The boss supports only loyal employees. What is loyalty? Loyalty program

Loyalty (from the English word loyal) of the staff means not quite the desire to comply with the requirements of the law. This word in relation to the organization rather characterizes loyalty to the company, its ideals, as well as the willingness of employees to go and develop in the same direction with the team.

A loyal employee is ready to work more and more for the benefit of the enterprise, while he always does what is required of him job descriptions and in their actions does not run counter to the goals of the company.

Signs of staff loyalty

To make the word "loyalty" more specific, we can consider the synonyms offered by well-known management experts (G. Dessler, T. Solomanidina, etc.). Loyalty is commitment, devotion, and also trustworthiness. One of the manifestations of loyalty can be characterized by the term "organizational citizenship". This is the behavior of an employee, not fixed in any way in his official duties, but in every possible way contributing to the development of the organization, pandering to its goals.

The main signs of employee loyalty:

  1. They perform informal (undocumented) duties that help the enterprise function effectively (see).
  2. They also perform these duties independently and voluntarily, without coercion by superior personnel.

Loyalty can manifest itself at different levels, but it can be determined already at the beginning, according to some external parameters:

  • willingness of staff to serve the organization on any terms;
  • voluntary adherence to ethical requirements at the enterprise;
  • attachment to the company, the desire to contribute to its prosperity;
  • trying to avoid conflicts in the workplace;
  • making voluntary proposals to improve the functioning of the company, improve its activities.

Psychologists distinguish two levels of employee disloyalty:

  1. Demonstrative or open.
  2. Hidden or secret.

Each of these levels has its own characteristics, and they are divided into unequal levels of danger. Thus, demonstrative disloyalty is expressed in:

  • setting the priority of the employee's personal interests over the interests of the company, consumer attitude;
  • lies and deceit;
  • statements in a dismissive tone about the values ​​and interests of the object of loyalty, in this example, the organization;
  • termination of agreements both with superior personnel and other employees.

Disloyal employees try to bring chaos to a well-formed organization structure. They will directly ridicule the beliefs of colleagues and doubt the correctness and expediency of the tasks set by the organization.

Signs of actions of employees with hidden disloyalty towards the enterprise:

  1. In the presence of superiors, a disloyal employee will seek to remain neutral to any proposals put forward.
  2. Former loyal employees, after contact with disloyal ones, can change their attitude towards the company to the exact opposite.
  3. Hiddenly disloyal and openly disloyal workers often interact with each other, while in the presence of management they may try not to give out their connections.
  4. Such workers will not protest against the decisions themselves, but will try to persuade others to their point of view and thereby force them to resent the company.

Covertly disloyal employees can work on an equal footing with loyal ones, but not on a voluntary basis, but under pain of punishment: reprimand, deprivation of bonuses, dismissal.

The opinions of specialists regarding the factors of formation of employee loyalty are divided: someone considers the opportunity to personal growth, someone - the general atmosphere in the organization. If we combine the conclusions formed from the works of I. Korneeva, K. Kharsky, E. Struzhanova and others, then the following factors are revealed:

  • features of the already formed (organic, entrepreneurial or participatory);
  • the possibility of further career growth;
  • psychological atmosphere of the team;
  • pride in the company and following a common cause;
  • attention to employees;
  • the system of personal values ​​of each member of the team;
  • degree of risk appetite;
  • satisfaction with the level of salary paid;
  • style of management activity;
  • social;
  • achieving goals;
  • satisfaction of basic needs.

All of these conditions can be divided into external (organizational) and internal. External - these are those whose implementation depends on the higher management; internal - own motivation of employees, their personal qualities.

Based on the ratio of loyalty levels proposed by K. Kharsky, it is possible to compile a loyalty scale (from the lowest level to the highest):

  1. Zero loyalty. It is important to understand that the lack of loyalty does not imply disloyalty - this is how you can characterize the attitude towards the company of an outsider or a newcomer who has not yet had time to form his own opinion.
  2. Loyalty at the level of external attributes. These are external signs that allow you to correlate a person with a specific company - clothes with company logos, notebooks, mugs, etc. Already at this level, an employee cannot psychologically demonstrate his disloyalty, since he has to speak on behalf of the company.
  3. At the level of action. It implies copying by the new employee of the lines of behavior set in the team - participation in corporate events, etc.
  4. At the level of conviction. In this case, the employee is inclined to act for the benefit of the company, correlating his interests with the interests of the team. It is enough if at least 15% of employees reach this level.
  5. At the level of identity. This is the highest step when an employee sees his life in the same way as life cycle firm, correlates its ups and downs with his own.

Practical Methods for Forming Staff Loyalty

Using these methods, you can develop all available forms of loyalty: calculated, emotional and normative, and understand how they are formed:

  1. Meeting the basic needs of employees. This includes actions to increase wages (see), accepting benefits, introducing flexible hours or training newcomers and professional development at the expense of the organization. So there is a prospect of long-term cooperation with the same employee.
  2. Informing employees about the goals and objectives of the company. To attract and motivate as many employees as possible, you need to convey knowledge to them - ranging from informal ways (organization of corporate events) to strictly official actions (conclusion of non-disclosure agreements about the company).
  3. Development of the level of self-realization of personnel within the company, involvement in collective activities. This includes the introduction of rewards for activity, the reduction of the hierarchy between employees, the “free table” principle, training, etc.

To assess how loyal the company's employees are, it is better to use not one, but several proven methods. Only then can the result obtained be considered reliable.

Assessment methods:

  • checking staff turnover statistics;
  • interviews with employees (if you need a quick study, you can choose not just representatives of different industries, but study those departments where problems are most clearly visible - constant staff turnover, etc.);
  • temporary observation of the behavior of personnel;
  • periodic survey. The most popular and proven questionnaires are the Thurstone scale questionnaire, the express loyalty questionnaire, as well as questionnaires on the topic “Understanding the company's goals”, “Showing concern”, “Staff satisfaction”, etc.

Interesting Facts

  • The largest number of manifestations of the highest level of loyalty was recorded in Japan, at enterprises with a system of lifetime employment.
  • The introduction of competition within the enterprise (for example, a challenge title the best employee months) not only does not contribute to the separation of the team, but vice versa, it is considered one of the best ways to increase the level of attachment to the company.
  • For more than 64% of people, the opportunity to participate in a loyalty program becomes a decisive argument in favor of cooperation with a particular company.

In order for the business not to stand still, the organization must develop. One of the components of success is the loyalty of the staff. It is much more difficult to build trusting relationships with the team than to implement innovative technology or launch new hardware. The support of the team is the gratitude that the management receives for fairness and objectivity in personnel policy.

Team loyalty: the essence of the concept

The multifaceted term loyalty means a benevolent attitude of a person to a phenomenon, object or to some personalities. In a company where the loyalty of the team takes place, employees do not consider themselves opposed to management. On the contrary, they consider themselves part of a common system, since their interests coincide with the leadership in many respects.

If the team is loyal to the administration, then professional tasks performed at a high quality level and often with inspiration. Loyalty to the employer is unconditional respect and recognition not only of his professional merits, but also of his human qualities.

With this approach, employees work with passion and enjoy sharing rationalization proposals. They consciously seek to avoid professional miscalculations, because they consider them not so much a personal failure as they are afraid of harming production as a whole.

Team loyalty: parameters

Often behind this term lies the benevolent attitude of the staff towards the management. This, in turn, entails the recognition of the leader's right to make fundamental decisions. The basic criterion of the concept of "loyalty of employees" implies a trusting adherence to the actions of the management, focused on high results in work.

The loyalty of the personnel in the organization is ascertained if there is:

  • open and friendly atmosphere;
  • consonance of the goals of management and employees;
  • willingness to give up personal principles in order to achieve the interests of the team and the enterprise as a whole;
  • willingness to work at full capacity;
  • willingness to confirm their professionalism with high personal achievements in work;
  • the conscientiousness of each member of the team, which implies the absence of a desire for fraud;
  • personal interest in the high productivity of each employee.

The very attitude to the concept of "loyalty" in such a team is positive and sincere. A typical example of staff loyalty is a situation in which a report to management about dishonesty, theft, or a deliberate underestimation of the daily norm by one of the employees is not considered as a notorious denunciation.

The identification of such situations in a loyal team is perceived as a natural desire to common success and the desire to eradicate negative phenomena along the way.

In addition, staff loyalty takes place only when each member of the team values ​​their place of work. Interest in being present in this company and in this team, which brings satisfaction, is the highest manifestation of a benevolent attitude towards management.

Factors that make up staff loyalty and disloyalty

People for various reasons come to production or to the organization. Someone is attracted by high salaries, for others, social guarantees are more important.

Practice shows that the longer a person works in a team, the higher his loyalty.

The human factor affects: getting used to it, the employee begins to consider all the successes of the company as his personal achievement.

Factors that make up the loyalty of employees to the enterprise:

If theft or fraud takes place in the team, they are regarded as a manifestation of disloyalty to the leadership.

Factors of disloyalty are also considered:

  • disrespect for the interests of the enterprise;
  • disregard for labor laws;
  • neglect of the performance of their duties;
  • elements of impoliteness or rudeness in intra-communicative manifestations.

The main factor in the disloyal attitude of the staff is considered to be an open demonstration of personal gain and its frank prevalence over collective tasks.

According to the American Institute of Justice, up to 30% of employees admit to stealing company property. The data was obtained on the example of just one team, which involves 10,000 people. The organizers of the study believe that theft in the company is the highest manifestation of the disloyalty of the team. It demonstrates that the staff does not associate themselves with the management, and their goals are different.

Therefore, the most important task of management is to make sure that the priorities of the administration coincide with the priorities of the team.

Team Loyalty Levels

Zero loyalty is stated when a person has just joined the team. Lack of opinion about management and production tasks does not mean a bad attitude. Term zero loyalty fully corresponds to its name, it reflects the lack of loyalty without a negative component.

The gradation of loyalty levels other than zero is as follows:

  1. Hidden. The form of manifestation is a superficial, formal attitude to the requirements of the leadership and to their observance. Performance labor functions dictated by the fear of losing a job and the desire for material incentives.
  2. Open. Sociologists often define this type as frondism. It manifests itself in a frankly disrespectful, ironic and even sarcastic attitude towards the principles of the organization. At the same time, the company is considered solely as a source of material benefits with complete disregard for the requirements of the administration.
  3. In deeds. Most members of the team are characterized by this level. Employees work out their duties almost automatically. They take part in traditional collective activities. There is no emotional or ideological component in such loyalty, but it determines the level of discipline of the team.
  4. In conviction. It is typical for top management. High production rates become a personal challenge. Recognition of the authority of management is born not only from an assessment of the personal qualities of the employer, but also from the understanding that the authority of the authorities is necessary for maximum efficiency in work.
  5. At the level of identity. The highest bar is achieved by integrating one's own interests with the interests of production. It is this category of personnel that is distinguished by maximum working capacity and achievement of the best results.

Loyalty levels can rise or fall under the influence objective factors. To a large extent, they depend on the behavior of the employer.

A notorious example in history of a catastrophic drop in staff loyalty is the execution in Novocherkassk. Worker unrest related to the delay wages and with inhuman working conditions, were warmed up by the irresponsible phrase of the plant director B. Kurochkin: “Eat meat pies, now you will eat with liver”. Kurochkin's thoughtless message provoked an outburst of indignation among the workers. The events that followed led to tragedy.

The historical lesson is that employer loyalty is extremely fragile. It is difficult to earn it, but you can lose it overnight.

Ways to build loyalty

First of all, the leader must create decent working conditions. This means not only compliance with safety requirements and sanitary and hygienic standards.

Attraction of additional budget funds to create a comfortable environment in the workplace is highly valued in the team.

For example, if the management does not spare money for the installation of air conditioners and coolers in each recreation, this will definitely affect the attitude of subordinates towards him. Employee loyalty is also directly affected by informal attitude to the needs of the workers.

If the head of the enterprise treats the team as a team, then he will always find ways to unite people. In this regard, corporate sports are a popular practice. Not better way to rally the team than a sports hall rented by the management at the enterprise.

Fitness, aerobics or yoga will help relieve stress accumulated during the work shift. Even more effective in this regard are team sports.

Master classes are another popular way of team building. Here it is important to preliminary work for announcing the event. As a platform for advertising master classes, you can use a corporate website or bulletin boards.

Master class, when someone from the team shares unique recipes from personal experience, can become really interesting if people who are popular in the workplace, born leaders who are interesting to listen to and who are considered in the team are invited to participate in it.

Video films for various holidays are perceived as a pleasant gift from the management. In order for the video to be interesting and evoke the warmest emotions, it should be thoroughly worked on, involving not only veterans and advanced workers, but also young people.

Finally everyone's favorite corporate parties- this is another way to demonstrate loyalty to the team. Ideally, the response should be at least gratitude from the staff.

Wise leadership is to ensure that the efforts of the administration resulted not only in the "richly" set tables, but also in the memorable cultural component of the party. Invited artists, animators, prepared gifts as part of a win-win lottery - these are the nuances of caring for the team that will definitely be noticed.

Employee loyalty in an organization is often the result of the combined efforts of HR and top management.

Ways to assess loyalty

The most objective answer to the question of how great is the loyalty of employees to the enterprise will be an analysis of the work carried out at the enterprise questioning. Subject - attitude to the company. If the employer wants to get really truthful results, then he must take care of the complete confidentiality of the survey.

The questionnaire may include questions about the personal qualities of the leadership or the level of professionalism of the administration. At the same time, it is desirable to direct the questionnaire in a practical direction. For example, you can invite respondents to make a proposal to optimize the microclimate in the team. This will enable the employee to feel their importance to management.

In addition to questionnaires, experts recommend using scale method. It includes a series of questions on the rapprochement of the leader with subordinates or on the degree of encouragement of initiative in production. Respondents are asked to rate each of the items on a ten-point scale.

Today the word "loyalty" is used quite often. Moreover, it is used in various fields. What does loyal mean? each person understands in his own way. Let's try to understand its definition and main qualities.

The concept of loyalty

The English word "loyal" has two meanings:

1) loyalty of a citizen to his state, its laws and authorities;

2) benevolent, respectful attitude towards someone or something.

Loyalty is very similar to trustworthiness. However, it has one significant difference. Trustworthiness is understood as our attitude to a wide range of certain rules and norms accepted in society. And a loyal person is someone who has a good disposition towards something specific. It is possible according to a certain set of criteria that are presented to a person in relation to a particular object or subject.

How is loyalty acquired?

Loyalty comes into play from childhood. Relationships in the family and with friends imply certain norms and rules of behavior. For example, when playing in the yard, children

try to stick together and do not betray each other to adults if someone commits a misdemeanor. It means being loyal to your friends.

At school, they try to instill in us pride in their educational institution. By participating in competitions and olympiads, the student represents the school and fights for its good name. So he is loyal to her.

When applying for a job, we also meet with the requirement of loyalty. Management, concerned about the well-being of their company, is interested in loyal employees who can be completely trusted. Any serious organization pays great attention to employee loyalty.

What loyalty requirements do companies put forward?

Loyalty is the unconditional observance of the company's charter and code of conduct. There is no point in setting rules that no one will follow. For the best functioning of the firm, it is important that employees follow a certain charter. Each company may have its own list of rules, but there is a list that is the same for all enterprises. A loyal employee is one who observes the following norms:

These are the basic rules, following which you need to pay special attention. The head puts them forward solely in the interests of his company, therefore, non-compliance with the charter may threaten with punishment up to

Loyalty indicators

It is possible to understand whether a person is a loyal person or not by several criteria. Companies usually have special people who determine if the applicant is right for them. There are signs by which they conclude whether an employee will behave loyally. What are these indicators? They usually include:

  • Interest of the applicant in a vacant position in the organization.
  • Dedication to work and responsible approach to duties.
  • Initiative and desire for the prosperity of the company.
  • Striving for professionalism and self-improvement.
  • Readiness for innovations proposed by the authorities.

How is employee loyalty determined?

It was said above that a loyal is one who respects certain norms of behavior and rules. a person is invited for an interview to find out if he is suitable for a vacancy. We can say that this is the first stage in determining the candidate's loyalty.

Of course, it is quite difficult to understand from a short interview whether the applicant will be able to fully justify the hopes placed on him. However, it is possible to make general impression about him, familiarize him with the company's charter and find out if the requirements of the employer suit him and whether he will obey them.

After an interview, a suitable applicant is invited to take a probationary
term. This is the second stage of determining loyalty. During the probationary period, the employee works in the company and receives a salary, and the authorities analyze his behavior and attitude towards work. This is an important stage, after which a person is either hired for a permanent job, or his services are refused. On the probationary period the employee must show that he complies with the rules and regulations set by management.

From the foregoing, it follows that a loyal person is a person who has his own opinion regarding something or someone and follows his principles. Such people are treated with respect not only by colleagues, but also by people around them outside of work. That is why loyalty is so highly valued in society.

To begin with, it is worth defining the term - what is staff loyalty. Loyalty usually means a high degree of devotion of an employee to the interests of the organization and decency in relation to it. In addition, loyalty can be considered the desire to defend the interests of the organization when interacting with customers and partners. Let's talk about loyalty, keeping in mind the first meaning of this term - loyalty to the company.

So what is employee loyalty? To answer this question, consider several important aspects.

1. Is it possible to measure potential loyalty when applying for a job?

One of the foundations of employee loyalty is the coincidence of his life and business values with the values ​​of the organization. This can be assessed during the interview with the candidate using some projective questions (by answering questions about other people, a person “gives out” himself):

  • What is a good team?
  • What should be a good leader?
  • What is success?
  • What is a good job?

The more the candidate's answers coincide with the reality and values ​​of the company, the greater the likelihood of his motivation and loyalty.

Another tool is a question that allows you to assess how much a person perceives the problems of the organization as their own:

  • Your colleague, not a leader or subordinate, made a left trade. You accidentally found out about it. Only you have the information. Your actions?

The answer: "It's not my problem, it's not my business - he has his own boss" - indicates that a person does not consider the problems of the organization his own. All other answers (“I'll talk to him”, “I'll think about what to do”, etc.) indicate that a person, to a certain extent, is rooting for the organization.

There are many ways, including those taking into account the specifics of the pharmaceutical business, that allow diagnosing the loyalty of a potential employee at the selection stage.

2. What is the difference between a person's integrity and his loyalty to an organization?

Very often these two concepts are confused. In fact, it often happens like this: a person is honest and will not steal or deceive the company under any circumstances. However, at the same time, he may not value his organization and absolutely calmly watch how others do it. A loyal employee must defend the interests of the organization, so it is very important that he appreciates it, and also understands the "rules of the game" - what is considered right and wrong in the company.

So, you've hired people who tend to be loyal. But will they actually be loyal?

3. The answer to this question also depends on how effectively you cultivate loyalty. How to do it:

  • Motivate your employees the right way. Each HR specialist has his own “map of motivators” (a set of key motivational factors), the impact on which gives the greatest effect. It is important that leaders know how to identify and use these motivators correctly.
  • Clearly define the "rules of the game". This gives people confidence and stability, and therefore increases the true commitment of the company. It is important to avoid substituting ostentatious values ​​for real values. You should not assume that those who sit at work until night and demonstrate their zeal in every possible way are loyal. Loyalty is best characterized by the achievement of positive results for the organization and adherence to the values, mission and rules of the company.
  • The corporate culture cultivated in the company and realized by the employee is one of the most effective tools for increasing loyalty. A sense of belonging to a common cause, pride in your team and company make people more loyal. Clearly stated and shared values, team building work, common corporate events- all this contributes to increased loyalty.
  • The behavior of the direct manager, who in fact demonstrates devotion to the organization, cheers for the results of work, is another important tool for fostering loyalty.
  • Proper conflict and change management essential condition maintaining staff loyalty.

4. What to do if an employee is disloyal?

First of all, it should be assessed whether they are properly managed and motivated. If the problem is poor leadership, you must urgently learn the ability to manage people. And here again, the methodology for determining and using the “map of motivators” comes to the rescue.

If everything possible is done in this regard, then, probably, the employee simply does not fit the organization, and the organization - the employee. Or is it the result of wrong selection. In such cases, it is better to part peacefully.

If a person is of particular value as a specialist, and the company is extremely interested in him, it is worth monitoring him as carefully as possible - after all, a disloyal employee is not so dedicated to the cause and can hack.

Each person, guided by intuition, can distinguish the loyal behavior of someone from the opposite. In general, it manifests itself in devotion to someone or something. If we talk about the loyalty of the staff in the organization, then here we are talking about devotion to the company, management and colleagues. A normal level of loyalty indicates that employees strive to conform organizational culture firms accept its policies and are willing to follow the principles defined by management in order to achieve common goals.

However, not always the commanding staff of the enterprise manages to achieve the proper level of loyalty of its own personnel, which entails a lot of problems. This article will help you understand what it is, how to determine the level, and also talk about ways to build staff loyalty within the company.

What it is?

Loyalty of the personnel is a positive attitude of an employee or an employee towards the management, the policy of the organization and the team in which he works. Professional managers on personnel management note that the basis is the desire of the company's employees to benefit it and avoid those actions that can harm.

Differences from trustworthiness

It should be noted that such concepts as loyalty and reliability of personnel are often confused. Integrity is following the generally accepted norms in the organization, doing the work properly for the achievement of common goals.

A trustworthy employee can do his job effectively, but at the same moment he can be disloyal to the management, the culture of the organization, its principles. In general, the reliability of an employee indicates the degree of normativity of his behavior in relation to the company, and loyalty is the degree of tolerance and acceptance of the company.


From the point of view of psychology, staff loyalty is a kind of attitude that develops a commitment and a sense of pride in employees for working in a particular company. It should be remembered that such an employee is ready to put up with some requirements and deeply accept others. From this we can conclude that staff loyalty is correct, friendly behavior and respect for management and colleagues.

Increasing loyalty in labor collectives always leads to the fact that employees begin to seek all internal and external resources and reserves to achieve the desired, and sometimes even maximum performance. The loyalty of the company's personnel often helps in crisis situations and allows employees to constantly develop, improve their knowledge and find non-standard ways to solve any work tasks.

Required attributes

Every company that wants to develop and work in the long term must take care of the proper level and development of staff loyalty. This is due to the fact that in general it is key factor in the formation of professional motivation. Motivated loyal employees value their jobs and strive to develop, they take all issues very seriously and are ready to make every effort to achieve the goals set for them by their superiors.

Based on the foregoing, it is important to remember that loyalty has its mandatory attributes, namely:

  • a sense of pride in an employee for being part of a team or company;
  • undisguised, sincere demonstration of a benevolent and respectful attitude towards management and colleagues;
  • willingness to prevent hazards that may adversely affect the company;
  • sincere experience for the success of the company and the team;
  • honesty towards the firm, management and colleagues;
  • desire to fulfill one's duties the best way;
  • readiness for certain situations make small sacrifices for the sake of the company.

If an employee owns a large part of these attributes, then in this case we can say that he is absolutely loyal to the company and management.

Origin factors

The process of personnel loyalty management is unthinkable without knowing what factors can influence its occurrence among the employees of the organization. There are such factors:

  • existing employee experience (model of previous business relations at previous jobs)
  • personal values;
  • giving due attention to the employee;
  • a sense of pride.

It is worth dwelling on each factor in more detail. Speaking about the experience, they mean the degree of trust in the company that the person had at the previous place of work. In order to understand how difficult it will be to instill a sense of loyalty in a person, it is necessary to clarify with him during the interview how well he got on with colleagues and management at the previous place of work, what suited him and what resented him, and also what kind of relationship between colleagues should be and leadership. Based on the answers, you can determine how well a person will fit into the existing level of loyalty and how difficult it will be to instill this feeling in him.

The formation of personal values ​​is directly related to the experience. A person's beliefs about certain phenomena are extremely difficult to change. If a person is sure that professionalism does not affect promotion, and you can get a highly paid position only with personal connections, then it is difficult to expect behavior from him that says otherwise.

An extremely important factor in the formation of staff loyalty is the provision of attention to each employee by the enterprise. Thus, the importance of a person for the company can be noted. Perhaps this factor can also be called human, since in working with people it is important to emphasize that he is not just an employee, but part of one whole mechanism, and that he deserves the trust of the company. Here it is extremely important to remember that each person evaluates attention differently, since for one there will be enough congratulations on holidays, and for another there will be nothing better than financial incentive, well, for the third - the definition of an individual work schedule. But in any case, it must be remembered that the attention on the part of the company to its employees must at the same time be comprehensive, adequate and not harm the general discipline.

The next factor influencing the formation of loyalty is pride in belonging to the company and the team. When a company succeeds, each employee experiences certain feelings, and if at the right time to indicate to the staff that this merit of each of them, then you can increase the feeling of joy for goals achieved and make employees proud of the team, themselves and the company as a whole.


The higher the level of staff loyalty, the more reliable the employee is for the company. There are the following levels:

  1. The first level, which consists in external attributes, indicating belonging to the company. Wearing branded clothes, using branded ashtrays, cups or stationery is where any company should start working to increase employee loyalty. At this level, it is difficult to talk about complete trust in the enterprise, but there is a high probability that the employee will be able to feel like a part of it.
  2. At the level of behavior, which implies the implementation of rules and compliance with norms. At this level, loyalty manifests itself in the form of a discussion of business events in the company, collective congratulations from the commanding staff, or a joint snack at lunchtime.
  3. At the ability level, it is expressed in accordance with the abilities of each employee to the requirements of the company. A properly selected employee, performing daily work, adheres to the principles that his position requires, thereby reproducing the expected behavior. The formation of this level of loyalty should take place during the selection and hiring of personnel, taking into account the personal qualities of each candidate.
  4. At the level of beliefs, it is expressed in the full acceptance of the principles and beliefs of the company. This level is one of the highest, and its achievement is an extremely difficult task for the leadership.
  5. At the level of identity, it is the highest degree, since here each employee must believe in himself, the company and colleagues. This level is expressed in the full acceptance of all beliefs, doing their job in the best way, and, most importantly, employees are ready to constantly improve themselves in order to comply with the ideology of the company.

Staff loyalty assessment

When studying loyalty in an enterprise, it should be remembered that studies must be scientifically based and necessarily comprehensive. Assessing the level of staff loyalty, it is best to resort to indirect methods.

At the time of study, it must be taken into account that it is directly interconnected with a sense of satisfaction, which later has a connection with motivation. Thus, it is these indicators that need to be assessed in the first place. Even if the employee is loyal and decent, experiencing any discomfort in the workplace, sooner or later he will leave him.

In the same way as motivation, loyalty has emotional and rational components, where the first can include faith in the idea, attachment to the team and management, and the second - payment for work, conditions, Professional Development and social package. Therefore, it is first of all necessary to study these indicators in order to understand what the staff may experience discomfort in. Owning this data, any manager can eradicate the problem and thereby increase the level of loyalty on the part of the staff.

Determination of staff loyalty

As a rule, in order to determine the level available at the enterprise, various methods are used, but the most popular and effective is the method of O. E. Koroleva and L. G. Pochebut.

Its essence lies in the fact that employees are given cards with affirmative judgments, where they must indicate their agreement or disagreement with them, using a gradation of answers expressed in a numerical range from 1 (disagree) to 11 (strongly agree). It is extremely important that of the 36 questions proposed in this methodology, only 18 are assessed.

Loyalty development programs

Having determined the level, it is important to answer the questions whether it satisfies the company enough today, whether it is worth raising it, and if so, how to do it.

For most organizations, the first two levels are sufficient, since it makes no sense to increase loyalty among those employees whose activities are severely regulated and all processes are controlled. In this case, even with zero loyalty, the company will not suffer. But if we are talking about middle and top managers, then it should be borne in mind that they must have a high level of commitment and faith in the company.

Each company independently chooses for itself ways to increase loyalty based on its capabilities. However, in order to expect an increase in the level, it is important to satisfy the following three components:

  • increase the level of trust in the authorities;
  • improve job satisfaction;
  • build fair relations in the enterprise.

The main conditions for increasing loyalty

Increasing loyalty is a complex event, so it is important to remember about special moments and conditions. In this process, you should remember the following conditions:

  1. All managers of the enterprise should be interested in the increase.
  2. Increasing loyalty is profitable only if the company is set up for long-term labor Relations with staff.
  3. The owner must be prepared for additional material costs.
  4. The person responsible for increasing loyalty must have the authority to coordinate and manage this process.

It is best to assign this responsibility to the head of the personnel department or first deputies. Thus, it will be possible to comply with all of the above conditions.

Impact on staff turnover

If a company has set a course for long-term work, then increasing loyalty is one of the first activities that it must perform. Therefore, managers at all levels should keep this factor in mind and make efforts to prevent a conscious decrease in the level of loyalty.

Dissatisfied, unmotivated and disloyal employees will leave at the first opportunity. workplace, finding a more suitable one for them, which will bring certain losses to the enterprise (temporary, financial). And, on the contrary, employees who have a good attitude towards the management, the team and the company will not just leave it.


Summing up, it is worth noting that staff loyalty is the key to the success of any company. Therefore, it is extremely important to remember that by paying due attention to this issue, you can create a highly professional team that can solve any problem and achieve the necessary goals for the benefit of your company.