Reading Psalms in various life situations. Treatment with divine psalms 80 psalms from poverty 24 times read

Fortieth Ancestral Blood

1. Blood carries the life of a person, through it they both create rebirth and destroy irrevocably. Just as the soul of a person is in the blood, so through it one can do good and bad both for his soul and for the soul of his relatives, as it is said
that in childbirth I will bless your soul and destroy it

2. A guardian for your blood, so that the artisans could not destroy you and your relatives through it.
This amulet is created on the full moon. They drip their blood into the holy water and read three times:

The water of life through Christ the Savior is alive
Through the blood of atonement cleansed and blessed
I create a protective shield for my family blood
From gray hairs to young ones, so that the save would stand
So that my blood does not disappear,
Under the yoke of witchcraft did not suffer,
Haven't been in trouble
And seven and six and five and four and three and two and one
Only I am the ancestral blood lord
And An Abu Azh. Akaan Nim. Amen.

This water is poured by a living subtree with the words:

As blood and water drain to the ground
How does she get in
So no one will reread me and my family. Amen.

3. On the blood, you can make a call to the tribal force to help in an important matter, to fasten and approve cases. To do this, they draw the star of Solomon on the fabric
with natural chalk or new soap, drip along the rays a drop of blood and in the center and say:

I call on seven forces, I conjure with my ore
Ancestors and ancestors
Old old people and young people
Children of small and middle children
Their grandfathers and gray-haired grandmothers
And an kaan ore Canada.
Come from afar, from earth and sky
Make a glorious help
To my faithful call (name what).
And an kaan ore kan hell. Amen.

After that, fold the fabric 3 times and hide it behind the icons or in a hiding place. Help will be soon. After that, burn the fabric with the pentacle.

4. Do not give your blood to anyone, for it is said that blood will destroy you and your relatives.
betray the fire, than giving the hands of strangers, under someone else's blood.

5. A wife who bleeds must follow the instructions of her confessor.
her soul is full during this period. But in the beginning, let it be cleared
He will suffer from blood for a day, and then he does it.

6. It is not good for a wife that comes with blood to walk around the churchyard, to create memorials, to lament, and to attach tombstones to crosses. But let him be cleansed of his blood and do what is convenient.

7. Just as an old man does not bow to a small child and does not beat his forehead, so it is inappropriate for a small old scold and vilify as if to the blood of his tribe. But let
respect also honors the elder's blood. Because the old one can endow him with longevity if he washes him in the gray Lun with water and ore, saying:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit
I lived to gray hair, so the testament to Chenyu,
and you (name) live to gray hair
honor old people
Grief and misfortune not to know
Ore of the family to live, but to teach the small ones in the family
I create a long belly, faithful burial.
As father Abraham lived to gray hair,
Taco and you live, but honor the covenants.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

8. If your enemy or adversary takes up arms against you, then you can call the strength of your generations by blood and overpower the opposite. For this case, cut your hand
a little and pour your blood into boiling holy water and say this:

You are the Jordan water given to us by God for salvation
You come out of the ferry, you cock with fire
I give you my rudus for multiplication
To native strength to help.
Let the native force hear me
In the hour of trouble, the ear will bow
Hurry and won't leave
From the enemy of the adversary will untie me
How strong is the genus in the red ore
So I am strong in my kind.
The adversary enemy will fall from my strength
From the ancestral silotka called
Hurry, relatives, to salvation, to help,
In overcoming the unfit adversary.
Hey. Amen.

Then leave the water to cool, then pour it on the ground.

9. Do not do many and indecent deeds on your blood, because you sow the strength of your kind like the wind.
But take care and strengthen its power and increase it.

10. In order to put protection on your bloodlines from someone else's misfortune and other people's witchcraft influences, then drive a hard-hot nail into a tree in a cemetery
old and say:

How does this tree stand in its place
How does it keep the sleep of the dead
So let him take my words
And do as I command.
So that my ancestral ore is strong
So that neither the evil enemy spoils it, nor the schemer, nor the black man, nor the sorcerer of the daring.
Do not drink my ore, do not destroy my family
And until the dead are raised on judgment day
Until now, do not get through my ore,
Not me, not my family.
The shroud for the dead, I will leave peace,
And the ore is my true cover.
I close, I close, I fence
I fence off with a red-hot nail.
Word deal key lock.
To the enemy of this dead threshold. Amen.

They leave silently and without looking back.

11. In order to make an Okhrana on your relatives from any harm that you do as an order from enemies or other tricks, you need to put such a talisman.
Drop a drop of your blood with the icon of your saint and St. Nicholas and say this:

As the image of a saint is not to be mutilated,
Like holiness in heaven and on earth,
So in a circle of ore, let all evil,
It does not go to my family, but sprayed into circulation.
Do not burn the image with lightning,
My ancestral in shock should not be,
Every dark thing I do, let it be fulfilled
Yes, it does not concern me or my relatives.
Kazar Akazar Zarra.Amen.Amen.Amen.

12. If you think to inflict harm on the blood of your enemy or one of his relatives, then you need to get some of his blood for this.
In the full moon, put blood (on a cloth or on what is) on your window and say this:

Here is your ore (name) in my house
Here is your strength now in my tower
Today I am the ruler and your master
To-day I am passing the verdict and I am carrying out the punishment.
Be according to my word as commanded.
Kan a Kaan. Amen.

After that, you can recite whatever you think of for the blood of the enemy.

13. But if you decide to let your whole family of enemies go to waste and bring them to the churchyard. Take a rooster of the same color (white or black) and go with it to the cemetery. Do not forget to take the blood of the enemy.
Find an old grave without a cross and put the blood of the enemy on it and at exactly three in the morning sacrifice a bird, saying when the blood touches the blood:

An Daboo Rabba Kada Ahadak!
Living blood for dead blood
How now both blood flows into the womb of the churchyard
Where there is no holiness, no saving cross,
So I give birth and birth (the name of the enemy) to the black earth,
A bottomless pit, a black snake
Ad Daboo Rabba kada Ahadak.
As the sun rises, the moon moves across the sky
So let the whole clan (name) be brought here in coffins.
Kada Ahadak. Amen.

Bury the rooster and everything that you brought in this grave. Go away to bow the cross and bow. "Charm" is obligatory on you. But I say right away, fear such a sin
because it is said that the Lord is the judge!

14. If your blood fell into the hands of the enemy, and he gets along well with witchcraft, then you need to make sure that the blood that has lost its strength. No matter what trouble
you need to put your blood on white cloth and dry it. At midnight, burn it on a fire of aspen and birch and say this, clenching your fists painfully:

Ore mother I command you to take your strength from (name of the enemy),
How do you lay ashes in this fire,
So you will lose your strength in his hands.
Do not take, do not drink, do no harm,
All his deeds are in vain.
Abara - protect. Kadah - save.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

15. If there are people in your family who are in charge and they do things for you by blood, then you can put up a barrier that
will cut you off from their influence by blood. To do this, "give a drop of your blood to the mother's aspen bark and
say like this:

"You aspen mother, my ore, is red and sticky,
Let (the name of the person who works) dry and harass you,
rots and caresses you, but that fate will pass me by.,
I put up a barrier, cut it off on your blood.-...
Do not get it, do not take it, do not get it in word and deed.
They don't do it on the day of resurrection.

16. To strengthen your ancestral blood, on Friday, light 12 candles in front of the image of the Savior and read at the beginning 12 times "Our Father", 12 "times" Mother of God "and 12 times the following:

"The Lord of forces is strong, my family shield is faithful.
My ancestral ore be strong,
Do no harm,
The Lord saves, the Lord protects
The Lord protects my family.
Who will become under the shield of the Lord,
That kind of Lord God himself protects
Shield and fencing is his truth,
In his name is salvation,
The word is his consolation.
Lord God of angels
Holy support and glory,
and my family be a guard of the Savior.
Now and ever and forever and ever
The candles must burn out.

17. If you are expecting trouble or you have a bad feeling, then you can avert it with the following method. With your blood, draw a small cross on the front door (on the inside) and say:
"Go trouble not at our gates,
we have a holy cross,
we have a family amulet,
the word is true, the ore is strong,
Get rid of all trouble from us.
Trouble will go around your house.

18. To weaken the race of your enemy. To make him weak and defenseless, do so.
Throw the enemy's blood into the aspen fire and say:

"Burn with fire, fall ashes, so fall relatives (names),
find powerlessness, I put a yoke on you,
heavy as an oak log,
do not endure the torment, do not escape from oppression
to know suffering, to break every defense
For now, for centuries, for all time
The word is strong and strong. Amen."

19. A conspiracy that is read so that the work on the bloodline lays down and there is no interference from native blood:

"Now and forever and forever and ever.
Words are strong, deeds are true, to the ore of native molding.
What I say with a word, what I do with deed
C so that everything is in order, so that there is no debugging.
I put my word on my dear relative;
I fasten everything with a faithful deed.
To lie down true, it will be fulfilled soon
Lord bless, so that the blood of the ancestral takes
not to give back.
Strong covenant of the Lord
my words are strong to the kind and ore
Get on, get on, get on. Amen."

20. If you want to get help and support from the Spirit of the Guardian of the Family, and they turn to him only in extreme cases, when other methods have been tried and did not help. To do this, cover the table with a new tablecloth, light 7 candles at midnight and sit down at the table. Read looking over candles (flame) 3 times

"In the name of the Father, the supreme Creator,
in the name of the Son, redeemer and savior,
In the name of the Holy Spirit, the comforter and the spirit of truth. Amen.
Come to me the spirit of my kind,
the bond binder of the ancestor of the blood and the prince of my tribe.
I call you with the holy blood of the Savior!
I call you with the milk of the Blessed Virgin Mary!
Appear at the call of your relative!
Do not reject the call, but bow your ear to me and hear me.
Daraan. Agaba. Saonra. An. Aba. Nakar. Amen.
Come and help, help in difficult times.
Aba an. Amen."

You will soon receive a sign of presence of mind. State your challenge clearly and concisely.
(problems or help). Then let go in your own words and snuff out the candles. Take the candles to the temple
and lay down near the eve

21. A spell to close the ancestral blood from destruction and harm. They do this on one of the days of commemoration of one of your grandfathers or grandmothers. The term from death must pass at least 3 years. Earlier it is impossible. Light 12 candles. They read a prayer for the repose of the relatives of the deceased three times. You are standing in a circle drawn in charcoal of any of the holidays.
Hands are raised up. Read at your feet. Not distracted by any noises and sounds.
Animal birds should not be in the house.
The one who protects his blood with this spell may not be afraid of the effect of black on his
bloodlines and himself.

"I conjure you blood ore, in the name of the Creator himself.
Tetragrammaton. fire of ardor
Protect the Pentagrammaton!
Adonai, Kadosh, An, Eeyore, Yeh, Eli, Elim
Blood ore, take my words
let no enemy or poison into you,
no arrow from the word, no harm from the deed,
From the darkness of darkness of black words,
From the darkness of darkness of dark deeds,
From a fierce and evil enemy,
From the sorcerer of one's own side and another's
From a shaman, from a priest and a monk;
from the black and blue, from the sorcerer and sorceress,
from the prophet and croak, from any language;
from the infidel allotment, someone else's limit
from relatives and strangers, from the living and already dead,
from every land, overseas and native,
every cunning and skillful drink his blood
gnaw the ground from under your feet,
by itself waste to read,
in their native land the call of death to scream.
Neither take nor break my blood and mine.
Who will turn his tongue to my kind,
who will wrap up the case for my kind,
he will bring himself into a dominion.
Tetragrammaton, blaze with fire.
Protect the pentagrammaton.
The triad of heaven and the triad of hell bear witness.
Adonai, Kadosh, An, Eeyore, Ie, Eli, Elim. Amen

Anyone who tries to harm you or your bloodline will dig his own grave.

22. If you know that your bloodline has been damaged or otherwise harmed and needs to be quickly put on its feet, then take three drops of blood from it and add it to boiling holy water and say:

"Blood boils and water boils, so let the blood of the enemy boil.
There are forty needles in his father-in-law's liver, so that he does not know peace.
Boil his blood, freeze his heart, if he does not remove the hurt,
your black fake.
Words to the wind, it's in reverse,
and to him an aspen stake so that the adversary knows.
In the name of father and son and holy spirit.

Pour water over the threshold. They will come with a confession. Everything will be removed.

23. An older bloodline can speak to a younger one, while a younger one does not have an older one.

24. If you urgently need to speak the bloodline so that everything goes right, after the word "Amen" at the end you need to bite your tongue until it bleeds.

25. If the bloodline is far away, but you need to work with him, they work through their own blood. That is, they read on a drop of their blood in a glass of water! The water is poured over the threshold or near the intersection.

26. If a blood partner is seriously ill, then the three elders in blood give a drop of blood per cup of water. The eldest speaks and wash the sick man. He will recover quickly.

"Three ores, three powers, three prayers. Amen.
Do not get sick, do not toil, do not suffer"
Heal, get stronger, get back on your feet
So in the name of the Holy Trinity and be.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

27. The younger by blood can help in healing the elder, “... if he takes him by the left little finger and
will say:

“I am the youngest, and you are the eldest. As I am in strength, so is your strength. Away from you, it hurts and hurts. Holy spirit. Amen.

They say three times.

28. If the youngest in the family gets sprayed from washing the clothes of a patient from the elders (grandfather or grandmother, etc.), then the disease will pass to him! Some people take advantage of this.

29. If you prick your ring finger and lubricate the soles of the feet of a sick senior with blood
in words:
"How young blood plays in the veins
So the old blood is gaining its strength again.
Warm, play, gain health.
Walk with your feet
Sickness and pain to get rid of.

This will give strength to the old bloodline and will not harm the young one.

30. "I put a seal on the blood, not to sabotage, but to take it. Bow down, bow down, submit to my will. The elder blood commands, the small one is silent / Amen."

If a mother does this to her children, or an elder to younger ones in the blood, then they will be obedient and
obliging. Blood is given in water or drink.

31. If your daughter has her period, then in no case do not even give parts of the bed where she could stay. If the enemy receives her by deception and gives her with such a conspiracy to a childless or one who is difficult to get pregnant, then your daughter will become empty:

"The blood is female, the share is maternal, from (name) to (name) go
(such and such) give birth to children, and (such and such) remain empty
With blood for blood I make a destiny for the family. Amen."
be careful with blood.

32. If you cut yourself or hurt yourself in a cemetery and your blood got on the dead earth, then immediately throw a trifle on this place and tell a reprimand

"I redeem myself and my own. My blood flows in my veins. And not freeze in a dead body. Alive is alive, but ghouls are redeemed. Amen."

Otherwise, you can lose strength, health and quickly die.

33. If you cut yourself or hurt yourself with a new knife the very first time you use it, then say
live in such a way as to chastise trouble:
"My body to be whole,
ore flow through the veins,
but with a sharp knife, like an ax,
do not guard my share,
and don't hit me.

34. If you treat a bloodline on an even day; then read the “Virgin Mary” before the treatment. If it is odd, then the “Our Father” will then turn out stronger.

35. If a mother puts an amulet or her daughter is guarded, then she must ensure that she does not have a period at that time. Otherwise, everything will come out in blood and will not be accepted.

36. If, God forbid, during a scandal in the house or through some negligence, you get hurt and your blood gets on the holy image or cross, then be sure to reprimand from trouble:

"Lord Jesus Christ, forgive us and have mercy on us.
The Lord suffered on the cross
Shed blood for us
Merciful Lord forbid, through my blood
receive punishment.
Forgive, have mercy and protect.

"From the blood of Adam death came,
Life came from the blood of Christ.
May God give us long life
sweet share, good belly
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.-Amen."

And then give everyone in the household a drink, then there will be peace in such a family. health and harmony in everything.

38. It is better not to store clothes and other things with traces of blood just like that in the house. It attracts misfortune and disease. It is better to burn this or let it flow through flowing water.

39. They never want words related to the blood of their family to their bloodline, for example, “So that your blood will grow thin or coagulate in your veins” ... this can quickly come true, and then it will also spread to you. Do not forget, because this is the blood of the family, and we are strong in our family, roots, blood!!! If we spoil and poison our own blood, what good will come of it?

40. For many rules, laws, approaches, conspiracies and rituals on the magic of ancestral blood and on blood magic in general, see the Fortieth Book on the ore (blood) approach .. as well as the Fortieth Book of Blood Covenants. Many rules apply both to one's blood, its strength, protection and use, and to the blood of the clan and its strength.

In the Psalter, in the book of praises, there are 150 inspired psalms and a special 151 psalms.

There are 15 psalms - songs of degrees, from 119 to 133; penitential 7 psalms: 6, 31, 37, 50, 101, 129, 142.

Each psalm, inspired by the Holy Spirit, sings of the mysteries of God, good deeds, providence for the world and man, love, and most of all, about the coming of Christ the Savior to earth, His most pure passions, about mercy for man, about the resurrection, the building of the Church and the Kingdom of God - Heavenly Jerusalem.

In each psalm, you can highlight the main idea
On this basis, all psalms can be divided into groups:

Glorification of the attributes of God: 8, 17, 18, 23, 28, 33, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 65, 75, 76, 92, 94, 95, 96, 98, 103, 110, 112, 113, 133, 138, 141, 144, 148, 150

Thanks be to God for the blessings of God's chosen people: 45, 47, 64, 65, 67, 75, 80, 84, 97, 104, 123, 125, 128, 134, 135, 149

Thanks be to God for good deeds: 22, 33, 35, 90, 99, 102, 111, 117, 120, 144, 145

Glorification of the goodness of God in relation to individuals: 9, 17, 21, 29, 39, 74, 102, 107, 115, 117, 137, 143

Asking God for forgiveness of sins: 6, 24, 31, 37, 50, 101, 129, 142

Hope in God in confusion of spirit: 3, 12, 15, 21, 26, 30, 53, 55, 56, 60, 61, 68,70, 76, 85, 87

Turning to God in deep sorrow: 4, 5, 10, 27, 40, 54, 58, 63, 69, 108, 119, 136, 139, 140, 142

Petition for God's help: 7, 16, 19, 25, 34, 43, 59, 66, 73, 78, 79, 82, 88, 93, 101, 121, 128, 131, 143

Good luck - 89-131-9

Searching the right job - 73-51-62 (If the job is dangerous to you and your safety, then the desired will not be received.)

For respect and honor in the service, work, read psalms - 76,39,10,3

For the fulfillment of desires - 1,126,22,99

To the aid of wealthy patrons - 84,69,39,10

To find a job- 49,37,31,83

Retribution for Mercy - 17,32,49,111

To get hired(before or after the interview) -

For a happy woman's lot - 99,126,130,33

Getting rid of money troubles - 18,1,133,6

amulet family life and happiness from witchcraft- 6,111,128,2

exit from vicious circle - 75,30,29,4

For financial well-being - 3,27,49,52

For happiness in family life - 26,22,99,126

So that everyone in your family has a job - 88,126,17,31

From longing and sadness - 94,127,48,141

Change of fate (apply in special cases! At the beginning, specify the request what exactly and in what direction you want to change) - 2,50,39,148

To make aspirations come true - 45,95,39,111

To reach the goal - 84,6,20,49

From misfortunes and troubles - 4, 60, 39, 67.m

To overcome adversity - 84,43,70,5

Cleaning and protection - 3, 27, 90, 150.

To remove damage - 93, 114, 3, 8.

The most powerful psalms:

3 Psalm
24 Psalm
26 Psalm
36 Psalm
37 Psalm
39 Psalm
90 Psalm
17 Kathisma

Psalms for every need:

Psalm 80 - from poverty (24 times to read!)
Psalm 2 - to work
Psalm 112 - from getting rid of debts
Psalm 22 - to calm the children
Psalm 126 - to eradicate enmity between loved ones
Psalm 102 - from getting rid of all diseases
27 Psalm - from nervous diseases
133 Psalm - from all danger
Psalm 101 - from despondency
Psalm 125 - from migraine, headache
58 Psalm - speechless
44 Psalm - for diseases of the heart, kidneys
37 Psalm - for toothache
Psalm 95 - to improve hearing
Psalm 122 - from pride
116 and 126 Psalm - to preserve love and harmony in the family

108 Psalm - prayer-curse. It contains the wish "Let his children be orphans, and his wife a widow." Psalm 109 is David's prayer to the Lord, in which he asks for revenge on his enemies who relentlessly pursue him. This psalm is replete with curses, mostly directed at one of David's sworn enemies. Many people offer prayers for the death of their enemies. But not all of these prayers reach God. In addition, often evil thoughts directed against someone turn against the person praying. It means that in heaven they hear those prayers that should be heard. This psalm is analogous to the cabalistic ritual of Pulse de-nura.

Introductory Prayers:

"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Eternal Heavenly Father, You said with Your pure lips that nothing can be done without You. I ask for your help! To begin every business with You, for Your glory and the salvation of my soul. And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen."

“King of Heaven, Comforter, Soul of Truth, Who is everywhere and fills everything, Treasury of the good and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Blessed, our souls.”

"Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us"(3 times)

"All-holy Trinity, God and Creator of the whole world, hasten and direct my heart, start with reason and finish good deeds inspired by this book, even the Holy Spirit will burp the mouth of David, even now I want to speak az, unworthy, understanding my ignorance, falling down I pray to Thee and asking for help from You: Lord, direct my mind and strengthen my heart, not about the verbal speech of the mouth, but to rejoice in the mind of the verbs, and get ready to do good deeds, I am learning, and I say: yes I am enlightened with good deeds, on Judges of the right hand, I will be a partaker of Your land with all Your chosen ones.

Come, let us worship our King God.

Come, let us bow down and bow down to Christ, our King God.

Come, let us bow down and bow down to Christ Himself, the King and our God."

"Our Father, Thou art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we also leave the debtor ours, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one."(3 times)

Closing prayers:

“King of Heaven, Comforter, Soul of Truth, Who is everywhere and fills everything, Treasury of the good and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Blessed, our souls.”

“Give thanks to the unworthy of Your servants, Lord, for Your great blessings on us who were, glorifying You, we praise, bless, thank, sing and magnify Your goodness, and slavishly love crying out to You: Our benefactor Savior, glory to You. servant of indecent, vouchsafed, Master, diligently flowing to you, giving thanks according to strength, and glorifying you as a Benefactor and Creator, crying out: glory to you, God the All-Bountiful, glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

"Theotokos, Christian Helper, Thy intercession has been acquired by Thy servants, we cry out thankfully to Thee: Rejoice, Most Pure Theotokos Virgin, and always deliver us from all troubles with Thy prayers, One who soon intercedes. We thank Thee, Lord our God, for all Thy good deeds, even from the first age to the present, in us, unworthy Thy servants (names), who were, theirs is also visible and not visible, about the manifested and unmanifested, even the deeds of the former and the word: loving us, as if and Thy only-begotten Son for us to give, vouchsafe us worthy of being Thy love. Give by Your word wisdom and Your fear, inhale strength from Your strength, and if we sin willingly or unwillingly, forgive and do not blame, and save our holy soul, and present to Your Throne, I have a clean conscience, and the end is worthy of Your humanity; And remember, Lord, all who call upon Your name in truth; the same we pray to Thee, O Lord, grant us Thy benevolence and great mercy."

"The Cathedral of the Holy Angels and Archangels, with all heavenly powers, sings to Thee, and says: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts, fulfill heaven and earth with Your glory. Hosanna in the highest, blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highest. Save me, Izhe Thou art in the highest King, save me and sanctify me, Source of sanctification; from Thee, for all creation is strengthened, To Thee innumerable howls sing the thrice-holy song. Cleanse your heart, and open your mouth, that I may worthily sing to You: Holy, Holy, Holy are you, Lord, always, now, and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

"Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Holy Mother, our reverend and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us. Amen."

Treatment with the Divine Psalms of St. King David
With the blessing of Archbishop German of Volgograd and Kamyshinsky

Compiled by Priest Dimitry (Begechev-Ilyin), in 1996.
The lives of the saints, the traditions of the elders contain many examples of the healing of the soul and body of those suffering from the reading of psalms. The Holy Spirit filled the lips of the psalmist David when he was in need, looking for repentance, protection, joy, grace. Each psalm reveals a specific hypostasis of the Lord in mercy, peacemaking, justice and allows us to strengthen this property in ourselves in the image and likeness.

A PSALM IS READ FROM 3 TO 24 TIMES A DAY! (According to St. Rev. Lawrence of Chernigov).

The rule given to Pachomius the Great by an angel contains prayers read hourly. The monastic rule requires the reading of selected psalms in accordance with 3, 6, 9 hours.

With the fear of God and faith, proceed, remember that the psalms are not a spell, but holy prayers. Amen.

Published a book of 400 pages
For every need of the soul
Saint Paisios of the Holy Mountain
Publishing house "Satis" St.Petersburg
With the blessing of Metropolitan Argolis

This prayer book contains selected psalms and prayers, indicating in what cases and circumstances they were read by the great ascetic of our time, Saint Paisios the Holy Mountaineer, in accordance with the practice of Greek Orthodox piety.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
1. Reading Psalm 50
2. Under Your Grace...
3. Prayer of St. Arsenius of Cappadocia,
4. Prayer of St. Tikhon of Moscow, Patriarch,
5. Psalm - corresponding to need
6. Vouchsafe, Lord, save us on this day without sin...
7. It is worthy to eat.
8. For Yours is the Kingdom and the power and the glory, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

The inscription of this psalm: To the end, O grinders, a psalm to Asaph,- translated from Hebrew it reads like this: “To the head of the choir. On the Gathian gun, Asaph's psalm. The first and last expressions of this inscription are clear from the explanations of the previous psalms (49, 72, 76, etc.). As for the expression "On the Geth gun" (in Slavic about sharpeners), then under the name Gath guns one must understand such a musical instrument, which was borrowed by David, as a lover and connoisseur of music, from the Philistine city of Gath. The Slavic name for this instrument is grindstone, which, besides this, is found in the inscriptions of two more psalms (8 and 83) and indicating, perhaps, an external resemblance to grindstones, can be understood not as an indication of the shape of the musical instrument, the playing of which accompanied the singing of this psalm, but in the sense of indicating for the time of its execution or primary use, namely, for the time of gathering grapes and extracting wine from it by means of winepresses. And some of the Fathers of the Church (for example, St. Athanasius, Blessed Theodoret) interpret this expression as an indication of the subject of content: referring the content of this psalm to Christian times, they mean by winepresses, in a figurative or spiritual sense, Christian churches. In ancient times (in the times of the Old Testament), as there was one grape - the people of Israel: “The grapes of the Lord of Hosts are the house of Israel” (), so there was one winepress, i.e. one temple in Jerusalem and one altar near it, and now, in New Testament times, not one, but many Christian temples, which are spiritual winepresses that give believers the wine of Christian teaching that gladdens their souls. It is about these spiritual winepresses (i.e., Christian churches) that this psalm is sung, according to the interpretation of the aforementioned Church Fathers.

A contemporary of King David, the prophet Asaph, who played on the instructions of the king () and shared with him all the work of restoring and arranging worship, composed this psalm as an Easter song in which, after an invitation to the solemn celebration of the great holiday with the singing and sounds of sacred music (v. . 2-5), recalls the historical circumstances of its establishment, the liberation of the Israelites from Egypt and their subsequent wandering (v. 6-8) and, like in Psalm 49, even in almost identical terms (cf. v. 9 with) , on behalf of God Himself, exhorts the Israelites to remain faithful to His Covenant, in order to defeat their enemies and enjoy peace and prosperity (9-17).

Composes the inscription of this psalm, which is explained above.

Rejoice in God our helper, exclaim to the God of Jacob: accept a psalm and give a tympanum, the psalter is red with a harp: blow a trumpet in the New Moon, on the blessed day of your feast.

words tympanum, psalter with harp and trumpet- various are named here musical instruments, which in the reign of David were put into use during worship among the Jews (). Giving the psalm composed to the head of the choir, the prophet turns to the singers and musicians and convinces both of them to form harmonious choirs to praise the Lord, and some of them should sing the psalm, while others play the lyre, tympanum and harp. With such a preface, the prophet begins this psalm, no doubt, because to remind believers that if they want to sing the glory of God, they must perform this doxology with a sense of joy and gladness, not burdened and not burdened by serving God, who is always and forever for us. helps everyone: Rejoice in God our helper. exclaim, i.e. sing the praises of God with a loud voice. God Jacob- the same as God of Israel(See in the explanation of the psalms:; and). The first day of each new moon among the ancient Jews was a sacred day, it was announced by the sounds of trumpets, and its celebration was accompanied by sacrifices, as commanded by the Law (), but in addition they also had a special feast of trumpets, on the first day of the seventh month (). The sound of the trumpets reminded the Jews of the sound of the trumpet in Sinai, of the Theophany and the giving of the Law (), as well as of the liberation from Egyptian slavery. “Therefore, those depicted in this psalm,” says Blessed. Theodoret, - they rightly convince those who have been honored with Divine help, along with other tools, to use trumpets, ”- for thanking the Lord God. Trumpets and musical instruments in general were used in the Old Testament worship not without a reason: the Lord God was pleased to prepare the coarse and morally undeveloped Jewish people for understanding and assimilating the highest spiritual service to God in Christian worship of God, and therefore, after the passage of the canopy of the law and the coming of the grace of Christ, the need for musical instruments has passed, which are completely replaced by the singing and preaching of the gospel voice of the Son of God Himself. Expression blessed day of your holiday are signified as all in general the main holidays of the Old Testament Church, on which the Jews came to the tabernacle and then to the temple of Jerusalem, to participate in public worship, so, in particular, the feast of Easter, established in memory of the Sinai legislation and called a deliberate day ().

As the commandment of Israel is, and the fate of the God of Jacob. Put a testimony in Joseph, when he came out of the land of Egypt: he heard a language that you did not know.

The words command and destiny here they mean almost the same thing and are translated (from Hebrew): the first - the word "law", and the second "charter". Testimony translated here by the word "testimony". Under the name Joseph(as in) of course, here is the entire Israelite people, who were temporarily resettled by God in Egypt through the intermediary of Joseph, the son of Israel. Expression: language, which you do not know, hear, is interpreted differently. Some, like Irenaeus of Pskov, say that these words signify the Egyptian language, which, as unknown to the Jews, alienated the latter from the Egyptians, and therefore the deliverance of the Jews from the language they did not know was for them a kind of special blessing of God. Others, like Euthymius Zigaben, according to Blessed. Theodoret and St. Athanasius, by a language that the Jews did not know before, they mean the voice of God, which they, having gone out of Egypt into the wilderness, heard for the first time from Mount Sinai, when the Law was given. In accordance with this last interpretation and in the same sense (the voice of God), the expression used is also found in the worship of our Orthodox Church: “the Mother of God heard the language, which you do not know” (stichera on “Lord, I cried out” on the feast of the Annunciation). Thus, in the sayings of these two verses, the reason is expressed why one should joyfully celebrate and thankfully praise the Lord, why on the blessed day of the holiday one should blow the trumpet and sing psalms with an exclamation to the God of Jacob. For, says the prophet, this is the law for Israel, and the tiredness of the God of Jacob. He established this as a testimony to Joseph, i.e. for the descendants of Joseph, or, what is the same, for the people of Israel, when he went out from the land of Egypt into the desert where heard the sounds of the language, which he did not know, i.e. the heavenly sounds of the Divine language, of which he was so afraid that, standing far from Mount Sinai, he said to Moses: “You speak to us, and we will listen, but so that God does not speak to us, so that we do not die” ().

His backbone is taken away from the burden: his hand is in the koshes worked.

Here the psalmist, on behalf of God, speaks of a new good deed, for which believers should loudly glorify God and express their gratitude to Him. From the land of Egypt, where the Jews, enslaved by the Egyptians, performed the difficult work of plinth-making, i.e. making clay bricks and carrying them on the high walls of pyramids, fortresses and other huge buildings, the Lord brought out the descendants of Jacob and Joseph and thus freed ( taken away) them from heavy the burden of lifting on the ridges(on the back and shoulders) of bricks and others building materials on tall buildings and their hands, always busy with baskets ( koshi), in which they carried clay and cement crumpled for bricks, got rid of such hard and bitter work. I, says the Lord through the mouth of the prophet, removed his burdens from the rake, and his hands were freed from the baskets.

Thou hast called upon Me in sorrow, and delivered thee: Hear thee in the mystery of the tempest: Tempt thee on the water of wrangling.

Through the sayings of this verse, the Lord Himself, through the mouth of the prophet, reminds the Israelites of how He delivered them from their grievous tribulations, to which they were subjected in Egypt, oppressed by exhausting labors, when they “groaned and cried to the Lord, and their cry went up to God from work” ( ; ). You, Israel, says the Lord, called Me in time of trouble, and I heard you: Mysteriously, invisibly, I showed you My help, through thunder, hail, fire and storm ( in a secret storm), and in Egypt, during executions (), and on Mount Sinai (). And despite this, you showed yourself ungrateful and unfaithful in relation to Me, God, your helper and intercessor; you showed this ingratitude especially sharply when I tested your faith and patience in the wilderness of Rephidim, by the waters of Meribah ( tempt you on the water of bickering), when you murmured against Moses, My servant, and caused a rebellion throughout the host of your people, which is why the water that flowed out then was named miraculously from the rock of Mount Horeb, "the water of strife" (; ).

Hear, my people, and I will testify to you, Israel, If you listen to Me: it will not be new to you, bow below to a strange god. For I am the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth, and I will fill it.

In the sayings of these verses, the Lord, as it were, directly speaks to the people of Israel and, by the power of the Covenant concluded with them and repeatedly repeated, calls them His people. My people, listen to me says the Lord, and I will testify before you the same thing that I once spoke to your fathers on Mount Sinai. Israel! Oh, if only you would listen to Me! In your obedience to My words lies your temporal well-being and eternal bliss. If you had remained forever in My obedience, then you would not have allowed faith in a new, different god, and would not have begun to worship a foreign god. One is the true One, Who fills heaven and earth, and Who is your everlasting protector and protector. It is I, the Lord your God, who brought you out from the land of Egypt. Why, then, should you be carried away by foreign deities, when you only have to open your mouth so that they are filled, it is enough to express your desires, and I will satisfy them, fulfill, according to My good pleasure to You, all kinds of blessings, not only spiritual, but also material. “God to those who obey Him,” says St. Athanasius, - promises both sensual and spiritual food.

And My people did not listen to My voice, and Israel did not hearken to Me: and I let go according to the beginning of their hearts, they will go in their beginnings.

In spite of its saving Covenant with God for the people of Israel, despite the protection of God so wonderfully rendered to this people, he often, due to the rudeness of his disposition, neglected this highest protection and expressed obvious disobedience to the commands of God, gross disobedience to His Covenant. Expression: Israel is not understood Mi- from Hebrew translated into words! "Israel did not submit to Me." And now the Lord Himself, as if with the sorrow of a child-loving father, complains about this ingratitude of His people and thus, as it were, testifies publicly that the people of Israel themselves did not want to take advantage of the means offered to them for salvation and strove for their own destruction. My people, says the Lord here, did not listen to My voice, Israel did not submit to Me, and for this I left them, allowing them to live according to the stubbornness of their heart ( by the beginning of their hearts), let them walk according to their own thoughts, falling into more and more serious iniquities. Or, as the apostle says about such a state of the outcast people: “By the same, I betrayed them in the lusts of their hearts into impurity, in the passion of dishonor, in an inexperienced mind to create incomparable things: full of all unrighteousness, fornication, deceit, covetousness, malice "() and others lawlessness.

Asche If My people had listened to Me, Israel If only they had walked in My way: I would have humbled his enemies for nothing, and laid my hand on those who offended them.

Continuing to bear witness to the malevolence, disobedience and unbelief of His people, the Lord, through the mouth of a prophet, speaks of the disastrous consequences for this people of their unbelief and impiety, their disobedience to the will of God. All the disasters that the people of Israel suffered from numerous attacks on them by their enemies, neighboring pagan peoples, such as the Ammonites, Midianites, Philistines and others, were the consequences of the unbelief of the people and their disobedience to God's commands. From all these disasters and hardships, the Lord would deliver His people and would not allow his enemies oppress and offend him. This is what the prophet expressed on behalf of God in these verses, saying: Oh, if My people would listen to Me and Israel would walk in My ways! Then I will soon humbled their enemies, would cost nothing not about shit) I "bring destruction on their enemies," as the bliss says. Theodoret, - and I would turn My hand against their oppressors.

Rebuke the Lord by lying to him, and their time will be forever: and they will be fed with wheat fat, and with a stone of honey they will be satisfied.

Under enemies of the Lord the prophet here means the same enemies of the people of Israel, who, hating (as in the translation from Hebrew) the people of God, hated God Himself, the Patron and strong Protector of this people (). Expression lying to him translated from Hebrew (as in the indicated place in the book of Deuteronomy, or as in) with the words: “would have servility”, or “would have submitted to him”, i.e. the people of Israel. In the same way, conditionally (in the subjunctive mood), all other predicates in the sayings of these final verses (as in the previous verses) of the psalm are translated, namely: and their time will be forever, - "their prosperity would continue forever"; drink them- "I would feed them," and satiate“and would satisfy them.” Under the name honey from stone one can understand the prophet’s reminder of the honey that bees produced in the clefts of the stone mountains and which the Jews wandering in the desert, by the grace of God, could eat in abundance (). More precisely, under this honey must be understood, according to St. John Chrysostom and Blessed Theodoret, water brought out in the desert from a stone, not because it looked like honey, but because it seemed like that to the Jews who drank it, who until that time had suffered prolonged thirst and dryness from a lack of water (), and honey flowing from a stone - the divine "verbs of the Savior" (see; ). Thus, the meaning of all these final sayings of the psalm will be as follows: if Israel had listened to Me, says the Lord, if they had remained forever faithful to My Covenant, if they had walked in My ways and did not worship foreign gods, I would have fulfilled all My promises: I did not allow if his enemies oppressed and offended my people, then all those who hate the Lord would submit and servility to them, and their prosperity would continue forever ( per century); I would feed them with the fat of wheat and saturate them with honey from the stone rock.

Rejoice in God, our Helper, exclaim to the God of Jacob, accept a psalm and give a tympanum, the psalter is red with a harp, blow a trumpet in the new moon, on the blessed day of your feast, as the commandment of Israel is, and the fate of the God of Jacob. Place a testimony in Joseph, when he comes out of the land of Egypt, when he knows not his tongue. His backbone is taken away from the burden, his hand in the koshes has been worked. Thou called upon Me in sorrow, and delivered thee, heard thee in the mystery of the tempest, tempted thee on the water of wrangling. Hear, My people, and I will testify to you, Israel, if you listen to Me. God will not be new to you, bow below to a strange god. For I am the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt; expand thy mouth, and I will fulfill it. And My people did not listen to My voice, and Israel did not heed Mi: and I let go in the beginning of their hearts, they will go in the beginning of their own. If My people had listened to Me, Israel, if they had walked in My way, for nothing, then his enemies would have humbled them, and laid My hand on those who offended them. Rebuke the Lord by lying to him, and their time will be forever. And they shall be fed with wheat fat, and shall satisfy them with a rock of honey.