Work according to the lunar calendar (when to look for the best days to change). Astrology and employment - practical recommendations The best lunar days for a job

Astrologer's advice

Our life can be called good if it contains love, friendship, good health, spiritual development and work that brings satisfaction and earthly blessings.
We are born with a specific horoscope at the time of birth, which outlines our abilities, inclinations, needs and opportunities to achieve goals. Knowing what our strengths and weaknesses are, knowing how we can realize ourselves, where we can best show our abilities and talents, we can build our happiness.
When choosing a job, we most often focus on our environment, while not necessarily following in the footsteps of our parents, but most of us still remain within a certain area. Since we are born at a certain time, in a certain place, in a family, this forms our personality and our capabilities. Although in our time we have more of them than before.
In order for us to love our work, three conditions must be met: 1) we must be suitable for it, 2) we must do it a lot, and 3) we must have a sense of success.
"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and he will eat for a lifetime" - so says the Chinese proverb.

Let's take a look at five effective job search methods that astrology has to offer.
1. Contact the organization you would like to work for directly, and always in person. This must be done at 11-12 noon.
2. Ask your friends for help. The more applicants for the desired position, the more preferable to enlist the support of someone already working in this organization. If they put in a good word for you, then you will have an additional chance. In this case, your arrival should be by the beginning of the working day at 9-10 am. Perhaps you will immediately put on the job.
3. Ask for help from relatives. If your relatives work where you would like to work, then come to get a job at lunchtime or immediately after it. Bring some food to the table. Your conversation will take place in a pleasant discussion of various options and job offers.
4. Use an employment service. Go there after dinner, and if you have been given the address of the proposed place, immediately go to the address. When interviewing, do not forget to ask about the scope of work and salary. Be vigilant, otherwise you may fall into a trap. Don't sign anything right away.
5. If the new job and the job don't work at all, you need to do a self-assessment. To understand the situation, you need to listen to the recommendations of astrology.

The movement of the Sun according to the signs of the Zodiac creates employment features, for example:

From 21.01. to 19.02. (AQUARIUS) - looking for with a good education that matches the position. Friendships count.

From 20.02. to 20.03. (FISH) - they are looking for taking into account social origin, connections, acquaintances, family relationships. They value loyalty to the circle.

From 21.03. to 20.04. (ARIES) - they are looking for professionals with an accommodating character and extensive work experience.

From 21.04. to 21.05. (TAURUS) - they are looking for a hard worker, a believer, ready to "plow an immense field."

From 22.05. to 21.06. (GEMINI) - looking for and hiring mostly temporary, workers who are able to quickly respond to the situation and show dedication.

From 22.06. to 22.07. (CANCER) - looking for a professional worker who can do what others are not able to.

From 23.07. to 23.08. (LEV) - they are looking for an employee for a short time, a handsome, pleasant person, a professional director, manager, administrator, and provided from the outside.

From 24.08. to 23.09. (VIRGO) - looking for a good employee, with an excellent recommendation.

From 24.09. until 23.10. (SCALES) - they are looking for a subtle connoisseur, critic, a fan of their work without big claims for salary.

From 24.10. to 22. 11. (SCORPIO) - they are looking for a professional who will pull out all the work, with minimal earnings.

From 23.11. to 21.12. (SAGITTARIUS) - they are looking for an acquaintance, they take only their own. Full trust and professional experience of the production organizer is required.

From 22.12. to 20.01. (CAPRICORN) - they are looking for professional deputies, punctual in their work, they make very high demands on admission.

You should carefully consider what type of worker you can classify yourself as and, accordingly, in which month you can get a job.
I hope that these tips can help you in some way in our difficult time. I wish you success!

Changing jobs is one of the important decisions that should not be taken in haste. The lunar calendar will tell you the most favorable days for dismissal in December 2018, when parting with the previous employer will be painless, and the new workplace will please you with good conditions and salary increases.

Suitable days for dismissal in December 2018

The cyclic change of phases of the night luminary affects not only the well-being of a person, but also his vital energy, general activity. It is better to start new business and resolve accumulated problems during the period of the growing moon, when it approaches its peak - the full moon.

However, the time when the moon begins to melt is the best suited for liberation from difficult and unpleasant relationships, including workers. In the third and fourth lunar phases, it is recommended to write a letter of resignation to those who have long intended to do this, but do not dare to make drastic changes.

Table: Best Dates to Apply for Resignation in the Last Month of 2018

the date moon day Moon phase Description of the day
from 13.30
10thGrowingA spontaneous decision to dismiss is allowed.
All undertakings will end in success - whether it's moving to another city or changing jobs. If doubts about the expediency remain, you need to discuss your claims with your superiors. On this day, the leader will be extremely loyal and can offer more favorable conditions.
from 14.47
14thGrowingThe energy of this day is so strong that you can safely quit a boring job, even without other job offers. There may be meetings with influential people who will offer an excellent place that can open a new page in a business career.
from 20.25
20thwaningHesitations and doubts on this date are completely inappropriate. The moon helps everyone who wants to change their field of activity to receive a profitable and promising offer from the employer. If you take the initiative in the new company and show your best business qualities, then the financial situation will improve significantly.
from 22.20
21stwaningThe lunar energy of this day favors those who are serious about changing jobs, and weighed all the pros and cons. If the decision is reasonable and deliberate, then you can safely apply for dismissal.
from 02.24
24thwaningThe last day of the year is the best time for change. Leaving work on the eve of the holiday can be safely energetic and active people, confident in themselves and in their own abilities.

If you want to change your job, a person should consider all aspects of future changes, weigh the available prospects. For the best result, it is advisable to correlate your intention with the passage of certain cycles of the Moon and choose the most suitable day for submitting your resignation.

According to the lunar calendar, there are days and even periods when there is a negative impact on the career field. For those who are thinking about changing jobs or planning to meet a new boss, we advise you to listen to the lunar calendar.

How the planets will be located and in what position relative to the signs of the zodiac the moon will be on the chosen day, your further promotion up the career ladder will also depend.

Favorable days for interviews and employment

The following lunar days are favorable for changes related to the sphere of career and work activity: 2, 10, 11, 14, 17, 20, 21, 24, 27, 28. They are positive for a new position.

So that the most promising undertakings do not take an unexpected turn, it is better to take into account what influence the celestial body closest to the Earth has on the chosen day.

Favorable for changing work according to the lunar calendar

The position of the moon, relative to the constellations, will tell you a positive or negative specific period, in which area you can try to manifest yourself and what prospects to hope for.

Moon in Leo

A positive time for professional accomplishments of a large-scale nature. The work on the lunar calendar received now will have a long-term perspective. The idea of ​​finding a job for a month or two will not be the most productive.

You can try your luck in the chair of the head. Success will also be achieved by those who are looking for investors to implement their projects.

Moon in Virgo

A favorable moment for those who are ready to become part of the team and take a place in the middle link of the enterprise. If you feel that you are ready to learn and develop, you can find a worthwhile offer.

Moon in Taurus

Definitely, you can successfully get a job in working specialties. It is worth looking for a vacancy in factories, plants and farm enterprises.

Moon in Scorpio

This position is good for those who are looking for temporary employment and constantly raise the degree of the level of the position. Such tactics will bring success on the path to enrichment.

Moon in Sagittarius

Is work not a way to earn money, but a way to fulfill oneself and establish oneself in society? Start your career now - you will undoubtedly be appreciated.

Moon in Capricorn

A career that starts now will bring fame.

Moon in Aquarius

The night luminary in this position - the way to new heights is open for people of creative professions, for whom music, drawing, writing is not just a hobby.

Moon in Pisces

The period is positive for advancement in the work sphere for individuals of a fine mental organization. Teacher of spiritual practices, esotericist, psychologist. These professions, which are designed to help understand and improve the inner world, will be in demand and understood.

Unfavorable periods for employment

Moon in Aries

The moon affects the general state of the manifestation of haste and impulsiveness. The decision to apologize in your career is better to postpone a bit for later.

Moon in Cancer

Under the influence of the Moon in this position, a person often becomes vulnerable and emotionally unstable. You should not commit rash acts, including quitting. Perhaps over time it will become clear that it was just a difficult period and everything worked out.

Moon in Gemini

The main advice dictated by the influence of a celestial body is to finish with old things, do not take on new ones yet.

Moon in Libra

This sign increases the tendency to doubt. Do you hesitate? Feel free to negotiate with your superiors and you may not have to change your job.

The best lunar days for changing jobs

When to get a job on the lunar calendar? It is definitely better to choose one of the following lunar days:

10 lunar days. Courageous and risky people under the auspices of the moon. Conflicts in the workplace or just dissatisfaction with working conditions and wages? You can act in one of two directions. Both of them have great chances for a positive result. Or quit, regardless of whether you have prepared where to go next. Or negotiate with the boss and it is very likely that you will reach a general consensus.

14 lunar days. Even the most difficult tasks today are up to the task. Any new undertakings will bring success. There is no risk of failing in a new job.

20 lunar days. Even spontaneous and thoughtless steps are welcome. If you are stunned by a new proposal and it seems promising, then it is so. Feel free to agree!

21 lunar days. A moment to take rational action. If there are still doubts, it is better to first resolve all open questions and then act. Perhaps a more constructive solution than dismissal will be more significant.

24 lunar days. Every step that is taken today in the field of career is today under the auspices of the night luminary. But only if you feel a surge of energy, self-confidence - act! The moon itself gives strength. If thoughts of doubt visit, it is better to slow down the horses for the time being.

27 lunar days. But if a spontaneous decision overtook that day, or were in thought for a long time, then it is today that you should succumb to your inner voice and complete the old stage on your career path.

Good lunar days for changing jobs

2 lunar days. On this day, it is worth taking active actions only if the plan has been thought out in advance. Today, inner instinct and a sober mind can fail, so decisions should not be made, but only carried out.

11 lunar days. It is not worth quitting at this time "to nowhere". Putting a statement on the boss's table is only worth it if you are 100% sure that the new place is much better.

17 lunar days. For those who decide to change their place of work on this day, the next path may not be as easy as we would like. However, if you are not alone in your decision, and the support of loved ones is unconditional, act. The energy of native people will help to successfully build a career started on this day.

28 lunar days. If somewhere in the depths of your soul a desire to change jobs creeps in, heed the advice of the day. Try to get your resume into the maximum number of hands today. And probably soon you will be stunned by an unexpected advantageous offer.

Neutral lunar days for changing jobs

Neutral lunar days are 6, 7, 8, 15, 18, 23 and 30. On this day, you should act only if you are sure of the success of a new undertaking for sure. In the event that staying at an old job threatens mental or even physical health, then say goodbye to former colleagues confidently these days as well.

Bad lunar days for changing jobs

That's when you really need to hide and wait, this is at 1, 4, 9, 16, 22 and 25 lunar days. Don't rush things. If it is destined to break the ends and initiate a fresh stage, then it is advisable to do this on the next auspicious day.

Worst lunar days for changing jobs

Especially beware The lunar calendar of job changes recommends the worst days.

3 lunar day. Those who have left their old position face a rather long stay in the status of "unemployed".

5 lunar day. The moment is bad for being active in business or career. If the head is visited by thoughts of leaving, do not reveal the cards to either colleagues or even those closest to you.

12 lunar day. Leaving for the position of your dreams right now can turn into a complete collapse, pulling negative consequences for a very long time.

13 lunar day. If you want to do anything in the career field, the best thing you can do is talk discreetly with your superiors. Postpone action for later.

19 lunar day. Any initiative launched today is likely to end in failure. It is better not to allow any business undertakings, or the presentation of a new project, or thoughts about changing jobs at this moment.

26 lunar day. The moon brings irrationality and impulsiveness into our actions. Not the best emotions to trust when making such an important decision as leaving an old position.

29 lunar day. Drive away any thoughts about changes in the professional field. The chosen new path can be unbearably difficult and dull.

Every person spends a small amount of their time at work. When thinking about making a turn in the professional field, you need to think not only about the financial side. It is also important that the activity satisfies emotionally, brings satisfaction. If you have planned changes, be sure to check with the lunar calendar, perhaps it will tell you what new beginnings will lead to.

There are days filled with negative energy in every month, however, they can also be spent with benefit .. Having driven away negative thoughts, you can find pluses in any situation. On positive days, try to be as active as possible and not miss the chances of success.


The first month of 2018 will go pretty well. However, it is still small, so it is not worth burdening yourself with a large number of cases.

auspicious days to resolve business issues will be November 4, 9, 11. These days, activity should be shown in matters that will bring you material stability. For the search for a new love or further development of existing relationships, January 14, 17, 25 will be successful.

bad days months for working with serious projects, starting important things and making responsible decisions will be 2, 24, 31. These dates will be the most unfortunate for active work and solving complex issues.


In February, people experience some upsurge. This time is intended for a detailed study of the field of future work. Making changes to plans, adjusting activities - all this will help to more accurately determine the goals and start the path to achieving them.

auspicious days in February there will be 6, 7, 13, 15, 21, 22. This time is intended for active learning and application of the acquired knowledge in practice. For business meetings, business development and job changes, February 13, 14, 15 are suitable.

bad days for active cooperation and financial affairs will be February 3, 11, 19, 27. During these periods, refrain from large expenses, try to avoid spontaneous investment decisions.


March thaws, awakening nature, give people an additional impetus to action. In the first month of spring, it is important to take action in order to initiate future achievements.

auspicious days will be March 1, 7, 8, 9, 22, 23. At this time, establish business and personal relationships, strive not to miss the opportunity provided to change life for the better. The most successful for solving material issues will be February 14, 15, 20.

unfavorable in March there will be 2, 19, 25, 26, 31 numbers. This is the time of maximum caution and concentration. Do not let your emotions overwhelm the voice of reason, otherwise all your efforts may go down the drain.


In April, an increase in vitality allows you to come to grips with business issues, develop your own business, and build your personal life.

auspicious days this month will be April 3, 10, 11, 16, 18, 20, 25, 26. This is the time to make responsible decisions, implement bold ideas, and purchase real estate. The most successful days for important steps in business will be April 16-20, 21.

bad days in April: 1, 14, 15, 30. This time is fraught with deceit, so preference should be given to routine matters. Do not tempt fate and do not provoke conflict situations. Avoid the bad guys..


In May comes the most fruitful time for active work. In addition, romantic May evenings promise many pleasant moments for those who are looking for a soul mate.

auspicious days in May fall on the 1st, 2nd, 7th, 15th, 16th, 22nd, 31st. These days you should not miss the opportunity to build relationships with your loved ones, so try to communicate more with loved ones. There will also be success in cases related to obtaining additional profit.

bad days will be 11-14, May 19. This time is fraught with failures of long-term projects and conflicts. To avoid failure, use proven ways to attract capricious Fortune.


The middle of the year is suitable for summing up the first results of the efforts invested earlier. You can succeed in all areas of life if you do not procrastinate.

auspicious days in June there will be 5.6, 11, 12, 14, 30. This time is intended for active actions in the business field. Hold meetings, share experiences and develop your abilities. June 18, 19, 20, 26, 27 will be very successful for personal relationships.

bad days this month can be considered June 2, 3, 9, 22, 28. These days, be vigilant so as not to deceive your own expectations. Mood swings are not the best way to affect the work. Use herbal infusions to avoid stress and overwork.


In July there is a peak of energy. This is a time of active work in all sectors. Do not put off important projects, make responsible decisions and listen to your inner voice.

Happy July days fall on the 4th, 10th, 11th, 18th, 19th, 24th. These dates are for maximum effort. Spend them actively in order to reap the fruits of your labors in the near future.

bad days will be 1, 6, 22, 31 July. These days, new beginnings can turn into failure. Before embarking on an important matter, carefully weigh all the pros and cons. Be careful with finances. Spending and buying unnecessary things can worsen the state of your budget.


In August, the energy is slowly waning, but a positive attitude and a desire to succeed in your industry will help you get a lot of things done. Do not avoid communication with the opposite sex, especially for single people. Fateful meetings and pleasant surprises are quite likely.

auspicious days in August they will become 4, 7, 9, 12, 16-18, 28, 31. These days are filled with positive energy, which you can dispose of at your own discretion. At the end of the month, a surge of creative energy will allow you to turn your hobby into an additional source of income.

bad days, in which it is important to lie low and not make mistakes, will be on August 26, 29, 30. During this time, avoid impulsive behavior. Give up conflicts in favor of solitude and routine work.


A stable autumn month is suitable for the next summing up of work, planning further steps and establishing a personal life. In September, it is good to buy real estate or draw up a project for building a house.

auspicious days for business activity, looking for a new job, moving and other important issues will be September 1, 2, 4, 10, 14-16, 20, 30 September. At this time, improved mental activity will allow you to quickly solve all organizational issues, achieve success in the business field and try your luck in love.

bad days for financial transactions and responsible affairs will be September 3, 6, 9, 25. At this time, try to avoid mood swings so as not to quarrel with loved ones.


In October, vital energy continues to decline, but the month will be quite active. This is a time not only for summing up, but also for spiritual development, gaining new knowledge.

auspicious days months will be 1, 6, 7, 10, 16, 25, 26, 30, 31 October. These days, luck will be on the side of businessmen and people involved in financial matters. Also these days it is worth considering Signs of Fate. They will help you choose the right path in resolving contentious issues.

bad days will be October 8, 9, 14, 23, 24. This time is fraught with rash acts that can lead to quarrels, as well as an outflow of funds. Use these days to work on the bugs and find ways to move forward.


November takes away vitality, and this time is worth spending on measured work. The start of new global affairs, which will take a long time, should be postponed until next year. Small but significant projects can be successfully completed on auspicious days of the month.

auspicious days can be considered 6, 8, 13, 14, 15, 21, 24, 28, 29 November. This is a good time for making responsible decisions, finding a way out of difficult situations, planning and implementing ideas and ideas. Be active on the love front on the 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 27th. These days will be filled with harmonious energy that will allow you to improve relationships or bring new love into life.

bad days will be November 19, 20, 25. This time is not intended for active work. Give preference to rest and activities that do not take too much energy from you.


The final month of the year is the right time to complete things, summing up the final results. In December, there will be quite a few energy-harmonious days on which you can


Auspicious day. On this day, you can do a lot and get interesting offers. You can use the help of partners. Day of friendship and solidarity of people. A good day for those associated with vehicles.

- deal with financial issues

- to be active

- solve common problems

- work in a team and individually

– business trips to sign contracts

- creation

- distance yourself from the team and confront yourself

March 16, 2020

A day of spiritual and creative renewal. Auspicious day for writers, poets, scientists.

- checking new documents

– conclusion of contracts

— study of archives

- Dedicate this day to education and learning.

- transfer knowledge and personal experience

- communicate and negotiate

- solve simple problems and not make serious decisions

— to be a sponsor, mainly for creative people and intellectual development organizations

- start new and serious business

- to work a lot

These days, mood and general activity increase. People are usually calm, balanced and benevolent.

A favorable period for concluding contracts and submitting any applications. You may feel an interest in social activity.

Good for legal issues. You can start new business, make long trips and business trips, draw up documents.

Avoid buying land and starting new construction

During the waning moon, people become weaker, more passive, apathetic, the tone of nature falls, as does success at work. Any job seems difficult.

Don't let pessimism get the better of you. Try not to make appointments with potential or existing clients, don't overdo it.

It is better to do the usual monotonous work. An unfavorable period for starting any new projects. Don't ask your boss for a raise. Do not make collective plans and expect decisions from your partner.

March 17, 2020


The energy of this day is complex and can lead to conflict and aggression during conversation. The second half of the day is not favorable. If you act alone, then the power of the moon can help realize the most complex plans. This is a day of change. Unimportant things can be eliminated.

- talk less or avoid contact altogether

- express inner peace and balance

avoid crowded places and new companies

- do something important

- negotiate

- share your thoughts and ideas

During the waning moon, people become weaker, more passive, apathetic, the tone of nature falls, as does success at work. Any job seems difficult.

Don't let pessimism get the better of you. Try not to make appointments with potential or existing clients, don't overdo it.

It is better to do the usual monotonous work. An unfavorable period for starting any new projects. Don't ask your boss for a raise. Do not make collective plans and expect decisions from your partner.

March 18, 2020


Auspicious day for creativity, presentation of artworks.

- to plan

- work with archives

- start a new business

- complete important projects

- be active

– lay the foundation for construction, start repair work

- buy property

- for the leader: carefully analyze what actions lead to success

- for an employee: ask the boss about a raise and a raise

- holding exhibitions, performances, concerts, parties

- to study

- improve skills

- complete important projects and tasks

During Capricorn, it is favorable to make plans and start important things. A successful period for precise work, mathematical calculations and precise execution of instructions. The right time to do business with real estate.

Avoid financial issues, loans. Don't look for a new job. Logic is pretty much updated these days. This is not a favorable period for creative individuals.

People usually demonstrate responsibility, efficiency and awareness of their responsibilities.

During the waning moon, people become weaker, more passive, apathetic, the tone of nature falls, as does success at work. Any job seems difficult.

Don't let pessimism get the better of you. Try not to make appointments with potential or existing clients, don't overdo it.

It is better to do the usual monotonous work. An unfavorable period for starting any new projects. Don't ask your boss for a raise. Do not make collective plans and expect decisions from your partner.

March 19, 2020


The first half of the day is unfavorable. In the afternoon you will be able to solve many problems.

- during the first half of the day, avoid teamwork

- in the afternoon, trust your intuition

- solve simple problems - discuss the current situation

- hurry

- to be active

sign contracts, establish new contacts, make important decisions

During the waning moon, people become weaker, more passive, apathetic, the tone of nature falls, as does success at work. Any job seems difficult.

Don't let pessimism get the better of you. Try not to make appointments with potential or existing clients, don't overdo it.

It is better to do the usual monotonous work. An unfavorable period for starting any new projects. Don't ask your boss for a raise. Do not make collective plans and expect decisions from your partner.

March 20, 2020


This day is considered unfavorable for any business.

- do current work

- listen to the advice of others

- solve simple problems

– be neutral and express more empathy for colleagues

- resist mood swings

- make important decisions

- travel

During the Aquarian period, people are usually interested in everything new and unexpected ideas can come to them. An auspicious day for meetings and conferences, but unfavorable for appealing to authorities.

Innovation, reorganization, adventurous projects can be successful.

This is a happy period. These are favorable days for scientific research and public speaking to a wide audience.

People usually express independence, eccentricity, sociability, a penchant for experimentation.

During the waning moon, people become weaker, more passive, apathetic, the tone of nature falls, as does success at work. Any job seems difficult.

Don't let pessimism get the better of you. Try not to make appointments with potential or existing clients, don't overdo it.

It is better to do the usual monotonous work. An unfavorable period for starting any new projects. Don't ask your boss for a raise. Do not make collective plans and expect decisions from your partner.

March 21, 2020


On this day you can receive revelation and secret knowledge. You may receive good news from friends. You can profit from previously completed contracts. The first half of the day is more favorable.

- pay attention to any financial issues

- pay off debts

- charity

- avoid anxiety and stress

– in the afternoon sign contracts, new documents, start new activities

- Eliminate previously encountered problems with partners, colleagues, bosses

- demonstrate patience, understanding, diplomacy

- carry out scientific research

- brag about your accomplishments

During the Aquarian period, people are usually interested in everything new and unexpected ideas can come to them. An auspicious day for meetings and conferences, but unfavorable for appealing to authorities.

Innovation, reorganization, adventurous projects can be successful.

This is a happy period. These are favorable days for scientific research and public speaking to a wide audience.

People usually express independence, eccentricity, sociability, a penchant for experimentation.

During the waning moon, people become weaker, more passive, apathetic, the tone of nature falls, as does success at work. Any job seems difficult.

During the 21st lunar day, the Sahasrara chakra is active.

About dreams

on 21 lunar days

The main task of dreams on this lunar day is to show how creative energy is manifested in life - it is suppressed or harmoniously used. In other aspects, dreams have no meaning and rarely come true.

Gardening for today

Sagittarius days are Fruit days.


  • planting fruit trees, fast growing vegetables.
  • pruning trees and shrubs (during the growing moon).
  • sowing grain.
  • underground pest control.