oao cs asterisk address. Large-scale construction work is being carried out at the Zvyozdochka shipyard

Date of registration of the operator in the register: 23.11.2011

Grounds for entering the operator in the register (order number): 1041

Operator location address: 164509, Arkhangelsk region, Severodvinsk, Mashinostroiteley passage, 12

Start date of personal data processing: 01.07.1954

Subjects of the Russian Federation on the territory of which the processing of personal data takes place: Arkhangelsk region, Astrakhan region, Kaluga region, Krasnodar region, Leningrad region, Moscow region, Murmansk region

Purpose of personal data processing: Fulfillment of functions, obligations of the employer, provision of financial, economic and production activities enterprises, fulfillment of obligations and works in accordance with concluded civil law contracts

Description of the measures provided for by Art. 18.1 and 19 of the Law: 1. Circle limitation officials having access to the personal data base. 2. Use of passwords (codes) for access to a PC, to a local area network. 3. Use of passwords for access to the personal data base. 4. Use of special personal data protection programs (anti-virus programs, network, firewalls, etc.). 5. Lack of access to the personal data base from the external network. 6. Storage of information on paper and (or) electronic media in safes, specially equipped storage facilities, specially equipped premises. 7. Issuance of administrative documents and appointment of persons responsible for the implementation of measures to protect personal data. 8. Accounting material carriers information by marking and entering information about them in the registers. 9. Registration of the issuance and return of material carriers of personal data. 10. Use of electronic digital signature. 11. Identification and verification of the user's access rights when logging into the system. 12. Availability and use of recovery tools for the personal data protection system, their periodic updating and performance monitoring

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Categories of subjects whose personal data are processed: Individuals who are members of JSC "CS "Zvezdochka" in labor relations, individuals who are in contractual and other civil law relations with the enterprise

List of actions with personal data: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, use, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction

Processing of personal data: mixed, with transmission over the internal network legal entity, without transmission over the Internet

Legal basis for the processing of personal data: The Constitution of the Russian Federation Civil Code RF, The federal law dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data", art. 85-90 Labor Code RF dated December 30, 2001 No. 197-FZ, Charter (approved general meeting shareholders 28.03.2011)

Availability of cross-border transmission: No

Database location details: Russia

large-scale construction works conducted at the shipyard "Zvezdochka"

The number of infrastructure facilities of one of the the largest shipbuilding and ship repair yard in our country located at the mouth of the Northern Dvina River, on the shores of the White Sea in the city of Severodvinsk - Zvyozdochka Ship Repair Center.

Builders erect a specialized assembly and test shop for rudder propellers. This year, the first stage of the construction of a new workshop has already been put into operation, work has begun on the second stage. With the launch of a new workshop for the assembly of rudder propellers, the production of propulsion systems will reach a new level. The first in Russia production of domestic propellers will begin at the enterprise, it is planned to produce here not just propellers, but entire rudder propellers. In one such unit there are more than a thousand parts.

Nuclear-powered submarine cruiser "Ulyanovsk" of the Yasen-M project was laid down at Sevmash >>

At the stage of completion is the reconstruction of the slipway workshop for the repair and modernization of nuclear and diesel-electric submarines. The slipway building is the second largest Zvezdochka workshop. The reconstruction of the workshop provides for the complete modernization of engineering networks, the production span, the improvement of the heat engineering performance of the workshop, the construction of a three-story extension to the production span, the construction of the superstructure - the sixth floor of the administrative building, the repair and strengthening of the building berth. The construction volume is more than 350,000 m³, construction and installation work has been completed at the facility, engineering systems have been completely replaced and modernized, commissioning work is in full swing, and special systems are being presented to the customer.

As part of the implementation of the Federal target program"Development of the military-industrial complex Russian Federation for the period 2011-2020" technical re-equipment and reconstruction production capacity TsS "Zvyozdochka" for medium repair and modernization of third-generation nuclear submarines. This is the construction of a workshop for the repair of automation and electronics. To date, the installation of the pile field and the foundations of the workshop has already been completed at the facility, and 90% of the installation of external engineering networks has been completed. The installation of metal structures and the installation of floors on the ground is underway.

Atomflot plans to build a dock for the new LK-60 icebreaker >>

The construction of another large facility began - a workshop for the production of new propulsion systems for the manufacture of electric-type propellers. The construction volume of the workshop is more than 215,000 m³, which includes a single-span building 40 meters high and 48 m long, equipped with overhead cranes unique for the Russian shipbuilding industry, capable of simultaneously moving large-sized products weighing up to 250 tons with high accuracy, and a 7-storey annex - administrative building. Earthworks and the installation of the pile foundation of the main span are underway at the facility. With the commissioning of the new workshop, active development of new types of propulsion systems will begin - variable-pitch propellers, ring and jet engines, shaft lines (a set of devices, mechanisms and connections that serve to transfer torque from the engine to the propulsion unit and transfer thrust pressure from the last hull of the vessel), hybrid installations. Entering mass production of propulsion and steering columns and other propulsion systems for ice-class ships will not only provide shipyards with modern domestic-made marine engines, but also open more than 200 jobs.

In addition to the construction and reconstruction of the production facilities of workshops for the modernization of nuclear submarines, we continue to strengthen the physical protection of the complex of facilities for the dismantlement of nuclear submarines and processing of radioactive waste. Also this year, we have begun a serious reconstruction of the “bench base” facility, which consists of several complex structures. This is a large-scale and serious project within the framework of improving the infrastructure of the shipyard.

Recall that CS Zvyozdochka included six shipyards: Nerpa shipyard (Snezhnegorsk), 176th shipyard (Arkhangelsk), shipyard No. 35 (Murmansk), shipyard No. 5 (Temryuk), 1st shipyard (Lazarevskoye settlement), Astrakhan Shipyard and NPO "Vint" (Moscow) with the pilot plant "Vega" (Borovsk).

Since the beginning of its activity, Zvyozdochka has completed the repair and re-equipment of 120 submarines, of which 85 are with nuclear reactors. Also repaired were 87 surface ships of the Russian Navy and civilian vessels (including icebreakers, research and hydrographic vessels, trawlers, tankers, steamships, tugboats, etc.).

240 ships, watercraft and structures were built, including floating berths, a floating dock, floating workshops, a pontoon bridge across the Pechora River, 12 port tug hulls for foreign customers, 5 dry cargo ships project 16900, 2 trawlers of project 50010.

Besides, The Ship Repair Center is also one of the largest manufacturers of marine propellers in Europe.. The entire icebreaking front of our country is equipped with its units, including the nuclear icebreakers Rossiya, Sibir, Arktika, Taimyr, lighter carrier "Sevmorput". All of them have been tested arctic ice, which is the highest criterion for assessing quality.

Just a few days ago Zvyozdochka Ship Repair Center completed the supply of propeller sets for the Finnish company ABB Oy Marine and Ports. For a long time, the company has been a partner of a Finnish company that supplies shipyards around the world with its propulsion and steering systems of the AZIPOD type.

Under the next contract, Severodvinsk shipbuilders manufactured 12 blades and three propeller hubs from stainless steel. These propellers will be mounted on the Arctic gas carrier of the Yamal project, which is being built in Korea at the Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co shipyard. The diameter of each of the screws is 6 meters, and the weight is 39 tons.

Another propeller set was manufactured and delivered for installation on the Alexander Sannikov icebreaker of the Arc130A project. This Icebreaker 8 class vessel is being built on Vyborgsky shipyard commissioned by PJSC Gazpromneft and will be operated during the development Novoportovskoye field.

Corvette "Perfect" was accepted into the Pacific Fleet >>

Recently missile cruiser"Marshal Ustinov" moored at the pier of the Zvyozdochka Ship Repair Center. The crew and commissioning team of the shipyard's shipbuilders completed the program of factory sea trials. Numerous checks of systems and mechanisms, performed in real sea conditions, confirmed the serviceability of the equipment of the ship and its specifications. In total, in addition to the crew of the cruiser, more than two hundred employees of Zvyozdochka and other industrial enterprises were involved in the tests.

Website: http://www.star.ru/

The Zvezdochka Ship Repair Center is a shipbuilding and ship repair yard located at the mouth of the Northern Dvina River, on the shores of the White Sea in the city of Severodvinsk.
The decision to build the enterprise was made by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of July 9, 1946.
By order of the Minister of the shipbuilding industry of the USSR V.A. Malyshev dated July 7, 1951. TV Safronov was appointed director of the plant under construction.
In 1954, a submarine, two large hunters, and the icebreaker Pronchishchev stood at the berth of the new plant for repair and re-equipment. With the fulfillment of these orders, the working biography of the enterprise began - now the flagship of the domestic ship repair - JSC "CS" Zvezdochka ".
In 1956 G.L. was appointed director of the enterprise. Prosyankin.
The list of ships that underwent repairs in the 1950s gives an idea of ​​the intense production rhythm that has been established here since the very first days: submarines, big hunters, patrol ships, squadron destroyers, basic minesweepers. The list will not be complete, if not to say that civilian ships were also repaired: trawlers, tugboats, tankers...
In 1956 - the first shipbuilding experience: serial construction of floating sea metal berths began, which continued until 1992. In 1988, work on the creation and implementation of new types of metal sea berths was awarded the USSR State Prize.
By the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated October 29, 1959, the plant was given the task of mastering the repair of nuclear submarines (NPS), large-scale measures were outlined for the construction of new workshops and special facilities. A year later, by a decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of December 5, 1960, Zvezdochka was classified as one of the most important strategic construction projects in the country.
In 1962, the enterprise for the first time completed the repair and re-equipment of the diesel-electric submarine K-79 of project 629, equipped with ballistic missiles.
By order State Committee in shipbuilding of the USSR in 1964, the enterprise created a screw-processing production, which is the largest Russian manufacturer of propellers for nuclear submarines, dry cargo, fishing vessels, timber carriers, hydrofoils and others. More than 1000 propellers are produced annually, which are supplied to all regions of Russia, the CIS and other countries.
Propellers manufactured at the enterprise are used by the entire Russian icebreaker fleet, including the nuclear-powered icebreakers Lenin, Rossiya, Arktika and others. All of them have been tested arctic ice, which is the highest criterion for assessing quality and reliability.
In 1964, the plant handed over its first two nuclear submarines to the Navy: a missile submarine of project 658M and a torpedo submarine of project 627A. Moreover, Zvyozdochka not only repaired one of them - the Project 658M submarine missile carrier, but also re-equipped it, installing a new D-4 missile system with an underwater launch. It was the second nuclear submarine in the domestic shipbuilding industry, which has such an important quality - firing ballistic missiles from under the water. Since then, Zvyozdochka has become the main enterprise for the re-equipment and repair of nuclear submarines.
In 1970, Zvyozdochka completed a new responsible task of the Council of Ministers of the USSR - the repair and modernization of the world's first nuclear icebreaker "Lenin" with the replacement of a nuclear power plant with a new, more advanced and powerful one. Having been in the hands of Severodvinsk shipbuilders, for nineteen years the unique ship flawlessly provided reliable year-round navigation along the difficult ice route of the Northern Sea Route.
By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated January 18, 1971, the Zvyozdochka machine-building enterprise was awarded the highest award of the country - the Order of Lenin.
In 1972, the director of the Zvyozdochka machine-building enterprise - CEO PO "Sever" was appointed A.F. Zryachev.
1975 was a milestone in the development of Zvezdochka. For the first time in the USSR, two nuclear submarines of the second generation were repaired and modernized - project 667A strategic missile submarines.
In 1977, Zvezdochka, for the first time in the domestic shipbuilding industry, converted the K-140 nuclear submarine into a strategic missile system with an underwater-launched solid-fuel ballistic missile.
This marked the beginning of the creation of the most powerful missile weapon system in the world with R-39 solid-propellant intercontinental missiles for Typhoon-class submarine missile carriers listed in the Guinness Book of Records.
grew fast production capabilities enterprises. In 1981, Zvezdochka reached the milestone set by a special resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR: it repaired and reequipped four second-generation nuclear submarines.
In 1983, for the first time in domestic shipbuilding, the Project 667A nuclear submarine was re-equipped for research purposes for testing and sea testing of advanced third-generation nuclear submarine hydroacoustic systems. The appearance in the Navy of such a submarine, which received the tactical number KS-403, made it possible to test and adjust the latest sonar systems before they were put on ships of the third generation under construction.
Every year, Zvyozdochka mastered the repair and re-equipment of nuclear submarines of new, more and more complex projects. In 1986, for the first time in the USSR, the enterprise reequipped the K-423 nuclear submarine under project 667AT (Grusha) for the new Granat missile system with cruise missiles launched from torpedo tubes. In order to significantly increase the combat potential, expand the tactical capabilities of the submarine, torpedo tubes were placed onboard, which required the development of a special hull design. In terms of the total amount of missile and torpedo ammunition, the nuclear submarine of project 667AT surpassed all domestic and foreign submarines. Subsequently, two more nuclear submarines were re-equipped at the Zvezdochka enterprise under the 667AT project.
In 1987, the nuclear submarine of project 667BDR was repaired at the enterprise for the first time.
In 1992, N.Ya. Kalistratov.
In the conditions of the state defense order, which was significantly reduced in the early 1990s, Zvyozdochka began to actively engage in civil shipbuilding and ship repair. The construction of dry-cargo vessels of project 16900, freezing trawlers of project 50010 has begun. The repair and re-equipment of civilian vessels has been revived different class and destination: trawlers, research, hydrographic vessels, fur-fishing seiners, icebreakers and others. On the order of OAO Gazprom, the floating drilling rig Arkticheskaya is under construction.
In 1996, a contract was signed and successfully implemented with the Finnish company Kvaerner Masa-Yards for the supply of Azipod propellers for Fantasy class superliners, in 1997, a series of propellers for the world's largest Eagle series cruise liners was started .
In 1997 and 2001, work on the creation and implementation of new propellers was awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation and the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology.
In 1996, the enterprise re-equipped the nuclear submarine KS - 403 (Kazan) to test the latest samples of sonar weapons intended for equipping ships of the fourth generation.
Since 1997, Zvezdochka has been repairing and modernizing diesel-electric submarines of project 877 EKM of the Indian Navy.
In 1999, the repair of the Sinduvir submarine was completed, in 2002 - Sinduratna, in 2005 - Sindugosh, 2008 - Sinduvijay. At the same time, the Sindugosh, Sinduratna and Sinduvijay submarines were re-equipped for the new CLUB-S anti-ship missile system with the 3M54E missile, which passed successful comprehensive tests in all respects, including for the first time - at maximum range.
However, the most important direction of the production activity of Zvezdochka JSC is still the repair and modernization of nuclear submarines of the Russian Navy. First of all, this is the Project 667 BDRM SSBNs, which form the basis of Russia's naval strategic nuclear forces.
In 1999 - 2010, repairs and modernization of the head SSBN project 667BDRM - K-51 "Verkhoturye" (1999), K-84 "Yekaterinburg" (2003), K-114 "Tula" (2006), K - 117 "Bryansk "(2008), K-18" Karelia "(2010). Currently, the nuclear submarine of project 667BDRM Novomoskovsk and the third-generation nuclear submarine Voronezh are getting a second life on Zvyozdochka.
Twice, in 1994 and 1999, Zvezdochka's work in the field of repair and construction of nuclear submarines, including unique ones, was awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation and the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation. In 2003, for the first time in the domestic ship repair, the destroyer of project 956 "Fearless" was repaired.
In the process of implementing the agreements between Russia and the United States on the limitation and reduction of strategic offensive weapons, since 1977 JSC CS Zvyozdochka has been dismantling nuclear submarine missile compartments and comprehensively dismantling nuclear submarines. During this period, 39 nuclear submarines decommissioned from the Navy were decommissioned.
On April 20, 2000, the Zvyozdochka enterprise held a grand opening of a new site for cutting diamonds into brilliants.
The goal is to organize large-scale production of round and fancy diamonds on the basis of promising diamond deposits near Arkhangelsk. On June 23, 2004, a new jewelry production was opened. Thus, the enterprise created a manufacturing complex jewelry with diamonds own production. OJSC CS Zvyozdochka is a member of the Diamond Chamber of Russia. The quality of Zvezdochka’s diamonds and jewelry is confirmed by diplomas of the laureate of regional, all-Russian and international exhibitions and competitions.
In 2005, Zvezdochka manufactured a launch pad for the Angara universal launch rocket and space complex. General customer - Federal State Unitary Enterprise GKNTsP im. M.V. Khrunichev. The launch pad was mounted at the Plesetsk cosmodrome. A cable filling tower for the Angara launch complex is currently under construction. The enterprise participates in the international project of creating a launch complex for Soyuz-ST carrier rockets at the Kourou cosmodrome (French Guiana). Within the framework of this project, Zvezdochka CS OJSC cooperates with the Baikonur cosmodrome.
Zvyozdochka JSC invests heavily in the development and maintenance social sphere residential microdistrict of the city of Severodvinsk - Yagry Island, where many of its employees live.
The basic vocational school of the enterprise, which trains workers, is vocational school No. 28.
The true “cultural workshop” of the enterprise is Scientific and technical the Zvyozdochka center is one of the best cultural institutions in the Arkhangelsk region.
About 2,000 employees of the enterprise and their children undergo preventive treatment annually at the Zvezdochki sanatorium.
The Zvezdochka sports and recreation complex has a swimming pool, a stadium, a ski stadium, a ski base, a large gym, freestyle wrestling and athletic gymnastics halls.
Zvezdochka has a children's recreation center in the Krasnoborsky district of the Arkhangelsk region; recreation centers "Pine Grove" and "Salute" in the Krasnodar Territory; two libraries; a historical monument steamship "N.V. Gogol", used as a floating recreation center; subsidiary farm "Laya".
In 2007, V.S. Nikitin.
On the basis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the establishment of the United shipbuilding corporation» from 21.03.2007 No. 394 in November 2007, the enterprise was renamed and reorganized into the Federal State unitary enterprise Zvezdochka Ship Repair Center (FSUE CS Zvyozdochka). In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the Yagrinskaya shipyard acted as the center for combining most of the state ship repair facilities in the Barents, White, Black, Azov and Caspian Seas.
The Zvezdochka CS includes 6 shipyards: the Nerpa shipyard (Snezhnegorsk), the 176th shipyard (Arkhangelsk), shipyard No. 35 (Murmansk), the shipyard No.5 (Temryuk) , 1st shipyard (settlement Lazarevskoye), Astrakhan shipyard and NPO Vint (Moscow) with a pilot plant Vega (Borovsk).
In November 2008, FSUE "CS Zvezdochka" was reorganized into Open Joint Stock Company "Ship Repair Center" Zvezdochka ".
Since the beginning of production activities, 120 submarines have been repaired and re-equipped at JSC CS Zvezdochka, of which 85 are with a nuclear power plant. Also, 87 surface ships of the Navy and civilian ships (including icebreakers, research and hydrographic vessels, trawlers, tankers, steamships, tugboats and others) were repaired. 240 ships, watercraft and structures were built, including floating berths, a floating dock, floating workshops, a pontoon bridge across the Pechora River, 12 port tug hulls for a foreign customer, 5 dry-cargo vessels of project 16900, 2 trawlers of project 50010.