The impact of corporate culture on employee loyalty. Employee loyalty is a necessary condition for the company's success Corporate loyalty

corporate loyalty. When are we betrayed?

In the conversations of HR managers, one can often hear the professional term "corporate loyalty". The attitude of employees towards their organization is discussed in different situations: at specialized trainings and seminars on management, during planning meetings and meetings dedicated to summarizing the company's activities.

Interest in the problem of staff loyalty is not a tribute to fashion, it is caused by economic necessity. Organizations in which there is a negative attitude of employees to the policy of the company's management can face serious difficulties. So, if care is not loyal employees from the organization is massive, it causes significant damage to the image of an "attractive employer". And the departure of a key employee (or group of employees) can so affect the smooth running of business processes that the very existence of the company is at risk.

In those organizations where there is a shortage of committed employees, there is a threat to information security. This is because employees who feel bad feelings about their firm, even with competitive wages and bonuses, sometimes try to "annoy" their employers and sell inside information to competitors.

In addition, leaders of an organization repeatedly experience a range of negative emotions, ranging from rage to feelings of frustration and even powerlessness, when their most interesting ideas and progressive proposals encounter the apathy and indifference of their disloyal subordinates. Therefore, many directors of companies at the stage of introducing innovations are afraid not so much of the rejection of their position on the part of employees as the apparent consent of employees, and after that the quiet sabotage of innovations. Low corporate loyalty thus has a negative impact on business development.

What is a loyal staff and what are the criteria for "loyalty" of employees to their organization? Management experts by human resourses name the following signs:

Employees recognize the values ​​of their company, embody them in their daily professional activity and even outside the walls of the office;

Employees show initiative, draw management's attention to certain aspects of the company's life that require improvement. They are ready to take responsibility and jointly participate in solving urgent problems;

Individual employees, in the interests of the organization, sacrifice their personal time and make every effort to ensure that the quality of their activities improves constantly. In such cases, they say that subordinates are working "on the afterburner."

Many managers are aware of the main criteria for high corporate loyalty, however, not everyone succeeds in building a perfectly coordinated and dedicated team.

Factors reducing corporate loyalty

To illustrate the actions of the company's management, leading to a decrease in employee loyalty, let's consider a few examples.

Example 1

In a private multidisciplinary university, strict standards of behavior for teachers were introduced. These requirements included instructions for interacting with students, colleagues and superiors, a description appearance teacher (including nail length and preferred make-up colors). The so-called dress code contained a requirement to wear only corporate colors.

The management even developed a system for monitoring compliance with these standards, in which all employees were involved. At the end of the month, teachers and other employees of the university filled out special control sheets, in which they first recorded the behavior of their colleagues. These sheets were sent to the administration, and then to the accounting department. Based on the points earned, employees were awarded wage.

The existing system of control by colleagues (and in fact - the technology of denunciations against each other) soon led to the fact that the prestigious university was left without talented teachers, so the management educational institution hastily decided to invite less competent, but more disciplined and efficient specialists, who are more characterized by such qualities as, say, "moderation and accuracy".

Subsequently, the flow of applicants (and hence the influx financial resources) has dried up, and the image of the university has faded significantly.

In this example, the position of the organization's management is obvious. Here, the authorities were carried away by the creation of a "showcase", the external entourage of the educational institution. At the same time, a favorable psychological climate in the team was sacrificed to the "new policy". For companies that are constantly concerned about the image, this problem is quite typical, because when introducing new criteria for the activities of employees, one should not forget about themselves.

Among HR managers, there is sometimes an opinion that "there are no irreplaceable people" and you can always find a new specialist in the labor market if you search well. However, this view is more evidence of managerial short-sightedness rather than wise management policy. In firms with a high organizational culture, management tends to protect and develop their own staff.

By themselves, actions to enhance the company's image are rather positive for the organization, but they must be accompanied by appropriate changes in relation to personnel management.

One of the most common management mistakes can also be attributed to some remoteness from the staff and condescension towards ordinary employees coming from the top officials of the company (see Example 2).

Low staff loyalty is also due to many other reasons: an inadequate motivation system, lack of career prospects, poor working conditions, as well as an undeveloped technology for staff adaptation (see Example 3).

Example 2

The attitude of management towards a large group of employees of a large grocery retail chain has always been slightly dismissive. Store managers did not notice their subordinates or treated them exclusively from above. The life of the company proceeded in two independent spheres. In one - high politics, development plans, growth prospects. In another - trading floors, tired customers, dissatisfied customers and other routine.

Feeling their isolation and the humiliated position of the "working class", the sellers showed remarkable ingenuity, developing and implementing schemes for personal enrichment. They even created their own training system, which included, in addition to the compulsory vocational training, and also an internship for newcomers in the field of "entrepreneurship".

By the time the theft technologies were discovered, the company had suffered huge losses.

Example 3

The life of the new employees of the wholesale stationery company was always full of ambiguities and secrets. With the light hand of the director of the company, an interesting approach to the adaptation of newcomers was adopted in the organization. So, a new person was given very little information and even limited access to it in every possible way. For example, it was not customary to talk about the day of receipt of wages or the features of the internal work schedule. The "old men" stubbornly remained silent or avoided answering if they were asked where they could get a computer or fax paper. This method, according to the director, was designed to assess the fighting qualities of a beginner, his ability to act in conditions of lack of information.

Information spread throughout the city about "innovative" technologies for "processing" personnel, and the director, fortunately, was dismissed by a decision of the general

How much does corporate loyalty cost?

HR managers are sometimes reluctant to engage in employee loyalty programs. Because, in their opinion, measures to form and maintain a team of employees - adherents of the company are costly. This conclusion is made, as a rule, on the basis of acquaintance with various examples from the life of Western companies.

Various corporate field trips, incentive tours and other high-cost corporate benefits are far from always mandatory. The loyalty of employees is really "worth" very expensive. And it's not about the money here. It takes a lot of personal effort to change the attitudes of your employees. Management must find the strength and ability to be sensitive to the needs of other employees. This does not at all mean a readiness to fulfill any whims of their subordinates, "if only they would work." However, it is necessary to understand how the employees of the company live and breathe.

The price of staff loyalty directly depends on how ready the management is to abandon stereotypes and be flexible. It is important to be able to learn with and from the company's staff.

Where to start?

An HR manager who is interested in starting a set of work to increase employee loyalty must first set goals - what results need to be achieved, in what timeframe, what resources are needed for this (first of all, the personal or emotional resources of the leader himself) . The second stage should be an audit of the systems * (1) of motivation, adaptation and selection of personnel. This stage also includes checking the conditions in which the staff works.

An invaluable role in obtaining information about the company can be played by the analysis of rumors, gossip, and various myths. They are always present in the organization and make up for the lack of information among employees. It is necessary to start such diagnostics with conversations with your direct subordinates, then you can interview other employees.

After the diagnosis is made, it is necessary to determine a plan of action. It is important to pay attention to the following components:

Motivation system. We are talking here both about material incentives, that is, about the value of the fixed and variable parts of wages, bonuses, etc., and about the non-material side of incentives - a system of career growth, training and development of personnel.

Relationships in the team. Here it is important to pay attention to what informal groupings exist in subdivisions, how relations between subordinates and management develop.

The attitude of company management towards employees.

After building a plan, the HR manager needs to act, but doing something new alone, without support, is impossible. So the next steps are:

An HR manager needs to create an atmosphere in which the value of each employee is felt. This contributes to the fact that more employees will be involved in the creation of the loyalty program. At the same time, it is necessary to prevent the emergence of closed elite groups.

All actions to create a loyalty program must be consistent. There is no need to do "something": constantly make changes to the motivation system, organize endless corporate parties, receptions and field trips, it is important to act according to the plan, calmly and step by step.

There are three main resources in business: information, finance, and people. Note that people use, multiply, distribute and preserve the first two components, i.e. staff. So, the role of the human factor is difficult to overestimate. Especially in an increasingly competitive environment. Especially in the labor market. Therefore, work within companies aimed at developing employee loyalty is the most promising integrated direction in the field of personnel management.

E.A. Mamonov,

HR Development Manager, Head of Educational

Center of the Human Resources Department of the Voronezh Fuel Company

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The Russian market of SECURITY SERVICES has been dynamically developing for several years along with the growth of the domestic economy: the demand for personnel is steadily increasing, salaries are creeping up (although not as rapidly as I WOULD like), and at the same time, the shortage of qualified personnel is becoming more and more acute.

The leaders of private security companies have been complaining about the lack of professionals for a long time. The growth of the economy provoked an increased demand for security services and, as a result, for highly qualified personnel: there are many vacancies open, and the higher the position in the hierarchy, the more offers. Now it is not employers who dictate their terms to the market, but candidates.

On the other hand, more and more often we have to deal with cases when the security guard is one of the organizers or participants in the robbery of the object. Petty theft, and willful dereliction of duty, and other illegal actions aimed at personal enrichment are not excluded. What is the reason for the disloyalty of the guards to the firm that gave the job?

Having come to an independent life, each person is faced with different approaches and assessments of the moral and ethical side. Often, “heroes” are people whose well-being and wealth has developed, say, not in a completely legal way. And the loser is, as a rule, the one who could not "earn a lot."

Faced with the dilemma of which direction to choose in life, a person quite often embarks on an illegal path.

Material values ​​prevail over moral ones. With the presence of such motivation among employees, it is necessary to fight with all available methods, since such people work only because of money and in the event of a crisis, even if it is temporary, they will leave the enterprise without hesitation. In addition, such people often prefer to benefit from their official position themselves.

We are not going to analyze the whole variety of offenses among employees, our goal is to determine the methods and forms of counteracting such a social phenomenon, which can be roughly referred to as corporate betrayal, more scientifically as staff disloyalty.

Unfortunately, each of the leaders of security companies is familiar with the disloyalty of personnel firsthand, the facts of damage to a security company, a customer enterprise, in various forms, are constantly encountered, and trends towards an increase in the number and a structural change in the quality of this phenomenon have become a reality of our time.

It's no secret that the days of lifetime employment are over.

Today, an employee does not consider a private security company as a “permanent mooring”, this is most likely a means for survival and self-expression, hence the self-esteem of many young employees consists of how much he is able to extort funds from the company (not always in an honest way), but this is only one side of the coin. The second, not the most rosy side, is that by their actions the security guard causes irreparable damage to the business reputation of the enterprise. It is not uncommon for a customer to refuse the services of a private security company, which causes significant damage to the interests of many employees of the enterprise.

New time dictates new rules of the game. Today, the best choice of a leader is a loyal professional. And practically the only tool in solving this issue can be a well-functioning system of interaction personnel management and personnel security of the enterprise.

The most widely and quite fully, in our opinion, the definition of loyalty is given by one of the leading experts in this field, St. Petersburg psychologist Vladislav Dominyak, who rightly believes:

Staff loyalty - this is a benevolent, correct, sincere, respectful attitude towards management, employees, other persons, their actions, towards the company as a whole; conscious performance by an employee of his work in accordance with the goals and objectives of the company and in the interests of the company, as well as compliance with norms, rules and obligations, including informal ones, in relation to the company, management, employees and other subjects of interaction.

In a narrower, practical sense, in terms of corporate security, we define Loyalty as employee satisfaction with working conditions, remuneration, growth and prospects, team, protection from external threats (for example, physical threats to an employee and his relatives). Satisfaction is the key word here.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the problem of staff loyalty is multifaceted and has at least three interrelated components; personnel, socio-psychological and internal security. All these components are closely intertwined and mutually complementary, however, each of them has its own direction (subject of work).

· personnel - work on the formation of a corporate culture, resolving issues of the ratio of wages to the actual level of physical and mental costs and practical significance activities of a specialist, selection, placement and training of personnel, etc.

· socio-psychological- taking into account personal factors in the selection of personnel, monitoring the state of the psychological climate in the team, building a team spirit, etc.

· internal security (disloyalty)- identification and suppression of facts of personnel disloyalty, monitoring information systems and resources in order to detect unauthorized actions, both by individual employees within the company, and to suppress attempts by external counterparties to cause economic damage to the company and its customers using human resources

According to our estimates, the problem of the loyalty of security guards for the vast majority of Russian enterprises, where wages are below not only world standards, but also regional levels, is very relevant. An analysis of the latest labor market research conducted by us together with the Business Security Center shows that the average salary level for a security guard in Moscow and St. Petersburg ranges from 5,000 to 12,000 rubles.

Today, security guards' salaries have dropped substantially from what they were in the mid-1990s. The August 1998 default also affected private security companies. And the fact that in many industries the level of wages has reached the pre-crisis level for private security is not decisive.

At present, the average salary of a security guard is about 300 dollars (by the way, about the same amount, taking into account all the allowances, is received by a more socially protected active employee of private security). Moreover, in about 15-20 percent of PSCs, salaries are even lower - about $200, and only in 10-15 percent of security companies can earnings reach $800-1,000.

During the development of the crisis of 1998 - 2000. wages fell 3 times, which is why Muscovites mostly left the market, and the vacated space was first occupied by residents of the "distant suburbs" (Sergiev Pasad, Yegorievsk, Orekhovo-Zuyevo, Serpukhov, etc.), in the last 2-3 years and especially after the adoption of the "Law on Licensing" a flood of non-resident security guards poured in, including such remote regions as the Ivanovo and Vologda regions.

All this leads to staff turnover, to the migration of security guards of all stripes to various enterprises and facilities in search of a better share. Some are looking for the opportunity to live at the facility, the second are looking for a convenient work schedule and, all together, high wages.

Many leaders understand the danger posed by these threats, but do not take specific measures to prevent it, it is possible that because of ignorance of real countermeasures.

We can confidently say that today this issue has moved from the category of theoretical to the category of practical, and the effective work of each security organization as a whole depends on its solution.

    theft Money , the use of knowledge about the procedure for storage, packaging, transportation, transfer of funds;

    theft of material resources , equipment and inventory from the object of protection;

    transfer of information resources to competitors enterprises on various media;

    collusion with customers, suppliers, buyers (entering false data into invoices, accounting books, waybills etc.);

    use of company property in personal interests, computer, copier, copying equipment, machine tools and equipment of industrial enterprises;

    provision of various services to employees of the customer for bribes ;

    falsification of records and reporting to cover shortages, falsification of travel reports;

    computer abuse .

In order to effectively combat corporate betrayal as a social phenomenon (and there is no doubt that it has already become such), it is necessary, first of all, to determine the causes that give rise to it.

Why does a person take the path of a disloyal attitude towards the employer and his job duties?

The causes of the prerequisites for disloyalty in a security company can be divided into three levels:

1. HIGHEST LEVEL Causes pertaining to the organization as a whole;

The range of problems related to PSC as a whole is extremely diverse. .

First of all , these are reasons related to staff motivation.

Even yesterday, on the question of motivation, one could say quite confidently that there are two motives that are not subject to discussion: : fear and self-interest. All other motives are easily located between these two poles.

Today such categoricalness cannot be. And the reason is not only in the significant socio-economic changes that have taken place in the country, but also in a significant rethinking of moral and ethical standards by society.

With regard to the category of fear, today we can say that this is a rather complex and multifaceted system, and in our case, when considering staff loyalty, we must understand that a deterrent may be not a blind fear of the unknown, but a clear understanding by a person of the inevitability of punishment and the unconditional disclosure of his unseemly act , no matter how he tried to hide and legend it. How is such a belief formed?

Firstly, the presence of a clear and open order in matters of organizing the safety of property and confidential data in the organization. The system of control over the performance of official duties, publicity in the conduct of internal audits and measures taken against violators. Organization of access and intra-object modes at the enterprise. Efficient work of the service of operational duty officers and heads of security facilities.

Secondly, formation of teams with a focus on achieving a specific result and paying for the final product. Proper formation of stimulating factors.

However, today all this has become clearly not enough, if a few years ago in the course of a survey of 100 security firms in Moscow regarding the organization of staff recreation. In 75%, a stereotyped answer was given: "We pay our employees enough to take care of themselves" , and one answer was especially revealing: "Our employees should work, not rest!",

These results are very revealing. According to our observations, many PSC and SB leaders tend to believe that high earnings are a sufficient condition to expect loyalty from guards, while everything else is lyrical. The material factor is promoted in the company as the basis of the foundations, and such trifles as human relations are not taken into account.

However, what can be bought, by definition, can be repurchased at a higher price. And since there is never a lot of money, a greater or lesser price is a purely subjective issue. Another employer believes that he greatly overpays his employees, while they do not get tired of comparing their earnings with wages in similar structures, and not always in favor of their company. Some believe that more and more employees will always come to replace those who have left the street. But practice shows the opposite.

There is another extreme, when managers, in an effort to explain to the security guard from what means and how his salary is formed, write outright stupidity, which can only give rise to negative feelings in the employee. With a similar opus “What is profitability in the security business? (Likbez security guard) ”I happened to encounter on the website of the Protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The leaders of the private security company explained to the guard that the funds earned by him were spent on the maintenance administrative apparatus, telephone, mobile, radio communication, and other needs of the enterprise. Let us quote some places of this "work": "Almost every manager should have a mobile phone ... Next - transport. What is a manager without a car?… Offices. Their redemption from municipal property and rent…. And where will the entertainer (the owner of the enterprise) spend the created profitable amount: on the construction of a villa in Cyprus or on the creation of mobile security groups - this is a personal matter for each entrepreneur ... finish inappropriate self-praise at the expense of belittling business colleagues. In our opinion, nothing does such damage as stupidity.

There is another classic formula DISCO, which is well known to operatives around the world and has not changed significantly since the days of ancient Rome.

. MONEY- done for money 43% betrayal of the interests of the company

. IDEOLOGY- due to ideological dissatisfaction 12% change the interests of the company

. SEX- in bed (or near it) is lost up to 32% confidential information

. COMPROMAT- there is no information that will not be given out under the threat of exposure

. PERSONALITY- vices of personal qualities carry away to 7% information

On the other hand, we know not one case when people continued to work at the company practically for free for six months or more. Why? They believed in the management, the company, the cause, and the comrades. And the management didn't let them down.

The principle of "honest work for honest pay" has not been canceled since the beginning of the development of capitalism on our planet. However, one should not forget about such things as a person's respect for himself and his efforts; striving for self-realization in work, for recognition by others; desire to see the results of their work; finally, the need for self-respect on the part of others and the employer as well.

All these needs were described for the first time by Maslow and were only added, generalized and revealed in the future, let me remind you of this list.

Satisfaction of these needs generates a sense of belonging to a common cause.

And dissatisfaction - cynicism, money-grubbing; not only the lack of devotion, but vice versa, the readiness at the first opportunity to grab an extra jackpot or move to a more generous owner, the opposite happens: a person changes high pay with an unsatisfied need for respect and self-realization to a lower one, but with a favorite thing and with due honor .

If in the early 90s, the staff of security companies were formed mainly by people from their law enforcement agencies, the army and the most highly trained civilian employees, the educational level exceeded 60-70% with higher education, then according to the latest research by psychologists, today the profession of a security guard is chosen by people who have a low level of development and a noticeable desire for personal independence.

In this profession most of them attract stable income, work schedule in two, three, etc. 30% of security guards choose this profession in imitation of someone they know, relatives or an abstract standard, and only 18% are interested in the work itself: They seek to improve their professional skills and make a career.

At the same time, sooner or later, every employee faces the question: “Am I trying too hard for this kind of money?” Almost at the same moment, another question arises before the head of the company: “Am I paying too much for these efforts?” What happens next depends on many factors, the main one being well-organized system of remuneration and motivation of labor .

According to the Public Opinion Foundation (a study conducted by the RADA analytical group), last year 85% of the 1,500 Russians surveyed were not satisfied with their earnings. One in four believed they deserved a salary increase of at least 10,000 rubles. True, many would be satisfied with an increase and half that amount. At the same time, 50% of respondents blamed the Russian economy and high taxes for their low wages. About 40% blamed "stingy" bosses. And only 7% of respondents honestly admitted that their low qualifications were to blame.

So how can management be so that both subordinates are satisfied and the company's budget is normal? According to a number of specialists in the field of organizational consulting, first of all, people should understand why they work at all. And only then begin to determine your contribution to the company, your value to the company and your cost in the market. Without the first point, all the others make no sense, since in the eyes of each person its value can increase indefinitely.

According to the research of the Center for Business Security, the main goals of the work of employees of security companies are:

54% - provide for yourself and your family

33% - satisfied with the salary

17%- recent habit

14%- interesting job

13%- no other work

Simply put, first a person needs to be provided, and then they need to be carried away with work, then they will not demand a salary increase, at least not too often.

The vast majority of employees of security companies need a clear system of incentives - both material and moral. It is necessary to reinforce their every step forward in professional growth - any, even a minor success. Many trading enterprises practice, for example, bonuses for each violator caught. At the same time, training should also be phased and presented as a reward.
Causes related to a particular team;

The influence of the team and the situation that has developed in it is of decisive importance. first of all, for grass-roots personnel - security guards.

In large retail chains It has long been noticed that in some stores theft is reduced to isolated facts, and in some stores everyone steals and is not lazy.

Today, it can be fairly argued that the institution of mentoring, which is so hard to take root in Russian companies, at the level of training in theft has long been created and is functioning perfectly.

Almost anyone who gets into this environment, after a month, masters most of the skills of "snatching, shaving and flogging" as efficiently as possible.

According to independent experts, the share of protection in retail accounts for up to 2% of the loss of goods, while in the structure of the enterprise, security is less than 0.1% of the total number of employees.

The experience of retailers may be interesting, where two principles of work with personnel are applied:

1- creating a team,

2 - rotation of employees of low positions.

The fact is that in a month each employee acquires the skills of theft, which is difficult to expose. Therefore, rotation is sometimes beneficial to the store. On the other hand, the team spirit and long-term work in a team allows you to develop motivation systems and improve the level of service. If employees feel that they are respected, considered members of the team, they identify their personal goals with the objectives of the company.

2. Personal stereotypes

Personal stereotypes are the most difficult to correct area for the efforts of the personnel security service.

A person whose conscience is equal in size to the "Tyumen region" and contains everything from genius to vicious - can only be fired.

Fortunately, most of these employees are quite simply eliminated at the pre-testing stage when hiring, and employment history they leave much to be desired - if there are no direct indications of theft, frequent changes in jobs will certainly alert the HR manager.

During the probation period, many problematic individuals who managed to hide their identity during the preliminary check appear.

The second side of the problem lies in the purely psychological predisposition of people " There are people who always steal, there are people who never steal, and there are those who steal when they are allowed to. Most recent ". And the first, by the way, least of all - personal stereotypes occupy almost the last place among the reasons for theft.

Can be distinguished 7 personality types whose behavior poses a threat to the security of the organization:

additive behavior. Escape from reality by changing one's mental state, using drugs, alcohol, or constantly fixing attention on certain objects or activities (cards, cockroach races), to get intense emotions. These processes control a person's life, make him helpless, deprive him of his will. To achieve their goals, the addict can sacrifice anything.

antisocial behavior. The main feature is the commission of actions that are contrary to ethics and morality, irresponsibility, ignoring laws and the rights of other people.

Suicidal behavior. Putting your (respectively, nearby people) life at risk.

conformist behavior. Fulfillment of the will of "authority", opportunism, non-criticality, inability to make decisions, take responsibility.

narcissistic behavior. Hypersensitivity to the assessments of other people, lack of sufficient empathy, distancing from the team (as a result, not accepting its norms and requirements).

Fanatic behaviour. Blind adherence to any idea, intolerance to other views, which may be accompanied by violent actions. Neutral or friendly actions of other people are often judged as hostile or deserving of contempt.

autistic behavior. Difficulty in social contacts, isolation from reality, immersion in the sphere of dreams. Hence the inability to adequately assess the situation and make a decision.

Thus, in order not to allow people with an abnormal psychological attitude to commit actions that are detrimental to the enterprise, it is necessary to develop administrative and technical barriers.

Implementation of the principles of operational work with people in order to prevent financial and material losses as a result of their disloyalty.

Faced with facts of disloyalty and other similar violations, the head of a private security company SB, like a knight at a crossroads, must make one of three decisions:
1. Close your eyes, pretend that there are no thefts, misuse of company resources, information leaks. (Position of an ostrich).
This, it seems to some executives, can keep the atmosphere friendly company. And there are many such leaders, according to our data, up to 36% of Moscow leaders expressed the opinion that they would rather agree with the facts of disloyalty of individual employees than install a system of dynamic control in the company.

The issue of prevention and disclosure of personnel disloyalty is quite complicated, it requires certain financial and administrative costs, but the fact remains that, according to the same Business Security Center, the life cycle trade enterprises who failed to control the “risk of loss” process is from 2 to 6 years, depending on the size and assortment of the stores in question, and security companies lose customers even faster.

Practice shows: Ignoring a problem in itself is never its solution. However, employees who have honestly performed their work for the time being can either join in pulling apart the company, or leave because of their disagreement with what is happening.
What should employees think, how can they evaluate such behavior? The director protects the thief? Is he on his side? So, instead of maintaining a friendly atmosphere, you can get a seething volcano of passions. Mutual reproaches, bringing to light other examples of softness of management, threats of dismissal and other unpleasant satellites of conflicts.

2. Put the damage on someone else. (position of deferred liability).
This type of behavior is typical for some leaders who act simply - inventory items cannot disappear without a trace, they can only be stolen. If the villain is not known, then the entire shift of guards is assigned to them. The owner or manager solves his problem, settles relations with the customer. The damage is paid for anyway. Is it necessary to talk about staff turnover, the minimum possible level of employee loyalty, the specific reputation of the private security company.
Do you think the employees of such enterprises are against a comprehensive control system? They will vote “unconditionally FOR” if the true culprits will compensate for the damage, and if it is impossible to catch them, the business owner himself, who did not create the necessary conditions for the preservation of valuables.
A certain pattern is revealed - whoever loses personal money, he stands up for surveillance cameras, magnetic product tags and other achievements in the field of commercial security.

3. Create a system to prevent theft, information leaks, use of company resources for personal purposes. (wrestler's position).
Not everyone can go down this path. As already mentioned, it involves significant financial costs and the desire of the leader to create long-term relationships with the team. This path is often chosen by security companies that have real know-how, dominate the market, work in the information and analytical business, and deal with finance in the broadest sense of the word.
As a rule, a security system begins to be created when a company reaches a certain place in the market, the number of employees exceeds a threshold value, when a serious competitor appears, etc.

Principles of organization of the security system and control of employees
The list of principles of correct control includes:

Firstly, continuity principle: all work to ensure personnel security should be carried out comprehensively and continuously, and security measures should not be responsive to emerging threats.

Secondly, the principle of limitation: everything that is connected with direct working time and fulfillment of official obligations and is limited to work, has unconditional openness for control.

The employer has every right to know when the employee came to work, when he left home, who entered the room "A", how long he stayed there, etc. An important condition is the obligatory acquaintance of the employee with the full list of controlled resources.

A new employee must be notified that the enterprise is under dynamic control, that official correspondence can be read, that telephone conversations can be recorded. The management is obliged to take a receipt, where the employee confirms the fact of familiarization with this side of the work and his responsibility for the disclosure of confidential information. Confidentiality issues should be discussed before an employee voluntarily or unwittingly divulges valuable information.

Thirdly, conformity principle: the higher the degree of influence of an employee on the work of the enterprise as a whole, the more rights the company's management has for special control. This sounds ominous to the ear of human rights defenders, but in fact it is quite justified.

Fourth, the principle of relevance. The work carried out must be relevant in the context of what is happening. Relevance is determined subjectively by the person responsible for accident prevention. It is appropriate to check the actual hours worked for most employees, but how to do it for those who have a daily schedule and irregular working hours? It is appropriate to request a report on the correspondence carried out during the day by e-mail, but only for those who have this very mail.
Do you think we are talking about something that is already obvious? Companies create instructions and rules, life changes, but the rules do not always keep up with new realities and then funny things happen. The principle of relevance says that control is possible if there is a risk, he says that overinsurance can make control a highly formal exercise.

Fifth, the principle of relevance and activity. The activities carried out must be relevant and timely. Prevention must precede crime. It is necessary to protect the interests of the security company with a sufficient degree of perseverance, actively using non-standard methods and measures.

At sixth, the principle of legality. The development and implementation of all measures must be built and implemented within the framework of the current legislation using permitted methods for detecting and suppressing offenses. All established cases of violation of the law must be reported to law enforcement.

Seventh, the principle of complexity. Complexity is understood as the whole set of forms and methods of operational work with people on the basis of legal, organizational, engineering and technical measures, using legal methods and means at all technological stages.

Control System Effects
Positive Effects from the introduction of a system of control over resources are obvious:
prevention of theft, or at least a significant reduction in their number;
Prevention of a significant part of cases of information leaks and other official misconduct and crimes;
· increase of the general level of discipline of employees;
Improving the efficiency of resource use and reducing their misuse;

But it must be admitted that, along with the positive, there are negative consequences strengthening control over personnel:
· Some employees will leave, and only a small part, because now it has become difficult to steal. There will be layoffs for emotional and ethical reasons;
Some employees will become more inventive in their ideas, and management will have to constantly improve the control system, which will lead to additional costs;
Whatever the relationship was before the introduction of control, after they become noticeably more formal and tense;
· The formation of a team spirit will have to be based not on mutual and complete trust, but on common interests (which is much more correct).

The structure of the countermeasure complex

Subsystem for identifying and blocking sources of threats and dangers. It should minimize the sources of threats to the security company. Since the main source of a real threat is our own personnel and, above all, security guards, it is necessary to build a system for the correct selection, training and placement of personnel. At the selection stage, two main issues are resolved: screening out obviously unsuitable employees and assessing the personal and professional qualities of those hired. On the way to resolving this issue is the lack of a system of strict preliminary professional criteria in the process of assessing persons wishing to become a private security guard. However, this issue requires a separate study due to its extremely important significance and therefore cannot be resolved within the framework of this article. In our opinion, both the Licensing and Permitting Department and the heads of all security companies should be equally interested in the discussion on determining the criteria for selecting persons for the security business. Quite often you have to deal with employees who have a diploma and certificate of a private security guard, and do not professional requirements. Therefore, an important stage is the selection of employees for work.


The recruitment period is the most difficult and time-consuming, including several stages.

First of all, it is necessary to understand exactly who we want to hire, and, based on the job description and the characteristics of the protected object, develop requirements that include not only formal provisions, such as gender, age, education, work experience, but also a number of moral and psychological qualities that the candidate must have. Then candidates are selected for vacant position. It should be borne in mind that the selection methods used should minimize the possibility of unscrupulous people penetrating the staff.

These methods include:

selection of candidates by the own personnel service;

contacting specialized agencies and other similar organizations;

search for candidates among graduates of non-state educational institutions;

Stages of personnel selection

There are seven stages of personnel selection. Of course, not all of them need to go through every newly hired employee. These issues can be regulated by a special provision or be resolved individually in each case by a specialist in the personnel department of a private security company.

Selection of candidates. The stage begins with a preliminary selection interview, the purpose of which is to first get to know the applicant, find out his education, and assess personal qualities. On the basis of the qualifying conversation, obviously unsuitable candidates are “screened out” for documentary and personal reasons.

Questioning. Those who have passed the first stage must fill out a questionnaire, the data of which is analyzed not only by the personnel officer, but also by the specialist of the personnel security service. Analysis of personal data allows us to identify not only the compliance of the applicant's education with minimum qualification requirements, conformity practical experience the nature of the activity, the presence of restrictions of any kind on the performance official duties, but also some psychological characteristics of the applicant.

hire interview, during which some features of the applicant's personality can be revealed, such as sociability, conflict, etc.

Testing. Candidates may be asked to take tests as professional suitability as well as psychological ones. In this case, psychological selection will allow not only to find out the moral and ethical qualities of the candidate, his weaknesses, mental stability, but also possible criminal inclinations, the ability to keep secrets.

Making inquiries with the manager previous work and other persons who know the applicant well. At this stage, the reliability of the data declared by the applicant is checked, or you are the information about which the person applying for a job chose to remain silent for some reason.

Check reviews and recommendations. In addition to the traditional steps, for a more complete acquaintance with the personality of the candidate, you can also use the services of the internal affairs bodies: find out about the presence (absence) of a criminal record of the candidate and about the wanted persons.

Polygraph test. Conducting such testing is associated with certain difficulties. The use of a polygraph in Russia is not legalized. However, what is not forbidden is allowed. Reasonably guided by this principle, people at the head of many organizations and departments consider the use of a polygraph to be quite justified and useful.

Experts say that this device cannot be deceived - the operator can be deceived if he does not have sufficient qualifications. A polygraph test is comparable to a stressful situation, so if the operator is inexperienced (and there are not too many professionals in this area), the analysis of the results may contain errors. All this must be taken into account when hiring a new employee.

- What should be paid attention to when hiring new employees?

It is desirable to use as many means and methods of testing them as possible to identify specific inclinations and hidden motivations. We generally recommend limiting yourself to the following:

· carefully check the identity documents and the presence of a permanent local residence permit;

We find out or at least pay attention to a person's propensity for bad habits: alcohol, drugs, gambling;

We use information databases. Maybe the candidate has already "lit up" somewhere as a petty thief or a big swindler;

· without fail we check a person for a criminal record, especially for mercenary crimes, as well as for committing administrative offenses: maybe he is a malicious hooligan or does not get out of the sobering-up station, is registered as a drug addict. It happens and such come across.

As an example, we give the simplest candidate verification matrix, of course, this matrix is ​​quite generalized, since it changes and is supplemented depending on the position for which the candidate is considered.

Simplified Candidate Evaluation Matrix for Employment





Conviction for economic crimes

Conviction for intentional crimes

Conviction for crimes by negligence

Bringing to administrative responsibility (type of offense)

Working at a competitor

Relationships with employees of competitors

Close acquaintance with criminals

Personal connections with tax and law enforcement officials

Unsuccessful class commercial activities, debts, outstanding obligations, etc.

Practice shows that only on formal grounds we have to refuse to hire up to 30% of candidates.

The work of an employee in a security company.

The profession of a security guard is very difficult, exhausting, requiring not only impeccable physical fitness, but also the presence of a sufficient amount of intelligence. This is due to the fact that in recent years the emphasis in the security business has shifted more and more from physical protection to technical means and methods of protection. And here you simply cannot do without basic education, special technical training. Therefore, the second place is the process of personnel training.

Many security companies have developed a multi-level system of personnel training. The basis of professional development is familiarization with official duties, internal regulations and labor protection. Job description - a document that defines the whole range of issues related to its labor activity in this organization. A well-written instruction allows you to determine the duties, rights and responsibilities of the staff and protects them from performing unusual functions, emphasizes the system of relationships between managers and their subordinate employees.

The job description usually contains:

the full name of the position;

who is subordinate to the employee in the process of performing official duties;

Who has the right to make comments, give orders, demand their execution;

requirements for the employee in this position (education, specialty, work experience);

the goals that the management of the enterprise puts forward for this position;

the functions that the employee must perform in this position;

The responsibility borne by the employee in this position, including material;

The procedure for evaluating the work of an employee.

The job description may also define the procedure for employees to access confidential information:

At the next level, there are daily briefings when taking up duty, bringing algorithms of actions in various situations, changes that have occurred in a private security company and a guarded enterprise, criminal news and novelties in security equipment. The second level is systematized classes conducted by specialists of the security company and invited teachers. The highest level is the passage of specialized seminars and trainings that are conducted by training and consulting companies in various specialties of the security business. For retailers and industrial safety such a firm is CBB.

A special place is occupied by corporate culture, as a set of rules and norms of behavior, it can be documented and represent a description of the actions of personnel in certain situations. Items can be included in the description of the corporate culture that directly determine the behavior of employees in a collision with competitors (inclination to cooperate, entice or find out information). For example, the relevant document of one security organization contains the following clause: “If you contact any person who makes you an offer to change jobs or seeks to obtain information of a confidential nature, notify management.”

Preservation the loyalty of its employees is solved by stimulating their effective work, compensating for adverse conditions and factors, solving employee problems, competent information policy and promoting team spirit, corporatism.

Professor Davis has developed his own way of dealing with scammers. They are offered the so-called "social audit"- to measure the degree of satisfaction of employees and the degree of correlation between corporate values ​​and individual values ​​of employees. If the difference in attitudes towards the public and the private is great, vigilance should be increased.

End of employment relationship

When dismissing an employee who has any information that is undesirable to get on the side, at the initiative of the employer, one should not hastily implement the decision made. In this case, it is necessary either to transfer the employee in advance and under the appropriate pretext to another work site where there is no confidential information, or to keep him in the structure of the company until measures are taken to reduce the possible damage from disclosure of information or adequate means of protection are found. . If an employee leaves for own will, it is necessary to try to determine the true reason for his decision (sometimes the reasons cited by the employee upon dismissal, and the true motives that prompted him to take such a step differ significantly from each other), correctly evaluate it and decide whether it is advisable in this situation to attempt to artificial retention this person in a collective. If the answer is negative, work out and implement the procedure for his conflict-free dismissal.

The dismissal process should include the following steps:

writing an employee letter of resignation, which will detail the reasons for such a decision, as well as (preferably) the place of the intended work;

transfer to the responsible person of all documents, databases, information carriers, products, materials assigned to him, checking their completeness, completeness and registration of acceptance in the inventory of the contractor or act;

handing over by the employee a pass (identifier) ​​to enter the work area, all keys and seals, prohibiting the employee from entering the work premises using knowledge of the code of the code lock (if necessary, replacing the code);

Conducting a conversation with a departing employee in order to remind him of the obligation to keep confidential information secret and the employee signing an obligation not to disclose confidential information to him after dismissal;

Documentation of dismissal in accordance with the general rules.

Subsystem of active countermeasures (PERSONAL LEVEL) should contribute to the identification of facts of disloyalty and their suppression. This subsystem is constantly running. The focus is not on predicting pests, but on monitoring current processes, constantly monitoring changes and analyzing the information collected.

This is, first of all, control over the performance of their duties by employees, which is very often entrusted to the service of operational duty officers and heads of security of facilities.

The official part includes the control of working hours, control of reporting, etc.

Informal, consists in dynamic monitoring of the performance of duties by each security guard and mini teams at the facilities. Separately, it is necessary to note the importance of control over the working contacts of security guards and employees of the customer: when, with whom, on what issue negotiations were held and what was the result (can be tracked using appropriate reporting), and over their standard of living: comparison of income and expenses, adequacy of behavior to income.

The most important instrument of control is accounting and financial reporting. It is thanks to bureaucracy that facts of disloyalty can be identified and documented.

For example, last year we had to stop the activities of a security guard who unreasonably overestimated the data in the receipt documents, for which he received remuneration with “greyhound puppies” (mobile phone, payment for services, etc.).

To carry out the disclosure of all these acts, we had to carry out:

· control of working hours. To show that this employee at that particular time exercised control over the acceptance of the goods;

· reporting control. The verification of the receipt documents submitted by the customer was carried out by employees on site and documenting the actual situation at the facility;

· contact control. This area is closely related to interference in the personal life of an employee, and therefore requires special preparation and conduct.

· control of the adequacy of behavior. Associated with observing how employees behave and, most importantly, how their behavior changes over time. When superimposing these observations on the schedule of transactions, you can see certain patterns and draw some conclusions. Particular attention should be paid to such indicators as a sharp change in the well-being of an employee, a significant and prolonged deterioration in mood, isolation, absent-mindedness, etc. The appearance of such symptoms is an alarming signal that speaks of the need for a deeper study, namely: observing him outside of work. However, we must remember that detective work is limited by law.

internal audit, collection, compilation and analysis of information, the use of trusted persons in this work.

What other ways are there to reduce the risk of employee disloyalty?

First of all, this is a financial incentive. An effective financial policy in relation to employees is a guarantee of the company's security.

This is true, but only the most superficial. A combination of material and social incentives has a much greater impact on the honesty of employees in the company.

A huge number of employees in the process of consulting say or make it clear that they do not feel the importance of their work for the organization. “We are the material”, “It seems that everything I do, I do for myself”, “I am constantly made to understand that I work in order to feed myself. But the company does not feed at my expense?” - such statements our experts hear regularly. And if I do all my work only for myself, then why shouldn't I do a little more for myself?

In addition, the constant feeling of underestimation of the level of assessment of one's competence, performance, usefulness leads the employee to a state of extreme psychological discomfort, in which he becomes immune to innovations, incapable of accepting criticism addressed to him. He perceives praise and censure in his address as another whim of the boss or a vicissitude of fate. In the end, having "settled down" in the role of the eternally offended, he loses the ability to realistically assess the situation in the company and the results of his work.

The situation is aggravated if the director prefers to take "their own" for senior positions and the roles in the company do not correspond to the position held. For example, in a structure where relatives and friends of the director, people of the same nationality or the same age (such a kind of "hazing") are concentrated in leadership positions, one can say that disloyalty to the company and the desire to cash in at its expense will develop much more rapidly, other things being equal. than other firms. Emotional experiences about one's own inferiority in comparison with "close ones" can escalate the situation to the limit. In addition, "their own" often come from outside and take away the hope of other employees for promotion, which they perceive as a clear injustice. The attitude towards the company, of course, does not improve.

Money isn't everything. A person has different needs:

Social needs :

a job assignment that allows employees to communicate;

Creation of a special atmosphere, spirit a single team;

holding periodic meetings with subordinates not only to make strategic decisions, but also to discuss current issues;

· support informal relationships if they do not damage the work;

Creation of conditions for the active life of employees outside the organization.

The need for respect :

Increase the content of the work of employees;

organization feedback with the results of work and the reaction of management;

Evaluation and encouragement of the achieved results;

involvement of subordinates in the formulation of goals and the development of solutions;

promotion of subordinates career ladder;

providing training and retraining of employees, which increases their level of competence;

The need for self-expression :

identification and use of the potential of each employee;

entrusting them with complex and important tasks that require full dedication;

Encouragement and development of their creative abilities.

Subsystem of initial state recovery. (REHABILITATION LEVEL) The task of this subsystem is to return to the customer the lost goods and materials, their compensation, or to compensate for the damage caused to the image. The subsystem can be activated as needed. Her work is based on the legal and psychological impact on the attacker. However, operational and investigative actions of law enforcement agencies, litigation are quite expensive and time-consuming things.

Legal impact is possible only with sufficiently detailed documentation of the fact of illegal actions of an employee and readiness to work with law enforcement agencies. This is where the previously conducted process of internal verification, documentation, comes to the rescue:

Psychological impact is likely with full or partial documentary fixation of theft, due to which it is possible to influence the subject. Most often, this impact is based on the unwillingness of a person to make public or transfer information about the act committed by him to law enforcement agencies. The purpose of such an impact is to return the lost amounts and / or restore the image of the enterprise.

Countermeasure systems are the art and skill of a professional, the one who builds this system, while it must be remembered that it is impossible to create a "panacea" applicable to all cases of life.

If an illegal act has occurred, first of all it is necessary to assess the situation and its consequences. The process of initial assessment of a criminal act can be facilitated by answering specific questions:

· WHO? Who is the key figure in the criminal act, who can benefit from it, who can clarify the situation;

· WHAT? What is the loss of resources, what actually happened, what is the essence of what happened, its consequences;

· WHEN? When the offense was committed, the exact time or period;

· WHERE? Where the action was performed, place;

· AS? The way the act was committed, how these actions were committed, what contributed to the commission, what was the situation in the immediate vicinity of the place of the commission or next to the persons involved in the commission;

· HOW? Instrument of commission, i.e. whereby the crime was committed;

· WHY? The motivation of the perpetrator, which prompted him to these actions.

By getting clear answers to these questions, it is possible to narrow the circle of suspects and identify accomplices. In parallel, it is necessary to collect all the factual material on this event - explanations of all participants and persons who may be involved. It is immediately necessary to document the material and technical condition of the site where the criminal encroachment occurred, and the state before the problem arose (inventory acts, material accounting, reports, certificates). And already based on this material, begin to build hypotheses and assumptions, assess losses and plan to correct the situation. It is necessary to involve law enforcement agencies from the moment the fact of illegal actions is established.

Do not think that the negative aspects of the security guard's personality mentioned above are irreparable. With the help of certain psychological techniques, it is possible to develop in people those qualities that are necessary in work: balance, self-control, the ability to make responsible decisions, perseverance in overcoming difficulties, the ability to distribute attention and observe big amount objects at the same time, the ability to remain active for a long time. Thus, it is possible to correct the personality and raise it to a higher intellectual level.

    When hiring employees, ask them to sign a non-disclosure agreement about information that became known to them in the company during work and after dismissal. Psychologically, this works very well: most people are afraid to violate signed agreements. It is important that this document stipulates a specific period for keeping the secret.

    Use in work with employees with their personal consent technical means recognition of dishonesty and predisposition (lie detectors, other devices and devices).

    Break up secret information into modules and trust them to different people. Thus, the employee will only have a part of the classified information, which in itself may not be of particular value.

    Constantly monitor all information flows and activities of individual employees with extended access to information.

    Track relationships in the team, identifying disgruntled and offended employees. They can give out your secrets simply "for evil" or for reasons of principle.

    Make public all disclosures trade secret former employees both within the company and in the external market.

In conclusion, I would like to note that in order to prevent most of the threats that may come from employees, it is enough to correctly organized work personnel services. Contrary to popular belief, the functions of this unit are by no means limited to the recruitment of employees: it is also an effective tool for determining the mood prevailing in the organization, for forming a corporate culture and building a system of motivations.


The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that the advantages of a company whose employees are loyal to it are indisputable. They can provide the company with a leading position in the market. But for the emergence and strengthening of staff loyalty, management needs to make a lot of effort. This is a difficult job that requires specific knowledge, but its results cannot be overestimated.

A key component of the loyalty program is the information system in the company. It positions the principles of openness of the company for employees. An organized presentation of information allows you to correctly place emotional accents in the flow of information about the company. It is necessary to report on all the victories of the company and its employees. Pride and respect are among the strongest emotional components of loyalty.

Many, thinking about loyalty, focus on team-building events. Of course, this is an important and necessary element. Loyalty to the staff of the unit is the path to loyalty to the company, but a favorable psychological climate in the team is only one of the components of loyalty, which cannot be an end in itself, especially since the best team-building event is the joint achievement of goals that are significant for each.

The concept of loyalty

An employee can be loyal to his company, a client can be loyal to a product, a citizen can be loyal to his country, government, President, foreign policy.

There are many examples when an unreliable person is loyal, for example, a member of a criminal community. In relation to the society's dominant understanding of what is legal and what is not, he is unreliable. He is ready to commit and probably commits misdeeds and crimes. But, without a doubt, he is loyal to his community, the group. And can he be disloyal to her if he wants to save her life? The opposite examples are also not uncommon. The person as a whole is very law-abiding and trustworthy, tired of waiting for a salary for six months, gradually or suddenly loses all his loyalty to the factory where he worked for thirty years and, overpowering himself, goes to work as an agent on the street.

Employee loyalty is the ability and willingness to put up with some requirements and deeply accept others. Employee loyalty is the desire to keep their job. Employee loyalty is the desire to do their job the best way. Employee loyalty is the conscious observance of the accepted rules and the corresponding demands on others. Loyalty is a certain type of behavior.

M. I. Magura (1998) says that only patriots, only people who are devoted to their organization, committed to its goals, are ready to give their abilities, all their strength without a trace to achieve victory over competitors. The commitment of employees to their organization is psychological state, which determines the expectations, attitudes of employees, the characteristics of their work behavior and how they perceive the organization.

Scientists may care about the definition. But any person is able, even on an intuitive level, to distinguish loyal behavior from disloyal. What is the secret? It's simple: loyalty, or at the level of everyday consciousness - fidelity, accompanies a person all his life. A person knows what is loyalty to the family and family values, what is loyalty to the yard team, loyalty to a friend or girlfriend. The basis of loyalty is the same: the desire to be useful, the avoidance of that which can harm, the demonstration of commitment.

People know that loyalty has mandatory attributes such as:

1. honesty in relation to the object of loyalty;

2. separation from the object of loyalty of basic beliefs, values;

3. joy for the success of the object of loyalty;

4. open demonstration of loyalty to someone or something;

5. willingness to warn of danger;

6. willingness to make sacrifices if necessary for the object of loyalty;

7. a sense of pride in one's company, pride in being one of its employees;

8. the desire to best fulfill the mission entrusted to the person by the object of loyalty.

Levels of corporate loyalty

Determining the presence of loyalty in general is not difficult, but it is more difficult to make a forecast: what will happen to the current level of loyalty if an employee receives an offer to move to a competitor with a doubling of income. As sad as it is to admit, employee loyalty, like customer loyalty, often comes with a price.
In general, there are several levels of loyalty. Each subsequent one provides a higher degree of involvement and devotion.

Loyalty at the level of external attributes. When a fan of the victorious Zenit leaves the stadium, he is ready to give his last shirt to those who have the symbols of his team in their hands. But now the flags are folded, the caps are removed, and the scarves are put away in the closet, and everything changes radically, as if by magic. An interesting circumstance: external attributes do not allow their owner to openly demonstrate disloyal behavior. Can you imagine a fan with a Zenit flag and a scarf, cheering for Spartak? What can be expected from loyalty at the level of external attributes? Not so much. As long as external attributes are visible, the person is likely to reproduce the expected behavior. If you want temporary hired staff to be dedicated to the interests of the company and tout the product, presenting it at a trade fair, put on branded T-shirts and caps.

Loyalty at the level of actions, behavior. At one business, it is customary to wear a business suit, communicate politely with customers, and meet at the bar on Fridays to discuss the past week. Some employees tend to refuse these meetings, grumble at the mandatory dress code and sneer about the rules of communication with customers. Such employees are most likely disloyal to the company. Others feel calm and comfortable in clothes that comply with the regulations, communicate evenly with customers, taking it for granted, without much enthusiasm, but regularly attend Friday beer evenings. They will do everything that is accepted in this company. Their motto is: if something is accepted by you, then of course I will do it. However, they usually do not go further themselves and do not allow the company to completely take over their lives. They don't change their beliefs, they keep their values. In fact, deep down they may think that it is absurd to walk around in the same clothes, short-sightedly curry favor with customers, it's vulgar to sit and drink this disgusting beer and discuss the same topics. Loyalty at the level of deeds has both positive and negative features. It requires almost no effort and resources to occur. Either a person is able to follow the rules and show external loyalty, or not. Here, as they say, little can be changed. If a new employee sees that there are loyal employees around him, then he will begin to copy the behavior accepted in the company, and he himself becomes the same. If seasoned employees demonstrate an indifferent or negative attitude towards the company, then loyalty will not arise. Most people are uncomfortable with the role of the "white crow", even if their behavior is impeccable. A significant proportion of smokers have joined bad habit: they became financial donors of tobacco factories only under the influence of the motive "one must be like everyone else, one must do the same as the rest." Group norms strongly influence the behavior of the individual. If you are wondering why newcomers become disloyal, then first look in the mirror, and then at those around you. The mirror is necessary not because we suspect you, but because you should start with yourself: it's more honest.

Loyalty to money also manifests itself at the level of behavior: I am loyal as long as I am satisfied with the financial situation. This is a very dangerous position, especially if you lose sight of the money. An employee can be bought out, and you will still rely on him. So, maybe behavioral loyalty should be avoided, since it is so unreliable? No, by no means: this level, although unreliable, is sufficient in most situations. For most employees, this level is enough. However, it may not be enough for middle and senior employees. If a lot depends on them, then the level of trust in them should be much higher. And to trust a disloyal employee is the same as buying a horse from a gypsy "in the dark" and on an advance payment. Employees who are loyal to the company at the level of behavior will try to comply with existing rules. But it is unlikely that they will stop the violation of the rules by others. Control tasks go beyond behavior. The person to whom you entrust the responsibility of controlling other people should be at a higher level of loyalty. An employee who is loyal at the level of behavior should not be expected to be ready for self-sacrifice and striving for development or change. But such employees will often develop their professional abilities with great pleasure.

Loyalty at the level of ability. Some people are unable to remember their past, some are unable to walk the tightrope, some are unable to learn Chinese. What does it mean to be "incapable"? Perhaps these people have a desire to achieve something, take some action, but the result is disappointing. And on the contrary, someone is able to quickly master the skills of extreme driving, someone is able to understand the operation of a complex mechanism without drawings and instructions. Someone is able to be loyal. The ability to do something combines behavior, skills, habits, and stereotypes. Accordingly, loyalty at the level of abilities implies that a person has certain skills, he can reproduce certain behavior, he has the necessary skills and stereotypes. A huge role is played by the objectivity of a person's self-esteem. If a child believes that he does not have musical abilities, then his motivation will not be enough to sit and spend hours learning pieces on the piano. Knowing your abilities allows you to be more fully realized in any areas of life. What if a person had such an experience in childhood that he came to the conclusion that he did not have the ability to be loyal and devoted to someone, would he ever become loyal at the level of ability? Obviously not. He won't even try. The maximum that he can achieve is loyalty at the level of behavior.

The difference between loyalty at the level of ability and at the level of behavior can be compared to the difference between two skiers, one of whom is able to ski down the mountains, and the other skis down the slope. The result of the first is clear - it is capable, which means:

1) he has already successfully descended from the mountains;

2) he has necessary knowledge and skills;

3) he represents the whole process as a whole and knows the sequence of its individual steps.

The effectiveness of the second big question. Yes, he is driving at the moment, but who knows how it will end? Maybe he will be able to gain experience and knowledge. Or maybe not, if he treats his actions mechanistically, thoughtlessly. A person who is predisposed to loyalty at the level of ability is likely to begin to demonstrate it in a new job, as soon as he is convinced that this employer has the right to count on it.

Loyalty at the level of ability is so strong that it is able to withstand the pressure of the group. This loyalty seems to arise on its own, and the company does not have many ways to influence it. Loyalty at the ability level is self-sufficient. This is both positive and negative at the same time. The positive is that you don't have to do anything if it is present. The negative is that you cannot directly control, decrease or increase it. Methods of influencing such loyalty are usually complex-mediated. And money in this case is not a universal solution. Money can buy more loyal behavior - anyone will tell you that. And the abilities are somehow born, then they grow stronger, then they begin to manifest themselves in reality. This is a slow and difficult process with an unknown result in advance. In the sense that the ability may not be born, and having been born, it may not get stronger. There is a certain mysticism in the process of generating loyalty, if you like, as in the emergence of sympathy. But back to the employee who is loyal at the ability level. He is much more valuable to the company. He can be a controller, he is able to find contradictions and offer solutions to the problems of the company. He cares about what will happen to the company tomorrow, he shows concern for the future. And if something threatens the company, he is ready to take proactive action.

Loyalty at the level of beliefs. This is the maximum level of loyalty that most people can achieve in their lifetime. While this level of loyalty is highly desirable for an organization, it is most commonly found en masse in parties, religious organizations etc. Perhaps the reason lies in the fact that the parties are headed by charismatic individuals who are able to inspire certain beliefs and values, and companies are well-educated managers who can lead the company to financial success? However, it is enough for a company that about 10-15% of employees, first of all, top management, are loyal at the level of beliefs.

Loyalty at the level of values ​​and beliefs makes a person resistant to many temptations: they are difficult to lure higher salary, they will refuse to conduct secret negotiations, they care about the good of their company in every possible way. However, each Achilles has his own heel. If a company, for one reason or another, changes its previous beliefs, abandons previously shared values ​​and begins reorganization, then a significant part of people may not have time or not want to rebuild. And then an influential and close-knit group of "counter-revolutionaries" will appear in the bowels of the company. However, this does not mean that all employees who are loyal at the level of beliefs will resist change. This is not true. However, it is important to remember that in order to get their support, you must lead them to understand the need for change, give them the opportunity to participate in making plans for the future, and not make them just executors of your will. Why is it said that "a new broom sweeps in a new way"? Coming to power new leader seeks to change the immediate environment, because he does not know what values ​​\u200b\u200band beliefs were shared by the previous team. Or he knows very well and that is why everything changes. Loyalty at the level of beliefs is a great value for the company. Such an employee shows zeal in work, he is intolerant of violations of the rules by other people. He can become the initiator of changes if he sees the need for them, he can argue and defend his point of view. He is obedient. If the company said: “It is necessary”, the employee loyal at the level of convictions will answer: “Yes”.

Loyalty at the level of identity. The highest level of loyalty is determined by identity. It occurs when a person ceases to separate himself and the object of loyalty. Not "I and the Party", but "I am the Party". It can be assumed that the famous Japanese system of lifetime employment contributes to the emergence of the highest level of loyalty. Lack of loyalty to a company that has committed to lifetime employment is contrary to common Japanese sense. The Japanese, at least it was so a few years ago, cannot imagine himself without his company. Without it, he is lonely and defenseless, anyone can offend him, he is an outcast, life has failed ... Loyalty at this level does not depend on income, does not depend on what others say. She is a matter of course. The surprise is not the presence of loyalty at the level of identity with something, but its absence. Thus, if you achieve this level of inclusion of staff in the life of the company, then loyalty will certainly arise on its own. The simplest example is the owner of a company. If he connects his life with the future of the company, if he says that he and the company are one, then you can be sure: he is an example of loyalty. And you will waste a lot of money and time in vain, trying to persuade him to a disloyal act. Loyalty at the level of identity does not allow us to talk about any restrictions. If a person cannot do something for the company, then he is loyal at a lower level than the level of identity. Nothing is impossible for identity. Most companies are quite satisfied with the loyalty of the first two levels. Others need more.

In recent years, many experts have noted that employee loyalty is a quality that is becoming rarer and rarer. The changes taking place in social life have significantly transformed the views of our compatriots. A few years ago, the following beliefs were common: you can’t change jobs like gloves;
"flyer" - a shame on the whole family; A person cannot be fired - he must be educated. Now university graduates are sure that during their career they will change at least three to five jobs, and even then, if they are very lucky. When finding a job, young employees are the last thing they think about loyalty to their employer. Who knows whether they will pay salaries on time, whether they will be deceived with money, whether the enterprise will stay afloat until next year. No, now is not the time for loyalty! Fortunately, this is not the case. There are still areas of activity where loyalty is not an exception, but the rule: education, medicine, rescue services, the army and law enforcement agencies. Of course, there are examples when commercial enterprises care about creating a high level of loyalty among their employees. We will soon find out why they need it. In the future, unless special reservations are made, loyalty will be understood as its most common forms: loyalty at the level of behavior, loyalty at the level of abilities, loyalty at the level of beliefs and values.

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Discipline "Fundamentals management"

Course project

on the topic: "The role of corporate culture in shaping the loyalty of the company's personnel"

Done: student

09-m-31z group of the Faculty of Economics and Management Kiseleva V. G.

Checked by: Doctor of Economics, Professor

Safronova A. A.

Moscow 2012


1. Essence of loyalty management

1.1 Programs to increase the "acquired" loyalty of employees on the example of organizations

1.2 The psychological essence of loyalty

2.Corporate culture

2.1 Formation and features of corporate culture

2.2 The role of corporate culture and training in building loyalty

3. Formation of the loyalty of the company's personnel on the example of the company "Baltika"



loyalty employee corporate culture personnel


“The ability to deal with people is a commodity that can be bought in the same way that we buy sugar or coffee. And I'll pay more for that skill than anything else in the world." John D. rockefeller

An organization is a complex mechanism, the basis and main wealth of which are people. There was a time when it was believed that a machine, an automaton or a robot would oust man from most organizations and finally establish the primacy of technology over the worker. However, although the machine has become the sovereign master in many technological and managerial processes, and partially even ousted from individual departments of organizations, the role and importance of man in the organization not only did not fall, but even increased. At the same time, a person has become not only the most valuable "resource" of the organization, but also the most expensive. Many organizations, wanting to emphasize their weight and scope of activity, do not talk about the size of their production capacity, production or sales volume, financial potential, etc., but about the number of employees in the organization.

Organizational culture is the basis of the life potential of organizations.

The purpose of my work is to show the influence of this culture on the formation of staff loyalty. The object of the study of the formation of loyalty will be the organizational relations of the company. In this work, we will consider specific example formation of personnel loyalty, we will analyze the experience of the largest company in Russia in the field of consumer goods production - the brewing company Baltika.

A good organization strives to maximize the potential of its employees, creating all conditions for the fullest return of employees at work and for the intensive development of their potential. All this is one side of the interaction between a person and an organization. But there is another side of this interaction, which reflects how a person looks at the organization, what role it plays in his life, what it gives him, what meaning he puts into his interaction with the organization.

The work of a person in an organization is a process of constant interaction with the organizational environment. This is a very difficult and multifaceted process, which is important for both parties.

The possibilities of including a person in the organizational environment, called socialization, depend not only on the characteristics of this environment, but equally on the characteristics of a person. Each person has a multifaceted personality structure, and interacts with the organization as a rational and conscious being with aspirations, desires, emotions, moods, having imagination, sharing certain beliefs and following certain morals.

1. Essencemanagementloyalty

Today, the success of a business depends on the people with whom it is built. The staff is everything. And only choosing whether responsible, purposeful, motivated to achieve the highest results specialists will be nearby. Selection, evaluation and development of personnel are the most important tasks facing the head. In such matters, I want to have a reliable partner who will find the best solution and give the expected, positive results.

Any leader is well aware that the more time, effort and attention he devotes to his employees, the more likely he is to bring his company to the forefront. You can sit in an easy chair with a stone expression on your face, giving tough orders and sternly asking for every misconduct that has taken place. You can behave very liberally towards subordinates, try to communicate only with nice people. But will such a management style be effective?

Some sources interpret loyalty solely as an adaptation to the leader and the team. Others look at this concept more broadly, finding objective and subjective conditions, factors of influence and resulting factors.

After analyzing the literature on the topic “Personnel loyalty”, we can state that the problem is of interest to both foreign and Latvian specialists in the field of business psychology. Another thing is that there are practically no works devoted to the issue of personnel loyalty specifically. However, staff loyalty has repeatedly attracted the attention of specialists as a concomitant problem in the study of the phenomenon of leadership, leadership styles and the formation of highly effective teams, industrial conflict management. In other words, loyalty is dealt with when they are interested in the "manager-staff" communication mechanism. It is encouraging that the problem of personnel management, along with practicing psychologists, is also studied by scientists, as publications in journals say.

So what is loyalty? What does the term itself mean, very pleasant to hear. Loyalty (English and French Loyal - “faithful to duty and circumstances, committed to power”) - respect for authorities and loyalty current laws. In addition, loyalty always implies tolerance or, in the language of science, tolerance.

It is clear that the loyalty of the staff implies devotion to the manager, the company and the cause, that is, the owner is always in the first place, then the prosperity of the company, then the very scope of the enterprise. Assuming the obligation to be loyal, the employee automatically “joins the game”, according to local regulations and the table of ranks, the employee must remain faithful to them.

The loyalty of the staff is a very whimsical plant that needs to be grown in greenhouse conditions.

A knowledgeable, intelligent specialist has a broad outlook, knows how to think critically, so it is much more difficult to ensure the loyalty of such a person than his complete opposite. Panfilova BUT. P. Business communication in professional activity: Tutorial. - 3rd ed. - St. Petersburg: IVESEP, Knowledge, 2005.]

And here we can find an interesting relationship. An enterprise must constantly develop in order to create new jobs in its own and related industries, it must produce a competitive product and position it correctly on the market. All this requires the work of a well-organized team of qualified employees who are capable, and most importantly, willing to develop the company.

Thus, we get a cyclic model of the relationship between the employee, the company and society:

A loyal employee invests efforts in the development of the company, a successful company not only provides decent material rewards for its employees, but also contributes to the development of society, and a strong society ultimately creates more comfortable conditions for both individuals and companies.

As a result, it becomes obvious that the personnel are interested not only in the internal corporate socially oriented policy, but also in the implementation of larger social responsibility programs.

There are many ways to manage employee loyalty. However, the effectiveness of this process largely depends on the correct understanding of loyalty, its foundations and causes. The study of the factors of its development made it possible to revise and supplement the existing recommendations on the formation and management of organizational loyalty.

The most important factor of loyalty is traditionally considered the right policy of motivation and incentives for staff. The procedure for creating a motivational system is based on an analysis of the actual needs of employees. It is generally accepted that the most important thing in maintaining organizational loyalty is meeting the needs for material prosperity and comfortable working conditions.

The requirement for comfortable working conditions is most often associated with a compensatory mechanism: the priority of comfort in the workplace often replaces other requests that the company cannot fulfill. Nevertheless, such needs represent a group of basic ones - their satisfaction affects many indicators of organizational behavior.

However, this is not enough to build loyalty. Loyalty always implies subordination to a certain order, and in its formation among the staff, the key is to satisfy the need for clarity, structure and regulation of work. Employees must have a clear understanding of the rules and prohibitions in force in the company, as well as sanctions for their violation.

In addition, a special role is played by the creation of trusting, open and respectful relationships in the team, i.e.? e. Satisfying the need for belonging. The formation of loyalty to the company implies long-term stable relationships that cannot exist without well-established formal and informal communications with colleagues and management. Loyalty is accompanied by employees' sense of pride in their company. Maintaining loyalty, in turn, requires the recognition by the company that its advantage is the merit of employees working for its benefit. In this case, we are talking about the need to recognize the contribution of employees to the achievements and success of the company.

On the basis of the above motivational factors of loyalty, the subsequent policy of stimulating personnel should be built. There is a lot of debate about the benefits of tangible or intangible rewards, but the effectiveness of the incentive system in loyalty management largely depends on the correctness of the created motivational profile. However, this requirement is not the only one.

Creating a system of incentives and motivation is important not only from the point of view of their content, but also from the point of view of the fairness of the procedures for their development and implementation. We are talking about organizational justice as a key condition for the formation of staff loyalty.

Organizational justice is a broad concept. Its essence lies in the honest attitude of the organization towards its employees and evaluation of their work. More often they talk about certain types fairness: fairness of distribution, interaction and procedures. The management of the company must be honest, consistent and objective in the distribution of remuneration and incentives for employees, as well as procedures and criteria for creating all organizational decisions. A trustworthy, loyal attitude is always the response of employees to the honest treatment of the organization towards them and various aspects of their work.

An analysis of the actual needs of the staff provides a condition for distributive justice. Involving employees in the development and correction of the incentive system allows for procedural fairness. Respect on the part of management for the opinions and suggestions of employees, timely provision of reliable information about innovations and changes in the company helps to maintain fair interaction.

It is important to consider that even the most efficient system staff motivation will not be able to contribute to the formation of loyalty without maintaining the conditions of organizational justice. [ Vihansky ABOUT. FROM. Naumov BUT. AND. Management: Textbook. - 3rd ed. - M.: Gardariki, 2003 ]

Despite the fact that organizational culture is considered to be a spontaneous phenomenon, managing the attitude of staff towards the company is impossible without careful management of the organizational culture itself. Organizational culture is the basic values ​​on which all traditions, attitudes of behavior and work in the company are based. Loyalty requires a strong, ongoing culture with unchanging and clear values. The question arises: what values ​​are important for loyalty management?

The answer is the example of the culture of the Japanese school of management - its effectiveness in the formation of staff loyalty has been repeatedly proven by the example of companies from around the world. The key values ​​for the development of loyalty are the values ​​of collective orientation, respect for traditions, a clear power hierarchy and mutual group responsibility. These values ​​are neither new nor foreign to Russian culture. However, political and economic changes in the 1990s. reoriented the domestic business culture to Western trends.

Loyalty has "Eastern" roots and cannot be fully formed on Western values. In this regard, modern loyalty management should include not only the consolidation of pro-Oriental values ​​in the mission and philosophy of the company, but also the adjustment of the individual values ​​of employees.

An important method of developing loyalty is also the involvement of personnel in the management of the company at various levels. This is achieved by delegation of authority, separation of power functions and responsibilities of the top management with employees of lower levels of the company. “Trying on” the role of a leader, which involves the need to be in the know and deal with day-to-day organizational problems, develops in employees a sense of ownership of the company and responsibility for its successes and failures. Thus, the barrier is overcome - the alienation of ordinary employees from participation in the life and management of the company. Involvement of personnel in solving urgent tasks and problems, encouraging initiative ideas and active involvement in the development of the company leads to a significant increase in the level of loyalty. The idea of ​​involving personnel in the life of the organization emphasizes the importance for loyalty of the internal locus of control of the company, its focus on human potential and the value component of the organization.

1.1 Programsraise"acquiretennoy"loyaltyemployeeson theexamplefamousorganizations

PricewaterhouseCoopers. On the first working day, a newcomer is invited to a “lunch meeting” by his immediate supervisor. At the same time, the company even allocates small funds to pay for this lunch.

Kaspersky Lab. There is a tradition here to welcome each new employee with a pleasant surprise. As a rule, this is a small gift - a cup, a pen, a funny souvenir that a beginner finds on his desk on his first working day.

Philips Electronics. About the arrival of each "new" employee, all "old" employees are notified by e-mail, an announcement about this event is hung on the information board.

"Radisson-Slavyanskaya". The first working day of new employees is always Thursday. This is done so that for Thursday-Friday a person gets up to speed, orients himself in the hotel, and on Monday he has already begun his immediate duties.

"MI". There is a rule here, in the family of each new employee, on behalf of the organization, the immediate supervisor sends a letter of congratulations on accepting him for work.

Some organizations have adopted a mandatory tour of the company, and at the end of it, the presentation of a T-shirt or baseball cap with the company's logo.

Others show a special film about the company - a representative film, about the history, customers and victories of the company.

1.2 Psychologicalessenceloyalty

As you know, before managing anything (in this case, loyalty), it is necessary first of all to understand it (ie, to identify the psychological essence of the phenomenon).

If you correctly represent the semantic basis of loyalty as a process and result, this category is based on a psychological attitude (attitude). It is implemented at three classical levels (according to Smith):

1. cognitive (perceive, understand);

2. affective (I have an emotional attitude to what is happening);

3. behavioral (I make decisions and act based on my assessments, beliefs, etc.).

In other words, employee loyalty is just his attitude, readiness for some kind of reaction, a prerequisite to act in a certain way, or, in other words, a tendency to act in support of a certain environmental factor (in a corporate environment) or against it. This factor becomes a positive or negative value for the employee, inclining him in one direction or another (“satisfied” - “not satisfied”, “true” - “not true”, etc.).

Thus, in real life, loyalty, in fact, fixes the only property - the value (valence) for a person of a certain phenomenon or object (for example, an organization). The psychological content of the loyalty phenomenon is mostly two-component assessments.

In this case, the following parameters can be evaluated:

SH chief;

Ш recognition of the work done, respect for you;

Ø the possibility of promotion;

Ш attention from the management, etc.;

ø availability of time for personal life;

Ш prestige of work;

• good working conditions;

• reasonable rules and procedures in place in the company;

Ø the possibility of self-improvement, self-realization (corporate training, etc.);

Ø non-material reward (awarding of distinctive signs, honoring, etc.);

Ш material reward;

• feeling of security associated with work;

Ø public recognition of activities (in corporate media, etc.);

Ш corporate events.

Many researchers and practitioners in the field of organizational behavior (Gilbert, Boyett, Handy, etc.) believe that if you really want to help people fulfill themselves, achieve maximum efficiency in work and satisfaction with its results in your company, then you should "forget about greater parts them individual knowledge, abilities, motives personal behavioral repertoire, which the they bring on the work, And instead of this to do creation environments for them".

The conditions for the formation of a special environment in the first place should include:

l provision of information;

l provision of “tools”;

l creation of incentives;

providing knowledge, etc.

In general, the formation of staff loyalty (or lack of it) is a consequence of the success (or failure) of the processes of internal adaptation of employees. This confirms the definition of the socio-professional adaptation of the individual, according to which it is considered as the interaction of the employee and the company, leading to the optimal ratio of his goals and values ​​in this organization. If the conditions for social and professional adaptation are created, then the needs (material and intangible), interests and aspirations of employees are realized. At the same time, individuality, creativity are revealed with a high probability, and the efficiency of activity is increased. Allocate external and internal conditions of adaptation. The first group includes the parameters of the organization itself, and the second - individual personal characteristics. If we have already managed to figure out the formation of internal conditions, then the creation of external conditions requires purposeful and systemic activity (mission, value orientations of the company, traditions, climate, characteristics joint activities teams, the main features of which are the presence of a common goal and common motivation, etc.).

In this case, the indicators are:

v emotional well-being;

v integration with the organizational environment of the company;

v realization of personal potential;

v material satisfaction, etc.

In the practice of HR management, the creation of teams, project working groups is based on a simple psychological effect: these are the characteristics of joint activities, which are based on a single goal and common motivation, the division of activities into components and their distribution among its participants. And according to the theory of the mental as a process, adaptation and, as a result, loyalty are developed by increasing the degree of "psychological involvement" of the employee in the organizational environment. By the way, the higher the qualification of an employee, the less he puts up with the role of the object of someone's orders.

When building loyalty with the help of a system of internal training and development of the company's personnel, be sure to remember the following:

Adaptation is not only the adaptation of the individual to the organizational environment in the team, but also active positive action in it.

· Activity - a conscious purposeful activity that determines the measure of the subject's personal impact on objects, processes and phenomena of organizational reality.

2 . Corporateculture

Corporate culture is a key factor determining the success and stability of a company. It binds employees together, increases staff loyalty to the company, and increases labor productivity. Corporate culture is one of the most effective tools for managing an organization and all business processes in general.

The corporate culture identifies each market player, increases efficiency and strengthens the stability of the company, forms the style of team management, determines the attitude of employees to work and their satisfaction with it, builds communication in the team and relationships with customers and partners. Corporate culture is effective tool development, it contributes to the achievement of a common goal and helps the company move forward.

Traditionally under notion corporate culture is understood as a system of common ideas, values ​​and views, norms and management methods shared by all members of the company, as well as reflecting and distinguishing the company. But this concept has many other definitions. [ Smirnov E. A. Theory of Organization: Textbook. - M.: INFRA-M, 2011.]

2.1 FormationAndpeculiaritiescorporateculture

Modern business is unthinkable without corporate culture. Formation This tool can improve the efficiency of the entire company as a whole. However, not all managers sometimes have a clear idea of ​​how the corporate "philosophy" should be born, what it should consist of, how this element of the personnel management system should be formed and maintained.

There are many definitions of corporate culture. Here are some of them. Corporate culture is a stable collection of values, symbols, rituals and stories that can be used to manage people in their workplaces. (the theory of Deal and Kennedy). This is a system of shared values ​​that manifest itself through various cultural artifacts: stories, myths, etc. (the theory of Pitters and Waterman).

As can be seen from the definitions, the terms "values", "system", etc. are not yet that unambiguously described object on which some actions can be performed. A certain model is needed that would be understandable, described from the point of view of management theory and suitable for practical application. This model was proposed by Edward Shane (see Scheme 1. Shane's model).

Let's consider Shane's model in more detail.

First, surface level organizational culture visible to outside observers through artifacts. Under the artifacts Shane understands the specific product of culture (oral, written, objects). For example, a company artifact can be a charter, a badge, a territory, a newspaper, branded clothing for staff, etc. According to the author, the more history a company has, recorded in artifacts, the more powerful the organizational culture of the company.

Second the level is separated by a wavy line, like an "iceberg" (see Diagram 1). We can see the norms and values ​​that are above the wavy line. These are declared norms and values. However, in a company very often there is a "double morality", those rules that are not mentioned anywhere, but everyone knows what can and cannot be done. These are latent, i.e. hidden norms for an outside observer, which are no longer visible from the outside.

The third, the deep level of Shane's model shows us that all these artifacts and norms and rules are just a superstructure that is determined by people's behavior. In American textbooks, the term "behavior" means the following: behavior is our real basic assumption, which we allow ourselves and accept.

2.2 RolecorporatecultureAndlearninginformationloyalty

The level of emotional, psychological and practical involvement of employees in the life of the organization has a very significant effect on the certainty and consistency of their choice and commitment: the less an employee is interested in the life of the company (or this interest is formal) and is included in its active work, the more amorphous, unsystematic, unstable his views ("I don't care what company I work for - here or elsewhere, holds nothing but money"). On the other hand, such emotional and activity alienation may also indicate trouble in the company, the absence of a healthy corporate culture, etc. [ Ashirov YES. Organizational Behavior: Textbook. - "Velby", 2007.]

Within the corporate culture of an organization, it is possible to create an atmosphere of intense work, dedication and pleasure from the work. It would be good if under these conditions it would be easier to form motivating behavior aimed at work efficiency, personal and group achievements, and at the same time it would be purposefully difficult to involve employees in social activities that are not related to the implementation of the main tasks (for example, behind-the-scenes discussions, splashing out discontent and indignation in private conversations, etc.).

Further, the mechanism works in a completely magical way: as a result of all these changes, employees learn to set meaningful goals, perform work most efficiently, and adequately perceive objective feedback. And, most importantly, their motivation is significantly strengthened. Moreover, employees themselves will look for situations that allow them to experience the satisfaction that comes from engaging in such behavior.

The conditions for creating a special environment are:

1. providing information;

2. providing "tools";

3. creating incentives;

4. providing employees with knowledge, etc.

Indeed, if the goals and mission of the company are clearly defined, then already at the stage of selection it is possible to find out how much the values ​​of the employee coincide with the values ​​declared and accepted in this organization, and subsequently the influence on him in this environment will be most effective. It is partly because of the clarity, transparency, and effectiveness of corporate culture that talented managers are attracted, retained, and driven to high performance. Such popular components as symbols, corporate traditions and events are just superficial, external indicators. Unfortunately, as many HR professionals point out, some companies either replace content with form or do not create corporate culture as an organizational phenomenon at all.

From the point of view of HR management, a well-built system of training and development of personnel is one of the few areas of HR activity that allows solving a fairly wide range of tasks of managing human assets, including loyalty, together with top management of companies.

3 . Formationloyaltypersonnelcompanieson theexamplecompanies"Baltika"

At one time, one of the top managers of General Electric, Jack Welch, gave the following simple but capacious explanation: “Loyal staff is a team of like-minded people who are committed to the goals and values ​​​​of my enterprise and are ready to do a lot for its prosperity.”

Highlighting the essence of such statements, we note that in the presence of loyal employees, managers can count on the manifestation of initiative, on innovative proposals that increase labor productivity and allow them to solve problems more efficiently. problematic issues. The safety of classified information, tolerance for temporary difficulties, discipline, readiness for learning and development - all this for loyal employees is not a consequence of fear of losing their job, money, punishment, but a consequence of loyalty to the company and a sense of unity.

A well-designed employee incentive program, ensuring their social security and creating decent working conditions can not only pay for themselves, but also gain a competitive advantage. Conversely, the infamous principle of short-term exploitation and frequent turnover of personnel, called in America “a hire and fire company” (an organization that hires and fires people all the time), testifies to the amateurish approach of management, because in times of crisis, it deprives the organization of stability and development prospects. People who do not feel connected to the employer leave as soon as there is a chance to earn more.

Today, large and dynamically developing enterprises in Russia and abroad are investing heavily in personnel development, insurance programs, preferential holidays and medical service for workers and their families. Moreover, each company needs its own original set of measures that would adequately meet, on the one hand, the needs and mission of the organization, and, on the other hand, a number of external factors, such as legal provisions, the local socio-economic situation, local cultural norms, etc. To determine the level of loyalty in enterprises, diagnostic studies are carried out - most often - surveys and tests developed by psychologists and specialists in the sociology of organizations.

In this section, we will consider a specific example of the formation of staff loyalty, we will analyze the experience of the largest company in Russia in the field of consumer goods production - the brewing company Baltika.

The organizational structure of the brewing company "Baltika" is a rather complex mixed structure, at the top level of the hierarchy we observe linear subordination. Further, for example, the HR director is linearly subordinate to the vice president for corporate affairs, and the HR departments of the headquarters are functionally subordinate to him.

Analyzing the experience of successful personnel strategies at market leaders, researchers traditionally identify three main factors in the formation of loyalty:

1) material incentives (provided that employees see exactly how their personal contribution to the work of the company affects the amount of the bonus received),

2) the principle of feedback, when employees of different levels get the opportunity to convey to the management their opinion about the effectiveness of management and the general policy of the organization, as well as put forward their own proposals to improve the situation,

3) non-material incentives, within the framework of which social packages are provided, trainings, training programs are held, corporate holidays are organized, individual merits of employees are not ignored, and their personal needs are taken into account when remunerating. All this creates in the employee a sense of his own significance for the company, contributes not only to a favorable attitude towards it, but also to the desire to justify its trust. Therefore, the key to success in the formation of loyalty is a successful synthesis of schemes of material and non-financial incentives with the simultaneous development of feedback. In a situation of equivalence financial reward, in the struggle for qualified personnel, intangible factors of stimulation naturally come to the fore: first of all, social security and participation in a significant mission that the company has undertaken.

Baltika uses its own HR program, which provides for a set of measures for the development and promotion of employees who know the specifics of work and business (cultivating talents within the Company), career planning, training, staff rotation within the entire branched organizational structure.

A new employee is immediately involved in a well-thought-out development and career development program.

Special Placed on

adaptation program;

Rotation Placed on

within one or more directorates;

Work Posted on

under the guidance of an experienced coach;

Formation Placed on

an individual training plan within a narrow specialization;

Participation Placed on

in business projects of the department, solving real business problems;

Intermediate Posted on

activity evaluation.

Thus, each newly arrived employee at Baltika finds himself in conditions that are most conducive to the manifestation of personal initiative and the realization of professional skills. As a result, the employee acquires both incentives and means to achieve high results and improve his professional level.

Baltika's personnel development activities include management training programs at the world's leading business schools, internal business skills development programs, team building trainings, employee bonuses depending on the achievement of goals.

At the external level, the Baltika Brewery's social responsibility program is implemented through participation in regional and national social projects. The Baltika company owns 11 breweries in 10 cities of Russia: two in St. Petersburg, Yaroslavl, Tula, Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Chelyabinsk, Krasnoyarsk, Khabarovsk, a plant is under construction in Novosibirsk. Two own malt houses in Tula and Yaroslavl. In total, about 12,000 employees work at Baltika's enterprises.

In connection with the formation of personnel loyalty, the principle of so-called “family” PR events, which is already actively used by many Russian companies, deserves special mention, the influence of which can also be traced in the socially oriented internal policy of the Baltika company. According to a survey conducted by the Levada Center in May 2006, 44% of Russians consider it the most important thing in life to create a family and have children, while only 39% of respondents put a career and a good job at the forefront. The role of the family has also increased in career decision-making, therefore, from the point of view of PR specialists, family members of employees are perceived as one of the types of the external public along with the company's clients, authorities and the media. That climate, those moods that prevail at home in relation to the company where one of the family members works, largely determine how loyal the employee is to this company.

So that an employee who spends a lot of time at work does not feel guilty towards loved ones, the employer, through corporate programs should show concern for the family and let the families know that their patience is appreciated. Thus, "family" PR brings a double result: firstly, it increases the employee's loyalty, and secondly, it expands the circle of the company's adherents, helps to create a positive image of the enterprise in the market, including the labor market. Today in Russia, increased attention to the families of employees is more often provided by firms where the wage rate is below the average market. In this sense, Baltika is a positive example of a reasonable combination of "family" PR elements with a decent level of salaries.

At the internal level, Baltika uses a program that combines both material and non-material means of personnel motivation. At the same time, the average salary of the company's employees is 1.5-2 times higher than the average salary in the region. In addition, the company provides financial assistance to employees on the occasion of:


maternity leave,

the birth of a child,

50th anniversary


force majeure situations;

That is, the organization helps the employee in moments that are important for him and his family. Having considered social package provided to Baltika employees, we immediately notice that special attention is paid to solving the issue of personal and family recreational recreation. Corporate recreation center and children's health camp in the resort area of ​​St. Petersburg, sports and recreation complexes at factories (with swimming pools and gyms), payment for tickets to summer camps for employees' children.

On an ongoing basis, the company implements the "Intern" program aimed at attracting 4th year students and university graduates to starting positions in the following areas: marketing, sales, finance, logistics, technical department.

In addition, at the beginning of 2010, the Stars of the Baltic project was launched, in which 5th year students, 2nd year master students and university graduates will be able to participate. Positions are open in the following areas:



Personnel Management;


The participants who passed the competitive selection received an individual development plan, an interim assessment of their activities, and at the end of the project were issued a job.

A competition has already been held at the Baltika-Samara plant, according to the results of which the best students of Samara universities, who received the specialty "Technology of fermentation production" and completed an internship at the plant, were enrolled in the company's staff. Moreover, the criteria for competitive selection, according to the organizers, were not only knowledge of the equipment and technology of beer production, but also the desire to work, perseverance and energy - in many respects, loyalty depends on how competently the management approaches the selection of personnel. Psychologists use the concept of "loyalty at the level of ability", which implies that a person has the skills and abilities that correspond to the goals and requirements of the organization, adheres to certain principles, and therefore can reproduce the expected and required behavior.

With the help of projects to attract young professionals, the enterprise, on the one hand, solves the problem of employment of university graduates, which is so acute in many regions, and thus, on the other hand, acquires new qualified personnel, and on the third hand, earns a higher status in the labor market.

In addition, in the regions of presence financial assistance companies receive scientific and educational institutions, non-profit medical institutions; non-profit organizations providing support to socially unprotected segments of the population, cultural organizations. The company regularly sponsors campaigns to protect the environment and improve residential areas and recreation areas in the cities where Baltika operates. In cooperation with the city and regional administration, music festivals, city holidays, and various competitions for citizens are also held.

This approach cannot but affect the loyalty of employees of various territorial divisions of the company: as residents of their cities, employees can directly feel the contribution of the enterprise where they work to improving the situation in their “small Motherland”, and most importantly, realize their personal contribution to this help. In our opinion, this state of affairs contains a powerful incentive for the formation of staff loyalty, the development of a sense of responsibility, and involvement in the main goals of the company. Working in these conditions, a person satisfies his need for self-esteem, feels his personal significance and sees how much his efforts are in demand. The materials published on the official website of the company emphasize that the degree of social responsibility of an enterprise is measured not even by the amount of money invested in development social sphere but in how its activities affect the development of the state.

Sustainable business development allows Baltika to pay taxes to the budgets of various levels on time and in full, while being the largest taxpayer in the regions where it operates.

The position of a major and conscientious taxpayer provides a solid foundation for a mutually beneficial relationship between the company and society.


The nature of loyalty lies in the recognition and respect for the authority of the firm and its leaders, and these feelings are based on very specific hopes and beliefs of the staff. Employees must be sure that their loyalty will be appreciated from above. In other words, the prosperity, social protection and career prospects of the staff should be adequate to the level of their responsibility and respect for the company.

British experts have found that the departure of an employee makes the company poorer by 4 thousand pounds, and the decision to change jobs, taken by a middle manager, costs her 6-7 thousand pounds. Please note that these calculations are made for government agencies. In private companies, the cost of saying goodbye to employees can be much greater. In Russia, according to opinion polls, about 2/3 of working people from time to time think about moving to other companies, although not everyone is able to take this step.

Loyalty of the staff is maximally manifested in crisis situations, when the personal interests of employees cannot be fully satisfied with the company's resources. And if the relationship between a person and an enterprise is of a formal, impersonal nature, it makes no sense for him to stay and overcome all difficulties together with the employer.

An employee is not initially loyal to the organization he has just joined. He becomes committed if the company demonstrates that it is worth it. At the same time, a sense of pride in the achievements of the company, its prospects is always accompanied by a desire to belong to this particular group, and not to another, as well as the desire to have the same potential that is concentrated here and not elsewhere. In sociology, there is the concept of "reference group" - a community to which an individual seeks to belong and to which he is guided in his behavior. The company's staff is also a community that can become a reference or, as they say, a "reference" group for future employees of the company, if the benefits of belonging to this team are obvious. So the loyalty of the staff helps the company to look better in the labor market.

Having analyzed in detail all aspects of the social responsibility program, which was developed and implemented by one of the leading Russian companies, we were able to make sure that each of the aspects is directly or indirectly related to the process of loyalty formation - the staff can be motivated not only by financial payments or personal moral encouragement, although this is important. It must be remembered that each employee is also included in social media and is influenced by them: the opinion of family, acquaintances, the media about the company where he works, to a large extent is able to change his own attitude towards it. Build and maintain employee loyalty big company possible only through continuous careful work in this direction. But, despite the complexity of the task, it is not only possible, but also necessary for every company striving for longevity in the market.

Loyalty building technologies are practiced and distributed among companies around the world, acquiring a more and more functional structure.

The brewing company Baltika, which we have taken as an example, on the one hand uses the experience of European companies, and on the other hand, is itself a source of experience as an enterprise that works stably in the conditions of modern Russian society.


1. Smirnov E. A. Theory of organization: Textbook. - M.: INFRA-M, 2011.

2. Vikhansky O. S. Naumov A. I. Management: Textbook. - 3rd ed. - M.: Gardariki, 2003

3.Panfilova A.P. Business communication in professional activity: Textbook. - 3rd ed. - St. Petersburg: IVESEP, Knowledge, 2005.

4. Ashirov D.A. Organizational Behavior: Textbook. - "Velby", 2007.

5. Frolov S.S. Sociology of Organizations: Textbook. - M.: Gardariki, 2005.

6. Site materials

7. Shipilova O. “Personnel loyalty - necessary condition success of the company" / "Personnel of the enterprise" No. 4/2004.

8. Barkov S.A. "Sociology of Organizations", Moscow State University, 2004.

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Today's leaders view their organization's culture as a powerful strategic tool, allowing to orient all departments and individuals towards common goals, mobilize the initiative of employees and facilitate productive communication between them. Managers strive to create their own culture for each organization so that all employees understand and adhere to it.

According to most experts, the formation of a corporate culture is the answer to the following questions:

  • What are we doing, what are we doing, what is our goal?
  • What can we do, what are our possibilities?
  • What are we capable of?
  • What are our life attitudes, principles?
  • What is our plan?
  • What is the interest of our business for customers, employees of the company, our partners?
  • Where is the place of each person of the company in the overall development plan?

Answering these questions, along the way, unspoken rules, norms, principles and tolerances for the behavior of company employees are formed, which can then be formalized.
It should be borne in mind that this is a rather long and laborious process. In most cases, the corporate culture is formed and controlled by the owners, company executives, heads of departments. This is a process that comes from above. For its success, management must show by example how to understand and comply with the norms and principles of corporate culture.
A formed and established corporate culture, closely related to the company's management system, being a serious management tool, allows you to smooth the threshold between the personal goals of employees and the goals of the company, combine them, create strong competitive advantages and reduce staff turnover.
In such a situation, decisions are made faster, as there are fewer disagreements, mutual understanding is at the forefront, and following a decrease in the number of questions, work efficiency increases. A strong corporate culture attracts and motivates employees, allows them to discover and use their potential more efficiently.

Can corporate culture motivate employees? Of course she is capable. But it should be borne in mind that corporate culture can also be a demotivating factor for some employees or candidates. Does the presence or absence of corporate culture affect staff loyalty? Yes, it does. I propose to consider this.
Now one of the main motivating factors for staff, in addition to financial or material motivation, is the presence of a favorable socio-psychological atmosphere in the company. Corporate culture directly affects the "weather" in the team. So, a motivated employee is a loyal employee.
What is loyalty itself? In relation to business, loyalty can be defined as loyalty to the company's accepted standards of conduct, rules, values, goals, mission. But the accepted norms of behavior in the company, rules, values, are determined by the corporate culture, therefore, it has a direct impact on staff loyalty. Obviously, loyalty depends not only on the extent to which the staff accepts the norms declared by the corporate culture, but also on the extent to which the prescribed rules are observed in practice.
Each company has its own, unique corporate culture and, of course, that it affects the loyalty of the staff in different ways. As a rule, in organizations with a strong, established corporate culture (usually large and famous companies, leading companies with a history of several decades or more, such as Ford, IBM, Boeing, etc.), staff loyalty is high.
In addition to the fact that in such companies loyalty is due to the success, fame and scale of the brand, it is multiplied by the fact that the corporate culture is strictly observed and implemented at all levels. The management of companies at all levels - from top to bottom - is not only the bearer of corporate culture, controllers of its implementation, but also shows by example how corporate culture must be observed, accepted, followed. They “infect” other employees with it.

Also, employees of the HR departments of companies are actively working on compliance with and maintaining the corporate culture. They provide adaptation, introduce new personnel into internal environment companies explain the rules and regulations. Thus, the staff feels like a single whole within the corporate culture, has common goals and interests, feels belonging to one common and big cause and knows that within this common cause the merits of each team member will be noted, of course, if they deserve it.
The corporate culture in such companies is focused not only on the internal environment, but also on the external one, an example is the organization of joint leisure activities for employees and customers within the framework of social responsibility, where colleagues and members of their families gather at the same site.

From this we can conclude that corporate culture can increase staff loyalty if:

  • the norms declared by the corporate culture are implemented in practice;
  • management at all levels supports the corporate culture, is its bearer, setting an example for colleagues and subordinates;
  • corporate culture is directed not only to the internal environment of the company, but also to the external - social responsibility;
  • The company's HR service is actively involved in maintaining the corporate culture, organizes the adaptation of new employees in order to help them quickly integrate into the internal life of the organization.

Let's consider an example when there is no corporate culture as such, or it is declared only in words and on paper, but is not implemented in reality.
It should be noted that in the context of this situation, the company can be quite successful, leading in its market segment, but at the same time lagging behind in the development of internal corporate regulations. What in such cases ensures the loyalty of the staff? First of all, it can be a financial component: high salary, bonus, social guarantees, charisma of the management, ambitious goals, brand awareness of the company.
It seems that all this can ensure the loyalty of employees to the company, but for how long?
Behind external well-being, internal disunity can be hidden, thanks to which employees can begin to form interest groups, sometimes forgetting common goals and putting their personal goals above corporate ones.
Will an employee stay in such a company if he is offered a greater financial reward or increased social guarantees in another organization? Most likely no. In such situations, nothing keeps the employee in the company. The staff of such companies is characterized by a low degree of loyalty.
Declaration of corporate culture on paper and non-compliance with it in practice is another minus in relation to the formation of staff loyalty. There is a low degree of employee confidence in management and in the company itself. After all, if the declared norms and rules are violated, ignored, or carried out selectively, then:

  1. employees may perceive these actions as indications for use: “If management can, then why can’t I do the same?” - this will lead to a deterioration in the internal climate;
  2. this leads to distrust on the part of employees in management and the company: “If they can violate corporate standards, then there is no guarantee that management will not treat their promises in the same way.”

A low degree of staff loyalty can characterize companies where the corporate culture is authoritarian. It reflects to a greater extent the interests and desires of owners and management, not taking into account the interests of employees.
Here, the personnel that shares and accepts these principles will be loyal, while the rest will show formal or imaginary loyalty, remaining in the company until they can realize their individual interests and goals or until they receive a good alternative offer from another company.

Summing up, we can say that corporate culture can increase staff loyalty to the company, but only if it is observed and actually implemented in practice, and also unites the goals of employees and the company, smoothes the threshold between them, contributes to the emergence of common interests and values. , creates an organic internal environment.
Corporate culture should not only contain norms, rules, principles, traditions, regulate behavior, but also take into account the interests of employees, integrate them "into itself". Strict observance of norms and rules, timely noticed negative aspects and their elimination, adaptation of personnel to the existing corporate culture - all this contributes to the creation of a comfortable microclimate within the company, thanks to which colleagues do not look "on the side" and go to work with pleasure, clearly fulfilling their duties .