What is an employee benefit package. The social package provided by the employer - its components

What is included in the full social package when applying for a job?

    To everyone who settles for new job, offer social package. But both job seekers and employers put the wrong meaning in this concept. Usually, a social package means official employment, paid sick leave, monthly wages. But all these are the rights of the worker, which are obliged to fulfill in any case.

    BUT social package- these are some additional bonuses that the employer can provide to the employee. They are compensatory when an employee, for example, is paid for the use of a personal car for official purposes: depreciation and fuel consumption are compensated.

    And motivational:

    Thus, full social package implies a full set of various bonuses designed to motivate the employee's activities.

    More details about social package can be found here.

    A social package is a set of benefits and compensations that an employer provides you with if you wish. The package may include the following benefits:

    paid maternity leave and maternity leave until the child reaches 1.5 years of age,

    sick pay,

    travel expenses to and from work

    vouchers to camps and sanatoriums,

    food payment,

    pension insurance,

    provision of interest-free loans,

    payment utilities other.

    A reliable responsible employer guarantees the applicant for a position in his company a full social package of guarantees. This usually means paying an annual fee. holidays and sick leave sheet. Other extensions the employer may not provide a social package (bonuses, trips to a sanatorium, payment for food, etc.), so it’s better to check with him what he means.

    the fact is that the legislation of the Russian Federation does not enshrine such a concept as full social packagequot ;. every employer can tell you that when applying for a job there is a full social package, but you can invest anything in this concept. so here. usually understood by the concept of a social package is hiring and registration employment contract. Of course, there may be additional options. therefore, it is necessary to immediately clarify with the employer what kind of full social package it is.

    A full social package usually provides for:

    Additional health insurance,

    Corporate events,

    Gym payment,

    Providing free meals

    Vouchers to the sanatorium,

    Providing loans on favorable terms,

    The system of bonuses and gifts for employees.

    Social guarantees may be different in different organizations.

    Typically, a complete social package in any job consists of the following items:

    Travel expenses to and from work.

    Vouchers to sanatoriums and various rest houses.

    Payment for daily meals in production.

    Paid maternity leave until the child reaches one and a half years.

    Of course, this includes sick leave.

    And in some cases paying utility bills.

    The social package includes the most important thing is the payment of sick leave and for women, payment while maintaining a job, maternity leave.

    once a year paid vacation (well, or beat it into two halves)

    medical care (medical examination, vaccinations, treatment and provision of vouchers for treatment)

    insurance coverage in case of injury at the enterprise

    entry in work book, contributions to the pension fund

    well, the rest is indicated in collective agreement, something can be extra

    In general, the concept of a full social package is not enshrined in legislation.

    They often say - standard social packagequot ;. What does this mean?

    According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, each employee has the rights prescribed in the code. For him, deductions must be made to the Social Insurance Fund, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the medical insurance fund, he has the right to pay sick leave, Women - to maternity leave. Also, employees have the right to annual paid leave and can count on the provision of leave to care for a child up to 3 years. The employer must accrue pension contributions to the employee's salary and transfer them, which guarantees that the employee will receive a pension in the future.

    In general, when they talk about a full or standard package, they usually mean official employment, with the conclusion of an employment contract. You should know what it is legislative norm for all employers without exception.

    But also in addition to the obligatory standard package there may be some additional nice options. For example, a voluntary health insurance policy that also provides for an extended list of services, such as dental treatment in a good clinic. Or even company-paid chiropractor services. Many rich enterprises even equip their own gyms not far from production, office space where workers can train for free. Or even free tickets. Free travel to work. Help. Interest-free loans to employees. Free meals.

    But still, the list of additional options in different enterprises varies. Somewhere workers are happy at least some additional opportunity, and some demanded due to highly qualified the employee will choose an enterprise with the widest possible list of additional benefits.

    Under the full social package, it is assumed that the employer will honestly fulfill its obligations to you and the state: pay taxes and transfer 1% to the pension fund, pay sick leave and provide you with paid leave. In addition, he can pay you the way to work, give unpaid leave in accordance with labor laws. But it may not do this if it is not laid down in the charter.

  • The complete social package is:

    • official employment, where the length of service will be taken into account in the future (when calculating a pension)
    • paid sick leave
    • paid vacation 1 time per year (at least 30 days)
    • payment of maternity leave for women and monthly payments for child care up to 1.5 years
    • insurance coverage in case of injury at work
    • monthly contributions to the pension fund.

We will tell you what HR should know about VHI, how to optimize the costs of health insurance for employees. Our tips will help reduce the cost of an insurance policy by 50%.

From the article you will learn:

3 useful document from an expert:

What HR should know about VHI

VHI (voluntary medical insurance) is part of the employee's social package. Not all managers offer it. According to statistics, last year 60% Russian companies did not use VHI (survey data from the Superjob portal). In the same firms that use VHI for company employees, this is the main benefit of the social package. See the tip on how to reduce the cost of VHI by 50% at the end of the article▼

Some companies draw up a policy immediately after hiring an employee. Some, only after the newcomer has completed a probationary period.

Regulations on voluntary medical insurance of employees

3 Questions HR Should Be Ready to Answer

  1. Who is the insured?

They are an organization that insures its employees.

  1. Where do insurance premiums come from?

Funds for providing a VHI policy for employees of an organization, in accordance with Article 17 of Law of the Russian Federation N1499-I, come from the profits of an enterprise or organization.

  1. How are VMI conditions determined?

The fundamental document is the insurance program. It details the types of additional medical care provided, the institution responsible for their provision, and the amount of insurance.

An example of the provision of VHI in different companies

In "Promsvyazbank" developed nine VHI programs for adults and four for children of employees. These were different combinations of clinics that differed both in the list of services and in the cost of VHI for company employees.

In the group of companies "Novard" each employee chooses what constitutes his individual program medical services. He has over 40 medical institutions and most different types medical care: outpatient, office doctor services, personal doctor, home help, ambulance, etc. The employee himself completes his VHI program. If the allowable limit is exceeded, the employee makes an additional payment.

Pros and cons of DMS

Advantages of VHI

Cons of VHI

Increased employee loyalty

Complicated process of registration: it is required to collect and prepare a lot of documents

Improving the image of the company (external brand)

The absence of a fixed fee for the policy and the actual difficulties in predicting its size.

There is an opportunity to attract valuable personnel to cooperation

In some cases Insurance Company may refuse to pay compensation.

Income tax is reduced

The terms of the VHI program must be agreed with each employee

5 tips for optimizing VHI spending

During a crisis or a temporary decrease in the company's income, CEO asks HR, first of all, to reduce the cost of VHI. How to keep the most demanded services and keep the loyalty of the staff at the same level? Expert advice will help you.

1. Provide a full package of VHI only to those who have the necessary experience or have achieved certain results in their work

This will not only save on VHI, but also reduce staff turnover. For example, if an employee has not worked for a year, then he is provided only with outpatient treatment, after 2 years of work - a full package of VHI.

In the departments involved in sales, introduce a rule - VHI is issued only after reaching a certain level of sales.


In one capital insurance company, a rule was established: an agent is included in the VHI program for employees only after he reaches a certain level of sales. If a beginner fulfills this condition, he will receive a social package that includes VHI and discounts on insurance.

2. Vary the composition of the VHI options depending on the position of the employee. For example, enter three types of VHI packages - V.I.P. (for top managers), standard (for middle managers) and economy (for ordinary employees).

★ In order not to pay contributions to state funds with VHI, conclude a voluntary medical insurance contract with an insurance company for at least a year. Then it will not be necessary to accrue contributions to the fund - pension, social insurance and compulsory medical insurance on payments under the agreement (clause 5, part 1, article 9 federal law dated July 24, 2009 No. 212-FZ).

3. Refuse unnecessary expensive medical services. For example, house calls, pregnancy and childbirth, dentistry, cosmetic and preventive medicine.

4. Pay for admission to hospitals and hospitalization after the fact. In other words, do not include the cost of hospitalization and inpatient care in the price of VHI, but pay for these services when they are needed.

5. Choose clinics that are more expensive than others, but have little demand for employees, and exclude them from VHI. Option - choose the services of a lower clinic price category. Keep track of the balance between optimization and service quality. To do this, conduct a survey among employees.

Questionnaire for assessing the quality of medical services

If your firm has entered into a contract with an insurance company for a year, at the end of this period, be sure to request a report on how employees used VHI and a calculation of the new price.

This is necessary in order to get an idea of ​​how many times and which clinic the employees applied to over the past period, how much it cost. When calculating the new price of VHI, ask the insurer to describe in which clinics and what services, how much the price has risen.

Analyze clinics by two parameters: the number of visits and the cost of services. Immediately identify which medical centers are not in demand and exclude them from VHI for the next year.

★ And remember, even if you are a small company and your budget is limited, there is always a way out. Cooperate with major organization to get health insurance for less money. The more people are insured under the program, the better price for one. For example, an agency with a staff of only 30 people agreed with a large holding company to jointly issue a voluntary medical insurance program. Due to this, the cost of the VHI policy for agency employees decreased by 50%.

Very often, when advertising a vacancy, the employer promises to add a significant social package to the established salary. At the same time, what exactly he puts into this concept is not at all clear. For example, is paid leave a social package or a guaranteed obligation of the employer? Let's try to deal with this and other issues in detail in this article.

What is a social package

When applying for a job, it is important to understand which payments and incentives are the employee's legislative right, and which are a bonus to honestly earned wages. Some dishonest employers issue social guarantees for a social package.

Warranties unlike the package are prerequisite fixed in labor law Russian Federation. These include:

  • paid sick leave, vacation;
  • Time relax;
  • contributions to pension and other funds;
  • receiving remuneration for work in accordance with its quality and quantity;
  • providing a place to perform job duties And so on.

Consequently, the social security of workers and the social package are completely different concepts that an employer can serve under the same sauce.

Also, this term should not be confused with compensation payments, which are clearly spelled out in section VII of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

That is, if an employee is guaranteed payment for the use of his personal car, reimbursement of expenses for arriving at the place of a business trip, mobile negotiations for work purposes, and the like, then this is not an additional incentive, but norm set by the state. Such payments are compensation for the employee's monetary expenses related to the performance of his official duties.

Russian legislation does not define the concept of "full social package", so each employer can make it at his own discretion. Therefore, before considering it a good salary bonus, you should ask what it includes.

The social package is a personal initiative of the employer, which serves as a weighty argument for attracting qualified personnel. The use of this personnel management lever is aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • cultivating employee loyalty. Guaranteed motivational bonuses significantly increase the reputation of the company's management and create a sense of care. Thanks to the special attention, the employee feels like a “valuable shot”. Such a system works if there is no equalization in the package configuration between different categories employees;
  • proof of stability and reliability of the enterprise. In the current economic situation, only long-term firms can provide a solid set of bonuses. This indicates stability in work and makes it possible to attract worthy candidates to the company;
  • increasing the productivity of staff. The monetary reward has no target orientation, it can be spent anywhere. A variety of guarantees for various categories employees provide a high level of employability. For example, the provision of free tickets to summer vacation children of working mothers. Employer motivation - a woman who is less worried about what her child is doing, works better. Or organizing free meals in your own canteen significantly reduces the break time;
  • reducing staff turnover. The employee should feel in the "family", which shows attention to him, and not just at the next place of work. Bonuses should be different from the packages of competitors' firms. For example, an employee works for a small wage, but is guaranteed to receive their own housing after the expiration of a certain period of work.

The social package is not an incentive to improve labor productivity. This is a factor that allows you to extinguish negative moods in the team. The employer must clearly consider its completeness in accordance with the goals set.

The main requirement is bonuses should be for every member labor collective . It cannot be provided selectively or equally for everyone. Each category of employees should have its own set of motivational tools.

What is presented by the employer

The social package is formed by the employer. He includes in it additional privileges of such kind and quality as he sees fit. For different positions, various benefits are provided.

It is important that the presented social package meets the requirements of the employee. HR specialists conducted a number of sociological surveys of employees, in which they asked what was preferable for them, a cash payment or an extended social package. The majority of respondents choose money, believing that they do not need all the components of the motivational portfolio.

Many reputable companies have a "flexible" designer package that can be tailored to the individual needs of each employee.

Each organization develops its own set of benefits, which are prescribed in the employment agreement. Very often, the set of bonuses depends on the category of personnel:

  1. Top managers. Such employees may be provided with a corporate apartment, a car with a driver. Many employers practice issuing individual insurance policies for an employee and his family members, as well as providing health vouchers.
  2. Middle managers. In this case, the package is less extended and may be limited to medical insurance, lunch, mobile communications and a ticket to a regular class sanatorium.
  3. Enterprise employees. Office plankton", service staff can get delivery to the place of work on corporate transport and free lunches.

The completeness of the package depends on the financial capabilities of the employer. To these benefits, the employer, at his discretion, can add the following:

  • payment for visiting the gym and swimming pool;
  • provision of concessional cash loans;
  • payment of expenses for gasoline or travel in public transport to the place of work;
  • payment for parking a personal car;
  • full or partial payment for the education of family members;
  • reimbursement for the cost of kindergarten;
  • transfer of housing ownership;
  • Payment of utility services;
  • corporate trainings;
  • free flu vaccination;
  • gifts for New Year, birthday and more.

Many benefits are provided after a certain period of work in this enterprise. The employee must prove his professionalism, and therefore deserve a special "attitude" of the management. Therefore, many benefits are provided differentially.

In most cases, a set of motivational guarantees more in departments that "make" money for the firm. For example, leading sales managers are especially noted for whom an individual package is compiled.

With the help of the social package, the company receives significant competitive advantages that allow it to retain a professional specialist.

An extended set of bonuses is an investment in the company's personnel, which means a guarantee of a stable future. The wider the package, the more seriously the employer takes his own employees. Employees of such a company have opportunities for professional growth, development, and rehabilitation. And the staff is the main resource for the stable operation of any organization.

Additions for beneficiaries

Some citizens of the Russian Federation are entitled to receive a guaranteed social package. To this preferential category relate:

  • pensioners by age;
  • persons receiving a disability pension.

The social package can be received in the form of state-guaranteed services or in monetary terms. The monetary value of the benefit is added to the total amount of pension payments.

A pensioner can choose any form, which he must report to the relevant authorities before October 1 of the current year.

The preferential set of state guarantees includes:

  • prescription medications in the amount of up to 837 rubles;
  • treatment in a sanatorium in the presence of medical indications in the amount of up to 129.47 rubles;
  • travel to the place of treatment and back in the amount of up to 120.90 rubles.

To receive a cash equivalent, you must submit a written application as follows:

  1. Contact the authorities in person pension fund at the place of residence.
  2. Apply through the state multifunctional center.
  3. Submit the completed application by mail.
  4. Make a request through the portal of the State Services.

If the pensioner changes his mind and decides to receive benefits in kind, he will have to apply again. If the application is not submitted, then it is considered that the beneficiary has chosen to receive services.

As a rule, a pensioner cannot receive quality service according to the social package due to him. Getting free medicines is associated with serious paperwork, often the necessary drugs are simply not available in pharmacies. And it is unlikely that it will be possible to restore health for the amount due from the state for recovery. Therefore, unprotected categories more often choose the monetary equivalent of the benefit.

Cancellation Form social services:

Is it possible to refuse the social package

Accept or not accept additional bonuses from the employer the employee decides. If he has no interest in receiving them, then he should not sign the agreement in which they are indicated.

When the social package is part of the employment contract, the employee must issue a written waiver of the benefits provided.

Refusal of the social package is not a reason for increasing the salary or receiving additional bonuses. That is, you can lose additional bonuses without getting anything in return.

A social package from the employer is a way to make work more comfortable. An extended package of services helps an employee to value his work more, motivates him to get a high position or achieve high performance from his activities. By agreeing to bonuses from the employer, the employee does not risk anything. He receives additional benefits that will cost him nothing.
What else should be included in the social package, watch the video.

Elena, I work officially, 100% white salary and far from 1500, and leave 24 k.d. paid, and sick leave and even vouchers from social security for 20% of the cost. And there are more than 27 thousand people like me in our network in Ukraine alone. The situations you describe take place for one simple reason: people agree to work on such conditions, and that's it! Yes, their motives can be different - from non-competitiveness in the labor market (but who is to blame in this case) to "there is nothing to feed their families" (here, again, everything depends on competitiveness, whatever one may say).
By the way, you, Elena, work in a personnel agency? What is your position when the owners of sharashka offices come to you and say - find us people for 1500 salaries without vacations and formal employment? :) Just professionally interesting, do not blame me.

Lyudmila Ryabinkina 09/18/2013, 22:24

Natalia, forgive my curiosity, but where do you work? I graduated from a pedagogical university in three specialties, received diplomas with honors. And where is the lack of competition, please tell me? But in the labor market for me, the place is only in the middle educational institution, where, after working for five years and improving my skills, I receive a salary of 1900. I tried to change jobs, I was looking for a vacancy for a personnel manager. Yes, here's the problem! In the requirements for candidates, many employers write: higher education (psychology, pedagogy), but at the same time they add: work experience from ... Can you tell me exactly where to get this experience for a teacher if no one wants to take a job without it? Maybe there will be a place in your company?

Natalya N 09/19/2013, 09:45

Lyudmila, you are my colleague, only I stayed at school for 3 years :) I also graduated from the university with honors, but it turned out that it would be better to be a three-year student, but I started working from the third year, and didn’t pull my studies like a fool :) But that’s lyrics.
To the point of your question. After school, I worked as a secretary, but slowly I sorted out the functions of personnel officers. I lived in the HR league, and in the GLC, because no one was going to teach me; studied on her own, talked to prof. forums, asked questions, went to seminars and various HR clubs - sometimes free, sometimes I paid for them myself. The personnel department was indescribably happy that I was so reliable, and you can hang a lot of things on me from their sphere. Then I was transferred to this department already as a personnel officer. That's how experience has been gained. Then I was already purposefully looking for a job in this area, since I had something to offer employers. Everything about everything took me 6 years. Now I work in large network supermarkets, I already wrote about the conditions.

Natalia N 19.09.2013, 10:05

More for Lyudmila :)
We are with you in different cities, therefore, about the place with us - alas.
Well, about your resume "HR Manager".
What immediately catches your eye is that you are asking for an inadequately high salary. You can throw slippers at me, but it's true. With all due respect to what you have been doing for the last 5 years - in this context it is worth nothing. You have no experience in either recruiting, HR or any other HR functions. For you now the main thing is to buy it. This can be done by trying to get a job as an assistant HR manager, recruiter in an agency, etc., or in related areas: secretariat, office management, etc. Judging by those vacancies in the "Personnel Management" section that I see on Work, the second path is probably more realistic.
In any case, I would advise: a) to remove the salary level wishes from the resume b) to expand the description of work experience, to include, perhaps, the organization of some events for children?

Sergey Melnik 19.09.2013, 11:34

Class Natalia!
4 thousand - inadequately high salary. Super! Does your supermarket chain work only for fines?

Natalya N 09/19/2013, 11:49

We are talking about different things and are engaged in the substitution of concepts :)
IMHO, 4 thousand in Kharkov is a living wage: an apartment, I don’t know about Donetsk. But. A person WITHOUT EXPERIENCE, from a completely different sphere, pays even 4 thousand nobody. not. will. Point :))) You can write 10, and 20 thousand, such a resume will hang on the site for 20 years - and nothing more. And you can start with more real 2500 UAH. and have the same 1-1.5 thousand USD. as director of personnel, but after 3-5 years.

Py.Sy. There are no fines in our supermarkets.

Sergey Melnik 19.09.2013, 12:02

Got it. 4 thousand - a minimum + an apartment, but in Kharkov they will not pay so much without experience. Will Lyudmila die in 3-5 years at a salary of 2500?

Natalya N 09/19/2013, 13:54

Life is paradoxical and unfair...

Yuri Kuznetsov 19.09.2013, 14:59

Unfortunately, I don’t see Elena’s CV, but if 4,000 UAH. in Simferopol - these are high requirements, then I'm sorry. Although I repeat, I don’t see the Resume and the work experience itself (even if not in the field of selection), but in general. I agree with you that in our time, those who study full-time before graduation and have no experience - lose a lot in the labor market). Why are you needed at 22 with your honors diploma but not a day working anywhere? After the 3rd course, normal people are transferred to a correspondence course and work full-time, and do not wipe their pants.

Natalia N 09/19/2013, 15:29

Yuri, Elena lives in Donetsk. And again, we are not talking about the amount on which you can live comfortably. We are talking about the cost of a specialist in the labor market. I can say for Kharkiv: 4 thousand = a specialist with 3 years of work experience who knows labor issues. legislation (he sees pitfalls and is able to prevent problems in this area of ​​work), passed at least once an audit of state bodies and submits all required reporting + can engage in hiring, organize corporate events and participate in adaptation and evaluation. Those. he does not need to explain the basics of all these functions + 1C / SAP
Well, that's how the market is. This fact can be accepted and taken into account, you can continue to ignore - the market does not care, ignoring the applicant is bad :)
A resume of a teacher / librarian / nurse / DJ, in which a salary of 4 thousand is declared on the move, most of my colleagues will not even open it.

Thanks Konrad :)

Natalia N 19.09.2013, 15:30

oh. Yuri, are we talking about Lyudmila?! Excuse me :))) Lyudmila lives in Donetsk.

Vitaly Safonov 09/19/2013, 18:44

I completely agree 4000 without work experience for the current position is from the fantasy section. Advice to Elena lower the salary bar, get a job, gain experience, and then take new heights of well-being.

Alexander Pantsyurov 09/20/2013, 10:33

Advice to Elena - if you change the field of activity, then in the direction where there is no such hellish competition.
This is now NataliaN advises to live 3-5 years for 2500 UAH. In 3-5 years, it may well offer not 1-1.5 thousand USD. and 1900 UAH under the sauce that the visitors from Donetsk/Moldova/Syria stuffed and that's how the market developed.

The teacher may well work as a tutor, or prepare children for school ...

Konrad Michelson 19.09.2013, 14:54

Natalia, thank you for your patience and recommendations for action. You are probably one of the few adequate authors in the discussions. It's nice to realize that at least someone is reasoning reasonably, and not trying to prove their case (I read at my leisure a lot of articles on the site and discussions on them) like most of those present here.

Lyudmila Ryabinkina 09/20/2013, 19:52

Natalya, thank you for your advice, I don’t think of throwing slippers at you. It only becomes a shame that for you a person with higher education stands on the same level (or rather, even higher) of the waiter, car wash, driver. See all vacancies on this site. And these specialists are offered salaries of 2,500, 3,000, or even 4,000. There is no such nonsense in any civilized country in the world. If you have noticed, I do not live in Donetsk itself. The road will cost me 800 a month, which means that in order for the transition to another job to be justified for me, I need a salary of at least 2800.

Lyudmila Ryabinkina 09/20/2013, 20:05

And I agree, and I will agree to a lower salary, if for my efforts and successes I will be encouraged (and by no means letters of thanks). I lose the desire to go to my, at first, favorite job, because, like most of my colleagues, I don’t know how to work according to the motto: “If only the day until the evening ...” I always try to do more and better, and if I pat the head and say "clever!", I generally run to move mountains. It's just that in my line of work it's not much appreciated. It’s good if they promise two days off and one of them will be given. Can you imagine - to paint three floors of the children's dormitory alone in a week and a half! Tell me, am I worth a good salary? And tell me the employer where I, with the efforts on my part, will succeed in a couple of years, otherwise I have not yet found a single company with only 5 out of 20 reviews that were negative. Everything somehow turns out the other way around - either they are fined for any little thing, then they give a day off once a month, then they forget to pay on maternity leave

Asan Bayramov 22.09.2013, 11:01

Lyudmila, how do you like the profession of a tutor in external testing? I don’t know what such a tutor is preparing for, but a neighbor bought a VAZ2115 in six months. Twelve students were preparing for something.

Natalia N 09/26/2013, 10:14

Asan, it's an hour in Kharkov individual lessons in preparation for ZNO costs from 50 to 200 UAH. depending on the class and performance of the teacher. So even a VAZ is quite possible :) But for this you need to be a) a subject teacher, moreover, of the subject that will be in the ZNO b) an authoritative teacher showing a stable result. And these are years of conscientious work for a teacher's salary.
Well, or you can stupidly knock off money from a dozen frightened parents, and then shrug: "a child wrote a test for 120 with a minimum of 124 in two years of continuous tutoring, well, you have such a child ..." But this is a one-time thing, you understand.
This is what I mean - there is no easy money anywhere.

Lyudmila, you know, you have a gorgeous competitive advantage- knowledge in English! Try searching remote work such as IT-Recruiter Assistant, I have met such offers somewhere, but now there is no way to search for them. Perhaps through freelance databases...

Yuri Kuznetsov 19.09.2013, 15:07

I agree. I also worked in several companies, where everything is white, and at the last place of work paid leave is 28 days (according to Russian law) - since the company is Russian. At the same time, I know a lot of people who initially agree to incomprehensible conditions and then complain. And it's all in the same city. You need to be competitive in the labor market, then you will get into normal companies. Until then, gain experience. Dissatisfied with life small town- forward to the capital. What is the problem?

Elena Platova 24.09.2013, 17:11

Can I object?
The capital is not rubber. Many of us have our own families and even our own apartments. Throw everything, live on the bird's rights is not known where for the sake of a higher salary?? Since just the whole difference will go to renting housing!
And in our province, we just agree to work for the "kings" and for a gray salary - there are simply no other vacancies here.

Yuri Kuznetsov 09/24/2013, 18:12

What is your objection? I wrote that if you do not like it. On the other hand, all state structures work in the white and there is practically no difference in salaries in the cities. Here you have full compliance with the Labor Code. In the same USA, people constantly move from place to place when they receive more high paying job(and all also families and children). A question of mentality and personal qualities. That's all.

Sergey Cherkashin 09/25/2013, 12:29

Narrow specialists with a salary of 300 or even more than a thousand dollars a year constantly move to the United States from place to place. Income tax on income of this level is there, if I'm not mistaken, 49%, but even for the rest, I think it's WORTH going. And for a few thousand hryvnia per month?

Sergey Cherkashin 09/25/2013, 12:31

So the question is not only in mentality, but also in profitability.

Sergey Cherkashin 09/25/2013, 13:16

I made a mistake with taxes. Here:
Income from $0 to $8,700 - 10%
Income from $8,700 to $35,350 - 15%
Income from $35,350 to $85,650 - 25%
Income from $85,650 to $178,650 - 28%
Income from $178,650 to $388,350 - 33%
Income over $388,350 - 35%

Vitaly Safonov 09/18/2013, 11:30

Elena Barynya Personnel Agency. You forgot to add what is possible if you hire Chinese and Tajiks or Moldavians to eat. Again, the Syrians will soon catch up after the bombing. If you want to eat, you will not plow like that. Globalization is the displacement of production to developing countries. Afrikanych will send you for a banana.

Vitaly Safonov 09/18/2013, 11:34

So work hard and be glad that you have a job. Well, if you are a Swiss and a reaper and a player on the pipe, then social guarantees are about you.

Vitaly Safonov 09/18/2013, 11:42

You guys, that in European countries it has long been impossible to find a job for a simple worker, because production has been moved to China, India, Pakistan and other countries. It’s cheaper and more reliable for the owner, and if we crush him with laws, then we will also have it for you.

Sergey Melnik 09/18/2013, 17:33

Urgently in the garden of Europe!!!
Customs Union foreve.
The states went through perestroika back in the 80s. Everything is now in service. And they live, you sons of bitches. All my friends in Europe, who opened a cafe, who bought an orange farm on credit. I alone will prove to the local hucksters that the salary of a specialist with a higher education should be above two minimums.
Do you agree, Vitaly?

Vitaly Safonov 09/18/2013, 21:37

You correctly said about the service sector, only there is work there, even in the management of firms, lawyers and economists plow. And the workers have nowhere to work. from there and the crisis, all production has moved to areas where there is less taxation and cheaper work force. Why pay a European 2000 euros if you can pay a Chinese 200.

Alexander Pantsyurov 09/18/2013, 22:11

Therefore, it is more logical to migrate to Canada-Australia than to Norway-France. You cannot transfer construction and energy to China. But due to African salaries in Ukrainian production, builders and power engineers receive the same Chinese salaries.
And this is degradation.
Or wait for accidents at power plants, railway and sewer networks, or raise salaries to whom you can.

Konrad Michelson 09/20/2013, 15:17

applying the 80/20 rule, 8 out of 10 people will not do better if they get a pay raise. Here we need to change the approach to wages at the root

Konrad Michelson 18.09.2013, 21:36

You, Vitaly, are very correct in your reasoning, but who understands you correctly? Why are you wasting your time? Leading people on the right path is a thankless task.

Alexander Pantsyurov 18.09.2013, 22:00

Who helps people
He wastes time in vain
good deeds
You can't get famous.

I mean, the local directors could read and be imbued with it ... Since October, the heating in the workshops would have started bubbling, since May, the air conditioners. Look, people would be imbued. Ceased used material values ​​p-zdit. And you give them an award for non-smokers. And they would stop your loyalty and turnover ...
But you can also fines and "be glad that you have a job there." And "hiring Moldovans for eating" is also an option.

Mikhail Vorobyov 09/18/2013, 22:10
Konrad Michelson 19.09.2013, 11:34

Alexander, there are only a few% of people like you who understand. In most cases, people believe that they are owed much more than they receive (it's not just about salary)
The same trend is the automation of production. The automaton, a priori, does not think about how much he is paid, and is not subject to reasoning about justice. The conversation that 95% (+/-) of employees treat their duties irresponsibly motivating it with anything: low wages, bad conditions, etc.
I wrote in order to explain the position of the management: why spend money, 95% will not appreciate it.

Alexander Pantsyurov 19.09.2013, 12:22

I propose to apply the 80/20 rule and open a separate heated workshop for the understanding 5% and unheated for those who do not understand.

Because the current trend is:
young people come from school / school / bursa. Inexperienced, impudent, not without it, but I would take 40-50 percent to bring to life. The older generation explains to them that even if you lie down at work without feelings, no one will appreciate it. And in practice - however, the salary - only so as not to die of hunger, the tool - only for your money, the tooth hurts - take a loan, experience is worth nothing. This is how we lose generation after generation.

Alexander Pantsyurov
Alexander Pantsyurov 09/21/2013, 22:36

I already thought. It is almost no problem to print hardened chromium-manganese steel balls with a roughness of 0.32 micrometers in a vacuum or electroslag remelting environment.
And you can assemble two clips with a dozen balls, two halves of the separator can be connected with rivets with a newly printed machine gun.
Then there are no problems at all - you print copper wire with a purity of 99.9%, you print a rotor from hundreds of layers of permalloy (68% nickel), you wind half a thousand turns manually or with a specially printed machine. The same goes for the stator.

Alexander Pantsyurov 09/21/2013, 23:25

Modern technologies are toys for journalists.
The globe is spinning, but slowly.

The news said that 30-year-old trams were bought for Kharkov in the Czech Republic. The metrology center confirmed that metal fatigue is easily canceled by order of their governor.

Lugansk main diesel locomotives have been running since the 70s, only spare parts are suddenly supplied by a tank plant.

In the 80s there was a techno-hysteria with powder metallurgy. It was tempting to take a scoop of iron powder, a pinch of molybdenum, a box of chromium, mix, heat under pressure until the ligature melts and get a part with a finished thread or a bearing neck. The devil was in the details. Powders should be stored without air access. And from rusty shavings, the part is brittle.
In Germany, such production is almost in every city, in China too (but they have brittle motorcycle front forks). Our directors lower the salary policy for HR, and specialists go into the trade/construction business.

Any person living in the city of St. Petersburg has the right to receive a disability pension or upon reaching retirement age.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical solutions legal issues but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


It's fast and FOR FREE!

He can independently decide to use the social package or receive a certain amount of money instead.

What it is

A social package is a set of compensations or services that can be provided by both the state and the enterprise.

As a rule, employers very often say that the social package is social insurance, sick leave, official wages.

Photo: statistics of the components of the social package in Russian companies

In fact, all these items are already provided for in labor legislation, which means that this is a direct obligation of the employer, and not a social package.

The Labor Code clearly states that the employer in without fail must provide the following types services:

  1. Annual paid vacation.
  2. Payment for sick leave.
  3. Mandatory social insurance.
  4. Reimbursement of travel expenses.
  5. Payment of compensation for damages at work.
  6. Pay monetary compensation for the unused number of vacation days, etc.

Article 220 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the obligation of the employer to compensate for harm to health received at work.

Photo: recent cost of benefits

For non-compliance with these provisions of the law, administrative liability is provided. It is also important to distinguish between social packages from government services and those provided by employers.

A set of social guarantees from the state

A social package from the state is a set of services for pensioners, disabled people and other persons that are registered in civil and labor codes specified in legislative acts, individual normative legal acts and resolutions.

This package includes the following range of services:

  • free travel on suburban, international, railway transport to the place of treatment (in both directions);
  • provision of free medical care;
  • obtaining vouchers for recreation centers and sanatoriums on the basis of medical reports (for disabled children - 21 days, for people with injuries of the brain or spinal cord - from 24 to 42 days).

Because the price of medicines is constantly growing and not all people can afford a large set of medicines that are required for treatment, you should not refuse this package.

If a social help drug provision is accepted, certain factors must be taken into account:

  • medicines can be prescribed even far beyond the official place of residence;
  • purchases for drugs are usually fixed and for a certain amount, but it also happens that goods can be purchased at a lower price.

These services can be canceled either in whole or in part. In case of refusal of state benefits, monetary compensation is paid in return.

From a legal point of view

The state guarantees a social package for the following categories of citizens:

  1. Children with disabilities.
  2. Minor children who have lost one of their parents.
  3. Disabled persons of all groups.
  4. Citizens who have reached retirement age or those who for some reason do not receive an old-age pension.
  5. Representatives of small northern peoples who live in the respective territories of the north at the time of retirement.
  6. Combat veterans.
  7. Chernobyl survivors and persons equated to them.
  8. In addition, donors and people who have taken part in hostilities or are equivalent to them are also eligible to receive such a benefit.

What is its value in 2020

Having figured out what is included in the social package, it is worth understanding how much each of these types of services costs. Full size deductions provided by the state is 1048 rubles 97 kopecks.

This includes:

Possible ways of registration

The procedure for registration of social services, the provision of which is guaranteed by the state, is established at the level of legislation. To receive them, you need to register with the PF at the place of registration.

The period of provision of social services to citizens of the Russian Federation is calendar year and if you wish to refuse to receive them in kind for the next year, you must contact territorial body PFR until October 1 of the current year.

In addition, you can renew the provision of the package in part or in full exactly the same way until October 1.

Step-by-step instruction

To apply for guaranteed public services, you must write an application and submit it to the specialists of the territorial FIU.

If a person has never received such benefits before, and the application was written within a year, then they can be provided before the end of the year in which the application was submitted.

It must include the following information:

  1. Name of the pension fund, territorial affiliation and its number.
  2. Name in full format.
  3. SNILS number.
  4. Passport data.
  5. Information about the full or partial provision of a social package.

Required documents

When submitting an application, it is necessary to indicate not only passport data and SNILS, but also provide copies of them.

If you choose a full package of services, then you need confirmation certificates about the need for frequent visits to the hospital (to pay for travel) and a referral for treatment to a sanatorium or resort (to pay for a voucher).

When the specialists accept the application, they issue a receipt-notification of the acceptance of the submitted application.

Such a procedure is necessary for registering an application, while it is written on it registration number and the signature of the officer who accepted the documents.

This is a guarantee that the documents and application will not be lost, and the person will be able to use the benefits.

What are the processing times

A special certificate for receiving social services is issued within three months, i.e. the state guarantees that a citizen will be able to receive either a social package or cash from 1 January of the year following the application.

In case of refusal

It happens that the list of services presented in the social package may turn out to be unclaimed, so many citizens decide to refuse it.

Some do it just because they need money. The amount of payments to be set by the local pension fund.

The following documents are required to apply for a waiver:

  • pensioner's ID;
  • certificate of disability (if any);
  • passport;
  • SNILS;
  • statement.

An application for waiver of the social package, as well as for the registration of public services, must be completed before October 1 of the current year.

If later a person changed his mind and again wants to receive benefits, he needs to go to the FIU again with a package of documents.

This must also be done before October 1 in order to be able to receive services from January 1 of the next year.

What is included in the disability package

In accordance with the law, the first and second groups of disabled people have the right to receive free medicines according to a prescription issued in a medical institution.

There are goods that are not paid for - these are dressings and products that make life easier for people with disabilities, including prostheses.

There are social state guarantees for the manufacture of certain products.

There is a special instruction for custom-made products, for example, bandages and hearing aids. Prostheses for lost arms and legs are also made free of charge.

The drug component of the social package can also be changed to receive cash.

For the disabled, there is a certain benefit in paying utility bills - you can pay only half of the amount presented in the receipt.

List of possible drugs

Depending on the disease of a person, he can be provided with a package of medicines established at the state level, which will also be purchased free of charge.

If the state cannot purchase vital drugs, then you can buy them yourself, and then apply to the Pension Fund for reimbursement.

This procedure is established in the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 57 of January 31, 2011. the compensation also includes payment for banking services and delivery, if any.

To do this, you must provide the following information:

  • a list of medicines and receipts for expenses incurred;
  • individual rehabilitation program;
  • passport;
  • SNILS.

Payment is made within a month after the consideration of the application.

For disabled people of groups 2 and 3

If an adult or a child is disabled from childhood of the first or second group, then they are admitted to secondary and higher educational institutions without a competitive basis.

Disabled persons of the third group, who are not able to find a job, have the right to receive public services within the social package.

For working disabled people of the second group, the purchase of medicines will be 50% cheaper.

Social package from the enterprise

Also, a social package can be obtained from the employer. Among these benefits:

  • provision of spa holidays;
  • travel and meals at the expense of the company;
  • treatment of employees on sick leave;
  • payment of childbirth allowances;
  • free medicines;
  • refresher courses;
  • training of their employees in universities;
  • mobile phone payment.

In addition, many employers are trying to provide a more pleasant and comfortable work in the company.

A useful service for many employers is the payment of half the cost of a ticket to a resort or a sanatorium, sometimes it is issued completely free of charge.

New Year's gifts for children, bonuses for the most responsible employees, loans on more favorable terms - this is a great motivation for employment.

Benefits for pensioners