Analysis of marketing activities in a tourist enterprise. Marketing activities of a travel company Analysis of marketing activities in a tourism company

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Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects marketing in tourism…………….6p.

1.1. Marketing in tourism: concept, content, concept……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

1.2. Tourist product as the basic concept of marketing in tourism…………………………………………………………………….8p.

1.3. Marketing communications in the field of tourism……………...12str.

Chapter 2. Theoretical foundations of the content of the marketing service…………………………………………………………………...16p.

2.1. Goals, objectives and types of planning…………………………….16p.

2.2. Organizational structures Marketing……………………...22str.

2.3. Distribution of tasks, rights and responsibilities in the marketing management system…………………………………………………………..34str.

Chapter 3. Analysis of marketing activities at a tourist enterprise…………………………………………………………..39p.

3.1. general characteristics researched tourist enterprise…………………………………………………………...39str.

3.2. Improving marketing activities…………...38str.




This course work is devoted to the topic "Organization of marketing at the enterprise in the tourism sector."

This topic is enough relevant within modern conditions that have developed in the field of tourism, since today tourism tops the list of the most important socio-economic sectors of the world economy. It is becoming a way of life for millions of people on our planet. Its beneficial influence on the development of political, social, cultural ties and interpersonal relations on an international scale has become an obvious fact for everyone.

Marketing in tourism is a system for managing and organizing the activities of tourism companies to develop new, more effective types tourism and excursion services, their production and marketing in order to make a profit based on improving the quality of the tourism product and taking into account the processes that take place in the global tourism market.

With the growth and constant change of the tourism market, competition is extremely high. In the face of increasing competition, companies are forced to focus on meeting customer needs. Companies that don't do this have no future. This is why the travel industry needs an increasing number of marketing professionals who understand it. global problems and able to respond to the growing needs of consumers with creative strategies based on good marketing knowledge. To achieve a positive marketing effect close coordination of marketing is required various organizations and enterprises. Therefore, the concept of marketing in tourism is more than anywhere else, holistic and comprehensive.

It should be noted that the problem of marketing in tourism enterprises at one time was dealt with by such foreign and domestic scientists as: Durovich A.P.; Philip Kotler; Golubkov E.P.; Gulyaev V.G. other.

What about degree of knowledge of this problem at present, it should be noted that having originated in production area, marketing enough long time did not find appropriate application in the field of tourism. However, increased competition, commercialization tourism activities led to the need for the early introduction of the main elements of marketing in the practice of tourism enterprises. So, goal This work is the study of the organization of marketing services in the enterprises of the tourism sector.

To achieve this goal, we select a number of tasks :

1. Consider the essence of marketing in tourism.

2. Consider the features of using the basic principles of organizing a marketing service in tourism.

3. Conduct an analysis of the organization of marketing on the example of a specific tourist enterprise, and make proposals for improving marketing activities in the field of tourism.

object in this term paper is the travel agency "Siberia", on the basis of the data of which research was carried out in order to achieve the above goal.

Subject- organization of marketing service in tourism.

Research methodology, with which this work was written, the following: sociological, empirical and analytical.

When writing this work, scientific works, analytical works, journals, textbooks and scientific literature were used.

The work is structured from an introduction, three chapters and a conclusion set out on 50 pages.

In the first chapter Theoretical aspects of marketing in tourism the following questions are considered:

1. Marketing in tourism: concept, content, concept.

2. Tourist product as the basic concept of tourism marketing.

3. Marketing communications in the field of tourism.

In the second chapter Theoretical Foundations of Marketing Service Content issues such as:

1. Structural organization marketing services.

2. Marketing management system.

In the third chapter Proposals for improving marketing activities in the field of tourism the following paragraphs are considered:

1. Overall score enterprises: characteristics.

2.Improvement of marketing activities in the field of tourism.

3.Improvement of marketing activities in the travel agency "Siberia".

Chapter I . Theoretical aspects of marketing in tourism

1.1. Marketing in tourism: concept, content, concept

The word "marketing" is borrowed from in English. The word “market” (market) is translated as “market”, and the word “marketing” (marketing) derived from it is “ trade work On the market.

Let's try to answer the following questions: what is marketing? Why does a travel company need it? What is its content and concept?

So, marketing is a system for managing trade and production activities. travel company in a market economy.

There are many other definitions of marketing. Let us dwell on the most acceptable definition of its main goal– recognize, identify and evaluate existing or latent demand for tourist services that the travel agency can offer the consumer, and direct their efforts to the development, production, promotion and sale of these services in order to obtain optimal profit.

Answering the question why travel agencies need marketing, let's say that their activities in the market and competition are always associated with more or less financial risk, the degree of which increases especially in foreign economic activity, including in the field of tourism. Nowadays, every tourist enterprise carries liability for their own loss-making operations. In 1995-2000 many Russian travel agencies, due to mistakes made in their work, suffered a financial collapse and were forced to stop their activities.

That is why the issue of entrepreneurial risk should be the focus of any travel company. Reducing the degree of this risk can only be achieved by using the marketing concept as accurately as possible.

Of course, not only competition in the market determines the value of marketing. An even more important goal for a travel agency is to increase the production and sale of tourist products, increase revenues and profits, and increase profitability.

An entrepreneur cannot retain a consumer of tourism services if he does not earn a return on invested capital and if he does not reinvest this profit in production in order to be able to satisfy the needs and desires of his customers. Thus, it must be said that marketing is not a one-time or unambiguous action, or a measure limited by some functional or time frame. Modern marketing affects all areas of activity of each travel company, its organizational and functional structures, and the implementation of marketing measures become the daily practice of the travel agency team.

Speaking about the concept of marketing, such concepts as "marketing position", "marketing process" and "marketing technology" are used.

The marketing position is based on the fact that in the conditions of the market and competition, demand determines supply. Therefore, the success of an enterprise depends on its ability to offer tourist services in such quantity and quality, in such a place and at such a price, that would correspond to actual and potential demand.

Thus, the starting position of marketing is the presence of a certain market and consumer demand for travel services. There is a demand for travel services, which means that the company can actively develop a marketing strategy and plans for its implementation, and if there is no demand, then you either need to look for it elsewhere, or re-profil your production activities.

It should also be emphasized that the main task in marketing is not so much to passively follow demand as to actively shape this demand based on forecasting its development.

The marketing process is a series of interrelated activities that begins with market and demand identification and includes the planning, development, production, distribution, and sale of goods and services to consumers.

This work is devoted to the organization and planning of marketing activities (on the example of the travel agency CJSC "Velkom").

AT market economy a huge role belongs to the tourism and hospitality industry. This branch of the national economy is intended to be, as it were, the hallmark of the country. Among other things, this industry brings large profits and contributes significant contribution into development national economy. The development of the tourism and hospitality industry will ultimately lead to the fact that tourists from all over the world, visiting Russia, will give impetus to the development of other sectors of the national economy of our country. At present, there is also interest in tourism in Russia, a country with a large tourism potential, but occupying an insignificant share in the world tourist flow (1.5%).

The most important activity of firms operating in the tourism sector is the promotion of a tourist product on the market, advertising and the sale of a prepared tour package, i.e. marketing activities of a travel company. The funds are currently mass media, special editions, advertising brochures are literally overflowing with a variety of tourist offers, and the path of a travel agency to success lies in bringing relevant information to a potential client and causing him to respond. This task is feasible if the company's management has knowledge in the field of marketing or the company has a marketing and advertising department.

Therefore, the research topic of this work is very relevant today.

Tourism is temporary trips (travels) of citizens Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons from a permanent place of residence for recreational, educational, professional, business, sports, religious and other purposes without engaging in paid activities in the country (place) of temporary residence ( the federal law"On the basics of tourism activities in the Russian Federation").

The Law on Tourism Activities regulates relations arising from the implementation of the constitutional rights of citizens to rest, freedom of movement and other rights when traveling. While traveling, citizens can exercise their right to participate in cultural life, to use cultural institutions, as well as the right to access cultural property (Article 44 of the Constitution of Russia).

In traditional production, which has a specific result of labor (goods in material form), the concept of marketing has a more specific content. In tourism, the result of activity is reduced to a tourist product.

One of the most important tasks of marketing is the formation of demand and sales promotion in order to increase sales, increase the efficiency and profitability of activities in the market. This is what a complex of marketing communications is intended to serve, or, in other words, a system for promoting a tour product.

The purpose of this work is to develop recommendations for the formation of a marketing strategy for a travel company.

The object of the study is the travel company CJSC "Velkom". The subject of the study is the organization and planning of marketing activities of CJSC "Velcom".

The objectives of the research are:

- to give the concept of marketing activities in tourism;

- describe the stages of developing a marketing strategy for a travel company;

- to analyze the organization of marketing activities of the travel company CJSC "Velcom";

3.1. Scheme of marketing activity of a tourist enterprise

Schematically, the implementation of marketing in the activities of a tourist enterprise can be represented as consisting of the following stages:

1. Marketing research which promptly provide managers with the necessary information about consumers, competitors, markets, goods (services).

2. Strategic Marketing, which is the most difficult stage of marketing activity. This stage includes segmentation (defining target segments) and positioning (taking a position in the minds of consumers, not in the market). United marketing strategy tourist enterprise consists of:

Product offering strategies;
- pricing strategies;
- promotion strategies;
- service strategies.

3. Tactical Marketing is a set of actions that are carried out within the framework of the developed strategy, involves the use marketing tools(marketing mix).

4. Administrative Marketing, which is a continuous process of managing marketing activities. General management functions are planning, organization, regulation and control over resources to achieve the goals of marketing research. Administrative marketing ensures the implementation of marketing strategies and tactics based on existing market information.

Marketing activities coordinates and directs the functioning of other areas of activity of the tourist enterprise: production, financial, personnel.

3.2. Analysis of the marketing opportunities of a tourist enterprise

Marketing opportunities of the tourist enterprise- this is the established relationship between a certain area of ​​consumer needs and the real resources (potential) of the enterprise to meet them. The marketing capabilities of an enterprise are largely determined by legislative acts regulating external environment tourist enterprise (for example, the Law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", etc.).

Analysis of marketing opportunities is a study of the real position of the tourist enterprise in the market in order to assess the possibilities effective use its potential (material, financial, human and other resources) is a prerequisite for making marketing decisions.

During marketing analysis opportunities of the tourist enterprise, the following methods are used:

- SWOT analysis– detailed analysis of the internal and external environment;
- situational analysis(method "5 * 5" A. Meski) - analysis current situation, position of the enterprise in the market, microenvironment factors;
- STEP (PEST) analysis- analysis key factors macro environment;
- I. Ansoff method- a method of perception by the enterprise of strong and weak signals from the external environment;
- GAP analysis- analysis of the "gap" strategic gap between the real opportunities and claims of the enterprise;
- the financial analysis and etc.

An analysis of the marketing opportunities of a tourist enterprise allows you to determine the most attractive areas of the company's marketing efforts to ensure the profitability of its activities.

Based on the analysis of the marketing capabilities of the enterprise, planning of target indicators of marketing activities is carried out, which follow from the general goals of the enterprise and ultimately ensure their implementation. Marketing planning targets contain both economic goals(sales, share) and communicative (recognition, attitude, loyalty). In this case, various methods are used: extrapolation, examination, modeling, etc. The system of marketing targets consists of:

- at the corporate level– maximization of shareholder value, growth of intangible assets;
- at the level of target segments- sale (an indicator of the level of compliance with market requirements), share (an indicator of the position of an enterprise relative to competitors), loyalty (an indicator of awareness, attitude and commitment of consumers to an enterprise, product, brand);
- at the level of individual marketing tools– profitability and break-even of the product, competitiveness of the product, market power of the brand, penetration, repeat purchases and intensity of consumption, indicators of the “perceived value” of the product, market coverage, workload of sales representatives, profitability of the distribution channel, assessment of recognition and attitude to the product, brand, etc.
- In addition, there are other indicators- elasticity of demand, assessment of the sufficiency of trade discounts to provide trade support, the number of visits per completed transaction, the time of processing and fulfilling an order, the cost of attracting one buyer, the cost of familiarizing the target buyer with the brand, etc.

3.3. Determination of costs for marketing activities

The essence of marketing costs is expressed as follows:

Marketing costs are not overhead costs, but costs that ensure the sale of goods (services);
- marketing costs are of an investment nature, i.e. they can generate income for the tourism enterprise in the future. These are expenses of a special kind, working for the future. Financial resources for marketing are allocated at the enterprise from the profits of the enterprise;
- financial planning marketing costs are produced in the form of developing a system of interrelated budgets.

The volume of marketing costs is determined by two methods:

1. Top down method involves first calculating total amount costs, and then allocating it to individual marketing activities.
2. Bottom up method uses the calculation of the costs of individual marketing activities first, and then the summation of all costs to determine the total value. Here, the method of costing for individual activities is applied on the basis of accepted norms or on a contractual basis.

Marketing costs are conventionally divided into fixed and variable. Fixed costs are those costs that are necessary to constant maintenance functioning marketing system tourist enterprise, as a rule, these are the costs of maintaining marketing employees (services), regular marketing research and creation of a bank of marketing data, financing of work on continuous improvement of products (services) of the enterprise.

The variable part of marketing costs is marketing costs associated with changes in market conditions and the adoption of new strategic and operational decisions.

3.4. Complex marketing researches of the market at the tourist enterprises

Comprehensive market research, which is the basis of marketing research on tourist enterprise, consists of several parts:

1. Tourism product study(novelty, competitiveness, compliance legislative norms, differentiation of tours in accordance with the needs of different customer groups, compliance with quality standards, satisfaction of existing and future customer requirements, the impact of the seasonality of tourist consumption on demand).
2. Market research(geographical location, market capacity and the possible share of the company's tourism product, the severity of competition, conjuncture, development trends (forecasts).
3. Consumer Research(potential buyers; segmentation of customers according to various criteria; needs not satisfied by this tourist product; motives of buyers; factors determining demand).

When studying consumers, experts consider it important to determine their lifestyle. People belonging to the same subculture, having the same profession, may have different lifestyles. Lifestyle is a range of actions of a person in life and his interaction with other people. Lifestyle is studied by the science of psychographics, which covers all the main parameters of the human personality (Table 8).

Table 8

The main parameters of the human personality 20

Western experts have developed a large number of schemes by which consumer orientations are determined, however, in recent times The most commonly used gradation is:

- idea oriented(those who believe and who put faith into practice);
- status oriented(those who achieve the desired status and who are trying to achieve it);
- action oriented(those who act for experience and who act for results).

The concept of lifestyle, when used correctly, can help marketers understand the changing life values consumer and determine how they affect his purchasing behavior.

4. Studying competitors(major competitors with the largest market share; most dynamic competitors; competitors' product characteristics; competitors' prominence; availability of experienced personnel; marketing activities; official earnings data).

The study of competitors allows the tourist enterprise to identify its own competitive advantages. Competitive advantages are tangible assets (material and technical and financial) and intangible assets ( trademark, prestige, image of the enterprise, staff competencies) that a tourist enterprise has. Competitor analysis is recommended to be carried out in the form of tables showing their strengths and weak sides, distinctive features. Based on the results of this analysis, the tourist enterprise can determine its position in the market, i.e. identify the features of its activities that will distinguish it from competitors and attract consumers.

test questions

1. Describe the content of the marketing activities of a tourist enterprise.
2. What are the marketing opportunities of a tourism enterprise?
3. What is the analysis of the marketing opportunities of a tourist enterprise?
4. Name the methods of analysis of the marketing opportunities of a tourist enterprise.
5. How are total marketing costs determined?
6. Name the components of a comprehensive market study at a tourist enterprise.