Business plan for opening an outpatient clinic at the enterprise. Own business: how to open a medical office

Business plans for medical centers, clinics were developed by ECC "Invest-Project" for various projects in 2008, 2010, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020

Settlement date: 21.02.2020.

Payment currency: rubles.

Planning period: 10 years (monthly).

Planning methodology: UNIDO international recommendations, own methods.

The purpose of the business plan: calculation of economic, production and marketing parameters for opening a medical center to confirm it economic efficiency and attracting funding.

The business plan contains aggregated data on the project, reflects the concept of the medical center and is terms of reference for development project documentation, obtaining a medical license and further study, taking into account the requirements of the bank, authorities, partners.

Financial and economic model of the business plan developed according to the author's methodology of the Invest-Project ECC specifically for opening private medical institutions and shows under what conditions an enterprise can achieve success.

When buying a business plan for a medical clinic / center, fin. the model is provided free of charge, which allows the customer to change the values ​​of financial, production and economic parameters to suit their needs and find the optimal solution.

The concept of a medical center (clinic)

According to the project, it is planned to rent a room in Moscow or one of the major cities of the Central Federal District with a total area of 2181 sq. m, to make a major overhaul in accordance with SES requirements and open a modern multidisciplinary medical center with departments:

  1. Diagnostic Department(laboratory services, instrumental and functional diagnostics, radiology department);
  2. outpatient department with narrow specialists (multiprofile consultative and diagnostic center);
  3. Round-the-clock hospital for 10 beds - with a capacity of up to 20 patients per day;
  4. Operating block to perform high-tech interventions;
  5. Additional types of services: pharmacy, laboratory.

Parameters of the medical center (clinic):

  1. total area of ​​the center - 2 181 sq.m. leased at a rate *** thousand roubles./ sq.m. / year;
  2. opening hours of the medical center: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week;
  3. number of staff: *** people, incl. doctors - *** rates;
  4. production capacity of the medical center: up to *** thousand visits(receptions) per month;
  5. planned loading of the medical center: *** thousand visits(receptions) per month;
  6. "average check": *** thousand rub. / visit (including surgery);
  7. service cost: *** rub. / visit (salary of doctors + consumables);
  8. unit cost of investments: *** thousand rub. / sq. m;
  9. planned revenue of the medical center: *** million rubles per month;
  10. taxation system: DOS(with preferential VAT 0 % and income tax 0 %).

The need of the medical center (clinic) for investments

The project will require 237 000 000 rub. ($3.6 million) in the form of a bank loan (***% of investments) at a rate ** % per annum and investor funds (***% of investments). The loan is not capitalized. Interest will be charged *** million rubles

Payback period (return) of investments - ** of the year.

The attractiveness of the paid medicine market

In Russia, there are more than *** thousand institutions of the industry "Activities in the field of health".

Determine the real volume of the paid market medical services in Russia it is quite difficult due to the lack of official information on the shadow sector of the market.

Volume Russian market paid medical services according to Rosstat in 2019 amounted to *** billion *** %.

The volume of the Moscow market of paid medical services according to Rosstat in 2019 amounted to *** billion rubles, an increase over the previous year by *** %. Over the past five years, growth has been *** %.

The share of the Moscow market of paid medical services accounts for *** % of the entire Russian market of paid medical services.

Average per capita expenses for paid medical services in Moscow in 2018 amounted to *** thousand rubles, which is almost two times higher than the Russian indicator ( *** thousand rubles).

According to expert estimates, the capacity of the Moscow market of paid medical services is about *** billion rub.

The market for paid medical services continues to show growth, despite the change in the economic situation in the Russian Federation.

Today, the entire range of healthcare facilities is represented on the Moscow market of paid medical services:

  • - federal,
  • - state and departmental medical institutions,
  • - Research Institute,
  • - profile institutes,
  • - private clinics.

All these medical institutions have both advantages and disadvantages, so in the near future the competition for patients will not be easy for all market participants. To be successful, you need a professional business plan.

News: According to our business plan, an elite dental clinic was opened in Moscow

Are you planning to open your own medical center or clinic, but don't know where to start? Or do you have an operating medical business, but it does not make a profit? ECC "Invest-Project" together with the Medical Consulting Agency "ZERTS" offers

Ready business plan the opening of the medical center contains 186 pages, 56 tables, 33 graphic arts, 22 diagrams and 1 picture.

List of tables of the business plan of the medical center (clinic)

Table 1. Main directions of investments.

Table 2. Planned revenue of the medical center.

Table 3. Reference values.

Table 4. Project performance indicators.

Table 5. Demographic indicators of the Russian Federation.

Table 6. Main causes of death in the population of the Russian Federation, 2014-2018, pers.

Table 7. Forecast of the population of the Russian Federation until 2036.

Table 8. Incidence of the population of the Russian Federation by main classes of diseases, thousand people

Table 9. Key health indicators in the Russian Federation, 2015-2018

Table 10. Attitudes towards medical care among residents of large and medium-sized Russian cities.

Table 11. Attitude of the population to the sufficiency of medical institutions.

Table 12. Frequency of seeking medical care among the population.

Table 13. Household spending on health services in 2018.

Table 14. The volume of paid medical services to the population in the Federal District, 2017-2019, thousand rubles

Table 16. Average financial indicators branch "Activities in the field of health care".

Table 17. Distribution of the resident population of Moscow by age and sex, thousand people

Table 18. Monetary incomes of the population of Moscow.

Table 19. Distribution of the total amount of monetary income of the population of Moscow by 20% population groups, %.

Table 20. Population distribution by average per capita cash income in Moscow, 2018, %.

Table 21. Consumer spending by megaclusters in Moscow.

Table 22. Permanent population by districts as of January 1, 2019

Table 23. Morbidity of the population of Moscow by main classes of diseases, thousand people (for medical organizations of the system of the Ministry of Health of Russia).

Table 24. Main health indicators in Moscow.

Table 25. The structure of the areas of the medical center.

Table 26. List of medical equipment.

Table 27. Attendance of the medical center by department.

Table 28. Plan of attendance of the medical center on a monthly basis, 2021-2030, visits.

Table 29. Plan for loading the medical center by years, 2021-2030

Table 30. Average check and revenue of the medical center.

Table 31. Monthly revenue plan, 2021-2030, rub.

Table 32. Plan for receipt of revenue by years, 2021-2030, rub.

Table 33. The structure of the current costs of the medical center.

Table 34. Monthly current cost plan, 2021-2030, rub.

Table 35. Plan of current costs by years, 2021-2030, rub.

Table 36. Structure of direct costs of the medical center.

Table 37. Monthly direct cost plan, 2021-2030, rub.

Table 38. Plan of direct costs by years, 2021-2030, rub.

Table 39. Medical center staff and wage fund.

Table 40. Payroll monthly, 2021-2030, RUB

Table 41. Payroll by years, 2021-2030, RUB

Table 42. Main directions of investments.

Table 43 Calendar plan project implementation.

Table 45. Calculation of break-even sales volume.

Table 46. NPV sensitivity analysis for 5 key parameters.

Table 47. Monthly cash flow plan, 2021-2030

Table 48. Cash flow plan by years, 2021-2030

Table 49. Profit and loss plan by years, 2021-2030

Table 50. Profit and loss plan by years, 2021-2030

Table 51. Summary of GTC.

Table 52. Monthly taxation, 2021-2030

Table 53. Attraction and return of invested funds on a monthly basis, 2021-2030

Table 54. Investment performance indicators.

Table 55. Calculation of the NPV of the project for the forecast period, 2021-2030

Table 56 The financial analysis project.

List of charts

Chart 1. Plan for the development of financing (rubles).

Chart 2. Plan for the receipt of the medical center's revenue (rubles).

Graph 3. Plan for loading the medical center.

Chart 4. Plan of current costs (rubles).

Chart 5. Plan of direct costs (rubles).

Graph 6. Dynamics of inflation and GDP in Russia, 2003-2020, %.

Chart 7. The volume of paid medical services provided to the population of the Russian Federation, 2013-2019, billion rubles

Graph 8. The volume of the medical services market in the Russian Federation, 2012-2021 P, billion rubles

Chart 9. The volume of paid medical services provided to the population of Moscow, 2013-2019, billion rubles

Chart 10. Plan for loading the medical center.

Chart 11. Plan for receipt of revenue by directions (rubles).

Chart 12. Plan for receipt of mendsetr's revenue (rubles).

Chart 13. Plan of current costs (rubles).

Chart 14. Plan of direct costs (rubles).

Chart 15. Payroll share in revenue (%).

Chart 16. Plan for the development of financing.

Chart 17. Calendar investment plan.

Chart 18. Breakeven point.

Chart 19. Break-even sales volume (rubles and visits).

Graph 20. NPV sensitivity analysis.

Chart 21. Revenue and net profit (rubles).

Chart 22. EBITDA and net profit (rubles).

Chart 23. Net profit margin (%).

Chart 24. Revenue, costs, profit (rubles).

Chart 25. Dynamics of net profit (rubles).

Chart 26. Financial results(rub.).

Chart 28. Collection and repayment of debt (rubles).

Chart 29. Debt service (rubles).

Chart 30. Sensitivity of NPV to the discount rate.

Chart 31. NPV of the project and undiscounted cash flow (RUB).

Chart 32. The balance of CA at the enterprise on an accrual basis (rubles).

Chart 33. Plan of monthly costs of the medical center (rubles).

List of diagrams

Diagram 1. Revenue of the medical center by directions (rubles).

Diagram 2. Incidence of the population by disease classes in the Russian Federation, 2018, %.

Diagram 3. The main problems of state and municipal polyclinics in assessing patients.

Chart 4. How often do Russians seek medical help, %.

Diagram 5. Behavior of Russians in case of health problems, %.

Diagram 6. Why do Russians pay for medical care, %.

Diagram 7. The most acute health problems.

Diagram 8. The structure of the paid medical services market by the profile of services provided, %.

Diagram 9. Main profiles of services provided by commercial medical clinics.

Diagram 10. The structure of the Russian market of paid medical services by federal district, 2019, %.

Diagram 11. Structure of the medical services market, 2018, %.

Diagram 12. Structure of consumer spending of households in Moscow, 2018, %.

Diagram 13. Revenue structure of Moscow medical institutions by main types of activity, 2018, %.

Diagram 14. The structure of the areas of the medical center (sq. m).

Diagram 15. Attendance of the medical center by department.

Diagram 16. Revenue of the medical center by departments (rubles).

Diagram 17. The structure of the current costs of the medical center.

Diagram 18. The structure of the direct costs of the medical center.

Diagram 19. The structure of the payroll of the medical center (rubles).

Diagram 20. Structure of initial investments.

Diagram 21. Structure of tax deductions (%).

Diagram 22. Cost structure in the 10th year of project implementation (%).

List of drawings

Figure 1. The structure of the areas of the medical center (sq. m.).

Ready-made business plan for a medical center, clinic contains 186 pages, 56 tables, 33 graphic arts, 22 diagrams and 1 picture.

The need for medical services is growing every year. According to the forecast, by 2021 the market volume will grow to 2.865 billion rubles. from the current almost 2.5 billion rubles. According to a study by MAR Consult conducted in 2017, more and more Russians are willing to pay for quality medical services: both for simple tests and for the appointment of specialized specialists.

Under these conditions, the opening of a private medical clinic has great prospects even in a highly competitive environment. The implementation of such a project will require quite large investments from the entrepreneur, taking into account the important features of this business area.

AT this business plan of the medical center, we will describe a brief organizational plan, touch on the points necessary for the success of the case. At the end of the article, for familiarization, an example of calculating the payback is proposed.

Directions in the work of the medical center

The range of services offered in medical centers depends on their profile and the scale of the clinic.

Sample list of services:

  • primary and secondary reception of specialized doctors;
  • preventive examinations;
  • traumatology;
  • laboratory research;
  • x-ray studies;
  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging);
  • tomography;
  • colonoscopy;
  • FGDS, etc.

From highly specialized areas:

  • children's;
  • cardiological;
  • ophthalmic;
  • surgical (including plastic surgery), etc.;

Plastic surgery is now one of the most profitable business areas.

The more profiles a medical clinic includes, the more investments and highly qualified personnel will be required.

Opening a medical center: step by step instructions

Here is a brief organizational plan for opening a medical center.

The first step is to conduct a SWAT analysis, assess all the opportunities, risks, strengths and weaknesses of the business. Development should be based on a clear document (business plan), which will describe the entire sequence of actions and development prospects.

After analyzing, making a decision to open a business and finding investment capital, the entrepreneur proceeds to real actions.

  1. Selects the organizational and legal form of activity, launches the licensing process.
  2. Finds and prepares a room for the object.
  3. Looking for experienced staff.
  4. Procures and installs equipment.
  5. Coordinates the mechanism of the institution, the interaction of all staff.
  6. Organizes a large-scale advertising campaign new medical clinic.

A private medical institution can start work after working out the 5th stage of the plan.

What do you need to start a business

The largest initial cost item is the purchase of equipment. Of course, when buying equipment, you need to look for the best offer in terms of price, but you should not save on it. The quality and, ultimately, the success of the work of a private health / rehabilitation center depends on the equipment.

Table 1. The amount of initial costs for opening a medical center.

The work is supposed to be in a city with a population of 1.5-2 million people. The additional costs include the costs of utility bills, promotion, preparation of the premises, etc. The amount of tax deductions is not taken into account in the calculation.

The documents

Initially, the entrepreneur will have to choose the organizational and legal form of activity: individual entrepreneur or LLC.

When registering, indicate OKVED codes 2 from group 86 "Health activities":

  • 86.21 "General medical practice";
  • 86.22 "Special medical practice";
  • 86.23 "Dental practice";
  • 86.90 "Other activities in the field of medicine."

When providing inpatient medical services, the documents indicate 86.10 "Activities of hospital organizations", in the presence of massage services - 86.90.3 "Activities of massage parlors".

Licenses are required to operate. Before applying for a license, you need to take into account all the requirements, prepare the premises, purchase equipment (with certificates), employ staff, etc. Licensing itself will take a lot of time - at least about six months.


When choosing a complex of premises, several factors must be taken into account: transport accessibility, human flow, rental cost.

It is best to rent a room at the intersection traffic flows, availability of people: a new medical center will be noticed faster, the influx of new customers will be higher. We are not necessarily talking about the central part of the city (where the rent is always high). It is advisable to open near government medical facilities.

Necessarily need to prepare the premises, make repairs: from appearance medical clinic depends a lot. The more prestige and comfort customers will feel, the higher the credibility of the institution will be.

During the selection and preparation of premises for the medical center, the requirements of SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations engaged in medical activities" are taken into account.


It is necessary to carefully select the employees of the health center - this is very important. Skilled Workers help in solving the problem, because of which customers contact the company. This will lead to satisfaction of the need and increase the image of the clinic.

Experienced physicians are much less likely to make errors in diagnosis and treatment than inexperienced workers.

Employees are required to communicate with customers in a respectful manner.

The list of employees depends on the profile of the clinic. To get started, you need to have the following specialists:

  • gynecologist, 1 specialist;
  • cardiologist, 1 specialist;
  • pediatrician, 1 specialist;
  • Ultrasound room specialist, 1 specialist;
  • dentist, 1 specialist;
  • therapist, 2 specialists

Administrators, nurses and laboratory assistants (if analysis and diagnostic services are available), accountants and cleaners (orderlies) will be required. Staff in total - 16 people.


Reception of clients is carried out in several separate rooms, where specialists will work and the required equipment will be installed. The purchase of the latter will take most of the initial capital.

Need to buy quality samples equipment that will give accurate results of analysis and diagnostics. The success of the entire business depends on the quality of the selected equipment, therefore it is not worth saving on this item of expenditure.

Approximate list of equipment:

  • complex equipment of cardiological, gynecological, pediatric and therapeutic rooms (1.20 million rubles);
  • equipping the dentist's office (700 thousand rubles)
  • ultrasound machine (650 thousand rubles);
  • lamps for quartzing (50 thousand rubles);
  • laboratory equipment (thousand rubles);
  • purchase of additional tools, consumables, refrigerators (350 thousand rubles).

Total - 3.350 million rubles.

Common Services

When compiling the list, data from a study by MAR Consult were used.

In the first place - dental services. Clients are willing to pay for better treatment, more expensive drugs and advanced dental equipment.

Secondly, it is the delivery of tests (blood, feces, urine, etc.). Private medical clinics use more modern and sensitive laboratory equipment than public institutions.

Thirdly, it is the reception and consultation of specialized specialists. Often qualified doctors work in private medical centers - this allows them to receive more money for your work.

Fourth, massage. The popularity of this direction has grown literally over the past 7-8 years. In clinics, people are looking for massage therapists.

Financial plan: profitability and payback of the medical center

The amount of initial costs - 4.940 million rubles.

Prices depend on the qualifications, specialization of the doctor, order of consultation, etc. To calculate the revenue, let's turn to the cost of the services offered by the center:

  • initial consultation with a gynecologist - 1500 rubles, 150 times a month, total 225 thousand rubles.
  • initial consultation with a cardiologist - 1600 rubles, 180 times a month, total 288 thousand rubles.
  • initial consultation with a pediatrician - 1700 rubles, 270 times a month, total 459 thousand rubles.
  • ultrasound examination - 1300 rubles. (average), 150 times a month, total 195 thousand rubles.
  • initial consultation, dental treatment - 2500 rubles. (average), 200 times a month, total 500 thousand rubles.
  • primary consultation of a therapist - 1200 rubles, 360 times a month, total 432 thousand rubles.

Total for the month - 2.099 million rubles.

You can earn so much if the clinic is developed and known to people. You can develop an institution in about 1 year, subject to an active advertising campaign. The calculation takes into account only the prices for initial consultations, subsequent appointments also bring a lot of money.

The total amount of monthly costs is 1.340 million rubles.
Net profit (in the developed state) - 759 thousand rubles.
Under such conditions, the medical center will pay off in 6.5 months, plus a year for development. The clinic will go to zero in 18.5 months.

Table 2. Economic justification business ideas.

Business risks and cons

Working in the medical field comes with certain risks.

  1. Decrease in the well-being of citizens. Private medical centers are visited by people with a higher income level, that is, a narrower the target audience. In conditions economic crisis and falling levels of real incomes, the flow of customers to the establishment may decrease.
  2. High competition. For the most part, people prefer to go to free public clinics and hospitals. In part, this leads to an outflow of potential customers. At the same time, more modern private medical clinics are opening - that is, direct competitors capable of "intercepting" customers.
  3. Unprofessional staff. An incorrect diagnosis and the appointment of incorrect treatment may not only not give the desired result to the client, but also worsen his condition. This threatens at least negative consequences for the image of the center, and even litigation or even deprivation of the license.

The opening of a medical center in the current conditions of popularization of paid medicine is very beneficial. After going to zero, the business will bring a good income to the owner. But the entrepreneur needs to prepare: to achieve the goal, many risks will have to be taken into account; Only with a thoughtful approach is it really possible to succeed in this business.

Attention! The free business plan provided for download below is an example. Business plan, the best way corresponding to the conditions of your business, you need to create with the help of specialists.

The times when all medical services were provided free of charge in specialized medical institutions are long gone. Now more and more citizens of our country prefer to go to private medical centers, since the cost of services in commercial ones is not much higher than in public ones, and the high level of service is a weighting factor in favor of private clinics.

Therefore, medical centers are currently very profitable business, the demand for which is not to be doubted. Our website provides a sample business plan for a medical center, with the help of which everyone who wants to make money on the provision of medical services will be able to determine for themselves priority tasks and ways to solve them.

People who decide to open their own clinic or diagnostic center should understand that very high requirements are set for the subjects of the medical services market by both the state and potential clients, therefore, in order to start a successful and productive activity, it is necessary to take into account many factors, familiarize yourself with the legislation, analyze the market, etc.

Here you can download exemplary business plan medical center, which analyzed the most significant factors affecting the profitability and payback period of private clinics.

Before submitting documents for registration of your own clinic, first of all, you need to choose a profile of activity that will bring the greatest profit. For this purpose, an analytical section is included in the business plan of the medical center, which reflects the following factors:

  • — saturation of the paid honey market. services in the city/region of interest;
  • — demand various kinds therapeutic services;
  • — performance of several types of medical and diagnostic centers;
  • — the cost of medical services in demand.

The task of a detailed market analysis is to identify the most promising line of business for the future medical center and, based on this, determine the location of the clinic, calculate costs and expected profit.

Also, the business plan of the medical center, an example of which is on our website, must contain data on real competitors and potential customers of the new private clinic, because on the basis of this information the desired position in the market is determined.

The location of the medical center is a factor that has a significant impact on the amount of future profit, since most people prefer to go to clinics that are close to home.

Therefore, the center located near new business and elite class buildings, where wealthy people live, will bring the greatest income. And vice versa, a clinic that provides paid medical services, located on the outskirts of the city in a residential area built 50-60 years ago, is unlikely to pay for itself.

In order for those who decide to open their own clinic to be able to calculate the estimated costs of bringing this idea to life, we offer an approximate business plan for a medical center for free. It outlines mandatory expenses and gives a methodology for calculating the payback period of fixed and working capital.

The amount of expenses and the amount of profit largely depend on the specifics of the activities of the medical center and the city (region) in which the clinic will be located.

In order to open a clinic, it is imperative to calculate the exact amount needed for the following purposes:

  • - construction or rental of premises;
  • – purchase and maintenance of medical equipment, furniture;
  • - purchase of consumables - medicines, medical supplies;
  • - contributions to the insurance fund;
  • - contributions to Pension Fund and salary for specialists;
  • - payment for communication, utilities, security, etc.;
  • — the cost of a license to provide medical services;
  • - financially Maintenance premises;
  • - advertising;
  • - depreciation.

The profit of the owner of a private medical center consists of proceeds from one-time consultations with doctors and from proceeds from single or complex procedures (if such services are provided in the clinic).

Some businessmen who own their own clinics enter into contracts with large business structures, according to which the management of these enterprises will pay for the treatment of their employees at the medical center.

Such contracts, of course, are the key to having a permanent clientele and good profits.

Good to know!

We respect your choice, but we want to remind you that the least risky, relatively easy and comfortable start of a business can be organized under the wing of a successful company on a franchise basis. We invite you to get to know "Catalog of profitable franchises".

Why it is easier and more convenient to start a business with a franchise can be found in the selection of articles published in the section: "Articles about franchising"

You can also open a medical center where children's doctors will work, because all parents care about the health of their children and are ready to spend any money so that the child does not have health problems.

By and large, the business plan of a children's medical center does not have significant differences from the business plan of a private clinic or diagnostic center for adults.

With regard to the payback of the medical center, it is necessary to find the combination of costs and expected income at which the center will fully pay for itself within 5 years.

The license for the provision of medical services is valid for 5 years (then it must be renewed), so it is better to get back the money invested in the business in that time in order to make a profit in the following years.

Watch the video: "Business Secrets: Anna Znamenskaya"

A business plan can be used when negotiating with investors, justifying your decisions when obtaining a license, and for planning your own organizational activities.

General concept of the project

In Russia, the demand for high-quality medical services is constantly growing, and for paid ones it is growing much faster than for those provided by budgetary medical organizations. As studies show, this trend is due to the fact that municipal free medicine does not fully satisfy the needs of the population, which are increasingly sent for help to private clinics and medical centers. This is typical for both adult patients and the pediatric segment of service consumers.

Business in medicine has always been distinguished by a high level of material and intellectual costs, because. it is associated with the need to comply with strict regulatory requirements enshrined in current legislation. The most important condition for commercial success for a private clinic is high quality medical services and professional patient care.

To implement the project, a total investment of 24,806,184.6 rubles will be required. Financing is carried out by obtaining a commercial loan at 14% per annum. The loan amount is the total cost of the project and will provide the bank with an income of 1,886,510.34 rubles during the investment period. With proper planning of expenses and effective organizational work of the founder of the project, it will pay off no later than 2 years after the opening of the medical institution.

In order to make it easier to understand traffic and control directions cash flows this business plan of the medical center with calculations provides that the repayment of the loan and the payment of interest on it begin from the 1st month of the project.

Market analysis

At the end of 2016, the total value of the medical services market in Russia increased by 4.7% and amounted to 2,203.6 billion rubles. According to experts, the segments of commercial and shadow medicine grew most dynamically, and in the second position, growth was achieved mainly due to an increase in the number of patient appointments. This indicates that the tradition of paying doctors "in person" continues to exist and will take place in the future. This, in turn, will lead to a reduction in the number of official appointments with doctors, therefore, in 2017, we should expect a contraction in the value of the market. According to experts, in this industry, the restoration of the volume of services can take place only in 2019.

Private medical institutions in our country make up only 10% of the total. This business segment was previously dominated by individual entrepreneurs However, after the amendments to the legislation and increased requirements for private clinics, the situation has changed significantly and now medical services are provided mainly by complex medical centers that demonstrate good profitability.

In 2016, Russians were provided with medical services at total amount 688.5 billion rubles. At the same time, the unit cost of spending on their payment in the general consumer budget of citizens amounted to 22.2% at the beginning of 2017, which is 0.7% more than last year. The number of appointments with private specialists last year decreased by 2.5% compared to 2015 and amounted to 1,523.2 million. For the development of the private medicine sector in recent times reforms that are permanently introduced in this industry have a strong influence.

As a result, there was a partial redistribution of patients in the sector of commercial medicine, and it became problematic to get an appointment in budgetary medical institutions. In addition, the general decline in the material well-being of citizens contributed to the growth of the shadow market for medical services. The ongoing reforms in the healthcare sector have led to the following processes:

  • The rapid entry of state clinics into the market of paid services.
  • An increase in the number of cases of unfair competition on the part of municipal medical institutions in the formation of tariffs.
  • Unreasonable transfer of public services to the commercial category.
  • Decrease in the quality of budgetary medical services provided in public medical institutions.

Such phenomena have contributed to the formation of consumer opinion that in small private clinics and medical centers you can always get more qualified medical care in more comfortable conditions and for little money.

Thus, the creation of a medical institution is still a promising and popular type of business that has a high profitability and solves a number of important social problems.

Organizational and legal form and taxation system

This project provides for the use of the organizational and legal form of the business object LLC (a company with limited liability). It will carry out activities under OKVED 85.11.1 Activities of general and specialized hospitals.

In order to reduce the period of registration of an institution and reduce the cost of its creation, the simplified taxation form (15%) is applied. Subsequently, when acquiring fixed assets into ownership, a transition is made to paying tax on the gross income of the organization (6%).


Organizing a business in medicine requires obtaining a license and going through complex procedures for coordinating activities. To obtain a license, the following documents are provided:

  • Founder's application for a license.
  • LLC Charter.
  • Receipt of payment of the license fee.
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, statistics codes, TIN, GRN and PSRN.
  • Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.
  • Documents on the education of the main specialists of the medical institution.
  • Copies of employment contracts.
  • Certificate of ownership of the fixed assets of the institution or a lease agreement.
  • List of used material and technical equipment with certificates and acts of its commissioning.
  • Inventory book.

To carry out the procedure for registering an institution, a specialist from a legal organization is involved.

Premises selection

The building for a private clinic is selected with the calculation of the placement of the following premises in it:

  • Hall and reception - 12 m2.
  • Wardrobe - 6 m2.
  • Bathroom - 8 m2.
  • Waiting area - 10–12 m2.
  • Observation room - 16–18 m2.
  • Ultrasound room - 20–22 m2.
  • Treatment room - 16–18 m2.
  • Premises for employees - 14–16 m2.
  • Sterilization room - 6 m2.
  • Technical room - 3 m2.
  • Manager's office - 10 m2.
  • The office of the head physician - 10 m2.

Total floor space medical institution– 150 m2. At the initial stage of the project, the premises are rented, then they are redeemed for ownership.

The facility must have a 380 kW power connection for the ultrasound machine and normal natural lighting. To ensure the operation of X-ray machines (MRI), additional equipment of the premises is made in accordance with the established requirements. Environmentally friendly and fireproof materials certified for these purposes are used as finishing materials. After completion of work on equipping the premises, contracts are concluded for their deratization and disinfection, which are presented upon receipt of a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.


To ensure the high quality of medical services provided, the following medical equipment and tools are purchased:

  • Medical analyzers and instrumentation.
  • Microscopes.
  • Aspirators and gas analyzers.
  • Weighing equipment.
  • Laboratory furniture and fume hoods.
  • Office furniture.
  • Special furniture for patients.
  • Laboratory equipment: distillers and bidistillators; sterilizers and autoclaves; magnetic stirrers, centrifuges and other mixing devices; muffle furnaces and drying cabinets; thermostats and water baths; heating tiles and mantle heaters; shakers.

All equipment and tools must have appropriate quality and safety certificates. The acceptance into operation of equipment and tools is confirmed by the act.

Recruitment and working hours

The professionalism and responsibility of the employees of the medical institution is the most important factor in the successful implementation of the project. The selection of specialists is carried out on the basis of a competition according to the criteria established for these professions. Preemptive right for employment is given to specialists with experience practical work specialty for at least 5 years.

To work in a private clinic, full-time medical specialists are involved:

Calculation of rates for other employees is carried out at the later stages of the project, based on economic indicators activities of a medical institution. Also, specialists working under a contract agreement are involved in the clinic.

The work schedule is determined in accordance with the list of medical services provided:

  • Primary medical examination.
  • Functional diagnostics.
  • Treatment.
  • Analyzes.

Estimated standard for admission of patients (in minutes):

  • For adults - 14.7.
  • For children - 21.7.

Based on these calculations, the operating hours of the medical center will look like this:

Indicators Quantity
Total working week (h)
Outpatient doctor's appointment 40
outpatient nurse appointment 40
Holidays (days)
Doctors 42
Nurses 35
Number of shifts 2

Thus, the established load rate for 1 specialist is 4 patients per hour.

Financial plan

The business plan of the medical center with calculations is based on data on average prices for medical services in private clinics at the end of 2016.

Planned volume of rendered services by periods:

Period Services Number of visits Service price Volume of proceeds per month
Outpatient medical appointment 1 300 1 500 2 047 500
1-12 months (investment period) 1 950 1 500 2 457 000
1-12 months (investment period) Sale of medications 600 1 500 900 000
Outpatient medical appointment 1 378 3 000 4 134 000
13-24 m-ts

(production period)

Nursing care and house calls 2 480 1 500 3 720 000
13-24 months (production period) Sale of medications 700 1 500 1 050 000

Achieving the planned level of service provision is possible only with a competent marketing policy. For this it is planned:

  • To form a single concept for advertising a private clinic.
  • Develop and implement the corporate identity of a medical institution.
  • Develop your own organization website.
  • Organize the dissemination of information about the activities of a private clinic through the media, radio and television, social networks.
  • Develop a program to stimulate sales of services and a corporate policy of preferences.

When forming marketing strategy the main attention is paid to improving the quality of the diagnostic and treatment process, the introduction of modern medical technologies and development of new types of services.

Project implementation costs are presented in the following table:

Articles Total
FOT 652 243,2
Salary 517 653,36
Other payments 3 673,6
Travel expenses 3 673,6
Payroll accruals 134 589,84
Purchasing Services 28 743,4
Payment for communication services 913,93
Communal payments 3 987,2
Current expenses for rent and maintenance of the facility 22 821,13
Repair of equipment and inventory 3 942.4
Building and premises renovation 18 878,73
Other services for the equipment of premises 1 021,44
Travel expenses 1 021,44
other expenses 5 474,56
Receipts of non-financial assets 154 609,84
Increase in OS cost 9 946,86
OS purchase 2 266,88
Purchase of upholstered furniture 7 679,98
Inventories (taking into account the increase in their value) 144 662,98
Purchase of medications and medicines 136 590,03
Acquisition of fuel and lubricants 1 433,6
Buying office supplies 6 639,36
Total 840 987


SWOT risk analysis for opening a medical institution showed the following weak and strengths this project:

  • Availability of highly qualified specialists.
  • Providing a full range of services.
  • Good location of the medical center and attractive interior.
  • Availability of discounts for services.
  • The work of specialists by appointment and on Sunday.
  • Availability of a website with the possibility of making an appointment with specialists.

Possible threats to the business, an example of which is outlined in this business plan, are:

  • Tightening state regulation in the field of healthcare.
  • Increased competition due to the opening of another medical center.
  • Improving the quality of medical services in municipal institutions healthcare.
  • Decrease in real incomes of the population.
  • Termination of the lease for the premises.
  • High capitalization of investments.


Calculations for this plan showed that all costs of creating a private clinic will pay off in 2 years, taking into account the discount period. The overall economic effect of the project implementation will amount to 98,794,295.74 rubles.

Thus, with a responsible and competent approach to the implementation of all the recommendations set out in this business plan, the founder will be able to create a modern and socially demanded institution that will bring a stable profit.

Given the prevailing trends in domestic market medical services, the institution has great prospects for development and transformation into a large full-function medical center of a regional scale.

The medical center is being opened to provide advisory, therapeutic and preventive services to the population. The business plan provides data on the level of competition in the industry, the composition of the potential audience and the financial aspects of opening an institution.

Being in fact a private clinic of a wide profile, the medical center is a complex structure that provides paid services to the population. Accordingly, it must immediately occupy an appropriate niche in its market sector and determine its pricing policy. Since in the field of paid medicine the requirements for the quality of service are higher, it is necessary to set a high bar already at the initial stage, subsequently constantly confirming it.

Medical center as a type of business

A medical center, or a private clinic, is a modern full-fledged type of business that has a wide potential audience and takes its place in. Increasing public confidence in private clinics helps to increase the prospects of this type of business. Nevertheless, some of the difficulties that every entrepreneur faces when opening a medical center remain relevant.

The most important requirements for an entrepreneur - the founder of a medical structure, are as follows:

  1. - Availability medical education- higher or middle;
  2. - some experience in the medical field;
  3. - obtaining a license issued by the Ministry of Health and a special certificate for this type of activity;
  4. - the availability of premises that meet the established technical requirements and on legal grounds owned by the founder of the center;
  5. - a business plan drawn up in accordance with existing standards and accurate financial calculations.
  6. There are several factors that determine the success of a medical center:
  7. - efficiency of activity planning and literacy of project management;
  8. - features of spending resources, their distribution in accordance with the stipulated norms;
  9. - the nature of the implementation of the developed strategy for the development of the enterprise.

A private clinic often includes several directions at once. Unlike highly specialized centers, such an institution has more prospects due to its wide potential audience. The most popular areas of activity that should be included in the range of services provided are the following:

  1. - therapy;
  2. - pediatrics;
  3. — preventive activities;
  4. — areas of alternative medicine and other competitive activities.

According to the results of recent years, the most profitable areas private medicine are named:

  1. - pediatrics;
  2. — gynecology, sexology;
  3. - narcology.

The format of family medicine is considered successful, especially popular among wealthy segments of the population.

When opening a paid clinic, it is worth considering what competitive advantages will be offered to potential clients, thanks to which the new organization will be able to attract and retain its audience.

The following features should become the primary features of a private clinic:

  1. — high quality of services provided and improved service: in contrast to state medical institutions a private clinic should offer patients comfortable private rooms, if necessary, round-the-clock nursing care and improved medical support;
  2. — a wide variety of services;
  3. — high-quality technical supply;
  4. — flexible discount and discount systems that allow you to work with patients on an ongoing basis.

It is these features that distinguish private medical institutions from public hospitals that do not provide patients with an adequate level of comfort.

The organization of the work of the medical center should be aimed not only at attracting new customers, but above all at retaining old ones. The high quality of services, profitable loyalty programs for regular customers and attractive family offers will serve this.

Before opening a company, it is worth studying offers existing organizations medical purposes, by analyzing which services are currently in short supply and which are represented in the market in sufficient volume. The optimal set of services for a medium-sized center includes the following:

– consultation of a specialist and initial examination;

- analysis;

- prescribing and conducting treatment;

– Ultrasound and other basic types of examinations;

- functional diagnostics;

- Operational activity.

This list can be expanded or narrowed depending on the territorial location and the expected scale of activity. At the initial stage, a treatment room can be opened, specializing only in taking material for further analysis. To do this, the cabinet establishes cooperation with larger ones, in fact becoming a local branch. Such a move will allow you to start a business with minimum investment: it is enough to open a small office, obtain a license and certificate, as well as hire a small staff.

Medical Center Marketing Plan

Before opening a business in the field of providing advisory and medical services, the development of a marketing plan will be an obligatory step. It is based on the study of the dynamics of the industry, the level of development of competitors, the ratio of private and state enterprises in branch.

The marketing plan will include the formation and consolidation of consumer opinion regarding new organization. The main points of such a plan would be:

  1. – creation of a unified advertising concept for the future institution;
  2. — development of own style of the company;
  3. – creation of a media plan, videos and other materials;
  4. – development of an action plan to promote the service, increase sales and retain existing customers;
  5. - Creation of the company's website;
  6. — creation of appropriate infrastructure, planning of working conditions.

In addition to promoting services via the Internet, it is rational to advertise in the media, distribute leaflets and business cards of the new organization. You should first study the mechanism and effectiveness of each of the advertising methods. When located in a busy area the best advertisement the center will have an attractive informative sign.

Key Features marketing campaign and common mistakes - in the video:

Registration of a medical center

Any organization specializing in the provision of medical services must have the status of a legal entity. In most cases, clinics and treatment centers operate on the basis of an LLC. This format requires the preliminary preparation of a number of constituent documents, including the charter, the decision to appoint the head, the minutes of the meeting of the founders, and others.

A prerequisite for the creation of an LLC is the provision of complete information about all the founders, the full name of the company and its legal address. All these data are provided when submitting a registration application by filling out a special form. According to the requirements of the tax service, the founder is obliged to guarantee the solvency of the new enterprise, having previously paid authorized capital amounting to at least 10 thousand rubles. It will also be mandatory to pay a state duty, the amount of which for legal entities- 4 thousand rubles.

When submitting an application, it is necessary to have a medical license that entitles a person to engage in the chosen type of activity. To apply for its registration, you need to go to the department of Roszdravnadzor, having previously familiarized yourself with the law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens of the Russian Federation”, as well as a special resolution “On the Organization of Licensing Certain Types of Activities”.

The issue of licensing for organizations of various types is discussed in detail in federal law about licensing:

Obtaining a medical license is paid - the amount of the fee is 7,500 rubles. It is better to deal with this issue in advance - the deadline for issuing this document is up to 45 working days.

After all the documents and the license are ready, you can apply to the Federal Tax Service, and if all the requirements, certificate and other founding documents on granting the new LLC the right to engage in entrepreneurial activities.

Stages of opening a medical center

The search for premises will be one of the main stages of opening a private clinic of any nature. The territorial location in this regard will not be a determining factor, since for quality medical services potential clients ready to go even to a remote area. True, a convenient location will be a big plus in that period, while the company has not yet managed to gain positive fame in the market.

The choice of premises will be influenced by several main factors:

  • — patency - the more people see the medical center, the faster its client base will increase;
  • - the density of the population living in the selected area, and the level of their income. It is better to open a private clinic in a prestigious area where a large number of solvent citizens live;
  • - lack of nearby competitive companies.

An ideal option would be a busy central street or a secure sleeping area. It is important that there are no successful private clinics nearby, which may be difficult for a new company to compete with. Since in this case you will have to pay more attention to advertising and think over profitable marketing moves.

More important will be the compliance of the building with the sanitary requirements for medical facilities. The size of the premises must have an area of ​​250 sq.m. or more, especially if you plan to create your own laboratory and treatment rooms. Requires a bathroom and telephone connection. When choosing a room, you should pay attention to whether free access to each office will be possible and whether there is enough space to accommodate all the necessary objects.

When choosing a room for a clinic, it is desirable that it previously performed the same functions. In this case, you can get by with cosmetic repairs and significantly reduce the cost of equipping the premises and bringing it into line with the requirements of the law. If you have to do everything from scratch, according to preliminary estimates, the repair and preparation for the work of each meter (architectural design, conducting the necessary communications, finishing the premises and purchasing equipment and furniture) will cost 1 thousand dollars.

After registering the enterprise and preparing the premises for opening, it will be necessary to search for specialists for the future center. When opening any clinic from scratch, qualified staff will be the most important success factor. It is necessary to select professional personnel both among specialized medical specialists and in the management sector. The latter specialists must understand the rules of business existence, marketing and financial features.

Regulatory aspects are very important when opening a private medical center. So, the size of the staff will depend on the work schedule and workload of the center. At the same time, it is important to take into account the existing calculation norms developed for medical and diagnostic organizations. So, the standard rate of admission for one doctor is 4 patients per hour. The allowable number of positions of doctors in outpatient clinics is determined by special formulas, taking into account established by law load standards for specialists of various qualifications. The working hours of the staff of any clinic operating on the basis of a medical license can be summarized in the table:

Approximate calculations show that for each doctor's staff there should be 0.5 nurse's rate. It is these parameters that must be taken into account when recruiting staff. The final number of staff positions of doctors, nurses, staff and administrators will depend on the predicted number of visitors and the center's schedule.

The main steps for opening a medical institution from scratch are in the video:

Technical equipment. Purchase of equipment

One of the stages of opening a private clinic is the purchase of a minimum set of equipment. For clinics planning to open their own laboratory and treatment rooms, an approximate set will be as follows:

  1. — analytical instruments;
  2. - instruments for measuring the main physical parameters;
  3. — laboratory furniture, fume hoods;
  4. — weight equipment;
  5. — gas analyzers and other devices of similar purpose;
  6. - furniture for patients.

If the center has its own laboratory, a standard set of equipment is required, including a distiller, centrifuge, thermostat, sterilizer, microscopes, heating mantles, autoclaves, hot plates, and so on.

The quality and technical characteristics of the equipment will play a very important role in the work of the center. Therefore, its purchase should be carried out only through dealers of trusted manufacturers, and after a certain period of time, its replacement or repair work is necessary.

For a center that provides full-fledged therapeutic and diagnostic services, the following list of specialized equipment will be relevant:

  1. – magnetic resonance tomograph designed to study internal organs and tissues;
  2. – X-ray system for angiographic studies of the heart and blood vessels;
  3. – an X-ray apparatus that allows layer-by-layer imaging without changing the position of the body, which is especially important for examining patients with injuries;
  4. - Ultrasound apparatus. It is an indispensable device that explores everything internal organs human body and provide information in three dimensions.
  5. — a digital mammograph designed for contrast diagnostics of the mammary glands in order to identify their pathologies, including oncology;
  6. - electroencephalograph - a device used to study the state of the cerebral cortex and identify possible pathologies. The presence of a modern encephalograph allows you to accurately determine all kinds of lesions of the cerebral cortex in order to subsequently take timely remedial measures;
  7. – an endoscope that allows you to display color images of organs on digital media for various pathologies in order to further analyze the effectiveness of treatment;
  8. - artificial ventilation apparatus. It is intended for the treatment and maintenance of life of patients with impaired lung function. Modern devices control the amount of oxygen entering the lungs so as not to cause an overdose. The medical center will need equipment that supplies, in addition to oxygen, medicines in the form of finely dispersed medicines;
  9. - Holter monitor - designed to monitor heart control, blood pressure and other indicators. The monitor shows all possible heart rhythm disturbances, allowing you to make an accurate diagnosis;
  10. - dialysis machines;
  11. - electrocardiograph. It is better to choose a modern three-channel device that allows you to record three lines at once, thereby making it possible to make a more accurate diagnosis;
  12. - defibrillator.

Depending on the specifics of the medical center, it may be necessary to purchase gurneys with a height adjustment function, a gynecological table with built-in electric patient position controls, medical chairs and drip stands. If a private clinic specializes in surgery, an operating table with improved technical characteristics will be mandatory. Immediately you need to purchase specialized medical cabinets for instruments and medicines, surgical lamps and other auxiliary types of equipment and accessories.

A medical center that provides a more limited range of services, especially in the absence of its own laboratory, requires much less attention to the selection and purchase of equipment.

In any case, the availability of medical equipment provides for regular monitoring of its condition and maintaining it in good condition. It is imperative to include in the activity plan work on the maintenance of equipment. These include control technical condition, maintenance during operation and repair in case of malfunctions. Periodic unscheduled control of medical equipment is required.

Financial plan

The general cost plan for registration, opening and primary development of the medical center requires an initial investment of up to 25 million rubles. That is how much the project being developed in this regard will cost. If the founder of the business does not have own funds in the right amount, you can attract investor funds or contact creditors. In any case, in order to receive the required amount, it is necessary to provide a detailed business plan describing all upcoming costs and forecasts regarding future income.

In the process of financial planning, as well as before each new season of work, it is necessary to draw up an estimate. In fact, this is a consolidated plan of all upcoming expenses in the production and economic category for a certain period of time. The Ministry of Finance has established one specific form for the estimate, which must be followed by all enterprises in the medical and preventive direction.

As a rule, the main source of funding for the campaign will be a loan, it is worth considering that its amount should be from 24.6 - 24.7 million rubles for a period of 24 months. The interest rate will then be 24%. With preliminary calculations, the medical center should reach the break-even point by the second billing month. To achieve this goal, the monthly income of the clinic must reach a stable level.

To determine the cost of the center, you can calculate the cost of arranging and maintaining the work of one office.

The list of costs will be as follows:

Taking into account these and some additional expenses, the cost of one medical office will cost from 840 thousand rubles.

If we sum up the expenditure side of the project in total, we can compile one summary table of all the costs of opening and developing a clinic:

Item of expenses Cost per month Cost per year
Purchase (rent) of premises 8 million (600 thousand)
Architectural design 640 thousand
Connecting communications (water, sewerage, electricity) 340 thousand
Payment of utility services 73 thousand 876 thousand
Interior decoration, repair, design 6.5 million
Purchase of furniture 680.9 thousand
Purchase of equipment 25.6 thousand 3.08 million
Registration of licenses and permits 1.2 million
Acquisition of fixed assets 63.5 thousand 763 thousand
Purchase of consumables 12.1 thousand From 145 thousand
Computer hardware costs 200 thousand
Website development, hosting payment 1500 300 thousand
Payment for online advertising 80 thousand 960 thousand
Payment of wages Up to 1.3 million Over 15 million
Paying taxes 389.5 thousand 4.67 million
Additional, unexpected costs 2.115 million
Total 1.55 million 41.3 million

The financial plan necessarily includes the development of a pricing policy for all types of services. The average indicators in the capital, depending on the specialization of the doctor, will be as follows:

  • - initial consultation with a doctor of the main profiles - 3 thousand rubles;
  • - repeated consultation of a specialist - 2 thousand;
  • - initial consultation with the head of the department - 4 thousand;
  • - re-examination by the head of the department - 3.5 thousand.
  • Consultation or inspection by individual specialists may provide higher prices. The cost is also affected by the level of the clinic, its reputation and brand promotion, geographical location and some other factors. In general, the following main aspects affect the cost of services:
  • - the cost of providing services;
  • - prices of competitors;
  • — uniqueness of services;
  • - Demand and relevance among the potential audience.

Tax payments relevant for a medical center of any size will be standard:

  1. - income tax paid on the basis of the previous month - 20%;
  2. – monthly value added tax (VAT) – 18%;
  3. - property tax - 2.2%. Paid in accordance with the established payment schedule;
  4. - 13% income tax - monthly;
  5. - standard social payments - paid at the end of the month in the amount of 30 percent.

The most important point of the business plan is the structure of future income. The calculation presented in the table is carried out taking into account the time period of 12 months:

Taking into account such data and subject to the active development of the private medical services market, as well as taking into account that the increase in consumption in this sector will be 5%, we can conclude that the company can achieve sales volumes of more than 94 billion rubles in a year.

The payback period for exactly the implementation of all points of the business plan and subject to a successful marketing campaign is 2 years.

The most important aspects of the medical business - in the video:

Additional features and risks

Risk assessment is one of the main points financial plan enterprises. So that these factors do not become an obstacle to the development of the medical center, they must be initially included in the business plan and taken into account at all stages of activity.

For the medical center, the following risks are relevant:

  • - lack of premises for opening a medical center;
  • — high cost of the technological base and investments in the industry as a whole;
  • — high level of competition;
  • - lack of specialists, especially junior medical staff;
  • - Lack of confidence of the population and doctors in private medicine.

All these risks can be minimized by taking them into account when creating a business plan and developing a marketing campaign.

One of the most profitable and least risky options for organizing a medical center is to buy a franchise. By opening an enterprise under a name already known on the market, the founder can count on a certain clientele already at the initial stage. The franchisor provides a full-fledged program for the development of a new enterprise, assists in the training of personnel and financial planning. In this case, the franchisee must fulfill certain obligations that are prescribed in the contract. Among the prerequisites is a certain list of services offered, styling and, in most cases, pricing policy. Such requirements can significantly limit the founder of a medical center in terms of implementation and development, but they will provide certain support and guarantee.

Opening a medical center can be a difficult and time-consuming procedure. But by carefully planning all the stages of its creation, financial features and an advertising campaign, during the first year of operation, you can bring this type of business to the level of self-sufficiency and subsequently increase capital by expanding the scope of activities.