Fundamentals of management consulting. Management consulting: tasks, methods and stages of service provision Theoretical and methodological basis of management consulting

Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Eastern Ukrainian National University named after Vladimir Dal

Management department

Department of Management of Foreign Economic Activity


in the discipline "Fundamentals of management consulting"


List of sources used


The choice of a promising direction for improving the production management process at a particular enterprise does not in itself guarantee success in this matter. The task that the national economic complex of Ukraine has to solve today is not to rationalize management, but to replace the old management paradigm with a new one. This, in turn, requires a radical restructuring of the conceptual foundations of management theory and practice, since the new management paradigm has fundamentally different goals.

In the current situation, the work of the manager has become extremely complicated, who will not only have to revise his management activities, but also help society, represented by its labor collectives, quickly master new life values, new economic relations. The role and importance of the manager's work, in this regard, increases significantly, but his real opportunities to effectively solve the practical innovative tasks that arise before him are limited, mainly, by the lack of time.

The leader produces a specific product - managerial decisions, some of which can be fixed in the form of norms and rules, creating an organizational order, and some will simply be reproduced many times in various interpretations. A change in the management paradigm means the creation of a new management algorithm, which should be based on new management decisions. These decisions have a leading role in management, their leader takes, assuming full responsibility for their effectiveness. Increasing physical and psychological stress on the manager in the period of transition to market relations, associated with increased uncertainty and risk, shortages of resources, information, time, significantly increase the relevance of this type of activity as management consulting.

There are many definitions of management consulting. There are two main approaches to counseling.

In the first case, a broad functional view of counseling is used. Fritz Steele defines it this way: “By consulting process I mean any form of assistance with regard to the content, process, or structure of a task or series of tasks, in which the consultant is not himself responsible for completing the task, but helps those who are responsible for it.”

The second approach considers counseling as a special professional service and highlights a number of characteristics that it should have. According to Larry Grainer and Robert Metzger, “management consulting is a contracted and service-based consulting service to organizations through specially trained and qualified individuals who help the client organization identify management problems, analyze them, make recommendations for solving these problems, and assist, if necessary, the implementation of decisions”.

In particular, the European Federation of Associations of Economics and Management Consultants (FEACO) gives the following definition: “Management consulting consists in providing independent advice and assistance in management matters, including identifying and assessing problems and / or opportunities, recommending appropriate measures and assisting in their implementation". The American Association of Economics and Management Consultants (ACME) and the Institute of Management Consultants (IMC) adhere to the same definition.

In order to fully disclose the concept of consulting activity in Ukraine, the author considers it appropriate to analyze changes in the existing formulations of management consulting (Table 1) and changes in the basic principles of consulting activity.

Table 1

Definition of management consulting (MC) concepts

The consultation process involves two partners - the consultant and the client. The client decided to pay for the professional services of a consultant on certain conditions. Therefore, for the duration of the consulting contract, the consultant's knowledge and experience work to solve the client's problem. That is, the parties seek to achieve the same goal. The reality, however, is much more complicated. Quite apart from the technical relevance and quality, the consultant's advice can be understood and accepted or rejected by the client. Rejection can take many forms. In the history of consulting, there are thousands of cases where excellent reports were buried in the desks of executives and never put into practice, although they were formally accepted. This highlights the critical importance of building and maintaining an effective relationship between counselor and client. Experience shows that this is not easy. To be successful, both consultants and clients must be familiar with the human and other factors that affect their relationship and be aware of the mistakes to avoid when working together on an assignment.

They must be willing to do whatever it takes to build a relationship that makes effective intervention by an independent professional. The client and the consultant may have different views on the expected outcome and the way the task is completed. The definition of a problem by a consultant and a client can differ for many reasons. Often leaders are too deeply immersed in a particular situation, or they created the problem themselves. They may perceive the symptoms but not the real problem, or they may prefer the counselor to "exposure" some significant aspects of the problem himself.

Matching the problem definitions of the counselor and the client is to lay the foundation for a healthy working relationship throughout the assignment. Both consultant and client must be prepared to correct their original definitions and work out a common one.

Second, both the consultant and the client must be clear about what they want to achieve and how to measure the results. This may require an exchange of views on how each party views the consultation, how far the consultant should progress on the agreed assignment, and what their responsibilities are to the client. Thirdly, it is important to define the roles that the consultant and client will play, how they will participate in the assignment. During the course of the assignment, various unforeseen events and new facts may cause the original definitions of expectations and roles to be revised. Parties should keep this possibility in mind and be flexible enough to adjust their agreements and organization of work. Depending on the situation, and what the client expects, different definitions of the consultant's roles and methods of intervention are possible. However, the main goal should always be to create and maintain a true relationship of cooperation. This is the golden rule of counseling. The degree and form of the client-consultant relationship will vary from case to case, but there must always be a strong collaborative spirit that is characterized by a shared desire to succeed in the task, trust and respect, and an understanding of the role of one's partner.

Why is active collaboration necessary?

1. There are many things a consultant cannot do properly or not at all if the client does not want to cooperate. This happens when he is denied information or the opportunity to exchange opinions with the right people.

2. Often top management does not know what knowledge and skills may be present in the organization in a hidden form. Through collaboration, consultants help clients identify and mobilize their own resources.

3. Collaboration is essential so that the client is fully committed to the problem definition and the results of the assignment. Consultants emphasize that their clients must "own" the problem and its solution. The reason is that people often reject changes that are offered to them from the outside. When the problem is solved together, the client is better at solving the problem and is less inclined to shift all the responsibility to the consultant, not only for rational but also for emotional reasons.

4. If there is no cooperation, the client is unlikely to learn anything from the task. Learning does not take place when defining the terms of reference, accepting or rejecting the final report, but when joint work at all stages of the assignment, from the definition of the problem to the evaluation of the results.

With whom and how does the consultant work? A client in the broadest sense of the term is an organization that uses the services of an expert unit. These are institutional relationships. However, there are also clients in a narrower sense - individuals or groups of persons in the organization who initiate the involvement of a consultant, discuss work with him, cooperate in the course of an assignment, receive reports and make recommendations to top management whether to accept them or not.

It should be noted that in professional consulting organizations, the relationship "client - consultant" is always personalized. There may be a formal contract between the consulting firm and the organization using its services. However, services are always provided in direct contact between persons acting on behalf of both parties. This is a fundamental law. A truly productive relationship cannot be fully guaranteed by any legal contract between organizations, it will depend on abilities and relationships, as well as on the "psychological contract" between directly involved individuals.

The consultant must first determine:

1) who has the real decision-making power related to the task (at all stages)

2) who is most interested in the success (failure) of the task

3) whose direct cooperation is needed. He must determine who "owns" the problem and needs help - this is the main client.

Main roles of a consultant:

A resource consultant (also called an expert and key role) helps the client by providing his technical expertise and doing something for him and on his behalf: supply information, diagnose the organization, study the feasibility of the proposal, develop a new system, educate staff to new methods, recommends organizational and other changes, offers comments on a new project envisaged by the management, etc. management cooperates with the resource consultant, but may be limited to providing information on demand, discussing progress, accepting or rejecting a proposal, and requesting further advice on project implementation. The guidance does not suggest that the consultant dealt extensively with social and behavioral aspects process of change, although he should be aware of these aspects.

The process consultant, as an agent of change, tries to teach the organization how to solve problems by making it aware of the organizational processes, their likely consequences, and how to intervene to drive change. He seeks not to transfer technical knowledge and offer solutions, but, first of all, offers his methods, approaches and assessments of the organization to the client, so that it can diagnose and eliminate its own problems.

Consultants are invited to improve management efficiency and the quality of decisions made.

This places a huge responsibility and obligation on consultants to maintain the highest standards of integrity and competence. Without these properties, it is possible to be a consultant, but not for long. How "short" in time is determined by the level of qualification and exactingness of clients. Ultimately, it is the clients who determine the level of quality of services and the integrity of consultants. The more knowledge and skills managers have, the more conscientiously they treat their business, the more stringent are the requirements for professionalism and responsibility of consultants. That is, the socio-economic environment forms both the profession itself and the system of requirements for it, which determine the professionalism of its bearer.

The main group of criteria that determine the profession and professionalism of consultants is a set of ethical standards and rules of conduct for consultants with client organizations. As noted above, the consultant is trusted with information that is of the greatest value for entrepreneurship and determines the condition and fate of thousands of people. The consultant is often technically superior to the client and possesses knowledge and information that the client lacks. The recommendations and solutions proposed by the consultant in this case cannot be properly critically assessed by the client, who fully relies on the professionalism and integrity of the consultant. These circumstances form a system of requirements for the consultant, which implies strict observance of the interests of the client both during the period of work with him and after the end of the relationship. The interests of clients are the main criterion for assessing the activities of consultants, a measure of the value of their actions. At least they should be! If consultants are not conscientious and honest in relation to the enterprises and managers who trust them, then very soon they will cease to be the owners of this profession, they will not be paid money.

But it is not always clear what these interests are and what the client wants to receive as a result of working with a consultant. Not always managers of enterprises can accurately formulate the problem, they cannot always properly assess the capabilities of the enterprise. Quite typical is the conflict between the short-term and long-term interests of managers and owners of enterprises, the resolution of which requires compromise approaches. There are frequent conflicts of interest not only between owners and managers, but also between different groups of managers. It also happens that consultants are involved in order to find solutions that satisfy one of the groups associated with the enterprise, to the detriment of another. And these are not rare cases. In order to resolve all these conflicts of interest, consultants must be as impartial and objective as possible in the current situation. Impartiality and objectivity are the next group of requirements for the profession and criteria for assessing the professionalism of consultants. These are the criteria for the socio-economic significance of consulting activities and the responsibility of consultants.

In countries with established traditions of consulting activities, in order to solve all these problems, various professional associations of consultants were created, the main idea of ​​​​creating which was to develop and harmonize the principles of behavior with clients, ethical norms and rules. Consultants there unite in associations in order to develop standards of honesty and competence that protect, first of all, the consultants themselves from the dishonesty and ignorance of their alleged colleagues. Following the standards of competence, honesty and conscientiousness, developed and accepted by the entire professional community, ultimately determined a very high degree of trust in consulting for managers of enterprises of all sizes and all sectors of the economy.

For example, members of the European Federation of Associations of Manufacturing Consultants (FEACO) must subscribe to the FEACO code of conduct and avoid unprofessional behavior in their activities, namely:

2) not accept any trade commission discounts or compensation of any kind if they are related to the provision of services (not consulting) or goods to the client;

3) not to participate in the division of profits of firms that supply goods or some services to clients of consultants, as well as not be under their control. It is also forbidden to hide from clients any interest that may affect the quality of consultants' services;

4) not charge remuneration for the provision of services on any basis other than the accepted professional pricing scale;

5) not to disclose confidential information relating to the activities of consultants' clients;

6) not to pay or accept fees for the official introduction of clients, except in cases that are consistent with the recognized and generally accepted practice in the country;

7) not to perform any actions that are contrary to the laws of the profession.

Consultants in European countries do not consider it possible to combine consulting with any intermediary activity, as this contradicts the principle of impartiality and objectivity of consultants - there is a temptation to influence the behavior and decisions of the client in order to extract additional income.

Norms similar to those declared in the FEACO code of conduct should be adopted by national Ukrainian consultants in order to increase the trust and reliability of consulting services.

In countless disputes about ways out of the difficult socio-economic situation in which our country finds itself, the topic of governance steadfastly occupies one of the leading places. There are two concentrated points of view in this debate. First, we need smart leaders at all levels, entrepreneurs who are able to lead and lead the most lagging enterprise out of a breakthrough. In a word, real managers are required. We do not have enough of them yet, and therefore we should not be ashamed of "writing out" the necessary specialists from abroad for decent money. We are not the first to do this. Even in ancient times, they did not disdain in Russia to call the Varangians as leaders. Adherents of a different point of view believe that our economic system immediately cuts off any "Varangian". It's not a lack of good managers, but the strength of the system itself. We should start with it, change it radically, and this in itself will give rise to managerial personnel necessary for fundamentally new conditions.

Which way out of the formulated situation is more correct, in your opinion? Justify your choice.

The truth, as usual, lies somewhere in the middle. To be more precise, in the synthesis and combination of the two proposed directions, one should look for a way out of the current situation, develop and implement their own "Ukrainian version". Adhering to one of the two extreme views, we will get a smaller effect than combining all the positive characteristics and properties of both options for improving the efficiency of the economic system of modern Ukraine.

Ukraine, in fact, is a country in which all the attendant conditions are combined for the development and testing of a new model. And this is not Ukrainian chauvinism or messianic phobias. This is a statement of fact. The process of interpenetration of cultures, ideologies, philosophy, religions, economic structures is inevitable. This, in turn, has a significant impact on the mentality of Ukrainians as a nation, which in turn contributes to the development of special economic thinking, the order and rules of doing business, the understanding of which for foreign consultants sometimes appears to be an extremely difficult, insurmountable difficulty. The key category in this barrier is mentality. As a result, it should be considered appropriate not to directly influence foreign specialists on national economic processes, but to involve them in the development of their own personnel and intellectual national potential, that is, managers who have absorbed all the theoretical and practical developments and applied provisions of Western economies with high and long-term development of market processes .

Under this condition, it is possible to adapt international theoretical and applied provisions in the field of management in the realities of the current economic situation in Ukraine. To this end, the integration of socio-economic life into the world space, the intensification of interaction with developed countries is seen as promising. Foreign experts should train our personnel reserve, and not deal with problems directly due to the fact that this expert will only develop projects, and we will implement it. And that naturally existing gap in the vector of thinking can cause a collapse or inefficient implementation of the implemented measures. However, when training our leaders, a sense of proportion is also necessary, since a long-term temporary abstraction from the realities of our space can correct the mentality and behavior of a given subject of training and economic knowledge.

However, humanity, and, accordingly, economic life is moving towards the synthesis of the material and the spiritual, the idealistic pragmatic, the synthesis of the ideologies of Western and Eastern civilizations and on the way own development it is necessary to adhere to all the best that management science of the entire world space has today.

The creation of an information society and an information economy in the country is an urgent need and a need for the training of managers. The main task of the modern training of senior and middle management in Ukraine is twofold and rather contradictory.

On the one hand, this is the need to make educational training as open as possible and integrated into the world science in the field of management, mobile for "Varangian specialists".

On the other hand, there is a need to create an elite, special education of our own, based on selection, individual educational programs, creating outstanding leaders in various fields and sectors of the economy. Such education and such leaders are the basis of the development strategy, providing a breakthrough, a leap in the development of Ukrainian society, the economy and the state as a whole.

Consequently, we ourselves must manage our economy, our enterprises, since who, apart from ourselves, can understand and change the entire national system, so specific and multifaceted. But the methods, principles, logic of change and development must be developed taking into account the previous experience of developed countries with market relations, based on their trial and error. And foreign experts can act as educational consultants who will bring into practice all the best applied and theoretical developments that have made and are making successful the activities of many enterprises outside our borders. This approach can be considered the most optimal and appropriate.


The need for expert, more professional management consulting on certain pressing issues of business life is recognized by an increasing number of business leaders at the stage of transformation of economic relations. Management consulting can be considered a promising and strategically important area and type of entrepreneurial activity pursuing not only their own economic goals.

Consulting activity in Ukraine is becoming more and more similar to the basic principles and characteristics of foreign analogues.

All this makes high demands on the quality and efficiency of consulting services and causes them to focus on the interests of the client.

We note once again that the requirements for the effectiveness of consulting services in Ukraine practically do not differ from Western ones, and often even exceed the requirements of Western counterparts. This explains why in recent years there has been a withdrawal of Western consulting firms from the Ukrainian market and an increasing number of Ukrainian consultants working in the remaining Western firms.

However, there are still many problems of consulting activity in Ukraine. There are not enough qualified specialists. The regulatory framework has not been adjusted. The question of the quality of consulting services constantly arises. Methods of consulting activity have not been adapted to the conditions of the Ukrainian economy. All this contributes to scientific research with further application in practice.

List of sources used

1. Aleshnikova V.I. Using the services of professional consultants. - M., 1999.

2. Consulting in Ukraine. - Kyiv: Association "Ukrconsulting", 1996.

3. Consulting in Ukraine. - Kyiv: Association "Ukrconsulting", 1996. - 188 p.

4. Country Development Plan: Abbreviated. Version for individual and collective awareness / Ed. I. Bogoslovskaya, I. Didkovsky, A. Chaly. - K .: Publishing house "Pension, 2006. - 212s."

5. Posadsky A.P. Basics of consulting. - M.: GU VSHE, 1999. - 240 p.

6. Theoretical foundations of management consulting // chast2.3.html, chast4.1.html

7. Trofimova O.K. Definition of the term “management consulting” / /

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The concept of management consulting

Definition of management consulting

Consulting is considered from the point of view of functional and professional approaches.

1. From the point of view of the functional approach, consulting is a type of activity aimed at providing assistance to the client, taking into account his interests. At the same time, the consultant is not responsible for how the client uses his service, that is, it is not the consultant who is responsible, but the client.

2. From the standpoint of a professional approach, consulting is a consulting service, working under a contract and providing services to clients, from the standpoint of specially trained and qualified persons who help identify management problems, analyze them, give recommendations on solving these problems and assist, if necessary, in the implementation of these solutions.

Goal -> Situation -> Problem -> Decision (the process of implementation, not the fact of acceptance).

According to the definition of the European Federation of Associations of Economic and Management Consultants FEACO, management consulting is the provision of independent advice and assistance on management issues, including the identification and assessment of problems and opportunities, the recommendation of appropriate measures and assistance in their implementation.

Components of counseling: process, expertise, service, method.

Character traits counseling:

1. Professionalism.

Knowledge of the management situation.

Availability practical experience her permission.

Possessing the skills of sharing experience, identifying problems, searching for information, analyzing the situation, communicating with people, planning changes and overcoming resistance to change.

2. Consultation. The consultant does not have the right to make decisions, but only recommends what can be done to resolve the situation.

3. Independence.

Financial, having your own account and the consultant's lack of interest in how to dispose of the client with his advice.

Administrative, lack of communication and subordination.


Emotional, from family and friendship ties.

Management consulting as a business service

With the beginning of market transformations in the economy of the Russian Federation, new industry- business services. Business services are activities that carry out macro- and microeconomic regulation and maintain optimal proportions of the economy, engaged in servicing the main and infrastructure production, as well as public administration.

Business service - professional and always paid.

Demand for business services appears as the economy develops, and their role is determined by the fact that they create the basis for the growth of well-being and social satisfaction of people (in other words, they help people).

Business Services features include:

1. Formation of components of control systems. (HR systems, technology, logistics, etc.)

2. Implementation current maintenance management processes (legal, audit and other project support).

3. Provision of consulting services.

4. Creation, distribution, implementation of management innovations.

The value of business services is that they:

1. Create conditions for the effective functioning of our economy.

2. Contribute to the formation and close interaction of all elements of the infrastructure complex.

3. Free organizations from the need to create additional service units and hire additional staff.

As a rule, business services are provided simultaneously for several types of activities, one of which is dominant. Business services require different regulation, from free implementation (consulting) to compulsory licensing (audit), attestation, certification and accreditation.

Most business services firms provide advice in their area of ​​expertise.

1. Consulting services are part of business services.

2. Management consulting - one of the types of consulting services.

3. Management consulting is part of a business service.

From a business service point of view, consulting is an activity carried out by professional consultants and aimed at serving the needs, commercial and non-profit organizations, individuals in consultations, training, research work on the problems of their functioning and development.

1. Are the product of consulting activities.

2. Have their own life cycle.

3. Intangible.

4. Heterogeneous.

5. Cannot be rendered for future use.

6. Can be provided in advance.

7. Can be integrated by different firms.

8. Have a low capital intensity.

The European Directory of Management Consultants distinguishes 104 types of consulting services, grouped into 8 groups:

1. General management.

2. Administration.

3. Financial management.

4. Personnel management.

5. Marketing.

6. Production.

7. Information technology.

8. Specialized services.

Consulting services are carried out in the following forms:

1. One-time consultations.

oral representation

Written representation.

pre-prepared questionnaire.

2. Information service.

Providing statistical reports.

The mode of making forecasts for the development of the economy and its industries.

Information on legislation.

Providing information about the reliability of partners.

3. Expertise.

Examination of independently compiled by the client business plans.

Examination of investment projects.

Contract review.

Examination of financial transactions.

4. Consulting project.

Problem diagnosis.

Development and implementation of solutions.

Search for partners.

Negotiation Project.

Development of management documents accompanying management processes.

Goals, objectives, principles of management consulting

The main goal of management consulting is to improve the quality of management, increase the efficiency of the client firm and increase the productivity of its staff.

Main goals:

1. To correct the situation.

2. For improvement.

3. Tasks for innovation.

4. Combined type.


1. Scientific.

2. Flexibility.

3. Progressiveness.

4. Continuity.

5. Safety of the system in the process of counseling.

6. Changing the system as a result of counseling.

7. Specificity.

8. Glasnost.

9. Competence.

10. Dynamism.

11. Creativity.

12. Efficiency.

Classification (typology) of management consulting

1. Based on the results, they are distinguished.

Product consulting.

Providing consulting, process consulting.

2. By radicality


Cosmetic Consulting

Routine counseling

3. By goals



4. By types of tasks to be solved



5. By implementation mechanism

Object management consulting

Polyobject consulting

Unique consulting

Standard counseling

6. By performance



7. By place of application



8. By the duration of the impact on the object

Short term

medium term

Long term

9. By application functions

Scientific research consulting

Practical advice

10. By degree of impact

shock counseling


11. By the number of objects



12. By levels and areas of management



Municipal Consulting

State consulting

13. By the scale of the organization


macro consulting

14. About teaching methods



mutual learning

15. By types of management activities

Scientific and technical

Socio-economic consulting

16. According to the method of self-assessment of the head


critical counseling

Subject, methods and participants of management consulting


From the position of a consultant, the subject of management consulting is a consulting service.

From the position of a manager, the subject of management consulting is the consultant's client relations.

Management Consulting Methods

Came from management and therefore they are identical to management methods.

1. Dialectical.

2. Logical.

3. Empirical.

local or special

1. Methods of the technical aspect, allowing to carry out consulting services on the analysis of information, the study of the situation, the search for problems, the development of alternative solutions. Among these methods, the methods of questioning and writing a report are the most widely used.

2. The methods of the human aspect are implemented in the client relations consultant system and are based on psychology.

Participants in the management consulting process

The clients of the consulting organization may be

1. Unhealthy organizations for which a management consultant is the last chance to survive.

2. Exemplary organizations, those that invite a consultant to find new directions for development and strengthen existing situations.

3. State structures.

4. International organizations and corporations.

There are two main types of consultants.

1. Consultant organization.

2. Consultant is an individual.

Types of consulting organizations

1. Large, multifunctional consulting firms (500-1000 consultants), with branches in various countries. They are generally referred to as full-service management consulting firms. Focused on large clients.

2. Management consulting services, formed as divisions of large accounting firms and having a size and function similar to large consulting firms.

3. Small and medium-sized consulting firms (from a few to 100 consultants) engaged in: firstly, general management consulting for small and medium-sized businesses in a limited geographical area; secondly, special management consulting in one or more areas; thirdly, strictly specialized activities in one or more industries or services.

4. Organizations providing special technical services (think tanks).

5. Consulting units in a management institution are created in the firm as part of a consulting organization. Consulting organization, at the same time, leases its personnel to this company for the training of its managers.

6. Single consultants, they are more experienced (an employee of the firm), cheaper, more loyal to the client than firms. The strength of solo consultants is in a highly individualized and flexible approach to the problem.

7. Consulting professors. For them, counseling is a hobby that provides additional income.

8. Non-traditional sources of counseling services. Suppliers and sellers of computer equipment, commercial, insurance and banking organizations. Other organizations that have converted their internal management consulting groups into external consulting services.

9. Internal advisory services.

Stages of development of management consulting

In 1914, the first consulting firm appeared in Chicago under the leadership of Edwin Buza and received the name "Business Research Service". The first management consultants did not deal with management, but with issues close to production. By the 1920s, they decided that it was more profitable for them not to engage in consulting in the field of production, but to consult management.

1. 20s, the first stage of management consulting, the stage of formation. The first managers realized that it was more profitable for them to engage in consulting. The first consultant in the field of management relations. Mary Parker Folet - Human Resources Consultant, Harold Whitehead - Marketing Consulting, McKinsey Family - Financial Consulting.

2. 30-40s. The stage of the triumphal procession of consulting around the world. It flows from the USA to England, from there to France. As a result, a European school of consulting is being formed. Also, consulting is gradually beginning to penetrate into the public sphere.

3. 50-60 years. The golden years of counseling. There were 50,000 consultants in America. The following qualitative changes have taken place in counseling

New management strategy services emerge

Technological progress has given life to such types of counseling as computer technology, technology, telecommunications and communications

The emergence of an aggressive strategy to stimulate business activity.

Accounting and auditing firms began to engage in consulting in order to diversify their activities.

Internationalization of consulting - the emergence of the first joint firms and the opening of representative offices of firms in various countries.

Emergence of internal consultants.

Progress in the methodology of counseling is associated with an increase in the number of its types.

Increasing the competence of clients in the use of consultants

4. 70s to the present. Species diversity counseling. Currently, there are many new types of consulting services.

Services by areas and functions of management, general management, finance, production, marketing and personnel.

Consulting services for evaluating the effectiveness of organizational change, consulting on methods for identifying problems, developing programs for organizational change and improving management efficiency.

Services on sectoral problems, single-industry and multi-industry consulting.

Advising on new types of services, i.e. advising on the merging of management and engineering processes; consulting on the training of managers; advising on the selection and transfer of technologies; consulting on patents and licenses; advising on studying the market reaction to a new product.

Clients are most often interested in a complete package of services formed by crossing traditional services. Among the many areas of consulting, three are closest to management consulting:

1. For engineering and technical issues.

2. On legal issues.

3. Accounting.

2. Management Consulting Process

The process of management consulting is understood as the joint activity of the consultant and the client in order to solve a specific problem or set of tasks and implement the desired changes in the client organization. This process includes several stages, stages, phases. There are three stages in the management consulting process.

1. Pre design.

2. Design.

3. After design

Three steps in the management consulting process.

1. Diagnostics (problem identification).

2. Development of solutions.

3. Implementation of solutions.

Process phases:

1. Preparation. In the preparation phase, the consultant begins to work with the client. It includes

First contact with the client (meetings, conversations, discussion of issues).

Preliminary diagnosis of the problem (analysis, comparison and diagnosis of the solution to the problem).

Task planning for a consultant (synthesis methods).

Offer to the client regarding the task.

Conclusion of a consulting agreement.

2. Diagnosis. It is a deep analysis of the problem being solved, based on the study and analysis of facts. It also establishes the essence of the problem under consideration: what is it (problem); how wide it is; which aspect of it is decisive or dominant; whether the organization is seeking change to address the problem. This phase includes:

Determining the structure of the data and deciding whether to collect it.

Fact-finding and data collection.

Fact analysis.

Feedback from the client, including the preparation of an initial report and conclusions drawn from the diagnosis.

3. Action planning. It is aimed at finding a solution to the problem, including:

Development of solutions.

Evaluation of alternative options.

Formation of an offer to the client (review methods).

Planning for the implementation of decisions (descriptive methods).

4. Implementation. Strictly checks the correctness and feasibility of proposals prepared by the consultant in cooperation with the client. Includes:

Assistance in implementation (mentoring).

Correction of proposals (methods of analysis).

Personnel training (training methods).

5. Completion. It is final and includes:

Evaluation of the actions performed by the consultant (comparative methods).

Preparation and acceptance by the client of the final report (descriptive and psychological methods).

Settlement with a consultant for obligations in accordance with the contract (financial and legal methods).

Behavior of negotiations regarding further cooperation (psychological methods).

Consultant leaving.

Counseling is not only a method of intervening in the activities of the client in order to provide services. It is closely related to teaching, research and information.

The role-based nature of management consulting

The counseling process involves two partners, the consultant and the client. The client pays for the services of a consultant on certain conditions. The consultant works for the client for a certain time and for the agreed remuneration. However, the consultant's advice may or may not be accepted by the client. The client may consider the consultant to be an outsider, of little importance to his organization, and shelve even the best report. It follows that it is necessary to properly build and maintain a consultant-client relationship. These relationships are not easy to build. Initially, the consultant and the client may have different views on the outcome and the way the task is completed. To avoid this you must:

1. Together clearly define the problem for which the consultant was invited.

2. Realize what the desired result should be and how to achieve it.

3. Define the roles of the consultant and the client in completing the assignment.

The roles adopted depend on the situation, the expectations of the client, and the profile of the consultant. There are many consultant roles, of which the main roles are resource and process consultants.

Resource Consultant: Helps the client by providing his experience and skill, supply information, diagnose the organization, study the feasibility, proposals, develop a new system, train staff, and so on.

Management cooperates with the resource adviser, but is limited to providing information as requested, discussing progress made, accepting or rejecting proposals, and asking for further advice.

Process Consultant: Acts as a change agent and tries to teach the client's organization to solve its own problems by familiarizing it with organizational processes, their likely consequences, and interventions to drive change. Whereas the resource consultant tries to suggest to the client what to change, the process consultant mainly suggests how to change and helps the client to go through the process of change and solve human relations problems as they arise.

Initially, pure resource consulting (expertise) was quite common. Currently, it is used only in situations where the client wants to use the consultant's knowledge, but does not expect changes in the organization from him. In most cases, both roles should be seen as complementary and mutually beneficial. At the beginning of a consultation, the role of the resource consultant allows you to become familiar with the client's organization and demonstrate the best qualities of a specialist in his field. You can then continue to act as a process consultant trying to involve the client in finding solutions within the system.

Consulting in Russia and in the world, the market of consulting services

In modern market economy In developed countries, consulting stands out as a special infrastructure industry in which 700,000 people are employed in the United States, and the annual turnover is $ 50,000,000. In Russia, professional consulting support for business is provided by private consulting firms, of which there are several hundred. Among Russian firms, there are 45 large ones (and this is good), 32 of them are in Moscow (and this is bad). In addition, 12 joint consulting firms operate on the Russian market, in particular, all the big five are represented. Using the experience of Western consultants in Russia has the following positive and negative aspects:

1. Transfer of foreign experience,

2. New statement of tasks,

3. New solutions,

4. New business and general culture,

5. Good command of consulting methodology,

6. Preparation for entering foreign partners.

1. High cost of services,

2. Large requirements for the organization and preliminary preparation of the client,

3. Language barrier,

4. Difficulty in communication due to cultural differences,

5. High requirements for living conditions,

6. Condition for compliance with commercial and information security.

More than 175 consulting firms operating on the territory of the Russian Federation are members of the Association of Consultants in Economics and Management (AKEU). It is an authorized and full member of FEACO. In addition to her - ACUOR (Association of Consultants for Management and Organizational Development). NGPC - National Guild of Professional Consultants.

Characteristics of the marketconsulting servicesinRussia

Scope of consulting services.

1997 - 340.5 million rubles

1998 - 407.8 million rubles

1999 - 916.5 million rubles

1. Level of specializations Russian firms below the level of specialization of firms operating in a mature market.

2. Management consulting is often combined with trade or production.

3. The application of Western methods to Russian conditions is impossible without adaptation.

1. The need for a radical shift in industry creates a consulting boom.

2. Russian entrepreneurs were fully aware of their own limitations in addressing key issues and understood the need for consultants.

3. The Russian educational potential made it possible to train domestic consultants.

1. Not qualified and underdeveloped demand for services.

2. Unwillingness of the client to pay an adequate price for services.

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Relevance of the chosen topic Management consulting on resolving an unfavorable situation that arose during management municipal enterprises(on the example of MUK GDDK "Rodnik") due to the fact that consulting activity is one of the few industries with high growth rates (average annual growth has not fallen below 10% for many years). And although the growth rates and trends in the development of management consulting correspond to the global ones, in terms of absolute (the volume of consulting activities, the number of people employed in management consulting) and relative indicators (consultant workforce, income per consultant), Russia is still noticeably behind this process compared to Western European countries.

Currently, the country lacks a concept and has not developed a policy for the development of management consulting to resolve adverse situations that have arisen in the management of municipal enterprises. The development of management consulting has identified a new problem, insufficiently developed not only in domestic but also in foreign theory, the problem: the change in the essence and the emergence of a variety of relations of interconsultant interaction.


Subject of study

Object of study


Management Consulting Methods

Consulting is considered from the point of view of functional and professional approaches. 1. From the point of view of the functional approach, consulting is a type of activity aimed at providing assistance to the client, taking into account his interests. At the same time, the consultant is not responsible for how the client uses his service, that is, it is not the consultant who is responsible, but the client. 2. From the standpoint of a professional approach, consulting is a consulting service, working under a contract and providing services to clients, from the standpoint of specially trained and qualified persons who help identify management problems, analyze them, give recommendations on solving these problems and assist, if necessary, in the implementation of these solutions.
Goal -> Situation -> Problem -> Decision (the process of implementation, not the fact of acceptance). According to the definition of the European Federation of Associations of Economic and Management Consultants FEACO, management consulting is the provision of independent advice and assistance on management issues, including the identification and assessment of problems and opportunities, the recommendation of appropriate measures and assistance in their implementation.

Components of counseling: process, expertise, service, method. Characteristic features of counseling: 1. Professionalism. Knowledge of the management situation. The presence of practical experience in its resolution. Possessing the skills of sharing experience, identifying problems, searching for information, analyzing the situation, communicating with people, planning changes and overcoming resistance to change. 2. Consultation. The consultant does not have the right to make decisions, but only recommends what can be done to resolve the situation. 3. Independence. Financial, having your own account and the consultant's lack of interest in how to dispose of the client with his advice. Administrative, lack of communication and subordination. Political. Emotional, from family and friendship ties.

With the beginning of market transformations in the economy of the Russian Federation, a new industry appeared - business services. Business services are activities that carry out macro- and microeconomic regulation and maintain optimal proportions of the economy, engaged in servicing the main and infrastructure production, as well as public administration. Business service is professional and always paid. Demand for business services appears as the economy develops, and their role is determined by the fact that they create the basis for the growth of well-being and social satisfaction of people (in other words, they help people).

The functions of business services include: 1. Formation of components of management systems. (HR systems, technologies, logistics, etc.)2. Implementation of ongoing maintenance of management processes (legal, audit and other project support). 3. Provision of consulting services. 4. Creation, distribution, implementation of management innovations.

The value of business services lies in the fact that they: 1. Create conditions for the effective functioning of our economy. 2. Contribute to the formation and close interaction of all elements of the infrastructure complex. 3. Release organizations from the need to create additional service units and hire additional staff. As a rule, business services are provided simultaneously for several types of activities, one of which is dominant. Business services require different regulation, from free implementation (consulting) to compulsory licensing (audit), attestation, certification and accreditation. Most business services firms provide advice in their area of ​​expertise. 1. Consulting services are part of business services. 2. Management consulting is one of the types of consulting services.

Management consulting is one of the methods for developing the management system of organizations (firms, companies), as well as one of the methods for creating and developing social systems. In the broadest sense, management consulting is the process of applying to social systems social technologies. Social technologies represent the order of the stages of interaction between an innovator (in particular, a management consultant) and social system. At each of these stages, the innovator applies a certain set of management tools. At the same time, there are a number of norms and requirements that the activity of an innovator must comply with in order to innovation process proceeded without destruction and without degradation of the developing social system.

The whole variety of social technologies used in management consulting can be divided into two types:

1. Advisory consulting - consists of the following stages:
careful study of the customer’s situation, comparison of the customer’s situation with analogues, development of recommendations based on theories, methods and classifiers used by this consulting company, writing a report containing these recommendations and presentation of the report to the customer. The result of advisory consulting is carefully thought out, balanced and systematized recommendations. Among the most famous consulting companies operating in the mode of advisory consulting are, etc.

2. Process consulting - claims not so much to develop recommendations, but to change the state of the management system and the system of activity of the customer's organization. Therefore, including all the stages listed for advisory consulting, process consulting complements them with various active forms of work with owners, top managers, managers and specialists of the customer. Active forms of work are of two types: a) long-term support of the customer's company, up to temporary replacement of the customer's employees by specialists consulting company who, by their own example, train the customer's employees to work in a new way; b) various game forms, which have the advantage that the change in the management system and the system of activity occurs much faster (within one to two weeks).

Management consulting methods

1. Individual work with the first persons of the organization (in the form of coaching (training) or advisory consulting). This method of work is typical for both advisory and process consulting.

2. Reflective games and seminars, during which key managers and specialists of the organization (firms, companies) participate in the design of the next step in the development of the management system and the system of activity. One of the types of reflexive games used in management consulting is “live modeling of collective activity”. Reflexive games are actively used in process consulting type b). Adjustment of the management system “in manual mode”, when a team of consultants works for a long time with top management, managers and specialists of the company, accompanying each management action and instructing key specialists and managers in detail about new standards of activity and work methods. In this mode, a team of consultants can create a new document management system, collect marketing and management information, implement computer programs, contributing to the improvement of management efficiency, etc. This method is typical for process consulting type a). Development and writing of recommendations. Reference consultants develop and write their recommendations based on a thorough analysis of the client's situation and similar situations that have occurred in the past. Process consultants develop and write recommendations primarily based on the results of live work (in reflective games or in the process of individual and group methods of working with employees of the organization).

Consulting activity is a sphere professional services. The expert nature of such assistance means that it is carried out by order of the interested leader and is advisory in nature. The consultant helps, promotes, develops, educates, etc. The consultant does not make decisions, he prepares, calculates alternatives. The entire responsibility for making decisions rests with the head of the organization. The advantages of counseling over training lie in a specifically individual, "piece" approach. The consultant develops and barks only what, in his opinion, is necessary for this organization in this situation. Management consulting links management science with management practice: if research and design organizations offer standard recommendations, then the management consultant “ties” them to the specifics of the client organization.

The advantage of management consultants over managers is independence and impartiality of views, in a broader outlook. They have a wealth of information in the most various areas management and management (due to the lower workload of problems current management), are guided by a broad study of the problem and the transfer of experience of other organizations (this mainly concerns external consultants). Management consulting is carried out by specialists in various fields: lawyers, economists, marketers, analysts, psychologists and sociologists.

One of the newest on our market and the most promising species consulting services are outsourcing and “hire directors”. Outsourcing is based on the full or partial transfer of the routine functions of an enterprise (for example, such as accounting, tax calculation, personnel management, etc.) consulting firm in order to focus their own efforts on solving key strategic tasks. “Director Hire” is used when there is a temporary absence of management or a recent layoff. organizational development and office work or administration, although they are separate types of consulting, we have attributed to management consulting.

Services such as corporate finance management and management accounting are also relatively new in the transition to Western management standards. financial resources very relevant. The main purpose of creating a management reporting system is to provide enterprise managers with timely and necessary information for making effective management decisions. The implementation of almost all services is based on the analysis of existing and expected financial flows of the enterprise.

Methods of management consulting are divided into 1) project consulting; 2) consulting process.

The difference between them lies in the organization of the division of labor between the consultant and the client in the process of performing specific tasks. When consulting a project, the consultant makes a diagnosis and develops proposals for improving management (draws up a project for improving management, but does not take part in the process of implementing his proposals. The consultant acts as a designer, who is distinguished by his relatively high independence from the client.

When consulting the process, the diagnostics is carried out by the consultant together with the client. At the same time, the consultant undertakes to train the client's employees in the use of methods for diagnosing and solving problems, and the client - to develop proposals for improving management using these methods. It is advisable to use design consultants in the preparation of management procedures, job descriptions, other projects. Process consultants are best used in the development of large complex problems, when there are serious difficulties in implementation. The choice of method of counseling also depends on the level of management at which the problem is solved.

Methods of management consulting are divided into:

General- they come from management and therefore they are identical to the methods of management. 1. Dialectical. 2. Logical. 3. Empirical.

local or special 1. Methods of the technical aspect, allowing to carry out consulting services for the analysis of information, the study of the situation, the search for problems, the development of alternative solutions. Among these methods, the methods of questioning and writing a report are the most widely used.

2. The methods of the human aspect are implemented in the client relations consultant system and are based on psychology.

In terms of methods, the following forms of counseling can be distinguished: expert, process and training.

The model is selected depending on the problem being solved, the characteristics of the client organization, the qualities of consultants (skills, experience, personal qualities).

Expert advice. The client himself forms the task, the consultant-specialist acts as an expert. The disadvantage of this model is that the consultant develops a recommendation without conducting an independent analysis of the situation. Implements the changes, again, the client himself. It is advisable to use the model if it is necessary to gain knowledge on standard procedures and standards.

Educational consulting. The consultant not only collects ideas, analyzes solutions, but also prepares the ground for their emergence, providing the client with relevant theoretical and practical information in the form of lectures, trainings, business games, specific situations ("cases"), etc. The client forms a request for training, programs and forms of training, study groups.

Process consulting. Consultants at all stages of the project actively interact with the client, encouraging him to express his ideas, considerations, suggestions, critically correlate with ideas proposed from outside, conduct problem analysis and develop solutions with the help of consultants. At the same time, the role of consultants is to collect these external and internal ideas, evaluate the solutions obtained in the process of working together with the client, and bring them into a system of recommendations. This approach is the most efficient.

The consulting process is understood as a consistent series of actions, activities carried out through the joint activities of the consultant and the client to achieve positive changes within the client organization, to resolve its problems.

The consultation process goes through 3 stages:

1. Pre-contract stage. The client establishes the existence of a problem and the need to involve consultants to solve it, who, based on the results of preliminary diagnostics, make an offer to the client about the task. This stage ends with the conclusion of the contract. Its purpose is to ensure unity in understanding the essence of the consulting project by the client and the consultant.

2. Contract. It consists of several stages (diagnostics, development of solutions, implementation of solutions), which in turn include procedures. The purpose of the contract stage is to determine specific results and directions of work, to ensure the development and implementation of problem solving.

3. Post-contract. (Final) Departure of the consultant.

The allocation of stages in the consultation process provides a structured basis for decision-making, coordinated communications, a motivated project organization, and tangible results. All this makes it possible to reduce unpredictability, i.e. resulting in a well-managed project.

Consultants use many techniques to effectively complete a consulting assignment.

The method of consultation is understood as a general scheme (action plan) formed on the basis of the generalized experience of effective consultations of this type, which allows developing an appropriate program of action.

There is the following classification of counseling methods that helps to implement quick search, selection and effective use of the most appropriate organization and model of counseling methods:

1. Methods for solving the content of problems.1.1. Diagnostic methods. 1.1.1. Information collection methods: surveys, interviews, questionnaires, expert assessments. 1.1.2. Information processing methods: data classification, problem analysis, comparison.

1.2. Problem solving methods. 1.2.1. Methods for identifying problems: a tree of goals using expert assessments, methods for assessing the priorities of problems (expert and logical analysis), a method for constructing a graph of problems. 1.2.2. Methods for developing and evaluating solutions: methods for developing alternative solutions, methods for choosing alternative solutions, methods for analyzing the quality of decisions made, methods for group work.

1.3. Implementation methods. 1.3.1. Experimental verification methods: group work, business games. 1.3.2. Methods for transferring the result to real conditions: methods for forming working groups, methods for holding problem meetings.

2. Methods of working with the client. 2.1. Methods for choosing the roles of consultant and client. 2.2. Methods of cooperation and assistance to the client in the implementation of changes. 2.2.1. Methods of education and training of personnel of the client organization. 2.2.2. Methods for developing the creative potential of the leaders of the client organization. 2.2.3. Methods for increasing the motivation of staff and managers to change: methods of persuasion, methods of using feelings of tension and anxiety, methods of reward and punishment, etc.

There are several counseling methods (a set of directives that indicate the course of action and methods for achieving the set goals): 1. Specialized (for special conditions).2. Universal (for all types of organization, regardless of industry, form of ownership).

Consulting is a term used in modern practice to refer to activities aimed at identifying and developing proposals and programs in order to rationalize and optimize the functioning of an enterprise, to help management and managers in the process of making competent decisions Goncharuk V.A. Marketing consulting. - M.: Delo, 2011. - 39 p.

The range of problems solved by consulting is very wide, in addition, the specialization of companies providing consulting services can be different: from narrow, limited to any one area of ​​consulting services, to the widest, covering the full range of services in this area. Accordingly, each specialist working in this area puts his own meaning into the concept of consulting, determined by the direction of a particular company.

The emergence of the term and the development of the direction "management consulting" began with the identification of two main approaches to consulting. In the first case, a broad functional view of counseling is used. Fritz Stehle defines it this way: “By consulting process I mean any form of assistance with regard to the content, process, or structure of a task or series of tasks, in which the consultant is not himself responsible for completing the task, but helps those who are responsible for it.”

The second approach considers counseling as a special professional service and highlights a number of characteristics that it should have. According to Larry Greiner and Robert Metzger, “management consulting is a contracted and service-based consulting service to organizations through specially trained and qualified individuals who help the client organization identify management problems, analyze them, make recommendations for solving these problems, and contribute, if necessary, to the implementation of decisions”. These two approaches can be considered as complementary McHam K. Management consulting. - M.: MPZ, 2008. - 288 p. problems and/or opportunities, recommendation of appropriate measures and assistance in their implementation” Goncharuk V.A. Marketing consulting. - M.: Delo, 2011. - 40 p.

The American Association of Economics and Management Consultants (ACME) and the Institute of Management Consultants (IMC) adhere to the same definition.

The emergence of management consulting was caused by the constant search by entrepreneurs for new means of increasing production efficiency, attempts by management specialists to find a commercial application for their abilities, the logic of the development of organizational science and practice.

Today, many non-profit organizations willingly use the services of management consultants, but entrepreneurs were the first clients. They were forced to do this by competition, which requires a constant search for new reserves of efficiency.

At first, business leaders tried to use the obvious, "nearby" opportunities, primarily financial ones (savings, increasing profits by increasing prices or reducing costs).

As they were exhausted, a transition was made to updating equipment, technology, and design solutions. Then came the turn of changes in the assortment, the replacement of manufactured products in the race for demand or ahead of it. It comes to the actual management resources, almost in the last place. Why is this happening? The manager usually quickly agrees that lowering costs, and sometimes prices, will give him an increase in profits directly or through an increase in total turnover.

With equipment and technology, it is somewhat more difficult: to attract additional labor force sometimes it turns out to be cheaper, new machines need to be mastered, etc.

Product innovations come with risks, and too many upfront and downstream changes require such a reorientation. When it comes to improving management, it can be difficult for a manager to accept that he solves his problems on his own worse than with the participation of "someone else."

In addition, a change in management usually involves a change in the behavior, attitudes and methods of work of the leader personally. And this is perhaps the most conservative part of the entire organizational system, especially considering the venerable age of many directors and the vitality of the traditions of over-centralization and authoritarianism. Indeed, a management consultant cannot show the client the direct relationship between the results of their work and profit as clearly as financial, technical innovation or marketing consultants. Only in recent years have we begun to respect such concepts as managerial profit, staff motivation, strategic management. Nevertheless, directors of factories, heads of banks make contact with management consultants and conclude appropriate contracts.

At the same time, as a rule, clients do not know in advance the real benefits of such cooperation. Consultants must offer their services to them, and they will decide how to dispose of these opportunities.

What did the first consultants who appeared in the 1920s offer? It is generally accepted that management consultants of the "first wave" are former entrepreneurs, managers, managers who have achieved success in the business field and retired for personal reasons Goncharuk V.A. Marketing consulting. - M.: Delo, 2011. - 47 p.

Having remained sufficiently active, they began to offer their experience in the field of management and solving organizational problems to younger leaders. At first, this gave positive results, but with the acceleration of the pace of social development, a paradox became apparent: ex-managers recommend today to do as they did yesterday.

Meanwhile, the most valuable experience is becoming obsolete, and although, of course, some “universal wisdom” and “life lessons” remain, this is no longer enough. As a result, the "first wave" began to decline, but did not completely disappear.

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