Hr audit checklist. What HR problems can a HR audit reveal? Reconciliation of documents

  • How does an audit of internal systems and assessment tools help HR determine what is working and what is not?
  • How to seamlessly make the transition from some assessment tools (outdated, ineffective) to others?
  • How to deal with resistance?
  • How to plan internal PR for new tools?

HR audits typically focus on how and to what extent HR professionals help the business.

If there is a request for such an audit, it means that either the company already has a culture continuous improvements, aspirations for the quality of work, either the business has some dissatisfaction with the work of the HR service, or the HR service team has been headed by a new leader.

In all these cases, it is necessary to collect information on how HR:
– examines the condition of the company’s employees and identifies needs for its services
— satisfies the stated needs and anticipates new areas of work with personnel
— solves difficult situations with teams and individuals.
To do this, it is important to communicate with both sides of the process - both with HR employees and with their internal customers - employees and company leaders.

Failures in work are detected when analyzing the collected information and often relate to issues of interaction in the adoption and implementation of joint decisions.
Fulfilling the will of management, HR employees can find themselves between two fires - on the one hand, the requirements for greater transparency, consistency and efficiency of work on the part of management, on the other hand, the unwillingness of managers and employees "in the field" to understand problems, learn new tools, apply them in their practice and make decisions based on new information.

Typical situation - a matter of allocation personnel reserve and appointment of successors. What to rely on when resolving this issue? In most organizations, the opinion of the immediate supervisor of the employee and the manager one level above is taken into account. Is it decisive, or is HR trying to collect other information to make an objective decision? Who makes such a decision?

A company may have a whole range of people assessment tools, but when opening a position, the results of the assessment do not affect the decision. This may mean, depending on other data collected:
— insufficient authority of HR employees in the eyes of business representatives,
- the presence in the organization of a culture in which personal connections and relationships are greater value than the efficiency and potential of the employee,
- the presence of "double standards" in the company, when some values ​​are declared, and the real choice of successors is carried out according to others,
- undeveloped for evaluation, not reflecting the real set of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for success in this company.

An audit helps determine what the role of HR is in an organization

What do its employees do - collect and systematize important information about the effectiveness and potential of people to make the most accurate decisions, to create objective and transparent career paths, or just perform the functions of internal PR to create the appearance of all this? Depending on the answer to this question, you can make plans to improve the efficiency of HR or improve its communication with the business.

The audit can also detect errors in the use of assessment tools.

For example, an organization conducts a staff satisfaction survey. The purpose of the survey is to collect information about how the employees of the organization feel. It is expected that the obtained data will be used to develop ideas for improving staff satisfaction and reducing staff turnover. However, an analysis of the survey procedure reveals that the information received can hardly be considered reliable and objective. The rules of anonymity and confidentiality of obtaining data are not respected, the length of service of respondents in the organization is not taken into account, people turn out to be completely unprepared for the survey - or, on the contrary, over-prepared and incorrectly configured, the questionnaire includes uninformative or ambiguous questions, the results of the survey are used as a rationale for conducting sanctions against teams or individuals. Common polling errors reduce the value of the information obtained when people deliberately hide or distort information, and can even lead to wrong decisions. Auditors must carefully understand how a survey is initiated, prepared, conducted, and how its results are processed and used.

In one of the large Russian retail companies, the head called on an independent consultant to look into the situation when the internal system evaluation of communication between departments. If at first people reported interaction problems, then for the last year and a half of using the system, everyone gave each other only the highest scores, despite the fact that problems in joint work still existed. In order to understand the situation, it was necessary to understand not only how the results of the assessment were used, but also to analyze the way the data was collected, and even the scale by which the assessments were made. The changes introduced to the procedure and the rating scale made it possible to once again receive reliable and important information about both failures in cross-functional interaction and best practices for working with internal clients.

Another example is the use of tests when hiring or when assessing a talent pool.

It would never occur to anyone to put an unprepared person in the place of the machine operator. And access to use psychological tests and aptitude tests are sometimes given to untrained or only partially trained people. The auditor may then find that the organization is using tests that are inappropriate for the purposes of the assessment, that the testing and data handling procedures are flawed, that the results are inferred from the results, that the findings are presented to management in a non-equal dialogue manner that is understandable to both sides communication.

It also happens that "psychologists" grown up in non-professional communities give such feedback on testing to company employees that the latter find themselves confused, feel humiliated and lose hope for an objective assessment of their abilities in this company. “I’m unlikely to be taken to, it’s not even worth trying,” says an employee who received the following conclusion from the company’s “psychologist” a couple of years ago: “Impulsive, often unable to cope with surging feelings, unable to restrain them even where they are unacceptable. Under the influence of feelings, he loses his critical perception of reality, he can succumb to any persuasion of others. He prefers to defend his position, conflicts arise because of intractability. (spelling, punctuation and style preserved - M.T.).

Often egregious and alienating the company from its goals of action internal employees go unnoticed and are not analyzed, primarily because the head of the HR service himself is not particularly versed in assessment tools, trusting those who promoted them to the organization, or does not consider it necessary to check things that seem obvious to everyone. An audit helps to detect such “blind spots”, to understand what is happening and to change the situation, if the main “stakeholders” wish.

Dealing with resistance can be relatively easy if the company does not already have people who have set processes in a certain way. If they continue to work and are adherents of dubious practices, the task becomes more difficult. They need to be dealt with separately or isolated from a relatively new process, and the amount of positive coverage of new practices from people in authority in the company should exceed the possible number of negative comments.


In professional literature, there are different formulations of this phenomenon: audit of the personnel management system, diagnostics of management processes human capital etc. In this article, they will all be combined under the name "HR audit". In general terms, it can be defined as a regular and systematic analysis of the compliance of personnel management processes with corporate, industry and legislative recommendations, requirements and standards. In addition to analysis, an HR audit should also evaluate the effectiveness of HR processes.
In the 20th century, the function of HR was largely administrative, but since the beginning of the 21st century, HR has begun to play a strategically important role for business. The fact is that HR departments have to respond to constantly changing conditions. external environment. Strategic planning HR needs are slowly becoming an integral part of running a business, and it's important that HR people have a deep understanding of the business.

The scope of HR audit is also changing. A decade ago, it was often limited to an analysis of personnel records management and its compliance with the current labor law. As before, many Russian companies, especially small ones, when conducting an HR audit, focus on assessing the state of the company's HR document management system and its existing standards, procedures and technologies for obtaining, creating and promptly storing HR documentation.

Today, HR processes are much broader and are included in HR audit, although it is not limited to them. So, HR-audit includes planning and staff rationing systems; its attraction, selection, adaptation; retention and motivation; estimates; career planning; "parting" with employees; internal communications; automation of HR processes; internal personnel office work; compliance of practices and systems with legal requirements.

AT Western companies important processes of personnel management that are subject to regular audit are the system of interaction with trade unions, as well as the system of safety and health of employees and its compliance with the law. For example, in the US, employers are required to comply with the Equal Opportunity Employment laws, the American with Disabilities Act, ensure there is no discrimination or harassment in the workplace, etc.

Sometimes companies include in the HR audit and corporate culture. Of course, it affects HR processes and largely determines their state. But the study of corporate culture is an independent large topic that requires its own approach and methodology. The figure schematically shows the processes that should be included in an HR audit.


Companies conduct HR audits for two main purposes. First, to ensure compliance with legal and industry requirements, minimize the risk of claims from government agencies. Second, to encourage organizational development. If a company sets itself both of these goals, then an HR audit can be a process that will start the transformation of the HR function and make it work for the business. In practice, the second goal is either not set or hushed up. Accordingly, the staff have legitimate fears that the HR audit is carried out in order to find and dismiss inefficient employees. In this case, people will do everything so that information about weaknesses HR processes have not reached auditors. The involvement of employees in the process and confidence in it falls, and the likelihood of obtaining reliable results in this case is sharply reduced.

For an effective HR audit, it is important that employees know that the goal is not to punish or fire people who have made any mistakes in HR processes, but to develop and improve the organization. Only in this case it is possible to achieve an open interaction of staff with auditors, whether internal or external.

From the point of view of the moment of conducting, two types of HR audit can be distinguished: unscheduled and scheduled. Unscheduled reviews are usually carried out in the event of a change in the management team and the appointment of a new HR director.

A scheduled HR audit involves a regular system analysis of all existing HR practices and processes. Monitoring the compliance of processes with the law, of course, must be carried out constantly, taking into account the fact that our legislation changes quite often. However, internal HR processes cannot be neglected. It is advisable to conduct them once every three to four years, since during this time the company usually accumulates strategic changes, for which HR processes do not always have time to catch up in time. But in practice, companies, as a rule, do this less often or do not do it at all, and the next HR audit is carried out at the initiative of a new HR director and a new management team.

Companies carry out HR audits both internally (with the help of the HR department) and externally (with the involvement of third-party consultants). There are pros and cons to both approaches. They are summarized in the table.

Optimal HR audit results can be achieved by combining both approaches. It is time to abandon the opinion that consultants should implement projects exclusively on their own, without the involvement of management and interaction with it. In any case, the most important thing is the presence of an interested internal customer, the "sponsor" of the project. After all, it depends on him whether the changes proposed in the recommendations will eventually be implemented.


The HR audit process usually includes five main steps. These include directly preparing for the event, collecting data, analyzing them, formulating conclusions and recommendations, and providing a report to management. Let's consider each of the stages in turn.

The first step is to determine what the purpose of the audit is and what processes and practices it should cover. At this time, it is necessary to form a working group, determine the roles of each of its members, prepare a list of information necessary for the audit and questionnaires for interviews with employees. Data collection is a key step, as the quality of the information collected will largely determine the validity of the conclusions. The following information collection methods are common: analysis of internal documentation for all HR processes; installation and expert interviews; quantitative and qualitative analysis data; modeling. The presence of the necessary internal documentation is a necessary but not sufficient condition for understanding the quality of the processes. If a company, especially a large one, lacks personnel documentation for many processes, this is an important signal for auditors: most likely, personnel management processes are poorly structured. At the same time, there are cases when, in the provisions job descriptions and other internal documentation, everything is fine, accessible and clearly spelled out, but nothing is observed in practice. There is a parallel reality in which the employees of the HR department live. They claim that all processes in the company are going well, implying that they have documentation. And employees of the company see everything differently and are perplexed about what well-functioning HR processes they are talking about. The word "audit" comes from the Latin audire - "listen". It is no coincidence that the method of expert interviews with company employees, which allows you to get first-hand information, is one of essential methods conducting an audit. This method allows you to understand how HR processes work in reality, and not on paper. As emphasized earlier, in order to obtain an objective picture of reality, it is important to convey to the company's employees the purpose of the audit. It is also important to ensure that the source of the information provided is kept confidential.

After collecting the data, it is necessary to carry out their quantitative and qualitative analysis. During this stage, it is also necessary to understand whether the company is ready to change, and to assess the likelihood of possible resistance to change.

AT Russian companies, for various reasons, when evaluating the effectiveness of HR processes, the focus is often on the process and the amount of expenses, employees, etc., but not on the result and quality of the processes (learning, involvement, motivation of the staff). At the same time exactly final result allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of a particular process and its contribution to the implementation of the company's strategy.

There are also certain difficulties with the analysis of qualitative data obtained during the interview. Sometimes auditors and employees under the same words have in mind completely different concepts. It also happens that employees provide auditors with accurate and understandable information, but internally they do not agree with it. If this concerns some working moments, then such rejection can be resolved quite quickly through communication with the employee. However, if the majority of experts do not agree with the core values ​​of the organization, then this can pose a threat to the successful implementation of the strategy, and auditors should be able to identify such points and assess the degree of their risk to the company.

At the conclusions and recommendations stage, the auditors formulate a summary of the strengths and weaknesses of each HR process in terms of their compliance with legislation, best industry practices, and the stage of development and strategy of the company. It is very important to take into account not only external, but also internal perspective and not try to blindly copy best practices: the experience of mature companies may not be suitable for a startup.

In addition, auditors identify a mismatch between the current state of HR practices and the ideal representation of processes. Also on this stage measures should be provided to improve the processes of personnel management, their budget, implementation timeframes, as well as responsible persons should be determined. By all accounts, this is the most difficult process. It requires auditors to display remarkable erudition, a balanced position and maturity in terms of assessment and recommendations.

Based on the results of the HR audit, the working group, as a rule, prepares a report that is submitted to the management. Ideally, not only the HR director should listen to him, but also CEO companies. His involvement in the process will give the HR audit more legitimacy and make it easier to start implementing the recommendations. The work does not end with the presentation of the report to the management. Companies need to be warned against typical mistake: confidence that the recommendations formulated by the consultants and the joint working group following the results of the HR audit are being implemented by themselves. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, after the completion of the HR audit, the main work is just beginning, and no one will do it for the company's employees. The main result of the HR audit should be the beginning of the implementation of the proposed recommendations and several refined business indicators.

Towards the goal

During the HR audit, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

  • understand the state of existing HR functions and systems in the company;
  • understand how this state corresponds to the company's strategy and stage of its development, as well as established industry practices and current legislation;
  • define strengths and areas in need of change and development;
  • identify key risks for the company, formulate recommendations for their minimization;
  • determine the necessary actions and organizational changes to transfer HR processes from the current level to the target one.

Five ingredients for success

An HR audit can be an effective tool for transforming a company's HR processes, but subject to several conditions. These include:

  • change and improvement of organizational efficiency as the main objective of the audit;
  • formation of a mixed working group of internal employees and consultants who own the best practices;
  • the presence of an internal sponsor (customer) of the project;
  • implementation of the proposed recommendations;
  • regular audit and, if necessary, revision of established practices.

Auditing… For accountants and employees of financial departments, this topic causes a feeling of slight anxiety, and for people in creative professions, it brings downright boredom. But for every manager it is very important to know what is actually happening in the area of ​​work entrusted to him. In addition, if you approach this issue “with a soul”, then sincere interest will take the place of boredom.

Imagine a three-dimensional figure, for example, a cube. Dividing it by vertical and horizontal planes into a certain number of cells, we get n equal cubes. By placing hinges at the cube's vertices, we can, keeping the base in one place, tilt it in a vertical plane - left / right or forward / backward. We got a flexible structure that, with all changes, retains all the main parameters: height, width, depth (rice. one).

Rice. 1. An illustration of the flexibility of matrix structures

The matrix structure of the Atlant-M holding can be likened to such a moving cube: it has branches -commercial and budgetary(in our company, a branch is an independent company code).

To the main functions of budget offices (for example, the branchpersonnel management , branch business development ) include the development, implementation and control of execution management decisions, policies, regulations, procedures, etc. It is these units that create the framework of the "cube", their activities ensure the strength of the entire structure, since they:

  • describe the accumulated experience; optimize existing business processes;
  • transfer best practices to other departments;
  • organize the work of new enterprises;
  • optimize business processes using an ERP system and control the activities of commercial departments.

    The components of the "cube" of our company are commercial departments - separate auto centers. Under the pressure of external influences, its axes can shift, adapting to ongoing events (for example, to the world financial crisis). The management system created and protected by the budgetary departments does not allow the whole structure of the holding to crumble under the influence of "displacements" into separate cubes. Audits are among such tools with which the integrity of the system is maintained.

    Audit allows you to solve the following tasks:

  • monitor the activities of departments in all business processes;
  • collect information on areas of activity that can be optimized;
  • analyze the effectiveness of introducing innovations in the field;
  • conduct benchmarking studies of the success of the activities of departments operating in different markets with different brands of cars.

    Audits are carried out for each business process (based on the relevant Regulations) usingchecklist (check-list- a checklist, a list of questions, an audit plan), which sequentially describes which processes and operations are mandatory for a particular department. The checklist is made in the form of a table with indicators (program fileexcelwith several "sheets" -rice. 2, 3).

    Rice. 2. General form checklist

    Rice. 3. Single sheet view

    The technology of audits was introduced into the management practice of our company by employees of the business development department. Our best specialists work here - aces in the sale of cars and spare parts, service and warranty service, disposition and logistics, finance. I note that our working groups are constantly used to solve new problems or create new technologies. The group that developed the audit methodology included HR specialists from Minsk, Moscow and Kyiv (8–10 people, the composition varied depending on the stage of work). The training was carried out on a specially created virtual platform, using the Internet.

    At the initial stage, the initiatives of the group members were collected - proposals regarding the procedure for conducting inspections and proposals for the content of the checklist. This information was consolidated, structured and presented to the group members for study and correction. In total, several such iterations were carried out in the process of developing methods.

    When developing the checklist, we sought to:

    1. Minimize the time required to complete it.

    2. Use important and measurable(!) criteria, do not overload it with excessive detail.

    Several pilot projects were implemented to test the performance of the checklists before the start of scheduled audits.

    How do we benefit from audit data?

  • Employees of subdivisions with a high integral performance assessment receive a bonus at the end of the year. (The integral score is equal to the sum of the audit scores for the functions of the main and end-to-end (supporting) business processes that have a certain weight.)
  • Expert opinion and recommendations show the possibilities for optimizing business processes.
  • Based on the results of the audit report, each department receives an action plan that will help optimize its work.

    Paying a lot of attention to the main business processes, we do not forget about budget departments (finance, Information Technology, marketing, personnel management), we regularly improve their activities.

    The personnel management system in Atlant-M can be schematically represented as a star with five main beams - areas of activity (rice. four): selection and use human resources; development; grade; motivation; safety.

    Rice. 4. Scheme of personnel management in the holding "Atlant-M"

    * "Personnel ballast" - maladjusted employees who systematically make serious mistakes and mistakes in their work; people with low motivation long time not performing their functions effectively; unwilling or incapable of learning/re-profiling their activities. If the manager considers their further work inappropriate, he either initiates the dismissal procedure, or (if appropriate) transfers the lists of such employees to the personnel management department for retraining.

    For young managers and specialists with no experience in personnel management, the Zvezda scheme helps to master the basics of people management, and for young HR professionals to prepare for licensing. In our company, licensing is an internal exam that confirms the availability of the necessary amount of knowledge to conduct certain activities.

    Business process implementation audit"Personnel Management" (PM) in the departments we carry out in the form of performance evaluation. The grounds for it are:

  • verification (viewing documentation, collecting oral information);
  • comparison of the collected data with the regulatory and basic requirements of the Regulations / Standards for activities in the field of PM.

    The purpose of the audit is to obtain reliable information about the compliance of the activities performed corporate standards conducting work, if necessary - developing measures to eliminate shortcomings in working with personnel. The audit process is described in the relevant Regulation, which is a guide for the members of the commission. The regulation helps department heads and commission members to determine the requirements for each criterion and consider contentious issues.

    Each direction of HR activity - the "star" beam - consists of several blocks and is reflected on a separate sheet of the checklist (rice. 3). The verification program includes:

  • costing and valuation economic indicators UP;
  • verification of compliance with regulations;
  • verification of personnel documents.

    We evaluate the economic results in the UE by the plan / fact ratio: we check the deviation of the current indicators from the planned ones - productivity, profitability and staff turnover. Staff turnover, in turn, is assessed by two groups of indicators - general staff turnover and staff turnover in key positions. The assessment is carried out on a three-point scale, where:
    "1" - the work fully complies with the requirements described in the documentation;
    "0.5" - the work is not carried out in full, there are comments;
    "0" - work is carried out to a minimum extent or not carried out at all.

    The audit is carried out by a commission consisting of at least two people. The checklist contains two groups of criteria:

  • to check the availability of documents and the correctness of their execution;
  • to conduct an interview.

    Representatives of three groups of personnel are interviewed: managers; specialists; workers. The number of employees interviewed should be necessary and sufficient for auditors to get a clear picture of the criteria group being assessed. As our experience shows, for this it is enough to interview 10-20% of the department's staff.

    On a separate sheet of the checklist is presentedevaluation model (rice. 5): each criterion is assigned a certain weight, the calculation of the indicator is based on the possible maximum score. Thus, the calculation clearly shows the deviation from the best possible result.

    Rice. 5. Model for assessing the business process "Personnel Management"

    The evaluation results are not only recorded in digital form, but also illustrated - using drawings-"emoticons" (rice. 6). Such a “visibility” of the data presentation allows the verifier to quickly evaluate the result.

    Rice. 6. Visualization of grades

    Giving marks, each member of the commission works individually. At the end of the work, the commission meets to discuss the results, develop a common decision and prepare recommendations. Based on the results of the assessment, a report is drawn up. Within a month after the audit, the personnel manager of the audited department prepares a plan for further work indicating specific activities (in accordance with the list of recommendations).

    All our enterprises are engaged in one line of business and have standard structures. At the same time, management is structured in such a way that department heads enjoy a sufficient degree of freedom in strategic and operational management (in order to take into account the specifics of the market as flexibly as possible). Organizational structures holding divisions differ from each other, since enterprises, like their leaders, are at different stages of development. Such unevenness often masked the difficulties inherent in each individual department, did not allow assessing (and comparing) the effectiveness of managerial decisions made by their directors.

    The audits helped us to identify inefficient top managers, as well as those who "pursues subjective interests." For example, using the opportunities available within the framework of the provided independence, some of them make adjustments to the organizational structure that lead to the appearanceredundant levels of control and duplication of functions . On the other hand, it became clear to us that in each department it is necessary to introduce the position of deputy director who would manage cross-cutting functions (back office). All these problems became apparent from the results of the inspections.

    The ratings obtained also showed how important for the effective management of people is the qualified and stable work of the personnel manager himself, his loyalty to the company, and in addition - the consistency and continuity in this activity at the level of the department and the holding as a whole.

    The results of the HR audit convincingly demonstrated:

  • reducing the percentage of staff turnover is possible only with systematic work with personnel;
  • the adopted strategy of personnel management directly affects the results of the work of the department as a whole.

    The scores in the checklist helped us in our work with line managers. For example, we constantly tell them about the importance of the adaptation period: the less attention is paid to a new employee in the first days at the workplace, the more likely it is that he will leave the enterprise or work with low productivity. An objective assessment of the commission, based on the results of interviews with 10% of employees, turned out to be much more convincing for line managers than words.

    How did the employees themselves react to the audits? At first, people were worried, asking members of the inspection team questions: “Are we being tested? Something is wrong?" During the interview, I once again told people about the general management system at Atlant-M, of which audits are a part - systemic monitoring of the correctness of business processes. When conducting them, we do not pursue any "repressive" goals ("verification" - punishment"), the results of the assessments are used only to improve the organizational structure and activities of the departments.

    One of my colleagues printed out the texts of the Corporate Code and the Internal work schedule and issued them to employees on the eve of the audits together with salary. This information helped to clarify the essence of what was happening to the employees, as a result, they became more relaxed about the audit procedure. Since the questions asked during the interviews were not about the results of the work of an individual, but about the personnel management system as a whole, people willingly and frankly talked about problems and achievements. As a result, we received feedback from employees on the quality of the work of the HR department, as well as an assessment of the work of their immediate supervisors and the department's HR manager. I recommend to HRs to improve their interviewing skills on a regular basis!

    Conducting audits (including HR audits) in our company has proven to be excellent; its results helped to identify shortcomings and find hidden reserves for further improvement and development.

  • Personnel audit will help to identify non-obvious problems personnel policy enterprises. The main focus should be on the survey of employees, but not only.

    From the article you will learn:

    Personnel audit allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of managing the personnel potential of an enterprise, as well as the ability of management to regulate social labor relations.

    The tasks of personnel audit of personnel include:

    determining the compliance of the personnel potential of the enterprise with its main goal;

    verification of correct use regulatory framework company employees;

    analysis of the effectiveness of the personnel management system in order to promptly solve the tasks facing it;

    detection of negative factors affecting human resources, as well as the solution of problems arising in this regard.

    Audit of the HR Department

    In conducting a personnel audit of personnel management services, the main thing is not to evaluate the effectiveness of the work of department employees, but to identify shortcomings in the system itself. start staffing personnel audit better with a survey of employees. This will help identify weaknesses and strengths in the work of personnel management services.

    To conduct the survey, make a list of questions related to corporate culture enterprises. Thanks to the answers to such questions, you can check whether the personnel department was able to convey to employees the meaning of the values ​​and rules of the organization, to achieve an understanding of its strategy.

    In addition, you need to find out how well the company communicates between departments, between managers and subordinates. Are employees satisfied with the incentive system (bonuses, bonuses), social package?

    Questions for this can be used both general, for example, “Do you know what the purpose of your company is?”, And specific ones - “What are your actions when you see a mistake in the work of your colleague from a neighboring department?”

    In addition, separate interviews should be conducted with line managers or heads of departments. This will identify existing problems in personnel management. At the same time, use the benchmarking method, that is, compare corporate rules and working conditions in competing companies with those in similar divisions of your enterprise.

    Audit of the work of the personnel department

    To organize the audit process of personnel records management, first issue an order to verify work personnel service. The order indicates the persons performing the check. It is advisable to create a commission for this and include a lawyer of the company in its composition.

    Prepare the required documents for verification:

    1. work books,
    2. Personal things,
    3. employment contracts,
    4. time sheet,
    5. staffing,
    6. personal cards,
    7. vacation schedule,
    8. personnel orders.

    At the next stage, analyze the document registration system, check how the document storage system is organized at the enterprise, whether there are books and accounting journals. A number of logs are required, such as an audit log and a traffic log work books and inserts for them.

    Check the correctness of the paperwork. Magazines must be laced, all sheets numbered, stapled wax seal, certified by the head of the organization. Verify that there are no corrections in the logs.

    Check for the following local regulations:

    salary regulation,

    internal labor regulations,

    trade secret clause.

    See if they are properly signed by employees and the head of the company. Check the content of local regulations: does it contradict the law, does it worsen the position of employees compared to what is established in. If there are discrepancies, demand that the personnel officers eliminate them immediately.

    Recruitment Audit

    High-quality work of the HR service in recruitment must meet three basic requirements:

    fast closing of vacancies;

    high level staff recruitment vocational training and good performance;

    so that the search for candidates is cheaper and with as few HR specialists as possible.

    Helps to optimize this process recruitment audit. To do this, create step by step plan selection of employees, indicate the actions of the recruiter at each stage. Moreover, it is necessary to include in the plan those stages that occur in rare cases, for example, when searching for top or exclusive positions.

    Compare the ideal selection scheme with the actual one. See which steps it lacks and which may be redundant (see Figure 1).

    Find out how attractive job postings are? You can ask the staff about this. Find out what attracted them to the company's vacancy at one time, ask them to remember how it was positioned. It is not necessary to interview everyone, 2-3 people from each department are enough, the main thing is to cover the category of personnel with the selection of which there are the most problems.

    Analyze at what stages and why HR managers lose candidates. For example, when a recruiter conducts a telephone interview with an applicant, it is necessary to simultaneously assess the degree of compliance of the applicant with the key requirements of a free vacancy. If more than 60% match with the job profile is revealed, the applicant should be invited for a personal interview.

    Assess how the work with the candidate is going in the office. It is desirable to describe it in detail, for example, filling out a questionnaire, questionnaire, case interview. It is important that the applicant for the place does not feel uncomfortable. The HR manager must inform in advance how many selection stages the applicant expects, with whom he will meet, and how long it will take to make a decision on it. Such an open approach significantly reduces the risk of applicants leaving on their own during the selection process.

    If a probation less than 70% of new hires pass, update job profiles. This may indicate that insufficiently qualified personnel are recruited, workers do not reach the level desired company. Perhaps the problem is too complex. Check what tasks managers set for newcomers. If training is provided, find out what results newcomers show, analyze the feedback from managers.

    Questions to be answered during the audit

    Do recruiters monitor salaries in the market? If not, salaries may lag behind the average level, and professionals will not go to the vacancy.

    Is it tracked which recruitment channels are most effective for your company? The one from the candidates will be effective, so the cost of one resume is the lowest.

    High or low recruiter workload? On average, a full-time specialist can. If managers are obviously overwhelmed, consider how you can automate the process.

    Determine the unit cost of hiring one employee. Find out how much it costs the company on average to fill one vacancy with the help of its recruiters (see an example of such a calculation). Calculate how much it will cost to recruit one employee with the help of a third-party recruitment agency. Divide all the costs of paying for services by the number of employees who have passed the probationary period, analyze the results.

    Audit of corporate values

    An audit of corporate values ​​allows you to check the values ​​already existing in the company, to assess how adequate they are to business objectives. It is desirable that the list of values ​​be linked to business goals, the strategy of the enterprise, and woven into the personnel management system. In this case, corporate values ​​will form the desired behavior among employees.

    Stage 1.

    At the first stage, already existing values ​​are determined. At the same time, you need to know exactly what management and ordinary employees understand by them so that there are no differences in the interpretation of values.

    Stage 2.

    Find out if the values ​​match the elements strategic management and personnel policy. Audit largely depends on what the company's management strategy is. For example, if your strategy says that you need to reduce production costs, you should analyze whether the values ​​\u200b\u200bcorrespond to this item. Those values ​​that do not correspond are minus.

    Stage 3.

    Are employees' personal values ​​consistent with corporate values? The internal values ​​and attitudes of employees can be determined using the Schwartz questionnaire, the Career Anchors method and the Value Orientations test.

    It is also necessary to conduct staff surveys and regularly measure the effectiveness of motivation factors. Since the internal settings may change. The effectiveness of corporate values ​​directly depends on whether they correspond to the values ​​of employees.

    Stage 4.

    Determine if corporate values ​​permeate HR functions

    The impact of corporate values ​​should be felt on core HR functions:

    If the influence is obvious, then the values ​​are developing and finding relevance in the enterprise, otherwise they will not work. Assess whether values ​​permeate the organization's principles, procedures, and service standards.

    Stage 5.

    At the final stage, having discovered shortcomings and areas of development, it is necessary to develop an action program on how to increase the role of values ​​in the organization and their compliance with the company's strategy. Read more about internal HR audit in.

    In conclusion, it is important to emphasize that audit of personnel potential of any enterprise should be carried out with a full understanding of the tasks facing the commission. As a result of inspections, experts must provide management with not only an analysis of the current situation, but also prepare the measures necessary to solve problems.