How to open a hotel business. How to open a hotel from scratch and make it successful

How to open a hotel business? The aspiring entrepreneur decided to open a small hotel or inn. Where to begin? How profitable is this business? How to choose the best option for the type of enterprise, choose the location, what documents will be needed to open it, how to get a license for such an activity? Read the answers to all these and many other questions in our article.

The regulations and approvals required to open a small hotel are an impressive list. Some procedures, such as removing the premises from the housing stock, can take up to a year.

In order to legally open your hotel from scratch, you will need the following required documents:

  1. Documents confirming the ownership of real estate;
  2. Certificate of registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur;
  3. Certificate of registration with the Federal Tax Service;
  4. Permission for redevelopment or construction;
  5. Documentary confirmation of compliance with safety standards, such as sanitary, fire, environmental and technical safety;
  6. Contracts for the provision of services with counterparties: these can be private security companies, accounting and legal services, cleaning, waste disposal, food delivery, utilities and others;
  7. Documents confirming registration cash register in the Federal Tax Service;
  8. Permission to .

Also, depending on the desire of the entrepreneur, the following are drawn up optional documents:

1. Certificate of conformity: needed if you want to officially confirm the "star" status. The requirements necessary for the assignment of stars can be found in the Federal Law No. 25, dated 01/25/2011;

2. Licenses for trading rights alcoholic products, foodstuffs, for the organization of public catering enterprises. Licensing is also required for hairdressing and dry cleaning services.

You do not need a license to open a hotel business!

Despite the mass of necessary documents for the legal implementation of the hotel business on the territory of the Russian Federation, special licensing of guest houses, motels and hostels, etc. is not provided, and anyone can open such a business.

Hotel business in Russia

Any novice entrepreneur who plans to open a private hotel in the Russian Federation, first of all, should get acquainted with the saturation of the hotel market. It does not matter what kind of hotel you plan to open: for 10, 20, 50, 100 rooms, first of all, you need to study the demand for this type of service.

Today the least in need of new hotel-type enterprises are cities such as Yekaterinburg, Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan. According to experts, this information may change over the next 5-10 years. This is due to the growth of cities and, as a result, the growth in demand for quality accommodation.

The most promising and promising for this direction are Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk and Krasnodar. The reason for this is the high rate of development of business activity in these cities, which entails an increasing influx of business travelers, creating suitable conditions for opening a private hotel here.

Types of inns and hotels

Hospitality involves many various types enterprises. They differ in such characteristics as location, number of rooms, target audience, interior features. We will talk about options for creating such a business by small organizations or individual entrepreneurs and consider the main types of small hotels:

  • Mini Hotel;
  • Small hotel;
  • Mini-hotels of resort type in Russia: Sochi, Crimea;
  • Roadside hotel;
  • Mini-hotel in a private house;
  • Hostel.

Let's take a closer look at each of these options and highlight the main differences.

How to open a mini-hotel

A mini-hotel differs primarily in the number of rooms, which should be no more than 50 places for temporary accommodation. Each of them should preferably have its own bathroom. Let's find out how to start a business and come to a stable income.

Choosing a place for a mini-hotel

To open a small hotel, the first step is to decide on the choice of location. Business will flourish if the location of the hotel is convenient for settling in and living. We will consider an option in which an entrepreneur, wanting to open a mini-hotel in a residential building, buys apartments for further redevelopment into rooms. We will talk about how to build a profitable hotel on your own and how much it will cost in a separate chapter of this article.

When opening a hotel from scratch, it is advisable to choose the central area of ​​the city, from where it will not be difficult for guests to get to any point using public transport.

If the city has a metro, then walking distance from it will play into your hands. Pay attention to the location of the building relative to airports and train stations - this factor also often helps guests make a decision when choosing a suitable place for temporary accommodation. Many entrepreneurs prefer communal apartments or dormitories, as they hardly need redevelopment.

Should be evaluated availability and quality of shops, cafes, and shopping centers located nearby. The next moment is the building itself. It should be in good condition, the yard and entrance neat and clean - all this will later work for the image of your organization and help develop a profitable business.

Floor selection. Owners of mini-hotels often choose the first floor. This is convenient, given that you can make a separate entrance to the reception,. Guests can easily find you, and local residents will know that the hotel is located here and offer it as an option for their friends and relatives who come to visit from other cities.

Opening a mini-hotel step by step

How to open a hotel? Let's figure out what you need to know and what actions to take after the building is selected. It is time to buy apartments or rooms, depending on the type of premises. We take as a basis the purchase of two floors, with a total footage of 300 square meters. To open a hotel in a residential building, it is easiest to make such a purchase in a new or still under construction building, avoiding the resettlement procedure.

Another question that new residential buildings are rarely built in the city center, the situation is much easier with new buildings near metro stations. In the case of joining the shared construction, you will save cash for repairs and redevelopment, but we will have to wait for the commissioning of the construction site. The purchase price of housing, in order to later open a small mini-hotel, will be approximately $340,000.

The following are the stages of paperwork for registration and redevelopment. Acquired premises must be removed from the housing stock. The transfer procedure can be found in Article 23 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. With a statement and all necessary documents will need to contact local authority self-government.

This is a rather lengthy and complicated procedure.. The withdrawal may take a year or more. In each individual case, the removal of premises from the housing stock has a different cost, there is no fixed price.

At the time of filing an application for the withdrawal of apartments from the housing stock, you can submit a redevelopment project to the same body and agree on the details. The hotel project must comply with GOSTs and standards, which are described in detail in clause 11.9 of Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 508, ed. 840, Annex 1, as well as in Art. 288 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Don't forget to notify your local BTI of your activities.

All this will be needed when registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Speaking of a small hotel with 50 rooms or less, the owner usually registers his activities as an individual entrepreneur.

When registering, you must specify OKVED codes depending on the characteristics of your business: 55.1 Hotel activities; 55.11 activities of hotels with restaurants; 55.12 activities of hotels with restaurants.

After obtaining permission for redevelopment, removal of premises from the housing stock, the turn of repair and installation work comes.

If If your hotel does not provide a bathroom in each room, then the number of bathrooms and toilet rooms must comply with the standards: 1 bathroom for 10 guests.

When making repairs in a future hotel, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of fire supervision, the sanitary and epidemiological station, and the premises must also meet safety standards. Without documents confirming the compliance of the premises with the specified standards, the activities of the hotel will not be considered legal.

It is necessary to think over and competently organize power supply, water supply, ventilation and temperature control systems. If the house is new, then replacement of windows is not required. Do not forget about the doors to the rooms and the hotel itself. Redevelopment and redecoration of a mini-hotel with 20 rooms will cost about $20,000 - $30,000.

The next step is the purchase of furniture, appliances, plumbing and everything you need for room service and future guests. The minimum set for each room includes a bed, bedside tables, wardrobe, chair and table. Take into account single, double and triple rooms.

Among other things, additional furniture, equipment and accessories, such as paintings, dressing tables, mirrors, safes will be needed for rooms of the "Lux" and "Junior" classes.

It doesn’t hurt to buy a couple of washing vacuum cleaners, washing machines, clothes dryers and kitchen appliances. Let's not forget about the face of our hotel - reception equipment. The total cost of equipment costs will be about $15,000 - $20,000.

Necessary little things

Keeping in mind that the cleanliness of even the simplest and most budgetary mini-hotel is the most important component of a positive reputation, it is necessary to purchase cleaning products, detergents, laundry detergents, as well as related accessories. This expense item will also include towels, disposable slippers, bed linen, blankets, pillows, bathrobes and mini-packages of shampoos, shower gels and conditioners.

You can’t do without buying bath mats, in the hallway, shower curtains (if provided by purchased plumbing), and curtains for windows. Crockery, trays, soap dishes and other little things should also not be deprived of your attention. The cost of all this will be about $ 3,000.

Staff for a mini-hotel

After the preparation of premises for temporary accommodation of guests, it is time to hire service personnel. Given the provision of such services as breakfasts in our hotel, we will need:

  1. Director - salary $ 800 / month;
  2. Administrators, 2 people - salary of $ 400 / month. each, total - $ 800 per month;
  3. Cook - salary 600 dollars. per month;
  4. Maid, 4 people - salary of $ 300 / month; each, total - $ 600 / month.

Don't forget about contract with a private security company - $ 175 / month, and accounting services– 300$/month

After all the stages of preparation are completed, you can finally open a mini-hotel for guests.

How to open your own small hotel

A small hotel differs from a mini-hotel mainly in terms of rooms. If it includes up to 50 rooms, then a small hotel is a hotel business with up to 100 rooms.

Accordingly, the cost of purchasing premises, repair and installation work, furniture and equipment, as well as work service personnel will increase in proportion to the number of rooms by which the number of rooms will be increased.

Mini-hotels of resort type in Russia

Hotels in Russian resort cities are very popular among Russians and not only.

The hotel business on the Black Sea is gaining momentum and for good reason: the profitability of such an enterprise will not be long in coming. The features of such a business are, first of all, in target audience for which the place for temporary residence is calculated.

If you decide to open a mini-hotel on the sea, then it will be necessary to equip your hotel with a swimming pool, a bar and a grill area. For vacationers with children, the presence of a playground, high chairs, cots for babies and a trampoline will help to give preference to you.

If you are focusing on business guests, then these amenities are not required, but the rooms must be equipped with desks and lamps for work, and it is also necessary to include such a service as Wi-Fi.

How to open a mini-hotel in Crimea

Today, every year there are more and more vacationers in Crimea, especially among our compatriots. This is due to the lack of need to issue a passport and visa. In this regard, the city is developing, infrastructure is growing, new shops, cafes and shopping centers are being built.

Hotel business in Crimea is gaining momentum, tourism is booming, and holidays here are considered a relatively budget option. Last year, more than 4 million guests visited Crimea from January to August. Summer here lasts about 5 months. Such numbers promise stable demand for small hotel business owners, which means quick profits.

Choosing a location for your future business will not be difficult if you know exactly what you want to get as a result and how much money you are ready to invest. The most popular among the guests of the Crimea are the cities of Yalta, Evpatoria and Feodosia.

The most well-groomed, including sandy beaches are located there, infrastructure and services are better developed. Prices for everything here are significantly higher, including hotel rooms.

Competition in these cities is high, hotels are presented in a variety of options, real estate prices are also an order of magnitude higher than, for example, in Sevastopol and Simferopol.

So, for example, in Yalta, a plot of 15 acres overlooking the sea, will cost an average of $ 265,000 - $ 270,000. The construction of a small hotel with a total area of ​​170 sq.m will cost around $52,000. A similar plot in Sevastopol, also by the sea, costs $88,000 - $93,000.

Construction of a small hotel within the same 170 sq.m. — $52,000. Simferopol is not recommended as an option for creating a resort hotel, since this city does not have access to the sea, but it is well suited for those who flew to Crimea for work. The cost of real estate here is about the same as in Sevastopol.

If we talk about buying ready-made premises for restructuring into a mini-hotel, then the prices also differ by 2-3 times. There are also options for ready-made hotels. For example, a hotel with an area of ​​230 sq.m. on the seashore in Yalta, with furniture and everything you need, costs $450,000. A small hotel in Sevastopol, with an area of ​​200 sq.m. with a pool, furniture and everything you need, can cost $ 160,000. It should be noted that there are many offers on the real estate market for the sale of unfinished hotels with a finished layout and a laid foundation.

If you decide to opt for a small city of Crimea, which is less popular among tourists, pay attention to the nearby beaches. Often the beaches in such cities are not ennobled and are not suitable for a good rest. This circumstance can leave a negative impression and affect the reputation of the hotel in the future.

How to open a mini-hotel in Sochi

For recreation in Russia, the city is a resort on Black Sea coast The Krasnodar Territory is no less popular than the Crimea, but it should be remembered: the beaches here are mostly pebbly, and the season suitable for recreation lasts less than three months. All these circumstances only prolong the payback period of a small hotel in a given resort town.

Ready-made hotel in Sochi, 180 sq.m. will cost around $250,000, depending on the condition of the hotel and its location relative to the sea. Land for construction, area. 15 sq.m., not far from the sea, will cost about $100,000.

Choosing an area in the resort area- central or outskirts, remember that tourists often choose the center with a view, and those who come to the city for work, in order to save money, prefer rooms on the outskirts of the city.

How to open a roadside inn

A roadside hotel, also known as a motel (motor hotel), is designed for truckers and tourists traveling "savages", that is, on their own by car, without a ticket. The demand for motels is impressive, the competition in this area of ​​business is extremely small, and in some regions of Russia it is completely absent. At right choice places, the profitability of such an enterprise will be guaranteed.

The choice of a place comes down to an analysis of the congestion and length of those Russian highways that unite large cities. To open a motel, the distance between large settlements should be at least 4,000 - 5,000 km. The trucker's journey in this case will be about 3 days, which means that he cannot do without an overnight stay.

Located on the highway, the motel will be a great option for a hearty dinner and a good night's sleep.

If the cost of a night in such a motel is acceptable, and the rooms are clean - your company will enjoy enviable popularity.

When building a roadside hotel, special attention should be paid to the parking lot. If the parking is fenced and with a security post, then this will attract even more customers to you. A separate entrance to the room, parking windows for the comfort of guests and the opportunity to have a quick bite to eat - this is the secret of a successful motel. The rooms should have a minimum of everything you need, this meets the needs of guests and makes temporary accommodation more affordable.

How much does it cost to open a small motel?

There are 2 options: buying an already finished object, or building from scratch. Depending on the region, buying a small hotel will cost from $30,000 to $53,000.

The construction of a new motel (300 square meters) is more expensive - about $60,000 -80,000.

Plus, for repairs, the purchase of furniture, plumbing and everything you need, you will need an average of $ 16,000. Speaking of profit, such a hotel with 20-25 rooms will bring up to $9,000 per month.

Mini-hotel in a private house

Usually, such hotels have 6 - 8 rooms, the owners of the house live in a separate private room or in a small house on the site. As a rule, such hotels do without the involvement of additional staff and business owners do their own cleaning, breakfast preparation and laundry. This option is very popular among budget tourists in the resort cities of Russia, since, as a rule, they are located near the sea, and the rooms are attracted by very low prices.

Guest houses are comfortable, homemade food and the absence of a large number of guests. If the rooms are well equipped, and the owners provide everything necessary for living, then such a hotel brings its owners a good income.

The disadvantage of such an enterprise is seasonality. Cities - resorts in Russia cannot boast of a swimming season all year round, which means that guests in a private mini-hotel will appear only a few warm months a year.

How to open a hostel

Things to consider before you start. The hostel has a slightly different target audience. The hostel consists of several large rooms with beds, usually bunk beds. Shared bathroom, kitchen and lack of personal space makes a bed in a hostel cheap, and therefore attractive for students and those who prefer saving on accommodation over additional amenities.

The opening of such a hotel enterprise differs from the opening of a mini-hotel already at the stage of choosing a room for a hostel. The future business owner is looking for premises with a larger area, does not aim to equip bathrooms in every room. Often, for these purposes, options for non-residential premises are considered.

Speaking of bathrooms, then hostels should have at least 1 toilet and 1 shower for 15 people. If there are many guests, then it is advisable to separate the bathrooms for women and men.

When creating a hostel layout project, a separate room is allocated for a bedroom, according to the standards, at least 4 meters for one single or bunk bed. One room for the kitchen, and one room with a TV, books and sofas. The rest room and the kitchen are often combined into one, in order to save space and budget.

In general, the difference between a hostel and a mini-hotel, in addition to the layout, is significantly lower in the cost of furniture and appliances, but the cost of one bed is 2-3 times cheaper compared to a room in a full-fledged hotel.

How much does it cost to build a hotel yourself

The answer to the question of how much it costs to open a hotel or mini-hotel depends on the following factors:

  • Location. In the city or outside the city? In the resort area or is it a business in the capital? In a developed metropolis or in a small but developing city? All this significantly affects the cost of land and construction of the facility;
  • Room fund;
  • Type of hotel business: Hotel, hostel, motel, mini-hotel, guest house, etc.
  • Star level of the future object;
  • The presence or absence of a bar, swimming pool, gym, elevator, SPA and other comfort elements.

Answering the question of how much money will be required to invest in order to open a small hotel, we will take as a basis a hotel enterprise with 12 rooms, a total area of ​​300 sq.m., without subsequent assignment of stars, which will be located, for example, in Novosibirsk. The cost of building a turnkey hotel will be the following figures:

  1. Purchase of a plot in the Oktyabrsky district of Novosibirsk, closer to the central district, 9 acres - $ 70,000;
  2. Design and coordination of the project of the construction object with the authorities local government – 4 000$;
  3. Purchase building material – 20 500$;
  4. Construction and installation works, laying of communications + finishing - $ 20,000;

In total, to build your own small hotel you need$115,000. This is the cost, taking into account the fact that we use materials of the middle price segment (+ skilled workers). If you use the most inexpensive materials, then a small turnkey hotel for $ 55,000.

Hotel business plan, profitability

Calculate how much you need to invest and the final profitability of the hotel. For example, let's take the figures from the previous chapter on the cost of building a mini-hotel in Novosibirsk and make calculations: how much does it cost to open a hotel or mini-hotel. To calculate taxes, let's take the simplified tax system income minus expenses for individual entrepreneurs.


  • Finished hotel building - $115,000;
  • Purchase of necessary furniture, textiles, plumbing and equipment - $ 90,000;
  • Site design, fencing, parking, LED sign - $ 8,700;
  • – 800$.

In total, opening your own business will cost: $220,000.

Monthly costs:

– Salary to employees + outsourcing services – $3500;
Purchase of consumables - $ 200;
- Utilities - $ 300.

Total: $4000/month


We will calculate the profit based on the constant occupancy of the number of rooms in 80%
The average cost of living is $ 30 / day.
Total total profit will be $9,000/month, and net 5000 dollars.

Return on hotel business:

According to calculations, excluding income tax, it will pay for itself in 2.5 years. The net profit of the hotel will be $5000/month. Income tax for this period will be about $ 29,500, which will extend the payback period by another 5 months. Also, during this period, from time to time it will be required to repair and replace elements of furniture and equipment, which will entail the need to invest in the business all new funds. Summarizing, it can be concluded that successful business in the field of hotel service will pay off in an average of 2-3 years.

The hotel business has many pitfalls and subtleties. Here is what experienced hotel owners in Russia advise:

It requires considerable investments, and its payback period will be at least 3 years. Despite this, owning a hotel will be a profitable investment, as it will provide you stable income for many, many years.

Now, due to the law on mandatory classification, when some mini-hotels will inevitably close, creating or buying a business in the hotel industry is a good time. With proper attention to advertising and building a good reputation, the period of the 2018 FIFA World Cup will make a good return on investment.

Among the entire hotel business, the mini-hotel format is the most optimal for both entrepreneurs and city guests. Their average payback takes 6-8 years with proper business management.

Mini-hotel as a business: what is their special charm and what you need to consider when opening, we will consider in our article.

Mini-hotel is

As the name suggests, this is a small hotel. Technically, a mini-hotel is a means of accommodation with up to fifty rooms. The rooms of mini-hotels in most cases are designed for one or two people with the possibility of extra bed. Bathrooms can be located both in each room and in the corridor for several rooms. The greatest demand is for three-star mini-hotels designed for the middle class.

“In life” mini-hotels, as a rule, consist of five to ten rooms. To maximize the target audience, entrepreneurs offer both suites and economy class rooms. In many mini-hotels catering is organized, guests are offered breakfast, which is included in the price.

In general, a mini-hotel is an intermediate link between a hotel and a hostel. It offers high-quality service and quality rooms, while the “mini” format is a guarantee of silence and even some comfort.

A mini-hotel in the conditions of Moscow can become a profitable business, later developing into own network. Below we will look at how to open a mini-hotel: premises, papers, laws and prohibitions - all thorny path towards profit.

How to organize a mini-hotel: location and choice of premises

The popularity of the mini-hotel is influenced by its location: proximity to the city center, metro stations and busy roads. The location will also tell the target audience. Basically, the format of quiet, medium-priced mini-hotels is suitable for traveling couples, applicants with parents and business travelers. Accordingly, it makes sense to locate mini-hotels in the historical part of the city, not far from large educational institutions, business centers and industries.

The first option, which we will immediately abandon, is the purchase of land and the construction of a separate building. Why not? Firstly, the search for the necessary empty space in Moscow is a protracted matter. Secondly, the registration of ownership of the land, the plan of the future building, the conduct of communications and their design is the path of greatest resistance.

The best option for a mini-hotel would be to rent or buy several apartments, a communal apartment or part of a former hostel, located on the ground floor of the building. An important condition is the mandatory transfer of real estate to non-residential stock and the provision of a future mini-hotel with a separate entrance. The hostel and communal apartment, due to the initial design, will require less redevelopment costs. All design changes must be agreed with BTI.

The search for premises is now complicated by a bill seriously considered to ban mini-hotels in residential buildings. Therefore, we advise you to carefully read it, so that if it comes into force, you do not have to transfer or close the business.

Classification and registration of a mini-hotel by law

The option of creating a "gray" business in the light of new laws on the classification of hotels and other accommodation facilities, please consider invalid. Therefore, you will have to go through the registration of a legal business. So, what documents are needed to open a mini-hotel?

The step-by-step registration of a mini-hotel looks like this:

  • Registration of IP and tax registration. For this business, a simplified taxation system is suitable.
  • IN tax office registered cash register.
  • Documents for the property located in the non-residential fund or a lease agreement are provided.
  • Then passing inspections of sanitary, fire, technical safety. The result of the checks is the permission of Rospotrebnadzor to place a mini-hotel in this room.
  • Conclusion of contracts with organizations working on outsourcing (garbage disposal, Maintenance, collection, laundry services).
  • If you plan to sell alcoholic beverages, which will be a good source of additional income, you must obtain an appropriate license.

Cherry on the tart - passing the mandatory classification and entering the mini-hotel in the register of the Ministry of Culture.

Issue price

The most demanded, as we have already said, are three-star mini-hotels. However, even in the case of a luxury mini-hotel, it is worth remembering the high competition in the market. Especially among similar establishments located in the center of Moscow. Therefore, when setting prices for services, you should familiarize yourself with the price list of competitors.

The optimal balance for a new business without a client base is reduced prices with a high level of service. If an entrepreneur decides to buy a mini-hotel in Moscow, then there is an opportunity, thanks to a recognizable name and an established client base, to increase the cost of living.

Also, when opening a mini-hotel, it is necessary to take into account such a factor as the seasonality of the business. High season lasts from May to October, low - from November to April. To attract tourists in the low season, it makes sense to develop a system of discounts and bonuses.

The organization of additional sources of income is an important part of business planning. The possible options are almost unlimited. Some of them: opening a bar at a mini-hotel, organizing excursions, cooperating with taxi and food delivery services.

Catering and staff recruitment

The format of the hotel involves meals included in the cost of living, mini-hotels are quite free with this item. Basically, guests are offered breakfast, as entrepreneurs themselves report, organizing lunches and dinners does not pay off. Often, breakfast is ordered at a nearby restaurant, or is made up of products that do not require complex preparation. The maintenance of a full-fledged kitchen and a cook is unjustified.

For effective work mini-hotel enough a few administrators and maids. The mini-hotel assumes a high level of service, for which, first of all, the staff is responsible. This must be taken into account when hiring employees and organizing their work.

How to open a hotel business? The aspiring entrepreneur decided to open a small hotel or inn. Where to begin? How profitable is this business? How to choose the best option for the type of enterprise, choose the location, what documents will be needed to open it, how to get a license for such an activity? Read the answers to all these and many other questions in our article.

The regulations and approvals required to open a small hotel are an impressive list. Some procedures, such as removing the premises from the housing stock, can take up to a year.

In order to legally open your hotel from scratch, you will need the following required documents:

  1. Documents confirming the ownership of real estate;
  2. Certificate of registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur;
  3. Certificate of registration with the Federal Tax Service;
  4. Permission for redevelopment or construction;
  5. Documentary confirmation of compliance with safety standards, such as sanitary, fire, environmental and technical safety;
  6. Service agreements with contractors: these can be private security companies, accounting and legal services, cleaning, waste disposal, food delivery, utilities, and others;
  7. Documents confirming the registration of the cash register with the Federal Tax Service;
  8. Permission to .

Also, depending on the desire of the entrepreneur, the following are drawn up optional documents:

1. Certificate of conformity: needed if you want to officially confirm the "star" status. The requirements necessary for the assignment of stars can be found in the Federal Law No. 25, dated 01/25/2011;

2. Licenses for the right to trade in alcoholic products, food products, for the organization of public catering enterprises. Licensing is also required for hairdressing and dry cleaning services.

You do not need a license to open a hotel business!

Despite the mass of necessary documents for the legal implementation of the hotel business on the territory of the Russian Federation, special licensing of guest houses, motels and hostels, etc. is not provided, and anyone can open such a business.

Hotel business in Russia

Any novice entrepreneur who plans to open a private hotel in the Russian Federation, first of all, should get acquainted with the saturation of the hotel market. It does not matter what kind of hotel you plan to open: for 10, 20, 50, 100 rooms, first of all, you need to study the demand for this type of service.

Today the least in need of new hotel-type enterprises are cities such as Yekaterinburg, Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan. According to experts, this information may change over the next 5-10 years. This is due to the growth of cities and, as a result, the growth in demand for quality accommodation.

The most promising and promising for this direction are Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk and Krasnodar. The reason for this is the high rate of development of business activity in these cities, which entails an increasing influx of business travelers, creating suitable conditions for opening a private hotel here.

Types of inns and hotels

The hospitality business involves many different types of businesses. They differ in such characteristics as location, number of rooms, target audience, interior features. We will talk about options for creating such a business by small organizations or individual entrepreneurs and consider the main types of small hotels:

  • Mini Hotel;
  • Small hotel;
  • Mini-hotels of resort type in Russia: Sochi, Crimea;
  • Roadside hotel;
  • Mini-hotel in a private house;
  • Hostel.

Let's take a closer look at each of these options and highlight the main differences.

How to open a mini-hotel

A mini-hotel differs primarily in the number of rooms, which should be no more than 50 places for temporary accommodation. Each of them should preferably have its own bathroom. Let's find out how to start a business and come to a stable income.

Choosing a place for a mini-hotel

To open a small hotel, the first step is to decide on the choice of location. Business will flourish if the location of the hotel is convenient for settling in and living. We will consider an option in which an entrepreneur, wanting to open a mini-hotel in a residential building, buys apartments for further redevelopment into rooms. We will talk about how to build a profitable hotel on your own and how much it will cost in a separate chapter of this article.

When opening a hotel from scratch, it is advisable to choose the central area of ​​the city, from where it will not be difficult for guests to get to any point using public transport.

If the city has a metro, then walking distance from it will play into your hands. Pay attention to the location of the building relative to airports and train stations - this factor also often helps guests make a decision when choosing a suitable place for temporary accommodation. Many entrepreneurs prefer communal apartments or dormitories, as they hardly need redevelopment.

Should be evaluated availability and quality of shops, cafes, and shopping centers located nearby. The next moment is the building itself. It should be in good condition, the yard and entrance neat and clean - all this will later work for the image of your organization and help develop a profitable business.

Floor selection. Owners of mini-hotels often choose the first floor. This is convenient, given that you can make a separate entrance to the reception,. Guests can easily find you, and local residents will know that the hotel is located here and offer it as an option for their friends and relatives who come to visit from other cities.

Opening a mini-hotel step by step

How to open a hotel? Let's figure out what you need to know and what actions to take after the building is selected. It is time to buy apartments or rooms, depending on the type of premises. We take as a basis the purchase of two floors, with a total footage of 300 square meters. To open a hotel in a residential building, it is easiest to make such a purchase in a new or still under construction building, avoiding the resettlement procedure.

Another question that new residential buildings are rarely built in the city center, the situation is much easier with new buildings near metro stations. If you enter into shared construction, you will save money on repairs and redevelopment, but you will have to wait for the commissioning of the construction site. The purchase price of housing, in order to later open a small mini-hotel, will be approximately $340,000.

The following are the stages of paperwork for registration and redevelopment. Acquired premises must be removed from the housing stock. The transfer procedure can be found in Article 23 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. With the application and all the necessary documents, you will need to contact the local government.

This is a rather lengthy and complicated procedure.. The withdrawal may take a year or more. In each individual case, the removal of premises from the housing stock has a different cost, there is no fixed price.

At the time of filing an application for the withdrawal of apartments from the housing stock, you can submit a redevelopment project to the same body and agree on the details. The hotel project must comply with GOSTs and standards, which are described in detail in clause 11.9 of Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 508, ed. 840, Annex 1, as well as in Art. 288 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Don't forget to notify your local BTI of your activities.

All this will be needed when registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Speaking of a small hotel with 50 rooms or less, the owner usually registers his activities as an individual entrepreneur.

When registering, you must specify OKVED codes depending on the characteristics of your business: 55.1 Hotel activities; 55.11 activities of hotels with restaurants; 55.12 activities of hotels with restaurants.

After obtaining permission for redevelopment, removal of premises from the housing stock, the turn of repair and installation work comes.

If If your hotel does not provide a bathroom in each room, then the number of bathrooms and toilet rooms must comply with the standards: 1 bathroom for 10 guests.

When making repairs in a future hotel, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of fire supervision, the sanitary and epidemiological station, and the premises must also meet safety standards. Without documents confirming the compliance of the premises with the specified standards, the activities of the hotel will not be considered legal.

It is necessary to think over and competently organize power supply, water supply, ventilation and temperature control systems. If the house is new, then replacement of windows is not required. Do not forget about the doors to the rooms and the hotel itself. Redevelopment and redecoration of a mini-hotel with 20 rooms will cost about $20,000 - $30,000.

The next step is the purchase of furniture, appliances, plumbing and everything you need for room service and future guests. The minimum set for each room includes a bed, bedside tables, wardrobe, chair and table. Take into account single, double and triple rooms.

Among other things, additional furniture, equipment and accessories, such as paintings, dressing tables, mirrors, safes will be needed for rooms of the "Lux" and "Junior" classes.

It doesn’t hurt to buy a couple of washing vacuum cleaners, washing machines, clothes dryers and kitchen appliances. Let's not forget about the face of our hotel - reception equipment. The total cost of equipment costs will be about $15,000 - $20,000.

Necessary little things

Keeping in mind that the cleanliness of even the simplest and most budgetary mini-hotel is the most important component of a positive reputation, it is necessary to purchase cleaning products, detergents, laundry detergents, as well as appropriate accessories. This expense item will also include towels, disposable slippers, bed linen, blankets, pillows, bathrobes and mini-packages of shampoos, shower gels and conditioners.

You can’t do without buying bath mats, in the hallway, shower curtains (if provided by purchased plumbing), and curtains for windows. Crockery, trays, soap dishes and other little things should also not be deprived of your attention. The cost of all this will be about $ 3,000.

Staff for a mini-hotel

After the preparation of premises for temporary accommodation of guests, it is time to hire service personnel. Given the provision of such services as breakfasts in our hotel, we will need:

  1. Director - salary $ 800 / month;
  2. Administrators, 2 people - salary of $ 400 / month. each, total - $ 800 per month;
  3. Cook - salary 600 dollars. per month;
  4. Maid, 4 people - salary of $ 300 / month; each, total - $ 600 / month.

Don't forget about an agreement with a private security company - $ 175 / month, and accounting services - $ 300 / month.

After all the stages of preparation are completed, you can finally open a mini-hotel for guests.

How to open your own small hotel

A small hotel differs from a mini-hotel mainly in terms of rooms. If it includes up to 50 rooms, then a small hotel is a hotel business with up to 100 rooms.

Accordingly, the cost of purchasing premises, repair and installation work, furniture and equipment, as well as the work of maintenance personnel will increase in proportion to the number of rooms by which the number of rooms will be increased.

Mini-hotels of resort type in Russia

Hotels in Russian resort cities are very popular among Russians and not only.

The hotel business on the Black Sea is gaining momentum and for good reason: the profitability of such an enterprise will not be long in coming. The features of such a business are, first of all, in the target audience for which the place for temporary residence is designed.

If you decide to open a mini-hotel on the sea, then it will be necessary to equip your hotel with a swimming pool, a bar and a grill area. For vacationers with children, the presence of a playground, high chairs, cots for babies and a trampoline will help to give preference to you.

If you are focusing on business guests, then these amenities are not required, but the rooms must be equipped with desks and lamps for work, and it is also necessary to include such a service as Wi-Fi.

How to open a mini-hotel in Crimea

Today, every year there are more and more vacationers in Crimea, especially among our compatriots. This is due to the lack of need to issue a passport and visa. In this regard, the city is developing, infrastructure is growing, new shops, cafes and shopping centers are being built.

Hotel business in Crimea is gaining momentum, tourism is booming, and holidays here are considered a relatively budget option. Last year, more than 4 million guests visited Crimea from January to August. Summer here lasts about 5 months. Such numbers promise stable demand for small hotel business owners, which means quick profits.

Choosing a location for your future business will not be difficult if you know exactly what you want to get as a result and how much money you are ready to invest. The most popular among the guests of the Crimea are the cities of Yalta, Evpatoria and Feodosia.

The most well-groomed, including sandy beaches are located there, infrastructure and services are better developed. Prices for everything here are significantly higher, including hotel rooms.

Competition in these cities is high, hotels are presented in a variety of options, real estate prices are also an order of magnitude higher than, for example, in Sevastopol and Simferopol.

So, for example, in Yalta, a plot of 15 acres overlooking the sea, will cost an average of $ 265,000 - $ 270,000. The construction of a small hotel with a total area of ​​170 sq.m will cost around $52,000. A similar plot in Sevastopol, also by the sea, costs $88,000 - $93,000.

Construction of a small hotel within the same 170 sq.m. — $52,000. Simferopol is not recommended as an option for creating a resort hotel, since this city does not have access to the sea, but it is well suited for those who flew to Crimea for work. The cost of real estate here is about the same as in Sevastopol.

If we talk about buying ready-made premises for restructuring into a mini-hotel, then the prices also differ by 2-3 times. There are also options for ready-made hotels. For example, a hotel with an area of ​​230 sq.m. on the seashore in Yalta, with furniture and everything you need, costs $450,000. A small hotel in Sevastopol, with an area of ​​200 sq.m. with a pool, furniture and everything you need, can cost $ 160,000. It should be noted that there are many offers on the real estate market for the sale of unfinished hotels with a finished layout and a laid foundation.

If you decide to opt for a small city of Crimea, which is less popular among tourists, pay attention to the nearby beaches. Often the beaches in such cities are not ennobled and are not suitable for a good rest. This circumstance can leave a negative impression and affect the reputation of the hotel in the future.

How to open a mini-hotel in Sochi

For holidays in Russia, the resort town on the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory is no less popular than the Crimea, but it should be remembered: the beaches here are mostly pebbly, and the season suitable for recreation lasts less than three months. All these circumstances only prolong the payback period of a small hotel in a given resort town.

Ready-made hotel in Sochi, 180 sq.m. will cost around $250,000, depending on the condition of the hotel and its location relative to the sea. Land for construction, area. 15 sq.m., not far from the sea, will cost about $100,000.

Choosing an area in the resort area- central or outskirts, remember that tourists often choose the center with a view, and those who come to the city for work, in order to save money, prefer rooms on the outskirts of the city.

How to open a roadside inn

A roadside hotel, also known as a motel (motor hotel), is designed for truckers and tourists traveling "savages", that is, on their own by car, without a ticket. The demand for motels is impressive, the competition in this area of ​​business is extremely small, and in some regions of Russia it is completely absent. With the right choice of location, the profitability of such an enterprise will be guaranteed.

The choice of a place comes down to an analysis of the congestion and length of those Russian highways that unite large cities. To open a motel, the distance between large settlements should be at least 4,000 - 5,000 km. The trucker's journey in this case will be about 3 days, which means that he cannot do without an overnight stay.

Located on the highway, the motel will be a great option for a hearty dinner and a good night's sleep.

If the cost of a night in such a motel is acceptable, and the rooms are clean - your company will enjoy enviable popularity.

When building a roadside hotel, special attention should be paid to the parking lot. If the parking is fenced and with a security post, then this will attract even more customers to you. A separate entrance to the room, parking windows for the comfort of guests and the opportunity to have a quick bite to eat - this is the secret of a successful motel. The rooms should have a minimum of everything you need, this meets the needs of guests and makes temporary accommodation more affordable.

How much does it cost to open a small motel?

There are 2 options: buying an already finished object, or building from scratch. Depending on the region, buying a small hotel will cost from $30,000 to $53,000.

The construction of a new motel (300 square meters) is more expensive - about $60,000 -80,000.

Plus, for repairs, the purchase of furniture, plumbing and everything you need, you will need an average of $ 16,000. Speaking of profit, such a hotel with 20-25 rooms will bring up to $9,000 per month.

Mini-hotel in a private house

Usually, such hotels have 6 - 8 rooms, the owners of the house live in a separate private room or in a small house on the site. As a rule, such hotels do without the involvement of additional staff and business owners do their own cleaning, breakfast preparation and laundry. This option is very popular among budget tourists in the resort cities of Russia, since, as a rule, they are located near the sea, and the rooms are attracted by very low prices.

Guest houses are distinguished by comfort, home-cooked food and the absence of a large number of guests. If the rooms are well equipped, and the owners provide everything necessary for living, then such a hotel brings its owners a good income.

The disadvantage of such an enterprise is seasonality. Cities - resorts in Russia cannot boast of a swimming season all year round, which means that guests in a private mini - hotel will appear only a few warm months a year.

How to open a hostel

Things to consider before you start. The hostel has a slightly different target audience. The hostel consists of several large rooms with beds, usually bunk beds. Shared bathroom, kitchen and lack of personal space makes a bed in a hostel cheap, and therefore attractive for students and those who prefer saving on accommodation over additional amenities.

The opening of such a hotel enterprise differs from the opening of a mini-hotel already at the stage of choosing a room for a hostel. The future business owner is looking for premises with a larger area, does not aim to equip bathrooms in every room. Often, for these purposes, options for non-residential premises are considered.

Speaking of bathrooms, then hostels should have at least 1 toilet and 1 shower for 15 people. If there are many guests, then it is advisable to separate the bathrooms for women and men.

When creating a hostel layout project, a separate room is allocated for a bedroom, according to the standards, at least 4 meters for one single or bunk bed. One room for the kitchen, and one room with a TV, books and sofas. The rest room and the kitchen are often combined into one, in order to save space and budget.

In general, the difference between a hostel and a mini-hotel, in addition to the layout, is significantly lower in the cost of furniture and appliances, but the cost of one bed is 2-3 times cheaper compared to a room in a full-fledged hotel.

How much does it cost to build a hotel yourself

The answer to the question of how much it costs to open a hotel or mini-hotel depends on the following factors:

  • Location. In the city or outside the city? In the resort area or is it a business in the capital? In a developed metropolis or in a small but developing city? All this significantly affects the cost of land and construction of the facility;
  • Room fund;
  • Type of hotel business: Hotel, hostel, motel, mini-hotel, guest house, etc.
  • Star level of the future object;
  • The presence or absence of a bar, swimming pool, gym, elevator, SPA and other comfort elements on the territory of the hotel.

Answering the question of how much money will be required to invest in order to open a small hotel, we will take as a basis a hotel enterprise with 12 rooms, a total area of ​​300 sq.m., without subsequent assignment of stars, which will be located, for example, in Novosibirsk. The cost of building a turnkey hotel will be the following figures:

  1. Purchase of a plot in the Oktyabrsky district of Novosibirsk, closer to the central district, 9 acres - $ 70,000;
  2. Design and coordination of the project of the construction site with local authorities - $ 4,000;
  3. Purchase of building material - $ 20,500;
  4. Construction and installation works, laying of communications + finishing - $ 20,000;

In total, to build your own small hotel you need$115,000. This is the cost, taking into account the fact that we use materials of the middle price segment (+ skilled workers). If you use the most inexpensive materials, then a small turnkey hotel for $ 55,000.

Hotel business plan, profitability

Calculate how much you need to invest and the final profitability of the hotel. For example, let's take the figures from the previous chapter on the cost of building a mini-hotel in Novosibirsk and make calculations: how much does it cost to open a hotel or mini-hotel. To calculate taxes, let's take the simplified tax system income minus expenses for individual entrepreneurs.


  • Finished hotel building - $115,000;
  • Purchase of necessary furniture, textiles, plumbing and equipment - $ 90,000;
  • Site design, fencing, parking, LED sign - $ 8,700;
  • – 800$.

In total, opening your own business will cost: $220,000.

Monthly costs:

– Salary to employees + outsourcing services – $3500;
Purchase of consumables - $ 200;
- Utilities - $ 300.

Total: $4000/month


We will calculate the profit based on the constant occupancy of the number of rooms in 80%
The average cost of living is $ 30 / day.
Total total profit will be $9,000/month, and net 5000 dollars.

Return on hotel business:

According to calculations, excluding income tax, it will pay for itself in 2.5 years. The net profit of the hotel will be $5000/month. Income tax for this period will be about $ 29,500, which will extend the payback period by another 5 months. Also, during this period, from time to time it will be required to repair and replace elements of furniture and equipment, which will entail the need to invest in the business all new funds. Summing up, we can conclude that a successful business in the field of hotel service will pay off in an average of 2-3 years.

The hotel business has many pitfalls and subtleties. Here is what experienced hotel owners in Russia advise:

It requires considerable investments, and its payback period will be at least 3 years. Despite this, your own hotel will be a profitable investment, as it will provide you with a stable income for many years to come.

One of the most sought after and interesting ideas business is the opening of a mini hotel. But to implement this idea, you need to know a lot about creating this type of business. We will tell you about all this in the article and point out all the charms and difficulties that you will encounter during the development of the hotel business.

The hotel business is prestigious and always attracts investors. And this is an ideal option if you have an idea, but there are no funds to implement it, because this type of business pays off quickly enough.

What documents are needed to open a hotel

So, let's begin. You have an idea to open your own mini-hotel. First of all, you need to prepare a package of documents, register your business in order to remain an honest citizen and conduct business in accordance with laws and regulations. Main list of documents:

  • if you are the owner of the premises, you will need a document that confirms your ownership;
  • if you are planning to rent a room, then you will need a document that will indicate that you are really a tenant;
  • to open your business from scratch, you will need to issue entity or IP;
  • since you will be dealing with people, there will not be many instances here: first of all, you will need to obtain a conclusion from fire, sanitary, environmental, technical safety;
  • business implies the introduction of various paperwork - these are all legal aspects, as well as accounting, cash transactions, so you will need to conclude agreements that will confirm the existence of work with counterparties such as lawyers, economists, accountants;
  • advertising permission is an important point that is often forgotten by aspiring entrepreneurs.

License to open a hotel business

After reviewing the list of documents, the question immediately arises: “What about the license?”. According to the law of the Russian Federation, a license to open a hotel business is not needed, everyone can open a mini-hotel, if only he has enough funds, knowledge, competence and skills to help him organize all the necessary measures.

Types of inns and hotels

And so, you still decided that this is exactly what you dreamed about - to open your own mini hotel. In order to simplify your work, let's look at the main classification types of the hotel business:

  • classic mini-hotel;
  • small hotel;
  • resort-type mini-hotels;
  • roadside hotel or motel;
  • mini-hotel, which is located in a private house;
  • one of the most popular is the hostel.

How to open a mini hotel

First of all, you, as a novice entrepreneur, need to understand that a mini hotel differs from ordinary or large hotel complexes in the number of rooms, the type of rooms, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe rooms, and the amenities in the rooms.

There are several types of rooms and organization of the layout of the mini-hotel. It can be made according to the type of hostel (one room for 6, 8, 12 or more beds can be either of a general type or divided by gender) and hotel rooms, which provide for the availability of amenities in each room. True, it can also be done according to the type of family apartments, where the bathroom is shared by several rooms.

Choosing a place for a mini hotel

Considering the variations of the locations of your mini hotel as a business, you should proceed from the fact that it should be convenient for your guests to get to it. First of all, look at the distance to the nearest railway stations, airports, stations. Most guests choose hotels directly with these places because it is convenient.

If you want to focus on proximity to the center of attractions, then you should choose a hotel in the old part of your city, such mini hotels are in great demand among tourists.

Very popular are mini hotels within walking distance to the subway, if there is one in your city.

Opening a mini hotel step by step

Below is step-by-step instruction creating a mini hotel as a business:

  1. Room selection. You should decide which type suits you - buying real estate or renting premises. In both cases, if this is a residential building, you should take care of the neighbors - whether they will mind if there is a mini hotel next to them. Believe me, this is important so that in the future there will be no problems with this.
  2. To open a hotel in a residential building, it is easiest to buy premises in a new or unfinished building, then you will avoid the resettlement procedure. The following are the stages of paperwork for registration and redevelopment. The premises that you acquire will need to be removed from the housing stock.
  3. When creating a project, you will need to confirm that your premises comply with all GOSTs, standards, and regulations that are prescribed in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
  4. When making repairs, first of all, agree on all the precautionary standards that are necessary for the fire inspection and the sanitary and epidemiological station you have taken into account with the designer. If there are any controversial points, it is worth correcting them at the time of planning. The replanning procedure at the time of registration with the chief architect of the city or district can add a lot of trouble. Better to minimize the risks.
  5. When designing your hotel as a business important point will be the number of rooms. If it does not exceed 50, then they usually register their activities as an individual entrepreneur. In other cases already LLC. In order to understand the procedure for registration, contact the tax office, where there are samples for filling out all documents. If you do not have time for this procedure, a specially trained person can issue an IP or LLC for you. This procedure is provided by both consulting agencies and those involved in outsourcing.
  6. The next step is to purchase the necessary furniture and other household appliances. Here you need to approach responsibly and plan how many and what kind of rooms you will have in your mini hotel. The standard set is bedside tables, beds, a wardrobe, a table, chairs, a dressing table, etc.

Necessary little things

A responsible owner of a mini hotel will always take care of the comfort of his guests, so do not forget about important details. Curtains in the bathroom, napkins, bedside lamps, slippers, bathrobes and other little things create a feeling of comfort and care for guests. It is always a pleasure to return to this hotel.

Staff for mini hotels

One of the most important moments is the selection of personnel. Many owners make a terrible mistake - they create excellent living conditions, but do not attach much importance to how well and responsibly they approached the recruitment.

Practice shows that personnel should have the following set of qualities:

  • responsibility;
  • tolerance;
  • punctuality;
  • literacy of speech;
  • neat look;
  • performance;
  • decency.

Given these factors, it will be necessary to hire:

  1. directors - an average salary of $ 800 per month;
  2. administrators - there must be two of them. Average salary $500 per month;
  3. cook - average salary $ 600 per month;
  4. maids - it is best to take 4 people. The average salary is $300 per month;
  5. a security guard or to conclude an agreement with a security agency - the average cost per month is around $ 200.
  6. Accounting and all legal services can be provided to you by a private person or a consulting agency. The cost of this service will cost you about $ 300 per month.

Work organization

The organization of the work of a mini hotel is the correct distribution of responsibilities between your staff. To do this, you need a director who will directly control the delegation of authority to all other employees. You also need to calculate the number of staff that is needed to service your mini hotel.


IN modern world very big role should be given directly to marketing. Proper marketing is already more than 50% of success. How to successfully create marketing strategy? Based on facts and statistics, more than 80% of potential guests of mini hotels are looking for accommodation on the Internet.
You need to research the market and be sure to create pages and ads on popular pages like Booking, Oktogo. It is also worth placing ads on Yandex, on Google.

Do not forget that you can use the services of the media or distribute leaflets in the most crowded places - this is near the metro, in shopping malls, near bus stations and train stations, and you can also agree to leave business cards in various cafes.

One of the most popular is. Popular are Vkontakte, Instagram. We advise you to try to monitor famous bloggers and their statistics. Perhaps one advertising publication will give more results than a month of handing out leaflets.

Possible risks

The greater the risk, the higher the probability of earning. This is one of the laws of economics. No business will bring profit if it does not have risks. Therefore, in order to be ready for anything, you should also familiarize yourself with the list of risks that you may encounter during the opening of your mini hotel. The main risks that an entrepreneur may face:

  1. Lack of clients.
  2. Rising prices for utilities.
  3. High equipment costs.
  4. Great competition in the market.
  5. High labor costs.

Important points in the arrangement of the hotel

Creating a mini hotel as a business has a lot of nuances that will create the atmosphere of a home and that visitors often notice. Points that should be given more attention and control in the arrangement and further maintenance of your mini hotel in order:

  • is the presence drinking water. This directly applies to both the presence of water in the rooms and in the hall. Usually put a cooler, it simplifies the task.
  • this is the cleanliness of the rooms and the main reception, as well as all corridors and closets. An important rule is order everywhere and always. Do not think that only rooms for rent should be clean. It's a delusion. Absolutely the entire hotel must be in perfect order.
  • this is the serviceability of fire equipment - not only is this a safety measure that is necessary for your residents, staff and yourself, but constant monitoring will protect you from possible fines from the fire inspectorate.
  • it is the serviceability and storage in a clean and orderly manner of all means for cleaning and maintaining your premises. Let your staff know that cleanliness is the golden rule.
  • it is the tidiness of your staff. The staff of your mini hotel is your business card.
  • this and spotlessly clean towels, bedding and other accessories for hygiene and comfort.

Where to look for clients and how quickly a mini hotel will pay off

Let's take a closer look at where to look for customers and what methods you can use to attract an audience. It is worth noting that the important point is to create your own website. You can contact a private office that is engaged in the professional creation of sites. But before that, think about what you would like to see on your site, what it should be like, and what information should be posted.

It is also worth thinking about creating Email your mini hotel, this is really important. You can also attract customers with the help of various promotions for numbers or Additional services. For example, free breakfast when booking a room for more than 5 days. Why not? This is a nice bonus, and besides, it will be an advantage in choosing a hotel or room type over competitors in the hotel business.

When will the mini hotel pay off?

In order to answer this question, it is worth summing up the main cost items when creating a mini hotel:

  1. The purchase price of living space for the creation of a mini hotel will be approximately $ 340,000.
  2. Remodeling a space, creating a plan for your hotel, and redecorating up to 20 rooms will cost at least $20,000-$30,000.
  3. As we have already said, the rooms must be equipped with all necessary appliances, as well as furniture, which in total will cost the hotel no less than 15,000 - 20,000 dollars.
  4. We strongly recommended that you take care of the little things. The total costs that the hotel will incur in the amount of 2,000 - 3,000 dollars.
  5. Labor costs, outsourcing services provided, as well as additional expenses and payment of utility bills will be at least $ 4,000 per month for your mini hotel.

Thus, we have summed up the costs that you will incur when creating your mini hotel as a business from scratch. Now let's calculate how much profit you will receive from it.

Assume that on average a hotel will be 80% occupied for the most part. Thus, the estimated cost of living per day will be 30 dollars. For the month, the total total profit will be $9,000, and the net profit, including all costs, will be $5,000.

Thus, based on the calculations of long-term costs and profits, we can draw the following conclusion: a mini-hotel, as a business that you create from scratch, will pay for itself in 2.5 years (but this is without income tax).

If you take into account income tax, then on average you will have to pay, based on our calculations, somewhere around $ 29,500 per year, which in turn will extend the payback of the business by another 5 months.

In total, the mini hotel will pay off in 2-3 years after its opening. This is a good result of the return on investment in starting your own business. Because, on average, statistics show that hotels often pay off within 5-6 years, but renting under office rooms Generally up to 15 years of age.

Features of the hotel business

It is worth noting that the hotel business is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. It has many of its pitfalls and features that are well worth exploring.

Demand for mini hotels often depends on the season. However, the season may vary depending on the location of your mini hotel. If this is a resort seaside town, then your season will be in the warm season, and in winter the demand will be clearly less. The situation is opposite with skiing.

If you decide to open a hotel in a big city, then seasonality plays a lesser role. A large flow of people is always inherent in capitals and megacities. These are visiting people on business trips, these are just workers (if you opened a hostel), these are incoming students and just tourists who want to get acquainted with the sights of your area.

There are many loopholes and ways to save money in the hotel business. It is not necessary to buy the most expensive products and towels, a high price does not mean quality, you can agree with suppliers that you will buy regularly and in bulk, and in return they will give you a discount.

You can also arrange, for example, with a nearby cafe to prepare breakfast for your guests. In this way, you save on equipment costs, as well as on part costs. utilities and you won't need a chef. It is worth considering this option, perhaps it will be more suitable for your mini hotel.

The relevance of the idea

The relevance of this case lies in the fact that the hotel business is a prestigious, promising and profitable business, which many entrepreneurs consider very profitable. In addition, this is the dream of many people. So why not implement it? Hotels have always been, are and will be in demand among the population, since there is a need for a place to stay for any type of travel.

Evaluation of business ideas pros and cons

Considering the pros and cons of opening a mini hotel, it is important to consider all of the above factors. Thus, it can be summed up.

  1. Promising, prestigious, profitable business idea.
  2. If you are a building owner, this option is very beneficial for renting out your space.
  3. Great demand in the market. People will always rent housing.
  4. There are many different tricks in the hotel business that can help you save money.
  1. If you buy a room, you immediately incur large costs. It also increases the payback period of the business.
  2. Like any other business, opening a mini-hotel has certain risks.
  3. Since demand generates supply, there is quite a lot of competition in the real estate rental market.
  4. There is a risk of poor organization of the work of the hotel itself. This will already depend directly on you and your staff and will speak about the competence of employees.

There are risks, just like in any other business. But, they can be minimized if you correctly approach the compilation, calculate the initial costs.

Have you decided to start your own hotel business? This is a fairly promising and profitable business, which, with the right organization, will quickly pay off. The main thing is to choose a place where to open a hotel and advertise it correctly. The best option for beginners is a classic mini-hotel with 10-15 rooms. It is not difficult to open it, and with the right approach, it brings profit no less than a traditional hotel.

Studying the market

Thinking about how to open a mini hotel? First of all, study the existing market. Where should you open a hotel? where it will be in demand. These are resort towns, large metropolitan areas, popular tourist settlements. Think about who will be staying in your rooms. Students and young people usually choose hostels - they are satisfied low price and common rooms.

A mini-hotel is an ideal choice for a novice entrepreneur

Mini-hotels are used by people aged 23 to 65 who prefer to live in a separate room. Mini-hotels are also popular with couples, couples with children and business travelers. Think about which of this target audience can become your client.

Note: make a portrait of your consumer, having calculated his age, income level, the services he needs. Based on this, you will be able to build a future hotel promotion strategy.

Then do competitor analysis. Your city probably already has hotels and mini-hotels, since this business brings good money. Find out what kind of room stock they offer, what price range and what additional services. Find out about room occupancy, opening hours, etc.

Then find the market leaders. It is they who set the tone for the entire hotel business in the city, shape the habits of guests and probably know how to dump. You will need to adjust to the leaders, while offering your visitors more Better conditions for less money. Or at least the same conditions.

What format to open

If you do not have serious experience in the hotel business and a huge start-up capital, then the easiest way is to open in the mini-hotel format. This is a small hotel, which consists of a maximum of 30 rooms. Similar mini-hotels are located near the main key infrastructure facilities:

  • bus stations;
  • railway stations;
  • metro stations;
  • road junctions;
  • downtown;
  • close to popular attractions;
  • near gas stations or along highways.

A mini-hotel can be built or rented

A mini-hotel implies the presence of a shared kitchen and microwave in each room, several showers and bathrooms. In some cases, showers can be installed right in the rooms. A prerequisite Today is the availability of high-speed Wi-Fi Internet in the hotel. It would also be useful to have a convenient parking nearby, but this is an optional option.

Production plan

Let's look at what it takes to open a hotel with 20 rooms. This is a classic size for a mini-hotel. The numbers should be divided as follows:

  1. 3 deluxe rooms. Here it is necessary to make high-quality repairs, equip your own bathrooms, install all the necessary furniture in the rooms and household appliances, create kitchenettes.
  2. 13 rooms under classic double rooms. Moreover, make 7 rooms with two single beds, 6 with double beds.
  3. Allocate 4 rooms for single rooms.

Read also: Pancake business plan: how to open, where to start

You will also need to equip a full-fledged kitchen for cooking, supplying it with utensils and household appliances, as well as create a comfortable bathroom for several people. In addition, the mini-hotel should have a reception desk with an administrator, technical rooms for storing washing supplies and linen, a boiler room and a separate room for washing and ironing.

Furniture in the hotel should not be chosen the cheapest. It is advisable to install beds with metal frames, wardrobes with strong doors on several hinges, cover the floor with industrial linoleum or “office” laminate.

Additionally, the mini-hotel can be equipped with a small bar and a gym. This will allow you to significantly expand your reach of customers and bring in additional funds.

Financial plan

There are two options for the development of events:

  1. Find a suitable size room and rent it.
  2. Build a hotel from scratch.

Of course, the first option will require less initial costs, but you will give a solid amount every month, reducing your own income. The second option would require serious investments, but in the end you will have your own building in convenient location, which can later be sold or rented out if you get tired of doing business.

Building your own building takes about two years. The expected investment amounts are as follows:

  1. Obtaining permits, research and design work- 1 million rubles.
  2. Construction of the building, finishing - 10 million rubles.
  3. Landscaping of the surrounding area, creation of own parking - 1 million rubles.
  4. Purchase of furniture and equipment - 5 million rubles.
  5. Other expenses - 1 million rubles.

In total, building your own facility will cost you about 18 million rubles.

A year of hotel operation costs about 4.5 million rubles, of which:

  1. taxes, wage— 2.5 million.
  2. Utilities, operating expenses, purchase of linen, washing supplies, etc. - 1.5 million.
  3. Other expenses - 0.5 million.

The expected profit from the hotel is about 7.5 million rubles. Rooms with an average cost of 1000 rubles per day will bring you: 1000 * 20 * 30 = 600,000 per month or 7,200,000 per year when fully loaded (in practice, this figure is 10% less, since it is not possible to ensure 100% occupancy of rooms all year round quite simple). With the right organization, you will receive 6,500,000 million from the rooms and about a million more rubles from the bar - gym. Net profit will be 7,500,000 - 4,500,000 = 3,000,000 rubles per year.

Note: our 3 million does not include the rent for the building. If you build your own, then these 3 million will be your net profit. If you rent it, then about 1.5-2 million more will need to be paid for rent.

It turns out that building a hotel from scratch will pay off in 5-6 years. A rental building with an income of 1 million a year will pay off in 5 years. Therefore, building your own is much more profitable. Or look for options with a mortgage - it is better to pay off the debt for your building than just give money for rent.

In a mini-hotel, the administrator can act as a security guard

Work organization

Do you want to learn how to open a hotel from scratch? The first thing you should do is register. We recommend that you form an LLC and work according to a simplified taxation scheme. You can, of course, make an IP, but in this case you risk more serious fines and liability.