Business plan for making cakes. Making cakes as a business has a lot of advantages.

What holiday is complete without cake? It is an indispensable attribute of any fun, can be a great gift for a particular event. If you love baking, have an interest in making desserts, and have an artistic taste, custom cake making can be a great idea for a side job or growing a full-time business.

How to make cakes to order at home?

Considering the option of making baked goods to order, you need to decide on the scale of the business. As in, start-up investments, advertising costs, the number of potential clients and potential income.

How to start organizing a business?

Even if you plan to bake at home, make a detailed plan, advertising text. This project provides an opportunity to organize a business with minimal cost, the equipment can be used at home, baking products in your own kitchen. In the future, when there is a large flow of customers, you can think about renting a separate room and opening a small workshop. From the equipment in this case you will need:

  • dough mixer electric;
  • oven;
  • food processor;
  • flour sifter;
  • refrigerating chambers for storage of products and finished products;
  • rolling machine;
  • confectionery inventory;
  • additional kitchen equipment.

Decide on a concept for business development. Perhaps you want to choose a highly specialized area, for example, wedding cakes, or try to cover as much as possible target audience by suggesting wide range of desserts for various events.

Advice: for getting stable income the emphasis should be on festive gift types of cakes.

The main steps of organizing a business:

  • choice of direction, concept of development;
  • analysis of the confectionery market (study of competitors, market prices, needs of the population);
  • portfolio creation;
  • financial calculations, calculation of dishes;
  • conducting marketing activities, drafting text for advertising.

If you plan to advertise your services online or in other sources, sooner or later the tax office will be interested in such activities. Therefore, registration in government bodies required. At the start, it is enough to choose an individual entrepreneur as an organizational and legal form. ? The order and scheme of actions will depend on organizational factors.

Portfolio preparation

As in the modeling business, when making desserts to order, the number of customers will depend on the portfolio presented. Therefore, already at the first stage, it is important to prepare a bright catalog with your works ( high quality photos and collection in electronic form).

As a rule, the portfolio is usually divided into categories:

  • pastries for children (with the image of figures from cartoons);
  • birthday, anniversary;
  • wedding multi-tiered;
  • cakes to order;
  • thematic (dedicated to the hobby of the hero of the occasion, with jokes, for professional holidays).

Even if you are planning to set up a business from home, you need to calculate the production costs to set prices. Consider a simple example for baking a 2 kilogram honey cake with mastic decoration.

The approximate cost of such a cake will be $ 10. The cost of custom-made cakes today varies between 600-800 rubles per kilogram, multi-tiered wedding cakes are more expensive - about 1000 rubles per kilogram. You can sell a 2-kilogram honey cake with a themed mastic decoration (as indicated in the example) for 18-20 dollars.

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Making cakes to order is a great business idea for those who like to create culinary masterpieces. She does not require big investments and can be organized at home.

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Some people enjoy tasting sweets, while others enjoy the process of creating them with their own hands.

If you finally have time to cook more complex dishes than soup and mashed potatoes, learn how to learn how to make cakes at home for yourself and to order. We will tell you where it is better to start this delicious and beautiful hobby, what you need to buy, where to learn the skill and how to ensure that the confectionery masterpiece is admired by guests.

Where does the path of a respected culinary begin?

Any mastery begins with desire and practice. But if you dream of learning how to bake beautiful cakes, then do not rush to immediately take on masterpieces from the portfolio of cool confectioners. Start with the basics, gradually moving up the steps.

Simple recipes - quick results and a powerful incentive

It is known that success inspires and gives confidence in a new business. There is only one way to quickly get the desired result - choose the most simple recipes with simple decor elements available for a beginner.

The easiest way is to learn how to make cakes from ready-made biscuit cakes, which are sold in stores. It is always perfectly even and has the same thickness of the cake. You just have to prepare the cream and decorate the product.

Equipment and tools - necessary tools

If you want to learn how to bake cake layers, you will definitely need a gas or electric oven. For biscuits, it is convenient to use a slow cooker with a baking function (we read more about this technique and its choice). From household appliances, you will definitely need a mixer, it is advisable to buy a stationary one in order to do other things while whipping cream or dough.

If you have a lot of dishes, then most likely you won’t have to buy anything, but make sure there are bowls different sizes, containers made of plastic and stainless steel, with non-stick and enamel coating, spoons and forks of different sizes.

However, the most important thing in the preparation of confectionery products is decoration tools, it is difficult to create admirable beauty with “bare hands”.

What a beginner pastry chef should have:

  • kitchen scales, measuring cups and spoons;
  • baking molds - professionals recommend buying metal non-stick coatings with a removable ring, silicone molds and non-stick mats are also useful;
  • a pastry bag with a set of nozzles - it is better to purchase a bag, since working with a syringe is not very convenient;
  • stencils for quickly transforming simple homemade tori with powdered sugar or cocoa powder;
  • brushes for decoration;
  • tools for rolling dough, sugar mass and mastic;
  • blades for leveling;
  • food film.

Of the consumables you will need: baking paper, border and packing tapes, boxes or paper disposable coasters.

There are many cooking recipes, but there are products that are bought in stock because they are used very often:

  • dyes;
  • vanillin, cinnamon;
  • flavors;
  • nuts;
  • cocoa powder;
  • powdered sugar;
  • impregnation for cakes;
  • dry milk or cream;
  • gelatin;

Later, when you learn how to make cakes and decide on basic recipes, this list will be supplemented by other ingredients.

How to learn how to make beautiful cakes

There are a lot of techniques for decorating homemade confectionery, we will consider only those suitable for beginners.

Mastic - a quick result without flaws. Mastic is a sweet, elastic mass that is used to cover cakes and make decorative items. To cover the cake, the mastic is rolled out into a layer (like dough for dumplings) and the product is completely or partially wrapped with the resulting layer. The result is a ready-made field for creativity - other decorations and inscriptions can be applied to the surface. You can buy ready-made or do it yourself.

Confectionery spray - a novelty for an instant effect. This product deserves special attention, unlike mastic, it does not require any preparation. The spray should simply be sprayed onto the product, after which its surface will acquire the effect of a flocked coating.

Ready-made sugar figurines - beauty without effort. Today on sale is a huge selection of ready-made decor for cakes:

  • flowers for every taste of different sizes;
  • figurines of animals and people, including the bride and groom;
  • toys and cartoon characters for children's cakes;
  • figures for anniversaries and children's themes;
  • inscriptions, names and individual letters;
  • imitation of fruits and berries and other decor.

All kinds of sprinkles look interesting in the form of gold and silver balls, beads, stars.

Edible decals are another secret to a beautiful cake for those who are just learning the pastry craft. Such pictures are printed with food coloring on rice, wafer or sugar paper. The decor is applied to a cake lined with mastic.

Openwork decorations and chocolate figurines also quickly turn an ordinary cake into an elegant and festive one. Later, you will learn how to make lace and leaves on your own, but for starters, you can buy ready-made decor.

The most popular types of homemade cakes

Handmade cakes do not have to be similar to the masterpieces of eminent confectioners. Over time, you will develop your own zest, and perhaps your own style. But with all the variety of options, they can all be divided into several types. Consider the most popular and fashionable, because the confectionery world also has its own trends.

Jelly cakes contain a minimum of dough and fat, for which they are valued by adherents of a healthy diet. Jelly is made from sour cream, cream, cottage cheese, soft cheeses, juices, fruits. Read about how to cook and decorate a sour cream cake.

Puff pastry products are most similar to homemade ones, as they resemble grandmother's favorite "Napoleon".

Wafer cakes are suitable for making simple cakes at home. They do not require complex decor and are quickly transformed by sprinkling with chocolate, nuts, and powder.

Medoviki is a favorite delicacy of those who love tender and fragrant dough. The degree of softness of these cakes depends on the cream. If it is sour cream, then you get a very soft and delicate dessert, when using butter cream, a light crunch will remain.

Biscuit tori are the most popular, dozens of others are distinguished in this group, classified by the number of layers and tiers, types of cream, type of decoration.

At the peak of popularity is a naked cake - with this method, the sides of the product are not covered with cream, but left as is, showing cream layers. For decoration, fresh fruits are most often used.

Where to improve skills and learn professionalism

If you have been baking sweets at home for more than a day, but want to learn how to make cakes to order, consider taking courses. There are three options here:

Homemade cakes are in demand because they are associated with naturalness. Earnings on lovers of desserts - actual direction, but it will take a little more effort to translate it into reality than to learn how to bake for yourself. This is detailed in our other publication.

If you are determined to learn how to make homemade cakes with your own hands, then start baking! Skills and abilities come only with experience, no books can replace practice.

Probably, every woman thought about how to make money at home. Indeed, a home business allows housewives to make good profits and at the same time pay enough attention to their loved ones. I must say that it is not difficult to find a good business for profit. One has only to look at the best, which will allow you to become successful person. However, today we should talk about a business that every woman will like. So, in this article we will talk about how to make money on baking cakes at home.

Baking cakes at home as a business: Why choose such a business

Baking cakes at home is the perfect business for every woman who loves to bake delicious sweets. And if you don’t know where to start such a business, then you just need to read this article, which will help answer many questions.
The cake business is a lucrative business. And all because many modern parents want to give their child the best. And above all, it concerns food. Therefore, all modern mothers and fathers agree to pay money for delicious and natural homemade cakes. It follows that such a case may be profitable business, which is sure to bring good profits.

Where to begin

Baking cakes at home as a business is a responsible business that must be approached with great attention. To develop such a business, first of all, you need to select a competent team of professional confectioners. However, if you yourself plan to bake cakes, then the entire staff will consist of one person - that is, from yourself.

Like any other business, a business idea: baking cakes at home requires competent advertising campaign. After all, only in this case will the population learn about your talents and profitable services. I must say that advertising such a business will require a lot of time and effort. Therefore, the entrepreneur must thoroughly prepare for this moment.

For advertising, you will need a catalog with colorful photos of your best cakes. However, in order to photograph a significant number of photographs, you need to conduct a kind of " charity event". Such an event is recommended to be held: at school, kindergarten and in any public place. However, before holding the action, you need to coordinate all the details with the management of a particular institution. Success from such advertising will be guaranteed to everyone. After all, people will be able to appreciate your talent and taste your pastries in one. And this means that your business will definitely have first customers in the near future.

Business idea: baking cakes at home: Advertising

Business idea: baking cakes at home should definitely develop. Therefore, social networks and regional forums can be used to attract customers. On the Internet, you should post posts with an ad and colorful photos. Experts recommend making several thematic texts, each of which will talk about a specific pastry. For example, you can make a post about children's pastries or wedding cakes. At the same time, several colorful photographs must be attached to each ad.

In describing your sweet masterpieces, it is recommended to use the most colorful epithets. It must be remembered that similar business- this is a specific business that can be implemented only in your city. In addition, such a business is highly competitive. Therefore, photos of your sweet works are recommended to be accompanied by bright and exciting descriptions. And if you can’t do this, then you can turn to the help of an experienced copywriter.

Business idea: baking cakes at home: How to organize production

At first, orders for baking cakes can be relatively small. Therefore, you can bake cakes right in your own kitchen. In the future, you can, of course, find a place where cakes will be baked on a large scale. However, you do not need to pay the rent in advance. You need to understand whether or not a cake baking business is right for you.

If your business has just started to develop, then you will have to do all the work yourself. You will have to find orders, communicate with customers and even deal with the delivery of finished products. The process of delivering a cake can seem like a time consuming task. Therefore, customers should be negotiated about this. Maybe they can pick up their order themselves.

Procurement of products

Baking cakes at home is an expensive and time-consuming process. Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to draw up a competent business plan, with which you can track all the tasks. To meet the needs of customers and leave them satisfied, you will need to study a wide "menu" and purchase a large number of various products and decorations for the cake.

One more detail should be noted. It turns out that almost all products will have to be given to the customer in their own dishes. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase more different plates and other containers.

In addition, you should definitely think about purchasing professional equipment that will whip creams and various biscuits. At the same time, it is important to choose reliable and powerful equipment that will not let you down at a crucial moment. For baking cakes, you should use only fresh products. Therefore, food supplies should be replenished daily.
When certain ideas about this business have been formed, you need to start boring and dreary calculations. It is recommended to make calculations even before the first sale of a sweet product.

So, your task is to find out how much each sweet product costs. I must say that the enterprises strictly calculate the price of each cake. In order to find out how much one kilogram of a sweet product costs, you need to make a calculation, which must include the cost of food and other expenses. These costs include: water, electricity and, of course, labor. It is also important to calculate how much the decoration of each cake will cost. For decoration, it is recommended to use special boxes and stickers, which are purchased in advance in special stores or ordered from local printing houses.

  • So, when drawing up a business plan, you need to know the approximate costs.
  • It is worth preparing 180 thousand rubles for the purchase of products.
  • Approximately 6,000 rubles should be spent on advertising and design.

How to overtake competitors

It has already been said above that such a business is highly competitive in every city. However, there is no need to despair. After all, today there is an opportunity to overtake everyone right from the start and make your business profitable. It must be remembered that a client can only be attracted by a twist.

For example, for men it is worth offering massive cakes with significant applications. But for the female, you need to make cakes with some small details.

It would be nice to work with a children's theme. After all, many parents buy cakes mainly for their children. According to this confectioner, it is worth coming up with a fabulous and at the same time bright decor for children's cakes.

Baking cakes at home business plan: When you need to develop

As soon as yours goes uphill and a lot of regular customers are recruited, you need to think about expanding your business. After all, in the home kitchen it will be difficult to fulfill many orders.

So, it is important to choose a room with a large living area and with all the necessary communications. At the same time, the room must comply with all sanitary standards. It is also worth buying a large refrigerator, which will store all the necessary products for baking.

Little tricks and how to attract new customers

If things are slowly going uphill for you. If you enjoy baking, then you need to heed some tips from the pros.

So, to attract new customers, it is possible if you put an attractive price on your products. It is worth saying that this moment must be taken with great responsibility. To do this, you should study the prices of your competitors and choose the ideal value.

It is recommended to increase the price of cakes gradually. And this should be done after an impressive client base has been collected. To make your business profitable, you need to stand out from the crowd. Therefore, the design of cakes should be made as beautiful and colorful as possible.

Attract customers with additional discounts and interesting bonuses. Therefore, it is recommended to pamper your customers with such offers.

It is also worth printing out business cards that you should leave in the most crowded places in your city.

My friends, I greet you! As promised, I found another way for you to make good money - creative and very “delicious”! And now I will give you the first free master class on how to learn how to bake cakes to order from scratch.

From this article you will learn:

I have not yet met in my life people who would not like to eat sweets. How nice after a long time labor day relax with a cup of tea with sweets. And, despite the craze of the entire Internet community for sports and healthy eating, no, no, and you will treat yourself to something forbidden. And if a big holiday is coming, such as New Year, Birthday or wedding, then there is no way to do without a cake! It should sum up the celebration, become a pleasant surprise and the main decoration of the table.

Some of us buy pastries in the store, some make it ourselves, and some order from a private confectioner.

Did you notice that in Lately home bakeries have gained wide popularity? All my friends have long been ordering birthday cakes and cupcakes exclusively from private masters. So, I suggest you become such exclusive confectioners yourself.

What is needed for this? Of course desire! Even if you have never baked anything, this is not a reason to refuse such a tempting idea. Everything is just the opposite - it's time to start!

Top 5 easiest recipes

In any case, use common sense first! No need to immediately take on recipes “with an asterisk”. Choose whichever is faster. Faster - it's better!

  1. cheesecake- the most popular dessert, is on the menu of any cafe and restaurant. Do you think it's difficult to prepare? At first glance, it might seem so. But in fact, it turns out the first time for everyone! In addition, the cost of all ingredients will come out no more than 600 rubles, and it will take a maximum of 20 minutes of your time to prepare! Well, if you plan to bake to order, then this will be the most profitable cake. After all, you can sell it from 1500 rubles and more. Don't believe? Then watch the free master class
  2. bird's milk- a cake that we know from childhood. Delicate soufflé dessert melting in your mouth will not leave anyone indifferent. The main advantage of the cake is that it can be prepared in the morning and served on the table in the afternoon.
  3. Pancho- a stunning combination of chocolate biscuit, pineapples and walnuts under a delicate cream. You will love this recipe because you can bake a sponge cake in any shape, and it does not have to be even, perfect - you will still cut it into pieces. And assembling Pancho is just a song! No alignments and complex techniques - just soak the biscuit pieces with cream and fold them up!
  4. Mousse cake “Three chocolates”- despite the long name and the word “mousse” that frightens many, this cake does not require fundamental skills from you. Not the cheapest set of ingredients, but the result is a gift for gourmets and a complete delight!
  5. pancake cake- brilliant invention! Each of us can bake pancakes. And the thing is small - mix any cream, grease pancakes with it and put it in a pile! Truly an amazing idea! And most importantly, you can experiment. You can bake yeast pancakes, you can fresh. Add cocoa to them - there will be a chocolate cake. Bake with oatmeal or rice flour - you get a pp-cake. And some even manage to make them savory - for example, from the liver or zucchini!

Very often, these recipes are included in basic courses for beginner confectioners. Clear and consistent, they will decorate any holiday.

How to learn the art of confectionery?

Independently and for free

This is where I and many of my friends started. How does it usually happen? We are looking for some recipes on the Internet, in books, we take from friends. And it seems like a cool recipe, judging by the stories / photos / reviews. You run to the store, buy a mountain of expensive products, then you do not get out of the kitchen all day, trying to do everything exactly. But as a result, something didn’t work out here, there is a joint, and now, all the efforts are down the drain. The finished cake flies into the trash can. You know those Internet memes called “Expectation/Reality”? This is exactly how it comes out. I wanted to surprise the guests, but in the end I made them laugh, and I myself was upset.

No, it's not that you're a bad hostess. It's just that most free recipes on the Internet are untested, and no one guarantees you a perfect result. You yourself perfectly understand that you can write anything, attach a completely left photo, and no one will guess anything.

And as a result, you will spend your energy, time, money, ruin a bunch of expensive products, and everything is down the drain. And most importantly, it will be a shame so that all the desire to bake something will disappear.

Master classes

So why not get real confectioners? Think it's long/expensive/tedious?

Not at all! Sign up for a workshop to try it out! By the way, most confectionery schools regularly organize free workshops in the form of webinars, where they teach beginners how to bake cool cakes in a matter of minutes, share the secrets of craftsmanship and answer questions from participants. As a result, you will gain a lot of new information.


Of course, a one-time master class will not solve all your problems. But you:

  1. Guaranteed to master the recipe.
  2. You can ask your questions live.
  3. Surprise your loved ones with a new yummy.
  4. Understand how easy learning is for you.
  5. Decide if confectionery is right for you and if it's worth continuing your education.

If the decision is positive, then you should think about choosing full-fledged courses.

Online courses

For some reason, many people want to get to live master classes. It would seem that everything is obvious. You stand next to the confectioner, watch how he does it, maybe even get lucky and be allowed to hold the mixer in your hands. But in fact, everything turns out to be not the same as in beautiful films and TV shows. For live lessons, they usually recruit large group students. After all, it is necessary to recapture the rent of the studio, and take into account the cost of products, and many other expenses. And in the end, the bazaar-station begins. Someone did not see anything, someone did not hear, someone did not understand and asks to repeat. And he left the course, went home, and completely forgot what to do. But a lot of money was spent, time was killed, and the benefit is not a fact that will come.

That is why I prefer online learning. Modern ways shooting allows you to create the complete feeling that the teacher is standing right in front of you. Everything is perfectly visible, if you do not understand, you can rewind, or even pause. And most importantly - the complete feeling that you are one on one with the teacher. No one interferes, does not push under the elbow, does not interrupt. And in general, you don’t have to adapt, because you can study at a convenient time for you.

I usually watch the video, figure out what's what, and then go to the kitchen, put the tablet or phone so that it can be seen, and start cooking with the confectioner. The immersion in the process is enormous!

There is always someone to ask a question. As a rule, when studying online, you get access to a general chat with a tutor or, even better, an individual tutor who is with you 24/7. Explain what is not clear, tell you how to replace the ingredients, if you did not find what is indicated in the recipe, give useful advice, and then he will sort out the errors so that they can be taken into account for the future. Is this not a dream?

So, in the “ProfiTroli” confectionery school, hand in hand with an individual curator, you can go all the way from a beginner to a professional confectioner. An individual approach to each student solves a lot.
Online courses of the school "ProfiTroli":

Course "Beginner confectioner"

Beginner Pastry Chef is a step-by-step 2-month online course consisting of 2 main modules (theory/practice), thanks to which you will learn how to cook 7 of the coolest and most unusual desserts. You can please your loved ones and pleasantly surprise your friends. Even experienced confectioners will envy you!

Candy bar course

Candy bar is a 2-month online course consisting of the 8 most popular desserts that have appeared recently, but have already managed to win the hearts of millions of sweet teeth. These desserts will be an excellent alternative to traditional cakes and a highlight of any children's or youth holiday, because they can be used to decorate a candy bar or a sweet photo zone.

I have always loved to cook. But I got to the master class on making cakes relatively recently. Quite by accident, I discovered a new talent in myself and began to develop it. And for several years now I have been treating all relatives, friends and colleagues with sweets of my own preparation.

What do we need at the initial stage?

How to bake cakes at home? First we need a kitchen. She can be anyone. It is absolutely not necessary to have expensive professional household appliances. Any even the oldest stove and oven will fit. As long as everything works properly.

To knead the dough, you will need a mixer or blender with special nozzles, which will later come in handy for whipping creams. Of course, you can do everything manually with a whisk, but it will take much more time and effort.

You will also have to buy several baking dishes of different diameters. For the smallest desserts, a 20 cm cake is suitable, and a large company can easily eat a 30 cm cake.

The cake doesn't have to be round. Therefore, square and rectangular shapes work well too. A variety of flowers, hearts and stars - at your discretion. For example, a heart-shaped cake can be easily cut and assembled from a round and square base.

Take care of the storage of products and ready-made cakes. You will definitely have to free up a separate shelf in the refrigerator for this. And if possible, then buy a separate refrigerator specifically for orders.

This is the minimum set of tools you will need. And you will definitely learn about professional devices and little tricks in my online school.

Let's start with the main thing - bake cakes

The basis of any cake or pastry is cakes. They can be biscuit, honey, sour cream, kefir, shortbread, puff or choux pastry. The variety of options is countless.

Each hostess has her own preferences and recipes. In order not to spoil the products and not to waste time, find a proven master class in making cakes. High cakes of small diameter are now in fashion. They look compact and stylish. To assemble such a dessert, we need at least 3 cakes.


Cakes without impregnation are dry and lifeless. Therefore, we just need a cream! For my taste, the more cream the better. The most popular creams are made from whipped cream, condensed milk and butter, sour cream, cottage cheese or mascarpone, there are also various custards, chocolate ganaches and curds. For a bright taste and color, you can add a variety of flavors and dyes.

The cream is a kind of “cement” necessary for assembling the cake. Therefore, the cream must be applied evenly and thoroughly coat all parts of the cake with it.

Cake assembly

If you are making a cake for yourself and plan to eat it at home, you can collect it on a large flat plate or platter. But if you bake for sale, then it is better to use disposable cardboard or plastic substrates.

We lay the first cake and cover it with an even layer of cream, then on top of it the second cake and again the cream. You can use several different creams and fillings in one cake, put nuts, berries or jam between layers. If you do not want your masterpiece to look like the Leaning Tower of Pisa, then use a pastry bag and a spatula to apply the cream.

Jewelry and decor

There are a huge number of decorating options. It all depends on your imagination and the desire of the customer. And do not forget that its price will depend on the beauty of the cake and its design, and in general, the demand for your pastries.

  1. Mastic is a paste based on powdered sugar, similar to plasticine. It is very convenient to sculpt figures of animals, fairy-tale characters, comic and cartoon characters from it. Such cakes are often ordered for children's parties. Their cost ranges from 800 to 2000 rubles. for 1 kg.
  2. Fresh fruits and berries are not inferior to mastic in the popularity rating. They are liked by women who watch their figure. Yoghurt and cottage cheese creams are less high-calorie, and fruits are in perfect harmony with them. In addition, decorating baked goods with fruit is the easiest way of all. For such a dessert, buyers are ready to pay from 500 to 1500 rubles. for 1 kg.
  3. Gingerbread figures and sweets are the current favorite on the market. All the salt here is in printed gingerbread with drawings of multi-colored glaze, which are prepared separately, and then stuck into the cake using special skewers, or “glued” to the cream. Cooking such gingerbread is not easy, because in order to decorate them, you need to have a steady hand and artistic talent. In addition to gingerbread, such cakes are abundantly sprinkled with sweets, meringues, dragees, waffles, marshmallows and other ready-made sweets that can be bought at any store. The average price is 1200 - 1700 rubles. for 1 kg.
  4. and velor cakes are all the rage. They are considered the most difficult to prepare and expensive. Their cost can reach up to 3.5 thousand rubles per kilogram.

Decor is a topic that worries all novice confectioners, so the ProfiTrolls school understands more than 10 options for the actual design of cakes, and also provides a manual on modern species decor that every beginner can easily repeat. Just look at what beautiful desserts students of online courses get after a couple of weeks of training.

Were you able to learn how to bake beautiful cakes? Then you will surely want to expand the range. What desserts are now in high price?

  1. Cupcakes are small cupcakes with a massive cream cap that is sprinkled with various toppings. The price is 100-200 rubles per piece. But they are not sold individually. As a rule, the minimum order is completed from 6 pieces.
  2. Trifles are an English dessert made from sponge cake, custard and whipped cream. Garnished with fresh fruit and served in serving glasses. Approximate price 200-300 rubles. a piece.
  3. Cake pops are round cupcakes put on a stick. They are similar in shape and size to lollipops. Top them with chocolate and sprinkle with toppings. Price 80-150 rubles. a piece.

How to calculate the cost of the finished cake?

After you learn how to cook all these magical goodies, and move from the category of beginners to experienced bakers, you can think about opening your own bakery. And how to make this business profitable, I will tell right now.

  • The cost of products used in the preparation of cakes and cream;
  • The cost of decorative elements, dyes, fruits and toppings;
  • The price of the substrate and packaging;
  • Transportation costs for the delivery of the cake;
  • Payment of utility bills (electricity, gas, water).

Make an increase in the amount in which you value your work and time spent.

Compare the figures obtained with the average market price of similar cakes.

Where to find the first clients?

After completing my courses, you should not immediately try to sell your pastries. Try to start practicing on your friends and relatives. I am sure that they will only be grateful to you for such experiences. And you get your hand.

It is through social networks that it is easiest to find the first customers. Create a separate account on Instagram or place an ad on your wall in contact. Ask your friends to share your post. More advanced users can create their own website dedicated to baking. You can advertise on thematic forums and mom blogs, for example, or

Choose only fresh and high-quality products for your cakes. Then satisfied customers will come back to you again and again.

Try to personalize your style. Think carefully about packaging. It should not only be beautiful, but also ensure the safety of your creations during transportation.

My advice to you is to cook cakes only in a good mood. That's when they turn out to be unforgettably delicious. Therefore, I wish you a great mood, more inspiration and new creative ideas! Do not forget to subscribe to my blog and share the link on social networks. See you soon!

What should be the business for housewives? How can you earn money at home, when going to work is not possible for one reason or another? A great idea to monetize your hobby was baking cakes at home.

Today's blog will be in the form of an interview. My sister Valentina will tell us about her passion, which eventually grew into a business of custom cakes. The business, which began as a hobby, already today brings in income no less than she earned when she was employed.

Valentina is not just a confectioner, she is an artist who puts her soul into her works. It was the uniqueness of the cakes and their incomparable taste that allowed the home business to fully develop and generate income. Welcome to Valentina Markova's cake studio!

Valentina, how did you come up with the custom cake business idea and how long have you been doing it?

To be honest, I'm not a real baker. I am a designer by education, my second education is an engineer. Art education played a role in choosing your favorite hobby, because the only thing that limits the pastry art is your imagination.

Where did you learn how to bake such beautiful and delicious cakes?

I worked in the office, in my spare time from work and family, I studied the art of confectionery, fortunately, in our age there is a lot of information on the Internet on all confectionery issues. I watched videos and read articles. I converted the information I received into my style. I did not want to do like others and looked for alternative solutions. Probably, thanks to my numerous experiments, I began to get something of my own, something unusual. Fortunately, my family has a husband and a son, because someone needs to try the flow of my endless fantasies (Laughs).

Do you remember your first sale and how it felt?

One of my friends wanted to give a gift to a loved one. A designer cake is a great gift. I didn't want to take from her big money for the cake and asked only for the cost of products. But she was of a different opinion: "such beauty costs much more," she said. It was very pleasant to realize that my friend liked my work so much.

What difficulties did you face at the very beginning? I know that you left your main job and devoted yourself entirely to your business. How difficult was it to take this step?

I woke up one day and realized that I wanted to leave my dreary job and spend more time doing what I really love. Already at that time, my hobby brought a small income, because word of mouth worked. Of course, I was dissuaded by some friends and relatives. Loss social status was one of the reasons.

Did your husband support you?

My husband fully supports me, is proud of me and tells everyone how cool I am))) When I had a desire to quit everything, and it appeared often. It is only thanks to him that I manage to pull myself together and move on towards my goal.

  • My brother made me a website;
  • I run an Instagram page valentina_._markova ;
  • Vkontakte community

But basically it's word of mouth, the best advertising.

Once I used one trick. I needed good lighting for a photo of my new cake. For good lighting, I went to the nearest beauty salon. I approached the administrator and asked for the opportunity to take some photos of my cake. It didn't look like an advertisement and she gladly let me take pictures. Naturally, I was surrounded by employees and visitors of this salon, they really liked the design of my cake. This type of advertising is very cool, I did not expect such a reaction. And it's good that I had business cards with me, which I made in advance.

What about delivery? you use the services courier services Or do you only have pickup?

Either self-collection, or I myself carry out delivery by car. If in the future it will be a courier, then it should be a specially trained person, since the cake is a fragile structure and requires careful delivery and special attention. All cakes are unique and prepared for specific people and holidays. Unfortunately, I cannot prepare spare cakes for such occasions and therefore I do not trust anyone with delivery. I don't want to let my clients down.

How long does it take on average to make a cake, including groceries?

The most time-consuming, in terms of time, in the manufacture of a cake is its design - decor. Complex designs or painting can take more than 3 hours. If the decor is simple and it is an ordinary cake, then its production takes an average of 3 hours. Cakes that need to stabilize, with different layers of flavors inside, take longer to make. The purchase of basic products is carried out in advance, in bulk.

Is it profitable to order an oven?

The more orders, the more profit. While the sundress is working, I have enough to live on. I earn no less than I earned at the office. In the future, I would like to cooperate with the organizers of holidays and weddings. But I'm afraid that then my strength will not be enough and I will have to somehow expand.

What plans do you have for the future? Do you have a strategy for growing your business?

Lots of directions.

  • Opening your own confectionery;
  • Workshop of cakes to order;
  • Studio for master classes;
  • Organization of holidays.

And I already have a picture in my head, a certain puzzle of exactly what I want converges. And now I'm on the threshold of a new project, as on the threshold of a new love...

How to organize a custom cake business, where to start?

The most important thing in this business is zeal and dedication. It is not difficult to become a confectioner, and if you do not have money for master classes, then the Internet will be enough. Yes, there is a lot of information, a lot to learn. Thankfully, getting the information you need is not a big deal these days. Feel for your style, experiment, combine incongruous. And, of course, find your tasters, otherwise you risk losing control over your weight 😉

As a showcase, you can use the VKontakte group or a free website builder.