Dmitry Brashnov Economics of hotel business. Tutorial

Food complex includes establishments Catering(cafes, bars, restaurants) on the territory of the hotel, organizes and serves receptions, banquets, presentations and other events. All of these establishments are closed on three divisions: the supply service, warehousing and kitchen. These same departments also interact with the maid service when room service includes a breakfast in bed service. The management of the food complex is engaged in the preparation of the menu, ordering and delivery necessary products, quality control of finished products in the kitchen and the distribution of dishes in the areas of service personnel.
Supply of food, hygiene and detergents, other goods are sold with the support transport department. The same department usually serves guests by transporting them to the hotel. A large number of hotel enterprises do not create their own transport department, but use the services of third-party organizations involved in cargo transportation and the services of a taxi company.
Naturally, depending on the level of service, the structure of the hotel can be more complex. Many hotels have a housekeeping service, which includes laundry, dry cleaning, clothes and shoes repair service, and similar departments to provide additional services to customers.

§ 1.4. Legal organization of hotel business in the Russian Federation

Legislative organization and regulation of hotel business in the territory Russian Federation are carried out through a set of legal acts, which has a hierarchical structure in accordance with the degree of priority and importance of each specific act. At the top of the hierarchy is the Constitution of the Russian Federation - the Basic Law of the country, with the provisions of which all other Russian legislation is brought into line. Various aspects of the influence of the Basic Law on the national economy are studied by an independent discipline called constitutional economy.
An analysis of the hotel business from the standpoint of the constitutional economy shows that the hotel business contributes to the implementation in our country of a number of inalienable rights of citizens, enshrined in the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. These rights primarily include:
- the right to freedom of movement, arising from the text of paragraphs 1 and 2 of Art. 27 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, stating: “1. Everyone who is legally on the territory of the Russian Federation has the right to move freely<…>2. Everyone can freely travel outside the Russian Federation. A citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to freely return to the Russian Federation”;
- the right to organized tourist recreation, arising from the text of paragraph 5 of Art. 37 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which states: "Everyone has the right to rest";
- the right to use recreational resources located on the territory of the Russian Federation, arising from the text of Art. 41 and 42 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. According to paragraph 1 of Art. 41 Everyone has the right to health care. According to Art. 42 everyone has the right to a favorable environment;
- the right to engage in hotel business in private for the purpose of making a profit, arising from the text of paragraph 1 of Art. 34 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which reads: “Everyone has the right to free use of his abilities and property for entrepreneurial and other purposes not prohibited by law. economic activity».
In accordance with the provisions of h. 1 Article. 15 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, laws and other legal acts adopted in the Russian Federation must not contradict the Basic Law of our country. Consequently, all Russian legislation on hotel business and tourism relies on the requirements set out in the Constitution. From the point of view of legal theory, the Constitution is the most powerful federal law.
In addition to this act, there are other federal laws, some of them are combined into codes(from lat. codex - "a set of books"). The codes are in the legal hierarchy below the Constitution, which is specified, each covering a specific area of ​​law: civil, labor, criminal, administrative, tax, environmental (water, forestry), etc. The hotel business, as a type of business activity, falls under the provisions of mainly Civil Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). With regard to the hospitality industry, this code regulates relations between persons (individuals and legal entities) providing accommodation services and related legal services on a reimbursable basis. Wherein prerequisite is the requirement that the said persons be registered as an individual entrepreneur or organization in the manner prescribed by law.
From paragraph 3 of Art. 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation it follows that hotel and other services of the hospitality industry move freely throughout the territory of the Russian Federation. Restrictions on the movement of these services can only be introduced in accordance with federal law in situations where this measure is necessary to protect the life and health of people, as well as the protection of nature and cultural values. Hospitality services can be provided by individuals and legal entities.
Under individuals for the purposes of civil law, citizens are recognized who are registered as individual entrepreneurs (IEs) without forming a legal entity from the moment of their state registration in this capacity (clause 1, article 23 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
Legal entities are understood as organizations that have passed the state registration procedure and have separate property, to which they are liable for their obligations. A legal entity has the opportunity, on its own behalf, to acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights, perform duties, be a plaintiff and defendant in court, must have an independent balance sheet or estimate (clause 1, article 48 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
The management of hotel staff is carried out by the administration, taking into account the norms of labor law, fixed, in particular, in Labor Code Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation pursue the goal of establishing state guarantees labor rights and freedoms of citizens, creation of favorable working conditions, protection of the rights and interests of employees and employers. The purpose of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation consists, among other things, in legal regulation relations between the employer and employees on the following issues:
labor organization and labor management;
professional training, retraining and advanced training of employees;
social partnership, collective bargaining, conclusion collective agreements and agreements;
participation of workers and trade unions in the establishment of working conditions and the application labor law;
liability employers and workers in the world of work;
resolution of labor disputes, etc.
Exist federal laws, not included in the codes and regulating a narrow field of activity. They have supremacy over other normative-legal acts, except for those listed above, which are called by-laws. On the subjects of the Federation, listed in Art. 71 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws have direct effect on the entire territory of the country (for which see part 2 of article 4 and part 1 of article 76 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).
The activities of hotel enterprises as business entities fall under the provisions of a number of federal laws, of which the most important are laws on licensing, competition protection and consumer protection. Federal Law No. 128-FZ of 08.08.2001 “On Licensing Certain Types of Activities” lists the types of economic activities that are allowed to be engaged only if the business entity has a license, i.e. a special permit to carry out a specific type of activity subject to mandatory compliance with the licensing conditions . Many hotel services and other activities require licensing, with the exception of the main services - accommodation and tour operating.
The following types of activities that a hotel company can carry out are subject to mandatory licensing:
restoration activities cultural heritage(if they are located on the territory of the hotel complex);
transportation of passengers by sea (for fleets, as well as during the implementation of tour operating programs, etc.);
transportation of passengers by inland water transport (for boats, as well as during the implementation of tour operating programs, etc.);
transportation of passengers by air (for flights and air hotels, as well as in the course of tour operating programs, etc.);
passenger transportation by car equipped for transportation of more than eight people (except for the case if the specified activity is carried out to meet the own needs of a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur);
transportation of passengers, luggage and cargo-luggage by rail (including for rotels);
activities for organizing and conducting gambling and / or betting, including the use of gaming equipment (for casino hotels).
The hotel enterprise is obliged to comply with the rules of fair market competition set forth in the Federal Law of July 26, 2006 No. 135 - FZ "On Protection of Competition". Activities aimed at asserting their monopoly positions in the market are contrary to the provisions of this law and the Constitution, violate the most important principles of functioning market economy.
Law of the Russian Federation of 07.02.1992 No. 2300-1 “On Protection of Consumer Rights” regulates relations between consumers and contractors in the provision of any services, establishes the rights of consumers to purchase services of adequate quality and safe for life, health, property of consumers and the environment, to receive information about services and their performers, education, state and public protection their interests, and also determines the mechanism for the implementation of these rights.
To by-laws include, among others, orders, resolutions and orders of executive authorities, including the Government of the Russian Federation and sectoral ministries and departments. Sphere hotel business regulated primarily by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 25, 1997 No. 490 “On approval of the Rules for the provision hotel services in the Russian Federation” and by order of the Federal Agency for Tourism (Rostourism) dated July 21, 2005 No. 86 “On approval of the classification system for hotels and other accommodation facilities”, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 15, 2005 No. 1004-r.
The rules for the provision of hotel services are developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" and regulate relations in the field of promotion and marketing of services provided by hotel enterprises. The hotel classification system establishes the goals, organizational structure and procedural procedure for carrying out work on the classification of accommodation facilities into categories.
They have the least power internal organizational and administrative documents enterprises, compliance with which is nevertheless mandatory for the hotel staff of this particular hotel. These include orders from the administration, job descriptions by types of professions, regulations on the work of individual units (regulations on accounting, regulations on the communication service, etc.). Legal management carried out by staff through employment contracts(contracts) concluded with employees.

1. What is meant by the economy of the hotel business?
2. What is the legal definition of the concept of the hospitality industry?
3. What types of accommodation facilities are there?
4. What accommodation facilities are considered motels?
5. What is the definition of a hotel business?
6. What is the difference between a botel, a flotel and an aquatel?
7. How is the concept of similar accommodation facilities revealed?
8. What is meant by a resort?
9. What are the types of health resort organizations?
10. What code establishes state guarantees of labor rights and freedoms of citizens, creation of favorable working conditions, protection of the rights and interests of workers and employers?
11. What are called by-laws?
12. What constitutional rights of citizens are realized thanks to the hotel business?
13. What types business activity in the hotel business are subject to compulsory licensing?
14. What law governs the relationship between consumers and contractors in the provision of hotel services?
15. In accordance with what document is the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation?

Chapter 2. Hotel service as a product

§ 2.1. The essence of hotel service

Traditions business turnover reveal the concept services as a kind of action during which the benefits consumed in the process of providing services are produced. Russian legislation offers several definitions of this concept, contained in the Civil and Tax Codes and GOST R 50646-94 “Services to the population. Terms and Definitions".
Civil legislation classifies services as objects of civil rights (Article 128 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) and calls them constituent element enterprises as a property complex (clause 2, article 132 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Goods and works have the same properties, which unites them with a service. The Tax Code distinguishes between services, on the one hand, and goods and materials and works, on the other hand: “A service for taxation purposes is an activity whose results do not have a material expression, are realized and consumed in the process of carrying out this activity” (clause 5, article 38 Tax Code of the Russian Federation).
A more specific definition is contained in GOST R 50646-94 “Services to the public. Terms and Definitions". According to this document, a service should be understood as the result of direct interaction between the performer and the consumer or the performer's own activities to meet the needs of the consumer.
Hotel services are also notable for the fact that their consumption is subject to planning and management, in connection with which they form a product. Some types of services cannot be formalized as a product because they are poorly predictable and poorly managed. Such, for example, are photocopying services. Meanwhile, there is a category of services that are relatively easy to formalize in the form of a product, say, banking services, which today it is correct to call a banking product. Unlike ordinary services, a product is a complex service that is pre-planned, developed and prepared for sale to specific customers at a given time.
A brighter and closer example is a tourist product. Federal Law "On the Basics tourism activities in the Russian Federation” examines tourism product as a set of transportation and accommodation services provided for a total price (regardless of the inclusion in the total price of the cost of excursion services and / or other services) under an agreement on the sale of a tourist product. As you can see, the tourism product goes through a long process of preparation and includes several services, activities and actions to meet the needs of the client.
Accommodation Services are also planned in accordance with seasonal fluctuations in demand, specially designed for different categories guests, are prepared for sale through advertising and marketing technologies, and are also sold as a comprehensive package through the room reservation system. Thus, we have a product of the hospitality industry, comparable to a tour, excursion and similar tourist products.
We can say that the hotel product is a delayed complex service that is entirely consumed during the provision, but the various components of which are nevertheless prepared long before that according to a specially planned plan.
Like any product in the service sector, the hotel service is two-part, that is, it combines the so-called hard and soft products. solid product covers material services provided at the expense of the property complex of the hotel enterprise. This includes the buildings and facilities of the hotel, the interior of the rooms, utility equipment and other equipment. soft product covers intangible services - such as psychological comfort, an atmosphere of cordiality, conscientiousness and complicity of staff, etc. Thus, a soft product incorporates everything that forms together hospitality as such.
The package of services is completed based on the goals of visitors to this hotel. These goals are determined by the marketing policy, which is built taking into account the specifics of the destination and the statistics of tourism needs. For example, a destination may be located in a resort area, which means that its services should be focused primarily on vacationers and people who want to improve their health. As for the statistics of tourist needs, it gives average indicators that allow predicting requests potential client. Most often, those who arrive in the settlement with business purposes; recreation is in second place; third place by a wide margin is occupied by other purposes of tourism (Table 1).

Table 1
Goals of Russian hotel guests (as a percentage of the total number of clients)

The parties in the transaction for the sale of the hotel product are the service provider and its customer, concluding an agreement between themselves paid provision services, in accordance with which the contractor undertakes, on the instructions of the customer, to provide hotel services provided for by the contract and legislation, and the customer undertakes to pay for these services (Chapter 39 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
It should be noted that the provision of certain services is regulated by the norms of Ch. 38, 40, 41, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 51, 53 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. However, as follows from the conditions of paragraph 2 of Art. 779 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the norms of Ch. 39 of this Code.

§ 2.2. The most important features of the hotel service

The hotel service has the properties of intangibility, inseparability of provision from the consumer, heterogeneity, perishability and lack of ownership.
1. Service intangibility due to the lack of its materiality in terms of a soft product, which is most important, since it is actually hospitality. Nevertheless, the hotel service cannot be called pointless in the full sense, since it strongly depends on the property complex of the hotel. Certification of services and assignment of a certain category (class) to a hotel enterprise is based on precisely such parameters of a solid hotel product as 1) material values ​​that provide comfort, and 2) the professionalism of staff trained and tested according to standards.
2. The inseparability of the provision of services from the consumer explained by the participation of the client in the process of creating and providing services. This is not quite typical for the hotel business, since all components of the hotel product are created in advance according to the planned plan. However, consumers (guests) are involved in the process of providing services, as a result of which they are required to acceptably high activity in the development of the hotel product, because otherwise the stay in the hotel will seem boring or tiring.
In this regard, high-class hotel companies strive to offer guests the widest possible range of additional services for every taste. Special animation programs are designed to keep clients active within reasonable limits in order to enrich the program of guests' stay and at the same time not tire the guests with intrusiveness.
3. Service heterogeneity means the heterogeneity of its characteristics, due to the ambiguity of the assessments given to this service by consumers. The psychological factor that gives the service the property of heterogeneity creates practical difficulties in the implementation of standardization of services. The task of full-time hotel marketers is to find such consumers for hotel services that these services can fully satisfy.
4. Service Persistence means the impossibility of storing it, since even the material component of the service does not form commodity stocks. In the hotel business, a room that is not sold on time “disappears” for the season. In addition, the non-retention of numbers leads to crises in customer service during peak periods. The perishability of the hotel product complicates the pricing procedure, since it is impossible to sell it at the same price throughout the year - in certain seasons the product is not in demand at all, and at other times it can be sold, but at a lower price.
5. No Ownership of Services implies the impossibility for the guest to own the service received from the contractor. The use of rooms and other hotel property by the guest is similar to renting. Accordingly, as a tenant, the client is legally responsible to the owner-hotelier for the integrity of the property entrusted to him for use. In accordance with paragraph 26 of the Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 1997 No. 490) and the provisions of other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the guest is obliged to compensate for damage in case of loss or damage to hotel property, and also bears responsibility for other violations.

§ 2.3. Certification of hotel services

Certification is a voluntary or mandatory testing procedure, which results in an expert assessment of the conformity of the tested object to the quality standard. Meanwhile, classification is the division of certain objects into groups (classes) in accordance with the qualities identified in these objects. Hotel certification is a voluntary check of a hotel company for compliance with the requirements of the state standard for the quality of hotel services, followed by assigning a certain category to the tested accommodation facility, which serves as an official certificate of the hotel belonging to a particular class in the generally accepted classification of accommodation facilities. Thus, the certification procedure focuses on standards that are set not only by regulatory requirements, but also classification of accommodation facilities in terms of quality.
AT different countries various forms of communication to consumers and other interested parties about the certification of accommodation facilities for compliance with a certain category are used. In our country, as in most European countries, as well as in the USA, the “star” classification system is used. That is, graphically, the sign of the hotel category is a combination of one to five five-pointed stars of the correct form of arbitrary size. Five-star hotels provide the most comfortable rooms.
The Russian system of certification and attestation of hotels is called Classification systems for hotels and other accommodation facilities. It was developed taking into account the provisions of the Federal Law of November 24, 1996 No. 132-FZ "On the basics of tourism activities in the Russian Federation", Federal Law of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ "On technical regulation", Law of the Russian Federation of February 7, 1992 No. 2300 -1 "On consumer protection". This System was approved by the order of the Federal Tourism Agency of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2005 No. 86 in accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 15, 2005 No. 1004-r.
Prior to the entry into force of the said order, two state standards were applied in our country - GOST R 50 645-94 and GOST 28681.4-95 with the same name “Tourist and excursion services. Classification of hotels. The first of them ceased to operate in 2003 due to the inconvenience of its use for the needs of hotel certification in the new conditions. The second GOST had the same disadvantages and was used temporarily, until a more advanced standard was developed. In connection with the approval of the System on the territory of the Russian Federation, it has become inappropriate to apply GOST 28681.4-95. On August 1, 2006, its use was terminated by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation of July 5, 2006 No. 129-st.
It is important to pay attention to the fact that until 2006 the country actually used certification systems, and not classifications, although on the basis of these systems a certain class was assigned to accommodation facilities. The difference between the certification system and the classification system is that the first provides only an assessment of the compliance of the accommodation facility with the requirements normative documents. The assessment is carried out by experts of a particular certification body. As a result of certification, a hotel or other accommodation facility was issued a certificate of conformity, which noted the compliance of the enterprise with the requirements of a particular regulatory document, indicating its name and paragraphs that set out these requirements.

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Dmitry Brashnov
The economics of the hotel business. Tutorial

© Brashnov D.G., 2013

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About the subject of the economics of the hotel business

Exceptional value for national economy development of the so-called hospitality industry, which includes the hotel business as a key component. In view of the above circumstances, by the decision of the Presidium of the Educational and Methodological Association for Education in the Field of Production Management of the State Committee for high school of the Russian Federation on January 25, 1994 in our country, the educational specialty "Economics and Management at the Enterprise of Tourism and hotel industry».

According to this decision, the training of economists-managers in this specialty is open from September 1, 1994 and is carried out in accordance with federal standard, approved on April 20, 1994. Starting from October 3, 2000, the standard was supplemented by the Exemplary Curriculum for the specialty "Economics and Management at the Tourism and Hospitality Enterprise", approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

The concept of the economics of the hotel business as a science and academic discipline is revealed through the history of these terms. The term "economy" was introduced by the ancient Greek philosopher and writer Xenophon (c. 430-354 BC) as the title of a treatise on the best housekeeping. Translated from the ancient Greek "economy" means house building. After the reform of economic knowledge carried out by the English political economist A. Smith (1723-1790), the concept of economics as a science moved far away from the categories of economics and spread to commercial enterprises and government revenues.

Today under economy refers to the branch of humanitarian and public knowledge that studies economic relations, i.e. any relations that arise in society or individual social groups about the reproduction, distribution and consumption of material goods in the form of goods, works and services. One of the objects of close attention of economic science is a private matter, which attracted even ancient thinkers, and now denoted by the English concept business (business).

business, or entrepreneurship, should be considered as an economic project of one person or a group of financially interested persons, which involves any legal activity in the field of production and / or marketing and is aimed at making profit as a reward for the risks incurred.

The science of economics has several branches specializing in a certain form of relations (depending on the subject of relations) or covering a certain, independent group of methods of cognition. Thus, tourism economics specializes in tourism activities, studying the latter in a variety of ways. Meanwhile, accounting (not to be confused with accounting) specializes in the study of any economic and related information processes using methods accounting.

Subject hospitality economics is the activity of individuals or organizations providing paid accommodation services for visitors, as well as related services that improve the living conditions of the latter.

The hotel business is one of the main areas in hospitality industry, what is the name of the service segment for the provision of services to travelers, including tourists. According to the definition adopted by the current Russian legislation, this industry is a combination of hotels and other accommodation facilities, means of transport, sanatorium and resort treatment and recreation facilities, catering facilities, entertainment facilities and facilities, educational, business, health-improving, sports and recreation facilities. sports and other purposes, organizations engaged in tour operator and travel agency activities, operators of tourist information systems, as well as organizations providing services of guides (guides), guides-translators and instructors-guides (Article 1 of the Federal Law of November 24, 1996 No. 132-ФЗ “On the Basics of Tourist Activities in the Russian Federation”).

The hospitality industry today covers a wide range of business activities. This is a giant sector in the economy of most countries. Only on the territory of our country annually (for the period since 2003) about 30 million Russian citizens are served, about 14.3-14.5 million citizens from the CIS countries and 8.1-8.3 million citizens from non-CIS countries.

In addition to the hotel business, the hospitality industry includes many other areas of service, among which catering (restaurant business, etc.), retail trade in souvenirs and tourist goods, recreational and cultural and entertainment services are especially important. At the same time, it is necessary to recognize the closest interaction, on the one hand, with the hotel business, and on the other, with tourist and excursion services (services of travel agents and tour operators), which determines the state and level of other components of the hospitality industry.

The relationship between the hotel and tourism business

Under tourism(from French tour - “trip, walk”) is understood as a health or educational activity associated with visiting certain areas (destinations, from English destination - “destination”) outside the permanent place of residence for the purpose of cultural recreation. The Federal Law “On the Basics of Tourism Activities” mentioned above interprets the concept of “tourism” as temporary departures (travels) of citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons from their permanent place of residence for any legal purposes, except for the purpose of engaging in activities related to generating income from sources in the country (place) of temporary residence.

Accordingly, the tourism (more correctly, tourism) business is an entrepreneurial activity aimed at meeting the needs of tourists and developing infrastructure that provides maximum convenience for travel. The specialization of the tourism business is due to the diversity of tourism itself, the variety of targets that are formulated by travelers.

The purposes of tourism can be health-improving, recreational, physical-sports, educational, entertaining, professional-business, religious and others. Depending on the goals of travelers in tourism, the following basic areas are distinguished: recreational, sports, ecological, rural, etc.

As a type of activity, tourism has a great social impact. In the course of travel, many citizens pursue the goal of improving and increasing their health in favorable conditions, including the countryside and the resort zone. These types of tourism are promising in terms of a positive impact on the health of the nation. Support for these areas of tourism reduces the social costs associated with high morbidity, makes it possible to more rationally spend funds on healthcare, reduce the burden on clinics and hospitals, etc.

Russia has significant environmental and recreational resources to meet the needs of medical and recreational and similar types of tourism. There are more than 15,500 protected natural areas of federal and local significance in our country, including 75 national and natural parks, 100 nature reserves, over 3,000 reserves, more than 10,000 natural monuments, as well as over 2,300 objects for resort and sanatorium recreation, of which 27 have the status of federal resorts (including 18 unique ones).

Cultural-excursion tourism directions suggest a cognitive target orientation. These types of tourism are promising in terms of raising the educational and spiritual level of the nation. Support for these areas increases the effectiveness of school and university education, implements the tasks of patriotic education, promotes the development of local history, etc. They are closely adjoined by religious tourism (pilgrimage), thanks to which the spiritual life of the nation is enriched and the constitutional right to freedom of religion is realized.

Our country has significant resources to support cultural and excursion tourism, which are collectively called objects of tourist display. According to Rosstat data, objects of tourist display in Russia are located in 477 cities, the most remarkable in historical terms, and include 2368 museums, 590 theaters, 67 circuses, about 99 thousand monuments of history and culture, 24 zoos, as well as 103 operating museums - reserve and 41 museum-estates (the latter are identical to museum-reserves in terms of the nature of their activities, but, as a rule, have a much smaller territory).

Professional and business tourism covers the field of vocational education, as well as business trips and trips for business needs, for example, to conferences, exhibitions, fairs and other events aimed at sharing knowledge and experience, disseminating innovations, concluding preliminary contracts, expanding ties (including the search for new partners and customers), as well as the purposes of advertising and PR. Professional support business tourism is regarded throughout the world as an effective tool for increasing the professional literacy of citizens, intensifying business processes and ultimately increasing national wealth.

In particular, book tour(from English. book tour- "book tour") in the world of the publishing business serves as a means of advertising the author and his works. Book tours include author-fan meetings based on writer-reader dialogue, performances for the public, including emerging writers, and sales of the most popular books, especially the latest best-selling titles. This form of business tourism, firstly, intensifies the economic processes in society, contributing to the growth of sales in bookstores, increasing publishing circulation, increasing pressure on printing houses, etc. Secondly, book tours increase public interest in the book, helping the nation to remain "reading", supporting the intellectual life of society in the era of the dominance of video culture.

The scale of tourist flows makes us look for opportunities for state and even interstate (international) regulation of travel agency and tour operator activity. In accordance with the principle of the Hague Declaration, adopted at the Inter-Parliamentary Conference on Tourism in The Hague (Kingdom of the Netherlands) jointly with the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and the World Tourism Organization (WTO) on April 14, 1989, “tourism should be planned public authorities as well as the authorities and tourism industry on a comprehensive and consistent basis, taking into account all aspects of this phenomenon”.

Unregulated and unorganized tourism is associated with certain risks and increased social costs, as a result of which the economy of destinations gains relatively little, but loses much more. In addition, the mass nature of tourism in the absence of mechanisms for organizing the social activity of travelers entails the following severe consequences for the destination:

a) deterioration of the epidemiological background due to outbreaks of infectious diseases provoked by the grouping and high mobility of people;

b) an increase in cases of deviant behavior, including an increase in crime (attacks on tourists, theft in hotels and kidnapping and become a source of income for a certain group of people);

c) standardization of role relations between the local population and visitors in accordance with social expectations, which violates normal interpersonal communication;

d) commercialization of hospitality, which implies the need to pay for help to a visitor, traditionally provided free of charge, out of philanthropy;

e) generational conflict in the host society, expressed in the "youth rebellion" and similar phenomena, pursuing the goal of changing cultural traditions to behavior patterns seen among foreigners;

f) “tourism fatigue”, i.e. weakening of infrastructure due to increased loads;

g) increased pollution of the environment - natural, rural and urban - by waste produced by tourists and their vehicles, as well as the destruction and deterioration of habitats of wild species.

Among the mechanisms of regulation and organization of tourism, an important position is occupied by the development of the hotel business. The presence of a sufficient number of accommodation facilities guarantees the safety of tourists, their full service, organization of recreation and entertainment, satisfaction of all needs, including assistance in achieving the goals of the trip. Only certain areas of tourism have little need for a developed hotel sector in order to achieve the goals of the trip. Such are some types of sports tourism, such as mountaineering, when accommodation in nature, and not in a room, does not in the least contradict the purpose of the trip.

However, most other destinations are strictly dependent on the number of rooms in the destination and the quality of hotel service. These are, in particular, all forms of professional and business tourism. For example, regular holding in Ufa (Bashkortostan) of all-Russian scientific and practical conferences on quality standardization banking is carried out thanks to a package of accommodation services provided by three top-class hotels (two four-star and one three-star), a ski center, a reservation service, a transfer service "airport (station) - hotel - airport (station)", as well as other structures of the hospitality industry.

Organizations engaged in entrepreneurial activities in the field of tourism differ in travel agencies(tour companies) and tour operators. Accordingly, persons providing agency services are called travel agents, and those providing tour operating services are called tour operators.

Travel agency activity is reduced to the promotion and sale of a tourist product, it is carried out by a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur. At the same time, the promotion of a tourist product is understood as a set of measures aimed at marketing the latter, including advertising campaigns, participation in specialized exhibitions and fairs, organizing tourist information centers, issuing information publications (catalogs, booklets, etc.). The direct implementation of a tourist product is considered as an activity for concluding an agreement with a tourist or other customer and the subsequent execution of this agreement, i.e., the provision of services.

In order to promote and sell a tourist product, it is initially required to form it, what is the aim of tour operator activity(tour operating). It is understood as any activity for the development and provision of services for tourists and other customers, including the conclusion and execution of contracts with third parties providing certain services included in the tourist product (carriers, guides, etc.).

Thanks to travel agents, the hotel company directly ensures the filling of the room stock, since through travel agencies customers search for accommodation facilities, book rooms, select additional services, order a transfer. Thanks to tour operators, the hotel provides indirect sales of its product: tour operating consists in the formation of a tourist product (tours, entertainment programs, excursions, etc.), so the hotel offers its accommodation services not as an independent product, but as a component within the framework of a composite tour operator product.

A Brief History of Hotel Business in Russia

The Eastern Slavs and the peoples of antiquity adjoining them highly valued hospitality as a religious tradition. Every traveler was supposed to be received, treated and put to bed for the night. As G. A. Glinka (1804) shows in his study of Slavic beliefs, the Slavs from the Baltic coast revered the deity Rodegast (Radegast), which patronized hospitality. The historian N. M. Karamzin draws attention to the hospitality of the Slavs: “The chronicles unanimously praise the general hospitality of the Slavs, rare in other lands and until now common in all Slavic lands ... Every traveler was, as it were, sacred to them: they met him with affection, treated him with joy, they saw off with reverence” (“History of the Russian State”, vol. 1, 1816–1817).

In many Slavic, and later Russian settlements, there was a tradition to keep a separate house (“entry hut”) specifically for receiving travelers - messengers, merchants, pilgrims, etc. Later, such an entrance hut was called a farmstead, and this word was fixed mainly for inns for merchants , equipped with shelters for parking carts, warehouses of goods, etc. The growth of the network of inns in Russia was noted in the 12th century.

In the XVII-XVIII centuries. in general, a system of hotel management has developed on the territory of Russia, and at the same time a professional vocabulary related to hotel management has taken shape. At that time, the following types of accommodation facilities existed in Russia: peasant hotels for travelers (staying, inn, visiting or traveling yard); ecclesiastical and monastic hospice houses (almshouse, all-reception, settlement); merchant yards (commercial courtyard, guest yard); hotels that combined stay with drinking trade (taverns) or tavern services (taverns). Local designations were also widely used, especially in the southeast of the country, where inns were called in Cossack umyots (from the name of the redoubt), and guest yards were called caravanserais in the Asian manner.

At the beginning of the 18th century, during the reforms of Peter the Great, inns and taverns were often called in a foreign manner by the Latin word "Austeria", but this term did not take root. And at the end of the century, the concept of “gostiny dvor” changed its original meaning: originating from the word “guest” (meaning “merchant”), it ceased to designate an entrance courtyard for merchants, but was now used only in relation to large shopping arcades. With regard to inns, the word “hotel”, known since the 11th century, has become steadily used.

The intensive development of the hotel business in Russia with a focus on Western European standards of architecture and interior design begins in the 19th century. Already at the beginning of the century in large cities, when resolving issues of urban planning and planning new buildings, the needs of visitors were taken into account. In particular, in Moscow of Pushkin's time, building requirements implied the construction of paired two-story hotels with identical facades at the ends of boulevards being broken down "for the sake of visiting nobles, foreigners and merchants." At the same time, resort development, which is not yet active, begins; the first resort towns appear in the area of ​​the Caucasian Mineral Waters.

By 1910, more than 5,000 hotels owned by private entrepreneurs had been built in the country, some of which were considered patrons of the arts, such as A. Porohovshchikov (the Slavyansky Bazaar hotel), who “discovered” the talent of I. E. Repin. In the same years, the best world-class hotels were built in Moscow and St. . E. Erichson), "Boyarsky Dvor" (1901. architect F. O. Shekhtel), "National" (1902, architect A. V. Ivanov). "Lux", in the Soviet years renamed "Central" (1911. architect N. Eichenwald).

The first hotel built in Soviet times (1928) is a specialized tourist hotel on the Arbat, designed by architect V. Mayat. Its construction is connected with the all-round stimulation of tourism by the state. It is no coincidence that in the neighborhood of this hotel in 1932 a house was built for the Society for Proletarian Tourism and Excursions, later renamed the Central Council for Tourism and Excursions (CSTE). Since the 1920s, the organized development of resort areas began with the opening of sanatoriums and hotels: eight years after the signing of the decree “On the Use of Crimea for the Treatment of Workers” (1920), the sanatorium bed fund of the Crimean resorts amounted to 7359 beds, and by 1934 reached 43 562 places.

All Soviet hotels belonged to the state. Since 1934, they were managed according to the model charter of the hotel trust of the local council. The hotel trust was an independent economic unit operating on the principles of self-financing.

The first and for a long time the largest hotel complex in the USSR (and at the same time in Europe) was the Rossiya Hotel, built in 1964–1967. under the direction of architect D. Chechulin. It was designed for 5,500 seats and included a concert hall with 2,500 seats, a two-screen Zaryadye cinema for 1,500 spectators, and nine restaurants, not counting buffets and cafes. By 1980, the hotel industry of the USSR included 7,000 hotels, in addition to other accommodation facilities, with a total room stock of 700,000 beds.

One of the first hotels modern Russia is the Corinthia Nevsky Palace, opened in May 1993 in St. Petersburg, which is a reconstruction of two unique buildings erected in the second half of the 19th century. On the whole, the market transformations of the 1990s had a negative impact on the state of accommodation facilities in Russia, the number of which decreased significantly during this period, despite the new construction and reconstruction of a number of buildings.

However, in these years, for the first time, new trends were outlined in the development of the domestic hospitality industry, which began to determine the improvement of the hotel business in the future, over the past 10 years, which are very favorable for the growth of hotel enterprises. These innovations include: deepening the specialization of the hotel offer; formation of hotel chains, including international ones; development of a network of small enterprises (including the first motels in the country); widespread introduction of computer technologies into the hotel business.

The economics of a hotel enterprise is considered both from a theoretical and a practical point of view. The theoretical material is supported by examples, diagrams and practical solutions. Methods and methods for assessing the main and working capital, labor resources, activity planning and taxation, as well as information and communication support for a hotel enterprise and the economics of the quality of a hotel product. Complies with current Federal State educational standard higher education of the new generation. For students, graduate students and university professors in the specialty "Hospitality", "Economics and Management at the Enterprise" and other economic specialties.

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hotel industry


Yakovlev G. A. Ya474 Economics of the hotel industry:

Tutorial. - M.: Publishing house

RDL, 2006. - 224 p. ISBN

5-93840-071-6 BBC 65. 432ya73

The training manual systematizes the main areas

economic activity of hotels and restaurants.

The issues of managing a hotel enterprise are considered

and main economic indicators used in

hotel complex.

For students of higher educational institutions students in economic specialties, as well as employees of the hospitality industry.




Hotel and restaurant enterprises are an integral part of the service sector. The provision of these services has a positive impact on financial and economic activity and plays big role in increasing the efficiency of social production.

At present, there are many high-class hotels in Russia that are in dire need of managers of various levels. However, the process of training qualified specialists for hotels and restaurants still needs to be optimized. Therefore, the publication of this manual seems timely and necessary for the training of workers in this complex area.

Efimova, N. A. Efimova, N. I. Kabushkin, A. D. Chudnovsky and others, developed a mechanism for managing the hotel complex in a market economy.

The organization of tourist services in terms of accommodation and meals is the most important task for both entrepreneurs of the hotel complex and for tourism enterprises. That is why this study guide, intended for students of higher educational institutions and employees of the hotel industry, will be useful for managers of specialists in the socio-cultural sphere and tourism.

Author Ch. 1. Hospitality industry 1. 1. ESSENCE OF HOSPITALITY Hospitality is one of the fundamental concepts of mankind. Man as a biological being has always been difficult to survive on the planet. In order to live, from time to time he has to leave the house, the place of his permanent residence. Sometimes the time of absence of a person stretches for days, weeks, months. He needs the support and help of "strangers"

people in exchange for a guarantee of the same treatment when they are on its territory. This is nothing but hospitality.

Hospitality is what creates in the guest (client) an idea about the enterprise (hotel, restaurant, cafe, tourist enterprise, etc.), the services provided, the friendly attitude as one of the best in their field of activity.

According to explanatory dictionary Webster, "The hospitality industry is a business of services that are based on the principles of hospitality, characterized by generosity and friendliness towards guests." Therefore, the hospitality industry can be viewed as a variety of business forms that specialize in the market of services related to the reception and maintenance of guests.

However, it must always be remembered that the company provides services similar to those offered to customers by competing firms. When a service is provided to a client, he receives only what he requires and asks for. When the client is given hospitality, then the employees ask "guest"

about what can be done for him, and that is what is being done.

It is important to remember that the client is the most important figure for tourist enterprise. The client does not depend on us, but we depend on him.

The client is not a hindrance to work, but its meaning is the goal. The enterprise does not do the client a favor by serving him, but the client does a favor if he provides the opportunity to serve him.

In the eyes of the host, the client is the "king", and the satisfaction of his needs is the primary goal of the hospitality industry workers. In other words, the customer is always right.

That is why the highest goal of business activity in the field of hospitality is to satisfy the needs of the client, and only then - to increase the income of the enterprise. Real incomes are the result of a good organization of the hotel and restaurant business, and not an end in itself. If the organization of affairs satisfies the client, he will pay in full for the services provided and in the future will not only return to the same hotel or travel agency, but will also give the most favorable review of these enterprises in conversation with acquaintances.

The level of service falls when the employee thinks only about how to please his immediate supervisor. This usually ends with the company becoming more and more isolated from the customer. Wise is the one who anticipates customer needs and takes appropriate action to ensure they are met in a timely manner. In order to compete successfully for its customer, an enterprise must develop a marketing mix that makes the market it wants to enter more attractive to it than the marketing efforts of its competitors.

1. 2. TYPOLOGY OF HOTEL ACCOMMODATION FACILITIES According to the WTO definition, which is advisory in nature, an accommodation facility is any facility that regularly or occasionally provides tourists with places to spend the night. At the same time, hotels are considered as the main, classic type of accommodation enterprises, which has the following specific features:

Number of rooms exceeding a certain minimum;

A set of mandatory services (cleaning rooms and bathrooms, daily bed making, room service);

A certain range of additional services / According to the WTO, all hotels should be grouped into classes and categories depending on the specific equipment and features of the services provided. The WTO has developed a standard classification of accommodation facilities, in which hotels and similar enterprises represent one of four large groups (Fig. 1. 1).

In addition, accommodation enterprises are classified according to a number of criteria. One of the signs involves the division of all accommodation facilities into two main types:

Hotel-type accommodation facilities;

Additional accommodations.

Hotels differ in capacity, that is, in the number of permanent beds and the number of rooms in them. In world practice, the following typology of hotels is followed by capacity:

Small hotels - less than 100 places;

Medium hotels - from 100 to 500 beds;

Large hotels - more than 500 beds.

Also, hotel enterprises are classified depending on the location, the range of services provided, the level of service offered and the mode of operation.

By location, the following categories of hotels can be distinguished:

Hotels in the city center are usually high-rise buildings with closed car parking at or near the hotel;

Roadside hotels tend to be low rise with outdoor car parks, restaurants, eateries, minimal meeting and meeting facilities, in some cases an outdoor swimming pool;

Hotels in the vicinity of cities and at airports - usually low and medium-rise buildings with open space car parks, facilities for recreation and entertainment, banquet halls and halls for meetings and conferences;

Floating hotels - a watercraft, equipped as a hotel, for accommodation and recreation of tourists near the sea, river or lake.

A floating hotel is usually moored in a picturesque location, close to tourist attractions. If necessary, the hotel can be towed along the water along with tourists to another parking lot;

Resort hotels are located outside urban areas because they use natural and/or man-made attractions to attract tourists.

These hotels cater primarily to leisure and leisure tourists, so they typically have a wide range of recreational facilities, food and beverage facilities, banquet halls and meeting spaces. Resort hotels advertise themselves as specific holiday businesses.

According to the level, range and cost of services, hotel enterprises are divided into several types depending on the state of the material base and the efficiency of the hotel staff:

Cheap hotels, or hotels with limited service, involve a minimum of services, although some enterprises provide a fairly wide range of services, but an average level of service;

Luxury hotels have fashionable décor and high-end furniture, well-appointed lounges and public spaces. For hotel enterprises of this level, a high percentage of staff in relation to the number of rooms is typical (sometimes it reaches a ratio of 1: 1).

According to the mode of operation, hotels of year-round and seasonal action are distinguished.

Since the hotel business is characterized by the fact that hotel enterprises are increasingly relying on a certain segment of the market, it seems appropriate to single out several main types of hotels that are characteristic of the modern hotel base.

A luxury hotel has a size of 100 to 400 rooms, is usually located in the city center, is characterized by a high level of service from well-trained staff, a high price, has an expensive decoration of rooms designed for connoisseurs, and provides an elite accommodation for guests, mainly leaders large enterprises, high-level professionals, conference participants.

A high-class hotel ranging in size from 400 to 2000 rooms, located within the city limits, offers a wide range of services provided by trained staff at above average prices and targeted mainly at businessmen, individual tourists, conference participants, etc.

Mid-range hotels can be different sizes depending on the location and strive to maximize the use of modern technology, reducing operating costs and, therefore, prices, adhering to the average level of prices in the region.

The aparthotel has a room capacity of 100 to 400 rooms with conditions similar to furnished rooms, at prices depending on the time of stay with a self-catering option, and is aimed mainly at business and family tourists staying for a long time.

An economy-class hotel can be from 10 to 150 rooms, located near the city, has a small staff, offers low prices for modern, well-equipped rooms, but no food services.

Consumers are, as a rule, business people and individual tourists who do not need full board and strive to actually pay for the services consumed.

Motel, or hotel for tourists traveling by car, has a size of rooms from 150 to 400 rooms, is located in the suburbs, on highways at the entrance to the city, offers an average level of service with a small staff at an average price and with the provision of food services, as usually in a cafe or canteen.

A resort hotel can have from 100 to 500 rooms, is located near the sea, ocean, lake, mountains, etc., is usually far from the city, offers a full range of services, more than in a city hotel, at prices above average. It has a large number of sports facilities, expensive restaurants, banquet halls, meeting rooms are aimed at various categories of tourists.

The size of a condominium type hotel can vary from 50 to 250 rooms, but there may also be separate buildings with 4 rooms. Such a hotel has apartment type rooms and sports facilities similar to resort ones. Individual apartments can be sold to individual owners, however the entire property is used by the management company.

Apartments, which are designed to serve clients on holidays and vacations, are usually located in the vicinity of the resort.

1. 3. CLASSIFICATION OF HOTELS IN DIFFERENT COUNTRIES When classifying hotels in different countries, various systems are used, of which there are more than 30 today. The most common classifications are:

The system of stars used in France, Austria, Hungary, Egypt, China, Russia and a number of other countries participating in the international tourist exchange;

Letter system used in Greece;

The system of "crowns" or "keys" characteristic of Great Britain;

The system of ranks, etc.

The most common classification of hotels is the French National Classification, according to which all hotels, depending on comfort, are divided into categories conventionally designated by stars (1 *, 2 *, 3 *, 4 * or 5 *, one category is without a star). Such a system allows the most complete coverage of the hotel services market.

No hotel company can apply for a category assignment if it does not meet the minimum requirements-criteria grouped into the following groups:

A - the number of rooms;

B- common areas;

C - hotel equipment;

D- comfort of housing;

E- service;

F- accessibility by persons with disabilities to persons with limited mobility.

According to the German classification, hotel enterprises are divided into five classes. In order to harmonize with the European system, it immediately provides for the correspondence of each class to a certain number of stars:

Tourist class - *;

Standard class - **;

Comfort class - ***;

First grade - ****;

Suite - *****.

rare are the so-called "non-category hotels" - small one-, two- and three-story houses, often served by a farm family.

When classifying hotels in Egypt, stars are also used, but compared to the European system, they are overestimated by about 1-2 stars.

In China, at the beginning of 1996, there were about four thousand accommodation facilities, for which the mentioned five-star system is used, although in addition to it, the country also has its own specific scale, according to which the simplest accommodation facilities include “guest houses” - inns or hostels that can be compared to student residences. More comfortable are "guest houses". In essence, these are hotels of two three-star level. Tourist hotels are among the most prestigious accommodation facilities that meet the requirements for hotels of three, four-star categories, and "wine houses" for hotels of four- and five-star categories. At the same time, Chinese standards are not inferior to European ones.

In Greece, the "letter" classification system is popular, although the usual stars can be seen on the facades of hotels. All Greek hotels are divided into four categories: A, B, C, D. Category A hotels correspond to a four-star level, B - three-star, C - two-star. Top-class hotels are often awarded the "de luxe" category. But, despite the above classification, Greek accommodation facilities with the same category differ significantly from each other. In hotels of category "C" (two-star) they offer a minimum set of services; they are located not on the very seashore. Hotels of category "B" (three-star), if they are located in the resort area, are almost always located on the coast. Hotels of category "A" (four-star) are distinguished by a higher level of service.

The classification of hotels in Great Britain is quite complicated.

Some catalogs offer a quite traditional star category, but, as a rule, not stars, but crowns are depicted on the facade of hotels. For example, the London "Royal Norfcck Hoteb" can be presented as either a three-star or a four-crown. The most correct is the classification proposed by the Association of British Travel Agencies (BTA):

budget hotels (*) Located in the central part of the city and have a minimum of amenities;

Tourist class hotels (**) The hotels have a restaurant and a bar;

Middle class hotels (***). The level of service is quite high;

First class hotels (****). Very high quality of accommodation and excellent level of service;

Hotels of the highest category (*****). The level of service and accommodation is first class.

The hotel base of Italy is represented by 40 thousand hotels scattered throughout the country. The classification of Italian hotels is quite confusing, although travelers can often see familiar stars above the doors of hotels. There is no official "star" scale in the country. According to the norms adopted in Italy, hotels are differentiated into three categories. At the same time, it can be assumed that the first category conditionally corresponds to the level ****, the second - -***, the third - **. In addition, within each category there is an arbitrary gradation.

Israel has a high-class resort and hotel complex on the shores of the Mediterranean and Red Seas. The number of hotels is increasing, and the star classification that existed there 7-8 years ago has been cancelled. In its place, there was a differentiation of hotels in three categories. Nevertheless, for the convenience of customers, travel agency employees continue to evaluate hotels in Israel on a star scale.

In three-star hotels in Israel, clients have the opportunity to receive the minimum set of services necessary for a good rest. Four-star hotels differ from three-star hotels not only in greater comfort, but also in a better location and a higher level of service. Hotels of the highest category are distinguished by their special charm and aristocracy and meet all the established requirements.

In Spain, there is also a gradation of accommodation facilities by category:

Hotel-type houses, bungalows, etc. of four categories from * to **** stars;

Inns of three categories from * to *** stars;

In addition, there are state enterprises reception of tourists, which are subordinate to the Ministry of Tourism. They are located for the most part in the most picturesque areas, where there are almost no other opportunities for accommodating visitors. These include old fortresses, castles and palaces, which are equipped as luxury hotels.

Thus, each country has its own classification of hotels, and even hotels belonging to the same category, but located in different states, have significant differences.

1. 4. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL ORGANIZATIONS Worldwide tourist market specific associations are actively functioning, the main purpose of which is to unite the best representatives of the hotel business. For example, since 1928 he has been working to determine the best hotels world international corporation "The Leading Hotels of the World" ("The Leading Hotels of the World"). It annually places information about the best enterprises in a special catalogue. In order to become a member of the Leading Hotels of the World, a hotel must meet stringent quality standards in all areas that affect guest comfort.

A hotel applying for membership is subject to a rigorous registration and verification process. Each hotel that is already a member of the organization is periodically inspected to ensure full compliance with the established requirements.

Three Russian hotels are members of this organization:

Baltschug Kempinski in Moscow, Grand Hotel Europe and Astoria in St. Petersburg.

Similar work has been carried out for about 30 years by the international organization Privileged Hotels and Resorts of the World.

Since 1968, the Quietest Hotels of the World international hotel association has been operating, headquartered in Paris.

When joining this association, hotels are evaluated according to three criteria: natural and pleasant environment;

cozy building and interior with its characteristic appearance;

hospitality for all modern requirements including excellent cuisine.

The Committee of the Hotel and Restaurant Industry in the European Community deals with the coordination of the functioning of hotel chains and associations of independent hotels and restaurants in Europe.

CONTROL QUESTIONS 1. What is included in the concept of "hospitality"?

2. Tell about international classification hotels, 3. What is the categorization of a hotel and by what criteria is it established?

4. What hotel classification systems exist in different countries?

5. Tell us about the activities of international hotel organizations.

Ch. 2. Hotel industry of the Russian Federation 2. 1. RUSSIAN SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION OF HOTELS AND ACCOMMODATION FACILITIES In Russia by order of the Ministry economic development and trade dated June 21, 2003. No. 197 approved the Regulations on state system classification of hotels and other accommodation facilities. This document establishes the goals, organizational structure and procedure for carrying out work in the system for classifying hotels and other accommodation facilities into a category (“without stars”

"one star", "two stars", "three stars", "four stars", "five stars") The assessment of the conformity of the accommodation facility with the established requirements is carried out by the classification body of accommodation facilities, which has qualified experts in its composition, and certification for the category is carried out federal body executive power in the field of tourism. The system of classification of hotels and other accommodation facilities is formed by the federal executive body in the field of tourism.

The system was developed on the basis of the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Tourism in the Russian Federation", the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation", the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights" and the Concept for the Development of Tourism in the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 11, 2002 . No. 954-r.

Minimum requirements for accommodation facilities various categories are given in table. 2.1. Criteria scoring are given in table. The assessment of accommodation facilities is based on a set of minimum requirements and scoring criteria.

(The number of stars increases with the level and quality of service. Accommodation facilities are classified into five categories; the highest category of accommodation facility is “five stars” - “one star”. Non-categorical accommodation facilities are equated to the “no stars” category.

Logistics, --- nomenclature and the quality of the services offered;

Personnel and their training, etc.

The following terms and definitions are used in the Regulations:

Funds accommodation - enterprises various organizational legal forms and individual entrepreneurs engaged in temporary accommodation of tourists and having at least 5 rooms. Accommodation facilities include hotels, motels, youth hotels (hostels), rest houses, boarding houses, hotels with medical and health services, --- room in the accommodation facility - one or more living rooms, with furniture, equipment and inventory necessary for the temporary accommodation of tourists, --- room stock - the total number of rooms (beds) of the accommodation facility 2. 2. HOTEL INDUSTRY IN RUSSIA Hotel industry in Russia in 2000 numbered 8 thousand recreational accommodation facilities, of which 4.1 thousand (or about half) are hotels, motels and hostels for visitors with a capacity of 346.1 thousand.

The average number of employees in the hotel industry in Russia at the end of 2000 amounted to 103.3 thousand people, of which 45.4% were engaged in servicing tourists.

In general, in Russia, 71% of hotels are urban, and 29% are located in rural areas.

In 2000, Russian hotels served more than 16 million citizens.

The growth compared to 1999 was 10.2%. Of the total number of served 82.2% were domestic customers, 10.8% - from far abroad countries. The average length of stay in hotels was 2.8 nights. On average, approximately 79.9 of all visitors spent 1 to 3 nights in hotels.

The purpose of the arrival of Russian citizens in another city is mainly business (64.3%) or leisure (21.9%). The number of foreign citizens arriving in Russian cities for business or leisure purposes is approximately the same - 44.8% and 48.8%, respectively.

Hotels in Moscow, Siberia and the Far East focus mainly on business clients, hotels in other regions - on clients who come for the purpose of leisure (for example, 51.4% of clients of Novgorod hotels, 53.5% of hotels in St. Petersburg, more than 50% of hotels Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia, 47.2% - hotels in the Amur Region).

The profitability of the hotel industry in Russia is mainly due to high rates for hotels in Moscow, which account for about 66% of the income of the entire hotel industry in the country, while hotels in St. Petersburg account for only 9%, and the share of the Krasnodar Territory - 4 % According to the forms of ownership and organization of management, the hotel enterprises of the Russian Federation are divided into four classification groups "--- municipal enterprises that are the property of the city;

Joint stock companies;

Joint ventures with participation of foreign capital;

Departmental hotel enterprises.

Thus, the capital's municipal enterprises are represented by 23 hotels (9418 rooms for 16602 beds) of 2-3 star category. Prices for living in them range from 20 to 150 dollars per day. hotels (12275 rooms for 21830 places) - joint-stock companies with the participation of the Moscow government. Basically, these are 3-4 star hotels. The cost of living is 100-220 dollars per day.

12 hotels (3,268 rooms for 5,348 beds) are included in the category of joint ventures with foreign capital, where prices for accommodation range from $200 to $400 per day.

2. 3. HOTEL CHAINS Deepening the specialization of hospitality enterprises is associated with such an important trend in the development of the hotel services market as the formation of hotel chains.

A hotel chain is an association of several hotel enterprises into a collective business, carried out under a single management, within the framework of a common concept of product promotion and under a common individually recognizable brand. The hotel chain enterprises are characterized by strict observance of brand values ​​and service names, high quality of accommodation and service, architectural unity of building and interior design.

Hotels can be chained as a result of the construction and purchase of enterprises by the hotel company;

concluding a franchise agreement with a well-known hotel company - franchisor, signing a contract for hotel management. Therefore, in the composition of the hotel chain, in addition to full members, in most cases there are associated members who participate in business on the basis of a franchise agreement. In these cases, the chain is not liable for losses from franchise operations. It has no rights to income, except for payments due to it under the agreement. franchising Each type of hotel that is part of the hotel chain has its own brand name, which applies to all hotels of a particular chain Therefore, consumers using the services of one hotel chain clearly understand the quality of service and accommodation at an enterprise belonging to this chain, regardless of its location This allows to hotel chains, long before the opening of a new hotel, to advertise and book rooms. The name of the new hotel and all its details are included in all kinds of national and international hotel directories. Hotel chains have a number of advantages, the main ones being: include --- service more customers due to their redistribution between the hotels included in the chain --- the use of a single centralized booking system allows you to increase the load on the number of rooms of all enterprises participating in the chain, --- centralized purchase of large quantities of goods and services (equipment for rooms, linen and bedding, sanitary and hygienic items, etc.) at wholesale prices;

Financing the collective business by obtaining additional investments, mobilizing capital and using it to expand and improve the efficiency of its activities, --- conducting flexible pricing policy when market conditions change;

The use of a centralized accounting system, general marketing research, construction, real estate transactions significantly reduces the corresponding costs of each chain member individually through the use of specialists dealing with these issues at the hotel chain level.

In addition, with centralized training for hotel chain enterprises, the cost of staff training is significantly reduced Members of the chain are provided with the services of highly paid experts in certain areas, the payment of which to each hotel individually would entail significant costs Participation in the chain allows you to effectively promote hotel services to the market and significant savings promotional activities by distributing the total costs among the participants in the chain. All hotels in the chain can enjoy the results of advertising campaigns, spending little money. In addition, the advertising function is performed trademark In recent years, the trend towards the formation of hotel associations and chains has also been observed in the CIS countries. In October 1997, the first Russian hotel chain, Nord-Hotel, was created in Moscow, which is a voluntary association of twelve hotel enterprises of various organizational and legal forms of the North-Eastern District of Moscow " Altai, Baikal, Vostok, Voskhod, Zarya, Zvezdnaya, Zolotoy Kolos, MMK Molodyozhny, Ostankino, Sayany, Tourist, Yaroslavskaya, GAO "Moskva" (25% of hotel rooms in Moscow). The organizational and legal form of the Nord-Hotel is a closed joint-stock company.

Since the beginning of the 1990s, international hotel chains have been involved in the construction, reconstruction and management of hotels in Russia (Table 2. 3).

2. 4. HOTEL INDUSTRY OF MOSCOW The hotel industry of the capital is characterized by large volumes and high rates of new construction. Work is underway to reconstruct the hotel complex. According to official data, the one-time capacity of Moscow hotels is 18.4%, and the number of beds is 20% of the Russian one. By the beginning of 2001, there were 177 hotels in Moscow with 67,000 beds. Of these, 6 are federal subordination, 19 are Moscow, 15 are joint-stock companies with the participation of the city, all the rest belong to various forms of joint-stock companies. In 2000, about 400,000 non-CIS citizens were registered in Moscow hotels, and the number of Russian citizens who arrived in the capital increased by 2.7 times compared to 1999. As a result, a 10% increase in hotel occupancy was achieved over the year, and about 2 billion rubles were transferred to the city budget.

In addition, the hotel base of Moscow is represented by 34 large departmental hostels of the hotel type, 25 hotels at the markets and small hotels, which are owned by foreign (CIS countries) embassies.

About a third of Moscow hotels are located in the central part of the city, 24 in the north-east, 17 in the north, 16 in the south and 14 in the north-western part of Moscow.

The general features of the hotel enterprises of the capital are covered in some detail by Yu. V Temny and L. R. Temnaya. (1) In particular, they divide all Moscow hotel enterprises into several categories, different from the division according to the “star” principle.

The first - elite - category includes international class hotels belonging to authoritative hotel chains. They have over 3000 rooms. As a rule, these are joint ventures with a maximum share of foreign participation (1) Dark Yu. V., Dark LR Tourism Economics: Textbook. - M.

: Sport, 2003.

capital (up to 50% and above) On the Russian side, the founder is either the government of Moscow, or those organizations that it has instructed to be the founder. So, the Palace Hotel

is a joint venture between an Austrian company, the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Yakor restaurant.

High-class Moscow hotels are quite expensive and, therefore, are not designed for mass tourism. However, their utilization often reaches 90%. Half of all foreign tourists coming to Moscow are big businessmen, who are the main clients of 4- and 5-star hotels. The second category includes hotels that provide a fairly high level of service, but offer cheaper rooms than international class hotels. Basically, these are municipal hotels or joint-stock companies, which, on the one hand, explains the reasonable prices, and, on the other hand, the lack of money for reconstruction.

After expensive hotels immediately come "bedrooms". There are, perhaps, only a few exceptions - this is the Sayany hotel and the Molodezhny hotel complex.

International hotel corporations began their penetration into the Russian hotel market in the early 1990s. The development of the Russian hotel market, previously closed to foreign management, began in Moscow. One of the first Moscow hotels built and managed according to American standards was the Slavyanskaya Hotel, included in the SAS Radisson hotel chain. The first hundred rooms of the hotel were opened in October 1991. A year later, all 430 rooms of the Radisson Slavyanskaya operation. It has also become one of the first business hotels in the capital, offering not only rooms for living, but also offices for work. This hotel complex included shops, boutiques, a conference hall for 800 people, as well as one of the best bars in the capital.

By 1993, the following hotel brands were represented in Moscow: Intercontinental, Kempinski, SAS Radisson, Accor, Marco Polo, IMP Group and Renaissance. In total, there were no more than 10 hotels of the upper segment in the capital, corresponding to international standards of service.

In 1997, new members were added to the previously existing hotels that were part of international hotel chains: Forte-Le Meridmn, Holiday INN, Sharaton and Mariott. Chain "Mariott"

became the second American hotel corporation, represented in Moscow, and the first hotel chain, which has a chain of hotels in Russia in one city. The Mariott brand is owned by Moscow hotels: Tverskaya, Penta Renaissance Moscow, Grand Hotel and Royal Aurora.

Despite the presence in Moscow of a large number of inexpensive accommodation facilities, among them there are not so many adapted for receiving tourist groups and with the closure for renovation of a number of central hotels in the city, the demand for them will grow. First of all, these are hotels that were previously under the control of the State Committee for Tourism, MMTB Sputnik and the Central Council for Tourism and Excursions (Belgrade, Izmailovo, Central Tourist House) , "Youth"

"Voskhod", etc.) The situation in the Moscow hotel services market is characterized by an unconventional distribution of the incoming flow between hotels of various categories. Many fashionable hotels accept tourists in an effort to maximize the range of their clients. Changing their appearance, hotels have to take into account the predominance of the flow of business tourism to Moscow. Thus, in the Gamma Delta, Vega, and Tourist hotels, new conference halls were opened in the markings of former warehouses and restaurants, the demand for which has significantly decreased due to a decrease in hotel occupancy and the transition from mandatory three meals a day to one-time meals at will. In the Belgrade Hotel, one of the restaurants is used during the daytime as a banquet hall, and after reconstruction, a whole floor will be given over to the conference area where several catering establishments are now located. Another feature of tourist class hotels is the need to create an extensive entertainment infrastructure by transferring part of the public rent and their reconstruction at the expense of tenants For example, in the Orlyonok hotel, almost two floors are occupied by an entertainment complex with a casino, bowling, billiards, slot machine halls and restaurants, thanks to which the hotel got the opportunity to abandon its own kitchen. restaurants and bars, health club, bow ling, casino, shopping center rebuilt at the expense of tenants. This approach compensates for the lack of hotels' own funds to conduct large-scale works Given the significant deterioration of the engineering systems of a number of hotels, the Moscow government is also interested in supporting the reconstruction of hotels Hotels today can apply for an investment tax credit for technical re-equipment work A number of Moscow accommodation facilities receive funds from the city budget to restore the room stock after the resettlement of refugees (Altai) , "Kuzminki", "Tourist") However, the most effective method- attracting investors to the reconstruction of the facility - implemented so far only for Moscow hotels "Belgrade" and "Intourist"

In Moscow, during the period of market transformations, a number of regulatory documents were adopted aimed at the development of the hotel and tourist complex, in particular, the Decree of the Government of Moscow "On the program for the development of the hotel and tourist complex"

dated May 28, 1996 No. 449 The main goal of the program is the creation in the capital of Russia of a modern competitive hotel and tourist complex, providing a wide range of tourism services and, as a result, an increase in the volume of inbound / outbound and domestic tourism, an increase in revenues to the city budget and extra-budgetary funds.

The most important task of the program is to transform Moscow into a major international tourist center by 2005, providing for the formation of an attractive image of the capital. - development of display facilities, holding entertainment, cultural, sports, scientific, exhibition events, --- development of a public catering network, communications, telecommunications systems, city informatization;

Development of the sphere of health protection and improvement of the ecological situation in the capital, --- development of the engineering structure of the city, --- improvement forms and methods of interaction with the prefectures of the city, --- strengthening cooperation with the Moscow region, with the subjects of the Russian Federation, the CIS countries and far abroad.

In 2000, the Moscow government approved the Program for the development of tourism in the metropolis for the period up to 2010, as well as the Master Plan for the development of the city for the period up to 2020. In these documents, much attention is paid to creating conditions for the formation of the image of the Russian capital as an international tourist, cultural and business center The plan provides for an increase in the number of people arriving in Moscow in 2020 up to 40 million people According to experts, the capital should increase its hotel stock by at least 2-3 times in order to meet the requirements of the financial capabilities of Russian and foreign tourists The Moscow government is implementing investment projects in all sectors of the market One of them is the construction of a network of inexpensive 3-star hotels. The long-term development program for 2001-2005 provides for the construction of more hotels of this class. Acquaintance with the features of the Moscow hotel complex allows us to determine the following:

The upper, "elite" segment of the hotel market at the beginning of the 21st century does not lose its attractiveness for potential investors, both Russian and foreign;

In Moscow, the expansion of representative offices of leading international hotel chains continues, and the reasons for this, as a rule, are not only economic, but also political, --- competition has intensified, and not only between hotels in the upper segment of the market that are experiencing competition, but also from hotels in the middle class.

As a result, the situation in the hotel complex in Moscow may change dramatically in the near future Increasing competition and the associated price dynamics for hotel services suggests that the hotel complex in Moscow is beginning to be dominated by market mechanisms functioning.

2. 5. HOTEL INDUSTRY OF ST. PETERSBURG About 130 hotel enterprises are registered in St. Petersburg, of which there are 5 hotels of the first, 40-middle and 44-economic class. that only 3 hotels really belong to the first class (Astoria, Grand Hotel Europe and Nevsky Palace, later renamed Corinthia) with a total of 1016 rooms for 2014 beds, which are managed by world-famous management companies that came to the market of St. Petersburg in recent years "Kempinski" ("Grand Hotel Europe"), "ITT Sheraton-Starwood Group" ("Nevsky Palace"), "Rocco Forte New Hotel "s Group" ("Astoria") 2001 Radisson SAS management started.

The number of middle-class hotels in 2001 was 3- and 4-star hotels (8053 rooms, 14,507 beds), economy class hotels are represented by 44 objects (rooms;

13,104 places) The number of middle-class hotels increased due to the transfer of a number of hotels from the economy class group to this group following the results of voluntary certification in 2001 due to the appearance of accommodation facilities at travel agencies, business centers, etc.

The number of departmental hotels and hotels of educational institutions has decreased Furnishing and equipment of first-class hotels in St. Petersburg is different high quality They have a large number of halls, restaurants, bars and cafes, as well as banquet and conference rooms of the highest level, with modern technical equipment, have good conditions for recreation and exercise. Business centers, currency exchange offices, hairdressers, laundries, dry cleaning, 24-hour room service, shops are also available to guests. These hotels have a high level of security. Room can be booked outside of Russia through travel agencies or using an agreed reservation system class in St. Petersburg is generally satisfactory. Standard style furnishings are often old-fashioned, but are generally in acceptable condition. These hotels have a sufficient number of places for the public, such as restaurants, bars, lobbies and conference rooms. Most of these hotels have business centers, currency exchange offices, a shop and a relaxation area (mostly be booked either through travel agencies or through an agreed reservation system Cheap hotels in St. Petersburg are very simple Places for the public are mostly limited to the lobby and restaurant Additional services are not offered A room in a cheap hotel cannot be booked from abroad, it can only be booked directly or through local travel agent CONTROL QUESTIONS 1. Tell us about Russian system hotel classification.

2. What are the requirements for accommodation facilities of various categories?

3. What is the assessment of accommodation facilities based on?

4. What are the reasons for creating hotel chains?

5. What are the features of the hotel industry in Moscow and St. Petersburg?

6. Give a description of the hotel industry in Moscow 7. Give a description of the hotel industry in St. Petersburg.

Ch. 3. Hotel company 3. 1. HOTEL SERVICES AND THEIR CHARACTERISTICS In accordance with the "Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 1997 490, the hotel is intended for temporary residence of citizens for a period not exceeding two months, regardless of the place of registration.

The organizational structure of the hotel enterprise is determined by the purpose of the hotel, its location, the specifics of the guests and other factors. It is a reflection of the powers and responsibilities assigned to each of its employees.

The state standard in the hotel provides the following main services:

Reception and accommodation service;

Room fund operation service;

commercial service;

Technical service;

Administrative service;


In hotels high categories the number of provisioning services is much greater, and each of them has highly specific functions.

The reception and accommodation service is usually located in the lobby of the hotel and operates around the clock. The reception and accommodation service performs the functions of booking and accommodation, registration at the entrance and exit, settlements with clients. The main technology of this service is to work with information that is sent through two channels: to the guests in the administration. Guests receive information about the composition of the room fund and its offers, tariffs, types of services. Upon arrival and departure of the client, the relevant departments of the hotel receive information about the employment of the room stock, its release, the composition of guests by purpose of arrival and duration of stay, the level of satisfaction with the services provided, requests for relevant services (food, transport, leisure activities, etc.).

The main work performed by the hosting service:

Making a guest's stay - receiving a guest, agreeing with the guest on the place of residence (room category, location, etc.), services provided, length of stay, collection of payment for accommodation;

Servicing guests during the period of stay - extending the period of stay, transferring the guest from one room to another (if necessary), charging for accommodation, organizing the provision of additional services at the request of the client;

Registration of the guest's departure - a full settlement with the guest for the services rendered (with the return of the unused advance payment), the delivery of the room by the client.

Typically, the service is led by a placement manager. His subordination includes the registration desk, porters, administrators, service bureaus, porters, cloakroom attendants, storekeepers of the left-luggage office, reservation service residential and auxiliary premises, preparation for their settlement, cleaning and decommissioning of rooms for cosmetic or scheduled repairs. The manager of this service manages the room maintenance team, maids, cleaners, concierges, etc. He has a direct relationship with the reception and accommodation service and the engineering service. The maintenance manager is responsible for the cleanliness of the entire hotel and its rooms.

The hotel room reservation system includes a complex of computers connected in a network and connected by fax-modem connection with various cities of the world. A request to book a room can be received through various channels (e-mail, fax, telephone, telex). The main tasks of the complex are, booking rooms on request in this hotel;

booking rooms by order of clients in other hotels;

booking tickets for different kinds transport;

other tasks. In some cases, such a system also solves local problems in the hotel itself: automated settlements with customers;

room stock planning;

staff payroll calculation;

accounting and reporting.

Large hotel complexes included in international chains have single system reservations such as Sabre, Galileo, Amadeus, etc. These reservation (reservation) systems perform the functions of booking hotel rooms, booking tickets for various types of transport, etc.

Commercial services conduct marketing research, substantiation of business plans, analysis of the conjuncture and actions of competitors;

make regulatory changes in economic policy as a result of regulatory actions of the authorities and legislation;

form information about the real state of affairs at the enterprise and use it to develop management decisions.

Administrative services manage the departments of the hotel and ensure the safety of residents.

The management of the enterprise is the highest governing body, which defines strategic and operational-tactical tasks (planning the range and ensuring the quality of services, creating an enterprise management system, defining tasks for creating an assortment and positioning services, ensuring interaction between enterprise services).

The first person of the hotel enterprise is the general director, who has three main tasks: to satisfy all the wishes of the guest and thereby attract him to a repeated visit to the hotel;

ensuring the profit of the hotel;

ensuring normal working and rest conditions for hotel staff.

All hotels have a clear management hierarchy, within which all its members occupy a certain place in accordance with their status. At the bottom of the hierarchy are people who are directly involved in the work. These include production personnel hotels (so-called individual participants).

The next part is made up of managers, whose activities are divided into three levels --- some manage the activities of only individual employees - they do not control the activities of other managers;

Others manage the work of other managers - find methods for solving the most important tasks, participate in the preparation of plans;

The third - top managers - are responsible for setting global goals, form the development strategy and internal values ​​of the hotel enterprise. They are responsible to the management of the hotel.

In the work of a manager, no matter what activity in the hospitality industry he does, there are five basic operations. In his job as a manager:

1. Sets goals, defines specific tasks in each group of goals, makes them effective by communicating them to other employees of the enterprise (hotel, restaurant, travel agency), whose work is necessary to achieve these goals.

2. Performs an organizational function, analyzing activities and making decisions necessary to achieve goals. The manager groups problems into an organizational structure and selects staff to handle them.

3. Supports constant communication in the team, not forgetting about the methods of motivation.

4. Analyzes, evaluates and interprets the results of the work of each employee of the enterprise.

5. Promotes the growth of people, including himself.

Thanks to the interaction of the above components, the manager is able to make the activities of any hotel enterprise as a whole efficient and profitable.

Responsibility for making general management decisions lies with the top management. Units are functional units, each of which uses its own specific technology, but together they have one common goal- customer satisfaction.

3. 2. REQUIREMENTS FOR HOTEL STAFF AND ITS TRAINING The state standard defines the requirements for hospitality industry personnel and establishes the rules for their training.

All service personnel and supervisors must be professionally trained. The degree of training should correspond to the services they provide. Special requirements are placed on knowledge of foreign languages. For hotels of categories 1 and 2 stars, it is sufficient for the employees of the reception and accommodation service to know one foreign language (the language of international communication or the language most used by the clients of the hotel complex in this region). For 3-star hotels, all staff who have contacts with residents must have sufficient knowledge of at least two languages ​​of international communication or other languages ​​most commonly used by hotel guests in this region. For 4-star hotels, the requirements are similar to the previous ones, but language skills must be at a higher level. For 5-star hotels, all staff working with residents must be fluent in at least three foreign languages. The reception service of 3-5 star hotels should provide translation from two to three languages.

The staff of all categories of hotels must be able to create an atmosphere of hospitality at the enterprise, must be ready to kindly fulfill the request of the resident and show patience and restraint towards the resident.

Personnel of all categories of hotels must undergo periodic medical examinations to obtain the appropriate certificate. Personnel of all categories of hotels that come into contact with residents must wear uniforms, in some cases including a personal badge indicating the name of the surname. The form must always be clean and in good condition. enterprises of any category should create separate conditions for rest and meals for staff. The volume of such conditions should correspond to the number of staff. The number of staff in services depends on the size of the hotel complex and the volume of services. General requirements imposed on the personnel of catering establishments serving hotel complexes are as follows:

1. Cooks, waiters, head waiters are accepted on a competitive basis based on the results of qualification tests and tests 2. Head waiters, waiters, bartenders must know at least one European language. The brigade includes waiters who speak different languages ​​3. Regularly, but at least once every five years, recertification of production, service, administrative and technical staff to confirm or upgrade qualification category 4. Not less than three years later, professional retraining of employees of a tourist enterprise should be carried out at advanced training courses according to a special program 6. All employees of catering establishments serving tourists must wear a personal badge with the emblem of the enterprise, position, last name and first name on their uniforms. 7. Maitre d's uniforms must provide a representative appearance.

9 Employees serving guests must be polite, attentive and helpful in dealing with visitors.

In case of occurrence conflict situation the employee must invite the administrator on duty, the head waiter or the director of the enterprise 10 Employees must not engage in extraneous activities at the workplace 11. Kitchen workers, technical services and support staff should not appear in the premises for visitors in sanitary and special clothes, if this is not related to their performance urgent work.

3. 3. BUILDINGS, FACILITIES AND PREMISES IN HOTEL ENTERPRISES related to the provision of other services to tourists. The relevant premises are distributed into various functional (architectural) blocks. When constructing hotel buildings, the following basic principles should be taken into account:

The building should organically fit into the environment, preserving the features of the urban or rural landscape, --- the building should be located, if possible, in the central part of the city and have enough space for car parking, --- it is necessary to take into account natural and climatic factors, temperature and air humidity , precipitation, insolation, wind speed and direction, etc.;

The layout of the building should provide rational organization services and appropriate comfort for residents, meet functional requirements, --- the building must comply with aesthetic, technical, sanitary-hygienic, environmental standards recommendations, --- it is necessary to comply with the conditions for the economy of the building construction process.

Hotel buildings can differ in many ways: type of construction, capacity, number of storeys, purpose, mode of operation, etc.

Depending on the type of structures and materials, hotel buildings are frame, block, monolithic, from local building materials and others (for example, the building of the Moscow hotel "Cosmos" - monolithic) The interior of hotels must have aesthetic and artistic expressiveness, meet the functional purpose of the premises. Buildings are divided into main and auxiliary. The main buildings include residential buildings, catering facilities, services, sports complexes, etc. The auxiliary buildings include boiler rooms, laundries, warehouses, garages, etc. In addition, the hotel complexes include the following facilities: converter substations, pumping and artesian wells, reservoirs , sewers and other communal facilities. According to the functional purpose, the hotel distinguishes:

A group of vestibule rooms;

residential part;

Catering facilities for guests;

Premises for commercial and consumer services;

Premises for sports, entertainment, business;

Service and household premises;

Technical buildings.

The spacious lobby is one of the important parts of the hotel. They are focused on meeting and seeing off guests, they carry out the functions of distribution and redistribution of some work.

The residential premises include rooms for clients, functional halls, recreation areas, corridors.

In restaurants, bars and cafes, guests can have fun and communicate along with eating.

The composition of the premises for entertainment purposes includes cinema-concert, banquet, dance halls. Sports facilities, as a rule, are represented by a swimming pool, gyms, a bowling alley, etc. Premises for business meetings include conference rooms, halls for business and banking operations, exhibition halls.

In the group of premises for commercial and consumer services, services are provided to guests trade enterprises, hairdressing, dry cleaning, photography, atelier, etc.

The office and amenity premises of the hotel provide working conditions, living conditions, meals for the staff, including their household and auxiliary needs, as well as the placement of equipment for cleaning the interior.

In the technical rooms there are services that control the operation of air conditioning equipment, centralized waste disposal, telephone, alarm and other hotel life support systems.

The layout of the rooms depends on the category of the hotel and usually includes a hall, a living room (rooms), a bathroom, a bathroom, built-in wardrobes, mini-bars, in some rooms - a kitchen.

All furniture in the hotel is divided into household, office, restaurant and special. Household furniture is located in hotel rooms, office furniture in administrative premises, restaurant furniture in catering establishments, special furniture in hairdressing salons, salons, medical offices etc.

The equipment of the hotel also depends on its purpose (for business people, congress and business tourism, educational tourism, etc.) and its category. Specific requirements apply to room equipment for guests with children, family clients, tourists with pets, etc.

In a resort hotel, as a rule, a sleeping place should be provided both in the room and on the loggia.

A number of hotels provide transformable rooms, that is, a change in area depending on the conditions due to sliding partitions (double room).

The functional zone of the hotel is also the territory adjacent to the hotel building. It provides isolation of hotel guests and staff from external environment(noise, gas pollution, dirt, etc.), accessibility for visitors. From this point of view, the location of the hotel relative to transport hubs, the appropriate advertising design of the building is important.

The activity of accommodation enterprises is characterized by the following indicators.

Number of rooms (number of seats), --- class (category);

load factor;

A set of services is their cost.

3. 4. FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR HOTELS Functional requirements for business hotels are:

Location near administrative, public and other centers, settlements without the need for a green area for recreation and sports activities;

The predominance of single rooms in the number of rooms;

Availability of oversized rooms designed for daytime work, in which small meetings can be held;

Mandatory organization in the room of the "working area";

Maximum isolation of rooms from the external environment in order to ensure conditions for concentrated work (for example, by sealing window frames, etc.).

For the organization of public spaces in business hotels, residents have special requirements, namely the presence of:

Premises for holding meetings, exhibitions, etc.;

A meeting room or similar multi-purpose space (meetings, banquets, etc.) with an additional entrance from the street;

Telegraph, teletype, telefax, etc.;

Financial support services - bank branches, etc.;

Premises for the service of secretaries with copying equipment.

At such hotels, open parking lots or garages for personal vehicles are equipped.

The requirements for organizing a group of catering establishments in such hotels are calculated mainly to serve customers from among the townspeople, etc. As a rule, the number of seats in catering establishments of a business hotel is less than the number of beds (except when it plays the role of a urban center).

The functional requirements for the structure of all types of hotels for recreation, including tourist ones, in contrast to business hotels, are fundamentally different, namely:

Accommodation among landscaped areas, as far as possible from noisy city centers;

The presence of a landscaped area for recreation and sports.

The size of this territory can be significant in some cases (in world practice, they range from 150 to sq. m per bed);

In the number of tourist hotels, due to the trend towards family holidays, the number of double rooms increases sharply - up to 80-90% of the total number of rooms;

The internal organization of the room is determined by the specific form of recreation that this type of hotel corresponds to (for example, resort hotels are characterized by the organization of a bed or a recreation area not only in the room, but also in larger loggias (balconies, terraces). In family vacation hotels designed for stay of vacationers with children, the room provides for the installation of ironing, drying appliances, as well as kitchen niches or mini-kitchens.Tourist hotel rooms are also formed as a place for daytime communication, receiving guests), --- organization number of rooms with seasonally changing capacity, which is associated with uneven seasonal occupancy;

Certain requirements for the organization of public premises (and not the convenience of business contacts, as is typical for business hotels).

The specific composition and solution of public spaces depend on the form of recreation that this type of hotel is intended to provide.

The expansion of the range of public premises in any type of hotel is influenced by the accepted level of service and the category of the hotel.

In table. 3. 1 shows a list of premises required for the listed types of hotels (for all four types of hotels, a green area is required).

Functional requirements for enterprises providing food services. Catering establishments in tourist hotels are formed not only in order to provide tourists with food, but also as a place for a pleasant rest and leisure. Therefore, the composition of catering establishments in tourist hotels is more extensive and diverse than in other types of leisure hotels. It provides for restaurants of various types and classes (national cuisine, etc.), bars, snack bars, cafeterias, beer cellars, etc.

In resort hotels, dietary catering establishments are provided (with the appropriate organization of kitchens and halls). In hotels for family holidays, special halls and kitchens are organized to provide children's meals.

The most important factor in the formation of hotels for recreation is that the specificity of various forms of recreation forms the residents of each specific type hotels, the need to organize a completely special type of service inherent only to this form of recreation, which is not required in any other type of hotel, but in this one it forms the typological basis, the individual specifics of the hotel.

For example, in a resort hotel - this is a special treatment and preventive service;

in tourist - tourist;

in a hotel for family holidays - children's service. If the composition of the resort hotel, depending on the medical factors of the resort, may include halls of "movement therapy", separate hydrotherapy rooms, pools for therapeutic swimming, then in hotels for family holidays there are rooms for children's games and entertainment, halls for children to stay under care, premises kindergarten for children of vacationers, playgrounds for gymnastics and children's sports games, "paddling pools" in the area of ​​​​the indoor pool.

3. 5. RESIDENTIAL PART OF THE HOTEL The residential part of the hotel includes - rooms, horizontal communications (corridors), living rooms, stair-lift halls, rooms for duty personnel. The residential floor of a multi-storey hotel may have one or more corridors. The distribution of the area of ​​​​the residential part between rooms and other premises is very different;

In a number of foreign hotels with a capacity of up to 25 people, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe recreation area is provided for at least 16.7 square meters. m In larger hotels, each resident should have at least 5 sq.

m of recreation area (in the living room, bar, bedroom) The main element of the accommodation service are hotel rooms. These are multifunctional premises designed for recreation, sleep, and work of residents. Due to the fact that hotel rooms are used by guests mainly in the evening and at night, their most important function is to provide the opportunity to sleep. Other important functions of hotel rooms are providing meals, personal hygiene, communication. In addition, the guest’s personal belongings are stored in the room. The significance of other functions of hotel rooms Depends primarily on the purpose of the hotel and the needs of guests. - here you need a desk, telephone, fax, computer, etc.

Hotel rooms are classified:

According to the number of places;

By the number of rooms, --- by appointment.

According to the number of beds, rooms are single, double, triple, etc.

A single room is designed to accommodate one guest.

The double room is designed for simultaneous accommodation of two guests. A double room can have two separate or side by side beds, or one double bed.

By the number of rooms, one-room, two-room, three-room, etc. rooms are distinguished. In world practice, one-room rooms for one and two residents are the most common. In most hotels, the share of single rooms for one resident reaches 50 or more percent of the room stock. For example, the share of single rooms in the Moscow hotel "Leningradskaya" accounts for 53% of the room stock.

By appointment, there are business class rooms, economy class rooms, suites, etc.

Business class rooms are designed to accommodate people in business trips and business trips. In addition to the standard furnishings of the room, conditions for work should be created here - there should be a desktop, telephone, fax, computer, etc.

Economy class rooms are rooms to accommodate a wide range of clients. Such rooms are distinguished by more modest and inexpensive furnishings and equipment, which is reflected in the price of accommodation. Rooms-apartments are two-, three-, four-room suites, intended, as a rule, for long-term accommodation of families. As part of the rooms of the suite, there must be a kitchen with the necessary set household appliances(coffee maker, microwave, mixer, etc.), which allows you to provide almost home-like conditions of stay. Apartments make up no more than 10% of the number of rooms. They are very different in the number and purpose of rooms, their area, functional purpose.

There is also such a category of rooms as luxury apartments - three-, four-room suites with a living area of ​​at least 45 sq.m, which may not include a kitchen. This is the most expensive category of rooms. AT foreign practice such rooms are known as suites. Regardless of the category, each hotel room must have the following furniture and equipment.

Bed, --- chair or armchair per one place, --- night table or bedside table per one bed;


General lighting;

Waste basket Each room should contain information about the hotel and an evacuation plan in case of fire. The space of the rooms (or rooms) of the room is divided into functional areas. Up to 70% of the total area of ​​a single room per resident can belong to the residential area, up to 14% to the front, up to 20% to the sanitary unit. In this case, the living area can be from 7 to 14 sq.m.

Modern standards of some foreign countries require compliance with the minimum floor area in a single room of at least 14 sq.m. in a double room - at least 18 sq.m. In particular, German standards provide for the area of ​​​​a comfortable one-room suite for one resident from 16 to 18 sq.m, and for two residents - from 20 to 21 sq.m Furniture in the rooms is placed depending on the size of the room, piers, heating features, technological parameters of the room Furniture must ensure comfort and safety, meet sanitary and ergonomic requirements, and meet the tastes of customers.

The ratio of rooms of different capacities is rigidly fixed and can only be changed during the reconstruction of hotels (if constructions allow). At the same time, the structure of the room stock should correspond to the needs of visitors and requires some adjustment (according to the seasons of the year, over time, etc.) ) movable partitions Requirements for hotel rooms of various categories. In Russia, by order of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade dated June 2003 No. 197, the Regulations on the state system for classifying hotels and other accommodation facilities were approved. This document establishes the classification of rooms in accommodation facilities and the minimum requirements for rooms of various categories. less than 75 sq.m, consisting of three or more living rooms (living room / dining room, office and bedroom) with a non-standard wide double bed (200X 200 cm) and an additional guest toilet /dining room and office), --- "apartment" - a room in an accommodation facility with an area of ​​at least 40 sq.m, consisting of two or more living rooms (living room / dining room, bedroom), with kitchen equipment;