Who belongs to the engineering and technical staff. ITR - decoding of the abbreviation and list of positions

Engineering and technical worker (ITR)- this is an employee who has a higher or secondary engineering education, and who organizes or manages the production processes at the enterprise.

TO basic functionality These employees include: development and implementation of processes and production modes, setting the order of work and the sequence of performing labor operations, determining the main methods of quality control, maintaining technical documentation, creating technologies or their implementation (installation, adjustment and operation of equipment, various measures to improve efficiency production), maintenance of existing production lines, setting them up for the production of a particular product, eliminating emerging malfunctions, installing and adjusting production lines, as well as improving existing ones.

engineers account for a lot work with information(schemes, graphs, programs, etc.); Besides, communicate with technical devices, as well as communicate with other people employed in production.

TO modern requirements presented by the employer to ITR includes:

  • narrow specialization of the employee;
  • knowledge of the industry in which the engineer will work;
  • knowledge of the markets for products;
  • knowledge of Russian and world technologies, developments in their field of activity.

How many graduates with engineering education in the Yaroslavl region?

In 2010, 20% or so 2,000 graduates institutions of higher education and 25% or 1 500 graduates secondary vocational educational institutions entered the labor market, having received an engineering education.

In the Yaroslavl region there are the following areas of training engineering and technical profile:

  • metallurgy, mechanical engineering and material processing;
  • chemical technology and biotechnology;
  • automation and control;
  • construction and architecture;
  • vehicles;
  • electronic engineering, radio engineering and communication;
  • technology prod. food and consumer goods;
  • information security, etc.

More specifically, then higher engineering and technical education available in the following specialties:

  • materials science and technology of materials;
  • design and technological support of machine-building industries;
  • chemical Technology;
  • power engineering;
  • quality control;
  • technological machines and equipment;
  • radio electronic systems;
  • technology of transport processes;
  • thermal power engineering and heat engineering, etc.

Secondary vocational schools areas offer training in the following specialties:

  • installation and tech. operation of industrial equipment;
  • engineering technology;
  • technology of catering products;
  • organization and management of transport;
  • modeling of garments;
  • welding production;
  • production of aircraft engines, etc.

More information about the engineering and technical specialties that are taught in the Yaroslavl region can be obtained by asking " Question to a specialist", on our portal.

Who is in demand in the Yaroslavl region?

The labor market of the Yaroslavl region in 2010 required 1500 specialists with higher and secondary engineering education. Among them are 950 engineers, 170 technicians, 100 programmers and 40 technologists.

Engineers and technologists in demand for industrial enterprises (OAO NPO Saturn, OAO Avtodiesel, ZAO Yaroslavl-Rezinotekhnika, OAO Tutaevsky Motor Plant, OAO Raskat, OAO Russkaya Mekhanika, OAO Yaroslavl Radio Plant, ZAO Yarpolimemash-Tatneft, OAO " shipyard”, LLC “Factory of felted footwear”, JSC “Eldin"and so on.), at enterprises of transport, construction, Agriculture, production and distribution of electricity, gas and water, in design offices and research organizations.

Most in-demand engineers today are a process engineer, a design engineer, an occupational health and safety engineer, a software engineer, an electronics engineer, an engineer for the organization and regulation of labor, an energy engineer, a design engineer, a mechanical engineer, a quality engineer and an engineer for protection environment(ecologist).

Programmers in demand in all sectors of the economy, but especially in recent years, the demand for these specialists in the service sector, education and health care has increased.

Techniques, which, unlike previous specialists, is enough of an average vocational education in demand in industry, construction and in the budgetary sectors of the economy. Technologists and technologists for various industries and transport organizations are in special demand in the labor market.

How much do they pay an engineer, technician, technologist?

The average monthly salary of an engineering and technical worker in the registered labor market ranges from 13 000 rubles.

But, as in any other profession, the level of remuneration can vary greatly in enterprises. various industries economy. So, for example, if the average salary engineer in the Yaroslavl region is 14 000 rubles, then in some industrial (chemistry and petrochemistry, mechanical engineering), transport or construction organizations can offer payment from 30 000 rubles.

Similarly, with the specialization of the worker. The highest level of wages today, construction supervision engineers and commissioning and testing engineers - from 23 000 rubles. Also, higher than the average "engineering" salary is offered to an I&C engineer - from 18 000 rub., engineer for automation and mechanization of processes and production - from 16 000 rubles, design engineer, -mechanics, -electronics, -energy - from 15 000 rubles. AND lowest wage for engineers in the organization and regulation of labor and environmental protection (environmentalists) - from 9 000 rubles.

Average monthly salary constructor at the enterprises of the region - from 15 000 rubles, technologist - from 14,000 rubles, programmer can count on a salary 11 500 rubles.

The lowest paid engineering worker is technician whose salary varies from 7,000 rubles electrical technician and from 16 000 rubles- energy technician, designer, technologist.

What are the problems of a modern engineering and technical worker?

Engineering problems today can be divided into two groups :

1. Reasons beyond the employee's control

  • low salary. Even if the worker learns and goes to work, there is no guarantee that he will not go to trade or private business exchanging your favorite job for a decent pay for your work. In the Yaroslavl region, high wages for engineers are offered at machine-building, metallurgical, chemical and petrochemical industries. But in the textile, clothing or food industries, wages are often more modest.
  • technologies are improving much faster than the system of vocational education is being modernized. But it is unlikely that it will be possible to solve the problem by updating the training base. As a rule, technologies and equipment modern productions very expensive and often unique, so it cannot be transferred to educational institution. It is much easier to bring students to study in production.
  • the desire of the employer to see an employee not only with a good education, but also with work experience. The solution to this problem is seen in a more thorough practical part of the educational process of technical universities.

2. Reasons associated with the initially wrong choice of profession

  • There are difficulties that young people create for themselves. The main problem is entering not with the goal of becoming an engineer or technologist, but with the goal of avoiding military service, joining a company with friends, or simply getting higher education. If somewhere it can pass and at the very least, having gained experience, it will turn out to work by profession, then an engineer, like, for example, a doctor, does not become without the ability and desire.
  • Of course, it is possible to enter and even unlearn the prescribed term, but in the end, the specialists turn out to be appropriate. And since the employer today has a special demand for engineering, those who turn out to be unsuitable for the profession go into trade or the service sector. And it’s good if future activities are even remotely related to the knowledge gained.

Thus, we can sum up:

  • if we compare the total number of graduates of technical universities and the employer's need for them, it is clear that the point is not in the total shortage of engineering and technical personnel, but in the discrepancy between the quality and specialization of graduates.
  • despite the tragic shortage of engineers at the enterprises of the Yaroslavl region, among the unemployed registered with the employment service, there are engineers, technicians, and programmers, which is often associated with unwillingness to work for the offered salary or lack of interest and abilities in the profession received;
  • Engineering education is in great demand today, and its prestige is growing along with the development of industry and the scientific sector in the region. If the employer sees a capable employee, he will hire him without experience, train him for the specialization of the enterprise at his own expense, offer decent pay and all kinds of social guarantees.

Decoding ITR - engineering and technical worker. Every company has such a specialist. Engineers are people who were, are and will remain in great demand in their field. Moreover, each of them has an individual approach to their work. The main task is the creation of new, modernized devices, devices, mechanisms.

The engineering profession has been considered very prestigious for many years, modern qualified personnel are also valued, but there are not so many of them left. Everything is explained by the fact that the learning process is specific and rather complicated. Formulas, drawings, complex tasks - all these are the everyday life of any engineer. Theoretical knowledge and practical skills and knowledge are important here.

This profession can be classified as a man-technician, because the work of specialists is based on technical devices. But this does not mean that for them machines are a tool of labor. It is the engineers who create this very technique, improve it, transform it.


There are so many engineering professions that it is impossible to row them under one “comb”. The division can be carried out on the basis of the tasks assigned to the engineering and technical staff and the type of activity. In this case, it will be possible to distinguish the following groups:

  1. Constructors.
  2. Technologists.
  3. Economists.
  4. Organizers.

The former, as it is clear, design and develop drawings, the latter are engaged in the description technological process. The task of an engineering and technical economist is to calculate the materials necessary for work, they also analyze the activities of the enterprise. The organizers are fully engaged in organizational issues.

There is also a division in relation to the qualification level, among the possible options:

  • Specialist - they have high practical skills, but there is no higher education. This does not give them the opportunity to move up the career ladder.
  • Specialist with secondary special education.
  • Professional - has a higher education in the specialty and high practical skills.
  • Employees who have been awarded an academic degree, title.

According to the qualification, you assign a category, which affects the base salary rate and the specific position held.


The decoding of engineering and technical personnel is quite simple, these are engineers who are at all enterprises. Their tasks are quite extensive, but still there is a clear division into areas of activity, each of them fulfills its target task. At the same time, all work is aimed at improving something or developing something new.

When selecting candidates for engineering positions, it is important for a recruiter to assess the technical knowledge of a specialist, managerial abilities and the possibility of professional growth. Finding out the candidate's education, pay attention to the date of the last attestation of the engineer. Basic requirements for engineering and technical workers:

  • Availability narrow specialization. Higher or secondary education.
  • Availability of knowledge in the chosen industry and related areas of production. How equipment is used in production, its operating modes and operational properties.
  • Knowledge of the market for the services or products produced.
  • Knowledge of leading domestic and foreign production technologies, the ability to use them in their work.

The knowledge of engineering staff should include all federal laws- These are the rules and regulations regarding this industry.

IT-workers are ... decoding of the abbreviation, list of positions

Specialists personnel service 23. Specialists of the legal service 24. Specialists of the informatization service of the service (information protection) 25.


Technical service specialists 26. Public relations specialists 27. Leading engineer 28. Engineer ˂…˃ You can learn more about working conditions in the workshop in the article.

Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation Order of October 14, 2013 N 535n on the maximum proportion of remuneration of workers of administrative and management personnel of federal state budgetary institutions and federal state institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation in the Foundation OF THE SPECIFIED INSTITUTIONS AND AN EXAMPLE LIST OF POSITIONS RELATED TO ADMINISTRATIVE AND MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL In accordance with the order of the Government Russian Federation July 14, 2012

What is itr? engineering and technical worker: list of positions

Ask the candidate to solve a real problem (suggest options, solutions) that your company is facing. How to Assess an Engineering Candidate's Communication Skills

  • Do you consider yourself a happy person?
  • When you are unhappy with something, how do you communicate it to your manager?
  • How do you communicate with a colleague you don't like?
  • Give an example of a situation when you carefully thought over your words and actions and eventually achieved the desired result.
  • What do you do when you need help with a difficult task?

For the correct assessment of communication skills, pay attention to the behavior of the candidate.

Engineering and technical worker (ITR): requirements for the candidate

That is, a certain fixed amount established by the administration of the enterprise and depending on the degree of complexity, as well as the volume duties, the role and importance of this particular position in the work process and direct working conditions. The amount of the official salary is negotiated when a specialist or manager is hired and does not depend on production results company or specific department.


Evaluation of the work of engineers is carried out in terms of completeness, quality and volume, as well as the timely execution of their assigned duties. Thus, the category of engineering and technical workers pay for their work has a time-based nature.

Depending on the position held, one's own qualifications, the level of complexity and volume of duties performed, as well as working conditions in a particular industry, a system official salaries for all types of ITR.

Job responsibilities and scope of interests of engineering and technical workers

The fact is that the terms denoting categories of personnel are haphazardly applied not only by personnel managers, but also by the legislator himself. Thus, the term "technical and managerial personnel" is used without any explanation in Article 264 (subparagraph 19 of paragraph 1) of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and in other acts of tax legislation.

Based on the foregoing, in order to apply the named norm of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation under the “technical and management personnel" should be understood as employees who are employed in the relevant positions from the above categories - "managers" and "technical performers".

Who belongs to aup, and who belongs to itr? for example, a foreman in a workshop?

The same group of categories is assigned to employees who have received higher education, but do not yet have the necessary professionalism. Specialists with higher education, sufficiently high qualifications, are assigned the 13-15th qualification category.

Engineering and technical workers who are directly involved in the organization of the production process, as well as occupy senior positions at the enterprise, are assigned 16-18 qualification categories. The main functional responsibilities of engineers Those specialists who belong to engineering workers have a number of functional duties, the implementation of which ensures the efficiency of the enterprise.

One of the most important functions of an engineer is the development of more modern production and technological processes and their implementation in production.

IT workers - who are they? the nature of the functions of a specialist and the scope of his activities

He also has the right to improve his skills and demand from his superiors assistance in matters that he cannot solve on his own. Liability The employee is liable for non-performance or improper performance of his work, for offenses that affect the Administrative, Labor or Criminal Code of the country.


He can also be held liable if his actions led to material damage to the organization in which he works. Conclusion Understanding what engineering workers are, one can consider many professions and official duties, but the main thing you should pay attention to is the employees, thanks to whom production develops and keeps up with the times.

It is engineering and technical workers who create new methods production processes, develop techniques for optimizing the costs of human and material resources.

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But in 1703 Feofan Prokopovich first used the term "engineer". And under Peter I, this name was already used on permanent basis. Who is an engineering and technical worker Engineering and technical worker (ITR) has long been considered one of the most prestigious professions. Even today, good engineers are valuable. Not everyone will be able to go through a difficult stage of learning, consisting of specific subjects such as strength of materials or theoretical mechanics, which are filled with many formulas and drawings.

But those who have reached a high level of theoretical and practical knowledge, who own the thinking of an analyst, later become good specialists. The category of engineering and technical workers belongs to the type of professions "man-technique", since engineers work with technology.

Here objections may arise. After all, drivers, turners, seamstresses work with equipment. And this is the absolute truth. But there is a small but.

5. categories of personnel

Probably the most important function of such an employee is the development of new, more efficient technological and production processes and measures for their implementation. These professionals develop and establish a work plan, determining the sequence of actions that will help achieve the desired results. In addition, specialists are developing new methods for monitoring the conformity of the quality of work or products, fill out technical documentation. The work of engineers includes ensuring the smooth operation of production.
They develop and implement new technologies, monitor the condition and serviceability of equipment in production, and are engaged in its adjustment and maintenance. Labor rationing Many production issues directly depend on the process of labor rationing of employees.

What positions belong to

Heads of: agencies, airfields, airports, towers, drilling and blasting, wagons, shifts, ventilation, intraport mechanization, water conduits, water pipelines, stations, computer centers, garages, hydraulics, waterworks, depots, distances, docks, dredges, canals, quarries , columns, complexes, boiler houses, timber exchanges, routes, cars, lighthouses, mills, mechanized slides, oil and gas exploration, detachments, treatment facilities, parties, transportation, redistribution, crossings, loading and unloading operations, substations, trains, port supervision, port points, port fleets, posts, piers, berths, penetrations, launching operations, tracks, radio stations, cuts, sidings, areas, roadsteads, mines, wells, shifts, trains of mail cars, sinkholes, transport, units, departments, installations, factories, workshops (buildings), mines, locks, elevators, power plants, flyovers.
They can be paid from the saved payroll. Can engineer salaries change? Decisions to change official salaries in the direction of both increase and decrease are made based on the results of certification, which is mandatory for this category of workers with a certain frequency - at least once every 3 or 5 years. With unsatisfactory results of such certification, it is possible both to cancel certain types of additional payments and allowances, and to completely dismiss the employee from his position. On the regulation of labor of engineers The task of competent organization of the work of employees and engineers in order to improve the structure administrative apparatus, optimizing the use of working time and reducing costs involves rationing.
AUP) and "engineering and technical workers" (ITR), as well as the legality of their use, must be sought in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts. From Article 15 Labor Code RF follows that the personnel of the organization may consist of employees performing labor function 1) in a certain specialty; 2) in a certain qualification; 3) in a certain position. Each of the above categories requires additional comment. provided for by the standards of the Ministry of Education of Russia. When concluding employment contracts with the employer, persons with a certain specialty apply for a replacement vacancies this organization.

At the interview, check how the engineer candidate assesses his role in previous work. The simple phrase “I improved system availability by 50%” is not enough. Find out exactly how he did it. An engineer is not just a performer, but an active participant in the development of a project. A good applicant will always confirm his statements and be able to clearly answer the question of how he achieved a good result. Ask leading questions that require the candidate to respond concrete examples their actions.

  • What did you work on at your last company?
  • What actions did you take to achieve your goals?
  • Which tasks were completed and which were not, and why?
  • What results did you get?

For those applicants who are engineers, the interview should include technical questions. Discuss them with the head or leading specialist of the department where the engineer is accepted.

IT-workers are ... decoding of the abbreviation, list of positions

The category of specialists includes persons with special knowledge, skills, abilities and experience in a particular type. professional activity who received a specialty in higher (specialists of the highest level of qualification) or secondary specialized (specialists of an average level of qualification) education, confirmed established by law types of documents. …8. The category of other employees (technical performers) includes persons performing regulated, periodically recurring work related to the activities of the relevant structural unit, under the supervision of the immediate supervisor, specialist.

What is itr? engineering and technical worker: list of positions

Their number is relatively total strength of all categories of workers is growing, especially in industries such as industry and construction. Who exactly can we classify in the mentioned category without the risk of making a mistake? If we focus on the old Model list of positions based on the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR N 531 (for 1973) and approved in 1979, then we are talking about managers (except for those who are appointed to positions by higher bodies), chief (senior) specialists various names, heads of offices, industries, farms, services, branches, sections, bureaus, inspections, departments and departments, stations, offices, warehouses, workshops, storage facilities, laboratories, groups, points, sectors, sites, reserves, expeditions, bases, parks, nurseries, cameras and cash desks. Who else is included in this category And who else belongs to the engineering and technical workers? The list of them is quite long.

Engineering and technical worker (ITR): requirements for the candidate

Approve an indicative list of positions related to the administrative and managerial personnel of federal state budget institutions and federal state government institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, according to the Appendix. Minister M.A.Topilin Annex to the order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of October 14, 2013 N 535n an exemplary list of posts relating to the administrative and management personnel of federal state budgetary institutions and federal state government agencies under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Labor and SOCIAL PROTECTION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION 1.

Archivist 2. Accountant 3. Leading Accountant 4. Leading Engineer 5. Leading Human Resources Specialist 6. Leading Specialist-Expert of the Organizational and Methodological Department 7. Leading Economist 8.

Job responsibilities and scope of interests of engineering and technical workers

A.V. Solovyov, Deputy Head of the Department for Regulation and Labor Productivity of the Department of Remuneration, Regulation and Labor Productivity of the Ministry of Labor of Russia Volkova, Mr. Syzran, Samara region Recently arose controversial issue, who do we still refer to as "administrative and managerial personnel"? Directors, heads of workshops and sections, foremen - this is understandable. And what about specialists (economists, accountants, engineers), other employees (secretaries, cashiers, etc.)? To be honest, what kind of managers are they? Maybe you can tell me and advise something interesting? M. Dove, Mr.

Who belongs to aup, and who belongs to itr? for example, a foreman in a workshop?

Who are ITRs? Deciphering this term for a contemporary may cause certain difficulties. According to the interpretation of the "Brief economic dictionary”, under the abbreviation ITR hides a category of workers called engineering and technical. Today we are going to take a closer look at this concept.


Who are IT workers? The main sign of belonging to the mentioned persons is the authority to manage production and organize the work process. An engineering and technical worker (ITR) belongs to this category based on the position he holds. In this case, a particular representative may have a secondary specialized or higher education.

For example, a technical engineer may not have a compulsory higher education. Today, this concept has lost its official status. Now engineering workers are more of a colloquial term.

IT workers - who are they? the nature of the functions of a specialist and the scope of his activities


CEO 9. Chief Accountant 10. Chief Specialist on civil defense 11. Chief construction specialist 12. Clerk 13. Director 14. Dispatcher 15. Document manager 16. Office manager 17.

Deputy CEO 18. Deputy chief accountant 19. Deputy director for administrative and economic part 20. Deputy director for medical part 21. Deputy director for scientific and methodological work 22.
Deputy Head 23. Deputy Director for Educational Work 24. Deputy Director for Social Rehabilitation and Cultural Services 25. Personnel Department Inspector 26. Information Security Engineer 27.
Human resources inspector 28. Labor standardization engineer 29. Cashier 30. Typist 31. Head of the contract department 32. Head, deputy head legal department 33.

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N 1270-r (Sobranie zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2012, N 31, art. 4400), Regulations on the establishment of remuneration systems for employees of federal budgetary and state institutions, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 5, 2008 N 583 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, N 33, item 3852; N 40, item 4544; 2010, N 52, item 7104; 2012, N 21, item 2652; N 40, item 5456; 2013, N 5, item 396), I order: 1. To establish the maximum share of wages of employees of administrative and managerial personnel of federal state budgetary institutions and federal state public institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, in the wage fund of these institutions in the amount of not more than 40% . 2.

5. categories of personnel

  • Staffing - 2016
  • Staffing: what GIT finds fault with
  • Staffing: we compose correctly
  • Staffing and organizational structure
  • Change in staffing
  • Everything about staffing and time sheet
  • Self-tutor on the formation of staffing

If we proceed from the fact that the workers belonging to the AUP are mainly engaged in administrative and managerial work, then the foreman in the workshop should probably be attributed to the engineer, since his main task is to perform technical work, and managing workers is a side task. As a rule, workshop foremen are more qualified and experienced workers. Separate departments by their acts determine the list of positions related to the AMS, examples of such lists are given at the end of the answer.

What positions belong to

In addition, engineering and technical workers are those who hold the positions of heads of archives, offices, sections, managers of departments and sites, and group leaders. In addition, these are masters, foremen, foremen, etc., commanders and captains. As for engineering and technical specialists, this abbreviation is applicable to a huge list of positions - agronomists, architects, administrators, arbitrators, biologists, accountants, auditors, doctors, surveyors and geologists, duty officers and dispatchers, engineers, cartographers and inspectors, standard setters, operators, programmers and translators, editors, estimators, sociologists, pharmacologists, merchandisers, artists, power engineers and legal advisers.

This list is very extensive, and it makes no sense to give it in full in this short article. Wages for the performance of their duties, such employees receive in the form of an official salary.
This is especially important for engineers and technicians in the field of construction. It is engineering and technical workers who create techniques for optimizing the costs of material and human resources and move the technical side of development. There are many nuances in the work of these employees, which depend not only on education, experience, qualifications and professionalism, but also on working conditions. Help Labor protection Instructions and labor protection rules for engineers depend on the enterprise, its field of activity and the scale of production. Such provisions are prescribed in each organization separately, but the current legislation of the country must be taken into account.
The list of positions that they can hold depends not only on the availability of higher education, but also on their level of qualification. It can be conditionally grouped into four groups:

  1. Specialists who do not have higher education, but have a high level of professionalism.
  2. Employees who have received secondary specialized technical education.
  3. Professionals who have received higher education and have high qualifications.
  4. Employees with the highest qualifications who have been awarded an academic degree or title.

Depending on the qualification, each employee is assigned a category, according to which wages are already being paid, but we will talk about this a little lower. If a specialist is highly qualified, knows and does an excellent job with his work, but does not have the proper education, then he can be assigned the 9-12th qualification category.