Management h. Human resources: definition, management, features

Control by human resourses(from English. Human Resource Management, Personnel Management) is a direction of management, the main purpose of which is to increase the efficiency of the organization by creating favorable conditions for labor activity her staff. Competent human resource management allows the employer to receive, on the one hand, the maximum possible profit from the use of the knowledge, skills and abilities of employees, their labor potential, and, on the other hand, the maximum possible material incentives and psychological satisfaction from the results of their work by employees.

Human resource management includes the following directions.

  • Organizational planning ( organization planning).
  • Analysis of work and jobs (Job analysis).
  • Selection, evaluation and placement of personnel ( selection and evaluation).
  • Optimization of working conditions ( job conditions optimization).
  • Conflict management and resolution labor disputes (conflict resolution).
  • Team building ( team building).
  • Training and development personnel ( training and development).
  • Evaluation of the success of the work (Appraisal or evaluation).
  • Performance Compensation labor functions (Compensation, wage and salary administration).

Human resource management is based on the achievements of labor psychology and psychotechnics. At the initial stages of the development of personnel management, the concept of "personnel management" was used, which implied the allocation of a socio-psychological component of the management process. In the second half of the XIX century. In the UK, a movement to improve the working conditions of industrial workers developed. Entrepreneurs and philanthropists created and implemented programs to improve the conditions of physical labor, the working environment and the quality of life of workers. Since the 1970s the concept of "human resource management" became more common, which meant the maximum use of the intellectual, business and personal potential of employees, as well as factors production environment to achieve organizational goals.

Subject Human resource management is a system of knowledge associated with a purposeful organized impact on people engaged in labor activity in order to ensure the effective functioning of an organization (enterprise, institution), as well as to meet the needs and interests of employees and labor collectives.

Human resource management is developing at the intersection of such sciences as management, labor economics, labor psychology, social psychology, conflict management, and labor law.

object management in the organization are human resources. Before describing the goals, objectives and principles of human resource management in modern conditions, it is necessary to define the conceptual apparatus in this area. So, there are differences in such similar concepts as "personnel", "personnel", "human resources", "human capital", "labor resources", "labor potential".

The concept of "cadres" is of French origin and is translated into Russian as "frame".

Personnel- this is a permanent composition of employees, i.е. able-bodied citizens who are in labor relations with the organization.

Personnel, as a rule, does not include temporary and seasonal workers, part-time workers, non-staff employees.

Staff(from lat .persona- "personality" personalis- “personal”), or state (from it. staat- "state"), is the totality of all employees who are with the organization as with legal entity in employment relations through the conclusion of an employment contract and having certain characteristics.

The organization's personnel includes all employees engaged in labor activities, as well as those who are on the staff (on the balance sheet of an organization or enterprise), but are temporarily not working due to illness, vacation, etc. Thus, the staff is the labor resources at the disposal of the organization, necessary to achieve the goals and objectives and perform certain functions. The concept of "staff" is broader than "cadres".

The main sign of the staff consists in the presence of his labor relationship with the employer. Usually these relationships are formalized by an employment contract, although it is possible that there is no formal legal registration hiring. In this case, the staff is deprived of guarantees of compliance with the norms of labor legislation in relation to it. Another sign of personnel- this is the possession of certain qualitative characteristics that determine the structure of the organization's personnel by category: managers, specialists, workers. Personnel categories are structured according to professions, specialties, and qualifications. The conditions of employment and qualitative characteristics determine the position of the employee in the organizational structure.

Human Resources- this is a part of the country's population that has certain psycho-physiological, professional, intellectual qualities that make it possible to engage in labor activity and produce material and spiritual benefits. The labor force includes both employed and unemployed, but able to work (potential workers). The concept of "labor resources" was introduced into science by Academician S. G. Strumilin. In the foreign economy, the term "labor resources" is also used - labor resources. Thus, labor resources occupy an intermediate position between economic categories"population" and "total labor force". In the structure of labor resources, there are active(functioning) and passive(potential) part.

Into the labor force includes the entire working-age population that is potentially capable of working. IN Russian Federation, in accordance with labor legislation, the lower limit of working age is considered to be 16 years, the upper - 54 years (inclusive for women),

59 years (inclusive for men). At the age of 55 for women and 60 for men, they are entitled to a pension. However, for some types professional activity associated with the impact of harmful and dangerous factors on the body of the worker, high psychophysiological stress, work in adverse and extreme conditions, the pension bar is noticeably lower - by 5-10 years or more. The age limits of the retirement age are set in each country by the current legislation, for example, in many European countries retirement age- 65 years old. Consequently, the size of the labor force will depend on the officially established age limits of working age and the proportion of able-bodied persons among the working-age population.

Labor potential of an employee is the totality of his physical and mental qualities, labor opportunities that determine the boundaries of his participation in labor activity. Main components labor potential are:

  • - psychophysiological (physical and mental health, performance, endurance);
  • - socio-demographic (gender, age, marital status);
  • - cultural (education, qualifications, general level of culture);
  • - obhtsensihologichesky and cognitive (learning ability, intelligence and creativity);

socio-psychological (ability to work in a group, discipline, leadership abilities, assertiveness);

value (value orientations and attitudes, interests).

concept "human resources"(Human Resources - HR) - more capacious than "personnel", "personnel" and "labor resources", since it contains a combination of personal and psychological properties of people and their sociocultural characteristics.

The specifics of human resources and their differences from other types of resources(informational, material, financial) is as follows:

  • - the ability for self-development and improvement, which is a long-term source of increasing the efficiency of an individual organization and society as a whole;
  • - emotionally meaningful reaction to external influences, which makes it necessary for the subject of control to receive feedback from the object;
  • - motivation of labor activity, since a person chooses a certain type of activity (mental or physical, industrial or non-productive), setting certain goals and striving to satisfy his needs 1.

Currently, in management sciences, both the concept of "personnel" and the concept of "human resources" are used. Personnel management implies that an enterprise or organization has personnel who act as an object of management, in relation to which management technologies are applied. Human resource management recognizes that people are not just personnel, but an organizational resource.

The following are the differences between personnel management and human resource management.

  • 1. One of the basic principles of personnel management was the principle of minimizing capital investments in hired labor, the goal of personnel management was to save on labor, for which it was necessary to minimize dependence technological processes from the subjective factor. Human resource management involves investing in these resources, their development, improvement, for which motivation systems are being developed, tested modern methods training of employees, the effectiveness of "investments" in human capital is evaluated, as a result of which the maximum efficiency of the use of human resources is achieved.
  • 2. Human resource management arose as part of a strategic approach to management and involves the development of an active personnel policy, while personnel management is a tactical approach aimed at solving operational problems and using a more passive, reactive personnel policy.
  • 3. HR technologies are developed and applied mainly by specialists working in the HR department (HR department within traditional structure management). IN small firms there may even be no special department, and one or more UN specialists report directly to the director. Human resource management is carried out by senior management, top managers who develop personnel policy and determine the development strategy of an enterprise or organization.
  • 4. Personnel management involves a collectivist approach, the organization's personnel is seen as a single team, functioning to achieve the company's goals. Human resource management implies an individualistic approach, which is manifested in technologies such as selection, adaptation, training and development, assessment, and employee behavior management.

Thus, the modern approach to human resource management involves the effective application of human resource management technologies from selection and hiring to release, taking into account the concepts of human resource management and a person as a subject of an organization.

Another concept widely used in management and economic sciences is “human capital”, which is the main factor in the formation and development of innovation management and the knowledge economy. This concept, which was introduced into science in 1961 by Theodor Schultz, and since 1965 it has been used by Gary Becker, includes a set of investments in a person that increase his ability to work. Currently, human capital in a broad sense is understood as an intensive productive factor. economic development society, which includes the educated part of the labor force, the tools of the intellectual and managerial pile, knowledge, skills and abilities to meet the needs of the individual and society as a whole. These outstanding scientists were awarded the Nobel Prizes for their contribution to the development of the theory of human capital - T. Schultz in 1979, G. Becker - in 1992.

History reference

Gary Stanley Becker ( Gary Stanley Becker, December 2, 1930, Pottsville, Pennsylvania, USA - May 3, 2014, Chicago, Illinois, USA). He received a bachelor's degree from Princeton University in 1951 and a doctorate from the University of Chicago in 1955. He worked at Chicago and Columbia Universities. The views of G. Becker were greatly influenced by the theory of M. Friedman. Winner of the 1992 Nobel Prize in Economics "for extending the scope of microeconomic analysis to a range of aspects of human behavior and interaction, including non-market behavior."

The main works of G. Becker:

  • - Economic theory discrimination (The Economics of Discrimination, 1957);
  • - Human capital ( Human Capital, 1964);
  • - Time distribution theory (A Theory of the Allocation of Time, 1965);
  • - Economic theory ( economic theory, 1971);
  • - Treatise on the family ( treatise on the family, 1981).

Currently, human capital is classified as follows:

  • 1) individual human capital is a stock of general and special knowledge, professional skills accumulated by a person throughout his life, which gives him the opportunity to receive additional income and other benefits of life compared to an individual who does not have this stock;
  • 2) the human capital of the company (corporate human capital) is the individual human potential accumulated by the company, Innovation potential, know-how, managerial, Information Technology, i.e. everything that increases the competitiveness of the company in the market;
  • 3) national human capital is the human capital of the country, which is integral part its national wealth and includes intellectual priorities, national competitive advantages.

The concept of human capital, developed by such well-known economists as T. Schultz, G. Becker, B. Weisbrod, L. Hansen, was the result of progress in the field of labor force reproduction in connection with the scientific and technological revolution.

Initially, human capital was considered only as social factor development and economically costly, i.e. it was assumed that investments in education and advanced training of workers are costly and it is rather difficult to predict the return on these investments. Edward Denison later proposed a classification of factors economic growth in which he put the quality of the workforce in the first place.

Ideas about the economic approach in relation to human behavior are set forth, first of all, in the studies of G. Becker. Under human capital he understood the knowledge, skills and abilities of a person that provide growth in labor productivity. IN market economy a person correlates his preferences with the product, he seeks to improve his situation, to get the maximum benefit. This applies to such fundamental aspects of life as health, prestige, education, marriage and family. A person tends to make decisions that maximize the utility of the result. G. Becker gives vivid and convincing examples of human economic behavior. So, good health and longevity are important goals for most people, but not the only ones. Under certain conditions, if they conflict with other goals, they can be sacrificed. When choosing a profession, a person focuses on the one whose utility (material or psychological) is expected to be higher than the expected utility of other professions. Similarly, other aspects of life and people's decisions can be considered.

G. Becker believed that the economic approach allows us to interpret human behavior in different situations. At the same time, he proceeded from the ideas of the expediency and rationality of human behavior, applying to him such categories as price, opportunity costs.

In his theory, the scientist considered the structure of income distribution various groups population, their dependence on age, level of education, gender inequality in wages. Using extensive statistical material, Becker proved that education is the foundation for increasing the income of both the employee and employers. Investment in education, vocational training and retraining are promising investments that increase profits for companies.

The introduction of the concept of "human capital" caused numerous attempts to assess its volume and measure economic efficiency. The concept of "human capital" suggests that the salary of a worker with a certain level of education consists of two parts: one is what he would receive with zero education, and the second is the return on educational investment. If 3 0 is the salary of a person with zero education, k I p - the volume of investments in human capital for P years, and 3 „ - the salary of a person who has P years of education, then:

By analogy with the rate of return, the rate of return of human capital is also considered, and the choice of the level and type of education is interpreted as an investment decision. Consequently, Western economists believe that with the development of scientific and technological progress, labor resources, along with the means of production, become capital. Employees are the owners of human capital, they have skills that have economic value.

The economic evaluation of the effectiveness of investments in human capital involves measuring the professional value of an employee, the significance of his skills, abilities and experience for the organization. Obviously, this value is not constant, it can increase as a person acquires new knowledge and professional experience, and decrease as a result of the physical and moral depreciation of human capital. It should be noted that human capital itself is subject to obsolescence, and its carrier is subject to physical obsolescence.

The physical depreciation of human capital is caused by an age-related decrease in a person’s working capacity, a deterioration in his health. A decrease in productivity is also associated with a decrease in the subject's motivation, a drop in interest in work, and manifestations of the syndrome emotional burnout and professional deformations.

The obsolescence of human capital is caused by scientific and technological progress, which causes the emergence new technology, technologies, equipment, products and the removal of obsolete products, which leads to the depreciation of the employee's previous knowledge and skills. The consequence of these processes is forced structural unemployment.

The physical and moral depreciation of human capital is an inevitable process, but at the same time it is predictable. Thus, the main direction of the reproduction of human capital at present is advanced training and retraining of workers. The implementation of additional professional education programs is of great importance. The drivers of human capital development are investments, innovations and competition. The main sources of human capital accumulation are the innovative sector of the economy and the creative elites of society. At the same time, the accumulated human capital underlies the innovative economic system region, state, society as a whole.

In his theory, G. Becker considered theoretical basis investing in the education of people and the mechanism of the influence of education on the level wages of people.

In modern economic science, labor resources are increasingly considered as human capital. In order for labor resources to be transformed into human capital, it is necessary to create conditions that would provide an opportunity to realize human potential in the results of the company's activities. The concepts of "human capital" and "labor resources" designate a single object - a producing person, an individual as a productive force of society and a subject of production relations.

aim human resource management is the formation of efficient teams acting to achieve the goals of the organization and meet the interests of employees, ensuring the organization in right time personnel in the required quantity and quality, its effective placement, organization, stimulation and use.


  • 1) providing the organization with competent, qualified and interested employees;
  • 2) effective use intellectual, creative and managerial potential of people;
  • 3) meeting the needs of employees and creating opportunities for their self-realization;
  • 4) ensuring optimal working conditions and occupational mental hygiene;
  • 5) creating conditions for a favorable socio-psychological climate in the team, group cohesion and compatibility;
  • 6) conflict and stress management;
  • 7) communication of personnel management with all categories of employees.

Methodological principles human resource management:

Human resource management is activity-oriented, r.e. focused primarily on practical actions;

human resource management is individually oriented - each employee is considered as a person, the needs, motives, interests of employees are taken into account;

human resource management is future-oriented - the objectives of human resource management are taken into account in the long-term strategies of the organization.

To effectively manage human resources, you need to: know individual characteristics employees and their capabilities; understand their motivational attitudes; be able to form the composition of employees in accordance with the goals of the organization.

Aspects human resource management:

  • 1) technical and technological aspect, which involves taking into account the level of development of production and the techniques and technologies used in it;
  • 2) legal aspect, which considers issues of compliance with labor laws in work with personnel;
  • 3) organizational and economic aspect, including issues related to planning the number and quality of employees, material and non-material incentives, the use of working time;
  • 4) socio-psychological aspect, including issues of socio-psychological support of personnel management, introduction of socio-psychological methods of personnel management into management practice;
  • 5) the pedagogical aspect, which affects the problems associated with the training and education of personnel.

Essential elements human resource management:

  • 1) heads of all levels of management;
  • 2) specialists in personnel management (PM-managers);
  • 3) legal framework for human resource management;
  • 4) information base for personnel management;
  • 5) a set of methods and techniques for organizing labor and managing human resources;
  • 6) complex technical means applied to human resource management.

Main activities for Human Resource Management:

  • 1) determination of the initial need for various categories employees based on the strategy of the organization;
  • 2) analysis of the labor market;
  • 3) recruitment and selection of personnel, adaptation management;
  • 4) formation organizational structure personnel;
  • 5) organization of labor processes and labor regulation;
  • 6) formation of income and wages;
  • 7) personnel motivation management;
  • 8) business valuation; certification and training of employees;
  • 9) regulation of relationships in labor collectives.
  • Korchagin K). BUT. Modern economy Russia. Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2008.
  • Remuneration of personnel: a textbook and workshop for academic undergraduate/ subgen. ed. O. A. Lapshova. M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2016. S. 41-42.

Human resource management

    The content and difference between the concepts of labor resources, human resources of the organization, human capital

Labor resources are the able-bodied part of the country's population, which, due to its psychophysiological and intellectual qualities, is capable of producing material goods or services. Labor resources include people both employed in the economy and not employed, but able to work.

The concept of "labor resources" is used to characterize the working-age population on the scale of the entire country, region, sector of the economy, or within any professional group. Along with it, in economic science and practice, such concepts as the human resources of an organization, human capital, which have different content and semantic load, are also used. They complement each other, revealing any one of the sides of the bearer of these concepts - a person. The use of different terms is also important because there are established international standards against which comparisons between countries can be made.

Human resources - a concept that reflects the main wealth of any organization, the prosperity of which is possible when creating conditions for the reproduction, development, use of this resource from taking into account the interests of each person. The concept of "human resources" is more capacious than "labor resources" and "staff", as it contains a combination of sociocultural characteristics and personal and psychological properties of people. The specificity of human resources, unlike all other types of resources (material, financial, information, etc.), is as follows:

    people are endowed with intelligence, therefore, their reaction to external influence (control) is emotionally meaningful, not mechanical; the processes of interaction between the subject of management and people are bilateral;

    due to the possession of intelligence, people are capable of continuous improvement and development, which is the most important and long-term source of increasing the efficiency of any society or individual organization;

    people choose a certain type of activity (industrial or non-industrial, mental or physical) consciously, setting themselves certain goals.

There are many definitions of human capital (HC), including the founders of human capital theory Gary Becker and Theodor Schulz. They directly linked the concept of Cheka only with a person as a carrier of knowledge. And they attached special importance to education as the main factor in the development of society and the economy. At present, such a definition of the Cheka already seems to be narrowed down. Human capital includes not only specialists with education, knowledge, upbringing, science, but also the tools of intellectual labor and the environment for the functioning of the Cheka in terms of the performance of its productive functions. Indeed, a specialist without software for his work, without the necessary sources of information, a database, methods and technologies, cannot perform his work, his functions in modern conditions. as well as without a high quality of life, a specialist will not work in this country, but will leave for a country where he will be provided with comfortable conditions for labor intellectual activity.

    Human resource management. Indicators of the use, movement and development of the organization's human resources, human capital

The main indicators of the efficiency of the use of human resources are: labor productivity, the number of operational workers per employee of the management apparatus, the share of labor costs in the total amount of costs, the rate of change in labor productivity and average wages, losses due to unforced downtime, and others.

The main indicator of the effectiveness of the use of human resources is labor productivity - the volume of production per employee, measured in value terms. Labor productivity is calculated as the ratio of revenue to the number of employees. Productivity can be hourly, shift, monthly, quarterly, annual.

Indicators of the movement of human resources of the organization:

    Attrition rate - the ratio of the number of employees laid off for all reasons for a given period of time to the average number of employees for the same period * 100

    Personnel retention ratio - the ratio of the number of employees on the payroll for the entire reporting year to average headcount workers per year. At the same time, those who left during the year for all reasons (except for transfers to other organizations) are excluded from the payroll as of January 1, but those who left the number of those accepted in the reporting year are not excluded.

    The staff turnover rate is determined by dividing the number of employees of the enterprise who retired or laid off for a given period of time by own will or the initiative of the organization on the average number for the same period.

Personnel turnover - a set of hired and retired employees in accordance with the average payroll number of employees for a certain period.

The intensity of personnel turnover is determined by the following coefficients:

    Total turnover - the ratio of the total number of hired and retired employees for the reporting period to the average payroll number of employees

    Recruitment turnover - the ratio of the number of employees hired by the enterprise for a certain period of time to the average number of employees for the same period.

Morality and spiritual health, the versatility of professional training, the desire for innovation, the ability to make extraordinary decisions are considered an indicator of the development of human resources and the potential of an organization - all this is an important factor in progress.

    Human resource management. Analysis of indicators for assessing the quality of human capital, human resources

Modern production makes ever-increasing demands on the level of training of workers. The main qualitative indicators of human capital that characterize the skilled worker of our day are as follows.

Basic Skills: technical literacy - the ability to understand and present (on paper and orally) texts in their specialty; computer literacy - the ability to collect and analyze information in order to solve production problems.

technical skills- ability to short time relearn: master new equipment, computer programs, telecommunication networks, systems for receiving, processing and transmitting data. At present, the share of information technology in production has increased to 50-60%. For some industries (communications, insurance, exchanges), the share of information technology (and related equipment in fixed assets) exceeds 75%.

Organizational ability- the ability to work in a team to solve non-standard problems, analytical and creative skills, communication skills, self-organization, leadership qualities.

Specific skills and abilities- readiness for innovation, due to constant changes in the external environment, requiring innovative solutions in almost every company. Competition in a market economy entails changes in technologies, conditions for organizing the production process, methods of servicing consumers and, accordingly, requires constant updating of specific knowledge and skills.

    Human resource management. Modern Human Resource Management Strategies

Consider the main types of human resource management:

1) Management by results

This is a management system with a task of results with a decentralized organization of management (corporate profit centers). Tasks are delegated to working groups and the achievement of specific results is determined. Such a system has different stages of setting results, stages of measuring results and stages of monitoring results. Tasks delegated from the center are controlled based on their comparison with the results obtained.

2) Management through motivation

This model is based on the study of the needs, interests, moods, personal goals of employees, as well as the ability to integrate motivation with production requirements and goals of the enterprise. Personnel policy with such a model, it focuses on the development of human resources, strengthening the moral and psychological climate, and the implementation of social programs.

As is known, various motivational models have been developed in management science, which have found wide practical application in successful companies in developed countries. Among them, the most traditional are: a rational motivational model (the use of material incentives), a model of self-realization (activation of the internal motives of a person, the possibility of self-expression),

ownership model (development of cooperation, partnership, participation in management).

3) Framework management

This model assumes that employees can make their own decisions within predetermined boundaries (framework). The framework can be set by the importance of the process, its unpredictability, norms that cannot be violated. Framework management technology involves the following sequence of actions: defining a task, receiving it by an employee, creating an appropriate information system, determining the boundaries of independence and ways for the manager to intervene.

Framework management creates conditions for the development of initiative, responsibility and independence of employees, increases the level of organization and communication in the organization, contributes to the growth of job satisfaction and develops a corporate leadership style.

4) Management based on delegation

Delegation of authority has long been used in management, implying the transfer to a subordinate of functions assigned directly to his leader, that is, this is the transfer of tasks to a lower level. Management based on the delegation of authority and responsibility is fundamentally different from the above. The essence of this management model is to combine three actions:

    clear statement of the problem

    clear definition of the decision-making framework

    clear delineation of responsibility for actions and results.

The model was designed to activate the unrealized potential of employees and form ordinary performers who think and act like entrepreneurs.

5) Participatory management

This model is based on the premise that if an employee takes part in the affairs of the company, is involved in management and receives satisfaction from this, then he works more interested and productive.

From the point of view of the methodology of human resource management, employees turn from an object of management into a subject of management, which independently solves the problems of the organization's development. On the basis of self-management, the employee can realize his needs for self-expression, recognition and participation, and the enterprise achieves high labor productivity and product quality.

6) Entrepreneurial management

The essence of this concept is the development of entrepreneurial activity within the organization, which can be represented as a community of entrepreneurs, innovators and creators.

The main thing that distinguishes an entrepreneurial organization is the formation of an entrepreneurial philosophy that permeates the entire management system, including the human resource management system. The spirit of creativity, the constant search for new opportunities, collective self-learning, partnership and trust encourage employees to self-realization, innovation and cooperation within their own organization. A feature of intrapreneurship is the focus on a democratic rather than coercive management mechanism, on the integration of entrepreneurial initiatives with plans for corporate strategies.

In modern science and management practice, as the above analysis shows, there is a constant process of improvement, updating and searching for new approaches, concepts, ideas in the field of human resource management as a key and strategic resource of business organizations.

    Human resource management. Legislative norms of human resource management

Legislative and legal support of the personnel management system consists in the use of means and forms of legal influence on the bodies and objects of personnel management in order to achieve the effective operation of the organization.

The main tasks of the legal support of the personnel management system are legal regulation labor relations between employers and employees; protection of the rights and legitimate interests of employees arising from labor relations.

Legal support of the personnel management system includes: compliance, execution and application of the norms of the current legislation in the field of labor, labor relations; development and approval of local normative and non-normative acts of an organizational, organizational, administrative, economic nature; preparation of proposals for changing existing or canceling obsolete and actually invalidated regulations issued by the organization on labor and personnel issues.

The implementation of legal support in the organization is assigned to its head and other officials (within the rights and powers granted to them in the exercise of organizational, administrative, administrative, labor and other functions), as well as to the head of the personnel management system and its employees on issues within their competence. Head unit for the management legal work in the field of labor law is the legal department.

One of the specific working conditions personnel services lies in the fact that their daily activities are directly related to people. Organize work on hiring employees, ensure timely transfers to another job, make dismissals, prevent the emergence of conflict situations related to violations in hiring, dismissal, etc. - all such measures are possible only on the basis of a clear settlement of the rights and obligations of all participants labor relations. This is achieved by establishing legal norms of a centralized or local nature.

In labor legislation, acts of centralized regulation prevail - Labor Code Russian Federation, Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, acts of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. At the same time, there are labor issues that can be resolved with the help of local legal norms adopted in each organization. In the conditions of market relations, the scope of local regulation is steadily expanding. Such acts include: orders of the head of the organization on personnel matters (on admission, dismissal, transfers), regulations on divisions, job descriptions, organization standards, etc.

The main tasks of the legal department in this area are: (a) development of draft regulations of the organization; (b) legal expertise of normative acts developed in the personnel management system for compliance with the requirements of the legislation and their endorsement; (c) organization of systematic accounting and storage of legislative and regulatory acts received by the organization and issued by it; (d) informing departments and services about the current labor legislation; (e) an explanation of the current labor legislation and the procedure for its application.

The system of labor regulations includes general, sectoral (tariff), special (regional) agreements, collective agreements and other legal acts applied directly in organizations.

Legal acts of a non-normative nature are orders and instructions that can be issued by the heads of the personnel management service and all its divisions regarding the announcement of a disciplinary sanction, incentives for employees, safety measures, vacations, termination of an employment contract, etc. The main legislative acts regulating labor relations are: the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On collective agreements and agreements”, Law of the Russian Federation “On employment in the Russian Federation”, Law of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for resolving collective labor disputes (conflicts)”, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On social partnership and resolution of labor disputes (conflicts), etc.

    Human resource management. The processes of coordination of group and personal relationships in organizations

Every organization is a group of people. The organization, above all, expects a person to perform in a certain way the role for which it has accepted him. A person also looks at the organization as a place where he gets a certain job, performs it and receives a corresponding reward from the organization. However, the interaction between a person and an organization is not limited to role interaction. It is much wider. A person performs work in an environment of people, in interaction with them.

The survival and success of any organization depends on its ability to elicit from its employees and other members behavior that is sufficiently consistent with its values. It is for this that coordination of group and personal relationships is necessary.

Coordination is the bringing together of individuals and production units into one concerted effort that contributes to a common goal.

Coordination is based on three principles: 1) “group effort”, 2) “unity of action” and 3) “ common goal". Coordination helps ensure that the aspirations of individual workers are brought together into one group effort. Managerial coordination seeks to ensure the effectiveness of this group effort by bringing together the activities of different groups or departments within the organization. And the effectiveness of these collective efforts is "coordinated" by maintaining a link between the common goal and all individual or group activities.

Three fundamental principles of coordination: unity of command, command chain (or scalar chain), and control interval. Managers who understand and use these concepts during organizational decision making incorporate an element of coordination into the activities of the structures they model.

In accordance with the principle of unity of command, each subordinate should be responsible only to one superior person.

The idea behind the scalar chain is that the line of authority in an organization starts at the top and descends down through the organization, forming a complete chain.

The scalar chain serves to define the formal lines of communication between subordinates and supervisors throughout the organization. It also serves to strengthen team unity. However, following the chain does not mean that the manager has to move up and down the chain in order to connect with each other at the same managerial level. To facilitate and speed up communications, there are so-called "bridges" that connect managers of the same level.

The control interval (or control interval as it is often called) is the number of people or production units that the manager oversees. Choosing the right control interval is a very important point. Sometimes the control interval is referred to as the control interval. This is because there is one thing that helps determine the appropriate control interval, and that is how many subordinates a manager can effectively "control". But the term "management interval" seems to be more preferable, since control is only one management function, and it is understood that the concept should correspond to all aspects management activities.

The span of control is often characterized as "narrow" or "wide", depending on the number of subordinates the manager has.

Coordination activity is carried out with the help of certain mechanisms, among which there are such as: informal non-programmed, programmable impersonal, programmable individual and programmable group coordination. Enterprises may use one or more of these approaches (mechanisms) to implement coordination.

Informal coordination is based on mutual understanding, common attitudes and psychological stereotypes that dictate the need for joint coordinated work and interaction.

Programmed impersonal coordination. If the right conditions for informal coordination are not created, or if the organization is too complex for informal communications to be effective, then the manager can apply standard methods and rules of work.

individual coordination. Employees do not always understand the tasks and directions of work in the same way.

Group coordination. Coordination issues can also be addressed at group meetings, whether they be regular committees or ad hoc commissions.

    Human resource management. Types of organizational cultures, their impact on the system of motivation and human resource management

Organizational culture can be expressed through the composition of values, points of view, expectations, beliefs, traditions and norms of behavior accepted by the majority of the members of the organization.

Organizational cultures are distinguished in several ways. The shortest and most accurate version of their classification was given by an American researcher William Ouchi. He identified three main types:

1. market culture, which is characterized by the dominance of cost relations and profit orientation. The source of power within such a culture is the ownership of resources;

2. bureaucratic culture based on the dominance of regulations, rules and procedures. The source of power here is the position of the members of the organization;

3. clan culture that complements the previous ones. It is based on the internal values ​​of the organization that guide the activities of the latter. Tradition is the source of power here.

Based on circumstances such as - orientation of culture towards people or material conditions, on the one hand, openness and closeness, on the other hand, distinguish the following types .

bureaucratic culture characterized by the regulation of the organization's activities on the basis of documents, clear rules, procedures; assessment of personnel according to formal principles and criteria. Position is the source of power. Such a culture guarantees people stability, security, and eliminates conflicts.

guardian culture manifests itself in a favorable moral and psychological climate, cohesion of people, group norms and values, informal status of employees, their personal activity, mutual understanding, harmony of relations. Culture guarantees staff stability, development, participation in the affairs of the organization.

Praxeological (gr. rgaktikos - active) culture is based on order, rationality, plans, careful control, evaluation of activities based on results. The power of the leader is based on official authority and deep knowledge. Minor involvement of employees in management is allowed.

Entrepreneurial culture supports actions directed outside the organization and towards the future, innovation and creativity of the staff, guarantees the satisfaction of the needs of employees in development and improvement. Management is based on faith in the leader, his knowledge and experience.

By place of organization and degree of influence on it distinguish the following types of crops:

Undisputed culture characterized by a small number of core values ​​and norms, but the requirements for orientation to them are strict, is closed (the closeness of culture is an unwillingness to see shortcomings, make dirty linen in public, the desire to maintain ostentatious unity), suppresses staff and becomes a decisive moment of motivation.

Weak Culture practically does not contain corporate values ​​and norms, easily lends itself to internal and external influence and changes under its influence. Such a culture separates the members of the organization, opposes each other, complicates the management process.

Strong culture open to internal and external influence: involves openness and dialogue between all participating organizations and outsiders. She actively absorbs all the best and as a result only becomes stronger.

The human resource management of a modern organization is influenced by such components organizational culture, as the basic requirements for the activities of the personnel, the main characteristics of the activities of the personnel, the main characteristics of the conditions in which the activities of the personnel take place, including the perception by the personnel of the goals of the organization, their involvement in the decisions made, the possibilities and ways of obtaining the information necessary for work.

Organizational culture often has a significant impact on the motivation of the individual. What are the main motivating factors in organizational culture? They are observed in an organization in which:

Belonging to a strong culture creates pride in your organization;

The cohesion of the team helps to work successfully;

The mission of the company helps to comprehend the personal goals of work;

In comparison with corporate values, the personal values ​​of the employee are recognized and analyzed;


Abstract "Human Resource Management"

Introduction ................................................ ................3
1 The essence of human resource management.......................................4
1.1 History of HRM .......................................................... ...........4
1.2 Main characteristics of human resource management......................5
2 Personnel management and human resource management....7
3 Basic types of control...............................................10
4 Models of HRM ............................................... .............12
Conclusion................................................. .............fourteen
List of sources used .........................................................15


In modern conditions of fierce competition, rapid change in technology and the dependence of the development of the company on the information it uses, the maximum and efficient use of all available resources is especially relevant. At the same time, the main direction of increasing competitiveness in the market is becoming a more efficient use of the potential of the organization's employees, since it is people who process information, participate in the production process and sales of products, etc.,
- The success of the enterprise depends on the employees employed in it. Therefore, the modern concept of organization management involves the allocation of a large number of functional areas of management activity that is associated with the management of the personnel component of production - the personnel of the enterprise. In recent years, a number of concepts have been widely used in scientific literature and practice: human resource management, labor resources, personnel policy, personnel management, etc., but they all relate to a person’s labor activity, the management of his behavior in an organization. So, for example, personnel management is the process of providing personnel for an enterprise (organization, firm), organizing their effective and rational use and professional and social development.
1 The essence of human resource management.
Human resource management (HRM, or HRM - from the English human resources management) is a strategic and logically consistent approach to managing the most valuable asset of an enterprise: the people working there, who collectively and individually contribute to the solution of the enterprise's problems.
The purpose of HRM is to ensure the use of company employees, i.e. its human resources in such a way that the employer can get the maximum possible benefit from their skills and abilities, and the employees - the maximum possible material and psychological satisfaction from their work. Human resource management is based on the achievements of labor psychology and uses technologies and procedures collectively called "personnel management", i.e. relating to the staffing of an enterprise, the identification and satisfaction of the needs of workers, and the rules of thumb and procedures that govern the relationship between an organization and its worker.

1.1 History of HRM

Human resource management originates in personnel management, the development of which in Great Britain in the second half of the 19th century. contributed to the activities of the movement to improve working conditionsindustrial workers. However, throughout the history of the formation of HRM, the only factor that prevailed was the needs of people in the process of work. In the first stage, a handful of entrepreneurs and philanthropists, driven by the desire to improve working conditions, created various programs to improve the conditions of physical labor, the working environment and the quality of life of workers. The second stage of HRM falls on the period of the First World War, when the warring countries of Europe and the United States faced an acute shortage of human resources and an equally urgent need to significantly increase labor productivity in a short time. During this time, the governments of the United States and European countries actively encouraged systematic research in the field of labor relations between employer and employee and the human factor in industry. This led to a new understanding of the problems of human resource management, and hence - to a more competent and sophisticated approach to the role of the personnel manager. The third stage in the development of HRM is characterized by the appearance in the 30s and 40s. 20th century various academic theories of management and the integration of management into the general circle of the so-called social sciences. By the beginning of the 1960s. within the general function of personnel management, separate branches of specialization began to stand out, which took shape as separate sciences with their own subject and field of study, applied to almost all forms and sizes of business and any situations involving human resources. Now the personnel policy and the corresponding generally accepted procedures are applied in the recruitment, selection and training of personnel, in the process of labor relations, in planning work, managing the payroll system and evaluating the performance of each employee.
Intense business competition in the 1980s and 1990s, the development and adoption of the latest industrial technologies, which are largely dependent on the availability of highly skilled workers, flexible work practices (often associated with teamwork), and the need for culture change both at the national level, and at the level of a single enterprise - all this vigorously brought personnel management to the fore in a business organization. Human Resources has gradually become associated with an increasingly wide range of functions of a business organization, as well as with business strategy. Thus, HR managers inevitably became more and more involved in the process. general management business and began to touch upon such profit-maximizing aspects of the company's activities as staff motivation, staff performance management, empowerment of workers, total quality management (TQM - total quality management) organizational changes etc. Decisions on human resources began to be made at the highest levels of company management.

1.2 Main characteristics of human resource management

-HRM satisfies the need for a strategic approach to human resource management, which allows you to align the enterprise and its HR strategy;
- HRM applies a comprehensive and logically consistent approach to ensuring mutual support of the theoretical methods and practice of employment, through the development of an integrated theory and practice of HR (group configuration);
- HRM emphasizes the importance of achieving commitment to the mission and values ​​of the organization - HRM is “commitment oriented”;
- in HRM, employees are considered as an asset, or human capital, due to the fact that the opportunity for learning and development of the organization is provided;
- human resources are considered as a source competitive advantage, along with the concept of strategy based on resources;
- the approach to the relationship with the employee is unitary, not pluralistic: it is believed that employees will share the interests of the employer, even if they do not coincide with their own; -implementation and development of HRM is the task of the heads of departments.
As noted by D. Ulrich and D. Lake, "HRM systems can become a source of such abilities of an organization that will allow it to recognize and use new opportunities to its advantage." More specifically, HRM deals with the achievement of goals in the following areas.

Selection of resources and their development

Ensuring that a given organization obtains and retains the necessary skilled, dedicated and well-motivated workforce means, firstly, correctly assessing and meeting the needs of the firm in workers and, secondly, strengthening and developing the inherent abilities of employees (contribution in the activities of the organization, the potential and the ability to use their work in the future). To do this, the company must provide employees with the opportunity to learn and constantly develop. In addition, this selection of resources can be the development of high performance systems that increase flexibility and cover selection and hiring procedures, performance-based bonus pay systems, and needs-based management development and training activities. of this enterprise.

Employee evaluation

HRM should increase motivation and commitment by introducing policies and procedures that ensure that people are valued and rewarded for what they do and achieve, as well as for the level of skill and ability they have achieved.


One of the goals of HRM is to create an environment in which productive and harmonious relationships can be maintained between managers and employees and where teamwork can flourish. Applying management procedures to increase commitment, procedures that show that employees are valuable stakeholders for the organization, and promote a climate of cooperation and mutual trust is also a goal of HRM. HRM should help the organization to balance interests and adapt to the needs of groups interested in its activities (owners, government agencies or trustees, managers, employees, customers, suppliers and the general public). Finally, the objectives of HRM are to manage a diverse labor force, taking into account individual and group differences between the needs of workers, their style of work and aspirations. HRM must provide equal opportunities for all in a way that an ethical approach to management is applied, with a concern for people, fairness and transparency.

2 Personnel management and human resource management

Personnel management is an important element of a broader concept - human resource management, although in practice both of these terms are often used interchangeably, as synonyms. This emphasizes the fact that people used as workers are resources that are no less important than financial or material resources, and which should also be given attention and care.
Employees will not passively submit to and tolerate manipulation or dictatorship by management, they increasingly expect and demand a more skilled approach to hiring and managing them. Behavioral research shows that a competent management response to this requirement will benefit the company. Personnel management technology, for example, in the field of employee certification, vocational training and assessing the complexity of its work, can only be successfully applied with the assistance and support of the staff themselves.
The following interrelations and differences between personnel management and human resource management can be distinguished.
(a) Personnel management is a practical, utilitarian and instrumental area, it focuses mainly on the administration and application of policy. Human resource management, in contrast, has a strategic dimension and considers the overall placement of human resources within a company. As such, HRM will address issues such as:
the aggregate workforce of the organization in the context of the overall corporate plan (how many divisions and branches the company should have, the design of the organization, etc.);
the amount of funds that should be directed to the training of the workforce, taking into account strategic decisions on the level of quality, product price, production volume, etc.;
1. The essence of human resource management
establishing relationships with trade unions for the purpose of effective management control over the organization as a whole;
human capital accounting, i.e. systematic evaluation and analysis of the costs and financial benefits of alternative HR policies (eg financial implications of staff development activities, implications of different salary structure options, etc.) and assessment of the human value of the company's employees.
The strategic approach to HRM includes the integration of all areas of human resource management, including the company's personnel, into the overall corporate planning and procedures for developing the company's strategy. HRM is characterized by activity, a constant desire to open up new directions for a more productive use of the workforce, thereby ensuring the company's competitiveness. In practice, declaring the adoption of a strategic approach to HRM could include the following steps:
a brief summary of the company's main HRM policies in the mission statement;
presenting considerations about the consequences for the company's employees of each of the directions of its strategy and flagship new projects;
designing the organizational structure in such a way that it satisfies the needs of workers, and would not force them to adapt to the existing unshakable form of the organization;
inclusion of the head of HRM in the board of directors of the company.
Now more than ever, HR managers are required to contribute
in productivity and quality improvement, stimulation of creative thinking, leadership and development of corporate skills.
(b) HRM is concerned with the broader aspects of change management, not just the impact of change on company practices. HRM is committed to actively encouraging agility and the adoption of new practices.
(c) The HRM aspects provide the main source material for the organizational development exercises.
(d) Personnel management is reactive and diagnostic.
It responds to changes in labor legislation, labor market conditions, to the actions of trade unions recommended
government codes of practice and other elements of business environment influence. HRM, for its part, is prescriptive and deals with strategies, initiating new activities, and developing fresh ideas.
(e) HRM defines the general direction of the company's policy in the field of employment relationships within the enterprise (company). Thus, there is a need to create a special culture within the organization that would favor cooperation and relationships between employees. Human resource management, on the other hand, has been criticized for being more concerned with the observance of company rules and procedures by employees than with the desire to develop their loyalty and devotion to the company.
(e) Human resources management has a short-term perspective, while HRM has a long-term perspective, striving to integrate all aspects of an organization's human resources into a coherent whole and set high goals for employees.
(g) The HRM specific approach emphasizes the need to:
direct communications with employees, and not only with their collective representatives;
developing an organizational culture that would be conducive to the introduction of flexible working methods;
group work and participation of employees in the development of group decisions;
improving the long-term capabilities of employees, and not just achieving a level of competitiveness in the performance of their current duties.

3 Basic types of control

Consider the main types of management that have become widespread in companies in developed countries, which reflect the fundamental principles of the modern concept of human resource management.
results management
This is a management system with a task of results with a decentralized organization of management (corporate profit centers). Tasks are delegated to working groups and achievement of concrete results is determined. Such a system has different stages of setting results, stages of measuring results and stages of monitoring results. Tasks delegated from the center are controlled based on their comparison with the results obtained.
Management by means of motivation
This model is based on the study of the needs, interests, moods, personal goals of employees, as well as on the possibility of integrating motivation with the production requirements and goals of the enterprise. Personnel policy in this model focuses on the development of human resources, strengthening the moral and psychological climate, the implementation of social programs.
Framework management
This model assumes that employees can make their own decisions within predetermined boundaries (framework). The framework can be set by the importance of the process, its unpredictability, norms that cannot be violated. Framework management technology involves the following sequence of actions: defining a task, receiving it by an employee, creating an appropriate information system, determining the boundaries of independence and ways for the manager to intervene. Framework management creates conditions for the development of initiative, responsibility and independence of employees, increases the level of organization and communication in the organization, contributes to the growth of job satisfaction and develops a corporate leadership style.
Delegation based management
Delegation of authority has long been used in management, implying the transfer to a subordinate of functions assigned directly to his leader, that is, this is the transfer of tasks to a lower level. Management based on the delegation of authority and responsibility is fundamentally different from the above. This management model is often called the Bad Harzburg model (the founder is Professor R. Hehn, who worked in the German city of Bad Harzburg), the essence of which is to combine three actions:
1) clear statement of the problem
2) a clear definition of the decision-making framework
3) a clear delineation of responsibility for actions and results.
By design, this model is aimed at changing the behavior of employees through "leadership in unity with employees."
Participatory management
This model is based on the premise that if an employee takes part in the affairs of the company, is involved in management and receives satisfaction from this, then he works more interested and productive. Participatory management can be implemented on the basis of the following prerequisites:
- employees get the right to independently make decisions regarding the planning of their work activities, the rhythm of work, technology for solving problems, etc.;
- management involves employees in the preparation and decision-making on the use of resources, the form of remuneration, work schedule, etc.; - employees are given the right to control the quality of products and establish responsibility for the final result;
- employees take part in innovation, entrepreneurial activity with various forms of remuneration.

4 Models of HRM

Compliance model.
One of the first explicit statements about the concept of HRM was made by the Michigan School (Fombrand, 1984). They believed that HR systems and organizational structure should be adjusted to fit the organizational strategy (hence the name “fit model”). They went on to explain that there is a human resource cycle, consisting of four main processes, or functions, performed in any organization:
selection - the correspondence of available human resources to jobs;
certification - management of performance indicators;
remuneration - "the reward system is a management tool that is used to stimulate organizational performance is often insufficient and incorrect"; it is obliged to encourage both short-term and long-term achievements, bearing in mind that "an enterprise must work today in order to succeed in the future";
development - striving for the availability of highly skilled workers.
Model 4C
According to Harvard researchers, the effectiveness of human resource management results should be measured in four areas: corporate loyalty, competence, teamwork.
alignment, corporate cost-effectiveness (eng. 4C
- commitment, competence, congruency, cost-effectiveness).
(a) Corporate loyalty refers to employees' loyalty to the organization, personal motivation and commitment to their work. The degree of employee loyalty to their company can be assessed by examining the views of employees, the level of employee turnover, absenteeism statistics, as well as having a last conversation with employees who take the calculation.
(b) Competence refers to the level of qualifications of workers, their professional skills, their need for training and retraining, and the potential to perform a higher level of work. This indicator can be assessed through employee appraisal systems and the preparation of a list of professional skills. The HRM policy should be designed in such a way as to attract, retain and motivate highly qualified competent employees.
(c) Team alignment means that both the company's management and employees share the vision of the organization's goals and work together to achieve them. In a well-managed organization, people at all levels share a common vision of the factors that determine an organization's prosperity and future prospects. These general views concern the basic principles that underlie the management of the work of an organization.
(d) Corporate cost effectiveness refers to the efficiency of a company's operations. Human resources should be used in such a way that their advantages are used with the greatest productivity. Output should be maximized with least cost resources and materials, the organization must be able to respond quickly to the opportunities offered by the market and to changes in the business environment.


The innovative role of HRM lies in the fact that the universal recognition of the subjectivity of management, the influence on its development of the characteristics of specific people, their rationality and emotionality, will and desires, requires a different approach to determining the role of a person in an organization. People are not just the main resource of the company, people are the company itself. What they themselves are, will be their plans and results. One of the problems of modern management lies precisely in the fact that employees often do not understand what the real results of their activities are, and managers mislead subordinates by setting requirements based on some criteria and evaluating the results according to other criteria. That is why for every organization striving for leadership in the profile and personnel market, it is necessary to resolve the issue of the status of HRM precisely as part of general management companies, and for specialists to develop competencies in the field of general management and core specialization of the companies in which they work.
List of sources used
1. U.E. Deming. New economy. - Moscow., 2006 - 196 p. Human Resource Management, HRM ) - area of ​​knowledge and practical activities, aimed at providing the organization with "quality" personnel and its optimal use. The optimal use of personnel from the point of view of "personnel management" is achieved by identifying the positive and negative motives of individuals and groups in the organization and the appropriate stimulation of positive motives and the "repayment" of negative motives, as well as the analysis of such influences. Personnel management is an integral part of quality management systems (management) in the concept of controlling. Other names may appear in various sources: human resource management, human capital management, personnel management , personnel management.

The content of personnel management

Personnel management includes:

I. Preliminary work for personnel search:

  • Personnel search

II. Operational work with staff:

  • Personnel training and development
  • Business communications management.
  • Labor organization

III. Strategic (only long-term) work with personnel:

  • Corporate culture management

Personnel Management- one of the most important components of modern management.

Modern personnel management is a system of ideas and techniques for effectively building and managing organizations and projects, in the presence of appropriate controlling systems. For example, quality management systems, (multi-)project management systems, etc. etc.

Personnel management activities are a targeted impact on the human component of the organization, focused on bringing the capabilities of the personnel and the goals, strategies, and conditions for the development of the organization into line.

The effectiveness of "systems" of operational personnel management, if used " systems approach", is determined in appropriate interaction with the management responsible for the controlling function in the organization.

The main methods of personnel management include:

  • Economic methods - techniques and methods of influencing performers with the help of a specific comparison of costs and results (material incentives and sanctions, financing and lending, salary, cost, profit, price).
  • Organizational and administrative methods are methods of direct influence, which are of a directive and mandatory nature. They are based on discipline, responsibility, power, coercion.
  • Socio-psychological methods (motivation, moral encouragement, social planning, etc.).

Human Resources Specialist - HR Manager (Human Resources Specialist). Businesses sometimes solve HR problems with the help of more qualified recruitment agencies, in the presence of relevant qualifications (education, experience, results). In practice, jobs related to the recruitment of employees are most often transferred to recruitment agencies. The activities of recruitment agencies are actively developing operational work In the organisation.


In Russia, in many organizations and enterprises there was an experience of unsuccessful implementation of "systems" of personnel management. This was often due to the lack of appropriate management systems(controlling) that would be able to assess qualitatively or (more desirable) quantitatively the productivity and quality of the work of these HR managers and the effectiveness of their "systems" of personnel management for the enterprise. This was largely due to the underdevelopment of these areas of knowledge and, accordingly, the "weak" training of specialists. The roots rest on the fact that in Soviet times psychology and economics were "enemy" sciences.

see also


  • Personnel management: Textbook / Ed. Bazarova T. Yu., Eremena B. L., 1999.
  • Fundamentals of Management: Textbook, 2nd ed., supplemented and revised. / Goldstein G. Ya. Taganrog: Publishing House of TRTU, 2003. 250 p.
  • Dave Ulrich Efficient Management Human Resource Champions: The Next Agenda for Adding Value and Delivering Results. - M.: "Williams", 2006. - S. 304. - ISBN 0-87584-719-6
  • Mark A. Huslead, Dave Ulrich, Brian I. Becker Measuring the performance of the HR department. People, Strategy, and Performance = The HR Scorecard: Linking People, Strategy, and Performance. - M.: "Williams", 2007. - S. 304. - ISBN 1-57851-136-4
  • Journal "Personnel Management"


  • Electronic library USIB (psychology, management, speech/negotiations, marketing, economics, pedagogy, articles)
  • Articles on personnel management on the open portal

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

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