Honor project. Presentation for elementary grades "honor and dignity"

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Honor is a category that means the moral assessment of the individual by society, as well as the self-esteem of a person. Honor is one of the blessings that belong to a person from birth, it is inalienable and inexpressible. (Large legal dictionary) Honor is a complex moral and ethical and social concept associated with the assessment of such qualities of an individual as fidelity, justice, truthfulness, nobility, dignity. (Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia)

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Honor is the readiness to defend one's interests and the interests of one's state, while neglecting even a threat to one's life. Honor is an inner watchman that does not allow not only low deeds, but also unvirtuous thoughts. Honor is one of the main virtues of a person that determines his whole life. Honor is the inviolability of the body, the strength of the soul and the purity of thoughts.

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War activities. Military honor is the main quality that should be inherent in a good warrior, both an ordinary soldier and a commander. household situations. A person who stands up for the weak or offended is a man of honor. extreme situations. A person who, in an extreme situation, thinks not about how to save himself alone, but about how to save himself together with everyone - a man of honor.

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Honor should be in a person from birth. If a person does not feel honor in himself, he will have to make considerable efforts in order to become a man of honor. Fulfillment of obligations and promises. A person who trains himself not to make impossible promises and always keep his word becomes a man of honor. Psychological trainings. The less a person has fears and concerns, the more likely it is that in a difficult situation he will show himself as a man of honor. Helps get rid of many fears psychological trainings. Self improvement. If a person is able to soberly evaluate himself, see the negative aspects of his character and set a goal to overcome them, he is on his way to becoming a man of honor.

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Moral category, meaning respect and self-respect of the human person. Dignity is an inalienable property of a person as the highest value, belonging to him regardless of how he himself and the people around him perceive and evaluate his personality. Dignity is one of the intangible benefits that belong to a person from birth, it is inalienable and intransferable. (Big Law Dictionary)

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Dignity gives respect - to yourself. Only those who respect themselves can respect those around them. Dignity gives confidence - in one's own mental strength and volitional qualities. Dignity gives freedom - from criticism and slander of the townsfolk. Dignity provides choice - the higher a person values ​​himself, the more potential opportunities he has for applying his strengths and talents.

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The willingness to sacrifice one's own interests for the benefit of others is a manifestation of human dignity. Fulfillment of duty. Fulfillment of duty - to the Motherland, to parents, to children, military duty; debt in the most general sense is a sign of a worthy person. Judicial system. "A claim for the protection of honor and dignity." Only those who are aware of their dignity are capable of defending their civic dignity. Competitions. In sports, a person often has to overcome obstacles, overcome physical discomfort. A person with self-esteem is capable of withstanding all the tests without losing face. extreme situations. A person who saves people in case of fire, explosion, in any other extreme situation, shows himself as a worthy person. Charity. A worthy person will not miss the opportunity to quietly, without sticking out his own "I", to help those who really need help.

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Sports. The struggle (both physical and mental) with a heavy sports equipment or with heavy loads forms a person's self-respect. Self-respect is a manifestation of self-esteem. The acquisition of knowledge. With the acquisition of more and more knowledge, a person has an increasingly reliable platform for developing self-esteem. Household relationships. By not encouraging and not allowing derogatory treatment from others, a person gains self-esteem. Controversy (dispute). By training in controversy, a person gains self-confidence and, consequently, self-esteem. http://www.xapaktep.net/program/virtues/roman/respectability/desc.php

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http://www.xapaktep.net/program/virtues/roman/respectability/desc.php - A person should be honest by nature, not by circumstance. Marcus Aurelius.

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Pick up two or three proverbs that would talk about honor and dignity. Recall and tell about the actions of the heroes of books, fairy tales, films known to you, corresponding to the concepts of honor and dignity.

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Honor and dignity I agree to endure any misfortune, But I will not agree that honor should suffer. P. Corneille

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Russian proverbs about honor Take care of your dress again, and honor from a young age. For a good name and honor, get ready to cut your head off. Not the right one who is stronger, but the one who is more honest. By merit and honor

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Honor and Dignity Honor is the good name of a person, a good unsullied reputation. Honor is the inner dignity of a person. IN AND. Dal Dignity is a combination of high moral qualities, respect for these qualities in oneself. “There is nothing more painful than an insult to human dignity. Cicero

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Crimes against honor and dignity are the humiliation of the honor and dignity of another person, expressed in an indecent form. - dissemination of deliberately false information that discredits the honor and dignity of another person or undermines his reputation. is the illegal deprivation of a person's freedom Kidnapping Slander Insult

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Crimes against honor and dignity Hooliganism is a gross violation of public order, accompanied by the use of violence against citizens or the threat of its use, as well as the destruction or damage to other people's property.

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Law on the Protection of the Honor and Dignity of School Students Chapter 1 We consider the following to be a crime against the honor and dignity of students: - insult; - the use of nicknames; foul language; humiliation due to physical defects; spreading slander; threats, intimidation, blackmail; extortion, theft and damage to property; assault (fights, beatings, beatings)

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The Law on the Protection of the Honor and Dignity of Students MOU Secondary School No. 1 Chapter 2 The protection of the honor and dignity of students is entrusted to the COURT of honor of the school. The Court of Honor includes: students, teachers, parents. The court of honor has the right to invite students for trial and determine the measure of punishment. Chapter 3 The Court of Honor has the right to make the following decisions: Reconciliation of the parties; public apology; Compensation for the damage caused; Expulsion from school (for particularly serious offenses)
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    What is honor

    • Honor is a category that means the moral assessment of the individual by society, as well as the self-esteem of a person. Honor is one of the blessings that belong to a person from birth, it is inalienable and inexpressible. (Big Law Dictionary)
    • Honor is a complex moral, ethical and social concept associated with the assessment of such qualities of an individual as loyalty, justice, truthfulness, nobility, dignity. (Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia)
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    • Honor is the readiness to defend one's interests and the interests of one's state, while neglecting even a threat to one's life.
    • Honor is an inner watchman that does not allow not only low deeds, but also unvirtuous thoughts.
    • Honor is one of the main virtues of a person that determines his whole life.
    • Honor is the inviolability of the body, the strength of the soul and the purity of thoughts.
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    Manifestations of honor in everyday life

    • War activities. Military honor is the main quality that should be inherent in a good warrior, both an ordinary soldier and a commander.
    • household situations. A person who stands up for the weak or offended is a man of honor.
    • extreme situations. A person who, in an extreme situation, thinks not about how to save himself alone, but about how to save himself together with everyone - a man of honor.
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    How to Cultivate Honor

    • Honor should be in a person from birth. If a person does not feel honor in himself, he will have to make considerable efforts in order to become a man of honor.
    • Fulfillment of obligations and promises. A person who trains himself not to make impossible promises and always keep his word becomes a man of honor.
    • Psychological trainings. The less a person has fears and concerns, the more likely it is that in a difficult situation he will show himself as a man of honor. Psychological training helps to get rid of many fears.
    • Self improvement. If a person is able to soberly evaluate himself, see the negative aspects of his character and set a goal to overcome them, he is on his way to becoming a man of honor.
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    What is dignity dignity

    • Dignity is a moral category that means respect and self-respect of the human person.
    • Dignity is an inalienable property of a person as the highest value, belonging to him regardless of how he himself and the people around him perceive and evaluate his personality. Dignity is one of the intangible benefits that belong to a person from birth, it is inalienable and intransferable. (Big Law Dictionary)
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    Benefits of Dignity

    • Dignity gives respect - to yourself. Only those who respect themselves can respect those around them.
    • Dignity gives confidence - in one's own spiritual strength and strong-willed qualities.
    • Dignity gives freedom - from criticism and slander of the townsfolk.
    • Dignity provides choice - the higher a person values ​​himself, the more potential opportunities he has for applying his strengths and talents.
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    Manifestations of Dignity in Daily Life

    • The willingness to sacrifice one's own interests for the benefit of others is a manifestation of human dignity.
    • Fulfillment of duty. Fulfillment of duty - to the Motherland, to parents, to children, military duty; debt in the most general sense is a sign of a worthy person.
    • Judicial system. "A claim for the protection of honor and dignity." Only those who are aware of their dignity are capable of defending their civic dignity.
    • Competitions. In sports, a person often has to overcome obstacles, overcome physical discomfort. A person with self-esteem is capable of withstanding all the tests without losing face.
    • extreme situations. A person who saves people in case of fire, explosion, in any other extreme situation, shows himself as a worthy person.
    • Charity. A worthy person will not miss the opportunity to quietly, without sticking out his own "I", to help those who really need help.
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    How to develop dignity

    • Sports. The struggle (both physical and mental) with a heavy sports equipment or with heavy loads forms a person's self-respect. Self-respect is a manifestation of self-esteem.
    • The acquisition of knowledge. With the acquisition of more and more knowledge, a person has an increasingly reliable platform for developing self-esteem.
    • Household relationships. By not encouraging and not allowing derogatory treatment from others, a person gains self-esteem.
    • Controversy (dispute). By training in controversy, a person gains self-confidence and, consequently, self-esteem.
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    • One can be an honest man without being great; but one cannot be a great man without being honest. (from the Encyclopedia of Aphorisms)
    • A person must be honest by nature, not by circumstances (Marcus Aurelius)
    • Once they sold a batch of captured Spartans into slavery. One buyer asked the prisoner he was going to buy:
      - Will you be an honest person if I buy you?
      “I’ll be them all the same whether you buy me or not,” the Spartan replied. From the collection “World Wit”
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    • Pick up 2-3 proverbs that would talk about honor and dignity.
    • Recall and tell about the actions of the heroes of books, fairy tales, films known to you, corresponding to the concepts of honor and dignity.
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    Slides captions:

    Presentation for the lesson on the module "Fundamentals of secular ethics" Honor and dignity Prepared by: Timofeeva L.V. teacher primary school MAOU Abatskaya secondary school No. 1, Abatsky district, Tyumen region

    Honor is a reward given for virtue. Aristotle Not the strong are the best, but the honest ones. Honor and dignity are the strongest. F.M. Dostoevsky. One of the highest principles of true morality is respect for human dignity in every person, without distinction of face, first of all for the fact that he is a man, and only then for his personal dignity. V. G. Belinsky.

    A man of honor keeps his word always comes to the aid of the weak L. Panteleev. "Honest word" S. Marshak. "The story of an unknown hero" Moral qualities of a person:

    What is honor?

    What is dignity? L.N. Tolstoy "Bone" The most important of human efforts is the desire for morality. Our inner stability and our very existence depend on it. Only morality in our actions gives beauty and dignity to our life. A.Einstein L.N. Tolstoy "Old grandfather and granddaughters"

    What is dignity?

    Let's discuss proverbs

    Honor and dignity Honor and dignity are needed in those moments when you have to choose what to do. It is these qualities that will not allow a person to commit an immoral act, will help to avoid hostility, revenge and mutual insults, because he respects himself and others.

    Test 1. Honor and dignity are words that mean nothing today. 2. Honor is the responsibility for one's behavior. 3. Do not provide too many services to others, because few people appreciate these services. 4. Dignity is decency, courage, the ability to stand up for oneself. 5. A person must flaunt his best qualities in order to be appreciated.

    A man of honor respects himself and deserves the respect of others. Dignity is a feeling of superiority over others. A person should not persistently defend his beliefs when many have the opposite opinion. A man of honor is not afraid to prove his truth, and if he is wrong, he admits it. 10. The wisest thing is to maintain dignity even when there is a strong temptation to do otherwise.