The concept of labor and its main features. Human activity and its main types

The essence of labor and its features

Labor is a system consisting of three components: objects of labor, means of labor, and people as subjects of labor, transforming objects and products in the process of labor with the help of means of labor.

Means of labor is a thing or a set of things that a person places between himself and the object of labor and which serve for him as a conductor of influence on this object in order to obtain the necessary material benefits.

The means of labor include tools and a workplace. The effectiveness of labor is influenced by the totality of properties and parameters of the means of labor, properly adapted to a person or a team as a subject of labor. If there is no correspondence between the psychophysiological characteristics of a person and the parameters of the means of labor, the safe mode of operation is violated, the fatigue of the worker increases, etc. The parameters of the tools of labor depend on the achievements of scientific and technological progress, the financial capabilities of the enterprise to acquire new technology and equipment, from the investment activity of the enterprise.

Working conditions are understood as a set of elements of the production environment that affect the functional state of a person, his performance, health, all aspects of his development, and above all, the attitude to work and its efficiency. Working conditions are formed in the process of production and are determined by the type and level of equipment, technology and organization of production.

Working conditions in the broad sense of the word are the level of technical equipment of production, the nature of technological processes, the current regime of work and rest, the socio-psychological climate in the workforce, the aesthetic environment at work, as well as working conditions in their traditional sense, that is, features and general the state of production facilities, sanitary and hygienic conditions, occupational hazard, the presence of work performed in adverse conditions.

There are socio-economic and production conditions of work. Socio-economic working conditions include all factors that affect the level of preparation of an employee for participation in labor, the restoration of the labor force (the level of education and the possibility of obtaining it, the possibility of a good rest, living conditions, etc.).

Production working conditions are all elements of the working environment that affect the employee in the process of work, his health and performance, and his attitude to work.

In accordance with the classification of the Research Institute of Labor, all elements that make up the concept of working conditions are combined into four groups:

Sanitary and hygienic, including microclimate, natural and climatic conditions, lighting, etc. They are closely related to the features of the equipment and technology used, and to the organization of labor;

Psychophysiological, depending on the characteristics of the labor process and determined by the amount of expenditure of nervous and muscular energy of a person;

Aesthetic, forming the employee's attitude to working conditions, to the production environment and affecting energy costs in the labor process;

Socio-psychological, in particular the socio-psychological climate in the team, the state of labor discipline, leadership style, features of labor stimulation.

The object of labor is a substance of nature, a thing or a complex of things that a person influences in the process of labor with the help of means of labor in order to adapt them to meet personal and production needs. If they form the material basis of the product, then they are called basic materials, and if they contribute to the labor process itself or give the main material new properties, then they are called auxiliary materials. The objects of labor in a broad sense include everything that is sought, mined, processed, formed, namely: material resources, scientific knowledge, human society, etc.

The subject of labor can be an individual worker or a team. Since the means of labor and objects of labor are created by man, he is the main component of labor as a system.

A huge role belongs to social and individual psychological characteristics labor collective and its members. Social characteristics include needs, motives, value orientations, goals and expectations, interpersonal relationships (including formal and informal), the socio-psychological climate in the team, etc.

Individual psychological characteristics individual workers- these are personal needs, personal motives, the level of individual qualifications, specific professional knowledge and abilities, skills, psychological and physiological personal qualities.

The automation of production that occurred as a result of scientific and technological progress did not subjugate man to technology, did not deprive him of his leading role in modern production. The cost of an employee, literally and figuratively, is growing faster than the cost of equipment. This is explained by the fact that in terms of the pace of the change of generations of equipment, it is now ahead of the change of generations of workers. The equipment becomes morally obsolete and is replaced by a new one, but a person remains, but he needs to acquire the qualities necessary for mastering a new generation of equipment. Therefore, the costs of training a worker, including his education, are not only commensurate, but also exceed the cost of production assets in prosperous firms in Western countries. A working man is a social wealth not only in social, but also in economic sense. This increases the need for adaptation of man and means of production.

The subject of activity, or worker, is a system that has complex internal (mental) properties. These properties include an emotional attitude to work, a general sense of security in society, confidence in the future, temperamental characteristics, as well as the ability to organize the future result of an activity, to calculate options for achieving this result. The most important mental condition of activity is the image of the goal, which cannot always be clearly defined and the normative parameters of which do not always correspond to the ideas of the employee or group of workers about it, which is why the subject of labor sometimes pursues the wrong goal that was set for him. The conflict of goals can be caused by an insufficient level of professional consciousness, the inability of managers to clearly articulate the goal, and an insufficient level of education and qualifications of the employee. Psychologists distinguish three types of goals of professional activity: recognize (understand, evaluate, etc.), transform, find. It is easier to set goals for the practical transformation of real objects according to a well-defined technology. But people create not only material products, but also inner world other people, services, information, artistic images, streamline social processes - all these are areas of labor in the broadest sense of the word. Psychological signs of labor are:

Mental anticipation of a valuable result;

Consciousness of the obligation to achieve it;

Possession of external and internal means of activity;

Orientation in interpersonal industrial relations.

These signs of labor can be used as a program for an expert assessment of the level of formation of a person as a subject of labor, which will reveal his strengths and weaknesses, the degree of suitability for work in a particular position, in a particular profession.

A manager is a person who is endowed with the appropriate authority to make decisions and lead other people in order to achieve common goals. A manager is the leader of an organization with formal authority. Power gives the manager the ability to influence other people. A manager can exert influence in different ways, depending on this, the forms of power differ: power based on coercion, on remuneration, on knowledge, personal qualities, on law, on persuading and attracting employees. The work of a manager is specific - its subject and product is information, and the object is people. The work of a manager is predominantly mental, complex, and cannot be measured in terms of the amount of product produced. This is work that requires a sufficiently deep professional knowledge, as well as natural abilities to influence other people. The place of a manager in any organization is very peculiar - being endowed with power, the manager acts as a link between the organization and its employees, between the organization and the external environment, between different levels of the organization's hierarchy.

Managerial work is inherently very different from non-managerial work. The job of a foreman has much more in common with the job of a general manager than with the job of the people who are under his control. Its distinguishing features are short duration, diversity and fragmentation.

Features of managerial work: the characteristic features of this work.

Managerial work is a type of labor activity, operation and work on the performance by administrative and managerial employees of management functions in an organization.

Managerial labor stood out during the period of division and cooperation of labor.

Managerial work is extremely diverse, and therefore the operations and procedures that characterize the content of this work are difficult to clearly classify and typify. In addition, the range of management operations is constantly expanding, and the operations themselves are changing due, on the one hand, to the transformation of management methods and areas of their application, and, on the other hand, in connection with the increasing use of new technical means of storing, transmitting, accumulating, processing information. Revolutionary changes in the content of operations, procedures of managerial work are introduced by computer technology, which makes it possible to introduce fundamentally new information technologies. Nevertheless, it is possible to single out the most characteristic operations of managerial labor, which are encountered primarily in the process of developing and adopting management decisions. They are:

· formulation of the problem;

search for information manually and using computers;

information analysis;

grouping information (manually or using a computer);

simple calculations without a computer;

computer calculations;

preparation of decisions;

Decision making on an individual basis

making collective decisions;

paperwork, drafting letters, etc.

The impact (indirect) of administrative and managerial workers on the product of total labor is carried out by using information and converting it into appropriate decisions to change the state of this object in the direction of achieving the goals.

Therefore, the main feature of the labor of administrative and managerial workers is the informational nature of the subject and product of their labor, due to the fundamental difference between the labor process (in its content and results) from other types of labor.

One of the classics of management, the American scientist G. Mintzberg identifies 10 roles that, in his opinion, managers take on at different periods and to varying degrees. He classifies them into three broad categories: interpersonal roles, informational roles, and decision-making roles. However, in modern literature, the point of view has become more widespread, according to which the management process consists in the implementation of the functions of planning, organization, motivation and control.

Management levels

Despite the commonality of functions, managerial work, like any other, is differentiated. One of the forms of managerial work is horizontal in nature: the placement of specific managers at the head of individual departments.

To carry out production work, horizontally divided managerial work must be coordinated so that the organization can achieve success in its activities. Some managers have to spend time coordinating the work of other managers, who in turn coordinate the work of other managers, until we descend to the level of a manager who coordinates the work of non-management personnel - people who physically produce products or provide services. . This vertical division of labor forms the levels of management. As a rule, three levels of management are distinguished: low-level managers or operational managers, middle managers and top managers. Graphically, the control levels are shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Management levels

Grassroots leaders

Junior managers, also called front-line or operational managers, are the organizational level directly above workers and other employees. They monitor the execution of production tasks to continuously provide direct information about the correct execution of these tasks. This is a foreman, a shift foreman, a department head. Most of the managers in general are low-level managers.

Middle managers

The work of junior superiors is coordinated and controlled by middle managers. Typical middle management positions are dean, regional or national sales manager, and branch manager. A middle manager often leads a large division or department within an organization. The nature of his work is determined to a greater extent by the content of the work of the unit than by the organization as a whole.

For the most part, however, middle managers act as a buffer between top and bottom managers. They prepare information for decisions made by senior managers and transfer these decisions, usually after their transformation in a technologically convenient form, in the form of specifications and specific tasks to lower line managers. Although there are variations, the majority of communication among middle managers takes the form of conversations with other middle and lower managers.

One study of middle management in a manufacturing enterprise found that they spend about 89% of their time in verbal interaction. Another study indicates that the middle manager spends only 34% of their time alone, it also highlights that most of the time these managers spend on verbal communication.

Senior managers

The highest organizational level - top management - is much smaller than the others. Even in the largest organizations, there are only a few senior executives. Typical senior executive positions in business are Chairman of the Board, President, Vice President of the Corporation, and Treasurer of the Corporation. In the army they can be compared with generals, among statesmen - with ministers, and at the university - with chancellors (rectors) of colleges.

Senior managers are responsible for making critical decisions for the organization as a whole or for a major part of the organization. Strong senior executives leave the imprint of their personality on the whole image of the company. For example, the atmosphere in which the federal government operates, and indeed the whole country, usually undergoes significant changes under a new president.

Consider the contrasts between the Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Reagan administrations. The influence of a senior manager in a company can be brilliantly illustrated by the dramatic changes that Chrysler underwent under the leadership of Lee Iacocca (Lee Iacocca. Managerial Career: Translated from English. M .: Progress, 1990). Therefore, successful top managers in large organizations are valued very highly, and their work is paid very well. But the hardships of such a post are also great: a person in this position, as a rule, is very lonely.

After carefully studying the activities of five senior managers, Mintzberg came to this conclusion: “The amount of work that a manager has to do or that he considers necessary to do during the day is huge, and the pace at which it must be done is very stressful.

The main reason for this is that the work of a senior manager does not have a clear end. Unlike a sales agent who has to make

a certain number of telephone calls, or a worker in a factory who has to meet a production quota, there is no such moment in the enterprise as a whole, except for the complete shutdown of this enterprise, when the work can be considered finished. Therefore, the top manager cannot be sure that he (or she) has successfully completed his activity.

As the organization continues to operate and the external environment continues to change, there is always a risk of failure. The surgeon may finish the operation and consider his task completed, but the senior manager always feels that something else, more, further needs to be done. A working week lasting 60 - 80 hours is not uncommon for him. Below is an example of how this time is spent.

Unscheduled meetings 10%

Trips, inspections 3%

Paperwork 22%

Scheduled meetings, meetings 88%

Phone calls 6%

An important direction in compensating for hearing impairments and in social adaptation to life is the involvement of people with hearing impairments in work, providing them with opportunities to choose a profession that matches both their inclinations and abilities, and specific features. L.S. Vygotsky believed that labor is the main core around which the life of society is organized and built.

“Labor, society and nature - these are the three main channels along which educational and educational work at school... It is in relation to a deaf-mute child that labor education provides a way out of all impasses. Most importantly, there is labor education the best way in life; it is the guarantee of active participation in life from the very first years; therefore, it provides for a deaf-mute child everything that is connected with this - communication, speech, consciousness ”(Vygotsky L.S. Principles of social education of deaf children // Problems of defectology. - M., 1995. - P. 69).

In the formation of the labor activity of people with hearing impairments, specific features are distinguished, due to the structure of the defect, age-related patterns of development of cognitive processes and personality formations.

Psychologists point to four mandatory features of labor activity:

1) conscious anticipation of the result, while the consciousness of the social value of the result acts in a person as an essential regulator;

2) consciousness of the obligation to achieve a socially fixed goal, which is supported by the approval, for example, of representatives of older generations - parents, family members, teachers, which is especially important at the initial stages of labor training;

3) the choice, use or creation of tools, means of labor activity - activity will be the more effective than better man is oriented in the means of its implementation, both external and internal;

4) awareness of interpersonal relationships and dependencies that develop in labor activity (E. A. Klimov).

The slow development of mental operations in children and adolescents with hearing impairments, in particular, such as analysis and synthesis, abstraction, causes them difficulties in identifying and understanding the goal. In the course of their work, they strive to get results as quickly as possible, i.e. get there. But they lack concentration, the ability to correlate the image of the future result with the product obtained, to analyze the causes of difficulties. Sometimes teenagers and young men, in an effort to quickly get results, neglect important labor operations. The resulting unsatisfactory product turns out to be unexpected for them, and a negative emotional state arises, dissatisfaction, which, with repeated failures, extends to the entire work activity.

Adolescents with hearing impairments often do not have an awareness of the obligation to achieve the goal. Therefore, for the full formation of these mandatory features of labor activity, it is necessary to strengthen a positive attitude towards work, create appropriate motivation, interest in achieving certain indicators, in an effort to become a good specialist.

Big problems are associated, especially at the initial stages of the working life of people with hearing impairments, with the awareness of interpersonal industrial relations. They are due to the slow formation of interpersonal relationships and mechanisms of interpersonal perception, which were discussed in paragraph 3.3. Adolescents and young men have insufficiently formed evaluative criteria for interpersonal relationships, they often go to extremes in assessing others they meet in a work environment, they do not sufficiently differentiate personal and business relationship are guided not so much by their attitude towards themselves as by their attitude towards others. These errors of interpersonal perception are often associated with inadequately high self-esteem, which is characteristic of them even in early adolescence. Interpersonal relationships can be negatively affected by undifferentiated and unstable labor interests, insufficiently formed personal qualities. The same personal qualities become either positive or negative, depending on the attitude towards work activity, on its motivation: in some cases, emotional excitability can lead to cheerfulness, greater activity in the labor process; in others, for example, in case of failure or inadequately understood interpersonal relationships, to increased irritability, aggressiveness.

Most of the specialties that people with hearing impairments master are working professions, which involves the formation of various motor skills. A.P. Gozova identifies two groups of professions that require motor skills of different nature. The first group is associated with ensuring the operation of machines, the movements necessary for this do not require a large expenditure of muscle energy. The second group of professions is associated with the manual processing of materials, which is associated with a significant expenditure of muscle energy, precise observance of the spatio-temporal structure of actions. Performing this type of work for a long time and with sufficient productivity is impossible if highly automated motor skills are not formed.

Features in the development of the motor sphere, characteristic of persons with hearing impairments, affect the limitation of the range of professions in which they can be trained. These features include such as insufficiently accurate coordination and uncertainty of movements, the difficulty of maintaining static and dynamic balance, a relatively low level of spatial orientation, a slower speed of performing individual movements compared to hearing people, a slower pace of activity in general, and a relative slowness in mastering motor skills. Some of these features are due to the degree of hearing loss: according to T.V.

Rozanova, balance disorders associated with lesions of the vestibular apparatus are much more common in persons with acquired rather than congenital deafness. With congenital deafness, a violation of the vestibular apparatus is observed in about one third of people. Acquired deafness is accompanied by a violation of the activity of the vestibular apparatus in about two-thirds of cases. Between the degree of preservation of hearing and feelings of balance there is a direct relationship: the less hearing is impaired, the less affected is the activity of the vestibular apparatus.

An analysis of the psychological characteristics of the development of persons with hearing impairments allowed A.P. Gozovoy to identify fundamental approaches to limiting the recommended professions. For people with hearing impairments, professions are unsuitable where:

§ auditory control is required (for example, setting up equipment);

§ acoustic signaling of danger is used;

§ work is carried out at height;

§ requires constant verbal contact with others.

General requirement is the choice of a profession corresponding to the level of education that a particular person with a hearing impairment has.

In the studies of A.P. Gozova and her followers, the main phases of career guidance are presented - knowledge of the psychological and personal characteristics of applicants for a profession; studying the requirements of professions that were supposed to be recommended to people with hearing impairments; and finally, comparing the data obtained from the study of these factors, and making a decision on the possibility of recommending this profession to people with hearing impairments. Thanks to this work, the “narrow circle of useless crafts” (L.S. Vygotsky) was expanded and qualitatively changed. It includes and continues to introduce professions corresponding to a new stage in the development of production - new specialties in the electrical and radio engineering industries, metalworking, construction, printing, consumer services, the use of computers in various fields, etc.

In order to successfully master these professions, it is necessary to solve several interrelated tasks in the process of labor training. Firstly, to ensure a sufficient level of mental development, a high level of development of visual-figurative and verbal-logical thinking, which will make it possible to acquire sufficient technical literacy, allowing you to use drawings, diagrams, read the corresponding technical documentation. The independence of a person in labor activity largely depends on this. Secondly, to form polytechnic methods of action in adolescents and young men with hearing impairments, i.e. the ability to plan one's own activities, knowledge of the principles of operation of various mechanisms and their arrangement; knowledge of operating principles measuring tools and the ability to use them. The formation of polytechnical, rather than narrow-profile methods of action will allow you to quickly form specific skills, achieve the optimal combination of external and internal funds labor activity and on the basis of this - a higher level of generalization. Thirdly, in the process of labor training, it is necessary to achieve such a degree of formation of labor skills that will ensure the performance of activities at the speed adopted in production. Fourth, it is necessary to form in children and adolescents with hearing impairments psychological readiness to work.

Labor activity, which includes schoolchildren, should have a moral basis, social significance and pedagogical orientation towards achieving a specific result, towards productive work.

The nature of orientation depends on the age of the children: with age, it becomes more complicated. At all age stages, opportunities should be provided for highlighting and understanding the moral basis and significance of the results of labor, ways to achieve the specified or set goals of labor activity. A clear organization of labor activity is necessary, it should be carried out in special labor rooms equipped with modern equipment. The objects of labor are chosen in accordance with the interests of children, their meaning should be clear to children. The design and technological complexity of the work should gradually increase. The work of schoolchildren with hearing impairments should be stimulated by an assessment, the criteria for which are clearly set by the teacher and focused on different moments of the labor process - the quality of the work performed, the result obtained, the correctness of the performance labor actions and operations, the degree of independence, manifestations of mutual assistance, etc. The preferred form of labor organization at all stages of labor training is the brigade form - the most effective in terms of both the formation of interpersonal relationships and education.

Thus, the tasks of labor education for children with hearing impairments are aimed at the systematic formation of all the mandatory signs of a full-fledged labor activity.

Questions and tasks

1. What are the features of the formation of psychological signs of labor activity of people with hearing impairments?

2. Name the features of the development of their motor sphere, which prevent the formation of full-fledged labor skills.

3. List the professions that, in your opinion, can be recommended for people with hearing impairments, and those professions that should not be recommended for them. Justify your choice.

Gozova A.P. Psychology of labor education of the deaf. - M., 1979. Psychology of deaf children / Ed. I. M. Solovyova and others - M., 1971.

Topic 2. Basic concepts of labor

Labor and its main characteristics

Work- that is the expedient activity of people aimed at creating material and cultural values. Labor is the basis and an indispensable condition for the life of people. By influencing the natural environment, changing and adapting it to their needs, people not only ensure their existence, but also create conditions for the development and progress of society.

In any kind of human activity, two components can be distinguished. The first of them characterizes labor performed according to a given technology, instruction, scheme, when the performer of the work does not introduce any elements of novelty into it, his own creativity. Such labor will be called initial, regulated or a-labor. The second component characterizes labor aimed at creating new spiritual or material goods, as well as new methods of production. This type of labor will be called innovative, creative or b-labor.

A typical example of activity in which a-labor predominates is the performance of a production operation by an assembler on a conveyor belt with a regulated rhythm. It is essential that in this case we are not talking about the abilities of the employee, but about the objective possibilities of their implementation. Not only low-skilled physical labor can be regulated. a-labor can be both physical and mental.

The work of inventors, rationalizers, scientists, teachers, doctors, engineers, production managers, entrepreneurs, etc. is predominantly creative. Art is rightly considered the highest manifestation of creativity, because it not only excludes repetition (copying), in addition, the product of creativity in this area is also individual, being a reflection of the personality of the author. There are cases when the same inventions and scientific discoveries were made independently and almost simultaneously by different people in different countries. In art, such situations are fundamentally impossible.

Both of these types of labor participate in economic processes in two forms: living (functioning) labor and its results (past labor). At the same time, the products of b-labor are transferred not only in the form of things (including information carriers), but also through the system of education and upbringing. As a rule, the utility of the results of b-labor lasts much longer than the products of a-labor, and in many cases increases over time.

The direct labor of people is called a - labor or living labor. But at each stage of production, only a part of labor costs acts as a - labor, the other part is represented by the means of production - raw materials and materials, energy, tools, tools, industrial premises. This part of labor is called materialized or past labor.

Objects of labor- this is all that labor is directed to, which undergoes changes in order to acquire useful properties and thereby satisfy human needs.

Means of labor- this is what a person uses to influence the objects of labor. These include machines, mechanisms, tools, fixtures and other tools, as well as buildings and structures that create the necessary conditions for effective use these guns.

Technology- this is a way of influencing the objects of labor, the procedure for using tools.

As a result of the completion of the labor process, products of labor are formed - a substance, objects or other objects that have the necessary properties and are adapted to human needs. Signs characterizing the labor process.

The labor process is characterized by the following features:

1. The cost of human energy. This is the psychophysiological side of labor activity, expressed in the expenditure of energy of muscles, brain, nerves, human senses, determined by the degree of severity, the level of neuropsychological tension, and can cause such conditions as fatigue and weariness. From costs

human energy depends on the working capacity and health of a person and his development.

2. The interaction of the worker with the means of production and objects of labor. This is the organizational and technological aspect of labor activity. It is determined by the level of technical equipment of labor, the degree of mechanization and automation, the perfection of technology and automation of the workplace, the qualifications of the worker, the techniques and methods used by him. Organizational and technological parameters of activity impose requirements on special training workers, to their qualification level.

3. The production interaction of workers with each other as horizontally (the ratio of participation in a single technological process), and vertically (the relationship between the leader and the subordinate) determines the organizational side of labor activity. It depends on the level of division and cooperation of labor, on the forms of labor organization - individual or collective, on employees, on the organizational and legal form of the enterprise (institution).

The objects of labor activity serve as the object of study of many scientific disciplines: physiology and psychology, labor statistics, labor law and others. The diverse role of labor in the development of man and society is manifested to a great extent. In the process of labor, not only material values ​​are created to meet the needs of people, but also the workers themselves develop, acquire new skills, reveal their skills, replenish and enrich knowledge. The creative nature of labor finds its expression in the birth of new ideas, the emergence progressive technologies, more advanced and highly productive tools of labor, new types of products, materials, energy, which, in turn, lead to the development of needs.

Thus, the consequence of labor activity is, on the one hand, the saturation of the market with goods, services, cultural values, on the other hand, the progress of production, the emergence of new needs and their subsequent satisfaction.

Exist different kinds labor, all their diversity is classified according to the following criteria: by the content of labor, by the nature of labor, by the results of labor, by methods of attracting people to work.

Depending on the content of labor, there are the following types:

1) mental and physical labor;

2) simple and complex work. Simple labor is the labor of a worker who does not have vocational training and qualifications. Hard work is hard work skilled worker having a certain profession;

3) functional and professional work. Functional labor is characterized by a certain set labor functions characteristic of a particular type of work activity. Professional labor is a concretization of functional labor, forming a broad professional structure;

4) reproductive and creative labor. Reproductive labor is distinguished by the standardity of reproducible labor functions, its result is known in advance and does not carry anything new. Creative work is not characteristic of every worker, it is determined both by the level of education and qualifications of the worker, and the ability to innovate.

Depending on the nature of the work, there are:

1) concrete and abstract labor. Concrete labor is the labor of a specific worker who transforms an object of nature in order to give it a certain utility and creates use value. Abstract labor is commensurate concrete labor, it abstracts from the qualitative heterogeneity of various functional types of labor, and creates the value of the commodity;

2) individual and collective work. Individual labor is the labor of a single worker or independent producer. Collective labor- this is the work of the team, division of the enterprise, it characterizes the form of cooperation of labor of workers;

3) private and public labor. Private labor is always a part of social labor, since it is social in nature and its results are equal to each other in value;

4) hired labor and self-employment. hired labor occurs when a person is hired for employment contract to the owner of the means of production to perform a certain set of labor functions in exchange for wages. Self-employment involves a situation where the owner of the means of production himself creates a job for himself.

Depending on the results of labor, the following types are distinguished:

1) living and past work. Living labor is the work of the worker, which is expended by him at a given moment in time. Past labor is embodied in such elements of the labor process as objects of labor and means of labor;

2) productive and unproductive labor. The result of productive labor is in-kind benefits, and the result of unproductive labor is social and spiritual benefits that are no less valuable and useful to society.

According to working conditions with varying degrees of regulation, there are:

1) stationary and mobile labor;

2) light, moderate and hard labour;

3) free and regulated labor.

According to the methods of attracting people to work, there are:

1) labor under non-economic coercion, when a person is included in the labor process under direct compulsion (slavery);

2) labor under economic compulsion, namely, to earn the necessary means of subsistence;

3) voluntary, free labor is a person's need to realize their own labor potential for the benefit of society, regardless of remuneration.

The means of labor also predetermine the division of labor into various types: manual, mechanized, automated, machine labor.

Activity- a way of a person's relationship to the outside world, consisting in the transformation and subordination of his goals to a person.

Human activity has a certain similarity with the activity of an animal, but differs in a creative and transformative attitude to the world around.

Character traits human activities:

    Conscious character: a person consciously puts forward the goals of activity and foresees its results, thinks through the most expedient ways to achieve them.

    Productive nature: aimed at obtaining a result (product).

    Transformative character: a person changes the world around him (influences the environment with specially created means of labor that enhance the physical capabilities of a person) and himself (a person keeps his natural organization unchanged, at the same time changing his way of life).

    Public character: a person in the process of activity, as a rule, enters into various relationships with other people.

At the heart of activity are human needs.

motive(from lat. movere- set in motion, push) - a set of internal and external conditions that cause the activity of the subject and determine the direction of activity (for example, needs, interests, social attitudes, beliefs, drives, emotions, ideals).

Purpose of activity- this is a conscious image of the result, to achieve which the action of a person is directed.

material activity- is the creation of material values ​​and things that are necessary to meet human needs. It includes material and production activities, associated with the transformation of nature, and socially transformative activity, associated with the transformation of society.

Spiritualactivity associated with a change in people's consciousness, the creation of scientific, artistic, moral values ​​and ideas. It includes cognitive, value-oriented and prognostic activity.

cognitive activity reflects reality in scientific and artistic form, as well as in myths, legends, religious teachings.

value orientation activity- this is the formation of a person's worldview and his relationship to the world around him.

predictive activity represents the foresight and conscious planning of changes in the existing reality.

There are various criteria for classifying activities:

    by objects and results of activity- creation of wealth or cultural values;

    by subject of activity- individual and collective;

    by the nature of the activity- for example, reproductive or creative;

    for legal compliance- legal and illegal;

    according to moral standards- moral and immoral;

    in relation to social progress- progressive and reactionary;

    by areas of public life- economic, social, political, spiritual.

Main types human activity:

    The game- this is a special type of activity, the purpose of which is not the production of any material product, but the process itself - entertainment, recreation. The game, like art, offers a certain solution in the conditional sphere, which can be used in the future as a kind of model of the situation. The game makes it possible to simulate specific life situations.

    Doctrine- a type of activity, the purpose of which is the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities by a person. The peculiarities of the doctrine are that it serves as a means of psychological development of a person. Teaching can be organized and unorganized (self-education).

    Communication- this is a type of activity in which there is an exchange of ideas and emotions (joy, surprise, anger, suffering, fear, etc.). The means used are distinguished the following types communication: direct and indirect, direct and indirect, verbal and non-verbal.

    Work - a type of activity that is aimed at achieving a practically useful result. Characteristic features of labor: expediency, focus on achieving a specific result, practical usefulness, transformation external environment a habitat.

    Creation - it is a type of activity that generates something qualitatively new, something that has never existed before. The most important mechanisms of creative activity are: 1) combining existing knowledge; 2) imagination, that is, the ability to create new sensory or mental images; 3) fantasy, which is characterized by the brightness and unusualness of the ideas and images created; 4) intuition - knowledge, the methods of obtaining which are not realized.


1. Establish a correspondence between the types of activities and their characteristics: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

2. Read the text below with a number of words missing.

"The simplest, most accessible view activity is _______________(A). She wears a conditional __________________ (B) and fulfills the child's need for activity and for learning about the world around her based on the assimilation of human forms of behavior. A more complex type of activity is ___________________ (B), aimed at mastering scientific knowledge and acquiring relevant skills and abilities. __________________ (D) is considered the most important type of human activity. It ensures not only the existence of human ___________________ (D), but is also a condition for its continuous _______________ (E). Among its types, one distinguishes between subject-practical and abstract-theoretical, or the first is often called physical, and the second - mental.

In the list below, the words are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can only be used once.

Choose sequentially one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the gaps.

1) culture

2) character

6) globalization

7) development

8) society

9) sign

3, 2, 4, 5, 8, 7

3. It is believed that the French enlighteners Voltaire, Montesquieu, Rousseau, Diderot played big role in preparation for the French Revolution of the 18th century. What type of activity can be attributed to the "work" of the French Enlightenment? Describe this activity.

    It is about value-oriented activity.

4. (1−4). Read the text and do tasks 1-4.

It seems to me that those who are horrified by the development of technology do not notice the difference between a means and an end. (…) the car is not the target. The plane is not a target, it is just a tool. The same tool as the plow.

(...) Reveling in our successes, we served progress - we laid railways, built factories, drilled oil wells. And somehow they forgot that all this was created in order to serve people. (…)

Even a machine, becoming more perfect, does its job more modestly and inconspicuously. It seems that all the labors of a man - the creator of machines, all his calculations, all sleepless nights over the drawings only manifest themselves in external simplicity; as if the experience of many generations was needed in order for the column, the keel of the ship or the fuselage of the aircraft to become slimmer and more chased, until they finally gained their original purity and smoothness of lines (...). It seems as if the work of engineers, draftsmen, designers comes down to this, to grind and smooth, to lighten and simplify the attachment mechanism, to balance the wing, to make it invisible - no longer a wing attached to the fuselage, but some kind of perfection of forms, naturally developed from the kidney , mysteriously fused and harmonious unity, which is akin to a beautiful poem. As you can see, perfection is achieved not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away. A machine at the limit of its development is almost no longer a machine.

So, according to an invention brought to perfection, it is not clear how it was created. In the simplest tools of labor, the visible signs of a mechanism were gradually erased, and in our hands we found an object, as if created by nature itself, like pebbles turned by the sea; the car is also remarkable in the same way - using it, you gradually forget about it.

(A. de Saint-Exupery. "Planet of people")

1) Find in the text any three examples of human transformational activity.

2) Indicate and illustrate with the help of this text any two distinctive features human activities.

3) Is it possible to call the process of people's labor in creating machines imprinted in the document creative? Justify your answer with the text. Define creative activity.

4) What is the ultimate goal of the transformational activity of a person in the opinion of the author and in your opinion? Justify both answers.

1. Three examples of human transformational activity:

    laying of railways;

    construction of factories;

    oil well drilling.

2. Two distinguishing features of human activity:

    practical utility (“... a car is not a goal. An airplane is not a goal, it is just a tool. The same tool as a plow.”);

    transformative character (“in the simplest tools, the visible signs of the mechanism were gradually erased, and in our hands we found an object, as if created by nature itself, like pebbles turned by the sea”).

3. 1) An affirmative answer is given.

Response reasoning:

2) The author describes the appearance of the results of a new, more perfect quality of objects as a result of human labor (“It seems that the work of engineers, draftsmen, designers boils down to grinding and smoothing, to facilitate and simplify the attachment mechanism, balance the wing, make it invisible - no longer a wing attached to the fuselage, but a certain perfection of forms, naturally developed from a kidney, a mysteriously fused and harmonious unity, which is akin to a beautiful poem.

3) Creative activity is an activity, as a result of which something new appears that did not previously exist in nature.

4. The ultimate goal of the transformational activity of a person, according to the author, is the pursuit of perfection: "As you can see, perfection is achieved not when there is nothing left to add, but when nothing can be taken away." Your opinion and your explanation.