Coursework: Quality of tourist service. To the definition of quality focuses on deepening the concept of quality of service for tourists Information support of the service process in tourist complexes

A feature of tourist services is territorial disunity in the provision of services:

♦ intermediary, information Services the tourist receives in the place of his permanent residence;

♦ transport, information-excursion and others - on the route during travel;

♦ target: business meetings, entertainment, treatment, etc., as well as accommodation, meals and more - in tourist centers, places of tourist destination.

Enterprises, organizations, individual entrepreneurs involved in serving tourists, in tourism practice, are divided into service providers and tourism organizations.

Service providers provide comprehensive service tourists on the route, during the tour.

Tourist organizations include tour operators and travel agents engaged in tour operator and travel agency activities.

The disunity of providers providing services to tourists during the trip creates certain organizational difficulties for tourism organizations. Service providers are divided into 3 groups.

♦ primary enterprises serving only tourists in tourist centers, hotel complexes, places of tourist destination. In the conditions of a closed tourist and resort center, almost the entire service sector (clubs, cinemas, stadiums, consumer services, etc.) belongs to the primary enterprises;

♦ secondary enterprises serving both tourists and the local population (theaters, museums, tour and translation agencies, currency exchange offices, bars, restaurants, etc.);

♦ tertiary enterprises serving mainly the local population, but also providing services to tourists (public transport, post office, telephone, household service and etc.).

In some classification systems, a fourth group of enterprises and organizations is distinguished, which is not formally related to service providers, but has a significant impact on the state of tourist market. This group includes committees, departments, educational establishments, public organizations and etc.

According to their role in the structure of consumption, the services provided by suppliers are divided into basic, additional, and accompanying.

Basic services(accommodation, meals, transportation, tourist services) - targeted services purchased in a complex in the form of a tour (in a package). The consumption of basic services is guaranteed by a tourist voucher. The main services are oriented towards tourist consumption and are provided by primary enterprises.

Additional tourist services- services that can be received for an additional fee at the place of their provision. The cost of these services is not included in the tour price. Additional services are provided by secondary enterprises to both tourists and the local population.

Accompanying services- services consumed mainly by the local population, but tourists can also use them. Related services are provided by tertiary enterprises.

The imperfection of Russian tourism legislation is manifested in the definition of tourism services.

GOST R 50681-94/28681.1-95 “Tourist and excursion services. Design tourism services» uses the terms: «tourist service is the result of the activities of a tourism enterprise to meet the relevant needs of tourists (according to GOST 28681.0); tour - a set of tourist services with specific dates for the start and end of execution ... "

GOST refers to the types of tourist services the concepts of "Tourist trip", "Tourist trip", "Excursion". Specialists in the field of tourism note the need to refine this GOST.

Current GOST R 50690-2000 “Tourist services. General requirements” gives the following definition of tourism services provided by tourism organizations (tour operators and travel agents) or individual entrepreneurs: “ tourist service- the result of the activities of an organization or an individual entrepreneur to meet the needs of a tourist in organizing and implementing a tour or its individual components.

Tourist service- a set of activities that provide tourists with various conveniences in the purchase and consumption of services and goods while traveling and staying outside their permanent place of residence.

Service Program- a document containing comprehensive information indicating the dates and times of providing paid services to tourists.

The class of service is used to indicate the quality of the service provided. There are no regulatory documents on establishing classes of tours and service programs. The problem is that the tourist product in most cases is complex, consisting of a set of services (accommodation, transport, meals, etc.), which have their own special internal gradations.

Tourist services are both complex and specific. The first involves meeting the needs of a tourist who is on a trip, while the second is determined by the fact that its organization and structure are fundamentally different from services in places of permanent residence of tourists. The level of complexity and specificity is one of the most important criteria for the quality of tourist service.

Tourist services must satisfy a whole range of diverse needs: transportation, food, accommodation, educational excursions, sports and entertainment events, etc. During program tours, it is proposed to meet the specific needs of treatment, business meetings, trips, etc.

Tour quality determine the composition of services, their level, program and animation approaches, qualification of the guide. The main characteristics of the quality of tourist service: consumer quality of each individual service (accommodation, meals, delivery, excursions, etc.); functional compliance of services with the requirements of a certain segment of consumers (differentiation); guarantee of the provision of prepaid services; personnel qualification; guarantee of safety of life, health and property of citizens and the environment.

GOST "Tourist and excursion services" also provides for the procedure for designing tourist services, including consideration of all kinds of risks that can cause adverse consequences and damage the health of a tourist and his property. Many risk factors are typified and tourists are encouraged to insure against such cases. In insurance cases, tourists are assisted and unforeseen expenses are fully or partially covered (See more details in Chapter 9 "Tourism Insurance").

The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that the use of the Internet by travel companies as a channel for distributing their services helps tourists and all interested parties to obtain the necessary information, which is very important for the promotion and development of Ukrainian outbound tourism.

The organization of the tourist area is similar to the organization of any other economic activity. Information flows provide links between producers of tourism services, as well as links between producers and consumers of these services, and they go not only in the form of data flows, but also act in the form of services and payments. The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that the use of the Internet by travel companies as a channel for distributing their services helps tourists and all interested parties to obtain the necessary information, which is very important for the promotion and development of Ukrainian outbound tourism.

About increasing application information technologies says the fact that tourism is in the top five, and according to some data already in the top three areas with the largest sale of goods and services via the Internet. The advantages of using this network for the subjects of the Ukrainian tourism market are obvious: it gave unlimited access to information, allows you to save money in long-distance and international negotiations, provides information on advanced technologies, and allows you to exchange views with colleagues. It should also be noted that advertising on the Internet is cheaper than usual, and in most cases more effective, since it is aimed at the target audience.

Using information technology, any travel company can complete their tours with the help of global network Internet. Information about a particular company in the network can be presented on a web page, website, business card or full-size website.

A significant step forward in the field of information technology in Ukraine is the creation of the Ukrainian Tourist Information System, which began operating in 1999. Creation of a database of tourist services and companies of Ukraine with the subsequent sale of their product in the domestic and foreign markets, as well as extensive advertising in the global tourism systems, contribute to the promotion of the tourism product.

Information systems in tourism are created for both general and professional users. The components of the information technology system in the tourism sector are computer reservation systems, Information Systems control systems, airline electronic information systems, electronic money transfer, telephone networks, teleconferencing systems, etc. Most actively information technologies are used by travel agents and tour operators. There are currently four global reservation systems in the international tourism market. In Ukraine, only one is officially represented - AMADEUS. However, the functioning and effectiveness of this and other systems require that tourism service providers have at least a minimum level of technology in order to access and be represented on such systems.

A study of information technology, in particular in hotel complexes, which must satisfy the vital needs of tourists for a certain level of service, logistics, range and quality of services provided, showed that main task in the management of the hotel complex is the coordination of the actions of its various parts. This problem can be solved by introducing modern management systems and technology, the use of modern computer science, application automated systems management.

In practice, it is advisable to manage reservations in a hotel, keep records of visitors and the distribution of rooms, inventory records using computers. Special software allows you to keep accounting of the hotel complex, including the necessary final reporting for government agencies, timesheet, tax calculation and wages personnel.

Systems automated control hotel complexes designed to facilitate the work of its structural subdivisions, improve the level of service, eliminate staff abuse, etc.

Another problem in hotel business related to the use of information technology, there is the creation of a business center in hotels, which in turn provides for electronic means of communication, copying equipment, meeting rooms, computers, telefax.



1.1 Essence of tourism service 5

1.2 Service quality indicators in enterprises 9

1.3 Assessment of the quality of tourist services 11


2.1 Main areas of quality assurance in tourism

enterprises 17

2.2 Factors affecting service quality 24

2.3 Influence quality service for the development of the tourism industry 30




A tourist product and its marketing are the most important links in the activities of a tourist enterprise. What does every travel company strive for? One of the main tasks of the company is to increase its profits. Getting and increasing profits implies, first of all, the presence and increase in the number of regular customers. Customers can be attracted and retained if they are interested in receiving services from this company, and the service must also correspond to the quality of the services offered. tourism enterprise. Sales and promotion of tourism services will be effective only in that case, if the goals and needs of the client are first determined, and then an affordable product or service is created and offered. The achievement of the goal of travel companies is the development of the product and services in strict accordance with the requirements of the buyer, and they also depend on more intensive sales, the quality of tourist services. That's why this topic is current at the present time.

On the present stage transition to market relations, the sale of products begins to play an important role in the success of any tourism enterprise. Increased competition is forcing enterprises to make more and more concessions to consumers and intermediaries in the sale of their products.

The purpose of this work is to consider the strategy of quality tourist service.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks have been set:

Consider the concept and essence of tourism services;

To study the indicators of the quality of tourist services at enterprises;

Explore the main directions and factors for ensuring quality service in tourism enterprises;

Analyze the impact of quality service on the development of the tourism industry.

The object of the research is tourism activity.

In the process of writing this term paper the literature of Russian and foreign authors was used, including F. Kotler, V.I. Durovich, E.N. Ilyin.


1.1 Essence of tourism service

Tourist service is a tourist product. A tourist product is a set of services provided by tourist and excursion enterprises to citizens (tourists).

The success of any company in the market depends primarily on the attractiveness of the product. It forms the main part marketing mix, on which all other elements are tied: price, promotion on the market and distribution. The discrepancy in the perception of the tourism product between consumers and producers complicates economic research in the field of tourism. The problem is that the products that enter the market do not always match what the buyers are asking for. When purchasing tours, the buyer is actually looking for something completely different than a set of services. Some go on vacation, buy a ticket to the resort to relax, rest, sunbathe, improve their health. Others go on business trips to business negotiations and conclusion of contracts. Having studied the peculiarities of the perception of a tourist product by consumers, suppliers restructure their work in accordance with them, they offer sets of services and advertise not so much products as their consumer qualities and properties. Since the tourist product at the time of its purchase exists in the imagination of the consumer, the only way to find out what awaits the tourist from the trip is through research. Conducting marketing research, employees of marketing services analyze the existing and potential needs and desires of the buyer, identifying homogeneous groups of customers. They strive to get an answer to the main questions: what is the tourist product sought by the consumer, and to what extent market supply satisfies his needs? What will the consumer actually buy? People do not buy goods in the market, but their ability to satisfy a certain human need. So, the tourist pays not for hotel accommodation, but for new sensations and acquaintance with the unknown. As soon as the client realizes that the product is capable of satisfying him, he becomes a buyer. The results of marketing research serve as the basis for a complex of stimulation and improvement of the tourist product.

Success commercial activities in the tourism market is determined, first of all, by an attractive tourist product. At the same time, the tourist product is a combination of very complex heterogeneous elements:

Natural resources (air, water, sun, landscape, etc.) historical, cultural, architectural sights that can attract a tourist and encourage him to travel.

Equipment (accommodation for tourists, restaurants, equipment for recreation, sports, etc.), which in itself is not a factor influencing the motivation of travel, but in its absence, numerous obstacles to a possible trip arise.

Possibilities of movement, which to a certain extent depend on the fashion on different kinds transport used by tourists. Such opportunities are evaluated more in terms of their economic accessibility than in terms of speed of movement.

In most cases, a tourism product is the result of the efforts of many enterprises. As you know, a tourist product is any service that meets the needs of tourists during travel and is subject to payment by them. In practice, the concept of basic and additional services operates . However, in terms of consumer properties, there are no significant differences between them. So, the excursions included in the complex service are considered the main services, but if the tourist purchases them independently at the place of stay, then they already become additional.

Thus, the difference between basic and additional services lies in their relation to the package or complex of tourist services originally purchased by the tourist.

The main tourism product in practical activities is a comprehensive service -- a standard set of services sold to tourists in one tour (package tours).

By analogy with goods that have a material form, three levels are also distinguished in the tourist product:

Product by design;

Real product;

Reinforced product.

At the heart of any tourism product is the need to satisfy any need. Therefore, the core of the product, its essential side is represented by the so-called design, then the network is its focus on solving a specific problem, satisfying a specific need. What does a tourist actually buy? In fact, as already noted, he does not acquire a product, as such, having a certain set of properties, but its ability to satisfy some of his needs. Therefore, for a tourism enterprise, it is of great importance to present and disseminate not the properties of its product, but the real benefits and benefits from it for its client.

If the idea of ​​a tourist product acts as its content side, then in form a tourist product in real execution is precisely a certain set of properties that make it possible to realize this idea, that is, to satisfy a certain need of the client. So at the second level of the tourism product its properties and characteristics are considered: quality level, comfort, prestige, economy, safety, impression, and so on.

Third level -- it is a tourist product with reinforcement. The activities of a tourist enterprise should be aimed at forming friendly relations with the client, providing him with comprehensive assistance, additional and symbolic benefits. This can be achieved through a high level of quality and speed of service, advice and information, informal communication, and so on.

Reinforcement of the tourism product greatly contributes to the search and retention of customers.

To inform consumers, catalogs, brochures, brochures, information sheets are usually used, which contain detailed information about the content and quality of the service package, prices, etc. These materials must be provided to each client who has declared his desire to purchase a particular tour. In addition, the consumer must Additional information and advice on the procedure for booking, paying, changing and canceling a tour, as well as on all other issues (passport and visa, customs and currency regulation, natural and climatic attractions, medical care, insurance, etc.) related to a tourist trip.

Availability information material, its knowledge by the personnel of the tourist enterprise and free representation at the request of the tourist is an unconditional requirement for the creation of a tourist product and its successful implementation on the market.

The idea of ​​reinforcing a tourism product forces us to take a closer look at the client's behavior system, how he comprehensively approaches the problem that he is trying to solve through the acquisition of a tourism product. From a competitive point of view, this approach allows the tourism enterprise to identify opportunities to reinforce its product offer in the most effective way. Therefore, tourism firms must constantly look for effective ways to reinforce the products offered to the market.

1.2 Indicators of quality of service in enterprises

The indicator of the quality of service in enterprises is determined by:

Efficiency of work on the selection and organization of tours at the request of customers;

Courtesy service, which is expressed in the hospitality of employees travel company, their attention to the requests of each client, patience when discussing the route;

Compliance of the proposed tour with the real content;

The presence of agreement of all constituent parts comprehensive service.

The speed of service in the complex determines the degree of satisfaction of each client:

The timing of the selection of the route;

Deadlines for issuing the necessary documents (passports, visas, tickets, etc.);

Terms of receipt of reference information.

Despite the fact that information services are provided free of charge, it is thanks to them that travel companies largely ensure the implementation of their tourism product.

Also, quality indicators are compliance with the following principles at tourist enterprises:

The first is the observance of the basic and most important principles of modern service for the tourism sector:

Maximum compliance of the services provided with the requirements of consumers and the nature of consumption;

The inseparable connection of the service with marketing, its basic principles and tasks;

The flexibility of the service, its focus on taking into account changing market requirements, preferences of consumers of travel services.

Second, creation necessary conditions for staff, designed to provide quality service. These include:

Ergonomics of workplaces;

A clear formulation of the rules that must be followed by each employee;

A clear system for evaluating the quality of work of each employee, which allows to objectively measure the effectiveness of the service quantitatively and qualitatively, especially such elements that are difficult to account for, such as goodwill and courtesy;

Staff motivation, their sincere interest in the prosperity of the entire enterprise, the desire and ability to do all the work as efficiently as possible, the mood for self-improvement;

Personnel development system.

The third is the optimization of the organizational structure of the management of the enterprise providing tourist services.

The longer the chain of passage of the order, the more likely it is to make an error: the optimal is such organizational structure control, where the number of elements is extremely small (but without compromising the quality of service).

A necessary condition for ensuring continuity technological process with the same level of quality of service is also the effectiveness of the interaction of all elements of the structure, which allows you to immediately correct the errors that have occurred and exclude the possibility of their repetition.

Fourth - comprehensive, complete, objective and continuous control over the quality of service, which involves:

Guest participation in quality assessment and control;

Creation of methods and criteria to correlate the requirements of the standards with the actual state of affairs;

Creation of personnel self-control systems;

Continuous work with quality teams;

Application of clearly formulated quantitative criteria for assessing the quality of services provided;

Participation of personnel in the creation of systems and quality criteria;

Application technical means quality control;

Creation of control services, which would include representatives of various services: directorate, financial department, security department, personnel service, heads or employees of all functional services.

When creating a control system, it is also necessary to observe the principle of continuity. The service quality control system should literally provide every second control at all stages of the technological cycle and in all respects. In addition, the control function, being returnable, should directly provide flexibility and adjustment of all other actions to ensure the quality of services.

Thus, two main criteria for a quality system can be distinguished: it must ensure a high level of quality, its compliance with the standards and needs of the tourist, and also serve as a tool for creating special technologies for rational enterprise management.

1.3 Assessment of the quality of tourist services

The problem of product quality assurance is modern world universal character. Much depends on how successfully it is solved in the development of any industry. However, quality indicators, as well as problems associated with the production of quality products, are specific to each industry, including the tourism industry.

At the moment, the concept of quality as a category is normalized and defined by standards.

Standard - normative document, developed on the basis of the agreement of the majority of interested parties and accepted by a recognized body or approved by an enterprise, in which rules, general principles, characteristics, requirements and methods are established for general and repeated use, concerning certain objects of standardization, and which aims to achieve an optimal degree of streamlining in a certain areas.

According to the definition international organization according to standardization (ISO), quality is a set of properties and characteristics of a product that give it the ability to satisfy stipulated or implied needs. There is also a definition of product quality given in GOST 15467-79, according to which "product quality is a set of product properties that determine its suitability to satisfy certain needs in accordance with its purpose."

The law defines standardization as the activity of establishing norms, rules and characteristics (requirements) in order to ensure:

Safety of products, works, services for the environment, life, health and property;

Quality of products, works, services in accordance with the level of development of science, engineering and technology;

Unity of measurements;

Saving all kinds of resources.

The object of standardization is products, services and processes that are repeatedly reproduced and / or used. It is the standard that, in fact, defines the conditions and methods that provide quality indicators.

Management of standardization activities at the state level in Russia is carried out by State Committee Russian Federation on standardization and metrology (Gosstandart of Russia).

The main task of the tourism enterprise is the quality presentation of tourism services. This requires the fulfillment of all specific requirements dictated by the needs of the market and the security of services. It is necessary to take into account the features of service included in the concept of hospitality.

Efficiency in the general concept means obtaining a certain effect, that is, the effectiveness of the result.

Economic efficiency is a result that is expressed by a certain benefit, achieved at certain monetary costs, material, information resources and labor.

The economic efficiency of maintenance means obtaining a gain (economic effect) from:

Production and service process of a travel company.

Tourist services for the population.

Service organizations

The economic efficiency of maintenance is constituent element overall efficiency social labor and is expressed by certain criteria and indicators. The criterion should be understood as the main requirement for assessing the correctness of the solution of the problem. The need for a criterion arises because it should be clearly defined from what positions one should approach the calculation of the efficiency of the production and service process.

Social production functions in the interests of the whole society, so the effectiveness should be assessed based on the degree to which the goals of society are achieved.

The criterion of production efficiency is to achieve the greatest results in the interests of society at the lowest cost of funds and labor.

It is advisable to consider the problems of service efficiency using a systematic approach.

A systematic approach involves the establishment of different criteria and indicators for different levels of management and a certain hierarchy of goals and, accordingly, performance criteria:

The minimum cost of monetary, material, information resources and labor per unit of the tourist product.

Maximum production and sale of a tourist product, development of tours, formation of a high-quality package of services.

Maximum realization of tourist vouchers.

Each enterprise develops its own service strategy - an action plan that determines how it will compete in the relevant market space.

A service strategy touches on three main components of any tourism business:

1. Customer Needs - What customer needs and costs do we serve?

2. Company's ability to meet these needs - Do we have enough knowledge and experience to serve better than anyone else?

3. Long-term profit - How should we serve in order to have an income that allows us long time to be competitive and receive sufficient return on invested capital?

The service strategy is a master plan of action that prioritizes strategic service goals, the achievement of which contributes to the formation of a positive image of the travel company, a permanent clientele and a stable financial position in the market.

Attention should be paid to the main components of tourist services that provide priorities in the work of a tourism enterprise.

1. Information. Serving tourists begins with the sale of tours. Therefore, comprehensive and reliable information, both for tourists and for partners - agents - is one of the main tasks of the service. The consumption of a tourist product (its purpose, conditions, content, prices and level of service) should be clear to both the travel agent selling it and the tourist purchasing it. To ensure all this, it is necessary to have for clients and partner travel agents such things as catalogs, visual route maps, maps of recreation areas, etc .; tariff directories of prices for various tourist services; booklets introducing sights and recreation facilities; conditions of travel insurance and Vehicle and etc.

2. The functions of a travel company include the need to ensure constant operational communication with service providers. Therefore, the reference books in the office of the tour operator are always address, telephone, telefax directories, advertising and information booklets, hotel directories, vehicle flight schedules, and the like.

3. On route tours, for the purpose of control, it is necessary to ensure communication with tourists through an accompanying person or guide, as well as registration of data on tourists going on a trip.

Providing insurance guarantees to tourists within certain rules. Choosing the most reliable and profitable insurer for tourists.

Compliance with the technological features of the tour related to the place of travel, the specifics of service, as well as the wishes of customers.

Clear correspondence of the services provided to the paid set;

Targeted targeted orientation of tours by content;

Clear and timely provision of services;

Optimal maintenance program;

Service animation.

The quality and culture of service, awareness, saturation of programs, unobtrusiveness of service, and so on - this is one of the areas of service.


The process of tourist service is long in time, since the special nature of consumption implies a certain sequence in the use of services. In the process of travel, tourists consume the services of transport, hotels, sports and entertainment facilities, etc., for the consumption of which they need time.

In tourism, the services offered are usually divided geographically. Some of them (information, intermediary, etc.) tourists receive in their place of permanent residence, others - during travel (transport, information, etc.), and still others - in a tourist place (food, accommodation, entertainment, treatment, business meetings, etc.). In addition, services are provided by various tourist establishments - hotels, campsites, restaurants, gyms, swimming pools, museums, theaters, etc., geographically separated.

In tourism, it is difficult to investigate the quality of a product without first finding out the content of the tourist service. Usually, the act of sale here does not correspond in time and place of production. paid services, which means that the sale of some of them is carried out by some tourist enterprises, and the production and provision of them by others. Schematically speaking, the process under consideration is a triune one, including services for the sale and purchase of a complex of services, travel and stay in tourist destinations. In an organized tourist trip, the lack of one of the above components violates the unity of the process, and then one cannot speak of tourist services as a complex. Travel is impossible without buying and selling, and staying at points of interest to tourists is impossible without travel. The quality of tourist service depends on the work of teams involved in the three stages of the tourist process. Thus, tourist services simultaneously cover activities in the production, supply and sale of services and goods.

An important point in ensuring the demand of tourists for services and goods is their supply. Therefore, this activity also actively influences the quality of tourist services.

2.1 Main areas of quality assurance in tourism Penterprises

Comfort as a key direction in providing a quality tourist product

The history of tourism development shows that the main role of enterprises in the tourism industry has not changed. The guest still needs to be met, fed, watered and put to bed. However, since the time of the famous fabulous Ivanushka, the level of comfort has increased significantly, the number of services has increased.

The key factor that forms the concept of quality is the most complete satisfaction of the needs of guests with different requests and their own understanding of comfort as such. For example, according to surveys of our compatriots, that hotel is considered comfortable, where there is a good mini-bar and advanced system service, offering a variety of drinks and snacks for every taste (preferably inexpensive). But Americans consider such a hotel to be comfortable, where the rooms provide places for making cocktails, where you can get ice at any time of the day, and also has an effective security system. Europeans pay special attention to the bathroom and a variety of catering establishments, and the Japanese - to the possibility of timely receipt of information, a system of pictograms (special icons, drawings) that allows you to navigate well in the hotel without knowing the local language, and the presence of a restaurant with oriental cuisine.

So what does a hotel manager need to do to ensure that each guest is comfortable? To make everyone feel at home and be able to meet their needs with quality service? This problem is quite complex, and it can be solved in different ways.

First direction- American model of hotel internationalization. In the modern tourism industry, the traveler has the opportunity to choose from a variety of businesses, receiving quality and varied service wherever he sees fit. The choice is often influenced by the possibility of obtaining a guaranteed level of service without “any surprises”. To date, the leaders of such a guaranteed international quality system are hotel chains.

The beginning of international hotel operations was laid in 1946 in connection with the emergence of American international airlines (Intercontinental by American Airways) and the creation of international hotel chains, which became export conduits hotel services American model, especially for the business travel segment.

This approach is amply illustrated by the statement of Conrad Hilton in 1955 at the opening of the Istanbul Hilton: “When we flew with representatives of the American business community and the press to Istanbul, where everything is undoubtedly antiquity, romanticism and mystery, I knew the great "City of the Golden Horn" will have "a bit of America". Subsequently, each of our newly opened hotels was a "little America"". At that time, the corporations "Hilton", "Holiday Inn", "Sheraton", "Intercontinental", being interested in creating a stable market, noticed the need for many American tourists in such accommodation facilities, where one could abstract from the external situation of the country chosen for relaxation, and get the so-called "America moment", with all the American benefits that allow you not to give up national habits and preferences in any country in the world. The concept of such a system is quite accurately reflected in the statement of one traveler: “Caribe Hilton” and “Istanbul Hilton” ... are models of American modernity and antisepsis. They are as indistinguishable in interior design as two American Airlines planes, except for the view of the landscape from the window. Even the smells and the psychological atmosphere prove that you are still in the USA.”

This system was the beginning of one of the directions in the creation of international tourism product quality systems, based on a rigid centralized scheme for the creation and control of "quality from the USA" through instructions, a detailed description of technologies and the necessary actions to perform procedures for the provision of services and their management. The concept of the quality of services of this model is based on a purely American mentality and does not recognize anything else, even more perfect.

Time has shown the viability of such a system, built on the export of a standardized hotel product, guaranteeing customers the fulfillment of service quality commitments and consistency within strict quality assurance controls. Today, not only hotels, but also catering companies operate according to this scheme.

Europeans have long disagreed with this quality assurance strategy. For example, one of the managers of the French hotel company Assog, analyzing the American experience, says that “in the 60s, American companies acted in an offensive style, using the same standard hotel product and its production technology in international operations. We didn't do that. Our flexibility and ability to adapt to local environment fundamentally distinguished us from the Americans. However, the Europeans also recognized that one of the main issues in the production process for the provision of tourism services is standardization. While not accepting the ever-increasing “McDonaldization” of society, Europeans nevertheless accepted and realized the possibility of providing efficient, fast, predictable and quality-controlled services like McDonalds. The most striking example of this is the appearance in the world of the French hotel group Assog.

An example of the American model of hotel internationalization is also the international association "The Leading Hotels of the World". Becoming a member of such an association is not easy: in addition to the fact that the hotel is carefully checked, demanding perfection in everything, you also need to pay a huge entrance and annual fees. Use the services of hotels included in this association, only the cream of society. It is difficult to enter The Leading Hotels of the World, but you can “fly out” from there in no time, because the company is haunted by constant checks.

To control the quality of the services provided, the conspiratorial employees of the association, who themselves have managed the best five-star hotels for 20-30 years (as a rule, two men in years), under the guise of ordinary guests incognito, stay at the hotel. Therefore, to relax and lose the declared quality is an unaffordable luxury, the service must always meet the highest standards of The Leading Hotels of the World. Currently, only one Baltschug Kempinski hotel in Moscow has been awarded the right to be a member of The Leading Hotels of the World.

Second direction to ensure quality services is used mainly by independent tourism enterprises. It is based on strict observance of the comfort parameters that have been developed by the practice of the tour business and are universal both for a hotel and for the operation of a catering company or a travel company. The complex of components includes the following elements of the concept of "comfort":






informational comfort. Creating information comfort begins with how complete information about the hotel, catering and other facilities of the hotel industry can be received by the guest even before visiting them. Photos with views of the interior design of the premises, information about prices, the range of basic and additional services provided, the availability of a certificate for the safety of services, etc. are very important here. It is important that such information be absolutely accessible to the guest, moreover, it must be submitted in such a form, that would suit his needs. The age of high computer technology dictates new ways of presenting information. The classic catalogs, brochures, leaflets are being replaced by specialized Internet sites, by entering which a tourist can get as much relevant (comparative) information as he needs to make a decision about choosing a particular enterprise. Modern technologies allow you to virtually walk through the halls of the restaurant, look into the kitchen, examine the dishes that are being prepared there, or travel around the hotel rooms with access to the fitness center, conference rooms, hairdressers, etc.

The concept of information comfort also includes two other main parameters:

Awareness of the staff, ready to answer any question of the guest, not only about the hotel, but also about the host country;

A system of pictograms designed to help the guest navigate the walls of the hotel without knowing the language. It is important that the pictograms are well recognizable, comply with the international HOTRACK system (HOTRACK - Confederation of National Associations of Hotels and Restaurants of the European Union), recognized throughout the world.

economic comfort. Economic comfort is understood as the convenience of calculation for the guest, the system of discounts, bonuses, club cards and other measures designed to motivate the guest to re-select an accommodation facility or a catering company, a travel agency or a tour agency, which is the main goal of the quality system.

In this regard, special attention should be paid to the club card system, which has become recent times especially relevant. The reason for this was, first of all, the creation of technologies that allow for centralized accounting, instant order processing, and automatic service. credit cards, and control over the execution of orders in on-line mode. The club system is good for a catering company primarily because it is a tool to attract and retain customers. Competition is increasing year by year, and owners need to take measures to maintain their positions. The very fact that a client has acquired a club card confirms the seriousness of his intentions to visit the institution again. Of course, the fact that a client has a club card is not yet a guarantee that he will be a frequent visitor, but it is still more than just a promise to visit. In addition to this, settlements with customers are simplified. And the point here is not only the obvious “mechanical” conveniences (the client does not need to take money with him, worry about the size of the bill, wait for the waiter). Many establishments have long gone beyond catering: billiards, bowling, sweepstakes and other entertainment facilities are available to guests. Each of them is paid separately, the staff has to "track" not only where the client had fun, but also for how long. A manager with a stopwatch standing behind a guest is unlikely to cause delight, but a scanner that turns on the device when a club card is inserted looks less intrusive. The card allows you not to follow the client's movements through the halls, but control over his spending is the same as if he had purchased a ticket for each attraction.

Taking cash out of circulation is a big plus in any business. Here and reduction of thefts, frauds, risk of a raid on an institution and simplification of life of accounts department.

When selling club cards, the company receives from its customers a certain advance payment - an interest-free loan, and the greater the percentage of customers who pay with cards, the greater the percentage of working capital is borrowed. The released funds can be spent on development, reconstruction, advertising, and anything! By tracking the amount of money stored on club card accounts, you can more accurately plan the volume of purchases.

A decrease or increase in the number of cards used and the amount of money in their accounts is a good indicator of the institution's popularity. If the amounts grow, everything is fine, if they decrease, it is necessary to take urgent measures, i.e. the restaurateur learns about the decrease in turnover not after the fact, but in advance.

The client, in turn, receives a discount, which can be expressed not only in real money. For example, the cardholder gets a free dessert or some free chips to play with. Either way, it saves money.

For the sake of retaining the clientele, many enterprises go to various tricks, benefits and Additional services(for example, additional bonuses on anniversary days for the client). The client benefits from this not only materially, but also emotionally - it is always a pleasure to enjoy special attention.

aesthetic comfort. One of the reasons why a guest chooses a particular hotel is the aesthetically designed interior, which creates an atmosphere of comfort and homely warmth. What does the term "aesthetically designed" mean? The question is difficult, since aesthetics is the science of beauty, and everyone has their own concept of beauty. However, when designing premises in order to increase the competitiveness of an enterprise, it is necessary to be guided by the following general provisions:

All premises must be made in the same style and correspond to the direction of the enterprise;

The color scheme should not irritate the guest;

The materials used for decoration must comply with safety and hygiene standards and have the appropriate certificates;

The materials must also be durable in use and resistant to high temperatures and chemicals.

Household comfort. It implies the creation of normal conditions for the guest to live (optimal temperature, air humidity, atmospheric pressure, comfortable furniture). To achieve domestic comfort, air conditioners, air purifiers, and comfortable furniture are used.

Psychological comfort. On the one hand, the concept of psychological comfort covers all the comfort parameters listed above, since in the absence of at least one of the listed components, the guest’s mood will be spoiled, but there are also specific requirements, the fulfillment of which guarantees normal psychological condition guest. These requirements relate to the field of humanitarian technologies, and their implementation depends entirely on the staff - this is respect and hospitality towards the guest. As part of the creation of psychological comfort, a special policy of training and even, to some extent, education of personnel is carried out. The staff must eventually understand that it is simply unprofitable to treat a guest with disdain, and therefore everything should be done to ensure that the guest constantly returns to their hotel or restaurant.

2.2 Factors affecting the quality of service

A tourist product has such specific factors that distinguish a service from a product: intangibility, inseparability of production and consumption, variability and inability to store.

Intangibility, or elusiveness, tourist services means that they do not take on a reified form. They cannot be demonstrated, seen or tasted before receipt. Unlike buying goods, service does not result in ownership.

The services provided in the sale of a set meal at a fast-food establishment are tied to a real object (lunch) and are very tangible. To a lesser extent, materiality is expressed during service in a classic restaurant, where the visitor comes not so much to satisfy the need for food, but for the sake of the atmosphere itself. It is even more difficult to grasp the services offered by hotels and transport companies. By making a payment, the tourist does not buy a hotel and a plane, but accommodation and transportation.

The elusiveness of services causes problems for both consumers and providers. It is difficult for the buyer to understand and evaluate what is being sold before purchasing the service, and sometimes even after receiving it. So, for a client who has applied to a car repair shop, the service is intangible: he often cannot not only see the repair process, but also outline what has been done. Therefore, when buying a service from a consumer, there is always an element of hope and trust in the seller.

The intangible nature of services complicates the work of providers. Tourism enterprises face two problems, how to show customers their offer and explain what they are paying money for. The seller can only describe the benefits that the tourist will receive when consuming the service. The client will be able to evaluate the service itself only after it has been rendered. This explains the fact that the key concept of service marketing is the benefit, or benefit, for the client from contacting this firm.

Enterprises providing tourist services are taking a set of measures to strengthen customer confidence. They increase the tangibility of their services, emphasize their significance, focus on the benefits received by the client, attract pop stars, sports stars, etc. to advertising services.

You can give a greater tangibility to the service in the very different form. Some companies provide customers with information about their employees, their experience and qualifications, others distribute brochures, booklets and other material carriers helping to understand and evaluate the company's services.

Recently, providers are increasingly turning to the latest information technologies to increase the materiality of services. Some hotels place voluminous pictures of rooms on their websites. By simply pressing the keys, the consumer can change the angle of viewing the room, enlarge the image of individual details (for example, if you want to look at a picture on the wall, get acquainted with the view from the window).

The intangible nature of services complicates the process of pricing and promotion of the tourist product on the market.

Inseparability of production and consumption of services -- main feature which makes services truly services and distinguishes them from goods. You can only provide a service when an order arrives or a client appears. From this point of view, the production and consumption of services are inseparable.

With the inseparability of production and consumption of services, the degree of contact between the seller and the client may be different. Some services are provided in the absence of the customer, for example (car repair). But many types of services require close direct contact between the seller and the buyer. So, treatment at the resort is impossible without a client and medical staff, service in a restaurant is inextricably linked with employees of a public catering enterprise.

The inseparability of production from the consumption of services causes a change in the role of the buyer and seller in the process of reproduction. The client does not just consume the service, but is connected to its production and delivery. Participation of the buyer in all phases of the production process in the service sector means that the supplier must take care of what and how to produce. The behavior of the seller in the presence of the buyer determines the probability of repeating the service.

Therefore, the correct selection and training of personnel, primarily those who come into direct contact with the client, are of particular importance today. The quality of services, the loyalty of customers and, ultimately, the competitiveness of the company depend on the professionalism of employees.

Variability-- important distinguishing feature tourist services. The quality of a tourist service depends on who, when and where it is provided. In one hotel, the service is organized according to the highest level, in another, located nearby, the service is worse. Inside the hotel, one worker is welcoming and efficient, while the other is rude. Even the same employee provides services in different ways throughout the day.

The volatility of the quality of tourist services is due to many circumstances. Most often, the reason lies in the employee himself, his low qualification, weakness of training and education, lack of awareness, lack of regular support from managers. Sometimes the variability in the quality of service is associated with the professional unsuitability of the employee.

The consumer contributes his instability of service. The uniqueness of each customer explains the high degree of individualization of the service in accordance with the needs of the client. This uniqueness makes mass production impossible for many services. At the same time, it gives rise to the problem of consumer behavior management.

The development of the corporate identity of the organization can be considered the beginning of the formation of a service standard. Corporate identity includes: the name of the organization, its trademark, corporate color (colors), logo (emblem). All attributes of the organization, including signs, business cards, letterheads, envelopes, must be designed in this style. The corporate style also applies to promotional and souvenir products of the organization - calendars, pens, etc. Standardization work increases efficiency and creates a single, easily recognizable image with which consumers associate the company.

The accepted standard of service needs to be maintained and is supported by a quality control system. It applies to all stages of the production process. Bottlenecks in customer service require priority control.

Each client has certain ideas about the service offered. They are formed on the basis of individual needs, accumulated personal experience, as well as under the influence of advertising and advice from friends and acquaintances.

When evaluating the quality of service, the consumer compares his expectations with the service received. Service can exceed all expectations. If expectations and reality coincide, the client remains satisfied and gives a positive assessment of the quality of the service. If the service does not correspond to the client's ideas, the service has a negative quality for him.

The gap between the service expected and the service received is, in essence, the final one, consisting of a series of failures in service. Failure often arises from the fact that the administration did not understand or did not want to understand the desires of customers. Being dissatisfied with the service, visitors do not always complain directly, but they certainly draw the appropriate conclusions for themselves, no longer use the services of this company, but also create anti-advertising among their acquaintances.

Even if they brought their negative opinion to the waiter, maid or tour guide, this negative information, as a rule, remains at the level of a particular performer who is not interested in passing it on to the top management. Therefore, the administrator and managers must take a proactive stance and focus on marketing. They should establish direct contact with visitors, talk with them, conduct surveys. The information obtained in this way will help to better understand the client, detect failure and eliminate its causes.

Knowing the customer's needs is necessary, but not enough.............

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