From document to electronic document. Documented information mode

Creating an information resource of any kind begins with giving the information a form document. Documented information, in turn, can be included in any infobase.

Regulatory support

According to the provisions of Federal Law No. 149, documented information is fixed on a material carrier. Certain requisites are used to identify data or its source.

The word "document" has Latin roots. In translation, it means "proof". In the terminological dictionary of theory and practice of 1964, the word "document" is defined as a material object that contains information in a fixed form.

Theoretical base

In any document there are 3 elements: the content of information, the forms of their provision and the carrier of documented information.

The study of methods for fixing data and the signs of their carriers is carried out within the framework of such a discipline as document management. This is scientific direction explores the processes of archiving, office work, document circulation. The main attention is paid to the regulation of the form of traditional documents, fixing their details.

Features of fixing information

Documented information is information, contained on some material carrier, by the details of which information can be identified. Currently, there are many ways to consolidate information. Conventionally, they are divided into several classes.

Paper documents are carriers of information available for perception without the use of additional technical means. This method of documentation is considered the most common.

AT recent times, however, media are becoming more widespread, information from which can only be obtained using technical means. These can be electronic documents, video, audio recordings (files), encoded information, etc.


A prerequisite for working with data is the availability of details by which the documented information.

The definition of the data source is necessary to match the original content of the medium with the content of the document received by the user. If necessary, in the process of studying the information, the fact of identity, coincidence of data is established.

Regulatory regulation

Legal regime of documented information, the procedure for fixing information by federal executive structures is established by the Government. The rules of document circulation, office work, approved by other state bodies, territorial self-government bodies within their competence, should not contradict the provisions of government regulations.

The state structure that carries out normative and methodological regulation documented information is Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology. Previously, these functions were performed by Gosstandart. During the reforms, it was transformed into the Agency.

Issues related to the standardization of documents are regulated by the provisions of Federal Law No. 184 "On Technical Regulation". Intersectoral leadership in organizations falls within the competence of the Federal Archival Agency. Sectoral management documentation support carried out by the relevant ministries, taking into account the recommendations of the Archival Agency.

Identification specifics

There are several ways to store documented information. Definition the specific option depends on the specifics of the industry in which the information is used.

The data can be presented in electronic form and stored in specialized databases. In such a situation, identification has some peculiarities. They consist in the fact that the reliability of the information must be confirmed by the owner of the database or an authorized official.

There are other ways to validate documented information. This information can be, in particular, certified by a digital signature. Electronic document, confirmed electronic signature or an analogue of hand-painted painting, is recognized as equivalent to paper. Exceptions may be established by federal laws or other regulations.

Informational resources

They are considered objects of relations between legal entities, citizens and the state. The existing one provides data protection.

Regulatory regulation is carried out legal provisions, fixing:

  • Rules for documenting information.
  • Ownership of documents and their arrays, including in information systems.
  • Category of data according to the level of access to them.
  • The procedure for ensuring the protection of information.

Information resources are created by government agencies of any level, business entities, public associations, institutions, individuals. Each subject forms this or that resource for its own purposes and uses documented information. This is can be industrial, managerial, educational, scientific purposes.

Information resources differ significantly from each other in terms of volume. Some are represented by several reference books, others - by large library collections. In addition, there is a classification according to the method of organization and the order in which data is provided.

State information resources

The Russian Federation, regions and municipalities are the owners of the documented information. These information is accumulated, created, acquired mainly at the expense of budgetary funds.

State information resources are managed by state bodies and structures of territorial self-government within the framework of the powers granted to them.

The state has the right to use, redeem documented information. This the opportunity is realized in cases where information belonging to other entities (legal entities or citizens) is classified as a state secret, as well as in other cases provided for by law.

Legal copy as a type of documented information

Mandatory is called a copy of the duplicated document to be transferred by the manufacturer to the appropriate organization. In this case, the document is material carrier A containing information. It can be presented in the form of text, soundtrack, illustration or a combination of them. A copy is a sample document identical to the original.

For this variety documented information legal regime is enshrined in the Federal Law No. 77. The normative act determines the state policy for the creation of legal deposit as a resource base for the acquisition of the national library fund and the development of the bibliography system. The Law provides for the rules for ensuring the safety of information carriers, the features of their public use.


Legal copies are distributed among legal entities that have the right to store, receive, provide information for use free of charge or for a fee. The recipients are:

  • Book Chamber, State, Scientific, Technical and National RAS, Siberian Branch of the RAS, Far East scientific Library. These institutions receive publications.
  • Russian Library for the Blind. This institution receives publications for people with vision problems.
  • Federal Institute of Industrial Property. This authority receives patent electronic documents.
  • Parliamentary Library. It contains official documents.
  • Federal Fund of State Standards, all-Russian classifier technical and economic data and regional / international rules, recommendations and standardization norms of foreign countries.

This is not the entire list of recipients. There are also special institutions, which receive video, audio information, computer programs, etc. Scientific and technical centers have been created in the Russian Federation to store documents in electronic form. They receive information in directions that correspond to their specification.

All these organizations regularly publish information about the free legal deposit that they have received. Institutions form a national library collection of documents.

Delivery of materials, their centralized distribution, notification of consumers is carried out on time, established by law and regulations of the respective organizations. Violation of the established requirements by the creators of documents entails administrative liability.

Electronic document

Electronic document -

The legal significance of an electronic document is given by an electronic digital signature, which is on the territory Russian Federation is equivalent to a handwritten signature in a paper document, subject to the following conditions:

  1. the signature key certificate relating to this electronic digital signature has not expired (is valid) at the time of verification or at the time of signing the electronic document;
  2. if there is evidence that determines the moment of signing;
  3. the authenticity of the electronic digital signature in the electronic document is confirmed;
  4. The electronic digital signature is used in accordance with the information specified in the signature key certificate.

see also



Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

  • Edinburgh Business School
  • Forrestal, James

See what "Electronic document" is in other dictionaries:

    electronic document- ED A form of document representation in the form of a set of interconnected implementations in the electronic environment and their corresponding interconnected implementations in the digital environment. [GOST R 52292 2004] electronic document A document in which information ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    Electronic document- a document on a digital medium, consisting of three elements: information content; form of content provision; carrier of information. In many areas of activity, the use of electronic documents has become widespread, and ... ... Big Law Dictionary

    ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT- a document on a machine-readable medium, the use of which requires funds computer science, a document in which information is presented electronically digital formLegal Encyclopedia

    Electronic document- (electronic document) - a document in which information is presented in electronic digital form and which, as a legally full-fledged analogue of a paper document, is created, transmitted and stored using software and hardware, ... ... Economic and Mathematical Dictionary

    electronic document- 3.1 electronic document: A document on a machine-readable medium, the use of which requires computer facilities. Source … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT- in accordance with Art. 1 of the Law of January 10, 2000 On an Electronic Document (hereinafter referred to as the Law), an electronic document means information recorded on a machine medium and meeting the requirements established by the Law. According to Art. 2… … Legal Dictionary of Modern Civil Law

    Electronic document- 11.1) electronic document documented information presented in electronic form, that is, in a form suitable for human perception using electronic computers, as well as for transmission via information ... ... Official terminology

    Electronic document- A set of data recorded on a tangible medium and / or transmitted via electronic communication channels with details that allow identifying this information and its author. An electronic document can be created on the basis of a document on ... ... Depository terms

    ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT- 1) in accordance with the Federal Law "On Electronic Digital Signature" dated January 10, 2001 No. 1 FZ, - a document in which information is presented in electronic digital form; 2) according to the Federal Law "On information, information technologies and protection ... Office work and archiving in terms and definitions

    electronic document- information recorded on a machine medium and meeting the requirements established by this Law (Article 1 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus On Electronic Document) ... Law of Belarus: Concepts, terms, definitions


  • Modern technologies of office work and document flow No. 3 (51) 2015, "Modern technologies of office work and document flow" - a magazine for heads of office departments. You will learn how to effectively implement and optimize electronic ... Category: Business Popular Series: Journal "Modern technologies of office work and document flow" 2015 Publisher: MCFER, Buy for 962.5 rubles electronic book
  • Scanning and recognition of texts. ABBYY FineReader10 Tutorial, AG Zhadaev, 248 pages. Working with electronic documents is much more convenient and easier than with their paper counterparts. An electronic document can be edited, used when creating own works,… Category: Information technology Publisher:

documented information. Classification of information resources of the Russian Federation. Electronic digital signature. Mandatory copy of the document.

6.1. Documentation of information and information resources

Regardless of the type of information resources, their formation begins with giving the information the form of a document, which makes it possible to include it in the composition of information resources.

In accordance with Article 2 of the Federal Law "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection" documented information - this is information recorded on a material carrier by documenting information with details that make it possible to determine such information or, in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, its material carrier 1 .

The word "document" comes from the word "documentum", which means "proof" in Latin. The terminological dictionary on the theory and practice of scientific information of 1964 defines a "document" as a material object containing information in a fixed form 2 .

Any document consists of three elements: information content, information presentation form and information carrier 3 .

The study of the development of methods of documenting and information carriers is carried out by the scientific discipline - document science 4. This science explores the processes of office work, document management, archiving. Moreover, the focus of document management is traditionally aimed at regulating the form of a traditional document, fixing its details.

The process of documenting information includes the stages of fixing information on a documentary carrier and determining the details that allow information to be identified.. There is enough a large number of ways in which information can be captured. Conventionally, they can be divided into two classes:

    the recorded information is available for perception by the human senses without the use of additional technical devices - the so-called "paper document";

    the recorded information is available for perception only through the use of technical devices - an electronic document, audio information, video information, coded information, etc.

The concept of identification means establishing a match, identity. Identical, in turn, means identical, completely matching 5 . The task of identifying the details of the information contained in the document is to ensure the preservation of the identity of the original content of the document with the content of the document received by the consumer, and, if necessary, to establish the fact of this identity, including during the trial 6 .

AT federal bodies executive power documentation of information is carried out in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Rules for office work and document flow established by other state bodies, bodies local government within their competence, must comply with the requirements established by the Government of the Russian Federation in terms of office work and document flow for federal executive authorities 7 .

The federal agency for technical regulation and metrology 8 , which was transformed into the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization and Metrology (Gosstandart), is the state body that carries out the normative and methodological regulation of documenting information. Documentation standardization issues are regulated by Federal Law No. 184-FZ of December 27, 2002 “On Technical Regulation” 9 . Intersectoral methodological guidance for documentary support in organizations of the Russian Federation is maintained by the Federal Archival Agency 10 . The sectoral methodological guidance for documentation support is carried out by each ministry independently, based on the recommendations of the Federal Archival Agency.

Documented information can be provided in in electronic format and stored in automated information systems. In this case, the information identification process has some peculiarities, namely that the reliability of this information must be certified by the owner of the automated information system or an authorized official.

To determine the identity of a document, in addition to certifying it by an official, special technical means can be used. Legislatively, for such identification, the use of an electronic digital signature is allowed. Thus, an electronic message signed with an electronic digital signature or another analogue of a handwritten signature is recognized as an electronic document equivalent to a document signed with a handwritten signature, in cases where federal laws or other regulatory legal acts do not establish or imply a requirement to draw up such a document on paper. eleven .

Documenting information is a prerequisite for including information in information resources. Since the main amount of information is contained in information resources, this provision is fundamental for the formation of workflow.

Information resources are objects of relations between individuals, legal entities, the state, constitute the information resources of Russia and are protected by law along with other resources. Legal regulation of information resources is determined by the rules that establish:

    procedure for documenting information;

    ownership of individual documents and individual arrays of documents, documents and arrays of documents in information systems;

    order legal protection information.

Information resources are created by state bodies of all levels, any business entities, institutions, public associations and individual citizens. Each of these entities forms information resources for its various purposes - industrial, managerial, scientific, educational, etc. At the same time, information resources differ significantly from each other in volume - from several reference books to huge library collections and database systems, as well as the way information is organized and presented.

Information resources can be state and non-state.

The Russian Federation, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities are the owners of information resources created, acquired, accumulated at the expense of the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets, as well as obtained by other means. State information resources on behalf of the Russian Federation, the subject of the Russian Federation and the municipality are managed by government bodies and local self-government bodies within the limits of their powers established by the relevant regulatory legal acts.

The state has the right to use and/or redeem documents, electronic documents and/or information resources of limited access belonging to individuals and legal entities, if this information is classified as a state secret or in other cases established by law. The owner of information resources containing information classified as state secrets has the right to use the content of information displayed in these information resources with the permission of the relevant authorities state power.

June 29, 2017 12:55 pm

Once upon a time, clerks resisted the transition from paper magazines registration in the system electronic document management. Now in most organizations, internal approval of documents is already carried out in the EDMS and does not cause concern. Now we have new opportunities in front of us that give even more prospects for the transition to a completely “paperless” work. However, at the same time, new fears begin to overcome us.

Some may have an unpleasant feeling of uncertainty and doubt when reading the phrase "electronic document". So many questions immediately come to mind: Is it reliable? How to store? Will the courts accept?

But why does no one ask the same questions when working with paper, but simply because it is familiar and seems reliable. Although the "paper" legislation is not perfect and you can find shortcomings. Yes, normative base on electronic document management is also far from perfect and there are still white spots, but it is developing and constantly improving, while the "paper" legislation is gradually becoming obsolete.

But what about our questions? We need to look for answers to them. Electronic document - store it and courts it.

Now is the time to keep up with electronic documents, and not live with paper its age. It's time to get answers to your questions and concerns, so as not to be in the role of catching up later.

Legal significance of an electronic document

In order to understand what documents can do without paper, it is necessary first of all to find out how an electronic document is regarded from a legal point of view.

But electronic documents are also conquering this conservative area. Even such a seemingly unshakable paper thing as employment history, lawmakers are planning to convert it into electronic form soon.

However, there are documents personnel records, which can already be fully converted into electronic form:

  • log of registration of labor contracts and amendments to them;
  • register of orders for employment;
  • form T-60 (a note-calculation on granting leave to an employee);
  • form T-61 (note-calculation upon termination (termination) employment contract with an employee (dismissal));
  • time sheet, etc.

As for the storage of these documents, according to the legislation, electronic documents are stored for the same amount of time, which is due to their paper counterparts. However, due to the fact that this is not just a document that, like paper, can simply be taken from the shelf, it is superimposed additional deposit requirement, providing reproduction of electronic documents, as well as means of verifying the authenticity of an electronic signature. The period of storage of these funds is equal to the period of storage of the document.

When using electronic documents, it must be remembered that they must be ready for transfer by counterparties, regulatory authorities and, if necessary, judicial ones. In particular, the Federal Tax Service imposes strict requirements on the format and method of exchange. With counterparties, the exchange is easier.

The table below shows all possible documents that are accepted by the Federal Tax Service at the time of this writing (according to the order of the Federal Tax Service dated June 29, 2012 No. ММВ-7-6/ [email protected]). Documents are divided into those that must be sent strictly in a specific format (xml) and those that can be sent as scanned images.

Electronic documents generated according to approved formats that can be submitted to the inspection in an xml file (formalized documents)

Document type

Purpose of the document

Additional Information

Invoice An electronic invoice is a legally significant original, like its paper counterpart. It contains the same details and data, must be signed by the manager or authorized representative and issued within five days. An electronic invoice must also be registered in the register and books of purchases and sales, and stored electronically for at least 4 years. It can be presented as a basis for obtaining a VAT deduction. According to the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 04.03.2015 No. ММВ-7-6/ [email protected] must contain the identifier of the electronic document management operator. The seller and buyers must have the same invoices (either electronic or paper only). Used until June 30, 2017, invoices created before July 1, 2017 are accepted until December 31, 2020.
Book of purchases Designed for registration of documents confirming the payment of VAT on the purchase of goods, work performed, services rendered, in order to determine the amount of tax to be deducted (reimbursed) in the manner prescribed by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Filled in strictly according to unified form. Arbitrary forms are prohibited for use and are rejected by tax authorities. The form of the book of purchases and sales was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2011 No. 1137. It is necessary to store at least 4 years (from the date of the last entry). Format e-books purchases and sales, approved by order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 04.03.2015 No. ММВ-7-6/ [email protected]
Sales book Designed for registration of invoices, and sometimes other documents, in the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) by organizations and entrepreneurs in all cases when there is an obligation to
Log of received and issued invoices Reporting document for value added tax (VAT), which reflects received and issued invoices. Regardless of the initial registration (on paper or in electronic form), it is provided to the regulatory authorities exclusively in electronic form. It should be noted that the legislation does not stipulate the need to submit a corrected Journal if an error is found in it after being sent to the regulatory authority. However, most experts recommend doing this after invalidating the erroneous entries. The journal is prescribed to be kept for at least 4 years along with all primary documents.
Additional sheet of the Purchase Book Similar to books of purchases and sales.
Supplementary sheet Sales book Used to register corrected invoices after the end of the tax period when the error was made
From July 1, 2017 does not apply.
Used until June 30, 2017, adjustment invoices created before July 1, 2017 are accepted until December 31, 2020. From July 1, they are formed in accordance with the order of the Federal Tax Service dated 04/13/2016 No. MMV-7-15 / 189.
Document on the transfer of goods in trading operations The document formalizes the acceptance and transfer of goods during the execution of contracts within the framework of a sale and purchase relationship. Acts in accordance with the order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation dated November 30, 2015 No. ММВ-7-10 / [email protected]
Document on the transfer of the results of work (on the provision of services) A document formalizing the acceptance and transfer of the results of work performed (services rendered) Acts in accordance with the order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation dated November 30, 2015 No. ММВ-7-10 / [email protected]
Invoice and a document on the shipment of goods (performance of work), transfer of property rights (document on the provision of services), including an invoice A universal transfer document that replaces the primary document or a set of closing documents for a transaction. UPD replaces:
    Invoice; Primary document: invoice/act; Set of documents: invoice + waybill/act.
Depending on the quality in which the compiler uses the format, the xml file will contain a set of certain mandatory details. It is mandatory from July 1, 2017. If the UPD is used as a primary document, then it can be transferred without the participation of an electronic document management operator. If the UPD is used as an invoice and a primary document, then one cannot do without an EDI operator.
Adjustment invoice and a document on changes in the value of shipped goods (work performed, services rendered), property rights transferred, including a corrective invoice A universal corrective document that can be used for several purposes at once:
  • for corrective invoices;
  • when correcting primary documents;
  • when correcting primary documents, including an invoice (universal transfer documents).
Depending on the quality in which the compiler uses the format, the xml file will contain a set of certain mandatory details. Mandatory from July 1, 2017. If new format is used only with the function of a document on the change in the cost of shipped goods (work performed, services rendered), transferred property rights (UKD with status "2"), it also includes an exchange file for representing the seller's information and an exchange file for representing the buyer's information, which ( depending on the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) may not be. At the same time, the seller's information exchange file will not contain a corrective invoice and, accordingly, such a file will be signed only by the electronic signature of the person responsible for registering the fact of economic life.
Reply to request for clarification The answer is provided to the right provided for in Article 88 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation tax office according to the results desk audit declarations and other documents containing information on value added tax and taxpayer deductions for the reporting period, request clarifications to the VAT declaration. From January 1, 2017, the response to the request for VAT clarifications will have to be submitted only in electronic form via telecommunication channels (TCS). The response to the requirement sent to the inspection in paper form is considered not submitted. This is expressly provided for in Article 88 federal law dated 01.05.2016 No. 130-FZ. For non-submission (or untimely submission) of explanations, a fine of 5,000 rubles is provided.

Electronic documents in any format (or documents on paper) that can be submitted to the inspection via the Internet in graphic format jpg, tif, pdf or pgn (raw documents)

Document type

Purpose of the document

Additional Information

Invoice A document certifying the actual shipment of goods or the provision of services and their cost. Described above
Bill of lading The basis for confirming the cost of transporting goods. Issued in some cases, including if the delivery of goods is carried out by a third party It is issued together with the UPD when transporting goods and is filled out in 4 identical copies: one each for the consignee and consignor and 2 for the transport company. From July 1, 2017, there are no changes. At the moment, the presence of a paper copy is mandatory. However, you can apply to the regulatory authorities through the TCS. It should be noted that the translation into electronic form of this document is important issue for transport companies. At the moment, there are even proposals for improving the TTN exchange process, you can find them in the article
The act of acceptance and delivery of works (services) Confirms the fact of performance of works (services). Described above
Cargo Customs Declaration / Transit Declaration The main document issued when moving goods across the customs border of the state (export, import). It serves as a basis for passing through the border. Errors, blots, erasures excluded. If you made a mistake when filling out the declaration, you can cross out the wrong data, and indicate the correct ones above them. Each amendment is certified by the signature and seal of the declarant. It is recommended to complete it in electronic form in order to avoid the situations described above (which may lead to the return of the declaration for revision, including due to illegible handwriting). When using the electronic declaration form, the person declaring the goods declares in electronic form the information to be indicated in customs declaration, and also provides information from the documents required for customs clearance goods in accordance with the chosen customs regime, customs authority through electronic way information exchange. Applied in accordance with the order of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation of March 30, 2004 No. 395
Additional sheet to the cargo customs declaration/transit declaration It is used when exporting goods from the customs territory. Same as cargo customs declaration/transit declaration.
Specification (calculation, calculation) of the price (cost) A document that accurately, completely, and in a verifiable form defines the requirements, design, behavior, or other features of a system, component, product, result, or service, and the procedures that can determine whether those conditions have been met. Used to determine costs in monetary terms. ) form for the production of a unit or group of units of products, or for certain types productions. Features are not revealed.
Waybill (TORG-12) Issuance of goods and materials to third parties and keeping records of relevant transactions. Described above
Addition to the contract An addendum or appendix to it constituting an integral part of the contract. Additions to the contract, as a rule, change essential conditions agreement and is signed either simultaneously with the agreement, or later, in the process of executing the transaction. First of all, the parties need to conclude two additional agreements between themselves. The first of them will describe the method of exchanging documents that the parties will choose (today one of the safest options can be called exchange through the services of electronic document management operators). In the second agreement, it is necessary to indicate the type of ES that the parties agreed to use and equate it to a handwritten signature. If the parties have agreed to use an enhanced qualified signature, then there is no need to conclude a second agreement, because this type of ES is equivalent to the handwritten signature and seal of the organization. Contracts can be concluded either electronically or in paper form. Thus, in accordance with the legislation and practice of electronic trading floors, when placing a state order based on the results of an open auction, only an electronic contract can be concluded. But if the order was placed in another way, it is possible to issue a paper version.
Agreement (agreement, contract) An agreement by two or more persons to establish, modify or terminate civil rights and responsibilities
Correction invoice A document that serves as the basis for the buyer to accept the VAT amounts presented by the seller for deduction, which is drawn up when the cost of shipped goods (work performed, services rendered), property rights transferred, including in the event of a change in price (tariff) and (or) specification of the quantity ( volume) of goods shipped (work performed, services rendered), property rights transferred. Described above
R&D report Report on the work carried out aimed at obtaining new knowledge and practical use when creating a new product or technology. In letter No. ED-4-3/ [email protected] dated March 26, 2013, the Federal Tax Service recalled that if a taxpayer has the right to take into account R&D costs using a coefficient of 1.5, then he must accompany the income tax return with a report on R&D. A report on completed R&D is submitted by the taxpayer in relation to each scientific research and development work (separate stage of work) and must comply with general requirements, established by national standards for the structure of the design of scientific and technical reports (in particular, GOST 7.32-2001). To submit it to the tax authorities, it is necessary to use the document flow for the implementation of written requests from subscribers (Appendix No. 5 to the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 09.11.2010 No. ММВ-7-6 / [email protected]). The Federal Tax Service also recommends submitting an R&D report after receiving a receipt from the tax authority confirming the acceptance of the income tax return.

After the entry into force of the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 18, 2017 No. ММВ-7-6/ [email protected], which approved the new format of the xml-file of the inventory of documents, it became possible to submit both xml-files and paper documents in the form of scanned images (in jpg, tif, pdf formats) according to the TCS. The new inventory is valid from 06/01/17. Thus, not only electronic documents, but also documents that were originally drawn up on paper can be sent via TCS.

At the same time, it must be remembered that the container transferred to the tax authority may contain both files with the xml extension and scanned files in the appropriate formats at the same time.

The list of documents given in the table above is exhaustive (at the moment) and if the taxpayer is asked for other data, then it will not be possible to use any personal account taxpayer, nor an electronic document management system. In this case, it is necessary to use any other method specified in Article 93 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Instead of output

To keep up with the times, you must always go, and sometimes run, hand in hand with new products. And for this run to be an easy walk, you need to use all the available tools. In this case, the most important tool is the electronic document management system (internal) and legally valid electronic exchange services (external). Vendors and operators keep abreast of legislation and technology, they can advise and help you properly organize work with electronic documents.

Question 5. Classification of documents

Document classification- distribution of documents into groups (types) based on the characteristics of the content, form of compilation, etc. in order to organize and improve the efficiency of working with them.

Classification allows you to develop certain methods of working with each group of documents, fix them in instructions, organize documents in office work. 2. Conventionally, documents can be divided into the following groups: by way of documentation: handwritten; electronic;


film, photo, audio documents;

by area of ​​use: organizational and administrative; financial and accounting; scientific and technical; by labor; reporting and statistical;

at the place of compilation:

Incoming (incoming to the organization);

Outgoing (sent from the organization);

Internal (compiled and used in the organization itself);

according to the access restriction heading:

open (non-secret);

with access restrictions. Documents may have the following stamps:

"For official use" (official information intended only for employees of a particular organization or industry); "Secret", "Top Secret", "Special Importance" (information containing state secrets); "Confidential" (information, access to which is limited by the legislation of the Russian Federation);

« trade secret"(information that has commercial value due to its unknown to third parties, to which there is no free access on legal basis and in relation to which the owner of such information has entered a protection mode);

by origin:

official (official) (affecting the interests of the organization, drawn up by legal or individual, drawn up in the prescribed manner); personal (concerning the interests of a particular person and being nominal);

south of religious importance:

originals or originals (the first or single copies of official documents, personally signed by the author);

copies (documents that fully reproduce the information of a genuine document and all of its external features or part of them that are not legally binding);

certified copies (copies of documents on which, in accordance with the established procedure, necessary details giving them legal force);

duplicates (repeated copies of the original document that have legal force);

in the form of presentation:

individual (the content of which is presented in free form);

template (when the structure, part of the document, standard phrases are prepared in advance, and the other part is filled in when compiling, for example, a certificate of employment);

typical (created to document standard situations, for example, business trips, and used in all organizations);

by shelf life:

permanent storage;

long-term storage (over 10 years); temporary storage (up to 10 years).

1 . Electronic document- a document in which information is presented in electronic form, with the details necessary to recognize it as valid.

An electronic document must comply with the following requirements:

be created, processed, stored, transmitted and received using software and hardware;

be displayed (reproduced) in a form understandable for perception.

Electronic document may be reproduced in shape and form, understandable for perception: on the display screen; paper carrier;

another material object separable from the machine carrier in a form accessible for visual inspection. When using an electronic document, it is not required to provide a copy of it on paper, with the exception of cases provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation or by agreement of the parties. Advantagesuse of electronic documents:

the computer set of documents is reduced to a minimum when using ready-made samples contained in the PC memory; computer processing of electronic documents (for example, applications for goods) is much faster than the processing of paper documents;

collection, systematization and search of any document or information from documents is accelerated and simplified; E-mail is used to quickly transfer documents to any distance; storage of electronic documents allows you to save a large amount of information on small media and therefore does not require large areas for archives; the volume of routine technical operations with documents is reduced, time is freed up for solving meaningful management tasks;

the number of lost documents, the location of which is unknown, is reduced;

it becomes possible to use the information received to prepare another document (report, summary, review, etc.), thereby increasing the efficiency and quality of the document being compiled.

Approval of the draft electronic document has the following Benefits:

reading a document on a PC screen without outputting to paper; corrections are made to the draft document;

To disadvantageselectronic documents can be: fragility of storage compared to paper documents;

the need for technical means for reading; the possibility of making unauthorized changes (in the absence of an electronic digital signature (EDS) or other means of protection).

3. Electronic document management- the process of movement, processing, storage and exchange of electronic documents. Participants in the exchange of electronic documents - physical and legal entities, public authorities of the Russian Federation, local governments participating in the exchange of electronic documents.

Sender of an electronic document- a participant in the exchange of electronic documents that compiles an electronic document, signs it with his EDS and sends it to the recipient directly or through an information intermediary.

Recipient of the electronic document- participant in the exchange of electronic documents, to which the electronic document was received.

Intermediary in the exchange of electronic documents (information intermediary)- legal entity or individual entrepreneur, which performs services related to the exchange of electronic documents between senders and recipients of electronic documents.

When exchanging electronic documents, information security tools must be used in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

An electronic document is subject to verification to confirm its authenticity by means of digital signature verification. Authentication of an electronic document is carried out by the recipient of the electronic document using the EDS verification tools provided to him by the sender or distributor of the EDS verification tools. Authenticity of an electronic document is considered confirmed if, as a result of the execution by the recipient of the electronic document of the procedures provided for by the means of verifying the EDS, the invariance of all its details is established. Electronic document managementregulated regulations :




local (enterprises).

Legal regulation in the field of circulation of electronic documents sent:

for the implementation of a unified public policy in the field of circulation of electronic documents;

ensuring the security and protection of information during its creation, processing, storage, transmission and reception;

ensuring the rights and legitimate interests of users of electronic documents;

legal support technologies for creating, processing, storing, transmitting and receiving electronic documents. Working with electronic documents sent via e-mail, held likewise working with paper documents. Therefore, electronic document management is also called automated business. Each subscriber in e-mail is allocated an individual mailbox, which is assigned a user code, and the exchange of electronic messages is carried out through these mailboxes.

The sender of an electronic document creates a message file, specifies its name, date, time of sending, and launches the e-mail sender.

Electronic documents are transferred to the addressees in accordance with the instructions for distribution.

The recipient receives the document on the PC screen, which, if necessary, can be transferred to paper. With the help of a PC, electronic documents are registered.

The manager, having received an electronic document, puts down a resolution on it, and the document is sent to the PC to the contractor (executors) via the internal network.

The process of execution of electronic documents similar execution of paper documents. Electronic document management is constantly growing, especially in connection with the development of Internet commerce. Period of storage of electronic documents same, as with paper ones (for example, bank notices and transfer requirements - 5 years). Storing files for such a period can lead to their loss, so it is recommended to create special archives of electronic documents on CDs.

At storage of electronic documents in the electronic archive should be provided:

protection of electronic documents from unauthorized access and distortion;

the possibility of providing interested persons with access to stored electronic documents in the manner prescribed by regulatory enactments;

the possibility of confirming the authenticity of electronic documents during the entire period of their storage;

the possibility of presenting stored electronic documents in the form of a copy on paper.

In the future, the development of electronic document management is focused on the maximum use of electronic documents, which involves a change in existing domestic traditions of office work and the gradual abandonment of paper information carriers.