Classification and characteristics of existing storage systems. Abstract: Warehouses in logistics

On the way of moving goods from producer to consumer, the system of warehouses, which carry out the accumulation, distribution and storage of stocks of goods, is of great importance. And the optimization of this promotion of goods is engaged in warehouse Logistics.

Warehouse- this is a technical structure, building, device, which consists of interconnected elements and is intended for storage, accumulation, preparation for personal and industrial consumption of products (for example, packaging), as well as distribution of goods between consumers.

In its turn, warehouse Logistics- this is an organized and systematized inventory management, in which the optimization of financial and information flows is carried out.

Speaking of warehouse logistics first of all, you need to pay attention to the fact that warehouses in the logistics system perform certain functions:

1. Assortment acquisition depending on consumer orders, trade warehouses transform the production assortment into a trade one (when the cargo is unpacked, sorted, new batches are formed).

2. Warehousing, storage and concentration of stocks. This function is associated with a number of works on the placement of goods for storage, as well as on providing the necessary conditions for the safety of goods.

3. Disposal of consignments of goods. Those. consolidation of small batches into large ones, which are delivered to several customers at the same time.

4. Providing logistics services . These include services such as preparing goods for subsequent sale.

In addition, in the logistics system, depending on the main functional areas of logistics, warehouses are of the following types: supply logistics warehouses, production logistics warehouses, distribution logistics warehouses and warehouses transport organizations. Each of these types of warehouses performs a specific role in the supply chain and performs a number of functions assigned to it.

Speaking directly about the logistics process in the warehouse, it should be noted that this process requires significant labor and cost. This means that all actions for supplying stocks, processing cargo and fulfilling orders must be clearly coordinated. That's why the logistics process in the warehouse is conditionally divided into the following three stages:

1. Operations related to the provision of a warehouse with stocks of goods. This includes providing the warehouse with stocks, as well as accounting and control over the receipt of stocks.

2. Cargo handling and documentation operations. These operations include acceptance of goods, intra-warehouse transportation and transshipment, warehousing and storage of goods.

3. Operations aimed at the sale of goods, taking into account consumer orders. These are operations for picking orders, delivering goods to the consumer, collecting and returning empty containers, monitoring the fulfillment of consumer orders, information service warehouse, providing customer service.

Warehouse classification

An objective need for specially equipped places for keeping stocks exists at all stages of the movement of material flows, from the primary source of raw materials to final consumption. This explains the presence of a large number of types of warehouses.

Depending on their place in the supply chain and their role in the process of distribution, they are divided into the following groups:

· Warehouses of manufacturing enterprises(in the field of supply) specialize in the storage of raw materials, materials, components and other products for industrial purposes and supply, first of all, producing consumers.

· Warehouses of product consumers(in the field of production) are designed to ensure the continuity of the flow of technological processes. Stocks of work in progress are stored in these warehouses, such as devices, tools, spare parts, etc. Depending on the role in the production process and subordination, warehouses of industrial organizations are divided into supply warehouses (subordinate to the logistics department), supplying production with materials, components, purchased semi-finished products, etc.; production (subordinate to planning and production or planning and dispatching department), intended for storage of semi-finished products own production and technological equipment; marketing (subordinate to the sales department), in which material assets to be sold are stored. Depending on the service sector, the warehouses of enterprises are divided into general factory (central), workshop (branches of central warehouses) and workshops, subordinate to the heads of workshops.

· Warehouses of sales organizations(in the sphere of distribution) serve to maintain the continuity of the movement of goods from the sphere of production to the sphere of consumption. Their main purpose is to transform the production range into a commercial one and to provide uninterrupted supply to various consumers, including the retail network.

· Intermediary warehouses(primarily transport) organizations are intended for temporary storage associated with the expedition of material assets. These include: warehouses of railway stations; cargo terminals of vehicles, sea and river ports; air transport terminals. By the nature of the cargo handling operations performed, they are classified as transport and transshipment. A group of these warehouses can be located within both supply and distribution logistics.

According to the functional purpose, all warehouses are divided into five varieties:

1. transshipment warehouses(turnover) of goods in transport hubs when performing mixed, combined and other transportations;

2. storage warehouses providing concentration necessary materials and their storage for the appropriate functioning of production;

3. consignment warehouses, designed to form orders in accordance with the specific requirements of customers;

4. storage warehouses, ensuring the safety and protection of stored products;

5. special warehouses(for example, customs warehouses, warehouses for temporary storage of materials, containers, returnable waste, etc.).

According to the design characteristics, warehouses are divided into:

-- closed,

-- semi-closed(having only a roof or a roof and one, two or three walls),

-- open areas.

Depending on the specifics and range of stored materials, warehouses are divided into universal And specialized. A wide range of material resources are stored in universal warehouses. Specialized warehouses are intended for the storage of homogeneous materials (for example, a warehouse for cast iron, paints and varnishes, etc.).

Warehouses are also distinguished by the degree of mechanization of warehouse operations:

-- non-mechanized,

-- mechanized,

-- automated,

-- automatic.

Warehouse functions

The main functions of the warehouse include the following:

1. Creation of the necessary assortment in accordance with the order of consumers. In purchasing and production logistics, this function is aimed at providing the necessary material and technical resources (in terms of quantity and quality) of various phases of production. In distribution logistics, this function is of particular importance. Trade warehouses carry out the transformation of the production assortment into the consumer one, in accordance with the customer's order. Creating the right assortment in the warehouse helps to efficiently fulfill customer orders and make more frequent deliveries in the amount that the customer requires.

2. Warehousing and storage. The performance of this function allows you to equalize the time difference between the output of products and their consumption, makes it possible to ensure a continuous production process and uninterrupted supply of consumers on the basis of the created stocks. The storage of goods in the distribution system is also necessary due to the seasonal consumption of some goods.

3. Unitization of shipment lots and transportation of goods. Many consumers order "less than a wagon" or "less than a trailer" shipments from warehouses, which significantly increases the costs associated with the delivery of such goods. To reduce transportation costs, the warehouse can carry out the function of combining (unitization) of small consignments for several customers until full load vehicle.

4. Provision of services. In order to provide a higher level of customer service, warehouses can provide various services to customers: preparation of goods for sale (packing products, filling containers, unpacking, etc.); checking the functioning of instruments and equipment, installation; giving products a presentation; forwarding services, etc.

The current production and trade process could not do without such an important facility as a warehouse. In logistics, the organization of its work is one of the conditions for the proper organization of the movement of inventories, products from the manufacturer to the consumer.

Types of warehouses that operate in modern conditions, allow such premises to meet the most diverse requirements of participants in production and trade relations. Depending on the type to which the warehouse belongs, it performs certain functions.

In order to be able to properly plan the movement of goods from the enterprise to the buyer, logisticians must take into account the features of the presented premises. They create various conditions for the storage of goods and inventories. Therefore, the features of each type of warehouse should be understood and taken into account in their work by each logistician.

Main purpose

Before considering the main types of warehouses, you should understand the essence of this structural unit. Storage rooms perform a number of functions. A warehouse is a building, site or complex of structures that are used to store various commodity values. In such premises, a certain amount of material reserves is accumulated, finished products. This allows you to flexibly respond to fluctuations in supply and demand in the goods market. At the same time, it becomes possible to synchronize the speed of movement of material assets in the technological cycles of manufacturers and the processes of delivery and sale of finished products.

All main types of warehouses are limited to a certain territory, which is protected by the relevant organizations. Indoors, appropriate conditions for storage are created.

In addition to storing commodity values, the presented structural units make it possible to process the products received here in order to maintain their quality. warehouse, aligns incoming goods by volume, time and assortment.


have a certain structure. It may include several basic elements. First of all, this includes buildings for storage, as well as the surrounding area.

Each warehouse has shipping and loading systems. These include special equipment, areas for receiving or sending goods, ramps. Most of these facilities have internal transport. This category includes various warehouse equipment, the types of which depend on its features. These can be trolleys, loaders, escalators, elevators, etc.

The structural elements of the warehouse also include areas for processing goods. For example, these are packaging lines, packaging lines, a barcode system, as well as sorting and ordering. To be able to store goods, it requires the use of racks, containers, refrigeration equipment and other special systems to maintain the required quality of inventories. Any warehouse also has an accounting system. It can be computerized or manual. The first option in modern conditions is much more common.

Principles of classification

Modern storage facilities are one of the most important nodes in logistics. There are different types of them. Types of warehouses are distinguished according to different characteristics.

Storage spaces range in size from small facilities to buildings occupying vast areas. According to the height of the stacking of goods, one-story and multi-story buildings are distinguished, in which the equipment can lift the load onto a rack up to 24 m high.

By design, the warehouse can be open, semi-closed (has only a roof) and closed. According to the storage parameters, there are ordinary and special objects in which certain conditions are created (humidity, temperature, lighting).

The mechanization of such nodes can be different. There are warehouses where it is used exclusively manual labor workers. Most often, storage rooms are partially or completely mechanized.

If different ways of communication adjoin the warehouse, this object is called port, rail, deep. On the basis of the assortment, specialized, mixed and universal objects are distinguished.

Types of jobs

Each object of the represented type performs three basic operations. in the warehouse are designed to serve the input, internal and output values. At the first stage, personnel and equipment unload the transport, as well as assess the quality and quantity of goods.

Internal flows are served in order to adequately move goods in the warehouse. Inventories are sorted, packed, stored under appropriate conditions, etc.

The work of a warehouse with output flows is reduced to loading goods onto transport. In this regard, zones of loading, acceptance, storage, sorting, forwarding, as well as offices service personnel, administration.

Classification of warehouses in the Russian Federation

In our country, a special classification is used, which allows us to divide the presented objects into main types. The purpose of warehouses, their characteristics allow us to distinguish several main groups.

Currently, the PMC system, which was developed by the association of domestic companies, is most often used. This approach is very similar to the global warehouse classification principle. However, the RMS system takes into account to a greater extent the requirements of buyers and tenants for this type of property. This takes into account the main issues to which the organizations of the central regions of our country first of all pay attention.

All objects intended for storage of goods are divided into 4 groups. They are designated in Latin letters. When assigning a warehouse to one category or another, its design, location, main functions and features of the facility are taken into account. Its transport connection with other important objects for the organization, logistics areas is also evaluated.

The scale of the premises, the types of storage in the warehouses of products, the assortment must be taken into account. When choosing such objects of non-current assets, it is necessary to accurately calculate the needs of the company for the rational use of premises for storing commodity values.

Class A warehouse

Class A includes such types of warehouses at the enterprise or trade organization, which were built in accordance with high modern building codes and requirements. These are one-story buildings, the height of which is more than 8 m. This allows you to install standard multi-story racks inside.

The floor in the room should not have defects. It is perfectly smooth and has an anti-friction coating. Inside the class A warehouse, a clear temperature regime. Equipment for creating thermal curtains is installed on the gates.

IN without fail a modern system is used fire safety with the functions of extinguishing fires of powder or sprinkler type. Also, new security systems and video surveillance systems have been installed at such facilities. There are fiber optic computer communications. This allows you to maximize the view of the internal and external space with no "blind zones" where there is no video equipment.

Gates, receiving areas and class A warehouse have automated systems opening doors, raising the ramp.

Access to such facilities should be convenient. Most often they are located near the main transport routes. This type of storage space is more often preferred trade enterprises who sell products both wholesale and retail.

Class B

There are rooms with somewhat simplified characteristics, however, not inferior in convenience to the previous category. Class B includes such species. The size of a warehouse in this category can be impressive. However, this is a multi-storey building, which allows it to occupy a smaller area compared to class A buildings.

The height of the ceilings of such objects is in the range of 4.5-8 m. The floors are even, filled with asphalt or concrete. They do not have an anti-friction coating. The temperature in the room in winter does not fall below +10 °C.

The shipping area has a ramp, there is a security and fire safety system. Offices are combined with warehouses. They use modern communication systems and telecommunications.

Access to such warehouses may not be as convenient, but the building is located close to the production or the city.

Class C and D warehouse

Considering the types of warehouses, it is necessary to note such classes as C and D. For many enterprises, this is the most acceptable option. Class C warehouse is a heated room with a ceiling height of 3.5 to 18 m. The temperature is kept at +8 to +14 ºС in winter.

Transport comes inside for unloading and loading, for which the gate is always kept in the zero position. The floor covering can be concrete, asphalt or tile.

Class D is characterized by the least requirements. It can be an unheated basement, a bunker or a hangar. Civil defense facilities also fall into this category.

Depending on the cost of buying or renting is determined. Therefore, the company must take into account its needs. If additional amenities are not required, a low-class warehouse can be preferred. But in most cases, exploitation of an object of class A or B is simply indispensable. The costs of its maintenance and rent are paid off as a result of the organization's activities.

Public warehouse

Considering the types of warehouses, it should be noted that there are public facilities and the company's own premises. In the first case, the organization rents a room or part of it for the needs of its production.

This is necessary in the case of a small turnover or the sale of seasonal goods. It is more profitable for a company to pay for the services of the owner of a public warehouse than to maintain its own facility. The need for storage space for such enterprises is less.

The small size and proximity of the presented real estate to the consumer make it profitable in some cases. For example, when a company enters a new market where forecasting is complicated by a number of factors, a shared warehouse can reduce financial risks companies. It does not require any additional investment.

The company will not need to hire qualified personnel to maintain the facility, as well as manage inventory. Many large enterprises use the services of a public warehouse. This allows you to store products as close as possible to the consumer, reduce transportation costs.

Own warehouse

However, not in all cases it is advisable for an organization to rent a room. Sometimes it's better to own your own property. This is necessary if the turnover is characterized by large volumes. Most often, such facilities are located in the immediate vicinity of production.

Also, many types of commercial warehouses use this system. If the sale is characterized by high volumes and is concentrated in the immediate vicinity of the buyer, it is more profitable to maintain your own warehouse. The organization equips it properly.

Most often it is a class "A" or "B" property. Here the accounting and management of the forces of the trading company is carried out. It hires qualified specialists, organizes the process of trade (wholesale, retail), and also sets the cost of material values ​​that are offered to the consumer.

Large industrial enterprises also have their own warehouses. They store stocks, semi-finished products and finished products. If the turnover of such a company is characterized by large volumes, it is more expedient to maintain your own warehouse than to rent such a room.

Having considered existing species warehouses, we can conclude that when choosing such an object, their features should be taken into account. This will allow the enterprise to organize the system of storage and movement of inventory items as efficiently as possible. Minimum costs for the maintenance and service of storage areas will optimize working capital, increase financial results. The process of organizing such objects is taken very seriously, making a number of mathematical calculations and research.

Warehouses are buildings, structures and various devices designed to manage stocks in various parts of the logistics chain and the material flow as a whole (i.e., acceptance, placement and storage of goods received at warehouses, preparing them for consumption and release to the consumer).

Warehouses are one of the most important elements of logistics systems. The objective need for specially equipped places for keeping stocks exists at all stages of the movement of the material flow, from the primary source of raw materials to the end consumer. This explains the presence of a large number of different types of warehouses.

Consider the following classification of warehouses in logistics.

In relation to the main logistics operations:
in the supply (purchase) system, firms are sometimes forced to create their own warehouses to reduce transportation costs, the need for the acquisition of material resources, and also through which enterprises receive raw materials, materials, products, blanks necessary for production. These are warehouses for metal, castings and forgings, components, central material warehouse and others;

In production, warehouses are distinguished as organizational structure(factory, workshop, working areas, etc.), and by type of product (warehouses of material resources, work in progress, finished products), functional purpose and other features. The features of these warehouses are relatively short terms and stocks of product storage, the possibility of arrival and departure of products at short time intervals and even a continuous flow (for example, on a conveyor);

In distribution (distribution), they are distinguished by capacity and service area (regional distribution centers and bases, consignment warehouses (warehouses owned by a commission agent (consignee) who conducts wholesale or wholesale and retail operations on his own behalf and from this warehouse), territorial warehouses and bases etc.

Warehouses can be distinguished by type of products:

material resources;
work in progress;
spare parts, etc.

By level of specialization:

Highly specialized warehouses (for one or more product items);
limited assortment;
a wide range.

By property type:

Warehouses private (corporate);
state and municipal enterprises;
public organizations;
non-profit organizations;
associations, etc.

In relation to logistics intermediaries:

Company's own warehouses;
warehouses of logistics intermediaries (in supply and distribution systems). Warehouses include:
cargo handling organizations, etc.

According to the functional purpose, they distinguish:

Buffer stock warehouses designed to support the production process (warehouses for material resources and work in progress, production, insurance, seasonal and other types of stocks);
warehouses for transshipment of goods (terminals) in transport hubs, when performing mixed, combined and other transportations;
commission warehouses designed for the formation of orders in accordance with the specific requirements of customers;
storage warehouses that ensure the safety and protection of stored products;
special warehouses (for example, customs warehouses, temporary storage warehouses, containers, returnable waste, etc.).

By type of building, construction:

semi-closed (have a roof and one, two or three walls);
open, i.e. specially equipped sites;
special (for example, bunker structures, tanks).

According to the degree of mechanization of warehouse operations:


The main functions of the warehouse include:

1. Transformation of the production assortment into consumer in accordance with demand - the creation of the necessary assortment to fulfill customer orders. This function is of particular importance in distribution logistics, where trade assortment includes a huge list of products from various manufacturers that differ functionally, in design, size, shape, color.

2. Warehousing and storage allow you to equalize the time difference between output and consumption and make it possible to carry out continuous production and supply based on the created inventory. The storage of goods in the distribution system is also necessary due to the seasonal consumption of some goods.

3. Unitization and transportation of goods. Many consumers order less-than-wagon or less-than-trailer shipments from warehouses, which greatly increases the costs associated with delivering such shipments. To reduce transportation costs, the warehouse can carry out the function of combining (uniting) small consignments for several customers until the vehicle is fully loaded.

4. Provision of services. An obvious aspect of this function is the provision of various services to clients that provide the firm with a high level of customer service. Among them:

Preparation of goods for sale (packing products, filling containers, unpacking, etc.);
checking the functioning of instruments and equipment, installation;
giving products a presentation, pre-treatment (for example, wood);
forwarding services, etc.

Warehouses are one of the most important elements of logistics systems. At all stages of the movement of MP, starting from the primary source of raw materials and ending with the final consumer, there is an objective need for specially equipped places for keeping stocks. This explains the presence of a large number of different types of warehouses. The movement of the MP through the warehouse increases the cost of the goods, which is associated with the corresponding costs. Therefore, it is necessary to study the problems and methods effective organization and functioning of warehouses to rationalize the movement of small businesses in the logistics chain and reduce distribution costs.

In practice, warehouses can be both open areas where raw materials such as coal, ore or vegetables are stored in heaps; as well as modern facilities that provide the necessary conditions for storing, for example, frozen foods.

Specialists use several different terms for warehouses, more often they are called distribution(distribution centers) and logistics centers(logistics centers). Distribution centers are sometimes thought of as storage locations for FPs on their way to end-users, while logistics centers store a wider range of products and may be located at different points in the supply chain.

Warehouse - is any place where stocks of materials are stored as they pass through the supply chain. Warehouse- these are buildings, structures and various devices intended for the acceptance, placement and storage of goods received on them, preparing them for consumption and release to the consumer. The warehouse should be considered as an integrated part of the supply chain, since its characteristics directly affect the efficiency of transport and distribution activities, determine the possibilities of inventory management, etc.

Warehouse classification

1. By size : from small premises with a total area of ​​several hundred square meters, up to giant warehouses, covering hundreds of thousands of square meters.

2. According to the height of the stacking of goods : in some, the cargo is stored no higher human growth, in others, special devices are needed that can lift and accurately place the load in a cell on height 24 m and more.

3. By design : stay in separate rooms (closed), have only a roof, or a roof and one, two, or three walls (half closed). Some cargoes are generally stored outdoors at specially equipped sites, in the so-called open warehouses.

4. Of necessity create and maintain special mode e.g. temperature, humidity.

5. By number of users : a warehouse can be used to store goods of one enterprise ( individual use), or, under the terms of leasing, be leased to individuals or legal entities (collective use or warehouse-hotel).

6. According to the degree of mechanization warehouse operations: non-mechanized, mechanized, complex-mechanized, automated And automatic.

7. According to the possibilities of delivery and export of goods by rail or water transport: near-station or port warehouses (located on the territory of a railway station or port), railway(having a connected railway line for the supply and removal of wagons) and deep. In order to deliver cargo from a station, pier or port to a deep warehouse, it is necessary to use an automobile or other type of transport.

8. By breadth of assortment stored cargo: specialized warehouses, warehouses with mixed or with a versatile range.

9. In place in the process of MP movement from the primary source of raw materials to the final consumer of finished products:

1) warehouses in the area of ​​product movement industrial and technical purpose:

Warehouses of GP manufacturing enterprises;

warehouses of raw materials and starting materials;

Warehouses in the sphere of circulation of products for industrial and technical purposes;

2) warehouses in the area of ​​movement of goods public consumption:

enterprise warehouses wholesale trade consumer goods located in the places of production of these products - weekend wholesale bases;

Warehouses located in the places of their consumption - trading wholesale bases.

Main warehouse assignment - concentration of stocks, their storage and ensuring the uninterrupted and rhythmic fulfillment of consumer orders. But in addition to storage, many organizations use warehouses as convenient places to perform other types of work. general trend is such that warehouses are now increasingly performing value-adding tasks rather than being pure cost centers.

Basic functions of the warehouse

1. Transformation of the production assortment into a consumer one in accordance with demand. This function is of particular importance in distribution logistics, where the trade assortment includes a huge list of goods from various manufacturers that differ in functionality, design, size, shape, color, etc. Creating the right assortment in the warehouse contributes to the efficient fulfillment of customer orders and the implementation of more frequent deliveries and in the volume that the customer requires.

2. Warehousing and storage allows you to equalize the time difference between output and consumption and makes it possible to carry out continuous production and supply based on the created inventory.

3. MP conversion. Any warehouse processes at least three types of MT: input, output and internal. At the warehouse, some cargo lots or cargo units are disbanded and others are formed, cargo is unpacked, new cargo units are assembled, packed, packed.

4. Reducing shipping costs . Many consumers order "less than a wagon" or "less than a trailer" shipments from warehouses, which significantly increases the costs associated with the delivery of such goods. To reduce transport costs, the warehouse can carry out unitization, those. Union small consignments for several customers, up to the full load of the vehicle. Another form of association occurs when the customer needs MR from different suppliers (Fig. 3.1, a). The opposite operation - wholesale breakdown - also allows you to reduce the cost of transporting goods from one supplier to many customers in a certain territory (Fig. 3.1, b).

Fig.3.1. Using a warehouse to reduce shipping costs

5. Provision of services . An obvious aspect of this function is the provision of various services to clients that provide the firm with a high level of customer service, for example:

preparation of goods for sale (packing products, filling containers, unpacking, etc.);

Checking the functioning of instruments and equipment, installation;

Giving products a presentation, pre-treatment (for example, wood);

performance of work related to the reduction of commercial risk (carrying out final work at the last moment - postponement);

· fine-tuning products to the desired condition, gluing labels, packaging, preparing products for retailers so that they can immediately put it up for sale;

· forwarding services;

service " seller-managed inventory" and etc.

Purpose of storage - provide support to wider logistics functions, providing a combination of high customer service and low costs. These goals involve a number of tasks, for example:

Reliable storage of MR in the necessary conditions and with minimal damage;

Ensuring a high level of customer service;

Cost minimization with high quality of operations;

Effective control over the movement of materials;

Fast execution of warehouse operations;

Ability to store the entire range of necessary materials;

Ensuring safe working conditions, etc.

federal state budgetary educational institution

higher vocational education

Saratov State Technical University Gagarina Yu.A.

Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM)

Specialty "Logistics and supply chain management"

Department of Enterprise Economics, Engineering Economics and Logistics (EPL)


in the discipline "Logistics of warehousing"

on the topic: "Classification of warehouses in logistics"

Saratov 2014


Warehouses in the broadest sense of the word are places where products are stored. Logistics gives warehouses a more complete and comprehensive description. Firstly, it gives a more thorough definition for a warehouse (delimits it from just a room), and secondly, it makes a classification depending on the purpose.

In the logistics chain, the movement of material flows is impossible without the concentration of the necessary stocks in certain places, for the storage of which warehouses are intended. The increase in the cost of goods is associated with the costs of moving through the warehouse of living or materialized labor. The rationalization of the movement of material flows in the supply chain, the use of vehicles and distribution costs are influenced by problems associated with the functioning of warehouses.

A modern warehouse is a technically complex equipped facility that includes interconnected elements, has an appropriate structure and performs a number of functions for changing material flows, as well as collecting, processing and distributing goods among consumers. At the same time, the warehouse is only integral part systems of a higher level of the supply chain, which determines the main technical requirements warehouse system, dictates the tasks and positions of its optimal performance, establishes the conditions for the processing of cargo.

In this regard, the warehouse is considered not autonomously, but as an integral part of the logistics chain.

This approach allows us to ensure the successful implementation of the main functions of the warehouse and the achievement of a high level of profitability.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that for each specific warehouse the components of the warehouse system differ significantly from each other, both its elements and the structure itself, based on the relationship of these elements.

When forming a warehouse system, you need to remember the basic principle: only an individual solution, taking into account all the accompanying factors, can make it profitable. A clear definition of work tasks and a thorough analysis of the handling of goods both inside and outside the warehouse is a prerequisite for its cost-effective operation. This implies that any costs must be economically justified, i.e. the use of any technological and technical solution that accompanies an investment should be applied on the basis of rational expediency, and not on the basis of fashion trends and technical possibilities offered on the market.

1. The concept, tasks and functions of the warehouse

Warehouse in the understanding of logistics can be called buildings or structures equipped with production and technological equipment, as well as automation tools necessary for the full functioning, receipt, processing and dispatch of products (as well as for performing other functions directly or indirectly related to the needs of the consumer).

A modern warehouse performs a huge amount of logistics operations, giving the client the opportunity to choose a wide range of logistics services, warehousing, cargo handling, packaging, transportation, information and other services.

The main reasons for using warehouses in the logistics system:

Reduction of logistics costs during transportation due to the organization of transportation in economical batches;

Coordination and alignment of supply and demand in supply and distribution through the creation of insurance and seasonal stocks;

Ensuring an uninterrupted production process by creating stocks of material and technical resources;

Ensuring maximum satisfaction of consumer demand through the formation of a product range;

Creation of conditions for maintaining an active sales strategy;

Increase in geographical coverage of sales markets;

Providing a flexible service policy.

Warehouses are one of the most important elements of the logistics system. The objective need for specially equipped places for holding stocks exists at all stages of the flow of materials, from the primary source of raw materials to the final consumer. This explains the large number of different types of warehouses.

Warehouse tasks:

As part of the logistics system:

but) modern performance goods and services to consumers;

b) concentration and replenishment of stocks at optimal costs;

c) protection of production and consumers from various unforeseen circumstances;

d) balancing the increase in production rates and volumes

of manufactured products with an increase in consumer demand.

Traditional tasks:

a) maximum use of storage facilities;

b) rational handling of loading and unloading and storage operations;

c) efficient use of equipment;

d) elimination of losses of goods during their warehouse processing, storage, etc.

The main task of the warehouse is the concentration of stocks, their storage and the formation of an uninterrupted and rhythmic supply of consumer orders.

The main functions of the warehouse include the following.

In accordance with demand, the transformation of the production assortment into consumer, which means the creation of the right assortment to fulfill customer orders. This function is of particular importance in distribution logistics, where the trade assortment is represented by a huge list of goods from various manufacturers, differing in design, size, color, shape, etc.

Efficient fulfillment of consumer orders is facilitated by the creation of the desired assortment in the warehouse. The same factor contributes to the implementation of more frequent deliveries in the volume required by the client.

Warehousing and storage. This function allows you to smooth out the time difference between output and consumption and contributes to the implementation of continuous production and supply based on the emerging inventory. Their storage in the distribution system is necessary due to the seasonal consumption of some goods.

Unitization and transportation of goods. To reduce the transportation costs of consumers who order batches “less than a wagon” and “less than a trailer” from the warehouse, the function of combining (uniting) small consignments for a group of customers is carried out until the vehicle is completely unloaded.

Provision of services. A visible element of this function is to provide customers with all kinds of services that provide the organization with a high level of customer service. Among them: packing products, filling containers, unpacking, etc. (preparation of goods for sale); checking the operation of instruments and equipment, assembly; pre-treatment of products to give them a marketable appearance; forwarding services, etc.

2. Classification of warehouses

An important link technological process manufacturing enterprises for wholesale and retail are warehouses that serve as the basis for enterprises aimed at staying ahead of competitors. Warehouse work requires modern organization, advanced technology and qualified personnel.

Warehouses are the basis of the reserves of material resources needed to adjust the volume of demand and supply, as well as the consistency of the speeds of the flow of goods in the systems of promotion from the manufacturer to the consumer. IN economic activity There are many types of warehouses used.

Depending on the place and role of the warehouse in the logistics chain, you can classify them:

Supply logistics warehouses. From the name it becomes clear that these warehouses are designed to meet the needs of the manufacturer. These are usually warehouses for raw materials.

Warehouses for industrial logistics. This includes warehouses, like the first ones, that meet the needs of the manufacturer within the framework of the organization of the production process. In particular, tool warehouses, instrument warehouses, and others can be distinguished.

Distribution logistics warehouses. This classification refers to warehouses intended for intermediate delivery and dispatch of goods. Depending on the length of a specific logistics chain, these warehouses can be divided into the following types:

finished product warehouses - manufacturer's warehouses, which are intended for temporary storage of finished products, shipment to distributors or retailers;

distribution warehouses of manufacturers. Usually used by large manufacturers with their own logistics chains. Designed for intermediate storage of products between warehouses for finished products and warehouses for wholesale or retail;

wholesale warehouses are usually warehouses of distributors or regional distributors. The main purpose is the storage of products received from the warehouses of finished products or distribution warehouses of the manufacturer. Consumers are typically retailers;

retail warehouses - warehouses of retailers, usually designed to meet the needs of trade pavilions or shops. They are replenished from warehouses of wholesale trade, less often from distribution warehouses of the consumer or warehouses of finished products of the consumer.

Warehouses of transport organizations. This is a type of warehouse rarely dependent on consumers and producers. Typically, logistics companies or hired (outsourced) logistics services are associated with the warehouses of transport organizations.

The warehouses of transport organizations should include air terminals, seaports, railway warehouses and the like. The direct use of the warehouses of transport organizations is often associated with the decision difficult questions logistics, such as remote deliveries, or delivery of products in very large lots (freight railway echelon).

In the domestic literature on logistics, the following features of the systematization of warehouses are distinguished: in relation to the basic functional areas of logistics and participants in the logistics system, type of product, form of ownership, functional purpose, level of specialization, degree of mechanization of warehouse operations, type of warehouse buildings and structures, the possibility of delivery and export cargo; location in Table 1 shows the main types of warehouses in logistics.

warehouse logistics cargo transportation

Table 1 - Classification of warehouses in logistics

Classification sign Type of warehouse1. In relation to the basic functional areas of logistics Supply logistics warehouse Production logistics warehouse Distribution logistics warehouse2. By type of productWarehouse of material resources Warehouse of work in progress Warehouse of finished products Warehouse of containers Warehouse of returnable waste Warehouse of tools3. According to the service area General factory warehouse (central) District warehouse (for supplying a group of workshops with homogeneous materials and products) Adjoining warehouse (serves one workshop) 4. By form of ownership Company's own warehouse Leased warehouse Commercial warehouse Warehouses of state and municipal enterprises Warehouses of public and non-profit organizations, associations, etc.5. By functional purpose Buffer stocks warehouse (for supplying production processes) Transit and transshipment warehouse (cargo terminals) Consignment warehouse (assortment formation and picking of consignments in accordance with customer orders) Storage warehouse (reception of goods for temporary storage) Special warehouse (customs warehouses, residue and waste warehouses, etc.)6 . In relation to the participants of the logistics systemWarehouse of the manufacturer Warehouse trading companies Warehouse of a trading and intermediary company Warehouse transport company Warehouse forwarding company Warehouse of a cargo handling enterprise Warehouses of other logistics intermediaries7. By level of specializationHighly specialized warehouse Warehouse of a limited assortment Warehouse of a wide assortment8. According to the degree of mechanization of warehouse operationsNon-mechanized warehouse Complex-mechanized warehouse Automated warehouse Automatic warehouse9. By type of construction of warehouse buildings (structures) Closed warehouse (separate structure) Semi-closed areas (having only a canopy or roof and one, two or three walls) Open areas (specially equipped outdoor areas)10. By number of storeys of the building Multi-storey warehouse One-storey warehouse with a height of up to 6 m High-rise warehouse High-rise warehouse with a height of more than 10 m Warehouse with a height difference11. If possible, delivery and export of cargoStation or port warehouse (located on the territory of a railway station or port) Railroad warehouse (has a railway line connected) Deep warehouse

The classifications listed above do not reflect all the structural and logistical features of warehouses. In order to describe the characteristics of the warehouse itself, as well as the warehouse, one well-known logistics company a classification system was developed that most fully reflects the characteristics of a warehouse as a logistics and marketing unit. This classification divides all warehouses regardless of their assignment to the six categories. When determining the category of a particular warehouse, such parameters as the geographical location of the warehouse, the availability and condition of access roads, distance from highways, the presence of a railway line, the area of ​​​​the premises, the number of storeys, the height of the ceilings, the presence technical means security and much more.

Category "A+" » combines warehouses that are most convenient and advantageously located in terms of logistics. Such warehouses have sufficient space, offices and service premises, storage and loading equipment. The cost of renting such premises is the highest.

Warehouses of category "A" slightly cheaper, although they meet many of the requirements inherent in the previous category. These are also one-story capital structures with a developed infrastructure.

Category B+ » requires a ceiling height of at least eight meters from the warehouse. Floors must be covered with an anti-dust coating. The warehouse should be located near major highways, have convenient access roads and a place for maneuvering heavy vehicles.

Premises of the category " » can be either one- or two-story. In the case of a two-story warehouse, the required number of elevators and lifts must be provided.


At all stages of the movement of material flow, from the primary source of raw materials to the final consumer, there is an obvious need for specially equipped places to store stocks. Therefore, there are a large number of different types of warehouses that solve these issues.

In warehouses create the necessary conditions for storage, taking into account physical and chemical properties goods. Sometimes warehouses also have capacities for packaging, packaging, testing and other operations.

A large modern warehouse is a complex technical structure. The warehouse consists of numerous interconnected elements, has a characteristic structure and is designed to perform a number of functions to change material flows.

The functions of the warehouse include the accumulation, processing and distribution of goods among consumers.

The main concepts of warehouse activity include: acceptance of goods and goods from the carrier (acceptance of goods is carried out in terms of quantity and quality).


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