What does a recruitment agency do? What is a recruitment agency

There are more and more recruitment agencies, and it is considered prestigious to work with them. Only fairly large and wealthy companies can afford it, because recruitment agencies charge quite high fees for their services. Applicants who decide to apply to the agency for help in finding a job will also have to pay a lot of money if they find a suitable job for them.

Before you start using the services of recruitment agencies, it does not hurt to study how they work. Often companies, and especially applicants, do not fully understand the principles and schemes that such agencies use, and as a result, they expect not quite what they get in reality.

What are the differences between recruitment agencies

First, let's understand the concepts. Employment agencies, recruitment agencies, recruiting agencies - is there a difference between them and what does it consist of? Staffing agencies are common name companies that provide certain services related to personnel (whether it be recruitment or vice versa employment). Recruitment agencies are looking for employees for different companies and enterprises. That is, their customers are the companies themselves, and not specific people. Employment agencies are looking for suitable vacancies for people who apply to them. Here, the clients are already specific individuals who are looking for work.

There is another specific direction personnel organizations, how headhunting(headhunting - "hunting for heads"). This is a search for true masters of their craft, professionals with extensive experience, highly qualified specialists. Now more and more recruitment agencies are switching to a mixed type of activity, that is, providing services for both job seekers and enterprises. But still, employment services for individuals can not be obtained in all agencies. It is much more profitable for them to work for enterprises in financial terms, therefore, the main emphasis is placed on this type of service.

Scheme of interaction with employers

A recruitment agency receives a request from a client company to fill a specific vacancy/vacancies. In doing so, the agency must detailed instructions about what knowledge, skills and qualities the candidate should have. Work experience and level of education often play an important role as well. Some even make demands on gender, age, marital status.

After receiving all this information, the recruitment agency sorts the resumes of applicants that are already in the database and selects those that meet all the requirements of the employer and are potentially suitable for the declared position. Usually about 5-7 applicants are selected. If there are no suitable options, or there are not enough of them, then open vacancy announcements are published on various job search resources. Moreover, the ads indicate the contacts of the manager who represents the recruitment agency, and not the contacts of the employer. If a company applied for a service to a recruitment agency, it means that it does not want all applicants in a row to call it, but only waits for those who will really apply for the position. The name of the company that is looking for an employee is most often hidden by a recruitment agency.

All suitable candidates for the position are then invited for an interview. First, it takes place in the recruitment agency itself. After it, a certain number of applicants may be eliminated. All applicants approved by the agency are already sent for an interview with the employer. If one of them is approved for the position, the company pays a fee to the recruiting agency for the services rendered. Under the terms of the contract, sometimes the fee can be paid only after the candidate has passed the trial period. In case he did not pass it, the recruitment agency starts the search for the position again. The amount of the fee is usually from half to two full monthly salaries of the found employee, depending on the specifics of the activity.

Scheme of interaction with applicants

People seek help from recruitment agencies for various reasons: someone is already desperate to find a job on their own, someone simply does not want to bother looking for it, someone is convinced that the best vacancy can be found through an agency. One way or another, when contacting an employment agency, you need to understand that the very fact of applying there does not guarantee that you will be found a suitable vacancy and get a job. It often happens that a candidate is denied all potential jobs, no matter how hard the agency tries. In this case, the person remains unemployed, and he still has to pay for the services rendered by the agency, at least consulting.

What is the scheme of work of agencies with applicants based on? The candidate contacts a recruitment agency, where specialists conduct an interview with him. Its goal is to find out what position the candidate is looking for, what requirements he has for it, what salary he would like, what career ambitions he has and other important points.

Next is drawn up quality resume. Compiling a resume so that all the positive points are favorably highlighted, attention is not focused on the negative ones, and with all this, the resume is absolutely truthful is not so easy. That is why most resumes that candidates write on their own are not competitive. In some cases, it is necessary to translate a resume into a foreign language. This can also be done by a recruitment agency, of course, all services are paid.

The resume is entered into the database of the recruitment agency, and an interview is conducted with the applicant. At this stage, the manager of the recruitment agency will already have a certain picture of what the candidate is like and in which company he can really be hired. Then the specialists begin to search for suitable vacancies.

A good agency has its own extensive database of enterprises that are looking for personnel of various specialties. The manager compares the “portrait” of this applicant with the available vacancies, from which those that he can apply for stand out. Information about the candidate is sent to these companies, then an internal interview is conducted with him in the organization. The decision to accept or not to hire is made, of course, not by a recruitment agency, but by a company that is potential employer. When the applicant has been hired, he pays the recruitment agency a fee for the services rendered, usually it is a percentage of the monthly salary (from 25% up to 100%). Less commonly, agencies set a fixed fee amount.

To avoid deception on the part of the client, a recruitment agency concludes an agreement with him at the very beginning of cooperation, where all the obligations of the parties are prescribed. Sometimes the terms of the contract suggest that the fee will be paid only after the candidate successfully passes probationary period in company. Recruitment agencies may also provide services of a purely consulting nature. For example, regarding career building, job search methods, principles of successful interviewing. The client can use these services at will, and all of them are paid separately.

Such schemes of interaction with clients are used by the vast majority of recruitment agencies. Headhunting agencies have their own specifics. First, they need to have an extensive database of all the city's top managers. Information about such specialists contained in databases is most often exclusive and should be protected. Secondly, the people who got into such a database are professionals in their field who rarely sit without work. Therefore, recruiters are faced with the task of not only finding a suitable candidate, but also persuading him to quit his current job in favor of the declared position. It can be very difficult, but the reward for the successful provision of services is also very high.

recruitment agency

personnel, or recruiting agency, - an intermediary in the labor market, an organization that provides services to employers in the search and selection of personnel and / or provides services to job seekers in finding a job and employment, as well as others accompanying services.

If an organization, as an intermediary of the labor market, is engaged only in the search and selection of personnel on the orders of employers, such an organization is recruitment agency, if the labor market intermediary searches for jobs on the orders of applicants, he is employment agency. The term "recruitment agency" can be used to refer to both employment agencies and recruitment agencies.

Recruiting agencies can select both unqualified personnel and top management of companies. It all depends on the specialization in the services provided. There are agencies that select personnel for professional, qualification or industry affiliation.

There are so-called “mixed-type” recruitment agencies that provide both job search services to job seekers and recruitment services to employers. These agencies collect fees from both applicants and employers.

The activity of a recruiting agency consists of three main components: search, evaluation and selection of personnel for certain vacancies that employers have. Particular attention is paid to the compliance of the candidate's professional and personal competencies with the requirements of the client.

Recruiting agency finds out professional level candidate and his psychological characteristics - motivation, flexibility and ability to adapt in a team. The agency also takes on the task of verifying the recommendations. Of particular difficulty is the selection of specialists, in particular, accountants. In the vast majority of cases, the head of the enterprise does not have the opportunity to independently evaluate the professionalism of the chief accountant, but this can be done by a recruiting agency.

Both employment agencies, and recruitment agencies, and mixed recruitment agencies can provide so-called related services to employees and employers. As a rule, employment agencies are completely aimed at job seekers, and offer related services only to them. The remaining two types of staffing companies can provide Additional services both employees and employers at the same time. Related services offered by these organizations to employers include HR consulting, personnel audit, coaching, trainings, training and development of personnel, personnel assessment, motivation of personnel, outstaffing and leasing of personnel, outsourcing of personnel activities, including the functions of personnel accounting and personnel records management, outplacement and others. Related services provided to job seekers may include resume writing and translation services, training, consulting services etc.

see also

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A recruitment agency is essentially an intermediary between the employer and the applicant, taking remuneration from both for the provision of their services. For an employer, an agency is a good help for quickly obtaining the required specialist, and for a candidate, it is an opportunity to quickly find a job. Sometimes a recruitment agency is called an employment agency, because it is engaged in the selection and further employment of personnel for the employer.

In order to find a job with the help of a recruitment agency, you need to know the mechanism of its work, and it consists in quickly closing a vacancy at the request of the employer. The first thing to consider when looking for a job is that the employment agency has an extensive database of employers and job seekers.

An employer, submitting an application to the agency for a specific vacancy, indicates in it all necessary requirements. The agency, as an intermediary, is obliged to fulfill this application as soon as possible using the techniques available to it to search for several candidates. The search for candidates usually begins with a look at the database of applicants available to the recruitment agency. They try to select several questionnaires in accordance with the requirements specified in the employer's application. Simultaneously with the review of the database, the agency advertises this vacancy in the media and on Internet sites. A recruitment agency specialist, having selected two or three suitable candidates, invites them to his place for a preliminary interview. At the interview, the agency manager introduces all applicants for the vacancy with the conditions of the future work and then sends them to the final conversation with the employer himself or his representative.

By inviting several candidates for a preliminary interview, the agency secures itself. After all, any of the selected applicants already at this interview can refuse the vacancy, for whatever reason. It may happen that after the final interview with the employer, all the proposed candidates will not be suitable for him. In this case, the recruitment agency is looking for other applicants for the employer's vacancy.

But if the employer is satisfied with the candidate proposed by the agency, then the employment agency controls the entry of the candidate into the position and accompanies him during the entire probationary period.

Employment agencies that have been seriously engaged in recruiting for employers for at least 10 years provide some guarantees to the applicant and the employer. They provide a guarantee to the employer from 6 to 12 months that they will replace the applicant in case of his dismissal for justified reasons or he quits for own will. Such agencies do not charge for entering the applicant's data into their database, but will charge the employer for providing a specialist with the required qualifications.

But there are also such recruitment agencies that charge a fee for their services from a candidate for a vacancy, and after receiving the money they simply forget about him. The prices for the services of employment agencies in different regions of the country are different, but the principle of calculation is the same. The applicant will pay an average of 50 to 1000 rubles for the services of the agency, and the employer will pay an amount that is a multiple of two salaries of this candidate for the selected and provided specialist.

The work of the enterprise is possible only thanks to the presence of knowledgeable and experienced personnel. Therefore, managers try to select employees with the experience necessary for the position. However, it is difficult and not always possible to find suitable employees. Not every owner is ready to spend time and money searching or does not know how to do it right. Then companies come to the rescue, selecting personnel according to predetermined parameters.

What are staffing agencies for?

Firms that carry out the search for workers for the enterprise are called recruitment agencies. A competent leader understands that only the presence of knowledgeable and experienced employees will help the company to reach the top. But interviews take a lot of time, so the owners of a serious business turn to a recruiting agency.

The task of the company in the search for personnel is not the employment of a specific person, but the satisfaction of the needs of the client who applied for employees. The selection takes place according to selected criteria, which are set personally by the customer. The service is provided in a professional manner.

When contacting a recruitment company, there are positive aspects for the applicant and for the employer:

  • the candidate, when submitting the necessary papers, does not pay for the selection of vacancies;
  • information about the person remains in the database of the agency. When an application is received from the employer that matches the requirements of the candidate, the employee is invited for an interview;
  • the manager does not waste time on independent search and useless communication with applicants;
  • compliance of incoming candidates with the requirements.

Today, companies, banks and manufacturing enterprises make a request to the recruitment agency for the exact selection of personnel. This means that a person will not be able to come to such companies based on an ad.

As the importance of choosing the right employees grows, the decision to open a staffing agency is a good business.

The tasks of the company include:

  • selection of employees for the company - the customer;
  • offer required positions for job seekers.

Demand for the services of recruitment agencies is growing, but not yet enough to call this type of business high. It all lies in the presence of personnel departments at enterprises that are engaged in the selection of employees. In this situation, to prove that the involvement of a specialist from a third-party organization will have a positive result will be a difficult task, but doable.

Use of advertising, presentation of services and other actions necessary for promotion specified business. Please note that the recruitment company fully completes the staffing, decides organizational issues and all this is done with more professionalism than is done by the enterprise itself.

Today there are 4 types of companies engaged in the selection of employees:

  • recruiting agency. Multidisciplinary specialists work here to help in finding applicants for any position;
  • targeted recruitment. These organizations are approached by the company with a request to staff from the bottom to the top;
  • agencies that select vacancies for applicants;
  • headhunters. These are people who are looking for the necessary specialists in other companies. Then they invite you to a new job.

Each type of agency has a lot of nuances, so you should consider them in more detail.

recruiting agencies

Of all the companies, this type is the most in demand.

The responsibilities of a recruiting agency include a wide range of services:

  • selection of a suitable candidate for a certain position;
  • assistance in drafting staffing;
  • staffing on a turnkey basis.

A recruiting agency with a wide profile of providing services is profitable in terms of making a profit. Also, business becomes competitive against narrowly focused companies. Income depends on the number of clients requiring recruitment in different areas of the business.

To increase profitability, the employees of the enterprise are engaged in the selection of personnel and help job seekers to find a decent job with acceptable working conditions and pay. The payment comes from satisfied clients - employers and individuals who have found work through the agency.

Payment for services by client companies occurs in accordance with the concluded agreement, where the amount is negotiated separately with each organization. The cost depends on the position that the applicant is to fill. For individuals, the payment for services is fixed.

High profile recruitment agencies

The work of these organizations is connected with the selection of employees in a certain direction. Narrow specialization agencies significantly narrows the circle potential clients. Therefore, before opening a narrow-profile employment agency, you should carefully study the needs of the local labor market. Decide what specialties are in demand.

In order for the company to have more clients, the scope of the agency's responsibilities should be expanded. For those who are interested in how to open a domestic staff recruitment agency, the narrow profile view is especially popular in megacities. Workers are selected for cleaning and maintenance of private houses, as well as hotels.

These agencies cooperate only with qualified and experienced candidates. Often from large companies an application is received for an employee with a certain work experience, knowledge, qualifications and education. If there is no such candidate in the archive of the personnel company, but such a person works in another organization, then the employee is lured to work in another company.

Owners of companies that have used the services of headhaters will have to pay a large bill. However, in order to provide business personnel, a recruitment agency is actively working. Since an experienced and highly qualified staff is the main thing for the successful development of the company.

What does a headhunter do in his work:

  • search strategy. A candidate is sought not only among active applicants, but also among those who do not plan to change or look for another job. In this case, the search for specialists in the market is up to 90 percent;
  • Internet is actively used. All possible sites for employment, information, which can provide data about the candidate are examined. Websites about companies that need a qualified employee are also viewed;
  • recommendations. When a headhunter is looking for a specific employee, recommendations are collected from other people;
  • an employee who meets the requirements may not be looking for a job, but the task of a headhunter is to convince the first one that it is necessary to change the place of work;
  • no more than 3-5 people are sent to the enterprise for an interview. All the rest are eliminated at the initial stage, which is carried out by the recruitment agency itself.

The task of a headhunter is to find the best candidate for the position from all that are available on the labor market.

The specified type of personnel company is engaged in the search for workers for enterprises located outside the state. As a rule, the search is carried out for further employment in reputable, developing companies.

In order to open an international recruitment agency and provide services to foreign firms, you must obtain a license that will allow you to engage in this entrepreneurial activity. The job seeker is guaranteed official employment, compliance with safety regulations at the workplace. The services of the personnel company are paid by the candidate - the future employee.

The current situation with independent search work abroad, often leads people into the hands of scammers. As a result, a lot of money is paid for the services of pseudo-personnel officers, without receiving either a job or a refund of the money spent. Money.

Applying to an international recruitment agency is a guarantee of getting a position in a proven foreign company. It is worth noting that this type of own business is quite profitable, since work abroad is in demand.

The employment company's work regulations are simple and clear: an enterprise that needs employees applies to the agency by submitting an application to search for employees. The document specifies the requirements for the applicant. Search terms are also set.

First, the search is carried out on the existing profiles of applicants. If there is no archive or no one is suitable from the available candidates, then an appropriate announcement is submitted to the newspaper. Applicants who meet the requirements set by the employer are sent for an interview. When a candidate approaches, he is hired, then the agency is paid a fee.

Add to list standard services any recruitment agency includes:

  • search and subsequent selection of applicants for vacant position. The cost of services will be from 7 to 9 percent of the company's annual income. These figures are relevant if the selection of qualified personnel is underway. When looking for a middle manager, the minimum cost will be from 10 to 15 percent;
  • the company prepares a screening resume. This is an inexpensive and affordable option. In the specified type of search for candidates, the selection is carried out only according to the criteria that the customer company needs: gender, education, age, work experience. But the search does not involve the personal qualities of the desired employee or his motivation;
  • The agency conducts additional trainings and paid courses for advanced training. This type of service is introduced at the request of the owner of the company, but already at the stage when the agency is firmly on its feet, in the form of additional income.

The premises for the location of the recruitment firm are selected in terms of comfort for the applicant, as well as to give the organization solidity. The presence of business personnel in a recruitment agency that can leave a pleasant impression, even if the conversation was a cup of coffee.

The accessibility of the office is also important. The easier it is to get to, the more visited the place will be the company, which means that the number of customers will grow.

Before doing business, you need to register with the Federal Tax Service.

First of all, the form of recruitment business is chosen:

  • legal entity with the creation of an LLC;
  • individual entrepreneur.

The first steps that are performed before opening a recruitment agency from scratch, step by step:

  • to issue and receive papers allowing to work in the field of providing recruiting services;
  • determine the location of the office;
  • supply employees necessary equipment;
  • draw up a business plan.

You should choose the right OKVED for your own business:

  • 50.1 - code allowing the provision of services for hire work force;
  • 50.2 is the code by which recruitment services are performed.

Expenses, expenses each month:

  • the cost of renting an office is 5000 rubles. To save money, start working from home;
  • equipment necessary for work - 40,000 rubles;
  • advertising from 5000 to 15000 rubles;
  • communication services: telephone, Internet - 5000 rubles.

The income side looks like this:

  • assistance in compiling a resume - 250-500 rubles. for each completed form;
  • conclusion of an agreement with a candidate for a position will bring from 20 to 50 percent of wages, which will be charged to a new employee;
  • the conclusion of a contract with the employer will bring from 20 to 50 percent of the wages of the hired worker.

Starting a new company is difficult, no one knows, and therefore new customers will not appear immediately. Another thing is if you use the franchise of another recruitment agency. These are ready-made technologies, debugged and tested in practice, new quality standards are used. Working under the franchise of a recruiting agency contributes to a positive result for short term which would otherwise take at least a year.

For today a large number of companies offer franchising, including Russian ones:

  1. Vakhtog.
  2. Human Factors. You can open a business with almost no investment. There are no monthly fees here.
  3. Art Personality.
  4. Success Insights International and many others.

The franchisor company provides consulting services to the ward agency, controls the work of the organization. After the expiration of the contract, the personnel business is prohibited for the franchisee.

At the beginning of the company's work, the list of clients will have to be developed independently, by making calls to enterprises. Also, at first, the cost of services is reduced, especially for potential customers. Companies can agree to conclude an agreement even if they have a permanent partner.

Further cooperation depends on the quality of the services provided. If the work is done at the level and on time, the company will again turn to a well-established company.

An additional search for personnel and vacancies is carried out on Internet sites such as

  • WORK

The agency is approached by companies that have opened or are expanding.

Costs, estimated profit and payback period

A recruitment agency, like a business, is a type of entrepreneurship that does not require large cash investments. The main expense will consist of the rent for the first month, the second month and the last as a guarantee payment. Considering where the office is located, the rental price will be from 25,000 to 50,000 rubles.

Also, to promote the business, you will need advertising, which will cost from 20,000 to 30,000 rubles. At the same time, placement is carried out on portals specializing in the selection of personnel. Ads are placed in free printed publications produced in large numbers. Using these methods, you can attract the first customers.

Additional costs include:

  • paper, registration will cost from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles;
  • repair in the room - 150,000 rubles. Here the amount depends on what kind of interior is planned to be created and the size of the selected office;
  • equipping with equipment - 35,000-40,000 rubles;
  • connection of the provider to the Internet - 2000-4000 rubles.

The payback period of the recruitment agency project will be 2-4 months. This figure will be relevant if one order averages from 25,000 to 30,000 rubles. Estimated profit will be from 100 thousand to 250 thousand rubles every month. But it all depends on the number of completed orders and the number of employees.

The recruiting business assumes a profitability of 10-15 percent.

Starting a staffing company is a lucrative business if you take it seriously. The number of calls depends on the quality of the work. An additional advantage is the work under the already well-known brand of a recruiting agency.