Determination of the number of employees of budgetary organizations. What is staffing? Standard headcount norms

For effective control and quality management, each enterprise maintains a regular number of employees. This indicator is important, so the employees of the enterprise should not miss these parameters, they should constantly update the data. The calculated value is recorded in the reporting, which is compiled on the basis of legal requirements.

General concept

The number of employees of a certain organization is the value of the number of employees included in the staff of a particular enterprise. And it can also be a number entered in staffing. Persons who are accepted to perform certain duties for a season or for temporary work, are not included in the staff. This definition is more often used in business planning, when it is necessary to determine the value of the number of personnel. In addition, it is often found in solving various management issues of the company.

The number of full-time employees in the enterprise may be noted in its charter, but this is not a mandatory provision. Most often, the definition of this indicator is calculated in government organizations. In various structural divisions of a commercial nature, it is rarely calculated. This is due to the fact that the calculation of the state is quite difficult.

Meaning headcount usually less than planned. It is often advantageous for enterprises to hire employees for a certain period of time (temporary basis). So you do not have to bring the employee into the state and regularly pay wages, because the need for his services arises sporadically. In many countries there is a convenient system of recruitment, which is based on the creation of special agencies. These organizations bring together various categories workers. With the help of leasing operations, employees are temporarily transferred to the staff of industrial and economic enterprises.

Value Calculation

There are various methods on the basis of which the number of staff is calculated. The most common is the method based on labor standards. It involves taking into account absences that correspond to the plan. These values ​​are entered using accounting.

Each enterprise has the full right to independently develop standards that will later be used in the implementation of calculations.

The number of staff is the product of the value of the standard number and the coefficient that determines the planned absenteeism of the staff. It turns out that the planned absenteeism rate (1) is added to the percentage of absenteeism, which is converted into shares by dividing by 100.

Quite often in institutions it is customary to name list data according to the standards for determining the state. The list data must match the number of employees listed in the time sheet. Thus, attendance of employees is fixed. There are rules that must be followed when determining the staffing. The correctness of the result depends on this.

The staff must include all employees who are registered at the enterprise with the conclusion of an employment contract. A record is made of persons who officially receive monetary remuneration for their work. They take into account everyone who is listed in the time sheet, even if the employee is not present at the workplace at the moment. All received figures must fully coincide with the personnel values.

More about time limits

In order to carry out the calculation of staff members based on time norms, it is necessary to define them. This indicator is the total cost of working time, which is set for a specific worker or their group under given technical and organizational conditions. At the same time, employees must meet a certain qualification level.

All work performed at the enterprise must be fully covered by temporary regulations. This event allows you to get an accurate and objective value of the staffing level.

Temporary norms are calculated with the mandatory inclusion of time costs. These include:

  • legal and regulatory research;
  • creating and sending requests of interest;
  • studying various data and materials of the industry in which the organization operates;
  • implementation of the planned plans and programs.

In addition, the norms of time usually include the costs necessary for the implementation of various activities aimed at the fulfillment of planned targets, various forms of final reporting.

Time norms can be determined to calculate the standard number of personnel. This indicator is entered in the timesheet.

Typically, the value of the indicator is determined for the financial year. The number of employees, according to the standards, is equal to the ratio of the total labor costs, determined by the amount of work, to the fund of time to complete the work according to the plan.

When determining the value of the staffing number, it is important to correctly calculate not only the standard number, but also the absenteeism rate. This coefficient includes time for employees to leave, temporary disability, training, advanced training. An obligatory element of accounting are correction factors that are taken into account in temporary norms: the time spent by workers on rest and for other personal needs during work.

Timing planning

Many enterprises have a sample according to which planned calculations are carried out to determine various values ​​​​of the number of employees. The number of full-time employees is used to assess the potential of their work and is one of the most important indicators. This number includes all employees on the payroll, regardless of what the structure of personnel in the organization. It is obligatory to record employees who were accepted or retired.

To calculate the staffing level, a balance of time is drawn up, where the temporary values ​​​​of the work of one employee are entered. A full-time employee is noted in the accounting number reflected in the balance sheet. Temporary working balances have certain differences in enterprises, which are characterized by different types productions. So, a separate calculation is carried out for continuous and periodic production.

The calendar fund of time is taken as a basis. The number of holidays (for the periodic type), days off, planned and extra days holidays.

In addition, you need to deduct the vacation that employees are entitled to for various reasons provided for by law. Absenteeism is calculated, the cause of which is the illness of employees or the implementation of duties of the state direction. For the working balance of time, it is important to calculate the value of the number of working days or hours for a certain period of work. Absenteeism rates are also entered into the plan, as well as the average value of the length of the day at work for each full-time worker. There are 3 sections in the temporary fund, which are displayed in the balance sheet:

  • calendar fund;
  • nominal;
  • effective.

The value of the calendar fund coincides with the planned indicators. In conditions of a periodic type of production, holidays and weekends are deducted from the calendar fund, and the nominal value comes out. The effective fund is the nominal fund minus absenteeism due to sickness, vacation, and community service.

Optimization of the structure of human resources of the enterprise may require its responsible managers to carry out serious work related to the determination of the staffing level. What is this indicator? How is it defined?

The main task in determining the staffing

the main task competent managers of the enterprise - to correctly calculate the indicator in question. Enough to effectively implement headcount calculation personnel of the company can be, using departmental regulations. Although they are adapted for application mainly only in the area governed by the authority that issued them, the principles and formulations contained in the relevant sources of norms are quite suitable for private organizations. Among the most common departmental legal acts, the provisions of which make it possible to determine staffing standard Order of the Federal Archives No. 9, adopted on January 14, 2004. Let's consider its main provisions.

Determination of the staffing level: Rosarkhiv methodology

According to this department,staffing isan indicator that is recommended to be set on the basis of inter-sectoral, sectoral, as well as local standards related to the main thing, that the provisions of these sources make it possible to determine what optimal abundance one or the other functional divisions institutions or individual workers.

According to Rosarkhiv, it should be separately installed for specific structural units, managers and ordinary specialists of the organization. The method proposed by the department allows determining the optimal staffing level of the institution's employees in accordance with the noted approach. The most important criterion for the successful solution of this problem is the use of current standards related to labor relations. Let's consider their specifics in more detail.

Standards for staffing: Rosarkhiv methodology

According to Rosarkhiv, in order to calculate the optimal staff size, it makes sense to apply such standards as:

Working time norm;
- the rate of production indicators;
- the norm, estimated from the point of view of controllability;
- the rate of time for the provision of services;
- service rate.

Under the norm of working time, the department understands the amount of costs for working time, which is set for an employee or a group of specialists to perform a unit of work under given resources and conditions.

Under the production rate, Rosarchive understands the fixed amount of work that is to be performed by one employee or a group of specialists within a unit of working time within the framework of available resources and conditions.
Under the controllability norm, which is taken into account when determining the optimal staffing of the enterprise according to the Rosarkhiv methodology, it is understood as the number of employees whose activities can be effectively coordinated with given resources and conditions by one manager.

Under the service norm, the department understands the optimal number of units of certain devices, jobs, customers of the enterprise that an employee or a group of specialists are required to serve within a unit of working time, again under given resources and conditions. Under the norm of time for the provision of services is understood the amount of working time, necessary for the employee or a group of specialists for the qualitative implementation of the previous standard, that is, the standard of service.

How are staffing standards applied?

Based on the noted norms, the company's management determines what the staffing and staffing should be, which allow the business entity to consistently carry out its main activities. As a rule, these standards make it possible to cover all key aspects of the organization of the production process at the enterprise.

The most important aspect of calculating the relevant indicators is the classification of work positions in the state of the enterprise according to different groups. Let's study it in more detail.

Classification of personnel in determining the staffing level: nuances

So, the number of employees is a value determined by the internal regulations of the organization, which shows how many employees of a particular specialization the company needs to hire to solve economic problems within the framework of the main activities. At the same time, employees of the company can be distributed according to work positions, classified based on the criteria established by the responsible managers.

Rosarchiv, as well as many municipal organizations operating in the Russian regions, prefer to adhere to the methodology for classifying work positions, according to which the staff of the institution is divided into 4 main categories:

- specialists;
- technical performers;

Thus, the calculation and approval of the staff number are carried out for each of the marked categories of workers separately. Let us consider the specifics of these groups of employees in the context of calculating the indicator in question in more detail.

Classification of personnel in determining the staffing level: managers

Managers or administrative staff- these are employees of the company who perform functions related to the organization of the production process, the management of subordinate employees within their authority. Specific tasks, as well as the competencies that managers should have to solve them, are most often prescribed in an employment contract with an employer.

As a rule, the considered group of employees of the organization in terms of number is the smallest in the staffing table. But it is important, hiring even if not a large number of managers, to define for them the powers so that they can organize the work of their departments most effectively. Thus, the approval of the staffing of managers is a simple task in terms of determining the number of specialists in this profile, but difficult in terms of determining the scope of authority of these employees, taking into account which the headcount indicators for other categories of employees of the organization are determined.


This category of employees is responsible for the main surplus product in the company, which is created through the production or sale of goods by the enterprise, the provision of services, and the implementation of investment activities. Thus, the formation of headcount indicators for this category of workers is key task enterprise managers.

Specialists can solve a wide range of tasks, and those working positions in which they carry out labor activity, can be classified according to additional grounds. So, the following categories of specialists can work at the enterprise: consultants, engineers, developers, personnel officers, accountants. For each of them, individual headcount indicators can be determined.

Technical performers

Some experts prefer to combine this category of workers and the previous one. But there can be a very noticeable difference between them: technical performers, as a rule, only help specialists in solving their problems. However, their role can also be very important.personnel belonging to this category may be highly undesirable in terms of ensuring that the enterprise achieves optimal production indicators.

Technical performers can be represented by programmers, network administrators, electricians, installers. It should be noted that the allocation of employees of these professions to the category of technical performers will be carried out only if the main activity of the company is not related to their work. If it is the opposite, then they, in turn, can be considered from the point of view of the classification of personnel as specialists. Other employees will have the status of technical executors.

Service staff

Another possible category of employees of the enterprise is service personnel. In turn, it can be considered close enough to the previous group of workers. However, the considered category of personnel, as a rule, is the least connected with the main activity of the enterprise. Their task is not to help specialists, as technical performers do, but to ensure the functioning of the enterprise infrastructure.

In this way, service personnel cleaners, plumbers, repair workers can be considered. Their work is also important, and in many cases, an increase in the number of staff in this category of employees may be required by the enterprise even to a greater extent than inviting new specialists, since there may be tasks related to the need to improve the functioning of the organization's infrastructure.


Thus, to calculate the headcount, responsible managers can apply: the Rosarchive methodology in terms of normalizing headcount indicators, common approaches to classifying personnel into separate categories, according to which individual headcount indicators can be determined. The main task facing responsible managers is to identify the real need of the organization for specialists with a specific level of competence and authority.

The headcount is one of the key criteria for the organization effective management enterprise. The quality of the work carried out by the company's leaders in terms of its definition will largely affect the efficiency of production, and hence the competitiveness of the business. When solving this problem, it is important to follow the sequence in assessing the needs of the enterprise, as well as pay attention to the necessary detail production processes in selecting human resources who will play a critical role in ensuring effective use enterprise capacities.

Labor rationing: just about serious. Part 2

One of the main issues that HR managers have to solve is determining the number of employees: how many employees does the organization need?

Calculation of the number of personnel

The solution to this question usually begins with a searchpopulation norms for the relevant categories of workers. Unfortunately, most often it turns out to be unsuccessful - for the simple reason that population standards are by no means developed for everyone. Firstly, they solve only one specific problem, that is, they are unsuitable either for production planning or for developing a system of remuneration or material incentives. Secondly, when drawing up the norms, it is necessary to take into account a large number of factors (relatively speaking, the types of work performed and their features) that determine in real life the requirements for the number of each category of workers. But since this is difficult to ensure, they are usually limited to three or four factors, which is not enough to ensure high accuracy of calculations.

In the absence of staffing standards, the need for personnel can be calculated on the basis of any other types of labor standards. The logic of these calculations is simple and clear, and the formulas used are simple.

    Required number (H n) is the number of workers required to complete production task within a specified period of time in the given organizational and technical conditions. The required headcount is often referred to as "hands-on": this is the number of people who must be at their jobs.

    However, employees are periodically absent from their workplaces - for valid (vacation, illness, child care, etc.) and disrespectful reasons. With this in mind, in order to ensure the timely execution of production tasks, the company has to hire additional people.Headcount (H w) - this is the required number, taking into account the coefficient of absenteeism (K n ).

    Hw= Hnx Kn

    The headcount is often referred to aspayroll.

Calculation of the number based on time norms

Knowing the norms of time and volumes of orders, we can easily calculate the required number.

For example, if a worker spends one hour processing one part, and 80 parts need to be made per day, then 10 people will be required to complete the production task. The solution to the problem is obvious: the total labor intensity (80 hours) must be divided by the time one person works (8 hours per day).

In real life, everything is somewhat more complicated, so correction factors are introduced into the calculation. If time norms are taken as the basis, then the number of personnel is calculated according to the formulas:

where T - total labor intensity of work in the planned period, man-hours;
F - working time fund of one employee in the planned period, h;
1 , H 2 , H i - the norm of time for 1, 2, etc. type of work in the planned period, man-hours;
1 , V 2 , V i - the scope of work 1, 2, etc. of the type in the planning period;
oh - a coefficient that reflects how much work is not covered by rationing in the planning period;
ext - coefficient of compliance with the norms;
n - absenteeism rate.

Planned periodin the calculation, it can be any - shift, week, decade, month, quarter, year. Different kinds works are characterized by different repeatability (permanent, daily, one-time, etc.), while the longer the planned period, the more accurate the result will be.

However, with an increase in the planning period, another difficulty arises. Not all enterprises can draw up an accurate and detailed work plan, for example, for a year. But the use of approximate (indicative) production indicators in the plans reduces the accuracy of the results of calculating the number. Therefore, when assigning a planning period, specific circumstances should be taken into account, as well as the availability of reliable initial data.

Compliance rate (K ext) - this is an indicator that reflects the degree of fulfillment by the employee of planned targets (average output):

  • at an average output of 100%, K ext = 1.0;
  • with less output, K ext< 1,0;
  • at greater output, TO ext > 1.0 (for example, with an average output of 120%, K ext = 1.2).

    It is obvious that if employees systematically overfulfill the norms, then the indicator of the required number of personnel decreases, and if they underfulfill, it increases. The coefficient of compliance with the norms is usually calculated for production workers, for other categories of personnel, its value, as a rule, is taken equal to 1.0.

    Absence rate (K n) - the standard indicator of accounting for hours worked, reflected in statistical reporting enterprises.

    Code Coverage Ratio (K oh) used in calculations in cases where part of the work performed by employees is not covered by the standards (or it is impossible to establish them) - this occurs quite often. How do you know what percentage of work is not covered by rationing?

    1. You can try to solve this problem arithmetically: subtract from the worked calendar time the total labor intensity of the normalized work. But for all its obvious simplicity, this method has limitations:

  • if the performance indicators exceed 100%, then the result will be expressed as a negative number;
  • if the performance indicators are less than 100%, then the result will by no means always reflect exactly the share of work not covered by the norms;
  • if the coefficient of compliance with the norms is not equal to one, then the result will be significantly distorted.

    1. K oh can be determined by observation - using the method of photographing working time. This is the most correct approach.

    2. Most often, this coefficient is assigned using the “expert” method (based on experience).

    For example, annual (2009) manufacturing program woodworking enterprise provides for the production of 6600 pcs. wooden beams 2000x100x80 mm (later they are used to assemble joinery). It is necessary to calculate the number of carpenters ( III category), performing the operations of planing workpieces from four sides (using a sherhebel and planer), cleaning edges from four sides ( sandpaper), as well as making 16 nests in each of the bars (eight with a chisel and eight with an electric drill).

    To determine the labor intensity, the Intersectoral norms of time for the manufacture of joinery products were used (Kramatorsk, 2005).

    The time limit for planing workpieces with a hand tool (scherhebel and planer) is 2.43 man-hours for every 100 m of the planed surface with a planing width of up to 100 mm (map 18 of the collection of standards); the complexity of planing one workpiece will be:

    The norm of time for making blind grooves with a chisel is 2.91 man-hours per 100 sockets (Map 23); the complexity of making grooves with a chisel per workpiece is calculated:

    The time limit for making blind grooves with an electric drill is 1.43 man-hours per 100 sockets (Map 26). The complexity of making grooves with a chisel per workpiece is calculated:

    The time limit for hand sanding the edges with sandpaper is 1.03 man-hours for every 10 edges 2000 mm long (map 42). In the example under consideration, in each workpiece, the edges are cleaned from four sides, therefore, the labor intensity of edge cleaning on one workpiece is calculated as follows:

    Considering that all works of the billing period are covered by rationing (K oh = 1.0), the total labor intensity of the work will be:

    Then, with the fund of working time in 2004 hours (2009), the coefficient of compliance with the norms K ext = 1.0 and absenteeism coefficient K n = 1.12, the estimated number of carpenters will be:

    Calculation of the number based on production rates

    Usingproduction standardsthe number of employees is calculated by the formula:

    where N in1, N in2, N in i - production rates for the 1st, 2nd, etc. types of work, respectively.

    When calculating, be sure to keep in mind the correspondenceunits of measurement . That is, the units of measure for the amount of work in terms ofproduction standards and scope of workmust be the same - pcs., cu. m, kg, etc. Units of measurement of time in terms ofproduction standards and working time fund - hour, shift, etc. If the units of measurement do not match, the indicators should be recalculated. If the production rate is 120 pieces / min, and the planned period is one month, then when calculating the number, the units of measurement should be brought to a single scale: one month is 167 hours x 60 \u003d 10,020 minutes.

    For example, the monthly production program of the harvesting area is:

    1) billet A - 25 thousand pieces. at a production rate of 12 pieces / min. (in this example, local production rates are used);
    2) blank B - 3 thousand pieces. (8pcs/h);
    3) billet B - 50 thousand pieces. (15pcs/min);
    4) blank G - 3 thousand pieces. (30pcs/h);
    5) billet D - 4.5 thousand pieces. (25 pieces/h).

    The monthly fund of working time is 167 hours. The coefficient of fulfillment of the norms for all blanks is K ext = 1.0, absenteeism coefficient K n = 1.12. Then the staffing will be:

    To ensure the conformity of the units of measurement in the considered example, the recalculation of the production rates for billets A and B was carried out.

    Headcount calculation based on service rates and service time rates

    Service time standards (service standards) are used when rationing the labor of workers serving production (transport and storage facilities, repairmen, etc.). The calculation of the number based on them is carried out according to the formulas:

  • for service times:
  • for service standards:

    where H o1, H o2, H oi - service standards of the 1st, 2nd, etc. type.

    The above formulas are similar to the corresponding formulas for calculating the number based on the norms of time and output, however, they lack the coefficient of fulfillment of the norms. It is not used because for these units it is usually unacceptable not onlyunderfulfillment, but and overfulfillment norms: work must be carried out strictly in accordance with the established schedule / mode. If, for some objective reasons, labor productivity in service has increased, then one should not introduce a coefficient of compliance with the standards, butchange the norm.

    For example, calculate the number of repairmen producing the current Maintenance metal-cutting machine tools of the turning group in the machine-assembly shop of a machine-building plant.

    The company has established service standards and service time standards for each type of equipment (table). The norms were established on the basis of the Intersectoral norms of the number, norms of service and norms of time for workers engaged in servicing the main and auxiliary production(Kramatorsk, 2005). Absence rate K n = 1.12.

    Tab. Initial data for calculating the number

    Machine name

    Norm of service time per machine per shift, man - min.

    Service rate, machines/shift

    Number of equipment of this type, pcs.

    Machine A
    Machine B


    Machine B
    Machine G
    Machine D


    The number calculated on the basis of service time norms will be:

    Since the service time norm is set in man-minutes, the working time fund (one shift) is also taken in minutes.

    If we use service standards to calculate the same amount of work, then the staffing of repairmen will be:

    Calculation of abundance based on population norms

    Number norms usually obtained as a result of data analysis of many similar enterprises or structural units (using mathematical and statistical methods). Within a single enterprise, it is usually not possible to create population standards.

    AT collections of normspopulation norms are presented in the form of tables (they may be accompanied by formulas on the basis of which the data were calculated). Number norms always reflectnecessary number . When using them, the absenteeism rate should be added separately, taking into account the characteristics and statistics of a particular enterprise.

    It is quite easy to use population standards, but the results may not be as good as expected.

    For example, for an enterprise with a headcount of 10 to 500 people, the standard number of employees for accounting can be calculated by the formula:

    where h pr - total number of personnel at enterprises, thousand people;
    c.n. - the number of independent structural units at the enterprise, pieces.

    Then for an enterprise with 14 structural divisions with total strength 425 people the number of accountants will be:

    How much can you trust the results? The formula is taken from the collection "Intersectoral norms for the number of accounting employees", approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of Ukraine in 2003 and recommended for use in all enterprises, institutions and organizations. Paragraph 11 of the "General Part" of the collection states that "number standards are developed depending on the complexity of the typical scope of work and are calculated depending on the factors that have the greatest influence on their size." This gives confidence and increases confidence in the result.

    But doubts remain ... Let's try to compare (at least approximately) the work in the accounting department of a small-scale wholesale trade enterprise and a budgetary research institute (assuming that the number of staff and the number of structural divisions are the same in them). It is obvious that both the volume of operations performed by accountants and their content are very different, while the inter-industry norm is the same for everyone! This is the main drawback of the norms of the number.

    It is almost never possible to accurately establish the conformity of the actual composition and scope of work performed with the one used in determining the population norm. Of course, if we are talking about a regional employment center or a branch of a pension fund, there are no problems, all institutions work according to single instruction and approved methods. But each manufacturing enterprise in some way unique, and the more significant the discrepancy between "life" and the norms, the greater the error in the calculation results.

    Therefore, a more reliable result is obtained when calculating the abundance based on other norms, although the calculation process turns out to be more cumbersome. Given this circumstance, in many collections of norms for the number of developers also include time norms for the main types of work.

    For example, Intersectoral norms for the number of employees of legal services (approved by the Ministry of Labor of Ukraine in 2004), Intersectoral norms for the number of employees involved in the operation and maintenance of robotic areas at enterprises (approved by the Ministry of Labor of Ukraine in 2006), the already mentioned Intersectoral norms for the number of employees in accounting, etc.

    Regardless of the type of norms used, if the composition and volume of work performed (both in general and for their individual types) are taken into account correctly, the results of calculating the number of personnel will be reliable; they can be used to make managerial decisions.

    We need one and a half workers...

    When calculating the number of personnel, fractional values ​​are often obtained. How to proceed in this case?

    Firstly, the fractional result can beround down to the nearest smaller integer . In this case, we understand that the actual labor intensity of workers will increase somewhat, and the growth rates may be different. It is one thing to round 1.5 to 1.0, but quite another to round 25.5 to 25.0. A significant increase in workload can be offset by additional payments (for example, a bonus “for the intensity of work”), but a small increase, as a rule, is taken for granted.

    Secondly, the fractional calculation result can beround up to nearest integer . For example, 6.5 - up to 7.0. At the same time, the intensity of labor is somewhat reduced. To compensate for the decrease in intensity, employees are assigned additional responsibilities, but a slight decrease, as a rule, is also ignored.

    Thirdly, you can enter incomplete staff units in the staffing table - 0.25; 0.5 stakes, etc.

  • The number of employees is the number necessary staff with which you can achieve your goals and grow the company. Beginning businessmen, especially in the early stages, have many questions related to this concept. How to calculate the staffing, which specialists are needed first. Without understanding these issues, it will not be possible to launch even the smallest production or company.

    Why is staffing required?

    The number of employees is something that no successful and efficient enterprise can do without. It is important to take into account and monitor this indicator, since the ultimate success of your entire business depends on it.

    It is necessary that the head and the head of the personnel department do not forget to control these parameters, constantly update the statistical data, providing up-to-date information. The data on the number of employees must be regularly entered into accounting documents. Their compilation is regulated by the relevant legislative acts and requirements.

    Determining the number of staff

    In a broad sense, the number of employees is the number of employees of a company or enterprise included in its staff. Or this is the number that appears in the staffing table approved by the head (this is a mandatory requirement).

    Separately, it should be noted that seasonal workers or employees with whom you enter into temporary employment contracts are not included in the general staffing table. Therefore, they do not need to be taken into account.

    The use of this concept has become especially common in business planning when determining the value of the number of personnel. It is also quite common when discussing the most effective solutions to management issues related to the development of an enterprise or company.

    How to document the number of employees?

    In order for the number of employees to be officially recorded and for you to have no claims from either the tax authorities or the labor inspectorate, it is necessary to carefully and scrupulously maintain the relevant documentation.

    The number of employees is an indicator that it is desirable to prescribe in the company's charter. However, this is an optional requirement. This indicator is usually calculated on large enterprises, mostly state-owned. This is strictly monitored. On the contrary, in commercial structures it is given less importance, which is not always justified. Most experts are inclined to believe that it is necessary to carry out this accounting, even though it is often quite difficult to do this.

    Seasonal workers

    In fact, business leaders often face a situation where the number of employees on the staff list is significantly less than originally planned. This is due to the fact that it is much more profitable for companies to hire seasonal or temporary workers than to conclude formal contracts and include an employee in the state.

    In the latter case, all relevant taxes and insurance payments must be paid for it - to the compulsory medical insurance fund, Pension Fund Russia. If the employee works on a temporary basis, then all this can be saved. This is often what leaders usually go for. small firms and companies.

    In addition, when the structure and number of employees is low, it is easier to keep records of them. And if the needs for the services of a particular employee arise irregularly, then he does not need to pay monthly wages, or you can limit yourself to payments after the fact for the amount of directly performed work.

    By the way, a convenient system of hiring for a temporary or seasonal work widespread in many countries of the world. This is done by specialized agencies that look for the necessary employees for you for a predetermined time period.

    Often, such agencies recruit employees for themselves, who then move from one company to another through leasing operations. So you can carry out the full functioning of the company, without changing the average payroll regular workers. As a rule, this applies to industrial and economic specialties. For example, employees of cleaning companies, security guards, repair workers.

    Calculation of the number of employees

    Currently, several methods have been developed that can be used to necessary calculations the headcount of your employees. But there are methods that are more common than others, they are successfully used by most companies and organizations.

    The calculation of the number of employees, which is based on the concepts of labor standards, seems to be the most promising and effective. With this method, it is necessary to carefully record absenteeism of employees for various reasons, including valid ones, which, ultimately, must comply with the approved plan. All these calculations are included in the annual and quarterly financial statements.

    At the same time, one should not forget that every enterprise, no matter how small it may be, has the legal right to independently develop standards and adopt methodological recommendations for the number of employees. In the future, it can adhere to them when making calculations for as long as it likes.

    Number of employees

    Recommendations for determining the number of employees are closely related to such a concept as the number of staff. In fact, this is the product of the value of the standard number of employees and the corresponding coefficient, which should take into account the planned absence of staff from work. Naturally, absenteeism takes into account only good reasons such as diseases, maternity leave, business trips, urgent family circumstances. Thus, the number of employees that your company needs for full-fledged functioning is determined, taking into account all possible life circumstances.

    It is calculated like this. The planned absenteeism rate of employees is added to the percentage of absenteeism, which, in turn, is converted into shares by systematically dividing by 100. This method of determining the number of employees is considered one of the most promising.

    Headcount reporting

    Often at enterprises, management requires official documentary accounting of the number of employees. To do this, list data is compiled, which takes into account the standards for determining the size of the company's staff.

    The data entered in these lists must correspond to the number of employees included in the time sheet. So you can effectively and without unnecessary labor to record attendance.

    Also, do not forget that when determining the number of employees, the recommendations developed labor inspectorate must be observed. After all, the correctness of your calculations will directly depend on this.

    In particular, it is necessary to include in the staff list all employees, without exception, with whom official long-term employment contracts are concluded. It is also necessary to make a careful account of persons who are officially charged with monetary remuneration for the performance of their duties.

    An interesting point is that all employees must be entered in the time sheet, even in cases where they are not at their workplace. And it does not matter for what reasons - valid or not. The final data available in the table must strictly correspond to the data that is in the report card.

    Labor time accounting standards

    Since it is not easy to calculate the number of employees, it is necessary to take into account the norms of accounting for labor time. This will greatly facilitate the work of HR specialists. This indicator captures the total cost of working time, which the head of the enterprise or the relevant department sets for a specific employee or group of employees. Working time necessary to complete the task must be laid down at the stage of determining the technical and organizational conditions, according to which the task will be performed.

    At the same time, it is important to remember that the employees themselves must strictly correspond to the level of qualification that is necessary to perform a specific task. Otherwise, the rules for recording labor time will have to be adjusted. Moreover, if employees are less qualified than required, then to a greater extent, which will lead to the fact that the final goal will be achieved much later than planned.

    All work at the enterprise must be covered by these temporary standards. Only in this case, the production will function clearly and smoothly. In addition, thanks to the accounting of labor time, you will receive objective data on the required number of personnel. On the this stage it is possible to revise the number of employees in the direction of increasing or reducing the number of employees.

    Calculation of temporary norms

    It is also mandatory for the personnel department to calculate temporary norms. They are also referred to as time costs. These include the study of the provisions of regulatory documents, the preparation and sending of relevant requests, the study and analysis of materials and data related to the specific industry in which your company operates. It is also important to control the implementation of the planned programs and plans.

    Also included in the time standards are those costs that are necessary for the implementation of activities, without which the implementation of the tasks set will be impossible, as well as the hours that will be spent on the preparation of the final financial statements.

    These norms are determined based on the established staffing level. The corresponding figures are included in the timesheet.

    These indicators, as a rule, in all firms are established for one financial year. At the same time, the number of employees must comply with the standards, the total labor costs that are necessary to complete a specific task.

    When determining the final staffing level, it is important to take into account and correctly calculate the absenteeism rate. It must include the time that employees spend on planned vacations, the days that will be devoted on average to advanced training, training and retraining, and take into account temporary disability.

    Do not forget about the correction factors. These include the time that the employee spends on personal needs or rest in the process of work. For example, they should include smoke breaks. You must not forget about them, because otherwise the output numbers will be incorrect, and you will not get the result you expected.

    Timing planning

    Another important point, for the sake of which they keep records of the number of employees, this is an assessment of their work and potential. Ultimately, this is one of key indicators. This number includes all employees, regardless of the structure of the organization in a particular enterprise. One has only to remember to bring in new employees in a timely manner and exclude laid-off ones.

    The basis is the calendar fund of all working time. It only needs to be subtracted holidays, weekends, as well as planned and additional holidays, which are provided to employees in accordance with the charter of your enterprise.

    Do not forget about the holidays provided to employees by the state. First of all, we are talking about the decree. The calculation of absenteeism due to illness is carried out in accordance with the average statistics.

    also in this plan it is necessary to enter the number of absences that can occur, as well as the length of the working day of each individual employee.

    There are three sections in the temporary fund. These are calendar, effective and nominal funds.

    The total values ​​of the calendar coincide with the planned indicators. If production works on a periodic basis, then weekends and holidays should be subtracted from the calendar fund. So you get the nominal value.

    And finally, the effective fund is a nominal one, which does not take into account the absence of employees due to illness, public assignments and scheduled holidays.

    As a result, the staffing of your organization is determined based on many different parameters, the main of which is the given number of employees that are needed to service all the jobs available in the workplace.

    Answer to the question:

    Labor legislation does not contain the concept of staffing. Staffing means the number of staff units provided for by the organization's staffing table.

    Employers determine their own staffing. By general rule employers are free to determine both the staffing by positions and professions, and the number of employees performing a particular labor function.

    The staffing differs from the actual as follows. Headcount is the total number of staff positions in the staffing table, including vacant positions. Actual headcount is the number of positions employed by workers(excluding vacancies).

    The list of employees includes employees who worked under an employment contract and performed permanent, temporary or seasonal work for one day or more, as well as working owners of organizations who received wages in this organization (paragraph 79 of the Order of Rosstat of October 28, 2013 N 428) .

    In other words, the headcount includes all employees with whom employment contracts including those working part-time.

    The list does not include:

    External part-timers;

    Performed work under civil law contracts;

    Sent by organizations for training in educational institutions with a break from work, receiving a scholarship at the expense of these organizations; persons with whom a student agreement has been concluded for professional education with the payment of scholarships during the period of apprenticeship, etc.

    Details in the materials of the System Personnel:

    Situation: How to determine the staffing of an organization or unit

    The number of employees of an organization or a separate unit is determined by its head in accordance with the structure of the organization, its functions and levels of management.

    As a general rule, employers are free to determine both the staffing by positions and professions, and the number of employees performing a particular labor function.

    At the same time, for certain types activities, as well as institutions and organizations, there are legally established standards for the number that are mandatory for execution. To a greater extent, this applies to government agencies and departments. So, for example, the structure and staffing of the central office federal body executive power approves its head within the limits of the wage fund and the number established by the president or the Government of the Russian Federation, taking into account the register of positions and other acts that determine the standard number of the relevant units (). Another example is the procedure for forming the structure and staff of the Central Office of Rospotrebnadzor ().

    At the same time, there are a number of legislative acts to determine the staffing level, which are advisory in nature. In particular, these are provided for budget organizations. In this document, the calculation of the staffing is based on labor standards, on the basis of which the required number of employees is calculated to perform a particular labor function.

    The number of employees based on labor standards can be determined by the formula:

    The normative fund of working time of one employee per year is conditionally taken as 2000 hours.

    An example of calculating the number of employees of a structural unit

    The organization provides laundry services and opens a new structural subdivision- laundry. To calculate the staffing level, personnel department employees are guided by approved ones.

    The planned indicators for the work of the new laundry are defined as follows:

    • The amount of processed linen per shift - 12,000 kg;
    • Laundry operating hours - 1-shift.

    The optimal number of employees for the new laundry was determined by the HR specialist as follows:

    The number of laundry employees, according to the Standards for the number approved, is 1.7, that is, 2 people. Forbidden documents in personnel service
    Inspectors of the GIT and Roskomnadzor told us what documents should now in no case be required from newcomers when applying for a job. You probably have some papers from this list. We have compiled full list and selected a safe substitute for each forbidden document.

  • If you pay vacation pay a day later than the deadline, the company will be fined 50,000 rubles. Reduce the notice period for the reduction by at least a day - the court will reinstate the employee at work. We have studied judicial practice and prepared safe recommendations for you.