TV program for March 8. Entertaining and educational program "March 8"




Mezhdurechensk, 2016

Entertainment and educational program

Target: education of respect for a woman, a sensitive attitude to mother, grandmother.

Preparation for the event: script writing, learning poems, rehearsals, making gifts, surprises.

Hall decoration: the inscription "Congratulations", flowers, balloons, children's drawings.

Equipment: tape recorder, cassettes with recordings of children's songs and songs about mom,

a set of dishes, kerchiefs and aprons, dolls and clothes for them, a set

paper napkins.

Event progress:

While the snows are still whitening in the fields

And the river depth is hidden under the ice,

But winter leaves in all calendars.

Already torn off ... Spring has come to the country!

March is coming! Guys, did you notice this?

The long-awaited spring has come again. She came to us after heavy snowfalls

and burning frosts and brought with it the warmth of the spring sun and a holiday. Guys, what holiday do we celebrate with the advent of spring? That's right, it's March 8th.

To cheer you up, the first holiday greeting from the variety dance "Flame"."Smeshinki", meet!

On the day of March 8, men especially fuss. And why? That's right, they should congratulate their beloved women on the holiday.

The poem “Do not recognize dad today” is read by girls.

Guys, are you getting ready for this holiday? And what are you doing?

(they learn poetry, make gifts, clean the house, etc.)

Now we will check how you can clean up your toys.

Fun relay race "Collect toys"

Children are randomly divided into teams. Toys are scattered in front of each team. The task of the participants is to run to the toys, take one of them, bring it and put it on the table. The team that does it faster wins.

And again, a festive congratulation from the pop dance "Flame"

Our children also prepared congratulations for you.

Congratulations children

It's nice to hear such words from children.

Guys, your mothers cook porridge for you, but what kind? Can you tell buckwheat from barley? Then feel free to get down to business.

Competition "Cook porridge".

Choose from a set of products: buckwheat, peas, rice, barley.

Mothers help their children

There is always a dispute in the family: who is in charge in the house - mom or dad? What do you guys think? And for some, the grandmother is the main one in the family, and now we will find out why.

Children read poetry

Guys, do you help your mom do the laundry? But as? Well, what can we check?

A game: " Mom's helpers»

We pull ropes, hang clothes.

Well done boys!

And as always, I have prepared riddles for you.


Everything woke up from a dream, everything blooms - came .... (Spring)

Girls have no other occupation than to change their every hour ... (dresses)

So that the grandchildren do not freeze, the grandmother knits ... (gloves)

My sister has sweethearts on two legs ... (slippers)

Everyone around is crying a lot if mom cleans ... (onion)

Dad and mom are at home with me, so today is the day ... (day off)

Here are the flowers on the desk, we give them to the girls ... (in March)

Mom will squeeze out delicious fruits for us ... (juice)

All wheezes, Lada sneezes, ate a lot ... (ice cream)

A dressing gown is stained with white flour, mom baked for the kids ... (pie)

In the spring, dandelion wreaths are weaved, of course, only .... (girls, not boys)

Skates on the ice drew arrows, only hockey is played .... (boys)

Bunnies jumped in the clearing, our dolls play ... (girls)

Nuts, nails, gears, you will find in the pocket of ... (boys)

Everyone plays: mothers, grandmothers, children become in a circle.

Our mothers and grandmothers are the wisest in the world. I offer our mothers the following contest. There are a lot of proverbs in our Russian language. There are many proverbs in other peoples of the world. If some of them are literally translated, then in meaning they resemble some of our proverbs. I will now name foreign proverbs, and you are Russian to me, close to them in meaning.

Proverb games:

He will not get lost, who asks (ital.) Language will bring to Kyiv.

One morning hour is better than two evening hours (Eng.) Morning is wiser than evening.

Quiet water undermines the shore (Polish) There are devils in a still pool.

Being among the crows, you need to croak like they (Polish) Live with wolves like a wolf howl.

You have to pay after dinner. If you like to ride - love to carry sleds.

Grain to grain, and there will be a measure (Polish). With the world on a thread - a naked shirt.

We determine the winner.

Guys, we have a little problem. For the holiday you need to cook borscht and compote. To do this, you need to go to the market and buy fruits and vegetables. Can you handle it?

Game "Surprise for Mom"

Children are divided into two teams. The game takes place in the form of a fun relay race. Models of vegetables and fruits are prepared on the table. One team buys vegetables for borscht at the market, the other buys fruits for compote. You need to take turns running to the table, take a vegetable or fruit and run back to the team with it. And so is every participant. Then the results are summed up.

Guys, will you help dad set the festive table? Then I suggest that mothers give a master class on folding napkins for the festive table.

Competition "Napkins"

We distribute paper napkins to mothers and grandmothers so that they decorate them for the festive table.

When the family appears Small child, then all family members should be able to take care of newborns. I propose the following test.

Competition "Swaddled the Doll"

You need to wrap the doll in a diaper.

Our mothers and grandmothers have very dexterous hands, have you seen how deftly they handle crochet and knitting needles? Our children also have dexterous hands.

Game "Nimble hands"

Winding threads on balls from both sides to the intended middle. Both parents and children play.

Assignment: "I am the hostess."

You need to quickly put on an apron and a scarf, run up to your mother, kiss her and say

"Happy holiday, mommy!"

Guys, now let's take turns wishing something good to our mothers and grandmothers.

Children's Wishes

And in conclusion of our holiday, I would like to tell you:

There are many holidays in the country,

But Women's Day is given to Spring.

After all, only women are subject to

Create a spring holiday - caress.

So be kind, simple,

Always with a smile on your face!

Well, in a word, be you

How spring should be!

Children give souvenirs to their mothers and grandmothers.

Competition "Dress"

Vests with button closures, headscarves, neck scarves, aprons.

Relay race, the children take turns fastening all the buttons, then they tie a scarf on their heads, around their necks, put on an apron.

Competition "Feed the baby"

The children line up. The first one ties up the bib, the second feeds the porridge, the third carries the juice to drink, the fourth one wipes it with a napkin, the fifth one takes off the bib.

Congratulations to children of 6 years old

The eighth of March is a spring day.

The whole sky is like mica,

And soon, soon white

The gardens will be covered again.

The eighth of March is a special day -

Favorite holiday of our mothers,

He is the most gentle, the kindest,

That is why he is dear to us.

There are many mothers in the world.

Children love them with all their hearts.

There is only one mother

She is dearer to me than anyone.

Who is she? I will answer.

This is my mommy!

What a gift for mom

We will give on Women's Day?

There is not enough for this.

Fantastic ideas.

After all, prepare a surprise for mom

It is very interesting.

We'll knead the dough in the tub

Or wash the chair.

Well, I'm a gift to my mother

I'll paint the closet with flowers

It would be nice if the ceiling

Too bad I'm not tall.

We were wise with dad for a long time,

What good would we do?

And on this day - we decided so -

We will do everything for the ladies.

We'll bake a cake for mom

Fragrant and ruddy

And, of course, pie.

We will eat together with mom.

Sisters, and grandmothers, and mothers

We congratulate you together

Health, joy to all of you

With all our hearts we wish!

Congratulations to children of 5 years old

In this bright hour

Dear mothers,


We congratulate today

Our grandmothers and mothers!

And with all our hearts we wish

Happiness and health to you!

If anything happens

If suddenly trouble

Mommy comes to the rescue

Will always help out!

Moms have a lot of strength, health,

Give to all of us.

So, really, there is no

Better than our moms!

Mom needs to rest

Mom wants to sleep

I walk on tiptoe

I won't wake my mom.

Only the sound of heels is heard

These heels are going

They take me to my mother.

Let the smile shine

Like the sky in the morning.

Dear mommy,

I love you so much!

Congratulations, how could

We are only children

But we know our mothers

The best in the world!

Do not recognize dad today

He came and suddenly at the door

Didn't throw my hat on the table

And hung, as a guest.

He told me: “Hello, daughter!”

And laughing this time

He kissed his mother on the cheek

And shook my grandmother's hand.

He was better, he was simpler

Tea was poured into cups

Even the grandmother is not mother-in-law,

And he called me mom.

I asked my mother directly:

"What happened to him today!"

"On Women's Day," Mom said,

Dad should be like this

I don't understand this

Maybe an adult will understand

Isn't dad nice

To be good whole year?

Let the songs sound today

About our beloved mothers.

We are for everything, for everything, relatives,

We say: “Thank you!”

Congratulations to grandmothers

Our grandmother is very kind

Our grandmother has become old

Our grandmother has many wrinkles

With them, she is even better and more beautiful.

Goes to school for a meeting

Grandma cooks broth.

She for it every month

The postman carries money.

Our dear grandmothers,

We ourselves acknowledge

Which, of course, we are not always

We're behaving well!

We love you very, very much!

Let's grow good

And we will always try

To behave.

Who is in charge of the house?

Though men are strong

Can't bake pancakes...

You have to teach everything.

After all, parsley from dill

You cannot distinguish.

You don't want to cook borscht,

Do not fry cutlets ...

You should run away to work,

Well, it doesn't make any more sense.

Is the man useless?

Is this talent not given to us?

Who nailed a shelf for books?

Did you fix the faucet in the kitchen?

By the way, at home, who does the laundry?

God has not given you talent.

Who cooks and cleans?

You lie down on the sofa.

You prickly splinters,

You don't know men well.

Every now and then you shed tears

And besides, for no reason.

You are prickly words

Tell us timidly

Dad's head in the house!

Girls in chorus:

And mom is the neck in the house!

March 1st

spring begins

The whole country celebrates.

Spring is knocking on the windows

Sings in every way.

Glasses glitter in the sun

And puddles are visible.

I am a white snowdrop

I'll bring it for mom

It smells softly, gently

Like melting snow in the forest.

Noisy creek prankster -

Woke up from a dream.

Came to mother's holiday

Beauty is winter.

On this day, warmed in spring

All flowers, smiles to you!

So that you do not know sadness

Even a light sadness shadow

So that the eyes always shine

And not just on this day!

May the first snowdrop

Will give you tenderness!

The spring sun will give warmth!

And the March wind will give hope

And happiness, and joy, and only good!

The month of March and the eighth day

Smell the air in spring

We will celebrate spring

And let me congratulate you

Happy International Women's Day!

Let the heart beat drops to the beat,

Let the blizzards sink into the past

And let in spring round dances

Forget the heart of adversity.

May this day be the eighth of March,

The lark will sing a song to you,

A gentle ray warms hot,

And your flower of love will bloom

The holiday dedicated to our mothers and grandmothers has come to an end. And we want to wish our dear women a peaceful sky and bright sun, flowers and smiles! Happy holiday dear women!


    Vyskrebentseva E.V., Holidays for preschoolers [text] / E.V. Vyskrebentsev - M .: AST: Astrel, 2007.

    Zagrebina G.V., Encyclopedia of favorite holidays [text] / G.V. Zagrebina - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2007

    Fateeva L.P. Outdoor games, relay races and attractions [Text] / L.P. Fateeva. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development: Academy Holding, 2005

    Chernykh, O.G. extracurricular activities: Grade 5 / O.G. Chernykh, A.A. Dmitriev. - M.: VAKO, 2008.- 117-124 p.

    Yarovaya L.N. Extracurricular activities. Grade 2 / L.N. Yarovaya. - M.: VAKO, 2005. - 94-99 p.

What you will need: props for competitions, costumes for participants, prizes


A fragment of the overture from I. Kalman's operetta "Silva" sounds.

Leading: Today we have a holiday. And we called it "Woman. Spring. Love."

Choir (performs a song from the film "Spring", music by I. Dunayevsky).

Streams murmur, beams blind

And the ice melts, and the heart melts.

And even a stump on a spring day

He dreams of becoming a birch again.

A cheerful bumblebee is buzzing spring alarm.

Perky cheerful starlings shout.

Starlings scream in all directions:

"Spring is coming! Spring is the way!"

Host: Spring! And the first spring holiday is the holiday of lovely ladies, sorceresses, enchantresses, to whom men at all times sang or dedicated serenades.

The appearance of young men to the music from I. Kalman's operetta "Silva": "It is impossible to live without women in the world! No! .." - a flower with the name of the mother - the participant of the competition, on the boys' costumes there are also emblems with the name).

I'm ready to follow you

And the notoriety will not bother you at all ...

But where would you get your own heads,

To "lose" them left and right?!

I confess - I will not lie,

I tell you all the truth:

Just see Julia

I feel it in my heart, I'm on fire!

How to say I want Rae,

Shoulder leaning towards her,

About the weather, about football,

Yes, and you never know what?!

Olga is - the soul will rise,

Olga is gone - a dull look! ..

I am drawn to Olga

Feeling sensitive magnet!

Everything with Katya is very handy,

I don't need others:

In essence and in fact

It is better not to find Katya.

I look at everything as if at an icon,

I can't take my eyes off the lovers...

Dasha, Dasha, Dasha!

I love you.

You are God's gift, beautiful goddess,

My soul and heart mistress!

kneeling before you

I get up, burning and trembling.

All the boys kneel.

Host: There is no end to declarations of love. Go and give women flowers!

The music of I. Kalman sounds, men give the ladies - participants in the competition "hearts" and flowers that are pinned on the chest - for the convenience of communication.

Host: Serenades are sung to the ladies. The floor, senorita, is yours. But before announcing the first competition, I will introduce the jury (the jury is being introduced) and the participants in the competition program: mothers, daughters and their fans (fathers, brothers, boys from the class can participate).

So, the first competition is "Moms are dancing!".

This task can be prepared with mothers in advance, and only beaten at the holiday. Assistants take out a stand on which a bouquet is made of flowers.

Leading: Before you is a magical bouquet, there are as many flowers in it as there are participants in the competition, and on the flower is the name of the dance that the contestant must perform. I invite mothers to choose a flower, and therefore a dance. (After the so-called lottery, the assistants take the stand away.) Behind the scenes, dear mothers, a surprise awaits you (costumes).

The mothers leave. (The criteria for this competition: the ability to move to the music in accordance with the rhythm and nature of this dance.)

Leading: While mothers are preparing for the dance program, we have the next competition. And it is called "My years are growing - I will also be a mother." In this competition, I invite our young ladies to take part. (Girls exit.) Here are your favorite toys-girlfriends - dolls and their outfits. Task: Dress up the doll.

Speed ​​and accuracy matter. When the doll is dressed, lift it up so that everyone can see that you have completed the task. So please.

The girls are doing their homework.

Leading: The jury's request to evaluate the work of the girls. And we return to the first competition. Let's support our mothers with applause.

The host alternately announces the speakers, the mothers perform dances. It may look like this: "Kalinka" - Russian dance (performed by one mother), "Tumblers" (two mothers), "In new rhythms" (mother and daughter), "Chunga-Changa" (mother and daughter), "Lambada "(mother and daughter)," Dance of the ducklings "(mother and the class where her daughter studies).

Presenter: The dance competition program is completed, the jury is summing up. And we have the third competition - "Connoisseurs of sewing". I invite our girls again and ask them questions. For each answer - 1 point. Speed ​​and correctness are taken into account. Signal cards to help you.

Who knows the answer - raises a signal card.

steel spout,

flax tail,

Passes through the canvas

He finds his end. (Needle and thread).

On the river back and forth

Walks, wanders the ship.

Stop - grief!

Pierce the sea! (Iron).

I dance in the upper room with my work,

The more I turn, the more fat I get. (Spindle).

I'm sitting on horseback, I don't know on whom,

Meeting a friend - I will jump off, welcome. (A cap).

I'll put it on - it will reduce the rim,

Soimu - a snake will fall,

Doesn't give warmth

It's cold without it. (Belt).

Pebbles hid in shaggy bags:

Four together, one on a pole. (mittens).

crouch like a cat,

Stretch - off the track. (Rope).

Without arms, without legs, under the bench lope. (Clew).

Two ends, two rings

Carnations in the middle. (Scissors).

Host: Well done! I ask the jury to sum up the results of the three competitions.

The jury announces the results.

Leading: The next competition of our program is called "My mother can do everything." Moms are invited to act as a hairdresser and makeup artist, and daughters - as fashion models. The originality of the work performed, the originality of the name and presentation of the image are taken into account. Everything you need for the competition is prepared on the tables. Good luck to you! And we have the fifth competition.

And men will participate in it. I beg you to the barrier!

Assistants take out a stand with bows, the number of which corresponds to the number of participants.

Presenter: Your task is to show the girls how you can iron the ribbon without an iron. Speed ​​and accuracy matter. (Guys should take a bow, untie it and roll it up). Attention, start!

Leading: Before announcing the next contest, I will tell you one secret: the boys also like to play with dolls, but they are shy and hide it. Many of them do not have dolls, but they are such masters of fiction that they invent them themselves. And the next competition will be like this: in front of you is a balloon, a spool of thread, a marker, a bow.

Try to create a doll. Ready? Dare!

The jury sums up the results of the previous and this competitions, the assistants attach ready-made puppets on the stage. The men take their places.

Host: Attention! Are mothers and daughters ready? (If you are not ready, then you can invite the audience to watch the creative process to instrumental music). We return to the fourth competition, where mothers act as hairdressers and makeup artists, and daughters as fashion models.

I ask gentlemen to escort our fashion models to the stage.

Sounds "Polonaise" P.I. Tchaikovsky from the ballet "Swan Lake". The boys get up, bow to the girls, the girls get up and curtsey, then the boys give the girls a hand, the girls put their hand on top.

To the sounds of a polonaise, couples solemnly march on the stage along the red carpet.

Leading: Word to you, young ladies.

There is an alternate presentation of the completed image by the contestants, and the jury takes into account the originality of the presentation, makeup, hairstyle. For example: "Spring drops", "Charm", "Butterfly", "Fountain", "Cute kitty".

Moderator: Jury to decide complex issue, who to give preference to in this competition, and sum up the results of the entire program. And for you, "Waltz" performed by a dance group.

Host: So, the jury announces the results of our competitive program.

Fanfare sounds. The jury announces its decision. Rewarding of all participants of the competitive program.

Leading: Charming, attractive, charming, infinitely tender, Happy Holidays to you!

May this day spring rays

People and flowers will smile at you.

And let them always go through life with you

Love, health, happiness and dreams.

Note: Before and after the program, it is desirable that songs about spring, women, love or romantic instrumental music sound in the hall. During the preparation of the fourth competition, you can perform a song.

My best friend

Sl. Kukso, music. L. Afanasyeva

I can catch a falling star

Sing songs with guitar...

And I can't by any means

To call a mother's daughter.


I don’t think I can live a day without girlfriends,

Without them, I'm like without hands, I confess frankly.

I have many good friends

But my best friend is my mother.

Like two drops, we are similar with her,

And when we leave the yard,

I know passers-by often think

That she is my older sister.

Joy and sadness for sure

I hasten to share with her again and again,

Because a daughter is for every mother -

Faith, and hope, and love.


The scenario of the holiday "March 8" for children aged 5-7 years: a silly teddy bear did not know what gift to give mom on March 8. And his friends decide to help him with this and they all go together to look for a gift for mom.

Super Mom (competition program)

The show program "Super Mom", held on the eve of the celebration of March 8, will cheer up the festive mood and give pleasure to both girls - primary school students and their mothers. Contests contribute to the strengthening of friendly relations in the family, the development of creativity, ingenuity and resourcefulness.

Scenario for March 8 for adults "Oh, these women!"

So the wonderful holiday of March 8 has come! And on this day, we want to give our women a piece of joy and fun, where you can show everyone how smart and talented you are and can cope with any task, no matter how difficult it is.

Scenario March 8 "Fashionable beauty"

Scenario of the holiday on March 8 for adults. This script can be used for corporate party, which is dedicated to International Women's Day.

Scenario "Spring, it's great that you came!"

Scenario of the holiday on March 8 for children preschool age(4-6 years). This scenario can be used at a matinee in kindergarten. It is necessary that in advance the children prepare postcards and hand-made crafts for their mothers. In addition, it is necessary to learn poems and a song with the children in advance. Hosts should prepare costumes in advance.

Scenario for March 8 "Beloved mothers and grandmothers"

Scenario school event- festive competitive and entertainment program "Favorite mothers and grandmothers", designed for children 8-10 years old. During the holiday, mothers and grandmothers will be able to see not only the talents and skills of their children, but also take part in various competitions.

Scenario "Magic flower, or how Vanya chose gifts for March 8"

The boy Vanya does not know what to give his mother by March 8. The good sorceress gives him magic flower who will guide him through fairy tales, where Vanya will find the answer to his question.

Scenario "March 8 - we praise the ladies!"

The holiday of March 8 glorifies the beautiful half of the population - women, girls and girls. The most famous Russian pop stars came to congratulate them on the International Women's Day! The scenario is designed for holding a festive event among the adult population - at a corporate party, a student party or with friends.

Scenario March 8 for adults "Secrets of the female image"

Scenario of a small holiday concert dedicated to the celebration of International Women's Day in a group of friends or colleagues. The holiday will be successful if it is held in the assembly hall.

Scenario for March 8 in the rural settlement "Women are the flowers of our life"

With the advent of spring, not only nature blooms, but also female beauty. In addition, one of the most tender and sensitive holidays is coming - International Women's Day, which must be met and celebrated with dignity. With this scenario, you can hold an interesting event, give women positive emotions, a lot of joy and smiles.

Scenario for March 8 for women in the village club "How Spring and Winter shared the throne"

This scene will be a great start to the festive concert prepared for March 8th. A cheerful, interesting story will certainly give a sea of ​​​​emotions to everyone who comes.

March 8th is the most romantic holiday. This spring day is always associated with love, warmth and tenderness. This is a great occasion to show your sympathy to lovely ladies, to express the most tender feelings to your mothers and grandmothers, to make a congratulation from the bottom of your heart to your sister. Sincere joy and a smile from them will not take long!

B.1. Good evening! Today we are gathered here to congratulate our














B.2. YOU, dear teachers, girls, women, mothers, grandmothers.

IN 1. You girls!

IN 2. May spring be in every woman
Raging with colored paints.
We are celebrating your day today.
Lovers will not sleep!

IN 1. We have a glorious day, the eighth of March,
Not in vain donated: he is needed,
To tell the whole truth
Who is grateful or in love!
Congratulate everyone around
Sisters, wives, daughters, mothers, girlfriends!

B.2. On this day, beautiful, affectionate words are spoken to all women. Our boys from the 8th grade also did not stand aside. They have a word!

B.1.Today we have to discover the talents of our girls, evaluate their attractiveness and charm, humor and resourcefulness, find out which of them is the Super Schoolgirl! Participants from each class are invited to the stage!

B.2. A modern girl should be able to do everything! Our first competition is called: “Put your hair down.” It takes 5 minutes to prepare and protect your hair.

B.1. So, our girls showed how quickly, skillfully and creatively they can do their hair, dress up and go on a date. You probably know the lines from the song: “We were both: I was at the pharmacy, and I was looking for you in the cinema ...”. Now our girls will invite gentlemen on a date, but in a special way. The date must be appointed in the form of pantomime, it is forbidden to speak.

Options: Wednesday, 7 pm, at the subway.

Sunday, 7 am, at the laundry.

IN 2. Now let's talk about flowers. All the flowers of the world today at the feet of our participants! There are many colors. Do you know songs that contain flower names? In 3 minutes, remember these songs and sing them! Time has gone.

Songs: Yellow tulips, White roses, Lilies of the valley, Daisies hid ...

B.1. The musicality of our participants exceeded all expectations. Legends can be made about them. Do you know the legends about flowers? Guess which flower it is! (Appendix)

B.2.8 March is a holiday of spring. Together with spring, love comes to us. How many poems and songs have been written about it! Do you know the names of the most famous couples in love? Each team will receive separate names for women and men. You need to connect them. For example: Orpheus and Eurydice.

List of names: Master and Margarita, Romeo and Juliet, Ruslan and Lyudmila, Anthony and Cleopatra, Tristan and Isolde, Yesenin and A. Duncan, Pushkin and N. Goncharova, Lermontov and V. Lopukhina, Lensky and Olga, Pechorin and Princess Mary, Red and Scarlet, Shrek and Fiona, Bella and Edward.

B.1. Spices are scattered in the kitchen, everything is mixed up. Cinderella needs to find starch to starch her collars for the ball. The second Cinderella needs to find citric acid. Third bay leaf. (Search blindfolded.)

B.2. And now - Playing with the audience. Youths are invited. Competition "Ladies' man" Having made every step, you must say a compliment. (For example: Swallow, dawn, sun ...)

We have excellent ladies' men. True connoisseurs of women!

B.1. And we continue our competitive program. The next competition is called “GUESS THE MELODIY” Songs will be offered to your attention different categories, and you, after listening, will have to sing a few lines from this song.

1.Transport - Blue wagon.

2. Names - Antoshka.

3. Geogr. names - Chunga - changa.

4. Insects - Grasshopper

5. Mystery - A secret to the whole world.

6. Light - Lanterns.

7.Geography - Clouds.

IN 2. Our next contest is called UNDERSTAND ME! I am reading summary songs, and you name it.

1. A song about a city where trains do not go and planes do not fly. (" The boy wants to Tambov").

2. A song about the disappearance of a puppy with red spots and a tail in the form of a brush. ("Lost dog").

3. A song about an animal that every mongrel knows. ("Song of Cheburashka").

4. A song about the daily activities of children for 11 years. ("They teach at school").

5. A song about a long journey of a little girl in a bright hat. ("If it's a long, long time...").

6. A song about a huge bouquet of bright red flowers given to the actress ("A Million Scarlet Roses").

7. A song about a holiday that happens once a year. ("Birthday").

8. Song about a wooden man. ("Pinocchio").

9. Song about a lazy red-haired boy ("Antoshka").

10. A song about a green insect that was friends with flies. ("Grasshopper").

11. Song about an evergreen tree. ("The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree").

12. A song about a mythical creature whose girlfriends are leeches and frogs. ("I am a water"),

B.1. On this musical note, we end our competition. While the jury is summing up the results, the floor is given to the 11th grade.

B.1. And the postman carries in his bag

A million smiles.

AT good mood he enters the house.

Knock-knock for you! Congratulations!

Knock Knock! Three letters for you!

The mail is knocking here and there,

The mail woke up early.

And we have for our ladies

Telegrams like this:

"Although I am fickle and changeable, I am never bad. Therefore, accept me today as I am"

"Today you will only listen to us"
(Congratulations and Wishes)

"Vyanu compared to your charm."

"Ready to blow your sails!"

"We wish that we come true."

“I take over the festive illumination.”

“Wishing to congratulate you interrupted me!”

“Don’t be sad that you broke up with us. We promise to visit more often next year.

"I spread black streams of joy."

"You celebrate, and we will wait." .

"I forgive you that you do not notice me."

"Forget sorrow, surrender to me."

"Knock, knock, knock, it's me! Open the door!"

B.1. Well, we give the floor to sum up our jury.

And now congratulations from the boys of the 9th grade!

IN 1. Lovely girls, women, ladies!
Happy Women's Day, Happy New Spring!
Again we scribble poems for you like novels,
We compose odes for you at one o'clock in the night.
Only for you on this day all confessions,
All compliments, bouquets of flowers.
May your wishes come true
Let there be spring and love in life!












A. Duncan


N. Goncharova


V. Lopukhin




Princess Mary





  1. Rose.

One Greek legend tells us how this flower appeared - it was created by the goddess Chloris. Once the goddess discovered a dead nymph - and decided to try to revive her. True, it was not possible to revive, and then Chloris took attractiveness from Aphrodite, from Dionysus - a heady aroma, from graces - joy and bright colors, from other deities - everything else that attracts us so much in these colors. Thus was born the most beautiful flower, ruling over all the rest...

They call me the queen of flowers

For the color and the smell of my petals.

Though my green bush is ready to hurt you,

But who will not forgive me the prickly thorns?

  1. Lily.

The Greeks attribute to her a divine origin. They believed that this flower, a symbol of innocence and purity, grew from the milk of the mother of the gods - Hera (Juno), who found the baby of the Theban queen Hercules hidden from her jealous gaze and, knowing the divine origin of the baby, wanted to give him milk. But the boy, sensing his enemy in her, bit and pushed her away, and the milk spilled across the sky, forming the Milky Way. A few drops fell on the ground and these flowers turned into.

  1. Delphinium.

According to another ancient Greek myth, the cruel gods turned a young man into a dolphin, who sculpted his dead beloved and revived her. Every day he swam to the shore to meet his beloved, but he could not find her. One day, standing on a rocky shore, the girl saw a dolphin. She waved at him, and he swam up to her. In memory of his love, the sad dolphin threw a blue flower at her feet. For the ancient Greeks, these flowers symbolized sadness. According to Russian belief, they have medicinal properties, including helping to heal bones in case of fractures, therefore, until recently in Russia, these plants are called larkspur. In our time, the plant is often referred to as a spur. In Germany, the popular name for this flower is knight's spurs.

  1. Iris

The generic name of the plant comes from the Greek word iris - "rainbow". According to ancient Greek mythology, the goddess of the rainbow Iris (Irida), fluttered on light, transparent, iridescent wings across the sky and carried out the orders of the gods. People could see her in raindrops or on a rainbow. In honor of the golden-haired goddess, a flower was named, the shades of which were as magnificent and varied as the colors of the rainbow.

The xiphoid leaves of iris symbolize courage and courage among the Japanese. This is probably why in Japanese the name of the flower and the "warrior spirit" are indicated by the same hieroglyph. In Japan, there is a holiday called Boys' Day. It is celebrated on May 5th. On this day, in every Japanese family where there is a son, many objects with images of these flowers are exhibited.

From flowers and orange, the Japanese prepare a drink called "May pearls". In Japan, they believe that drinking this drink will instill courage in the souls of future men. In addition, according to Japanese beliefs, "May pearls" have healing properties, it can cure many ailments.

  1. Tulip.

The legend about this flower says that it was in the bud of a yellow flower that happiness was concluded, but no one could get to it, since the bud did not open, but one day a little boy took a yellow flower in his hands and he opened himself. A child's soul, carefree happiness and laughter opened a bud.

  1. Pansies

An ancient legend tells that the beautiful Anyuta once lived in the world. She fell in love with her cold-blooded seducer with all her heart. The young man broke the heart of the gullible girl, and she died of grief and anguish. Three-colored violets grew on the grave of poor Anyuta. Each of them personified three feelings that she experienced: hope for reciprocity, surprise from an unjust insult, and sadness from unrequited love.

  1. Hyacinth - a flower of love, happiness, fidelity and ... sorrow

According to later legend, during the Trojan War, Ajax and Odysseus simultaneously claimed possession of Achilles' weapons after his death. When the council of elders unfairly awarded the weapon to Odysseus, this amazed Ajax so much that the hero pierced himself with a sword. From the drops of his blood this flower grew, the petals of which are shaped like the first letters of Ajax's name - alpha and upsilon.

  1. Carnation - divine flower

Ancient Greek myth tells about the origin of cloves. One day, the goddess of hunting Diana (Artemis), returning very irritated after an unsuccessful hunt, met a beautiful shepherd boy, who was playing a cheerful song on his flute. Beside herself with anger, she reproaches the poor shepherd boy for dispersing the game with his music and threatening to kill him. The shepherd boy makes excuses, swears that he is not guilty of anything and begs her for mercy. But the goddess, beside herself with rage, attacks him and rips out his eyes. Then only she comes to her senses and comprehends the whole horror of the perfect atrocity. Then, in order to perpetuate those eyes that looked so plaintively at her, she throws them on the path, and at the same moment two red flowers grow out of them, reminiscent of the color of innocently shed blood.

Wednesday, 7 pm, at the subway.

Tuesday at 6 am at the zoo.

Thursday at 5 pm at the library.

Friday, 9 am, in the teachers' room.

08.02.2019 | We looked at the script 8438 Human

In some kingdom
Rosin State,
Tsar Artyom thought the Duma -
Saddened by the bad news.

Treasurer bad news
Keeping a girl's honor
Julia presented to the king
Like, I'm telling the whole truth:
"I don't have any money,
At least strip naked!”

Corporate by March 8 for women

06.02.2019 | We looked at the script 5527 Human

1. Presenter _ in a formal suit
2. Yashka-gunner - boots, stick
3. Girl number 1 - scarves, aprons (aprons)
4. Girl #2
5. Girl #3
6. Grandfather-headman - cap
7. Harpina - handkerchief, bottle
8. Gritsko - military cap
9. Popandopulo...

for adults

04.02.2019 | We looked at the script 10322 human

We dress up in advance (Robes, dresses, handkerchiefs and from balls we make busts "quite large")

- Today is a solemn day!
Joy day!
Day of unearthly beauty!
We give you our love and of course flowers!

Our dear fighting friends!
Beloved, ...

Scene for March 8 "Masha and the Bear"

04.02.2019 | We looked at the script 4749 Human

Hi Mashunya, do you want some honey?
- Hello Mishunya, mmm I will not refuse!
- Then take the pot, here it is at the entrance.
- Yes, yes Mishunya, let's dispel sadness!

I can destroy the pot in 3 approaches.
- Yeah, by launching microbes there with a shaggy paw ?!
- What...

The scene "On the nose of the eighth of March!"

27.01.2019 | We looked at the script 10434 human

On the nose of the eighth of March,
In shops - men -
Everybody's pushing guys
They should find a gift!
They drag glorious bouquets -
From mimosa from carnations,
And in the other hand - sweets -
Prove to be a man!
Falling to the lady's cheek,
Ay love yu and all that,

An interesting script for congratulations on March 8

26.01.2019 | We looked at the script 13372 human

Host: Dear friends!
And again spring, of course, March-
Spring holiday is yours.
Winter is gone, love is afterburner!
And our feelings - start!
Spring and women are a single whole, inseparable. Let's ask ourselves - why? The answer can only be given...

Theatrical scenario of congratulations on March 8

25.01.2019 | We looked at the script 8907 Human

"Voice behind the scene":
Hello ladies and gentlemen!
How did you get here?
I tell you without deceit,
You have entered our realm.
And our head, as of old,
Almighty, formidable king.
Don't you dare insult him
He is called - Jeremiah!

“King Jeremiah” enters majestically...

Congratulations script for March 8

25.01.2019 | We looked at the script 7889 Human

The bright spring holiday on March 8 is knocking on our door with huge boots, and of course, every man wants to show off his talent by doing at least something pleasant for his (their) woman (s). It's no secret that my page is often visited not only by my...

Congratulations script for March 8

24.01.2019 | We looked at the script 7312 Human

Since March 8. (variations on the theme “About Fedot the archer, a daring young man”)
The narrator:
Believe it or don't believe me - it was in the spring.
Once upon a time there was a sultan, he had an oil fountain, one gas valve,
He adored all the ladies, had his own clan and his name was Ivan.
Flew past...

Scenario of theatrical corporate party on March 8!

24.01.2019 | We looked at the script 5570 Human

Congratulations from the pioneers.
To the drum roll, a detachment of pioneers enters the stage. The equipment corresponds to the performance, (t-shirt, shorts, white stockings and red ties and caps). Some have a butterfly net in their hands, others have drums, and the walking one ...