Development of an information system on the platform 1c enterprise. System "1C: Enterprise"

Toolkit for the operation of large information systems on the platform 1C: Enterprise 8

In this study guide on the operation of large information systems on the platform "1C: Enterprise 8" outlines the key points related to setting up software for effective work systems based on the 1C:Enterprise platform, basic methods for investigating availability and performance problems are described, and issues of organizing operation are considered. The book contains theoretical information about the organization of operation and describes practical methods, provides an analysis of the settings of various components of the information system. In addition, basic methods for localizing and investigating problems are described, and examples of solving specific applied problems of operation are given.

The manual is intended for students of the course "1C: Operation of large information systems", as well as for specialists involved in the operation of information systems built using the technological platform "1C: Enterprise". Recommended as methodological material in preparation for certification "1C: Exploiter of large information systems". This material serves as a significant methodological addition to the materials set out in the documentation for the ITS, and others on the topic of operation. The manual is designed to systematize and streamline the practical operating skills already available to the reader, to provide them with the methods worked out by the specialists of the 1C company on large corporate implementations.

The authors suggest that the manual will be used in daily work operators and administrators of information systems. And they expect that part of the material will be used as check-lists, which make sense to deviate from only when you understand “why it doesn’t suit us”. It makes sense to try to execute the proposed examples of commands, queries and scripts, learn how to use them. These examples have repeatedly saved time when investigating technological problems. The authors also believe that specialists in the field of operation, applying the acquired knowledge, will be able to increase their effectiveness in ensuring the technological quality of large information systems. The resulting set of tools and knowledge will help specialists quickly collect the necessary information about emerging problems for their prompt elimination.

In the preparation of materials used practical experience the work of the teams for the operation of large information systems on the projects of the Competence Centers for technological issues of the 1C company (CKTP).

Publishing house - 1C-Publishing

Year of publication - 2017

The "1C: Enterprise" system is an AIS of accounting at an enterprise with advanced capabilities of 3rd generation systems. It consists of separate modules that can work together. their capabilities are outlined in the following specifications.

Accounting allows you to implement any accounting scheme, depending on the configuration.

Operational accounting is designed to account for the presence and movement of material assets and cash.

Calculation allows you to implement any payroll scheme depending on the configuration.

Other modules are for technical staff or system administrator and related to the prevention, maintenance of the database or the integration of AIS into other systems that are auxiliary. This is - "Management of distributed infobases", "WEB-extension", "Testing and correction of infobases", "Converter spreadsheet documents IP" and so on.

The main modules are a technological block that implements a common functionality that depends on technical features software and hardware. These modules also support the so-called "configuration" and are the basis for executing programs in the built-in programming language. The configuration is a set of key variables, that is, those that statically characterize the enterprise and its activities (registration code, VAT rate, chart of accounts, standard indicators, etc.), and "business rules" in the form of programs in a high-level built-in language that characterize the business processes of the enterprise in dynamics

For a large enterprise, 1C offers to purchase all of its main modules and a package of standard configurations in the following composition:

"IS: financial planning" - a typical sentence "Financial planning" - this is the only application for strategic and operational planning (budgeting), collecting data on the actual implementation of the plan, plan-factor analysis of budget execution, modeling, analysis and forecasting financial condition organizations.

"IS: Accounting"- a typical configuration, which is a ready-made proposal for automating most of the accounting components.

"IS: Trade and Warehouse" designed to account for any type of trading operations. Thanks to its flexibility and customizability, the system is able to perform all accounting functions - from providing directories and entering primary documents to receiving various statements and analytical reports.

"IS: Salary and Personnel PROF" designed to calculate wages and personnel records, can be used both at self-supporting enterprises and in organizations with budget financing. It provides an opportunity not only to automate the calculation of wages, but also to organize the accounting of employees, register official movements, and compile statistical certificates of personnel composition. The versatility of the system allows you to implement any approach to solving the above problems and receive any reporting documents.

The 1C company also produces variants of complexes that are designed for highly specialized accounting and reporting needs. These complexes automate accounting and reporting in target industries.

The configurations for "1 ("Enterprise" are actually super programs that run on top of the base modules A-D(Fig. 2.4).

Level A is the physical layer or infrastructure layer, which includes hardware and software (DBMS, Operating Systems, drivers) to save and retrieve the necessary information on each Arma AIS.

Level B- this is the software level from 1C. Basic and service modules "1C: Enterprise" provide programmers of complexes

a deeper level of abstraction so that they do not waste time on unnecessary technical details regarding data processing, but work with such simple and accessible virtual objects as a wiring or document.

Rice. 2.4. in Architecture of AIS "1C: Enterprise"

Level concerns configurations or macro programs that fully characterize the information model of an enterprise and determine the operation of individual Arms and the entire AIS as a whole.

Level G provides an interface to users. At this level, data is entered for processing and the results of the AIS operation are displayed, depending on the configuration.

The company supplies ready-made offers, using basic modules and standard configurations. The package includes standard configurations "Accounting+Trade+Warehouse+Salary+Personnel", "Accounting", "Trade+Warehouse", "Salary+Personnel", "Production+Services + Accounting", "Financial Planning".

But it is hardly possible that a typical system configuration fully satisfies the needs of the customer. Then the question of its "fit" arises. And for such an operation, a highly qualified specialist is needed, who must understand accounting and finance in order to correctly understand what is required of him, and be good at information technology in general and in the built-in programming language "1C: Enterprise" in particular.

The advantage of AIS is the ability to be flexibly configured. The disadvantages of the system include the high cost of implementation and operation, as well as the too complex structure of configurations, the development of which requires long-term training of specialists. In some configurations, there is almost no protection of information from unauthorized access. In practice, it often turns out that the system is not very well designed and in the case of a large amount of data, even the most modern and expensive hardware is not able to provide enough high speed processing. This means that on large enterprises AIS "1C: Enterprise" will not be able to work.

Financial analysis is not included in the standard configurations of this automated information system, but thanks to the built-in language, it can be implemented, although it is difficult to perform.

Features of the development of IS on the platform "1C: Enterprise 8.3"

Since the platform 1C was chosen to implement the automation of labor protection tasks: Enterprise 8.3 will consider the features of the development of information systems on this software product. 1C:Enterprise 8.3 is a new development tool from the 1C:Enterprise series of platforms.

1C:Enterprise is a software system that includes both a platform and sets of applied solutions and various methods. It is worth mentioning that 1C: Enterprise includes both a platform and a client application. The platform is the foundation on which the configuration is built, it contains a set of tools for setting up the configuration and for its operation. In turn, the client application is an integral part of the platform. The program receives data from the user through the client, processes it, and then returns it again through the client application. You can interact with the program using four different ways, so there are four types of clients:

  • - thick;
  • - thin;
  • - web client;
  • - configurator.

The thick client allows you to implement all the features of 1C: Enterprise, including setting up and finalizing the program using the configurator, but it does not support work via the Internet. This client was the main client in program versions 8.0 and 8.1.

The thin client has a smaller distribution package than the thick client and provides work with databases via the Internet.

The web client does not require the installation of any program on the user's computer, but works through an Internet browser.

The configurator is a client application intended for developers and administrators. With it, you can make changes to the typical configuration, but the configurator requires a thick client to work. It is the configurator that is one of the operating modes of the system.

Let's clarify what a configuration is. This is a set of forms and algorithms written on the 1C platform, including lists of directories, registers, reports, documents, etc., program text written in the built-in language, windows and buttons for entering data.

As a result, we can say that, in "1C: Enterprise" it is difficult to distinguish between a development tool and an "executive system", because they are connected into a single whole and in fact the platform is a development tool, but it works both at the stage of creating programs and at the stage their implementation.

In 1C:Enterprise, the main element of software development is not the process of writing program code. An application is developed primarily as a metadata structure, and code is written in specific application nodes as needed.

Metadata in 1C:Enterprise represents data structures, composition of types, relationships between objects, features of their behavior and visual representation, access rights differentiation system, user interface, etc. We can say that metadata contains information not only about “what needs to be stored in the database”, but also about “why” this information is stored, what is its role in the system, and also how information arrays are interconnected. The use of the built-in programming language is limited in most cases to solving those tasks that require an algorithmic description, such as calculating taxes, checking the correctness of entered data, etc. .

1C: An enterprise is strictly focused on building an application solution based on a specific model, and therefore, building the main part of the application is based on standard prototypes of application objects, that is, the system for building these objects contains several base classes, each of which has specialized functionality and is designed to represent in the application the objects of the subject area that have similar properties and role in the business logic. This approach ensures the construction of an application in which the system can automatically perform the main part of the operations, since this proposal is developed on the basis of a specific model in which each object plays its role, and which, at the same time, is well known to the system. In this case, the model is the whole ideology of building an applied solution, which includes ways to build data structures, types of relationships between data, principles of data manipulation, ways of linking data with interface objects, business logic description forms, separation of functionality by system levels, etc. .

When managing data, for example, when changing data, the developer interacts with the database using objects corresponding to the entities stored in the database, and not at the record level, that is, 1C:Enterprise uses object technology. This technique, is used mainly for data modification and provides very good readability of business logic algorithms, significantly reduces the number of development errors, and also ensures a high level of data integrity.

Consider what is new in the 1C: Enterprise 8.3 platform compared to previous versions. A new version platform 1C: Enterprise 8.3 contains a number of important changes and add-ons, such as the 1C: Enterprise 8.3 mobile platform, the new Taxi interface, a powerful new search mechanism in the input field, improved operation of the program configuration storage, improved updateability information base with significant changes in the data structure without a long stop in the work of users, new tools for monitoring a server cluster and a technological log that make it easier to identify elements of an applied solution that lead to unjustified consumption of RAM and disk memory, the ability to delete data areas that have become unclaimed, etc. To facilitate development, the following have been added:

  • - a new object in the "General" configuration branch - Defined types, is a special configuration object designed to define a data type that describes a frequently used entity or, with a high degree of probability, can change when implementing an applied solution;
  • - the "Main roles" property, which specifies the roles that will be used if there are no users in the infobase, in previous versions it was possible to specify only one main role;
  • - assistant for creating form client event handlers, now the developer does not need to manually create a server method and specify its call inside the client procedure;
  • - the ability to upload the entire composition of the configuration to disk as a set of files of a certain structure, new mechanism unloading the configuration to files always unloads the entire data for the entire configuration, the ability to configure objects for unloading is not provided, thereby ensuring the integrity of the configuration.

Version 1C: Enterprise 8.3 strives for mobility and allows you to work in the cloud, as well as carry out remote connection through 1C-Link, and work on mobile devices. Working in the "cloud", an employee can connect to a program or database remotely, which means that the user's computer does not need to upload the database or even set the configuration. 1C-Link is another option for remote work, with it the databases remain on the company's equipment, however, using 1C technologies, you can get secure access to the application from anywhere in the world.

1C: Enterprise 8.3 maintains communication even with low-speed Internet on a mobile device, which makes it possible to work with 1C programs on a tablet or smartphone via a GPRS connection using only the browser available on the device.

The experience of implementing applied solutions on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform shows that the system allows solving problems of varying degrees of complexity - from automating one workplace to creating enterprise-wide information systems.

At the same time, the implementation of a large information system imposes increased requirements compared to a small or medium-sized implementation. An enterprise-wide information system must provide acceptable performance in conditions of simultaneous and intensive work a large number users who use the same information and hardware resources in a competitive mode. At the same time, both the hardware and software parts of the system operate under heavy load.

Performance and scalability of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform and typical application solutions

1C:Enterprise 8 is a modern technological platform designed for high loads and simultaneous work of a large number of users. The ongoing load tests and the experience of real implementations show that the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform and standard applied solutions can be successfully used to create enterprise-wide information systems.

Performance and scalability in real implementations

1C Company regularly monitors implementations and conducts user surveys to assess their satisfaction with system performance. The experience of using the system in real implementations shows that it successfully copes with the tasks of creating enterprise-wide information systems.

  • Sales and Implementation Monitor "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8"

Technological issues of large implementations

A major implementation presents technical specialists with complex tasks that require a special approach and special knowledge. The experience of analyzing the technological issues of large implementations shows that with the right approach, it is possible to solve any emerging issues and achieve good performance and system scalability. At the same time, large-scale implementation imposes increased requirements for qualifications. technical specialists.

Firm "1C" sets itself the task of improving the technological quality of large implementations on the platform 1C: Enterprise 8. To this end:

Technologies and tools

Architectural and technological solutions in the platform

Architectural and technological solutions, implemented in 1C:Enterprise 8, are designed for the simultaneous work of a large number of users and the achievement of high performance and system scalability:

  • Client-Server Architecture
  • Server cluster
  • Building distributed infobases
  • Managing Data Locks in a Transaction
  • Integration tools with other systems
  • Background job mechanism
  • Request mechanism
  • Client-server administration utility
  • Registration log
  • Technology magazine
  • Measuring performance with the debugger

Enterprise Toolkit

1C: Exploiter of large information systems

During the operation of information systems, one of the main tasks is to prevent possible incidents in order to eliminate the occurrence of problems in the work area. basis quality work system is a properly built process of its operation.

Operation includes the following sections:

  • Task scheduling.
  • Administration:
    • working area;
    • preparatory zone;
    • development zones.
  • Operation of the working area.
  • Development:
    • necessary tools;
    • refinement of existing mechanisms;

The tasks of operating the working area include:

  • Monitoring and maintenance of the information system:
    • monitoring of the entire working area, development of monitoring;
    • solution of problems identified by monitoring data;
    • system management, elimination of possible bottlenecks according to monitoring data.
  • Implementation of scheduled tasks for the maintenance of the information system:
    • the introduction of new units and their support with the start of users in the system.
  • Duty and "fire" work:
    • making critical corrections to restore work.
  • Organization of the first line of technical support:
    • analysis and classification of appeals;
    • the most prompt response to user requests;
    • interaction with users;
    • transfer of collected and structured information about the problem of the second line of technical support.
  • Organization of the second line of technical support:
    • analysis of appeals and solution of technological problems;
    • classification of problems.
  • Testing and updating to new versions of solutions without compromising quality.
  • Audit of additional reports and processing.
  • Automation of repetitive tasks.

Administration tasks include:

  • Deployment, configuration and maintenance of equipment.
  • Configuring the virtualization environment.
  • Network configuration.
  • Configuring a 1C server cluster.
  • DBMS configuration.
  • Regular backup creation, storage and deployment of backups.
  • Ensuring work with licenses, keys, certificates.
  • Software updates.
  • Deployment of new scale units.
  • Automation of repetitive tasks.
  • Setting up monitoring when making changes to system components.

Development tasks include:

  • Commissioning of new information bases and areas:
    • finalization of configurations to the possibility of transition to the service.
  • Development of analytical reports.
  • Statistics extension.
  • Development of mechanisms for the development of the service.
  • Development of integration mechanisms.

Firm "1C" organized a preparatory course for the "Operation of large information systems" competence. The course provides an opportunity to form a holistic view of the competence of the "information systems operator", to gain an understanding of the technologically correct organization of the operation of a large information system and the construction of the operation process, configuration and administration of the information system, deployment of monitoring and control settings for the technological quality of the operation of a large system.

Firm "1C" conducts certification of technical specialists in the competence "1C: Exploiter". The exam involves confirmation of the competence of a specialist as a qualified engineer for the operation of large information systems based on 1C solutions.

Operational projects

Firm "1C" provides services for the supervision of joint projects aimed at organizing and building the operation of a large information system.
All works are carried out with the participation of specialists of the Firm "1C", who:

  • Provide all the necessary methods and tools;
  • Control the correctness of the received technical solutions;
  • Provide prompt assistance in solving complex technical problems;
  • Control the progress of work and the results obtained.

The 1C:Enterprise 8 platform was created based on 6 years of experience in using the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 software system, which is used by tens of thousands of developers. Currently, more than 1,000,000 organizations use products included in the 1C:Enterprise program system to automate their activities. Despite significant changes, version 8 retained ideological continuity with previous versions.

General architecture of 1C:Enterprise

General Mechanisms

The 1C:Enterprise 8 system is based on a number of mechanisms that determine the concept of creating applied solutions. The presence of these mechanisms makes it possible to correlate as much as possible technological capabilities with a business scheme for the development and implementation of applied solutions.

The key points are the isolation of the developer from technological details, algorithmic programming of only the business logic of the application, the use of its own database model, and the scalability of application solutions without their refinement.


System 1C: Enterprise 8 is an open system. It provides an opportunity for integration with almost any external programs and equipment based on generally recognized open standards and data transfer protocols.

The 1C:Enterprise 8 system has a whole set of tools with which you can:

  • create, process and exchange data of various formats;
  • access all objects of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system that implement its functionality;
  • support various exchange protocols;
  • maintain standards of interaction with other subsystems;
  • create your own Internet solutions.

Data exchange

The data exchange mechanisms implemented in the 1C:Enterprise 8 technological platform make it possible to create geographically distributed information systems both based on 1C:Enterprise 8 information bases and with the participation of other information systems not based on 1C:Enterprise 8.

For example, you can organize the work of the main office, branches and warehouses of the enterprise in a single information base, or ensure the interaction of the 1C: Enterprise 8 information base with the existing Oracle database.


All configuration and database texts are stored in UNICODE format. This means that any text information can include characters from different languages ​​at the same time. For major European languages, national representations of dates, numbers, and text sort order are supported. For a specific infobase, it is possible to additionally customize the representation of numbers, dates, and times.

1C:Enterprise 8 provides the ability to create multilingual application solutions - a developer can create a configuration in several languages ​​at once, and each user can choose his own language.

Economic and analytical reporting

Powerful reporting and printed forms provide ample opportunities for design and interactive work:

  • intellectual construction of hierarchical, multidimensional and cross-reports;
  • obtaining any analytical data with arbitrary customization by the user without changing the applied solution;
  • grouping and interpretation in reports, detailing and aggregation of information;
  • pivot tables for the analysis of multidimensional data, dynamic change in the structure of the report;
  • different types of charts for graphic representation economic information.

User Job

Modern interface design provides ease of learning for beginners and high speed for experienced users:

  • significant acceleration of mass input of information thanks to the "line input" function and efficient use keyboards;
  • facilitating the work of unprepared users, rapid development of the system;
  • convenient tools for working with large dynamic lists, managing the visibility and order of columns, setting up selection and sorting;
  • a variety of service options;
  • universal tools for creating reports of any complexity.

Implementation of corporate information systems on the 1C:Enterprise platform

The experience of implementing applied solutions on the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform shows that the system allows solving problems of varying degrees of complexity - from automating one workplace to creating enterprise-wide information systems.

At the same time, the implementation of a large information system imposes increased requirements compared to a small or medium-sized implementation. An enterprise-wide information system must provide acceptable performance in the conditions of simultaneous and intensive work of a large number of users who use the same information and hardware resources in a competitive mode.

1C:Corporate tool package

" 1C:Corporate tool package 8 "(1C:KIP) is designed to improve the performance, scalability and reliability of information systems on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform due to:

  • detection and automatic analysis possible technical problems at any stage of implementation
    (including at the design stage);
  • obtaining objective information about system performance;
  • obtaining full technical information about performance problems present in the system, with
    for further optimization of its code.

The enterprise toolkit can be used both on its own (for example, to evaluate the applicability of a typical configuration to solve customer problems) and as an additional tool that allows you to analyze bottlenecks and improve performance
and scalability of the implemented or already implemented system.

The corporate toolkit will be most useful when implementing relatively large - corporate - information systems, characterized by a large load on the system and large quantity work places.

You can also see the description of the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform and the product