Scheme of automated systems for documentation support of management. Purpose, structure and functions of automated systems of preschool educational institutions


1CHAPTER. Documentation management…………….…..…….……….5

1 The concept of management documentation support service…………....5

2 Goals and objectives…………………………………………….……….……………….7

3 Functions of the DOW service…………………………….………….…………...…...8

2 CHAPTER. Organizational and administrative documentation of the DOW service……….9

1 The staffing of the enterprise………………………………………..………..9

2 Regulations on the service of the preschool educational institution……….……………..……………………………....12

3 Instructions for documentation support of management……..………14

4 Documents on improving the activities of the DOE service……………15

3 CHAPTER. The structure and strength of the service…….………...……………………17




At present, most Russian state organizations and commercial firms are characterized by the absence of an orderly system of record keeping, despite the fact that it is rational and well-organized record keeping, which determines the documentation support for managing an organization, that can significantly increase the efficiency of an enterprise.

Documentation support of management - an activity covering the organization of documentation and documentation management in the process of implementing the functions of an institution, organization and enterprise, acting as an independent structural unit. It can be: the administration of affairs, the general department, the office or the secretariat. Documentation support for the management activities of the organization is the most important service function of management, from rational organization which determine the speed and quality of managerial decision-making, the effectiveness of the organization as a whole.

Relevance of the topic term paper is that office work is one of the management functions based on a scientific organization using modern technology. In modern conditions, work with management documentation in many institutions is based on computer technology, the functions of the management documentation support service are not limited only to the organization of the institution's document flow, accounting of documents and control over their execution. The management documentation support service is directly involved in setting tasks in the development of automated information systems for working with documents, in providing a mode of access to information and protecting information, in improving the work with documents. And we live in an era of scientific progress, where everything is based on the improvement of new technologies, which further help us in our work.

The purpose of the course work is to study the scientific problem of document management in an organization, describe the structure and disclose the main functions of the document management service, determine the purpose of the organization.

Based on the goal, the following tasks were set:

Study periodicals that cover the topic of the course work;

Tell about the document management service in the organization, list its main tasks and functions;

Consider the structure of management documentation services and describe their main functions.

The following sources were studied for writing the work. :

1 Organization of work with documents: Textbook / Pod. ed. prof. V.A. Kudryaeva. - 2nd ed., and additional - M. INFA, 2002.- 592 p.

2 Yankovskaya V.F. Functions of the document management service / V.F. Yankovskaya // reference book of the secretary and office manager - 2005. - No. 1 - p. 16-19

3 Rumyantseva S.A. Regulations on the preschool educational institution (documentation management) / S.A. Rumyantseva / / directory of the secretary and office - manager - 2009. - No. 11 - 24-36 p.


5 Berezina N.M. Modern office work., 3rd ed., - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007.-224 p.


7 http://revolutionaudit/d00203596.html

8 Kuznetsova T.V. Office work, DOW 5th edition corrected. and additional - M .: LLC "Journal of Personnel Management", 2007 - 528 p.

1 CHAPTER Documentation management.

1 The concept of document management service.

Document management- a scientific discipline that studies the patterns of formation and functioning of systems of documentation support for management. The basis of the terminological system of document management is the terminology of the preschool educational institution. Traditionally, the field of activity associated with the processing of documents is called office work.

The terminological standard defines office work as a branch of activity that provides documentation and organization of work with official documents. The term "office work" in accordance with GOST R 51141 - 98 is synonymous with the term "documentary management"

The term "documentary management" emphasizes the information technology component in the modern organization of office work and is formed by analogy with such terms as " software”, “information support”, etc. This term entered into scientific circulation more than 10 years ago due to a change in the organizational and technical basis of office work and methodological approaches to its improvement due to the active introduction of tools into the field of working with documents. computer science and the emergence of new information technologies for the creation, collection, processing, accumulation, storage, retrieval and use of information.

Office work (documentary management) involves, first of all, the creation of documents or documentation, which means the recording of information on various media according to established rules, the organization of work with documents, their storage and use in current activities.

Documentation management is performed by a special service acting as an independent structural unit. It can be: the administration of affairs, the general department, the office or the secretariat.

In small organizations, where the volume of processed documents is small and the creation of such a service is impractical, all work on documentary management is performed by the secretary of the head or an employee specially allocated for this work.

Documentation support of the organization's management activities is the most important service function of management, the rational organization of which determines the speed and quality of managerial decision-making, the efficiency of the organization as a whole.

Choice organizational form service documentation management depends on the decision of the management of the organization and the service itself. The regulation of the chosen form of work with documents is fixed in the instructions for office work.

Documentation management is present in every organization, regardless of the form and ownership of the nature and direction of activity.

2 Goals and objectives

The document management service is directly involved in setting tasks in the development of automated information systems for working with documents, in providing access to information and protecting information, and in improving work with documents.

The main goal of the DOW service is the organization, management, coordination, control and implementation of work on documentary support for management.

Based on the goals, the DOW service solves the following tasks :

1 improvement of forms and methods of work with documents;

2 ensuring a unified procedure for documenting, organizing work with documents, building search engines, control over the execution and preparation of documents for transfer to the departmental archive in accordance with applicable standards;

3 control over the execution and preparation of documents for transfer to the state archive in accordance with applicable regulations;

4 reduction of paperwork, quantity document forms;

5 development and implementation of regulatory and methodological documents to improve documentation support in the organization and subordinate system (for organizations with a subordinate system), progressive technologies for document management support based on the use of computer and organizational technology.

6 participation in the development and implementation of advanced technologies for document management support based on the use of computer and organizational technology, personal computers

The purpose of the DOW service is to organize, maintain and improve the system of documentary support for enterprise management on the basis of a unified technical policy and the use of modern technical means in working with documents.

3 Functions of the DOW service

In modern conditions, when work with management documentation in many institutions is based on computer technology, the functions of the management documentation support service are not limited only to organizing the document flow of the institution, accounting for documents and monitoring their execution.

Functions of the documentary support service for the management of the organization:

1 Organizational and methodological. Development of regulatory and methodological documents on office work (instructions for documentation support, nomenclature of cases, etc.); development of normative documents regulating the activities of the service of documentary support of management (regulations on the service, job descriptions of employees); organization of advanced training for employees of the document management service, etc.

» » Automated systems of preschool educational institutions

Automated systems of preschool educational institutions

In recent years, the role of management information support has increased several times. In the conditions of the modern world, its social, and economic development It should be noted the growing importance of information support for the management process, which includes the collection of information, its storage, processing, transmission and archiving in order to make informed and effective management decisions.

To make effective management decisions in modern conditions of development and growth market economy The organization needs a coherent and coherent automated documentation system.

Information processes (collection, processing and transmission of information) have always played an important role in science, technology and society. In the course of the evolution of mankind, there is a steady trend towards the automation of these processes, although their internal content has essentially remained unchanged.

Information does not exist by itself, it is manifested in information processes. A person lives in the world of information and participates in all kinds of information processes throughout his life.

The main information processes are: search, collection, storage, transfer, processing, use and protection of information.

Actions performed with information are called information processes.

The processes associated with the receipt, storage, processing and transmission of information are called informational.

Information process - a set of sequential actions (operations) performed on information (in the form of data, information, facts, ideas, hypotheses, theories, and others) to achieve any results.

Information is manifested precisely in information processes that always take place in any systems (social, sociotechnical, biological, and others).

Information processes carried out using certain information technologies form the basis of human information activity. The computer is a universal device for the automated execution of information processes.

The purpose of this work is to analyze and consider automated information systems in the field of office work, to analyze the concept of "" and analyze them when introduced into automated systems.

To achieve the goal, it is necessary to analyze the following tasks: identify and determine the main tasks of the preschool educational institution service, disassemble office automation systems and electronic document management, consider the principles of creating information support in the implementation of automated systems.

At the same time, the object of this work is automated office systems.

1. Basic concepts in office work and theoretical aspects AC

1.1 Basic concepts of DOW

To disclose the topic of "automated office work", it is necessary to introduce the basic terminology of this aspect. Start by defining a document. The concept of "document" came to us from the Latin language from the word "documentum", which in turn means "proof", "evidence". Initially, this term was introduced during the time of Peter the Great and had the meaning of "written evidence". Shortly thereafter, such terms as "business paper", "official document" and "act" came into use. These terms emphasized the importance of document functions in the management system. Federal Law No. 77-FZ "On the legal deposit of documents" gives the following definition of a document - "A document is a material carrier with information recorded on it in any form in the form of text, sound recording, image and (or) a combination of them, which has details that allow identify it, and is intended to be transmitted in time and space for public use and storage.

From this definition it follows that the concept of "document" is inextricably linked with the concept of "information". The Federal Law "On Information and Information Protection" dated February 20, 1995 gives the following definition to the concept of "documentary information" - this is information recorded on a material carrier with details that allow it to be identified. Later, this law was edited and republished. In accordance with the definition in Federal Law No. 149 - Federal Law "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection", "information" is information (messages, data) regardless of the form of their presentation.

In turn, documented information is information that is recorded on a tangible medium by documenting information with details that make it possible to determine such information or, in cases where established by law, its material carrier.

In the organization of any field of activity, the document acts as a means of managing activities in all structural divisions. In this field of activity, it should be said “official document”, not “document” An official document is a document that has the right to use in an organization, created by a legal or natural person, executed and certified in the prescribed manner.

The area of ​​activity that provides documentation and organization of work with official documents is called Documentation Support Management.

DOW is engaged in the whole complex of works on the creation, execution of documents, as well as their execution and control of deadlines. This complex also includes work on document accounting, the formation of cases from already executed documents, the storage and use of current cases, and their preparation for transfer to the archive.

These functions are performed by a special service, which acts as an independent structural unit. At the same time, it can be called differently: the Records Management Department, the General Department, the Chancery Department, the Secretariat or the Case Management Department.

At enterprises with a narrow focus of activity, a fairly small amount of documentation is enough, so the creation of a separate department is impractical. In such cases, all work on document management at the enterprise is performed by the secretary of the head of the organization or an employee specially hired for this work.

The work of the enterprise, as well as the quality and speed of making managerial decisions, depend on the skillfully thought out, organized and streamlined work of office work at the enterprise. Thus, we can say that providing management activities with enterprise documents is the most important management function in any enterprise.

However, it should be noted that each enterprise is unique, has its own personal form of organization and, therefore, it is necessary to choose the form of the DOW service in accordance with the form of government of the enterprise. Subsequently, the regulation of the chosen form of work with documents is fixed in the instructions for the office work of the enterprise.

The organization of work with official documents is currently regulated by GOST R 51141-98 “Office work and archiving. Terms and Definitions". In addition to the term "office work", there is a synonymous term "management documentation support", which most widely reveals the information and technical component in the modern organization of office work.

According to the state standard, documentation is fixing information on various media according to established rules. Documentation is a set of operations for the creation of documents, their preparation, compilation, approval, execution and production.

The DOE service process consists of several stages:

1) creation and execution of documents;

2) acceptance and transmission of documents;

3) organization of the movement of documents within the organization;

4) registration and execution control;

5) information and reference work;

6) storage of documents.

These activities are carried out to perform the following tasks:

1) improving the forms and methods of working with documentation;

2) ensuring a unified documentation procedure;

3) organization of work with documents;

4) building information retrieval systems;

5) control over the execution and preparation of documents for transfer to the archive in accordance with applicable standards;

6) reduction of document flow;

7) unification of forms of documents;

8) development and implementation of regulatory and methodological documents to improve the documentation support of management in the structure;

9) introduction of the latest information technologies in the work with documents.

For a deeper consideration of the functions and tasks of the Documentation Support Management and to understand what exactly the above service does, it is necessary to focus on the fact that in modern world any work with management documents is based on computer and information technologies. The functions of the DOW service are not only the organization of effective document management, documentation accounting, as well as control over the execution of all documents within one enterprise and setting tasks in the development of automated information systems for working with documentation. At the same time, it is necessary to provide an access mode to information, as well as its protection from unauthorized access in order to improve work with documentation inside and outside the enterprise.

However, all these tasks are impossible if the information used in the creation of documents is not complete, objective, accurate, valuable, reliable and provided in a timely manner.

1.2 The main tasks of the management documentation support service

In modern conditions, when work with management documentation in many institutions is based on computer technology, the functions of the DOE service are not limited only to organizing the document flow of the institution, accounting for documents and monitoring their execution. The DOW service is directly involved in setting tasks in the development of automated information systems for working with documents, in providing access to information, and in improving work with documents.

Thus, the DOW service solves three main sets of tasks:

1) ensuring documentation of management activities;

2) organization of work with documents in the institution;

3) improvement of forms and methods of work with documents.

The tasks facing the DOW service determine its functions.

1. The tasks of ensuring documentation of management activities can be solved by performing the following functions:

– development and design of forms, ensuring their production;

– ensuring the production of documents, copying and replication;

– quality control of the preparation and execution of documents, compliance with the established procedure for approval and certification of documents.

2. The tasks of organizing work with documents in an institution are solved by performing the following functions:

- establishment of a unified procedure for the passage of documents (document flow of the institution);

– Forwarding processing of incoming and outgoing documents;

– registration and accounting of incoming, outgoing and internal documents;

- control over the execution of documents;

- systematization of documents, ensuring their storage and use; organization of work with citizens' appeals.

– Ensuring information security.

3. The tasks of improving the forms and methods of working with documents include the following functions:

- development and revision of normative, instructive, methodological documents and bringing them to the attention of employees of the organization;

- methodological guidance and control over compliance with the established rules for working with documents in the structural divisions of the organization;

– advanced training of employees of the organization and their advice on working with documents;

- streamlining the documentation of the organization, carrying out work on the unification of documents, the development of the Report Card and the Album of forms of documents used in the activities of the organization;

- development and implementation of new forms and methods of working with documents, document management of the organization, improving executive discipline;

- setting tasks for the development and improvement of automated information systems and databases for working with documents.

Based on the above points, we see that without the implementation of electronic document management, an employee cannot perform all operations on his own.

1.3 Modern technologies for the implementation of electronic document management systems

The management system requires the organization and maintenance of an efficient workflow, which must be presented as a formalized business process. In this case, any document (electronic or paper) is the main tool for formalizing business interaction between business units and organizing external relations.

The steady trend of a significant increase in the volume of information necessary for making managerial decisions leads to the fact that it is necessary to receive, process and store documents in much larger quantities than before. Traditional Methods work with documents becomes inefficient at the same time.

An analysis of business processes showed that about 15% of documents are lost during work, and up to 30% of the working time of employees responsible for processing documents is spent searching for them. In this case, the irretrievable loss of even part of the information can result in significant losses.

To organize collective work with a typical paper document, it is necessary to copy it multiple times, deliver it to various structural divisions, hold special meetings, and approve it, which takes an incredibly large amount of time.

Another problem is related to the long time it takes to find the necessary information on request. When working with electronic documents, the document search time, and, consequently, the response time to a request, is much less.

According to expert estimates, the replacement of paper workflow with electronic one contributes to an increase in employee productivity by 25-50%, and the processing time for one document is reduced by more than 75%. Classically, business, as a business process, is supported by the automation system by only 10-20%. These are, as a rule, only those tasks that can be clearly formalized and structured information. The process of formulation and formalization itself is not supported by traditional automation.

1.4 Office automation and electronic document management systems

Having determined the required level of automation, the organization selects a system that would satisfy the organization's automation needs.

An automation system is understood as any automated system designed to solve office work tasks, regardless of the object of automation, whether it be a public authority, a commercial bank, a trading company or any other organization. It is important that office work is conducted in this organization, and that it is conducted in accordance with the requirements put forward by Russian legislation, which allows us to clearly outline the range of tasks to be solved8.

When choosing a document automation system, as a rule, one of two options is considered:

* office automation;

* workflow automation.

Office automation systems mainly solve the tasks of accounting (registration) of incoming, outgoing, internal and organizational and administrative documents, accounting for issued resolutions and received information about their execution. The system databases can store not only the details of documents in the form of the so-called. "registration and control card", but also their content in the form of texts, files or images. Office automation systems allow you to control the execution of documents and each resolution or order, store data on the cases to which the documents are related. Quick search required documents according to a given criterion or a set of them is an integral attribute of systems of this kind.

Today, there are three main ways to implement a document automation system:

* development of an original automation system;

* installation of a typical automation system;

* setting up automation tools.

Ideally, the system should support both paper and electronic document management, as well as business processes of the organization. In practice, this is difficult to achieve.

An important factor that must be taken into account is the scalability of the program, that is, the possibility of increasing the number of workplaces (computers) on which the program is used and increasing the number of documents stored in the system over time.

Another point that you need to pay attention to is the possibility of working with documents for several years. In some programs, documents for the past year are moved to the archive every year and a new database of documents for the current year is created. On the one hand, this simplifies work and reduces system load. But on the other hand, it can significantly complicate the control of execution and search through the documents of the last year. This is especially noticeable at the beginning of the year, when there are frequent references to documents 2-3 months old, which have already been moved to the archive.

Therefore, it is important that the program allows you to easily search for documents over the past years.

The program must be available so that the user can carry out some system settings (for example, dictionaries, directories, standard routes, etc.) without resorting to the administrator's services once again. The administrator should only perform functions to ensure the security of information, controlling the rights and actions of users.

Despite the preservation of all the main traditional functions of office work in automated systems, automation, of course, makes it possible to organize work with documents more efficiently than traditional (“manual”) technologies and, using computer networks, solve many typical tasks of office work in a new way, greatly simplifying and accelerating the process of movement of documents in the organization.

In general, an automated information support system may include the following blocks:

1. an automated system of scientific and technical information (NTI), whose tasks are the timely identification, accounting, selection and presentation to users of all documents, abstracts or addresses that correspond to the direction of the organization and the requests of managers and specialists.

Among the priorities of the system it is necessary to highlight:

1) accounting for incoming sources of NTI (books, brochures, scientific journals, articles, scientific and technical reports, etc.);

2) automated subscription service for users, including registration of the issuance and return of NTI sources;

3) compilation and maintenance of various indexes, bulletins;

5) informing management employees about current scientific, technical, economic, etc. achievements in accordance with their information needs on permanent or one-time requests (in the mode of selective dissemination of information and retrospective search);

6) search and issuance of scientific and technical information corresponding to the problem being solved at various stages of the decision-making process;

2. automated regulatory system. and legal information. These types of information act as basic regulators of decision-making, including on their basis the legal validity of the decision is checked. The limited ability of managers to manually process large amounts of this information leads to insufficient awareness of managers about the current regulations. One of the ways to improve the provision of legal information is automation;

3. automated documentary system of organizational and administrative information;

4. automated factual information and reference system.

Each of these subsystems plays a very specific role in the decision-making process. The fact system is used to obtain and process specific information about the state and dynamics of the managed object. The automated system of scientific and technical information supplies managers and specialists with the necessary scientific and technical information, without which it is impossible to substantiate the decision. An automated system of regulatory and legal information is necessary for the legal support of decisions made. The central place in relation to other subsystems is occupied by an automated system of organizational and administrative information (ORI), which acts as an operational communication channel between the control and managed systems and reflects the entire cycle of managerial decision-making from diagnosing a problem to choosing and implementing an alternative. Thus, the ARI system is not just an information retrieval system, it actively participates and influences the management process. Its main tasks are to create optimal conditions for the organization of the management system and processes, the implementation of timely decision-making and bringing them to specific performers, ensuring timely control over the timing, quality and volume of implementation of decisions at all levels of management.

2. Information systems in the implementation of automated systems for document management

2.1 Basic principles for the development of an information support system for the implementation of automated systems

electronic document management automation

The experience of designing domestic and foreign management information systems (MIS) shows that an important factor determining their effectiveness is the implementation of a systematic approach to solving information support problems. A systematic approach involves a comprehensive consideration and solution of economic, technological, psychological, engineering and social problems. It allows you to come close to the problem of creating an integrated management system that combines horizontal integration (coordination of all information necessary for decision-making, circulating at a certain hierarchical level) with vertical integration. The principle of integration is most fully implemented in automated systems, which we will consider as a design object in this chapter.

Sufficiently extensive experience in the operation of automated systems in management allows us to formulate the basic principles of their creation. These principles can be divided into 3 groups:

1) managerial;

2) technical;

3) organizational.

The first group includes the principles of consistency, complexity, efficiency of the created systems and the principle of new tasks.

The principle of consistency requires that the design of an information system be based on a preliminary system analysis of the control object and the control system as a whole. System analysis involves the definition of the goals of the system, the construction of a formalized model of the functioning of the object.

The principle of complexity involves the interconnection of all work carried out in production, management, including automation work. The effectiveness of automation is achieved only with a unified planning of the entire range of measures aimed at intensifying production using a single methodological basis. In addition, as practice has shown, systems that automate not only a function or task, but their interconnected complex, are more efficient. The principle of complexity has received a real embodiment in the transition from the creation of local systems to the creation of integrated automated systems.

One of the most important provisions in the development of any automated system is automation efficiency principle. The efficiency of systems is associated primarily with the correct selection of the range of automated functions, technologies and tasks. Often there are systems whose effectiveness is either insufficient or negative.

Indicators are used as a criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of most systems. economic efficiency. Efficiency criteria can also be: reducing service time, increasing user awareness and a number of other indicators.

The principle of new tasks assumes that the system being developed will not only provide a solution to traditional problems, but will also allow the use of new technologies, which means that new opportunities will appear in the information support of management decisions. Carrying out only local accounting and reporting tasks within the framework of an automated system turns out to be inefficient.

The second group of design principles includes technical principles which are absolutely essential:

1) integrated use of computer technology and software;

2) creation of a unified information base systems;

3) organization of direct communication between the user and the system.

Complexity in the use of hardware and software is becoming increasingly greater value as the scope of computer technology expands.

Since the creation of an integrated information system is a very complex and time-consuming process, the implementation of the relevant work requires the coordination of the activities of all developers, which is achieved by appointing a leading information support specialist. Such positions have already been introduced at a number of enterprises. The main functions of the information support specialist are:

1. organization of work on the design, maintenance and development of an integrated database; study of information needs within the organization; summarizing the experience of creating effective information support systems;

2. improvement and implementation of classifiers and codifiers;

3. organization of work aimed at creating systems for integrating heterogeneous databases and improving distributed database management systems;

4. ensuring the reliable functioning of information support systems.

The chief information support specialist (IO) manages the work of the information support service, which develops, implements and operates the management information system in accordance with the plan. As part of the service, it is advisable to single out groups for working with internal and external information. Coordinating the work of these groups, as well as ensuring the interaction of the information support service with other services of the organization, is one of the most important functions of the chief specialist.

There are two approaches to the design of automated control systems (ACS):

1) deductive (from a general task to particular management tasks);

2) inductive (from specific functions to the general task of control).

Experience shows that combining these two approaches and subordinating them to a single goal seems to be the most promising. General scheme information support design can be presented in the following sequence:

Analysis of the decision-making system. The process begins by identifying all types of decisions that require information to make. The needs of each level and functional area should be taken into account.

Analysis of information requests, i.e., it is necessary to determine what type of information is required for each decision.

Decision aggregation. If every decision required a dedicated information system, MIS would be hopelessly complex. Decisions that require the same information should be grouped into one control task. In other words, MIS should be coordinated and integrated with organizational structure.

Information Processing Design. On the this stage a real system is being developed for collecting, transmitting, storing and modifying information.

The last stage is creation and implementation of the system, the purpose of which is to evaluate the information issued by the MIS and recognize errors. In addition, it is necessary to admit that the system being designed will have many shortcomings, and therefore, it is necessary to create procedures for identifying them and correcting the system. Thus, the system must be designed to be flexible.

A common and effective research technique in the implementation of work on the design of the MIS is the analysis of decisions made in each link, at each level, by each leader. The analysis of the decisions made allows us to present the whole range of tasks that arise before the subject of management, to determine the tasks, the solution of which is mandatory for a given level or manager and to provide their information support, to substantiate effective methods for their solution. The development of methods should be focused on the maximum use of scientific achievements, including mathematical models.

UIS do not arise instantly. It takes 3-5 years for a company to implement such an integrated automated system. Therefore, in the development of MIS there is always an element of long-term planning. This thesis is also applicable to the organization of information support in the traditional form.

Experience in the design and development of automated control systems in the 1970-1980s. is reflected in GOSTs, which present the main recommendations and requirements that have passed the test of time.

In accordance with GOST 20914-75, the following stages of ACS design can be distinguished:

1. pre-project stage;

2. design stage;

3. implementation.

The pre-project stage includes a pre-project survey and development of technical specifications for the automated control system. The most important results of this stage are the description of the goals and objectives of the information system; development of general requirements for its creation; development of a program for conducting a survey, within the framework of which the following are studied and specified: information model of management; the structure and functions of the organization, the list of tasks to be automated; approximate composition of technical means; technical and economic characteristics of the information support system.

The design stage is associated with the development of technical and working projects. The development of the terms of reference includes a survey of the existing facility (organization or division) and its control systems or the nearest facility (an analogue of a new facility). To solve the problems of information support, information flows, classification and coding systems, documentation forms are analyzed, as well as DBMS, the structures of existing databases and methods for their integration are studied. The results of these works are included in the original technological requirements and are drawn up in accordance with GOSTs 17.195-76, 15.101-80, 7.32-81, taking into account GOSTs 24.202-80 and 24.205-80.

When developing a technical project, it is necessary to dwell in detail on the analysis of all the information used in terms of its completeness, consistency, lack of redundancy and duplication, as well as on the development of forms of output documents. The results of such a study are formalized in the document "Description of information support", which specifies the requirements for the organization of the IO. Technological documentation must comply with the requirements of GOST 24.101-80, taking into account GOST 24.205-80. In accordance with the methodological materials, it is allowed to design the work of this stage in the form of a separate section of the technological project, the development of which is allowed to be completed within a timeframe different from deadlines submission of design estimates, but no later than the beginning of the "Commissioning" stage.

At the stage of detailed design, one of the main stages is the development of working documentation for information support of IS, the purpose of which is to create the necessary software, prepare reference and production information on machine media for the initial download of the information base, as well as issue the necessary working documentation, including user instructions and operating instructions. At the same stage, it is advisable to develop and approve the regulation on the database administrator. The composition of the documentation should include: technical project information system; description of the information base organization; description of classification and coding systems; list of initial data; list of output documents; description of local databases; output forms.

The MIS implementation stage includes the implementation of the main implementation activities; selection and training of personnel; preparation of premises and technical means. At this stage, the pilot operation of the system is also carried out by solving specific problems and analyzing the test results.

Carrying out work on the creation of automated systems of all types is regulated by GOST 24.601-86 “Automated systems. Stages of creation. General requirements and the totality of work at all stages and stages are determined by GOST 24.602-86 "Composition and content of work by stages of creation."

2.2 Information systems, their properties and characteristics

An information system is a system in which information processes take place that make up a complete life cycle information: generation, transformation, transmission, reception, storage, processing (use), destruction.

The task of information systems– information support of the subject activity of the organization.

As for the characteristics and properties of information systems, first of all it is worth mentioning the size and complexity.

Modern systems of any nature tend to be large and complex systems.

complex system large scale called a system consisting of a large number of interconnected and interacting elements and capable of performing a complex function.

The impact of random factors. A characteristic and very significant feature is the susceptibility of information systems to the influence of random factors, and not only such as, for example, failures, failures or errors of technical devices of personnel or users, but also such as malicious actions of people that are not only random, but also generally unpredictable or, at best, difficult to predict.

Participation in human information processes. The peculiarity is that the end user of information systems is always employees of the organization. organization has its own interests and goals that must be taken into account when providing information (the presence of free will).

Uniqueness. Each state of the information system is unique and requires the information support to take into account all its features and, therefore, the individual application of various influences.

Dynamism. Information systems change their structure and state of elements over time.

distribution means the spatial arrangement of the individual components of the system.

The state of the information system is a set of systemically interrelated organizational, technical, procedural, informational and legal structural solutions.

Let us give definitions of the concepts introduced. Fixed organization of the composition, quantity, architecture (interconnection) of a complex of technical means and systems, as well as technical staff and personnel directly involved in the implementation of information procedures can be defined as the state of the technical and organizational structure of the information system or as an organizational and technical structural solution.

The fixed organization of the composition, the sequence of information procedures can be defined as the state of the procedural structure of the information system or as a procedural structural decision.

Under the legal framework of information technology, we mean the composition of regulatory documents that regulate information support in terms of the functioning of the information system. These can be: general provisions, functional duties of personnel, instructions and instructions on techniques, methods and methods for performing procedures and working on technical means, etc.

2.3 Information and control system, its goals and objectives

An information management system is defined as a formal system for issuing information to the administration that is necessary for decision-making.

IMS should provide information about the past, present and future. It must keep track of all relevant events within and outside the organization. The overall purpose of the IMS is to facilitate the effective performance of the functions of planning, control, production activities and the management process as a whole. Its most important task is to provide the right information to the right people at the right time.

It should be noted that IMS is not the only comprehensive integrated system to meet all the information needs of the administration. Since there may be a desire to obtain a system of this nature, it is necessary to stipulate this aspect that, due to the great complexity, the probability of creating it is small. One cannot overlook the fact that ICS invariably involves the use of computers. Indeed, recent advances in data processing technology have made a huge contribution to the creation of information management systems. Some types of IMS would not be possible without the speed and accuracy of data processing that computers provide.

The computer revolution has brought significant changes to how organizations process information. One of the studies in the field of management practice showed that electronic data processing and information management systems are the two most widely used tools in management. The widespread use of computers in organizations allows managers at all levels to use large amounts of information in their activities.

Thanks to computer technology, individual managers can now make decisions based on information prepared within their companies. Intracompany databases allow the manager to get information about his business, markets, competition, prices and forecasts in just a few hours.

Computers can provide managers with the information they need for any type of control that helps them compare planned and actual results, detect discrepancies early, and make adjustments to resolve problems. However, like all management tools, computerized information systems work the way they are designed and cannot be better. Therefore, in my opinion, it is necessary to consider the design of ICS and ways to improve their efficiency.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the purpose of the IRS is not only to simply give out and process some information. The IMS should be user-oriented, that is, the information it processes should serve the needs of those managers who receive it.

When designing an information system, it must be borne in mind that the information needs of managers are different and depend on their level in the hierarchy and functional responsibilities.

Information and control systems and management activities

Studying the differences in the information needs of managers, we can conditionally divide the types of managerial activities into three categories.

1. Strategic planning is the process of making decisions about the organization's goals, changing those goals, using resources to achieve those goals, and about the strategies that govern the acquisition, use, and deployment of those resources.

2. Management control is the process by which managers ensure that resources are received and used effectively to achieve the overall goals of the organization.

3. Operational control is the process of ensuring the efficient and qualified performance of specific tasks.

These categories of activities roughly correspond to the responsibilities of senior, middle and grassroots managers. The IMS should provide information relevant to different requirements applied to each of the categories.

For example, the activities of senior managers in strategic planning include, first of all, issues of future interaction between the organization and the environment. Thus, senior managers need information from external sources. This information should not be very detailed and should be broad enough to show trends. It also does not require very high precision.

Information for managerial control is necessary for both top and middle managers. Naturally, it must come from both internal and external sources. For example, senior managers need information about the work of the main divisions of their company and the activities of competing organizations. The middle manager needs information about performance, costs, turnover, and possibly changes in customer or technology requirements. This information should be more detailed, narrower in scope, and more accurate than what is required for strategic planning. It should also come at shorter intervals, as the time frame for decisions is shorter here.

Information for purposes operational control, which deals with daily activities, should be very precise, narrow and up-to-date. It must come almost exclusively from internal sources. For example, a factory manager must know exactly how many hours a day each worker works, what is the daily or weekly output, and how much material is used and wasted.

In addition, managers need specific information related to the area of ​​their particular professional activity. Thus, the sales manager needs information about trade deals, consumer tastes, the competitiveness of new products, etc. Detailed information about specifications for a new product, which is fundamental to the head of the Technical Department, is not essential to making marketing decisions. Indeed, if the IMS regularly issues such information to the sales manager, then this will only interfere with his work and take time.

2.4 Sources of management information

Internal sources are documents created directly in the organization. It includes organizational and administrative, special documentation systems (personnel, financial, planning, etc.), as well as other company materials. Among the most interesting documents, we highlight reports: daily (loss analysis, labor efficiency statistics, time loss analysis, received orders); weekly (analysis of overtime, performance of work, project control); monthly (departmental activity report, personnel change analysis, overhead analysis, sales analysis, stock consumption report, sales change analysis, profit and loss account, balance sheet, accounting analysis, cash balance, overdue accounts); quarterly, semi-annual and annual (profit account, balance sheet, sources and use of funds, reports on the work of departments). Depending on the specific conditions of the functioning of the organization, reporting documentation may have its own frequency, form of information presentation. In addition, types of reporting that correspond to automation tasks can be generated. In addition to regular reports, long-term monitoring reports on individual factors and situations are compiled.

Internal sources can in turn be divided into primary and secondary. The primary ones include those in which specific operational data on the results of the organization's activities are recorded - these are accounting documents, ORD, etc. Primary sources are the most reliable.

Secondary documents - texts of a generalizing, summary and reporting nature, i.e. summaries, reports, reports, analytical notes, forecasts, etc. These sources contain, as a rule, aggregated data, certain conclusions and recommendations. Secondary sources are less reliable, as they contain a greater degree of distortion. The distortion of information can be influenced not only by errors in calculations and conclusions, but also by a high probability of deliberate distortion in order to hide certain official omissions, therefore, the information contained in the sources of this type requires rechecking.

2.5 Information flow organization

For the formulation and solution of many tasks in management, information is used, presented in several arrays. The central link in the organization of information flows is the determination of the routes of its movement and the frequency of circulation between sources and consumers.

So, the process of consumption of information resources is implemented in the form of information flows. When creating an IS, it is necessary to rationally organize information flows, as well as to achieve an increase in their intensity. To solve these problems, when designing an IS, it is recommended to analyze information flows, which allows you to study the existing information support organization system, creates the basis for further improvement and optimization of information flows. The analysis of information flows is carried out in two stages:

1) examination;

2) construction and analysis of the information model of the organization in question.

The basis for the design of the MIS is the results of surveys of information flows and workflow, characteristic of the subject area in which this information system is being created. Currently, there are no GOSTs, regulatory materials governing the survey and analysis of information flows in the design of IS. However, these issues are reflected in the regulatory materials for automated control systems (GOST 24.208-80, GOST 23.501.15-81, RTM 25575-83, etc.), which can be used to organize work in the cases under consideration.

When analyzing information flows, it is necessary to take into account the movement of information in the following directions:

1. Vertically, that is, along hierarchical levels. An analysis of vertical flows along ascending and descending lines makes it possible to identify continuity, compaction, averaging, and information output. The analysis of the continuity of information highlights the cross-cutting indicators that pass through all levels of management, and highlight those that are characteristic of the same phenomenon at different levels, i.e., it becomes possible to unify information. The conclusions of this analysis become the basis for determining information support at various hierarchical levels.

The analysis of the degree of compaction of information characterizes the correctness of the elimination of non-essential indicators and the aggregation of private into general ones. This is due to the general patterns of information transfer to a higher level;

2. Horizontal movement of information. The main focus of such an analysis is to compare the scheme of development and decision-making and schemes of information flow, since its routing is determined by the processes of development of decisions. The most acceptable method for analyzing information routes is network analysis, where events are the adoption of specific decisions, and paths are the flow of information.

During the analysis, the shortest paths are found to provide all the necessary solutions (for clarity, it is recommended to build a diagram). Graphical analysis gives a fairly complete picture of the rationality of information flows. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the directness of movement, rhythm, specialization of information flows, density (intensity), parallelism of the movement of flows.

The structure of information flows is revealed by analyzing the structure of the organization, the structure of the workflow and the movement of undocumented information.

2.6 Main issues in the development of information systems

The main questions that arise before the system developer when he begins to think about the main information array are the following: how many data levels are needed; whether IS is able to serve all the levels of management available in the company with their different needs for information using a single main data set.

For example, in the MIS of a commercial bank, the cashier needs to have access to detailed information relating to each account, i.e., to the current balance, the amount of checks, etc. However, such information is not of interest to the operational management level. Managers at this level are interested in cumulative information on groups of accounts. And at the policy-making level, senior managers need even broader information about loans, earnings, and deposit growth projections. Thus, the main task of the IS designer is to try to integrate the main body of data in such a way that it can be used by all levels of management of the company and its divisions.

In order to organize the information array, it is necessary to think over the appropriate classifier. The information contained in the array is classified according to the following criteria:

2) method of obtaining;

3) frequency of receipt;

4) the nature of the application in the management process.

According to the direction of movement, information is divided into:

1) incoming;

2) intermediate (internal);

3) outgoing.

According to the frequency of receipt, it is divided into:

1) continuously arriving;

2) daily;

3) weekly;

4) monthly, etc.

These periods are set for each type of information.

According to the nature of participation in the management process, information is divided into:

1) regulatory;

2) reference;

3) planned;

4) analytical (operational);

5) reporting.

3. Automated information systems

3.1 General characteristics of AIS

1. AIS - a set of information, economic and mathematical methods and models, technical, software, technological tools and specialists, designed to process information and make management decisions.

2. AIS - interconnected set data, equipment, software, personnel, standards, procedures designed to collect, process, distribute, store, issue information in accordance with the requirements arising from the goals of the organization.

Functional and supporting subsystems

The automated information system has functional and supporting subsystems.

It should be noted that the introduction of automated systems for document management support for each individual organization is prompted by various reasons, but the overall goal is, as a rule, to increase management efficiency. When analyzing certain AS DOEs, one should not lose sight of the following:

  • whether the system takes into account the technology of record keeping and workflow adopted at the enterprise;
  • whether it supports the circulation of documents submitted both in paper and electronic form;
  • whether it has sufficient functional completeness;
  • whether it has the required parameters of software implementation;
  • whether it has acceptable performance characteristics.

Of course, it is necessary to take into account the costs of acquiring and operating the AS DOW, as well as to evaluate the expected economic effect from the automation of documentation support for management.

We should not forget about the subsequent maintenance of the system and the prospects for its development. Here it is necessary to pay close attention to the company that developed the circulation-order system:

  • how long and deep enough she specializes in this subject area;
  • how many of its systems are successfully operated and what are the customer reviews;
  • Are the channels for supporting the system sufficiently developed? hot line”, consultations both in the company’s office and on site, the availability of implementation services, etc.);
  • Does the company have training centers?
  • what are the prospects for the development of the software product.

Let us consider in more detail the content of the above criteria for assessing AS DOW. And let's start with one of the main ones, ignoring which very often causes failure when choosing a system.

Regardless of the form of presentation of documents, their processing is determined mainly by the technological process of office work and workflow adopted at the enterprise. The underestimation of this situation, which is usually carried out by information technology specialists of the organization choosing the AS DOW, often leads to disastrous consequences.

There were cases when the selected and acquired AS DOW seemed to have the full range of required functionality, but the implementation process was extremely complicated or not completed at all due to the occurrence of a significant number of minor inconsistencies and problems that could not be eliminated using system settings. And the thing is that the purchased solution was originally designed for a different enterprise management system than the one used in this organization, and for its successful implementation it was necessary to change not only the document management technology, which is possible, although not always, but also enterprise management system.

Not every domestic organization is ready for this, since it is forced to obey general rules management adopted in Russia. The reason for many failures in the implementation of foreign AS PEIs is that our management system, historically established and supported by legislative and regulatory rules, simply does not comply with Western standards and management methods.

The traditional Russian technology of working with documents involves three levels of hierarchy: managers, office management service, performers.

Top-ranking managers make decisions on the further movement of documents, sign them or endorse them, analyze reports on the state of execution of documents, and take measures to improve performance discipline. They appoint executors, set deadlines, give instructions.

Contractors (structural divisions) receive documents for processing; prepare outgoing documents, interacting, if necessary, with other executors; they sign documents with the management and transfer them to the office management service for further promotion. They receive reminders of the approaching or expiration of the deadline, inform the office management service about the status of the document.

The records management service receives and registers documents, initially enters data into the system, promotes documents for the organization with fixing orders and reports, distributes documents outside, monitors the execution of documents (orders), issues various reports on the status of execution of documents, releases documents and transfers them to the archive . The records management service is directly responsible for organizing the management documentation support, i.e. for the implementation of the accepted rules for working with documents in organizations, which are enshrined in state standards, instructions and manuals for office work. This service is usually also responsible for office personnel of other structural divisions of the organization.

Any document in the organization after acceptance and registration must be reported to the head of the highest rank. The report is necessary to speed up the decision-making process on this document. An employee of the secretariat reports data on the document and prepares an instruction for it. Assignment - a written order of the head on a document containing instructions for action. It determines the further scheme for passing and processing the document. With a neutral order, the document is sent for familiarization. With a positive or negative instruction, the document is sent for execution. The instruction of the head forms the basis of a new document - a resolution, for which all the previously described formalization procedures apply. Overgrown with instructions, the document goes down to the addressee (executor or executors), who makes a decision on this resolution. It generates a response in the form of a document or message/help. The message defines the action of the addressee in the process of executing the resolution, for example, a request for an extension of the deadline. After execution, a group of related documents and messages/references follows the same path in the opposite direction.

To manage the movement and execution of documents, the clerical staff maintains special journals and / or file cabinets in which the movements of documents are recorded, as well as resolutions and reports of executors associated with them. The cornerstone of office work is the registration card of the document, where its dossier is kept, thanks to which it is possible to accurately determine who has the document and at what stage of execution. The details of this card are regulated by the internal standards of the institution, and the organization of work with documents is determined by a number of GOSTs.

Traditional Russian technology assumes that some (managers and performers) work with paper documents, while others (clerical service) track their actions using a system of journals and file cabinets.

Based on the foregoing, Russian office work technology has the following features:

  • the availability of specialized office work services for maintaining registration, control and reporting forms and journals;
  • implementation of centralized control over the entire range of works within the organization;
  • the vertical nature of the movement of documents (manager, executor, leader) within the organization;
  • preferential orientation to work with documents on paper carriers. Information about their movements, instructions from managers, deadlines for execution, reports, etc. are recorded in journals and / or file cabinets;
  • unified and detailed rules for working with management documents in organizations, regardless of their field of activity, up to the rules for filling out registration journals and file cabinets.

This technology has the following main disadvantages:

  • obtaining information about working with documents in an organization requires searching and processing data from heterogeneous and decentralized file cabinets, since registration of the progress of document execution is distributed throughout the system of file cabinets of the organization and its structural divisions;
  • file cabinets contain incomplete and non-operational information about the status of documents due to the fact that they are separated from the executors;
  • reproduction and movement a large number paper documents, maintaining numerous and duplicating journals and file cabinets leads to significant amounts of unproductive labor costs.

These problems increase in the corporate management system, when it is necessary to coordinate the activities of organizationally independent structures that are geographically remote from each other.

Automated systems of preschool educational institutions that implement Russian technology, focused on providing support for paper workflow, reducing the complexity of routine operations for the control and processing of documents by office management services. basis modern systems office work in our country were automated document execution control systems (ASKID), which by the beginning of the 80s. have been implemented in almost all higher executive authorities.

In the developed countries of Europe and America, due to the lack of office work services and centralized means of controlling the execution of documents, the technology of office work focused on working with electronic documents differs significantly from the Russian one. Each guarantor and executor maintain their own registration logs. The system is based on the development and improvement of special legislation, current job descriptions and high performance discipline of employees. Performers, in accordance with the prerogatives, solve many issues mainly at the horizontal level, without the participation of management.

Automated systems of documentary support for management, focused on this technology of office work, provide the most complete process for the creation and use of electronic documents in the collective work of performers. Accounting for the movement of paper information carriers in these systems, as a rule, is minimal or absent at all.

Documents circulating in a modern organization usually have two forms - traditional paper and electronic. The transition to paperless technologies is constrained both by the existing legislative and regulatory framework, and by established rules and habits. Moreover, these rules and habits are just the most conservative and change much more slowly than the capabilities of modern informatization tools.

Apparently, for quite a long time in the technological chains of processing electronic documents, the stages at which these documents will be converted into paper form will remain. It's no secret that business leaders often prefer to work with documents in paper form. The exchange of documents between organizations and their transfer to state archives also take place in paper form. These facts are explained by the following indisputable advantages of paper documents:

  • ease of perception, ease of viewing and approval;
  • long-term preservation of information (determined by the period of aging and destruction of paper and the quality of the means of applying data);
  • ensuring the protection of information from unauthorized access only by organizational measures;
  • lower fatigue when working with documents.

In addition, for documents on paper, a list of details is established that determines their legal force. Requirements for the execution of paper documents are defined by standards and unified forms.

Office work using electronic documents has several clear advantages:

  • the cost of their distribution and storage is much lower than that of paper documents;
  • the time of distribution and reproduction of the document in another place is measured not in weeks, but in minutes and seconds;
  • the ability to produce a meaningful (contextual) search for a document is a fundamentally new quality of this technology;
  • interaction both between employees and between institutions is carried out at a new qualitative level.

At the same time, working with electronic documents requires taking into account the fact that the life cycle of software and hardware and information carriers may be less than the required document storage period. It is necessary to timely overwrite information on another medium and update the means of its authentication. In addition, in order to store electronic documents, it may also be necessary to keep the appropriate hardware and software for reproducing information or print electronic documents on paper and certify the copies made.

Thus, paper and electronic documents have their advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, when choosing an automated management document management system, it is imperative to pay attention to which technological chains of the existing document flow can be converted entirely into electronic form, and which cannot.

Of course, it would be ideal if the systems offered on the market equally well and fully supported both paper and electronic document management. Unfortunately, there are no such systems, and therefore, choosing an automated system, especially from among those that are positioned as electronic document management systems, you need to very carefully check whether it has properties that should ensure work with paper documents when necessary.

A modern AS of a preschool educational institution should provide the following basic functions:

  • registration of incoming, outgoing and internal documentation;
  • sending documents to performers along with instructions on them and monitoring the progress of execution of instructions;
  • preparation of draft documents and instructions and provision of procedures for their coordination and approval;
  • write-off of documents in the case;
  • the formation and transfer of cases to the archive of the enterprise and the maintenance of the archive;
  • distribution of outgoing mail;
  • search for any combination of parameters and issue a variety of summaries and reports.

The composition of the functions and their implementation in each specific AS of the DOE can vary significantly, therefore, when choosing a system, the capabilities of each of them should be carefully and carefully considered. The main factor is still functional completeness - the main criterion for choosing a system. From this it follows that if an automated system of document management can implement all of the listed functions, then with a high degree of probability it can be argued that it will be able to solve all the main tasks of office work and document management of an organization or enterprise. Of course, this only means that functional completeness is necessary, but it does not necessarily mean that this is sufficient for any particular organization.

It should be noted that the requirements for the properties of the system when solving the same tasks in different departments of the same organization may differ significantly. Therefore, when expanding the automated system of document management support to all departments of the organization, as a rule, it is necessary to seek a compromise between the sometimes conflicting requirements of consumers for the functions of the system.

When analyzing these requirements, it is necessary to separate the essential needs of future users of the system from non-principled ones that do not change the work of departments. The latter are usually caused simply by the established practice of work and the psychological reasons for the fear of changing it. I must say that the introduction of any automated system of documentation management, to one degree or another, will still change something in the work of future users. Therefore, one should hardly always strive to minimize these changes, sometimes putting forward completely unprincipled requirements for its properties. The practice of implementing and further operating such systems shows that after a period of getting used to working in new conditions, users usually successfully adapt and then already consider the system as essential tool of their daily activities.

Modern automated document management systems are designed in the "client-server" architecture based on industrial DBMS or using Lotus Notes technologies that support Internet / Intranet standards. The implementation of the system should provide wide functionality based on a conceptually unified system architecture of software and hardware. When expanding the functionality of an information system through applications purchased from different suppliers, it is necessary to ensure technological and information compatibility based on Russian and international standards and recommendations.

In 1997, the international organization for standardization (ISO - International Organization for Standardization) created a subcommittee to develop standards in the field of information systems to solve the following tasks:

  • unification of the description of a separate system;
  • defining an interface for information exchange between systems;
  • unification of data exchange between different information systems;
  • removal of technical barriers to communication systems.

As a result, the Open System Interconnection (OSI) reference model was developed. The solution to a set of issues related to integration and portability was the development of the methodology and principles of open systems.

An open system is a system that implements open specifications for interfaces, services, and data formats sufficient to provide: functional extensibility, interoperability, and mobility of applications, data, and personnel.

Functional extensibility is the ability to ensure the evolutionary development of a particular information system when the requirements for this system change while maintaining, to the maximum extent possible, previous investments.

Software mobility - the possibility of upgrading the hardware base of the system in operation, while maintaining the possibility of transferring the necessary software to new hardware platforms.

Interoperability of application systems - ensuring joint work with other application systems on local and remote platforms while integrating information resources.

An open specification is a specification that is maintained by an open, transparent consensus process aimed at continually adapting new technology and conforming to agreed standards. According to this definition, an open specification is technology-independent, i.e. from specific hardware or software tools or products of individual manufacturers.

The concept of open systems is based on the concept of an open systems environment. An open systems environment is a described set of standards that unifies the interaction of hardware and all components of the software and information environment of any information system: programming languages, input / output tools, graphical interfaces, database management systems, data transfer protocols in networks, data formats in data banks.

The open document management information system supports the following major industry standards:

  • communication standards (OSI);
  • document management standards (ODA, ODIF, ODMA, SGML, OLE, CORBA, OpenDoc);
  • standards for DBMS (ODBC, SQL).

In accordance with the principles of standardization in the Russian Federation, enshrined in the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation" No. 184-FZ of December 27, 2002, international standards are used as the basis for the development of national standards. In a number of countries around the world, work has already been carried out to create national standards for business document management based on ISO 15489. However, in Russia the issue of the need to develop a national standard at the state level has not yet been resolved, despite the fact that national quality system standards have been developed and are operating on the basis of ISO 9000 series standards.

In order to create standards and protocols for the interaction of automated systems for document management management in August 2002 by the "Guild of Documentation Managers", the All-Russian Research Institute of Document Science and Archiving (VNIIDAD), GNPP "Granit-Center", the companies "IT", "InterTrust" ”, STC IRM, “Electronic Office Systems” and “Information Business Systems”, a working group was formed, in accordance with the agreement. The result of the work of the working group was the publication of the "Standard for the interaction of automation systems for documentation support of management." The standard establishes the format, composition and content electronic messages, providing interaction of automated systems of documentary support of management.

Within the framework of the federal target program " Electronic Russia(2002-2010)” The Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications is working on the development of information exchange standards for electronic document management systems between public authorities.

It should be noted that there are a number of established technological characteristics systems that embody the most advanced achievements of information technology. This is primarily an intuitive and friendly interface, object-oriented approach and modularity.

The main ideas of the user interface include the following elements:

  • window management;
  • the use of graphic symbols (pictograms) to represent objects;
  • a style of interaction called direct manipulation;
  • object-oriented programming style.

The modular principle of constructing programs provides a phased implementation of the automated system. Each of the modules solves its specific task or performs a specific function. The composition of these modules can be changed without affecting the running system. Modules, whenever possible, should be independent of each other while maintaining deep integration between them.

The system should provide the minimum effort and cost to adapt during installation and configuration. To ensure greater flexibility of the system at the design stage, it is necessary to provide as many opportunities as possible for its subsequent development in order to avoid significant time and other costs when implementing a phased expansion.

The operational characteristics of an automated management document management system are one of the most important criteria for its selection, and when evaluating them, it is advisable to pay attention to the following qualities of the system:

  • ease of commissioning;
  • scalability;
  • differentiation of user access and protection against unauthorized access to documents and system functions;
  • the importance of logging work;
  • availability of administration and reliability mechanisms.

Putting the system into operation. When choosing a system, it is necessary to take into account statistical data on the timing of its commissioning with other consumers and clarify the composition of the necessary measures for its development. One of these activities is user training, which, as a rule, is combined with the performance of current official duties. Therefore, it is highly desirable that, in addition to working with the operational document base of the organization, the DOW AS would also allow working with their training base, which is used to train all interested employees.

Of course, a modern automated document management system should have a friendly user interface that is as close as possible to the interfaces of the most popular document creation and editing tools (in particular, Microsoft Office).

Attention should be paid to the rules for number formation of various groups of documents during their registration. Since, during the period of putting the system into operation, individual sections of document processing may not be covered by automation, it is desirable that the system, at least at first, retain, along with the new one, the old document numbering order.

Since in many cases the automated document management system being introduced replaces the existing document accounting system, the import of retrospective data into it also becomes an urgent task.

Scalability- ensuring the functioning of the system with increasing quantitative requirements without significant costs for changing the principles of construction and configuration. Over time, the number of jobs in the system gradually increases. Usually they are installed first in the places of registration of documents, and then the automation of various departments is gradually carried out. Therefore, the chosen AS of the preschool educational institution should provide the possibility of increasing the required number of jobs within a wide range.

Differentiation of user access and protection against unauthorized access to documents and system functions. AS DOW should ensure the differentiation of access for employees of individual departments both directly to the texts of documents or their registration cards, and to all stages of the workflow, including the imposition of instructions by managers and the preparation of reports by performers. In addition to user authentication, it is required to support several access levels (permitting, for example, viewing, editing, creating, deleting, printing, etc.), defined in relation to each document (and even fields in the registration card), as well as user role groups with different permissions ( for example, groups of heads of departments).

If the automated document management system is a geographically distributed system, it is desirable that for the exchange of documents via open communication channels it has built-in and certified by the Federal Security Service of Russia digital signature and encryption.

User activity logging. Logging allows you to track the entire history of a document (who and when created it, edited it, viewed it, printed it, etc.) and makes it possible to resolve conflict situations when several users work together on it.

Adaptability. For various reasons, the nomenclature of cases, the structure and composition of departments are constantly changing at the enterprise. The automated system must be able to support these changes while keeping intact the information about the documents processed earlier.

Administration and ensuring reliable operation. The administrative tools of the AS DOW, which allow you to assign and modify the role-based powers of users in relation to the documents and functions of the system, must be able to configure it in accordance with the constantly changing organizational structure. It is desirable that the effect of such settings extend not only to individual documents, but also to their groups, which sometimes have a complex hierarchical structure. For analytical work with documents, you cannot do without tools that allow you to attribute documents to various topics and classify according to certain characteristics.

The most important characteristics of the stability of the AS DOW to inevitable failures and failures are: the independence of the functioning of workplaces from each other, the recovery time of the session after its emergency termination, the availability of means to ensure data integrity and backup.

The automated system must also be adequate to the current state of affairs in a particular subject area, purchased from a reputable developer company specializing in the production of software products for this type of activity. The principles of operation of the system are clear to a specialist in this subject area.

The economic efficiency of the introduction of automated systems for document management support is a quantitative cost estimate of the effect of carrying out measures to automate the organization's information support.

The effect of the introduction of AS DOW consists of amenable and non-quantifiable parts:

  • direct effect from the implementation of the system, associated with the saving of working time of employees and funds for materials (calculated benefits);
  • the effect due to the benefits of the functioning of the organization that the automated system gives [the speed and quality of the provision of services, reducing the time for passing documents, improving the quality of issued documents and monitoring performance discipline, etc.] (incalculable benefits).

The incalculable benefits cover three key areas - the speed of service delivery, the cost of service delivery and the quality of services.

Service delivery speed related to the timeliness and efficiency of decision-making by end users in cases where situations depend on the information in the document. AS DOW reduces the number of sequential actions required to obtain the necessary information and its analysis, and also provides an accelerated automated return of the document for further consideration.

Service cost related to the time spent searching, processing, sending and storing documents. An automated management document management system reduces the number of delays and waiting time associated with searching for documents on demand. Overall costs are also reduced due to volume reduction manual labor on data processing and reducing the cost of delivering documents to geographically distant users. The use of electronic storage means reduces an organization's need for additional storage space for paper documents.

The concept of quality of services is associated with the volume, quality and prevalence of documents. With the introduction of AS DOW, the percentage of demand for documents increases, as their wider area becomes available to users. The automated system increases the accuracy of the search through the use of classifiers and the ability to attribute and contextual search for documents. Greater accuracy in accessing data that influences decision-making tends to result in better performance for the organization. In addition, the automated management documentation system generates a new culture of working in a group. And finally, an automated system and a powerful computer network enhance the flow of information and eliminate many of the restrictions associated with both the use of paper and the geographical remoteness of people.

Let's do it calculation of quantifiable benefits, Considering that the economic effect of introducing an automated management document management system includes only the cost of saved employees' working time and the cost of paper saved during the transition to electronic document management.

The most difficult thing to estimate is the cost of saved working time, which consists of the following factors:

  • save time by reusing documents;
  • saving time on searching for the necessary documents due to the systematization of documents in the storage and effective means of information retrieval;
  • acceleration of business processes due to their automation, formalization, logging of actions and control of executive discipline.

The calculations are based on the maximum required connection of users to the automated system, since most often a full-scale installation of the system is carried out. It should be emphasized that they will be predominantly of the a priori nature of averaged estimates.

The absolute efficiency of automation is defined as the difference between the revenues received or future estimates of these revenues and the costs of automation.

The payback period for the introduction of an automated management document management system (T) is calculated according to the following formula: the estimated amount of costs (P) must be divided by the estimated amount of savings (E), while in private you get a coefficient in years or tenths of a year:

subtitle">Calculation of expenses

The total cost of expenses is determined by the following formula:

mark">i - cost items for the implementation of the system.

The introduction of AS DOW based on an industrial DBMS contains the following items of expenditure:

Subtitle">Calculation of income

The calculation of the revenue part is based on the fact that the economic effect consists only of the cost of saved employee working time (Erv) and the cost of paper (ESB) saved during the transition to electronic document management

allocation"> Labor cost savings (Et), according to our assumptions, will be the value

Et \u003d Esd + Epd + Eud.

Average monthly expenses in the organization per employee (S).

Then the savings in working time (Erv) of employees for the year will be

formula" src="" border="0" align="absmiddle" alt="(!LANG:

where V is the volume of documentation per unit of time; Dij is the number of documents in the j-th group according to the i-th structural unit.

During the year, the employees of the organization’s machine bureau printed (Em) pages of text, and the archive workers did (Ea) sheets of copies of original documents. Every year, the organization sends the adopted acts by full or mandatory mailing. For the year was sent out (Er) correspondence units(A4 sheets).

The cost of saved paper (Esb) (excluding printing information), based on the fact that one pack (500 sheets) costs C, will be

formula" src="" border="0" align="absmiddle" alt="(!LANG:

The estimated payback period for an automated system of document management support based on an industrial DBMS is equal to

The calculation is carried out in a similar way for other classes of automated systems for documentation support of management. It should be emphasized that the key role of the AS DOW for an organization is measured not by direct savings of resources, but by the ability to effectively achieve the set goals and solve the tasks set, operational interaction with government executive and legislative authorities, commercial Russian and foreign companies and other enterprises.








Currently, most Russian state organizations and commercial firms are characterized by the absence of an orderly system of record keeping, despite the fact that it is rational and well-organized record keeping, which determines the documentation support for managing an organization, that can significantly increase the efficiency of an enterprise.

Documentation support of management - an activity covering the organization of documentation and documentation management in the process of implementing the functions of an institution, organization and enterprise, acting as an independent structural unit. It can be: the administration of affairs, the general department, the office or the secretariat. Documentation of the management activities of the organization is the most important service function of management, the rational organization of which determines the speed and quality of management decisions, the efficiency of the organization as a whole.

The relevance of the topic of the course work lies in the fact that office work is one of the management functions based on a scientific organization using modern technology. In modern conditions, work with management documentation in many institutions is based on computer technology, the functions of the management documentation support service are not limited only to the organization of the institution's document flow, accounting of documents and control over their execution. The Documentation Support Service for Management Activities is directly involved in setting tasks in the development of automated information systems for working with documents, in providing access to information and protecting information, and in improving work with documents. And we live in an era of scientific progress, where everything is based on the improvement of new technologies, which further help us in our work.

The purpose of the course work is to study the scientific problem of document management in an organization, describe the structure and disclose the main functions of the document management service, determine the purpose of the organization.

Based on the goal, the following tasks were set:

    the study of a periodical that reveals the topic of the course work;

    talk about the document management service in the organization, list its main tasks and functions;

    consider the structure of management documentation services and describe their main functions.


Office work is a branch of activity that provides documentation and organization of work with official documents.

Office work covers the whole range of works on the creation and execution of documents, their execution and control of deadlines, on the accounting of documents, the formation of cases from executed documents, the storage and use of current cases, and their preparation for archiving.

Currently, the term "office work" often sounds like "management documentation support" (DOE).

The documentation support of management is performed by a special service acting as an independent structural unit. It can be: the administration of affairs, the general department, the office or the secretariat.

SDOU is an organizational separate structural subdivision of an institution that performs work with documents.

The main task of the DOW service is the timely processing and transfer to different levels of management information necessary for the implementation of functions.

In small organizations, where the volume of processed documents is small and the creation of such a service is impractical, all the work on documentary management is performed by the secretary of the head or an employee specially assigned to carry out this work.

Documentation of the management activities of the organization is the most important service function of management, the rational organization of which determines the speed and quality of managerial decision-making, the efficiency of the organization as a whole.

The choice of the organizational form of the preschool educational institution service depends on the decision of the management and the preschool service itself. The regulation of the chosen form of work with documents is fixed in the instructions for office work


In modern conditions, when work with management documentation in many institutions is based on computer technology, the functions of the DOE service are not limited only to organizing the document flow of the institution, accounting for documents and monitoring their execution. The DOW service is directly involved in setting tasks in the development of automated information systems for working with documents, in providing access to information and protecting information, and in improving work with documents.

The goals of the DOW service:

      Improving the forms and methods of working with documents;

      Implementation of a unified procedure for working with documents (their preparation and processing);

      Control over the execution and preparation of documents for transfer to the state archive in accordance with applicable regulations;

      Reducing the workflow, the number of forms of documents;

      Development and implementation of regulatory and methodological documents to improve the organization's preschool educational institution;

      Participation in the development and implementation of advanced technologies for preschool educational institutions based on the use of computer and organizational technology, personal computers.

Thus, the DOW service solves three main sets of tasks, and functions follow from these tasks:

1. Providing documentation of management activities. These tasks can be solved by performing the following functions:

  • development and design of forms, ensuring their production;

  • ensuring the production of documents, copying and replication;

  • quality control of the preparation and execution of documents, compliance.

2. Organization of work with documents in the institution. These tasks are solved by performing the following functions:

  • establishment of a unified procedure for the passage of documents (document flow of the institution);

  • forwarding processing of incoming and outgoing documents;

  • registration and accounting of incoming, outgoing and internal documents;

  • control over the execution of documents;

  • systematization of documents, ensuring their storage and use; organization of work with citizens' appeals;

  • ensuring the protection of information.

3. Improving the forms and methods of working with documents. These tasks include performing the following functions:

  • development and revision of regulatory, instructive, methodological documents and bringing them to the attention of the employees of the organization;

  • methodological guidance and control over compliance with the established rules for working with documents in the structural divisions of the organization;

  • advanced training of employees of the organization and their advice on working with documents;

  • streamlining the documentation of the organization, carrying out work on the unification of documents, the development of the Report Card and the Album of the forms of documents used in the activities of the organization;

  • development and implementation of new forms and methods of work with documents, improvement of the organization's workflow, improvement of executive discipline;

  • setting tasks for the development and improvement of automated information systems and databases for working with documents.


For successful operation and favorable prospects for the development of the DOW service, the regulatory regulation of the DOW service itself is necessary.

The Document Management Service (DOE) and its employees carry out their activities on the basis of the following organizational and legal documents:

  • provisions on the structural unit;

  • job descriptions;

  • business instructions.

In regulating the activities of the clerical service, a significant role is played by the Charter of the organization - a legal act that determines the procedure for formation, the competence of the organization, its functions, tasks, and the procedure for working. The development of the charter affects the overall organization of office work. The organizational structure laid down in the charter makes it possible to determine the sets of documents that will be used in management activities.

General characteristics of automated systems for documentation support of management

Automated system of documentation support for management (AS DOW)- software (computer program, system) that allows you to work with electronic documents (create, modify, search, store), as well as organize the interaction of employees (transfer of documents, issuance of buildings (orders, receipts) and control over them, sending notifications etc.). In a broader sense, AS DOE is understood as a modern organizational and technological structure that permeates the entire production organism, including both software, technical, and methodological components, as well as organizational and regulatory aspects. It can be compared to the "circulatory system" of the company.

AS DOW is designed to increase the efficiency of the organization's management activities by automating the entire range of work with documents and should solve the following main tasks

documentation (preparation, execution, approval, approval and issuance of documents);

Document management (reception, registration, organization of the passage of documents and their projects, sending, transferring documents for archival storage);

Ensuring work with documents in the process of management activities (execution control; accounting, operational storage, organization of systems for classifying, indexing, searching and processing documents);

protection against unauthorized access; sharing documents among employees while maintaining the required level of access control;

Ensuring the process of decision-making and reporting on documents; information service for users;

automation of procedures for archiving, archival storage and destruction of documents (implementation of storage rules, provision of search and use);

transfer to state storage or destruction of archival documents.

The introduction of AS DOW has the following pronounced positive sides:

· in all departments and in the organization as a whole, a unified, formalized and strictly regulated technology of office work is introduced;

the organization becomes fully manageable. It becomes possible to answer any question on documents and performers, to analyze and manage documentation activities;

Since a computer network can cover not only the central office of an organization, but also its territorially remote subdivisions, then controllability can extend to the entire geographically distributed structure of the organization;

The office automation system is essentially a carrier of strictly formalized and strictly documented technological information about the rules and procedures for working with documents. As a result, the organization's dependence on personnel as a physical carrier of technological knowledge and rules for working with documents decreases;

· the passage of documents through the organization is accelerated, especially when organizing electronic document management;

Reduced labor intensity of business operations. It should be borne in mind that the need to enter complete and accurate information about a document, say, during its initial registration, may require additional efforts at some workplaces, while the labor intensity of work at other workplaces using this information can be reduced several times;

· a qualitative gain is achieved by organizing an interconnected electronic document management of organizations, since the problems associated with the production and sending of paper documents, re-entering details and texts of received documents completely disappear.

At the same time, domestic reality remains the main factor hindering the widespread introduction of such systems. This is primarily a general low level of computerization, a limited number of computers and computer networks in organizations.

In addition, the introduction of new technologies is hampered by the low level of business literacy and culture in organizations (both performers and managers, especially specialists responsible for Information Technology), misunderstanding of the content, role and place of AS DOW in their activities. As a result, expensive computer networks are often used with far from full load, without affecting the management tasks, which primarily include the management of documentation activities.