Sberbank ads pop up on the phone and that's it. Disabling ads on an Android smartphone

Read how to disable ads on Android and what to do if it pops up all the time. Setup instructions and useful ad blockers. Most smartphone app developers and website builders make money from ads. The use of blocks that promote goods or services allows you to make various materials and software free of charge. Many users are faced with the fact that ads constantly pop up on Android. In this case, it is urgent to get rid of it.

Reasons for the appearance of ad blocks on Android

First of all, you need to remember where you see intrusive advertising. It also depends on the reasons for its appearance. Here are examples of why ads pop up on Android:

  1. Viruses. An ad unit can be malicious code that is injected into your phone after visiting a website or downloading an app.
  2. The banner is part of the application as conceived by the developers. Most often, this option is found in programs that have 2 versions - free and distributed for money. You can get rid of obsessive blocks by purchasing a paid application.
  3. Use of sites that sell advertisers their sites. In mobile versions of different sites, you can find both unobtrusive inserts and annoying banners.

You can get rid of advertising only by eliminating it in the root cause. If it is a virus, then it needs to be cleaned. When banners appear in applications, it is better to stop using these utilities or resort to blockers.

Why get rid of ads?

Most users do not resolve the issue of the appearance of advertising, considering it an integral part of the system. But this is the wrong approach. If you have ads popping up on Android, you need to act without delay for several reasons:

  1. The appearance of banners is a separate process that leads to an increased load on the processor and RAM. Also, a large amount of advertising leads to a rapid discharge of the battery of the device.
  2. Banners and pop-ups always consume internet traffic. If you use a limit tariff, then such advertising will reduce the amount of traffic provided by the operator. In one hour of working with applications that use ads, you can lose up to 35 MB.
  3. Some ads carry viruses. You may accidentally click on an ad to download malware.

These reasons are enough to make you want to get rid of banners as soon as possible. To do this, you can use different methods, but you can completely get rid of such applications only with an integrated approach.

How to disable ads on Android?

  1. Install antivirus software. To do this, use the Play Market. In the search bar, write “ ” so that all available utility options appear in front of you. You can choose any application from the top ten. Of the free utilities, Avast received good reviews, and among paid programs, Kaspersky is a good option. The latter can be downloaded for 30 days as a trial period and then paid for.
  2. After you download the software, you need to check your smartphone for suspicious applications and malicious code. Viruses are removed automatically, but applications will have to be removed manually or with the help of additional programs.
  3. Manual removal of suspicious applications occurs using standard settings. Go to the "Settings" section, go to the "Applications" tab and remove all programs that may be sources of advertising. Most often, this is small software from unknown developers.
  4. If you have downloaded a large number of programs, then the easiest way to clean suspicious ones is to use third-party utilities. One of the most effective is Easy Uninstaller. The advantage of this program is that it can be used to uninstall several applications at once. Simply mark them with markers in the list and click "Delete".
  5. At the last stage, you need to get rid of advertising on the Internet, since it is more often than other options that are sources of viruses. In order to block ads, you must use a special browser or enable add-ons to existing ones. Adblock Browser received good feedback from users.

Usually these actions are enough for you to forget about the appearance of ads. After them, you will only see unobtrusive ads in some applications.

How to disable ads on Android manually

  1. Open an alternative file manager (eg ES File Explorer) and navigate to system - etc .
  2. Find the hosts file in the folder, make a backup copy of it (place it on a USB flash drive or other media, you can even outside your smartphone).
  3. Download the modified hosts file from the web. Check it beforehand so that all domain names of advertising applications have zeros instead of IP.
  4. Replace the standard file with the modified one using the file manager.
  5. Reboot your device.

The problem with using this method is that you need to know which domain names are responsible for displaying ads on the device. You need to look for the finished file on the forums of smartphone lovers.

App blockers

If, after standard actions, an advertisement pops up on Android, how to remove its question remains open. An easier way is to use ad-blocking apps. They will automatically reject the banners. We give examples of such programs.

AdBlock Plus

This application is known to users by its version for a computer, but now you can also download utilities for smartphones. This can be done from the official website of the developers. The application does not require , but in this case it configures the connection through proxy servers. If it is not possible to automatically connect, the application will prompt you to enter the settings manually.

After setting up the connection, you must select a block list if it was not possible to do this automatically. Russian-speaking users need to stop at the option: RuAdlist + Easylist. Now you just have to enable filtering in the settings and you can use the utilities without fear of banners.


Another firewall that can rid you of ads is distributed in two ways - through GitHub and using the Play Market. In the latter case, you will receive a beta version of the program with truncated features. The setup interface of this application is intuitively simple - here you do not need to set up a proxy connection and select a blocking list.

In the application, you will see a list of programs that use advertising, as well as the cost of Internet speed for the appearance of banners. For each app, select options to display ads. You can get rid of ads in browsers using a modified hosts file. It can be downloaded directly from the app.


This program is good because it spends smartphone resources only when connected to the Internet. As soon as the connection is broken, it stops working. This app is also distributed by GitHub.

Open the application and go to the central tab Domain Filters. It contains all the filters available to the user. It is recommended to turn off all filters (red circles will appear next to them), setting AdAway aside. Now go to the first tab and click the big power button in the center of the screen.

Now you know everything about Android ads and how to disable them. If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments. Share information with friends and invite them to chat. Perhaps you can add to the list of applications or recommend a different way to solve the problem of advertising.

The constant decrease in the cost of mobile communication devices - smartphones and tablets, has led to the fact that almost every person has them, with rare exceptions. With their help, you can not only make calls, but also view pages on the global network, play games, listen to music and much more. It is not surprising that the increased popularity of gadgets has led to the emergence and mass distribution of various malicious programs and adapted advertising inserts both in programs and on websites.

If, when using computers, they learned to deal with this by installing special software (antiviruses, firewalls, firewalls), then in the world of small portable devices the situation is much worse. Panacea, alas, does not exist, so today we will consider only one of the "facets" - we will tell you, on the Android phone.

Types of advertisements

Depending on the method of implementation, advertising inserts are divided into several groups. The first includes pop-up windows that appear when browsing the Internet. Here you can also attribute various automatic in the browser) to unwanted resources.

The second group includes advertising modules built into programs that cause content to be shown on the phone screen when the Internet is available. And finally, the third, most unpleasant group is spontaneous redirects to third-party sites in any installed browser. It is easy to guess that the answer to the question of how to remove ads on an Android phone depends on the way it appears.

Negative impacts

Despite the fact that some mobile device owners simply put up with displaying ads by closing them, we still recommend that you fight them with more substantial methods. If you leave everything as it is, then there is a risk of a virus program downloaded and installed on your smartphone. In addition, if you do not figure out how to remove ads from your phone, then the display module will constantly “hang” in the system, taking up part of the RAM and processor time, which will negatively affect the speed of the device as a whole. And finally, the background loading of advertising messages consumes traffic, which can be limited and paid separately.

Fake address

One of the methods that has been used successfully for a long time in desktop systems is editing hosts. This special file contains instructions for performing redirects for the site addresses entered in it to the internal IP. The structure is extremely simple: on the one hand, a list of names of network resources is presented, and on the other, Internet addresses.

For those of them that need to restrict access, the correspondence is prescribed. When requested from the browser, the operating system first checks and if there is a match, then no data exchange with the resource occurs. How to remove ads from the phone in this way? To do this, the easiest way is to use special programs. One of them is Ad Away. First you need to install the program and run it. Next, turn on the Internet. And finally, in the application menu, you should click "download a file and turn on the lock." Upon successful application, a corresponding message will be displayed. In the program menu, the user can activate the update, which consists in downloading new configuration files, in which the list of unwanted resources that display ads is expanded. An important nuance: making changes to hosts requires root rights.


Often, happy owners of a newly purchased device notice ads popping up on their phones. How to remove it and what is the reason for the appearance of this ad? Unfortunately, in the software part of some budget-class gadgets, inside the files of the operating system, there is a malicious code that controls all requests to the Web.

It is either intentionally crammed into the system by Chinese manufacturers of cheap gadgets, or accidentally gets there. Because of this, spontaneous redirects to pages with advertising occur in any installed browser. How to remove ads from the phone if it appears as redirects? This case can be considered the most “heavy”, since a simple installation of a “savior program” is indispensable. First of all, you need to get root rights. For example, using KingRoot. Then install the Titanium backup application and use it to "freeze" or remove all programs that are not needed for work. This is a YouTube player, an email application, a gallery, etc. All of them must subsequently be replaced with their original virus-free counterparts. At the same time, this is not the only way to remove ads from your phone in case of redirects. If there is an updated version of the firmware on the website of the gadget developer, you can try downloading it to the device by following the accompanying instructions.

Page inserts

Desktop users know they can cut out ads with the AdBlock browser extension. There is a similar solution for Android. After installing it, you need to turn the switch in the program to the “Enabled” position.

"Cleaning" the code

And, finally, if all this does not help, and advertising pops up on the phone - how to remove it in this case? The solution is the Lucky Patcher app. With its help, you can detect an ad module in almost any program and block it. Root rights required. After starting, the user sees a list of installed programs, under the names of which it is indicated whether an unwanted "insert" was detected. If it is, then you need to select the menu and proceed to the "Remove ads" item.

Almost every owner of a mobile device (phone, tablet) running a "Google" system sooner or later has the question of how to remove ads on Android. It is always present everywhere, wherever possible: it “climbs out” in the form of banners in the browser (for example, on YouTube), pops up in various Android applications. Is it worth it to say how annoying she is?

However, "obtrusiveness" is only a secondary negative property of banners and teasers. First of all, it is recommended to disable ads on Android due to the fact that it:

  • loads the RAM, as a result of which the battery is discharged faster;
  • reduces the level of system security, increases the risk of confidential data theft;
  • consumes Internet traffic without any obvious benefit for the owner of the device (which is highly undesirable for limited packages, where the amount of downloaded MB / GB is limited).

We cannot ignore the fact that ads from browsers and applications are the result of special Adware viruses. They covertly penetrate the operating system and “put” their banners on web pages and in the program interface (in the top, bottom, sidebars).

Advertising from developers

Note. All the programs described below are available for download in the Google Play market.

Web sites

Solution #1: Free Adblocker

Free Adblocker is a free browser that can remove ads in online games, blogs, online stores and other web resources. According to the developers, it allows you to get rid of advertising by 100%, that is, to create the most comfortable web surfing.

Adblocker has a number of advantages in terms of blocking ads on Android and using the Internet:

  • blocks almost all "commercial elements" (promotional video with completed download, banners, pop-ups);
  • prevents third-party cookies (from other manufacturers) from being loaded into your memory;
  • promptly warns the user about the presence of advertising viruses, malware on the open web page;
  • significantly reduces battery power consumption and traffic consumption;
  • opens pages with lightning speed;
  • equipped with all the necessary options and settings (like other popular browsers on Android, such as Yandex).

Solution #2: Adguard

Adguard Content Blocker is a specialized blocker.

  • performs blocking for free;
  • speeds up the download of web pages;
  • saves up to 79% of network traffic;
  • is equipped with a large number of settings that allow you to individually configure the filtering of elements.

Download the application, and then in its panel, tap the "Get Started" button.

Global blocking

Method #1: Installing NetGuard

NetGuard is a mobile firewall that controls network connections on a non-rooted device. It does not track the user's actions and does not transfer it to anyone (developers, third parties).

Supports all modern TCP/UDP connection protocols (IPv4, IPv6). Works stably on Android OS versions 4.0 and older. Easy to set up. Prevents unauthorized access to phone resources over the network.

Regarding downloading and installation, it has one notable feature that, in the context of the task we are considering, cannot be overlooked.

The thing is that on Google Play, the developers posted a version of the firewall without the option to block banners (apparently fearing system sanctions). That is, if you download the distribution from the Market, you can only use NetGuard for network control.

After launch, while in the firewall interface, select the program in which you want to remove ads. In the panel that opens, make all the necessary settings (including blocking elements and conditions for connecting to the Network).

Method #2: Manually Replacing the Hosts File

Note. This manual is for advanced users only!

The essence of this method is as follows:
1. Download a modified host file from a trusted site with blocking settings that allow you to disable ads. They work the same way as on PC.

For example,

2. Just in case, create a copy of the hosts file preinstalled in the OS.

3. Using any file manager (for example, Root Explorer), replace hosts with the modified version downloaded from the Internet.

4. Restart your device.

Alternative ways

  1. If you use Wi-Fi, to remove Google pop-up ads, it is enough to enter the address - in the router options, in the "URL Filter" section.
  2. To remove banners from sites, it is not necessary to install specialized utilities. In Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome browsers, you can disable ads in the same way as on a computer - by connecting Adblock or Adguard add-ons to them.

Viral advertising

Let's consider some of them:

Accurately detects and removes malware that randomly creates bookmarks in browsers, installs shortcuts on the home screen, and changes the notification panel.

Notifies the user that the distribution package of the installed software contains Adware. Regularly updates its database of "strains" of adware.

Powerful scanner. It detects not only the intrigues of Adware, but also neutralizes dangerous worms, Trojans, dialers. Able to analyze the configuration of a mobile device for vulnerabilities.

Comfortable use of your device without ads!

The operating systems of modern mobile tablet computers are considered sufficiently protected. However, users are well aware of the situation when, in the process of surfing the Internet, ads constantly pop up on the tablet - experts and advanced users who have successfully solved such a problem will tell what to do. But the main thing to understand is that ad modules run modules that do not belong to the category of viruses! With such tablet "bastards" it is possible and necessary to fight.

Apps to fight pop-up ads

It is clear that advertising is a real "bread" for marketers of manufacturing companies, as well as owners of sites that the user visits. However, users do not care much about this, it is important for them to calmly and as pleasantly as possible “wander” on the network, communicate, watch clips and films. To provide such comfort, special applications have been developed. There are many plugins, but two of the whole mass have become the most popular.

AdBlock Plus - against all ads on Android

A program that simply has no competitors in terms of combating advertising on the network. This is a blocker that performs its functions perfectly, which, according to experts, caused significant losses to a diversified business (about $ 22 billion in the first half of 2015 alone). The program is not provided in the Google market for tablets (only for computers), and therefore users will have to install it themselves:

  1. Download on the official website Adblock Plus.
  2. Run the file using the package installer.
  3. In the settings of the tablet computer, find the category of security or applications in the general menu. In the window that opens, you will need to click on the "Unknown sources" button and select it.
  4. After the installation is completed, you need to open the blocker, after which the user will receive a message about the need to manually change the proxy settings. You need to look for them in the WiFi settings. After pressing and holding the network icon, you will need to change the network settings by manually selecting your proxy (enter the host name of the 2020 proxy or the localhost proxy).
  5. All settings should be saved.

To remove the lock program, you must return all settings to their original position.

AdGuard is a taboo for advertising in games, movies, browsers

To install, you should:

  • Download blocker.
  • Run installation. If during the process an inscription about the prohibition of installation pops up, you should go to the additional menu and allow the use of unknown sources.
  • Save all settings and follow the instructions of the program.

In the middle of the 20th century, David Ogilvy said: “If they talk about advertising, it's bad advertising. If they talk about a product, it's good advertising." Nowadays, there is more talk about advertising, and to be more precise, about how to get rid of it. Announcements about sales, promotions, new products, non-traditional methods of treatment, methods of express weight loss are everywhere. Even personal applications, programs and, especially, browsers could not avoid this. Fortunately for users (and unfortunately for marketers), there are ways to get rid of the annoying problem on your Android phone or tablet. But first you need to find out why it exists, and then figure out how to remove and disable it.

When developing applications, programmers add a special line to the code that is responsible for the periodic appearance of an advertisement. It is activated during direct work with the program. Since most products are distributed free of charge, posting such information becomes a way for creators to earn a sandwich.

  • small banners at the top or bottom of the window (static, which do not disappear, or pop-up banners that pop up and soon disappear);
  • interface advertising - most often these are offers to make a "bargain" purchase or install a certain program through a certain store;
  • pop-up ads - a full-screen banner, sometimes with a video file that appears after some time with the program;
  • "useful advertising" - offers to voluntarily watch the video, for which you will be given points or some kind of bonuses.

For those who do not want to feed the developers of digital products and do charity work for marketers, firewall programs have been created to block ads on OC Android.

How to remove and disable ads on Android devices using firewall programs?

There are many plugins for removing ads, but sometimes they require root rights to use - this is permission to use the main administrator account. Using root-rights makes it possible to run individual applications that provide the user of the device with certain advantages.

You can get rights using the following applications

Appendix Description
Framaroot A very simple and universal way to get Root rights in a couple of clicks. Large list of supported devices.
root A universal utility for obtaining Root rights on a wide range of devices
root master Another versatile tool
Towelroot Versatile and easy way
Z4root for Android The whole process of obtaining in 2 clicks. The list of supported devices is quite large. In addition, it is possible to obtain temporary Root rights that work on almost all devices.
UniversalAndRoot. The application supports a whole list of devices, and gives you the ability to get superuser rights in 2 touches. However, the app does not work on all devices.

Now consider the five most popular and effective programs for the destruction of hateful information.

Was designed to stop unwanted traffic from being sent to your device. With it, you will forget about advertising forever. Step by step instructions for use are given below.

  1. You can download the program here .
  2. Open the file through the package installer.
  3. Go to your device settings.
  4. In the "General" menu, select "Security" / "Applications" (depending on the type of your device). Find the line "Unknown sources". Activate it.
  5. During installation, a notification will pop up asking you to activate the above line. Thanks to this, you can immediately access the desired settings directly, avoiding manual searches and saving time.

  6. Once downloaded, open "Ad Blocker". An inscription will appear that says that the program cannot change the proxy settings directly on the device. Take the steps yourself.

  7. Click "Open Wi-Fi Settings". A menu will appear with available Wi-Fi networks.

  8. You should press and hold the network you are using until a window pops up to change the network configuration. Click on the "Change network" line.

  9. A new window will open. Check the box next to "Advanced Settings". Select "Proxy Server" below

  10. Select "Manual" from the options presented.

  11. Enter the proxy host name localhost and proxy port 2020. Now you can save.

Keep in mind that if you disable AdBlock Plus, you must reset your Wi-Fi settings to default.

also successfully performs the intended functions of removing banners and short ads in the browser. But! Removing ads in apps will only be available in the paid version. You can, of course, use the free demo, but for a limited period. If AdGuard satisfies all your requirements, you can purchase it.

Install AdGuard:

AdAway- another tool to combat advertising, which has the following features:

  • launch and deactivation in a very simple way;
  • in 3G networks, not the entire flow of advertising information is blocked;
  • the function of "black" as well as "white" lists (request whether to allow access to advertising);

Install following the described algorithm.

After removing AdAway, advertising traffic will still be blocked. If you need advertising information (although I doubt it), then open AdAway and click on the "Disable ad blocking" item. And only then we erase it from your Android OS.