Riddles about fabric and matter for children. Section "Materials Science"

Tatyana Salomadina
Abstract of a lesson on familiarization with the properties of fabric with elements of experimentation in the preparatory group


development cognitive activity of older preschoolers in the process of getting to know tissue properties.


formation of ideas about properties of various tissues;

Updating knowledge about human use fabrics;

Formation of skills to acquire knowledge through practical experiences, develop the ability to draw conclusions, generalizations;

Education skills of cooperation, mutual assistance.


Clew, patchwork set fabrics(10x10 cm): bologna, chintz, burlap, capron, drape, silk, velveteen, etc.; type-setting canvas, experimental schemes, a measuring spoon, a container of water, sultans, paper napkins, rags for wiping water, three split pictures depicting clothes.


Creation of motivation, rallying game groups, a game "Collect a picture", problematic issues, conducting experiments, discussing the results, formulating conclusions, dynamic pause, reflection.

preliminary work:

collection fabrics, examination and comparison of various samples, conversations, experiments ( the fabric is made up of threads, fabrics can be dyed, the cloth strong - it cannot be broken, reading the story of K. Ushinsky "How the shirt grew in the field", riddles, browsing multimedia presentation "Peace fabrics» , weaving patterns fabrics on a children's loom, making paper weave samples fabrics, d / games "Dress the Doll", "What's First, What's Later" and etc.

Lesson progress:

Children, I suggest you go on a journey to the magical world fabrics.

And the magic ball will show us the way. This ball knows a lot of interesting things about the world fabrics.

Why do you think?

(children's answers) (because threads are made the cloth)

To tune in to our journey, we will pass the ball from hand to hand and give each other our warmth and smile.

(pass the glomerulus)

Well, together with the ball we got to the scientific experimental center"Why".

I invite you to the laboratory.

Guys, I propose to talk about what clothes are sewn from. Here we will not only talk about tissues, but also consider them and conduct experiments with them.

Let's remember what we already know about fabrics.

(answers: the fabric is made up of threads, the cloth(natural and synthetic)

Children, let's try to answer this question

(children's answers)

Listen to the riddle: Guess who

Sedentary mistress?

Shake feather beds -

Above the world of fluff.

What time of year is it guys? (children's answers)

Which the cloth suitable for winter clothes and why?

(children's answers: warm thick the cloth retains heat better)

Experience 1:

Let's take 2 plastic bottles with warm water and wrap in the cloth:

1 - in drape, 2 - in chintz. Where do you think the water will cool the fastest?

(children's answers)

While the experiment is going on, listen to 1 more riddle:

There is no sun, there are clouds in the sky.

The wind is harmful and prickly

It blows like that, there is no salvation

What is the answer.


Which one do you think fabrics Is it better to sew autumn clothes? Why?

(children's answers)

Of course you guys are right.

To conduct the next experiment, we need to split into 3 teams.

And the game will help us in this "Collect a picture"

Facilities: 3 split pictures of 3 parts.

Game progress: Each child takes 1 fragment of the picture and unites with the children in accordance with the plot of the picture. Children are divided into three teams.

Now we will experiment and find out, what is the fabric is waterproof.

Guys, now we will try to wet the chintz. (Children drop cloth in a container of water)

What did we get? (children's answers)

Do you think if we wipe the calico with a napkin, it will become dry?

(children's answers : No, the water has been strongly absorbed into the cloth)

What needs to be done to make the chintz dry?

(children's answers : need to squeeze out the water)

Press. What has become the cloth?

(children's answers : crumpled, ugly, wet)

Now wet a piece of bologna. Raise the cloth, and see what happens to the water droplets. They roll off fabrics.

Wipe with a tissue the cloth what has she become? (almost dry)

What clothes from fabrics better to wear in rainy weather and why?

Output: Made of bologna, it does not get wet and dries quickly.

I propose to find a diagram of the experiment that we conducted and place it on a typesetting canvas.

Listen to the riddle:

I woven from the heat

I bring warmth with me

I warm the rivers

I invite you to swim

And love me for it all of you

I - (summer)

Guys, look at and touch the shreds fabrics. What kind fabrics not suitable for summer clothes? Why.

(children's answers)

Set them aside.

In order for a person not to be hot in summer clothes, they must pass air well and absorb moisture.

How to check if it's missing cloth air or not?

Blow through every bite fabrics for sultan. Through which fabrics air passes well, but through which it is bad?

(Air passes through chintz and linen well, but badly through synthetics).

And how do you know if ours absorb moisture? fabrics? And here you are right, you immediately guessed that you would have to work again with water.

For every piece fabrics pour one spoonful of water. What's happening?

(Linen and chintz absorb water quickly, while synthetic silk retains water).

Why it happens? Answers children: (Natural fabrics absorb moisture well, and synthetic worse).

Well done guys, right, so what have we learned?

(Natural fabrics they pass both air and moisture, and synthetic ones are worse.) Output: summer clothes it is better to sew from natural fabrics.

I suggest you find a schematic representation of these experiments and lay them out on a typesetting canvas.

Finger gymnastics: "Katushki"

There are three Katyushkas in the village - clapping,

We took three coils in our hands - blows with fists (alternately)

Shura sewed a sundress - we do "rings"

They sewed a caftan for grandfather, on both hands at the same time

We sewed a jacket for my grandmother,

We sewed a vest for my uncle.

And for girls and boys - we squeeze and unclench our fingers

Sew bright pants.

Guys do you want another one experiment?

Raise your right hand, and now your left hand. Well done, you did the right thing. Now, in your right hand, take a piece of natural fabrics(chintz or linen, and on the left - synthetic the cloth. Squeeze both pieces firmly. Unclench your fists and examine the shreds. What happened? (Natural fabrics are very wrinkled, and synthetic ones do not crumple)

Is it good or bad if the fabric does not wrinkle? (Okay)

Output: Synthetic fabrics do not wrinkle, they are durable and beautiful, you can sew festive clothes from them.

And again lay out the scheme of this experiment on the type-setting canvas.

It's time to check the results of our first experiment. Let's unfold fabrics on bottles and touch them. Which one is warmer? Why do you think?

Output. Warm and dense the cloth retains heat better, protects from cold.

Well done, you've done a good job.

Guys, lay out the scheme of this experiment on a typesetting canvas.

We learned a lot today thanks to experiments, the most important thing we were able to answer question: "Why are the clothes that people wear in different time year, different from each other?

And now I propose to sit in a circle. Our magic ball will help you remember everything that we learned today about tissues(Children roll a ball to each other and talk about what they remember. It turns out from the threads of the ball a mesh- the cloth).

Our fabric is very rare., it will become denser and stronger when we learn about more fabrics.

Imagine that our the cloth this is a magical flying carpet, stand on it, close your eyes and we will go on a flying carpet back to our own kindergarten.

Sections: Technology

The purpose of the lesson: Systematize and supplement the knowledge gained in primary school about fabrics and their manufacture from vegetable fibers of cotton and flax. Familiarize yourself with the types of weaving of threads and the definition of sides in the fabric.

To form the ability to determine the warp and weft threads, front and back sides;

To cultivate respect for the professions of weavers and spinners;

Develop curiosity.

Visual aids: “Cotton”, “Linen”, “Fiber” collections, cotton wool, yarn, illustrations, samples of fabrics with an edge.

Equipment and materials: magnifiers, needles, boxes, scissors, cotton wool, fabrics.

Terms: materials science, fiber, cotton, linen, fabric, equal, yarn, threads, warp, weft, right side, wrong side, plain weave.

During the classes

I. Organizational part.

  1. Job preparation.
  2. Greetings.
  3. Attendance count.
  4. Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.

II. Main part.

Introduction by the teacher.

Today we are starting to study a new, interesting section “Materials Science”.

The topic of our lesson is “Journey into the world of plant fiber fabrics”.

The purpose of the lesson.

The task of our lesson is to get acquainted with the fibers, their types, the production of fabrics, the types of weaving, the definition of the sides in the fabric. But we cannot begin to study this topic without remembering the classes held in elementary school.

IN primary school in labor lessons you mainly worked with paper. But not all of you know that paper and some types of fabric (vegetable origin) have one base - cellulose.

For this lesson, an exhibition of collage paintings is framed, where various materials are used.

Question: Has cloth always existed?

Student responses:

Question: Have you ever worked with fabric?

Student responses:

Question: What was the clothing of primitive man?

Student responses:

Q: What is the purpose of fabrics?

Student responses:

And today I suggest you make not just a trip, but a scientific expedition to explore the history of the appearance of cotton and linen fabrics.

I will act as the leader of the expedition, and you will be my colleagues - "scientists". You are divided into 3 groups. Each group represents a creative laboratory. The expedition begins with an excursion into the past, during which information about the fabric and fibers is reported.

Man has been using fabric since ancient times. We are so used to it that we don’t even think about when we sew a product, how fabrics are obtained and from what raw materials. It is hard to imagine how, in the light of torches, in dark huts, our great-great-grandmothers spun and wove fabrics. They created marvelous patterns, painted white canvases with vegetable paints and printed a picture.

Slide. Nettle.

Ancient records show that the first fibers that man used to make threads were nettle and hemp fibers.

Currently, a large number of different fibers, both natural and chemical, are used. All of them are combined into a group of textile fibers.

Slide. Fiber classification

Question: What is fiber?

Answer: These are small, thin bodies. Write it down in your notebook.

And now the researchers will introduce us to the natural fibers of cotton and flax.

Cotton has been known to man for 5000 years. It is a shrub tropical plant.

The birthplace of cotton is India. Until the 16th century, the Indians kept cotton production secret. Only finished fabrics were imported to Europe. Cotton has been grown in Russia since the 18th century. There are 35 types of cotton growing in the world, but only 4 types are suitable for fibers.

Cotton is very fond of warm climates. It is grown in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan. The plant reaches a height of up to 1 meter. The fruits of cotton are boxes in which there are from 7 to 15 thousand fibers. They are very short: from 6 to 50 millimeters. The natural color of cotton fibers is white or cream, sometimes there are other colors (beige, green).

Cotton fibers: white, fluffy, thin, short, soft, durable, matte.

Fabrics made from cotton are called cotton. These include: cambric, calico, velveteen, satin, chintz, teak, flannel. These fabrics are durable, hygienic, soft, warm, light, comfortable to wear, wash well, iron, but wrinkle.

Scheme of primary processing of cotton

  1. Raw cotton is obtained from boll seeds.
  2. It is sorted by quality.
  3. They are pressed into bales and sent to a spinning mill.

Production process of cotton fabrics

In the high palace there are small caskets,
Who opens them - extracts white gold.

Linen (linen fiber)

Flax is an annual, herbaceous plant known to man since the Stone Age. Several thousand years before our era, linen fabrics were known in Egypt and Georgia.

In Russia, flax has been grown everywhere since the 10th century. There are up to 200 types of flax in the world, but fiber flax is most suitable for the production of flax fiber. It is a unique fibrous plant with long, flexible and strong fibers. The flax stalk reaches a height of up to 120 cm, each of them contains from 300 to 650 fibers.

Fiber length - 35-90 mm.

Color - from light gray to dark gray.

Linen has a characteristic luster, the fibers have a smooth surface.

Once in the old days they said: “Whoever flax exhausts, he will make rich”. And after all richly, cheerfully lived. They did not break their hats in front of the capital's merchant. Lyon fed, clothed, helped build houses, raise children. And even now the flax breadwinner does not leave us. Everyone who knows a lot about flax - they protect their health. So it turns out that flax is again the head of everything ..

Linen in Russia was called "Russian silk", and "Russian gold". Do you know what else he is famous for? Fire hoses are woven from it, ropes are twisted, tow is made. The fragrant oil is squeezed out of the seed. Seed is added to the most expensive sweets, halva, cookies. It is used in medicine and perfumery.

Flax is the wealth of our land, its decoration, it is the pride and glory of Russia.

Flax is grown in the Vologda, Ivanovo, Kostroma, Kirov, Yaroslavl regions, in Siberia, as well as in Ukraine, Belarus, and the Baltic states. The whole plant is used for the benefit of man:

Seeds (for fiber, oil);

Stems (fiber for fabrics);

Waste (tow for technical purposes).

Scheme of primary processing of flax.

Linen fibers: light grey, smooth, long, thick, straight, strong.

Production process of linen fabrics.

Poems and songs, riddles, proverbs and sayings were composed about flax:

Millennium profession -
Cherish the thin long-haired.
Where in every whisk - poetry!
And man is its creator.
Linen is strong and white,
Not good for health.
Only one problem - forgot
How everyone loved him!

And here is the riddle:

Blue eye, golden stem.
Modest in appearance
For the whole the world is famous,
Feeds, clothes and decorates the house.


Sayings and proverbs about flax.

  1. Flax exhausts, flax and gilded.
  2. Flax was not born - it came in handy in the washcloth!
  3. Mni flax share - the fibers will be more.
  4. Seyan flax at seven Alyons.
  5. Linen is a profitable crop, it is both money and kind.
  6. The seed is for the tribe, and the thread is for the fabric.
  7. Not the earth will give birth to flax, but wetted.
  8. You don’t smash with a pulp - you remember at the spinning wheel.

How to guess the harvest by signs?

  1. Long icicles - long flax.
  2. Flax should be sown when the last flowers bloom on the bushes.
  3. If the linen does not dry in winter, flax will be good.
  4. The land after plowing becomes overgrown with moss - flax will be fibrous.
  5. The cuckoo cuckooed - it's time to sow flax.
  6. Flax blooms for two weeks, sings for four weeks, blows on the seventh seed.

Song-physical minute “I already sowed, sowed lenok”.

Under the oak forest - oak flax,
I have already sowed, sowed flax,
Already I, sowing, sentenced,

    I nailed it with chabots!
    You succeed, succeed lenok,
    You succeed, my little white lenok!

I weeded, weeded flax,
I, polovshi, sentenced,


Already I pulled, pulled lenok,
Already I, pulling, sentenced,


And I made, yes I made flax,
I have already laid, sentenced,


I soaked, soaked flax,
Already wet, sentenced,


I dried, dried flax,
I, drying, sentenced,


I ruffled, ruffled flax,
I, trembling, sentenced,


I combed, combed flax,
I, scratching, sentenced,


I already spun, I spun flax,
I’ve already told you, I’ve been saying


I already wove, yes I wove lenok
I've already said weaving,


Fragments of a filmstrip at a spinning and weaving factory.

Getting fabric

Yarn is a thin, long thread obtained from short fibers by twisting them.

The process of obtaining yarn from fiber is called spinning.

The purpose of spinning is to obtain a long yarn of uniform thickness.

For millennia, the spinner's only tool was a hand spindle.

The first mechanical spinning devices date back to the middle of the 15th century. The first self-spinning wheel with a foot drive was invented by the German inventor Jürgens in 1530.

The first spinning machine was designed in 1764 by the American inventor Hargreves, and later it was widely used in industry.

The spinning mill employs people of various professions, but the main one is the spinner.

The finished yarn goes to the weaving factory, where we produce fabric on looms.

The fabric is a weave of 2 threads - warp and weft.

The threads that run along the fabric are called warp threads or main.

The threads that run across the fabric are called weft threads or transverse.

Along the edges of the fabric, an edge is obtained. Edge- This is a non-shrinking cut of fabric.

The fabric removed from the loom is called harsh. It contains various impurities, it is dirty in appearance and goes through the last stage of finishing. It is singeed to make it smoother, then bleached, then dyed. If bleached fabrics are dipped in dye, they become plain dyed. Printed designs can be applied to such fabrics. All this work is performed by special machines.

Drawings are:

  1. Vegetable (flowers, leaves, plants).
  2. Geometric (rhombuses, squares, ovals).
  3. Thematic (pictures of people, animals, houses, etc.).
  4. Mixed (eg polka dots and flowers).

Sides of fabric

Fabrics have two sides: front and back.

Front side: smooth, shiny, bright, it has fewer knots and villi.

Wrong side: rough, matte, it has a pale color and pattern, more nodules and villi.

Exist various ways weaving of threads: satin, satin, twill, but the simplest is linen.

Practical work

Making a sample of plain weave fabric.

Tools and accessories are laid out at workplaces.

1. Cut the prepared fabric along the warp threads 1-1.5 cm wide, cut another plain fabric into strips also 1-1.5 cm wide.

2. Pass the cut strips of fabric through one warp thread in a checkerboard pattern. Glue the ends with PVA glue.

3. Each group complete 3 anagram tasks. and explain their meaning.

4. Final part.

Complete 1 puzzle task each.

  1. Ladder.
  2. Crossword.
  3. What does position mean.


"Such a necessary fabric"

MADOU DSKV No. 10 "Birch"


Zatsarinnaya E.N.

Art. Starominskaya

Problem. Familiarization with the types of fabrics and their properties.

The manifestation of ingenuity, conjecture;

satisfaction from the experiment, interest in events beyond personal experience.

cohesion of the children's team;

show independence in a variety of activities;

to strive for the manifestation of creative initiative;

independently achieve a given goal, the ability to think about the ways of its content.

The ability to fairly independent implementation of cognitive - research activities;

Make active use of available resources.

To study and select methodical and fiction literature, illustrated material on this topic.

Select material and attributes for the planned events.

Prepare material for productive activities.

Stage 1: a) Preparatory.

Creation of conditions for conducting classes.

b) Conducting conversations with children in order to fulfill knowledge on the topic of the project.

Stage 2: Main.

1) Complex lesson "Whims of the queen of fashionista"

2) Reading fiction K.Ushinsky. "How the shirt grew in the field"

3) Experiments with fabric (research activities

"Tissue properties").

Stage 3: Final.

"In the World of Patchwork"

Project progress:

I. The history of the origin of fabric and its purpose.

When did the first matter appear? The history of the origin of fabric can be traced from the very beginning of human development. According to scientists, even in the Stone Age, primitive people, fleeing the cold and frost, made their own clothes from the skin of a dead animal. Primitive people also, weaving the fibers of hemp, sedge, nettle, flax, began to create a woven fabric (fabric). Yes, such a fabric, of course, saved the ancient people from the cold, although it was very rough and uncomfortable.

But over time, the masters in the production of fabric improved, applied various techniques, tried new technologies. As civilization develops, the production of fabric also develops, its quality increases, new types of fabric appear. Weavers made better and more complex types of fabric already on the first looms, which originally appeared in Asian countries. Around the 5th century BC e. the first weaving device appears, which consisted of a large wooden frame, threads were fixed on it and fabric was woven. The weaver wove transverse threads into the threads fixed on the frame with the help of a shuttle. The work of creating a woven fabric was very laborious and took a large number of time, but the canvas turned out to be quite dense and thick. Such fabric among people was in great demand. Over time, looms began to appear in almost every home. They made bed linen, towels and clothes. Thanks to this, a whole industry for the production of fabrics for various purposes, composition and technologies subsequently developed.

The need of a person to dress himself soon turns into a need to transform and decorate his home, namely, to make it more comfortable and beautiful with the help of fabric. So curtains, furniture upholstery, tablecloths, etc. began to appear.

Physical education minute

Children imitate movements in accordance with the poemrhenium.

Oh, the clothes got dirty

We didn't take care of her.

Treat her carelessly

Crumpled, dirty in the dust.

We need to save her

And put in order

Pour water into a bowl,

We pour the powder.

All clothes soaked

Rub the stains thoroughly

We wash, we rinse,

Let's squeeze it, shake it.

And then easily and deftly

We'll hang everything on ropes.

While clothes are drying

We jump, we circle.

What is the fabric like?
silk, etc.)

Where does wool come from? This fabric is made from animal hair. What animals give wool? At a certain time they are sheared. Sheared sheep walk in the meadow, new wool is grown until the next shearing. People comb the sheared wool, spin threads, dye, knit things.

How does wool feel to the touch?

To grow cotton fabric, a special plant is used - cotton. Cotton grows only in hot countries, loves warmth and water. The fruit of cotton looks like a box, which is filled with cotton wool, people take cotton out of the boxes, then send it to refineries, where they comb it with brushes. Cotton wool is a specially cleaned cotton.

Now the threads are spun and twisted by special spinning machines in spinning mills, and it is there that fabric is woven from cotton threads.

Knitwear is a knitted fabric that is knitted from different threads: cotton, linen, wool. If you carefully examine the knitted fabric, you can see pigtails, eyelets, and not weaves, as on linen, cotton, woolen fabrics.

The teacher organizes the examination of children's clothes: on whomknitted, and on whom - cotton clothes. The teacher distributes samples of silk to the children.

Silk is made in China. The silkworm caterpillar turns into a chrysalis inside a specially designed cocoon. She weaves this cocoon from a silk thread produced by her glands. This thread is natural raw silk. Cocoons are collected, steamed, soaked and carefully unwound on special machines. This is how the finest silk thread is obtained.

These fabrics natural, they are made from what is in nature. But people came up with artificial fabrics. They are designed to improve the properties of the fabric. For example, the jackets you wear must be water repellent, they are also made of synthetic materials.

Who works with fabric? Seamstress (outdated) dressmaker)- a sewing worker. A furrier is a craftsman who manufactures fur products, dressing furs. Shoemaker. fashion designer. Clothes designer. Curtain designer.

What is made of fabric?

The teacher invites the children to inspect the group roomsand find different types fabrics.

II. Reading fiction. K. Ushinsky "Howthe shirt grew in the field"(familiarization with the content in the daytime or in the evening).


Tanya saw how her father scattered small shiny grains across the field in handfuls, and asks:

What are you doing, baby?

And here I am sowing lenok, daughter; a shirt will grow for you and Vasyutka. Tanya thought: she had never seen a shirt

grew in the field.

Two weeks later, the strip was covered with green silky grass, and Tanya thought: “It would be good if I had such a shirt.”

Once or twice Tanya's mother and sisters came to weed the strip and each time said to the girl:

Nice shirt you have!

A few more weeks passed: the grass on the strip rose, and blue flowers appeared on it.

“Brother Vasya has such eyes,” thought Tanya, “but I have never seen such shirts on anyone.”

When the flowers fell, green heads appeared in their place. When the heads turned brown and dried up, Tanya's mother and sisters pulled out all the flax by the roots, tied up sheaves and put them on the field to dry.

When the flax dried up, they began to cut off its heads, and then they drowned the headless bundles in the river and piled up with a stone from above so that they would not surface.

Tanya watched sadly as her shirt was drowned; and the sisters said to her again:

Nice shirt you have, Tanya.

After two weeks, they took the flax out of the river, dried it, and began to beat it first with a board on the threshing floor, then with a rattle in the yard, so that a bonfire flew from the poor flax in all directions. After shaking, they began to comb the flax with an iron comb until it became soft and silky.

But Tanya thought: “Where is the shirt? It looks like a will
Vasya's shiki, not on the shirt."

The long winter evenings have arrived. The Tanya sisters put flax on combs and began to spin threads from it.

“Those are threads,” Tanya thinks, “but where is the shirt?”

Winter, spring and summer passed, autumn came. The father installed a cross in the hut, pulled the warp over them and began to weave. A shuttle ran nimbly between the threads, and then Tanya herself saw that a canvas was coming out of the threads.

When the canvas was ready, they began to freeze it in the cold, spread it on the snow, and in the spring they spread it on the grass in the sun and sprinkled it with water. The canvas turned from gray to white, like boiling water.

Winter has come again. The mother cut shirts from canvas; the sisters began to sew shirts, and for Christmas they put on new snow-white shirts for Tanya and Vasya.

After reading the work, the teacher asks the children about what they remember, explains incomprehensible words.


Did you guys like the story?

How did the shirts come about? What did the father do first? (According tosow seeds.)

And when the flowers fell, what did Tanya's mother and sisters do? When the flax dried up, where was it sunk? (In the river.) Did he drown?

What did he become after that? (Soft.)

What did they do to him in the winter? (The threads are hidden.)

And what did they do with the threads? (Canvas.)

What is canvas? (This is the fabric from which the shirts are thensewn.)

This is how we used to make fabric. Very long and difficult. Where do we buy fabric today? (In the shop.)

Now the fabrics are made in factories and sold ready-made, not only white, as in the story, but also in different colors and patterns.

III. Experiments with fabric (research workernost "Properties of tissues").

Material: different pieces of fabric (cotton, fur, raincoat, denim, chintz, gauze, etc.), plates of water, scissors, glue, stapler, a basin of soap and water for washing, a magnifying glass.

Today we will be researchers, we will conduct experiments with fabric. What do you think can be done with a piece of cloth? (Children's answers: crush, cut, tearetc.- children are allowed to try all this on their owntell about the results obtained, your emotions,the amount of effort applied, etc.)

Experience 1.

Children try to glue two pieces of fabric, tear (cotton and fur), sew, wash a dirty piece, wash colored fabric, cut with scissors, wrinkle (natural and artificial fabrics).

Conclusion: the main properties of the fabric - it sticks together, stitched, washed, faded, cut, torn, wrinkled.

Experience 2.

Children drip water onto pieces of fabric and draw a conclusion about which fabric absorbs water and which does not (we consider raincoat fabric and cotton).

Experience 3.

With the help of a magnifying glass, children examine the interweaving of threads in various shreds and conclude that in a fabric that has gotten wet, the threads are intertwined less often than in a waterproof one.

Children take a piece of cloth and a piece of paper. Two children hold paper (fabric) at different ends, the third tries to tear it.

Conclusion: the paper is torn, the fabric is not. Fabric is stronger than paper.

Experience 5.

Children take two pieces of fabric (cotton and fur) and blow on them. You are water: fur is heavier than cotton, it is more difficult to move it.

Experience 6.

Children take several types of fabrics (chintz, denim, cotton, tulle, etc.) and cut them with scissors, after which they draw conclusions about which fabric is harder (easier) to cut.

IV. Organization of the “School of young craftswomen”.

1. Sewing pillows for a doll's bed.
This type of activity is carried out at will, individually

2. Volumetric appliqué made of "Flowers" fabric.

The teacher attracts everyone who wants to do the application. Perhaps at the beginning of the work there will be 1-2 people willing, in the process a few more people will join. VI.Final event.

1. Quiz "In the world of scraps".

Children are divided into two teams, come up with a name, youchoose a team captain. Between teams on the samedistance lies the checkbox-


What are fabrics made from animal hair called? (Woolen.)

Who is a furrier?

What does a dressmaker do? (The dressmaker sews clothes.)

Is cotton a natural or artificial fabric? (Natureal.)

Where does silk come from?

Which is stronger - paper or fabric? (Textile.)

Small bird with flax tail

It flies through the wall. (Needle, thread, fabric.)

He is not a tie, not a collar,
And I'm used to squeezing my neck.

But not always, but only then,

When it's cold. (Scarf.)

At little Katyushka he sat on the top of his head

Not a moth, not a bird - holding two pigtails. (Bow.)

2. Didactic game "Magic bag".

On the table - several samples of fabrics (leather, fur, cotton, wool, silk). Children touch them. Then one of the players of each team is blindfolded, the children take turns taking shreds out of the bag and try to identify the material by touch. The team with the most correct answers wins.

3. Didactic game "What does a seamstress need?".

On the table - miscellaneous items. The teams try to pick up the necessary items for the seamstress (needle, thread, thimble, fabric, etc.). The team that does it faster wins.

4. Didactic game "Dress the doll according to the weather."

Children are given different types of fabrics. One team selects fabrics for sewing a summer outfit, the other for a winter one.

5. Game-entertainment "The winds blow".

Pieces of cloth are placed on the table. The captains of the teams, at the signal of the leader, begin to blow on shreds. Whose shred falls off the table faster, that captain won.

VII. Creation of a presentation "Different fabrics are needed."

VIII. Summary of the project.

Exhibition of works. Presentation display.




"Such a necessary fabric"

MADOU DSKV No. 10 "Birch"


Zatsarinnaya E.N.

Art. Starominskaya

Problem. Familiarization with the types of fabrics and their properties.

The expected result of the project implementation.

The manifestation of ingenuity, conjecture;

satisfaction from the experiment, interest in events beyond personal experience.

cohesion of the children's team;

show independence in a variety of activities;

to strive for the manifestation of creative initiative;

independently achieve a given goal, the ability to think about the ways of its content.

The ability to fairly independent implementation of cognitive - research activities;

Make active use of available resources.

Preliminary work of the educator.

To study and select methodical and fiction literature, illustrated material on this topic.

Select material and attributes for the planned events.

Prepare material for productive activities.

Stage 1: a) Preparatory.

Creation of conditions for conducting classes.

b) Conducting conversations with children in order to fulfill knowledge on the topic of the project.

Stage 2: Main.

1) Complex lesson "Whims of the queen of fashionista"

2) Reading fiction K.Ushinsky. "How the shirt grew in the field"

3) Experiments with fabric (research activities

"Tissue properties").

Stage 3: Final.

"In the World of Patchwork"

Project progress:

I. The history of the origin of the fabric and its purpose.

When did the first matter appear? The history of the origin of fabric can be traced from the very beginning of human development. According to scientists, even in the Stone Age, primitive people, fleeing the cold and frost, made their own clothes from the skin of a dead animal. Primitive people also, weaving the fibers of hemp, sedge, nettle, flax, began to create a woven fabric (fabric). Yes, such a fabric, of course, saved the ancient people from the cold, although it was very rough and uncomfortable.

But over time, the masters in the production of fabric improved, applied various techniques, tried new technologies. As civilization develops, the production of fabric also develops, its quality increases, new types of fabric appear. Weavers made better and more complex types of fabric already on the first looms, which originally appeared in Asian countries. Around the 5th century BC e. the first weaving device appears, which consisted of a large wooden frame, threads were fixed on it and fabric was woven. The weaver wove transverse threads into the threads fixed on the frame with the help of a shuttle. The work on creating a woven fabric was very laborious and took a lot of time, but the fabric turned out to be quite dense and thick. Such fabric among people was in great demand. Over time, looms began to appear in almost every home. They made bed linen, towels and clothes. Thanks to this, a whole industry for the production of fabrics for various purposes, composition and technologies subsequently developed.

The need of a person to dress himself soon turns into a need to transform and decorate his home, namely, to make it more comfortable and beautiful with the help of fabric. So curtains, furniture upholstery, tablecloths, etc. began to appear.

Physical education minute

Children imitate movements in accordance with the poem.

Oh, the clothes got dirty

We didn't take care of her.

Treat her carelessly

Crumpled, dirty in the dust.

We need to save her

And put in order

Pour water into a bowl,

We pour the powder.

All clothes soaked

Rub the stains thoroughly

We wash, we rinse,

Let's squeeze it, shake it.

And then easily and deftly

We'll hang everything on ropes.

While clothes are drying

We jump, we circle.

Working with fabric (determining its type and purpose).

What is the fabric like?(Cotton, knitwear, linen,
silk, etc.)

The teacher distributes samples of woolen fabric and threads to the children.

Where does wool come from? This fabric is made from animal hair. What animals give wool?(Sheep, goats, camels, llamas, rabbits, dogs.)At a certain time they are sheared. Sheared sheep walk in the meadow, new wool is grown until the next shearing. People comb the sheared wool, spin threads, dye, knit things.

How does wool feel to the touch?(Dense, thick, fluffy, warm.)

The teacher distributes samples of cotton fabric to the children.

To grow cotton fabric, a special plant is used - cotton. Cotton grows only in hot countries, loves warmth and water. The fruit of cotton looks like a box, which is filled with cotton, as it were, people take cotton out of the boxes, then send it to refineries, where they comb it with brushes. Cotton wool is a specially cleaned cotton.(The teacher distributes cotton to the children.)

Now the threads are spun and twisted by special spinning machines in spinning mills, and it is there that fabric is woven from cotton threads.

Knitwear is a knitted fabric that is knitted from different threads: cotton, linen, wool. If you carefully examine the knitted fabric, you can see pigtails, eyelets, and not weaves, as on linen, cotton, woolen fabrics.

The teacher organizes the examination of children's clothes: who is wearing knitted clothes, and who is wearing cotton clothes. The teacher distributes samples of silk to the children.

Silk is made in China. The silkworm caterpillar turns into a chrysalis inside a specially designed cocoon. She weaves this cocoon from a silk thread produced by her glands. This thread is natural raw silk. Cocoons are collected, steamed, soaked and carefully unwound on special machines. This is how the finest silk thread is obtained.

These fabrics are natural they are made from what is in nature. But people came up with artificial fabrics. They are designed to improve the properties of the fabric. For example, the jackets you wear must be water repellent, they are also made of synthetic materials.

Who works with fabric? Seamstress (outdated) dressmaker) - a sewing worker. A furrier is a master engaged in the production of fur products, dressing furs. Shoemaker. fashion designer. Clothes designer. Curtain designer.

What is made of fabric?(Clothes, hats, shoes, curtains, upholstery for sofas, armchairs, etc.)

The teacher invites the children to look around the group rooms and find different types of fabrics.

II. Reading fiction. K. Ushinsky "How the shirt grew in the field"(familiarization with the content in the daytime or in the evening).


Tanya saw how her father scattered small shiny grains across the field in handfuls, and asks:

What are you doing, baby?

And here I am sowing lenok, daughter; a shirt will grow for you and Vasyutka. Tanya thought: she had never seen a shirt

grew in the field.

Two weeks later, the strip was covered with green silky grass, and Tanya thought: “It would be good if I had such a shirt.”

Once or twice Tanya's mother and sisters came to weed the strip and each time said to the girl:

Nice shirt you have!

A few more weeks passed: the grass on the strip rose, and blue flowers appeared on it.

“Brother Vasya has such eyes,” thought Tanya, “but I have never seen such shirts on anyone.”

When the flowers fell, green heads appeared in their place. When the heads turned brown and dried up, Tanya's mother and sisters pulled out all the flax by the roots, tied up sheaves and put them on the field to dry.

When the flax dried up, they began to cut off its heads, and then they drowned the headless bundles in the river and piled up with a stone from above so that they would not surface.

Tanya watched sadly as her shirt was drowned; and the sisters said to her again:

Nice shirt you have, Tanya.

After two weeks, they took the flax out of the river, dried it, and began to beat it first with a board on the threshing floor, then with a rattle in the yard, so that a bonfire flew from the poor flax in all directions. After shaking, they began to comb the flax with an iron comb until it became soft and silky.

You will have a nice shirt, - the sisters said again to Tanya.
But Tanya thought: “Where is the shirt? It looks like a will
Vasya's shiki, not on the shirt."

The long winter evenings have arrived. The Tanya sisters put flax on combs and began to spin threads from it.

“Those are threads,” Tanya thinks, “but where is the shirt?”

Winter, spring and summer passed, autumn came. The father installed a cross in the hut, pulled the warp over them and began to weave. A shuttle ran nimbly between the threads, and then Tanya herself saw that a canvas was coming out of the threads.

When the canvas was ready, they began to freeze it in the cold, spread it on the snow, and in the spring they spread it on the grass in the sun and sprinkled it with water. The canvas turned from gray to white, like boiling water.

Winter has come again. The mother cut shirts from canvas; the sisters began to sew shirts, and for Christmas they put on new snow-white shirts for Tanya and Vasya.

After reading the work, the teacher asks the children about what they remember, explains incomprehensible words.

Sample conversation:

Did you guys like the story?

How did the shirts come about? What did the father do first?(Sowed seeds.)

And when the flowers fell, what did Tanya's mother and sisters do?(The linen was pulled out and laid to dry.)When the flax dried up, where was it sunk?(In the river.) Did he drown? (No, they got him and began to beat and scratch him.)

What did he become after that?(Soft.)

What did they do to him in the winter?(The threads are hidden.)

And what did they do with the threads?(Canvas.)

What is canvas? (This is the fabric from which the shirts were later sewn.)

This is how we used to make fabric. Very long and difficult. Where do we buy fabric today?(In the shop.)

Now the fabrics are made in factories and sold ready-made, not only white, as in the story, but also in different colors and patterns.

III. Experiments with fabric (research activity "Properties of fabrics").

Material: different pieces of fabric (cotton, fur, raincoat, denim, chintz, gauze, etc.), plates of water, scissors, glue, stapler, a basin of soap and water for washing, a magnifying glass.

Today we will be researchers, we will conduct experiments with fabric. What do you think can be done with a piece of cloth?(Children's answers: wrinkle, cut, tear, etc.- children are allowed to try all this and tell on their own about the results, their emotions, the amount of effort, etc.)

Experience 1.

Children try to glue two pieces of fabric, tear (cotton and fur), sew, wash a dirty piece, wash colored fabric, cut with scissors, wrinkle (natural and artificial fabrics).

Conclusion: the main properties of the fabric - it sticks together, stitched, washed, faded, cut, torn, wrinkled.

Experience 2.

Children drip water onto pieces of fabric and draw a conclusion about which fabric absorbs water and which does not (we consider raincoat fabric and cotton).

Experience 3.

With the help of a magnifying glass, children examine the interweaving of threads in various shreds and conclude that in a fabric that has gotten wet, the threads are intertwined less often than in a waterproof one.

Experience 4.

Children take a piece of cloth and a piece of paper. Two children hold paper (fabric) at different ends, the third tries to tear it.

Conclusion: the paper is torn, the fabric is not. Fabric is stronger than paper.

Experience 5.

Children take two pieces of fabric (cotton and fur) and blow on them. You are water: fur is heavier than cotton, it is more difficult to move it.

Experience 6.

Children take several types of fabrics (chintz, denim, cotton, tulle, etc.) and cut them with scissors, after which they draw conclusions about which fabric is harder (easier) to cut.

IV. Organization of the “School of young craftswomen”.

1. Sewing pillows for a doll's bed.
This type of activity is carried out at will, individually
dually, observing safety precautions when working with a needle.

2. Volumetric appliqué made of "Flowers" fabric.

The teacher attracts everyone who wants to do the application. Perhaps at the beginning of the work there will be 1-2 people willing, in the process a few more people will join.VI. Final event.

1. Quiz "In the world of scraps."

Children are divided into two teams, come up with a name, choose a team captain. Between the teams at the same distance lies a flag- who first grabbed the flag, he answers the question.

Quiz questions:

What are fabrics made from animal hair called?(Woolen.)

Who is a furrier?(Master who sews clothes from fur.)

What does a dressmaker do?(The dressmaker sews clothes.)

Is cotton a natural or artificial fabric?(Natural.)

Where does silk come from?(It is produced by the silkworm.)

Which is stronger - paper or fabric?(Textile.)

Small bird with flax tail

It flies through the wall.(Needle, thread, fabric.)

He is not a tie, not a collar,
And I'm used to squeezing my neck.

But not always, but only then,

When it's cold.(Scarf.)

At little Katyushka he sat on the top of his head

Not a moth, not a bird - holding two pigtails.(Bow.)

2. Didactic game "Magic bag".

On the table - several samples of fabrics (leather, fur, cotton, wool, silk). Children touch them. Then one of the players of each team is blindfolded, the children take turns taking shreds out of the bag and try to identify the material by touch. The team with the most correct answers wins.

3. Didactic game "What does a seamstress need?".

There are various items on the table. The teams try to pick up the necessary items for the seamstress (needle, thread, thimble, fabric, etc.). The team that does it faster wins.

4. Didactic game "Dress the doll according to the weather."

Children are given different types of fabrics. One team selects fabrics for sewing a summer outfit, the other for a winter one.

5. Game-entertainment "The winds are blowing."

Pieces of cloth are placed on the table. The captains of the teams, at the signal of the leader, begin to blow on shreds. Whose shred falls off the table faster, that captain won.

VII. Creation of a presentation "Different fabrics are needed."

VIII. Summary of the project.

Exhibition of works. Presentation display.