Job placement. Workplace internship

To date, a serious negative trend has formed in the labor market. Many dishonest companies, when hiring, require an employee to complete an internship. A potential specialist, having faithfully worked from two weeks to one month, turns out to be unsuitable for this position, an entry in the work book is not made, and wages for this time are not paid to him. In order not to get into such an unpleasant situation, you need to know what an internship is and whether it should be paid.

What is an internship?

This term can be interpreted in different ways. On the one hand, an internship is a training, or rather a part of this process, an activity for acquiring practical experience. For example, students must have an internship and try their theoretical knowledge in practice. In addition, they can learn from the inside manufacturing process their future profession. On the other hand, an internship is an opportunity to show your professional skills in a new workplace. After passing it, the manager will be able to conclude whether the company needs such a specialist or whether it is necessary to look for another. In any case, you should always show all your professional skills and theoretical knowledge in order to convince both management and yourself of right choice specialties.

Why is an internship necessary?

The internship is useful in that for the student in the future it gives the opportunity to receive a job offer at the enterprise where he directly passes it.

The most accurate method that allows you to teach how to work safely is to see and show everything in practice. In a working environment, that is, directly at the future workplace. As a rule, the process takes place under the guidance of an experienced employee and mentor. Newbie to independent work will never be allowed. In this case, this applies to interns or inexperienced employees. Professionals in their field are widely known in narrow circles and do not need to prove their working skills. For them, an internship is an opportunity to understand if it suits them. workplace.

In those situations where an internship at the workplace is a mandatory requirement established by law, there is a certain procedure for its passage at the enterprise. It represents an internal normative document and approved by the management of the company.

Who should take the internship?

As mentioned above, both students graduating from universities and citizens who have a certain work experience in their specialty can take an internship. Persons who are trained in the form of an assistant trainee (this is a form of postgraduate training) are assistant trainees. In other words, they are those who have higher professional education and wishes to continue it full-time for the next two years with in-depth teaching.

According to the law Internship for students is unpaid, but the labor activity of already graduated specialists should be rewarded in a predetermined monetary equivalent.

How to arrange?

Like other types of instruction on mandatory labor protection, the internship must be properly arranged. This is necessary for a number of reasons. First of all, so that the inspectors do not succeed in punishing the manager for the lack of training of their employees, and secondly, so that the employee himself cannot make a claim if he gets injured or ill due to his own negligence.

Below is required list the main documents for the internship:

Regulations on the internship;
. program;
. an order for an internship;
. order for admission to independent work.

The internship program is the most important methodological document, which details the main tasks for potential employees of the company.

First of all, you need to fill out the application for an internship. The entire process of developing this document must be approached very seriously and responsibly. The fact is that it describes in detail all the rights and obligations of both the trainee and the mentor, as well as the timing and procedure for the internship, general responsibility and other features associated with it.

Workplace internship

The process of mastering and obtaining new knowledge at the official place has its advantages and disadvantages. There are more positives, of course. New employees get the opportunity to get acquainted with the whole range of duties, adequately assess the correctness of the choice of their profession, get to know potential colleagues, and also evaluate their own capabilities and strengths. There is time to adapt to a new workplace. In addition, the employer himself receives a visual aid and time to evaluate the future employee and specialist. An internship is a time that allows an employee to get used to the characteristics of the team, its work schedule, working conditions, as well as other features of the chosen workplace. All this helps to start a full-fledged work activity without additional stress and tension. The disadvantage is that some employers, violating the legislation of the Russian Federation, turn this process into unpaid full-time work, after which the person is fired without monetary compensation. An internship at the workplace is not a training, but an internship, i.e. an activity that must be paid in accordance with the procedure established by law. The amount of wages is always negotiated in advance.

To pay or not to pay?

So, faced with the need to undergo an internship, you should clarify all the questions of interest in advance. As mentioned above, the industrial internship for students is unpaid. This is due to the fact that in the process of internship they gain new knowledge and skills that they will need for further employment. Students themselves are interested in getting practical skills. As for the other type of internship, that is, in the workplace, the situation is different here. New employee comes to an open position and sells his skills in order to get a job. For a certain period of time, he provides his services, so an internship is an activity that is useful for a company that is interested in a highly qualified specialist. Here it is necessary to stipulate in advance the amount of wages that the trainee will receive after the end of the internship period.

As can be seen from the above, there are several types of production activities based on a particular company. The issue of wages should be decided in accordance with the law. That is why you should first know your rights and obligations.

There is another option, for example, when an internship is an advanced training. In this case, the company can at its own expense provide its employee with the opportunity to acquire new knowledge. In such a situation, the issue of paying for the internship should be resolved in advance.

In general, the concept "internship" can be interpreted in different ways, but, basically, it is a program that is aimed at acquiring work experience or advanced training in a specialty. Its duration can also be different - depending on the goals and position - a month and a half, or even more.

For the duration of the internship, the trainee is considered an ordinary employee of the company., obeys the rules internal regulations and performs management tasks, but usually does not receive a salary for this. Upon completion, he presents the report and receives letter of recommendation from management. As a rule, the leader is a busy person, he is unlikely to compose it on his own. Your task is to state as concisely as possible what you have learned, what you are doing excellently, what business qualities you can boast of and what you have done usefully for this company.

Internship gives a number of positive aspects: helps to make sure that the chosen job, field of activity and enterprise suits you; gives an opportunity to show and prove oneself as a young specialist; helps to gain experience in the specialty; gives a chance to start a career or be enrolled in personnel reserve enterprises.

Employers, thanks to this program, they are less at risk of accepting an incompetent specialist into the company, since in the process of internship, personal and business qualities person, his ability to learn, sociability, mutual understanding in the team, attitude to the assigned work, responsibility.

It is best to train in a large and well-known organization , which occupies a stable position in the labor market. The need for interns is determined based on the real needs of the enterprise, if it is necessary to solve certain problems and perform specific work. For this period, a temporary employment contract is concluded with the candidate. Each trainee is "attached" to a mentor who helps the newcomer get comfortable with professional duties, explains how to interact with other departments, adapt to the corporate culture.

It should be noted that when opening a trainee position, the enterprise is initially interested in the subsequent admission of a trainee to permanent job . It is not interesting for the enterprise to simply train, invest time, effort, money and let the trainee go. Three months is enough to take a closer look at a person and understand how he meets the requirements.

Some interns come to the company not at all to be taught everything, but vice versa - put your knowledge into practice. The company receives additional labor force, young and ambitious personnel who inspire the entire team with their energy and often make quite a lot of constructive proposals. Serious companies often conduct a thorough search and selection of candidates.

In any case, the employees of the company spend a lot of time on students, and even more so on explaining the basics of the specialty, so your abilities will be taken very seriously. When choosing candidates for future interns, the company takes into account such key points: the progress and quality of knowledge of the trainee, which he demonstrates during his studies at the university, the ability and desire to independently solve the tasks, as well as personal qualities a person - activity, purposefulness, focus on the best result.

How to find a place for an internship? You can do this through the university, specialized employment sites, and enterprise sites. You can also personally contact employers.

An internship is necessary in some cases when applying for a job. Today, this procedure is becoming more common, we will tell you more about it. Labor law describes the process in detail and stipulates the timing of its implementation.

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What it is

An internship is a work activity and the acquisition of practical skills for further work.

Students of universities and vocational schools are faced with this procedure during their internship, however, this one is not paid and is different from working internship. Also, do not confuse it with a trial period and training.

In the process, the employee works under the guidance of an experienced mentor for a certain period of time, which allows him to acquire additional knowledge for further independent work.

Main functions:

  • obtaining professional skills;
  • correlation of theoretical and practical knowledge;
  • training.

The concept of an internship at the workplace is described in article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In addition, Article 225 indicates that absolutely all employees, including the manager himself, must undergo labor protection training.

When needed

With it, the employer will be able to:

  • assess the knowledge of the employee;
  • reduce the period of adaptation of newcomers to a new workplace;
  • reduce the number of accidents at work to an absolute minimum.

It is necessary in cases where the profession is related to:

  • transportation of passengers;
  • when working with complex equipment, on machine tools, and so on;
  • if the work is associated with hazardous substances and in industries with increased danger;
  • in the field of medicine, education, public catering.

Also, an internship will be required for those who have been absent from the workplace for a long time (for example, after a parental leave or a long illness).

The head of the organization must remember that ignoring the internship in cases where it is mandatory entails a fine in accordance with Article 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Its size for official will be from 15 to 30 thousand rubles, and for the organization itself - up to 130 thousand rubles.

An employee can be exempted from the need for internships based on the decision of the head with the consent of the head of labor protection. His experience in an identical position by the time of employment must be at least 3 years.

The Labor Code describes an internship as an advanced training in labor protection.

You cannot get a job without going through the following types of organizations:

  • oil refineries;
  • chemical;
  • for the production of fertilizers;
  • restaurants and cafes;
  • woodworking;
  • hospitals and so on.

Even if an employee is transferred from one position to another, an internship is required. Its passage that the person does not fulfill his duties, and that his work should not be paid. For the entire period, a citizen will have to receive a salary.

A separate issue is an internship abroad. It is carried out by agreement between companies in order to improve the qualifications of an employee to the desired level. It can be both paid and free. The employee himself can coordinate the process.

How is it carried out

Let's talk about the procedure and terms for conducting an internship at the workplace in 2019.

These issues are regulated according to:

  • Decree of the Ministries of Labor and Education No. 1/29 dated 13.01.2003;
  • new GOST 12.0.004-2015.

The first question concerns the person who will conduct the training of employees.

In this case, there are only two options:

  • if the internship is conducted for a worker, an occupational safety instructor, work supervisor or the most experienced employee is appointed responsible for his training;
  • if it is conducted for specialists and managers, you will need to contact the higher management for preparation.

According to GOST, the internship procedure itself is described in general terms.

In particular, it states:

  • the learning process is carried out according to a previously drawn up program that pursues certain goals;
  • the trainee should be familiar with job description, internal regulations, regulations, local regulations on safety, labor protection and other documents;
  • the duration of the study is indicated in the program.

In drawing up the program, the law allows you to independently determine the level of knowledge of employees. The result of each internship should be a qualifying exam. He surrenders to a specially created commission.

The result of the exam is one of the results:

  • satisfactory, which means literally: the employee is ready to work independently, his internship has come to an end;
  • unsatisfactory, after which it is impossible to allow the employee to work, he did not learn the material.

In the second case, the person must again undergo training within one month. It is important to know that you cannot retake the exam indefinitely. In the event of a repeated failure, the management raises the question of the inadequacy of the employee for the position held. This is what happens in most cases.

How to issue

In order for registration to take place quickly, the company must have the following documents:

  • a provision that describes the procedure for its implementation, goals and deadlines (approved and endorsed personally by the head of the organization);
  • the internship program describes the whole process to the smallest detail.

First of all, the employee of the personnel department concludes an employment contract with the employee. It must indicate the need for an internship in the workplace. Then an order is issued for each individual employee.

After the exam is passed by the commission, another order is issued - on admission to independent work. In some cases, you can do without it, because the qualification commission will record in writing successful delivery exam.

An internship involves employment, and during this period the employee receives a salary. At the request of the authorities, its amount may be less than the basic salary, but not lower than that established for 2019 minimum size wages (MORT), as of January 1, it amounted to 9489 rubles.


Currently, the concept of the duration of on-the-job training has changed somewhat. From 03/01/2017, the period from 3 to 14 days specified in Labor Code, has been replaced by one that will be installed by the immediate supervisor of the person undergoing the test.

The following duration of the internship is considered:

  • managers - from 14 days to one month, depending on qualifications;
  • all other persons with great experience works in an identical production, qualifications and relevant skills - from 3 to 19 working days;
  • if there is no qualification, the employee first goes to work, then the period is increased to six months (minimum - 1 month).

Do not ignore the process of conducting internships. They will motivate each employee to approach work more carefully and responsibly, and teach safety precautions.

On the this moment many companies use young professionals as free employees, i.e. company management requires without fail traineeship. Sometimes it happens that a newcomer who has worked in an organization for two weeks is declared unfit for further work. Moreover, the dismissal occurs without payment of wages.

This is a violation of the law in force in the territory of the Russian Federation regarding the conduct and completion of an internship at the workplace.

An internship is a practical mastery of work skills that are regulated by the job description. Often, internships are held by employees who work in “hazardous production”.

Sometimes internships are also those employees who receive a promotion and move to a new position. The internship period has a different duration. It all depends on the position and responsibility that falls on the shoulders of the employee.

Under the internship at the workplace, it is customary to understand the process of obtaining skills directly at the workplace (for example, in an office or production shop). Internships have both positive and negative sides.

The advantages include:

  • The specialist must get to know the team and determine their obligations. He will need to evaluate his strength and find out for himself whether he made the right choice.
  • The employee has time to adapt to the new territory.
  • The time during which the internship is held makes it possible to study the schedule and features of the team. This makes it possible to start working without stress and tension affecting nervous system person.

The downside is that not all employers are conscientious in this issue. It often happens that interns are used as free labor.

But it should be noted that the internship is not a learning process; in fact, it is an activity. And any work must be paid.

The only thing that should be agreed with the management of the organization in advance is the amount of the trainee's salary.


The duration of the internship, which takes place at the actual workplace in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, lasts from 3 to 10 working days. Moreover, it should be noted that in some cases, young professionals initially need to be trained. The duration of the course is not included in the internship.

Internship programs by profession

At the moment, there are a number of varieties of internship programs:

  1. Workplace Safety Internship – This type of internship is the most important. Without knowledge of the norms and rules, it is impossible to perform work of a production nature;
  2. There are a number of internships that relate to technical professions. All masters of this category are required to know the rules for fulfilling obligations and have the skills to work on special devices (welder, locksmith, turner, electrical engineer and boiler room operator);

In the event that the profession does not involve hard work, the specialist will need to familiarize himself with the requirements and rules for processing documentation. And you should also remember that although the work is not difficult, it still requires responsibility from the employee (antenna installer, watchman, driver, etc.);

If we are talking about an internship on special equipment, then it takes place under the strict control of the curator. Moreover, the internship period can last several months (construction crane or excavator operator).

And it is also necessary to understand that even the most ordinary and, as it sometimes seems insignificant, specialties require an internship. For example, there is an internship program at the workplace of a loader. It involves the preparation of certain documents and hard work. Therefore, a person applying for a position will need to show how physically prepared he is to perform work of such complexity.

In any case, in order to take his place in the company young specialist have to follow the prescribed program. That is the law.

The order of the internship

The beginning of an internship at the workplace begins with the issuance of an appropriate order on its actual beginning. The body of this document also includes the full name of the employee appointed to the “post” responsible for conducting the practice. Often, the head of the unit or the head of the section becomes the supervisor of the interns.

The trainee will then need to complete all relevant safety briefings. He also needs to familiarize himself with his duties, etc. The head of the organization during the entire internship keeps a special journal. It indicates the number of days (shifts) worked and the time spent at the enterprise. Also in the log of this type, all the activities that the trainee performs are recorded.

At the end of the internship, the employee will need to pass an exam on TB and previously acquired knowledge and skills.

According to the standard, the trainee is required not only to be able to work and perform the task, but also to know all the related documentation that must be followed when performing a particular workflow. If at least one of the rules is violated during the internship, then the specialist has every right to defend his rights in court.

How is it paid?

Payment for the internship is made in accordance with the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It should be noted that the amount of salary cannot be less than the minimum wage. Payment is due at the end of the entire internship period. The salary of a trainee will be less than a permanent employee.

Who is exempt from an internship?

Employees of hazardous and harmful enterprises must undergo training. But workers employed in less difficult areas can undergo internships only on the internal instructions of the head of the company.

How to arrange?

In order to arrange an internship correctly, the company's management must issue an order to start it. Then the name of the curator of the workflow and the names of the trainees are entered into it.

As mentioned earlier, a log is kept, where all the activities of the trainee are recorded.

Evaluation sheet of an employee

In the Labor Code of the Russian Federation there is no detailed definition of the concept of "internship". The only mention of this states that the employer, when hiring, independently establishes probation new employee. Its length is usually estimated at 3 months. All the nuances regarding the internship should be spelled out in.

Hiring an intern

The employment of an intern is carried out in an official manner: he writes for a certain position, on the basis of which an order is issued for his admission, and a labor agreement is concluded. Further, the personnel department enters into work book employment record as an intern.

The application for employment is written in the standard form:

  • Business name.
  • Position and full name leader.
  • Your full name, address of residence.
  • Application for admission to a position as an intern or apprentice.
  • Personal signature and date of writing the application.

Labor contract is drawn up in accordance with the text of the application: if the applicant wants to learn any position, then the contract is called a student contract. It differs from the probationary one in that a mentor is appointed for the student, who is charged with teaching him the profession, accompanying the practice and taking an exam at the end of the term. When concluding a student agreement, an entry in the work book about this is not made.

If the applicant for the position has a special education and relevant work experience, then it is enough for him to show his skills in practice, so a standard employment contract is concluded with him with a mention of the internship period.

Regardless of the status of the trainee, it must be formalized in order to avoid complaints from the labor inspectorate.

How is an internship arranged?

The procedure for passing the internship should be formalized accordingly. The minimum set of documents includes:

  1. Regulations on the internship- a local act of the enterprise, it defines general issues conducting a probationary period.
  2. Internship program- a document in which the procedure for passing the procedure is prescribed:

- the duration of the test;

- the skills that the employee must show in the allotted period.

  1. Labor contract between employee and employer.
  2. Order for an internship with the following items included:

- the basis for the internship;

- a list of trainee workers;

- mentors from among the permanent employees.

The order is signed by the head of the company. Workers who are starting an internship and mentors must sign the order, confirming that they are familiar with it.

At the end of the deadline, an order is issued again with the results of the tests passed, with a mention of admission to permanent employment or due to the fact that the results of the work do not meet the requirements of the employer.

Terms of the internship

The internship period has changed since 03/01/2017. Before that, its duration did not exceed 2 weeks, excluding weekends. Today, the term of the internship is determined by the management of the enterprise.

If the employee has the appropriate education, work experience in a similar position, then the retraining time does not exceed 19 days. In the absence of these criteria, a longer period may be assigned: from 1 to 6 months.

In case of need for an internship for appointment to leadership position the employee is assigned a probationary period of 2 weeks to 1 month.

What is the difference between an internship and a probationary period?

Despite certain similarities in concepts, it is necessary to distinguish between an internship and a probationary period.

- this is the period during which the applicant for a position is tested in order to determine his professional suitability.

Internship is a broader concept. Its goal is to acquire specific professional skills and abilities or to learn new technologies. This procedure is appointed by the management of the company on the basis of the application of the applicant. For the duration of the internship, a specific plan for its passage is drawn up. This is usually practiced in large enterprises.

Is the internship paid and how much?

According to the law, any work must be paid, regardless of whether a citizen is a permanent employee or an intern. The Labor Code does not have a separate article on internship issues, but it is mentioned in Art. 59, therefore, employers are guided by it as a provision on which to rely when hiring an intern.

The internship is paid to the employee in accordance with the law, but the remuneration is made in a smaller amount than to the main employee. The salary of the employee must be familiarized with the employment.

Interns need to know that their work must be paid. For non-payment of salaries to employees, a measure of administrative responsibility may be applied to the manager - a fine in the amount of 1,000-50,000 rubles.

Differences between an intern and a regular employee

The status of the main employee and the trainee, and even more so the trainee-apprentice, differ in several ways:

  1. Employment. When applying for a job, the trainee writes a statement in which he indicates the need for an internship or training in the profession. If he does not mention this, then the employer himself appoints a probationary period to the newly hired employee at his discretion.
  2. Wage. The remuneration for the work performed by the trainee may be assigned lower than that of the main employee. If the employer is interested in a specialist hired for a vacancy, then he can set a salary on the same level as permanent employees (see also -).
  3. Institution order. The text of the order indicates that the employee is on probation for a certain period. If during this time the employer decides that the specialist meets the requirements and accepts him for a permanent job, then a new order is issued to admit him to a permanent job.
  4. Employment history. Everything is done on the basis of a local act, so the first entry contains information about admission as an intern, and the second about permanent employment or dismissal.
  5. Labor contract. A standard labor agreement is concluded with the trainee, as with permanent employees, but it must contain clauses on the internship, indicating its period, which is due wages for this period and a reference to the article of the Labor Code, on the basis of which this item was included in the contract.

According to the law, the internship must be considered by the employer as a full-fledged labor activity.

In what cases can you do without an internship, and in what cases is it mandatory?

The employer is legally obligated to apply the internship when hiring a new employee. It is necessary for several reasons:

  • check his professional skills in the specialty for which he is applying;
  • training in safe working methods, conducting all types of briefings at the workplace;
  • monitoring the assimilation of briefings - this is especially necessary at enterprises with harmful conditions labor;
  • OT knowledge test.

All enterprises where an internship is required are under the jurisdiction of Rostekhnadzor. These include all manufacturing companies associated with heavy, hazardous and harmful factors.

The requirements for an internship are also mandatory for employees in other areas, if this is established in individual regulations. If the enterprise does not have conditions that threaten the life or health of employees, then the probationary period is appointed by the employer at his discretion. In this case, one goal is pursued - to check the conformity of the applicant's professional skills to perform official duties.

The legislative framework

Separate norms of legislation that are related to the conduct of an internship are contained in the articles of laws.

Thus, it turns out that the main point of the internship is that it is carried out for citizens who first come to work. Main goals: mastering the necessary professional skills or confirming existing ones.