Evaluation of personnel at the enterprise by example. Diploma Personnel assessment system in the organization from the catalog of finished works

With a corporate evaluation system employees Philips collide at the selection stage - before they become staff members. What qualities should a person have to be successful in a company?

It is important for us that he is not indifferent to what he does and with whom he works, and also meets corporate requirements:

  • able to work in a team to achieve maximum results;
  • always striving to do more than before;
  • took responsibility for the process and the result.

When searching and screening candidates, we pay more attention to matching values person and company, than on the “full compliance” of the candidate with professional requirements.

When selecting applicants for all positions, we apply a single approach: we conduct multi-level interviews. Therefore, not only HR managers and the immediate supervisor are involved in the process of evaluating internal candidates, but also future colleagues, functional managers or heads of related departments. Thus, we “scan” the candidate from different angles, as a result of which we obtain an assessment using the “360 °” method. The decision to hire is always taken collectively, because the opinions of both the teams and the main “players” are important to us. Practice shows that after such an interview, the adaptation of the candidate is much faster, because at the time of going to work, he understands the “rules of the game” better and finds support from his colleagues (after all, they chose him).

In our company, the process annual (main) evaluation personnel takes place in winter - from December to February. The corporate methodology, methods and evaluation criteria, etc. are adopted at the global level, so the same tools are used in all countries (including Ukraine).

Grading system in Philips fully automated - in all countries of presence there is a single electronic system (rice. one) specially designed for us. All assessments are recorded in the employee's personal file; information from this system can also be used in other internal programs (eg training and development). All databases and necessary services are located on the company's internal website. Each employee gets personal access to the system, where he can perform the necessary procedures, and (if necessary) view all his results, starting from the first assessment.

Rice. 1. Main page of the automated scoring system

The annual assessment process consists of several stages:

1. Self-esteem. We believe that a person is the "blacksmith" of his own career, so the annual assessment begins with a self-assessment. Each of our employees:

  • independently analyzes everything that he did for the previous period;
  • evaluates the results achieved, comparing them with the goals that were set.

There are three main assessment sheets available in the assessment program:

  • First leaf- assessment of last year. Here the employee describes the results for the past period: the goals set and the work done.
  • Second sheet- assessment of the coming period. Here the employee describes what he will do and defines his goals. If necessary, the manager can adjust the goals set, but still the main thing in the evaluation process is to encourage the person to understand and accept his role in the company.
  • Third sheet- assessment of prospects (further development of competencies and career). Here, much depends on the initiative and activity of the employee himself: he has the right to choose the necessary trainings for himself, his opinion is taken into account when drawing up training and development plans. At the same time, HRs do not guarantee 100% that the company will confirm all the requests of each employee. The decision to conduct certain trainings depends primarily on the needs of the business in the development of certain competencies of this employee.

In addition to filling out evaluation sheets, employees have the opportunity to confirm their readiness for career development in other offices: at the global, regional or local levels. This helps management find people for international programs. We constantly "keep our finger on the pulse" - we monitor career opportunities that appear for employees both in Ukraine and in other offices Philips. Our task is to consider talent in time, nurture it, support it and give it the opportunity to develop further. Evaluation plays a key role in confirming the achieved results of each employee and planning his further career advancement.

2. Evaluation of leaders. Many of our employees within the framework of their position, they have not only a direct supervisor, to whom they report “vertically”, but also a “functional” one - within the framework of their specialization / line of activity. For example, as an HR director Philips in Ukraine I submit to:

  • directly to the CEO Philips in Ukraine;
  • functional - HR director Philips region Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Central Asia, which is located in Moscow.

Both managers view the results of the employee's self-assessment in the program, after which they evaluate the individual performance of the subordinate, and also add comments, noting:

  • how, in their opinion, he was successful in achieving his goals;
  • what results showed;
  • what changes need to be made to the goals for the future period;
  • what areas of development and training programs are agreed for the next period;
  • what prospects are being considered for promotion next year.

The evaluation results are formalized in an automated system ( rice. 2).

Rice. 2. An example of the results of an employee assessment

Why do we spend time (HR, managers, ordinary workers) on the implementation of evaluation procedures? Because they help both managers and employees get feedback. AT Philips evaluation is primarily a dialogue, so we ask all our colleagues to carefully prepare for it; moreover, we require training both on the part of employees and on the part of managers.

Preparation should include not only a report of a person about his own achievements and successes, but also an analysis of the success of the organization's relationship with him: what the company should give him and what it may not provide, does not provide.

In order to refresh your memory by December 1 (the start date of the assessment), we hold assessment preparation sessions during the last two weeks of November, which include special trainings for both employees and managers.

After completing the training, managers should clearly understand the rules for setting goals and be able to organize a dialogue with people. This is very important, because even a negative assessment can be perceived positively if it is correctly “transported” to a person. At the same time, the wrong dialogue will not be able to fully convey the gratitude of the company to the employee, which is expressed in a positive assessment. We strive to ensure that communication in the process of conducting evaluation procedures is not limited to a manager's monologue, which indicates to a subordinate what he did well and what was bad.

We also encourage managers to evaluate employees and teams as transparently and balancedly as possible at all stages. The manager must not only put a mark: “agree / disagree”, “achieved / not achieved”, but also justify his decision, provide facts and examples confirming his conclusions.

3. "Calibration". In parallel with the individual assessment by managers of each employee, a process of “calibration” is underway. Its important feature in the company is objectivity: not only its immediate supervisors, but also managers of other departments who interact with it take part in the process of evaluating a unit. First, managers evaluate the teams of their departments, and then the entire company as a whole. We believe that the evaluation of an employee is a task not only for his manager, but for the entire company as a whole.

In addition, during the “calibration” process, managers receive feedback from the company on each of their subordinates, and they can also compare the effectiveness and quality of their team’s work with the success of other departments of the company.

The "calibration" phase begins in January; we specially prepare managers so that by the beginning of it they understand what the company is looking at first of all, what is important for it. During the “calibration”, all participants in the process must come to a consensus and develop a common opinion.

As a result, in each of the departments, and then in the company as a whole, they determine best team member. These employees become role models for their colleagues. Their success is rewarded; they receive a salary increase (depending on the assessment) and / or promotion within the company - a higher position rank, participation in new projects:

  • horizontally - increasing the professional level within the framework of the position held;
  • vertical - move to a position that is one level higher.

Most new appointments (promotions, transfers, etc.) in the company take place from January 1 (after a preliminary "calibration") or from April 1 - after the end of the entire assessment cycle. In addition, in some cases we practice the so-called delayed increases. For example, a new appointment is delayed in cases where an employee has good potential, but in some respects still “does not live up to” the requirements of the next level. We give such people time until October, when they have the opportunity to correct their assessment (or confirm their previous result). Sometimes, seeing potential in an employee, a company may offer him a new position in the future, even if a new direction has not yet been opened.

Of course, like any organization, we strive to have more highly qualified specialists whose work results exceed expectations. However, we also have employees whose performance does not reach the required level. This happens for various reasons, for example:

  • the person started working for us recently; it may turn out that by the time of the annual assessment, its results are not yet visible, so it is difficult for managers to assess how it will develop in the future;
  • an employee works for a long time in one place, where, in his opinion, he has already reached the maximum - in this case, the effectiveness of his work may suffer due to a decrease in motivation, etc.

But in any case, we try to 1) identify in which area it is necessary to “bring up” the knowledge and skills of the employee, and then 2) select options for development, expansion of competencies and provide him with opportunities for choice.

4. The final stage. The completion of the evaluation process is the meeting of the immediate supervisor with the employee, where the subordinate receives feedback from the company and agrees on his goals and objectives for the next year.

Information about the results of the assessment is entered in the employee's personal file (file); it is available to the employee himself, and to his manager, and to the HR manager. We do not disclose individual results, but we always discuss the results of the assessment for the company as a whole: how many strong employees we have, how many need to “pull up”, how many people have improved their results compared to the previous period, etc.

When it comes to reviewing wages or benefits, we act in accordance with our internal policies and procedures. As a rule, negative emotions arise in employees if they do not understand the evaluation criteria or the reasons for making certain managerial decisions. To prevent possible misunderstandings, we strive to make the reasons for moving or promoting employees understandable to everyone. Therefore, HRs and managers Philips always open to dialogue.

5. Additional (intermediate) assessment. In addition to the main assessment, our company conducts an intermediate summing up of the work - in the middle of the year (middle year), from June to August. Previously, this type of assessment was used only for those employees who, according to the results of the main assessment, received a score below the average, but since 2012, the company's managers decided to introduce an additional assessment at the global level - for all categories of employees.

Why is this process so important to us? The situation on the market and, accordingly, in the company is dynamically changing, so the goals should be promptly adjusted. An interim assessment helps an employee understand: what he needs to improve in his activities, and what tasks (set in January-February) can be changed or suspended. It should be noted that the additional assessment is rather a joint discussion of the goals set at the beginning of the year and the progress achieved by the middle of the year. Thanks to the received data, we constantly "keep abreast" of the business, and also make the necessary changes to the company's goals and plans in a timely manner.

6. Evaluation of behavior. We have recently turned to this type of assessment. Now we evaluate not only what an employee does, but also something as he does it (interacts in a team, takes responsibility, etc.), how focused on the result, what values ​​he is guided by.

There is no single “recipe” for this type of evaluation, because “how” are behavioral characteristics specific to each function. Therefore, the compliance of real behavior with corporate principles and standards is checked in various ways.

Sometimes an employee performs excellently at work, but at the same time “falls short” when evaluating teamwork or attitude to new tasks, and as a result, receives a below-average rating. We believe that this is an important signal both for the employee and for us: you need to work on yourself, moreover, on the development of personal qualities (innovation, teamwork, result-oriented, customer-oriented, etc.).

Even with such a complex evaluation system - consisting of several stages, involving every employee - its administration does not cause us any special difficulties. First of all, because all stages are carefully thought out and organized, all methods are verified and well debugged. The only difficulty for HRs is meeting deadlines. Despite the fact that the evaluation process lasts three months, we need to constantly monitor that all procedures are carried out in a timely and systematic manner, that everyone has enough time to prepare and provide quality feedback.

As an HR, I am very glad that the company has a corporate evaluation system, and what is especially important is a "live" evaluation. Employees of our company go through such a complex procedure not “for show”, not because “it’s necessary”, but because this is a necessary stage in the development of both themselves and the company as a whole.

I would especially like to note that our evaluation system is not aimed at increasing “internal competitiveness”; we do not compare ourselves with branches and representative offices Philips in other countries or by other companies. We do not strive to be better than anyone, our goal is to be better than we are!

The main task that the corporate assessment system successfully helps us to solve is the development of talents, because we strive to ensure that each of our specialists can reasonably and proudly say about themselves: “I am professional employee professional company Philips

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Introduction 4

1. Theoretical part 5

1.1 Selection and placement of personnel as an element of personnel policy. 5

1.2.1 Structure of the assessment system 7

1.2.2 Personnel assessment methods 9

1.2.3 Main evaluation criteria 13

1.3 Personnel evaluation consulting firms 14

1.3.1 Steps 14

1.3.2 Effectiveness of staff appraisal 16

1.4 Common Mistakes companies during personnel assessment 17

1.4.1 Terminological errors. 17

1.4.2 Errors semantic. eighteen

1.4.3 Instrumental errors. 20

1.4.4 Legitimacy errors. 22

1.4.5 Technological errors. 23

^ 1.5 Basic principles and methods of effective personnel selection. 25

2. Evaluation of personnel when hiring at ZSMK OJSC 31

2.1.1 Determination of vacancies for managers, specialists, employees and workers. 32

2.1.2 Selection of candidates. 33

2.1.3 Making a hiring decision. 38

2.1.4 Medical examination. 39

Conclusion 41

References 43

Evaluation of candidates in hiring is one of the areas personnel policy, which, in turn, is the leading efficiency factor modern organizations and enterprises. Leading experts in this field have long come to the conclusion that most of the costs in the economy are associated with the lack of evidence-based personnel policy.

The subject of the study is the assessment of personnel in the selection and placement of personnel.

The purpose of this work is to analyze one of the most important elements of personnel policy - staff assessment in the course of recruitment - and create the most effective recruitment model.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of specific tasks:

  • determine the value of personnel assessment in the selection for work in the system of personnel policy of the enterprise;

  • analyze the personnel assessment models proposed by different authors, present a generalized scheme based on the basic principles and methods of personnel selection;

  • consider the currently existing employment procedure at ZSMK OJSC, evaluate the positive and negative aspects of each “stage” in the personnel selection system;

  • to substantiate the effectiveness of the method of psychophysiological testing in hiring and placement of personnel.

  1. Theoretical part

    1. Selection and placement of personnel as an element of personnel policy.
The success of the enterprise depends on the employees employed in it, because it is the people who ensure the efficient use of any type of resources available to the organization, and it is from the people that economic performance and competitiveness ultimately depend. The staff is the engine of any organization. It is this realization that should determine the most thorough selection of candidates, which should be based on increased requirements for the selection of an employee.

The decision to hire or transfer to another position, according to experts, is not only a significant event, but also one that has far-reaching consequences.

Managers, according to a specialist in the field of personnel management M.I. Magura, well consider the money spent on the search and selection of personnel, trying to achieve maximum savings. At the same time, they forget to calculate the losses that the enterprise may incur in the event of unqualified selection, namely: if the organization does not find a suitable candidate, or an unsuitable person is hired.

As a result of the search and selection of personnel, the enterprise may incur financial losses. Direct financial losses due to selection errors include the following:

  1. costs associated with the procedure for hiring and firing employees. These may include the payment of severance pay or compensation in the event that employees challenge their dismissal in court;

  2. costs associated with training, transfer of unsuitable personnel;

  3. damages associated with the loss in output due to idle time of a vacant place in anticipation of hiring an employee;

  4. losses in labor productivity in the period preceding the dismissal, or during the period of adaptation at the workplace;

  5. costs associated with productive injuries, absenteeism, etc.;

  6. losses associated with the production activities of personnel: low productivity, low profit, low product quality.
The cost of a mistake made during selection becomes higher if the work that the new employee will have to perform is more difficult and responsible.

In addition to direct financial losses, there may be indirect costs due to selection errors.

These costs are difficult to estimate, they are associated with the loss of working time of managers and specialists to participate in the process of selecting candidates and training new employees, who subsequently, for one reason or another, could not gain a foothold in the organization.

One of the unavoidable consequences of poor recruitment and selection is high employee turnover. The costs associated with high employee turnover cannot be ignored; these are not only direct costs for the selection of personnel and its adaptation, but also indirect ones, in the form of loss of time for managers to search for and recruit new employees. Indirect costs are also expressed in the impact that high employee turnover has on morale, motivation and staff satisfaction.

Thus, personel assessment in the selection and placement of personnel is a serious and responsible task facing the services of the Deputy General Director for Human Resources and Social Policy:

  • personnel department;

  • center of social development;

  • management of training and retraining of personnel, as well as coordinated work with medical institutions.
The task of these services is to select such an employee who is able to achieve the result expected by the plant.

In fact, assessment during the recruitment or placement of personnel is one of the forms of preliminary quality control of the human resources of an enterprise.

And it is obvious that the quality of the final product, labor productivity and profit of the enterprise depend on which employee will be hired by the plant.

    1. ^ Systems and methods of personnel assessment

      1. Structure of the assessment system
Personnel assessment is a system for identifying certain characteristics of employees, which then help the manager in making management decisions aimed at increasing the performance of subordinates.

Typically, personnel assessment is carried out in three areas:

  • employee qualification assessment - when the characteristics of the standard are identified and compared with a specific person;

  • analysis of the results of the work - here they evaluate the quality of the work performed;

  • assessment of an employee as a person - personal characteristics are identified and compared with ideal ones for a given place.
If we talk about building an assessment system in a company in general, then it is very important to remember three main features, isolation from which will not give the desired result.

First, evaluation should be carried out regularly.

Secondly, it must have a clearly defined purpose.

And, thirdly, the assessment system should be transparent to everyone and based on generally understood criteria.

The personnel assessment system itself is a whole series of actions and activities aimed at assessing employees and of a permanent nature.

This system, in order to be effective, should be based on the main and universal scheme for conducting this assessment.

The first thing to do is to identify the company's need for personnel assessment and, on their basis, form clear goals that will be pursued when assessing employees. Among the main goals, monitoring of the social climate in the team, assessment of the quality of work and the degree to which a person’s qualifications fit the position are usually singled out.

The second step is to determine the subject of evaluation, that is, who to evaluate. Depending on the goals, the target audience is determined, the information about which the enterprise needs in the first place.

This is followed by the definition of the criteria by which the evaluation will be carried out.

This requires professionals in the industry who can identify the most appropriate characteristics for each specific position.

After selecting the criteria, it is necessary to select the evaluation method. The choice of the method itself is also carried out depending on some criteria, including compliance with the goals set at the beginning, the degree of cost of one or another suitable method, objectivity, which is best expressed in quantitative characteristics, understandability for those being evaluated, and relevance, that is, the results really should be necessary.

The next stage of the personnel assessment system is called preparatory stage. Here you need to perform a number of actions that will help in conducting the assessment itself.

  • creation of an internal regulatory framework for evaluation - development of provisions, regulations;

  • training of those personnel who will directly carry out the assessment;

  • informing staff about the upcoming assessment and its positives.
After that, the assessment system enters its main stage - the actual conduct of the assessment itself, the implementation of everything.

All the information gathered from the assessment should then be reviewed for its relevance and the quality of the system itself.

The final stage in the implementation of the evaluation system is the action - the adoption of managerial decisions in relation to those people who were evaluated - promotion, demotion, training.

      1. ^ Personnel assessment methods
Let us now consider the methods themselves, which can be used in the evaluation of personnel.

According to their orientation, they are classified into three main groups: qualitative, quantitative and combined.

Qualitative methods are methods that determine employees without the use of quantitative indicators. They are also called descriptive methods.

  • matrix method - the most common method, involves comparing the qualities of a particular person with ideal characteristics for the position held;

  • the method of the system of arbitrary characteristics - the management or personnel service simply highlights the brightest achievements and the worst mistakes in a person’s work, and comparing them draws conclusions;

  • assessment of the performance of tasks - an elementary method when the work of an employee as a whole is evaluated;

  • method "360 degrees" - involves the assessment of the employee from all sides - managers, colleagues, subordinates, clients and self-assessment;

  • group discussion - a descriptive method - which provides for a discussion of the employee with his managers or experts in the industry about the results of his work and prospects.
Combined methods are a set of descriptive methods using quantitative aspects.

  • testing is an assessment based on the results of solving pre-set tasks;

  • method of the sum of estimates. Each characteristic of a person is evaluated on a certain scale, and then the average is compared with the ideal;

  • a grouping system in which all employees are divided into several groups - from those who work perfectly well to those whose work is unsatisfactory compared to the rest;
Quantitative methods are the most objective, since all results are recorded in numbers;

  • rank method - several managers rank employees, then all ratings are compared, and usually the lowest ones are reduced;

  • scoring method - for each achievement, the staff receives a predetermined number of points, which are summed up at the end of the period;

  • free scoring - each quality of an employee is evaluated by experts for a certain number of points, which are summed up and the overall rating is displayed.
All of the above methods are able to effectively assess only a certain aspect of a person's work or his socio-psychological characteristics.

Therefore, it is not surprising that in recent times Increasingly, a universal integrated method is used - the method of assessment centers, which has absorbed elements of many methods, to achieve the most objective analysis of personnel.

This method has as many as 25 criteria by which a person is assessed:

  1. ability to study (general mental abilities);

  2. the ability to make oral generalizations (how well a person can make an oral presentation in front of a small group on a well-known topic);

  3. the ability to make written generalizations (how well an employee can write a note on a well-known topic);

  4. contact (to what extent? this person arouses sympathy);

  5. perception of threshold social opinion (how easily a person perceives minor remarks regarding his behavior);

  6. creativity (what is the probability that a person is able to solve a managerial problem in a new, different way);

  7. self-assessment (how realistic is a person's idea of ​​the relationship between his merits and duties, how deep is his understanding of the motives of his own behavior);

  8. social task (attitude towards racial, ethnic, socio-economic, educational and other similar issues);

  9. flexibility of behavior (how easily a person, in case of coercion, changes his behavior or modifies it to achieve the goal set for him);

  10. the need for approval from a superior person (degree of emotional dependence on management);

  11. the need for approval from socially equal persons (the degree of emotional dependence on the opinion of the team);

  12. internal work standards (how high the quality with which the employee wants to "perform any work, compared to a lower, but quite acceptable one);

  13. the need for promotion (taking into account the desire for significant promotion up the career ladder and the time frame in which a person hopes to carry out this promotion, in comparison with colleagues occupying an equal position with him);

  14. the need for reliability of the position (to what extent the employee wants to be provided with work);

  15. flexibility in achieving the goal (life goals, their correspondence to real opportunities and conditions);

  16. the primacy of work (to what extent the satisfaction received from work is greater than the satisfaction from other areas of activity Everyday life);

  17. a system of emphasizing the positive aspects of the company's activities (the ability to highlight the positive aspects of the company's activities in relation to the staff: service, friendly attitude, fairness of the position taken in relation to earnings);

  18. the reality of hopes (to what extent the hopes regarding work in the company coincide with reality);

  19. tolerance for uncertainty and non-standard working conditions;

  20. the ability to work for a long period of time without sufficient remuneration with the prospect of receiving a reward later;

  21. resistance to stress (to what extent the intensity of work coincides with the normal psychological state);

  22. a variety of interests (various areas of activity and hobbies - such as politics, music, art, sports);

  23. energy (how long an employee can withstand a high level of stress);

  24. organization and ability to adequate career planning;

  25. willingness to make decisions and the ability to justify them.

      1. Main evaluation criteria
All criteria in the evaluation of personnel are usually divided into two main categories - performance criteria and competence criteria.

When evaluating performance, the achieved performance of a particular person is compared with the planned performance for a given period of work. To do this, clearly measurable tasks are set before the start of the reporting period. The effectiveness of the work is expressed in specific indicators: sales volume, the number of completed projects, the amount of profit, the number of transactions.

When assessing the competence of an employee, his knowledge and ability to apply them in practice, personal qualities, and behavior are evaluated.

One of the most effective ways of such an assessment is to solve situational problems, taking into account the position occupied by the employee or for which he is applying.

These tasks are of two types - descriptive and practical, and differ in the nature of actions in solving a specific problem.

    1. ^ Personnel assessment by consulting firms

      1. Stages
The objectives and procedure of the evaluation should be clear to all employees of the company. People need to get information from Human Resources about what the evaluation is for, what it is intended to be, what its results will be, and who will use the results and how.

When choosing a provider, attention is paid to several factors:

  • the experience and specialization of the provider company, the availability of feedback from other customers on the staff assessment;

  • knowledge by the company's specialists of various methods of personnel assessment, their advantages and disadvantages, the ability to formulate the results of the assessment;

  • the desire of the provider to clarify your need, request, clarify the results of the assessment that you want to receive in the end.
Personal assessment

Once the objectives of the assessment are clear, it is important to decide how to conduct the assessment. Selection methods are divided into personal assessment (with the participation of experts who will directly communicate with employees and then draw conclusions about them), and absentee, automated (during which employees fill out tests)

The most common type of personal assessment is the assessment center method. The basis of this testing is the communication between the tested person and his examiner. Testing can solve two main tasks: evaluation professional suitability and assessment of personal and business qualities.

Assessment of professional suitability (level of theoretical training, work experience, ability to find a solution in difficult situations related to the direction of the enterprise). Testing of theoretical knowledge takes place in written or electronic form. Next, the examiner conducts a personal interview: examples of situations that a candidate or employee may encounter in their work are considered. He must provide the solution to the problem that he sees as the most correct.

Assessment of personal and business qualities (management, leadership qualities, balance, goodwill, responsibility, perseverance, customer focus, sociability, adaptability, loyalty to the company, propensity to learn, desire to make a career, material interest, diligence, etc. ). Includes participation in role-playing games: simulation of situations; tests of "gradations of preferences" - decision making during the discussion; individual interviewing.

The advantages of this type of assessment are a higher percentage of reliability (80–85%), a complete analysis of professional and personal-business qualities (including a psychological portrait of a person), a prediction of results, etc. The disadvantages include the duration of the procedure (from 5 to 9 hours ) and high cost (from 1000 US dollars).

Automated evaluation

The second type of assessment is automated. Such assessment is carried out only with the help of tests in electronic or written form, without personal communication. It aims to assess the following competencies:

  • intellectual abilities (ability to perceive information, analyze and find ways to solve problems). Assessed using a verbal thinking test;

  • efficiency (the ability to work quickly, accurately, consistently and the ability to plan). Assessed using a quantitative thinking test;

  • thoroughness and attentiveness (a tendency to think deeply and complete tasks, taking into account all the details and nuances; the ability to act independently, without instructions and prompts). Assessed using the Shape Sequence Test;
Using a system of psychological tests and analysis of the level of ethics in human behavior in the workplace, the program identifies problem candidates. For example, when applying for a job, the applicant is asked to answer what most people would do in a given situation, for example, whether to take money for work that they did not do. In addition to this, you need to choose one of the four reasons that explain the answer. In this way, the candidate's value system is assessed and how he resolves moral dilemmas is analyzed.

The advantages of automated assessment include low time costs (from 20 minutes), fast data processing and obtaining results, low cost (from 40 to 100 dollars). The main disadvantage of tests is their "average", the reliability sometimes does not exceed 55-60%.

Personal and automated assessments can be used together: at one stage, employees pass tests, and then experts work with them.

      1. ^ The effectiveness of personnel assessment
Myths have already formed about the assessment of personnel. The most common of them is “personnel assessment by external providers is too expensive and cost-inefficient procedure”. Of course, like any service related to the optimization of business processes, personnel assessment requires significant financial investments. But if it is carried out to change the system of remuneration in the company, to introduce targeted management or other systems that directly affect the performance of the company, then all these investments are strategic.

You can hire a specialist in the staff of the HR department with the skills to conduct staff assessment. This is also a way, and less expensive than inviting an external provider. But it is recommended to go this way if the personnel assessment is carried out frequently, cyclically, covers a large number of employees and solves many problems, that is, a full-time appraiser will always be in business.

The advantage of external appraisers over internal ones can be called impartiality and objectivity. Although these two conditions are an axiom, an unwritten law, it makes sense to conduct a personnel assessment only if the procedure is as transparent and objective as possible.

Companies spend an impressive amount of time engaging senior and line managers, gathering " attestation commissions", employees fill out a lot of evaluation forms, allocate serious budgets for the creation of their own personnel evaluation departments, the creation of evaluation procedures. And all this for the long-awaited result - accurate and reliable information, on the basis of which serious management decisions will be made.

The most common mistakes that companies make when assessing personnel can be divided into several groups.

      1. ^ terminological errors.
One of the main reasons for the occurrence of errors in the "staff assessment" is the difficulty of translation. Since many modern management ideas and approaches come to us from the West, we have to translate them into Russian. There are several terms in HR terminology: Assessment, Appraisal and Evaluation, which mean procedures that are completely different, both in essence and in content. But all this is translated into Russian by a single term "assessment". In practice, this leads to the fact that, without understanding the essence of the issue, they try to introduce the "personnel assessment" procedure, mixing different procedures.

In world practice, the term Assessment is used to denote a procedure related to the assessment of the employee himself, his characteristics, knowledge, skills, abilities, i.e. what is collectively referred to as the term "competencies". Thus, it seems more correct to use as a term not one word, but the phrase Competencies Assessment, i.e. "assessment of competencies". And the phrase Assessment Center (Assessment Center), so often used recently, is the name of a comprehensive procedure for assessing employee competencies, consisting of various assessment methods: various types exercises built on the basis of working situations and specially designed for use in the professional field of tests and questionnaires. We'll talk more about this later.

The term Appraisal is used to refer to a procedure involving an assessment of the performance of an employee, which is one of the components of the Performance Management procedure, i.e. performance management. Performance Appraisal (evaluation of performance) is a summing up of the work of an employee for a certain period of time, without affecting, for various reasons, his personal characteristics.

      1. ^ semantic errors.
So, when assessing competencies, i.e. characteristics such as knowledge, skills, abilities, interests, etc., the purpose of using the results obtained may be to solve two rather diverse tasks.

Firstly, an understanding of what competencies an employee has can be used to assign him to the appropriate position when it comes to a situation of external selection (we take an employee from outside for a position in the company) or internal selection (we make a decision to appoint an existing employee to another , for example, a higher position in the company). Ultimately, we are talking about assessing the potential to do a particular job.

Secondly, by evaluating the level of competencies required to perform the current activities of an employee, we can determine in which knowledge and skills he experiences a certain deficit. Such an assessment is necessary to determine what needs to be taught to the employee in the first place, so that he is able to successfully cope with the tasks assigned to him, i.e. It is about assessing training needs.

It is quite obvious that in order to assess the potential (we assume enrollment in the personnel reserve or work in another position), it is necessary to use special tools such as aptitude tests, professionally designed personality questionnaires, competency interviews, work situation exercises. However, when using the same tools to determine training needs, it often leads to a number of very serious problems, such as employee resistance, fear and insecurity, and a decrease in motivation. Why be surprised if often, instead of the stated goals of determining training needs, companies carry out massive layoffs as a result. In addition, of course, the use of special methods requires money and time from the company.

Use the listed special methods in order to determine the need for training and understand what exactly it is not correct to teach employees for the reasons mentioned above. To address this issue of what to teach employees as part of their current activities, it is necessary that the manager has a sufficient level of skills to conduct assessments as employees perform their tasks and be able to provide timely and objective feedback. Since the real activity of an employee, if you know how to use this information, gives a much more accurate picture of the shortage of certain skills, i.e. relevant training needs.

      1. ^ instrumental errors.
In this case, we are also talking about a whole set of errors, from which it is very difficult to single out any one

One of the main instrumental errors that one has to face is the lack of a competency model for the corresponding position or group of positions. In fact, in this case, we can talk about the impossibility of assessing competencies due to the lack of them. The assessment tools are working well. Using even methods specially designed for such an assessment, we will get a description of the behavioral manifestations of a person. So, for example, on all scales that are presented in a professional questionnaire, we can say about a person’s preferences, about what qualities he notes in himself. But we cannot give an answer to the question: is it good or bad for this position, because there is no scale, criteria with which we could compare the result.

The next equally common mistake of this group is the inconsistency of the assessment tool with the competencies that need to be assessed within the relevant position. Many companies that are going to conduct a staff assessment are faced with a proposal to conduct a kind of "business game", with the participation of any number of people pleasing to the client, even 20 - 30, during which the assessment of students will also be carried out. By pursuing such diametrically opposed goals as training and assessment, we will not solve either of them. Any learning situation initially assumes the principle of safety, that is, while acquiring knowledge and skills, we try, including learning from mistakes. It would be foolish to punish for mistakes in such a situation. And how will the “learners” behave, knowing that they are also being evaluated? And if they don't know they're being evaluated, then normal behaviors that are appropriate in a learning situation, such as frequently asked questions by an employee who is interested in their development, can be easily interpreted in a dozen different ways, ranging from a high score for "initiative" to a low score on a scale "understanding and solving problems". It should also be pointed out that there are a number of competencies that are quite universal for many organizations, which are practically not visible in group discussions, such as "mentoring", "maintaining quality standards", "organization and planning", etc.

The third mistake of this group is the incorrectness of the tools themselves, with the help of which the assessment is carried out. For example, many people use game situations as a plot for interactive exercises such as role-playing or group discussion, which are perfectly and successfully used as educational in appropriate situations. curricula Oh. But at the same time, such game situations are completely unsuitable for assessing competencies, because have a very distant relation to the business and the range of immediate tasks of employees

One can also talk about the incorrectness of using many popular psychometric tools, such as questionnaires taken directly from Western sources. Such a tool as a questionnaire should be adapted to the specifics of the country, language and culture. Just translation is not enough. It requires painstaking work on standardization, validation, recalculation of scale values, changes in content, if necessary. Simply put, it is necessary to bring such tools to the specifics of our environment, the conditions of our business.

The following group of errors is also associated with the use of questionnaires and similar tools. The popularity of such tools as MMPI or the 16-factor questionnaire is explained, first of all, by their freeness and availability. When conducting such questionnaires, as a result, we obtain information about the individual psychological characteristics of a person, personality traits. A good psychologist will be able to correctly interpret the profile, and answer the question WHAT kind of person is in front of us. But, according to the results of such questionnaires, we do not have information about HOW the employee will act in solving direct problems. professional tasks. And we cannot say, based only on this information about personality traits, how the employee will show the competencies required for the position. We can possess such information as much as we like for our own pleasure, but we cannot use it for professional tasks, i.e. for competency assessment.

It is also difficult to imagine how using lie detectors, which are used by all the special services of the world, one can evaluate such a competence as "interpersonal sensitivity" or, say, "teamwork", since any candidate has reason to worry in a selection situation, especially in a situation of such selection, and this will give an indication of the device.

      1. ^ Legitimacy errors.
We are talking about situations where, for purposes related to professional activities within an ordinary commercial company, tools are used that are unsuitable for this, since they are prohibited in many countries for use for selection purposes. Well, for example, we can talk about the illegality of using projective techniques, such as a non-existent animal or Rorschach spots. This problem has three aspects.

First. Of course, a competent psychologist can get answers to many questions related to current state the human psyche (note, not with the level of development of competencies). However, when it comes to the selection of a candidate for a vacant position, it is quite obvious that such an approach to evaluation can easily be questioned not only by the candidate himself (refused to be hired based on the results of the clinical questionnaire), but also by courts. It is difficult to say whether such precedents exist in the current Russian judicial practice. However, the fact that, in our reality, candidates who have received a refusal rarely go to court with a complaint about being unfairly treated does not mean that they will not do so in the future. Is the company willing to expose itself to legitimate risks? Pay penalties?

The second problem related to the legitimacy of the tools used to assess competencies is related to the widespread infringement of copyright and related rights by companies that use these methods. Everyone knows that stealing is not good, everyone knows that it is not good to use stolen goods, but not everyone knows that a candidate can legal grounds ask: "On what basis do you use this tool? Do you have the appropriate rights and licenses, and is the specialist who conducts the testing trained and certified?", and so on. And if he does not receive a satisfactory answer to these questions, then he will be able to challenge the results of the assessment on completely legal terms, but you will already have to answer not only for the assessment, but also for copyright infringement as well.

      1. ^ Technological errors.
Unfortunately, if the company managed to avoid all the above mistakes (namely, the company is primarily responsible for making them), that is, the company understands that it evaluates why it does it, how to do it correctly, and took care of the legal side of the issue , there is still a whole class of errors. These errors are related to the implementation of the competency assessment procedure, including the conduct of the Assessment Center. The company shares responsibility for these errors with those who carry out this procedure, since the company can help to master the relevant skills, but their technical execution remains in the hands of quite certain people. We will not dwell here in detail on the methodology of the Assessment Center or other assessment procedures, we will consider only the main, from our point of view, points.

If we consider these errors in a logical sequence, then it makes sense to mention first the errors made in the process of administering the evaluation procedures. It is probably unnecessary to talk about the need to create standardized, i.e. identical conditions for all assessed, since only in this case we can talk about the comparability of the results.

The following are errors related to the implementation of the procedure itself. This is, for example, the lack of a sufficient number of trained observers. Another group of errors is observational errors (quick jump to conclusions, judging by external impression, following various stereotypes, etc.). There are data processing errors (mixing behavioral indicators and competencies in general, self-assessment without discussion with other observers, and others). And another group of errors is related to summing up - giving marks as such (the effect of the background or "excellent student", the effect of averaging marks or avoiding edges, the effect of comparison with oneself, the effect of severity or kindness, and others).

The impact of these errors on the effectiveness of the competency assessment procedure can only be reduced by constantly improving the various skills necessary for this in the observers. To overcome the technological group of errors, specialized training on the organization and conduct of Assessment Centers and other assessment procedures will help. And this, as companies are well aware, requires both large time costs and fairly substantial financial costs. These costs will be justified only if the company is going to use the assessment of employee competencies as a regular procedure. If the assessment of competencies is one-time, it will be cheaper for the company to invite external consultants, with the choice of which we wish you not to make a mistake.

    1. ^ Basic principles and methods of effective personnel selection.
Regardless of the type of organization and available vacancies, the selection process should be carefully planned and prepared for its implementation. This event should provide the company with the best candidates for vacancies. And the main purpose of personnel assessment is to establish the compliance of the qualitative characteristics of a person with the requirements of the position.

The contractor must comply with the requirements imposed on him by his official duties, the content of the work. Evaluation should be subject not only to the potential capabilities of the employee, his professional competence, but also the implementation of these capabilities in the course of performing assigned duties.

And if we are talking about competitive selection, when the number of applicants exceeds the number of available vacancies, then the selection process is structured in such a way that each of the stages performs the function of a sieve, successively screening out candidates who, according to one or another criteria, are inferior to other participants in the competition.

It is important that before the candidates approach the most complex and time-consuming selection procedures, only those candidates who, according to all formal characteristics, completely suit the employer, remain among the applicants.

Personnel assessment is a special type of activity that uses a whole range of different methods aimed at a comprehensive study of candidates, and, as a rule, takes place in several stages.

After analyzing the available scientific literature intended for HR managers, we present a general scheme for personnel selection:

  1. definition of vacancies;

  2. determination of requirements for a vacant position;

  3. preparing an application for recruitment necessary workers and, thereby, attracting candidates for vacant positions;

  4. a preliminary interview with all candidates, which gives primary information about the person;

  5. filling out the standard form "Information about the candidate", in which they indicate basic information about themselves;

  6. psychophysiological testing, which is designed to identify candidates with such unfavorable qualities that may adversely affect the results of work;

  7. medical checkup;

  8. making a final decision on hiring candidates who are the most suitable for all indicators.
Currently no one normative document, obliging the enterprises of the country to act according to a certain system in the selection of personnel, no. Each enterprise has the right to independently choose the personnel assessment algorithm that is convenient for it. We also presented general scheme, which, as experts point out, is used in many reputable organizations of the country and the world, and has proven itself to be the most effective.

Whatever line the company chooses when selecting personnel, the main thing is that personnel assessment will fulfill its general (main) goal only if it is carried out in compliance with certain principles:

  • objectivity - the evaluation of candidates must be independent of any opinion or individual judgments;

  • reliability - the selection should be based on established criteria, should ensure the accuracy and stability of the results. The results obtained during the selection should not be random.

  • reliability - the real level of skill proficiency should be assessed (how successfully a person can cope with his business);

  • efficiency - timeliness and speed of assessment;

  • publicity - wide familiarization of applicants with the procedure and methods of evaluation, bringing its results to all interested parties;

  • forecasting - the assessment should provide data on what types of activities and at what level a person is potentially capable of;

  • accessibility - the assessment process and assessment criteria should be clear to both the assessors and the assessees themselves;

  • Necessity and sufficiency of criteria - do not overload the assessment and unnecessarily reduce the number of possible applicants, taking as a basis criteria that are not necessary or mandatory for successful work in the position. However, when selecting candidates for a managerial position, the selection criteria should be more stringent.
We have repeatedly pointed out that personnel assessment is a rather complicated work in terms of method and organization. There is simply no single universal methodology suitable for solving the whole range of tasks facing personnel assessment, and it is hardly possible.

For this reason, most often an enterprise is forced to develop an assessment program, including the methodology for its implementation, on its own or remake standard recommendations, use the experience of other enterprises and organizations.

      1. ^ Evaluation of the enterprise personnel assessment model
Magura M.I. in the book "Search and Selection of Personnel" offers the following series of indicators that would show the effectiveness of the process of searching and selecting new employees:

  • the level of staff turnover, especially among new employees;

  • the share of employees who have not passed the probationary period out of the total number of employees hired;

  • financial costs for ensuring the process of search and selection of personnel;

  • level of violations labor discipline among new employees;

  • the level of marriage and mistakes made by new employees;

  • frequency of equipment breakdowns;

  • efficiency of use necessary materials, accessories;

  • the level of industrial injuries among new employees;

  • the number of complaints from customers, consumers, suppliers due to the fault of new employees.
When selecting personnel, no organization is immune from various kinds of mistakes (according to Magura M.I.):

  1. Central tendency error occurs when most of the candidates are rated with an average score (although one can expect that some of the candidates are better and some are worse).

  2. Indulgence fallacy- most candidates get high grades, which can lead to hiring unsuitable workers.

  3. High demand error- Most of the candidates get low marks. This error leads to weeding out potentially suitable candidates.

  4. halo effect arises when a candidate is evaluated as good or bad, with a focus on one characteristic, which, in the eyes of the evaluator, outweighs all others.

  5. contrast error occurs when the average candidate is ranked high if he comes after several weak candidates, or low if he comes after several strong candidates

  6. Stereotyping is the tendency to compare a candidate to the "ideal candidate" stereotype. This stereotype can vary widely among experts and bear little relation to the actual requirements of the job.
Experts identify 4 possible outcomes of the selection process.

Failure Selection Success
Options 2 and 4 represent the correct decision, while 1 and 3 are selection process errors. Both types of errors are fraught with losses for the organization. Especially high are the costs associated with errors in hiring workers who do not meet the minimum requirements of the position or workplace. It should not be forgotten that the hiring of persons who significantly exceed the requirements for the position, with an excessive level of knowledge or vocational training to perform a specific job, is also fraught with losses for the enterprise. Such workers, according to experts, and practice shows, tend to quickly lose interest in their work and quit.

  1. ^ Assessment of personnel when hiring at ZSMK OJSC
Following the logic of this work and solving the tasks set, it is necessary to consider the model that is currently used at ZSMK OJSC and evaluate it based on the principles of effective personnel selection described above.

In general, JSC ZSMK implements integrated system selection, which includes the following methods:

  1. determination of vacancies for managers, specialists, employees and workers;

  2. selection of candidates:

    1. preliminary selection interview with the inspector (specialist) of the personnel department;

    2. presentation of certificates, diplomas, certificates, work book and other documents, as well as filling out a questionnaire

    3. verification of the data provided in the questionnaires, their actual compliance;

    4. if the person formally corresponds to this vacancy, the candidate is sent (Appendix 2.) to a conversation with the prospective boss;

  3. making a hiring decision.

  4. design consists of several elements:

    1. medical commission;

    2. district military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence (for those liable for military service);

    3. introductory briefing on safety and fire-fighting minimum;

    4. military accounting bureau (conscripted);

    5. direct registration of admission to the personnel department (Appendix 3.).

      1. Determination of vacancies for managers, specialists, employees and workers.
Determining the need for labor is the initial stage of personnel planning.

Often one has to face a situation where the search and selection of personnel is not planned in advance and is carried out only at the moment when the manager is faced with the need to fill certain vacancies. In such cases, it is difficult to avoid common mistakes: the recruitment of an insufficient or excessive number of workers in a certain specialty; delay in providing production process necessary personnel, etc.

When planning the selection process, one should take into account the needs for personnel, both quantitative (the need for a certain number of workers in different specialties) and qualitative (the need for workers in certain specialties of the required skill level) in personnel.

The issue of planning the number of personnel at JSC "ZSMK" is very complex.

Under the conditions of the planned system, the economic number of industrial personnel was one of the indicators controlled by a higher authority. In the arsenal of labor economists there were methods for calculating the number of workers in a professional context: by the labor intensity of output, by jobs, by headcount standards and service standards. Various kinds of empirical formulas were used, reflecting the degree of influence of certain factors on the number of workers, employees, specialists, and leaders of a given professional group.

The planned calculations of the number were linked with the plans for technical progress, containing measures of technical, technological and organizational nature, which determine the change in the number of specific professions.

This accounting experience was more related to the enterprise, the functioning of which was relatively stable over a long period. This, of course, facilitated the calculations, and their accuracy was quite acceptable.

The transition to the market changes the situation radically. First of all, the stability of production decreases due to:

  • with the need to restructure production, linking the volume of production with the demand for it;

  • with a greater focus on innovation, on the release of new products;

  • with the need for parallel existence at the enterprise of the production of already mastered products and the process of mastering new types of products, with the organization of new industries;

  • with changes in the organizational structure of the enterprise itself due to integration and disintegration processes.
All this makes it difficult to calculate the need for personnel at JSC ZSMK, and especially for the long term.

      1. ^ Selection of candidates.
Preliminary selection conversation (setting interview, interview) with the inspector (specialist) of the personnel department.

The selection of candidates for a vacant position usually begins with a preliminary interview - an exchange of information between an employee of the personnel department and the applicant for the position.

There is hardly at least one applicant - from an apprentice to a manager of a large enterprise, who would be hired without an installation interview.

The information obtained from the pre-interview is used to determine whether the candidate's skills, abilities and attitude meet the requirements of the vacant position.

The main purpose of the primary screening is to screen out candidates who do not have the minimum set of characteristics required to fill the proposed position.

A preliminary conversation makes it possible to weed out unskilled, uninterested workers.

“The introductory interview is a conversation between the candidate and a representative of the personnel department, in which, in the process of exchanging information, on the one hand, data is collected about the profile and potential of the future employee: qualifications, abilities, interests, character, a conclusion is made about his motives and values, the ability to conduct a conversation, contact, sociability are analyzed, on the other hand, the applicant receives information about the workplace, possible prospects for his personal growth in case of employment and the strategy of the enterprise. (definition by Durakova I.B., "Personnel Management." - M .: Publishing House "Center", 1998, p. 130)

This method of selection is defined by many experts as "half-hearted". This is justified by the fact that the coefficient of "objectivity", "reliability", "reliability", "predictability" is very low.

On the this stage there is always a danger of "missing out" a suitable candidate and "selecting" an unsuitable one.

The interview has a powerful subjective basis that forces the HR specialist to use their intuition and trust their own judgments and assumptions.

In practice, there is an opinion that the interview is the most effective method of personnel selection. And as a result, it spreads even more.

There is another group of practitioners who consider the interview an intermediate, rather than an independent step in the selection procedure.

However, the role of the pre-screening interview in the recruitment process should not be underestimated.

Submission of certificates, diplomas, certificates, work book and other documents, as well as filling out a questionnaire.

Verification of the data provided in the questionnaire, their actual compliance.

The next step in the selection process is for candidates to complete a specially designed standard form. The content of a standard applicant information form can vary significantly from organization to organization. At JSC "ZSMK" a similar procedure consists in inviting a candidate to the personnel department to fill out a questionnaire.

The standard form "Questionnaire of the applicant for the work of JSC" ZSMK "(Appendix 1.) contains the following sections:

  • Full Name, marital status, home address.

  • Education.

  • Working experience.

  • Previous jobs and reasons for leaving.

  • Additional information (skills in working with office equipment, knowledge of foreign languages, etc.).

  • Autobiography.

  • Professional plans for the next 5 years.
JSC "ZSMK" checks and analyzes the candidates submitted. M.I. Magura, comparing the selection of personnel from different enterprises in different countries, notes that "checking the reliability of information provided by applicants for vacant positions is a common practice" (Personnel Management, 1998 No. 2, p. 79)

Analysis of the information specified in the standard form and its comparison with the requirements for the position allows you to screen out some of the candidates who are not formally suitable (age, education, professional experience, length of service, etc.) for work in the organization.

The presence of clearly defined selection criteria is a necessary condition for an effective primary selection for the enterprise. The absence of clear criteria significantly reduces the effectiveness of selection, since the decision is made on the basis of the subjective opinion of the employee processing the questionnaires (the principle of objectivity in the selection of personnel is violated - Chapter 2, p. 7). Therefore, when selecting candidates, especially for positions that involve further development and professional growth, one must be extremely careful using the questionnaire analysis method.

Personal data analysis is a simple, cheap and quite effective method of primary selection when an enterprise has an extensive list of candidates. At the same time, this method is quite approximate in assessing the potential, since it is focused solely on facts from the past of a person, and not on his current state and ability for professional development. A person could have excellent grades in mathematics 10 years ago, but be unable to do elementary calculations today.

If the person does not match this vacancy, the candidate is entered into the database of the personnel department. In the future, if necessary, a person may be offered another job or position.

Conversation with the prospective boss.

With the formal compliance of a person with this vacancy, the candidate is sent for a conversation with the future prospective leader. (Appendix 2.)

How is such an interview different from the primary one with an HR employee?

It is important to remember that the interview is a two-way process, i.e. not only the organization evaluates the candidate, but the candidate evaluates the organization in terms of its compliance with his own interests and requests. The head of the department conducting the interview can provide detailed information about his department, the vacant position, the specifics of the work, the functions that the candidate will have to perform if he is employed. It is necessary to interest the person and, at the same time, avoid hiring those whose expectations are at odds with the capabilities of the organization - the sooner the potential employee and potential employer realize that they are not suitable for each other, the better for both parties. The manager must familiarize the candidate with the basic rules, principles, norms of labor organization, labor regime.

Second distinctive feature interview with a line manager is that its results should allow assessing, first of all, professional quality candidate, his ability to perform production functions.

Not least important is the ability of the head of the unit to identify " General characteristics» applicant - general intellectual development, analytical skills, philosophy of life, motivation, ability to work. At the same time, the leader must assess the degree of his personal professional compatibility with the candidate, because a sharp discrepancy is fraught with conflict in further work.

Such a procedure in hiring can provide in-depth information about the candidate, when compared with other assessment methods, it is possible to obtain accurate and predictive information.

The advantages of this type of interview are the use of questions directly related to professional activities. The disadvantages are related to the need for careful preliminary preparation for a conversation with a future employee.

An interview requires a certain experience, knowledge and skills from the person conducting it.

Basic requirements for conducting an interview.

An interview is a kind of test for a candidate. Questions should be aimed at obtaining meaningful information, at identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the candidate and at the fullest possible disclosure of his potential.

In order to obtain reliable and as complete information about the candidate during the interview, the interviewer must master the technique of collecting information. This involves the ability to ask the right questions. You should also pay attention to how the candidate answers questions (taking into account non-verbal characteristics: posture, gestures, facial expressions, etc.).

However, this method of personnel selection does not satisfy the main principle of effective personnel assessment - objectivity, because largely depends on the opinion of the leader conducting the conversation.

      1. ^ Making a hiring decision.
The hiring decision is the most important moment, the culmination of the selection process.

After an interview with the head of the department, with positive assessments, the applicant for a vacant position writes an application for employment.

JSC "ZSMK" also conducts an interview with the "head of the manager", and for higher positions and with CEO before a hiring decision is made.

The plant has a practice of hiring with a trial period, which makes it possible to evaluate the candidate directly at the workplace. During probationary period the manager pays special attention to the candidate and evaluates him in terms of his potential for work in this position and department.

      1. ^ Medical examination.
The generalized data of the application documents, interviews with a specialist in the personnel department and a future boss give a conclusion about the intellectual, professional level of development of the applicant.

For the employer, however, it is no less important to establish his physical fitness, therefore, the selection event in the selection of personnel at JSC "ZSMK" includes the conclusion of a professional medical examination.

At ZSMK, a medical examination is carried out after a decision on hiring is made.

Thus, this procedure loses its significance and can no longer fulfill its general goal - to select the person most suitable for this type of activity in the physical plane.

In the literature, the opinions of experts agree that a medical examination of the applicant should be carried out before making a final decision on employment, and its result should guarantee the compliance of the “individual prerequisites for health” - working capacity - with the conditions of future employment, or the requirements of the workplace.

For example, the appointment of a supervisor must be accompanied by the employer's confidence in the suitability of the candidate for this position, not only professionally, but also in terms of the absence of nervousness and, if possible, the presence of a healthy circulation. Trusted driver vehicle, or an employee of the rolling mill control room should be examined for driving ability and quick response.

The object of medical examination has not yet acquired clear boundaries in publications. But it is clear that for different types activities medical examination should include a different subject of research, i.e. the examination should be “carried out in a reasonable manner, based on the specifics of the workplace”.

When applying for a job for a doctor, it should be important:

  1. Whether there is a risk of harm to health for the proposed activity.

  2. What job is the candidate not suitable for?

  3. Will the applicant be able to perform the work without harm to the health of himself and others?
It should be clarified that the result of the recruitment survey should lead to certain recommendations that are significant, but not fundamental to the conclusion of an employment agreement with the candidate.

We have presented the assessment model currently existing at JSC "ZSMK" in hiring and assessed its each "step".

It is difficult to assess the effectiveness of the process of finding and selecting new employees using the criteria presented.

However, based on the generalized scheme and principles of effective personnel assessment, we can draw the following conclusions:

  1. The following steps are not included in the model used:

  • determination of requirements for a vacant position.
At the moment, the selection of applicants is carried out on the basis of professional qualification requirements for the position. But after all, the definition of personal characteristics of a person plays an important role.

  • psychophyological testing.
As a result, such principles of effective personnel assessment as

  • objectivity:
Almost all methods that are used in the selection of candidates (with the exception of a professional medical examination) are subjective, i.e. depend on the assessor.

During the initial interview or a conversation with a line manager, a representative of the enterprise may feel unwell, in a bad mood, or the applicant (for example, his last name) is associated with a person unpleasant to the employee of the organization.

Also, we all have personal views, tastes, and the interviewer may simply not like it. appearance potential employee, the manner of his behavior.

  • reliability:
Those criteria that are taken as a basis for the selection of personnel are formal (age, education, work experience).

However, those signs must also be determined by which one can judge whether the candidate's activity will be successful. Those. professiograms (a description of the profession and the requirements it imposes on the applicant) must be created for each position at the plant.

Also, almost all methods (with the exception of physical examination again) are not reliable (due to their subjectivity).

  • forecasting:
On the basis of the assessment, it is impossible to judge what types of activities and at what level a person is potentially capable of.

You can have a higher professional education, but due to your personal characteristics, not be a leader.

  • Necessity and sufficiency of criteria:
The recruitment procedure, which consists of several interviews and filling out a questionnaire, does not give a complete and reliable picture of the candidate.

Perhaps a potential employee will turn out to be a pleasant conversationalist, and his personal data will satisfy the formal requirements for a vacancy, but who knows how successfully he will work, achieve real results, how quickly he learns and acts in difficult situations?

Along with the track record and professional achievements that characterize him as a specialist, the “host party” needs to know what kind of person he is.

This should help to include in the personnel selection system 2 essential method:

  1. drawing up professiograms;

  2. psychophysiological testing.

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  17. Methods for assessing the effectiveness of the work of personnel.// Personnel.– 2000.- No. 7.– P. 35-40.

  18. Methods and procedures for assessing and attesting managerial personnel. // Frames. - 2000. - No. 4. - P.18-28.

  19. Morgunov E., Sergaev S. Method of subjective evaluation qualification requirements to the position. // Personnel Management. - 2004. - No. 8. - P.44-49.

  20. The experience of foreign firms in the organization of employee evaluation.// Personnel. - 2000. - No. 6 - P. 25-29.

  21. Selection of personnel in the organization. // Personnel Management. - 2003. - No. 1. - P.103-109.

  22. Pronin V. How to evaluate a specialist.// Personnel management.– 2002.-№9.– P. 10-12.

  23. Practical Psychologist Workbook: Effective Technology professional activity. - M .: Publishing house. house "Red Square", 2000. - 400

  24. Reimarov G. Two approaches to personnel assessment. // Personnel Management. - 2003. - No. 4. - P. 31-38.

  25. Skrypnik Testing and evaluation of personnel: 8 basic principles. // Personnel Management. - 2005. - No. 4. - P. 41-44.

  26. Spivak V. Methods of selection and dismissal of personnel./ Personnel. - 2000. - No. 3. - P. 25-27.

  27. Torshina K. Testing when applying for a job. // Personnel Management. - 2004. - No. 12. - P. 53-56.

  28. Udaltsova M.V. Sociology of management. - M.-Novosibirsk, 2005. - 144 p.

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  32. Chekalev M., Klyushina I. Once again to the question of the technology of certification.// Personnel management.– 2004.-№5.- P. 30-32.

  33. Chekalev M., Klyushina I. Experimental methodology for assessing managers and specialists of enterprises.// Personnel management.– 2004.-№6.- P. 39-41.

  34. Shmelev A. How to use tests.// Personnel.- 2000.- No. 10.- P. 32-33.

  35. An effective manager: a view and illustrations. / Ed. J. Billsbury. M.: MTsDO "Link", 1997.

Department of "Management and Economics of Entrepreneurship"


ON THE TOPIC: Modern methods of personnel assessment
(on the example of GRAND LLC)

Specialty 080507.65 Organization management
Evening-correspondence faculty

SAC assessment ___________________

Head Department ______________________________ _____ R.I. Malikov

Head ______________________________ _____ I.M. Sharipova

Diploma student ______________________________ _______ G.D. Nasibullina

"_____" _________________ 2010
UFA 2010


Department of Management and Economics

Head department __________ / R.I.Malikov/

"____" ________________ 2010


Student (ka) Nasibullina Gulnaz Danisovna ___________________________
Group 3 EZK-32 Faculty Evening-correspondence _______________ ________________

1. Project theme Modern methods of personnel assessment (on the example of LLC"GRANDEE")

Approved by order for UGAES dated "_____" _______ 2010
For No. ________________
2. Date of assignment issue "" 2010

3. Deadline for the student to submit the completed project (work) "" 2010

4. Initial data for the project (work) ______________________________ ___

The Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Laws of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus on the activities of enterprises and entrepreneurship, literary sources on the topic of the graduation project, reporting data of the enterprise for 2007-2009, reference and regulatory documentation __________________ ______________________________ _____________________
5. The content of the settlement and explanatory note ________________________
Introduction ______________________ ______________________________ _____________
1. Theoretical foundations for assessing the organization's personnel ___________________ ____
2. Analysis of the effectiveness of the assessment of the organization's personnel ____________________
3. Project of measures to improve the assessment of the organization's personnel ___
Conclusion____________________ ______________________________ _____________
6. Project manager (work)__________ THEM. Sharipova________________
_______________________cand. economy Sciences, Associate Professor ________________________
academic degree, title
_____________________________At the pumped storage power plant __________________________ ___________
place of work, position
______________________________ ______________________________ ________

7. Consultants for the project (work) (with indication of the sections related to them) ______________________________ ______________________________ ____
Norm control _________________ __________________________T.I. Pashkin
______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ________



The theme of modern methods of personnel assessment at the enterprise was chosen as the topic of the final qualification work, since today no one doubts the need for personnel assessment in the control system of any - both state and commercial - company.
Evaluation of each employee is one of the most important functions of the head of the organization, personnel officers, top managers. Paying special attention to the personnel, studying its structure, behavior, motives, the company's managers receive a clear basis for making further decisions related to the employees working in the organization.
A well-designed personnel assessment system performs a number of functions, which include influencing employee motivation, increasing productivity and labor quality, planning professional development and career, improving qualifications, making personnel decisions on remuneration, promotion and dismissal.
These considerations determine the relevance and importance of the chosen topic of the thesis.
The aim of the project is to develop measures to improve the methods used to assess personnel in GRAND LLC and introduce new modern methods.
The main tasks to be solved in the course of the project:
    a review of the theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of the problem under study based on the study and generalization of special literary and electronic sources of information;
    collection, systematization and classification of factual material characterizing the activities of GRAND LLC from the point of view of personnel assessment, comparison of the pace of development of the enterprise with the intensity of work on personnel assessment;
    development of a set of measures to improve the applied and introduce new methods of personnel assessment, calculation of the possible economic effect from the implementation of the projected set of measures.
In the course of solving the set tasks of the thesis, the following research methods were used: analysis and synthesis, ascent from the abstract to the concrete, methods of comparison and generalization, classification method, questioning, calculation method.
In the process of research work, a set of methods of economic and statistical analysis, methods of analysis and synthesis of economic information, concepts of various management schools were applied.
The primary information for this study was internal documentation personnel service LLC "GRAND"
The object of the study is GRAND LLC. The subject of the study is the methods of personnel assessment used at the enterprise, and the possibility of using new, more modern methods, the advantages obtained by their implementation in the market, the economic effect, the difficulties associated with the introduction of new methods.
The novelty of the project lies in the fact that such studies have never been carried out at this enterprise and personnel assessment methods have not been applied. The results obtained during the development of the project will be used in the daily activities of GRAND LLC, which determines the practical significance of the work.
Work has traditional structure, and consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion and a bibliography.


1.1. The essence of the assessment of the organization's personnel

Organizations exist to achieve their goals. The degree of implementation of these goals shows how effectively the organization operates, i.e. how effectively organizational resources are being used.
The profit indicator allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of the organization as a whole, which consists of the efficiency of using all organizational resources, including each employee. Naturally, employees do not perform their production duties in the same way - in any organization or department there are leaders, outsiders and middle peasants. However, in order to carry out this differentiation, it is necessary to have a unified system for evaluating the effectiveness of each employee's performance of their job functions.
Such a system improves the efficiency of management by human resourses organizations through:
    positive impact on employee motivation.
    vocational training planning.
    professional development and career planning.
    making decisions about remuneration, promotion, dismissal.
The benefits mentioned above do not automatically come to the organization at the time of the implementation of the assessment system. They are implemented when a number of additional conditions are met.
    Firstly, the evaluation system and, most importantly, the actual evaluation of the work of employees should be as objective as possible and perceived by employees as objective.
    Second, the evaluation results must be kept confidential, i.e. known only to the employee, his manager, the human resources department.
    The acceptance by staff of the evaluation system and their active participation in the evaluation process is also a condition for its effective functioning.
It is very difficult to create an assessment system that is equally balanced in terms of accuracy, objectivity, simplicity and clarity, therefore today there are several personnel assessment systems, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Evaluation criteria (basic requirements for personnel).
The use of modern methods of objective assessment of the work of managerial employees, and especially managers, in a market economy and the democratization of management is of particular importance. Carrying out such assessments on the eve of certification, in the process of electing a leader, in the formation of a reserve of personnel for promotion, as well as in current reshuffles in personnel - these are the main practical directions for the assessment activities of organizations.
According to the general recognition of specialists in the field of management, any manager must have a number of mandatory business qualities. These usually include:
    knowledge of production - its technical and technological features, modern trends development;
    knowledge of economics - methods of planning, economic analysis, etc.
    the ability to choose methods and means to achieve the best results of production and economic activities at the lowest financial, energy and labor costs;
    availability of special knowledge in the field of organization and management of production (theoretical foundations, advanced methods and forms, recommendations of modern domestic and foreign management science), as well as the ability to apply them in their practical activities;
    the ability to rationally select and arrange personnel;
    the ability to mobilize the team to solve problems;
    ability and ability to maintain discipline and defend the interests of the case;
    the ability to plan the work of the administrative apparatus expediently;
    distribute rights, powers and responsibilities among subordinates;
    coordinate the activities of all services and divisions as a single system of organization management;
    the ability to plan and organize personal activities, to combine the basic principles of management in it, to apply, depending on the situation, the most appropriate and effective style and methods of work;
    the ability to be highly demanding of oneself and subordinates;
    concreteness and clarity in solving operational issues and everyday affairs;
    take into account and control the results of their work and the work of the team;
    encourage employees to take responsibility for the implementation of their decisions;
    eliminate and prevent any manifestations of bureaucracy in their work and the work of subordinates.
In a market economy, there are increased requirements for the personal qualities of a managerial worker. In the personnel work of a number of organizations, methodological materials contain a list of such qualities of managerial employees as:
    honesty, fairness,
    the ability of the employee to establish friendly relations with subordinates,
    restraint and tact under any circumstances,
    decisiveness in making managerial decisions,
    as well as perseverance and vigor in their implementation,
    ability to defend one's opinion
    self-criticism in assessing one's actions and deeds,
    the ability to listen to the advice of subordinates,
    correct perception of criticism with the ability to draw appropriate conclusions,
    the ability to keep one's word and not promise what will not be fulfilled,
    the ability to use their rights and powers, especially in cases of administrative and organizational influence,
    as well as the ability to positively influence subordinates by personal example and behavior in everyday life.
Legal aspects of personnel assessment.
Knowledge and understanding of the law appears to be a top priority in many areas of personnel management. This also applies to its assessment, which must be carried out in strict accordance with the existing labor legislation of Russia.
Here are some recommendations (according to US data) for building an assessment system that an employer can defend in court if necessary:
    personnel decisions should not differ for persons of different sex, age, nationality and religion of the persons in question;
    the firm's formal complaints and review system should be accessible to those who disagree with those decisions;
    more than one independent assessor should be used;
    in all actions it is important to be guided by the official system of personnel decision-making;
    appraisers should have access to materials characterizing the performance of the assessed employee;
    evaluation of such qualities as "reliability", "energy", "ability" and "personal attitude" should be avoided;
    performance appraisal data should be empirically tested;
    performance standards should be known to employees;
    evaluators should be provided with guidance on how to conduct performance appraisals;
    evaluation should be carried out on individual specific job skills, and not in "general";
    workers should be given the opportunity to get opinions about their qualities.
Personnel assessment system at the enterprise.
The performance appraisal system should provide accurate and reliable data. The stricter and more definite it is, the higher the probability of obtaining reliable and accurate data. Experts recommend creating the basis for such a system in six stages:
    establish labor productivity standards for each workplace and criteria for its evaluation;
    develop a policy for conducting performance evaluations, that is, decide when, how often and by whom evaluations should be carried out;
    to oblige certain persons to evaluate the effectiveness of labor;
    oblige assessors to collect data on the performance of employees;
    discuss the assessment with the employee;
    make a decision and document the assessment.

1.2. Characteristics of personnel assessment methods

Classification of methods for assessing the quality of employees of the enterprise.
One of the most important methodological problems is who should evaluate the employee. In the practice of most US firms, this is done by a manager - manager. In addition to him, in some cases they do this:
    a committee of several controllers. This approach has the advantage that it eliminates the bias that can occur when an assessment is carried out by a single supervisor;
    colleagues of the assessed. For this system to bear fruit, it is necessary that they know the level of productivity of his work, trust each other and do not seek to win each other the opportunity to raise salaries and promotions;
    subordinates of the assessed;
    someone not directly related to working situation. This option is more expensive than the others and is mainly used to evaluate a worker in some very important position. It is also possible to use this option in cases where it is necessary to combat accusations of bias and prejudice. It should be taken into account that when using this approach, the person making the assessment will not have such a volume of information as in the previous four options;
    self-esteem. In this case, the employee evaluates himself using the methods used by other appraisers. This approach is used to develop the skills of introspection in employees rather than to evaluate performance;
    the use of a combination of the above forms of assessment: the assessment of the controller can be confirmed by self-assessment, and the results of the assessment by the boss can be compared with the assessment of subordinates or colleagues. A two-way (appraiser-assessed) discussion of the assessment results provides good suggestions for senior management.
The main of all the considered approaches is the assessment of subordinates by their leader, but the most important purpose of the assessment is to identify the opportunities for personal development of the employee and then it is better to use the assessment by the boss of his subordinates in combination with other methods.
Quantitative assessment methods: Expert assessments.
Quantitative assessments, such as the business and organizational qualities of an employee, are usually made with the help of expert assessments. At the same time, to characterize a candidate for a position, 6-7 criteria are first established (taking into account the specifics of production and working conditions). For example :
    ability to organize and plan work;
    professional competence;
    awareness of responsibility for the work performed;
    contact and communication skills;
    ability to innovate;
    hard work and efficiency.
For each of these criteria, based on a study of the activities of candidates for the position, an appropriate assessment is given on a chosen, for example, five-point scale (excellent - 5; good - 4; satisfactory - 3; not satisfactory - 2; bad - 1).
Criteria scores are usually arranged in ascending numerical order. For example, when assessing according to the criterion "the ability to organize and plan work":
"1" - clearly unorganized worker and leader;
"2" - does not know how to organize and plan his work and the work of his subordinates;
"3" - knows how to organize the labor process, but does not always successfully plan work;
"4" - knows how to organize and plan well his work and the work of his subordinates;
"5" - is able to create and maintain a clear order in work based on effective planning.
In terms of their importance in the overall assessment of a candidate for a particular position, certain qualities always have a different share, which is established by expert means. For example, certain values ​​can be accepted for the six criteria above.
To determine the overall assessment of the business and organizational qualities of a candidate for a managerial position, a special evaluation sheet is drawn up.
Naturally, the higher the overall score for each group of qualities, the more worthy the candidate is to fill a position in the management apparatus. The highest possible score is 5 and the lowest is 1.
The education, work experience and age of an employee must be taken into account when assessing business qualities. The fact is that education is one of the main qualitative characteristics in determining the level of qualification of an employee, work experience is a quantitative measure of experience, and age is interconnected with work experience.
Data on the candidate's education, his length of service and age are taken into account by calculating the coefficient of professional prospects according to the formula:
K \u003d Oy.arr. (1 + C/4 + B/18), (1.1)
where Oy.arr. - assessment of the level of education, which is usually accepted (is
0.15 for persons with incomplete secondary education;
0.60 - for persons with secondary education;
0.75 - for persons with secondary technical and incomplete higher education;
1.00 - for persons with higher education in their specialty;
C - work experience in the specialty. In accordance with the recommendations of the Research Institute of Labor, it is divided by 4 (due to the fact that, as established, experience has 4 times less effect on labor productivity than education);
B - age. In accordance with the recommendations of the Research Institute of Labor, it is divided by 18 (it has been established that the influence of age on labor productivity is 18 times less than the influence of education). At the same time, 55 years is taken as the upper age limit for men, and 50 for women.
At the stage of determining the overall assessment of a candidate for a position, the value of the coefficient of professional prospects is added to the overall assessment of business and organizational qualities. It is quite obvious that preference is given to the candidate who will ultimately receive the highest rating, moreover, it is also necessary to take into account the ratings obtained in the same way for groups of personal qualities.
Testing by practice is undeniably critical to the evaluation of any managerial worker. In this regard, it is recommended to carefully and patiently test and recognize among them real organizers who combine interest in the matter with the ability to establish joint work of a team of people. To do this, when working with a reserve of personnel for promotion, it is widely practiced to involve them in the temporary performance of the duties of a leader during his absence, internships and other forms and methods of practical verification. However, even in such cases, the results of the work require objective assessments.
On a number Russian organizations accumulated positive experience in assessing management personnel. The essence of one of the most proven and fairly effective methods is to use the qualifications, experience and intuition of the most competent specialists in their field of work - experts. The most important conditions for the application of this method are to ensure the anonymity of the assessments given by experts and the validity of the selection of the composition of expert commissions.
If anonymity is achieved through special questioning or testing, then the validity of the selection of experts consists in their careful preliminary assessment, as well as in the methodically competent and purposeful formation of the quantitative and qualitative composition. For example, the main requirements for an expert are his competence in production management, morality, deep knowledge and recognized ability to solve special problems in accordance with certain functions.
One of the requirements is to be well versed in one of the related special areas of activity, for example, for a technologist - in economics, for an economist - in technology, for a line manager - in legal matters etc. The traditional requirement for the formation of a group of experts is their ability to conduct an examination, taking into account the various aspects of the activity of the assessed employee.
The main danger in the selection of the composition of experts is to overestimate the share of any subgroup of experts who are obviously close in their opinion. This danger lies not only in the one-sidedness of the assessment, but also in the fact that when processing expert opinions, all other assessments will lose their significance. For the same reason, it is undesirable to include specialists in the expert group whose authority differs sharply from the average authority of the members of the commission.
Expert groups are used in two ways - individually or as a group. An individual, more common and effective way is that each expert gives an anonymous and independent assessment of the others, and then these assessments are summarized. The group method is based on the joint work of experts and obtaining a summary assessment from the entire group as a whole. With this method, the coordination of individual assessments is combined with the sequential acquaintance of each expert with the assessments of the others. It is possible to comply with the requirement of anonymity with this method, but with "paper technology" difficulties already arise.
Group examination includes the following mandatory steps:
    development of a program (selection of a form of group judgment with a list of options or assessments), recommendations, decisions; development of principles and methods for obtaining a group judgment;
    choice of survey technique or ways to identify individual opinions;
    formation of an expert group;
    conducting a survey of experts;
    processing of results (obtaining a group judgment);
    analysis of results.
The result of the experts' work is reflected in the document, the variants of which can be recommendations, summarizing assessments, decisions. The most public version of the design of the examination is the decision. The most common are recommendations, but indicating certain signs of a future solution.
The selection, coordination and approval of expert commissions is usually carried out by the head of the personnel department and the head of the organization (organization). The Head of Human Resources introduces the evaluation methodology to the experts with the help of a scientific consultant who, for the first time, practically supervises the entire work. At the organization level, the composition of expert commissions (a commission for evaluating the heads of the management apparatus, a commission for evaluating line managers of production units, a commission for evaluating specialists of the management apparatus) usually includes 3-5, but not more than 7 people. At the same time, both the person being assessed and his supervisor should be among the experts.
An assessment questionnaire for a manager or a specialist, an expert card for a certified person, a form for the results of a survey of experts for a certified person, as well as a form for calculating the final grade for a certified person - these are mandatory documents of almost any method, regardless of the method of calculation (manually or using a computer).
The main assessment tool is a questionnaire, which is a specially designed questionnaire that includes a list of certain qualities and answer options. At the same time, the list of qualities that a specialist should possess depends on the scope of his activity and position. Therefore, the correct selection of qualities, their list for each specific position, as well as scoring is recommended to be established by a specific expert commission in the organization. This is one of the most important conditions for an objective assessment of an employee.
After discussing the results, each expert commission approves not only the list of qualities to be included in the questionnaire, but also determines the quantitative assessment of each quality in points. For example, ten qualities are recommended in the questionnaire, and all of them are evaluated according to a ten-point grading system (see table 1.1).
Table 1.1
Quantification of each quality in points
No. p / p Indicator. Points
1 Ability to develop and implement original solutions 10
2 Ability to create a normal psychological climate in the team 9
3 Ability to quickly assess the situation and make good decisions 8
4 Striving for professional growth and continuous professional development 7
5 Discipline and organization 6
6 Initiative 5
7 Ability to seek agreement in decisions and actions of people 4
8 Ability to work with passion and enthusiasm 3
9 Sociability 2
10 Ability to show interest in related specialties 1

These qualities are located in the questionnaire in a ranked row - from more to less significant. In accordance with this, the first assessment is given to the person being certified. It characterizes the degree of significance of the quality. The second assessment is an assessment of the degree of manifestation of the same qualities of the person being certified according to four answer options. At the same time, the expert must establish how often the determined quality manifests itself in the certified person according to the following point scale:
    if always - 1.5 points;
    if in most cases - 1 point;
    if sometimes - 0.5 points;
    if almost never - 0 points.
At the first assessment, a "+" sign is placed in the column against the quality and its assessment in points. In the second assessment, a "+" sign is placed in the column corresponding to the expert's opinion.
Processing of the results of evaluation of the person being certified is carried out by filling in a special form - "Form of the results of the survey of experts for the person being certified". For this purpose, the signs "+" from the questionnaires supplied by the experts are transferred with the sign "V" to this form. In another form ("Form for calculating the average mark of the certified person") for each quality, the average score is calculated using the formula:
where Зav - the average score for assessing the quality of the degree of its functional significance;
Z10 ... 31 - assessment by the expert of the degree of significance of quality on a ten-point scale;
n10 ... n1 - the number of experts who assigned the quality an assessment according to the degree of significance (in points);

At the same time, in the same form, for each of the qualities, the average score of the degree of manifestation of this quality in the certified person is calculated according to the formula:
where Psr - the average assessment of the degree of manifestation of qualities in the certified person;
P1.5 ... P0.5 - the degree of manifestation of qualities in the person being certified according to experts;
n1.5 ... n0.5 - the number of experts who attributed the quality to the degree of its manifestation in the person being certified to one or another assessment score;
n is the total number of experts.
Then, for each quality, the weighted average score is determined by the formula:
K = Zsr * Psr, (1.4)
where K is quality.
Further, by summing the weighted average scores for all qualities, the final score of the assessed person is determined. The commission compares the final assessment with the standard.
The standard is calculated as follows: the sum of points for all 10 qualities (10 + 9 + 8 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 \u003d 57) is multiplied by 1.5 (the coefficient of the degree of quality manifestation, if it always appears ), or by 1.0 (if it appears in most cases), or by 0.5 (if the quality is sometimes present). As a result, we get the following results:
57 x 1.5 = 85.5;
57 x 1.0 = 57.0;
57 X 0.5 = 28.5.
Thus, in the first case, if the employee's score is more than 85 points, they formulate a conclusion about his increase or inclusion in the reserve for promotion. In the second case, if the score is from 57 to 85 points, a conclusion is made about the suitability of the position held. In the third case, if the score is below 28 points, the conclusion is recorded that the employee does not correspond to the position held. At the same time, it is also very valuable that a detailed analysis of the assessments of quality experts can help determine for each employee specific areas for improving his activities.

1.3. Features of modern methods of personnel assessment

The choice of personnel assessment methods for each organization is a unique task, which can only be solved by the management of the organization itself.
Personnel assessment methods: method of written characteristics; methods of ranking and pairwise comparisons; rating scale method; interview; testing; survey method; personnel certification; method of management by objectives (MBO - Management By Objectives); 360 degree evaluation method; method of assessment centers ("Assessment Center"); method of critical cases; method of rating behavioral attitudes; behavioral observation scale method; performance management method; business game method.
Let us consider in more detail the main methods of personnel assessment.
Method of written characteristics, ranking of rating scales
It is one of the simplest methods of personnel assessment. The manager can evaluate the work of the subordinate by describing his work in his own words. Such an assessment can be given to the results of the employee's work (revenue, volume of products sold, its quality), business qualities, approaches to the performance of certain duties. Also, the manager can give recommendations on the development of the employee.
The oldest, most understandable, fastest and most technically simple method of personnel assessment. The results of the work of employees are compared and the list determines the order in which employees are located, in which the first places indicate the names of employees with the highest performance, and the last - with the lowest (table 1.1).
Table 1.2
Ranking method example
Employee B (most efficient employee)
Employee C
Employee A
Employee D
Employee E (least efficient employee)
Ranking is only suitable if there are a small number of employees being assessed, provided that their job responsibilities are practically the same. But even in this case, the use of ranking when evaluating personnel can be extremely subjective and lead to great difficulties in evaluating employees with average results.
One of the most popular modern methods of personnel assessment.
The rating scale defines different levels of performance in a job or skill, and each of these levels is assigned a specific score.
Using this method, you can evaluate the results of the employee's work, the degree of achievement of the set individual goals, as well as the degree of possession of any skill or business qualities of the employee.
This method offers a single approach (based on a common scale) for evaluating different employees, thus providing a single basis for evaluating personnel in all departments of the organization.
Allows you to quickly evaluate many employees. Once ratings are calculated, the method makes it easier to compare employee performance.
Interview, testing, questionnaire
The most flexible method of collecting information, which involves a conversation (according to a certain plan) with the respondent, direct personal contact, while the respondent formulates his answer completely independently.
The assessment interview can be used to obtain information about the level of development of core competencies, as well as the availability of knowledge on certain issues of professional activity.
Provides additional information about an employee.
Structured assessment interview - a conversation with a participant on specially designed questions. This method requires a significant amount of time to conduct and does not measure the achievements of employees.
A diagnostic method using standardized questions and tasks (tests) that have a certain scale of values. The criterion is the presence or absence of knowledge.
It allows, with a certain probability, to determine the current level of development of an employee's necessary skills, knowledge, personal characteristics, to form a motivational profile and a psychological portrait of an employee.
The ability to measure the potential of an employee, evaluate large staff flows.
It does not require significant time and labor costs for conducting, for processing the results.
The disadvantages are that the achievements of the employee, the template assessment and the averaging of the result are not measured.
This method is one of the most common. The questionnaire consists of a specific set of questions and descriptions.
Personnel certification
Systematic verification of the qualifications and business qualities of the employee, determination of the level of his professional training and compliance with the position held. The form of personnel assessment, reflected in the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, is regulated by federal regulations and labor code RF.
Regulatory documents regulating the conduct of certification are the "Regulations on certification", the order on certification.
During certification, the professional knowledge and skills of the employee, as well as the results of labor activity, are evaluated. For each employee subject to certification, the necessary documentation is prepared: an employee performance assessment form, instructions for filling it out and requirements for the position of the person being certified.
For certification, a special commission is formed, criteria and evaluation indicators are developed.
Based on the results of certification, an employee can be assigned to one of the following groups:
Corresponds to the position held;
Corresponds to the position held, subject to improvement of work and implementation of the recommendations of the attestation commission;
Doesn't fit the position.
Unlike other forms of personnel appraisal, the results of appraisal can serve as a basis for dismissal of an employee due to inconsistency with the position held.
The attestation procedure is detailed in the “Regulations on attestation”, therefore it is easy to apply.
In my opinion, the method does not assess the potential of the employee, and the procedure is too formalized.
Method of management by objectives (MBO - Management By Objectives)
This assessment method is the most popular abroad. The emergence of the concept of "Management by Objectives" is associated with the name of Peter Drucker, who in his work "Fundamentals of Management" first described its essence, as well as with the General Electric company, which is considered the first to introduce this method of management into organizational practice.
He suggested sharing responsibility for overall success among all employees of the company in accordance with their positions.
This method is focused on evaluating the final results of the work of the assessed employee. The manager and the subordinate jointly determine the key goals of the employee's activities for a certain period of time.
It is necessary that all goals formed as part of the assessment correspond to the company's strategy and their number for a certain period should not exceed five to seven. From these goals, it should be clear what kind of labor contribution other departments expect to receive from the personally head and his subordinates, which also have certain goals.
Goal setting is carried out in the SMART format:
Specific - specific;
Measurable - measurable;
Achievable - achievable;
Realistic - realistic;
Time-bound - defined in time.
But with a certain effort, setting goals should be important, both for the professional development of the employee and for improving the performance of the organization.
360 Degree Appraisal Method
This method is a "circular" assessment of an employee by his superiors, colleagues, subordinates, clients (Fig. 1.1).

Rice. 1.1. Evaluation of an employee using the 360-degree method
Allows you to use both external and internal sources to obtain more accurate and extensive information about your employees. In fact, anyone who has useful information about how an employee performs their work can be a source for evaluation.
The method can be applied both separately and along with other assessments, as an addition to the main assessment system (for example, management by objectives or performance management).

Rice. 1.2. 360 Degree Assessment Results
The result of processing all questionnaires give clear results. In order to maintain confidentiality, some companies engage an external independent expert to collect and process the results or use special software that instantly processes the information entered.
Based on the results of the 360-degree assessment, decisions are made:
    moving an employee to a position or to another department within the company,
    the strengths and weaknesses of the employee's activity are determined,
    employee joins project team(work in a specific team).
Method of assessment centers ("Assessment Center")
A specialized institution that, using methods and programs, evaluates personnel. This method is the most effective for assessing managers, it is expensive, but the result is accurate and reliable, and pays off all investments.
The method of assessment centers is considered in the world practice of personnel management to be the most accurate and effective tool for identifying the business qualities and managerial potential of the organization's employees.
The essence of the assessment center technology is to create a clearly defined sequence of procedures to determine the degree of expression of key personnel competencies for a particular organization. They are assessed by both external experts and trained employees of the company.
Based on the data obtained, conclusions are drawn about the potential and personal and business qualities of individual employees.
Allows you to determine the program of individual training for the leader to develop his abilities, behavioral skills, personal and business qualities.
"Assessment Center" is a procedure that provides an accurate and objective assessment of the real managerial skills and development potential of employees for a specific task (for example, selection of candidates for top positions, promotion to the personnel reserve). Thus, there is a standardized multi-aspect assessment of personnel.
Method of critical cases. Method of rating behavioral attitudes
During the assessment period, records of the behavior of each employee are kept, in these records examples of successful and unsuccessful behavior in critical situations are recorded.
Observation of the behavior of an employee in the process of resolving critical situations (conflict, making a complex responsible decision, resolving an unfamiliar problem).
This method is usually used in combination with other personnel assessment methods.
Scales based on the description of behavioral factors are being developed. Standard scales are tied to descriptions of examples of behavior that are directly related to the most important aspects of work.
Employees independently share relevant examples from their practice, which are then summarized and passed on to the experts who place the ratings on the scale.
The expert reads the description of any criterion in the rating questionnaire and puts a mark on the scale in accordance with the opinion of the assessed about his hypothetical behavior. Based on the characteristics, it determines the final rating and makes predictions for the future.
The method is laborious, expensive, but accessible and understandable.
Behavior observation scale method. Performance Management Method
Similar to the previous one, but instead of determining the behavior of employees in a decisive situation of the current time, the appraiser fixes on the scale the number of cases when the employee behaved in one or another specific way earlier.
This method is laborious and requires significant material costs. Below is an example of a rating scale for observing work behavior in Table 1.3.
Table 1.3
Example of a rating scale for observing work behavior
Working Behavior Appearance frequency
1 never
2 rare
3 usually
4 often
5 always
Gives the applicant a description of the job to be done
Gives the applicant accurate pay information
Conducts a detailed interview and finds out all the details about the applicant
Treats all applicants equally and draws conclusions only on the basis of business qualities
Before the interview, conducts a full check of the information specified in the applicant's questionnaire

This method is a method of assessing not only the results of work, but also the competencies of an employee.
Competences are personal qualities and behavioral characteristics that an employee needs to effectively achieve the strategic goals set by the company.
Allocate basic, professional competencies. These are the skills, qualifications, knowledge and behavioral characteristics necessary for successful interaction in the modern business world, as well as competencies that every employee working in a modern organization needs to possess (for example, the ability to influence people, communication skills, the ability to work in a team , responsibility).
Competence models describe the intellectual and business qualities of an employee, his interpersonal communication skills necessary for successful professional activity within the existing corporate culture of the organization.
With the help of performance management, the need for employee development is revealed. The gap between the required and existing level of competence becomes the basis for the development of individual plans for professional development.
The fulfillment of these plans, which is expressed in concrete results of professional activity, is the subject of assessment and self-assessment, as well as independent examination. The essence of the method is in the cooperation of the leader and the subordinate, and not in control, the emphasis is on the feedback that the leader gives to the subordinate repeatedly during the period.
The formulation of key strategic objectives takes place once for a sufficiently long period (for example, once a year). At the same time, meetings at which the employee is given feedback on the fulfillment of the assigned tasks take place repeatedly during the entire established period.
Business game method
The essence of this method lies in the fact that employees are offered in a playful way various situations in which those being evaluated, performing the roles offered to them, show their business and personal qualities.
Personnel assessment is carried out within the framework of specially designed simulation and developing business games.
Conducting an organizational and activity game, analyzing knowledge and skills, ranking players according to their roles (“idea generator”, “organizer”, “critic”, “expert”, “observer”, and so on).
Such games allow assessing the readiness of staff to solve problems (real and potential), as well as the individual contribution of each participant in the game. Can be used to determine the effectiveness of teamwork of staff.
Ultimately, the above list of assessment methods is, of course, not exhaustive.
Currently, new, more and more advanced methods of personnel assessment are being developed. But even such a large selection of methods still does not allow us to fully solve such a problem as ensuring the objectivity of the assessment.
The likelihood of disclosure of confidential information is increased if personnel assessment is carried out by employees of the same company, primarily in the representation of employees.
Therefore, the assessment of personnel with the participation of independent, specially trained specialists with specialized psychological education not only increases its validity, but also significantly removes the factor of assessment bias.
In modern organizations, several basic assessment methods are practiced: interviews, testing of professional knowledge and psychological, certification, management by objectives, performance management, the 360-degree method, and the assessment center.
Thus, in order to choose the optimal method of personnel assessment, it is first necessary to determine its purpose.
Thus, studying the disadvantages and advantages of the considered assessment methods, we will divide the assessment methods into the ability to evaluate the results of labor and assess the potential of an employee (Fig. 1.3).

Rice. 1.3. Personnel assessment methods
It can be concluded that the purpose of personnel assessment is to study the degree of preparedness of an employee to perform exactly the type of activity in which he is engaged, as well as to identify the level of his potential in order to assess growth prospects.
But in practice, both types of assessment of the activities of employees are used simultaneously, that is, based on the results of labor and assessment of the potential, qualities that affect the achievement of results.
The personnel assessment procedure is an assessment of the results of activities and an assessment of the potential capabilities of an employee.
The most objective assessment is achieved by combining and simultaneously using several methods, so that it is possible to evaluate the potential capabilities of an employee in order to assess growth prospects and labor results.
When choosing a personnel assessment method based on the goals, it is necessary to take into account the certainty of the goals (for which this assessment method is carried out), the labor and financial costs of the method, the ability to assess the potential capabilities of the employee, the level of development of competencies, and the achievements of the employee.


2.1. General characteristics of the organization

Full company name - Company with limited liability"GRANDEE".
The abbreviated company name is GRAND LLC.
Legal form - Limited Liability Company.
The GRAND Limited Liability Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") was established by decision of the Company's members in accordance with the Federal Law "On Limited Liability Companies" and the current civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
Location of the Company: 452613, Russian Federation, Republic of Bashkortostan, Oktyabrsky, st. Cosmonauts, house 30/1 .
The subject of the Society's activity is:
    trade-purchasing activity and commission trade;
    production and sale of consumer goods;
    commercial and intermediary activities;
    purchase and sale of real estate;
    transport services;
    repair and construction and finishing works;
    operations with securities;
    Advertising activity;
    commercial and intermediary services for the development of its own production base;
    provision of services legal entities and the population on the basis of orders and contracts;
    organization of public catering;
    foreign economic activity, incl. transactions with foreign exchange transactions, opening a foreign exchange account;
    exploration drilling;
    construction of foundations and drilling of water wells;
    provision of drilling services related to the extraction of oil, gas and gas condensate;
    providing services for the installation, repair and dismantling of drilling rigs;
    provision of services for additional exploration of oil and gas fields at special economic conditions(under a production sharing agreement - PSA);
    provision of services for the overhaul and underground workover of wells;
    provision of well development services;
    implementation of other types of economic activity that do not contradict the legislation of Russia.
Company Motto: "Turn natural resources for the benefit of society."
Goals of the long-term development of the Company:
    maintaining the company's position in the Russian market using existing and realizing potential competitive advantages,
    increasing the profitability of production,
    ensuring environmental and industrial safety production and improvement of the ecological situation in the region,
    significant reduction of harmful emissions and increase in efficiency treatment facilities using the latest technologies,
    ensuring the stability of activities, safe and trouble-free operation of the enterprise.
GRAND Limited Liability Company was established in May 2006. Since June 2006, GRAND LLC has become the main supplier of drilling, oilfield equipment and fuels and lubricants for oil company PRMGEOTEK LLC for the development and development of the Rodnikovskoye field in the Orenburg region. In parallel, the enterprise was the main logistics worker for the Petromanagement-1 oil company during drilling operations in the Orenburg region. Since 2007, GRAND has become the main supplier of drilling, oilfield equipment and fuels and lubricants for the oil company OOO Uralneftinvest.
Since the beginning of 2008, GRAND began to work independently with one team for underground and workover wells for the oil company Petrol-Service LLC in the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Since the summer of 2008, three workover crews have begun subcontract well workover work in the Samara region for the oil company Rosneft LLC, and in parallel, drilling of exploration and production wells by one team at the Tarkazinsko-Chegodaevskaya area (Republic of Bashkortostan) for the Russian- Canadian oil company VINKA.
Since the spring of 2010, he has been performing well workovers (2 crews) at the Splavnukhinskoye field for PetroKor LLC.
All specialists have higher education, are certified in the necessary areas in the field of industrial safety.

2.2. Management analysis of the organization's activities

In general, the organizational structure of enterprise management can be characterized as a mixed type structure. Taking into account the trends of changes in the composition of divisions and in their functions, we can say that the company is in the initial phase of the transition from linear-functional to divisional structure. Both types refer to hierarchical management structures and differ in the principles of separation of management activities.
A schematic representation of the organizational structure of the enterprise is shown in Figure 2.1:

Figure 2.1. Organizational structure of GRAND LLC
Unfortunately, the formalization of the management structure is not a priority goal of the company's leaders, and insufficient attention to the regulation of the activities of employees leads to a number of systemic failures, which in a significant way reduce employee co-ordination.
The distribution of responsibility was determined on the basis of the scope of authority and the area of ​​decisions taken by various officials independently, since these two parameters directly determine the responsibility of an official. According to the results of the analysis, it can be said that GRAND LLC is characterized by a very high concentration of responsibility among a limited circle of managers.
The maximum responsibility is concentrated with the director of the enterprise.
Modern methods of management at the enterprise are either not applied, or are applied fragmentarily. The reason is the lack of trained performers. The administration of the enterprise is loaded with the solution of current issues, informing about new methods for solving the problems of enterprise management is carried out in a random and unsystematic manner. Personnel training is based on the immediate needs of the enterprise, priority is given to tax legislation, industry-specific safety and environmental requirements, and the use of the latest technical developments in the area of ​​the enterprise. The management of the enterprise does not consider it expedient to spend the human and financial resources of the enterprise for training in modern management methods and mastering modern knowledge. Periodical publications aimed at reviewing decisions in the field of management are not issued, the organization's personnel are not sent for training.
For the purpose of the most rational functioning of the enterprise, it must have such an organizational structure that will allow: to make, if necessary, its changes adequately to the conditions of the enterprise; carry out the minimum time transfer of capital from one line of activity to another based on an assessment of their effectiveness; ensure the fastest possible transfer of accurate and reliable information from top to bottom and vice versa for prompt decision-making to improve the efficiency of a particular area and the entire enterprise.
The director is the chief manager of GRAND LLC. He organizes the work and effective interaction of production units, workshops and other structural subdivisions of a given enterprise, their activities to achieve high rates of development and improve production.
All line and functional managers report to the director.
The Deputy Director for Production manages the production department, the chief mechanic, the chief power engineer, and the chief geologist report to him. He reports directly to the director. The main functions include monitoring the execution of drilling and workover of wells.
Accounting for applicants financial resources, goods and materials and basic resources, timely and correct reflection on the accounting sets of operations related to their movement, accounting for production and distribution costs, execution of expenses, fulfillment of the results of financial and economic activities are organized by the chief accountant. He also carries out the calculation of wages with the employees of LLC "GRAND", payments to the budget and off-budget funds, repayment of debts to banks on loans in a timely manner and monitors the execution of accounting documents. Subordinate to the chief accountant are two specialist accountants.
The chief mechanic ensures uninterrupted and technically correct operation and reliable operation of the equipment, increasing its shift. Organizes an inventory of production assets and identifies obsolete equipment that is not fit for production. And the mechanic of the transport shop is in charge of internal transport and machines. He is engaged in their maintenance and control over their work.
The chief power engineer organizes, like a mechanic, the repair and operation of equipment, the provision of production with energy, steam, and gas. It also prepares estimates for the repair and modernization of equipment. It monitors compliance with labor protection and safety regulations, as well as organizes the storage, accounting, availability and movement of equipment located at the enterprise, as well as analysis of electricity and fuel consumption. Manages the departments and divisions of the enterprise that provide energy services to production, that is, electricians in the shops and other workers.
Thus, the organizational structure of the management of GRAND LLC is a traditional linear-functional structure.
With this structure, line managers have the right to give orders and make decisions with the participation of functional services that perform the functions assigned to them.
All department heads interact with each other, for example, the head of the personnel department provides documents and data on the staff turnover of the accounting department, which, in turn, keeps records of the employees of the enterprise. The chief accountant is responsible for the calculation and issuance wages management apparatus and workers. The Deputy General Director for Production also informs accountants about the volume of sales services and for what amount.

Table 2.1
Organizational assessment of the current structure of the enterprise GRAND LLC

Indicators Optimal value 2008 2009
Structure type - Linear-functional Linear-functional
Number of steps - 3 3
Number of links - 3 3
The ratio between managers and specialists 2:1 4:1 3,75:1
Manageability rate:
Head 6-8 people 4-6 people 4-6 people
Deputy directors 8-9 people 12-15 people 12-15 people
Level of centralization - Tall Tall

Note that the enterprise has a type of management structure characteristic of the bulk - linear-functional and the ratio of managers and specialists wants to be better, since there are too many managers for the enterprise, their deviation is 4:1, 3.75:1, which exceeds the allowable values ​​of the order 2 times, but you can not say that the situation in this direction is bad. There is a slight trend towards a decrease in these values. The manager's manageability rate is 7-10 people for the period under review, which slightly exceeds the optimal value (6-8 people). For the deputy director, the situation is more complicated and requires changes, since the manageability rate for him is about 1.5-2 times higher, which indicates that the enterprise has an unreasonably few deputy directors, and they are not really needed, since the level centralization of the enterprise is high, that is, when making decisions, the director does not consult with subordinates. Download work with online increase in uniqueness up to 90% by antiplagiat.ru, etxt.ru

* Note. The uniqueness of the work is indicated on the date of publication, the current value may differ from the indicated one.

2.1. Enterprise characteristics

OJSC "Akmolaturist" is a travel company. It is a legal entity registered in 1993 at the address: Astana, Republic Avenue, 23.

JSC "Akmolaturist" is in charge of the tourist-excursion department and a nine-storey hotel in the center of Astana.

Tourist and excursion department of the company is engaged in both external and internal tourism. JSC "Akmolaturist" offers tours to the UAE, Poland, Turkey, Germany, China, Czech Republic, Thailand, Russia and Kyrgyzstan. It also tours around the country.

JSC "Akmolaturist" issues invitations for foreign citizens, provides visa support and assistance in obtaining Russian citizenship.

Hotel "Tourist" belongs to the category "Three stars". It is designed for 158 residential rooms. The price of accommodation varies depending on the category of the room and the number of people for whom it is designed.

The organizational structure is characterized by the distribution of management goals and objectives between entire departments and individual employees. The structure consists of a set of management links that are located in subordination and provide the relationship between the manager and managed systems.

Organizational structure of Akmolaturist OJSC

The head of the enterprise is the General Director, who solves tasks related to the general activities of the enterprise, including the determination of limits on the costs of maintaining personnel, limiting appropriations for administrative and economic needs, procurement policy issues, etc. He also organizes the workflow and controls the work of the services subordinate to him.

There are two deputies under the supervision of the General Director. One oversees the tourism activities of the company. The following four departments are subordinate to him: excursion service, international and domestic tourism, booking and courier service.

In the department of excursion services there are managers to whom the guides are subordinate. Managers develop thematic excursions for residents and guests of the capital, trying to cover all age and social groups. Every winter, JSC "Akmolaturist" runs courses for guides, which are organized and conducted by employees of the excursion service department. After graduation, students receive a diploma and the opportunity to work for a company as a freelance tour guide.

The department of international and domestic tourism works in the following areas:

    recreational tourism (rest and treatment);

    scientific tourism (participation in scientific meetings, acquaintance with scientific discoveries);

    business tourism (visits for business meetings);

    adventure tourism (camping expeditions, hunting, etc.);

    sports tourism (travel for sports);

    educational tourism;

Employees of the department deal with each client individually, select the most suitable tour, hotel and excursion program for them.

The Reservation Department also reports to the Deputy General Director for Tourism. It helps in purchasing tickets for air, sea, river, and road transport. Department managers cooperate with many transport companies. The Reservation Department also deals with booking hotel rooms.

Courier service is an important part of the whole company. Often the attitude to the entire enterprise as a whole depends on the work of the courier. The courier service also includes a business center. Its employees carry out a computer set of all documents of the company and their listing. They also receive and send fax messages and ensure that they are forwarded to the employees to whom they are addressed.

The activity of the second deputy general director is directed to the hotel. Four departments and a warehouse manager are subordinate to him.

The reception and accommodation service deals with issues related to booking rooms, receiving tourists arriving at the hotel, their registration and accommodation, provides room service for tourists, maintains the necessary sanitary and hygienic condition of the rooms and the level of comfort in residential premises, and provides household services to guests.

The service includes administrators, maids, floor attendants and doormen.

The engineering and technical service creates conditions for the functioning of air conditioning systems, heat supply, sanitary equipment, electrical devices, repair services, construction and communication systems. Composition of the service: chief engineer, maintenance service, communication service. The chief engineer reports to the deputy general director for the hotel and directly to the general director.

The catering service provides services to the guests of the enterprise in the cafe and bar of the hotel, as well as at points of sale.

The service is headed by the head of production, he reports to the deputy general director for the hotel.

Under the supervision of the production manager, there are: forwarder, storekeeper, loader, sellers, cooks, waiters, kitchen workers and laundry. The first employee guests encounter at the hotel is the garage attendant. He greets arriving guests, opens their car door, helps put their luggage on the trolley, and is responsible for vehicle security.

The garage service is fully controlled by the deputy general director for the hotel and submits reports on its work to him.

The warehouse manager also reports to the deputy general director. Cleaners and janitors work under him.

The warehouse manager gives them the necessary inventory and cleaning products. It also controls flow. detergents and submits a report on their use to the accounting department. The warehouse manager distributes work among his subordinates. They, in turn, report to him on the work done. He also checks the quality of the tasks and fixes the time spent on their execution.

The Chief Accountant of Akmolaturist OJSC reports directly to the General Director. Bookkeeping and cashiers work under the supervision of the chief accountant. The accounting department takes into account the economic activity of the enterprise, income from the sale of services and works, keeps records of expenses, pays off with suppliers and buyers, with the budget for taxes, with extra-budgetary funds.

The personnel department is a functional and auxiliary division of the company. HR officers act as expert advisors to managers in dealing with hiring and dismissal issues, appointment to a new position, referral for vocational training, salary increases, etc.

The personnel department is responsible for the safety of employees' documents, draws up and concludes employment contracts, and makes the necessary changes to the documentation.

The total number of employees is 155 people, more than half of which work directly in the hotel.

The administrative and managerial apparatus consists of the general director, two of his deputies, employees of the accounting department, engineering and technical service, tourism managers, personnel department and other employees. We can say that the management structure of JSC "Akmolaturist" has a small number of levels, is simple and flexible, which is very important at the present time.

JSC "Akmolaturist" uses the following assessment methods with its personnel:

    The biographical method is used - when applying for a job, a folder is collected with the following documents: personal statement, autobiography, education documents, characteristics.

    Candidates are interviewed in person.

    During the probationary period, the employee receives a number of tasks from his immediate supervisor, on the quality of which the supervisor reports to the general director. If, after the probationary period, the employee shows himself as a qualified specialist and the management believes that he can be hired, then the head of the personnel department fills out all the necessary documents for him. If the employee has not passed the probationary period or is not suitable for Akmolaturist OJSC for other reasons, they apologize to him, and a settlement is made.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the methods of assessing the personnel of JSC "Akmolaturist" are used only for beginners, in an already formed team, personnel assessment is not carried out.

At each stage of an employee's work in a company, certain assessment methods can be used.

    When selecting candidates for a vacant position, you can use:

    structured interview;

    tests, both in the subject area and psychological;

    when it comes to hiring a senior manager, the assessment center, or rather, its component, is an individual in-depth interview.

    End of probation:

The main purpose of the evaluation at this stage is to once again check the suitability of the candidate for the position. In this case, assessment interviews or formal and informal subject knowledge tests can be used.

    Current performance evaluation.

Applied methods:


    Management by Objectives (MBO)

    Transfer to another structural subdivision or promotion.

At this stage, the manager is faced with the task of determining the suitability of the employee for the new position and identifying the needs for his professional training and personal development:

    Assessment interview, which can be conducted as part of a regular or extraordinary assessment;

    360 degrees (personal development).

    Deciding on employee training.

Applied methods:

    Interview as part of the current assessment;

    360 degrees (identification of personal competencies);

    Tests as an auxiliary element of measuring knowledge. To determine the learning outcomes, they can be carried out before and after the training.

    Making a decision to terminate an employee.

Wanting to dismiss an employee, the employer must provide formal evidence of his inadequacy for the position held. The basis for dismissal can only be the results of certification, drawn up in accordance with all the rules. Any other methods can be used to preliminarily identify the incompetence of an employee, but they will not have legal force.

In a hotel complex, an assessment method such as observation will be suitable, it can also be recommended to take a photo of a working day. To evaluate the work of a maid, the ranking method is suitable, that is, comparing the work of all the maids of the hotel, taking into account the feedback from customers and those on duty on the floor, and placing them in descending order. Those employees who showed the highest results and received the most positive feedback, it is necessary to determine the incentive in the form of a bonus. Their example should positively influence the work of other employees.


Accepting the challenge of the 21st century, Russian leaders are beginning to understand that without a radical improvement in work with personnel it is impossible to seriously talk about reaching new heights in improving efficiency, it is impossible to win the competition. Personnel performance appraisal is not just one of the areas of work in the process of personnel management, it is a key direction that sets the main guidelines and principles for a new approach to personnel management.

In the work, a study was conducted and described on the topic "Evaluation of the work of personnel." The study concluded:

First: all the chapters of this work were disclosed, these are the theoretical foundations of the evaluation of labor activity and the analysis of the evaluation of labor activity.

Secondly, the tasks were fully implemented:

1. Study the requirements for assessing the work of personnel.

2. Analyze methods for assessing the work of personnel.

3. Determine the stages of certification of the organization's personnel.

Summing up the consideration of this topic, I would like to once again list the main provisions in which, in fact, the whole point of the considered approach to improving the assessment of personnel performance is concentrated:

1. Evaluation of labor activity is the most important tool for improving the efficiency of employees' work.

2. Evaluation of labor activity is a key area of ​​work with personnel. This work should be built in accordance with the requirements of the organization to its structural units.

3. The effective use of personnel performance assessment as a tool to increase the return on human resources of an organization is possible only if a high level of training of managers and specialists of personnel services on personnel management issues is ensured.

4. Managers and specialists who evaluate the work of personnel should be aware of its impact on a wide range of psychological aspects of organizational behavior, such as motivation, self-esteem and self-esteem of employees, the level of responsibility, job satisfaction, discipline. If the results of the assessment are limited only to issues of remuneration, then this sharply impoverishes the set of incentives, opportunities and benefits for the organization that are potentially embedded in the assessment system.

The purpose of personnel assessment is to study the degree of preparedness of an employee to perform exactly the type of activity in which he is engaged, as well as to identify the level of his potential in order to assess growth prospects (rotation), as well as develop personnel measures necessary to achieve the goals of personnel policy.


1. Vikhansky O. S. Naumov A. I. - Management - M.: Gardariki, 2003. 2. Gladyshevsky A. I. “Formation of production potential: analysis and forecasting”. – M.: Nauka, 1999 3. Gruzinov V.P. “Economics of enterprise and entrepreneurship”. – M.: SOFIT, 1997 4. Kovalev VV “Financial analysis”. - M.: Nauka, 1997. 5. Romanov A. N., Lukasevich I. Ya. “Evaluation of the commercial activity of entrepreneurship”. - M.: Economics, 1999 M. Magura, M. Kurbatova. Assessment interview. // Personnel Management No. 22, 2007 - P. 49-56.

6.Methodology for evaluating sales personnel. // Personnel Management No. 12, 2006 - P. 11-28.

7. Mikhailov F.B. Personnel management methods. M.: Prospekt, 1995 - 247p.

8.Mishurov I.V. Technologies of personnel management. M.: March, 2004 - 361s.

9. Odegov Yu.G. Personnel Management. M .: Exam, 2002 - 255s.

10. Stadnik Alla. Personel assessment. M.: Begin group, 2005 - 150s.

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  • Introduction
  • 1.2 Personnel evaluation system
  • 2. Analysis of personnel assessment on the example of Ivanhoe LLC
  • 2.1 Brief description of the enterprise
  • 2.2 Analysis of personnel indicators
  • 2.3 Analysis of the use of labor resources
  • 2.4 Analysis of the financial condition
  • 2.5 Analysis of the use of staff assessment and training tools
  • Chapter 3. Improving personnel development systems at Ivanhoe LLC
  • 3.1 Evaluation of the effectiveness of the personnel development system of Aivengo LLC
  • 3.2 General recommendations and measures to improve the personnel management system
  • Conclusion
  • List of used literature
  • Applications


Training of personnel for most Russian enterprises at this time acquires a special meaning. This is due to the fact that working in a market environment makes great demands on the level of qualifications of personnel, their skills and knowledge of employees: the skills, knowledge, attitudes that helped personnel to work safely yesterday are losing their effectiveness today. Both the external conditions and the internal conditions of the functioning of the enterprise are changing very rapidly (technological changes, restructuring of organizations, the formation of new jobs, etc.), which makes the majority of Russian enterprises face the need to prepare personnel for today's and tomorrow's changes.

Strict recruiting requirements allow not only to select the best specialists, but also to remind those who are already working what significant requirements are placed on the staff. Today, it is important to win only the timeliness of filling vacancies in order to maintain the volume of production at the proper level.

The main task is to select a certain employee to perform a certain job and turn him into a productive employee. The system of work with personnel must be defined in such a way as to consistently achieve growth in the composition of the personnel of the enterprise of those people who have the necessary knowledge, and to keep track of the fact that more and more such workers are formed in each division.

To date, there are a lot of methodological materials related to working with personnel. The main actor in the assessment of personnel is the manager, who is responsible for the objectivity and completeness information base, which is necessary for the ongoing periodic evaluation, and also conducts interviews with employees.

Attaching importance to the fact that the specifics of the Russian market has a peculiarity for rapid and frequent changes in the external and internal environment organization, we can say that the formation of a system of vocational training at an enterprise determines not only the success of its development, but also its survival. Today, not so much the employment service as the leadership of a separate organization is required to resolve issues: how to modern conditions to carry out training, in what professions to conduct training and retraining of personnel, what should be the material and technical support, where to get funding sources.

The result of long-term and short-term goals is the need to increase competitiveness and carry out organizational changes requiring reliance on a well-planned and clearly created work on staff training. In the course of this, this is not limited to the transfer of certain knowledge to employees and the formation of the necessary skills in them. During the training period, employees have the opportunity to transfer information about the current state of affairs and about the prospects for the formation of the enterprise. In addition, training is required to increase the degree of labor motivation, the commitment of the personnel of their enterprise and involvement in its affairs.

Continuous and rapid changes in technology, the development of information and knowledge are causing demands for continuous training of personnel. The required level of a specialist does not have the ability to guarantee basic education, primarily because specialists from a wide variety of industries come to recruitment. Agencies that have a well-designed system of in-house training and formation have leadership in a competitive environment. They have the ability to respond to changes in the shortest possible time. external environment increase your own productivity.

assessment management personnel personnel

Relevancehigh school graduationqualifyingwork due to the fact that social transformations determine changes in all sectors of society, as well as in today's enterprises. The structure of enterprises is changing, the system of enterprises of business processes and personnel management systems is changing, increasing volumes of capital investments have a tendency to increase the number of personnel of enterprises. As a result of the increase in the number of personnel, direct working contacts between senior managers and a significant number of employees are minimized. To a large extent, personal assessments and the results of observations of direct supervisors can no longer be a sufficient basis for assessing the work of personnel and obtaining effective management decisions on many issues of moving, placing, promoting or dismissing employees, investing in education and professional development of personnel.

In order for these problems to be proven and effective, enterprises need to form a comprehensive system for assessing personnel. The performance of enterprises directly depends on the professionalism and consistency of personnel management, and the personnel assessment system becomes the basis of the personnel policy of the enterprise organization.

Targethigh school graduationqualifyingworkseemsin improving the system of tools for assessing and training personnel at the enterprise.

In the course of this goal, the following series of tasks were identified:

1. consider the essence of staff assessment and training tools;

2. study the content of personnel assessment;

3. to consider the main applied methods of personnel assessment;

4. conduct an assessment of the personnel in "Aivengo" LLC;

An objectresearch is the staff of Ivanhoe LLC.

Subject are methodological approaches, principles and indicators of personnel assessment.

When writing the project, methods of statistical, economic, analysis and synthesis, a survey, methods of situational analysis, questioning, etc. were used.

theoretical and methodological basis The research was based on the works of domestic and foreign authors on system analysis, economic and mathematical modeling, management theory, organizational design, personnel management.

Structurally, the final qualifying work consists of: introduction, three main chapters, conclusion, list of references, applications.

In the introduction to the final qualifying work, the relevance of its topic is substantiated, the goal and objectives are formulated, the object and subject of research, the methodological and information base are determined.

In the first chapter of graduation qualifying work the theoretical foundations of the tools for assessing personnel training at the enterprise are considered: the concept and concept of personnel training are defined; the personnel assessment system, its types and methods in personnel training is determined.

In the second chapter of the final qualifying work, a brief description of of the analyzed organization, an analysis of the personnel indicators of the organization was carried out, an analysis of the use of labor resources was carried out, an assessment of the financial activities of this organization was carried out.

The third chapter of the final qualifying work contains recommendations for the formation and improvement of personnel development systems. This chapter covers the assessment of the effectiveness of systems in the development of personnel, recommendations are identified and measures taken to improve the personnel management system.

The results of the final qualifying work can be applied in the field of training by the personnel of the organization under study in order to implement a set of measures to improve the qualifications of employees, which, in turn, should contribute to the achievement of the goals of this organization.

Practicalsignificancegivenresearch lies in the fact that the developed recommendations are of practical interest for the development of an optimal system for assessing staff training.

1. Theoretical basis personnel assessment and training tools

1.1 Basic concepts and concept of personnel

The process of learning a person goes through his entire conscious life. Primary education is carried out in schools, technical schools, vocational schools, colleges, universities, lyceums. Retraining is mastered in institutes, universities and faculties of advanced training and retraining of personnel, specially organized courses and seminars, in training centers, at an enterprise, etc. The purpose of learning is the acquisition of education. Kibanov, A.Ya. Fundamentals of personnel management: Textbook. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional / AND I. Kibanov - M.: INFRA-M, 2008. - 447 p.

With the transition of the country to new stage socio-economic development, the requirements for the level of professional training and professional competence are increasing management personnel. Moreover, the multivariance of basic education of heads of organizations, the lack of a uniform system of postgraduate advanced training for managers are presented as important problems of modern vocational education.

For adequate training of managerial personnel, the preparation of training programs for advanced training in the field of management, it is necessary to have methods for assessing the level of professionalism of a manager, which allow evaluating various components of managerial activity.

To organize the learning process, specialists use the so-called learning model. (fig.1.1). Kibanov, A.Ya., Mamedzade G.A., Rodnina T.A. Personnel Management. Labor regulation / Ed. e. Sc., Prof. A.Ya. Kibanova. - M.: Economics, 2007. - 147 p.

Rice. 1.1 Systematic learning model

Education is the result and process of learning the systematization of knowledge, skills, abilities and behaviors necessary to prepare a person for work and life. The amount of education is determined by the requirements of production, the cultural and scientific and technical level, as well as social relations. Education is divided into two types: general and vocational. Education must be continuous.

Lifelong education is a principle and process of personal development, which provides for the formation of such education systems that are open to people of all ages and generations and accompany a person throughout his life, contribute to his invariable formation, drawing him into a continuous process of learning by skills, knowledge, methods. and behavioral (communication) skills. Lifelong education involves not only increasing qualifications, but also retraining for changing conditions and stimulating permanent self-education. Egorshin, A.P. Fundamentals of personnel management: Textbook for universities. 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: "Infra-M", 2006. - 182 p.

Vocational education as a process is a link in a unified system of continuous education, and as a result, it is the preparation of a person for an established type of work activity, a profession that is confirmed by documents (diploma, certificate, certificate) upon graduation from a proper educational institution. Vocational education in Russian Federation delivers a system of educational institutions, which includes: technical schools, vocational schools, higher educational institutions, training centers, institutes and faculties of advanced training and retraining of personnel, special seminars and courses. Vocational education is carried out on the basis of state standards on the implementation of training of specialists, and with the use of flexible curricula and terms of study.

Personnel training is the foundation of the vocational education path. This is a purposefully formed, systematically and systematically executed process of studying knowledge, skills, abilities and ways of communication under the guidance of experienced mentors, teachers, managers, specialists, etc.

Sources about vocational training needs are:

The results of the attestation;

individual development plans;

requests and wishes from the employees themselves;

organization development strategy.

Following the definition of needs, they proceed to the stage of preparing the training program. The development of vocational training programs can be carried out both by the enterprise itself and at specialized enterprises. The preference in each particular situation is determined by an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of each option. Vesnin, V.R. Practical personnel management: A manual for personnel work. - M.: JURIST, 2004. - 354 p. one

There are three types of learning. Personnel training is an organized and systematic training and release of qualified personnel for all areas human activity who own a complex of various special skills, knowledge, skills and ways of communication. Staff development is a training of personnel, which is aimed at improving the skills, knowledge, skills and ways of communication in relation to the growth of requests for the profession or growth in position. Retraining of personnel is a training of personnel aimed at mastering the latest skills, knowledge, methods and skills of communication in the field of mastering a new profession or changing requirements for the results and content of labor.

Foreign and domestic experience formed three concepts of personnel qualification training.

The concept of specialized training is focused on today or the near future and has a relationship to the proper workplace. Such training is effective for a relatively short period of time, but from the point of view of the employee, it contributes to the safety of the workplace, and also fixes a sense of personal dignity. Kibanov, A.Ya., Batkaeva I.A., Mitrofanova E.A., Lovcheva M.V. Motivation and stimulation of personnel. - M.: Infra-M, 2009. - 89 p.

The concept of multidisciplinary training is effective from an economic point of view, because it increases the non-productive and intra-productive mobility of the worker. However, the latter circumstance is a well-known risk for the enterprises where the employee works, since he has the opportunity to choose and therefore is less called to the official workplace.

The concept of learning, which is focused on the individual, has the goal of forming human qualities, which are laid down by nature or acquired by it in practical activities. This concept is related primarily to the staff who have a desire for scientific research and have the talent of a teacher, leader, actor, etc.

Therefore, the subject of training: this is knowledge - methodical, theoretical, practical, which the employee needs to fulfill his obligations in the workplace; skills - contributing to the performance of duties that are assigned to the employee at a particular workplace; skills - a significant level of ability to use the acquired knowledge in practice, skills suggest such a measure of the study of work, when meaningful self-control is formed; ways of communication - the configuration of the life of the individual, the complex of actions and actions of the individual in the course of communication with the surrounding reality, the formation of behavior that meets the requirements of the workplace, special relationships, sociability. Klochkov, A. Personnel motivation for the company's strategy // Personnel Management. - 2008. - N 9. - p. eleven.

Therefore, the subject of training is:

knowledge - methodological, theoretical and practical, necessary for the employee to carry out his duties at the workplace;

Skills - the ability to perform the duties that are assigned to the employee at a particular workplace;

skills - a significant level of ability to use the acquired knowledge in practice, skills suggest such a measure of studying work when conscious self-control is formed;

· ways of communication - a form of life activity of the individual, a set of actions and deeds of the individual in the process of communicating with the encompassing reality, the development of behavior that meets the requirements of the workplace, communication skills, social relations.

Establishing training needs may be undertaken on a variety of scales. The needs of the enterprise as a whole must be considered by the personnel specialist or the training department in accordance with the general production goals and the policy of the enterprise in planning the workforce, in the course of this it is determined by the need for training of certain groups of workers in all departments after consultation with line managers. This work must also contain an analysis of the expected effect of the impact of training on the performance of production tasks by the enterprise. Kibanov, A.Ya., Batkaeva I.A., Mitrofanova E.A., Lovcheva M.V. Motivation and stimulation of personnel. - M.: Infra-M, 2009. - 205 p.

Personnel training cannot be an end in itself for an enterprise. Money is spent on training, often quite significant. Few would agree to spend cash, not expecting an appropriate return from this, only because he considers the training of personnel a good thing.

Training is the most important link in the personnel management system and must be inextricably linked with the processes organizational formation, with the work to achieve the strategic goals of the enterprise, providing the maximum readiness of people who work at the enterprise to solve the problems facing them.

If personnel management is built as a system, then each specific focus of activity in this area (assessment, selection, training, staff stimulation and motivation) should be subject to a single common goal - ensuring the effective operation of the enterprise and its continuous formation.

In practice, there are two concepts that analyze the costs of staff training in different positions.

The first concept is based on the thesis that human resources are a cost factor that is directly related to the production process of a product. The value of a human resource equals the impact on performance of their actual functional behavior. The increase in qualifications or knowledge that is necessary to improve production also characterizes the costs directly related to the current costs of producing the product. According to this, the assessment of the effectiveness of training is shifting to measuring the increase in labor productivity and output, i.e. almost exclusively immediate results are measured.

The second concept interprets human resources as the assets of the enterprise, capital investments. Adherents of this concept draw a parallel between the cost of human resources and capital costs, which are embodied in buildings, equipment, etc. contributing to depreciation in the same way as long-term investments.

Therefore, the cost of training is assessed not as a cost, but as an investment that ensures the future of enterprises, its long-term growth. According to this, in cases of dismissals of employees of the enterprise, there is a significant turnover of personnel, which entails the loss of the organization leading to non-use of human resources to the end. As a result, there is a loss of investment in this resource capital, and when maintaining a permanent staff, there is a decrease in the risk of long-term investments in industrial training.

1.2 Personnel evaluation system

Gradepersonnel is a system for disclosing the established characteristics of employees, helping the manager to make managerial decisions in the future, which are aimed at increasing the effectiveness of subordinates.

The personnel assessment system is a set of several tools with the help of which it is possible to effectively solve the issues of personnel selection, its development, control, training, motivation and other managerial tasks. Kibanov, A.Ya., Batkaeva I.A., Mitrofanova E.A., Lovcheva M.V. Motivation and stimulation of personnel. - M.: Infra-M, 2009. - 212 p.

The performance of organizations to a greater extent depends on the potentials and performance of the staff. The final point for making decisions in the field of human resource management are the results of personnel assessment.

Despite countless studies on personnel assessment, many Russian and foreign experts note the imperfection of assessment procedures and the lack of scientific validity of many recommendations. Vesnin, V.R. Practical personnel management: A manual for personnel work. - M.: JURIST, 2004. - 356 p.

The personnel evaluation system is obliged to provide accurate and reliable data. The stricter and better defined it is, the more likely it is to obtain reliable and accurate data. Experts advise to form the basis for such a system in six stages:

determine labor efficiency standards for each workplace and criteria for its evaluation;

to form a policy for the implementation of performance evaluations, that is, to decide when, how often and by whom the evaluation should be carried out;

to include in the duties of certain persons to carry out performance appraisals;

include in the responsibility of the persons who carry out the assessment, to compile data on the performance of employees;

discuss assessments with the employee;

make a decision and document the assessment.

This assessment system increases the effectiveness of the organization's personnel management through:

positive impact on employee motivation. Feedback favorably affects the motivation of employees, allowing them to adjust their behavior in the workplace and achieve increased productivity;

vocational training planning. Personnel assessment provides the probability of identifying shortcomings in the qualification degree of each employee, and provide for measures to correct them;

professional development and career planning. Evaluation of employees reveals their strong and weak professional qualities, which makes it possible to prepare individual plans for the formation and effectively plan a career;

making decisions about promotion, remuneration, dismissal. Constant and systematic evaluation of employees gives the management of the enterprise the ability to make informed decisions about increasing salaries (rewarding the best employees also has a motivating effect on their colleagues), promotion or dismissal. Fundamentals of personnel management / Ed. B.M. Genkin. - M.: graduate School, 2006. - 382 p.

The advantages indicated above, which are obtained by an enterprise using a personnel assessment system, will be more fully fulfilled with the objectivity of the assessment, the observance of strict confidentiality of the results, the openness of its criteria, and the active participation of the employee. Following these principles is achieved through:

universality of the assessment system. The Human Resources department develops a single assessment system for the entire organization and provides a common understanding and application of this system in all departments;

establishing standards and norms for evaluation. To do this, the company needs to establish what determines success when working in this position, i.e. highlight the critical factors. To do this, the method of analyzing jobs is used, which consists in a thorough study of the functions performed by the employee holding a certain position and highlighting the most important from the point of view of achieving his goals;

choice of evaluation methods.

To effectively assess employee performance, you need easy-to-apply, reliable, and accurate assessments of the critical factors. As estimates, they can be used as quantitative indicators (productivity, time, costs, etc.). So are the qualitative characteristics that give the person performing the assessment - "good", "above average", "bad", etc. Of course, quantitative assessments are preferable both in terms of their accuracy and objectivity in relation to the assessed employee. However, in real life it is not always possible to apply quantitative assessments for many positions, therefore enterprises are often forced to use subjective assessments.

Consequently, the constant application of the personnel assessment system significantly affects the efficiency of the organization, and its competitiveness. By expressing the degree of discrepancy between the actually achieved levels of performance and the expected ones, managers can develop certain management decisions, activities that are aimed at improving both general and individual labor results.

The personnel assessment system itself is a series of actions and activities that are aimed at assessing employees and are sustainable.

Such a system, in order to be effective, must be based on a basic and universal schemeholdinggivenestimates.

Forthis,First of all,need- determine the needs of the enterprise in the assessment of personnel and, on this basis, develop clear goals for employees during the assessment. Among the main goals, as a rule, is monitoring the social climate in the team, assessing the quality of work and the level of compliance with the qualifications of a person in his position. 1 Kochetkova, A.I. Fundamentals of personnel management. - M.: TEIS, 2004. - 516 p. Secondstage represents finding the subject of evaluation, that is, who needs to be evaluated. Depending on the goals, the target audience is established, in the information about which the organization is dependent in the first place.

Thendeterminedcriteria which will be evaluated.

This requires professionals in the field who can highlight more tolerable characteristics for any given position.

Personnel assessment tools is a set of various HR tests, software and other criteria that help to draw up an objective portrait of an employee as a professional, personality and part of the team, assess his knowledge, skills, skills and labor efficiency, as well as understand his personal characteristics and character traits separately for the employee.

Evaluation is carried out in the following cases: Egorshin, A.P. Fundamentals of personnel management: Textbook for universities. 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: "Infra-M", 2006. - 352 p.

When applying for a job. In this case, recruiters most often use the following assessment methods: analysis of the interview assessment, analysis of the candidate's resume, psychological tests, professional tests to assess knowledge.

Professional tests are applied only in the presence of established standards in this specialty. Most often, template tests, due to the fact that the answer to the question can be true or not true.

However, if it is called to evaluate the candidate's ability to think and acquire solutions, then in such a case special cases are offered. In order to conduct psychological tests, it is better to use the services of a psychologist who has skills in assessing a person's personality on the job.

howrulegradepersonnelcarried outonthreedirections:

assessment of the qualifications of an employee - when the characteristics of a sample are detected and compared with a specific person;

analysis of the results of the work - here the assessment of the quality of the work performed is carried out;

Evaluation of an employee as a person - personal characteristics are detected and compared with ideal qualities for a given place.

Conducting an assessment of personnel who work at the enterprise for a certain time is necessary in the following cases:

1) changes for the worse in some trade and production indicators of the enterprise.

2) with a planned reduction in staff or the number of employees. Those who do their job worse are eliminated in order to retain only the best promising and professional workers.

3) in the course of planning a reshuffle in the state. It is always better to promote an existing employee than to hire a new person, especially when it comes to a key management position.

4) During the implementation of personnel development programs. If an enterprise intends to raise the professional level of an employee by training them in advanced training courses, you constantly need to know exactly how their skills and knowledge need to be "pulled up".

It is possible to carry out staff assessments on a regular basis or periodically, pursuing the following goals:

increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise, as well as its increase in the market.

cost reduction. Egorshin, A.P. Fundamentals of personnel management: Textbook for universities. 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: "Infra-M", 2006. - 147 p.

tracking the professional growth and formation of an employee after entering the organization.

creation of a personnel reserve for managerial positions.

There are a large number of methods and systems for assessing personnel. In the arsenal of an experienced recruiter, as a rule, you can find several tools that can be used individually or in combination. But the main thing is that, whatever the choice of instrument, it is necessary that it be objective, and that a person take a minimal part in the evaluation process. Actually, on this basis, computerized assessment methods are most in demand among personnel officers, since they allow reducing subjective assessments to zero.

The minimum indication of the influence of the human factor during the evaluation of employees is of priority. For example, if an employee is valued only by clients, and the authorities do not pay attention to such an employee, or if a person is a professional in his field, but the team interferes with his work and development.

The main goal of any evaluation process is to get a real picture of any employee, that is, what he really is, and not how he is considered in the team.


All criteria in the evaluation of personnel, as a rule, are divided into two main categories - competence criteria and performance criteria.

During the performance evaluation, the achieved performance indicators certain person compared with the target indicators for this period of work. Why, before the start of the reporting period, clearly measurable tasks are assigned.

The result of the work is manifested in certain indicators: the number of implemented projects, sales volume, the number of transactions, the amount of profit. Zhuravlev, P.V., Kartashov S.A., Mausov N.K., Odegov N.K. personnel management technology. Manager's Handbook. - M.: Exam, 2004. - 109 p.

In the course of assessing the competence of an employee, an assessment is made of his knowledge and ability to use them in practice, behavior, personal qualities.

One of the most effective ways of such an assessment is the solution of situational problems, taking into account the position of the occupying employee or for which he claims.

The provided tasks come in two forms - descriptive and practical, and are distinguished by the nature of the actions in solving a particular problem.

In practice, it is clear that having earned such an assessment, it is possible to form an opinion on the current state of affairs in the enterprise, to find effective methods for solving existing problems, for which it is necessary to create a kind of " diagnostic center", which offers at the output recommendations for improving the work of employees employed in the sales system.

Consequently, the personnel assessment system is relatively difficult and has a lot of nuances and aspects that need to be given the most attention. Otherwise, all the work that is invested in the assessment may turn out to be complete unnecessary information.

Types of personnel assessment and training methods

AT The hospitality industry assesses the performance of personnel in two areas:

accounting for the results of labor (direct assessment);

analysis of the personal and business qualities of the employee that affect these results (indirect assessment).

Direct methods of assessment require that the subordinate and the manager jointly establish agreed-upon defined goals, which will subsequently be used as a model for future assessments.

Indirect assessments seem to be traditional, they are aimed at such character traits of an employee as the ability to work well with the team, initiative, attitude towards people, reliability, i.e. understand the personality of the employee of his quality in comparison with his job responsibilities.

A direct method for assessing the performance of personnel can be provided by a system for evaluating the results of management and work by goals. The procedure for evaluating the results of personnel work is quite complex and in many respects resembles the procedure for conducting a qualitative assessment of work. The difference lies in the fact that the second case is based on the work itself, and the first - its performance and business qualities of the staff. By assessing the consequences of labor, it is established to what extent the employee effectively carries out his work in accordance with the final goals of the enterprise. Vesnin, V.R. Practical personnel management: A manual for personnel work. - M.: JURIST, 2004. - 402 p.

In order for the procedure for evaluating the results of labor to be effective, it is necessary:

to establish "standards" of labor efficiency for any workplace;

determine the procedure for assessing labor efficiency;

to encourage persons who carry out the assessment to accumulate information on the performance of employees;

discuss the results of the assessment with the employee;

make decisions and document the evaluation.

Accounting for the results of labor in one form or another is applied to almost all personnel, as it is the basis of remuneration. For some employees and workers, the results of labor are manifested in the definition of clear and precise target indicators, which the employee is obliged to reach after the appointed time. For categories of personnel whose work cannot be strictly regulated, the main criteria for the effectiveness of their work are:

labor productivity;

compliance with predetermined goals for a specified period.

Productivity there represents the quantitative and qualitative results of the work of the staff for a specified period.

Works of conditional quality and type have a way of measuring in units of the quantity of services provided per unit of time. The comparability of various forms of labor results and their quality can be provided with a method of comparison with the standard.

The result of labor mainly depends on the productivity of the employee, the productivity of the applied conditions and labor factors.

The objective factors of productivity are the means of labor, production and auxiliary materials, the organization and methods of production, the organization of the workplace and working conditions, the structure and time of work.

Subjective performance factors have the ability to be rooted in the employee himself or in social structure organizations. Productivity is set by such skills as: giftedness, physique, experience, education and productive potentials today as: fatigue, health, biorhythm. The thirst for productivity invariably depends on a personal assessment of the incentives for activity, while factors of development opportunities, remuneration, working conditions, participation in decision-making, safety, etc. play a significant role.

A simple performance evaluation uses yield metrics. In the implementation of a differentiated assessment of the performance of an employee, must be included in the assessment, first of all, his quantity and quality of the results of labor or the achievement of the goal of work, success as a person, his behavior in the performance of work in relation to the team of enterprises and outsiders. Following directions and instructions, handling objects, reliability and suitability for use in work.

Evaluation of individual criteria is carried out on a weighted scale of scoring.

The criteria by which employee participation is measured are divided into:

work performed by the employee;

belonging and social status of the employee to the organization;

taking part in the formation of value;

position with orders;

turnover formation;

the result of the organization's activities;

profit distribution.

These criteria can be determined relatively objectively using the accounting system at the enterprise (for example, the annual balance sheet).

Management by Objectives (MBM) is a well-known management process that involves the achievement of certain goals for any department, for any manager within each department, as well as for each employee.

The MPC is not a measure of the implementation of employees, but a measure of the contribution of each employee to the success of the enterprise.

Management by objectives is a system of control and planning. Evaluation of personnel performance based on the results of goals is effective only if organizational and individual goals are integrated and compatible in unified system, which assumes the formation of a formal process interaction mechanism corporate planning with a system of personal incentives for employees and their responsibility. 1 Kibanov, A.Ya., Mamedzade G.A., Rodnina T.A. Personnel Management. Labor regulation / Ed. e. Sc., Prof. A.Ya. Kibanova. - M.: Economics, 2007. - 294 p.

Marking by goals consists of the following steps:

1. The definition of several main duties of the employee.

2. Concretization of any of these functions in established economic indicators (costs, profits, timing, volume, quality, etc.).

3. Definition of units of measure (days, percentages, rubles) and a system of indicators that reflect the results of activities (decrease in marriage, reduction in terms, growth in profit as a percentage of the previous year - for managers, etc.) Egorshin, A.P. Fundamentals of personnel management: Textbook for universities. 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: "Infra-M", 2006. - 186 p.

4. Determining the maximum and minimum "performance standards" for all indicators.

5. The ratio of the minimum and maximum results of the implementation with the stipulated standards (at its level, above the maximum, below the minimum) and the conclusion of the score.

6. Average score for all indicators.

Since the position of the employee is established by his workplace or position, his investment in the activities of the enterprise must be executed on the basis of how well he copes with his duties.

The analysis of the content of work and job requirements in the workplace is very important for setting goals. It must be done in the following order:

1. Consideration of the need or expediency of a particular type of labor activity and its investment in the results of the activities of departments (or enterprises).

2. Identification of the key aspects of this activity, depending on the success of the formation of the final goals, and rank them in priority order. If the goals of the activity are numerous and varied, they should be ranked in such a way that it is clear to the employee what causes the priority of efforts and special attention.

3. Argue the norms of labor behavior, reflecting the desired result, should be acceptable for the enterprise, i.e. respond to her applications for the implementation of official duties in certain workplaces.

4. Give preference to the system of units of measurement for the evaluation of employees. It is necessary to form indicators that allow showing in quantitative terms even those aspects of the activity or qualities of employees that are difficult to measure.

5. Determination of what is required to improve the work and the way it is done, and how this can be achieved by the employee over a certain period.

An analysis of the activities of employees, based on the quality of the performance of functional duties, allows you to establish the reasons or "bottlenecks" that caused the failure to fulfill the intended goals. Kibanov, A.Ya. Fundamentals of personnel management: Textbook. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional / AND I. Kibanov - M.: INFRA-M, 2008. - 447 p.

To exercise control over the movement of achieving goals, it is necessary to focus on the standards, which is taken as such a value of the performance of duties, which is considered an acceptable stalemate or other workplace as agreed among managers and subordinates. The actual results of relatively normative ones can be assessed as differentiation in the form of the magnitude of the achievement of goals.

When creating standards, you can follow the following general guidelines for:

analysis of performance results for a number of previous periods;

assessing the realism of the proposed standards;

establishing differences at the level of labor activity in the form of deviations from the standards in one direction or another;

assessing the impact of the content of functional duties on the standards and the elimination of useless, unproductive elements of work or methods of its implementation.

The structure and content of the requirements that apply to employees in the workplace affect the standards of labor activity. Fixing incorrect methods of work as normative is likely to lead to distortions of the expected results, therefore, labor operations must be normalized before analyzing the content of the functions performed. The participation of employees in the implementation of the development of proposals for improving the functions performed, their simplification, separation or combination is a prerequisite for increasing the effectiveness of work.

To date, the implementation of performance evaluation is turning into one of the main tools for the development and formation of the workforce. Strong knowledge in this area is one of the main components of the leadership style of a modern manager. If we talk about the assessment methodology, then HR specialists emphasize the meaning of the so-called feedback, i.e. bringing its results to the workers themselves, so that they have the opportunity to compare their successes with the results of others. Publicity is one of the essential factors for increasing the effectiveness of any evaluation systems. Performance appraisal causes managers to compile information on how effectively each employee performs the duties delegated to him. By communicating this information to his subordinates, the leader gives them the chance to correct their behavior if it does not meet the accepted one. Along with this, performance appraisal allows management to identify more different employees and actually raise the level of their achievement by moving them to the most attractive positions. Samarina E. Professional education- the basis of personnel development // E. Samarina // Personnel management. - 2008. - N 1. - p. 41.

In addition to the immediate supervisor and the personnel service, the assessees themselves and their colleagues are mainly involved in the participation in the assessment. Self-assessment must certainly be taken into account, since the information that is reported by employees not only gives the most accurate picture, but also significantly improves intra-production relations. In addition, personal self-esteem contributes to the formation of the employee.

For the most accurate assessment of the results of labor activity, it is desirable that the interview be bilateral.

At present, it is recognized that performance evaluation is a necessary, but obviously insufficient condition for making personnel decisions. No less meaningful was the assessment of personal and business qualities that are revealed in the labor process itself. This type of assessment characterizes the worker's activity according to criteria that correspond to perfect ideas about the performance of his duties and about the necessary qualities for the formation of maximum labor efficiency. These qualities include, first of all, professional skills, as well as psychological abilities.

Assessment of personal and business qualities for all categories is possible, carried out according to the following factors:

knowledge of the work, whether the employee has a clear understanding of the content of the work and its goals;

the need for control over his actions by the boss;



propensity to cooperate.

Each factor is evaluated on a 5-point scale. Moreover, the manager is required to confirm the assessment - to detect in writing certain actions of the employee, a look at the performance of duties in a given situation, and also to show certain results of the employee's activities that confirm the assessment. Kibanov, A.Ya. Fundamentals of personnel management: Textbook. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional / AND I. Kibanov - M.: INFRA-M, 2008. - 362 p.

Evaluation of business and personal qualities is almost never used in relation to low-skilled workers and a number of office workers, i.e. those categories that have the ability to be easily replaced in the labor market. In other words, "quality rating" is directly related to the duration of the worker's employment.

The assessment of the business and personal qualities of an employee is carried out using rating methods that are focused on comparing the behavior and labor achievements of employees with each other or on comparing the results of each work with the standard. Other rating methods are focused on assessing the performance of employees.

The simplest type of absolute rating system is a narrative essay, where the evaluator describes the strengths and weaknesses, the potential of the employee and gives suggestions for improving it. This approach assumes a direct statement from the appraiser, whose knowledge of the employee's performance is well founded. Egorshin, A.P. Fundamentals of personnel management: Textbook for universities. 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: "Infra-M", 2006. - 173 p.

If the essays are well prepared, they provide detailed feedback to subordinates regarding their implementation. On the other hand, comparison among people, groups or departments is practically impossible, since the various essays deal with different aspects of each employee's performance, which makes it difficult to use this information for personnel decisions, since subordinates are not compared objectively. The ways that compare workers with each other cause only one thing: for the appraiser to analyze all the workers - from the highest to the lowest, from the best to the worst. An alternative classification calls for the appraiser to start by listing all employees on a piece of paper. From this list, he finds the best worker, then the worst worker, then the second best worker, then the second worst worker, and so on, moving from top to bottom on the list until all workers are classified.

A decisive way of pitting workers against one another is a "strength" division. Therefore, the overall distribution of ratings is forced by force. This means that a relatively small group of workers is truly outstanding, a relatively small part is unsatisfactory, and all the rest are in between.

This approach is used when it is necessary to conduct an assessment among many employees. One of the better known rating methods is the behavioral checklist. The evaluator collects information that describes behavior associated with the job. At this approach appraisers do not so much give an assessment as they describe: labor behavior. Descriptive ratings are more acceptable than evaluative ratings (good - bad). In this method, a declarative statement such as "She or he receives complaints from clients" is scored in categories such as "always", "very often", "quite often", "sometimes" and "never". Each category "weights", for example, from 5 ("always") to 1 ("never") if the statement depicts the desired behavior. In general, the numerical ratings (or scores) for each employee give an amount, which is then examined for each item.

A particular type of behavioral checklist is familiar as a forceful selection system, a technology that was deliberately shaped to reduce the leniency of raters and provide an unbiased assessment of standards for comparing individual groups.

The force choice method is of little use in assessment interviews, for assessors who do not know the level of performance. Critical case methods can be applied to overcome these difficulties.

Critical cases are short reports on the effectiveness of the work performed. They focus on the big picture, not the details.

Critical cases are also attractive in evaluation interviews because supervisors are able to target current work behavior more than vague underlining. Dyatlov V.A., Kibanov A.Ya., Pikhalo V.G. Personnel Management: tutorial for students of economic universities and faculties. - M.: PRIOR Publishing House, 2005. - 452 p.

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