Register of approved professional standards. Which organizations are required to apply professional standards

In many accounting and personnel media, various experts give their interpretation of such a concept as a “professional standard”. However, we believe that it is necessary to refer, first of all, to the source and look at the wording given in the labor legislation.

A professional standard is a characteristic of a qualification, necessary for the employee to carry out a certain type professional activity(part 2 of article 195.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Thus, the approved professional standards characterize the qualifications that a person must have in order to engage in certain work or type of activity. Please note: a professional standard can describe qualifications not only for a specific position (for example, “accountant” or “internal auditor”), but also for entire areas of activity (for example, personnel management).

What does professional standard include

The approved professional standard, in fact, is a document in which:

  • labor functions are described;
  • allowable job titles are given;
  • specified educational requirements;
  • work experience criteria

Approval of professional standards

Approval of professional standards occurs gradually. By mid-2016, more than 800 professional standards. All information about professional standards approved by the Ministry of Labor is included in a special State Register. This register is posted on the official website of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, in the relevant section (See

We also give the regulatory legal acts on the basis of which the Ministry of Labor develops and approves professional standards:

  • The Plan of Professional Standards for 2014–2016 was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 487-r dated March 31, 2014;
  • The rules for the development, approval and application of professional standards are established by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 22. 2013 No. 23;
  • guidelines for the development of a professional standard, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 29, 2013 No. 170n;
  • layout of the professional standard, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 12.04. 2013 No. 147n;
  • qualification levels for the purpose of developing draft professional standards, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 12, 2013 No. 148n.

Is it possible to independently approve the professional standard?

The right to approve professional standards is vested exclusively in the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation. However, employers have the right to propose their own draft professional standard for a particular position or type of activity (clause 10 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 22, 2013. No. 23). After passing certain procedures, the Ministry of Labor can approve the professional standard and enter it into the register of professional standards.

How to introduce professional standards into work

In principle, the legislation does not say anything about how exactly employers should implement professional standards. In this regard, in our opinion, employers (organizations or individual entrepreneurs) has the right to independently determine the procedure for introducing professional standards into their work. So, for example, an organization or individual entrepreneur can, for starters, create a working group that simply checks whether employees meet approved professional standards. Such a check will become one of the stages of the introduction of professional standards. Based on its results, the employer will at least understand which of the employees meets the approved professional standards and which does not.

Work qualifications of employees must meet strictly defined requirements - professional standards. When getting an education, a future professional must acquire a set of certain competencies, the combination of which forms the mentioned standard. Exactly the same, ideally, should be required from a specialist in employment.

Why was the concept of “professional standards” needed in the modern regulatory framework? How to apply them in practice? Who will need them in the first place? Let's try to consider this legislative innovation, which came into force in the summer of 2016.

How did you live without professional standards before?

TC operates with the term " qualification”(Article 195), understanding by it a specific level of labor skills, special knowledge, work experience necessary for a particular position. When a person was hired for a “position according to his qualifications”, this meant that he must correspond to the qualification characteristics of this position, given in the Unified Qualification Handbook (CEN).

This document is almost hopelessly outdated today: many of the positions listed in it simply no longer exist, while many modern professions not mentioned at all. "Modernization" of the unified qualification reference books would be too laborious and impractical. A new level of elimination of this problem was needed.

The decision was made to replace this regulatory framework a more convenient and universal tool for determining the qualification minimum - professional standards.

Professional standards and other related concepts

It is legitimate to say that professional standards are qualification characteristics that are more in line with the demands of our time. Legislators, approving the procedure for the development and application of professional standards (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 23 of February 22, 2013), used modernized combinations of claims to professions, having previously honed them in detail in specialized circles.

professional standard in relation to qualification requirement is more realistic, close to labor reality.

IMPORTANT! The definitions of "qualification" and "professional standard" are not identical: Art. 195 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in clause 1 clarifies that the professional standard is a characteristic of qualification. The concept of "professional standard" was introduced into the Labor Code only in 2012.

A related term given in the TC and other normative documents, is " labor function". Art. 57 of the Labor Code obliges the employer to indicate it in the text of the employment contract, that is, to clarify the work that the employee will have to perform within his position that does not contradict his qualifications. Now, for this purpose, you can use the approximate job definitions listed in section III of the required professional standard. But then the employee is obliged to comply with the set of requirements given to them.

ATTENTION! The professional standard does not define positions or even professions, but the field of activity, which is why it is more universal. For example, the “Accountant” standard provides for the same job title, and the head of the personnel department can be found in the professional standard “Specialist in the field of personnel management”.

Key areas of professional standards

In what aspects labor relations Should professional standards be applied? The legislative framework has three main areas of application.

  1. Work with personnel at the enterprise:
    • personnel policy;
    • job descriptions and their changes;
    • employee billing;
    • attestation;
    • organization of professional level and etc.
  2. Relationship between education and professional activity. Educational programs they plan to develop taking into account professional standards, that is, the future employee will master a set of necessary and sufficient professional characteristics. Situations are unacceptable when a graduate in a certain specialty has one set of competencies, and the employer needs a completely different one.
  3. Reflection of the real experience of professional activity. When developing assessment strategies for obtaining a certificate or diploma of one level or another, not educational achievements will be taken into account, as before, but the current requirements for the profession, reflected in the standards.

Where to meet them?

The Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation adopted approximately 8 hundred out of 1000 planned professional standards. In the near future (not later than in two years) - the adoption of 2 thousand items of standards.

Initially, they were going to start putting them into practice in the public sector. It was assumed that commercial organizations will set for themselves a set of requirements for their employees. However, this idea is considered unproductive. Federal Law No. 122 clearly states that professional standards apply to all labor areas and enterprises of all forms of ownership:

  • government institutions;
  • budget organizations;
  • commercial structures;
  • non-profit associations;

As materials about professional standards become available, we will post them here. Follow the links at the bottom of this page.

Who should not evade professional standards?

From 07/01/2016, the use of standards has been declared an indispensable condition for all entrepreneurs, as required by the Labor Code or other documents. That is, when hiring an employee in whose field of activity the professional standard has already been approved, the employer must certainly use him, and not qualification guide. If desired standard in this profession has not yet been accepted, you can still use the qualification directory.

When the positions in the CEN and in the professional standard are the same, it is necessary to give preference to the professional standard as a more modern option.

What kind of requirements for an employee (according to standards or according to the CSA) the employer will be guided by should be indicated in his local legal acts.

NOTE! If the type of professional activity provides for certain benefits (for example, a pension ahead of time, payment of compensation for harmfulness, etc.) or restrictions, then such a position must be called in strict accordance with the professional standard or CEN, if there is no such standard yet.

How to start applying professional standards?

  1. Open the list of professional standards published on the official website of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation.
  2. Write out the names of positions from your staff list.
  3. Find a standard that matches each position on your list. To do this, you need to look at whether the competencies prescribed in the standard correspond to your requests for a particular position. So, there are about 27 professional standards for IT specialists, and you need to study which of them your “IT specialist” will correspond to.
  4. Compare documents on personnel with approximate job titles from the text of the professional standard. If this position is not entitled to benefits, compensation or restrictions, it is not necessary to name it according to the standard.
  5. If the standard you need is not yet in the registry, ask when it will be adopted, you may still have to switch to it soon.
  6. If the qualifications of your employee do not meet the professional standard, you, as an employer, can choose one of the options:
    • dismiss an employee based on the results of certification;
    • organize vocational training.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION! The non-compliance of the employee with the professional standard is a violation of the Labor Code, which provides for the responsibility of the employer: “a pie-maker cannot sew boots”.

Possible sanctions of the labor inspectorate

Employers were informed about the need to switch to the requirements of professional standards a year before Federal Law No. 122 came into force. Thus, the Ministry of Labor theoretically assumes that all entrepreneurs in the country are actively involved in the introduction of professional standards. If not, so much the worse for them.

From July 1, 2016 Labour Inspectorate has the right to check compliance with the law in this area, and if the Labor Code contains any requirements for the qualifications of employees, then professional standards must be applied to them without exception. Administrative responsibility can range from 30 to 100 thousand rubles.

Future plans

As planned by the legislators, independent centers will soon open, evaluating qualifications precisely according to professional standards. Having assessed your level as a professional and received a certificate corresponding to a certain professional standard, you can significantly improve your position in the labor market. And the employer can send his employees to such centers instead of internal certification.

The concept of "professional standard" was introduced into the Labor Code five years ago by Federal Law No. 236-FZ of December 3, 2012. Since then, it has become firmly established in everyday life. The Ministry of Labor almost daily approves new standards, the application of which has become mandatory for a number of organizations. In order to systematize the information, and any employer or citizen could find the information he needs, a register of professional standards was created. The Ministry of Labor of Russia became the operator of the resource.

According to the norms labor law professional standards are a requirement for the qualifications of specialists necessary for the performance of their professional activities. Qualification, in turn, includes a list of knowledge and skills, experience and professional skills that an employee must possess. The Ministry of Labor of Russia is engaged in the development and approval of professional standards, while the list of specialties is formed taking into account priority areas development of the economy and proposals of the National Council under the President of the Russian Federation on professional qualifications. The Labor Code regulates these requirements.

In order for any employer or specialist to find the description and requirements for each profession for which a standard already exists at the right time, the professional standards approved by the Ministry of Labor in 2019 are combined into a special register. It is a detailed information system, which defines the relevant qualification requirements for the specialties included in it. In the registry you can find:

  • definitions linking the spheres of professional work;
  • descriptions that help to focus on real experience specialists, and not on programs of an educational nature;
  • a list of powers and responsibilities of employees holding a certain position;
  • the degree of responsibility by type of activity;
  • other useful information.

The basis for the development of approval, application of requirements are carried out by the department according to the rules established by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. In addition, there is an official website "Professional Standards", which is promptly updated. For ease of search and use, specialties are listed in it in alphabetical order.

Mandatory application of professional standards

Until July 1, 2016, the application of professional standards approved by the Russian Ministry of Labor was not mandatory and was of a recommendatory nature. However, from this date, it began to operate, which regulates the procedure for their application. In particular, it says that if the Labor Code, other federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation establish requirements for the qualifications necessary for an employee to perform a certain labor function, professional standards are mandatory for employers to apply. Other organizations may follow these requirements at their discretion.

So, specialists of the Ministry of Labor explain that in order to determine labor functions when concluding or changing employment contracts according to the norms article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, prerequisite is an indication of labor functions. Therefore, when indicating positions in the staff list, employers are recommended to use the names of the positions contained in the corresponding block of the third section of the document, they are also contained in the register of professional standards 2019. What useful can those employers learn from it, for which it is not yet mandatory to apply the established requirements in practice? Such information includes, in particular:

  • information to form the basis personnel policy organizations;
  • standards for establishing a system of remuneration;
  • data to determine specific labor functions for each employee;
  • the formulation of the main duties of employees;
  • assistance in development job descriptions;
  • requirements for training and certification of employees.

Organizations for which qualification requirements for employees have become mandatory:

  • state institutions and organizations;
  • open joint-stock companies(with the exception of credit organizations);
  • insurance organizations;
  • non-state pension funds;
  • joint-stock investment funds;
  • management companies mutual investment funds;
  • other economic entities, securities which are admitted to circulation at organized auctions (with the exception of credit organizations) or carried out through online cash desks;
  • state off-budget funds.

All these organizations are required to hire chief accountants or other employees who are responsible for keeping records, only in accordance with professional standards, as provided Federal Law No. 402-FZ of December 6, 2011"About Accounting". For other industries, strict requirements for other positions and specialties may be established, so employers must monitor this on their own, which can be helped by the register of professional standards of the Ministry of Labor.

Relevance of data in the registry

Ministry of Labor and social development The Russian Federation constantly approves new packages of professional standards and updates their register. For example, on March 31, 2019, it included such specialties as:

  • specialist in the field of energy management in the construction industry;
  • specialist in carrying out energy service activities at capital construction sites;
  • installer of industrial gas and gas-using equipment and gas pipelines;
  • technician for composite materials;
  • organizer of design production in construction;
  • driver of a combined road machine;
  • specialist in modernization, technical re-equipment and reconstruction of foundry production;
  • driver of a machine for laying geosynthetic materials;
  • fireman;
  • specialist in the field of designing water treatment facilities and water intake facilities;
  • springer;
  • asphalt concrete heater (heater) driver;
  • specialist in adjustment of lifting structures;
  • expert in assessing the compliance of lifting structures with safety requirements;
  • crane operator general purpose;
  • driver of machines for driving and immersing piles;
  • installer of low-current security and safety systems;
  • specialist in the design of refrigeration systems;
  • robotic production maintenance technician;
  • general practitioner (district physician);
  • specialist in energy survey of capital construction facilities, etc.

You can find the most up-to-date data on the website, since all approved professional standards from 2019, the list of which can be found alphabetically below, are promptly included in this list. Its application in practice will allow each employer the best way to staff the staff of your enterprise with specialists of the required qualifications, to create the necessary personnel reserve and reduce staff turnover. All this will lead to a reduction in the cost of personnel activities, which will positively affect the economic stability of the company.

In this article, we will look at professional standards in 2017. Find out who makes professional standards. Let's figure out what consequences professional standards have for employees.

Professional standards (PS) are intended to determine the qualification level required for a particular specialty. Recommendations for the application of professional standards are effective from July 1, 2016, after the introduction of Art. 195.1 - 195.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Introduction of standardization qualification requirements is a component of the plan to increase labor productivity and modernize workplaces. The requirements of professional standards are advisory in nature, with the exception of cases mandatory application for a number of specialties.

Description of the application of the occupational standard

The order of the Ministry of Labor dated September 29, 2014 No. 667n approved a list of areas of activity for which the application of PS requirements is a prerequisite for the performance of labor duties. Employers have the right to subject the qualifications of employees independent evaluation, review job descriptions.

Job titles depending on professional standards

The developed professional standards (PS) cover the activities of the profession, not limited to a specific position. As a result of the implementation of the PS and changes in the functions of the enterprise, they can rename positions previously approved by the staffing table.

The names of positions that involve prerogatives in the form of compensation, preferential service or restrictions due to special working conditions should be named according to the names of the tariff directory. The application of professional standards for these positions is mandatory. The name of positions that do not have special requirements, the employer sets at his own discretion.

An example of the mandatory use of a tariff guide

Laboratory doctor M. long time performed labor obligations in the SES for conducting laboratory research. In the staff of the organization, the position is named as a laboratory doctor. Work is done in harmful conditions labor, giving the right to preferential pension. After contacting the FIU, employee M. found out that the entry in work book, contrary to the ETKS, does not give the right to early retirement. Conclusion: An inappropriate job title may not allow an employee to take advantage of the benefits provided in accordance with special working conditions.

Professional standards: the need for the development and implementation of professional standards

Professional standards are normative acts and, if applied optionally, can be used as a basis for creating local acts or using them in activities.

Enterprises use professional standards in the following cases:

  • Development of a system of requirements when conducting a competition for filling a vacant position, presenting requirements for employment;
  • Preparation of job descriptions for employees of the staffing table;
  • Definitions optimal system remuneration for specific positions;
  • Development of a training plan or performance appraisal of employees;
  • Determination of the optimal personnel management system.

The introduction of the professional standard is carried out by a commission acting on the basis of an order. The development of PS is carried out by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection. At the stage of proposal development, enterprises, professional communities, self-regulatory organizations or other persons. The Ministry of Justice is responsible for approving professional standards.

Register of professional standards and sub-registries

The systematization of approved professional standards is carried out by recording in the register. The data is grouped by areas of professional activity. The standards included in the list are approved by the Ministry of Labor. The list is presented on the official website of the Ministry. Placement of the PS in the list is carried out within 10 days after its approval by the Ministry of Justice.

The register includes sub-registries:

  • Register of PS in the form of a list of approved registers by type of activity;
  • A list of councils containing information about organizations that have the powers of a council for qualifications and formed commissions or initiative bodies. The sub-registry indicates the grounds for empowering the councils and the persons responsible for their work.

The registry information contains data on planned changes in databases, new developments in the field of professional requirements. Replenishment of new standards is carried out primarily for professions of priority areas in the economy. The standards under development are not a normative act until approved by the Ministry of Justice.

The norms used in the development of the PS are contained in the methodological recommendations approved by order of the Ministry of Social Protection of the Russian Federation of April 29, 2013 No. 170n. Based on the provisions of the order, the PS must include sections:

  • General provisions on the professional standard. Specifies the view economic activity in which PS is used. The section contains the tasks of the profession, purpose, description of activities;
  • Characteristics of labor functions of professional activity. The description is carried out in general for the profession and separately for each of the possible levels;
  • Description of generalized functions. The section indicates the origin of the generalized function, a possible list of job titles in accordance with directories, qualification requirements and other characteristics;
  • Information about the professional standard developer. It is the responsibility of the developer to ensure that the project is discussed using the media.

Consequences of the introduction of PS for employees

When implementing a PS, the employer must apply the requirements not only to newly hired employees, but also to those working under labor contracts. The employer has the right to take actions:

  • Check the compliance of the employee's skill level with the requirements. Certification is carried out by the commission of the enterprise or the training center;
  • If the conditions change, conclude an additional agreement drawn up in writing as agreed by the parties (Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The employer has the right to issue a new job description with the same job function. The employee is notified in advance of a change in conditions with a proposal to switch to new conditions or dismissal in case of refusal;
  • If the employee refuses to switch to new conditions and the availability vacancies the employer must offer them to the employee;
  • Dismiss an employee under paragraph 7 of part 1 of Art. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The approval of a new job description is not a change in the labor function and cannot be challenged by the employee in court.

Responsibility of an employer not applying professional standards

Enterprises that use professional standards as a recommendation are exempted from liability for their non-application. Sanctions are imposed on employers who have professions in their staff, the application of PS to which is mandatory.

Refusal to apply the standards is recognized as an administrative offense under paragraph 4 or 5 of Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

The procedure for entering standards at the enterprise

The enterprise approves a schedule of actions for introducing standards:

Procedure Description, additions
Establishment of a commission that ensures the implementation of the PSPart working group include people who understand the law - lawyers, personnel workers
Selection of standards corresponding to the activities of the enterpriseSeparately, the PSs that are mandatory for use and used in a recommendatory form are determined.
Revision of local actsThe staffing table, job descriptions are considered
Issuance of an order on the implementation of standards, explanatory activitiesThe order is communicated to employees 2 months before job changes, for individual entrepreneurs - for 2 weeks
Carrying out attestationsThe procedure for conducting is regulated by the Regulations on certification approved at the enterprise
Preparation of new job descriptions, staffing, Regulations on remunerationNew forms should be brought to the employees under signature
Conclusion of additional agreementsPersons who have expressed a refusal to transfer to the new conditions and in the absence of vacancies are subject to dismissal

An additional agreement on the changed conditions must be signed by the parties after the expiration of 2 months (for individual entrepreneurs - 2 weeks) from the delivery of the notice.

Application of professional standards for different types of professions

Profession Terms
HR worker, clerkThe standard is recommended. Contains 8 levels of generalized labor functions, requirements for education and work experience
Accountantrecommended character. Developer - IPB RF. The system for checking the qualifications compliance with the requirements is under development
teacherThe introduction of the standard is postponed to September 1, 2019 due to the need for revision. The standard will be harmonized with the legislation of the Ministry of Education
SupervisorIt has a recommendatory character. Applied separately for each area of ​​activity, taking into account the specifics

Answers on questions

Question #1. Does it matter organizational form enterprises or sources of financing in the implementation of professional standards?

Answer: Legislation establishes a unified procedure for the application of professional standards for enterprises, regardless of the organizational form.

Question #2. Does an employer have the right to dismiss an employee without evidence whose qualifications do not meet the requirements of professional standards?

Answer: Dismissal of employees who do not meet the requirements of the PS is not provided for by law. The employee is invited to undergo certification, advanced training. Termination of the contract is possible only if the employee does not agree to perform duties due to changed working conditions.

Question #3. How is the standard implemented for an employee whose positions combine several professions?

Answer: There is a section in professional standards, the data of which is used for positions that combine more than one function. Legislation contain sources of information and titles of positions on generalized labor functions. The procedure for developing instructions and requirements is determined by the employer.

Question #4. Where can I take part in the discussion of the draft professional standard?

Answer: Project developers ensure the publication of PS projects that are under development. To notify those wishing to participate, the organization of forums on the Internet, conferences, the placement of the project on the official website of the developer, and publications in the media are used.

Question #5. What information can be based on the development of instructions on the PS, which are of a recommended nature?

One click call

What are professional standards? Why are they needed and for whom are they required? Professional standards of various professions, their structure and purpose will be discussed in this article.

What are professional standards?

The professional standard of an employee is a special qualification characteristic. This document is required by workers for a simplified process of orientation in the chosen profession. The requirements of the professional standard include the need to possess certain skills, abilities and knowledge.

The rules for the application of professional standards were established by the Labor Code at the end of 2012. The government of the Russian Federation confirmed these rules by issuing a corresponding decree on January 22, 2013. There is also a separate order of the Ministry of Labor. Professional standards, of which this moment there are about 2000 pieces, must be developed and applied, in accordance with special rules and regulations.

Russian employers are obliged to constantly pay attention to the updated standards in their professional field. So, if a new person comes to work, the responsibility of the head of the organization will be to check his qualification level - in strict accordance with the professional standard. It is also worth noting that employers are able to create and modify job descriptions, staffing tables and other local acts, in accordance with the document in question.

As of 2017, many professional areas are still without state standards. Persons working in such areas should work in accordance with local job descriptions. But there are also exceptions. For example, when the profession gives the right to various kinds of benefits and compensation, or if the work is somehow connected with restrictions. In these cases, the title of the position must be entered in the professional standard, even if it is not necessary to use such a document.

About the application of professional standards

The legislation states that professional standards must be applied in a timely manner in the following situations:

  • it is necessary to carry out certification or re-certification of employees;
  • there is a need for personnel management;
  • job descriptions are developed;
  • a high-quality personnel policy is being formed;
  • billing of works is carried out;
  • employees are assigned tariff categories;
  • it is necessary to organize training or retraining of employees;
  • there is a need to establish a timely system of remuneration.

Many employers are asking a simple, but at the same time very important issue: where are the approved professional standards located? The Ministry of Labor publishes the necessary documentation on its official website in a timely manner. It is there that a special register is located, containing all the new professional standards. It is very important to check any such documents on official resources. This is especially true for employees of any organizations: employers often offer to work under a local act that does not comply with the regulatory requirements of the law. However, do not confuse local acts that have obvious inconsistencies and violations with job descriptions that may be drawn up under the influence of the professional standard, but not fully comply with it.

Are professional standards mandatory for application? If the requirements for the qualification level of employees are established in the Labor Code, then yes. The law provides for punishment for employers who refuse to implement the relevant regulations in their organization. According to Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, it is worth highlighting the following types punishments:

  • issuing a warning to the manager - but only at the first violation;
  • for heads of organizations - a fine from 30 thousand to 50 thousand rubles;
  • for officials- fine up to 5 thousand rubles;
  • a fine of up to 5 thousand rubles for the heads of enterprises registered as individual entrepreneurs.

And what can be said about the employees themselves, about those people for whom professional standards are mandatory? If the law has been amended, and the provisions of the relevant documentation have become different, then the employee, of course, does not quit. He only has to pass recertification, or get additional education. However, if such a task turned out to be unbearable for him, then the dismissal would be quite legal.

Compliance of employees with professional standards: basic requirements

The introduction of professional standards, their application and use - all this is regulated by article 195.3 Labor Code RF. The same article provides a brief definition of the qualifications of an employee, and also explains that the application of professional standards is an unconditional obligation of the employer in the event of a legal requirement for the qualifications of workers. It is worth examining this formulation with a simple example.

Suppose an accountant comes to get a job in an organization - insurance company or JSC. Under federal law, it must meet the following simple requirements:

  • availability of higher education;
  • work experience in the specialty for a total period of at least three years.

Everything is pretty simple here. But what if a citizen wants to get a job in an ordinary LLC, and there is no mention of it in the Federal Law "On Accounting"? What if the employee has good experience and an excellent track record, but missing higher education? It is necessary to pay attention to the professional standard approved by the government of the Russian Federation. It should contain specific instructions about the required education and work experience. In particular, the 2016 document states that a citizen can be hired with both secondary and higher education. It turns out that an accountant needs a higher education only to work in organizations listed in the Federal Law. And in an LLC, a person can work even with the education of the middle class.

The conclusion here can be drawn as follows: the system of professional standards is only auxiliary, recommended documentation, necessary in case professional requirements are not covered by the relevant law.

As an example, three of the most common professional standards will be analyzed: a teacher, an accountant and a personnel officer. All of these documents will help to demonstrate the processes for applying the standards as well as their content.

Professional standard of a teacher: application in accordance with the law

What is a professional standard teacher? the federal law"On Education", as well as some other regulations define the following concept:

The professional standard of a teacher is a special list of requirements, with the help of which the qualification level is determined, in accordance with which the teacher qualitatively performs all the duties assigned to him.

Pedagogical professional standards are constantly updated and modernized. It is very important to adjust this kind of documentation in a timely manner to new scientific and educational realities. Do not forget about the requirements for the skills and abilities of teachers, their work experience and professional knowledge. At the moment, a government program for the transition to new standards has been approved - up to 2020. All the necessary professional standards should be introduced gradually, in several main stages. At the same time, both the stages of implementation and the form of documentation will be determined by the regional authorities - in accordance with municipal legal acts. Special commissions are assembled, which should include representatives of various professional committees.

Each organization develops its own, individual plan for the transition to new standards. At the same time, some common activities are still worth highlighting. These include:

  • Clarification of pedagogical standards in each specific educational institution. The main task here is to conduct reconciliations of employees with the subsequent compilation of protocols.
  • Carrying out verification work. All existing employment contracts and various internal organizational acts. If necessary, employees are required to make appropriate changes.
  • Employees need to be vetted for compliance. Thus, the new professional standards in education involve the re-certification of some employees of the educational organization.
  • It is necessary to draw up a final report and submit it to the management.

Thus, the work on the introduction of new professional standards is really extensive. And what can be said about the immediate responsibilities of teachers?

The content of the pedagogical professional standard

What is the teacher obliged to do in accordance with the new professional standards of 2017? The document regulates the following main provisions:

Separately, professional standards in education regulate educational work. In particular, the job description of absolutely any teacher will contain the following items:

  • about the need to own forms educational work, as well as its qualitative application;
  • about the ability to organize extra-curricular hours: excursions, walks, various cultural events;
  • about the ability to form value orientations in children;
  • about the ability to build educational processes, taking into account individual features any child;
  • about the ability to create a friendly and favorable atmosphere in the group.

It should be noted that the mandatory professional standards of the teaching profession contain many other aspects: for example, on the development personal qualities, about creative orientation, etc. To get acquainted with the contents of the documentation in detail, you need to go to the official website of the Ministry of Labor.

An accountant belongs to the category of specialists who carry out financial transactions and economic accounting. The duties of an accountant include the implementation of simple calculations for various types of financial accounting. This means that the presented profession is divided into several subspecies. Accordingly, employers must qualitatively differentiate accounting qualifications and categories: whether it be a leading, senior, district or Chief Specialist. It turns out that for each category of accountant there is a job description. At the same time, there are only two professional standards here: for the "ordinary" and the chief accountant. Perhaps, in the near future, the Ministry of Labor will release several more versions of the document in question.

Is a professional standard required for an accountant? Of course, it is required. Moreover, employers who do not want to apply the requirements of this legal act will be subject to administrative liability.

The professional accounting standard makes not just high, but the highest possible requirements for knowledge of financial fundamentals. In particular, every accountant must know the basics of archives, medical or social insurance, pension, labor or even customs legislation. The main responsibility of an ordinary accountant is the preparation of cost estimates for services.

Professional standard of the chief accountant

What does Chief Accountant? FZ "On accounting activities"speaks that the chief accountant is obliged to draw up and provide management financial statements certain economic entity. The professional standard fixes the following mandatory functions of the employee in question:

It is important to note that the professional standard classifies tax reporting as financial reporting. Wherein Russian Ministry labor is sure that an ordinary accountant will not be able to record taxes: only the chief accountant should do this.

HR specialist: professional standard and instructions

The professional sphere of personnel office work involves two main types of professional standard:

The professional standard of a personnel specialist is divided into four chapters:

  • general provisions;
  • characteristics of the work functions that are included in the document;
  • description of work functions;
  • information about the organizations that were involved in the development of a professional standard.

The existing professional standard contains several generic features. It is in accordance with these functions that job descriptions are drawn up. Here are the responsibilities to highlight:

  • documentary support of work activities with personnel (a fifth-level qualification is required, assuming secondary education);
  • work to provide personnel (need higher education and qualification of the sixth level);
  • work on the assessment and certification of employees (level 6 qualification is required);
  • operating or strategic management personnel of the organization (the seventh level of qualification is required, as well as work experience of at least five years).

According to each function, the professional standard fixes:

  • qualification levels;
  • future titles of a particular position;
  • training requirements;
  • work experience requirements;
  • all necessary knowledge, skills.

The list of mandatory professional standards for a personnel officer also contains a special classification, which will be discussed later.

General provisions of professional standards for personnel specialists

The document under consideration provides a definition of the concept of "qualification level". According to the professional standard, this is a generalized set of requirements for the level of education of an employee, for his knowledge, skills and abilities. The higher the skill level of an employee, the more difficult and even more prestigious his functions and responsibilities.
Professional standards of personnel workers fix three levels of qualification for employees:

  • The fifth level of qualification involves the independent performance of work to solve various practical problems that require qualitative analysis situations. A personnel officer with a fifth qualification level is required to deal with document management according to personnel records and the hiring and firing of employees. Requires secondary vocational education.
  • A specialist with a sixth level of qualification is engaged in defining tasks own work or the work of subordinates. He is engaged in document management, organization of employee certification, work internships, bonuses, corporate policy, control over its implementation, etc. Higher and additional specialized education is required.
  • The seventh level of qualification involves the definition of special strategies, as well as the development of innovative management activities. As a rule, this qualification level concerns heads and directors of personnel departments.

Thus, the main functions and categories of personnel officers are fixed precisely by the above professional standards. Various local acts written in accordance with the main document, such as job descriptions and staffing tables, will also become mandatory for employees.

For whom are professional standards required?

The three most common working area professional standard: teacher, personnel officer and accountant. In total, there are about two thousand such documents, and their number is constantly growing. You can make a small classification with which to illustrate for whom professional standards and their requirements are mandatory. At the moment, the following areas require the application of legal standards:

In each of the listed areas there are hundreds of professional standards. For example, in the field of healthcare, separate documents regulate the areas of pediatrics, dentistry, psychiatry, etc. Each standard contains short description activities of a specialist, the levels of qualifications and the corresponding responsibilities are given. Everyone will be able to find the necessary professional standard in the official register of the Ministry of Labor.