For the production of shoes among the developed. Discipline lecture course

Option 2

1. Match:

Culture Leading country

1. Peanuts. A. India

2. Coffee. B. Bangladesh

3. Jute. B. Brazil

4. Corn. G. USA

2. The main importer of grain in the world market is:


2. Japan.

3. Russia.

4. China.

3. Match:

Type of vegetables and fruits Leading country

1. Bananas. A. USA

2. Grapes. B. China

Z. Luk. B. Brazil

4. Tomatoes. D. Italy

4. plantation economy with a specialization in coffee, sugarcane, fruits, the most common:

1. In North Africa.

2. In Southeast Asia.

3. In Northern Australia.

4. In Central America and the West Indies.

5. Set match:

Pet species Leading country

1. Large cattle. A. Russia.

2. Pigs B. Australia.

3. Sheep B. India.

4. Reindeer G. China.

6. The first two places in terms of catching fish in the world are occupied by:

1. USA and Russia.

2. Russia and Japan.

3. Japan and China.

4. China and the USA.

7. Arrange the types of transport in descending order of cargo turnover:

1. Railway.

2. Automobile.

3. Pipeline.

4. Marine.

8. Match:

Mode of transport ranked first

by cargo turnover. The country

1. Railway. A. USA

2. Automobile. B. Russia

3. Pipeline V. Japan

4. Marine G. Afghanistan

9 . Length railways in Germany:

1. More than USA and Japan.

2. More than in the US, but less than in Japan.

3. More than in Japan, but less than in the US.

4. Less than in the US and Japan.

10. The leading aviation power in the world is:


2. Japan.

3. Russia.

4. Australia.

11. The largest share of the cargo turnover of maritime transport falls on:

1. For oil and oil products.

2. For coal.

3. For grain.

4. For iron ore.

12. Three largest (by cargo turnover) seaports Europe:

1. London, Hamburg, Marseille.

2. Rotterdam, Antwerp, Marseille.

3. Rotterdam, London, Genoa.

4. Antwerp, Marseille, Genoa.

13. Find an error in the list of capital export regions:

1. Countries of Western Europe.

2. USA and Canada.

3. Countries of the Gulf of Guinea.

4. The countries of the Persian Gulf.

14. The main regions of international tourism are:

1. Countries of Western Europe.

2. USA and Canada.

3. Countries of East Asia.

4. African countries.

15. What trend in the location of ferrous metallurgy has an increasing impact on its geography?

1. focus on hard coal

2. Orientation to deposits iron ore

3. moving to cargo flows of coal and iron ore

4. attraction to the consumer

16. What industry is moving from developed to developing countries for environmental reasons?

1. mechanical engineering 2. woodworking

3. chemical industry 4. textile industry

17. Name the three main crops of the modern world.

1. barley, millet, sorghum 2. wheat, rice, corn

3. oats, rye, barley 4. rye, chumiza, spelt

18. What type of country is characterized by a high share of livestock in the structure of agriculture?

1. developed countries 2. developing countries

3. transition countries 4. G7 countries

19. What factor contributes to the movement of the textile and clothing industry to developing countries?

1. ecological 2. transport

3. approaching the consumer 4. focus on cheap labor

20. The totality of the national economies of the countries of the world and the economic relations between them are called ... (Complete the sentence)

1. international geographical division of labor

2. world economy

3. economic integration

4. economic ties


Option 1

1. Set match:

Leading countries Products.

1. Russia, USA, Canada. A. Coal.

2. Saudi Arabia, USA, Russia. B. Oil.

3. USA, Japan, Russia. B. Natural gas.

4. China, USA, Germany. D. Electricity.

2. Match:

Direction of the largest cargo flows Products.

1. Russia - Western Europe. A. Coal.

2. Persian Gulf - Western Europe. B. Oil.

Z.Australia - Japan. B. Natural gas.

3. Match:

Countries Type of power plants

1. Canada, Kyrgyzstan, Brazil. A. Mainly TPPs

2. France, Belgium, Lithuania. B. Mostly hydroelectric

3. Germany, Ukraine, Japan. B. Mostly nuclear power plants

4. Mongolia, Ireland, Belarus. D. Only TPPs

4. The leading iron ore mining countries are:

1. USA, Russia, Canada.

2. China, Brazil, Australia.

3. China, USA, Russia.

4. Canada, Brazil, Australia.

5. The main exporter of steel and rolled products in the world is:

1.USA. 2. Japan. 3. Russia. 4. China.

6. Match:

Leading countries in the production of Metal.

1.USA, Chile, Japan. A. Aluminum

2. Canada, Australia, Russia. B. Copper

3. Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand. V. Tin

4. USA, Russia, Canada. G. Nickel

7. Set match:

The main factor in the location of enterprises Metal.

1. Raw materials (deposit). A. Metal aluminum

2. Consumer. B. Blister copper

3. Energy (electricity). B. Cast iron and steel

4. Transport (cargo flows). G. Rolled steel

8. Match:

Mechanical engineering sub-sector The main factor in the location of enterprises

1.Instrument making A. Proximity of ferrous metallurgy enterprise.

2. Agricultural. B. Proximity of scientific and technical centers.

3. Severe B. Availability of labor resources.

4. Electronic G. Proximity of product consumers.

9. Set match:

Specialization Country

1. Electronics and electrical engineering. A. Hungary

2. Watches and machines. B. Netherlands

3. Cars and aircraft. V. Switzerland

4. Buses. G. Sweden

10. Match:

Products Leading country

1. Ship. A. USA

2. Cars. B. Japan

3. TVs. To China

4. Computers.

11. The volume of exports of cars from the USA:

1. More than from Japan and Germany.

2. More than from Japan, but less than from Germany.

3. More than from Germany, but less than from Japan.

4. Less than from Japan and Germany.

12. The main centers of the automotive industry in Europe are:

1. Birmingham, Wolfsburg, Detroit.

2. Paris, Munich, Zaporozhye.

3. Madrid, Turin, Kyiv.

4. London, Berlin, Athens.

13. Find an error in the list of major automotive centers:

1. Detroit.

2. Nagoya.

3. Turin.

4. Berlin.

14. Leading in the export of phosphorites:

1. USA.

2. Brazil.

3. Morocco.

4. Madagascar.

15. Leading in the production of mineral fertilizers:


2. Japan.

3. Russia.

4. India.

16. The first place in the world in the export of forest products is occupied by:

1. Russia.

2. Brazil.

3. USA.

4. Canada.

1 7. India produces fabrics:

1. More than China and USA.

2. Bigger than China, but smaller than the US.

3. Bigger than the US, but smaller than China.

4. Less than China and USA.

18. In the production of shoes among developed countries, the leader is:

1. Italy. 2. Spain. 3. USA. 4. Japan.

19. "Green Revolution"- this...

1. Distribution in the world of the environmental movement.

2. Fight for reforestation.

3. Implementation in crop production progressive technologies.

4. Transition of animal husbandry to natural feed.

20. Match:

Leading countries Culture

1. Russia, Poland, China. A. Rees

2. Brazil, India, Cuba. B. Potato

1 option.
1. Match:
Leading countries Products.
1. Russia, USA, Canada. A. Coal.
2. Saudi Arabia, USA, Russia. B. Oil.
3. USA, Japan, Russia. B. Natural gas.
4. China, USA, Germany. D. Electricity.

2. Match:
Direction of the largest cargo flows Products.
1. Russia - Western Europe. A. Coal.
2. Persian Gulf - Western Europe. B. Oil.
Z.Australia - Japan. B. Natural gas.

3. Match:
Countries - Type of power plants
1. Canada, Kyrgyzstan, Brazil. A. Mainly TPPs
2. France, Belgium, Lithuania. B. Mostly hydroelectric
3. Germany, Ukraine, Japan. B. Mostly nuclear power plants
4. Mongolia, Ireland, Belarus. D. Only TPPs

4. The leading iron ore mining countries are:
1. USA, Russia, Canada.
2. China, Brazil, Australia.
3. China, USA, Russia.
4. Canada, Brazil, Australia.

5. The main exporter of steel and rolled products in the world is:
1.USA. 2. Japan. 3. Russia. 4. China.

6. Match:
Leading Metal Producing Countries:
1.USA, Chile, Japan. A. Aluminum
2. Canada, Australia, Russia. B. Copper
3. Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand. V. Tin
4. USA, Russia, Canada. G. Nickel

7. Set match:
Specialization Country
1. Electronics and electrical engineering. A. Hungary
2. Watches and machines. B. Netherlands
3. Cars and aircraft. B. Switzerland
4. Buses. G. Sweden

8. Match:
Products Leading country
1. Ship. A. USA
2. Cars. B. Japan
3. TVs. To China
4. Computers.

9. The first place in the world in the export of forest products is occupied by:
1. Russia.
2. Brazil.
3. USA.
4. Canada.

10. In the production of shoes among developed countries, the leader is:
1. Italy. 2. Spain. 3. USA. 4. Japan.

11. The "Green Revolution" is...
1. Distribution in the world of the environmental movement.
2. Fight for reforestation.
3. Implementation of advanced technologies in crop production.
4. Transition of animal husbandry to natural feed.

12. Match:
Leading countries Culture
1. Russia, Poland, China. A. Rees
2. Brazil, India, Cuba. B. Potato
3. China, India, Indonesia. B. Sugarcane
4. China, USA, India. G. Cotton plant


Option 2.

1. Match:
Leading countries Products
1) Russia, USA, Canada A. Coal
2) Saudi Arabia, USA, Russia. B. Oil.
3) USA, Japan, Russia. B. Natural gas.
4) China, USA, Germany. D. Electricity.

2. The leading iron ore mining countries are:
1) USA, Russia, Canada. 2) China, Brazil, Australia. 3) China, USA, Russia.
4) Canada, Brazil, Australia.

3. The main exporter of steel and rolled products in the world is:

4. Match:
Specialization Country
1) Electronics and electrical engineering. A. Hungary.
2) Watches and machine tools. B. Netherlands.
3) Cars and planes. V. Switzerland.
4) Buses. G. Sweden.

5. Match:
Products Leading country
1) Ships. A. USA.
2) Cars. B. Japan
3) TVs. To China.
4) Computers.

6. The first place in the world in the export of forest products is occupied by:
1) Russia. 2) Brazil. 3) USA. 4) Canada.

7. In the production of shoes among developed countries, the leader is:
1) Italy. 2) Spain. 3) USA. 4) Japan.

8. The "Green Revolution" is...
1) The spread of the environmental movement in the world.
2) Struggle for reforestation.
3) Introduction of progressive technologies into crop production.
4) Transition of animal husbandry to natural feed

9. The main importer of grain in the world market is:
1) USA. 2) Japan. 3) Russia. 4) China.

10. Plantation farming with a specialization in coffee, sugar cane, fruits is the most common:

1) In North Africa.
2) In Southeast Asia.
3) In Northern Australia.
4) In Central America and the West Indies.

11. The leading aviation power in the world is:
1) USA. 2) Japan. 3) Russia. 4) Australia.

12. Find the error in the list of oil export regions: 1) Western European countries. 2) USA and Canada. 3) Countries of the Gulf of Guinea. 4) The countries of the Persian Gulf.

1) Jakarta

B) Indonesia

B) Paraguay

3) Asuncion

B2. Identify the country by its brief description.

This island country is one of the most developed countries in the world. The form of government is a constitutional monarchy. Feature its nature - frequent earthquakes, the presence of active volcanoes. The country occupies a leading position in the world in terms of various kinds engineering products, power generation, steel smelting. A large agglomeration formed around its capital.


IN 3. Arrange the countries in descending order of their birth rate (per 1,000 inhabitants).

A) USA B) India

B) Mozambique D) Lithuania

AT 4. Match the country with its capital.


A) Canada 1) Tehran

B) Iran 2) Baghdad

C) Iraq 3) Ankara

4) Ottawa

Write in the table the numbers corresponding to the selected answers.

AT 5. Identify the country by its brief description.

This country has a favorable economic and geographical position: it borders on a highly developed country, has access to two oceans; the capital is one of the most ancient cities in America; on the territory of the country, centers of ancient civilization have been preserved; there are large reserves of non-ferrous metal ores, oil production is high; a sufficiently high level of economic development allows it to be characterized as a "key" one in the group of developing countries.

Answer: ___________________________ .

AT 6. Arrange the countries in ascending order of their birth rate (per 1,000 inhabitants).

A) Ethiopia B) Hungary

B) Syria D) Australia

Write down the resulting sequence of letters in the table.

AT 7. Establish a correspondence between the lake and its location on the map, indicated by the number.


A) Michigan 1) 1

B) Top 2) 2

C) Victoria 3) 3

AT 8. Using the data in the table below, compare the resource endowments of freshwater countries

Water. Arrange in descending order of resource availability.

fresh water resources,


exercise 1)
paraguay asuncion; peru-lima; mexico-mexico city; indonesia-jakarta
task #2 is Japan


1. Set match:

Leading countries Products.

1. Russia, USA, Canada. A. Coal.

2. Saudi Arabia, USA, Russia. B. Oil.

3. USA, Japan, Russia. B. Natural gas.

4. China, USA, Germany. D. Electricity.

2. Match:

Direction of the largest cargo flows Products.

1. Russia - Western Europe. A. Coal.

2. Persian Gulf - Western Europe. B. Oil.

Z.Australia - Japan. B. Natural gas.

3. Match:

Countries Type of power plants

1. Canada, Kyrgyzstan, Brazil. A. Mainly TPPs

2. France, Belgium, Lithuania. B. Mostly hydroelectric

3. Germany, Ukraine, Japan. B. Mostly nuclear power plants

4. Mongolia, Ireland, Belarus. D. Only TPPs

4. The leading iron ore mining countries are:

1. USA, Russia, Canada.

2. China, Brazil, Australia.

3. China, USA, Russia.

4. Canada, Brazil, Australia.

5. The main exporter of steel and rolled products in the world is:

2. Japan.

3. Russia.

6. Match:

Leading countries in the production of Metal.

1.USA, Chile, Japan. A. Aluminum

2. Canada, Australia, Russia. B. Copper

3. Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand. V. Tin

4. USA, Russia, Canada. G. Nickel

7. Set match:

The main factor in the location of enterprises Metal.

1. Raw materials (deposit). A. Metal aluminum

2. Consumer. B. Blister copper

3. Energy (electricity). B. Cast iron and steel

4. Transport (cargo flows). G. Rolled steel

8. Match:

Mechanical engineering sub-sector The main factor in the location of enterprises

1.Instrument making A. Proximity of ferrous metallurgy enterprise.

2. Agricultural. B. Proximity of scientific and technical centers.

3. Severe B. Availability of labor resources.

4. Electronic G. Proximity of product consumers.

9. Set match:

Specialization Country

1. Electronics and electrical engineering. A. Hungary

2. Watches and machines. B. Netherlands

3. Cars and aircraft. V. Switzerland

4. Buses. G. Sweden

10. Match:

Products Leading country

1. Ship. A. USA

2. Cars. B. Japan

3. TVs. To China

4. Computers.

11. The volume of exports of cars from the USA:

1. More than from Japan and Germany.

2. More than from Japan, but less than from Germany.

3. More than from Germany, but less than from Japan.

4. Less than from Japan and Germany.

12. The main centers of the automotive industry in Europe are:

1. Birmingham, Wolfsburg, Detroit.

2. Paris, Munich, Zaporozhye.

3. Madrid, Turin, Kyiv.

4. London, Berlin, Athens.

13. Find an error in the list of major automotive centers:

1. Detroit.

4. Berlin.

14. Leading in the export of phosphorites:

2. Brazil.

3. Morocco.

4. Madagascar.

15. Leading in the production of mineral fertilizers:

2. Japan.

3. Russia.

16. The first place in the world in the export of forest products is occupied by:

1. Russia.

2. Brazil.

4. Canada.

1 7. India produces fabrics:

1. More than China and USA.

2. Bigger than China, but smaller than the US.

3. Bigger than USA but smaller than China.

4. Less than China and USA.

18. In the production of shoes among developed countries, the leader is:

1. Italy.

2. Spain.

4. Japan.

19. "Green Revolution"- this...

1. Distribution in the world of the environmental movement.

2. Fight for reforestation.

3. Implementation of advanced technologies in crop production.

4. Transition of animal husbandry to natural feed.

20. Match:

Leading countries Culture

1. Russia, Poland, China. A. Rees

2. Brazil, India, Cuba. B. Potato

3. China, India, Indonesia. B. Sugarcane

4. China, USA, India. G. Cotton plant

21. Match:

Culture Leading country

1. Peanuts. A. India

2. Coffee. B. Bangladesh

3. Jute. B. Brazil

4. Corn. G. USA

22. The main importer of grain in the world market is:

2. Japan.

3. Russia.

23. Match:

Type of vegetables and fruits Leading country

1. Bananas. A. USA

2. Grapes. B. China

Z. Luk. B. Brazil

4. Tomatoes. D. Italy

24. Plantation farming with a specialization in coffee, sugar cane, fruits is the most common:

1. In North Africa.

2. In Southeast Asia.

3. In Northern Australia.

4. In Central America and the West Indies.

25. Set match:

Pet species Leading country

1. Cattle. A. Russia.

2. Pigs B. Australia.

3. Sheep B. India.

4. Reindeer G. China.

26. The first two places for catching fish in the world are occupied by:

1. USA and Russia.

2. Russia and Japan.

3. Japan and China.

4. China and the USA.

27. Arrange the modes of transport in descending order of cargo turnover:

1. Railway.

2. Automobile.

3. Pipeline.

4. Marine.

28. Match:

Mode of transport ranked first

by cargo turnover. The country

1. Railway. A. USA

2. Automobile. B. Russia

3. Pipeline V. Japan

4. Marine G. Afghanistan

29. The length of railways in Germany:

1. More than USA and Japan.

2. More than in the USA, but less than in Japan.

3. More than in Japan, but less than in the USA.

4. Less than in the US and Japan.

30. The leading aviation power in the world is:

2. Japan.

3. Russia.

4. Australia.

31. The largest share of the cargo turnover of maritime transport accounts for:

1. For oil and oil products.

2. For coal.

3. For grain.

4. For iron ore.

32. The three largest (by cargo turnover) seaports in Europe:

1. London, Hamburg, Marseille.

2. Rotterdam, Antwerp, Marseille.

3. Rotterdam, London, Genoa.

4. Antwerp, Marseille, Genoa.

33. Find the error in the list of capital export regions:

1. Countries of Western Europe.

2. USA and Canada.

3. Countries of the Gulf of Guinea.

4. The countries of the Persian Gulf.

34. The main regions of international tourism are:

1. Countries of Western Europe.

2. USA and Canada.

3. Countries of East Asia.

4. African countries.





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17. 4.

20. 1-B.2-C.3-A.4-D.

21 1-A.2-C.3-B.4-D.

"Geography of agriculture" - USA. a) Ankara b) Vientiane c) Hanoi d) Phnom Penh. Plant growing. Export Countries goods exporters. Livestock. place of agriculture. Industries. Match Country Capital. Lesson in grade 10 teacher Ivanov K.A. Canada, France, Australia. China, India, USA., Pakistan, Uzbekistan.

"Agriculture in Europe" - The Mediterranean coast - the main "garden of Europe". In the export of oranges, Spain ranks first in the world. The main type of agricultural enterprise is a large highly mechanized farm. In many cases, the specialization of agriculture acquires a narrower profile.

"Agriculture and animal husbandry" - Professions in the field of agro-industrial complex. At each stage, specific technologies are used. Animal breeder. Livestock. Technologies of agriculture and animal husbandry. Environmental laboratory assistant. Agro-industrial production. Recycling. Agro-industrial complex. Veterinary paramedic. Agronomist. Breeder.

"Agriculture of Russia" - Quality food products entering the consumer market in the first half of 2007. Dynamics of the main indicators of the functioning of agriculture in 1990–2006. Level of average actual prices import operations, USD A.F. Serkov, Head of the Department of the All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Economics, Academician of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

"Green Revolution" - The "Green Revolution" in developing countries includes three main components. Agriculture in developed countries. The third component of the "green revolution" - the actual industrialization of agriculture, Composition of the agro-industrial complex: Developing countries - > 1 billion people. Production of machines, Equipment, Fertilizers, Pesticides, animal feed.

"Agriculture" - Surface agricultural procedures. In organic agriculture, soil productivity is a key value. Mechanical weeding - no herbicides allowed. Criteria for organic agriculture. ecological Agriculture. biological diversity. Goals of sustainable agriculture.

There are 11 presentations in total in the topic