Freelance exchange workzilla. My review of Workzilla and recommendations: is it really possible to make money or is it a scam? Disadvantages and reviews of the remote work at home exchange

Hello, dear readers blog site. Not the best times have come for those who wants to earn money online because there is less and less work, and more competition.

Professional layout designer, seasoned programmer, System Administrator- all these people can easily find remote work, but what should an ordinary user on the network do who knows only the most basic?

After careful thought and searching, the answer was found, and its name is Workzilla! This is a remote work exchange, i.e. project that allows ordinary person earn real money online. Yes, today you can not even leave the house to earn money.

On conventional freelance exchanges, the problem is that you need to have knowledge and experience, i.e. write a dozen programs, compile a lot of databases, make up a lot of sites - all this is not capable of being done by an ordinary person.

About the freelance exchange Workzilla

Affordable freelancing is what distinguishes this exchange from other freelance sites. What is "affordable freelancing"? Affordable freelancing is the kind of work that can be performed even by a novice PC user. Sometimes there are eerily simple tasks here.

For example, you need to download a file to check the operation of the service, and you will be paid 200 rubles for this. Or there is a task with registration in social networks, which also pays well, or something for the simplest work with graphics, such as:

Of course, if you have already experienced all the power and capabilities of your computer, you can create websites, make up designs, write programs, scripts, write full-fledged articles, reviews, etc., then you have much more opportunities here, because terms of reference there are a lot here too.

So no one will be left without a job, and now let's take a closer look at this job, what exactly Workzilla offers us.

How to make money on Workzile? Job options

As we have already understood, distant work at home can be very different: one customer will ask you to write reviews, and the second to compile an annual accounting report for him.

You can complete simple tasks here for real money or surf the site for a penny - it's up to you, as they say. And you know it will often more interesting than that, which I described in an article about that (in the projection of those methods that do not require special skills to earn money).

P.S. The above is an example of how to start completing tasks on this exchange.

Registration on the Workzilla exchange (passing the test)

At Workzilla, the registration process is divided into 4 stages. To get started, go to official site and then to the registration page. And here are the fields to fill in:

The registration process is completed, but we need to confirm the registration. We go to our mail, which we indicated during registration, and see a letter from the Workzilla website. Follow the link and get access to your account. This completes the first part, let's move on to the second.

When you first enter the service, you will be prompted to choose who you want to be on this exchange ( customer or contractor):

When we click "Contractor", hoping to find a job, the system says that we haven't passed the test yet so let's do it.

The test itself consists of 4 simple tasks, which, apparently, are generated in different ways. If you type in a search engine a phrase like: “Workzilla test answers”, then there are always different questions and different answers. So you will have to look for information yourself.

That's it, we passed the knowledge tests, now all that remains is to pay for the subscription, confirm the phone number and fill out the profile. How to do it in detail shown in this video:

Very interesting, isn't it? Us already forced to pay in advance even though we haven't even checked in yet. Disputes do not subside on the Internet, and the search engine gives a lot of answers to the phrase: “workzilla reviews” and “Workzilla scam”.

In fact, the project really deserves attention, so (subjectively) you can easily pass this test on the official website without fear of being fooled later (I say again that read the reviews on this topic and draw conclusions for yourself - accept the conditions or look for something else similar). True, now the cost of passing has risen to 390 rubles.

Once you have passed all these painful tests, you can get to work. Just for starters let's do some tweaking:

We add all the specialties that we have. Even if you do not understand, there is still a chance to get a very simple task for a good amount. As for money, the same thing - set any price, so you will receive complete information, and besides, you will be able to perform simple tasks to fill your hand.

The registration process on the official website of the exchange is completed, now you can apply and wait for a response from customers. Rest assured that your application will be considered. The only advice: describe all your advantages as fully as possible. Say that you are the king of kings in this matter, otherwise you will not see orders.

Now let's analyze the shortcomings of the WorkZilla project, take a look at everything from the inside.

Disadvantages and reviews of the remote work at home exchange

Are there any downsides to work-zilla? Yes, of course there is! What is worth only one paid registration, where a beginner, not seeing orders, is obliged to pay money. This is very wrong, at least free access for review should be given out.

The second main drawback is the constant payment for use. Yes, here the Workzilla website is no different from other freelance exchanges:

It is similar to the situation in the market. Here you have a product, you need to sell this product in order to make a profit. You are forced to rent a place in the market and pay rent so that you can sell freely.

This, by the way, is the trouble of all freelance sites, everywhere you need to pay. But then again: for example, on, users are given the opportunity to place 3 offers per day, but here - nothing.

A monstrous, real "jamb" is arbitration. He, as a rule, stands on the side of the customer, because the customer pays the money. Yes, of course, if he is wrong, everything will be resolved in your direction, but if the conflict is controversial, then the scales will definitely tip towards the customer.

And yes, again problem with competition. But here it really is not so global. As a rule, there is not as much competition for an order as it happens on the top freelance exchanges.

Here you will definitely be given remote work, but do not expect to grab all the orders, because there are exactly the same people like you who are also not averse to working at home and earning good money.

But let's not talk about the sad, let's talk about the objective. Let's find out what people think about the project, consider reviews of Workzilla.

Reviews about WorkZill

Quite contradictory. If you go to the aforementioned WorkZilla Workers Union, then you will understand that the service is not as rosy as it seemed. However, the cries that you can’t make money on this site are false, because you can really make money, here is a screenshot of the “newbie”:

This amount was earned from simple tasks; for the purity of the experiment, they did not even take simple layout and the creation of html sites. Simple tasks, such as: "Translate voice to text" can even bring a good income to a novice freelancer.

Yes, the system is not without problems. For example, for each order take 10 percent, customers sometimes do not respond for days. Here is an example of a similar review about Workzilla:

And here's another a review that is exactly close to reality:

As you can see, the reviews are extremely conflicting. Based on all the feedback on the Workzilla website, we can draw several conclusions:

  1. The site is not perfect and has a few negative parts
  2. The system really pays
  3. Big commission for tasks + subscription
  4. Opportunity to work from home, fulfill your favorite orders and get good money

In general, think for yourself - decide for yourself. Main advice that can be given to you is this: if you hope that an easy job, completing small assignments will lead you to gold mines, that you can complete one task per day for 5,000 rubles and not work for a week - all this is a lie.

Will have to work a lot, you need to be able to communicate with people, clearly do your job, if you don’t have this, don’t even start.

Well, finally, let's take a look at how to withdraw money from the system to make sure that this is not a scam.

How to withdraw money from the exchange website?

First you need to click on your earned money on any page of the official Workzilla website, after which we will be transferred to the balance window, where we select the “Withdraw” tab.

Money is withdrawn within 3 days, you can withdraw both to a Webmoney wallet and to Yandex (in both cases, a five percent commission is taken).

There is also a limit on the withdrawal, where at first you are allowed to withdraw only 300 rubles (daily limit), and then more. I now have a limit of 6000 rubles per day.

We enter the number of our wallet, select the payment system and click: "Withdraw". That's all. Money, as a rule, arrives a day after the creation of the application.

Now you know everything and even more about remote work at Workzilla. The main thing on it is respect for the customer and quality work , only in this case you can get real money and work in a warm, comfortable home, sitting on the couch, and not in a stuffy office. By the way, this exchange recently had a successful competitor - (I also advise you to familiarize yourself with it, because two are better than one).

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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V-Like - how to make money on the social network Vkontakte on likes, subscriptions and joining groups
Bosslike - how to quickly and free of charge get subscribers, likes, messages and friends on VK, FB, YouTube, Instagram and OK through Bosslike is an indispensable assistant for businessmen and busy people. The service in a matter of minutes will find a contractor for the work that you do not have time to do, cannot or do not want to do yourself. Submit your task, specify the price, and the system will automatically bring you the best candidates.

The peculiarity of the service is that in addition to the traditional set of freelance services (rewriting, copywriting, design, etc.), it is ready to take on boring, routine tasks. It is unlikely that anywhere else on the Internet will help you with such a small and specific job as:

Register 50 accounts,
- find contacts of suppliers,
- convert audio to text,
- fill the online store with goods.

At work-zilla, dozens of such orders are executed every day.

Examples of completed tasks


The first 50 people who register using the link (see below) will receive a starting 100 rubles to their account in order to immediately try out the service. Get a Cash Bonus and Start Delegating Now!

P.S. Please take into account that the starting amount will not be credited immediately after registration, but within 1-2 days. The bonus is exclusive, so this process is not automated. Hope for your understanding.


You do not waste time searching for a task executor, you pay only after accepting the completed work, thus you get a guarantee of a safe transaction. And, of course, a nice opportunity to participate in the action!

Good day to all, friends.

Today we will touch on a very important topic for beginner freelancers and remote workers, consider one of the most popular microservices exchanges -

I myself began my journey into freelancing and remote work from this exchange in 2014 and from that moment I studied it up and down. Now I often order various services there and see what mistakes freelancers make when trying to take an order.

This article will be of interest not only to those who are going to start working with Workzilla, but also to all beginners who are trying to master freelancing and switch to remote work. I will try to tell everything about this exchange and give some tips that will help you not to merge on your first attempts to get a task and earn your first money via the Internet.

At the end of the article, you can find reviews about Workzilla from readers of my blog who work or have worked with this exchange, and there you can write your own review or ask a question about WorkZilla that interests you.

How does Workzilla work and where is the divorce?

Many beginners who are tempted by the benefits of making money online don't really know that there are official freelance exchanges where online entrepreneurs post various tasks that they can't do themselves or don't want to spend their time on it.

For example:

  • write an article for the site;
  • draw a website design;
  • call the customer base;
  • set up an advertising campaign;
  • create a VKontakte group, etc.

In general, tasks from simple posting of ads or searching for information on the Internet, which even a "teapot" can handle, to programming various scripts.

For quick search performers for these tasks and there are similar sites. They are official and work according to certain rules that must be followed in order not to be deceived and not work for someone for free.

There is no divorce and scam in the system itself, only sometimes there are unscrupulous people. A little later we will talk about what not to do and what are the cases of scam on Workzilla.

How the site works

The way WorkZilla and other freelance exchanges work is quite simple. The customer creates a task in which he describes everything that needs to be done, terms and amount (when choosing a contractor, all these details are still discussed). According to the rules of any exchange, when a task is published, cash on the customer's account are frozen - this is called a secure transaction.

At Workzilla, absolutely all tasks are paid through the service.

A safe transaction does not allow the contractor to be left without money in the event of a responsible performance of the task, but for this guarantee, the service charges its own small percentage of the transaction when withdrawing funds. In an attempt to save money, many take assignments directly and eventually face the problem that they turn in the finished assignment, and the employer, having received what he wanted, disappears without a trace.

There is also a problem with deception on the part of the customer, I have encountered several times. I publish a task, agree and appoint a person as a performer, pay a commission for a safe transaction, and in the end he cannot complete the order or disappears somewhere. You have to break the deal by paying a commission to the system and create a new one.

In the event that a disputable situation arises, and the customer does not want to pay for a poorly completed task, then the transaction falls into arbitration, and the exchange administrators consider it for a decision.

Once a task is published, it appears in the offer list, and potential executors, if they see that they can complete it, begin to apply. The employer reviews candidates and chooses who suits him.

Having chosen the performer, he concludes a deal with him. When the work is done and handed over, the customer confirms the transaction, and the money frozen on the balance sheet goes to the contractor.

Let's summarize Workzilla's work:

  1. The customer publishes the task in the system. A certain amount is frozen from his account.
  2. Freelancers respond to this task, the customer chooses one of them and approves him as the executor.
  3. The contractor completes the task and hands it over to the customer. If all is well, he confirms the completion of the task, and the funds frozen in his account are transferred to the freelancer's account.

Observe simple rules deals, perform tasks responsibly, and then everything will work out for you in freelancing.

How much can you earn on

For my first month on WorkZill, and one might say the last as a performer, it was October 2014, during the passage remote work training I made my first money online.

3,900 rubles is only the amount that is displayed in the history of Workzilla, in fact, for the entire month I earned almost 16,000 rubles, at that rate - $ 256. Rating and reviews, as you can see in the screenshot, have been reset since then.

The fact is that while working with this exchange, I was aimed at finding a permanent remote job and started working directly with many customers. In a month, despite the fact that I was a complete beginner, but with a great desire, I pulled out two permanent employers and several regular customers from Workzilla, who from time to time gave me different tasks.

Thus, after a month, I no longer had to sit in search of new orders. I worked with two permanent employers for more than six months, until I changed my field of activity. The most interesting thing is that I met my first employer by taking a simple task on Workzilla to post reviews about the company.

It's a pity that the message history is stored for only 2 months, so I would show how I offered my promotion services in social networks. networks. The company is engaged in the repair and decoration of apartments and offices in Moscow. Starting to write reviews about the company on various portals, I noticed that in social networks, the company is not moving at all, so I decided to offer it.

This is how customers are hiding behind simple tasks on WorkZille, ready to pay good money for your services on the Internet.

Today, the average price tag for one task, as I see it, is 200-500 rubles. Prices have not changed much in two years. With a competent approach to this exchange and desire, you can earn from 500 to 2000 rubles a day.

Here you need to look to the future, use this exchange as a simulator, gain experience and improve permanent job with customers. You don’t want to sit all your life looking for orders and doing tasks for a penny?

How to get a job and earn?

First of all, in order to start earning, you need to register and properly complete (set up) your profile on Workzilla. To do this, open the article "". Registration, unlike other similar services, is not simple.

If you are already registered, then go ahead.

On the technical side, taking on the task is easy. Click the green checkmark in the upper right corner above the task you have chosen, write your proposal and click "OK".

But the problem is that it is very difficult for beginners to get the task and most, after several attempts, are disappointed and merge.

Why is it hard to get a job?

  • You have no experience, no portfolio, and because of this you are not trusted.
  • You are afraid to take tasks because you are not confident in your abilities and are afraid to spoil the rating, which is not there yet.
  • You do not know what you are striving for, there is no goal. Bad motivation.
  • You do not understand what you would like to do at a remote job.
  • Strive to do the task for the money, and not for the sake of experience and solving the customer's problem.

I can write a bunch more of these “why?”, Because I work there as a customer and I see all these beginner mistakes. But the very first problem when you try to take on a task is, of course, what you write when responding to a task. The first message is the first contact with the employer when you sell yourself, your time, your services.

Look here:

  • Ready to perform!
  • I'll do it!
  • I will complete the task, I work for the result!
  • Hello, ready to get started!
  • Can I have a look at the TK?
  • Hello. I will do it quickly and efficiently!

Funny, isn't it? But the majority write just like that and are surprised why no one answers them and does not give them a job.

Put yourself in the place of the customer. Would you take yourself in his place? According to such a message, it seems that the person did not even bother to read the task.

I could write a few right examples but don't want to give templates. I am against templates, because when you see examples, you stop thinking and just copy. Look for a unique approach to each employer, read the task description carefully and write in an original way.

Don't be like 99% of the rest and you will get results faster. I recommend that you start your sentence with a greeting by name.

Look at the information about this person, maybe you will find something to cling to there.

When you do the work, do not hesitate to ask the customer to write you a review. Save the completed order to your portfolio.

All similar search services remote work similar, you can find them in two separate articles:

In them, I analyze not only analogues of Work-Zilla, but also narrowly focused services for finding work by type of specialty.


Summing up about working with Workzilla, I can say that this exchange is the most suitable for beginners, unlike others. At first glance, it is difficult, it is not easy to get a job, but I am sure that everyone can handle it. You just need to do and not give up at the first setbacks and failures.

I hope this article was useful to you, and you rethought something in your actions.

If you still have any questions for me, then ask them in the comments and be sure to subscribe to the blog news so as not to miss even more interesting and valuable information.

Leave your feedback and comments. I wish you all success in mastering freelance and remote work!

Also watch 2 videos to understand how the service works on the part of customers.

And from the side of the performers. is a service where you can easily find a contractor to complete any task: from developing a website and compiling a landing page to writing articles and translating texts from foreign languages. The service was created in 2009 in order to unite all interested freelancers and webmasters into a single information network for cooperation on mutually beneficial terms.

Differences from other exchanges

The Workzilla service allows you to find an executor to perform a wide variety of tasks. These may include:

  • rewriting, copywriting and other types of work with text;
  • writing dissertations, abstracts, diploma and course projects;
  • website and landing page development;
  • advertising;
  • creation and rendering of logos;
  • decoding audiovisual information into text;
  • translations from foreign languages.

However, despite quite low prices Compared to other exchanges, Workzilla is by no means a collection of low-skilled non-professionals working for pennies. On the site you can find a huge number of experienced freelancers who are ready to complete the order in a quality and timely manner. In addition, thanks to a wide range of features, as well as a simple and convenient interface, the service will become a real find for the performers themselves.

The webmaster offers:

  1. Intuitive search for employees, allowing you to take into account many parameters.
  2. Accurate execution of assigned tasks.
  3. Absence of any risks during the payment of the order.
  4. Various affiliate programs.
  5. Quite a significant range of work performed (writing reviews and comments, creating advertising logos, consulting, editing texts, and so on).

In turn, a freelancer can use the following solutions:

  1. Professional implementation of your skills.
  2. Guaranteed wages.
  3. Comfortable working conditions.
  4. Enhance and improve existing skills.

Combining the execution of orders with the main place labor activity, a person not only receives a significant increase in salary, but also develops his skills in a particular area.

Work on the stock exchange as a customer

In order to start working as a customer, you need to do a number of simple manipulations. First, go to the official website and click on the "Register" button on the right side of the screen. Secondly, in the field that opens, enter the name, address Email and password, thereby creating a new account. If you wish, you can register via social media(Facebook, Odnoklassniki, VKontakte).

  1. First you need to replenish your account by transferring money from an electronic wallet.
  2. Then select the item "Give a task" at the top of the site and click on it.
  3. Select the required category and subcategory, and then click on the "New task" button.

Now we need to move on to placing an order. The literacy and accuracy of the description significantly affect the speed of the search for the artist, and therefore it is necessary to approach this process with particular care. The procedure should be like this:

  1. Enter the name of the task. It should reflect its essence.
  2. The next is informative and detailed description every aspect of the project. This will achieve the best result, and in addition, avoid possible improvements.
  3. If there are any files such as Text Document with terms of reference or a sample article that you want to rewrite, you can add them by clicking on the "Attach file" item.
  4. Further, the time period allotted for the work and its cost are assigned.
  5. Having done all this, you must click "Place task".

After a while, the first responses to the order will appear. The choice of a future performer should also be approached with particular care, paying attention to a number of criteria:

  1. Candidate rating and number of successfully completed projects.
  2. Examples of orders placed in the portfolio.
  3. The presence of positive and negative reviews.

A significant role is played by the adequacy and degree of professionalism, which can be found out in the course of communication.

After the contractor is approved, payment for the order is blocked on his account. It performs the assigned tasks and sends it to the customer for verification. If the task does not meet one or another requirement, it is sent for revision. If the quality of the work performed completely satisfies the webmaster, he confirms its completion and pays for the order.

The subtleties of working on Workzilla as an executor

Registration of the performer occurs in the same way as the customer. However, to be able to take and fulfill orders, you will need to make a little more effort. First of all, you need to bind the number mobile phone to an account. After entering it, you will receive a message with a confirmation code.

The next step is to pass the test, which includes three tasks:

  1. A test for logical thinking, in which you need to answer a series of simple questions. This is given no more than 5 attempts.
  2. Attention task. It consists in creating a certain number of files and placing the required text in a special window. The number of attempts is unlimited.
  3. Checking knowledge of the rules of this resource. For successful implementation, you just need to conscientiously read the rules during registration.

Next, you need to enter the number of the electronic wallet to which the earned funds will be transferred. At Workzilla, all financial transactions are made through the Webmoney service (an initial passport is enough). The last one needs to choose a specialization in order to take tasks from the corresponding categories based on it.

Here are some tips to increase the chance of getting an order and successfully handling it:

  1. It will be very useful to create a portfolio that includes best examples executed works.
  2. Keep track of time and avoid delays.
  3. Refuse too cheap orders.
  4. Always evaluate the ratio of the volume of the task to its cost.
  5. Apply for well-known categories, in addition, do not take a large number of orders.
  6. If necessary, apply to Arbitration.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Work-zilla service

The benefits of the Work-zilla service include:

  • guaranteed payment for each completed order;
  • it is possible to communicate directly with the webmaster through a special online chat;
  • many types of tasks offered;
  • fulfillment of orders on time;
  • with the help of Arbitration, almost any disagreement between the contractor and the customer is resolved;
  • Presence of quite profitable partner program.

On the basis of Work-zilla, you can easily earn with the help of referrals - people who have registered on the recommendation of others. To attract such users, a special link or banner is used. Having started account similarly, the person becomes the referral of the linker, which makes it possible for him to have about 5 percent of all completed and accepted orders.

This service is an exchange, on the basis of which both customers who place new projects and contractors involved in the implementation of these orders make a profit.

But, of course, there are also negative points:

  • conditions for withdrawing money differ depending on the rating, which imposes some restrictions;
  • a rather large commission: 10% of the cost of the work performed, 5% is withdrawn in the process of withdrawing money;
  • only registered users can view tasks;
  • orders are subject to fairly low prices;
  • There are not so many ways to withdraw funds, namely 2: with a commission on Webmoney or without a commission on Z-payment.

In general, Workzilla allows the customer to easily find a contractor for almost any type of work. The freelancer, in turn, whether he is a novice or an experienced user, can easily find a task in accordance with his skills and abilities, and in addition, in proportion desired payment. All this makes this service a worthy competitor to other similar sites.

WORK-Zilla is a good service that allows you to work remotely and earn money all the time. There is a lot of work on the site, and it does not require special qualifications from the performer.
You can choose your own work schedule. Or complete 10 tasks in one day or just a couple per month. Everything depends on you. You plan your own work. Everyone can work, regardless of experience and qualifications, the site has a lot of fairly simple and elementary tasks, as well as more complex ones that require certain skills and qualifications from the performer, and, accordingly, are more paid.

Before we get started, follow these 2 simple steps:

1. Register for the project

2. We fill out a profile questionnaire, where we indicate our specialization, one or more. In the future, it is for the categories you have chosen that orders will come. You can also set the cost of tasks, determine the price range, so to speak - the minimum value.

Kinds assignments

There are a lot of tasks on the site. Below is a list of the most popular:
— Translations of texts
- Mailing of letters
— Polls
- Working with Excel
- Calling clients
— Article writing
- Convert video or audio to text
- Design
— Search for information on the Internet
— Buying tickets

How it works?

You connect to yourself the possibility of notification of new tasks that will constantly come to you. It's up to you to accept it or refuse it. For each successfully completed task, your rating will be increased. The higher your rating, the higher the trust of customers in you. And, accordingly, there are more available tasks and a higher price for execution.

Payment for assignments.

On the project with payment, everything is fair. As soon as you have taken the task to work, the money on the customer's account is blocked exactly for the amount of this task. After execution, they are transferred to your account.