Recruitment presentation step by step. Active job search technology job search: stages, methods, techniques eight main rules for job seekers types of documents required for employment

The procedure for hiring in state, municipal and private institutions. Every citizen Russian Federation when applying for a job, must submit the following documents: -documents on education; -application for a job; - documents on military duty; - work book; - identity documents of a citizen; - insurance certificate; - personal medical book.

Application for a job. The application for employment is written by hand or on a special form. The application shall indicate: - the name of the organization in which the citizen gets a job; - Full name of the head of the organization; - Full name, place of residence of a citizen getting a job; - Job title; - date of writing the application; - personal signature with decryption.

SITUATION 1 Citizen Sidorov came to the director of the plant with a request to hire him as a mechanic mechanical assembly works. The director, having listened to him, agreed to hire him and sent citizen Sidorov to the head of the shop. The head of the workshop acquainted citizen Sidorov with his workplace and said that he could start work. Did the plant manager do the right thing in this situation?

Identity documents. The passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is an identity document of a citizen of the Russian Federation. The passport indicates: -Full name of the passport holder; - Date of Birth; -- Place of Birth; -location; - marital status; - military duty.

Documents about education. Documents on education confirm that a citizen has the appropriate education, profession or specialty necessary for the implementation of this work. These include: - certificate (certificate) of graduation from school; - High school or high school diploma educational institution; - certificate (rights) to control some mechanisms or machines; - certificate of retraining or advanced training.

Employment book Employment book is an official personal document of a Russian citizen who has reached the age of 14, for the first time receiving registration from the moment he began his labor activity, upon his first employment. Records are made in the book about hiring, dismissal, awards and penalties. When applying for a job work book is handed over to the personnel department where it is stored until the dismissal of the employee, when moving to another place of work, the work book is given to him in his hands, and upon registration labor relations from new organization forwarded to her HR department. The work book takes into account the total work experience of the employee. Upon retirement, it is handed over to the pension fund, where the number of years worked is calculated, and on the basis of this, the employee is awarded a pension. The longer the length of service, the greater the pension.

The insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (green plastic card) is a document confirming the registration of a citizen in the system of compulsory pension insurance. When applying for a job, concluding employment contract or a work contract, a person must present an insurance certificate to the employer so that he can submit individual information per employee in Pension Fund. The insurance certificate should be stored directly with the citizen, the employer only makes a copy for himself and rewrites the insurance number. insurance certificate

Personal medical book. When applying for a job for the first time, an employee must have a medical book, pass medical checkup and get a work permit. If a citizen has moved from another job, he must submit a medical book with a mark on the medical examination and work permit. Medical examinations are carried out at least once a year. Medical examination is obligatory: - for employees of preschool and school institutions; - for sports leaders and leaders of circles and sections; - for employees Catering, - for sellers; - for medical workers etc.

When hiring, the head of the enterprise is reported to issue an order on hiring and conclude an employment contract with the employee. The order for employment is written on the basis of the submitted application. It displays: -number and date of the order; - the position for which the employee is hired; - the period for which the employee is hired; - signature of the head; - Company seal. On the basis of the order, an entry is made in the work book, a personal file or registration card is started, a personnel number is assigned, according to which wage. Each employee must familiarize himself with the order against signature.

SITUATION 4. When applying for a job, citizen Sidorov wrote an application with a request to accept him for the position of a mechanic. Upon reviewing the order, he learned that he had been hired as a locksmith. Do you think there is a violation in this case? labor law by the head of the company?

Labor contract. When hiring, the employer must conclude a written employment contract with the employee (Article 67 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Types of contracts: - urgent (for a certain period); - unlimited (for an indefinite period); - at the time of execution certain work. The employment contract contains: - the rights and obligations of the employer; - the rights and obligations of the employee; - duration of working time; - wage; - Details of the employer and employee. The employment contract is drawn up in two copies. One remains at the enterprise, the other is given to the employee.

STATEMENT 5 In accordance with the employment contract, citizen Sidorov was assigned a salary of 7,000 rubles. According to the contract, he has 5 days work week with weekends on Saturday and Sunday. In connection with the non-fulfillment of the plan, the employer declared Saturday a working day. Citizen Sidorov refused to work on his day off, for which he was punished and was paid a salary of 5,500 rubles. Who is right and wrong in this situation?

OUTPUT. When applying for a job in a state, municipal and private enterprise, you need to know the list required documents. Know the rules of employment and be able to defend their rights. Remember that ignorance of labor legislation when applying for a job can lead to the loss of seniority, which can affect the entire work biography.

1. Preparing for an interview

2. Self-feed technique

3. Common mistakes during interviews

self-presentation- behavior aimed at creating a favorable or appropriate someone ideals of self-image.

Interview - meeting with potential employer or his representative at the time of employment. The purpose of the interview is to get to know each other personally, to understand how the employer and the applicant are suitable for each other, and also to discuss the details of cooperation.

IN large companies often they conduct several levels of interviews: with a recruiter, with the security service, with a psychologist, with the head of a department, with senior management.

When applying for a job, a candidate is often asked to take tests or similar tests. Tests are both psychological and professional. IN Labor Code There are no provisions in the Russian Federation on the procedure for testing when hiring, but there is also no ban on testing. An employee may refuse to take the test, but in this case, his chances of being hired are significantly reduced.

Some positions are subject to stress interviews.

1. Preparing for an interview

An interview is the best way to demonstrate your best qualities to an employer. An interview is a much more flexible form of checking an employee than, for example, questioning or testing. You need to use this flexibility to your advantage.

1. Preparing for an interview

It must be remembered that the attitude towards the interviewer is not at all reduced to the position:"Let's find out what this mug is incompetent in?" Rather, he will strive to find out: “What if this is really the person we need?”

Don't take failure too seriously. They are inevitable. They must be taken for granted. The average ratio of unsuccessful and

successful interviews is 20 to 1 (a successful interview is such an interview, after which you will be offered a job). This should be treated absolutely normally.

One of better ways reduce anxiety - prepare well for the interview. It is worth finding out more about the company in which you are going to get a job, conduct a couple of training sessions with friends. Let them play the role of vicious and predatory employers.

The list of questions most frequently asked in an interview is not that long.

Tell us a little about yourself.

How would you describe yourself?

Tell us about your last job.

Tell us about your former boss.

Reason for leaving previous job.

What do you know about our company?

What attracts you to our company?

Why do you want to work with us?

How does your education or work experience relate to this job?

How can you be useful to our company?

What are your strengths?

What are your main weaknesses?

What type of work do you most like (dislike) doing?

What did you like most and what least about your previous job?

What was your biggest mistake at your previous job?

What are your interests outside of work?

What are your goals in life?

How do you plan to achieve them?

What would you like to change about your past?

What salary do you expect?

There is a category of particularly cunning interviewers. They are well aware that trained and experienced candidates who have passed more than one interview always have homework for the most common questions. Therefore, they will not ask directly, for example, “Why did you leave your previous work?”, but prefer a workaround:

“What needs to change in your previous workplace for you to agree to return there?”

Such a question allows you to find out the true, and not the declared reasons for leaving the previous position. You should be prepared for similar traps.

The most unexpected questions that are usually asked in well-known companies

How many basketballs can you fit in this room? - Google.

For a range of numbers from 1 to 1000, what is the minimum number of attempts required to find the hidden number if you get a "higher" or "lower" hint for each guess - Facebook.

There are three boxes, one contains only apples, one contains only oranges, and one contains apples and oranges. The boxes were labeled incorrectly so that the label does not identify the contents. You open one of the boxes while blindfolded. Taking out one fruit, how can you

label all boxes? - Apple.

You have 8 coins, 7 weigh the same, one weighs less. Using the scales, find a light coin in less than three steps - Intel.

What would you do if you inherited a pizzeria from your uncle?

Why do you think only a small percentage of the population earns more than $150,000? -

stage 1 Referral of a candidate for a mandatory preliminary medical examination (examination) in cases provided for by law (Article 69 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) We issue a referral for a medical examination (examination) ) We receive a medical report from a job candidate and evaluate its results Pay attention! Preliminary mandatory medical examination (examination) is carried out at the expense of the employer Please note! The medical report must be signed by the attending physician and have the seal of the preventive institution

Stage 2 Familiarization of the applicant with the rules of internal work schedule, other local regulations directly related to his labor activity, collective agreement(part 3 of article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) Please note! Familiarization sheets with documents or the Familiarization Journal can be used to familiarize yourself with the provisions of local acts of both applicants for work and those already working

Stage 3 Obtaining the necessary documents from the job candidate (Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) Passport or identity document; insurance certificate of state pension insurance; documents on education, qualifications or the availability of special knowledge; military registration documents We check whether the candidate has a job We return it to the candidate for work. We transfer the necessary data Pay attention! It is forbidden to demand from a person applying for a job, documents other than those provided for by regulatory legal acts

Stage 4 Execution of an employment contract in writing (Article 67 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) We draw up the text of an employment contract We sign an employment contract We register an employment contract We send a copy of the employment contract to the file We transfer a copy of the employment contract to the employee

Stage 6 Issuance of an order for employment (parts 1 and 2 of article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) We draw up an order We sign the order We register the order We send the order to the case We introduce the employee with the order against signature

Stage 7 Making an entry about hiring in the employee's work book (part 4 of article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

Stage 7 Employment book We draw up a person applying for a job, upon his written application We issue it to a person entering a job for the first time We receive from the candidate and make an entry in the Book of accounting for the movement of labor and inserts in them Pay attention! The employer must always have the required number of work book forms and inserts in it. Please note! It is prohibited to demand from a person entering a job for the first time a form of a work book

Stage 8 Registration of the employee's personal card Filling out the personal card Signing the personal card Receiving the employee's signature on the personal card Sending the personal card to the case Registering the personal card

Stage 9 Registration of a personal file We draw up an internal inventory of documents of a personal file We draw up a personal sheet on personnel records and place it in the file We draw up an addition to the personal sheet on personnel records and place it in the file We register a personal file We draw up an autobiography and put it in the file We place certified copies in the personal file employee's documents Please note! The autobiography contains short description in chronological order of the main stages of life and work of the employee. The autobiography is compiled in any form.

Stage 10 Military registration We check the documents of the military registration We fill out section II of the personal card of the employee No. T-2 “Information on the military registration” We send information to the military commissariat. We draw up information on the employment of a citizen subject to military registration, for referral to the military commissariat

stage 11 initial briefing at the workplace We organize training in safe methods and techniques for performing work and providing first aid to victims Please note! The employee must be familiarized with the relevant documents on labor protection before signing the employment contract.

stage 12 Allowing the employee to work The employee is obliged to start work from the day specified in the employment contract. If the employment contract does not specify the day of commencement of work, the employee must start work on the next business day after the entry into force of the employment contract

stage 13 Inclusion of information about the employee in the time sheet (part 3 of article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) The employer is obliged to keep records of the time actually worked by each employee.

A possible variant of employment In practice, the execution of documents: - making an entry about hiring in the employee's work book - registration of the employee's personal card, - registration of a personal file - registration of documents for military registration often occurs after the employee is admitted to work. There is no mistake in this, it is only necessary to comply with the deadlines provided for by regulatory enactments for the execution of the relevant documents.

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Presentation on the topic: Job interview

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Job interview An interview is a fairly common method for hiring and involves, first of all, finding out information about the candidate during personal contact. In addition to the interview itself, when evaluating a candidate, the following can be used: testing abilities, personal qualities, knowledge, skills, professional competence.

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Tips for passing INTERVIEW TYPICAL MISTAKE…1. LATE Arrive 10-15 minutes earlier than your scheduled time. Specify the route and procedure for entering the building, floor, office number, etc. in advance. As a last resort, having got into a traffic jam, be sure to call and explain the situation.2. Inappropriate clothing and appearance.The first impression in an interview happens in the first few seconds. Dress more conservatively than usual, and most importantly clean and neat. Don't forget your hair, teeth, nails, and deodorant. A minimum of a naked body, bare stomachs; nothing particularly fashionable, even if you are only 20…3. Chewing, smoking, hangover. No comment.

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Tips for passing INTERVIEWS TYPICAL MISTAKE…4. An unplugged mobile phone. This is a demonstration of their efficiency at the most inopportune moment. Talk about your current job (or personal matters) while applying for a job new job- the height of disrespect for the interviewer. Turn off your mobile phone before you enter the office, and not during the call!5. Stiffness and shyness. Of course, you are nervous. But can you still smile? How about keeping eye contact? Exude enthusiasm - that's what all interviewers want to see. Job interviews are no time for false modesty. This is your first and perhaps only chance to make the right impression...

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Tips for passing INTERVIEW TYPICAL MISTAKE…6. Ignorance of the company-employer. The interview is not the time for your questions like “Tell me about your company”, “What do you do?” etc. You must come prepared: know the history of the company, its products and services, competitors, names of leaders, latest news market…7. Ignorance of your strengths (and weaknesses) qualities. Answers like “I can’t praise myself” or “it’s better to ask others about this” are not good. The interviewer is not going to interview your friends and bosses now. He might do it later. If you like him now. But for now, he only has you. And you yourself will have to evaluate and praise yourself. You know yourself best...

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Tips for passing the INTERVIEW TYPICAL MISTAKE ... 8. Unpreparedness for the interview. You should know the questions that are usually asked in interviews. Prepare sensible answers to them with examples from practice. Practice with a friend or parents. Have them act as the interviewer. Practice. Prepare a short speech about yourself and memorize it. Explain to the employer why you are a good choice for them. All employers want to know this, help them yourself.9. Verbosity. Talking off topic, interrupting the interlocutor and answering a simple question for 15 minutes - all this annoys the interviewer. If you had rehearsed, you would have avoided it. Answer to the point, briefly and with examples. The principle is this: sit still, listen carefully, answer thoughtfully. You should also not boast of acquaintances with high-ranking officials and mention many important names. An absentee protégé belittles you.

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Tips for passing INTERVIEWS COMMON MISTAKES…10. Inflated conceit and arrogance. Are you selected for a job and you are not a superstar? Then do not rush to consider yourself already accepted and put forward your own conditions. Remember - now you do not choose, but you are chosen. Never make any demands during the 1st interview and before you have been offered a job. Do not talk about other job options that you are now allegedly considering. If you do not like the company - refuse.11. Don't ask questions. Or ask too many of them. You should have a few questions about the company and position ready. 3-4 smart questions clarifying the scope of duties, tasks, plans, subordination, etc. This is quite enough for the first time. An interview is a dialogue, not an interrogation.

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Tips for passing INTERVIEWS COMMON MISTAKE…12. Do not criticize former leaders. And even competitors. You don't want to look like a complainer and a snitch, do you? An interview is not a place for revenge. The interviewer will listen and understand that the time will come, and you will be just as caustic about their company. Your criticism will reflect on you, not on those you criticize. Even if someone treated you unfairly or you hated your former leader, do not sling mud at him. The interviewer does not know all the circumstances of the case...13. It’s too early to ask about salary and social package. Wait, perhaps the interlocutor will touch on this topic himself and you will not need to initiate it. This should be done very politely and at the very end of the interview. And only if you understand that your candidacy has not been rejected in principle.

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Tips for passing INTERVIEWS COMMON MISTAKE…14. Lies. To lie and embellish is very tempting. But it doesn't work. First, everything secret will become clear. Secondly, probation in any case will show your true qualities. Not all means are good here. Often, honesty the best solution. Mark Twain said, "If you're telling the truth, you don't have to remember anything." They will convict you later.15. Forget about feedback. When leaving, take an interest and agree on further mutual actions. When you get home, write an e-mail, express your appreciation for the time and pleasant conversation, express your hope for a favorable outcome, tell any facts that you forgot or did not have time to tell during the interview. Call in a few days for yourself, find out the result.

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Tips for passing the INTERVIEW AN ATTEMPT IS NOT A TORTURE ... Even if you were not accepted, it does not matter. With each interview, your experience and ability to present yourself correctly will grow. Analyze what caused the failure: insufficient qualifications, high self-esteem, poor appearance and gloom, or simply being late for an interview. next interview, try to prepare better. If the interviewer says goodbye to you helpful tips about what you should change in yourself or your behavior - do not be offended, but listen carefully to them. Will come in handy next time!

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basic rules for working with documents