Printing price tags in 1s 8.3 trade management. Item price tag printing settings

This lesson shows you how to create print templates and print labels and price tags for a selected product group.

The procedure for printing both price tags and labels is identical, so I will show the process using the example of printing labels.

Create a label template (SE)

Labels and price tags are printed according to templates, let's open the list:

We create a new one:

Specify the name, size of the printed tape, select the destination from the list:

The tape size is also selected from the list:

In field For what a specific nomenclature card is selected, on the example of which it will be possible to generate a test print.

If the proposed SE does not suit you and you want to modify it, open the editor using the hyperlink:

In the upper part of the editor, the label dimensions and cell size are indicated, in the left part there is a list of fields available for adding to the template. The addition itself is carried out by double-clicking on the selected available field (or by clicking on the selection button located to the right of the list of available fields).

In the central part of the editor, the edited SE itself is located. When a cell is selected, a palette of properties for this cell is displayed on the right side of the editor (in which, for example, you can set the font format, set borders, etc.):

You can create a new SE in the editor based on the predefined:

Let's add its article number to the header before the name of the product. Additionally, using the properties palette, change the font:

When printed, we get the following picture:

SE is a regular spreadsheet document (complete analogy with Excel). For example, let's clean up the SE completely and create our own:

Let's add the article, name, barcode and print time:

After making all changes to the SE, it must be recorded.

If for different types different nomenclatures are used, this can be configured in the card of types of nomenclature:

If specific label or price tag templates are used in printing specific goods, this can be configured in the item card:

Label printing

After creating the SE, we proceed directly to printing labels, for this we open workplace group printing of labels and price tags:

First of all, set the print mode:

In order to print labels not for all, but only for the selected item, you need to configure the selection. Suppose we are only interested in the nomenclature with the form Furniture and only the one for which prices are set with the type Retail:

After setting the selection, fill in the table of goods:

We see that the SE was filled in automatically:

By default, the number of labels is equal to the inventory balance of the item, but if necessary, you can set the number manually:

When printed, we see the following picture:

When printing a label for the Bedside table product, a barcode error occurred (because I set it arbitrarily, by entering random numbers, ignoring the formation rules), in real life this should not happen.

Price tags in 1C enterprise

Price tags and product labels are an integral part of retail. They are needed for window dressing and designation of product information. Barcode labels allow you to automate the sales process and identify the product.

The 1C program provides the function of creating labels. To do this, you need a configuration - Trade Management. Required Tools are located in the Nomenclature section. A format is available for a standard A4 printer and specialized for labels.

Preparing for printing

First of all, you need to assign a price to the products. Fill in barcode nomenclature.

The label can display the price and barcode. To do this, check the box "Display price".


The procedure for processing the printing of price tags is as follows:

Selection (selection of goods for printing) → Setting parameters (format, paper type) → Viewing results (selected items) → Printing

All in order:

    section Marketing - Item prices

You need to print the price tags of goods with set price. Locate the price data document in the list.

    Printing price tags

Select a file from the list - Item price settings. Click “Print” → Price tags. Price data will be added automatically.

    creating a new template

Install → Price tag template, set the type and name of the template. Click "Edit Layout". In the template editor that opens, click “Load default template”.

Editing a ready-made template is easier than creating a ready-made one from scratch. Once you've mastered the templates, you'll be able to design your own.

    price tag (template type)

If the barcode on the label is not needed, then the setup is complete. Start printing. If a barcode is needed, we continue the setup.

    barcode area preparation

Highlight the sixth line. Right-click to select Expand.

    barcode insertion

Putting the cursor on the ninth line, click "Barcode". Stretch the barcode on the lines prepared earlier.

    deleting extra lines - highlight, click "Delete". Specify the number of labels per sheet.


    label printing

Returning to the "Print Labels" window, select all items (Ctrl+A). Click "Install - Price List". Select the created template. Click on the "Print" button.

Help at work

When printing labels, the element 1C - Printing barcodes is used. This control is installed from the ITS disk.

Got a question? Our consultants will help you. You can contact us via online chat or by phone.

We discussed the process of creating and editing a price tag layout in the previous article (Creating your own price tag layout in 1C: Retail 2.1). Now let's consider the capabilities of the 1C: Retail system for printing price tags.

In this article, we will analyze:


The article was written for the editors of 1C: Retail 2.1 . If you use this edition, great - read the article and implement the considered functionality.

If you plan to start implementing 1C: Retail, then most likely a more recent edition will be used. Interfaces and functionality may vary.

Therefore, we recommend taking the course 1C: Retail 2 for store automation and service companies, this will help you avoid mistakes and loss of time/reputation.

Setting the number of labels to print

We will print price tags on a conventional printer of the format A4. First, let's set up the number of price tags printed on one page.

You should go to the list of templates by command AdministrationPrinting forms, reports and processingLabel Templates, price tags and checks KKM and open the desired template for editing.

The form for editing the template will open (see Fig. 1).

Rice. 1 Form for editing the template of labels and price tags

Two options can be defined in the Layout Editor: Horizontal quantity and Vertical quantity.

The most practical option is to initially specify these parameters as deliberately overestimated.

When you try to save the entered changes by pressing the button OK system 1C: Retail

Since the parameters were set clearly overestimated, the system 1C: Retail will give messages about the maximum possible values ​​of the parameters.

The parameters should be adjusted in accordance with the recommendations of the program and to save them, click the button OK.

After closing the editor, you still need to save the directory element itself (template) by pressing the button burn or Write and close(see Fig. 2).

Rice. 2 The form of the element of the directory “Templates for labels of price tags and receipts of KKM”

It is possible that the number horizontally or vertically can be increased by one - we will also consider the solution of this problem in the current article.

Processing “Printing price tags and labels”

For printing both labels and price tags in configuration Retail 2 the same processing is intended, which is called “Printing labels and price tags”.

To call this processing, go to the section Stocks and purchases and in the command group Service choose a team Printing labels and price tags(See Fig. 3).

Rice. 3 Call processing “Print labels and price tags”

The form for this processing will open (see Fig. 4).

Rice. 4 Processing “Printing labels and price tags”. General form

Consider the form of processing. In the command panel of the tabular section, select the command Set print mode. A menu will open in which you should select one of the items: Printing price tags, Printing price tags and labels, Printing labels (see Fig. 5).

When you select different modes, the names of some columns of the tabular section change accordingly. Products.

We need print mode Printing price tags.

Rice. 5 Processing “Printing labels and price tags”. Selecting a print mode

In the processing, there is a field for filling in the store, with the goods of which we will work (see Fig. 4). Let's find the store right now.

In the parameter group Prices specify those parameters that affect the indication of the price for the goods: date, option for obtaining prices.

You can choose one of two options for getting prices.

First option - Price status. This option will be available for selection only if the selected store uses the deferred pricing mechanism.

You will need to choose which prices should be printed on the price tag - assigned or valid.

The second option is By type of price(retail, small wholesale, etc.). We will choose it and indicate the type of prices - retail.

Filling in the list of goods for printing price tags

tabular part Products filled in with a list of products for which price tags and labels will be printed.

To populate the list of products, you can use the command Fill, having preliminarily defined the selection parameters, or the command Pick up products.

Rice. 6 Options for filling in the tabular section Products

Option Pick up products It is convenient to use if you need to fill in only a few positions. This opens the form Selection of goods(see fig. 7)

Rice. 7 Product selection form

Option Fill used much more frequently. To use this command, you must first define the selection parameters.

Selection parameters can be defined by clicking on the button Show selection(to the right of the button Fill, see fig. 6).

At the same time, over tabular part Products additional elements for selection will appear: a tabular section with selection conditions and a list of fields available for selection in the selection conditions (see Fig. 8).

Rice. 8 Processing fragment “Printing price tags and labels” with selection elements

In the table with selection conditions, unnecessary conditions that were used earlier can be deleted by clicking on the button with the red cross icon, and frequently used conditions can simply be disabled by unchecking the boxes to the left of the conditions.

When creating a new database with a configuration Retail 2 a list of standard selection conditions is also created. As a rule, these terms are used most often.

But note that all of these conditions can be randomly removed (see Figure 9). Therefore, we will tell you how to create them yourself.

Rice. 9 Empty selection conditions table

If you look at the menu All actions in the command panel of the tabular part of the selection conditions and select the item in detail(see Fig. 10), then the list of conditions will display additional information(see fig. 11).

And we will see that the selection Only with barcodes matches the selected field Barcode and type of comparison filled. selection Only with prices: field Price, kind of comparison More and meaning 0 . selection Only with leftovers in stock: field Remaining stock, kind of comparison More and meaning 0 .

Rice. 10 Table of selection conditions. Selecting Details from the All Actions menu.

Rice. 11 Table of selection conditions. Detailed display.

The field for setting the condition is selected from the list of available fields (on the left), the type of comparison from the drop-down list (see Fig. 12), and the value, depending on the selected field, can either be selected or filled in.

Rice. 12 Drop-down list of comparison types

The text “Barcode Only” or “Price Only” is just a representation that can be easily changed.

Activate the line with the inscription “Only with a barcode” and select the command in the menu for all actions Set view(see fig. 13).

Rice. 13 Selecting the set view command

The “Representation” form will appear, with the help of which you can define and adjust the representation for the selection condition (see Fig. 14).

Rice. 14 Defining and editing the representation for the selection condition

The view can be set for any newly created selection condition. Setting views is justified only for selection conditions that may be difficult for the user to understand.

Of the selection conditions already in the database for printing price tags, the most relevant are: Only with prices and Only with leftovers in stock. Check the boxes to use these conditions.

Form elements for determining the selection of goods can be hidden by clicking on the button Hide Selection(to the right of the button Fill where the inscription used to be Show selection). tabular part Products will take its original position. Now you have to click on the button Fill.

When filling goods, the system 1C: Retail for each line automatically set the number of price tags equal to one, since usually price tags are printed one for each item of the nomenclature.

The price tag print template can be selected both for a single item (see Fig. 15), and for several selected lines at once.

Rice. 15 Selecting a price tag template for an individual item

If we use the same price tag template for all products, then we can select all lines with a keyboard shortcut ctrl+ A, press the button Install and select from the drop-down menu Price tag template(see fig. 16).

Rice. 16 Selecting a label template for selected lines

A selection form will appear with a list of templates (see Figure 17).

Rice. 17 Template selection form

After selecting a template, in the tabular section, the column Price tag template will be filled with the selected value and all previously selected lines will be marked with a check mark as selected for printing (see Fig. 18).

Rice. 18 Tabular section Goods after selecting a price tag template

After pressing the button Seal(in the command panel of the processing form) another form “Printing labels and price tags” will appear, in which you should also click on the button Seal.

System 1C: Retail will generate a spreadsheet document containing price tags for each product from the list (see Figure 19).

Rice. 19 Fragment of the printed document

Optimizing the layout and printing options for labels

If you use the button Preview(the button with the magnifying glass icon in the upper command bar of the application), then you can make sure that eight price tags are placed on each printed sheet (four in height and two in the width of the sheet, see Fig. 20).

Rice. 20 Preview form

After printing, sheets with price tags will need to be cut, and therefore the interval between the price tags would be better eliminated. To do this, open the form for editing the label and price tag template again (see the beginning of the article) and reduce the print area.

By default, the print area is slightly larger than the price tag itself. Visually, the print area is displayed as a dotted line (see Fig. 21).

Rice. 21 Fragment from the form for editing label and price tag templates

It can be seen from the figure that the gaps between the label and the print area are provided by separate columns and lines that can be simply removed (the second and sixth columns, the second and thirteenth lines).

But a simpler option is to clearly select with the mouse only the price tag itself and click on the button Set Print Area.

In addition, to fit more price tags on one sheet, you can reduce the size of the page margins. To do this, in the Main menu, select the item File - Page Setup (see Fig. 22).

Please note that this item is available only when the mouse cursor is inside the Spreadsheet document.

Rice. 22 Opening the “Page setup” form

A window for setting page parameters will open (see Fig. 23).

Rice. 23 Page setup form

Reduce the values ​​of all fields, for example, to 5 mm, and to save these parameters, press the button OK. Now in the form of editing templates for labels and price tags (see Fig. 1) increase the parameter Horizontal quantity from two to three and press the button OK.

System 1C: Retail will check whether it is really possible to print such a number of price tags on one sheet according to this template with the settings set.

In processing Printing price tags by pressing the button again Seal, we will see that there are no intervals between the price tags and the width of the sheet now fits three price tags (see Fig. 24).

Rice. 24 Fragment of the printed document

Looking at the top row of price tags in this figure, we find that the names of a certain item may occupy not one line, but two. In this case, the price tag will be stretched vertically, and in neighboring price tags located on the same line, additional free spaces will appear between the name of the item and the characteristic.

For some goods, accounting by characteristics is not kept, and for them there is an additional free cell in the price tag. In addition to everything, in all price tags there is already a free cell under the cell for characteristics.

To eliminate these situations, we will reopen the form for editing label and price tag templates. There will be no gaps between the name of the nomenclature and its characteristics if both parameters are placed in the same cell.

To do this, you need to use cells with a fill type Sample. And to get rid of empty cells, all three cells (with nomenclature, characteristic and empty cell) should be combined.

Rice. 25 Merging cells

We merge three cells and place two parameters ([ Nomenclature.Description] and [ Feature.Description]). When merging cells, the first parameter was preserved in it. The second parameter can be added from the list of available fields by double clicking the mouse. To place the parameters one below the other, place the cursor between them and press the key combination Shift+ Enter.

The font size in the merged cell corresponds to the font size of the item name. It can be reduced somewhat. In the properties of this cell, change the font size 12 to 11 (see Fig. 26).

As a reminder, properties are opened from the context menu when the mouse cursor is in a given cell (item Properties).

Rice. 26 Changing the font size in a merged cell

In order for the labels in the cell to be located vertically in the center, we will also change the value of the corresponding property in Properties Palette(was the meaning Top, became - Center, see fig. 27)

Rice. 27 Change the position of the inscription vertically

To save all these transformations, press the button OK in the template editor. Back to processing Printing price tags and press the button Seal.

The result obtained is shown in Figure 28.

Rice. 28 Fragment of the printed document

In practice, there may be very long names of the nomenclature, consisting of several words and occupying several lines in the price list (see Fig. 29).

Rice. 29 An example of a price tag with a long item name.

If you need a stable label size, you can turn off the property for the corresponding row. Line auto-height and set a fixed height value (see the article “Creating your own price tag layout” - ).

But it should be borne in mind that in this case the text that does not fit will simply be cut off.

In this case, to display in the price tag, it is better to use the nomenclature field Full name, and the regulations for the input of regulatory and reference information to approve the rules for compiling names and its length.

If a Full name already used for other purposes, for the nomenclature, you can add a new additional attribute “Name for printing” ( AdministrationAdditional details ) and display it in the price tag.

Setting up default price tags for item types

In configuration Retail 2 you can define default templates for item types. In the Regulatory and reference information section, in the Nomenclature group of commands, select the command Types of nomenclature(see fig. 30).

Rice. 30 Opening the directory Types of nomenclature

The directory list form will open Types of nomenclature(see fig. 31).

Fig. 31 Directory list form Types of nomenclature

Select for editing any type of nomenclature by double-clicking the mouse or using the button Change current element in the list form command bar (a button with a pencil icon).

An item type card will open, which has special fields for defining a label template and a default label template.

Let's define a price tag template for this type of item (see Fig. 32).

Rice. 32 Defining a default price tag template for an item type

Back to processing Printing price tags. Because the tabular Products in this moment is full, when you try to refill it by selection, the system 1C: Retail asks the question: whether to save the data on the number and patterns when refilling (see Fig. 33).

Rice. 33 Dialog box

Choosing an answer Not. In this case, the specified data will be completely refilled, which is exactly what we need (see Fig. 34).

Rice. 34 Demonstration of filling label templates with default values

It can be seen from the figure that the price tag template was defined only for the item with the clothing type. If necessary, the template can be manually overridden for any position.

Printing price tags from documents

In configuration Retail 2 you can call up the printing of price tags from the following documents: “Goods receipt”, “Goods movement”, “Goods receipt”, “Setting the prices of the item”, “Applying the prices of the item”, “Return of goods from the buyer”, as well as from the processing “Control of the application of the prices of the item ".

In the forms of the listed documents, in the menu Seal there is a corresponding item price tags.

It should be noted that printing of price tags can be called both from the form of the document itself, and from the form of the list of documents, and even from the document selection form. (see fig. 35-38).

Rice. 35 Calling the printing of price tags from the form of the document “Application of item prices”

Rice. 36 Calling the printing of price tags from the form of the list of documents “Return of goods from the buyer”

Rice. 37 Calling the printing of price tags from the document selection form “Receipt of goods”

Rice. 38 Calling the printing of price tags from processing Control of the application of item prices

For all listed objects, when selected from the menu Seal item price tags opens processing Printing price tags with a list of goods filled out from the document.

At the same time, we cannot manage the settings of displayed prices in processing. The price for each product is set according to the type of prices that is determined by the pricing rule for the given store and the price group to which the product belongs (see Fig. 39).

Rice. 39 Processing Printing of price tags called from the document “Movement of goods”

An exception is the call to print price tags from the document “Setting item prices”. The first price type of the base document will be used as the default price type, but you can still change the settings for displayed prices (see Figure 40).

Rice. 40 Processing Printing of price tags is called from the document “Setting item prices”

Dear friends, printing barcodes and price tags in 1C is a very important part of working in this program if you have goods for sale. This, of course, helps to better organize the work, as well as to facilitate it to some extent. After working with the following informative blocks, which describe in detail all the processes, you will learn how to easily create price tag templates, add barcodes to them and print them. In the end, we will tell you a little about what the 1C: Barcode Printing control is, and what it is for.

Before you print the price tag, you need to answer one question: do you have one? If there is, then you can safely move on to the next block, which describes the process of printing a document. Otherwise, you will need to create it.

Let's get started:

  1. Open the "Marketing" tab and select "Item prices" in the block that appears on the right.
  2. We need price tags for items that already have a price assigned. If they are not, then do it, and then come back here. Select desired document in the list, then click the "Print" button. In the mini-window that appears, click on the "Price tags" item.
  3. Next, in the menu block, click on the "Install" button and the sub-item "Price tag template". Create a new template using the button of the same name on the toolbar.
  4. Here we will need to specify the template type and also give it a name. After that, you can select "Edit Layout".
  5. In the new window, we select the menu item of the top panel "Load default template". The type of boot template will be "Price tag". This will be convenient for beginners, as a ready-made design will be used for editing. Over time, of course, you can create your own layouts.
  6. If you are going to embed a barcode into it, then we are working further to learn how to print a barcode in 1C. Otherwise, you can go directly to the tenth point.

  1. To make our code fit, we completely select the sixth line and right-click on it. Select "Expand". This action must be repeated two or three times, depending on the size of the future barcode.
  2. We pass to the last empty line after our manipulations. For example, if you moved the lines apart twice, then you will need to move to the eighth line. On the left there will be a block with available fields, where we select "Barcode".
  3. Now it needs to be adjusted so that it fits all. To do this, left-click on the white square of the frame that will appear around the barcode, and drag it to the sixth line. If suddenly your code does not fit again, then delete it and repeat the seventh and eighth points.
  4. Delete extra blank lines so that there is no empty space on the printout sheet. In the settings on the right, specify the number of price tags on one sheet for printing, and also set the rest of the required parameters.
  5. Save and write down everything you have done using the corresponding button on the toolbar. Ready!

Printing price tags in 1C

  1. Open the "Marketing" tab, item "Item prices".
  2. Select the desired document from the list, then click the "Print" button. In the mini-window that appears, click on the "Price tags" item.
  3. Now mark those price tags to which you want to link the previously created template (it doesn’t matter if there was a barcode or not). If you need everything, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+A to automate the process.
  4. Next, click on the "Install" button, then the "Price List" item and select the template created earlier.
  5. We click on the print button and look at a preview of what will be waiting for you at the exit of the printer. If you are not satisfied with the layout or design, then you can easily fix it by creating a new template using the previous instructions.
  6. If everything is fine, then click on the "Print" button. Ready!

Control element

Some users prefer such a tool as the 1C Barcode Printing control. It makes it possible to generate codes for a huge number of formats, supports the function of their automatic detection. In general, this element has a large number of settings of parameters not only for display, but also for design. It is installed separately, as it is a different product, but it can only be used in conjunction with the 1C Enterprise platform. Not all users can work with the control, because working with it is similar to writing program code. Therefore, if you do not understand what it is, then it is better not to touch it and not download it.

What should I do if the product list is empty, but the barcode is assigned?

  • It is necessary to check the register of information. To do this, select the main menu in the upper left corner of the program window, open the "Tools" tab, then click "Options" and the last step: displaying the "All functions" command. Now in the main menu we select this command, where we need the previously declared "Information Register". There we click on the "Barcode" item and look for products that you cannot find. Check if the code is correctly assigned to them.
  • Be sure to check the code completion when using the characteristics of the nomenclature. Please note that it is not given to her, but to the characteristic.
  • And, of course, check the version of the product you are using. Timely install updates available for 1C so that there are no errors in the program.


Dear friends, now you know how price tags are printed in 1C. We also covered with you questions about how to print a barcode, what a control is and what it is for. We hope that everything worked out for you, and there are no misunderstandings left. Tell me in the comments if you managed to do it? Also share your opinion and impression!

Quite often during work retail store there is a need to print new price tags and labels for the goods. For these purposes, the Trade Management 11 program has a built-in processing "Printing price tags and labels", which allows you to print price tags and / or labels for any item in the database according to pre-configured layouts. In this article, we will look at the processing interface, the nuances of creating and setting up a layout, and we will analyze what to do if the label does not print correctly.

Processing interface

Processing "Printing price tags and labels" can be found in the "Sales" and "Warehouse and delivery" sections in the "Service" subsection.

The processing itself looks like this:

Let's take it in order.

There are three buttons for managing processing settings on the command panel

    Show selection - the command opens the selection setting, with which you can automatically fill in the tabular section with all the nomenclature that matches the specified conditions.

    Show filling mode - the command displays additional settings for filling the columns "Number of labels" and "Number of labels".

    Set print mode - allows you to set the print mode for processing. There are three print modes available:

    • Printing price tags

      Printing labels and price tags

      Label printing

The input fields following the command line are required to fill in the data indicated in them in the processing tabular part and in the price tag (label) layout.

    Organization - information about the organization for substitution in the layout will be taken from this field. If the field "Organization" is not filled, then empty cells will be displayed in the layout. Despite this, the field is not mandatory.

    Price filling settings are responsible for automatic substitution of prices in the tabular part and layout. Filling in prices is available in two ways:

    • By price type - a specific price type is indicated, according to which prices will be filled in the tabular section and the layout.

      By store - will be selected as the price type retail look store prices. You cannot select a wholesale warehouse as a store.

Please note that the price selection is possible for a specific date

Next is the tabular part, which is a list of items for which you need to print price tags (labels). The nomenclature can be added to the tabular section and selected manually, read the barcode using barcode scanners, or fill in the tabular section according to the configured selection.

The "Set" command is responsible for setting the templates and quantity of labels and price tags, as well as for generating a new barcode for the product, if there is none, directly from the processing interface.

Create and customize a layout

"Label and Price Templates" is a reference, hidden by default from users. You can go to it directly from the "Print labels and price tags" processing by adding a product to the tabular section, double-clicking on the "Price tag template" or "Label template" column and clicking the "Show all" command.

In addition, the directory can be added to the panel of the "Reference and Administration" section using the panel settings - the gear in the upper right corner of the panel.

As you may have noticed, the "Label and price tag templates" directory has two commands: "Create" and "Create new". The New command will open the template creation assistant, where you can choose the purpose of the template, the default layout, and the size of the ribbon.

By the "Create New" command, the layout editor will immediately open in front of you, where all the above parameters will need to be filled in manually.

Let's take a closer look at the second option for creating a template. In addition to key data, such as the purpose and size of the layout, there is also a price tag (label) layout editor. All this data can also be filled with predefined values ​​using the "Select a predefined template" command - in this case, the purpose, width, height and layout will be filled by default from a predefined template.

Let's try to create the simplest layout of the price tag template manually. Initially, you need to select the size of the tape, that is, the width and height. This is a very important step, since resizing the layout entails a complete clearing of the table field, so it is better to enter this data before editing the layout.

After specifying the width and height, the layout will shrink to the specified dimensions.

Cell size affects how precisely you can position various data in a layout. The smaller the cell, the more accurate the location. Changing the cell size also entails a complete clearing of the table field.

Filling the layout cells with the necessary data is done by simply dragging data from the "Available fields" table on the left to the table field. The data that is dragged onto the layout in this way are parameters, meaning it will be filled in with real data when it is rendered. printed form. In addition, layout cells can be filled with plain text and a template. The patterns are bundles: "<параметр>+ text" and "<параметр> + <параметр>" in any order and with any number of terms.

Let's fill the layout with data and look at them in more detail.

As you can see, only three fields will be displayed on the price tag: item name, barcode and price. In this case, the name of the item in this case is a parameter, as well as a barcode, but the price is a template, that is, the current price specified in the processing will be substituted for the [Price] inscription, and the inscription "rub." and will remain so, as it is plain text.

With the "Print sample" command, you can see how the layout will look with real data.

Let's try to print the created price tag for the item list.

Note that a label template cannot be used as a label template and vice versa. This limitation is related to the principle of outputting layouts to the printer. The label template is designed to be printed on a label printer. If a label printer is not connected and printing is done with a regular printer, then each label will be printed on a separate sheet. The price tag template can be printed both on a label printer and on a regular printer on an A4 sheet.

What should I do if the price tags (labels) are printed incorrectly?

Sometimes users have to deal with situations when price tags (labels) are printed with curves, cut off, or even on several labels. These problems happen only with label printers, when printing on A4, such problems were not noticed.

In most cases, this is due to an incorrectly configured label printer and incorrect settings in the layout. What to do in such cases?

    First, you need to open the database in the thin client. You can read how to do this and what it is in the following article:, or simply contact our technical support, and IT specialists will help you set everything up. Working through a thin client will allow 1C to work with a printer driver on your local computer. This means that all settings made in the driver will be automatically pulled by the program, which does not happen when working through an RDP connection.

    Second, make sure the label size is correct in the printer driver. If the printer sends the wrong tape size to 1C, then it is not possible to correctly set up the label in 1C.

When the thin client is configured and the driver settings are completed, you can start setting up the layout in 1C.

    The first thing to do is to make sure that the size of the layout in the driver and in 1C are the same. If this is not the case, then the layout will have to be adjusted again, as changing the size of the ribbon will clear the layout, as discussed earlier. After setting the layout size, you can check the label output. To do this, it is not necessary to print a label, just open the preview. If the label looks correct in the preview, it is not cut off and does not go beyond the boundaries of one sheet, then you can try to print. Please note that if the label looks correct in the preview, but it still prints incorrectly, then you need to check the label size in the printer driver again, and also make sure that 1C pulls up the correct driver settings. You can do this using the Page Setup command.

    If adjusting the tape sizes did not help, and the label is still displayed incorrectly, then go to the page setup settings. There are only two parameters here that can affect the label output for printing. This is the scale and margins. Try toggling the zoom switch to "Fit Page Width" or zoom out and see how the label looks in print preview and print. As a rule, these actions are enough to correct the printing of the label. In rare cases setting field values ​​to 0 helps.

If none of these steps helped, then contact the service technical support, and experts will help you fix the print layout error.