The assortment of the enterprise and the principles of commodity management. The cost of goods is

There is only one way to do nothing and many ways to do something.

Ambrod Bierce (writer, USA)

The essence of management methods, their characteristics

Management϶ᴛᴏ creativity based on the application of methods.

Management method- a method associated with the specifics of the impact on the controlled object to achieve the goal.
It is worth noting that the features of the ϶ᴛᴏth impact distinguish management methods from each other (Table 4.1)

We note the fact that in modern conditions there is a transition from predominantly administrative-legal to economic methods of management.

All management methods are aimed at the social need of a person - recognition, respect, self-affirmation.

The highest need will be cognitive - self-expression, ϲʙᴏboda, personal development.

When choosing a management method, it is extremely important to consider:

  • the speed of achieving the goal;
  • the probability of achieving the goal;
  • relationships of subordination;
  • the personality of the controlled;
  • manager's identity;
  • economic independence;
  • team climate.

Table 4.1

a set of management methods and techniques based on the use of economic laws, interests and a system of interrelated economic indicators, norms and standards.

Economic methods are in keeping with the socio-economic nature of the enterprise and will be a means of developing production and exchange on a market basis.

The priority of economic methods in market conditions is explained by the fact that management relations are determined primarily by economic relations and ultimately lead to the management of interests through interests and through interests.

A distinctive feature of the current stage of development of economic methods of management is their focus on encouraging the activities of the enterprise, depending on its efficiency, saving resources (Table 4.2)

Table 4.2

The economic standards for the operation of an enterprise include:

  • share of competitive products in specific markets;
  • profitability rates for specific types of products;
  • turnover of working capital;
  • labor productivity;
  • return on investment;
  • capital-labor ratio;
  • proportion of key workers in total strength working firms;
  • the level of automation of production and management, etc.

These standards should be developed based on the results marketing research, analysis and forecasting of the most important indicators of quality and resource intensity of the products of the enterprise and competitors, the organizational and technical level of production. Economic standards are included in the business plan and fall into the functional subsystem of the management system.

Below are some economic management methods used in the enterprise.

Commercial calculation

Commercial calculation synthesizes both management functions and economic levers, tools, and is aimed at comparing costs and results, ensuring the profitability of production.

Commercial calculation is associated with the goals of the enterprise in the field of:

  • distribution of investments;
  • location of production;
  • technology development;
  • personnel policy;
  • ensuring profitability and sales;
  • financing and lending;
  • capital structures, etc.

As part of the commercial calculation, due to the provision of operational independence to individual divisions, an intra-company calculation has arisen and is developing - a system of relationships within the enterprise (Table 4.3)

Table 4.3

Economic relations between individual divisions are built on the basis of transfer prices, which reflect the transfer of the product within the boundaries of the enterprise's ownership. In this case, the product will be a commodity only in form, without being one in essence. It must be remembered that such prices are set within the framework of the pricing policy pursued by management. Relationships within the framework of intracompany calculation are based on minimizing costs at all intermediate stages of the production of the final product. Legal relations between departments determine responsibility for the quality and quantity of products, delivery time.

Unlike economic calculation, which is aimed at fulfilling the plan, even if it was achieved at no less cost, commercial calculation implies the obligatory receipt of profit and a level of profitability sufficient to continue managing. Material published on http: // site
Otherwise, the enterprise goes bankrupt and is subject to liquidation as inefficient.

Pricing and Pricing

The central place among the levers of the economic mechanism of the enterprise belongs to prices and pricing.

We note the fact that in modern conditions the most common pricing method is based on the principle of "full costs", which involves setting the price level taking into account production costs plus the target rate of return.

Feature of the method: the value of costs is calculated not for the actual volume of production in a given period, but for a given volume of production, calculated at a standard or average load level production capacity(70 - 80%), taking into account the necessary renewal of products and the possibility of new competitors appearing in the industry. So the company takes into account fluctuations in market demand.

It is necessary to know the price structure, which will make it possible to judge the real economic results of the enterprise as a whole and its individual divisions, the competitiveness of products and the stability of the profits.


Do not forget that the most important instrument of financial policy is to provide all departments with the necessary financial resources.

Formation financial resources happens due to:

  • own and equivalent funds (profit, depreciation, proceeds from the sale of retired property);
  • mobilization in the financial market of funds (sale valuable papers, credit investments);
  • funds received in the order of redistribution (insurance compensation, dividends and interest on securities of other issuers, budget subsidies, etc.)


With the reform of the banking system, the development of a network of commercial banks, the redistribution of credit resources through the credit market plays an increasing role, in connection with which credit redistribution is increasingly decentralized.

With the development of the stock market, the role of credit as a source of increase own funds enterprises is expanding: the formation of income is carried out, among other sources, at the expense of interest on deposits, income from shares, bonds and other securities.

Credit contributes to the improvement of the consumer market.

Tax system

Russian enterprises pay different types taxes, some of them at the expense of gross income, others - directly from profits.

There is a sequence of payments established by law: first, indirect taxes (property tax, excises) are paid from income; then - all property taxes (on the property of the enterprise, land, transport, etc.) and duties and, finally, other taxes, the main one among which will be income tax.


Insurance covers the sphere of redistributive relations.

Insurance functions:

  • risky;
  • warning;
  • savings;
  • control.

Types of insurance differ depending on the object of insurance (Table 4.4)

Table 4.4


Marketing is a tool aimed at studying and taking into account the demand and requirements of the market for a more reasonable orientation of the production activities of enterprises towards the production of competitive products in predetermined volumes that meet certain technical and economic characteristics. Thus, marketing is a tool for regulating production and marketing, and hence market relations. The meaning of the action of the ϶ᴛᴏth mechanism: the consumer dictates the conditions on the market, the requirements for a particular product in terms of quantity and quality, and the manufacturer adapts to them, but not passively, but actively, by forming, in turn, certain needs.

Administrative and legal methods of management

Administrative and legal methods of managementa set of means of legal (legal and administrative) influence on people's relations in the production process.

In the conditions of market relations, these methods play an auxiliary role.

Administrative and legal methods are based on the following systems:

  • system of legislative acts of the country and region - federal (state) laws, decrees, resolutions, state standards, regulations, instructions, methods and other documents approved federal authorities for mandatory use throughout the country. The global goal of the ϶ᴛᴏ system is to improve the quality of life of the population;
  • a system of regulatory, directive and methodological documents of the enterprise and a higher organization that are mandatory for use. They include: standards, methods, regulations, instructions and similar documents of long-term use, as well as orders, instructions, instructions approved by the management of the enterprise (higher organization) and valid only at the enterprise. Mandatory attributes of normative and directive documents - the purpose of the document, the basis for development, the place of this purpose, references to scientific approaches and principles that must be observed when goal solving, consumer of information, norms and rules for their use, possible range of performers, requirements for the quality of work, saving resources, sanctions, sources of information;
  • a system of plans, programs, tasks, since their failure can disrupt the stability of the work of the entire team;
  • operational management system (authority) This system includes:
  • orders: the head, orally or in writing, indicates to the subordinate what he should (should not) do under certain conditions;
  • promotion: a way of exercising power, when the emphasis is shifted from direct indications to initiatives, in which the leader is active. Orders and punishments can only be used as a last resort;
  • delegation of authority: the employee is entrusted with the independent solution of the problem and is assigned functional responsibility. The manager retains responsibility for general management, which cannot be delegated;
  • participation in management: the manager involves employees in solving current issues, giving them all the necessary powers and assigning responsibility to them. It is advisable to use where people are able and willing to work independently.

Administrative and legal methods of management are:

  • organizational impact (regulation and regulation);
  • administrative influence;
  • organizational and administrative influence.

The general scheme for the implementation of administrative and legal methods of management is shown in fig. 4.2.

Figure No. 4.2

Administrative impact determined by the amount of authority with which the leader is vested. The transfer of part of the authority to subordinates is a way to strengthen the power of the manager (Fig. 4.3)

Figure No. 4.3. Effective delegation of authority

Figure No. 4.4. Characteristics of organizational impact

Goals of administrative influence:

  • regulation of the boundaries of the activities of employees subordinate to the head;
  • setting tasks for performers;
  • control over the execution of tasks.

The effectiveness of organizational impact depends on the clarity of the drafting job descriptions, the correctness of the established norms and standards (Fig. 4.4)

Effectiveness administrative influence depends on the degree of completeness and ϲʙᴏ timeliness of information about the control object (Fig. 4.5)

Figure No. 4.5. Characteristics of the administrative impact

Figure No. 4.6. Characteristics of organizational and administrative impact

Organizational and distributional influence plays a special role (Fig. 4.6)

Thus, administrative and legal methods directly affect the scope of management, determining its immediate tasks and deadlines, giving an unambiguous solution to situations, taking the form of instructions and orders that are mandatory for implementation.

Socio-psychological methods of management

The success of any business is determined by how actively and consciously people participate in it. That is why socio-psychological methods of management aimed at managing socio-psychological processes in the team to achieve the set goal, while maintaining the health of employees and a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team, compliance with the law and the requirements of regulations (Tab. 4.5)

The use of socio-psychological methods of management is based on social relations that arise in the production process and affect the final result of the enterprise.

It is known from sociological research that production teams successfully solve problems if there is a favorable "social climate" between team members, between leaders and the team.

The experience of foreign countries shows that partnership relations are more effective than relations based on administrative coercion. Wealth inequality can be anything, but at work, all employees must feel like partners.

The growth of social contradictions becomes an obstacle to the growth of labor productivity and living standards.

Sociological management methods are diverse (Fig. 4.7)

Mandatory conditions for creating a favorable social climate will be voluntariness, equality, responsibility, self-restraint and mutual concessions both between managers and the team, and within the work team.

Table 4.5

Figure No. 4.7. Sociological methods of management

Sources of sociological information:

  • statistical documentation;
  • statistical reference books;
  • collective discussion of problems;
  • observation;
  • questioning;
  • interview.

Management relations act as psychological relationships between people. Management of psychological processes involves taking into account the psychology of the team, manager, management, relationships between people.

Studies show that the result of production is largely predetermined by the selection of personnel, the impact on the psyche of the employee in order to increase labor productivity, the formation of a "new" employee.

Psychological management methods are presented in fig. 4.8.

Figure No. 4.8. Psychological methods of management

Socio-psychological methods are aimed at solving the following problems:

  • increasing the production and creative activity of the members of the labor collective;
  • formation of a favorable socio-psychological climate;
  • effective use of various forms of moral encouragement;
  • impact on the group self-consciousness of the collective.

Situations for discussion

1. It is necessary to develop measures to stabilize personnel at the enterprise. What management methods to use? Define activities.

2. An experiment was set up at one enterprise. A month later, the results were as follows: the machine was always in order, the worker began to help friends in the team, his shift output increased by 15%. Describe the essence of the experiment. What measures can be taken to achieve the described result?

3. When addressing issues of staff development, is it advisable to train them abroad? Is it necessary to invite managers from abroad to work at Russian enterprises?

1.1 The purpose of mastering the discipline

The purpose of studying the discipline- the development by students of theoretical and practical knowledge and the acquisition of skills and abilities in the field of commodity management and examination of products of plant origin.

The educational objectives of the discipline include:

Study: States domestic market food products vegetable origin. Rules for the purchase, supply of goods and fulfillment of contractual obligations. Principles of commodity management and marketing in the procurement, sale and movement of goods of plant origin. Classification of food products of plant origin, characteristics of the assortment and its identification features. Requirements for indicators of quality and safety of plant products, established in domestic and international standards. Packaging, labeling, conditions of transportation, storage and sale of food products of plant origin. Methods for sampling products for research. Standard organoleptic and laboratory methods for the examination and evaluation of quality and safety indicators of goods in this group. Types and reasons for the occurrence of commodity losses of plant products and the procedure for their write-off.

Mastering practical skills and abilities:use of regulatory documentation, identification of authenticity, species and varietal affiliation of goods according to the content of shipping documents. Work with commodity-accompanying documents, registration of primary documentation for accounting of trade operations, inventory of inventory items. Sampling products for research. Examination of these goods using standard organoleptic and laboratory methods. Identification of defects and falsifications of these goods. Identification of non-compliance of labeling with requirements normative documents. Based on the results of the examination of goods, substantiating their commodity assessment and determining ways to use them.

1.2 The place of discipline in the structure of the EP OP VO

The academic discipline "Commodity management and examination of products of plant origin" is included in the compulsory disciplines - the variable part of the basic disciplines B1.V.OD.3. It is based on the knowledge of such academic disciplines as: "Commodity management", "Standardization, conformity assessment and metrology", « Technology of storage and transportation of food products, « Management decision-making methods”, « Examination of food products,"Management", " Organization and technology of trading processes”, « commodity science homogeneous groups food products", « Theoretical basis merchandising and expertise.

1.3 Sections of the academic discipline and interdisciplinary links with the supporting (previous) academic disciplines (modules)

The academic discipline "Commodity management and examination of products of plant origin" provides interdisciplinary links with such academic disciplines as:"Quality management", "Physical and chemical research methods", "Category management", "Identification and detection of falsification of food products", "Sensory analysis", "Commodity management and examination of dairy baby food", "Commodity management and examination of children's fruit purees and juices”, “Commodity management and examination of food concentrates”, “Commodity management and examination of subtropical and tropical fruits”, “Commodity management and examination of seafood”.

1.4 Requirements for the results of mastering the content of the discipline

As a result of mastering the discipline, students should form the following general cultural and (or) professional competencies:


Competence Index

The ability to apply the principles of product management and marketing in the procurement, promotion and sale of raw materials and goods, taking into account their consumer properties


Knowledge of methods for identifying, assessing the quality and safety of goods for diagnosing defects, identifying dangerous, low-quality, counterfeit and counterfeit products, reducing and preventing product losses


Systemic ideas about the rules and procedures for organizing and conducting product examination, conformity assessment and other types of valuation activities


Ability to accept goods in terms of quantity, quality and completeness, determine requirements for goods and establish compliance of their quality and safety with technical regulations, standards and other documents


1.5 Forms of control

Knowledge control is carried out in the form of current and intermediate and final certification.

Current certification - assessment of students' knowledge and skills - is carried out constantly at laboratory and practical classes using current surveys on topics covered, written or oral homework, assessment of students' independent work, including the preparation of reports, abstracts, as well as at the credit session in the form of intermediate testing on separate sections of the discipline.

Intermediate certification of a student is carried out in the form of: test (in the form of an interview), assessment of the quality of performance term paper.

The final certification is carried out in the form of a test with an assessment (orally or in the form of testing, including computer).

1.6 Point-rating system of assessment by discipline

In the final assessment of the results of studying the discipline "Commodity management and examination of products of plant origin", a point-rating assessment is used, the principles of its formation are given in table 1.

Student work in the classroom

Conversion rate to points

Total points


1 semester





Independent work

2 x 6 topics = 12

1 point - abstract or abstract with comments, poor preparation of the message, poor answers during oral questioning;

Course work

5 - "3"

15 - "4"

24 - "5"

5 points - for the rating "satisfactory";

10 points - for the rating "good";

24 points - for the rating "excellent"

Speech at a course conference

6 points - presentation at a course conference


60 points

2 semester



0 points - no-show; attempts to prevent other students from adequately perceiving the lecture, lack of notes; 0.5 points - concentrated work, adequate summary.



0 points - no-show; attempts to create obstacles to the fruitful work of other students;

0.2 points - passivity; poor preparation;

0.5 points - active work, a positive assessment in the survey

Independent work

2 x 5 threads = 10

0 points - no abstract, abstract, message;

1.0 point - abstract or abstract with comments, poor preparation of the message, poor answers during oral questioning;

2 points - abstract or abstract without comments, well-prepared report, complete answers during an oral survey

Speech at a university conference with a publication in a collection of student scientific papers

14 points - presentation at a university conference with a publication in a collection of student scientific papers


100 points

Penalty points: regular lateness - "-0.5"; unsatisfactory assessment in surveys - "-1"; delivery of term paper not in deadlines- "-10".

The final assessment of the student's work using a point-rating system is formed as follows:

Translation of the sum of points: a student who scores 60 points receives - a test in the discipline, 60 - 70 points - "satisfactory", 71 - 85 points - "good", 86 - 100 points - "excellent".

2.1 Thematic plan for studying the discipline

No. p / p

Title of sections


classroom hours

Independent work

Total hours / credits

Types of current control






52 / 1,44

Answers to questions for self-control, testing, situational tasks, preparation of abstracts, reports

56 / 1,56

71 / 1,97

73 / 2,03


252 / 7,0

credit / credit with an assessment

Distribution of study load by semesters

Types of teaching load

Semester, hours / credit


hours / credit

6 semester

(18 weeks)

7 semester

(16 weeks)

Auditory lessons

75 / 2,08

71 / 1,97

146 / 4,05

including lectures

36 / 1,0

32 / 0,89

68 / 1,89

laboratory and practical classes

36 / 1,0

32 / 0,89

68 / 1,89

SRS control

3 / 0,08

7 / 0,19

10 / 0,27

Course work

Independent work

33 / 0,92

73 / 2,03

106 / 2,95

Types of final control


assessment with score

credit / credit with grade

The total complexity of the discipline

108 / 3,0

144 / 4

252 / 7,0

2.2 The content of the sections of the discipline

No. p / p

Title of the discipline section

Formed competencies

Development results

(to know, to know, to know)

Educational technologies

Commodity management and examination of the quality of flavor products

Characteristics of homogeneous groups of goods included in the section "Flavor products". Classification of flavoring goods.

Alcoholic drinks.Ethanol. Classification. Quality and safety requirements. Vodka. Definition. Classification and assortment, quality and safety. Alcoholic beverages, definition, classification and assortment. Long-aged strong alcoholic drinks, classification and assortment, commodity characteristics. Cognac, brandy, whiskey, gin, rum - definition, classification and assortment, commodity characteristics. Grape wines. Definition, international classification, assortment, marking. Wine degustation. Sparkling and carbonated wines. Flavored wines - features of production. Flavored wines - general characteristics, range. Fruit wines Definition, assortment, commodity characteristics.

PC - 5




Know: State of the domestic market. Classification and characteristics of the range. Principles of commodity management and marketing in their purchase, sale and movement. Identification features product range. Requirements for quality, packaging, labeling, storage conditions and shelf life, shelf life.

Be able to:

Table continuation

Soft drinks.Classification and characteristics of the assortment: carbonated drinks, fruit and berry juices, drinks based on grain raw materials, mineral water, tea. Requirements for the quality and safety of soft drinks.

Seasonings and food flavoring additives, tobacco.Definition, classification, characteristics of the assortment, quality requirements, conditions and terms of storage.

Own: Organoleptic methods for studying the quality of products. The requirements of domestic regulatory documents and international standards for flavor products. Terminology in accordance with national standards.

Commodity management and examination of the quality of confectionery products

starch products: definition, classification, characteristics of the assortment, quality and safety requirements, conditions and terms of storage.

Sugar and sugar substitutes: definition, classification, characteristics of the assortment, quality requirements, conditions and terms of storage.

Nutrition informationfruit and berry confectionery products with an unformed structure. Jam. Concept, classification. Main technological processes production and their impact on the quality of the final product. Quality expertise. Requirements for packaging, labeling, transportation, storage. Jam. Jam. Concept. Classification. Features of the technology of preparation.

Quality expertise. Features of packaging, labeling.

PC - 5




Know: State of the domestic market. class and range. Identification features of the product range. Principles of commodity management and marketing in their purchase, sale and movement. Requirements for quality and safety indicators, packaging, labeling, transportation, storage in accordance with the relevant GOSTs.

Be able to: Use legal documents. Identify the type of product, its commercial grade, according to organoleptic characteristics, labeling data, according to physical and chemical indicators and safety indicators - the possibility of implementation.

Lectures, laboratory classes, tests, situational tasks, abstracts, teacher consultations, term papers.

Table continuation

Flour confectionery.Gingerbread. Classification, assortment, technological processes of production and their influence on the quality of the product. Quality expertise. Requirements for labeling, packaging, transportation and storage.

Flour oriental sweets. Features of product formulations. Range. quality requirements. Requirements for labeling, storage, transportation, packaging of products.

cocoa beans . Types, varieties, requirements for quality, packaging, labeling, transportation, storage.

cocoa products . Chocolate. The main technological processes of production and factors that form quality. Examination of the quality of chocolate.

Create and control the necessary modes of storage of products, including Compliance with storage requirements.

Own: Organoleptic, physico-chemical methods for studying the quality of the product, terminology in accordance with and regulatory documentation.

Commodity management and examination of the quality of fruit and vegetable products

Classification of fresh fruits and vegetables; classification features. The quality of fruit and vegetable products, the range of consumer properties and indicators. Features of standardization of fruit and vegetable products. Peculiarities chemical composition, nutritional value and safety of fruits and vegetables. Physical properties of fruits and vegetables. Factors that form the quality of fruits and vegetables during cultivation, harvesting, transportation, storage and sale Microbiological processes.

PC - 5




Know: State of the domestic market. Classification and characteristics of the range. Identification features of the product range. Principles of commodity management and marketing in their purchase, sale and movement. Requirements for quality, packaging, labeling, storage conditions and shelf life, shelf life. Technical regulations for juice products from fruits and vegetables.

Lectures, laboratory classes, tests, situational tasks, abstracts, teacher consultations, term papers.

Table continuation

Influence of microbiological processes on the quality, safety and keeping quality of fruits and vegetables. Containers and packaging materials for fruits and vegetables. Types, species and varieties. Labeling of fruits and vegetables. Classification, merchandising and examination of fresh wild fruits, berries and herbaceous plants of industrial importance.

Commodity characteristics and quality assessment of cabbage and onion vegetables, quality and safety requirements.

Commodity characteristics and quality assessment of pumpkin and tomato vegetables, quality and safety requirements.

Commodity characteristics and quality assessment of pome fruits, stone fruits, quality and safety requirements.

Walnut. Classification. Commodity characteristics of individual species. Theoretical foundations of conservation. Principles and methods of conservation. Packing, marking, transportation and storage of canned food. Processes occurring during the storage of canned food. Storage periods. Examination of the quality of canned fruits and vegetables. Rules and methods of sampling. Canned food safety indicators. Dried fruits, vegetables and mushrooms.

Be able to: Use legal documents. Identify the type of product, its commercial grade, nutritional and energy value by organoleptic indicators, the content of the label. Create the necessary modes of storage of products, incl. compliance with the requirements for the commodity neighborhood.

Own: Organoleptic methods for studying the quality of products. Requirements of domestic regulatory documents and international standards for fruits and vegetables. Terminology in accordance with national standards.

Table continuation

Classification and range. Technological features drying and characteristics of the main drying plants. Requirements for the quality of raw materials. Packaging requirements. Modes and terms of storage of dried fruits and vegetables.

Commodity management and examination of the quality of grain and flour products

Commodity characteristics of cereals, millet, buckwheat and legumes, quality and safety requirements.

General characteristics of flour. Classification. Flour production. Factors that determine the quality of flour. Types of flour. Requirements for the quality and safety of flour.

Classification and assortment of cereals. The principles of dividing cereals into varieties, numbers, brands. Examination of the quality of cereals.

Classification, assortment and consumer properties of bread and bakery products. dough preparation methods. Organization and conduct of quality assessment. Conditions, deadlines for the storage and sale of bread in the trading network. Diseases and defects of bread.

General characteristics of crackers and lamb products. Production process. Organization and conduct of quality assessment.

Classification and assortment of pasta. Raw materials, production processes.

PC - 5




Know: State of the domestic market. Classification and characteristics of the range. Identification features of the product range. Principles of commodity management and marketing in their purchase, sale and movement. Requirements for quality, packaging, labeling, storage conditions and shelf life, shelf life. Be able to: Use legal documents. Identify the type of product, its commercial grade, nutritional and energy value by organoleptic indicators, the content of the label. Create the necessary modes of storage of products, incl. compliance with the requirements for the commodity neighborhood.

Lectures, laboratory classes, tests, situational tasks, abstracts, teacher consultations, term papers.

Table continuation

Quality expertise. Container, marking and transportation.

Grain-based food concentrates. Classification and assortment of pasta. Raw materials, production processes. Quality expertise. Container, marking and transportation.

Own: Organoleptic, physico-chemical methods for studying the quality of products. Requirements of domestic regulatory documents and international standards.

2.3 Lecture course

No. p / p

Name of discipline sections

Lecture Topics

Labor intensity


Commodity management and examination of the quality of flavor products

Commodity classification of flavoring goods

Commodity management and quality assessment of strong alcoholic beverages

Commodity management and quality assessment of grape wines

Commodity management and tea quality assessment

Product management and quality assessment of non-alcoholic beverages

Commodity management and quality assessment of spices and flavoring additives, tobacco

Commodity management and examination of the quality of confectionery products

Commodity management and quality assessment of starch products

Commodity management and quality assessment of sugar and sweeteners

Commodity management and quality assessment of fruit and berry confectionery products with an unformed structure

Commodity management and quality assessment of flour confectionery products

Commodity management and quality assessment of cocoa beans and cocoa products

Commodity management and examination of the quality of fruit and vegetable products

Commodity classification and gradation of the quality of fruits and vegetables

Features of the chemical composition of fruit and vegetable products. Physical properties of fresh fruits and vegetables

Commodity management and quality assessment of cabbage and onion vegetables

Table continuation

Commodity management and quality assessment of pumpkin and tomato vegetables

Commodity management and quality assessment of pome fruits, stone fruits

Commodity management and quality assessment of processed fruits and vegetables

Commodity management and examination of the quality of grain and flour products

Commodity management and flour quality assessment

Commodity management and quality assessment of cereals

Commodity management and evaluation of the quality of bakery products.

Commodity management and quality assessment of crackers

Commodity management and evaluation of the quality of lamb products

Product management and pasta quality assessment


2.4 Labs

No. p / p

Name of discipline sections

Lab Topics

Labor intensity (hour)

Commodity management and examination of the quality of flavor products

Assortment and examination of the quality of strong alcoholic beverages

Assortment and examination of the quality of grape wines

Assortment and expertise of tea quality

Assortment and examination of the quality of non-alcoholic carbonated drinks

Table continuation

Assortment and examination of the quality of fruit and berry juices

Assortment and examination of the quality of spices and seasonings

Commodity management and examination of the quality of confectionery products

Assortment and examination of the quality of starch products

Assortment and examination of the quality of sugar and sugar substitutes

Assortment and examination of the quality of fruit and berry confectionery products with an unformed structure

Assortment and examination of the quality of marmalade and marshmallows

Assortment and examination of the quality of flour confectionery products (gingerbread, cookies, crackers, waffles, muffins, cakes, pastries).

Assortment and quality expertise of oriental sweets

Assortment and examination of the quality of cocoa powder and chocolate

Assortment and examination of the quality of sweets

Commodity management and examination of the quality of fruit and vegetable products

Assortment and examination of the quality of cabbage vegetables

Assortment and examination of the quality of onion vegetables

Assortment and quality expertise of pumpkin and tomato vegetables

Assortment and examination of the quality of pome and stone fruits

Assortment and examination of the quality of pickled fruits and vegetables

Assortment and examination of the quality of natural canned fruits and vegetables

Table continuation

Assortment and examination of the quality of dried fruits and vegetables

Assortment and examination of the quality of frozen fruits and vegetables

Commodity management and examination of the quality of grain and flour products

Assortment and examination of grain quality

Assortment and expertise of flour quality

Assortment and examination of the quality of cereals

Assortment and examination of the quality of bread and bakery products

Assortment and examination of the quality of crackers and lamb products

Assortment and examination of the quality of pasta

Assortment and examination of the quality of grain-based food concentrates


2.5 Independent work of students


SRS theme

Types of SRS



Internet resources

1 Product management and examination of the quality of flavor products

1 Commodity management and commodity characteristics of alcoholic beverages

1.1 Taste products market: state and development prospects

1.2 Main purpose and properties of flavor products

1.3 Ethyl alcohol. Classification, quality and safety requirements

1.4 Vodka. Classification and characteristics of the range, quality and safety requirements

1.5 Alcoholic beverages. Classification and characteristics of the range, quality and safety requirements

1.6 Beer. Classification and characteristics of the range, quality and safety requirements

2 Product management and product characterization of non-alcoholic beverages

2.1 Soft drinks (carbonated soft drinks, fruit and berry juices, drinks based on grain raw materials, mineral waters). Classification and characteristics of the range, quality and safety requirements

2.2 Coffee. Classification and characteristics of the range, quality and safety requirements

3 Commodity management and commodity characterization of tobacco products, flavors and spices

3.1 Domestic and imported spices

3.2 Tobacco products. Classification and characteristics of the range, quality and safety requirements

3.3 Flavoring additives. Classification and characteristics of the range, quality and safety requirements

At the student's choice*

7, 10, 13, 16, 17, 18

1, 2, 3, 4

2 Commodity management and examination of the quality of confectionery products

4 Commodity management and culinary characterization of sugar and confectionery products with an unformed structure

4.1 Confectionery market: state and development prospects

4.2 Sugar and sugar substitutes. Requirements for packaging, labeling, transportation, storage

4.3 Commodity characteristics of confiture, features of preparation technology, quality examination

4.4 Fruit pods as raw materials

For fruit and berry confectionery.

5 Commodity management and commodity characteristics of flour confectionery products

5.1 Gingerbread. Classification. The main technological stages of production and their impact on product quality

5.2 Flour oriental sweets. Features of product formulations. Range. quality requirements. Requirements for labeling, storage, transportation, packaging of products

6 Commodity management and commodity characterization of cocoa products and chocolate

6.1 Fruit of the Theobroma cacao tree. Growth areola. Harvesting, fermentation of cocoa beans, their classification

6.2 Characteristics of cocoa products obtained in the production of chocolate

6.3 Chocolate drink. Classification and assortment, production technology, quality and safety requirements, packaging, labeling, transportation, storage

6.4 Chocolate paste. Classification and assortment, production technology, quality and safety requirements, packaging, labeling, transportation, storage

6.5 Ways to identify natural chocolate

At the student's choice*

2, 3, 7, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17

1, 2, 3, 4

3 Commodity management and examination of the quality of fruit and vegetable products

7 Commodity management and commodity characteristics of fresh fruits and vegetables

7.1 Fruit and vegetable market: state and development prospects

7.2 Standardization and certification of fruits and vegetables

7.3 Fruit and vegetable quality management systems: TNO, ISO, HACCP

7.4 Physical properties of fruits and vegetables.

7.5 Factors that shape the quality of fruits and vegetables during cultivation, harvesting, transportation, storage and sale

7.6 Influence of microbiological processes on the quality, safety and keeping quality of fruits and vegetables.

7.7 Containers and packaging materials for fruits and vegetables, labeling of fruit and vegetable products.

7.8 Classification and commercial characteristics of fresh wild fruits, berries and herbaceous plants of industrial importance

7.9 Nut fruits. Classification, commodity characteristics, quality examination

7.10 Commodity research and examination of spicy and dessert vegetables

8 Commodity management and commodity characteristics of processed fruits and vegetables

8.1 Theoretical foundations of canning fruits and vegetables

8.2 Packing, marking, transportation and storage of canned food. Processes occurring during the storage of canned food.

8.3 Dried fruits, vegetables and mushrooms. Classification and characteristics of the range, quality examination

At the student's choice*

1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 16, 17, 19

1, 2, 3, 4

4 Commodity management and examination of the quality of grain and flour products

9 Commodity management and commodity characteristics of grain crops, cereals

9.1 Market of grain and grain flour products: state and development prospects

9.2 Commodity characteristics of cereals, millets, buckwheat and legumes, quality and safety requirements

9.3 Groats of increased biological value. Grain losses, types of losses and ways to reduce them

10 Commodity management and commodity characteristics of bakery products

10.1 Liquid and illiquid losses of bread, ways to reduce losses

11 Commodity management and commodity characterization of grain-based food concentrates

11.1 Grain-based food concentrates. Classification and assortment of pasta. Raw materials, production processes. Quality expertise. Container, marking and transportation.

At the student's choice*

5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 16, 17

1, 2, 3, 4


Note: * - at the choice of the student: abstract, report, abstract, presentation, etc.

2.6 R&D of students

When studying the discipline, the use of the following types research work of students (SRRS):

  1. Scientific abstract
  2. Presentations with a report at scientific student conferences
  3. Participation in scientific student conferences without a report (poster presentation)
  4. Publication in collections of student scientific papers

2.7 Evaluation tools for ongoing monitoring of progress, intermediate certification

For the current monitoring of academic performance within the discipline "Commodity management and examination of products of plant origin" oral and written work, test tasks, practical, creative tasks are used. The final control is carried out by passing a test (semester 6), a test with an assessment (semester 7).

All evaluation tools are presented in the teaching materials of the discipline.


3.1 Main literature

  1. Berezina, VV Commodity research and examination of the quality of fruits and vegetables and mushrooms. Laboratory workshop [Electronic resource]: textbook. allowance / VV Berezina. - Moscow: Dashkov i K, 2015. - 200 p. - Access mode:
  2. Matveeva, T. V. Flour confectionery products for functional purposes. Scientific bases, technologies, recipes [Electronic resource]: textbook. allowance / T. V. Matveeva, S. Ya. Koryachkina. - St. Petersburg: GIORD, 2016. - 360 p. - Access mode: ; (date of access: 04/05/2016).
  3. Technology of confectionery products. Workshop [Electronic resource]: textbook. allowance / A. Ya. Oleinikova, G. O. Magomedov, I. V. Plotnikova [and others]. - St. Petersburg: GIORD, 2015. - 600 p. - Access mode: ; (date of access: 04/05/2016).
  4. Examination of products of processing fruits and vegetables. Quality and safety [Electronic resource]: textbook. allowance / V. M. Poznyakovsky, I. E. Tsapalova, L. A. Mayurnikova, E. N. Stepanova. - Novosibirsk: Siberian University Publishing House, 2009. - 336 p. - Access mode: ; (date of access: 04/05/2016).

3.2 Further reading

  1. Ganiev, M.M. Pests of grain and grain products during storage: textbook. allowance / M. M. Ganiev, V. D. Nedorezkov. - Moscow: KolosS, 2009. - 208 p.
  2. Eliseeva, L. G. Commodity research and examination of fruits and vegetables processing products [Electronic resource]: textbook / L. G. Eliseeva, T. N. Ivanova, O. V. Evdokimova. - Moscow: Dashkov i K, 2016. - 374 p. - Access mode: ; date of access: 04/05/2016).
  3. Kazhaeva, O.I. Commodity science and expertise of food products [Electronic resource]: textbook. allowance / O. I. Kazhaeva, L. A. Manikhina. – Orenburg: Orenburg State University, 2014. - 211 p. - Access mode: ; (date of access: 04/05/2016).
  4. Kolobov, S. V. Commodity science and examination of fruits and vegetables [Electronic resource]: textbook. allowance / S. V. Kolobov, V. K. Pambukhchiyants. - Moscow: Dashkov i K, 2014. - 397 p. - Access mode: ; (date of access: 04/05/2016).
  5. Koryachkina, S. Ya. Functional food ingredients and additives for bakery and confectionery products [Electronic resource] / S. Ya. Koryachkina, TV Matveeva. - St. Petersburg: Giord, 2013. - 528 p. - Access mode: ; (date of access: 04/05/2016).
  6. Kulikova, N. R. Commodity research and examination of tea and coffee: textbook. allowance / N. R. Kulikova. - Moscow: Dashkov and Co., 2011. - 168 p.
  7. Mikulovich, L. S. Commodity science and examination of grain and flour products [Electronic resource]: textbook. allowance / L. S. Mikulovich, D. P. Lisovskaya. - Minsk: Higher School, 2009. - 480 p. - Access mode: ; (date of access: 04/05/2016).
  8. Pashuk, Z. N. Technology of production of bakery products [Electronic resource]: reference book / Z. N. Pashuk, T. K. Apet, I. I. Apet. - St. Petersburg: GIORD, 2011. - 397 p. - Access mode: ; (date of access: 04/05/2016).
  9. Technology of soft drinks [Electronic resource]: a textbook for universities / L. A. Oganesyants, A. L. Panasyuk, M. V. Gernet [and others]. - St. Petersburg: Giord, 2012. - 340 p. - Access mode: ; (date of access: 04/05/2016).
  10. Technology of confectionery products. Technological calculations [Electronic resource]: textbook. allowance / A. Ya. Oleinikova, G. O. Magomedov, I. V. Plotnikova [and others]. - St. Petersburg: GIORD, 2015. - 296 p. - Access mode: ; (date of access: 04/05/2016).
  11. Technology of flour culinary products [Electronic resource]: textbook. allowance / N. S. Rodionova, A. A. Derkanosova, S. N. Tefikova [and others]. - Voronezh: Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies, 2014. - 220 p. - Access mode: ; (date of access: 04/05/2016).
  12. Commodity science and expertise of food products [Electronic resource]: textbook. allowance / S. I. Balaeva, I. Sh. Dzakhmisheva, M. V. Blieva [and others]. - 3rd ed. - Moscow: "Dashkov and Co", 2012. - 552 p. - Access mode: ; (date of access: 04/05/2016).
  13. Commodity science of homogeneous groups of food products [Electronic resource]: textbook / L. G. Eliseeva, T. G. Rodina, A. V. Ryzhakova [and others]. - Moscow: "Dashkov and Co", 2014. - 930 p. - Access mode: ; (date of access: 04/05/2016).
  14. Beverage review. Quality and safety [Electronic resource] / ed. V. M. Pozdnyakovsky. - Novosibirsk: Siberian University Publishing House, 2007. - 408 p. - Access mode:
  15. All-Russian classifier of standards [Electronic resource] // Complexdoc: base of normative technical documentation. – 2014. − Access mode: ; (date of access: 21.10.2015).
  16. Rosselkhoznadzor ( federal Service on Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance) [Electronic resource]: official. website. – 2007-2015.− Access mode: ; (date of access: 21.10.2015).
  17. Codex Alimentarius. International food standards [Electronic resource]: site. - Access mode: ; (date of access: 24.03.2016).

3.4 Software

1. Controlling computer programiTest for the final control of students' knowledge (testing);

2. Information and reference system "KODEKS".

3.5 Logistics of the discipline

When teaching the discipline are used:

Library Fund of FGBOU HE South Ural State Agrarian University;

Computer class with Internet access;

Video class (2 TVs, DVD player);

Multimedia equipment for reading lectures and presentations;

devices and laboratory equipment:

RN-meters laboratory;

Milk analyzer "Laktan";

Change number

date of

Sections with changes

List and content of the corrected sections of the work program


The work program of the discipline "Commodity management and examination of products of plant origin":

approved for the 20___/___ school year. Minutes No. ___ of the meeting of the Department of Commodity Research of Food Products and Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise dated "___" _____________ 20___

Lead teacher _________________

Head department __________________________

approved for the 20___/___ school year. Minutes No. ___ of the meeting of the Department of Commodity Research of Food Products and Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise dated "___" _____________ 20___

Lead teacher _________________

Head department __________________________

approved for the 20___/___ school year. Minutes No. ___ of the meeting of the Department of Commodity Science of Food Products and Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise dated "___" __________20___

Lead teacher _________________

Head department __________________________

approved for the 20___/___ school year. Minutes No. ___ of the meeting of the Department of Commodity Research of Food Products and Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise dated "___" _____________ 20___

Lead teacher _________________

Head department __________________________

IP Krivosheya I.V. operates in the jewelry market, selling goods such as: rings, earrings, chains, bracelets, pendants, brooches, necklaces, necklaces, hair clips, tie clips, cufflinks.

Rings and chains traditionally lead by the number of items sold. However, due to the relatively low cost of these products, the segmentation by sales volume is as follows:

Rings without stones and with semi-precious stones account for about 15% of total sales;

Chains, necklaces and bracelets of similar quality account for about 40%;

Pendants - 10% and stone products account for 10% of sales;

Other products (earrings, watches, piercings, brooches, cufflinks) account for 25%.

Features of consumer preferences of buyers also depend on seasonality. There are two seasonal sales peaks jewelry: during the holidays February 14 - March 8 and New Year-- Christmas. The season with the lowest sales is summer.

Traditionally, women are the main consumer of jewelry all over the world, but the proportion of purchases made by men is also high, especially in the high price segment.

IN jewelry store There is a wide choice of products, both from gold, and from silver. Each group of goods has a sufficient number of varieties of products (table 1).

Table 1 - Assortment of jewelry products by suppliers

The supplier

Number of product varieties


CJSC YuK "Almaz-Holding", Moscow

Gold: earrings, rings, chains, bracelets, brooches, piercings, tie clips, pendants.

Silver: earrings, rings, chains, bracelets, pendants, watches, decorative items: signs of the zodiac, paintings, flowers, cutlery: tablespoons, teaspoons, forks, knives, ionizers.

Great variety, strength, durability, originality.

CJSC "Adamas", Moscow

Gold: chains, bracelets.

Stability, strength, quite expensive.

OOO UP "Karat"

Gold: earrings, rings, chains, bracelets, brooches, necklaces, piercings, pins, clips

Great selection, originality,


for ties, pendants.

availability, fragility.

CJSC Trade House "Kameya", Kazan

Gold: rings, earrings, pendants, chains, bracelets. Silver: chains, bracelets, rings, earrings.

Sufficient choice, originality, durability, reasonable prices.

CJSC Art-Facet, Moscow

Gold: rings, earrings, pendants.

Great variety, originality, strength, durability, expensive.

The Talisman jewelry store has a large selection of jewelry, both gold and silver: rings, earrings, chains, bracelets, tie clips, brooches, pendants, watches, there are also products made from natural stones (beads, necklaces, paintings), souvenirs from onyx, selenite, from silver and cutlery.

Talisman sells jewelry from the main manufacturers: gold - Moscow Almaz Holding, Kameya, Yuvelirprom, St. Petersburg Estet, Russian Gems, Kostroma region. LLC "Aquamarine", Ulyanovsk UP "Karat-M", Kazan UP LLC "Diana", Krasnoyarsk JSC "Krastsvetmed"; silver - Moscow "Almaz Holding", LLC TK "Silverline", St. Petersburg LLC YuVK "Plus" and other little-known manufacturers.

Products from natural stones, such as beads, bracelets, pendants, manufacturers are India, Indonesia, Thailand, Pakistan, paintings from natural stones - China. The salon has a large selection of various natural stones: cultured river pearls, processed and unprocessed amber, amethyst, garnet, onyx, turquoise, carnelian, tourmaline, rose quartz, moonstone, jade, mother-of-pearl, lapis lazuli, coral, obsidian, hematite, agate, jet , calcite, tiger's eye, malachite and others.

Cutlery (there are teaspoons with zodiac signs), products handmade from silver (a basket, a plaquette, roses, a chamomile with a bee, key chains for silvering water), electroforming souvenirs (zodiac signs, animals, paintings) produced by Almaz Holding.

The structure of the assortment of the salon "Talisman" is as follows: 40% - products for women, 30% - for men, 5% - for children and 25% - universal (chains, crosses, cutlery). Buyers' preferences change every year, and consumers try to follow the jewelry fashion trends.

The demand for men's jewelry is also growing. But the store is in no hurry to build long-term forecasts in this direction: male representatives are more conservative and perceive jewelry not as decorations, but as a sign of wealth. To demonstrate his viability, it is enough for a man to buy an expensive watch, a ring and a chain once in his life, while ladies acquire whole sets of jewelry, which are periodically replenished.

The range of jewelry is presented in more rings - 64% (134 pieces). A very small percentage are necklaces, watches. In single copies there are brooches, piercings, a tie clip, watch bracelets.

Silver is a beautiful bright white metal, lighter than gold. It is malleable and ductile metal, polishes well and has the highest strength among metals. reflectivity. Silver is bactericidal, so water does not deteriorate in a silver vessel. Silver is the cheapest metal. In recent decades, the value of gold has risen while the value of silver has fallen. Silver items are stamped with a hallmark in the form of a woman's head in a kokoshnik and in profile, turned to the right. A sample of 925 is placed next to it.

The state assay mark is a special sign minted on products or superimposed in a non-mechanical way (electrospark or laser) by state inspections of assay control. It means that the product has been checked by the state inspectorate and has a sample not lower than that indicated in the stamp. The state assay hallmark consists of an identity mark and a hallmark mark, which can be affixed together (in one image) or separately.

Gold is a very soft, ductile, malleable and intensely colored metal with a strong metallic sheen. The most important property of gold is its exceptional chemical resistance: it is chemically stable in air, water and acids. Gold dissolves only in "royal vodka".

Most of the jewelry in our country is produced from alloys of the 585th test, which in recent years has replaced the 583rd. The color of the alloy can vary from red, pink through yellow-green hues to white. Yellow gold is most often used abroad in jewelry (alloys of the 750th test). White gold is mostly typical for diamond jewelry as it looks harmonious with this stone. Red gold is called alloys of the 585th test. Green gold is rarely used to give jewelry old look.

To change or create the color of an alloy with gold, copper, silver, palladium, nickel and zinc can be alloyed in various proportions.

In the salon "Talisman" the main assortment of gold items are items of the 585th sample. The elements of assay hallmarks are: certificate mark, inspection code and sample (three-digit number). For example: G, a girl in a kokoshnik, 585. Where, G - inspection code (Far Eastern state inspection Assay Supervision, Vladivostok), a female head in a kokoshnik and in profile, turned to the right - an identity mark, 585 - sample. The imprints of the name sign and brand must be clear and not degrade appearance products.

Products consisting of two identical parts (earrings, paired cufflinks) are branded on both parts.

Chains of different styles are branded on one of the end lugs with a brand. And on the other - the name of the enterprise.

Everything related to product management in this organization concerns only the merchandiser, naturally with the approval of the director commercial enterprise IP Krivosheya I.V.

This organization has such a concept - category management, as in many enterprises. The essence of category management is to increase the turnover of the company with the help of the assortment.

The main principles of product management can be considered as follows:

Building a product matrix based on consumer preferences and perceptions;

Formation of the assortment outlet as a set of product categories;

Advantages of the category management system for the seller:

Inventory optimized;

More accurate execution of orders from customers;

The movement of goods is built on a regular basis;

The volume of sales, profitability of the enterprise increases, its costs decrease.

A significant place in the theory of management is occupied by questions related to the ways to achieve the goals. How to influence people? What is the most effective way to influence this or that phenomenon? The answer to these questions is given by management methods.

Methods managements are ways of influencing people and phenomena to achieve a certain goal.

When choosing methods (methods) of control, the following requirements should be observed:

purposefulness - i.e. a clear understanding of the goal and movement towards it;

feasibility - i.e. the real achievability of the desired results;

consistency - i.e. taking into account the impact in the relationship of elements;

dynamism - i.e. ability to respond to changing situations;

efficiency - i.e. achieving maximum results at minimum cost.

Classification of methods is made on the basis of how and on what the impact occurs. In accordance with this, there are three types of methods: administrative, economic and socio-psychological. Within each type, in turn, there are several independent types of methods. Thus, we can talk about three groups of methods. Let's consider separately the main ones.

Administrative methods of management - These are methods of managerial influence through official power.

Administrative management methods have their own specific characteristics and features. Consider these characteristics:

Mandatory. Administrative methods leave no choice to the subordinate. They directly affect the will of the performer;

Gratuitousness. Execution initially does not provide for promotion. Diligence is considered as a natural phenomenon in the framework of professional activity;

Checkability. Administrative methods are necessarily accompanied by a certain system of control over the performance of professional duties and specific tasks;

Accuracy. Administrative methods require not the best, but strictly defined execution. After all, often the best seen can turn out to be bad within the framework of a common task.

For example, the engine shop, at its own discretion, produced 5% more engines than stipulated by the assignment. But the bodies were produced exactly according to the instructions. Wheels and other equipment too. And where in this situation to put excess engines?

As already noted, there is a whole group of administrative type methods. Within its framework, several types of administrative management methods can be distinguished:

    Organizational Methods. These include: regulatory; regulatory; instructing.

    Order methods. These are the ways operational management- orders, resolutions, orders, instructions.

3. disciplinary methods. These are various forms of punishment for improper performance: remarks, reprimands, warnings about misconduct, demotion, etc.

Economic methods of management - These are methods of control through material influence.

Material influence both on the whole organizations and on individual worker figuratively called "management of the ruble." There are three levels of application of economic methods of management: state, in-plant and personal. Let's take a look at these levels.

State level- these are economic ways of state influence on a separate enterprise (organization). The state, through its actions, can set certain financial and economic “rules of the game” both for an individual enterprise and for an entire industry or region. There are three most common tools of state influence on an enterprise: taxation, financing and government orders.

Taxation can be both regular and preferential. The latter consists in a reduced rate of taxes on a particular enterprise for a certain period. The state can completely exempt the enterprise from taxes: Adjustable tax rates are used by the state to stimulate or reduce the activity of the enterprise.

Often, temporary preferential taxation is used in relation to newly created enterprises. This gives them the opportunity to develop - "stand on their feet." Temporary exemption from taxes is very effective for attracting non-state investments to a country, region or industry, including foreign ones. The state creates "greenhouse conditions" in order to actively build up capacities in the "narrow" sections of its economy. Such a technique can significantly improve the investment attractiveness (investment climate) of a country, industry or region.

Financing from the state as a management tool can be implemented in two forms. The first is direct state (including gratuitous) subsidies to the enterprise. The second is preferential (at a reduced rate) bank loans to the enterprise. Usually state-owned banks act as such lenders. But they can also become commercial banks under the influence of the state.

The state order as a management tool is as follows. The state orders the company products in a certain volume and assortment. Thus, marketing and sales issues are resolved automatically. The state can afford to accept a high level of prices, to make an advance payment. As a rule, the state order is very beneficial for the enterprise. In fact, this is a form of state support for the latter.

The second level of application of economic methods of management - in-house. In fact, these are methods of economic management of the structural divisions of the enterprise - workshops, departments. The most popular model in the recent past in this context was the "economic calculation" model.

The cost accounting model established the boundaries of competence in the distribution of material resources between departments and the management of the enterprise as a whole. The guild had the right to keep a predetermined percentage at its disposal from the income and profit it received. The management and the staff of the workshop themselves made the decision - how to dispose of part of the earnings.

The cost accounting model also included other elements. The main ones are the following:

a) assigning resources to departments;

b) operational and economic independence of units;

c) leaving at the disposal of the divisions a part of the profits received;

d) economic sanctions for improper fulfillment of plant-wide obligations and tasks.

Attention should be paid to the last element of the cost accounting model. Cost accounting - not only "pluses" in the form of leaving part of the profits. These are the “minuses” in the form of sanctions in case of poor performance.

The third level of application of economic methods of management - personal. Its main tool is individual material incentives for staff. Ways of economic (financial) influence within the framework of incentives can be: salary increases, the establishment of allowances, bonuses, payments, benefits, etc. Fines, salary cuts, complete or partial deprivation of bonuses, etc. can be used as economic punishment.

Socio-psychological methods of management- these are ways of managing through social and psychological influence.

Social impact is aimed at the staff of the enterprise or its subdivisions. The psychological impact is individual. It is aimed at an individual employee on the basis of taking into account his psychological characteristics. Thus, socio-psychological methods have two levels of application - collective and individual.

Collective level- these are ways of managing the influence of an enterprise on its employees by providing them with certain social benefits. Types of social benefits can be:

a) Social infrastructure of the enterprise: kindergarten, clinic, dispensary, stadium, gym, recreation center, etc. Of course, for their employees, the prices in these social facilities are several times lower than in similar citywide ones;

b) Working conditions at the enterprise - modern premises, equipment, good lighting, low noise level, convenient tools, etc.;

c) Conditions for improving education and professional qualifications - the presence of training centers at the enterprise or the encouragement by the administration of distance learning in universities and technical schools;

d) Cooperation between the administration and trade unions in matters of upholding the interests of workers.

Thus, social benefits, being distributed through collective forms, reach individual workers. But there is also a direct impact on employees, bypassing the team. This is the psychological influence that we are approaching.

Individual level application of socio-psychological methods of management - these are ways of managerial influence of managers on the psychology of employees.

The use of psychological management methods implies a fairly deep knowledge on the part of managers of both general psychology and the inner world of each of their subordinates. Specific methods of influence that are effective in relation to one person may be completely inapplicable to another.

Individual approach to employees;

Psychological comfort of each employee;

Professional etiquette in relations between employees;

Psychological climate in the production team.

There can be many reasons for an employee to show his professional and human qualities as much as possible. Among the main ones is the psychological environment in which a person works. If it is emotionally constructive, high professional results can be expected from the employee. On the contrary, the atmosphere of oppression, dissatisfaction of employees will certainly have a negative impact on the results of work.





Kazan Cooperative Institute (branch)


Test tasks

speciality 100800 "Commodity"

Kazan 2011

The passport

Item name


Merchandising and technology Catering

Nikitina E.V., Ph.D., Associate Professor

Name of the discipline

Commodity management

The total labor intensity for curriculum

Type of control (underline as appropriate)

Preliminary (input), current, intermediate

For specialty(s)/

area(s) of training

100800 "Commodity"

The number of test tasks in total for the discipline, of which

Number of tasks when testing a student

Of these correct answers (in%):

to grade "excellent"

85 % and more

to rate "good"

70 % - 85%

to grade "satisfactory"

50% - 70%

or to obtain a "pass" score of at least

Test time (in minutes)

The passport was drawn up by: _________________ E.V. Nikitin

Topic 1 Basic concepts, objects and methods of commodity management

1. The subject of commodity management is.

a) consumer values ​​of goods;

b) features and classifications of goods;

c) the quantity and technology of production of goods;

2. The first stage in the development of product management is called.

a) commodity-technological;

b) product descriptive;

c) product-forming.

3. The product is.

a) the product of a tangible activity created for sale;

b) everything that is subject to mandatory certification;

c) a means by which a particular need can be satisfied.

4. The object of commodity management is.

b) services;

c) life cycle goods.

5. The product has properties.

A) use value and value;

B) anthropometric properties;

C) economic properties.

6. Consumer cost is.

a) the ability of a thing to satisfy some human need;

b) material property, labor embodied in the product;

c) basis of commodity prices.

7. The cost of goods is.

a) the social labor of producers embodied in the commodity;

b) the ability of goods to meet social needs;

c) a reflection of the ability of the goods to perform their essential functions.

8.Consumer value depending on the nature of consumption may be.

a) individual and public;

b) single and complex;

c) generalized and complex;

9. Individual is called the use value of products of labor -

a) produced for sale;

b) produced for personal consumption;

c) produced for profit;

10. The individual use value of the products of labor is formed.

a) the natural properties of the products of labor;

b) consumer properties of goods;

c) quality indicators.

11. Goods have public use value -

a) intended for mandatory certification;

b) created to satisfy public consumers, for sale;

c) issued by new technologies.

12. Social use value can be.

a) unified and collectively public;

b) single and complex;

c) single and multiple.

13. A single social use value is inherent.

a) a unit of goods of a certain assortment;

b) a unit of goods of a certain type, which is confirmed by mandatory certification;

c) a unit of a commodity of a certain type, it satisfies the needs of one person or family, is determined by the properties of this product and has a qualitative certainty.

14. The total social use value satisfies.

a) the needs of a specific group of people or the whole society;

b) the needs of a specific customer group;

c) the needs of the individual.

15. Goods have four fundamental characteristics.

a) assortment, qualitative, quantitative, cost;

b) assortment, qualitative, quantitative, economic;

c) assortment, quantitative, competitive, economic;

16. Commodity characteristics are called characteristics.

a) assortment, quality, quantity;

b) assortment, quality, cost;

c) assortment, quality, cost;

17. Products become a commodity -

a) due to consumer properties;

b) after continuing the certification procedure;

c) after the acquisition of commodity characteristics;

18. K contemporary issues merchandising applies.

a) identification and falsification;

b) identification and certification;

c) identification and standardization.

19. "Eternal" problems of commodity management -

a) identification and study of the general patterns of formation and manifestation of the use value of goods at the present stage of development of society;

b) the study of new products and new consumer properties of already known products, taking into account the latest achievements in commodity science and related sciences;

c) determination of the nomenclature of consumer properties and quality indicators of goods.

20. Commodity science is based on data.

a) physics, philosophy, mathematics;

b) physics, philosophy, history;

c) physics, chemistry, biology.

21. The source of filling the market with goods are.

a) domestic industrial and agricultural production,

import of goods;

b) import of goods from Turkey, China;

c) import of goods, updating the range of goods.

22. Given the current situation in the Russian consumer market, they are becoming important.

a) rational management of the assortment, commodity flows, ensuring the quality of goods and quantity at different stages of commodity circulation;

b) determination of the nomenclature of consumer properties and quality indicators of goods;

c) mandatory certification of goods.

23. Assortment characteristic goods is.

24. The qualitative characteristics of goods is.

a) a set of distinctive specific properties and characteristics of goods that determine their functional and / or social purpose;

b) a set of intraspecific consumer properties that have the ability to satisfy a variety of needs;

c) a set of certain intraspecific properties expressed in terms of physical quantities and units of their measurement.

25. The quantitative characteristic of goods is.

a) a set of distinctive specific properties and characteristics of goods that determine their functional and / or social purpose;

b) a set of intraspecific consumer properties that have the ability to satisfy a variety of needs;

c) a set of certain intraspecific properties expressed in terms of physical quantities and units of their measurement.

26. Cost characteristic goods is the subject of study.

a) commodity science;

b) economics;

c) commerce.

27. Exchange value characterizes.

a) a commodity in terms of its exchange as things for other things in appropriately defined proportions.

b) the usefulness of the product, its ability to satisfy certain human needs

c) the cost of raw materials, means of production.