistency is the coverage of the entire system, taking into account its external and internal interconnections, interdependencies and the openness of its own structure or the tourism system as a whole.

The principle of multifunctionality is the coverage of various aspects of activity: material, functional and semantic.

The principle of integration is the integration within the system of various ways of relations and views of employees.

The principle of focusing on values, such as: hospitality, honest services, favorable price-service ratio.

Private management principles include:

The principle of optimal combination of centralization and decentralization in management, i.e. optimal delegation of authority in making managerial decisions. This principle lies in the skillful use of unity of command and collegiality in management. In essence, unity of command in tourism organizations means granting the manager the broad powers necessary to hold strategic economic zones, as well as conquer new ones, if such a task is entrusted to him. Collegiality involves the development of a collective decision based on the opinions of leaders at various levels, as well as the executors of specific decisions.

The principle of scientific validity of management implies that the manager has scientific foresight, the ability to plan the social and economic transformations of the organization in time. The main content of this principle is the requirement that all managerial actions be carried out on the basis of the application of scientific methods and approaches. The scientific validity of management means the use of science in the development and implementation of management decisions, as well as research practical experience, a comprehensive study of available reserves.

The principle of planning is to establish the main directions and proportions of the development of the organization in the future. The plan is viewed as a set of economic and social tasks to be solved in the future.

The principle of a combination of rights, duties and responsibilities implies that each subordinate must perform the tasks assigned to him and be accountable for their implementation. Everyone in the organization is endowed with specific rights and is responsible for the work assigned to him.

The principle of private autonomy and freedom assumes that all initiatives come from freely operating economic entities that perform managerial functions at will within the framework of the current legislation. Freedom of economic activity is presented as professional freedom, freedom of competition, etc.

The principle of hierarchy and feedback is to create a management structure in which the primary links are managed by their own bodies, which are under the control of the next level of management. Those, in turn, are subordinate and controlled by the next level authorities. Accordingly, the goals for the lower levels are set by the bodies of a higher management body in the hierarchy.

The principle of motivation lies in the careful implementation of the system of rewards and punishments, considering it taking into account unforeseen circumstances, integrating it by elements.

The principle of democratization of management means participation in the management of the organization of all employees. This principle can be expressed in the form of: shared wages, cash invested in shares; unified administration, collective decision-making.

The principle of state legitimacy of the management system consists in compliance with the requirements of state legislation of the organizational and legal form of the travel company.

The principle of organic integrity of the object and subject of management. Management as a process of influence of the subject of management on the object of management should be a single complex system that has an output, feedback and connection with the external environment.

The principle of stability and mobility of the control system. When changing the external and internal environment of the organization, the management system should not undergo fundamental changes. Sustainability is determined by quality strategic plans and efficiency of management, adaptability of the management system to changes in the external environment. Simultaneously with sustainability, the management process must be mobile, i.e. changes and requirements of consumers of tourist services should be taken into account as fully as possible.

And management categories of tourism

The need to introduce this section into the textbook is dictated by the need to develop a common language both for statistics and for developing conceptual approaches to communication between managers and specialists of the tourism industry at various levels of government. It should be borne in mind that with regard to the conceptual apparatus proposed in this tutorial, a broad international consensus has already been formed, which is especially important for its use in management practice in the CIS countries. The conceptual apparatus is based on the concepts and categories from the concept of definitions for tourism statistics recommended by the World Tourism Organization.

"Management" (manage) - a word of English origin and means "manage". There are many interpretations of the term "management". And this is natural, since at different stages of the development of an organization we are dealing with management various types(technological, financial, corporate, functional, etc.).

IN general view management should be presented as the science and art of winning, the ability to achieve goals using labor, behavioral motives and the intellect of people. We are talking about a targeted impact on people in order to turn unorganized elements into an effective and productive force. In other words, management is all human capabilities that leaders use to achieve the strategic and tactical goals of the organization.

In this tutorial, the terms "governance" and "management" are used interchangeably. In the classical view, the category "management" is wider than the category "management", since it applies to various types of human activity, for example, to driving a car and other, more complex, technical systems. The term "management" means the management of socio-economic processes at the level of the organization - the management of economic activities and personnel.

Because in Lately the concept of "management" in various publications is interpreted in different ways, in this textbook it should be understood as the management of socio-economic phenomena and processes occurring in the tourism industry.

1.1.1. Definition of tourism

Is it possible to unequivocally answer the question, what does such a thing as "tourism" include? For some, tourism is associated with kilometers covered by untrodden paths, with a tent, with songs by the fire, for others it is trips along historical places, for the third - travel to foreign countries. And they are all right, because tourism is extremely diverse.

Today we perceive tourism as the most massive phenomenon of the 20th century, as one of the most striking phenomena of our time, which really penetrates into all spheres of our life and changes the world and landscape. Tourism has become one of the most important factors in the economy, so we see it not just as a trip or vacation. This concept is much broader and represents a set of relationships and the unity of connections and phenomena that accompany a person on travel.

Tourism is a type of travel and includes persons traveling and staying in places outside their usual environment for leisure, business or other purposes. At first glance, the concept of "tourism" is accessible to each of us, since we all made trips somewhere, read articles about tourism in newspapers, watched TV shows about travel, and,

Peculiarities of tourism as an object of management when planning your vacation, used the advice and services of travel agencies. However, in scientific and educational purposes it is very important to determine the relationship between the constituent elements of tourism as a branch of the national economy. Although various interpretations of this concept have appeared in the process of tourism development, the following criteria are of particular importance in determining this phenomenon:

1. Change of location. In this case, we are talking about a trip that is carried out to a place that is outside the usual environment. However, people who make daily trips between home and place of work or study cannot be considered tourists, as these trips do not go beyond their usual environment.

2. Stay elsewhere. The main condition here is that the place of stay should not be a place of permanent or long-term residence. In addition, it should not be related to labor activity (wage). This nuance should be taken into account, because the behavior of a person engaged in labor activity differs from the behavior of a tourist and cannot be classified as tourism. Another condition is that travelers must not stay in the place they visit for 12 consecutive months or more. A person who stays or plans to stay for one year or more in a certain place is considered a permanent resident from the point of view of tourism and therefore cannot be called a tourist.

3. Payment for labor from a source in the place visited. The essence of this criterion is that main goal The trip should not be an activity paid from a source in the place visited. Any person entering a country for work paid from a source in that country is considered a migrant and not a tourist to that country. This applies not only to international tourism, but also to tourism within one country. Every person traveling to another location within the same country (or to another country) to carry out activities paid from a source in that place (or country) is not considered a tourist of that place.

These three criteria, underlying the definition of tourism, are basic. At the same time, there are special categories of tourists for which these criteria are still insufficient - these are refugees, nomads, prisoners, transit passengers who do not formally enter the country, and persons accompanying or escorting these groups.

Analysis of the above features, characteristics and criteria allows us to identify the following features of tourism:

О business trips, as well as travel for the purpose of spending free time - this is a movement outside the usual place of residence and work. If a resident of the city moves around it in order to make purchases, then he is not a tourist, since he does not leave his functional place;

Tourism is not only an important branch of the economy, but also an important part of people's lives. It covers the relationship of a person with his external environment. Consequently, tourism is a set of relationships, connections and phenomena that accompany the trip and stay of people in places that are not places of their permanent or long-term residence and are not related to their work activity.

This generalized definition can be supplemented and specified in some cases. You need to pay attention to the terminology. Many languages ​​have long used the word "tourism" (tourism, tourisme, turismo), which comes from the expression "grand tour" (Grand Tour). "Great Tour" originally meant a study tour. It was performed in the 17th - 18th centuries. young representatives of the nobility, and in the XIX century. such trips have become popular among other segments of the population. The purpose of travel was to get to know foreign cultures. As in past centuries - during the times of "great tours", today the main purpose of tourism is acquaintance with other countries, peoples, a means of establishing contacts and mutual understanding between them.

The definition of "tourism" covers not only factors such as travel and recreation, but also the name of one of the branches of the economy. Tourism is also tourism enterprises, primarily the activities of tourism organizers and intermediaries. Not all authors take into account this limitation. In addition to tourist organizers and intermediaries, other types of enterprises and organizations can be attributed to tourism activities. It can be various associations, as well as transport companies: railway and aviation.

Thus, tourism is a branch of the economy that includes the activities of tourist organizers and intermediaries that need to be managed.

1.1.2. Types of tourists

When studying management in tourism, it is very important to correctly answer the following questions. next question: who and what tourist services use? At the same time, one should think about whether the families of Mr. Ivanov and Mr. Sidorov will have the same vacation and whether their needs for a tourist product will coincide. The answer is unequivocal - no. In this regard, all tourists can be classified according to the following criteria:

Depending on their activity;

Depending on the lifestyle.

Traditionally among tourists on their vacation activities there are six groups:

Relaxation lovers. Its representatives go on vacation in order to get rid of everyday stress and relax in a calm and pleasant environment. They are afraid of strangers and large crowds of people. Calmly resting vacationers are attracted by the sun, sand, and sea.

Pleasure lovers. This is a type of very adventurous tourists who, during their holidays, are busy looking for a variety of pleasures and prefer a secular atmosphere. In relation to them, words such as flirting, long distances are most often used.

Outdoor enthusiasts. These tourists love nature and create an active load on their bodies. They prefer measured movement and stay in the fresh air. Their vacation can be combined with treatment.

Sports enthusiasts. Unlike active tourists, sportsmen have all their attention focused on competitions. Sports are very important for them - their hobby. They are not afraid of physical activity.

Vacationers for the purpose of knowledge, study. This type of tourists is interested in raising their educational level, learning new things. In this type, three subgroups are distinguished: P1, P2 and P3. Type P1 tourists visit places described in guidebooks. Type P2 focuses not so much on recognized landmarks as on finding places where he can feel their atmosphere. For him, feelings and moods come to the fore. Tourists of the P3 type have pronounced cultural and socio-scientific interests, they are very attracted to nature.

Management functions in tourism

1. Introduction 3

2. Management functions in tourism 3

2.1. Planning function 4

2.2. Organization function 6

2.3. Motivation function 8

2.4. Control function 10

3. Conclusion 12

4. References 13


Tourism, as we imagine it today, is a relatively young phenomenon, which, however, has roots that go back to ancient times. If we turn to history, we should start with the first "forced" journey, when God expelled Adam and Eve from paradise. In accordance with the accepted definition of tourism, some of its features are already present here: change of place of residence; being in another region; temporality. Such a historical interpretation of tourism could be extended to the ancient wanderings of peoples, pilgrimages, round-the-world expeditions, and various hiking trips.

However, the modern doctrine of tourism does not recognize the first travelers as tourists, since they lacked a “real” motivation: the journey was not a pleasure, it was not made of one's own free will and was not an end in itself.

On the contrary, the journey was most often difficult (in the physical and moral sense of the word), very complex in the technological aspect, and, finally, was just a means to an end. The main motives were trade and commerce, the discovery of new lands, conquest, religious thoughts, etc.

Thus, today it is unlikely that anyone will say when and how the art and science of management originated. Management in one form or another existed where people worked in groups, and, as a rule, in three spheres of human society: political, when it became necessary to establish and maintain order in society; economic - in the process of foraging, production and distribution of resources; defensive - when protecting from enemies and wild animals.

Even in ancient societies, individuals were required to coordinate and direct the activities of individual groups. Life itself forced primitive peoples to be excellent trackers, travelers, obliging them to occupy the geography of inhabited lands and sensitively listen to the inexorable laws of harsh nature. As a result of this, various teachings and skills were laid down and developed, the improvement of which led to the need to make long hikes and travels, discovering unknown lands.

In the classical management of tourism, four periods of its development are distinguished: the preliminary phase - the 19th century; initial phase - 1800 - 1917

G.; phase developed and rise - 1917 - 1990 G.; phase of disintegration of centralized organizational structures tourism and the creation of tourist enterprises of various forms of ownership - 1990 and up to the present.

These periods differ in the choice Vehicle- on foot - on horseback - by locomotive (by rail) - by car - by plane; travel motivation - from a journey caused by necessity to a journey of an end in itself (knowledge of the world, treatment, rest, recreation, etc.).

P.); the number of participants and their belonging to social strata - from the elite - to the middle class - to the wealthy classes and to the massive coverage of people by tourism (that is, all strata of society).

Functions of management in tourism When we say that some enterprise is functioning, we mean that people in this enterprise perform certain actions. Most people plan their activities for the day (month, year, etc.).

), then organize the resources needed to carry out that plan. As we move forward, we compare what we have done with the goals and objectives that we set for ourselves earlier. This day-to-day work involves a range of managerial functions, i.e. management must be considered as a cyclic process, consisting of specific types of management work, called management functions.

Management functions are a specific type of management activity that is carried out by special techniques and methods, as well as the corresponding organization of work.

Thus, one of the main components that make up the content of management are functions. Therefore, in order to perform this or that relatively simple work, it is necessary to determine in advance what needs to be obtained as a result, how to organize the business, motivate and control its implementation. And this is the management function. Although management techniques have been improved over time, the fundamental management functions have remained relatively unchanged.

Management functions have a specific nature, special content and can be carried out independently. They may or may not be inextricably linked. Most of the time, they overlap with each other. For example, the information collected through the execution of the control function "tells" managers how their plans are being carried out (the planning function). At the same time, control must be properly motivated and organized (the function of motivation and organization).

In other words, in the management system, all management functions are combined into a single holistic process.

If a manager wants to ensure a "cloudless" future for his enterprise (organization), he must constantly perform all managerial functions. And you need to start with planning. If the work is planned, then it must be organized. The quality of work largely depends on the incentives offered by the manager.

Finally, in order to determine the accuracy of the implementation of plans, it is necessary to control the labor process. As you can see, all four functions are connected and interdependent: you cannot throw out a single link from this chain.

Thus, management functions can be represented as types of managerial work associated with the impact on the managed object. There are several approaches to the classification of management functions. For the tourism industry, the most important things to consider are planning, organization, motivation, and control.

Each of these management functions is vital to the organization. At the same time, planning as a management function provides the basis for other functions and is considered the most important of them, and the functions of organization, motivation and control are focused on the implementation of tactical and strategic plans of the organization.

The planning function Essentially, the planning process decides what the organization's goals should be and what its members should do to achieve those goals. It is preparing today for tomorrow, determining what is required and how to achieve it.

The plan is a complex socio-economic model of the future state of the organization. The stages of the planning process are basically universal.

As for specific methods and strategies, they differ significantly. Typically, an organization forms a single plan to manage its common activities, but within its framework, individual managers use various methods to achieve specific goals and objectives of the organization. Thus, a map of the path along which the organization must go for a specific period of time is drawn up.

There is no single planning method that fits every situation. The type of planning and the emphasis that the manager makes in the planning process depends on his position in the organizational hierarchy of the firm, i.e. the planning process is carried out according to the levels of the organization.

So, strategic planning (the highest level) is an attempt to look in the long term at the fundamental components of the organization; evaluate what trends are observed in its environment; to determine what is likely to be the behavior of competitors. The main task of planning at this level is to determine how the organization will behave in its market niche.

At the middle level of management, they are engaged in tactical planning, i.e. intermediate goals on the way to achieving strategic goals and objectives are determined. Tactical planning is essentially similar to strategic planning.

The only difference is that if an organization, for example, has three heads of different departments, then each of them must coordinate or integrate their activities with others. And this should be reflected in the plan. Therefore, their responsibility in terms of tactical planning is to base the planning on the ideas that were born in strategic planning.

Planning is carried out at the lower level of the organization. It's called operational planning. It's the foundation of planning.

In operational plans, performance standards, job descriptions and fit into a system in which everyone directs their efforts to achieve the overall and main goals of the organization.

However, no one alone sets their own goals, does not choose their own ways to achieve them. Each manager, based on the operational plan, develops daily short-term tactics in order to ensure the correctness of all actions, to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the functioning of the organization. This approach creates favorable conditions for continuous self-improvement of the individual.

All three types of planning make up a common system, which is called the general, or general plan, or business plan for the functioning of the organization.

Tourism planning

Management of the tourism system should be based on a strategic (projected into the future) vision and foresight. Based on the vision (a kind of "drawings" that show us in the future), which is the leading idea of ​​management, the policy of the travel company is developed, which represents the general goals and norms of relations that ensure the viability and development of this structure.

Planning is one of the stages of the management process, which determines the goals of any tourism structure, as well as methods for achieving them. In some cases, the company ceases to exist after achieving its goals, in others, new, more significant goals are set. This indicates that planning is not a one-time activity.

This is a continuous process (one of the stages of the management process) of studying new ways and methods to improve the company's activities due to the identified opportunities, conditions and factors.

The formation of enterprise policy is carried out most often at the highest level of management. All provisions of the policy of a travel company are presented, as a rule, in the form of a leading tourist image. The leading image contains long-term goals, philosophy, policy (principles of relationships with various interested groups), culture of the enterprise and its legislative rights.

For a specific tourist region we should talk, first of all, about its competitiveness.

Specifically, the planning function includes the following types of work:

participation in the development of the regional development goals set by the tourism departments;

current analysis of the competitiveness of the place (market, direct and indirect competitors, demand, suppliers, industry);

development of a strategy for the competitiveness of the region, its special position;

Implementation of the region's competitiveness strategy - primarily providing advice to tourism enterprises, conducting innovation management.

The result of planning as a management function can be a tourist image of the region.

Thus, under activity planning tourist enterprise one should understand the systematic, informationally processed process of qualitative, quantitative and temporal determination of future goals, means and methods, formation, management and development of the enterprise

Function of the organization In any plan there is always a stage of creating real conditions for achieving the planned goals. The organization as a management function ensures the streamlining of the technical, economic, socio-psychological and legal aspects activities of any organization. The function of the organization is aimed at streamlining the activities of the manager and performers.

Since all the work is done by people, the function of management as an organization allows you to determine exactly who should perform each specific task from a large number of tasks and what resources will be required for this.

If the planning function answers the question what (what to include in the plan? what to do? what to foresee?, etc.), then the organization function raises the questions who and how (i.e.

Who will implement the organization's plan and how?)

Through organizational activity, i.e. through the distribution and association of tasks and competencies, relations in each organization should be purposefully managed. The organization is a means of achieving the goals of the organization

Thus, the organization is the second management function Of the entire set of meanings of the term "organization" in the sense of a management function, two are most often used:

1) organization - this is the structure of the system in the form of relationships, rights, goals, roles, activities and other factors that take place when people are united by joint work;

2) organization is the process by which the structure of an organization is created and maintained.

Function of organization in tourism

In any plan drawn up in a travel company, there is always an organizational stage (organization), i.e. the stage of creating real conditions for achieving the planned goals.

We are talking about creating (forming) the structure of the company and providing it with everything necessary to solve the problems identified at the first stage of the management process - the planning stage.

Using the example of organizing the work of tour operators, one can more clearly imagine the organizational function of tourism management. So, the tour operator solves production, trade, information tasks, the task of developing new regions, etc. For each of them, the manager distributes duties and establishes responsibility, i.e.

we are talking about establishing permanent and temporary relationships between all departments of the company, determining the procedure and conditions for its functioning. It is the process of bringing together people and means to achieve the company's goals.

As already noted, an important goal of planning is to somehow solve the problem of uncertainty. The need to adjust to change is one of the factors that makes planning so important. However, as important as planning is, it is only the beginning. Travel company, which has many different plans and does not have an integral scheme (structure) for their implementation, is doomed to failure.

The fact is that the planning function and the organizational function are closely related. In a sense, planning and organization seem to come together. Planning prepares the stage in order to realize the goals of the organization (organizes the structure of the system, creates an apparatus that will “play” on the stage), and the organization, as a management function, creates a working structure, the main component of which is people. We are talking about bringing the human factor into something that is on paper (a plan), into something inanimate.

Since the function of the organization is to bring together all the specialists of the travel agency, the task is to determine the mission, role, responsibility, accountability of each of them.

The organization process structures the work and forms divisions based on the size of the tourism enterprise, its goals, technology and personnel. There are a number of elements that need to be structured in order for the travel agency to be able to fulfill its plans and thereby achieve its goal. There are a number of principles that should guide the process of performing an organizational function:

definition and specification of the goals of the travel agency, which were identified in the course of planning;

determining the types of activities necessary to achieve these goals;

assigning various tasks to individuals (division of labor) and combining them into manageable working groups or units;

· coordinating the various activities assigned to each group through the establishment of working relationships, including a clear definition of who is in charge (one subordinate cannot have two superiors), i.e. each member of the group must know what he must do and in what time frame, as well as who leads (manages) him;

unity of purpose - each member of the organization works for the common good, i.e.

f. no one should work against the goals of the organization;

Scope of control, or scope of management - each manager is responsible for the number of employees he manages.

The last principle can be argued in different ways. It is not easy to determine the ideal number of employees that one manager should supervise. In real life, this number varies greatly from organization to organization, from one management level to another.

Thus, top managers manage no more than ten subordinates, while lower-level managers can control a much larger number of employees.

In this regard, two important factors can be distinguished that determine the norms of manageability (the number of employees that one manager can effectively manage) - time and frequency, i.e. how much time a manager needs to spend with each employee and how often to do it. Naturally, this criterion largely depends on the manager's ability to communicate with subordinates, the complexity of the tasks to be solved, interest and involvement in the labor process.

Function of motivation Human behavior is always motivated.

He can work hard, with enthusiasm and enthusiasm, or he can shy away from work. Personal behavior can have any other manifestations. You should always look for a motive for behavior.

Motivation is the process of encouraging oneself and others to act in order to achieve personal and organizational goals.

The traditional approach to motivation is based on the belief that employees are just resources, assets that we must put to work effectively.

Since the Industrial Revolution, our society has become increasingly complex.

Technological progress has radically changed the attitude to work and everyday existence. As a result, the manager daily faces the problem of motivating the activities of employees, i.e. how to channel their energy into the job at hand

Personal satisfaction from a job well done and pride in the fruits of their labor instilled in workers a sense of purpose. This is no less important than money (in terms of labor motivation).

Managers have always been interested in the conditions under which a person is motivated to work on someone else's assignment. This interest increased as the subordinate's personal freedoms expanded and he became a partial co-entrepreneur. The freer a person became, the more important is the realization of what drives him, what makes him more useful.

A person who has received knowledge and skills in the process of training and advanced training, the accumulation of industrial experience, wants to apply his skills in work. And the more he succeeds, the greater the degree of his satisfaction, and, accordingly, the degree of expression of motives.

In this case, the employee considers the goals of the organization as his goals.

The desire of a person to realize himself in his business is undeniable. That's the way he's made. Where the management and organization of labor provide employees with such opportunities, their work will be highly effective, and their motives for work will be high. So, to motivate employees - to touch on their important interests, to give them a chance to realize themselves in the process of work

Function of motivation in tourism

When considering this issue, tourism management focuses on two aspects of this problem: the motivation (motives) of travel and the motivation of labor relations.

Travel motives

The purpose of the trip (the motive that motivates a person to travel) is the reason in the absence of which this trip would not have taken place. Information about the purpose of the trip is needed, first of all, in order to correctly divide the tourist markets into segments and determine the target markets that form the basis for the development of a model for managing tourist flows and routes.

It should be borne in mind that the traveling group, i.e. a group of people traveling together usually has only one main purpose of the visit.

At the same time, each member of the group may have their own, different from the group, travel motivation. In this regard, it is very important for management to get an answer to the question of how the reasons (motives) for travel can be systematized. To answer this question, consider the following example:

Example. Mrs. N. works as an architect.

She received an invitation to attend a conference in Barcelona (March 1-8). Ms. N decides to go on a trip to Spain for various reasons: on the one hand, she was interested in the agenda of the conference; on the other hand, she hopes that in early March it will already be warm in Barcelona and she will be able to enjoy the sun. In addition, during the free time between meetings, it will be possible to get acquainted with the city and visit the museum.

Is it possible to say unequivocally what motive prompted Ms N.

accept an invitation and go on a trip? The example does not cover this.

As in this case, so most often and in all others, a single motive cannot be singled out. The situation is complicated by the fact that the reasons accompanying the trip lie most often in the subconscious, and several reasons come to the fore at once. That is why it is customary to talk about the motivation of travel. In this regard, it is advisable to single out five main groups of travel motivation.

Physical motivation. Physical motivation is divided into recreation, treatment and sports. If the main reason for traveling is to restore physical strength, then rest is in the first place. If health is to be restored, the decisive factor will be recovery, treatment. If during the holidays, first of all, they look for unloading and movement for the body, then in this case, the most important physical motivation is sports.

Psychological motivation. The main psychological motivation for travel is the desire to get away from the daily routine and see something new, the need for a change of scenery and relaxation. The change of impressions is also related to psychological motivation.

Both of these motivational groups - physical and psychological - are of particular interest, both for modern tourism and for effective management.

Interpersonal motivation. In terms of importance, after physical and psychological motivations, interpersonal motivation follows. Many people look for the social contacts they need while traveling. They seek to make connections with other travelers or meet the locals.

Of great importance in this group of motivations are visiting friends, acquaintances, and relatives.

cultural motivation. Acquaintance with other countries, with their customs, traditions and languages ​​is in the first place in this group. This is followed by interest in art, attendance at sporting events, and religious reasons.

Motivation of prestige and status. For a group of tourists with such motivation, it is characteristic that they travel with the aim of developing their personality. In addition, the main goal of the travelers of this group is to achieve universal recognition and keep it. Personal development is most often associated with vocational training, as well as with advanced training or retraining.

If you think about your vacation, you will most likely be able to establish that several motivations influenced the decision to take a particular trip. It often happens that travel motivations are not mutually exclusive, but, on the contrary, complementary, even if they belong to different groups. Travel motives can even be controversial.

Example. On vacation, they seek peace and relaxation, but at the same time diversity and communication.

Motivation of labor relations

In this sense, motivation is considered by us as a set of incentives that encourage employees to work actively, i.e. after the organizational activities, the manager must ensure the successful completion of the work. For these purposes, the following are used: a) stimulation, i.e.

encouraging employees to be active through external factors(material and moral incentives); b) motivation itself, i.e. creating an internal motivation for work among employees. The main ones here are the interest in work, the need for labor activity and satisfaction from it. This indicates that human behavior is always motivated.

Control functionSo, the organization's plan has been drawn up, its structure has been created, jobs have been filled, and the motives for the behavior of employees have been determined.

There remains one more component that needs to be added to the management functions, and that is control.

Control, as a rule, is associated with power, "command", "catch", "convict", "grab". Such an idea of ​​control leads away from the main content of the control function.

The concept of "control" (verification) as a type of administrative activity goes beyond the concept of "control". In addition, it includes the active activity of the manager - management.

Management control is not a one-time action. This is a continuous process, including the monitoring and regulation of various activities of the organization in order to facilitate the implementation of managerial tasks.

Effective managerial control is created on the basis of its connection with the strategic planning process. It provides oversight of the implementation of strategic plans so that managers can determine how well they are performing and where changes or adjustments need to be made.

In its most general form, control can be defined as the process of measuring (comparing) the results actually achieved with the planned ones.

As can be seen from the definition, control has less to do with giving orders to employees, and more to the procedure for assessing the success of the implementation of the plans outlined by the organization and meeting the needs of the internal and external environment.

There are the following types of control

1. Preliminary control It resembles an iceberg, most of which is known to be hidden under water. This is because some aspects of control can be masked among other control functions.

Preliminary control is called because it is carried out before the actual start of work. The main means of exercising preliminary control is the implementation (not the creation, namely the implementation) of certain rules, procedures and lines of conduct.

In organizations, pre-control is used in three key areas: human, material and financial resources.

In the region of human resources control is achieved through the analysis of those business and professional knowledge and skills that are necessary to perform specific tasks of the organization, in the field of material - control over the quality of raw materials to make an excellent product In the field financial resources The preliminary control mechanism is the budget in the sense that it gives an answer to the question of when, how much and what kind of funds (cash, non-cash) the organization will need.

In the process of preliminary control, it is possible to identify and anticipate deviations from the standards at various points. It has two varieties: diagnostic and therapeutic

Diagnostic control includes categories such as meters, benchmarks, warning signals, etc., indicating that something is not right in the organization.

Therapeutic control allows not only to identify deviations from the standards, but also to take corrective measures.

2. Current control. It is carried out in the course of work, most often its object is employees, and he himself is the prerogative of their immediate superior. It allows you to eliminate deviations from the plans and instructions.

In order to carry out current control, the control apparatus needs Feedback All feedback systems have goals, use external resources for internal use, monitor deviations from the intended goals, correct deviations to achieve these goals3. Final control The purpose of this control is to help prevent errors in the future. As part of the final control, feedback is used after the work is done (with the current one - in the process of its implementation).

Although the final control is carried out too late to react to problems at the time of their occurrence, it firstly provides management with information for planning in case similar works expected to be carried out in the future; secondly, it promotes motivation.

The control function is not the end point of the entire process of managing an organization.

In practice, such an end point does not exist at all, since each managerial function is driven by the other. A kind of gradual circular motion occurs. For example, information obtained in the control process can be used at the stage of planning, organizing and motivating employees.

High-level managers spend most of their working time on planning and control functions, while lower-level managers (line managers) are more busy recruiting and organizing their work. However, at all levels of management, they to a certain extent use and perform all four functions of management "planning, organization, motivation and control. Managers at all levels are evaluated according to two main criteria: performance (that is, the ability to achieve the desired result) and efficiency (the ability to achieve the result at the lowest cost)

Conclusion The time we live in is an era of change. Our society is undergoing an exceptionally difficult, largely contradictory, but historically inevitable and irreversible restructuring. In socio-political life, this is the transition from totalitarianism to democracy, in the economy - from the administrative-command system to the market, in the life of an individual - his transformation from a "cog" into an independent subject of economic activity.

Such changes in society, in the economy, in our entire way of life are difficult because they require a change in ourselves.

An important part of this change, as world experience shows, is the comprehension of the science and art of management.

In a simplified sense, management is the ability to achieve goals using labor, intelligence, and the motives of other people's behavior. Management - in Russian “management” - is a function, a type of activity for managing people in a wide variety of organizations. Management is also an area of ​​human knowledge that helps to carry out this function.

Finally, management as a collective of managers is a certain category of people, a social stratum of those who carry out management work.

And management is seen as a process, because working to achieve goals with the help of others is not some kind of one-time action, but a series of continuous interrelated actions. These activities, each of which is a process in itself, are essential to the success of the organization. They are called managerial functions. Each managerial function is also a process, because it also consists of a series of interrelated actions.

The management process is the total amount all functions.

The management process (management) has four interrelated functions: planning, organization, motivation and control. All of them have two common characteristics: they require decision-making, and communication is necessary for all, the exchange of information in order to obtain information for making the right decision and make this decision understandable to other members of the organization. Because of this, and also because these two characteristics link all four managerial functions, ensuring their interdependence, communication and decision making are often referred to as bridging processes.

Decision making is choosing how and what to plan, organize, motivate and control.

In the most in general terms This is what constitutes the main content of the leader's activity.

A basic requirement for making an effective objective decision, or even for understanding the true extent of the problem, is the availability of adequate and accurate information. The only way obtaining such information is communication.

Communication is the process of exchanging information, its meaning between two or more people.


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