Promotion of the sale of hotel services on an example. Methods for promoting hotel services (on the example of a mini-hotel)

The rapid development of the service sector and tourism in Russia in the last decade has contributed to the formation of a system for promoting service and tourism services. In market conditions, hospitality enterprises must qualitatively satisfy the needs of the population in services and at the same time make a profit. This is possible only with the right marketing and advertising policy, which is implemented by the hospitality company.

Product promotion is understood as a set of various activities to bring information about the merits of the product to potential consumers and encourage them to want to buy it. The role of promotion is to communicate with individuals, groups of people and organizations through direct (for example, advertising) and indirect (for example, the interior of a hotel) means in order to generate sales.

Promotion is a variety of tactical and strategic means aimed at directly and indirectly strengthening the position of an enterprise in the market of the products it offers and enhancing the sale of these products.

Western experts identify four main methods of product promotion. Advertising and public relations are massive, sales promotion and direct marketing are individual.

The standard definition of advertising includes six elements. First, it is a paid form of communication, although some types of advertising, such as public advertising, have free space and time in the media. The reported message in the advertisement not only pays but also identifies the sponsor. In some cases, the purpose of an advertising message is simply to acquaint buyers with a product or company, although most advertisements attempt to sway or influence buyers, i.e. persuade to do something. An advertisement may pass through several different types media in order to reach a large audience of potential consumers. Since advertising is a form of mass communication, it is not personalized.

Placement of information about the hotel in domestic and foreign printed and virtual hotel directories, relevant information in telephone directories, own Internet page with current information, publication and distribution of information booklets about hotel services, prices for these services and the advantages of the immediate surroundings, notification through the press and radio about the forthcoming opening of the hotel.

Declination - this function is very important when we have direct competitors. Information can be limited to where there is one hotel within a radius of many tens of kilometers. If there are a large number of hotels in a small area, then events that incline the client to choose our establishment become important. This may be a demonstration of certain features of our services, directions, simplification of booking, and the like. Letters to potential customers - travel agencies, businesses, making contacts at tourist fairs, organized visits of representatives of travel agencies in order to get acquainted with the hotel and the region, offering preferential price conditions to individual companies, temporary road signs to the hotel, the possibility of booking via the Internet, installation in airport phone that provides direct communication with the administration, organizing the delivery of guests from the railway station or airport to the hotel

Reminder - this function is a reminder to the client about the existence of our hotel and, above all, our hotel chain, even at a time and place where there is no need to use them, so that he turns to us when such a need arises.

2. Sales promotion (sales promotion) - the activity of implementing commercial and creative ideas that stimulate the sale of the advertiser's products or services, often in short time. In particular, it is carried out using packaged goods, when sales promotion materials are placed on or inside the package, as well as through specialized events at points of sale (discounts, coupon payments, competitions, etc.). The long-term goal is to create in the perception of the consumer a greater (additional) value of branded goods labeled with a certain trademark; short-term - the creation of additional value of the product for the consumer.

The main principle of sales promotion: "promotion" offers the consumer an additional motive for making a purchase (preferably immediate). Although the additional motive is usually price reduction, it can be additional quantity of goods, money, prizes, bonuses, etc. Moreover, "promotion" usually includes certain restrictions: the expiration date of the offer or a limited number of goods.

3. Public relations (public relations) - a management function that helps organizations achieve effective communications with various types audiences by understanding the audience's opinions, attitudes and values.

The task of PR is to establish mutual understanding, a positive attitude and customer confidence in the proposal of the hotel and tourism business for the long term. We are talking about the formation in the eyes of the public of a positive image, good reputation and respect for the enterprise.

Special PR campaigns are considered as the "tractor" of all events. Organization of PR campaigns is the competence of the press officer and PR manager. It is important to bear in mind here that individual effective measures can become costly and ineffective if the goal is forgotten. The main principles of the transmitted information were and remain reliability and absolute seriousness.

The following list of PR actions used in the practice of hotel and restaurant business can be cited as examples:

  • 1) various kinds of charitable events;
  • 2) organization of art exhibitions in the hotel;
  • 3) presentation of cosmetic products for hotel customers;
  • 4) holding children's carnivals, fashion shows;
  • 5) musical evenings at the hotel;
  • 6) all sorts of discussions, symposiums, anniversaries, performances.

It is believed that a positive assessment of PR activities can be given when this work leads to an increase in sympathy for the enterprise. These sympathies, on the one hand, depend on the degree of awareness of a certain category of consumers, and on the other hand, are subject to the influence of emotional factors.

4. Direct marketing (direct marketing) - constantly supported directed communications with individual consumers or firms that have an obvious intention to buy certain goods.

Due to the significant dispersal of potential hotel customers (especially overnight services), direct selling can be used where there is a possibility of selling a larger volume of hotel services, namely:

  • · from tour operators and travel agencies cooperating with them, primarily serving groups of tourists;
  • in companies leading educational activities;
  • in public relations agencies that organize promotional events (symposiums, exhibitions) on request;
  • · on the large enterprises, in higher educational institutions where many people come in need of lodging for the night.

Individual sales should be used primarily at a time when the hotel has the ability to provide services to many people (conferences) or if there are few enterprises and institutions in the area that could be interested in this service. Not only will this make a good impression, but it will also make it more successful for a hotel director or marketing person to approach several businesses with an offer to visit the hotel in order to familiarize themselves with its facilities.

For customers who have already established contact with our hotel or arrived at it, all employees carry out individual sales, since the guest may not know all the possibilities of the hotel, and also may not be aware that some (known to him) features of the hotel may would need :

  • reservation service - invites the guest to come, offering various hotel services;
  • · administration - helps in choosing a room, recommends other, separately paid services (guarded parking, gastronomic services, sauna, TV program encoding);
  • waiter - recommends the choice of dishes and selection of drinks;
  • bartender - prepares drinks in accordance with the tastes of the guest.

Individual sales can be carried out by hotel employees, but - as in the case of other companies - they can be contractually entrusted to travel agencies or other persons.

Among the most common goals of promotion of products in the commercial sphere include the following: to achieve recognition of the trademark (brand); win the sympathy of consumers in relation to the brand; inform the target audience about products and services (demand creation); ensure that target consumers prefer the products and services of the enterprise to similar products and services of competitors; persuade consumers to buy products or services (for example, by offering temporary discounts, lotteries, etc.)

Establishing effective promotion of products is carried out in the following sequence:

  • · identified the target audience;
  • determines its desired response, which in most cases involves a purchase;
  • the goals of the communication company are determined;
  • a communication message is being developed;
  • communication channels are selected and the person who makes the message (transfers information) is determined;
  • installed Feedback with the target audience;
  • a general promotion budget (communication budget) is being developed;
  • Promotion methods are selected and the effectiveness of communication activities is evaluated.

The target audience is a set of potential or existing buyers or consumers who make or influence purchasing decisions. Individuals, groups of people, various strata of society can be considered as the target audience.

The development of a product promotion program is based on the fact that it must achieve its goals. When forming a product promotion program, it is necessary to take into account two types of goals: communication goals (formulated in terms of knowledge, attitudes, behavior) and marketing goals (sales volume, profit, market share). On fig. Figure 2 provides a diagram of the alignment of marketing and communication goals that should guide the development of a product promotion program.

Marketing goals include: maintaining a given level of revenue; sales promotion; increase in the company's market share; obtaining a certain profit, etc. The communication goals include: increasing the recognition of the enterprise; building awareness of the enterprise and brand; building customer loyalty; facilitating the process of communication with potential customers; customer base growth, etc.

The essence of modern product promotion lies in the fact that all components of the enterprise marketing mix, and not just advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and PR, are involved in establishing contacts with consumers. Today, the success of an enterprise in the market requires the use of a wide range of marketing tools that will take into account the specifics of the products offered, as well as the ongoing changes in the alignment of competitive forces in the market, the characteristics of consumer behavior and general conditions the functioning of the enterprise. Also, the process of forming a product promotion complex is greatly influenced by the growing influence of innovative factors on the development of enterprises, the active inclusion of consumers in the communication process, which is greatly influenced by the active development of Internet technologies.

Nowadays, any business strategy is based on the introduction of advanced technologies into the company's activities, not only in order to ensure the competitiveness of a product or service, but, more importantly, to meet changes in consumer demand. New technologies that reduce production costs and provide increased comfort to the consumer should be a priority for hotel companies.

These technologies are primarily different kinds online booking. Modern technologies allow making reservations through the hotel website and many Russian and international travel websites, global booking systems.

It can be concluded that the hotel guest uses a complex product consisting of a set of services that can be seen, felt, and evaluated. Accordingly, the scheme of actions for its promotion in general turns out to be approximately the same as when selling any product or service: potential client who is given the opportunity to get acquainted with the offers of the hotel and decide whether to use it or not. The main difference lies in the fact that the scheme of acquaintance with the possibilities of the hotel is more multifaceted, having a lot of nuances, and the process of promoting hotel services turns out to be quite laborious.

According to GOST R 50646 - 94 “Services to the population. Terms and definitions” service is the result of direct interaction between the contractor and the consumer, as well as the contractor’s own activities to meet the needs of the consumer.

Hotel service is an organized interaction between the guest and the hotel staff, continuously affecting the guest throughout its duration. .

The sphere of hotel services is the sphere of direct, close communication of people - hotel workers with customers. And all the efforts of the staff should be aimed at the complete satisfaction of customers with this communication.

G.Ya. Goldstein, A.V. Kataev brought out the following variety of the main types of promotion: advertising, publicity (“public relations”), sales promotion; personal selling.

Promotion can be defined as a marketing-related relationship between a firm and a customer. Measures that are usually considered part of the promotion mix include sales by the seller, public relations, advertising campaigns, and ancillaries. Most of these elements are closely related to advertising. A firm can use one type or a combination of the four main types of promotion:

  • advertising
  • · sales promotion
  • personal selling
  • formation of public opinion

Having considered the previous approaches, we will choose what is most suitable for determining the types of promotion of hotel services. There are two main and two additional types of promotion. The main types of promotion include: advertising and personal selling. And to the additional ones: PR (public relations) and sales promotion (Fig. 3.).

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Advertising is printed, handwritten, oral or graphic information about a person, product, service or social movement openly issued by and paid for by an advertiser for the purpose of increasing sales, expanding clientele, gaining votes, or public approval. AT modern conditions advertising is a necessary element of production and marketing activities, a way to create a sales market, an active means of fighting for the market. It is because of these functions that advertising is called the engine of trade.

Although advertising costs are significant, especially when publishing ads in the foreign press, participating in exhibitions and fairs, etc., these costs are quite justified. First, the funds allocated for advertising are included in the calculation of the price of the goods, and the sale of their corresponding amount compensates for the costs. Secondly, without advertising, trade, as a rule, goes sluggishly, brings losses, often many times exceeding the cost of advertising.

Hotel advertising is carried out in the media mass media, the choice of which is made in accordance with the segment of the hotel services market in which the hotel operates (if it is a five-star hotel, then in expensive publications, if two or three stars - in cheap mass publications, etc.) .

Only a good, competitive product needs advertising, and the most intensive, and advertising a product of poor quality leads to huge economic costs and loss of the good name of the enterprise. In this case, it will take years and millions to restore the reputation.

Personal selling is an oral presentation of a product with the aim of selling it in a conversation with one or more potential buyers. This is the most effective tool for promoting a product at certain stages of its marketing, especially for creating a favorable attitude among buyers towards the offered products, primarily for industrial products. However, this is the most expensive promotion method.

According to F. Kotler, a personal sale is understood as the oral presentation of goods during a conversation with one or more potential buyers in order to make a sale. The use of personal selling is associated, first of all, with the need for direct contact with consumers, when the opinions and impressions of each individual consumer are important to the company. In contrast to advertising, the goal of personal selling is not wide coverage, but deep penetration into the target group is important here. The advantage of personal selling is instant feedback, which makes it look like both promotion and distribution (trading) at the same time.

If the focus of communication is on getting and keeping the attention of consumers rather than making specific deals, the key to success is building customer confidence in the company. First of all, this applies to service companies that can be engaged in the provision of services. If a trusting relationship develops between the seller and the client, individual failures are unlikely to shake them. Trust creates a sense of stability in a relationship. It is the key to consumer loyalty.

Sales promotions are short-term incentives that encourage the sale or marketing of products and services. If advertising calls: "Buy our product," then sales promotion is based on the call: "Buy it now." We can consider sales promotion in more detail, bearing in mind that it includes: consumer promotion, trade promotion and promotion of the organization's own marketers.

Stimulation of consumers is aimed at increasing their volume of purchases. The following main methods are used: providing samples for testing; use of coupons, refund of a part of the price or trade discount; package sales at reduced prices; premiums; advertising souvenirs; encouragement of a permanent clientele; contests, sweepstakes and games that give the consumer a chance to win something - money, goods, travel; expositions and demonstrations of signs, posters, samples, etc. at the point of sale of products. Stimulation differs from other types in that it does not use advertising and personal sales, this is a higher level, which consists in presentations, shows.

The benefits of sales promotion are:

  • Possibility of personal contact with potential buyers;
  • a large selection of sales promotion tools;
  • The buyer can get something valuable and more information about the company;
  • The ability to increase the likelihood of impulse buying.

But at the same time, you need to remember that:

  • sales promotion has a short-term effect on increasing sales;
  • acts as a support for other forms of promotion; requires advertising;
  • The image of the company can be undermined by the low quality of incentive elements;
  • The solution to the problems of sales promotion is achieved using a variety of means. .

PR (publicity, public relations, public relations) - planned continuous efforts aimed at creating and maintaining friendly relations and mutual understanding between an organization and its public.

The goal of PR is to establish two-way communication to identify general ideas or common interests and reaching an understanding based on truth, knowledge and full awareness.

The nature of the implementation of PR activities in the hotel business depends on the specifics, level and nature of the services provided.

One of the most important tasks of PR is to maintain contacts with key journalists in their respective fields (press, magazines, radio, TV). It is essentially a process of “investing” (results will not appear instantly). First of all, these are messages about new results, new products, demonstration of such new products at business meetings, lunches, conferences using communication technology. It is advisable to create certain press centers in firms. Exhibitions allow you to get a double effect: product demonstrations and personal contacts. Therefore, exhibitions should be carefully planned based on objectives, theme selection, placement and design. Public relations uses: printed materials, film and photographic media, the use of photography, oral speech, advertising.

The task of PR in the hospitality industry is to establish mutual understanding between the client and the enterprise hotel business, to achieve a positive attitude and confidence of the client in the company's offer for the long term. We are talking about the formation of a positive image in the eyes of the public, a good reputation and respect for the enterprise.

PR activities within the enterprise have two goals: creating positive PR relationships among employees; trust and mutual understanding in relations between management and employees.

PR activities outside the enterprise involves maintaining and improving the image of the enterprise (perception of the enterprise) through control public relations aimed generally at managing the human factor. Public work in hotels and restaurants involves establishing relationships with potential customers, the media, travel partners, suppliers, government agencies, investors, competitors, unions and associations. Correctly delivered PR-work ensures the formation of a positive image of the enterprise in the long term, including a positive assessment by customers and the public of its significance, prestige, reputation and fame. The goal of press relations is to achieve the maximum number of publications of PR information in order to create "new knowledge and correct understanding" (the term "press relations" usually implies interaction not only with newspapers, magazines, etc., but also with radio, television, the term "media relations" has not gained currency, so it is preferable to use the expression "press release" rather than "news release", although it emphasizes the role of television and radio to a greater extent.)

Actions within the framework of PR campaigns are aimed at a wide coverage of the audience, but unlike advertising, where the impact is directed at the target group of consumers with their motives and preferences, PR works for the general public, which may not be the firm's clients. In other words, PR deals with somewhat different motives that have a social connotation.

Public relations involves building good relationships with various government and public structures and layers by creating a favorable opinion about the company, its products and by neutralizing adverse events and rumors. Public relations also includes communication with the press, dissemination of information about the company's activities, lobbying in legislative and government bodies in order to make or cancel certain decisions, explanatory work regarding the position of the company, its products, social role .

In our country, due attention has never been paid to the hotel business. As a rule, serious PR campaigns are carried out by hotels that are part of the hotel chain and financed by foreign investors. I would like to believe that over time the situation will change and our hotel complexes will seriously compete with many "giants". Against this background, the task of Russian hotels is even more complicated. a lack of financial resources definitely "slows down" the implementation of PR activities. Not all hotels are able to allocate the funds necessary for work in this direction and resort to the help of specialized PR agencies.

Whatever places the types of promotion occupy, they influence each other. AT modern enterprise they interpenetrate each other (Table 1).

Table 1

Places according to the importance of types of promotion

To consider the means of promoting hotel services, it is necessary to first analyze the types of promotion that have already been done, and then consider in more detail each of the means.

Sales promotions include: discounts and price cuts, discount cards, prizes and gifts to buyers (clients), free samples, testing of goods, tastings, participation in promotional tours for tour operators, demonstration of goods (services) in the places of their sale (presentation), encouragement of sellers (sales managers), business partners and sales agents, joint sales promotion with other companies, exhibitions, fairs, coupons, contests and games, lotteries and quizzes, discounts, premiums.

In the hotel business, the discount is one of the main tools of the marketing strategy. The price advertised by the hotel in its brochures is in practice only charged to a very small number of customers, i.e. to those who come "from the street". All other customers enjoy discounts. For example, a discount is provided: for pre-booking a room (if the room is booked by a travel agency - up to 40%); in the off-season, pensioners, children, students - up to 25%; professional colleagues, regular customers - up to 40%, etc. In case of any undesirable changes in the position of the hotel in the hotel services market (for example, a decrease in the actual load relative to the planned values), measures are proposed to improve the position of the hotel. Measures may include strengthening advertising campaign, change in class (both in one direction and the other), change in the list of services, etc. However, usually the first thing that comes to marketers' minds is a reduction in the accommodation rate. Of course, price reduction is a very effective method of increasing demand for hotel services, however, it should be remembered that rate reduction can cause a so-called "downward spiral". The reduction in the rate causes a decrease in the income of the hotel.

PR means include: publications, events, news, speeches, establishing contacts with the press, radio and television, holding press conferences and seminars, holding evenings, receptions and other similar events for the public, creating societies, unions, clubs, patronage and charity , sponsorship, corporate discounts, presentations, exhibitions, fairs, branding, corporate identity, image, questionnaires in rooms, customer reward programs.

Questionnaires are used to analyze the degree of customer satisfaction with hotel services. To do this, questionnaires are laid out in the hotel rooms, in which the client is asked to evaluate (for example, on a five-point scale) the level of service provided by different departments of the hotel (the quality of room cleaning, the quality of food and the level of service in hotel restaurants, etc.). Based on the results of processing the questionnaires, proposals are developed for the hotel management to improve the quality of service, which should increase the load and, consequently, the hotel's income. However, it should be noted that the percentage of returned questionnaires is very low - about 5%.

In order for the room fund to be completely filled, you should pay attention to hotel advertising and hotel promotion on the Internet. After all, more and more people are using the Internet to search for services, including hotels and hotels. Hotel advertising on the Internet is much more effective (in terms of cost per client), compared to other methods of advertising hotel services (boards, banners, posters at airports, etc.). But hotel advertising on the Internet has its own peculiarities, so it is better to entrust the conduct of an advertising campaign to professionals. A hotel website can become a hotel's business card that promotes its brand, performs PR functions, as well as a marketing research tool (who is interested in the service, what is the demand for the service on the market).

Outdoor advertising hotel at the airport, or the road from the airport to the city is very efficient. Highly publicized promotions such as "biggest scrambled eggs", "longest sausage", etc., are promotions for restaurants and hotels. In addition, you need to make the most of the guests who stay in it to advertise the hotel. It is advisable to publish in the press a message that a famous (in any field of activity) person has settled in such and such a hotel. Even if something newsworthy happened in front of the hotel, you need to convince the reporter to photograph the scene so that the hotel sign gets into the frame.

A good advertisement for hotels is holding various mass events (conferences, celebrations) in them. "Direct marketing" or mail advertising is also widely used - sending letters by mail to customers who have already stayed at the hotel, in order to inform them about the events planned at the hotel, new services, etc. Large hotels participate in international tourism fairs, creating their own stand there.

The means of personal selling include: training programs for employees, professional development programs.

Types of promotion interpenetrate each other and, accordingly, their means can complement each other and belong to several types at once. Means of promotion of such types of promotion as sales promotion and PR: customer reward programs and exhibitions are the means of PR and sales promotion.

In addition to price discounts marketing strategies hotels use various reward programs for loyal customers, which are based on the accumulation of points with subsequent free services at the choice of the client: the client receives a certain number of points for each amount spent at the hotel (for a room, dinner at a restaurant, rented car, etc.). The guest is issued a certificate for the accumulated number of points. Having collected a certain number of points, the guest can receive one or another service for free (a free dessert or even dinner at a restaurant, a free transfer to the airport or a discount in the prices of services, etc.). Sometimes these hotel customer rewards programs are combined with related airline programs. If the client stayed at the hotel, for example, 50 times, then on the anniversary visit he is provided with a suite for free with congratulations and souvenirs. .

Different guests are affected by different components of the incentive system: some will prefer a gift from the hotel, others discounts on additional services, etc. Now, during economic crisis most guests would prefer a discount than a gift from a hotel. Discounts on accommodation are still one of the most effective tools to motivate customers.

Exhibitions and fairs occupy a prominent place in marketing. Their important advantage is the ability to present the goods to customers in their original form, as well as in action. In any case, visitors come to the pavilions with a clear intention to learn something new for themselves, and this attitude actively promotes the introduction of new products and services to the market. Personal contacts between the representatives of the seller and potential buyers create an atmosphere of trust and goodwill, which contributes to the development business relations. A company exhibiting samples of its products can make presentations at symposiums, usually held within the framework of an exhibition (fair), while distributing print advertisements, showing films or television films, donating advertising packages, handbags, folders, etc. exhibition activity plays no less, and sometimes big role than publishing advertisements in the press about industrial goods. However, work at the exhibition will be effective only if it is carried out strictly according to plan and purposefully. Specialists present at the stand must clearly understand the commercial goals for which the company participates in the exhibition, and do everything in their power to achieve this goal. However, despite all the advantages, participation in such exhibitions is expensive for its participants, who have to pay rent for the occupied space, stand design, equipment, relevant literature, etc. For the sake of prestige large companies try to occupy large areas in good places. The relevant personnel of the exhibiting companies establish contacts with the organizers of the exhibitions long before the exhibition starts (it often takes almost a year to prepare such exhibitions). At the moment, as practice shows, holding exhibitions, conferences and seminars is the most effective way to express yourself.

Product promotion is carried out by using a certain proportion of advertising, sales promotion (sales), personal selling and public relations methods. Promotion of goods and services takes place in the market different ways, each of which is used depending on the specific situation and has its own advantages and disadvantages. The firm may also use one of existing species, and maybe combine them to achieve maximum results. This may be an advertisement that provides specific information about a service or product and is paid for by the sponsor. Personal selling is a type that consists in providing a product to customers in the process of direct communication with them, which leads to further long-term relationships. Sales promotion - certain measures that encourage the buyer to purchase a product. There is also the formation of public opinion (PR), which is to create an opinion about the product, while using the media.

All requirements contained in the above theoretical aspects, will be taken into account in the second chapter of the work when developing the promotion program and the costs of implementing the program.

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Formation of a positive image of the hotel is a parallel formation of the image of its services. This process is called the effect of the acquisition by the organization of a certain market power, the presence of which reduces the sensitivity of the consumer to price, reduces the likelihood of replacing the service with analogues of competitors, i.e. protects the hotel from losing customers and strengthens its position in relation to services of the same category

There are five ways to promote services, including hotel ones:

  • 1. advertising (advertising)
  • 2. personal sales (personal sales)
  • 3. sales promotion
  • 4. public relations

Advertising (from Latin Reclamare - “to approve, shout out, protest”) - information disseminated in a favorite way, in any form and using any means, addressed to an indefinite circle of people and aimed at drawing attention to the object of advertising, forming or maintaining interest in it and its promotion in the market.

  • 1. Outdoor advertising (boards, streamers, signs, signboards)
  • 2. Internet (banner, text ads, videos)
  • 3. Print media (text ads, classified ads)
  • 4. Television (videos, ticker, sponsorship)
  • * Radio (music, announcer)

Professional PR starts with reliable information. It is based on a detailed presentation of such characteristics of the hotel, such as:

  • 1. list of responsible employees (who is responsible for what);
  • 2. number and type of rooms;
  • 3. opening hours and specialization of the restaurant and bar;
  • 4. name, capacity and specifications banquet and conference rooms;
  • 5. leisure and sports opportunities for clients;
  • 6. description of the location of the hotel, indicating the route from the station and airport;
  • 7. car parks;
  • 8. architectural and (or) artistic solutions that may be a hotel attraction;
  • 9. characteristics of key managers;
  • 10. photographs illustrating the possibilities of the hotel in the field of services, etc.

This information is constantly supplemented, corrected and filled with new content, talking about the events taking place in the hotel.

When it comes to the work of PR within the enterprise, first of all it concerns the establishment of PR relations between its employees. PR is a concern for the relationship not only between management and a particular service, but also each of the employees who come into direct contact with customers.

However, this is not talking about another form of advertising: presentation.

The presentation of a product or service is considered the most highly effective way, it provides complete information about the product (service) and each potential client can get an answer to any question right during the presentation.

  • 1. information completeness;
  • 2. responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided;
  • 3. emotionality and persuasiveness;
  • 4. the use of visual means, the visual side dominates;
  • 5. volume and content advertising messages determined by the seasonality factor;
  • 6. the target audience is fragmented, scattered geographically;
  • 7. characterized by a clear separation of business and consumer advertising.

Segmentation by consumers revealed 3 main segments of the target audience of the hotel: guests coming to the city on business trips from Russia; companies holding business conferences at specially equipped venues of the complex; foreign guests.

public relations. An authoritative specialist in the field of advertising and PR, former Secretary General of the International Association for Public Relations Sam Black defines public relations (Public relations) as follows: "PR is the art and science of achieving harmony through mutual understanding based on truth and full information." hotel advertising marketing

Public relations outside the enterprise involves the formation of good relations between the service provider and the public, obtaining favorable publicity and creating a positive image of the hotel, hotel, as well as preventing the spread of negative rumors, stories, opinions about their activities.

The main activities of the public relations department include the formation of friendly relationships and relationships: with the media, with target audiences, with authorities and public administration.

In order to increase sales, increase efficiency and profitability, any enterprise in this area should be engaged in the formation of demand for the services provided and engage in sales promotion, that is, promotion of services (promotion).

Promotion is a variety of tactical and strategic means aimed at directly and indirectly strengthening the position of the enterprise in the market of the products it offers and enhancing the sale of these products.

To attract customers, you need to constantly introduce an innovative solution in advertising.

Innovation is the introduction of innovations that provide a qualitative increase in the efficiency of processes or products demanded by the market. Is an end result human intellectual activity, his fantasy, creative process, discoveries, inventions and rationality. An example of innovation is the introduction to the market of products (goods and services) with new consumer properties or a qualitative increase in the efficiency of production systems.

The marketing plan is the most important document integral part the annual development plan of the enterprise (along with financial, production and other plans), which establishes the market goals of the enterprise and suggests methods for achieving them.

The annual plan of the enterprise, respectively, establishes common goals enterprises (which include market, financial, production, innovation and personnel management goals) and will determine the ways and means of achieving them. However, since marketing is the main function of the enterprise in a highly competitive environment, and the marketing plan dominates other plans and is developed in the first place, because:

marketing decisions are a priority, as they determine what exactly the company will produce, at what price and where to sell, how to advertise;

marketing is the main function that provides a link between the desires of the consumer and the capabilities of the company, then the formation of a business mission, conducting a SWOT analysis and forming the overall goals and strategy of the enterprise also becomes a marketing task.

Strategic Decisions for individual elements of the formed marketing mix are as follows:

for the product - providing a more complete set of product properties that are useful for the target group of consumers;

for the price - the formation of the price perception of the product through the ratio of "quality / price";

by distribution - providing the availability of goods for the target group of consumers;

During the work on the second chapter, after analyzing the future development strategy of the hotel, it was proved that the Katerina Park Hotel is most profitable to enter new markets with the same product that it has, since there is no need to develop in the same market and invest in this effort (due to the almost complete absence of competitors). In addition, modifying or changing a product or its position in the market is much cheaper than starting a different business with a different product. There are clear advantages to this strategic plan.

So, the main task of the marketing department is to work on the brand of the company, that is, providing the company with a name. The hotel should be chosen not only large groups with travel companies, and sports groups sent to the hotel from the state, but also individual travelers.

The second area of ​​activity of the department should be the task of promoting new hotel products:

"Wedding Night" in the hotel "Katerina Park";

"Young again, engaged again" at the Katerina Park Hotel - offers for those who want to celebrate their wedding anniversary in a special way;

"Speed ​​dates" in the restaurant of the hotel "Katerina Park";

"Wedding celebrations" in the restaurant of the hotel "Katerina Park".

Description of services is presented in table 2.6. Of course, in order to determine the cost of each service, it is necessary to conduct a study of competitors, or average prices in the market, or marketing research among future users. However, the strategic implementation plan for product prices is presented in Table 2.7. It is determined by average prices on the market, with the expectation that there are not many such offers in the city of Moscow. The target portrait of the consumer is presented in Table 2.8, and, as you can see, the target audience is similar, respectively, it is possible to advertise new hotel services in the same communication channel, respectively, this saves financial costs for promotion.

In addition, the restaurant of the Katerina Park Hotel does not have a name. This has a negative effect on the promotion of the hotel, and as a tool to attract new visitors to the restaurant, an evening should be held in which the guests of the evening will help name the restaurant. Table 2.9 describes promotion communication channels and their rationale for the Katerina Park Hotel. The plans are described from an optimistic point of view, that is, most likely, in real life, the costs will be higher, and the time to implement the plan will be longer.

The income and expenditure budget summarizes the results of financial and economic activities for the period and shows the effectiveness of the management decisions taken.

The main final indicator characterizing the results of the enterprise's activity is profit. However economic entity Profit refers to complex and debatable problems in modern economic theory.

Profit is the excess of income over expenses. The reverse position is called loss, which is negative financial result, which puts the company in a rather difficult financial situation, which does not exclude bankruptcy.

For an enterprise, profit is the indicator that creates an incentive to invest in those areas where the greatest increase in value can be achieved. Profit as a category of market relations performs the following functions:

  • - characterizes the economic effect obtained as a result of the activity of the enterprise;
  • - is the main element of the financial resources of the enterprise;
  • - is a source of formation of budgets of different levels.

The cost plan for promotion channels is presented in Table 3.5. The overall cost plan is presented in Table 3.6.

It should be noted that for the hotel "Katerina Park" the cost of updating the room stock, the restaurant for new services is not significant, so new services should be considered a channel for additional sales, that is, the subject of additional profit.

On average, the cost of one wedding event is 20,000 rubles, and their cost for 30-40 people is from 1,500 rubles per person only on the menu. Accordingly, from 45 thousand rubles. Another 20,000 thousand, on average, wedding organizers leave for toastmasters, entertainment, DJs, etc. The restaurant can serve 3-4 weddings per week, per season, that is 12 weddings per month. The average revenue from events per month is 480,000 rubles.

As for honeymooners, 5 wedding rooms can be serviced every day. The cost of spending one night in a honeymoon suite is 12,000 rubles, respectively, taking into account the minimum occupancy of 50%, in fact, the rooms are occupied 3-4 times a week. Receives that the average monthly revenue from the sale of rooms for honeymooners is 144,000 rubles per month.

The cost of hosting a speed dating party is 7,000 rubles. Taking into account the average number of people for parties of 20-30, it will turn out, given that the ticket price is on average from 550 rubles, the total revenue per month will be approximate (it all depends on the specific event, how many people will come in fact, and the cost of the ticket different age groups different) 110,000 rubles excluding the sale of food and drinks during events. It should be noted that only the costs of events under the new hotel development strategy are shown here, without taking into account fixed and variable costs, however, as we see from table 2.12 and Figure 2.3, there is a clear margin in favor of revenue, which means that even with the company's current, existing costs, the Katerina Park Hotel will have a good revenue from sales of new services. Considering that the data is given with the calculation of 50% of the room stock or 50% of the attendance of the party, and only in the high season of sales, the cost of new strategy hotel "Katerina Park" justified.

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